Blackout free porn video

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The invitation came in a black envelope, addressed in silver ink.

"Blackout Party", said the card, and gave the address of a very good friend. My innards flipped with a thrill. I had been hoping for this to arrive, and finally it was here. Only a work-week away.

I had known of my friend's predilection for erotic gatherings of his trusted close group. I don't remember how we got onto the conversation while he and I were out for a drink one evening. But it turns out that he was the host of regular orgies, invitation-only, anything goes. Only those he knew as clean and snipped were involved. Beyond that, he wouldn't divulge. Being an open-minded and sexually charged middle-aged guy, I was fascinated as he cautiously glossed over the details of these gatherings, preferring to give vague description instead. The themes varied, the guest list was closed, and all invited were sworn to secrecy, lest they be excluded from future events. The bait was set, and I was very eager to take it.

When I told my lady about the secret I had uncovered, she was as surprised and curious as I. We'd had him over for dinner numerous times over the past year or two, and he had always seemed to be a respectful, quiet, middle-of-the-road kind of guy. He had never even hit on my lovely lady, even when she had teased him with serving his meals and drinks sans-bra, leaning over with a subtly revealing top on several occasions. I chided her on her naughtiness, but still she persisted in revealing her small firm breasts to him, if he'd have cared to look.

So, with my hands shaking a little, I showed the invitation to my lady.

"Are we free on Saturday night?" I asked.

"Nothing we can't cancel", she replied, a little breathless and clearly excited herself.


The work week passed agonisingly slowly. Each spare moment found me wondering what a blackout party was, and what we should wear, what we should bring, etc. The host bluntly refused to take my calls and texts, except once by text, stating "No words, no dress code, no hangups, no worries."

Finally, Saturday rolled around. I opted for casual black slacks and a maroon button-down shirt. My lady chose an emerald-coloured dress, wispy and gossamer-like. We still had no idea what to expect, but chose to take the advice of the only message I had been given, and not bring along the traditional gifts except a bottle of very good pinot, which my lady and I chose to drink in the car, straight out of the bottle, when we parked out the front of the given address.

Steeling ourselves and taking a deep breath or two to settle our nerves, we approached the front door. No light showed through windows, but there was the gentle throb of bass coming from the house. I raised a hand to knock, but the door opened seemingly by itself. It was dark inside, the only light coming from the streetlight over my shoulder. As we entered, a few sharp and narrow turns had us in total blackness within a few steps. It reminded me of a light trap from a photo-developing studio. I reached for and found my lady's hand, just as a firm hand pressed against my chest, stopping me cold. A pair of hands caressed my chest and started unbuttoning my shirt. A shocked gasp next to me told me that my lady was receiving similar treatment. The sudden forceful squeeze of her hand on mine was another clue. I gently squeezed back, running a reassuring thumb along the back of her hand.

"It's OK", I whispered. "I'm right here".

I felt the warmth of a face approach, and a soft, deep male voice whispered in my ear "From here on, no more words".

I nodded, then immediately felt foolish for doing so, realising the darkness masked any motion.

Hands proceeded to my belt, unbuckling me and unbuttoning my trousers. I kicked off my shoes before my pants hit the floor. There's nothing more embarrassing than trying to untangle yourself from your clothing while your shoes are on. I heard the click and scrape of heels, and guessed that my lady was also slipping off her shoes. The whisper of rayon followed, as my trousers and her dress hit the floor. I was quickly and efficiently relieved of my underwear, and heard a faint rustle next to me. Once again, I guessed that my lady was now as naked as I.

I felt a hand on the inside of my thigh, quickly heading north, grazing over my semi-erect cock. A soft feminine giggle came from in front of me as a hand took hold of my elbow, leading me forward. With my hand firmly holding onto my lady's, we carefully stepped forward, still blinded by the total blackness. I thought I caught a glimpse of softly glowing green off to my left, but it was gone as quickly as it appeared.

Maybe another dozen steps were taken, cool tiles underfoot, before we straightened out in our darkened course. The faint sound of suppressed moans, squelching and slurping came to my ears through the soft but bassy music, and the scent of sex was heavy in the air. I sensed more than felt the approach of a face to my ear again. The female voice whispered, "From here, you're on your own. Enjoy!", and a small hand cupped my balls and gave my cock a quick squeeze.

Taking one careful, tiny step at a time and holding tightly to my lady's hand, I led her toward the source of the sounds. My foot grazed what felt like a leg, smooth and feminine. A hand grasped my ankle and made its way up my calf. I stopped, feeling my lady's naked body huddle close to mine. I could hear her breath coming in short, short gasps, and felt her pulse pounding through her hand as she gripped mine with surprising, crushing strength.

The hand made its way up the inside of my leg, then zeroed in on my genitals. There was the sound of a shifting body below and in front of me, a throaty moan, and the feel of a pair of lips meeting my groin next to where my balls hung. Quickly, I felt my cock engulfed throat-deep between a pair of wet lips, and I sprung to full attention in the mouth of whomever was my sudden encounter. My left hand was suddenly crushed by my lady's grip as a muffled squeal came from her direction. It seems she had found some unexpected, invisible delight as well. I felt her tug my hand downward, but I got the impression it was because she herself was headed to the floor rather than her indicating we should move forward.

The lips around my cock slid along its length, following me even as I staggered forward a step or two, still grasping my lady's hand. My left foot came to rest against what felt like a rib cage, and I was half-bent over, determined to keep hold of my lady's hand as she was floor-bound. At that moment, I felt a hand graze my hip, make its way around my side, and a finger ran down my butt crease and across my anus. It felt rather large, leading me to suspect I'd just been invaded by a male. Meanwhile, the lips around my cock still kept up a slow, regular pace. I swear the tip of my cock felt tonsils occasionally, and balls definitely met chin.

I stabilised myself to stop from falling over, blindly flailing a hand looking for an anchor point. I found one - and it felt like about an eight-inch cock. Now in no danger of tripping over, I held myself where I was for a moment, then instinctively started rubbing the length of the firmness in my hand. The unaccustomed roll of skin underneath my fingers led me to imagine this cock's owner was an uncircumcised. Meanwhile, the lips around my cock had slid underneath me, somehow supporting her(?)self at hip height as she determinedly kept me between her lips. Occasionally, teeth grazed along my shaft as she took a breath or readjusted her position. It was agonising; it was heavenly.

I felt my lady's hand become slick with sweat, and it seemed to be tugging downward at mine in a repetitive cycle. I became curious, so I reluctantly let go of the cock I had been stroking and felt for the face of whoever was sucking me. My fingers met a mass of curly hair and my fingers traced along her jaw line. Gently I pulled her face away from my groin, and there was a pop as my cock disengaged from the vacuum of her lips.

Still with my left hand holding my lady's, I worked my way behind her. The ribcage my foot had met seemed to be attached to the rhythm of my lady's tugging hand. Sure enough, when I ran my right hand along my lady's sweating back, it was rising and falling in the motion I had become so familiar with whenever she rode me. I had not released her hand as I made my way to finding her body, which resulted in her right arm now being gently twisted behind her back. Now I could feel the mutual motion of my lady and her unknown male lover writhing in time in front of me. She was impaled on him, riding him gently but intensely. My right hand was still on her back, resting there for balance. My left hand had her right hand twisted up behind her back. Her left hand must have been supporting her weight as she drove down onto her invisible lover.

The feeling of sadistic power came over me, knowing she was in such a vulnerable position. I carefully dropped to my knees making sure not to injure my lady or her lover. My cock felt the heat of their union as it grazed along her rump as she fucked whoever he was. I ran my right hand down her wet spine, feeling the dimples at the base of her back. I continued downward, feeling her shudder as my finger danced around her anus. The heat of their union greeted my hand, and I continued down. I could feel the fuzz of his balls on the back of my hand as I extended a finger into her, feeling his cock's heat as he slid into her along with my finger. My lady uttered a sob as her pussy was suddenly expanded to greet my finger's invasion. Feeling him thrusting into her was such a thrill, even though it was only one finger in contact with him and her slickness.

Her body wracked with pleasure, probably mixed with a little pain as I twisted her arm up a little further. I was very conscious of her fondness for being dominated, but years of practice let me know how far I could twist her arm and cause ecstatic discomfort but not damage her. I love her; I could never truly hurt her.

I disengage my finger from their union and ran it upward a couple of inches, focussing on running it around the surrounds of her anus. I was hoping she would get the message, even though her lust-clouded mind, and subconsciously prepare herself for what I had in mind.

She and I had experimented in every facet of sensuality that two people could. We had often discussed and fantasised about a three-way situation. We had experimented with 2.5somes - that is, me and our favourite 6-inch dildo. So I knew she was capable and willing to take two cocks at once. Now I intended to to find out whether both being human cocks made a difference.

Using the sweat from her body, I coated my cock in moisture, then slowly positioned myself behind her, resting the tip of my cock at her anus. Using my free hand, I fingered the pucker of her ass, then slowly and firmly entered her. She shuddered, and the hand I was still holding up the middle of her back squeezed hard. From that, I could tell that, yes, she wanted me there. I inserted another finger in her ass, stretching her out for my cock's modest girth. During these few moments, my lady's fuck-partner had become more intense in his driving rhythm. I sensed that my anal invasion needed to happen soon, lest we lost his help. Without wasting any more time, I slowly removed my fingers from my lady's now well-stretched ass and guided the tip of my cock to her back door. In the pitch black, I had to rely on sense to match the rhythm of my lady and her lover. But I soon found it, and with one quick, short thrust, entered her anus on her upthrust. The sharp intake of her breath was exhilarating as I rested just inside her ass with the tip of my cock. I had no lubrication other than her own sweat, and I didn't want to hurt her despite me twisting her arm behind her. This was testing the very limits of our mutual trust, but I was confident that I knew her well enough to know where the boundaries lay.

Even with just the tip of my cock in my lady, I could feel the long deep thrusts of her lover grating along the insides of her pussy walls, transmitting heat and vibration to my tip. I slowly slid further into her, feeling the wracking gasps and shudders of her body with each small increase in depth into her backside. I could feel her mystery lover through the thin wall between her pussy and rectum. It was almost enough to make me come right there and then, but I held off, determined to sink my whole length into her. I still held her high up her back in an armlock, unwilling to let her go for even a moment. Her tiny hand gripped my fingers in mutual need of reassurance which I gave with a gentle squeeze on her fingers. She responded in kind, probably out of reflex as I imagined her to be too far gone in the throes of passion to know what the was doing consciously.

To my surprise, my lady flung her left arm up behind her into my grasp. She had been supporting herself with this. Instinctively and by pure touch, I gathered her left wrist in my hand. I now had both her hand bound behind her back. This meant that her tits were now grinding into the chest of her lover. The feeling of power and lust from this submission of her safety into my hands was overpowering. My animal instinct took over, and I thrust myself into her ass deeply, matching the rhythm of whoever was fucking her pussy so forcefully. I could feel his shaft driving deep into her, even as I strove for the depths of her bowels.

As I was driving deeply into her, I felt the unmistakable feeing of long fingernails scraping along my back. I knew that it couldn't be my lady's fingers because I had her hands pulled tight against her own shoulder blades.. The nails left my back as suddenly as they had arrived. The momentary distraction barely registered in my mind as I fucked my lady's ass with animal intensity. Then with a sudden jolt, my lady somehow levitated herself from a face-down position to the standard woman-on-top model. This nearly bent my cock in two, but allowed her lover to slide his full length into her. A shudder ran down my lady's back as I stretched her ass to its limits and a deep, earthy groan erupted from her throat which was quickly muffled. In this position I could no longer thrust into her, but I was just long enough to stay embedded in her ass. Her pussy-fucker continued his thrusting, lifting her up a few inches with each drive. Each thrust allowed me to slip back into her a fraction of an inch at the time.

The logical side of my mind wondered how my lady was maintaining this position, since I had both her arms still bound up behind her. There was a tension there which I had been subconsciously compensating for. It now occurred to me that she was leaning forward but must have been supported some other way. Her muffled groan told me that there was now someone else involved in our three-way union. With both her wrists in my right hand, I balanced my weight so I could let me left hand slide up her back. It met the mane of her hair and I cradled the back of her head in my hand. She leaned her head back into my grasp, and a wave of security and outright love flooded through me. Gods, how I cared for her! To trust me so much, to know that I was hers, despite whoever was inside her at the moment.

It was during this thought that I felt her head move slightly forward, up and down. I wondered if some other man had offered her his cock. She did love to suck me, often greedily, not letting me loose until she had drained and swallowed every drop of semen I could give her. But this felt different. It was more a vertical motion instead of the back-and-forth that I'd have expected. It occurred to me then that maybe it was a female my lady had engaged with her superior tongue. A feminine gasp from above and in front of me told me my guess may be accurate. I had never known my lady to be interested in muff-diving, so this came as a pleasant surprise, if my guess was correct.

A pair of hands met mine at the back of my lady's head. Long fingernails, small and delicate fingers. Yes. Whoever this woman was, she was driving my lady's face deeper into her pussy, and forcing me to push her head deeper into the mystery vagina. An image floated into my mind, a vision of this situation from an outside perspective. My lady, riding a mystery guy, me buried in her ass, her face buried in the pussy of another woman. It was all I could do to stop the surge in my balls from filling my lady. The pitch darkness only enhanced the eroticism of the vision in my head.

I could only imagine the tongue of my lady splitting the labia of her new lover, swirling around her, sliding up over her urethra, maybe tasting the tang of urine there, and then swirling over the swollen clitoris of her new additional lover. It was all I could take, and my hand pressed forward, forcing my lady's face back down into the shoulder of her male lover. I slid back into her anus in one strong, long stroke. She uttered a throaty and long groan as I pressed up into her innards as deep as I could. Her male lover instinctively took the cue and met my thrust. We started driving into her in time, each mutual stroke pushing her further up her male lover's body. I didn't care about the pussy my lady had been licking. I needed to release myself deep into my lady, urgently. It was then that I felt the fingernails scratching down my back again, painfully, and down my buttocks, lingering at my own anus, then a small hand cupped my balls. Within moments, one of my testicles was engulfed in a mouth, even as I was fucking my lady's ass. It nearly made me spill my seed right there, but just before eruption the mouth left me. I gather by the sudden tension from my lady's other lover that he had just received the same treatment. I swear he must have nearly burst through my lady's uterus with the power of that sudden thrust.

The tongue that had just sucked my ball then flicked the crease of skin from my ass to the base of my cock, then lingered on my anus. It had been a long time since I had been rimmed, but the feeling was as I remembered. I withdrew from my lady an inch or two, and thrust my ass backward. It was met with an eager tongue, probing and teasing my most forbidden and sensitive area.

I could hold out no longer. I drove deeply into my lady, pulling her arms even higher up her back until she groaned in pleasured discomfort. With a few deep strokes, I began pulsing in my balls, which had once again been encased by lips. I erupted, feeling the liquid broiling in my balls and fighting its way to release down the length of my cock. The intensity of my orgasm almost hurt, stinging as seed fought seed for urgent release. My lady's partner stopped thrusting at the point of my release for a moment, then buried himself deeply inside her pussy. I could feel her internal walls bulge as he spilled his own juices deep into her. It seemed that the one superbly deep thrust was his manner, as opposed to my own repeated pumps during orgasm. Still, I could feel his cock through her, thickening and spurting forth his contribution.

The mouth encasing my balls had been temporarily forgotten, but as I wilted inside my lady, the tongue's presence became more active. I could feel it flicking the base of my cock, disappearing every few moments. I imagined that maybe it was awaiting the spill of seed from me and my lady's lover. As I slipped out of my lady's ass, surely enough, the mystery tongue took over flicking at random and covering every square inch of my lady's darkest regions.

I gently released my lady's arms, feeling slightly guilty for not even knowing if she'd come or not. I promised myself to do whatever I could to give her the ultimate pleasure later, in private. However, it seemed to not be a factor. My lady's other lover also had shrunk and slipped from her pussy. I felt his deflating cock brush mine wetly as he slipped out, and there was the familiar, slightly disappointed but familiar moan from my lady. She wanted more. I certainly couldn't deliver at that point, and a moment of panic set in as I feared that maybe her other lover had greater stamina.

However, I was pushed aside from behind and below as I sensed that the intruding woman had determined to take care of business herself. I rolled away and rubbed a hand over my lady's back. It felt like she was kneeling, still over her male lover, ass in the air. I ran my hand further down her back and met the same mass of curls I had felt before. There was a lot of motion occurring, and my lady's back was curving, pushing backward every second or two. Her breath was ragged, coming in ever-increasing deep gasps. In this inky blackness, all I could do was to visualise what I was feeling. A woman, kneeling behind my own kneeling lady, licking her from stem to stern, bringing orgasm by tongue. Too spent to do any further, I placed one hand on my lady's back and clasped her hand in my other as I sat cross-legged beside her heaving body. Her male lover had not moved beneath her. Not that I cared any longer. My sole purpose now was to do what little I could to reassure my lady, and assist in her orgasm.

The licking ministrations of the mystery woman quickly brought my lady to the point of orgasm. I could feel the familiar tension of her body starting at her shoulders and moving downward. A momentary freeze of motion, and then an outright scream of release, passion, and loss of control erupted next to me. A surprised grunt came from the opposite side of the scream, and a sudden urgent slurping. I could feel my lady's body bucking underneath my hand on her back. This was new to me; I'd never seen her react so strongly before. A mixture of pleasure and jealousy washed over me, and a brief moment of panic set in. What might have I created here?

My lady's bucking quickly subsided, although the aftereffects lingered with occasional uncontrollable pulses through her body for minutes afterward. At some point her pleasure-giver must have disengaged and slunk off to another coupling. My lady collapsed forward fully. Her male lover took her weight, but gently rolled her limp form off him and toward me. She completed the roll, facing me as I moved to lay next to her, holding her securely with our legs entwining and still shaking. She kissed me quickly, then once again deeply. I could taste the tang of female on her lips. It caused my cock to twitch back to life, briefly but in vain.

"I love you", she whispered to me. I don't know how he knew it was me after the confusion of so many lovers and experiences. But I took it as an instinctive knowledge.

"I love you too", I whispered back.

After a while of listening to the rise and fall of the sounds of passion, we raised our adrenalin-exhausted bodies and fumbled our way to a wall, then navigated blindly. A hand intercepted me and led us through a maze once again. Clothes were handed to us item by item, in the correct order, and we were soon re-dressed. The same faint green glow appeared occasionally, and my hind-brain, military-trained, conjectured night-vision goggles. I gave it no further thought as I finished dressing.

I found my lady's hand once again as we made our way our through the light-trap and the front door. Wearily we walked to the car, no further words yet having been exchanged.


A few days later, checking the mailbox after coming home from work, there was a black cardboard envelope addressed in silver ink. It held a DVD. I had a fairly good idea what it might contain. I waited for my lady to come home, and we slipped it into the player. Sure enough, green and black night-vision images from various angles of masses of writhing human forms greeted us. Our own stumbling entrance was noted, and the sight of my lady being impaled by my friend, the host. No clue as to the mystery woman, but maybe she'll be at the next event.

We can't wait for the next invitation to arrive…

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She likes two

Carol was attractive, 46 years old, blonde hair, blue eyes. Her marriage was unfufilling, sexually. When we met she told me that her husband wouldn’t make love to her, so she looked elsewhere. We met and it and there was a mutual attraction between the two of us. I was 47 and single at the time and Carol was 46, married and needed companionship. She stated her husband didn’t make love t her. We enjoyed each others company, mentally as well as physically. When she could make it out of her...

2 years ago
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Wash Wear

Tonight was the night! Jim stood in front of the bathroom mirror making sure everything was perfect for his date this evening. He was feeling really good… and just a little bit nervous too. It had been 6 weeks since he had first laid eyes on her. He remembered it like it was just yesterday. He had been at work getting everything ready for the product photo shoot in the studio. He heard the studio door open behind him and then his boss’ voice as she gave the usual tour-guide speech and he...

3 years ago
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Rent boy

I was in my hotel room cruisng the sites when I ran across his ad. Young guy, good stats, looking for an older guy for a fun evening. A few e-mails and some pics later and he was on his way to my hotel. I still had my reservations about this but I was horny and my little head had control.When he showed up any doubt I may have had vashished. His name was Kevin, he was about 5'9" with close cut blonde hair and deep green eyes. As I let him in my room, I could tell he was nerveous but not scared....

4 years ago
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CuffsChapter 7

I felt my anxiety float out of my body with that admission. “Ok, Mary, your safe word is also Avocado. Or should I call you Xena? That does seem appropriate. Do you have anything else you want to say at this time, Xena?” “No Sir, not at this time.” My little scene was all laid out. Pet and Leia had gone back to licking each other. Diana was tied up like Leia had been earlier with her legs spread. This time Laura was above her, scissoring her crotch against Diana’s. She had also...

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My name is Joe. I’m going to tell you a story. No, not about me, I’m just your ‘average Joe’. But I have a friend who is really something else! His name is Leonard. His friends all call him Leo. Leo & I worked in the oil fields in south Texas. I’m a roustabout while he is a high rigger. I don’t have any special talents, but Leo is an artist. Not a painter or a sculptor, but he can draw anything you want. A flower, a butterfly, animals, fantasy creatures, or just intricate abstract designs....

4 years ago
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I allowed my brother to enjoy me

My brother is three years older than me, so you can imagine how I felt when I first saw him in his glory.He has a magnificent physique, in my eyes, but if the truth be known, he was the first naked male I had laid eyes on, and yes all the giggling and innuendo we girls talked excitedly about men, just fell to the wayside as I looked at my brother, teasing me, pretending to be a strip tease dancer, his penis swinging around wildly as he swayed his hips and thrust them provocatively in my...

2 years ago
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The Devils Pact the Hell ChroniclesChapter 12 The King and Queen of Hell

Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Mark Glassner – The Abyss "Chasity, organize the guard and scout the plain," I commanded, staring out at the distant city of brass across the rocky, blasted lands of hell. The hot wind continued to blow, searing across my skin. It was annoying. The wind stopped as power leaked out of me. I blinked. Did you just control the wind? Mary whispered in my mind. I think I did. Karen smiled as she stared at me. "Welcome to Hell, Master," she...

2 years ago
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Watcher and Watched

Monica's party Parents surprise you, sometimes. Monica's mom and dad certainly surprised us in our eighth grade year when they told Monica she could have a Christmas party. Up to eight couples, sixteen kids, they said. Everyone dressed up, that was a requirement. Monica wanted it to be formal, or at least what we thought might be formal. That was all pretty silly, of course, since we really didn't know what we were doing, but we didn't let that stop us. So there we were, all of us...

2 years ago
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Tales of Culverin HillChapter 12 Tuesday

Becca spent the next couple of days stuck in the house, in the library, grounded. On the other hand, she hadn’t been feeling all that good to begin with, since she still suffered from the lingering effects of the hangover. She had been in the library almost all of Sunday and Monday going through the journals and diaries and didn’t think she had even looked at a tenth of them. It was utterly fascinating to the teen. She had found the story about Lizzie’s Sign, though she hadn’t run across the...

4 years ago
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Traffic slowed to a crawl in the afternoon rush, as the unforgiving sun slowly roasted the pedestrians scurrying to their appointed rounds. Air conditioning is good. It was a bitter sweet day for me; I just finished signing papers finalizing my divorce to the biggest mistake I’ve made in my life. Now free and horny, I began to review my options. With my head swimming with glorious opportunities, the loud tapping at the passenger door window shocked me back to reality. A young waif,...

3 years ago
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Side Story A Drunken Confession

On a steamy evening in the middle of the village, the doors to the whorehouse swung open. With rosy cheeks and a thick aura of alcohol, a woman stepped inside. Her full, round features jostled with each unsteady step. Patrons, otherwise occupied, all gave the woman a wary glance. At her hips hung both a shield and an axe.“Welcome Lieutenant Maura,” greeted the door escort. Her blonde curls were cut short and a small dress clung to her lithe form. Maura’s shale green eyes narrowed. A slur was...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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story two setting up my girl for a gang fuck

Introduction: weve talked about my sharing her with other men during foreplay and fucking, which made her hot and wet. she loved the idea of being shared, although she didnt really take me too seriously until it happened. i apologize ahead of time for the poor quality of this story. although i hope it isnt, im sure its cliche. i sometimes feel awkward writing things like this, but my girlfriend thought it exciting to post something for the world to read. although i have marked this as a true...

3 years ago
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Empire bays lake house

Chapter one We used to be close As a young boy I had always enjoyed going to the family cottage with my parents. We always crammed as much activity as possible into the month of July: sailing, swimming, going to movies in the evening etc. I had always enjoyed a close relationship with my parents but this all seemed to end when I turned 15. Suddenly I hated being at the cottage, wanting to be anywhere else, feeling like I was a prisoner within the confines of my parents' world. To make...

1 year ago
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Adventures of Kyle David Chris pt 1

I knew that I was bi and I was accepting that. Boys and girls turned me on and I wanted both boyfriends and girlfriends. But what I didn't know was that my first true love would be my best friend and a boy. I was in my junior year of high school and I was 16. I had many friends but I wasn't the most popular kid either. Luckily I wasn't the one that always got made fun of either, and I was grateful for that. No one in my school knew my secret and my best friends didn't even know. I...

3 years ago
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Jack And Jill The Second BookChapter 52

Just because I found things to do while Jack conducted his interviews doesn't mean I let the second wave of girls have at him. I answered the door for three of them and made an appearance in the kitchen after I'd been down to the house for the last. All of them were well aware that I was there and had staked my claim. I'm pretty sure Jack knew what I was doing by the way he smiled at me as I delivered each one to the kitchen and replenished my apple juice when I got back from Mom's. He...

3 years ago
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Tinkerbelle the power of three

Richard Ellis, Captain Ellis, Captain Richard Ellis. His name ruminated in Tink’s happy thoughts, over and over in any number of iterations. She wept that this man who saved her Master’s life already was underway and well out to sea by now. She savored the feeling of him deep inside her girl parts, reliving that fullness and heat, the sight and scent of him as he pummeled her body with something that only can be called a gentle forcefulness. Her thoughts troubled Tink for were her sudden,...

Love Stories
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In all your life you could only feel one way about yourself. You were a loser. Everything about you could be described as "below average" everything from your eyesight to the size of your penis. You were socially inept. You frequented the library, you would spend your time reading romances and erotica, wishing that you could have something like the characters in the stories. Despite everything you told yourself, despite all of your efforts, your attempts at improving any aspect of yourself...

2 years ago
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The Crossing part 37 of 37

After escaping from a German PoW camp during the war, circumstances had forced me to assume the identity of a dead woman and take a husband. Now discover my final fate. THE CROSSING - part 37 of 37 by BobH (c) 2016 - EPILOGUE - January 1953. It hardly seemed possible this was my tenth year as Eva, but the calendar doesn't lie. Ours hung on the wall, with now ex- President Truman sitting on the edge of a desk and...

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Catherine and Alexander

Catherine and Alexander by: Bruce Leach Although the children never knew it times had been rough in the castle. Their father, the Duke of Beaufort, had in recent days made a number of unfortunate alliances that put not only his fortune but his entire properties and even his own life in jeopardy. In these days after the king's death the wrong friends could mean accusations of treachery and the Duke had made all the wrong friends. Things looked bleak until he had an...

1 year ago
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And Joseph ProfitsChapter 2

Two weeks later Vicky struggled to hold back the lunging surging dog as she strolled down the leafy avenue. The impatient animal seemed to want to want to pounce on every new smell. Barked at everything that moved and was so filled with enthusiasm to be out of the villa that her slim arms struggled to keep it under control. She saw a group of Africans sitting smoking something pungent, openly smirking as they watched her struggle with the powerful animal. She glared at them and they looked...

1 year ago
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Master In Training Chapter 3 of 4

Master In Training by Murry Davis Chapter Three At first the four guys stand there unsure of what they should do. Jennifer walks over to Bob and grabs his crotch through his pants. She rubs her naked breasts against his chest. "What are you guys waiting for? Show me what you've got," Jennifer tells them. Gradually they begin to get a little bolder and start unbuckling their belts. Poor Ted, though, still seems to be in a daze. Jack and Fred are soon pantless. Their cocks stand at attention...

2 years ago
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Shopping for BBC Blacken

Today, I went to Dillard's to get some new summer outfits. I had been dieting and working out all winter and was ready to slip into something new. While I was looking through some racks of skirts and tank tops I noticed a young black man staring at me. I smiled at him and he seemed to blush and turn away.As I left the store with a few purchases and was walking through the mall parking lot that guy pulled up next to me in his car. He had some hood-tricked out Toyota. I had to smile to myself....

1 year ago
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Blood BondsChapter 7

It was almost dawn. They were walking slowly, Nicole leading the way while a few feet behind her Ethan traced the tiny path in front of them, mindful of his surroundings. His eyes darted this way and that with a nervousness compounded by the lack of sleep. Each tree, bush and grove ahead seemed to him a perfect place for an ambush, but none carried the tell-tale signs. Nature all around them continued to be ever present; the plentiful cries of small monkeys and night-birds mingled with the...

1 year ago
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Anusha chithi

Hai.I am sugra 24 PG graduate looking handsome.This incident was happened few years ago.When i was studied my ug,during my vacation i went to my chithi’s house near coimbatore.Her name is Anusha.She is a widow She is working as teacher 38 age.Having 36-28-36 size boobs.Long black hair.She is elder sister of mom.I love her nd she also.I reached to her house at late n8.Knocked the door.My chithi opened the door.Wow i was shocked when i saw her.He just wake up .She wear transparent light brown...

1 year ago
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Journeys End

'Journey's End is a secret, and vast complex of buildings located somewhere in the European countryside. The sole purpose of this complex is the sexual exploitation of the residents who volunteer to go there for a time to explore their sexual fantasies, or for the mere adventure of the unknown. No one is permanently harmed, but can be restrained by whatever means necessary because of a carefully written and binding legal waiver document. The complex is owned and operated by a number of wealthy...

4 years ago
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Au Pair Part 2

“Well, it cannot be that bad,” she trailed off. “Or it’s a matter of your sister grinding your bones without you willing to admit it? Lacy is not a burden to you, is she?” she inquired with raised eyebrows. “No, the Au Pair is accompanying her down here,” I stated with a frown. “Ohhh,” she laughed, “and you are warned not to shag her,” she continued, laughing even more. “Nope, I am not supposed to try my luck apparently. Moreover, I was informed she is gay.” Kate just smiled…. I noticed...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Sex With My Chemist Girl Part 8211 2

Hey guys, this is Mayur, back with another story of my chemist girl. After my first story ( ) , I got tremendous response and requests on my email account to post stories of another sessions. As I had told in my earlier story, I have had numerous sessions with her (3 after posting the story itself), and I’ll describe a few of them in my later stories, so here I am, back with another sexperience. Again, this story is gonna be long like...

4 years ago
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Ds Done Differently II Chapter 3

With Hannah laid out on the bed, naked, asking me to make love to her, I was hungrily devouring the banquet she had set out before me.I licked and sucked and nibbled on each tit in turn, making sure to give equal time and energy to both. Then I pushed them together and made a titty sandwich, which I also devoured with great pleasure.When I had enjoyed her tits enough (for now at least), I decided to explore a little further down. I wanted to see just where her sensations ended. I kissed down...

4 years ago
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SLuT9 Epilogue

Jennifer ran upstairs and released Molly from the torture she and Olivia had been committing against the girl, Molly was allowed to dress and released from her slavery for the length of a small celebration party. Jenn didn't have cake in the house, so they just had mint chocolate chip ice cream. Dave thought the party might be a little premature considering Rebbecca's past history in saying one thing and doing the complete opposite. It was during this mini-celebration that Megan came to...

2 years ago
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First 3some part 2

The night was still young, it was still very early and we had at least5 hours ahead of us before any of us would need some sleep. Jeanstarted to play again, this time with a banana shaped vibe, Steve wasbusy with his camera and Jean was lost somewhere in her dreams, shestarted to cum a couple of times then stopped and spread her pussy forus to see, she was soaking wet, I couldn’t help but dip a couple offingers in there and have a play, Jean concentrated the vibe on herclit, then I had one...

3 years ago
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Rhythm and the Blue Line Ch 14

Three days later, on a game-free Tuesday night, Brody whistled as he flipped a zucchini pancake over. Mark eyed the contents of the pan warily. "What is that?" "A zucchini pancake with angel hair pasta and a few other things. It's like a frittata." Brody sprinkled some salt and pepper on it, flipped it again. "How the hell do you come up with stuff like that?" "Saw it in a magazine." Brody shrugged. "Looked good, thought I'd try it. Come on, when have I ever let you down with food?" "When you...

Love Stories
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My 14th Birthday Gift

Once it was just Madison and I left in the house, I decided to go upstairs to take a shower. Madison just hung out in my room while I hopped into the shower. Madison was still sitting there when I had gotten out on her phone. "I'm surprised you didn't notice!" She said. "Notice what?" I replied. Madison said, "I never gave you your birthday gift!!" I didn't even realize it until that point. "Well, did you get me anything?" I asked. "Yes!" She replied. Once she...

3 years ago
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Recomissioned Warrior

When I'm motoring around on my trike I look pretty normal--for a 6'6 270 pound biker in leathers. The helmet conceals many sins. In front of a mirror I've decided that I look like the Incredible Hulk had Hulk Hogan's baby--and dropped it, several times. When dressed I guess I look OK. You can't see the faint scars that cover my body like a fishnet. I've been re-wired. I'm faster, stronger, tougher and last longer than any man born of woman. You see, I'm a cyborg. Fresh out of college I...

4 years ago
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Boys Life

At fifteen young Ernie Marsh was wise to the ways of the world thanks to his dear old mum and his older sister. Neither of them was a prize when it came to looks, but both of them had rather healthy appetites when it came to things sexual. When he was twelve his mum decided that he should sleep with her a few times a week so she could teach him about how to pleasure a woman. He was trained in the art of eating pussy, spending hours between his mum's flabby thighs licking her hairy cunt as she...

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My taxi job and the single mom

My dads friend ask me to drive his taxi for two weeks. An old guy who has regular cash customers. I got his car and his cab phone and worked until the end of the 2nd week. I had a call yesterday with a women and her mentally ill son. She got in the front seat and put him in the back. She had a Dr appointment and would only be a while. On the way there she told me she was marginally old when she got pregnant. and thats the reason he came out that way. Then she told me her husband left her, seven...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 28 All Out of Gum and Ass to Kick

Darkness had come and gone. Musa and I had worked all through the night. When I had answers to all the questions I could think of, and had copied the contents of the SD-cards to my laptop to make space on one of them, I had written a script for him to read. It was based on what he had told me, but we still went through it line by line. By that time he was struggling to stay conscious. The wounds on his wrists in particular hurt terribly, so much in fact that I had to cut him loose and bandage...

4 years ago
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Fucked A Reader From Hyderabad

Hey, girls and aunties, I am your beloved Pavan came up with another real incident which happened in Hyderabad. I narrated my previous stories in Telugu. I would like to write this sex story in English. I would like to thank all the readers who responded me after reading my previous stories with you valuable feedbacks. And to girls and aunties who are expecting a secret relationship can mail me at Coming to the sex story I got a mail from ISS that my sex story was submitted. Thanks to ISS for...

1 year ago
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Love is Stronger than Pride Part 3

As Tamara made her way to her office, she couldn’t hide her good mood as she passed Billie at the desk. “Good morning, Billie,” she smiled as she walked straight into her office leaving Billie wondering. Billie was on the phone, but if she wasn’t she would’ve been all up in Tamara’s face getting details about Tamara’s weekend away in Atlanta. It was clear that something changed between Tamara and Kent, and obviously for the better. Billie was happy for her friend for taking the leap. “Speaking...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Truth or Consequences

Lost my best friend from High School in the Marine Barracks bombing in Beirut, Lebanon in 83. I joined the Army the next day. The Marine recruiters were out of the office. Didn?t want to be one of Uncle Sam?s Misguided Children anyway. Ended up a Combat Engineer, MOS 21B5P, Airborne All The Way! Met my future wife in 88 while attending my OAC. She did not care for the military life style as both of her parents were former military. Her Dad had a Silver Star from WWII in Europe and Mom (Army...

3 years ago
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The AccidentChapter 14

She’s my sister ... what ever else she is ... she’s still my sister. I hoped she was dry. Shouldn’t have gone down on her ... but I did. Then I fucked her for four hours. We got home at five o’clock Sunday. Mom was waiting up. Grace couldn’t walk. I had to drag her in. “Mom,” she groaned, “You lied to me. He’s HUGE.” “Aw ... c’mon, Grace. He’s Finn ... it’s too cold to grow ‘em big.” “David,” Grace said. “Show her.” And of course, Grace had fucked me to a bloody stump. So, what I showed...

4 years ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 112

Ben Benedict sat and puzzled over what was in front of him. When he first saw the script for "Dragon Lore" he doubted it could be made. Once he learned he could find the funding, he doubted he could assemble a cast. Now, three short months after he'd met a group of people he now considered friends as well as coworkers and collaborators, he realized he was going to have to sift through literally two dozen messages from people who wanted a part now that news had leaked out. Major studios...

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