RemixChapter 3 free porn video

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James did not recall having any dreams. His hands came up to rub at his face as he recalled how he had collapsed into bed only a few moments after arriving home yesterday. The light streaming in the window brought home how long he had slept. It must have been only four or five in the afternoon when he went to bed the previous day. The reflected light on the roofs of the houses showed it was indeed morning.

Sunday. James groaned at the thought. The last thing that he wanted to do was to attend mass. Already he was having enough trouble with his life that he didn't need to bring God into it as well. For a long time, he hadn't been on speaking terms with God, and he had no intention of opening up that can of worms again with his new life. He dropped his hand to lie across his chest. His eyes still closed, James could feel the softness. He didn't want to open his eyes, for he could feel the warmth under his palm. He knew what he would see if he looked down. He would see more evidence of his female transformation. He would have to see the fact that he now had a pair of tits.

Unable to delay the inevitable any longer, he opened his eyes. There, beneath the t-shirt he had worn to bed, he could see the large bulges that lay on his chest. His hands came up, almost of their own accord, and pressed against them. They were definitely real. The warmth that ran through his chest as he did this was strange. The same chill that had run through him the day before when he had taken off his shirt ran up his spine again.

He closed his eyes again, a tear forming in each. His hands came up to cover his face, which clenched in a horrid grimace.

"Fuck. Fuck. FUCK!" James said aloud, the words echoing in the room. He could already feel that he had no morning wood as well, and he dreaded the thought of looking down further.

"Get up, James." He said to himself. "It's not going to change anything if you sit in bed all day." The logic was correct, but James did not want to face logic. What he wanted was to run screaming through the house, cursing himself for ever thinking that one letter wouldn't make that much of a difference.

He brushed his hand back through his hair, noticing that it had lengthened again. Not as much as last time, thank god, but enough that it fell to the midpoint of his shoulder blades. As he did so, he noted that his fingernails scratched his scalp. He turned his hand over, curling his fingers to check the length of his nails. Yup, time to break out the clippers. Probably had to get his toenails, too.

He rolled to the side, tossing the covers off with one arm. As he did so, he noticed the slight motion of the bulges on his chest. He ran his hand across his shirt again, noticing the way that they moved slightly at his touch. They were firm, but had some mobility as he leaned forward so that he was sitting on his bed.

"Ok, time to get this over with." James said, to no one in particular. He looked down at the jockey shorts that covered the top portion of his legs. He could see no bulge at all in them. Taking a deep breath, he hooked his thumb into the waistband and pulled it away from his body, willing himself not to scream as he looked.

He was definitely female. He released the elastic, which snapped back into place instantly. He breathed deeply, rolling his eyes up. This was not the time for self exploration, and he doubted that he would ever be comfortable enough with the change to try that.

"Talk about a lousy morning." He grumbled, standing up from his bed. His voice. That had changed as well, he noticed. Over the past few days it hadn't seemed noticeable, but now it was definitely higher. "Oh great, now I'm back in the alto section of choir."

No, wait. That was wrong, thank god. He had quit the choir months ago. His mother hadn't taken that news lightly, but now at least he wouldn't have to deal with that particular nightmare. Again, James wished he had a guitar handy. If he ever needed to play a few chords to calm down, now was the time.

He had to pee. Badly. The feeling in his bladder was overwhelming, as he stumbled towards the door to his room. He pushed it open, and tromped down the hallway towards the bathroom. He brushed his hair back out of his face as he pushed the bathroom door open. Closing the door, he walked to the toilet, raising the lid. He fumbled in his underwear for a moment, then groaned, and dropped the lid back to the seated position. He turned around and sat down.

When James was finished, he noticed a slightly unpleasant wet feeling on his anatomy. He grabbed a piece of toilet paper, and cleaned the remnants of urine away, grumbling at the necessity. He flushed, pulling his underwear back into position.

While he washed his hands, James stared into the mirror. His hair still framed his face, but it looked ragged, as if he hadn't had a hair cut in a month. His eyes were still the same, but they looked tired, just awakened. He washed his face as an afterthought, getting rid of the sleepy look. The cold water had the added effect of waking him up fully, and he took in the reflection of the woman in the mirror.

"Holy shit." He murmured, looking over the form that was reflected. His face had not changed significantly overnight, but his body had. Dear lord, his body had changed. His gaze drifted down towards his chest, and the breasts that jutted out. James noted that they were exactly the kind of tits that he always had admired as a man. They rode firmly on his chest, moving only slightly as he did. As he looked, he noted the nipples hardening beneath his t-shirt.

"Oh no." He mumbled, turning his attention away from the mirror. The last thing he needed was to get turned on by looking at himself. He moved to the door, and opened it, revealing the face of his step-father Randall, who was waiting for the toilet.

James froze, looking directly into Randall's eyes. Randall, for his part, did not look back. James noticed for a split-second that he was still as tall as he had ever been, before he noticed that Randall was not looking into his eyes. Randall was looking lower.

"Uh, morning?" James said, trying to get Randall to stop staring at his breasts quite so obviously.

"Huh? Oh, morning Margaret." Randall responded, his gaze dropping even lower.

James sighed, and walked past Randall, feeling his eyes undressing him as he moved. He had never completely understood that phrase which women used before, but he felt it now. He could tell that Randall was not just looking at him, but thinking about him. Quite probably, he was thinking about James in ways that a man should never think about his step-son. Daughter, James corrected himself, instantly. He doesn't see you as a boy anymore.

James closed the door to his room behind himself, noticing that he was actually afraid. Why was he afraid? There was no reason to be. He was still just as tall as Randall, and Randall hadn't actually done anything. Even if he had, James could easily have dealt with him just like that little punk the day before.

Wiping away the last vestiges of his fear, James grabbed his sweats. His mother might give him some shit about wearing them, but he'd be damned if he would give Randall another eyeful. James pulled the fabric on, over the clothing that he had worn the night before. He looked down, noting with some satisfaction that it obscured his form rather well. Right now, he just wanted to grab a small bite to eat, and get whatever the day brought over with. James noticed that he was only thinking about a small breakfast. Perhaps whatever had jacked up his metabolism was finally over. With another glance downward, he realized that was extremely likely.

With a final mental preparation, James opened the door and tromped down the stairs. The hallway at the bottom was empty, and he walked along it slowly, heading for the kitchen. Reaching it, he pulled open the refrigerator, his eyes scanning for something appetizing. His eyes roamed before he settled on a bagel. He grasped it in his right hand, while he fished the cream cheese out of the cheese drawer with his left. Turning, he closed the door with his foot, taking the items to the counter.

"Well, you're finally up!" Anne said, coming into the kitchen from the front room. Her look was one of concern.

James looked at the clock, noticing it was about eight in the morning. Oh well, he guessed that they had missed church because of him.

"Sorry, I overslept." He replied, working with a knife to attempt to get the bagel apart. It fell easily into two pieces, which he slathered with cream cheese. "I was pretty tired."

"I should say so. You've been asleep for over thirty-six hours." Anne said, coming up behind him.

"You didn't wake me?" James asked. The idea that his mother would let him sleep that long was pretty alien to his experience.

"When I called Doctor Hubbard, he said that it would be best to let you sleep. I came in a few times to check on you, but you seemed alright."

"I slept through Sunday?" James asked incredulously. "No wonder..."

"No wonder what honey?" Anne said, looking at James' back.

"I, uh, think whatever was going on is over." James explained, as he turned around with the bagel in his right hand. He took a bite, while gesturing to himself with his left.

"Oh." Anne said, her gaze running over his form. Unlike Randall, when Anne looked at him, James did not feel as uncomfortable. The gaze was more of an appraisal than the mental undressing he had received earlier. He knew that she wasn't able to see much, thanks to his clothing selections, but the few bulges that showed should give the general idea.

"So, uhm, are you, uh..." Anne asked, stumbling over the question as she stared directly at James' crotch.

"Yeah. It's completely done, mom." James stated, becoming slightly uncomfortable at his mother's question. What kind of a question was that, anyway? It's a question from somebody who loves and cares about you, dumbass, his mind berated him. "I, uh, geez..." he tried to figure out exactly how to say the next line. "It didn't hurt or anything, mom. I mean, I wasn't even awake when it happened."

"Alright honey, I just... I'm sorry if I'm making you uncomfortable, Maggie." Anne said, her gaze returning to his eyes.

"Thanks, mom." James replied, taking another bite of his bagel.

"You're a lot taller than I thought you would be." Anne said, deflecting the line of thought to something a little more general.

"Yeah, that surprised me too."

"Come over here," Anne pointed to a small section of wall where the old "growth chart" was. It wasn't even really a chart, just a few marks on plaster that had marked his height ever since he was eight years old. Smiling, James finished his bagel, and walked to the point at which his mother had pointed. He leaned back against the wall, straightening his spine to the maximum amount possible.

Anne placed her hand on the top of his head, and gestured for him to move away. Her mouth opened in shock as she looked at the point at which her fingers touched the wall.

"Maggie, you're taller." She said in amazement.

"No way." James looked at her fingertips, marking a spot at least a half an inch over the last marked line. "Get outta here. I'm taller?"

"Yes, at least half an inch. What were you, five foot ten?"

"Yeah, I think so." James recalled that he actually hadn't gained an inch in height from the time he was sixteen. He had stopped growing then, both physically and emotionally.

"Well, you're at least five ten and a half now." Anne stated, smiling at him. "See, it's not all bad, is it?"

"I guess." James shrugged his shoulders. A half an inch in height wasn't spectacular growth.

"Honey, you're pretty tall for a girl." Anne said at James' shrug. "I'm only five eight."

"I must get it from Grandma. What was she, six one?" James recalled his grandmother, an extremely tall woman with grey hair.

"Yeah, you must. It's just kind of strange, you being so tall when your sister is not." Anne remarked, her eyes never leaving the growth chart, and his sister's mark about seven inches below his.

James did not comment, merely looking at his mother. She returned his gaze, with a softness that surprised him. Despite everything, she was still his mother. Despite the changes, despite everything he would later put her through, she was always going to love him. He realized that now.

"Maggie." Anne said, looking at James with that same soft expression, "You are beautiful."

"My name is James, mom." James tried. He knew that she didn't think that anymore, and to be honest, he wasn't sure of that anymore. He felt that he had to say it, though. He had to hang on to it, fearing it would be lost forever. What good was it to go back if everything he was disappeared?

"No. Not anymore, honey." Anne stepped forward and pulled James into a tight embrace. He closed his eyes as she did so, and hugged her back, feeling her against him. She seemed smaller somehow, as her body pressed against his.

"I'm scared, mom." James whispered, thinking about the way Randall had looked at him. He had only seen that look in a man's eyes once before. It was at a party, four months in the future, seven years in his past. A party where a man had taken advantage of a boy.

"Shhhh." Anne said, rocking the girl in her arms. She patted him on the back softly. James felt the warmth of the embrace, the love that his mother was showing him. The cynicism of years drifted away, lost in the clutch of a mother and her child.

Time slipped to a crawl, as he was held. It wasn't fair. He had given this woman so much pain, and yet she accepted him as if everything was alright. Despite the bitter feelings that his memories inspired, he gave in totally to the feeling of being loved, and of just being held.

"MOOOOM!" Elaine shouted from somewhere in the distance. The voice ended the embrace, and James was embarrassed to realize that he had been crying. "Julie wants to know if I can go to the mall today!"

"NO!" Anne shouted back, turning away from James. "You're going to be spending the day with your sister and me!"

"AWWWWW!" Elaine sighed from the doorway of the kitchen. She scurried back into the front room, returning a brief moment later. "Can she come with us then?"

"We're not shopping for you." Anne cautioned, looking the fourteen year old in the eye. "I don't want you two pestering Maggie."

"We won't mom, honest!" Elaine brought her hands together in front of her in a pleading gesture. "Pleeeeeease?"

Anne looked at her a moment longer before relenting with a nod. Elaine's face broke into a wide smile as she dashed from the doorway, presumably to give the news to Julie on the phone.

"Where are we going, mom?" James asked, looking at his mother with a puzzled expression.

"Oh, we're going to get you everything that you need for college." Anne said. She moved over to a counter where her purse lay and dug in it, finally extracting a lengthy list. "Plus I can't have you running around the house in my clothes or sweatpants all the time, can I?"

James groaned, thinking about what that meant. It meant school shopping. School shopping was a yearly torture that he despised. He had loathed it since he was a child, and he would despise it now. As far as shopping went he was always a walk in, grab it, pay, leave kind of guy. Not so his mother. Anne had always insisted that he try on everything, whenever she was paying. The vision of the day spent at the mall made him cringe.

"Do we have to do it today?" He tried, looking down at himself. The amount he had wanted to eat this morning suggested that his metabolism was back to normal, but he didn't think his mother knew that. "I thought we were going to wait until my, uh, sizes finalized." "I'm pretty sure that they have, honey. I noticed that you only ate one bagel this morning." Well, there went that idea.

"Well, let me grab a shower at least. I mean, look at me." James gestured to himself, specifically the hair that fell around his shoulders.

"Ok, but hurry. You know everything opens at nine."

James groaned again, as he walked down the corridor towards the bathroom. He walked in, and closed the door. He turned the lock, then checked again to ensure that it actually was locked. Recalling Randall's look earlier, he also took the precaution of moving the small magazine rack in front of the door. Fairly certain that there was nothing else he could do to be more secure, he looked at himself in the mirror.

"Hey, Maggie." He mumbled to the face in the mirror. The feeling was bizarre. He knew that the woman that he saw was himself, but there was a feeling of unreality. Shaking off the strange feeling, James pulled the sweatshirt and the t-shirt under it upwards, leaving himself naked from the waist up. His eyes naturally drifted downwards, past his lips, down along the smooth curve of his neck. She noted briefly that her collarbones were now perfectly symmetrical, despite the soccer incident that had fractured the right one at age 12, leaving it permanently curved. Her eyes drifted lower, to stare at the chest that she now had to recognize as her own. Hers...

James realized that it was the first time she had actually thought of herself as actually female. It didn't seem strange. She was a woman now, after all. She may not like it, but referring to herself as a man in her own thoughts wouldn't help the situation any. Smiling at the realization, James took in the shape of her breasts; the gentle swell, capped by a slightly darker bit of skin. Under her gaze, James noticed that the areola of her breasts wrinkled slightly, and the nipple itself began to softly rise. She was getting slightly aroused, and was tempted to touch it, but playing with herself while her mother waited for her to finish a shower wasn't exactly the best of ideas. Dragging her gaze from her own body, she lowered her sweatpants to the floor, while reaching out to turn the shower on.

She brushed the curtain aside, stepping into the warm spray. She inhaled sharply at the feelings as the water ran across her body. It was different to say the least. James pulled the curtain into place, and ran her hands through her hair, soaking it thoroughly. She reached for a bottle of shampoo on the edge of the tub, and ran a bit through her hair, noting the scent of roses as it reached her nostrils.

"No wonder we buy this stuff." James mumbled to herself as she took in the aroma. There was no way for her to compare how that one smell affected her to any odor in her memory. It was an emotion, a fragrance, a feeling. Combined with the sensations of running her hands through her hair, the entire experience was one of pure sensuality.

"This is just because it's new." James tried to bring herself back to reality with the thought, scrubbing her hair vigorously. With her attention brought back to the task at hand, the rest of the process went much faster. She shook the last of the shampoo from her hair, and picked up a bar of soap. "Now, don't freak. This is just like washing your girlfriend." she mumbled to herself.

It wasn't. Running soap over her body was an interesting experience, since wherever she touched herself, her male mind kept trying to point out the fact that she was feeling up a girl. To make matters worse, as she worked she kept feeling a heat beginning to grow in her lower abdomen. Her entire skin felt alive as she rinsed the suds from her body, sending chills up her spine whenever the water splashed across a particularly sensitive spot.

"This is ridiculous." James said quietly. "I'm getting turned on by taking a fricking shower." Dragging her attention back to the fact that she was supposed to be cleaning herself, James quickly finished up. Ignoring the sensations was difficult, especially the ones involving the lower half of her body. James was tempted to just grab the shower nozzle, stick it between her legs and get this whole curiosity problem over with. However, she didn't think that orgasmic screams would be the best way to convince her mother that she was just fine and adjusting perfectly normally, thankyouverymuch. She turned off the shower, and began to dry herself with a towel from the nearby rack.

"That was weird." James said to herself, as she felt the heat in her lower body beginning to lessen. What was left was a strange feeling of, well, wetness. It wasn't exactly the most comfortable of feelings, leaving James with the distinct feeling that she had wet herself. It wasn't that of course, since after drying herself with the towel the feeling remained. It was still there, but not as pronounced.

"If this is what women have to deal with when we get turned on, I'm showering in the dark from now on." James stated to her reflection, and began gathering up the clothes on the floor. She dressed rapidly, then picked up a brush and quickly put her hair into some semblance of order. She then moved the magazine rack, and unlocked the door. Calming herself, she exited the room, into the main corridor of the house.

"You ready, Maggie?" Anne called from the front room of the house.

"Just let me get my shoes on, mom!" James called as she began to ascend the stairs to her room. She still thought of herself as James. She wasn't ready to be Maggie, and she wasn't sure that she would ever be.

James wondered if she could get away with sweatpants today. Although her mother's slacks were slightly more comfortable than the male clothes she owned, they ended at the bottom of her calves. Shorts were out, since the last thing she needed today was Randall humming a ZZ Top song whenever she walked by. James finally gave in to her initial idea, and pulled on the light grey sweatpants. Her mother would probably give her garbage about wearing them, but she figured that she could just point out that the entire reason they were taking this little trip was to get clothing.

James was tempted to dig in her wardrobe for the most offensive t-shirt she had, but she once again pulled back on the impulse, instead merely selecting another polo shirt, this one a deep red. Hopefully that would keep her mother off her back.

James yanked her damp hair back, securing it tightly with a rubber band. The tug on the strands was uncomfortable as always, but for some reason, today the sensation of wrongness wasn't going away. When she had been male, the feeling of tightness in her hair had tended to dissipate after a few moments, not really noticeable until she would remove the rubber band. Now, it felt as if every hair that was restrained by the slightly sticky elastic was being agonizingly pulled from her scalp whenever she turned her head.

"Please tell me this is just because it's new." James muttered to herself, pulling the rubber band free of her hair. A few strands came with it, intertwined in the rubber. There was an actual feeling of relief, as the strands fell back into position around her shoulder. "Maybe that's why my girlfriend always offered me a scrunchy whenever she saw me use one of these." James mused to herself as she tossed the elastic into a wastebasket.

Unwilling to waste any more time on preparations, James pulled on her one armed leather jacket, and threw open the door to her room. She moved quickly to the front room, where her mother and sister were waiting.

"We're still getting a new jacket today." Anne commented as she observed her child.

"Yeah, I know." James muttered. She still didn't want to do this. Well, at least she didn't want to go to the mall to go "Shopping". Although it would be nice to have some fricking clothes that fit, she doubted very much her mother would approve of her just replacing her wardrobe with the exact same items that she already owned. "This is sooo cool!" Elaine bubbled, drawing James's attention. Elaine had braided her hair into two pigtails that streamed down her back sometime during James' lengthy sleep. Combined with the jeans and t-shirt, she looked like a typical young teenage girl about to go hang out with friends. Ugh.

James waited on the wooden front porch of the house while her mother gathered her things and closed and locked the door. She noted that Randall's truck was gone, which was a good sign. The less she had to deal with his royal jerkness, the happier she would be.

When everyone was fully prepared, they piled into the station wagon, James taking the shotgun seat. Instead of heading directly towards the main thoroughfare, his mother turned the car to the right, and began to ascend the hill. James wondered what was wrong, before she remembered that Elaine's friend Julie was going to be joining them. The thought merely added to her torture. Why couldn't they have just staked her down with some honey in the desert?

Julie, now there was an interesting girl. James recalled that she was the same age as Elaine, and that they had been friends for as long as she could remember. They played games together, slept over at each other's houses constantly, and generally acted just as sickeningly sweet as two little sociopaths could.

The car rolled in to the driveway of the large ranch style house, and Anne shut off the motor.

"Uhm, I'll just wait here." James said, making no move to undo her seatbelt.

"Maggie, I think you... " Anne paused in the middle of her conciliatory thought, and her tone when she continued was tinged with exasperation, "Fine. You sit here in the car and be anti-social."

Elaine had already exited the car, practically skipping up to the front door of the house. She rang the doorbell, and turned back to the car, waving for Anne to join her.

"Just remember something, Margaret James Fletcher," Anne used her new full name for the first time, driving home exactly how upset she was, "You are only sixteen years old. You may be out of high school, but that does NOT mean you are an adult. You WILL be social, you WILL be pleasant, and if you want to go off to college, you WILL go shopping with me today, and you WILL NOT give me any problems. Do you understand?"

James hated this tone. She wasn't sure what she had said to set Anne off, but she knew that if she responded with anything but "yes, mom", she could look forward to another date with the Tribunal.

"Yes, mom." James said calmly. "I'll try, Ok?"

"Good. Now let's go get Julie."

James took a deep breath and unbuckled her seatbelt. She opened the car door, and followed her mother up to the front door of the house, where a fairly heavy-set woman was waving while she chatted with Elaine and another young girl who he knew to be Julie. Julie was an athletic girl, with a long brown braided ponytail which fell halfway down her back. She seemed to have coordinated outfits over the phone with Elaine earlier, since they both were wearing similar t-shirts with their blue jeans.

The large woman who James knew as Julie's mother chatted briefly with Anne. Anne explained about the shopping trip for Maggie, conspicuously leaving out the fact that "Maggie" was "James". The conversation seemed to end very quickly, with Anne pointing meaningfully at her watch, and Julie's mother nodding knowingly. Julie held hands with Elaine as the two girls raced towards the car. Julie raced to the front right of the car, shouting

"SHOTGUN!" at the top of her lungs. James rolled her eyes but said nothing, merely moving to the unoccupied seat in the car and sitting down. Anne started the car after they had all piled in, and started it rolling down the street towards the main section of town.

"Hi, Maggie! Elaine told me all about you!" Julie leaned back in her seat to look into James' face.

"Really?" James said, wondering how much Elaine had gone on to her friend.

"Yeah, it's really sad about your parents. I'm sorry."

What? James had no idea what she was talking about. His parents? Mom was sitting right there...

"Yeah, I told her about how Aunt Francie died, and how you're going to be living with us now."

"That was very, um, original of you."

"Elaine? What did you tell her?" Anne asked, also looking back, but looking towards her younger daughter.

"Well, you know, how Maggie's going to be living with us because of that fire in, uh, her house in San Francisco?"

"Uh-huh..." Anne said, listening to the little fiction that Elaine had created.

"Because, uhm, Maggie lost almost everything... And James is over at summer camp... So, since she's almost the same size as he is, uh... you let her use some of his clothes."

"Naah, She's WAAAAY taller than James." Julie laughed. "James is soooo short."

"Is not." Elaine retorted, "He was like, uhm, I mean he's tall."

"Uhm, Anne. Are you sure that you want to let this continue?" James was hesitant to contradict her little sister, but at the same time, this little convoluted soap-opera had the potential to create more problems than it would solve.

"Not really." Anne said, looking back at Elaine. "It was really sweet of you to make up a story about Maggie, but I think that it would be a lot better if you told the truth."

"Aww..." Elaine sighed, looking at Julie with a bitter expression. "Ok. Maggie was my brother James."

"EEEEEWWWWW!!!!" Julie shrieked, somewhat repulsed. "You mean he's like one of those guys that dresses up like a girl?"

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he had dated her for over six months. She let him touch her tits and pussy but never fuck her. He loved her sexy body. She had great round tits and a ‘fuck me’ ass. He wanted her bad. Last night he pushed her bra up and sucked her tits and fingered her pussy, but she would not fuck. He slid a finger in her pussy and it was so tight he leaked cum down to his balls. He planned to fuck her soon. She loved to tease and make him hard. Tonight she was coming to his house for dinner. She walked in...

1 year ago
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Topsail Island

Let’s just say Rascal loves the water and the sexual desire it creates in her. When you add in beach and ocean waves, things can get really passionate and sensual. We started our family vacation at the beach in a nice beach house on the oceanfront. We settled in to relax and enjoy each other. After a few days of enjoying the sun, surf, and sand, we let the k**s watch a movie as we went to enjoy the stars, moon, and sound of the crashing waves. We set up our beach chairs in the sand with a nice...

3 years ago
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18th bday

it was my birthday, i just turn 18 and i told my lady friend to come over at night about 8pm.. my parents would be gone and no one would be there but me and the dog.she was about 19 and weight about 130lbs.. 32b and nice hourglass figure.. she knocked at the door and i lead her to the spare bedroom.. she know it was my birthday and told me she wanted to have sex with for my bday gift.. i told her that i would love to but its my first time.. she said it was ok and we didnt have to use a condom...

2 years ago
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Meri Pyari Padosan Aur Uski Beti 8211 Part 1

Hi. I am Raj from Chennai. I am a 34 years old and according to my female friends, I look pretty handsome ;-) I am a native of North India and currently stay in Chennai. It is very difficult to hook up with a decent female here in Chennai. And the people are naturally curious about any kind of couple here! I will share some of my true-life experiences. If it kindles your senses in the right way, you may email me at I am willing and looking for discreet no strings attached relationship with...

2 years ago
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Femintensity 1

The Femintensity series is a new idea of mine to write intense vignettes about relatively short moments in time- those times when transgendered feelings are strongest and nearly spiritual in nature. Please leave feedback if this is a thread worth pursuing. --CA Femintensity 1 By Cheryl Alison Her long fingers, tipped with wine-colored, polished nails, wound their way through my hair, as her other hand held up my chin. Her long nails ever so slightly dug in underneath my chin as...

2 years ago
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Simply SaraChapter 15

In the morning, Sara woke early, feeling exhilarated and satisfied. She was hungry and thirsty, too, so she slipped out of bed and made for the main kitchen. She drank a quart of water, but there wasn't anything there she wanted to eat so she took a shower and went out onto the lawn. Someone was swimming up and down the big pool and she slipped quietly in and swam gently, staying out of the way of a serious swimmer while loosening muscles that had gotten a lot of exercise during the night....

1 year ago
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JordanChapter 3

'Ding Dong' "Why don't you go let your mom in?" I asked Jordan and off she ran, Maxie at her heels. I could hear a muted conversation as they came back into the living room. I stood and offered my hand. "Trish, it's nice to meet you. Please sit down." I motioned to the sofa and subtly nudged Jordan to go and sit beside her mom. I noticed that Maxie went and lay at Jordan's feet. 'I guess Maxie has adopted Jordan' I thought. "Trish," I started, "I hope you don't feel I was...

2 years ago
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Another Kiss

It was the third date. She was excited. Very excited! The first date was ‘Are you as sweet as you seem?’ and the second date was ‘I hope it doesn’t end after this.’ By the look in is eyes, he shared her feelings that this was not the end, it was the beginning. The jazz bar was empty, and the couple made a strange sight, engrossed in each other, huddled together, oblivious to the World around them. Sarah Jones was singing on a CD…’Come away with me, in the night’ They had met straight...

2 years ago
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SpringFest Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I was in high school at the time, and looking forward to being out of school. There is a tradition, all in fun of course, that just before the Easter break, the top ten percent of the class had to participate in any event the top ten percent of the Freshman class decided on. There had been all sorts of parties and fun over this, like making the Seniors wear their clothes inside out, or make pizza for the entire school. Only...

1 year ago
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Diane Pearsons New Job 2

Diane first few days at her new job were pretty normal but she could tell that the students were treating her different especially the guys.Her night in the boys locker room seemed like a terrible nightmare but she had to admit that down deep she knew she liked it. That night she experienced more pleasure than she had ever had in her whole life. If it had happened with any other group than a bunch of high school football players it would be perfect.Diane knew that like any group of hormone...

1 year ago
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P Fogg A MEMOIRPart 29

PHILEAS FOGG found himself twenty hours behind time. Passepartout, the involuntary cause of this delay, was desperate. He had ruined his master! At this moment the detective approached Mr. Fogg, and, looking him intently in the face, said: "Seriously, sir, are you in great haste?" "Quite seriously." "I have a purpose in asking," resumed Fix. "Is it absolutely necessary that you should be in New York on the 11th, before nine o'clock in the evening, the time that the steamer leaves...

2 years ago
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Five TonesChapter 2 Craigs Story

The ads started about a week before the Super Bowl. It was on daytime TV and on prime time shows that targeted women. On the screen was a blank pink screen. Across the screen streamed words that were spoken by a smooth baritone voice. The voice said, “Ladies, watch for our ad after the halftime show on the Super Bowl. It will change your life.” The mystery was where were these ads coming from? They had not been paid for, and were not scheduled. The Super Bowl people insisted that there were...

3 years ago
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TwinsChapter 30

Alex went back inside and watched the rest of the game with his dad. Allie tanned her supple body for another hour or so sated by the climaxes Alex gave her. She fantasized about him fucking her from behind as their parents were just inside the house and could catch them at any time. The thought of fucking her brother was exciting enough but the thought of doing it with their parents mere feet away was so tantalizing. Even if he just pumped into her for a few strokes it would be worth...

4 years ago
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E026 Tuesday Evening Reading

Both now sated, so happy to be together again, Emma and Donald just lie in each other’s arms, the after-throbs running through them.  It is not even an hour since Emma arrived.After their breathing calms, and the adrenaline slows in them both now, a deep sigh comes from Emma.  Donald, so holding himself in reins, keeps himself from doing the same.Emma whispers in his ear that she brought the diary with her for him to see.  He kisses her forehead and tells her to get it and meet him in the...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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Beach Weekend

On the second day of our trip I woke up early to get ready for a morning tee time. Another one of my planned relaxation activities. Sidney also got up, not to play golf, but to go to her morning workout in the hotel gym. She is very diligent with her workouts and it shows. She maintains her slender figure through hard work in the exercise room. Hours spent lifting weights and running on the tread mill have payed off by keeping her firm and tone. I for one admire her for her consistent...

3 years ago
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Affair With Bangalore Housewife Part 5

Hi friends. First of all, apologies for the long delay. Unfortunately, I got busy with some personal issues. Anyhow, I am here with the 5th part of the story, ‘Affair With Bangalore Housewife’. Those who haven’t read the earlier parts, please do so now so that you can enjoy this part completely. Sonia had finally fixed our plans for the upcoming night. My next day passed with great anxiety. Throughout the day, I was just thinking about meeting Sonia in the night. Every hour was passing like a...

2 years ago
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Last Night and Other Poems

FRONDS FROM THE QUEEN PALM An island in the sun, Hazy with greenery, And flowers floating Upon the white-capped surf-- That is you when I Am by your side, Beneath a moonlit sky, And all the palm trees, Tossing in a gentle breeze, Fan our hermaphroditic Love to tropical heat That melts my heart And yours into one That nothing can undo. NEON PULSE Neon is electric blood Passion racing through Transparent veins From heart to brain And back again into Our orgasmic,...

2 years ago
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My New Need

Hello Doctor, I hope you're doing well. I’ve got good news. My doctor submitted her approval for the first SRS (sexual reassignment surgery). Since I'm not responding very well to HRT I'll be castrated so that my breasts will hopefully respond. I'm thinking of trying to have it done online. I think I would be able to get a lot of people to watch and pay $100. to watch. I know that this is kind of long but I’ve been writing it for a few days now, and it is as much for me to kind of work things...

3 years ago
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Ambers Family Part 8 A Week With Daddy

Introduction: Amber and her Father continue their fun with Mom! Comments are appreciated Ambers Family Part 8: A Week With Daddy Amber hand worked furiously on her clit and finally she came all over her chair thinking about her Father fucking her ass for the first time. FUCK YES! she shouted to the empty home as wave after wave of pleasure assaulted her body. She shuttered and moaned for a few more seconds until it was over. She slumped down on the breakfast table and looked at her cereal...

4 years ago
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Rock and Water Chapter 4

I wake up the next morning with sunlight filtering through the window. The morning air feels chilly, but the bed is warm and comfortable. As I stretch out, I realize I’m alone in the bed. Opening my eyes I see that in fact, I am alone; a note is propped on the nightstand. The note reads that Patrick went for a morning run with the dogs and to pick up some groceries. I look on the floor at my crumpled dress, then at his large black fleece hanging on the door. His fleece over my naked body feels...

1 year ago
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I was just through the second full week of med school, and already there were problems. Reese had gotten accepted at a different school than I did, so I was on my own at a new college, I had no friends yet and my car was acting up. The car was the reason I had the nickname “Wheels”. A 69 Porsche 912. I loved the car, but it was temperamental and usually picked the absolute worst times to break down. Today was no exception. I was trying to go home after classes, and fired up the Porsche. It...

2 years ago
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It's hard after the fact to be sure, because the memory is affected by everything else that happened. I think I expected something, or suspected something, but who could know? There was something about her, something more distant than the usual chasm, even with the little faux-sultry looks I was getting, and her use of "sweetie," and what seemed to be her almost uncontrollable laughter. Was the ground thawing at last? Judith was completely agreeable on everything, kidding about everything,...

3 years ago
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My Friend8217s Mom Is A Substitute To My Mom 8211 Part 2

Hi..This is your dear friend Rajesh. Seeing you guys after a long time. I already wrote stories about my relation with my mom fantasy and as well as real experience. This is my experience with my friends hot yet good mom. Let me continue. I was shocked and very happy to see her legs spread. She is hiding her pussy in a dense forest like amazon. Full of hairs. She was also shocked .I quietly came out and went to my room. I want to rape her in that second. But let her come for me. I thought. I...

3 years ago
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I love my best friend

Introduction: sorry its really short please ignor typos Im on my phone!!!! I had liked my friend tiana since we were 14, we always hung out and she was the only person who understood me. Soon, whenever I masturbated I would think of her. She has huge tits and a nice figure I always imagined fucking her. one day when we were 16, I couldnt take it any longer!!! She came to my house and nobody was home. I took my chance. we went up to my room and as soon as we got there I tackled her onto my bed....

1 year ago
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Oh God What Have We DoneChapter 5 Remembering a moment of rest

Moira was studying alone in the College library one afternoon. She was in her fourth year, at the end of her school career, and working as an intern in the hospital Emergency Room, with the classrooms, library, laboratories, and other areas where she spent the last four years behind her. She had reached her goal, despite her father having made it clear to the other professors that she wasn't to be given any preferential treatment for being his daughter. Of course, should she need assistance...

2 years ago
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The Master DelegatesChapter 4

I had been working in the lobby for a while since Ashley woke me up earlier for “another swing of the bat”. She really wanted to get pregnant and wasn’t shy about it. Laura showed up exactly at 9am, dressed to work out in the gym. Looking around to make sure we were alone, she said, “Master, I didn’t know what you’d have me doing this morning, but I came prepared to teach or train.” “First, don’t call me Master when we’re working, especially in the open. There are no guests today, so it’s...

1 year ago
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a young couple and a old farm house

it was a nice warm day as we drove o the rent house in the paper. It was out in the country we were driving down a long dirt road. when we pulled into the driveway we saw a old 2 store farm house but it looked really nice. it had a pound , nice shady tree's too old men were sitting out on the front porch it was a full rap around . both men in overall's looked to be around late 50 early 60's . My wife get's out the car and look's around she was wearing a short mini skirt a white very thin see...

1 year ago
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What is it about hot fucking MILFs that makes your dick stop whatever it's thinking about and turn its attention to these refined, sex beasts? I know I'm not alone, either! These little pricks you see around college campuses wearing their stupid fucking hats and chasing young freshmen with fuck-all pick-ups lines can keep the inexperienced teens whining that they, 'have to put their mouth on that.' Give me the goddamn cougar that, 'yes please,' and, 'how deep you want me to blow it?'...

Mature Porn Sites
2 years ago
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My GF does her father pt 2

Needless to say that night I didn't get much sleep finding out this dark secret my girlfriend was keeping from me. That night I actually thought about one night my girlfriend was telling me about her father being an alcoholic when she was younger and how when she was staying with him and more when she was living with him he would get drunk and come into her room at night and lay on her bed next to her and tell her how much he missed her mother and how sorry he was for cheating on her in the the...

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My first love

I was 18 when i met my boyfriend who was 18 too. We both loved each other very much more than our lives. Abhi(boy) didnt kissed me even once also in two year of our love, we just use to talk and chat in phones. Finally one day abhi asked "Do you know why they kiss when they get married?", to me(anu). I didnt know because i was that girl who had never kissed before to anyone and off course it was my first love. Abhi told me that by kissing their feeling become strong and even their love too. He...

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My First Gay Fuck

This is a true story that happened to me about 10 years ago when I was 18 years old. I use to go on yahoo messenger and talk to people in the Long Island chat rooms. I would webcam with someone and even jerk off with them together but never got the courage to meet anyone in person.Well one day I was chatting with a 20 year old Indian k** that lived pretty close to me. He asked if we could webcam and I said sure. Once he turned on his cam and I saw his big dark cock I started getting hard...

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Kristinas New Boss Lady

As Kristina stepped down from the bus and walked along the street, she was just thrilled that she had managed to get back home to the big city after such a long stay away during COVID lockdown. She really appreciated the fact that her relatives had let her stay with them on their farm in the countryside because there was lots of open space there and wonderful views compared to the restricted views along an identikit street from her own home in London. She had had to do quite a bit of helping...

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Lisa and the Lingerie

"I think Jack is on to us." Lisa's only response was to snap the bra off her shoulders, twirling it overhead before tossing it in my face. Her hips were gyrating. Her eyes were fixed on my cock. Obviously, she didn't care. "Guess I worry too much, don't I." And she just nodded, the slightest gesture of her chin, before crawling onto the bed and taking my penis into her mouth. That was her charm. Not just her proclivity for cunnilingus-which was extraordinary-but her unabashed...

1 year ago
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A Very Unusually Gifted Girl

Hi! My name's Bianca. I want to tell you about the most interesting and, shall we say, erotic year of my life. First, let me tell you a bit about myself. I'm 19 years old, five-foot-four, and about 120 pounds. I have dark brown wavy hair to my shoulders and caramel-colored eyes. I have a 40DD chest, a nicely rounded butt, a 12-inch dick, and - What was that? Oh, yes, that brings me to my most interesting personal fact. You see, I'm a futanari. No, not a typical hermaphrodite. I mean a full-on...

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My experience with my student

It all started when i came to New Jersey to work in a big university, but i cannot tell you where... Ok here goes... I had a student Jessica Grant... a beautiful, smart and the kind of student you would not worry about not passing term papers. She is very attentive to my lectures and me, not knowing she had a secret crush on me. i did not mind it at first but as time passed by i also grew close to her, she would sometimes ask me about the homeworks i give them. but the thing that i cannot take...

First Time
3 years ago
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The Adventures of Rob Ch 08

Chapter Eight: Rob Discovers His Sister’s Secret It was early Sunday morning, (about Two A.M.), on the last weekend before Rob had to return to college for the beginning of his sophomore year. He woke up with a dire need to answer the call of nature. As he came back down the hallway, he heard the unmistakable sounds of passion coming from his older sister’s bedroom! As Rob neared the partially opened door to her room he heard her voice, “Fuck Me Harder!” Rob peered into the semi-darkened...

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My wedding day

I was nicknamed vampirTara back when I was in high, well at first because of my pale white skin, long raven black hair and naturally long incisors (fangs), I was called "Lily Munster" with an occasional "Morticia" thrown in from someone. And it took off like a runaway freight train, when they discovered I had "Porphyria" nicknamed "The Vampire disease" and could not go out in the sunlight and with the abnormally long incisors (fangs), they had a field day. Well, most of us have a...

4 years ago
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TurbulenceChapter 10

On the way back to the cottage Colette again spent time walking alone with Sioban. Not only had she become more invested in Arthur she was also captivated by his friends. It seemed to her that the moment she had spied Arthur sitting alone in his aisle on the plane she had begun a serendipitous journey she hadn’t experienced before. It seemed that Arthur was not only a young man who touched people, he seemed to charm them. Based on her feeling about Ryan and Sioban she saw them as high-quality...

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First Ride

The small but sturdy steel cart almost turned on it's side, at the same time that Rasberry did. Nick would always breathe the tiniest sigh of relief whenever they made it. Raspberry was the absolute best pony girl he could have hoped for, with strides like a beautiful mare and a determination when under the reins who he had never seen in another pony in his life. But standing only at 5'2 she had some problems with bumps. Had there been any passengers in the cart then he might have had to...

1 year ago
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Sexy EGirls

SexyEGirls! Feeling lonely? Has social distancing from the ‘rona interfered with your usual routine of banging local fatties on Tinder? It may be a second choice to the feel of real, flabby flesh on flesh, but have you ever considered getting off to some Sexy Egirls? They generally don’t have the pot bellies and fucked-up teeth of the babes you’re used to, so their sexy bodies and pretty faces might well ruin your appreciation for your hometown sprung up in April 2023,...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
3 years ago
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The Falling Oak Learning How to DieChapter 34 Twas A Nice Honey Moon

Jan. 11th, 2019 That was a nice break. I’m still doing ton’s better than before. The headaches and Aphasia are back though. To be honest, the headaches aren’t bad at all mostly a little visit to Uncle Fester’s vice. The Aphasia is coming more often and is becoming problematic. I’m thinking it may be due to the temperature changes. I’m starting to think I’m made out of ice cream. It’s like 70 in the house and I’m in short sleeve’s with a fan blowing on me from less than two feet away and I’m...

3 years ago
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Home Alone Ch4

Danni stormed down the path toward the back door to the house and without knocking burst in. She stood silhouetted against the doorway, the morning sun shining through her nightdress. My damp panties in one hand and the vibrator that, I had witnessed her using a few moments ago, glistening with her juices."Look Danni, I don't know what to say, please, I wasn't there for long.""You get off watching women then, you like to watch women pleasure themselves do you?""No, it's not like that, I...

2 years ago
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A Very Small Thing

Okay, I'll admit, my mother didn't cause the situation but she certainly took full advantage once it presented itself. Our family had always been very open and free. We never locked doors and often did not even close them. Glimpses of nudity were everywhere. We never thought much about it; we were family.My parents were very loving and were not shy about showing affection in public or at home. Oftentimes when we were out as a family or getting something to eat my sister and I had to ask them if...

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They Are AOK Ch 33

I awoke five days later in a hospital. The majority of my body was covered in casts or bandages. I was in some sort of traction bed, so I was completely immobilized. I lay there for a few minutes trying to remember what had happened to me. When I couldn’t I became frightened. I even imagined that I might be dead like those characters in movies who don’t remember dying. Having no other way to gain anyone’s attention, I screamed as loud as I could. A nurse came flying into the room. ‘Well, how...

1 year ago
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Family Business

Another story with a vague contact with reality, just a ramble into my imagination Not all under height boys that live with a single parent mother are going to turn out to be effeminate, and I was certainly not planning on that. I fancied girls while at school and even had a few close friendships with the opposite sex. I liked sport and did boy stuff as a kid. But I was also thoughtful about my mum, she looked after me and I looked after her. We lived in a small house in an ok area,...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 52 Dossiers

January 26, 1997, Chicago, Illinois Pandemonium erupted in the ‘Indian’ room. “Oh my God!” Bethany gasped. “But...” “We know, Bethany,” I replied gently. “The Hospital Board is convening in emergency session tomorrow evening at Howard Pointe’s request. Al went to Doctor Malik Washington, who went to Howard, who called the emergency meeting.” “But why reveal it if nobody knew for sure?” Samantha asked. “Because someone made the connection and asked me about it. We were worried that would...

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Warcraft Feet

In what appears to be a run-down shanty, you wake up in a pile of hay. Sunbeams peer in through the gaps of the wooden walls, as you rise to your feet and stumble off to the make-shift bathroom in the corner of the building. You rub your eyes as you center your gaze on the buffed piece of sheet metal acting as your mirror. You carefully inspect your face.

4 years ago
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Katlin and Missy ch 2 Buns In The Oven

ps (to Jon-J): I read your speculation comment at the end of my last story. Well I ain't admitting nuttin. It's fun to think there's a guy out there fantasizing about me. But why didn't you just send me another e-mail? ---------------------- Katlin and Missy: Chapter 2 - Buns In The Oven ---------------------- 1 Mark: A sharp pain in the neck awoke me. I couldn't concentrate, could hardly remember my own name, and it took a while for me to realize...

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