- 1 year ago
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Prudence was certain that when she awoke, Douglas would be with her again, at least to eat. But when her meal came in, so did Captain Happy. She had put on a little wrinkle-free travel dress that she always carried with her on public transportation because it was easy to change into, but there was no need to be dressy in these circumstances. Captain Happy might be trying to impress her, but she was not trying to impress him! But she combed her blond hair carefully and applied just a touch of mascara over her big blue eyes and penciled her lids brown.
Captain Happy surveyed the blue print dress that clung sensually to her long shapely legs, and his eyes climbed the extent of her tiny waist up to the succulent tits. She looked regal, and for the first time he realized what a magnificent queen she would make. It was possible his people would object, but he had an answer for that. His whole bargaining power with the British was that he wished to cane a pro-western country out of the middle of one that would be definitely anti-west once that rebellion took place! It was better that the government cede the Whitelaw Estates to Captain Happy and leave it to him to expand his country as best he could so that the anti-western forces, which were rumbling louder and louder each year, would be left in the powerless shape of a fragile donut on the outskirts of Whitelaw. To prove his pro-western intentions, he was marrying a white woman, whose husband... let's see... whose husband met with an accident? No! The big Captain thought. That might alienate Prudence forever. But maybe her husband could be induced by Eflo...
He excused himself from Prudence almost as soon as he arrived, and slipped down the hall to Eflo.
"I could find nothing out from the pig of an ambassador. He kept telling me that Whitelaw was never mentioned at all in government circles, which is ridiculous! I want you to use your charms, Eflo! All the charms necessary to learn what you can, do you understand me?"
Eflo smiled a cat-like half smile, her shapely lips bending slightly downward and her brown eyes flickering with more complete understanding than he had intended her to have. She knew that the little blond hostage was too much of a temptation to him, and she supposed that Douglas must be kept busy and happy so that no one would ever be told what went on at Whitelaw. Happy did not wish to appear incapable in western eyes. He wanted to be the serious-minded reformer and expert governor. She had thought that taking hostages was the worst way to maintain a good image, but Happy's reasoning was that there was no point in having a good image if no one was looking. These days, one had to take hostages to be looked at! And, she thought, if it were true that Whitelaw was not being mentioned in government circles, then maybe Happy was right! It had not been much of a revolution to walk into the Whitelaw Estates as Captain Happy's forces had done while the Whitelaw descendants were away in England arguing over which of them should live here. But the black forces had moved in! Of course, the Whitelaw's might not realize it yet!
The handsome Captain turned and put his arm around her once again, squeezing her lightly as he had when he first came in. She felt his real indifference though a shot of electricity coursed through the faithful woman's dark loins, and she felt the inevitable moisture pooling warmly at the vee between her thighs. On a second thought, he leaned over and kissed her, paternally, just to the side of her mouth. She thrilled and the "Can't he wait?" she rasped hotly.
The Captain looked at her blankly and then impatiently as though there was something she was refusing to understand.
"Of course not! We don't have forever! And this... uh... mood you're in could be very valuable."
Eflo saw the lie in his expression. It glinted in his averted eye. In a low, barely audible voice, she murmured,
"Okay, Captain, if that's the way you want to play it."
He was already looking toward the door, planning his exit line.
"Guess you had better get back to your business and leave me to mine, then," she told him, sarcasm just barely coloring her softened voice.
Gratefully, if guiltily, the big Captain smiled and left.
Douglas Harper sat in the room that had been assigned to him, wondering how all the pieces in this fiasco fit together. He only wished that it were possible to receive some word from his superiors so that he would know what to say and what to do. The Captain had made it clear to him that he and Prudence would not see each other again for weeks and maybe forever! In a way it was a relief Douglas found it difficult enough to think for himself without having to think for two! He had not been raised to think. He had been schooled by his father from the time he was small to quickly analyze and understand someone else's thinking and to translate it into the diplomatic blarney that governments used with each other. But to be this kind of translator, one had to have something to translate... some message, some instructions from someone!
What was Douglas Harper to think of the new country of Whitelaw? No one in government had ever mentioned it so Douglas had never heard of it. Had his government decided that it exists? Whether or not a country exists has everything to do with how an ambassador treats it! Well, if he made any mistakes, how could anyone possibly blame him, Douglas decided. How could he have an official attitude without knowing his government's official position? The only attitude he was sure of was toward his little wife. He knew he had to protect her, he had to cooperate for her sake, as long as protecting her through his cooperation did not endanger the official position of his country, whatever that was!
Douglas was already concerned about Prudence and this Captain Happy person. Obviously the man had made a pass at his pretty little wife and encountered resistance. Was that wise? Douglas thought of how proud he should be that his wife wanted no one else but himself. She had been a virgin when she married Douglas Harper and it had been very important to him. Because of the miracle of her virginity, Douglas had vowed to himself and to God Almighty that he would be faithful to her. It was the least he could do! However, that vow had begun to weigh heavily upon him. He was tired of her inexperience and her inhibitions. It would be refreshing, he found himself thinking once in a while, to get back to the more... more proficient women.
His dinner was brought in to him by exactly the kind of woman he had once found very proficient indeed. Douglas looked her over as she served him. In spite of the difference that her skin was black, she reminded Douglas of the first woman he had ever known, a young friend of his mother's. He guessed that the black woman's age was about what that woman's had been then, in her mid-thirties. It was funny to remember because Douglas had been only eighteen at the time when his father caught them together. The boy had been terrified, certain that it spelled the end of any help his father had intended to give him to get into the diplomatic service. Instead, his of punishing him, his father had praised him for seizing an opportunity and doing something, finally, on his own initiative! Douglas had felt a little guilty about that ever since. For the initiative had actually been the woman's!
Except with Prudence, Douglas had never been backward with women again. He prided himself on his aggressiveness in this area, or he would if he were not now bound by marriage vows. He studied the tall black woman after she placed his meal on the table before him. She was some kind of slave, he guessed. She wasn't wearing the traditional khaki fatigues of the soldiers around here. Instead she wore a silky white dress that was slit all the way up one leg to the waist! Now she raised her long arms over her head to fiddle with the chandelier or something. She stretched her fine lithe back and thrust her tits forward against the shiny white material of her gown.
Quickly, being well trained for it, Douglas analyzed the message that Captain Happy was sending him by placing this beautiful woman in his room. Douglas was being given the courtesy, the privileges, that one gentleman accords another. There was no doubt in Douglas's mind that regardless of the official position of his government with respect to Whitelaw, it would be a diplomatic blunder of the first magnitude to refuse this voluptuous... mouth-watering... sex goddess! He grabbed for her and met no resistance, just as he thought! He slipped his arms around her slender waist and pulled her up to him. She ovaled her mouth to say something, but he quelled the words by clamping his lips fiercely against hers and thrusting his tongue so deep inside her mouth that she couldn't talk if her life depended on it.
Although Douglas would never have dreamed it possible, the sultry Eflo was accustomed to kisses less innocent than his, but she found herself responding to his inexpert advances. She had no man but Happy for so long that she had doubted she could go through with this, but here she was! In love with one man and yet able to respond sexually to another, even a white man! And she was glad! Happy might not care, but she had the satisfaction of knowing that he wasn't the only man in the world for... well, at least for her body!
It's the only way I have to get back at that bastard, she thought! And she was glad that Douglas was willing, too, for his sake because of what his pretty little stupid wife was very likely doing right now! Obviously the young man had no interest in her. He had just seen her for the first time no more than ten minutes ago! But she had no real interest in him either, so what the hell! She would do as she was told... gladly!
And that's how Eflo decided to melt under Douglas's clumsy advances, urging him on. He sure had a lot to team, she thought, and I'm a woman with tricks to teach! Raising her black hands to the eager young white man's face, she whispered,
"Everything will be all right. Don't you worry about anything! Listen to Eflo, baby," she cooed. "Eflo will take care of you!" She then moved her hands down along his lean hard body, probing around his hips at his belt and quickly unbuckling it and unzipping his fly. He was young and lithe and his youthful naivete excited the black girl beyond her original expectations. She had been with Captain Happy for so much of her life that she had forgotten how good a young one could feel, his skin so taut and resilient, soft and yet hard and firm at the same time.
Douglas, forgetting the meal, moved closer against her and unzipped the white dress. He pulled the silky material down off her glistening black shoulders. He was surprised how beautifully her dark skin shown in the soft bedroom light... how it felt like velvet to his timid touch.
"Eflo," he repeated the name she had given him. "Eflo," he whispered. "You are very beautiful!"
She smiled at him, a little grateful for the compliment. "Let's get undressed and get into bed," she murmured. She led him toward the big bed, the white dress hanging around her waist. She wriggled out of the rest of it, leaving on only a pair of black bikini panties so sheer that he had not realized she was wearing any. The brassiere was the same transparent black, and her heels were a see-through black plastic. Douglas watched her fascinated as he peeled off his own clothes. But as she reached behind her back to release the small clasps of her brassiere, he stopped her.
"No, please!" he whispered hoarsely. "Let me do that!"
"Surely," she said softly.
The door was locked on the outside, Douglas guessed, but he hadn't seen her lock it on the inside. He started toward it, but she stopped him.
"It can't be locked from the inside, if that's what you're planning," she told him with a gentle smile. "I wouldn't worry about it. No one will come."
Of course not, he thought. It was a stupid gesture of habit. It was just that she was making him forget who he was and where he was and why he was there! He watched her return to him with admiration, her trim black hips and small waist ripe for loving, her legs long and alluring. The young ambassador had never seen a more temptingly proportioned woman. Not even Prudence could match this!
"You're tall," he said, "but absolutely perfect!"
She laughed at him. "And you're young but just as perfect!" He grinned, embarrassed and self-conscious, and reached for her. She melted into his arms with a warm and passionate kiss as he slowly peeled off the rest of her clothing. Completely naked, she then slipped off her shoes and let them fall bluntly to the floor. Douglas gaped at the glassy dark triangle of kinky hair between her legs and then up at her short black hair on her head, which was not nearly as curly. He leaned over, pushing her back against the bed, feeling her tremble with excitement while she retained a hint of maternal control. He felt her eyes drift to his white prick which was only halfway erect and heard her say, unbelievably,
"Has anyone ever given you a blow job?"
God, he had never allowed... He shook his head.
"Well, it's about time then!" She eased out from underneath him and guided him gently back on the pillow. Then she propped a second pillow under his head. "Maybe you'd like to watch," she suggested. "Especially the first time," she added with an uncontrollable touch of malicious humor. He had to be over twenty five and never had a blow job! England must be a very strange country. And to think they sought to teach others how to live!
Douglas felt a tide of foolishness wash over him, but the lewd excitement of an unknown experience kept his docile and he felt his cock grow heavier in anticipation of the woman's obscene intentions. His only venture into such uses of the mouth had been an attempt once to kiss Prudence between the legs. God, he couldn't imagine what had gotten into him! She had stopped him, of course! This woman was not the first who had tried it with him, either. Always he had refused, even while feeling the lascivious desire to let it happen. Now... now he was a prisoner! Now he had every right to cooperate in everything! Still, he ought to show some resistance!
"Do you want me to suck it?" she suddenly asked.
His mouth hung open with indecision. Then he closed his eyes, as he tried to say "yes" while trying to say "no" at the same time. It was a terrible quandary, and he could smell her intoxicatingly heady perfume, too. He felt the silkiness of the bedding under him and let himself drift down into the dark, recessed desires within himself.
"Y... yes. All right," he whispered at last.
Eflo knew what she would do for him. She would work him up slowly. She lay down at his side and closed his eyes again with her fingers, stroking the contours of his tense, handsome white face until the firm lines melted. Then she kissed him sensually on the mouth, running her black fingers through his thick sandy brown hair and kissing him hard until he opened for her just as she had for him. All thoughts of Prudence or of being married or of being taken hostage by some unknown, unrecognized black junta disappeared from the young ambassador's mind, and he focused completely on the expert ministrations of Captain Happy's mistress, letting her toy with his earlobes as she blew softly inside and licked and kissed so gently his pale eyes and his pinkish cheeks and his white neck.
"Oooohhhh, it feels so good, Eflo," he encouraged her, mummuringly. "It feels really great." He reached out to touch her ebony black tits which swayed voluptuously above him, grazing against his sparsely haired chest, her nipples spiky and dark and hard with desire. He cupped the full dark mounds in his palms, crushing his fingers into them so that it almost hurt her. His action was unplanned, natural and unavoidable as she built up the lust in him that had been hovering in his subconscious for some time now. He felt the black woman's fingers inch down across his stomach, caressing with her palms the soft, tautly drawn flesh of his lower abdomen. His skin jumped under her touch and his white cock loomed in stiffer erection. As his hands clutched reflexively tighter on her tender tits, she cautioned him,
"Please, not so hard!" with a gentle laugh. Slipping down out of his reach, she positioned herself on her knees between his legs.
Douglas gasped as he felt her spread his legs, and he raised on the pillow to watch her lower her head to his heavily upthrust swollen cock. Her jet black hair fell over the inner line of his thighs. It was just long enough to tickle and send shivers up and down his nakedly exposed body, shivers that only intensified as she tauntingly stroked the loose foreskin of his massive, rigid cock back and forth over the blunt, blood- engorged head.
Eflo teased the soft, sandy-haired sac of his white testicles with her other hand much as a kitten plays gently and tentatively with its first ball of yam. She was accustomed to Happy's big black balls, and it was almost as though she didn't know just how these white ones would react.
When you hear the name "Blacked," what does it mean to you? For those of us who love the porn industry, Blacked is pretty well-known. Not only does the studio provide its own brand of porn videos but the women that it showcases are often wearing Blacked merchandise. The classic outfit is the two-piece set of a bra and panties with Blacked as its branding on the bands.Blacked has over 638,000 followers on Twitter. Their social media account is pretty well done as far as I can tell. For a porn...
Twitter Porn AccountsWhen I first heard the name BlacksOnBlondes, I envisioned a roundtable discussion of black porn studs talking about the blonde female talent they’ve worked with; Inside the Actors Studio where all the actors are packing BBC. Maybe that’s a little too highfalutin and intellectual, because the actual site is a whole lot better: it’s a premium site full of black dudes banging white chicks.The name’s not entirely accurate, as I can see from the auto-playing video montage at the top of the...
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Group SexBlackmailing younger sisterBy Yours master**************************************************************WARNING:This story is fiction, and should be treated as such. The following story is forthe entertainment of ADULTS ONLY, and contains descriptions of explicitsex. If you are not an adult, or reading sex stories upset you, DO NOT readany further. If it is illegal in your location, DO NOT read it.This is a copyrighted work. Copyright 2010 by Yours master. Reposting orany other use of it is...
The Duke and Duchess had just dressed after bathing when Arilee walked into the bath room. She marveled for a moment that there was no evidence of the battle that had occurred there only a short time before. She found that she had to concentrate to maintain her composure in light of Christi wearing only a thin nightshirt, and Cerebus clad in only a pair of cotton pants. ‘Excuse me – Ashtar wishes to speak with you.’ Mindblind grunted and nodded his head. ‘That’s a good sign for you, Ari. If...
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Fantasy & Sci-FiThe Duke and Duchess had just dressed after bathing when Arilee walked into the bath room. She marveled for a moment that there was no evidence of the battle that had occurred here only a short time before. She found that she had to concentrate to maintain her composure in light of Christi wearing only a thin nightshirt and Cerebus clad in only a pair of cotton pants. "Excuse me — Ashtar wishes to speak with you." Mindblind grunted and nodded his head. "That's a good sign for you, Ari....
Arilee and Christi walked through the massive double doors of Blackhawk Hall into the cobblestone courtyard beyond. Both were dressed to impress, and the effect was not lost on the guards flanking the door. Christi turned around after a few steps, knowing that the guards would be looking, and winked. The men both quickly lifted their eyes from the sway of the women's bottoms, provoking a laugh from Christi as she turned her eyes back to the path ahead. A glance at Ari readily revealed the...
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Authors Note: Hey guys! I'm unlocking the story now that the story is set in motion. We have photos now too! Write your own storylines, and create whatever fantasy you want in this world! Let's get BLACKED! - Baz No one knows exactly how the Black New World Order began, only its end result: the permanent advancement of Black Men to the forefront of breeding. Whether in the snowy ski lodges of Sweden or the desert planes of South Africa, white and asian women found themselves helpless in the...
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Hi. This is Aakash Gandhi from Chandigarh. Basically I’m an engineering student and 20 years old. I’m a regular reader of ISS and thought of sharing my recent experience too! It’s very long story but I’m sure you’ll enjoy till the end. Coming to the story, this story is about me and my cousin sister sneha whom I can fuck whenever i want due to beautiful incident that happened in my life. We have a joint family and live under same house. In my family, i have an elder sister and mom. Both are out...
IncestThe sequel to the sequel/the end This may seemed a little rushed, I was trying to finish it quickly. Please comment/rate if you like it! Now, enjoy. --------------------------------------------- Blackjack! Part 3 --------------------------------------------- In a crack in the doorway was his aunt, stark naked, with one hand rubbing her massive tits, the other buried deep in her pussy. Her eyes were half closed, with her mouth wide open. It was quite a sight. Her eyes opened fully and...
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Introduction: A lesbian teacher catches a student cheat and blackmails her. Blackmailing Beauty A teacher/student story A in the closet lesbian teacher catches a student cheat and decides to blackmail her. Note 1: Thanks as always to Steve and Estragon for their editing help. Blackmailing Beauty As soon as I got the job teaching in Hill River, my whole lifestyle had to change. I knew I was a lesbian since I was 16 and had my first girl-girl sexual encounter when I was 18. During college I...
This fantasy is based on fact. Betty did get into money troubles just as described and I did bail her out. The pity is that I didn’t take advantage in the way described here!Blackmailing Betty I had been working from home when the call came. I had a mountain of paperwork to catch up on and little time to complete it so I wasn’t in the best of moods as I rang the doorbell of my mother-in-law’s small bungalow twenty minutes later. My mother-in-law, Betty, had phoned and begged me to come over and...
This fantasy is based on fact. Betty did get into money troubles just as described and I did bail her out. The pity is that I didn’t take advantage in the way described here!Blackmailing Betty I had been working from home when the call came. I had a mountain of paperwork to catch up on and little time to complete it so I wasn’t in the best of moods as I rang the doorbell of my mother-in-law’s small bungalow twenty minutes later. My mother-in-law, Betty, had phoned and begged me to come over and...
This fantasy is based on fact. Betty did get into money troubles just as described and I did bail her out. The pity is that I didn’t take advantage in the way described here!Blackmailing Betty I had been working from home when the call came. I had a mountain of paperwork to catch up on and little time to complete it so I wasn’t in the best of moods as I rang the doorbell of my mother-in-law’s small bungalow twenty minutes later. My mother-in-law, Betty, had phoned and begged me to come over and...
Hi ISS readers, Aman here with a new fantasy story. This story is about how I blackmailed my sexy teacher into sex in the classroom. Let me tell you about her. She is Priya and her age is 28. She has a very hot figure 34-30-36 and she has a very curvy body just like Bollywood heroin Urvashi. This incident happened when I was in 12th standard and I was 18 years old. I was a very naughty and kinky guy at that time. Coming to the story, it was Monday afternoon 4 pm and the college bell rang. It...
Hi everyone. Thanks for your awesome response for the previous parts. For those who don’t know about me, I am Prudhvi from Chennai. I have an athletic body and girls say I am cute. I love fantasize about sex with the girls around me as well as real sex. Any girl who is interested in having fun or sex chat with me can contact me at This is continuation to my other stories “Blackmailing my Sister’s Friend Part-1” and “Blackmailing my Sister’s Friend Part-2”. This story is completely fiction and...
I am Prudhvi from Chennai. I have an athletic body and girls say I am cute. I love fantasize about sex with the girls around me as well as real sex. Any girl who is interested in having fun with me can contact me at This is continuation to my first story “Blackmailing my Sister’s Friend Part-1”. As I mentioned in the first part this story is completely fiction and my fantasy however the girl is real. I suggest the readers to read the 1st part to know the complete story. So let me start the...
Blackmailing Ruth By Wolf Ferret [email protected]. Jones, a partner in Jones and Forbes Solicitors of London, sat at his desk considering what to do about his secretary. Ruth had been working for him for over 4 years and was efficient, attractive and well liked by the clients and staff of the firm. Unfortunately, the auditors had just supplied conclusive evidence that she had stolen 30 thousand pounds from the firm.He and his partner, Mr Forbes, had discussed the matter. The choices...
I knew she was a golddigger; she wasn't fooling anyone but my Dad. Porsche (yes, apparently that was her real name) had met my Dad about three months prior to their getting married.He had gone to Las Vegas on a business trip–a sales convention for his company. One day after the endless meetings, he had stopped off at a local titty bar called Candi's for a little something to relax.There he met Porsche and they hit it off. The next thing they knew, Dad was bringing her home to meet me.At least...
ReluctanceMy mother Bethany Griffith was CEO and sole owner of a small but profitable advertising agency called Womankind. My father’s business interests were immense, varied and complicated but Bethany held onto her little boutique business as a matter of pride and a source of self-determination. That said, she was ruthless. Womankind employed only female staff and specialised in feminine-only products. Bethany was CEO and Head of Marketing, Public Relations, Advertising and Creative. Her Personal...
Blacked and Betrayed by rat_race * * * * * CHAPTER 1 - My First Cuckold Experience * * * * * "Oh come on. It'll be fun," I insisted, sitting there in that dingy neighborhood bar, in the not-so-nice part of town. "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Remember?" "Yeah, but we're not in Vegas, Carl. We're here in Austin, Texas. Our home town. Remember?" my 32-year-old wife, Sally, argued back, and then continued on, "And we also just happen to be pillars of our community. Don't...
The invitation came in a black envelope, addressed in silver ink. ‘Blackout Party’, said the card, and gave the address of a very good friend. My innards flipped with a thrill. I had been hoping for this to arrive, and finally it was here. Only a work-week away. I had known of my friend’s predilection for erotic gatherings of his trusted close group. I don’t remember how we got onto the conversation while he and I were out for a drink one evening. But it turns out that he was the host of...
"Where were you when the lights went out?" Almost everyone was asked this question this past summer when the Big Blackout of 2003 happened. Electric grids caved in under a severe heat wave that gripped the Midwestern and Northeastern parts of the United States and Canada. Lights were out for days in some states. We lost power only for one night but what a night it turned out to be! Getting back to the question: I think a better question to ask me would be "Where was I when he lights came back...
IncestI yawned widely and then looked around, embarrassed. I had been reading so long and I was so bored, I'd totally forgotten about being in the Public Library. As I looked around to see if anyone had noticed my open yawn, I saw an older man in a three-piece suit staring directly at me. I nodded at him and then turned back to my book. I had just about finished the textbook I was studying and as I started to close it, the lights went out!! Since I was on the third floor of the Public Library,...
This is what my wife says happened when she had sex with 2 black guys .She also says that I tricked her into doing them because she didn't think that I had their phone number when I kept asking her if she wanted me to call them to have sex with her. This story is about ,"My wife is Multi Orgasmik and we didn't know that she was until that night"I wrote it afew weeks ago and part 2 is in my blog so I hope that you will read it and give me your input to what you think. My wife and I have been...
I’m happy to say my wife Kathy took her first extra-marital cock in August of 2022. We had been wed 5 years at the time and although a regular fantasy for us we’d never taken it any further. I was very keen too. Maybe I’d felt undeserving for a long time and wanted to share her but there were other reasons. For ages i’d been writing interracial erotic fiction and she was, in my eyes, perfect material for black cock. Kathy’s a good looking brunette, 29 at the time,...
If you have been following my story, you know that Randy, a friend of mine since high school, has been blackmailing my girlfriend Sandy and me for the last few weeks. Sandy and I agreed to be his sex slaves for one month, as long as at the end of that term, he would turn over the compromising videos he filmed of me.I was the first to be blackmailed into gay sex and it seemed the more I complied with him, the more entangled I became as he videoed more and more of me giving him blowjobs or...
Vic lay on his bed, stretched out on his side, naked, his hard, throbbing cock in his hand. As he stroked himself harder and harder, faster and faster, his breathing growing hoarse and ragged, his gaze was locked inexorably upon the centerfold of the magazine before him.Her name, according to the XXX magazine at any rate, was Honie and, despite the unusual spelling, Vic certainly thought that she was. Her body was lean and trim, smooth and petite, hairless and just lightly tanned. Her nipples...
Introduction: A blackmailed clerk helps her master in a business venture. Synopsis: A blackmailed clerk helps her master in a business venture. Prequel to Owning a Dominant BitchChapter 1Darrel James had waited patiently for this day. He had confronted Peggy almost two months earlier with the info he collected on her forgery scheme and, when he revealed the evidence to her, she crumbled quickly. Little by little he had taken more and more control.His job at the bank gave him more than enough to...
Blackmailed Housewife Blackmailed HousewifeChapter sixBy Master John Caroline sat in the backseat of the car wondering where Tim was taking her and what he would do to her when they got there. It was an almost heady mixture of fear and excitement that coursed through her body and mind as different scenarios ran through her head.? But the blindfold upon her eyes made it impossible to tell where they were and caused enough disorientation to make it almost impossible for her to tell in which...
David looked as his watch two hours later ? Blackmailed, spanked and screwed.? By BlackStar? This story is not fantasy.? It actually happened in real-life.? Eventually the blackmailer got four years.? But Valerie got a well-deserved hiding she would never forget. David sat in the living room while Valerie looked out the window.? David watched her with concealed amusement.? It was obvious that she was extremely edgy while she waited for a exceptional client to turn up for his...
Blackmailed Nurse Dr. Benjamin Carter had beensuspicious of Angie for several weeks now. Angie Smithson was a nurse whonormally worked the night shift, and he suspected she was stealing drugs.The problem was proving it. Dr. Carter's wife, Doris, was very interestedwhen he told her about it over dinner. Doris Carter had been a topnotch investigative reporter for the local newspaper when they met. She gaveit all up for Ben. Nobody else knew the truth about her relationship withBen, because...
I’am currently being blackmailed, by my student. I m 46, happily married (my loving husband is 50). I m a senior teacher here in Singapore. Short description about myself. I am 1. 8m (about 5feet 10inches) tall, am a Chinese Singaporean, a bit on the plus size. I have perfectly straight long jet black hair. A lot of my colleagues told me I look exactly like an asian version of Emma Butt. It began one day, when a student who is only 19 filmed me in the school ladies toilet doing my...
BLACKMAILED Victor Carpenter's life was as good as he had ever hoped it could be. At twenty one he'd moved out of his parent's house and two years later bought his own, in another part of the country, with a small part of the inheritance he'd received from his grandfather, it still left the bulk of it to provide him with a good income for life. It had meant that he need no longer worry about his parents discovering his secret; he loved the feel of women's clothes, but his family were...