- 2 years ago
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Thank god it was dark when I tried to open my eyes. I was floating around in some never-never land. I could feel pain, but it wasn't acute. It was my eyes that hurt the most. They were like two steel ball bearings, rolling around in the bottom of a tin can. Even the slightest movement of my head would set them off again.
I tried to form a coherent thought. Where was I? What had happened to me? I was lying on a cool, firm surface, trying to concentrate. There was a cover over me. I could feel it. Was I dead? No, the cover stopped at my chest. My chest. I could feel the pain just below the surface. Why wasn't anyone here? Was this a morgue? I had to make someone understand ... I wasn't dead.
I lay there, trying to assemble the information I had available. I was alive, it was dark, I was on some kind of a platform, I was hurt, but ... what else? At some point I could hear noises. Footsteps, I thought. That's good. Someone is coming for me. But they never did. And little gong sounds every now and then. What did it all mean?
I drifted off again into that wonderland of dreams. Strange dreams with shiny boots and pavement, three boys and a little girl. A very lovely woman, dressed in dark red. She looked happy. She was saying "Call me," as she faded away.
It was light the next time I tried to open my eyes. It seemed to take a herculean effort to accomplish that little task. As my eyes focused, I recognized I was in a room, a pale green room. There were things attached to me. Tubes and wires. Someone was calling me.
"Wake up, Mr. Prentice," a soft female voice called from a distance. "Time to wake up."
I turned my head slightly. She was dressed like a nurse. If she was a nurse, I was probably in a hospital. That made sense. I felt the cool dampness of a cloth wiping my face. It didn't hurt. It felt like it was the only place on my body that didn't hurt. I tried to speak.
"Whaa ... hawww," I heard myself croak.
The young woman held a cup with a straw and put it into my mouth. Instinctively I began to draw on it. It felt good. Cool and wet, just like the cloth. I could swallow. It didn't hurt. Another good thing. I tried again.
"How ... wha' happen?" I managed finally.
"I don't know, Mr. Prentice. The doctor will be along soon, and he can tell you," she smiled. She had a nice smile. It was just like another smile I remembered. The lady in the red dress. She smiled like that. I felt better. As long as I didn't move, I felt better. I drifted off again, skimming like a porpoise, in and out of consciousness.
"Mr. Prentice ... are you awake?" This time it was a male voice. I forced my eyes to open, in spite of the pain.
"Ya," was all I could manage. The young nurse appeared from nowhere and offered the straw to me once more. I sipped and felt my throat loosen again.
"Where am I?" At least I was making verbal sense now.
"Sutter Medical Centre. I'm Doctor Mike Davis. Glad to see you back in the land of the living," he said. It sounded like he thought it was humorous.
"Barely. What happened?"
"You were attacked, apparently. You were beaten by one or more people. Very badly beaten, as it turns out. You have a concussion, several cracked ribs, a bruised kidney, and possibly a damaged spleen. You're going to be here for a while."
"I don't think so. When they admitted you, you still had money in your wallet and your pants pocket. I'll leave that to the police though. They'll want to talk to you when you're up to it."
"When did this happen?"
"The night before last. We've had you on sedatives to keep you from feeling too much pain. That's still to come, I'm afraid."
"Oh goody," I croaked. Again the straw magically arrived at my mouth and I sipped more water.
"What do you remember of that night, Mr. Prentice?"
"I remember taking my lady friend home and driving back to my apartment. Nothing after that, though."
"Do you remember your address and phone number?"
I recited them, knowing they were correct.
"Do you have any next of kin here in Yuba City?"
"No ... no one. I work at Big Valley Box. I'll need to let them know what happened to me."
"We'll look after that for you. What about friends. Whom should we contact?"
I gave them Johnny Gordon's phone number and then, I knew there was one other person I need to inform.
"Please call Mrs. Yolanda Michaels. She lives on St. Mary's Road. She'll be in the book," I gasped, having used up just about all the energy I had.
"Fine. We'll have someone contact them. In the meantime, the good news is that you seem to be fine as far as memory goes. I'm sure your head doesn't feel good thanks to the banging it got and the pain suppressant we've been feeding you. We'll start to wean you off that as soon as we can."
"Okay. Thanks." That was it. I was slipping away again. Too much work to stay awake.
I woke in the middle of the night. The room was dark, but I could make out shapes from the light coming through the venetian blinds. My door was closed and it was silent. I was sweating and I knew I needed to pee. I couldn't find the call button. I didn't want to wet the bed. I went to touch my penis and hold it closed when I discovered a tube leading from the tip. A catheter. I relaxed and let go. It was painful, but it was a relief.
The dreams were back again. The shiny boot. What the hell was that about? It didn't connect to anything. I knew who the lady in red was. That was Yolanda, and I wasn't imagining it when she kissed me or when she asked me to call her. Those weren't dreams. Those were memories. Very nice memories. Eventually, I drifted off again, conscious of more chest pain now. Broken ribs, I remembered.
The pretty young nurse had been replaced by an older, stouter woman when I awoke the next morning. Breakfast looked pretty unappetizing. I was hungry, but I didn't usually start my morning with Jell-O, something that might have been Cream of Wheat and tea. I complained to the nurse. She gave me a dirty look, admonishing me that this is what was called for, and it was all that I was going to get. So much for customer service.
According to the big clock on the wall it was ten o'clock when I got my first visitor.
"Good morning, Mr. Prentice. My name is Detective Sergeant Lofthouse. I was hoping you might be up to answering a few questions."
"I'll try. I don't know what I can tell you, though. I don't remember much that happened that night."
"I understand. Perhaps it would be better if I told you what we know."
I nodded carefully.
"As far as we can determine, you were attacked sometime near Friday midnight. You weren't discovered until the next morning when one of your neighbors found you lying beside your car, unconscious. He called 911 and they brought you here.
"Your wallet and keys were still in your possession and your car hadn't been touched, so robbery didn't seem to be the motive. That leaves other possibilities, of course. Can you think of anyone who would want to do this to you?"
"No ... no one. I didn't think I had any enemies."
"Okay. Where were you that night?"
I explained the dinner date, the dancing, and bringing Yolanda home before heading back to my apartment.
"Is Mrs. Michaels married?"
"No ... I mean ... she's a widow. Her husband was killed in Afghanistan."
"Maybe a jealous ex-boyfriend, trying to warn you off?"
"I'd be surprised. She's been pretty much on her own, trying to keep her kids and home together. She hasn't had time for a boyfriend."
"Until you came along?"
"I guess. I've been helping her out with things. You can ask her. She'll tell you."
"Anything else you can think of?"
"I'm sorry, Detective, it happened so fast. I didn't get a look at him."
"Him? You think there was just one assailant?"
I closed my eyes, trying desperately to remember. "That's my impression. I don't exactly know why, but I think it was just one big guy."
"Big? You think he was big?"
Again, I tried to recall what was going on in those few semi-conscious seconds. "Yeah. Big hands, big feet. Wait ... big feet in big boots. Big polished boots." I now knew where the image of the shined boots came from in my dreams. It was virtually the last thing I saw before I passed out from the attack.
"What kind of boots? Hiking boots? Workman's boots?"
"Combat boots. Big, black, polished combat boots."
"Well, that's something. A start, anyway. Anything else? Did he say anything when he was attacking you?"
"I think he did, but I couldn't make head or tail of it. He was warning me, I think. That's what I thought it sounded like. But, I don't remember any words that come to me right now."
"Okay, Mr. Prentice. You've done a lot better than I expected. If you can remember anything more, I'll leave my card and you can call me. If I don't answer, just leave a message. I'll be around."
"Thanks. Good luck. I hope you get this guy. I'd love to know why he would pick me out for this. Maybe it's just a case of mistaken identity," I suggested.
"Maybe ... we'll see. In the meantime, relax and get well. I'll keep you up to date."
"Thanks again," I offered. He seemed to be very thorough, and there was some hope he might be able to find the guy that attacked me.
He'd barely cleared the door when my next two visitors arrived. Yolanda and Meg. They approached me, trying desperately to smile, but I could see Yolanda's lips quivering. I reached out to her, and she took my hand.
"How are you, Aaron? I was so scared when I heard what happened to you," she said, her face a mask of concern.
"I've been better," I joked with a smile. Hi Meg. Nice to see you both. Where are the kids?"
"In school," Yolanda answered with a strange look.
"What day is it?" I asked.
"Monday. It's Monday." I could see more worry on her face.
"Oh yeah ... I forgot. I was out of it for a couple of days. I kind of lost track of time."
"What happened? We were told someone beat you. Is that true?" Yolanda asked, still with that worried look.
"I'm afraid so. I have no idea who, though. As I told the detective, I didn't think I had an enemy in the world. I'm wondering if it isn't a case of mistaken identity. If it is, I'm going to have to get a disguise," I cracked. That got a smile from Meg, but not from Yolanda.
"Relax, Yolanda. I'm not on anyone's 'Most Wanted' list. The police will get to the bottom of it."
She didn't seem convinced.
"I guess this means we won't get to go dancing for a little while," I said to her.
At least that brought a smile. "No ... but when you're better we will," she promised.
"The children will want to visit you, Aaron," Meg said.
"I'd love to see them. That would be good medicine all by itself. Just like having you two here today. It's a great motivator to get well. That ... and hospital food."
"Maybe I'll smuggle in something for you," Meg suggested.
"Mother! You'll get us in trouble and then we'll be barred from visiting." She sounded half serious.
"Oh ... can't have that," I said. "I'd rather suffer the food than not have you two lovely ladies come and visit."
I saw a sarcastic smirk on Meg's face, but Yolanda was smiling.
"Deanna has been very upset that you were hurt. She's very worried that you're not going to live. I've been trying to reassure her, but I think if she saw you, she'd know you'll get better," Yolanda said.
"She's a sweetheart. You have done a very fine job raising those two youngsters."
"I'll bring them with me this evening. We won't stay long, it's a school night."
"Thank you, Yolanda. I'm feeling better just knowing you and your family are here. It's good for the spirit."
That afternoon, I had a couple more visitors. Johnny Gordon showed up just after lunch time, and we shot the shit about what was going on at the office. It seemed that the girls had rallied to my support, and everything was in hand. I didn't know whether that was good news or bad. Maybe they didn't need me after all.
My boss, Doug Howell, dropped in just after five that afternoon. Again, he was concerned about my future health, but I think I put his mind at ease. It might take a bit of time, but I was going to be okay, according to my doctor. We talked about the attack and what might have caused it, but neither of us could come up with a working theory on that.
I was having trouble getting comfortable. True to his word, Doctor Davis had been gradually weaning me off the pain medication. Unfortunately, the discomfort level was going up in direct proportion to the reduction in "Joy Juice." It was my ribs that were the worst, naturally. Every time I tried to move, I was reminded of their damaged state. And I wasn't anxious to take any deep breaths.
To compound it, my back hurt like hell, a consequence of the damaged kidneys, my doctor announced. I had a ways to go before I was going to be able to look after myself. Fortunately, this was only day three, so I shouldn't be in too much of a rush.
As a consolation for my limited activity, my room came with a TV and a remote control. I discovered quickly that daytime TV was truly Newton Minnow's "Vast Wasteland." What was true nearly fifty years ago was no less true today. I became a "news junkie."
It was just after seven that evening that Yolanda led Deanna and Kirk into my room. Deanna had tears streaming down her face, and she broke away from her mother to rush to my bedside. She grabbed my arm and buried her face in it, thankfully not putting any pressure on my ribs.
"Mommy said a bad man hurt you. I was scared. You aren't going to die, are you?"
"No, sweetheart, I'm not going to die. I'm going to get better so I can come and visit you. Then we can go out when you ride your bike in the park, and we can go to the zoo."
Kirk was looking at me with a strange face that I couldn't decipher.
"Hi, Kirk. How are you?" I guess my voice sounded a bit week. I deliberately didn't try to talk normally because it hurt. Damn near everything hurt.
He strode over to my side next to Deanna. "Did you beat that guy up, Mr. Prentice?"
"No, darn it. I didn't get a chance. He got me from behind when I wasn't looking."
"That's not fair," he said with fervor. "That wasn't a fair fight."
"You're right, Kirk. It wasn't fair, but the police are out looking for him. If they catch him, they are going to arrest him."
"Will they put him in jail?" he asked, wide-eyed.
"Yup. For sure! Then he'll be sorry," I said in a half grin.
"Mr. Prentice, can I tell you a secret?" Deanna asked.
"Of course. I'm good at keeping secrets."
She leaned into me and whispered in my ear. "My daddy used to call me DeDe. You can call me that if you want." The tears had ceased, but the tracks were still visible on her angelic cheeks.
"Thank you, Deanna. But if I call you that, won't everyone know our secret?"
She looked around the room and turned back to me. "It's okay. Mommy knows about it."
"All right then ... DeDe it is."
I got a thousand watt smile for that, and I gently squeezed her hand in thanks. She couldn't possibly know how much she lifted my spirits just being there. I looked up at Yolanda, and she had a smile a mile wide as she listened to us. I had the feeling she was as energized with this visit as I was.
"So DeDe, what's Kirk's special name?" I asked, not wanting to leave him out of the conversation. He had been listening, but not saying much.
"Daddy called him Captain Kirk. He was too little to know much about it. Daddy said it was the name of a guy on TV."
"Oh yeah ... I think I know who he meant. Captain Kirk was a very brave man who commanded a star ship in outer space."
Kirk beamed with pride.
"What about Mommy? What was her secret name?" I asked, knowing I might be on dangerous territory.
"It's a funny name. Daddy called her Yoyo. Isn't that funny?"
I caught a glimpse of Yolanda, and she was flushed pink with that revelation. I, on the other hand, had something confusing my thought patterns. I quickly lost track of our talk. Something had been said that triggered a memory — a memory from that Friday night. I fought to catch up to the conversation.
"Are you going to be in here a long time, Mr. Prentice?" Deanna asked.
"I don't think so. Maybe two more weeks before I can go home. I don't know for sure."
"How long is two weeks?" Kirk asked.
"Two more Sundays," I replied. "Not very long."
"Children, that's enough for now. You're tiring Mr. Prentice out. Why don't you wait in the hallway for me? I'll be right out in a minute," Yolanda said.
"Bye Mr. Prentice," they said in unison. I said my good-bye and watched as they trooped out into the hallway.
"God, those kids are something. You don't know how much better I feel having you and them around."
Yolanda moved over to the bedside. "I hope you're going to get better soon, Aaron. Mother and I have already made arrangements to look after you when you're released."
"You have? What kind of arrangements?"
"You'll be staying at Mother's until you're completely mobile again."
"I can't let you and your mother do that. That's far too much of an imposition," I stated fairly emphatically.
"Aaron ... it's payback time," she grinned. "For all those things you did for us that we didn't ask for, now we can do something for you that you didn't ask for. Understood?"
Trapped in my own plot. I tried to laugh, but it hurt so much that it took the humor out of the situation immediately. "All right. I know when I'm beat. But at least I didn't do what I did for you when you were in a weakened condition."
"I'm not so sure about that ... but we'll go into that later." She was smiling again, and then leaned down and kissed me. That feather-light, sweet, soft kiss that I remembered from our parting on her front steps.
"See you tomorrow," she said as she walked out the door to the hallway. The only part she missed was the "Call me." I was living that dream all over again.
The night nurse arrived an hour later and I remembered what I wanted to ask her.
"Nurse, there's a card from a police detective on the little table. Would you please take it and call him and let him know I might have a bit more information about my attack?"
She agreed and I thanked her.
Meg was my only visitor on Tuesday morning. Yolanda had a job to finish by deadline, so she wouldn't be by until this evening.
"I understand I'm going to be your house guest when they let me out of here."
"Yes. I'm looking forward to it. I haven't had a man in the house since Philip died over ten years ago."
"I still think I'm imposing on you, Meg. You hardly know me and you're opening your house to me."
"Oh, I think I know you well enough, Aaron. If my daughter had room, you'd be staying there, you know."
"I would?" That caught me by surprise.
"Oh, come now, Aaron. Surely you've noticed that all that effort you put into wooing her has paid off," she smirked.
"Meg ... I ... I didn't put any effort into wooing Yolanda. I mean, it was never my intention to pursue her. Everything seems to have happened by accident." I wasn't convinced that Meg believed me.
"Aaron, I'm sure you believe that, but let me assure you, it was an amazingly successful campaign. It was so subtle that I don't think Yolanda even noticed you were seducing her."
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“I, Georgina, take thee, Eustace, to my wedded husband. To have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, cherish, and to obey, till death us do part, according to God’s holy ordinance; and thereto I give thee my troth.” The bridegroom placed a ring on Georgina’s fourth finger (digitus annularis), and then said, in a thin, weedy, voice. “With this ring I thee wed, with my body I thee worship, and with all my worldly...
This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...
IncestThis introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...
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by Millie Dynamite Jaden and I meet a few weeks after he transferred to the Naval base just outside of town. I sat on a bar stool sipping my Pappy Van Winkle when this tall African-American man in full dress uniform sat next to me. He whore captain’s bars. He possessed an air of authority. I nodded to him when perched on the next stool. He returned my nod with his own acknowledgment, in a deep voice he said, “Yo.” He spoke without looking at me. “I’ll have bourbon, make it a shot of Evan...
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Every muscle in her body ached. She had been swabbing the deck of the large ship for several hours now. She desperately wanted a break, but knew that wasn’t an option until the sun set. The sun was hot and beat down mercilessly on her back, making her job harder. “Would you care for a drink wench?” a sailor walked up to her with a jug of ale and a cup. “What will it cost me?” she said, her voice, like her body tired. The sailor laughed wickedly and made a motion to grab her, quite suddenly...
Alice didn’t have long to ponder her fate. Before she’d even finished her sigh, she heard a rattle of keys and the thump of boots.“Well, at least I shall have company,” she told herself out loud. “Perhaps it’s the captain and he wishes to explain that this has all been a misunderstanding and that I am free to go after, of course, he gifts me with a lovely new frock and undergarments and invites me to supper. I suppose, this being a ship, that it he’ll serve salmon braised in a garlic and...
MasturbationArmand Wilson sat in his home office/study sighing. From the office, things had looked pretty good; business was on track, and Sharon appeared to be handling her new situation well. But in the car on the way home, Armand began getting bad vibes, and when he arrived at his mansion, things were even worse. Everyone on staff was walking around as if on eggshells. It took Armand about twenty minutes' worth of snooping, but the situation resolved itself -- the Hernandez' quarters were an armed...
My name is Christine Kelly, or more infamously, because of my red hair, Captain Red Kelly. I am a pirate, in command of the Crimson Orchid.I was the daughter of an English Colonel stationed in the British West Indies. My mother and I were going with him, most likely never to return to Mother England.Unfortunately, my mother got ill on the voyage, passing away before we arrived. I was a mere child of five and didn't understand why, if there were a God why he'd take her away from us.My father was...
Lesbianby Oediplex 8==3~ The sweetest mom discovers her boy is both convenient and delightful. [She also recounts when her dad fucked her at nineteen!] Like the name of Madame DeVille's moniker, Cruella, some names fit the personality they are bestowed upon. Disney came up with that evil woman's apropos handle. My mother's folks named their only child, a daughter, Candy. This was shortly before the infamous 1968 movie was out. Though there were aspects of mom that paralleled the...
Anthony Carter, not quite 24 years of age, unfolded the crackling parchment. He looked at the crew of HMS Medusa, swallowed once and began to read loudly from the paper in his hand: “Orders given to me, Anthony Carter, Esq., Captain Royal Navy, by Lord Wilbour Desson, K.C.B., Vice Admiral of the Red and Commander in Chief of his Majesty’s Naval Forces in the West Indian waters. “Sir, you are hereby requested and required to assume the acting command of H.M. frigate Medusa, lying at present...
What If? Starring Captain America I am Uatu, the Watcher. It is my task to observe the universe, to record the stories I find, but to never interfere. I also have the ability to look into other realities, to answer the ancient question - what if? For example, Consider the hero known as Captain America. In many worlds, he is Steve Rogers, who as a young man during world war two volunteered for a secret attempt to create a super soldier. That experiment was a success, and Steve...
The coral reef lay in wait inches below the graying water’s surface, a secret to the Captain as his vessel cut across the swells. Frightened by the growing shape above, iridescent choirs of tiny fish scattered for shelter as the wooden hull advanced. The chart spread out on the cabin deck was old, maybe older than the coral. Centuries earlier, a leaded line dropped astern a naval schooner had bumped this shelf of life. A sextant’s sight of the sun from a rolling deck had led to errors, a...
The Shvetsov ASh 21 radial engine clattered and banged lazily as the Anushka waited at the end of the taxiway. The Captain puffed surreptitiously on a cigarette - holding it down below the level of the cockpit window lest some eagle-eye in the tower saw it. He squinted back towards the tower, just visible through the wings and bracing wires. "What's the hold up?" he asked. 'Mladshiy' Yuri Koscuico pulled the headset from his head and looked across. "They say we are to hold for...
Everyone knows how powerful a ship's Captain is - the ultimate authority. The buck stops here. In the United States Navy there is over 200 years of tradition behind being the Captain of a naval ship. Men belonged on ships and ships belonged at sea, and the Captain had the final word on everything. Always! 200 years of tradition. Men commanding men at sea. Then in the 1990's the Navy changed. Women were allowed on ships and there were female officers and then the females had a chance to become...
I'm Captain Thomas bloody Beckinthwaite, from bloody Yorkshire and I don't give a bugger what you bloody think because I bloody speak as I bloody find. We had a bloody bad trip back from America on Steamship and when we got back to Liverpool I made sure me brass were safe and went to see bloody Agent first thing. I went in his office.It stunk like a Tarts boudoir with furnishings to match. Agent were a slimy bastard with slicked down hair and poncy suit. He sat behind this over polished...
Govern Sowden watched in fascination at the female pirate captain. She said she could be persuasive in getting out of the pirating charges. She did not disappoint. The way she rotated her hips as she moved up and down created the urge to let go and cum but he fought it. It took all his willpower not to shoot his load the minute she sank her creamy pussy lips down around his dick. She used an amazing pressure technique that massaged his shaft as she lifted her ass. Then would drop her 115 lbs...
Introduction: A steampunk erotica story Bethesda Dorian bounced up and down on the cock of Governor Sowden. Head thrown back, her tits bouncing with her rhythm, she began to cry out as she grew closer to her climax. Rubbing her clit to help her along was like the cream on a slice of pie, the analogy making her smile. Govern Sowden watched in fascination at the female pirate captain. She said she could be persuasive in getting out of the pirating charges. She did not disappoint. The way she...
AT THE TAVERN ONCE MORE We went once more to the Tavern, this time however openly to make our entrance as the pirate crew we pretended to be. The barkeeper eyed us with interest for about five seconds, took our orders and lost interest after we paid him. We found ourselves a table and sat down. I had no clear plan what we should do next and at this point I decided to just stir the pot a little and wait to see what would happen. One point on my agenda was to put the Bennett family out of...
I was still thinking about that meeting with the Karthanian as I sat at the table in our Den and had dinner the next day. Har-Hi took a plate and sat next to me. He forked himself several slices of roast beef on an open bun he gave me a side look and said. “If I see you stare at your food that way I would almost suspect you are contemplating doing something about that Karthanian situation.” I pushed a pea around with my fork and said. “Of course not, there is nothing we can do anyway. We...
They had to wait in Southampton for two days before they found shipping to Dublin. It was a well founded two-masted brig that had three cabins for passengers. To be true, only one was for passengers, but the master-owner of the brig thought it wise to let his puny cabin to a full admiral. At least on this journey, his crew would be safe from the press gangs he probably reasoned. There was only one, admittedly roomy, cot in their cabin which Harriet and Siobhan would have to share, whilst a...
Even though I’d been to a good swingers party with my man, that doesn't stop me from constantly wanting sex. That’s how I am. Anyway, it was Sunday and I was informed that I’d be alone that night as he and a friend were going to see 311 play in Boston. Most of the day was filled with chores and I was kind of happy while I debated about meeting somebody off one of the websites I'm on — or just spending “me time.”As the sun faded behind the trees, I decided to get out of the house and go to a...
CheatingCaptain Caveman in Cavey Can Do It By Sasha Zarya Nexus This fan fiction piece is based on the original works, "Captain Caveman and the Teen Angels" by Hannah Barbera, copyright 1977. "All New Super Friends Hour"; by Hannah Barbera, copyright 1977 and Extreme Justice #9 by DC Comics, Copyright 1995 All original characters and plot lines are the property of the owners, and any resemblance to individuals either living or dead is coincidental. This piece is for entertainment...
There was always someone in our Pirate Den. It had become the most popular recreation room of the ship. Even more than the actual R Deck facilities. It had become a second mess hall and if needed with dividing curtains raised there was plenty of room for the entire crew to eat. Of course it also provided a challenge for the galley, as this was a Hangar and not meant for food service. While there were vent-matics and drink dispensers on pretty much every deck. There weren’t any down here as...
"This inquest is now convened." Captain Jeryth's quiet voice seemed to fill the space in the smaller of two adjacent storerooms on Skryben's fourth level. None of the crew were present, but they would be assembled for the later part of the hearing. Skryben's officers were all there, except for Captain Jeryth himself, whose holographic image was relayed from the bridge. Behind a draped table, Rand and Berniss sat on each side of Captain Jeryth's image. Tran Af'Sword was next to Rand,...
Pain! Aching, everlasting pain, that felt like all his bones were being pounded into smaller and smaller pieces! Nausea wrenched his stomach, and threatened to turn his bowels to water. He was freezing one second, burning the next. Rand hunched over his console. His vision was blurred by the sweat that poured down his face, and he pressed keys with fingers whose trembling was almost uncontrollable. At his shoulder, Berniss stood ready to lend him strength if he faltered. Was she really there?...
The Bowels It could have been any Maltyrian but I was certain it was Galmy. At the same as I said her name I realized she would not recognize me. She still had these inhuman big eyes and that translucent complexion. Her hair was the same midnight black as I remembered. She said. “You know me, Captain... ?” Her eyes scanned over my uniform blouse looking for my name tag. “Captain Olafson?” She was out of uniform so I could not see what rank she had attained since I seen her last. “Yes I...
Prudence was certain that when she awoke, Douglas would be with her again, at least to eat. But when her meal came in, so did Captain Happy. She had put on a little wrinkle-free travel dress that she always carried with her on public transportation because it was easy to change into, but there was no need to be dressy in these circumstances. Captain Happy might be trying to impress her, but she was not trying to impress him! But she combed her blond hair carefully and applied just a touch of...
White Fur The USS Shadowrunner was another Chimera unit, a disguised ship. On the outside, a fairly old Oghar Ulmgar cruiser operated by an independent privateer named Kekotraa and on the inside, a state of the art Union ship. Kekotraa was a genuine Diechsen. A 350 centimeter tall Reptilioid of the Sauro kind. Warm blooded, fast and strong, a former GC species. Just like a regular Ulmgar, this Oghar cruiser was well armed and shielded but had bigger cargo holds. Captain Kekotraa explained...
Replacement Daughter Chapter 1 - Meeting Hailey My name is or was Dylan Anderson. I was fifteen when I was taken by biracial White-Asian couple as a replacement for their daughter. I was, for the most part, just your average white guy in a suburban Philadelphia neighborhood. I had two parents and twin younger siblings who were thirteen, Talia and Taylor. I did get into trouble more than regularly. I drank alcohol, did some drugs on occasion, and shoplifted sometime; just for the...
Two hours later I too had boarded the alien ship had reached what must have been the bridge. Our Tech-Stop and Paralysators have worked like a charm this time, everyone was asleep and none of the alien ship’s equipment worked. Har-Hi stood beside me and said. “Don’t you think they look like Terran cattle?” He pushed a sleeping alien aside who was still floating, as there was no Artificial gravitation either.” Now as he mentioned it I had to agree, and I remembered the large feedlots on...
Prudence Harper, disheveled and uncertain on her feet, stumbled her way across the elegant foyer in the harsh grasp of one of Captain Happy's men. There were deep red marks where his strong fingers had gripped her fragile white arm, and Douglas jumped to his feet when he saw her. He had been unable to figure out why the head of this operation had wanted to talk so long to Prudence, but he had never for a moment doubted her safety. Prudence's things had been left with him so he did not think...
I am a translator with the UNHCR in macedonia. I've done all sorts of jobs here. Two days ago I was called to one of the nearby refugee camps to help an army captain who was having some problem with the Macedonian police. When I got there I had problems finding him as the camps are a mess of makeshift tents, trailers, boxes, you've all seen the pictures on tv it's a mess. Anyhow after about an hour I managed to get there. Imagine my suprise when the Captain was a woman of about 5'10", a...
HAR-HI Har-Hi still felt groggy as he came around. He found himself wrapped in plastic tape. A strong looking green skinned Oghr of one or the other subspecies before him, holding the Jooltar mask in one hand and a Kermac Neuro Ripper in the other. “Since you awake, you can hear me Dai. I want answers.” Now that his head began to clear he saw Elfi, still unconcious, also unmasked and to his great dismay a Kermac, who stood behind the Oghr. This Kermac was more gray than white and he did not...
ALVOR’S COVE I had the same thoughts as we dropped out of Quasi-space here at Alvor’s as when we approached Sin 4. I hoped we would not be stuck on this depressing planet for long. As always we had gone to sub light speeds at the outermost orbit and would now slowly approach Alvor’s Cove, which was the second planet of this 12 planet system. The bridge was a hub of activities and all departments were busy doing their evaluations and tasks. Narth said. “There is much activity on Alvor’s in...
When we gathered at the tables in the community room, I told my friends to be careful with the served meat. I politely declined the meat and asked for porridge only. Across from me sat the human boy and while I had little time in the last hours, I did notice his continuous stare. By now he should have been getting used to another human being and I said, pointing the spoon at him. “Listen, buster, I know you have not seen another human and I tried to ignore your staring until now, but it is...
Darkness. Darkness and pain. Pain, and the salt, sweet taste of blood in his mouth. Blood, and the smell of death. Darkness! For eons, there was nothing else. His heart beat once, beat again. Stopped... and beat. Stopped, and beat, and beat... Pain, searing through his chest. He coughed weakly, tasting blood. Darkness, inside his head. Were his eyes open? He couldn't tell. His heart fluttered, and beat... , and beat twice again. Paused, and beat, stronger now. He had to open his eyes!...
This was the first time he'd gotten a really good look at Skryben from the outside. When he'd first boarded her, it had been by way of an enclosed passageway from the busy docking facility of Fleet Headquarters. On his only other trip outside, Rand had been confined within a shuttle craft. His only glimpse of Skryben had been a flash of golden hull over his shoulder as they dove for atmosphere, and coming back he'd been out cold. Now, he was out here in nothing but a light coverall, its...
The Minerva was an impressive, shiny golden water drop shaped, heavy armed ancient Ult freighter in excellent repair and with genuine ISAH pods of recent manufacture. Despite its apparent bulk this freighter was most likely the fastest thing within a few light years. It landed right next to us and I welcomed her captain in our pirate den. He was a Karthanian. Like all Karthanians he was not even remotely humanoid, having many similarities to a Terran Seahorse. External Bone structure, round...
Well, now it's time for school. Candace and I go to a small high school, not private, but because we are so rich, it is not exactly public either. The students have been screened by my fathers' security teams; they are all exceptionally bright, well mannered, not prone to causing trouble, and to add ice cream to the pie, all are very good looking. There are 40 students, 20 boys and 20 girls. When the school was larger it had state champion quality teams in boys basketball, girls volleyball...
Yeoman O’Connell came down the ramp from the back of the bridge carrying my monster cup said. “Itheamh is no longer in Freespace, Captain. No more loopholes or justifications necessary. No treaties with the Union exist or limit what we can or cannot do.” I smiled at her and asked, “What do we know about Itheamh, anyway?”` Sobody sitting in the Observer seat that was rarely used on Union ships but had become his station. He even had a console raised from its usual stowed away position....
Cateria had arrived and with her came several Med Techs and five med bots. Ha-Hi himself had piloted the tank down. Now my XO came over to where I was standing and smirked. “The next time I am going with you on an away mission, I wear a helmet. That rock hammered me real good, you know.” I squeezed his hand and put my other hand on his shoulder. “I am sorry, it was my fault. I should have listened to you.” He chuckled. “No it wasn’t your fault. We all picked a dangerous profession and...