Eric Olafson Captain Black Velvet Vol 6 Chapter 4
- 4 years ago
- 49
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I had the same thoughts as we dropped out of Quasi-space here at Alvor’s as when we approached Sin 4. I hoped we would not be stuck on this depressing planet for long. As always we had gone to sub light speeds at the outermost orbit and would now slowly approach Alvor’s Cove, which was the second planet of this 12 planet system. The bridge was a hub of activities and all departments were busy doing their evaluations and tasks.
Narth said. “There is much activity on Alvor’s in terms of energies and transmissions. The two long range telepaths I can detect are sending messages to the limits of their abilities. Ensign Fichier thinks they are already sending erroneous messages, mostly about the takeover on Sin 4. There is nothing reflecting the Dai-Shiss crisis so far.”
Looking at the main screen, I said. “And they told me you could send coded messages via those Long range telepaths.”
Narth felt addressed as his voice resonated in my mind. “You can, but it is actually illogical. You go to a telepath and tell him a coded message acoustically while your mind thinks about the real message. It seems quite foolish.”
“I think the problem is that most people are not telepathic gifted and to them it’s more or less unexplainable magic. I include myself in that group.”
“I believe this would be the moment a human sighs. Your opposition and distrust to anything psionic is also quite illogical, especially since you carry more tan just great potential.”
“After our mission, I promise to look into that, but right now I rather maintain my own illusion as it would add to all the distractions I already face about myself.”
After saying that I paid attention to the bridge and the situation again.
Shea said.”I wish I could send this data to New Wurgus, they could make much more sense out of these readings than me.”
“Don’t tell me this sun is going to flare up too or something?”
“No Captain, this one already has and that is why there are no oceans on Alvor’s Cove anymore. However these readings suggest that the flare was caused deliberately and on purpose; meaning an intelligent life form with a considerable high level of technological abilities.”
Three-Four, who probably came on the bridge after being summoned by Shea, said,
“I could go and dive in to the core and check it out.I agree with Lt. Schwartz interpretation of the data, it was caused artificially.”
I turned to my Non-Corp friend. “Maybe if we come back here one day, not that I see any way we can clean up this hell hole as we did on Sin 4. Frankly I don’t want to spend too much time here while there is a war going on back home.”
The Delicate officer petted Fenris who sat on the NavTank as if it belonged there.”We have biological options Captain.”
“I keep that in mind.”
Circuit, who was the next to appear on the bridge came, mumbling to himself down the ramp and went to the Navigator’s seat where Krabbel was sitting. He held up a scanner and said to me. “Sorry Captain, but I the Navigational sensors are off by 0.05 percent to the true course that is selected. I pinpointed the problem to the Navigational console. It is that darn system update we downloaded from the Devi. It messed up SHIPs and my calibration.”
I leaned forward. “What are you doing is not affecting our plan to land on Alvor’s cove right?”
“No Captain, but 0.05 percent can amount to many light years off the course. It has not affected us because Krabbel is so good he noticed and compensated. Sometimes I think our Archa friend has a Nav-tank implanted in his body somewhere.”
He crawled basically under Krabbel’s seat.”Now I have to pull all four pulse star sensors and re-adjust them.”
Krabbel was visibly proud and basked in the praise of his friend and said
“I always envision the star charts like the nets we used to make before our industrial revolution; it’s somewhat genetic with us and therefore easy.”
I got up looked, over Krabbel’s torso and onto his panel and I said,
“I still think we have the best Navigator, having the Heinemann display open on your readouts instead of the more common Natuuk-Ult display shows that.”
Shaka piled it on saying. “There is never even the slightest error, we are always down to the meter scale where we are supposed to be.”
Krabbel balled up and chirped something in his high pitched voice and then said,
“It’s not even my egg sac crawling day and you are so nice to me. I am so proud.”
I padded his furry torso and then I said while watching the brownish desert planet grow larger on the screen.
“Say Krabbel, are you wearing a scent? It smells really fruity and sweet.”
He produced a pinkish looking squeeze bottle he pulled from a pocket of his uniform.
“That is Thomson’s Bubble Gum flavored shampoo, Mao got it for me, and it smells like Vanilla and Strawberry Ice cream to me.”
“Well you’re taking your addiction very seriously I must say.”
Elfi giggled. “You haven’t seen his Ice cream cone print bed sheets or his ice cream themed pajamas.”
I rolled my eyes. “If there was ever a more unusual image before my inner eyes then Krabbel in Pajamas then I sure don’t remember!”
Elfi became serious and said, “We are being hailed, Captain.”
I returned to my seat, completed my costume with the mask and Elfi put the caller on the screen.
A gruff looking Oghar with unusual brown skin color instead of the common green said. “Who are you and what is your business here?”
“This is Black Velvet of the Silver Streak and my business is whatever I make it.”
I noticed that both of his tusks were broken and filed to uneven looking nubs. Even for an Oghar he looked particularly unkempt and I could almost smell him even through the visual. He scratched his chin and said.
“Alright, you are known and if you want you can land here, however there isn’t much space left on the landing field, so put her down anywhere you like. Landing fee has increased to 200 Polo Chips and every day you are here there is a water tax of 50 Polos. Regardless if you have your own or not, you are to obey the Rules of Local Lord Sihoc, the sole owner of this world.”
He looked at an actual list written on a piece of cardboard and he dragged his long finger claw across the list as he said,
“We sell fuel for 1400 Polo Full weights per standard Nogto bulb. If you sell slaves, there is 5% slave sales tax. Buying slaves is tax free of course.”
“Not that I need any fuel at the moment, but isn’t 1400 Polos for a single bulb a little pricey?”
“Don’t know where you have been Black Velvet, but demand commands the price and we got limited supplies and lots of customers.”
I said to my helmsman. “Shaka, take us down then.”
Shaka landed not far from the Red Dragon. The landing field was crowded with ships and powered down the main engines with an elegant sliding move of his right hand and raised his helmet.
“Looks like a regular who-is-who of crooks and Pirates out there.”
Hans was already busy comparing them with Union databanks and said. “Eighteen of the ships out there are on wanted lists mostly for acts of piracy and there are twenty one smaller vessels, privateers and scavengers, of which six are known to be operated by wanted criminals.”
I got up from my seat and asked no one in particular. “I wonder what they are all living off and why there are so many pirates in Freespace.”
Har-Hi said. “Freespace is almost as big as our core Union space and there are many independent civilizations, colonies, mining and industrial centers. There is trade and lots of spaceship traffic. Civilian companies of the Big Four do business here, so there is rich pickings for Pirates and of course there is no cohesive or united law enforcement of any kind.”
Hans added. “Captain there are over three thousand known pirate ships operating on this side of the galaxy and that is not counting the unknown ones or the Dai.”
I sighed. “If that is the case we are going to be hunting pirates forever.”
Har-Hi grinned. “If there wasn’t a war going on, there would be nothing I’d rather do for the rest of my life and I am convinced that the crew thinks so too.”
Elfi said. “I could be stuck in a boring palace and attend boring state affairs.”
Mao turned and said. “Or we could be doing duty as first year ensigns somewhere in the bowels of a battleship or even a planetary base or something.”
Xon who stood in the back growled.”By the rate you are eliminating pirates and criminals, it might not be all that long.”
I had to admit they had a point and truth to be told. If there wasn’t all this mystery in my own life I would also enjoy this much more.
Mao pointed to the pirate ships we could see on the main viewer and said,
“We should simply blast them all, bomb the entire planet and at least this Quadrant of space would be clean.”
I also looked at the ships out there and said.”I am tempted to do just that, or follow Specialist Noleii’s suggestion. I have been here before. This place is worse than Sin 4 in many regards, maybe we can get a few before we leave by picking a fight or so, but for now we going to stick to the plan. Har-Hi, Hans, Sobody and TheOther you’re with me. We are going to pay the landing fee.
In the meantime, maintain Yellow alert and keep your eyes open. I doubt they have forgiven us for the dinner surprise yet.”
Circuit had unloaded one of our camouflaged landing tanks and with it we crossed the landing field.
While Har-Hi sat behind the controls and steered the vehicle across the glaring landing field, I remembered how I ran across it, getting sun burned, trying to escape. To my disdain I actually saw that Velorian Slave trader, among the other ships. I recognized it by the shoddy repair work to its ceramic hull. It appeared to be repaired and I wondered how many miserable, poor souls had been transported to this hell hole of a planet only to be auctioned off and sold to death on Togar dinner plates or to a short life of hard work and misery.
While I was brooding over that and wondered what I could to do change it, we reached the mouth of the canyon and a collection of buildings made out of local rock. A crowd of beings had gathered under a sun roof extending from the largest building. A collection of flyers, other landing tanks and similar surface vehicles were parked in a semi-circle before that building. A hand painted sign declared this building to be the Alvor’s Cove Port Authority.
As we got out I recognized the Red Dragon, Crimson Curse and Captain Meateater. Even though both were Oghar, I had learned to differentiate and Crimson Curse looked more affluent and cleaner.
The crowd parted as we approached and created an opening to the door of the building.
Red Dragon who was standing with his back towards us, turned and said. “Ah the formidable Black Velvet made it out in time as well. I bet the Union would have had a field day with you, having a live Y’All in your crew and all, so I had already feared you fell victim to those Union bastards.”
I played the uninformed and said. “Well I guess with the Union violating Free Space there will be war and this place won’t be safe either.”
He laughed dryly and said. “With all those treasures in your rust bucket, you should invest in some sort of FTL Comm Equipment. It looks like your ship lacks good FTL Comm or you didn’t listen to the right channels. Sin 4 became a Union Planet; the Freespace treaty was not violated. As it looks like a Terran crock who was hiding on Sin 4 by the name of Fusionbeam or something, was able to smuggle a delegation of Stik natives off planet. They traveled to Pluribus and applied for membership, asking for help. Normally it takes the Union many month to complete the PUMA process, the Stik were declared members basically overnight. That the Union fleet jumped on that opportunity was to be expected. I bet none of our planet bound friends managed to see another day.”
“PUMA process?”
“Whoever you are I am now convinced you didn’t grow up in the Union. Potential Union Member Assessment. A whole set of tests and investigations to see if the new member understands what Union membership means; that with all the rights and privileges also come responsibilities. Mind you not everyone is accepted, these Union bastards are very picky who they let in their midst.”
Meateater growled. “I heard Stahl was there himself and that means their hangmen have to run shifts to string up everyone who is on some list somewhere.”
He touched his own throat and said. “Nasty way to go, it takes an Oghar hours to die on the rope.”
A man wearing a brown dust cloak and goggles said. “It won’t happen here. There are no sentient natives and since the Local Lord has no desire to be hanged he sure won’t ask for Union membership.”
The Dragon asked the google wearing man. “How about the Brown People, aren’t they native?”
“No, they have come here a long time ago, but they are from somewhere else.”
Har Hi, Sobody and I went in the building.
There behind a wooden counter sat the brown skinned Oghar and two beings that looked like large pill bugs. Har-Hi whispered. “Those are Velorians; they hate the Union with a passion. The brown being is an Or-ghe”
“Another one?”
“A species can have many races and yes another one.”
“You sound just like Narth.”
“Thank you, Captain.”
Sobody argued with the brown Or-ghe and managed to haggle down the landing fee. He paid the being. One of the Velorians counted the Polos and scanned them while the other hammered a colorful stencil mark on an actual sheet of paper and handed it to me.
“Here is your landing permit and your proof that you paid your water tax for five days in advance.”
While Sobody still talked to the Or-ghe, I took a moment to look around this one room building. There were large paper displays; I think they were called posters. One featured a color image of Tirkov the mercenary and a bounty of 50,000 Polos. I doubted anyone would risk their lives for that kind of money. Right next to it another wanted poster with a grainy picture probably taken through a long range optic of cheap quality. It was me, or better, it was Eric Olafson, standing before the freight ramp of the Slaver ship. I only recognized myself because I remembered the events well and knew the others standing there with me.
The text referred only to a Human slave of unknown, probably Terran, origin and there was a bounty of 15,000 Credits plus the offer of tax free living on Alvor’s Cove. The poster was only one of a dozen featuring the images and descriptions of escaped slaves and wanted persons,
other prints advertising fuel, with the prices crossed out by hand several times and a new ones written below.
A poster of the Mulwhur Trading Company offered trade deals and discounts for slave dealers. The text and the offers offended me quite a bit.
A man huddled in the usual local garb of a sand colored dust cloak with hood and goggles entered. He lowered the hood and pushed the goggles and to my surprise revealed a Dai Than. His red skin was much darker than that of Har Hi and it looked as if he regretted his decision to reveal himself as he saw my Dai friend.
Har Hi also appeared to be astonished to see a Dai. While his right hand dropped to his blaster he made a series of signs with his left.
One of the Velorians behind the counter said. “If you want to fight then you need a Kill license that you can purchase right here for 5000 Polos.”
The newcomer raised his unarmed hand and bowed. “I am of the Tun-Ha tribe, it no longer exists. I am Okthi and I surrender. There is no honor lost to yield to a Hi master, even if he too appears to be Okthi.”
Har-Hi looked down his nose and was about to say something offensive I was certain, but then my friend visibly changed his mind and said.
“There is no purpose in slaying the last of the Tun-Ka clan as our numbers dwindle. Let us share a Thil and exchange words.”
To me Har-Hi said. “Captain, may I ask permission to leave your side for a few hours?”
I didn’t like him to go unescorted, but he was well armed and able to contact the ship and us. In order to get information and to do our job. We could not simply stay inside the ship or do everything myself. I said.”Be careful and raise a mug on my behalf as well and return when you are done.”
He thanked me with a nod, turned and left with the other Dai.
Sobody said to me. “We are done here as well Captain.”
I said to the Velorian. “This Kill license, what does it allow me to do?”
The being said to me. “You can kill someone and the Local guard will be on your side and clean up the mess too.”
“Just one?”
The Velorian had two short antennas like appendixes on his insectoid head that stuck out the segmented armor of his body and these antennas wiggled excitedly as he said. “We do have the Grand Maximus Permit. Unlimited kills, maiming and torturing included and it also includes any brawls or fights. But no one has ever bought it as it costs 10,000 Polos.”
“I’ll take it.”
The antenna wiggled so hard I thought they were about to fall off. The brown skinned Or-ghe opened a locked chest and retrieved a colorful piece of paper and a different wooden stamp thing.
Hans stomped in a few moments later, after I called him to bring the money.
Sobody did his usual show and counted the coins on the counter and the smudgy Or-ghe performed also a little ceremony, stamping the paper and then handed me a metallic badge. “I am a big fan of yours Black Velvet. I have seen your fight with the Stomper and we heard a lot about you. Everything they say seems true. Kill anyone you want the Local Lord will applaud and cheer and won’t care whoever bites the dust.”
I took the paper and the badge and we went back outside. The news that I purchased this permit had already spread between the beings still gathered there.
The Red Dragon eyed the crude metal badge and said.
“Anyone in particular?”
I shrugged. “No not really, I am just not in the best of mood this time of the month and getting no fuss from the locals when I express my displeasure to anyone is worth a few Polos.”
He glanced at TheOther and Hans who stood behind me. “With such a crew for back up, I doubt anyone will try.”
“That doesn’t mean I intend to support the local economy with my water tax for very long. I came to hear if you still have something to say to me and if there is a future in following you around. If not, there is business elsewhere.”
He spread his arms and said. “Yes I want to invite you to a special conference I am planing to hold on Itheamh, but I first need to stop by Kaliment and have business on N’Ger.
I am convinced you are the right fit. You are indeed a mystery but are as hard boiled as the rest of us. We had to come here as Captain Meateater still has to work on his drive. and this is was the closest place. Then we are off to Kaliment, N’Ger and finally Itheamh to discuss our planned endeavour. Does that suit you?”
“If he can’t even make it across a few light years, how does he hope to make it across 35,000 light years?”
Red Dragon turned to the Oghar.”It is a valid question, you know.”
Meateater grunted something about insults and squeezing my head off and then with a louder voice and clear language he said.” I need three days, my engineer will have them patched up good enough so we can reach Kaliment where I will purchase new engines.”
He then extended his clawed hand and pointed at me. “You better be careful, Velvet. No one survives long making fun of me.”
I stepped forward. “And I have not forgotten your conduct aboard my ship. The next time you so much as utter a threat against me will be the last thing you do, and you won’t need engines for the journey I am sending you on.”
He wanted to say something but TheOther stepped closer, casting a threatening shadow.
Hans picked up a head sized rock and it exploded to a cloud of dust and pieces as he crumbled it in his immense fists.”I can do that to skulls, as well.”
Meateater stepped back, trying to find cover behind the Red Dragon.
I polished the badge I just received and said. “You were saying something, Meateater?”
The Red Dragon actually laughed. “I am not sure what to make of you, Black Velvet, but as I said I like your style.”
“I’ll wait three days. No longer.”
“Three days, Captain Velvet.”
Dimon Honsu dreaded the meeting he was about to have. It was on Avor’s Cove and his Nul contacts had chosen this planet, because Brhama port was no longer possible and Sin 4 was no longer accessible. Dimon had no ties to this planet, however the Worm called this dustball home.
The meeting would take place in a somewhat upscale tavern and eatery located on the North wall of Nurg’s Cove. The slave market was to the south and merchants and dealers used Norg’s Tavern as a convenient and comfortable place to celebrate a good business deal.
His Nul contacts had travelled with the same Jooltar freelancer and pretended to be business beings. Of course this was a thin cover, Nul had never dealt with slaves. Due to the recent and looming Nul war he was certain, no one would dare to point that out.
Both Nul were already there as he approached the window table, that gave a nice birds eye view of Bennan’s cut about thirty meters below.
As always he identified himself with one of the folded paper pieces, known as Narly Angularity and sat down. He could not explain the relaxed mood of both agents.
“Ah Dimon, as we agreed on Brhama port we meet with you again, not that it is necessary and will be the last meeting.”
The Bioflex mask was not able to translate his emotions, but his voice was painted with disappointment.”I understand, the news of your princes fate in the Arena must have reached your realm. I tried my best but I was unable to prevent his demise.”
“You surprise us again with your lack of information. We feel your performance is far behind te reputation you like to advertise.”
Dimon blinked. “What are you saying? I located the prince and was close on his trail. Will the Nul realm now go to war?”
“Perhaps, but not against the Union, the Shiss have much to answer for.”
The other Nul said.”You know me as member of the Nul secret service. My name is Kal Rakor and I have resigned my position.”
“Because you feel it is your fault, the prince could not be saved?”
“No my good Dimon Honsu. I am going to Union school and intend to become an Union citizen.”
Being doused with the painful rays of a Neuro Ripper could not had a greater effect on Honsu than that statement.
The other Nul growled.”I am not yet convinced about it all, but there is a good chance the Nul realm asks for Union membership within the next year or two. Many Nul have done or are doing what my former colleague has done, what our very leader is contemplating and become Union citzens, even before the Nul realm makes this decision.”
Dimon’s head spun. “The Union and the Nul on one side?”
“Indeed, Mr. Honsu. This of course ends our business contacts as we no longer seek contact with the Kermac.”
Both Nul got up.”It would really behuf you to be a little more informed.”
“Your prince?”
“We know nothing about him. He might be dead or has survived.”
The other Nul said.”You do know about Sin 4 and the recent developments?”
“Yes, I just came from there. The Stik became Union.”
“You may convey this message to the Kermac. The Nul are not afraid of what they called, we are not the ignorant brutes everyone thinks we are and we know what the Kermac did traveling to Koken. But if we need to we will be the savage brutes everyone is afraid off.”
The Nul left a stunned man behind.
He too left the eatery and just as he stepped out the elevator and into the canyon, huddled in a brown cloak. He noticed two very tall humanoids. One of them was well known to him. Ban Hoo, a disgraced Dai that scavenged the endless deserts. The other did wear a dust mask but no cloak. Such a cloak would have interfered with the swords the man carried on his back. He immediately recognized the Dai, despite his dust mask. It was the warrior fighting in the Death Arena and from what he gathered the First Mate of that female pirate, Black Velvet.
He was just another man in a brown cloak, the hood drawn over his head and a layer of cloth before his face not only against the dust, but also the lizard stench.
Both Dai entered ground level tavern.
Ban-Hoo had told the other Dai pretty much everything. How he screwed up and was instrumental for the demise of his tribe. How he eventually ended up on Alvor’s Cove and what he was doing out there.
The other Dai, only gave him the first syllable of his name, Har. By not having a tribal glyph on his harness and not giving his second name part. Ban was sure the other Dai used to be the son and prince of a tribe leader. He was never high enough in the Tun-Ha tribe to earn the Ha syllable.
That Har was of the highest levels was instantly obvious, not only because of the fine leathers, but how Har carried himself. Utmost confidence oozed out of every gesture and move. This Dai was afraid of nothing.
Har ordered the best Thill and paid with a fullweight. Pirate business must be good.
The other Dai did pay more attention as he mentioned the Nakh, the legend of the buried Celtest ship.
Har leaned forward.”Now that is something my Captain and I would be interested to know more about.”
Ban-Hoo shrugged and enjoyed the second Thil.”I would not deal with Tutu-Flowers if I knew where it is, but I think the Brown People know where it is.”
“They are an indigenous people?”
“There are two distinct species out there. The Sand people and the Brown people. Neither are native if you believe the first Local Lord, that bought this dust ball from the Togar. The Sand People are nomadic for the most part, the Brown People come to the surface only after dark and live in underground caverns. They guard the water that is left here.”
“And they know about that Seenia ... I mean Celtest ship?”
“They appear to have no real tech beyond maybe Tech level B, but I have seen their cave art. Celtest writing and Celtest space ships.”
Circuit watched the Intruder, Meateater’s ship over our high definition optics and said. “His engineer seems capable in a mediocre way, but he has a major job to do and from the looks of it, only marginal skilled help. I think he is going to be lucky if they make it in five or six days, working around the clock.”
So I called a conference and switched to ship wide for those who could not attend.
“It appears we will be here for maybe as long as six days. If anyone has any idea how we could close this miserable place forever without blowing our cover, I am all ears. Just as we returned I saw a group of Slaves herded to the Slaves pens. Some of them might be Union citizens. I am contemplating the bio weapons option, but I think it might also affect the slaves and from my last visit here, I learned there are some primitive tribes or species living here, having nothing to do with pirates and slavers.”
Narth said.
“Maybe the Local Lord is the key to all this as he is the sole authority here if we could convince him of his wrongful ways.”
“That would need some serious convincing; I doubt he will go for that.”
“We have Psionic talents and options.”
Shea said. “We have to be careful, the Togar are not far from here and they are not signatory to the Freespace treaty. If they suspect Union tinkering or influence they might declare war and this is not a good idea in the current situation. Togar are not as primitive, while they have very little psionic talents and no PSI tech, they do trade with the Kermac and other species that do have both. There is a good chance they simply move in and take over, this planet is awful close to their empire.”
The Golden said. “We simply need to find out more about this place.Since it runs mostly on slave trade, I never paid attention to it, but at the spaceport office I learned it too runs also on money and business. I know you don’t want to hear it but maybe you let me go and get a feel for the place. Narth will come along and everyone will be robed and hooded. We will blend in just fine.”
I sighed. “I guess staying cool, well hydrated and safe inside the ship won’t get things done. This time you take two or three Marines along and stay in contact all the time.”
“We can do that.”
Circuit hoped he could use the time to work on the bridge systems and tinker them back to his specifications. We would be able to use the never used auxiliary bridge if we had an emergency in the meantime.
Shaka, Krabbel and Three-Four volunteered to assist Circuit.
Elfi, TheOther and Shea wanted to use the communications Laboratory to monitor and analyze the local Comm traffic. So it came that everyone had something to do except me.
When we gathered at the tables in the community room, I told my friends to be careful with the served meat. I politely declined the meat and asked for porridge only. Across from me sat the human boy and while I had little time in the last hours, I did notice his continuous stare. By now he should have been getting used to another human being and I said, pointing the spoon at him. “Listen, buster, I know you have not seen another human and I tried to ignore your staring until now, but it is...
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Chula survived, his men did too, because most of them ran as fast as they could. However the prince regained consciousness, with a broken jaw a broken sword and swollen eye. His armor flex suit in tatters. A bird like being kept laughing.”Never seen such a lucky fool, threatening a Juth-Ni and surviving it.” Someone else in the onlooking little crowd said.”You and your goons better get up and get back to your ship or hotel. When the Karthanian street patrol shows up, you will dig for...
Two hours later I too had boarded the alien ship had reached what must have been the bridge. Our Tech-Stop and Paralysators have worked like a charm this time, everyone was asleep and none of the alien ship’s equipment worked. Har-Hi stood beside me and said. “Don’t you think they look like Terran cattle?” He pushed a sleeping alien aside who was still floating, as there was no Artificial gravitation either.” Now as he mentioned it I had to agree, and I remembered the large feedlots on...
As I came back to my senses I sat at a long wooden dinner table laid out with fine china and silverware. The room looked like a natural cave of sorts. The place was elaborately and expensively decorated. The art and decoration was selected by a talented interior designer and the shelves and furniture had been expertly blended into the rough cave walls. Wall sconces and crystal ceiling lights illuminated the place and fireplace radiated warmth from what seemed to be burning gas. The place, the...
White Fur The USS Shadowrunner was another Chimera unit, a disguised ship. On the outside, a fairly old Oghar Ulmgar cruiser operated by an independent privateer named Kekotraa and on the inside, a state of the art Union ship. Kekotraa was a genuine Diechsen. A 350 centimeter tall Reptilioid of the Sauro kind. Warm blooded, fast and strong, a former GC species. Just like a regular Ulmgar, this Oghar cruiser was well armed and shielded but had bigger cargo holds. Captain Kekotraa explained...
HAR-HI Har-Hi still felt groggy as he came around. He found himself wrapped in plastic tape. A strong looking green skinned Oghr of one or the other subspecies before him, holding the Jooltar mask in one hand and a Kermac Neuro Ripper in the other. “Since you awake, you can hear me Dai. I want answers.” Now that his head began to clear he saw Elfi, still unconcious, also unmasked and to his great dismay a Kermac, who stood behind the Oghr. This Kermac was more gray than white and he did not...
Cateria had arrived and with her came several Med Techs and five med bots. Ha-Hi himself had piloted the tank down. Now my XO came over to where I was standing and smirked. “The next time I am going with you on an away mission, I wear a helmet. That rock hammered me real good, you know.” I squeezed his hand and put my other hand on his shoulder. “I am sorry, it was my fault. I should have listened to you.” He chuckled. “No it wasn’t your fault. We all picked a dangerous profession and...
The Minerva was an impressive, shiny golden water drop shaped, heavy armed ancient Ult freighter in excellent repair and with genuine ISAH pods of recent manufacture. Despite its apparent bulk this freighter was most likely the fastest thing within a few light years. It landed right next to us and I welcomed her captain in our pirate den. He was a Karthanian. Like all Karthanians he was not even remotely humanoid, having many similarities to a Terran Seahorse. External Bone structure, round...
Trash Island Circuit had done a terrific job, gluing and welding armor plates over the sleek form of a Landing Tank. Rusty steel chain curtains covered the wide Ultronit Tracks and the whole thing looked like an old, many times repaired, all terrain crawler with an ArtiGrav. The main cannon was still there but looked like an old artillery piece and not like the High energy QGP it was. The Mission Pod module on this tank had been changed from Combat to surface survey and science. Instead of...
We had traveled a good hour on that train. The local transport thing stopped frequently and the train cars emptied a few beings at the time. How the Kartanian knew where we were was a mystery to me, perhaps he had counted the stops or had some other indicator. He said, “We better get up, the next stop is ours.” We resurfaced a few minutes later. It was what the Karthanian called the Pulse district, a workers amusement section of the city. Jutika told us that this was for Ithe, and Drak...
Fivecheer and I arrived moments later at our Den. I was just sitting back down at the table as our little Holdian Engineer jumped out of his seat with a panicked shriek. I turned to see what had spooked him. It was Cateria and the white furred Togar standing in the door. The Togar had her hands demurely folded before her and she looked to the floor. She was wearing one of the white dresses female Med-techs liked to wear and she looked strangely alluring and quite attractive. Warner pointed...
The next day he did as he promised and took me with is rugged freight bed flier to the southmost tip of Bifrost island a deserted dark pebble beach. Most of the rocks where about fist sized but there many much bigger and a few almost house sized. “These are carried by the glaciers from the mountains and after every Longnight they go a little further till they end in the sea.” He explained, “Eventually carrying our small mountain range away to the sea.” He took the metal box with him, handed...
5009, OTT The days after her death were like a haze. I woke in the Union Clinic. It was the first time I could remember being away from the Burg. When I first regained consciousness I was floating in some kind of gooey liquid, whatever I tried I could not move and through the liquid I could see people moving. I was certain one of the shapes was father. When I woke again, I was no longer in the liquid but in the same room. All was gleaming white and clean. A man with a broad smile greeted...
The weeks to summer break went by faster than I liked. Mr. Walters came into class this morning and said after we greeted him. “Tomorrow will be your last day of school and you have three month to prepare for the next year. Everyone in class will advance. While your grades and results have much room for improvement, they are satisfactory. Today I want to ask if you know why we keep time the way we do?” He pointed his finger at Yngve.” You will not speak.” Since Mr. Walters gave positive...
I sat in the Den to eat a light lunch with lots of iced tea. That planet always made me very thirsty. Narth and the Golden came back and they both looked very dusty. The Golden helped himself to a big glass of Iced Tea and said after he had drained most of it. “I am not sure what we can do to change conditions here. I guess we could buy all the slaves for now and see if we can stack them in our Cargo bay until we can transfer them. Maybe we could assassinate the Local Lord or try Narth’s...
Two days later, the Elders placed Ragnarsson flags and a shield with the Falcon symbol in a ritualistic ceremony into the Caves of Extinct clans and had the alcove bricked shut. An Elder smashed my Grandfathers signet ring with a hammer on an anvil and tossed it into the ocean. The Ragnarsson clan was no more. After the Ceremony Hogun took me downtown again, he explained that a lawyer had come to open my grandfather’s will. The building where Hogun landed the floater had three floors and...
Prelude Part 6: Naming Day A new egg-shaped stone cut from a single two-ton boulder marked the grave of the little girl. The stone had been dug out from underneath the snow; a stonemason had chiseled the name Freya Olafson and the date into the stone and then it was carried to the cemetery behind the community roundhouse. There, also under a thick layer of snow, were the rock mounds and rock markers of the graves of the most revered. On a planet with so little land, the dead usually...
Cateria, with a totally uncharacteristic warm smile on her face, handed the older kid a sparkle bright gum. Only after the big-eyed mother nodded did it take the offered candy and unwrapped it. My CMO had a reputation of being unable to show positive emotions and many considered her arrogant and cold. I knew she could have that effect, especially since she considered almost everyone primitive and far below Seenian development. Once I got to know her better, I knew much of her Seenian...
I found the Halls of Hasvik easily enough as they could not be missed. Next to the huge doors ;which were as I could see now, were made of dark wood with large Ultronit bands holding large timbers together; was a smaller metal door and I knocked there. It did not take long and another man opened, he too was dressed like the other one but he was the stark opposite of the Old man I met the day before. He was fat, Midril would have appeared like a weightless Elf compared to this man. His woven...
Non Union ships wanting to do business in Union space have to stop at one of these Checkpoints that dot the imaginary border between Union and Free space to get Customs clearance and a transponder code. While civilian ships could freely enter Union space, they could only land on Union Worlds with the proper Customs documents. Detected warships of other civilizations would result in a border alert and cause an immediate response from the fleet. Checkpoint 96 was a small ice planet with a...
The Devastator was an enormous ship and the outer corridor of Deck 54 circled the ship at the horizontal equator of the main hull. It was almost seventy clicks long. There were IST (Inter ship transport) stations in regular intervals, every 20 meters was a security door, open during normal operations that could be closed in an eye blink and reinforced with force field curtains. Dividing the entire ship in millions of individual sealed compartements.All Union military ships had the same...
Lothar’s beam burned through my chest. It felt as if my entire torso was on fire, but I was alive. I did not faint or pass out instead fulled by burning rage I ran towards him, his face was pure horror he still held the small weapon he did not fire a third time. I reached him in mere seconds, buried my knee in his groin and smashed the palm of my hand against his nose with the hope I would shove his nose bone up his brain. Something completely impossible f course, but I was furious and kept...
The Tavern was called the Mother Lode and had been chiseled and burned directly into the rock of the asteroid. The floor was made of metal grating placed in metal frames over more rough rock, Something small skittered between the pieces of waste and garbage that had fallen through the slots in the floor. The bar of the tavern occupied much of the left side of the tavern while a viewport with a good view at one of the Asteroid bases’ mooring arms was on the other side. The shabby looking...
The image of Ardalf’s face as the sword slipped into his body would not leave me and I dreaded going to sleep even more than before. When I finally was so tiered I had to sleep I would dream and see the scene all over. One particular dream was especially disturbing as I saw my mother standing by the dead boy and shaking her head. Father was busy integrating the Steiner clan and he left me completely alone, even when I was at the burg and he was there. I spend most of my time at Uncle Hogun’s...
The last thing I remembered was the stinging prick into my neck and then a nauseating spinning sensation that dragged me into nothingness. I was supposed to perform an Orbital assault jump as part of the final challenge and to win the Reagan trophy for the Devastator. My friends and I equipped with heavy battle suits had boarded a Drop ship. Strapped into the drop rack, my suit malfunctioned and nothing worked. At first I believed I was dead, but I felt still nauseas and I opened my eyes....
Even though I had little medical knowledge, my time serving in the Devi’s sick bay and getting basic med training at the Academy I was helping with the triage of wounded and somehow remembered Dr. Dwyer my old Nilfeheim doctor as I derma-patched an eleven year old’s scrape wounds he had suffered falling while running and hiding inside an service crawl. The Casualty numbers were depressing. “943 dead among them many civilians and 1532 wounded of which more than 500 were very critical. Over...
Har-Hi and I returned to our dorm and Mao greeted us.” Have you two decided to kill each other at a later time?” “Yes we decided to postpone that.” Har-Hi answered. “That is good. Because we are complete now and I am tired to be behind in everything.” I said.” We are complete in what and where are you behind?” “First things first.” Mao replied.” You got to meet the rest, just in case so you don’t bust furniture across someone else’s back.” Mao stepped into the middle of the dorm room.”...
He remembered the last moments of his life quite vividly. They had led him up to the scaffold, after they had removed all his rank insignia. Commander Stone before him actually collapsed and the marines had to drag him to his spot on the scaffold. It took all his will power not to do the same and set one foot before the other. The solemn beat of the drums stopped and the Executioner asked him if he had any last words. He had none, the night before he had written a letter to his son Swybin and...
The ‘American Spirit’ was nothing I expected a space ship to look from the inside. It was more like a luxurious villa, complete with garden, swimming pool and green lawn. We stepped through a glass sliding door under a blue sky with a single yellow sun and on the green plant surface he called grass, was a table with umbrella and a few garden chairs. Rolling hills with forests in the distance. “All simulated of course,” Alex explained. “The walls are actually only 30 meters from us, but I...
The best day in my life was when I turned seven and I could go to Union school being away from the Burg and away from my father was like breathing lighter air. Everyone had to go to Union school. That was Union Law and it superseded local law. Union school was such a long part of our society that it too became an Old Tradition and therefore was good. At school I learned that Nilfeheim was a Water-World and that we all originally came from a Planet named Earth and settled here long time...
It was the last hour of our last school day. Mr. Walters handed out the final grades and said.” This is the last time I am doing this for you. When you return next year, a new teacher will try to pound some knowledge into your thick skulls. I am going to be transferred to another school, still on Nilfeheim but they thought I be best suited to try my hand on the even wilder Neo Vikings of the South Pole.” He then shook everyone’s hand and said a few words to everyone. When he reached me he...
We entered the outmost orbit of the Dover System ten hours before the deadline. Har-Hi who stood next to me sighed. “I wished it would have taken longer. This is what I am born for, to be aboard a ship and roam the stars’”. I felt the same way and agreed with him, saying. “Me too.” The doors opened and Wetmouth stepped through, taking her seat behind the small science station at the rear of the bridge. I observed Har Hi who acted as the OPS officer of our little crew dedicating sensors...
I went down the narrow stair case to find out if there was a God living in the Old Man’s basement. Now I had reached the bottom of the narrow stair case and it expanded into a large natural grotto. The old man had a very large, and from the looks of it a natural Sub Pen under his rock. It was cold and moist and without my light it would have been pitch dark. There was no god and no mystery down here. At least there wasn’t any more garbage either. I did for a moment see a movement in the water...
Mr.Flensburger was now gone for a week and we had a new teacher. Mr. Walters was his name and he was much different to the jovial and gentle Mr. Flensburger. He was stern and had a no nonsense approach. This Monday morning, right by the main doors I saw Yngve Lofdahl waiting for me. He had a busted; bleeding lip and his left eye was swelling. Like me he was wearing a fur vest over a linen tunic that reached halfway to the knees, linen breeches and boots. Usually he always looked like he wore...
(List of Characters) Eric Olafson – A teenage Neo Viking leaves his home world for the first time. To travel and eventually to join the Union Navy Elena Olafson – technically a cousin to Eric, but since she was adopted by Eric’s father, she is now known as his sister. Isegrim Olafson – The current clan chief of the Olafson clan, and Eric’s father Lothar Olafson – Eric’s half brother The Ancient – aka Elkhart the Keeper. An old man claiming to have forgotten to die. Officially he is the...
The Devastator had excellent recreational facilities and offered something for almost any taste, but the most liked recreation area was called The Village. It was a small down town area complete with shops, cafés, micro breweries, night-clubs, restaurants, Virtu-show halls and theatres. The sky appeared real with moving clouds and a warm yellow sun. It would even rain or snow once in a while. The Village centered on a park with grass, trees, flower patches and narrow duro-crete walking paths....
I was still as tired as a Tyranno during Longnight when the lights came on and a voice barked via the PA system: “0400 hours Cadets rise and shine. 0430 is Breakfast. At 0500 you will receive your first class in the Elbhard Auditorium.” And we found ourselves in said Auditorium at that time an hour later. Clean, fed and still tired. Again I tried to find a place in the back, so I could perhaps close my eyes for few moments. The Pan Saran Officer was already there. “Good Morning Class.” We...
Prelude Part 4: Volund 4999, OTT The crumbling walls of Olafson Burg were no longer on his mind. Volund was now the steward of Ragnarsson Rock. Erik Gustav had kept his word and had given him the stewardship and rule of all that was Ragnarsson on this world. There were tanneries in the extensive basements, several Nubhir farms on the permanent ice of the southern polar region, and large Fangsnapper herds. Best of all, there were five modern and well-kept fishing boats and three hunting...
The Hyperion approached Arsenal IV just as Captain Zezz said with only eight hours to spare before I had to report for my third year posting. The extended time of my stay aboard the battle ship appeared to have gone by even faster. The Klack XO touched my face with his antennae. “You have been outstanding at the OPS station. I have seen many others struggle with that position.” “Thank you Sir. Your guidance and the tutor ship of the other bridge officers was the real reason I managed.” To...
The Attack came totally unexpected. The scanner operator of the American Dream was watching GalNews about the space battle between Dai, Nogoll and Union forces like everyone else on the bridge and thus missed the fast approaching contact. I was still sitting in the Command chair, while the main viewer showed high definition recordings of the space battle of Union Fleet against the Dai and the Nogoll. Titanic fists shock the yacht so violently that Calia Lethra, Alex and everyone else...
The Space bus came out of FTL and approached the blue and white sapphire sphere that was Nilfeheim. I had 6 month before I had to return to the Academy. This was my home world and I was longing to take a long deep dive and feel the fresh cold water all around me, it was of course still Longnight. That I had left Nilfeheim just a little over a year ago was something I could hardly believe. So much has happened since then; it felt I had been gone for much longer. “I wonder how Nilfeheim is...
Harris watched the young man disappear in his quarters and then went back to Stahl who was still there. “You know this was an exceptionally cruel test. I felt like an idiot acting that way.” “And he had the guts to tell you.” Stahl responded. “That is a first one.” “He is the first one I know off who went to the end, all the way to that triple rotten Light gag. I would have pissed myself without those Saresii Sonics, looking in a TKU and suddenly seeing a light.” Stahl raised an eyebrow....
“No need to be afraid First Daughter!” the Old man said and the gun spun out of Freydis hand and floated in mid air. “I am Egill Skallagrímsson, the Eldest. I am sure some of you have heard of me. My friend here is Elkhart the First Keeper of Hasvik. We are not here to harm you, arrest you, kill you or stop you from what you are doing! We came because this world of ours is in grave danger, because we too believe it is high time all citizens of this world are heard and because together we are...
I tried to get up and managed but I was stiff as a frozen snapper fur in Longnight, I was more sore than I realized and colder than I ever was. This time he let me get in. The door led into a short tunnel shaped corridor passing through the tall massive rock wall. Judging by the length of the tunnel, the walls must have been at least 10 meters thick. The steel door swung close behind us, making absolutely no sound as it did. Two boys perhaps my age, wearing dark long fur coats were behind the...
The commander stood at the window of his spacious office overlooking the lake and jungle with his hands clasped behind his back watching a group of cadets struggling with a heavy wooden log. They had to carry it over an obstacle course and only by working together could this task be achieved. This ancient time tested exercise promoted team work, group coordination and leadership. This exercise had been used by Navy trainers even before the Galactic Ascent on good old Earth. Of course it...
“Have we been hailed?” Harris shook his head.”No not yet, but the sphere is transmitting genuine Union Transponder Codes.” The screen changed and a hooded Narth became visible. The Comm. Officer looked at his console and shrugged. The Narth spoke. “This is the USS Narth. “There was a pause and the Narth moved his shrouded head as if he was looking at someone then he nodded and said.” One hopes to be forgiven, by the one who has command. One was uncertain of the correct address. It is the...
I had slept a few hours at Uncle Hogun’s and went to the clinic to check on Litfas Arnske and I found him, in a low gee bed. Two elders, Adolph Lindbergh and a young man perhaps two three years older than me was with him, most likely Sif’s brother I had not yet met. As he saw me, he first smiled and then his face dropped. “You have saved my life, and it looks like my very own daughter has tried to end it. The daughter I promised, my honor is in shambles and I am not sure I want to live...
The lights flickered and Astrid said.” Looks like his Tech stop has trouble to get through our armor and hardened systems. She then pried open an access panel and said.” I am sure I can fix this!” Her hands pulled chip connectors and reset them and then she turned. Eric flip open your left armrest. Beneath is the Code sequencer. They could not have altered your Command Codes, without your permission! All they did is bypass it and tying in their own!” I did and pressed my hand on the now...
We arrived in Halstaad Fjord and were greeted by a group of elders accompanied by twenty beefy looking men, all were dressed in the traditional Neo Viking way with leather vests and trousers and shirts. They all wore identical helmets and swords and all were dressed in the same dark brown color. Egill was also with them. As we stepped ashore he said to me, I know what happened, Eric and I will take it from here. You may have noticed the men; these are the first members of the Nilfeheim...
When I came around, I was still lying under that purple thing. The armed and fully armor suited men were close now holding their weapons ready pointing them at my friends. The bearded dark skinned man wearing a battle suit of unknown origin argued with Cardwell. “I want you to open those Translocator storages now. We do not have much time.” Cardwell barked back and pointed at me. “I told you that two command codes are needed to open them, the only one able doing that was killed by your...
Swybar lounged in the comfortable chair behind the conference table aboard the Red Dragon. Soon the requested supplies would arrive and make him a very dangerous man. The table was laid out with a light dinner. Both of his associates had joined him and both of them had been very respectful and lauded his genius. Swybar loved it when others realized just how smart and resourceful he was. Even the disguised Kermac treated him like an equal, as it was proper. He was no fool however and knew...