The Wedding Dress free porn video

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The Wedding Dress

Sarah Johnson sat stoically as she waited what usually was the happiest day of a girl’s life, her marriage. This was not so for young Sarah. At 18 she was to be married to a man older enough to be her father and maybe even her grandfather. A man she had only said a few words answering his questions in an interview. She had little choice but to answer as she had been instructed by her Uncle.

Here she sat in a wedding gown she could not even believe would have been made in the shameful way it display her. The gown was black and went from her neck to a very tight skirt going all the way to the floor. She had to practice walking in it because she could only take very short steps. However this was not the problem of the dress, it was what was missing in the dress that made it so obscene.

Sarah could feel the tightness of the clamp on her nipples as her breast were protruded through elastic bra like fitting holding her rather large breast tightly force them straight out declaring to everyone look at us. A chain on the nipple clamps went around her neck pulling her nipples up to full attention.

The dress then tight covered her until it reached her waist. Here the dress mostly disappears except for tight bands that reached down both sides of her body holding the dress firmly in place. Her closely shaved pussy was totally revealed by the absence of any covering and this extended between her legs and allowing most of the butt cheeks to be exposed. To make it even worse as she waited going to before the crowd gathered for her wedding her uncle had spanked her butt cheeks so they both glowed with a reddish hue and she could continue to the sting of the paddle he had used.

She also is very aware of the fullness in her genitals since a butt plug fills her ass. She can feel the hair attached to this plug giving the appearance of a fox like tail. Her pussy is filled with a dildo and she knows that both will begin to vibrate as she walks down the aisle. She has been so conditioned so that both of these will have a devastating effect on her and she hopes she will be able to contain herself in the manner she has been instructed or else there will be much punishment.

The door opens and her uncle walks toward her. He helps her up since she is unable to stand by herself due to the tightness of the dressed. Without a word he motions her forward and she walks out the door. The standing crowd applauds her obscene appearance as she walks down the aisle to begin the next phase of her nightmarish new life.

Chapter 2:

As Sarah walked down the aisle for her wedding she could feel all the eyes staring at her most private areas. She felt totally exposed in a most obscene manner. The crowd could also see the beginning excitement resulting from the butt plug and dildo inserted in her. As she took each step they made their presence known insider her. She also knew her Uncle control the devices’ remote control. She had only taken a few steps when she felt the vibrations of the dildo begin deep within her. At one time she would have been disgusted by this feeling but now she could barely control her body as it responded to the stimulation. Her pussy was already wet with desire as she felt pussy juice beginning to run down her leg. Her erect clit pressed hard against the dildo and the vibrations seem to be part of her.

It had only been a few months since she was just a regular girl in high school. That seemed ages ago. After both her parents were killed in a car accident and she was sent to live with her only relative, her Uncle Karl. He lived in a secluded area and she knew immediately she was in trouble when she arrived at his home. He was a member of a strange cult where men were totally in charge. No one in the family could question him, he was totally in control of the household.

When she walked through the door of his isolated farmhouse she knew her life had changed. As she stood there her Uncle walked in and without saying anything stood and stared at her.

“You are now here and I am in charge. You will do what I say or else,” he said.

Sarah just looked at him not knowing what to say.

“Say something girl,” he shouted.

“Yes sir,” she stammered.

“Take off your clothes,” he suddenly demanded as her Aunt walked into the room also staring at her.

“What?” she asked not believing what she had heard.

Her Uncle walked up to her and slapped her face.

Sarah recoiled and felt the pain. She shuttered and wanted to run but there was no where to go.

“I do not like to repeat myself. Take off your clothes,” he demanded again.

As he began to raise his hand to strike again Sara could see her Aunt was not going to help her. As a result she began unbuttoned her blouse and slowly took it off. She looked to see her Uncle still staring at her and she slowly unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them off. She was now standing before her Uncle and Aunt only clad in her bra and panties.

“You are not finished,” her Uncle said.

Sara had never been naked in front of anyone others than her mother and her friend. She could not believe what was happened but she was too scared to do anything as she pulled off her bra revealing her rather large breasts. She then pulled down her panties revealing her pussy hidden some by her pubic hair. She stepped out of her panties completely naked. She quickly attempted to cover her pussy with her hand.

“Move your hand,” her Uncle commanded.

Sarah moved her hand and stood totally naked as her Uncle and Aunt stared at her body.

“Ok, this is the way it is going to be. You are here and I am in charge. You will do everything I tell you to do without question. Do you understand?”

“Yes sir,” Sarah replied.

“I see my job is to get you married as soon as possible. You are not ready yet so we will have to work on that. Are you a virgin?” he asked.

“What?” she said not quite understanding what he meant.

“Have you ever fucked a guy?”

“No,” she said not believing what he was asking.

“Well, we will have to take care of that. You need to be trained on how to please a man so that a man will want you,” he explained as if it was nothing special.

“No, please. I don’t want to have sex until I find someone that I fall in love with,” she said.

“Don’t be ridiculous. You will fall in love with who I decide you should fall in love with. I will find a man for you and you will be happy with my choice. You will also have to know how to keep him happy and my job is to teach you what you need to know.”

“Okay, while you are here you will mostly be naked. Mary, take Sarah to her room and show her where she will be sleeping. I have to do a few things. We will begin the training tomorrow.”

At that Sarah’s Aunt Mary motioned to her to follow her. Sarah picked up her clothes and followed her Aunt into a very small room with a cot.

“Here is where you will live. I must tell you if you do not do exactly like your Uncle says he will punish you and you do not want to make him angry with you.”

As her Aunt left her alone in the small room she sat on the cot and began to cry.

The rest of the day passed and at dinner time she was brought into the dining room still naked. She sat at the time and was presented food. She was not very hungry still feeling confused and upset but ate some. She then went to bed wondering what the next day would bring.

She was awakened early by her Aunt and instructed to clean herself up and make herself presentable. She took a hot shower and her Aunt gave her some toiletries. She then presented her to the Aunt who looked her over.

“That will not do,” her Aunt said.

“Come here and sit down. Spread your legs,” her Aunt instructed. Her Aunt then proceeded to lather up her genital area and shave off all her pubic hair leaving her pussy very exposed. She felt her Aunt’s fingers softly rubbing her tinder pussy lips and clit. She noticed that her Aunt had a sly smile as she did it. Sarah could feel her pussy reacting to her Aunt’s touch even though she felt disgusted her Aunt’s fingers were doing.

Her Aunt got up and opened Sarah’s legs wide and said, “There, your pussy is all clean now. Get up.”

Sarah was led to the back porch. There she was instructed to bend over a wooden device. Not knowing what else to do she complied and very quickly her wrist were bound so that she was lying on her stomach over the device. This resulted in her butt sticking up in the air. Her legs were quickly spread and also bound leaving her in a very exposed position.

“What are you doing?” she cried as she felt a hand rubbing down her ass crack onto her pussy lips.


“Owhhhh,” she cried as she felt the hard slap on a hand on her tender butt cheek.

Whap! Whap!

“Oh, that hurts,” Sarah pleased as her Uncle continued to spank her ass.

“Just getting you ready,” he said. As he moved around she could see that he was now naked and his cock was sticking straight out.

“No, please. Don’t hurt me,” she cried wondering if he was going to **** her.

“Oh, I am not going to hurt you,” he said. With that he grabbed her hair and pulled her head up as far as it would go due to her bound hands. He then made her drink some liquid which burnt as it went down her throat.

“Ohhh, What was that?” she cried as she felt it burn in her stomach. As it burned she felt strange and suddenly her body felt very warm. As Sarah attempted to grasp her situation she felt hands now rubbing some lotion on her breasts. Immediately she felt warmth spread on her skin. She felt her nipples stiffing.

“What is happening to me!” she cried as her body began to feel warm and strange. Even though she could not see much in her position she could tell her Uncle continued to rub this strange lotion all over her skin. As he did she could feel the warmth spreading throughout her body. That with the strange potion she had drunk was making her feel very odd. Her body was tingling and she began to feel almost a throbbing between her legs. Sarah had very little sexual experience. She had masturbated a few times and now found that same feeling beginning to envelope her even though she did not want it. She could feel her clit beginning to swell. It had never done this before but she could feel it stretching almost to the point of pain. She did not understand what was happening to her.

Suddenly, she felt something entering her most private area. It slipped easily into the very wet entrance to her pussy and pressed against her virginity. She felt the slight pain as it fully entered her body. It sat there for a moment and then she felt it expanding. She could not understand what was happen when it began to vibrate sending waves of stimulation through her. As this was happening something seemed to suck in her clit and she felt something soft rubbing massaging it. Sarah’s body had never had such stimulation. This was too much and her body exploded in an orgasm. Not only did she not understand what was happening she had never felt anything so wonderful. It totally engulfed her being.

“Ahhhhhhh,” she cried as her body shook with an intensity she had never known. It was too much for her. She soon felt her consciousness slipping away in an ecstasy of pleasure.

“You learned your first lesson,” her Uncle said as he slipped the dildo out of her pussy and shot a load of cum right into her pretty face. He rubbed his cum into her skin and smiled at Aunt Sarah as he began to release her from her bonds.

Chapter 3:

Sarah awakened with full memory of everything that had happened to her. Her loins were sore but there was a kind of afterglow of the multiple orgasms that she recently experienced. Her body seemed to have a new level of interest in things she previously did not realize existed. She was still the same Sarah but something had changed in her. It was as if she had tasted the forbidden Apple and now could not help herself for wanting more.

Without exactly realizing it her hand moved down between her legs. Her pussy was still somewhat inflamed from the recent events and as she touched it she gasped a bit. Her pussy had never been sensitive like this. She wondered what her Uncle had done to her. As she felt between her legs she felt her clit. It was protruding like it had never done before. It was previously just a little bump but now it was a large bump.

She did not have long to think about things since at that point the door opened. Her Aunt walked in the room.

“Good, you are finally awake. Get up. You have some chores to do,” she ordered.

“Put on these,” her Aunt said and handed her a pair of sandals.

Sarah put on the sandals and walked out of the room still naked. With each step she took she could feel her pussy lips rubbing together. She also could feel her clit still engorged and as her pussy lips rubbed it, it seemed to become even more sensitive. She wondered if this was just a temporary thing or had her Uncle really done something to her. Sex had never been much on her mind before but with each step she took it was about the only thing filling her mind.

She spent the next couple of hours cleaning the house, washing dishes, and other such chores. During the entire time she could not help but feel the tension her pussy lips made as they rubbed against each other and her erect clit. She noticed the entire time her pussy remained wet. While she worked her Uncle would appeared and watched her for a while but had little to say.

“Okay, that is enough work right now,” her Aunt said after a couple of hours.

“Go rest awhile. You can sit in the chair over there.”

Sarah sat down in a rather large chair. She could feel the fabric rub against her skin. Even that had an effect on her. While no one was looking she felt between her legs and was shocked at how sensitive she continued to be and the fact her clit continued to protrude like it had never done.

After a few minutes her Uncle opened the door, “Come with me Sarah.”

Sarah got up and followed her Uncle to the next room.

“Get up there,” he said and she got up on what looked to be an examination table for a gynecologist.

“Put your legs in these,” he ordered.

Sarah complied as if in a trance. As she placed her legs in the slots she was totally exposed. Her Uncle took her arms and secured them. Then he secured her feet so she could not move. He also attached straps to her body and so was at his total mercy. She just laid back and let him do what he wanted since there was not much she could do anyway.

“Here, drink this,” he said and she took a sip of the same liquid she previously had been given. She felt it burn it way down her throat and felt the same warming feeling in her stomach. Also, she felt a difference in her mood everything seemed more real.

She could not see what her uncle was doing but she felt the dildo go inside her already wet pussy. It slipped in her tight pussy which was already very self-lubricated. It filled her up with a good feeling. She felt her Uncle apply some cream to her very sensitive clit. Then she felt something slip over it. As her Uncle finished she could see that a small cup had been places over her clit. A tube was attached and as her Uncle turned something on suction was created. She saw and felt her clit sucked up into the tube. Her clit was extended almost an inch into the tube. Inside the tube there was something moving and it brushed against her clit. The effect was immediate.

“Oh God, it feels so good it hurts,” Sarah cried. She attempted to thrust her hips to grind her clit on something but the restraints held her.

Her Uncle watched with interest and began adjusting things so that the level of stimulation was moderated. Sarah was not quite to an orgasm but his with his expert guidance he kept her just on the verge of orgasmic fulfillment. It was both torture and extreme pleasure to Sarah. The chemical she had ingested along with the stimulant applied directly to both her clit and on the dildo played it role.

Sarah was convulsive as she lay on the table. After what seemed like an eternity to Sarah her Uncle allowed her to have a most intense orgasm. It was even more so than the day before. It was just too intense. Sarah had never felt such pleasure. She did not know that such a feeling could exist.

“Ahhhhhhhh,” she screamed as her body simply exploded in ecstasy. This time Sarah remained conscious much longer than she had before and so experienced more of the full force of her Uncle’s manipulation of her libido

Her Uncle simply watched and smiled. He knew that Sarah was now hopelessly addicted to sex.
Chapter 4:

The next few months were very confused and perplexing for Sarah. Every other day she was given a sexual treatment which continued to build upon each previous experience. Sarah’s nutritional needs were very careful regulated and various libido increasing natural foods were her main source of food. She was required to exercise regularly to maintain a firm sexy body. As time progressed the liquid stimulants were no longer needed. Sarah could experience multiple intense orgasms simply from the stimulation created by the inserted dildo and the suction cup on her continuing growing clit. Now even on her rest days Sarah’s clit now remained over an inch long protruding from her pussy in a very noticeable manner. It was continuously stimulated whenever Sarah walked as it rubbed against her pussy lips.

The first time Sarah was allowed to dress she noticed immediately how her clit rubbed against the silk of her panties. It now protruded enough to be direct contact with the soft material. Time had to be spent allowing Sarah to get used to wearing panties with her enlarged sensitive clit. Whenever she was in panties Sarah found herself in a state of sexual excitement and she had to extend effort to keep this from resulting in an orgasm.

Her Uncle also used various instruments and exercises to increase both the sensitivity and the size of Sarah’s nipples. Nipples clamps were often used squeezing Sarah’s nipples to the point of pain and then suddenly releasing them. This allowed the blood to quickly flow back in thus increasing the sensitivity. During Sarah’s sex treatment these clamps were used in conjunction with her orgasms. This formed a mental association between the sensitivity of her nipples and her orgasms so even wearing a bra increased the sexual tension in Sarah’s body.

As time progressed Sarah began to receive enemas before each treatment. The enemas contained various herbs and other nutrients that further increased Sarah’s libido. Afterwards Sarah’s treatment began to include butt plugs and dildos that were inserted into Sarah’s anus. Work was done to associate these feelings of fullness with her orgasms. At times Sarah would reached intense orgasms simply from the stimulations of either her nipples or from anal insertions or sometimes both. Sarah was now to the point where no matter what she was doing she was in some sort of sexual excitement and orgasms could be obtained with very little effort.

Sarah’s Uncle also spent time discussing various ideas of sexual submission with Sarah. He completed these discussions in such a manner so that her submissive attitude was reinforced by her sexual excitement. She was also exposed to all manner of pornography in such a way that it further excited her and desensitized her so that nothing was taboo to her. Sarah’s mental programming was such that she was a willing participant in any sexual act that was required of her. However, Sarah continued to be aware of her normal past teenage years and was aware of how she was being changed. Also there was a part of her that realized this manipulation was against her will. Deep within her there was a confused conflict but it had grown weak due to the interference of the deep intense physical pleasure that Sarah received from her sexual stimulation. When she had moments alone she had a difficult time concentrating on anything but the physical sensations in her body but at times she did know who she had been.

During this time she had no direct physical contact with others. Everything was done with various mechanisms. The only exceptions to this were that everyday she was forced to eat semen. This occurred at every meal. At first it was disguised in taste but after she grew used to it no additional ingredients were added. It seemed with the psychological and physical manipulations of her personality she grew not only to like the taste she began to crave it. At that point she was instructed in the art of cock sucking.

Her Uncle was very careful who he used for Sarah’s ingestion of cum. The men had to be healthy with no disease. Before each meal Sara was brought out and displayed in such a manner that most men would quickly obtain an erection. She would then be instructed to kneel down and begin sucking the man’s cock. Sarah knew that all of the cum must be swallowed or punishment would ensue. This was not a problem since at this point she craved man’s milk and wanted all of it.

Sarah was also presented with a several cocks during her sexual training so that this also becomes associated with the physical pleasure of orgasms. At one point punishment had to be used in to prevent Sarah from having an orgasm just by sucking a man’s cock and with no other stimulation.

After 6 months of extreme training Sarah’s Uncle felt she was ready. He went to the other members of his cult and literally offered her for marriage. An elder from the next city expressed an interest and a meeting was set. During the meeting Sarah was brought in and examined. The man was allowed to touch her in anyway he wanted but was not allowed to have sex with her.

“She looks very nice,” the elder said as a naked Sarah entered the room. Sarah no longer had any inhibition of the fact she was standing totally naked before a number of men and women.

“Sarah, present yourself,” her Uncle ordered.

Sarah went through a variety of movements and poses so that no part of her body was hidden.

“She has a very developed clit,” the elder said as Sarah presented her pussy for him to see.

“Yes, Sarah is very proud of her large clit and how sensitive it is,” her Uncle proudly said.

“Yes, I can see her pussy is very wet. I also love those large nipples. They look so erect sticking out,” he said as he continued to study Sarah’s body. As he reached out and touched Sarah’s nipples her body shook but Sarah had been ordered to remain calm during the inspection. She was to maintain control and having an orgasm was prohibited. Sarah knew severe punishment would ensue if she did anything to create problems for this inspection.

Sarah stood there and found her body very stimulated by all the attention she was getting. There was still the old Sarah who wanted to run and hide but this was almost gone. The main thought on Sarah’s mind was to have someone take her and make her cum. At this point cumming was the only thing that seemed to matter to her. When was the next time she was going to have an orgasm. Yet, she was able to maintain as her Uncle ordered even when the man began to rub her clit.

“It seems she is very excited but is managing to keep herself under control. I am impressed,” the elder said.

“I want her.”

With that it was done. Sarah now had a new life with a man she did not know.

As Sarah processed the news she was perplexed. As long as he provided her with the stimulation she craved she did not care who she was with. However, she could not know what lay in store for her with her new master.

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Wedding Bondage (Complete)************************************************* Copyright Oggbashan December 2009/April 2012The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.*************************************************It started at Brian and Chloe’s wedding. Jane and I knew...

4 years ago
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Elise Plans a Wedding

Author's Note: Most of the characters in this story have been introduced in my other writings (sort of a story ecosystem). All of those stories are somewhat linked in that they all take place in the same locales in a progressive mid-American city even though the characters usually only have a peripheral relationship (eg hang out at the same bar, work at the same company, go to the same school). The main characters here, Elena and Zoe, were introduced in "Bianca" as two homeless kids...

2 years ago
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Masters Wedding

Master’s Weddingi am sure few brides, at least in this country, have had as little to do with the planning of their wedding as i.Master planned the entire event; the date, the time, the location, the guests, the food, the music and, of course, the bride’s apparel. Not only did i have little input, but i had little prior knowledge of the event. For sometime i have known the date, but almost nothing else. i had not been told where W/we would be married, who would be there, or what i would wear....

2 years ago
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Blushing Bride Part Five The Wedding Night

Blushing Bride - Part 5: The Wedding Night by Richard-to-Rachel I guess it's natural to be full of nerves and second thoughts on your wedding day but I'm not sure how many grooms have the sort of thoughts that I was having on the morning of my wedding. It wasn't that I wasn't very much in love with Gina, my beautiful fiancee, my dream woman with blonde hair and dark skin, a woman who had always been so loving and generous to me. It was just that between...

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Double Wedding

Fiction : I was about to marry my c***dhood sweetheart Paula Rother. I loved her and she loved me but it hadn't been straightforward. After school she went to Manchester University while I went to work at a local accountants as a lowly paid junior clerk. She said we where inseparable but during the two years she was away she met Graham. I was heart broken and knew I was beaten. He was incredibly bright, handsome, popular and with wealthy parents. Apparently everything he did was successful and...

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An Unexpected Wedding A Wish Book Story

Authors Note: I realise that it has been quite a while since the last story and I apologise for that, but my writing is very sporadic due to the way that life always has a way of getting in the way. As with all my stories, the initial concept comes quite naturally, the challenge is always bringing the story to a satisfactory conclusion. This is the 4th story I have published, but for every published story I think there are at least 3 or 4 unfinished stories left on the pad. This...

4 years ago
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Alterations In the Wedding Party

Author note - I know I've said in the past that I have moved away from a desire to write magic type stories, and I still am not fond of them, but many, if not most, of my stories arise from me seeing a picture - any picture actually that grabs my attention - and beginning to wonder what the back-story here is, how did this person or these people wind up like this and what will happen next. And even if it's from another story, I basically ignore that and start fantasizing my own version....

3 years ago
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Our Cuckold Wedding Part One

I had been dating Jen for just over a year when we decided to finally tie the knot and get married.Jen was twenty-eight-years-old and had one broken marriage behind her. She married when she was just eighteen and against her parent’s advice, she married the guy who turned out to be an abusive drunk.The marriage ended two years later and her previous experience did put her off trying to find the right guy; she didn’t believe that he was out there. Jen is slim build, smallish thirty-four B cup...

1 year ago
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GS A Wedding to Remember

GS: A Wedding to Remember By Julie Every girl dreams about what her wedding is going to be like. Who she will marry, what she will wear, what the church looks like, etc. Shelly was no different. She had dreamed of a small wedding with just family and very close friends in a chapel that had numerous stained glass windows. When Josh Anderson, the love of her life, asked her to marry him, she knew exactly what she wanted. She began looking for and found a small chapel in a...

4 years ago
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An Uninvited Wedding Guest

Becky Hamilton was upset she had gotten stuck working a double shift on such a beautiful sunny Saturday afternoon. She was a front desk attendant at the River Star Plaza hotel, and the person who was supposed to be working the desk tonight had called in "sick". Becky tried calling backups from the list, but oddly enough not one of the people on the list seemed to want to answer their phone on a beautiful summer's day. This had forced Becky to work a double. Of course, Becky had...

2 years ago
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The Curtsey Part X The Wedding

The Curtsey Part X - The Wedding By Sissy Smith The weekend was spent getting Prissy and Pansy ready for their beauty College d?but. Jessie and Alice spent the rest of Saturday and all of Sunday prepping the two sissies. Part of the procedure was to keep them focused on the task at hand, no time to revert to boyish ways. Whenever one of them made a mistake both were reprimanded. Jessie's goals were to turn the two sissy boys into twin girls who would become one sissy girl in reality. T...

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Brother8217s wedding day seduction

The day had finally arrived, I was getting married to the most beautiful woman I had ever met. We met in College and after one date, we never saw anyone else. Kiran is the sexiest and one of the smartest women I ever met. Her Auburn hair shines in the sun, hanging down past her pointy breast. Which I could not wait to get my mouth on after the reception. Her hips flared out in a sensuous way, that made most men stop what ever they were doing and stare at her when she walked by. Her long tan...

3 years ago
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Wedding Night Part One

As a tranny callboy/escort, I was always fulfilling the fantasies of lots of gay and bisexual men. But there was a fantasy of my own I had had for awhile that I wanted to fulfill with a handsome bisexual escort myself. I wanted to hire a handsome stud escort to pretend he was my hubby and have honeymoon sex with me like I was a bride on her wedding night.Every single girl fantasizes about having a big handsome man to please every night, to sleep with her and spoon together after sex, feeling...

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Darlenes Wedding

Darlene's Wedding By Ricky Don... Ah the lunchroom. The camaraderie, the pleasant conversation, the sophisticated repartee, the ever present smell of cutting fluid and hot metal that pervades any machine shop. And don't forget the misogyny, profanity, and homophobia. Really, it's not that bad, at least I don't have to put up with the smokers since the county banned smoking indoors. Actually, I kind of like the ambience of the lunchroom most of the time. ...

4 years ago
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The Gavin McClain Stories 3 Ericas Big Day Chapter 1 PreWedding Nerves

The wedding of society girl Erica Greendale to Stephen Laughton is fast approaching. In the story's prologue, however, one-time almost-lover Gavin McClain and envious Maid of Honour Helen have been plotting an evil wedding-day surpise.You are invited to celebrate the marriage of Erica Louise Greendale To Stephen Edward Laughton On Saturday 20th July 2013 At St Xavier’s Church, Islington And afterwards at Langham London Hotel RSVP ~~~~Erica Greendale woke early on the day of her wedding. She...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Two Weddings No FuneralChapter 4 Another Wedding

Saturday tea was fun. Sunday, David, Sandra and the kids came for Sunday dinner. My nephew cleverly informed me that Patrick was "real little." Sandra and Weena stayed as far from one another as feasible. I thought Sandra was going to explode when Patrick fussed and Weena hauled out a breast for him. I went into the kitchen briefly to snicker. David followed me. "That was funny!" "Yeah. Didn't she know where milk comes from?" "It was the nonchalance," said my brother. "When she...

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Naked Wedding

We had arrived in Amsterdam to attend my Aunt's wedding. She was going to marry a Dutch guy she met while working there. He owned a fancy spa in Vianen where the wedding would be held.My mother took time away from work and I skipped a week of classes from college. It was shaping up to be a nice little vacation.Mom and I spent a day in Amsterdam after arriving, just being tourists and exploring the city.The next day, Aunt Helen arrived from Vianen to pick us up. My mother gave her a big hug. It...

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Naked Wedding

We had arrived in Amsterdam to attend my Aunt's wedding. She was going to marry a Dutch guy she met while working there. He owned a fancy spa in Vianen where the wedding would be held.My mother took time away from work and I skipped a week of classes from college. It was shaping up to be a nice little vacation.Mom and I spent a day in Amsterdam after arriving, just being tourists and exploring the city.The next day, Aunt Helen arrived from Vianen to pick us up. My mother gave her a big hug. It...

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Darkness and LightChapter 39 A Bride a Wedding and a Widow The End of a Journey

They had dismounted their horses, and as they now walked towards the three negotiators Athea watched them dismounting their horses as well. They all were tall, of pale complexion and it was difficult to guess their ages. Coming closer she could discern more details. Athea remembered Sureyssa’s remarks. She could not smell them like the cat, but now she understood the meaning of young bodies, but old minds. Their dark red heavy armors did not look shabby, but as if they had worn them for...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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A tale of two wedding dresses

I have never been married but I love seeing a sexy bride and imagining the lingerie underneath etc. Anyway a few years ago I hooked up with a married woman, Sara,who was in the middle of getting separated/ divorced and we or rather she would have some serious angry sex on a weekly basis. We got around to talking about fantasies and I told her of mine, about stripping a bride down to her lingerie and fucking her in white. Well, up the stairs she went, came back down in a big meringue dress and...

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Christmas Wedding Part 3 Smith and Walker

Two weeks before Christmas Lord Bradford and Lady Ophelia Smith had bucked longstanding family tradition of hosting an annual Christmas soiree at their Barnstead, Lincolnshire, England estate and decided to throw a smaller family gathering for the multiple Smith branches as well as the Walkers, their granddaughter's aunt and elder cousin, two weeks early. The reason that they were hosting it two weeks early was due to the couple going to the United States to spend Christmas with the...

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Wedding Bells are Ringing The Wedding of Nicole and William

Introduction: Continuation of the Adventures of a Railfan Series Wedding bells are Ringing – The wedding of Nicole and William This is a continuation of the Adventures of a Railfan series. In this story, William and Nicole get married and they start their lives together. This is also a work of fantasy, even though the two people depicted in the story are based on Fiancee and myself. If you are a new reader, I suggest you read the Adventures of a Railfan and Nicole, Myself and Rachel before you...

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My Wedding Day

My Wedding Day By Pink Mia Let me tell you about my wedding day. It wasn't what I would have ever, in a million years, thought would happen to me, but I suppose on my 7 year anniversary to my husband I should tell the story. My name was Allen Moorcock. Well, now it's Amy Williams. It really started the night that I broke into 1611 Evergreen Terrace. The lady that lived there was named Brenda Evens and she had been widowed for a couple of years. She was so stunning and glamorous...

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A Wedding Story Chapters 13

I began my love of Fictionmania in the early part of the year 1998. The internet was just a baby back then, yes it was a long time ago! I am grateful for the dedicated volunteers who have kept this site alive. There was a period of time many years ago, I can't recall the year, the server crashed and we went for months without this site. Then like magic it returned and it has been here since! If I had one wish for myself, it would be this. Be reborn a female, grow up to get married to a...

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A Wedding Story

CHAPTER 1: A family PROBLEM"Cecil are you really sure you're ready for the responsibility of marriage? Even though you and Cheryl have been dating since junior high, do you think she's the right girl for you?""Mom we've been through this before. I know you don't really care that much for Cheryl's family. You can't blame her for the things her two sisters have been rumoured to have done.""It's in the family blood son. That's what bothers me. I just don't want to see you hurt. I know you...

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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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The Wedding Anniversary

Number 28 of a series of individual stories. The Wedding Anniversary by SONIA (Email [email protected] - Please send comments) Chapter 1 - The plans and a day at work My wonderful wife Sally Anne and I have had many adventures when I have dressed in lingerie or fully as a woman. I always let Sally Anne dictate how and when I dressed up. We had the next weekend planned to go away to a cottage with Kate and Karl who were our best friends, especially as Karl...

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Christmas Wedding Part 11 Honeymoon and thereafter Finale

In contrast to the blockbuster revelation by Julius Stoner, over at the Finn home things were much calmer for all. The twins managed to sleep in for the first time since they were a year old giving their parents time to get the last of the hidden gift from the office, the one room in the house they had no access to. As they walked downstairs they saw more gifts out, ones that said "From Santa" causing the twins to look up at their parents in shame over making him make a second trip to...

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Bell Whistles SecretsChapter 11 Wedding Bells

The first Friday in April was the date set for our wedding. It was not April Fools day, although it only missed being so by one day. That it was not on that ignoble holiday did not keep me from feeling a fool as we approached that day. That's not to say that I was having second thoughts about marriage but I was having second thoughts about having such an elaborate wedding ceremony. In the first place I felt having a full six months to prepare for the wedding should have given us an...

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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Barb Chapt4 The Wedding

Waking with Barb in my arms, I think to the dinner the night before. I am sure now that Barb’s ex-husband’s girl friend is named Jane Jones. I remember what she had done to my brother just two years before. He asked her to marry him and she said yes. She moved in the following week and set to making his place her home. Two weeks after she moved in, he had to call me to come get him from work for he got too sick to drive and she was not answering the phone. We arrived to find not only was she...

Straight Sex
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Money is No Object My Bridal Makeover Chapter 23 The Week Before The Wedding

'MONEY IS NO OBJECT' ... MY BRIDAL MAKEOVER! CHAPTER 23: THE WEEK BEFORE THE WEDDING After the Hen Night, I had a nice lie in on the Sunday and then just 'slobbed' around the apartment, in a denim skirt and Tshirt, for the rest of the day, saying farewell to my bridesmaids for the time being, although I would see them again throughout the week. They were all leaving to go to the hotel which Rachael had booked for the wedding. They had their rooms booked there until the Monday after the...

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The Worlds First Futa 08 Futas Wedding Delight Chapter 2 Futas First Naughty Wedding

Chapter Two: Futa's First Naughty Wedding By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “So, did it work?” Adelia asked me, leaning forward, the interviewers dark eyes so warm as they stared at me. “Did they keep you distracted?” I patted her caramel-hued thigh right above the hem of her dress, my futa-dick twitching as I remembered that wild night. “They tried. My cheer squad showed up and kept me busy for a few hours, and the president of the University of Washington demanded a nice...

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The Best Stand At The Wedding Fair

THE BEST STAND AT THE WEDDING FAIR by Angela Dee North PROLOGUE "Listen, Bridie, I said I was sorry! What more can I do?" I was in the doghouse with my wife yet again. I'd completely forgotten to collect a parcel from the Post Office depot. Now it was too late. The depot had closed an hour ago, and Bridie had wanted the parcel today. "For god's sake, Terry!" she fumed. "You know perfectly well how much I needed that mannequin for the show tomorrow! It was going to be...

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