- 4 years ago
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Chapter 18
And Plans
The next hour or so was spent making final preparations to the meal and then sitting down to eat it. To an onlooker we must have at first seemed like a couple of love-struck teen-agers, spending a lot of the time touching, staring into each other’s eyes or simply grinning like idiots. But after a while we both brought our emotions under a little more control and, as Ros had originally suggested, when we sat down to eat we began to talk.
Although it wasn’t what I wanted to talk about, at first she insisted on me bringing her up to date with what had happened with Mandy, so I did just that, but did so somewhat selectively, ignoring or skipping past a few of what seemed like too intimately personal details.
For instance, I decided not to mention what had happened in the bath-room, what I’d felt when Mandy held my cock while I pissed, saying only that we’d showered together. I also withheld the fantasy Mandy and I had shared early the following morning. But apart from a few things like that I gave her as full a description of the events as she wanted, and that was pretty detailed, not only wanting to know what we had done, but also how Mandy had reacted.
Other than knowing that they were fine I hardly tasted either the food or the wine, but I did notice that in spite of the feelings I had just declared to Ros, and the somewhat cold-blooded way I was describing the events, just recalling them seemed to bring my cock back to life.
‘But, as I said before, although at the time it was pretty fantastic, I still wish it had been you with me Ros.’ I said when I’d come to the end of my account.
‘And of course I do too Rob, but then we are here now aren’t we. And let’s face it, you’re not going to get too many more chances of being with her before you go home again. It would have been a pity to miss out on what’s probably the one and only chance you’d have of that much time together. And I’m sure the experience will prove invaluable to Mandy, give her a completely different outlook on sex. It should make her more choosy, and will certainly help to make her a better partner for some lucky guy.’ she added with a grin.
‘That’s fair enough, but…’
‘No but’s Rob, life’s too short, enjoy whatever happens to come your way, that’s been my motto. But now, more serious things.’
She fell silent, there was an expectant look on her face, and she was obviously waiting for me to say something. What should that be? What did I want to say to her? What conclusions had I reached during the time I’d spent thinking about us?
‘Look, I’m not sure just what, or how to say some of this, so I’ll just charge ahead. If I’m wrong, or stupid, so be it, that’ll be my problem. But what I think, what I really want, goes something like this.
I’ve never met a woman like you, as best I can tell, I’ve fallen in love with you. Too quickly, yes. Forever, I don’t know. But I want to be with you, want you to be with me.
But – my work, my income, is in the city. Don’t get me wrong, I love the country, love being here, I always have, even as a kid. But I couldn’t make a living here.
And regardless of what the poets say, you can’t live on love alone, at least not in the world as I know it. So, if you feel the way I do, want to give us a serious try together, you would have to come to me.
But.’ I said, holding back the interruption I could see she was about to make. ‘My suggestion is this. If you think we could make a go of it together, let’s give ourselves a chance to see if it works. You must be able to take some holidays, so why not spend them with me.’
Having got all that off my chest I found I needed a drink, so reached for my glass and took several mouthfuls of wine as I waited for her response.
She said nothing for a few moments, her eyes looking deep into mine, as though searching for some further piece of information that might be hidden there. Then she spoke, quite quietly, and very seriously, but with just a hint of perhaps an underlying excitement.
‘In addition to everything else about you Rob, and there’s plenty, that has to be one of the most level-headed propositions I’ve ever heard. Maybe not especially romantic, but I think I can tell you’re serious about it. And luckily I already know there’s a much more passionate side of you than that little speech might indicate to someone else.
So, let me answer you – in two ways. One, yes! I think it’s a great idea, and I’ll have no trouble fixing to get a couple of weeks off. That should be long enough. And two.’ she said, stopping my immediately excited reaction. ‘Two, come here and give me a kiss!’ she added as she pushed herself back from the table and stood up.
Although it began as just a kiss, albeit a passionately excited one, things quickly escalated and it wasn’t long before we were in her bed-room. Once we were both stripped she sat on the edge of the bed said that before we did anything else she wanted to return part of the favour I had given her before dinner.
Then, having turned my already rising cock to a full, throbbingly engorged erection, spent the next ten or fifteen minutes doing everything but take me to a climax.
Not that I was complaining, standing there, my hands busily fondling the heavy fullness of her breasts while she stroked, licked and sucked my cock was, I decided, the next best thing to being in heaven. Then, when she encouraged me to lift and press them together while pushing it back and forth between them, I knew where I actually preferred to be.
So, when she decided we had both had enough of that and pushed herself further up on to the bed, I was not just ready for her, I was almost desperately so.
But in spite of the intensity of all that physical stimulation when I looked down at her waiting body, I saw more than just the most voluptuously sensual woman I’d ever met, I saw a woman I knew I wanted to make happy. And that internal confirmation of the words I’d spoken to her just and hour or two earlier, moderated the baser feelings that had been blazing inside me.
So I was able to at least partially ignore them, and that gave me the time to get Ros to the same level of excitement. But as that really wasn’t very long at all I was then able to hold on even once we had started fucking in earnest, which obviously both surprised and delighted her.
Having enjoyed at least two pretty dramatic orgasms she wriggled herself out from underneath me, turned, and got up on her hands and knees. I instantly knew what she was offering, what she wanted, she wanted me to fuck her arse.
And I didn’t need any encouragement!
Ever since we had done it that way I had from time to time found myself remembering what it had felt like, the incredible strength of the sensations I had experienced, the unbelievable force behind my climax.
So, reaching down under her I wiped my fingers over her sopping pussy and, using my thumb and her own juices as lubricant, found I could quite easily open her up. When I tried to replace my thumb with the far bigger mass of my cock-head I felt her tense momentarily, but then I felt her relaxing and with a firm push, eased it in through those clamping muscles.
Once I had the head inside it was relatively easy to get the rest of my cock into that slick tunnel, and it was only when I felt my balls jammed, almost painfully up against the back of her buttocks that I felt her muscles locking again. The sensations triggered by having her anus gripping my rock-hard cock were simply indescribable! So strong that I had to pause for a moment to give myself a chance of fully savouring them.
And that pause was all the time Ros needed to let me know exactly what she had in mind.
Turning her head to look back at me, she said. ‘Hold quite still Rob, let me do it for you.’ Then began rocking herself slowly back and forth.
It was wonderful, excruciatingly intense, almost too
much to bear, but just almost.
With one part of my brain I looked down, watching her hips and buttocks moving, seeing her tightly wrinkled anus stretched wide open by the massive size of my cock, watching it disappearing up that dark, impossibly tight entrance.
With another I tried unsuccessfully to register the feelings I was getting, but they were just too strong, they simply swamped and over-loaded those pleasure centres. And as wave after wave of them continued surging through me, racing up my spine and exploding inside my head, I became dizzily disoriented.
But even so, and although at first it was almost imperceptible, I knew that Ros was gradually moving quicker. And that she was not only speeding up but also using a little more energy each time she pushed herself back on to me, forcing my cock ever deeper.
Although I was doing my best to do as she asked, hold myself still, it was almost impossible, what she was doing had awoken the most primal urges, and they were even stronger than the combined will of both of us. I had no control, I felt my hips thrusting in time with hers.
But any worry I might have had about losing control was immediately relieved when I heard Ros cry in a choking voice. ‘Yes Rob, now! Fuck it, fuck my arse, hard!’
So, taking a firm grip of her hips I began to do just that, fuck her, fuck her arse, as she wanted me too, hard!
I could hear myself making loud, guttural grunts as I forced my cock deeper, the hot tube-like tightness of her arse triggering more of those incredibly intense shocks of pleasure-pain. Feeling another, less intense, but additional source of similar feelings each time my achingly swollen balls slapped hard up against her bum-cheeks. Feeling sweat spurting from me as I thrust harder and faster.
But then, all to quickly I felt the ache in my balls suddenly tightening, and then felt the first powerful surge rising up from the pit of my stomach. And that made me thrust even more urgently, forcing myself to move faster, force my throbbingly straining cock even deeper.
And that must have been more than enough to trigger Ros’s reactions. She gave a hoarse, but still piercing shriek, then her entire body seemed to be wracked by truly incredibly powerful convulsions, convulsions that seemed to involve every single muscle.
Her flexing and twisting added just too much additional stimulation and with a force and power that felt even greater than any of those I had already experienced that week, my cock finally exploded, blasting the first gout of churning semen deep inside her. I continued frantically ramming myself into her, feeling my cock pumping again, and again, and again, as though determined to drain every single drop of fluid from my body. And then, when I was sure I was totally spent, I felt Ros, still rocking back and forth, as though her still tightly gripping arse needed to urge just a few more spurts out of me.
Later, much later, we showered, as Mandy and I had, together, but more tenderly and with much less dramatic results. Then we sat and talked through what plans we needed to make.
Ros was certain she could get time off from her job virtually immediately, and I suggested that if that was so, she should drive back with me. That obviously pleased her and although she knew I would have to return to work, said that apart from the main reason for the trip, she would enjoy the opportunity of revisiting the city, and especially the shopping.
So then she wanted to know all about my life there, my work, my apartment, my friends, and my interests. To our surprise and delight we found there were many things we actually had in common and although I kept the thought to myself, the more we talked the more confident I felt about the outcome of the proposition I had put to her.
In fact by the time we had got close to talking ourselves out, and drunk the second bottle of wine in the process, I was feeling positively exuberant. Then Ros raised a question I had, to be honest, all but forgotten.
‘Now about Mandy? She’ll expect to see us, well you, some time during the rest of the week.’
Shit, I’d forgotten Mandy!’
Ros laughed. ‘I don’t believe that Rob!’
‘Well, you know what I mean.’
‘I understand.’ she said in a softer voice. ‘But we, you can’t just leave her dangling. You’ll have to tell her what’s happened. And you’ll have to be very careful and gentle about how you approach it, she’s at a vulnerable age Rob.’
‘I understand that.’
‘And it’s quite possible that she’ll expect a farewell performance.’
‘Do you think so? I mean after I tell her about us?’
‘It’s possible. She may want to remember you that way.’
‘I don’t know if I could, not now.’
‘Oh come off it Rob. Ten minutes with her and you’ll feel quite differently.’
‘But how about you? I mean, if what you say is correct, how would you feel about that?’
‘I’ll survive Rob. If all goes well I’ll be leaving here on Saturday, with you. Knowing you’ve had a couple of fucks between now and then will be a small price to pay. And after all, I’ve got some very fond memories of Mandy too, I owe her something for giving me those.’
We talked a little more about our shared experiences with Mandy and it seemed that just doing that was enough to re-fire our more immediate interest in sharing with each other. So we returned to her bed, and after a slow and much more emotional love-making, eventually fell asleep in each other’s arms.
Chapter 19
Breaking the News
As Tuesday was the other day Ros didn’t have to work we made the most of it and slept in, well at least stayed in bed until nearly lunch time. After an early fuck, or a ‘morning glory’ as Ros called it, we went back to sleep for a bit, then she got up to make us some coffee and toast, then we had another, much longer and somewhat messier second session.
We walked, did some more talking, made lunch, then even before we had really finished that, decided we needed each other again.
‘It’s not going to be like this all the time is it Rob?’ she asked when we lay quietly recovering from what had turned out to be an even more exhausting bout.
‘I sincerely hope not Ros. If it is I’ll simply fade away to a shadow. But it’s funny, Mandy asked me a very similar question. I answered her by saying she was feeling the way she was because it was all so new to her. I can’t use the same rationale with you and I, so who knows how long we’ll feel this way. Let’s just make the most of it!’ I added as I rolled over and grabbed her again.
She laughingly pushed me away. ‘We have plenty of time, and apart from the rest of today and tonight, don’t forget you also need to keep a bit in reserve in case Mandy reacts the way I predicted. And now I need to wash my hair and do a few other things, so while I’m doing that and then getting something started for dinner, why don’t you go down for a swim.’
I did as she suggested and then lost track of how many more times we made love before we left to drive separately back to the motel early the following morning.
While I was down at the beach Ros had made a few phone calls, organising a couple of women to take over her job for the two weeks she would be away, then telling her boss what she had arranged. Letting Moira and a few other close friends know what she was doing, and no doubt going into some of the steamier details as to the actual reason for the sudden trip away.
For my part the frequency and intensity of the unusual amount of sex I’d been having seemed to have drained me, not just physically but also mentally. I felt the way I imagined people on massive doses of anti-depressants might, somewhat disoriented and slightly removed from things going on around me, with time seeming to pass in a gentle blur.
But even so I was still able to worry about Mandy, about her reaction to the news. So much so that for a time I considered whet
her it was actually necessary to say anything to her at all. But of course that was the coward’s way out, and it just wasn’t in my nature to do that. So in my head I rehearsed several little speeches I might use to break it to her. None of which really sounded any good when I tried saying them out loud.
So by Wednesday afternoon I still had no clear idea of just what I would say to her, but had decided where and how to do so. Knowing where she lived, and the approximate time she normally arrived at the stable-yard enabled me to estimate the time I needed to leave the motel so I could meet her on her way there. And luckily that worked, I’d been walking for no more than five minutes when I saw her coming down the opposite side of the street towards me.
She saw me, glanced around behind herself, then crossed over and hurried towards me.
‘Where are you going Rob? I missed you yesterday evening.’ she said a little breathlessly.
‘I was with Ros last night, and I was coming to meet you, so we could talk a bit.’ I explained.
‘Oh good, my friend will be at the yard so I’ll be stuck with her again afterwards. But this is the last time, she’s going back tomorrow, so I’ll be able to stage another of Champ’s temper tantrums.’ she added with a tinge of excitement in her voice.
All the carefully worded explanations I’d practised seemed to suddenly desert me, I found myself just blurting out. ‘I wanted to tell you that Ros is coming back to the city with me.’
She said nothing for a few moments but I could see from the slowly changing expression on her face that she seemed to understood the underlying implication of what I’d said. Then to my absolute amazement, when she replied it was with excitement and apparently genuine happiness.
‘You’re getting together, permanently?’
‘I hope so.’ I said dumbly.
‘But that’s marvellous Rob! Oh I’m so pleased, for you both I mean!’
‘I thought you might be a bit, well I don’t know, well upset I suppose.’ I said.
‘You mean jealous? Oh I suppose there’s a little bit of that, well no, maybe envy. But I’m not stupid Rob, all this has been absolutely marvellous, but it was never going to go anywhere was it. It’s like a party, fantastic while it going on, but you know it’s going to come to an end.’
‘That’s a remarkably mature way of putting it.’
‘But I knew from the start that you were only here for two weeks, and let’s face it even if either of us had wanted to we’d have a pretty hard time trying to develop a relationship. I mean apart from where you live and what you do, well you are a lot older.’
That little phrase really put me in my place, and although I had been so immensely relieved to find her taking the news so easily, hearing her say that took just a little of the gloss off my reactions. But then she restored some of my suddenly reduced self-esteem by adding. ‘But that doesn’t mean we can’t have at least a little time together, at least once more, does it? I mean, for us to say good-bye properly.’ she added with a twinkling grin.
It was only when she said that that I remembered what Ros had said once we had found out how we felt about each other, when she’d raised the issue of me needing to see Mandy again and I had expressed doubts as to my ability to respond to her – ‘Oh come off it Rob, ten minutes with her and you’ll feel quite differently.’
It was only then that I realised that from the moment I had first caught sight of her coming down the other side of the street, I had in fact been responding. Although it was a different colour the light-weight jumper she had on was the same style as the one she’d worn that first evening, tight fitting. And although I could tell that this time she was wearing a bra it did nothing to stop me picturing her as she was beneath it. Did nothing to stop her youthfully firm, sweetly upcurving breasts from swaying as she walked beside me. And although Ros’s were a true miracle of nature, if nothing else, I wanted just one more chance to see, hold and caress Mandy’s.
‘I suppose not.’ I heard myself mumbling. ‘Can you come back tomorrow evening?’
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Lt. Anna 'Thunderfeet' Cork 9 pm November 2nd, 2006 2 pm November 3rd, 2006 (local time) I caught up with Ashley as she was leaving the gym. "Did you think any more about what I said about Jacob?" "No!" Ashley snapped. "No? Why not?" "Because I've bigger issues to deal with than some guy." she said with some anger. I finally turned to look at her. Ashley had a look on her face that reminded me of the time I had to tell my husband I smashed the Trans Am into a china shop. It...
It’s a bit disorienting being waked up with your anus stretched paper thin, but I immediately knew who was invading my back door, just from his unique male scent. Ben’s rock hard cock tugged on my sensitive pink tissues, pulling them out of my secret hole before shoving them back inside. I must have been still loose from our earlier session, because he was able to glide in and out with ease. I don’t know how long he had been fucking me, all I knew was my pussy was slick with dew and convulsing....
Introduction/Prologue/Message from Lady`Sapphire Introduction/Prologue/Message from Lady`SapphireThe following story is selectively autobiographical/biographical/really honestly true, and selectively made up out of whole-cloth. I leave it to you, dear reader, to decipher the truth from the fiction. (Names may or may not have been changed to protect... this writer from accusations of libel. ;) IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: Lady`Sapphire is a firm believer in Safe, Sane, and Consentual (or,...
Wedded Bliss: Four Short Stories by Vickie Tern 1. Her Girl "Oh, you look so very sweet, baby," my wife said, her fingers reaching through my gown and twiddling my nipples and sending ripples of erotic desire through me. "You're a perfect doll! My perfect doll! Now confess, it wasn't that bad, sitting there fully dressed, watching me make love to him, was it? I felt so marvelous with that huge thing of his in me, you...
By : Kumarpata Hi friends mera naam Vansh Kumar hai. Main surat main rehta hun yaha ISS par yeh meri pheli story hai. Jisme main apna phela sex experience aapse share karuga. Main ek shrmila, average looking wala ladka hun lekin meri height aur body kafi acchi hai. Baat un dino ki hai jab main 21 saal ka tha aur apni study ke liye delhi gaya hua tha. Waha main apne relative’s ke yaha reh raha tha. Muje tab porn videos dekhne ka bahout shok tha lekin kabhi sex kiya nahi tha. Mere relatives ek...
It’s a double debut today ✌️ as bearded black stud ?? Dillon Cox and little white spinner ? Khloe Kapri both make their first (and hopefully not last) See H?️M Fuck appearances. Dillon starts by stripping down to his sexy See HIM boxer-briefs ? which he uses to tease his big thick black dick until he whips it out and we get to see that big 10-inch ?? up close and in its full glory. Khloe steps in and immediately licks his hairy armpit ? followed up by a passionate kiss on the lips ? Khloe...
xmoviesforyouAuthor’s note: Chapter 9 of 13. Thank you Tim413413 for selfless editing. The Perfect Pieces – Chapter 09 We drove until the sun went down. Amber was in charge of the radio, finding a new station as soon as we drove out of range from the last. We avoided talking about Pablo and spoke instead of Lizzy, future glass projects and the crappy radio stations available. We made good traveling companions. It didn’t hurt that she felt it necessary to touch me whenever she made a salient point. For...
It was about ten years ago when my husband Greg and I were lying in bed after making love one night when out of the blue, he asked me what my wildest sexual fantasy was.“What?”“You heard me. If you could do anything sexually, without recourse, what would it be?”Now, understand that while we weren’t wild and crazy, we were not exactly prudes that made love once a week and only in the missionary position. My mind immediately went to he is bored with me and either wants someone else or has been...
Swingers“Oh hi Ellen, what a nice surprise!” Natalia said playfully, “Do come in!” Ellen skillfully moved the bottles to one hand and hugged the redhead with her free arm as she spoke softly in her ear, “How are you doing, sweetheart? I thought to bring you some more wine.” Natalia harrumphed and scolded, “As if that is going to change the fact I can’t get drunk anymore!” Ellen softly closed the door as she said, “The great thing is that you can enjoy every sip of wine without getting sick.” She...
This was our first real vacation since we had met. It was essentially our honeymoon after years blessed with the fortune...of staying at home to care for the kids. It had taken a lot of effort and patience to finally convince her that we could take some time for ourselves. But there we were, our second day in the Caribbean, doing our best to forget everything but ourselves for a small while. The sex the night before had been fantastic. Just the vibe of the place, it seemed, had broken through...
It was the day our parents went away to a wedding both my brother and I refused to attend. That day neither I or he had any plans, so we end up chilling together. To be more honnest, he was chilling I simply got in his way. He was watching The Grudge (the only good thing that was on at the time), and I was sitting closely drawing. It was a cold day and we both shared a blanket our legs entangled, after a long fight over space. I wanted to be near, I loved the way he smelled, and how his...
It suddenly dawned on me what a devastating situation I had caused on my son’s life while accidentally seeing what he was doing through his slightly open bedroom door. He was laid on his bed playing with his erect cock while watching his laptop with headphones on. I felt sorry for him; he has had no life since my husband, his father died fifteen years ago.He is now thirty years old and has never been a one for going out with mates or even had a girlfriend to what I know of. I let myself go...
When the Prime entered the lounge with Dave a step behind him, the other Alphas were already seated at a large round table that Ship had prepared near the opposite end of the big room. Jeff was pleased to note that the table was centered in front of the wall/viewscreen, yet back far enough to provide easy viewing when Ship ran the vids. Refreshments sat on a sidebar a few feet away. There were handheld computers on the table at each position, should anyone wish to take notes. "About time...
Hi guys I’m manoj and back with 6th part of this kamukta story, jaisa ki aap sab jante hai ke kaise maine apni padosan pallavi ko choda agar aapne previous story nahi padhi h to pahele usko padhe. Jisko bahot sare like mile hai. Toh main ab sidhe kahani pe aata hoon. Kuch din baad new year aane wala tha building me new year party ka programe organize ki thi. 31st dec ke raat 10 baje party shuru hui uss party mein pallavi uske pati ke saath aayi thi. Pallavi ko dekhkar mein dang rah gaya usne...
DAY 10 – The fourth day of my ‘enslavement’ Harry woke me with a start, my whole body moved and I woke up as he thrust his cock quick and hard into my pussy. His subsequent hard and deep thrusts quickly made me cum. He later told me that my pussy was dripping before he started and asked me what I was dreaming about. Unfortunately, I couldn’t remember but I was glad that I was very wet when he first thrust hard into me. It was the last day with the Jeep, therefore my last day of me being...
Hi frnds mera nam sachin h mai b.E. K student hu. Aj mai apko ek shi kanani sunata hu, mere mere ghr me 3 log rhte hai, mai meri ma aur papa, hm log bhpal me rhte h.Ek bar k bat h samay tha mere b’day k. Jo k ane wala tha isliye hm log gao jane wale the, kyuki mera b’day gao me manaya jata, h hm log b’day se ek din phle gao phuch gye, gao me 8-10 log rhte h isliye bistar kam pad jate h jb koi bahar se ata h, hmara ek room h jisme ek bed hmesha rakha rhta h, hm tino log usi pe sone k plan bnane...
CAP schmap! By the time I'd watched the clusterfuck of a couple of years of pickups I'd decided that someone who had set the priorities for takin' people to the stars to fight the Sa'arm or swarm or dickheads or whatever ya wanna call the critters that them alien folk told us about four years ago had no idea what it really takes to support a technical weenie or even a jar-head or a squid for that matter. I mean my hitch in the army left me a dog face and only a short step above a Civilian...
"Such an ugly little World." Yanaye commented dryly. Looking down from one hundred miles above, the chain of tiny islands seemed even more insignificant against the mass of the continent appearing at least from this altitude, a healthy stone's throw to the west. The master agrarian was clearly unimpressed by what she saw below. In her three hundred years she'd seen perhaps a hundred worlds. Less than half of those could even laughingly call themselves inhabited. Fewer still possessed...
“Lord Varys, to what I do owe this pleasure?” Yara Greyjoy asked the Spider as he descended upon the docks, where she had rounded up some three dozen Lannister men. “I have been given orders to arrange the transport of certain cargo presently located in the Dragonpit, namely wildfire, for the voyage to White Harbor, and from there to Eastwatch-by-the Sea, which must begin as quickly as practicable,” Varys answered, “also, I have been named Master of Coin, so I will naturally help fund this...
Author's note: As I mentioned in the prologue to this story, there is a genuine element to it. The category of autobiographical really applies here. Enclosed in this chapter is a real Slave Contract that was drawn up to fulfill the wishes of those two people who were intended to sign it. My thanks to a special person who shall remain anonymous. Life plays cruel tricks sometimes and for many reasons, this Contract was never executed as both participants had hoped. In a cathartic...
Svetlana Peroskova was trembling as she stepped off the plane. To say she was nervous would be stating her condition mildly. She had never been further than 50 miles from her home her whole life, let alone out of Russia. Now she was in the United States, about to meet the man she had never met but promised to marry. A slender, petite woman with long brown hair, Svetlana’s dark, expressive eyes took in everything around her as she walked up through the gate into the terminal. Her face was...
This was the first time Supreme Wizard Zwhehzwheneu noticed that the seven xenomorphs in their hidden chamber right beneath the Tower of the Supreme Wizard were not as arrogant and aloft as they usually acted. It almost seemed the seven were disturbed and perhaps even afraid. They had summoned him and he of course obeyed. “I have heard your call and here I am.” “Our assets, the eyes we have developed within the society known as the Union disappear at an alarming rate. We lost contact with...
At eight, the next morning, they had been on the road for ten minutes, and were beginning to come alert. Last night had been late, for both of them. Sleep had not been quick in coming, in either of their rooms. Still, their anxiety to get home, and to see one another, had awakened them, before their wake up calls had come in. Maggie sat close, leaning on Mike's shoulder, with her hand in his lap, holding his hand. The sound of the engine lulled her to sleep, and she slumped against him. Her...
Maiden of Rome by ShannonQ A noble Roman Tribune is captured in a battle with the Germanic tribes. He is given to a witch and eventually turned into a woman. She is given the name of Penelope. She is sent back to Rome. What will her family do? What will her father say? What is her future in the greatest Empire on earth? Rated R ONE The rains intensified as the XVII...
A few minutes after Bill turned the lights out, Tim whispered, come here I want to show you something. Getting out of bed I went over to his bed. He pulled the sheets back and said to lay down. He slid over and I climbed in. He rubbed my chest and belly, then asked if I touched someone else's dick. I said no, mom told me it wasn't nice to do that. Tim took my hand and placed it on his crotch and said mom's aren't always right. I moved my fingers around and felt his semi hard dick. He said go...
I'll admit that I was a little bit drunk when she sat down beside me at the hotel bar. Another business trip, away from home, this was getting to be a drag, and sipping on some bourbon helped a little. The smell of her perfume as she sat down snapped me out of my haze, and I looked at her. She smiled, turned to the bartender and ordered a drink. Looking back at me, she said "Can I freshen your's up too, darling?" I must have looked like an idiot, staring dumbfounded at her. I looked down at my...
My days were filled now with waiting for my cell phone to alert me that Grace had driven outside the boundaries I'd established in the computer program. I'd deliberately established the boundaries in the program to put Clara's apartment outside it but most other innocent places inside the boundaries. I figured that Clara would not go to Betty's house but if they were to meet it would be at Clara's apartment. What I couldn't control was if they met elsewhere, but it didn't seem to make...
Shortly after we moved in, we went roving around our clothing-optional neighborhood. We just knew there would be gorgeous young naked chicks on every corner begging for us to satisfy their lustful needs. Think again. In a clothing optional environment, most people should opt for clothing. Honestly. There were few people our age, whether male or female, clothed or naked, living, dead, or anywhere in between. The neighbor’s on one side were a middle-aged couple who had consumed about three too...
Exhibitionism"Wait," I said, and smiled when I realized we didn't have as serious a problem with Andy and Liz as we'd thought. "Sandy, Josh knows, that's why he's smiling again. Liz just ripped Andy a new one. She told him in no uncertain terms that she wouldn't be a party to any deception. Either Josh would say yes, or he'd say no. If he said yes, they'd proceed. If his answer was no, they'd back off and declare the situation: no harm, no foul." "Emotionally, Andy's very relieved," Josh...
By DBARCLAY© DAY ONE Tony, Trevor and I were relaxing on the pool deck on a lovely Florida June day. They were visiting just for a week’s break from the UK. Buying a few cars for taking back and re-selling, something they did twice a year. The wife had gone on a four-day cruise with her mother to the Bahamas I told them that are weekend was going to be interrupted by a visit from my friend Monique, who was flying up from Miami, and staying for the weekend, she wanted some photos taken of...
Group SexAfter they had showered and while the ladies were dressing, Harry went upstairs to his father's old office. Praying that his memory didn't fail him he twirled the combination to his father's safe and pulled on the handle. Nothing happened. Sweat popped out on his brow, he turned the handle a little more firmly and it moved. Sighing with relief he looked inside, grabbed a sheaf of bills and closed it again, spinning the lock. His father had always believed that even the most law-abiding...
Motorcycle Accident My sister Stormy is older that I am. She was nineteen years old and dating a guy with a motorcycle. I thought that he was a jerk and so did our parents. However she was in love with him. Then one Friday night we got a phone call to come down to the hospital…there had been an accident. Stormy had broken both of her forearms. The doctor said that it was a simple fracture but that he had to immobilize the joints on either end so she was in two casts from the palm her...