The Day I Left My Wedding Dress On A Train free porn video

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The Day I Left My Wedding Dress On A Train ANNE-MARIE: "I'd had my wedding day all planned out ever since I was a little girl, I'd been obsessed by weddings ever since my Auntie chose me to be a flower girl at hers. I knew the type of venue I wanted, the flowers, the colours my bridesmaids would wear, the music I'd dance to, I had a good idea about the kind of man I wanted to marry too. And of course I had my dream wedding dress. I would be a fairy tale princess for the day, gloriously gliding down the aisle in the most beautiful silky white ball gown, a huge poufy skirt with layer upon layer of a gorgeous tulle petticoat underneath which would glisten in the sunlight as it dragged a long train elegantly behind it. The bodice would be fitted, corset like but with pretty off the shoulder mini-sleeves, and a gorgeous arrangement of ribbons at the back to fasten me in, the whole thing flaring out beautifully into the stunning skirt below. I'd wear a veil for tradition, and perhaps a tiara too, with more sparkly jewellery and peep-toe white heels to complete my look. If I could have asked for just one thing to happen in my life, it would have been to have the chance to wear my dream wedding dress on my dream wedding day. And my dream looked to have come true. I met a great guy, Mark. He treated me well and made me smile in a way few others could. He always put me first, plus he was super rich and incredibly handsome! I was 24 when he proposed to me, he was 32. He got down on one knee as we were watching the sunset and slipped a huge diamond ring onto my finger. We spent almost two years planning the wedding as we wanted everything to be perfect. He said I could have anything I wanted, money was no object. So slowly, I pieced together each part of my dream wedding day. We booked a castle, yes, an actual castle! With it came a beautiful chapel for the ceremony, the castle grounds for the photographs, and then several rooms inside, including the ballroom for the reception and after party. A horse drawn carriage would take me there, followed by a fleet of vintage cars for my bridal party. Our florist had just won a national award for her work and our catering company was headed by a chef with multiple Michelin stars. My hairdresser offered to close down her salon for two days so she and all her staff could commit solely to me and my bridesmaids, my beautician did the same and called in favours from several other top make up artists. I chose my seven closest friends to be my bridesmaids, with my oldest friend Olivia promoted to Maid of Honour. Their dresses were lilac, my favourite colour, and the colour scheme carried on throughout my own bridal bouquet and the church flowers. For my hen weekend we flew to Paris and spent a day at a luxury spa, followed by a second day experiencing the famous French cuisine and Parisian nightlife. For mine and Mark's honeymoon there was only one destination I considered, The Bahamas. Three weeks of exquisite sandy beaches, endless cocktails and relaxation. We sent out 200 invitations, everyone replied saying they would come. But of course the one aspect of planning my wedding I was most excited about was choosing my wedding dress. Olivia and I took a long weekend and travelled into London by train, booking ourselves into a hotel for two nights. We had done plenty of research beforehand and had made appointments at half a dozen bridal shops, we had also pencilling in several more shops we intended to turn up at unannounced, if we had the time. I had the vision of my dream dress locked away in my mind, and I hoped not to have to deviate away from it too much. I must have tried on more than forty dresses over two days, but as fun as that was, I was beginning to stress about noting being able to find 'the one'. But then, just as I was imagining having to choose something a little different to the one I'd been dreaming of, I found it. The designer dress was everything I had ever dreamed of, and more. It had the large silky white skirt, the train, the petticoats, the sparkle, the corset, the ribbon and the pretty off the shoulder mini-sleeves. It was the ultimate princess dress for the ultimate bride. I adored it the moment I laid eyes on it, and trying it on only confirmed my love for it. I cried, Olivia cried, the shop assistant cried. It was expensive, very expensive, but it was worth every penny. In finding this dress, my dream had come true. I went back to London several times over the course of the next few months, for dress fittings and to choose my accessories. My final trip to the capital, three weeks before my wedding day, was to pick up my dress and take it home. Everything else had been planned and was ready to go, collecting my dress was the final, most important piece of the jigsaw. Everyone was desperate to know what it was like, and while I loved describing it in detail, no one aside from Olivia was going to see it before the big day. She couldn't come with me this particular day though, so I was on my own as I went back to the shop to collect it. My dress was packed away into a huge beautiful white box, labelled proudly with the logo of the bridal shop. The staff made me promise to send them some photos of my big day and then enthusiastically waved me off into a taxi heading for the train station. Thankfully the train was on time and also fairly quiet, meaning I could, without the guilt of making someone else stand up, take over an entire four seat block - one for me, one for my handbag and the two seats opposite for my dress box. The journey was only to take just under an hour and at no point did I intend on letting my precious cargo out of my sight. The train got gradually busier as we stopped at each station though, so I moved my handbag into my lap so that someone could sit in the extra seat if needed. Soon after I'd done this, someone did ask to use the spare seat. I was just one stop away from my station when a blind man fumbled his way across the carriage with his white stick out in front of him. He was clearly struggling and seemed a little stressed, so I helped to guide him into the seat next to me. I told him I was getting off at the next stop and he told me he was too, he was only travelling the short distance after he had mistakenly got off at the wrong stop earlier that afternoon. A few minutes later the train made its approach to my station and sure enough the blind man stood up from his seat next to me and, without asking for any assistance, began to edge slowly towards the doors. A few other people also prepared themselves to get off, so I quickly came up with a plan in my head - I would let them disembark first, including the blind man, then I would be able to safely carry my dress box off the train to the platform, and then on to my car which was waiting for me in the carpark. My plan was immediately changed however when the blind man turned back towards me and politely asked if I could escort him off the train. I couldn't say no to him, so quickly adjusted the plan - I would help him off the train first, then as everyone else was getting off, I'd jump back on to collect my dress, then get off again before the doors closed. As long as I was quick, there would be sufficient time to do this. So I took the blind man's arm and, as the train stopped and the doors opened, carefully helped him down onto the platform. He smiled and thanked me, but just as I let go of him, someone cut across him, causing him to lose his balance and fall to the ground. He dropped his stick and landed shoulder first onto the concrete. Instinctively I ran to him, as did one other woman who had also just got off the train. He seemed initially ok and keen to stand up, so after locating his stick, along with the other women, I helped him stand up and escorted him to a nearby bench. Seeming slightly embarrassed by the fall, he thanked me again and assured me he was fine. Everyone else on the platform quickly disappeared and I turned back to the train door. To my horror, the door was already closed. Then I heard the guard's whistle and the train began to slowly pull away. I was stunned and frozen to the spot. Through the train window I could see the box, my dream wedding dress inside it, still on the seat where I had put it. I screamed and shouted but the train carried on moving, soon it had cleared the station and was out of sight. Few people were left on the platform, only one person stopped to ask me what I was so upset about. I was inconsolable, I was numb, I didn't know what to do. Finally, after several minutes of crying, I composed myself and went off in search of a member of station staff. The man at the desk was no help at all, offering little more than a phone number for the lost property department. The next train was in an hour, I could get on that and travel to the next station in the hope someone had got off with my dress and was waiting for me - or I could wait where I was and hope that someone would do the opposite and bring it back to me. I sat in my car and sobbed. I called the lost property phone number but an automated voice told me they weren't open again until Monday. I then called Olivia and told her the story. She tried to assure me that everything was going to be fine but I found it difficult to believe her. My wedding, years in the planning, was three weeks away and I had just lost my ?10,000 wedding dress. Mark tried to fix things the only way he knew how, by throwing money at the situation. He offered to buy me a replacement dress, but there just wasn't time, not to find my dream dress again. It was a one of a kind dress, I had to get it back. So I decided to try and stay positive and put all my efforts into finding it. The next day I contacted the local newspaper to put out an appeal, which they did. I posted on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and every other social media output I could think of. I called a local radio station and spoke about my story on air. I was highly embarrassed as I knew some of the guests from the wedding would probably hear me, but I knew doing this was a much better alternative than never seeing my dress again. I called the lost property department of the train company several times throughout the next week but nothing had been handed in. I took things further and asked for them to check any relevant CCTV from my journey, but annoyingly the cameras on my train had failed that day and there was apparently no evidence of anyone leaving any of the stations with the dress box. I was losing all hope, I had even resorted to looking at second hand wedding dresses on EBay. Considering the experience I'd had in choosing my dress from the expensive bridal shops in London, I found this very depressing. I was seriously considering postponing my wedding, but then, with just a week to go, I received a text message out of the blue from someone claiming to have my dress. I still have the chain of texts. UNKNOWN SENDER: HELLO, I HAVE YOUR WEDDING DRESS. YOU LEFT IT ON THE TRAIN, IVE BEEN TRYING TO TRACK YOU DOWN. ME: OMG, THANK YOU SO MUCH! YOU HAVE SAVED MY LIFE. CAN I COME AND COLLECT IT FROM YOU?! UNKNOWN SENDER: YES OF COURSE. I HAVE TO WORK THIS WEEK BUT YOU COULD DROP BY ON FRIDAY AFTERNOON TO PICK UP? ME: ANY CHANCE I COULD PICK UP SOONER? WEDDING IS ON SATURDAY!! UNKNOWN SENDER: NO SORRY, VERY BUSY THIS WEEK, FRIDAY IS THE ONLY DAY I CAN DO. I WILL LOOK AFTER IT UNTIL THEN. ME: OK THEN, AT LEAST I KNOW ITS SAFE! Unknown Sender: I WILL TEXT YOU MY ADDRESS LATER, MY NAME IS ZOE I was elated to know my dress had been found. The slight disappointment of not being able to see it again until Friday, the day before the wedding, was heavily outweighed by the fact I now knew my wedding would go ahead as planned. I logged off EBay, texted Olivia and for the first time since the incident on the train, I was able to smile. The next week was frantic, but in a good way. Everyone was telling me how excited they were and I was making regular trips to the castle to see the preparation of the chapel and ballroom taking shape. At the back of my mind I was constantly thinking about picking up my dress and was never quite able to properly relax, although Zoe texted me again on the Wednesday with her address and confirmation of when she would be free on the Friday. It was about a half an hour drive to get to Zoe's house, I set off at 3:30pm and made it there just after 4pm, the time we had agreed. It was not an area I was used to, but after checking the address on Zoe's text message and comparing it to the location on my sat-nav, I was confident I had made it to the right place. The first thing I noticed about Zoe's house was the front garden and how overgrown and in desperate need of some attention it was. A few dog toys were scattered along the path and there was a broken garden chair on its side by the front window. I wasn't usually one to judge on first impressions, but this wasn't a great start. I knocked on the door and immediately heard a dog bark excitedly. A few seconds later, through the misted glass, I could see a man approach and shoo the large dog away into an adjoining room. The door then opened and the man made himself seen. I introduced myself and asked for Zoe. I was then taken aback when he told me that he was Zoe, although in fact he wasn't. His name was actually Joe. All this time I had presumed that I had been texting a woman, but a simple case of auto correct gone wrong had changed everything. It wasn't the first time that had happened to him apparently, his phone would often change 'Joe' to 'Zoe' for some reason. He was older than me, mid to late 30s perhaps. His skin was pale and his scruffy dark hair was thinning. By the look of his stubble he hadn't shaved for a few days and judging by the grubbiness, the clothes he was wearing were perhaps now on their second or third day. But he seemed pleasant enough and gave me a friendly smile. Joe invited me inside and showed me into his front room. I remained standing and immediately the dog ran over and made a fuss of me, licking my leg before calming down and sitting down at my feet. The room smelt musty and it seemed dark, despite the curtains being open. Beer cans and scraps of paper littered the floor and the few pieces of furniture all seemed to be pointed towards a large flat screen television. There was a tatty old couch with a small table next to it, an overflowing ashtray sat on top, and a 1970s style armchair in the corner, covered in dog hair. Joe apologised for the mess and blamed it on the fact he had been in work all week and so hadn't had time to tidy. I told him that was ok, and engaged in some small talk, asking if he lived here with his wife. He smiled and replied he wasn't married and only shared the house with his dog, whose name was Rover. He then left the room briefly, returning a minute later with my wedding dress box. Aside from a few scuffs on the top, the box looked just as it did when I'd last seen it. Joe explained that he had been on my train and seen the incident on the platform with the blind man. When he realised I'd left the box behind, he decided to hold onto it and try and track me down to return it to me. Initially not knowing what was inside, he admitted that curiosity had finally got the better of him when he'd got home, and he had seen inside the box, although he hadn't taken the dress out fully. I thanked Joe for contacting me and arranging for me to get my dress back. I offered a small financial reward, but he declined, instead he just wished me well for my big day. I left his house and took my dress back to the car. Joe had seemed pleasant enough, but his dirty house and hairy dog made me nervous, I just hoped that he had been telling the truth and my dress had stayed well and truly inside its box for the duration of its stay at his house. When I got home, Mark, who I had been living with for over a year already, had left. He had arranged to stay the night at a hotel with his best men, meaning I had the house to myself that night, although Olivia and my bridal party would be round first thing in the morning for the start of my big day preparations. I took my dress up to the spare bedroom where I had already cleared a large space to hang it up. With it having been in the box for so long, giving it a few hours on the hanger was important, to allow its shape to naturally re-form. There was now the added incentive of getting rid of any potential unwanted stale smell caused by it having been kept in Joe's house for almost three weeks. It was a warm evening so I opened the window to let some fresh air into the room and then began carefully lifting the dress out of the box. I had barely made it to the top of the bodice when there was a loud knock at the front door. Dropping the dress back into the box, I dashed downstairs and opened the door, it was Olivia and my bridesmaids. They immediately grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the house, closing the door behind me. They told me they were taking me out for cocktails and wouldn't take no for an answer. I was reluctant to go with them, I was tired and stressed from my trip to pick up the dress, but they promised we wouldn't stay out too late and insisted I enjoyed my final evening as a single woman. I always loved a night out with the girls, and after the first cocktail I managed to relax a bit and begin to enjoy myself. We made a rule to ban any wedding chat and instead to only talk about our usual subjects of shoes, shopping and celebrities. The worries I had about my dress were quickly forgotten and I convinced myself that everything would be perfect the next day. But how wrong I was. It was 11:30pm when I made it home. I was very tired, so after forcing myself to go through my night time beauty regime, I went straight to bed, I didn't even think to go into the spare bedroom to check on my dress, which I had forgotten was still in the box. I woke at 7am the next morning, the day of my wedding. Half an hour later Olivia knocked on the door, somehow she looked wide awake and amazing, despite having been out as late as me the night before. She was soon followed by a procession of my bridesmaids, hairdressers and make-up artists. The house was a buzz of activity, and after having a soak in the bath, everyone began fussing over me in a way a bride should be fussed over on her wedding day. A couple of hours passed as I was having my hair and make-up done, before Olivia and I went upstairs to my bedroom to get dressed. All along I had intended to share this special moment with just her, rather than have a dozen people with me in the bedroom, I'd have found that far too stressful. And anyway, everyone else had their own beauty routines to complete before we were ready to leave for the chapel. When we got to my room, Olivia immediately asked me where my dress was. It was at that moment I remembered what I had been doing just before they had arrived to take me out for cocktails the night before. I told Olivia that the dress was in the spare bedroom, but I'd forgotten to hang it up last night to air. She assured me it didn't matter as the box was designed to protect the dress from anything on the outside and any creases we found could easily be smoothed out. This put my mind at ease, but not for long. Olivia disappeared to the spare bedroom for a moment and then came holding the box, placing it down on the floor in front of me. Then she began to slowly lift the dress out of the box, as I had started to do the previous evening. This time though there were no interruptions and soon the dress was free of the box. This was the first time I'd seen it since picking it up from the shop, three weeks ago. My heart immediately sank. Conscious I'd just had my make-up done, I tried desperately not to cry, but Olivia could tell by my reaction something was wrong. I was devastated. Joe had lied to me, my dress HAD been taken out of the box. It had been worn. The first thing I noted was a small grey stain on the bottom of the skirt, I wasn't immediately sure what had caused it, but it was right at the front and was very noticeable. Then I saw a second, larger, darker stain further up the skirt. It was as if someone had spilled something in their lap whilst sitting down and quickly tried to brush it off. As I took a closer look at this stain, the smell suddenly hit me. The dress didn't just smell stale and musty, there was an overpowering odour of cigarettes. As I inspected the dress more closely, more and more defects were identified. The train was filthy, both underneath and on top. It was like it had been dragged across a dirty floor, with evidence of a dog having sat or slept on it at some point too. One of the delicate little buttons at the back was hanging loosely from its thread, and the ribbon used to fasten the bodice had begun to fray at the edges. Further stains on the outer skirt were identified in varying sizes and colours, some appeared to be the result of discarded cigarette ash, others looked to be splashes of beer. Then I lifted up the skirt to examine the attached tulle petticoat underneath, there was even more damage. There were several large tears and rips, perhaps caused by the dog having made a swipe at the material with his claws. But perhaps worst of all was a large yellowing stain right at the front of the petticoat, and also on the underside of the dress. Hidden underneath, no one else would know it was there, but me knowing it was there was more than enough. I knew exactly what it was, and it was disgusting. There was urine on my wedding dress. Someone else's urine. Olivia looked at me with a comforting smile but struggled to find any words to match. In my head I couldn't help but picture Joe wearing my dress in his house, lying back on his dirty couch, drinking cans of beer and smoking his cigarettes with his big wet dog at his feet. Occasionally he would get up and walk around his filthy house, stopping off at his bathroom whenever he felt he needed to, with no thought of protecting the dress. The stains were not the result of one impromptu dressing up session, he had almost certainly done it several times over the past three weeks. He'd quite possibly done it after I had arranged to come and pick the dress up, during the week he told me he was busy at work. Olivia tried to remain positive and told me the situation was salvageable. She told me once I had the dress on, the stains would be less visible, and my perfume would mask any unwanted smell. I wanted to believe her, I really did. I had no other alternative, there was no other dress to wear at this late stage and everyone else was ready for the wedding. Reluctantly, I agreed to put on the dress. It seems amazing to say 'reluctantly' as it was the dress of my dreams, I had been waiting for this very moment since I was a little girl. I took off my robe to reveal my exquisite bridal underwear which I had put on a short while earlier, and carefully stepped into my dress. Olivia laid the train out behind me as the petticoats puffed up delightfully underneath my large skirt. She pulled each of the lace ribbons in turn to tighten my bodice and fastened the delicate buttons, including the one which was hanging precariously off its thread. Then she dropped to her knees and began smoothing out my skirt, trying her best to remove any crease or defect she saw, of which there were sadly many. There was no hiding the stains though, or the smell. The dress was dirty, and I felt slightly repulsed wearing it. The thought of actually having to wear it all day actually made me want to cry. Putting on my sparkly tiara and attaching my veil made me feel a little better, these had been bought separately so had not been anywhere near Joe's house. My something borrowed was a necklace worn by mother on her wedding day and my something old was a bracelet worn by my grandmother on hers, but to anyone else looking in, my wedding dress could easily have qualified as either of those things. I slipped my feet into my peep-toe white heels, sprayed a generous amount of my especially chosen wedding day perfume and paused for a moment to compose myself. Then I turned towards the mirror for the big reveal. The initial reaction, for the first few seconds at least, was one of excitement. But very quickly I remembered everything that was wrong with the dress and any excitement I had drained away. There was no hiding the stains, rips and tears, or indeed the smell, everyone would know my dress was second hand. Olivia disappeared downstairs briefly and came back up with the rest of my bridal party. They gave me the usual gasps, 'wows' and 'oh my gods' and told me I looked beautiful. They were holding back though, I could tell, and I knew the reason why. Olivia would never admit to it, but I'm sure that she had given everyone some warning about what had happened, and asked them not to mention it at all when they saw me. To be honest, without everyone's positivity at that moment, genuine or fake, I don't think I would have made it out of the house. I did leave the house though and as I was helped into my horse drawn carriage, my petticoats consumed me as I sat down in the way I'd always imagined they would. It would have been the most feminine and exciting moment of my life, if it wasn't for the fact I knew Joe had experienced something similar in his living room a few days earlier. I got lots of attention as the carriage weaved its way through the streets, no one waving at me could see what was really happening, thankfully. There was a pleasant breeze and plenty of sunshine, it was the perfect day for a wedding. At the chapel I paused at the main door and took a deep breath before walking down the aisle with my bridesmaids and my father. Mark was waiting for me at the front, his first reaction was to ask if I was OK, his second was to tell me I looked beautiful. That spoke volumes, he could tell something wasn't quite right with me. The ceremony went by quickly and we said our vows. All I could think about whilst standing at the front was when I'd be able to take my dress off and change into something else. Now a married woman, Mark and I posed for photographs in the castle gardens. I refused to do close-ups, my theory being in the long shots at least, the stains on my dress wouldn't be visible and I might just be able to pass as a fairy tale princess. But I knew whenever I looked back on the pictures in the future, I'd remember what had really happened that day. At the reception I was able to relax a little. We had our meal and the men did their speeches, everyone then partied late into the night. No one spoke to me about my dress, it was as if an agreement had been made not to talk to me about it, it had become the elephant in the room. Occasionally I would forget what had happened begin to enjoy myself, but then suddenly my mind would switch back to thinking about Joe wearing my dress. He had almost certainly enjoyed wearing it more than I had. I couldn't wait to take it off. Mark and I left for our hotel slightly earlier than planned. When we got to our room I immediately asked him to help me out of my stained dress and my disgusting petticoat. Throwing it all in a big pile on the floor, I jumped straight into the shower; I was desperate to cleanse myself of the experience of having shared my wedding dress with a man. There was no chance for Mark to see me in my bridal underwear, which I'm sure he was disappointed about, but I couldn't wear that any longer either. Instead I returned to bed wearing one of the hotel robes. We went on our honeymoon to The Bahamas as planned, and thankfully by then I was able to relax and forget about what had happened, for a few weeks at least. While we were away Olivia had arranged to have my dress dry cleaned, but I had no intention of wearing it again. I forced myself to look at some of the wedding photos when they came back. Some were quite nice, my bridesmaids in particular looked stunning in their lilac dresses, but the long shots of me didn't tell the full story. Life carried on and I tried my best to move on from the huge disappointment. I had been given the wedding of my dreams, but it had turned into a nightmare. I thought about confronting Joe at his house to tell him how he had ruined my wedding, but was talked out of doing this by Olivia, I was still just too angry. I never told Mark the full story, I didn't want him involved, and it was too late to do anything about it now anyway. He asked me later why I had seemed so down on the day of the wedding, I just told him I had been on my period, and that I had fallen on the way out of the house and scuffed my dress. Whether he believed me or not I don't know. Despite the nightmare of my wedding day, I was enjoying being a married woman. A couple of months after our honeymoon, Mark had to go away on business so I found myself with a few days to myself. On one of these days I made a spur of the moment decision and returned to London for a shopping trip. I had a really nice day, I enjoyed wandering around the malls and boutiques, spoiling myself and spending a bit of money, it really helped cheer me up. After my day of shopping I went back to the station to catch my train home. It was as I was waiting on the platform that I saw him. I saw Joe. He was waiting for the same train I was. All the pleasant thoughts I'd been holding onto all day suddenly disappeared and were replaced by the anger I'd worked so hard to move away from. I found myself wanting to march over to him, I wanted to shout in his face and tell him how much I hated him for what he did. But somehow I managed to stop myself. But then he saw me. He smiled and walked over to me, as if he was greeting an old friend. He asked me how I was, and how my wedding day had been. I couldn't believe the way he was acting and what he was saying to me. He must have known he had ruined my dress, and there was no way in the world I wouldn't have known it was him who had done it. I refused to say anything back to him, but he carried on regardless, smiling and making polite conversation as if we were the best of friends. I felt myself getting angrier and angrier with him. How could he be doing this? This man had ruined my ?10,000 designer wedding dress and wrecked my dream wedding day, the one I'd been planning in such detail my whole life. And yet he carried on, smiling and talking to me, telling me how beautiful my dress had looked when he'd taken it out of the box to look at it. I broke my silence by asking him if he had tried it on - he admitted that he had, once or twice. I was seething. My mind went back to picturing him wearing my dress in his dirty living room, and then I thought of me, wearing it after him on my wedding day. Somehow I had managed to control my temper, but then he turned away from me and lit a cigarette. That was the trigger - the smell of his cigarettes, the odour of which could never be removed from my beautiful dress, or indeed from my memory. I knew I shouldn't have done it, but I just couldn't stop myself. I was just so angry with him. His back was turned away from me, it was an easy shot. I dropped my shopping bags to the floor and ran at him, pushing him off the platform and onto the train tracks. He hit them hard, his head banging against the steel rail. There were screams from the other passengers on the platform, a train was coming. I was frozen to the spot. People were shouting, desperately trying to stop the train and to get him off the tracks. Some were shouting and screaming directly at me, but I couldn't hear what they were saying, I was in a daze. Then the police came and took me away. There was chaos at the station, all caused by me. Deep down I knew Joe wouldn't have survived the fall onto the tracks, but it was still a numbing shock to be told that he had died at the scene. I was in tears in the police car, I was inconsolable. I wanted to speak to Mark, for him to tell me everything was going to be OK, but no one could get hold of him. And I guess that leads us up to here. I didn't mean any of this to happen. It was an accident, a moment of madness. I hated what Joe had done, he ruined my wedding and I wanted him to be sorry for what he did, but he just didn't seem to care. He didn't deserve for that to happen to him though. I'm sorry. If I could turn back time, I would. I'm so sorry...." DCI MURRAY: "OK, I think we have everything we need now, we have a confession. Anne-Marie Cooper you will be charged with the manslaughter of Joseph Baxter. Sargent McFadden will take you to the front desk and tell you what happens next. Interview terminated at 17:23." ANNE-MARIE: "Manslaughter? No, it was an accident... I didn't mean any of this to happen. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.... Please, no....."

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Wedding Dresses

My name is Jason. I am 24 years old and work as an apprentice with a pretty good photographer called William. As well as his normal weddings and portraits, William does photo shoots for clothing and product brochures, and other similar projects. William charges a lot of money for the brochure shoots but offers the guarantee that if his work is not to the customers liking he will retake the pictures for free. I have worked with William for nearly 3 years and so far he has never had an...

4 years ago
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The Wedding Dress

'So I was to be the best man. Great.' George Mason was still confused about all of that. Sure he had known the groom, Brett, for years; they sat next to each other in school. But since those days they hadn't been in contact. Darn, school was a lifetime ago. George had run into Brett by chance two days ago; they had some drinks at a bar, and George ended up agreeing to act as Brett's best man at his wedding. Brett had explained that his original best man was sick or something. Two days...

2 years ago
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The Wedding Dress

The Wedding Dress by TV Kristy As I sat in our room I wondered how I got myself in this situation. I was dressed in panties, bra, hose, heels and my wives wedding dress. It all started when I told my wife that I like to dress in panties when I was younger. I would slip on a pair of my sisters panties and jack off when I was home alone. She suggested that we add this to our sexual menu. So she would give me a pair of her panties and I would slip them on and we would make...

2 years ago
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Wedding Dress Blues

The ceremony had been beautiful, perhaps the most beautiful Mrs. Carol Oberwise had ever seen. With the entire wedding party in their perfect sharp tuxedos and their lace and silken gowns. The evening had turned out perfectly, warm and tranquil despite the light shower early that morning, nearly cloudless sky with a slight breeze coming in off the water as the afternoon started its slow change into evening, the air ripe with the delicate scent of jasmine. The sky was a brilliant blue with the...

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Wedding Dress

I was feeling horny one night and told Sarah I wanted to get dressed up. It was a bit of a gamble on my part as she might have been scared off by my idea. To my surprise she was very open to the idea and asked if I wanted to go shopping with her.We headed out to the shops and before I knew it we were buying some sexy clothes for me. A short tight black skirt, black fishnet stockings and black lace panties. A lovely white fitted blouse and a black satin corset with suspenders.Before we headed...

1 year ago
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In her wedding dress

There was a wedding reception going on at a hotel in the centre of town. Jayne and Rolf. Jayne was a good-looking 22-year-old brunette, elegant and cultured, and desired by many a man in this small community. And none more so than Henk, a 25-year-old son of Swedish parents. The family had moved to England five years earlier and Henk felt almost English. He had mastered the language easily, had a good job in management with the same hotel and was popular, particularly with the girls, who...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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The Wedding Dress

The Wedding DressSarah Johnson sat stoically as she waited what usually was the happiest day of a girl’s life, her marriage. This was not so for young Sarah. At 18 she was to be married to a man older enough to be her father and maybe even her grandfather. A man she had only said a few words answering his questions in an interview. She had little choice but to answer as she had been instructed by her Uncle.Here she sat in a wedding gown she could not even believe would have been made in the...

3 years ago
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Wedding Dress Punishment

"Wedding Dress Punishment" Little Timmy was a good boy. He didn't get into trouble and usually stayed close to home. But he did get into things. His mother Ruth caught him in her pantyhose and high heels on one occasion and on another came home to find him playing in her makeup, his lips reddened like a clown! She wiped the lipstick and other makeup off and was prepared to send him on his way with a slap on the bottom but then felt something under his T-shirt. She pulled the shirt up...

1 year ago
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The wedding dress

Frannie was in a state of euphoria! Last night Kenny "popped the old question"! They were getting married! She couldn't wait to tell Kim, her best friend since grade school. They had both wondered if Kenny would ever get the nerve to go through with it, and well finally it happened! He had been so sweet, just like in the movies he fumbled with and engagement ring and stumbled with his question! It was all Frannie could do to keep from asking her for him. When he finally did get it straight...

2 years ago
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Daydreams on a Train

Chapter 1: Exeter As I boarded the train at Exeter station, I realised this is the first time I'd been home to see my family since the term started in September. Now it was the Christmas holidays and my life seemed empty. The previous two years at university had been blessed with a great lesbian love affair that had lasted most of the time here. But it had all gone wrong this term. I was depressed although I had tried hard not to let it affect my course work. The train, bound for London, was...

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The Doomsday Strain

Chapter 1: Doomsday in Metropolis It was just a normal Tuesday in downtown Metropolis. Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, and Diana Prince were in the middle of ordering coffee at the local superhero themed diner to enjoy civilian life for once. “I’ll take mine black” Bruce said to the waitress that was dressed as Wonderwoman. “Typical, let me guess you’ll have the toast extra dark too.” The real Wonderwoman said in jest at the brooding billionaire. Clark smirked, though they had faced down gods together...

2 years ago
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Two Days of Pleasure Before a Brides Wedding Day

My name is Victoria and I recently married my sugar daddy. I met Thomas when I was eighteen years old. I was a waitress at Hooters. He was on a business meeting and I was his waitress. He slipped me his number with his tip and said to call him. Thomas is a very wealthy man. Thomas is an owner of several car dealerships. I think he owns about ten of them in our state. He sells high end luxury cars. I called him the very next day. From the minute we met, he treated me like an absolute princess....

Group Sex
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The Gavin McClain Stories 3 Ericas Big Day Chapter 1 PreWedding Nerves

The wedding of society girl Erica Greendale to Stephen Laughton is fast approaching. In the story's prologue, however, one-time almost-lover Gavin McClain and envious Maid of Honour Helen have been plotting an evil wedding-day surpise.You are invited to celebrate the marriage of Erica Louise Greendale To Stephen Edward Laughton On Saturday 20th July 2013 At St Xavier’s Church, Islington And afterwards at Langham London Hotel RSVP ~~~~Erica Greendale woke early on the day of her wedding. She...

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My Wedding Day

My Wedding Day By Pink Mia Let me tell you about my wedding day. It wasn't what I would have ever, in a million years, thought would happen to me, but I suppose on my 7 year anniversary to my husband I should tell the story. My name was Allen Moorcock. Well, now it's Amy Williams. It really started the night that I broke into 1611 Evergreen Terrace. The lady that lived there was named Brenda Evens and she had been widowed for a couple of years. She was so stunning and glamorous...

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Brother8217s wedding day seduction

The day had finally arrived, I was getting married to the most beautiful woman I had ever met. We met in College and after one date, we never saw anyone else. Kiran is the sexiest and one of the smartest women I ever met. Her Auburn hair shines in the sun, hanging down past her pointy breast. Which I could not wait to get my mouth on after the reception. Her hips flared out in a sensuous way, that made most men stop what ever they were doing and stare at her when she walked by. Her long tan...

2 years ago
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A Wedding Day to Remember Ch 03

She walks down aisle dripping with others men's cum. Terry (on TV) said to me, "Get me hard again, baby, I'm want to fuck you one more time before I take you to the church to marry your new husband. If you want me to fuck you one more time, all you have to do is begin sucking my cock. Don't worry if you don't want to do it, it is OK. In fact if you want to stop with just Charlie here fucking you in your asshole, drop your head close your eyes and enjoy it as he fucks you, baby. You will get the...

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Chudayi Ke Din Chdayi Ki Raaten 8211 Part I

Meri kahani har kism ki chudayi se bhari hui hai. par apne vichar likhna. Aap logon ki pyari Huma. Mera naam Sudha hai aur main BA main padhti hoon. Dikhne mein sunder hoon lekin nature sharmilee hai. Mera figure 36-26-36 hai aur rang gora hai. Pichhle hafte tak main kunwari thee. Maine porn stories padhi thee aur blue films bhi dekhi thee jiss karan mujhe sex ki samajh to thee lekin kissi ne mujeh kabhi choda nahin tha. Main chudayi ki ichha ke karan hamesh apni chut ko shave kar ke rakhti...

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My wedding day

I was nicknamed vampirTara back when I was in high, well at first because of my pale white skin, long raven black hair and naturally long incisors (fangs), I was called "Lily Munster" with an occasional "Morticia" thrown in from someone. And it took off like a runaway freight train, when they discovered I had "Porphyria" nicknamed "The Vampire disease" and could not go out in the sunlight and with the abnormally long incisors (fangs), they had a field day. Well, most of us have a...

4 years ago
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Dear Diary Entry 6 Avenging My Best Friend On Her Wedding Day

Dear Diary, That day, my eyes were closed slightly. Lips open, welcoming his sweet mouth to kiss me. Both my arms were encircling his muscular body. We both were lying down on the long dining table naked. Both cuddled up cozily. I was literally pinching his shoulder, unable to hold myself steady from all the sex. My breasts were already loosened from all the pinching and pressing. His right hand was cupping my left boob and his left hand was holding my head in the back, pulling me closer...

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My Wedding Dress

My wedding dress By Nancee Husband My name is Ryan and I recently went shopping for a wedding dress. I write the details of this story so that I can relive the memories while I write it, and, hopefully, I can inspire more of you out there who read this account to do the same. I went on a few night trips without my wife, and while driving, passed a store called "David's Bridal." The store was some thirty miles from my home and I vowed to myself that I would stop...

2 years ago
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Lesbian MILF Seductress BrideChapter 3 The Wedding Dress

Maggie, partly out of curiosity and partly out of spite, had set up her sister to be seduced by Bree. On the one hand, Susanne was the perfect one and there was no way she would cheat on her husband to be. She hated cheaters, especially since her last husband had betrayed her. Watching Bree finally fail would be good to see, maybe put the bossy Mistress in her place a bit. On the other hand, just the thought that maybe Bree could make her sister submit had Maggie frigging herself to sleep...

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Sex With My Cousin Sister On A Wedding Day

Hello guys and lovely ladies this is Neil here after posting my first story “Sex with co-worker” You can read the story here (). I am here once again to share my new sexual adventure. I am very happy that I got a lot of response for my previous story and I am glad that you guys liked it, Please continue sending in you valuable feedback. Please forgive me for any grammatical errors. For the people who don’t know me I am Neil age 19yrs from Goa, a normal guy like all of you out there blessed with...

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A Wedding Day to Remember

Bride gets used by everyone.It was a day I had looked forward to ever since I was a little girl. Today is my wedding day and to tell you that I am excited is an understatement. I could sleep hardly at all last night. Sandy (my maid of honor) and I talked till early in the morning about our lives. We spoke about our c***dhoods as well as how we learned about life.I had once dated her brother Terry, and I grew to like Sandy over the years. Even when Terry and I broke up two years ago, Sandy and I...

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Desert Heat ndash Part 32 Wedding Day

Desert Heat – Part 32 - Wedding Day Saturday, Sept. 1, 1985Like normal I woke early and tried to sneak out of bed, but before I could reach the end of the bed I heard Ginger whisper, asking me where I was going. I told her I was going to the bathroom and she told me to hurry back as she had the morning dibs on me. I smiled, did my business and hurried back. Pepper hadn’t moved or said anything I suggested to Ginger that we go to the livingroom and she thought that was a good idea. Once in...

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My Cousin8217s Wedding Day

Hiya all! I got a good response for my previous story ‘Office Colleague Wants Me’. But while I have 5000+ likes on that story, hardly 5/6 people mailed/messaged me. But everyone was positive about it. It’s kinda discouraging, though that so fewer people messaged/mailed. So I decided that this here is gonna be my last story on ISS. You all can reach out to me on . This incident is from July 2018. I was due to visit India in October 2018. My cousin- Amy had her wedding planned for November. But...

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The days After My Wedding part 2

The Days After My Wedding By Britney Hoglund (This is part 2 from The Days Before My Wedding. Please read that one first&hellip,&hellip,&hellip,.thank you:) Two weeks went buy I have been on my honeymoon with my husband in St. Thomas. I have not thought about Todd a lot other than a lot of guilty feelings. We got back from our honey moon and it was time to go back to work. I drove to work and arrived at the airport, and went in really nervous to see Todd. We took care of all the passengers...

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The Ring AOChapter 53 Wedding Day

Both Suzanne and Helena were awake at 7am Harry mentioned ‘shower, wash hair and dressing gowns please.’ They both followed Harry request. It was unusual for him to direct but they followed. As soon as they were dressed there was a knock on their door. It was the girl from the coffee shop with two plates of bacon and eggs toasted sandwiches and 4 cappuccino’s. She advised “Complements of the coffee shop and have a lovely wedding day.” They looked at each other, smiled and went to sit on the...

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Sujata8217s Sexcapades On Her Wedding Day

Hello friends this is Sultanasinha, with a story send by a friend to be published. You please read the story and send your comments to or I take this opportunity to tell you about a friend of mine. I loved her story I don’t know whether it is true what she narrated. This is a collection of whatever mails she sent to me or whatever we interacted on net or whatever we talked, the few times when we met. She narrated almost everything, so writing down after combining everything. She told in...

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Wedding day whore part 2

Tbc………………………………........................Hi guys, if you haven’t read part 1 its kind of a must to enable you to understand this story. Thanks to everyone who commented on part 1 and who gave me suggestions for part 2. Special mentions go to xhamster users : user even wanted me to use their pic for you to look at as you read part 2. So here is lorenz2race for you guys. Please comment on this...

2 years ago
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Wedding day whore 2

Please comment on this story and tell me what you think. Thanks Whorowner  “smile” The photographer was clicking away taking picture after picture of the newly married couple and their guests. Lisa was smiling for the camera, smiling with happiness that she was married, but also smiling to hide the unhappiness of what had happened earlier. Then the photographer suggested a picture with the bride and all the men. All the men attending the wedding started to crowd around the couple. Mark...

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The wedding day

Introduction: Making sure that as bridesmaid I give my older sister a wedding day to remember This story takes place just over six years ago. My older sister Louise had just become a very wealthy widow. Not very surprising as Jeremy, her husband, was 86 and they had been married for 4 years in a marriage of convenience the money was convenient for her and he wanted to kick back at his three wastrel sons after excluding them from his will by marrying someone younger than they are. Jeremy had...

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The Wedding Day

The wedding day It was August 2nd 2007 the fourth wedding day of Hana, a 55 year old woman and mother of Sam. Sam is a 27 year old accountant who discovered at early age the beauty of becoming a women. He never done that in public but his mom if fully aware of that and in fact she encourged him to follow what he loves and not to feel shy about anything as long as it doesn't hurt anybody's feeling. At the age of 8 his father died and his mother struggled initially to raise him but...

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Bebe A Disney Wedding Day 1

"There's nothing like planning a wedding to make you want to punch everyone you've ever met in the throat." ~ Anonymous "I wonder if other mothers feel a pain in their insides, watching their daughters growing up to be the people that they wanted so badly to be." ~ Judy Picoult, 'Keeping Faith' XXX It was a beautiful, cool DECEMBER morning in Lake Buena Vista, Florida as Bebe woke up in her suite at The Grand Floridian, the Walt Disney World resort that had been designed to...

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wedding day whore part 1

Lisa stood there with her mouth wide open in shock, 20 minutes ago she had been putting the finishing touches to herself getting ready for her big day. Her hair and make up were looking perfect, her nails had been manicured. As she looked at herself in the bridal suite mirror she thought to herself she had never looked better. Her lace and silk white dress gave her a cleavage which was noticeable because of her 38c breasts being pushed up by the tight fit, she had considered whether or not to...

2 years ago
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Lacey's Wedding Daybyrockandroller©My daughter Lacey and her fiancé had chosen a stunning mountain chalet for their wedding. The building was at the top of a hill, with a spectacular view of the valley below. Out front there was a large lawn, where the ceremony was to be held. Inside, there was a big room which was set up for the upcoming reception with formal dining tables, flowers galore, a small stage and dance floor, and a large wooden staircase for the happy couple to descend. It cost me a...

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Kathryns Wedding Day

Kathryn's Wedding Day By Susan Day This is a story of a chat between Penelope Primrose, usually known as 'Auntie', and her old schoolfriend, Kathryn. Dominant Kathryn marries Gary. Then, when they are alone in their hotel room, he becomes her bride and the wedding takes them on a different journey. (number two in a series of chats) -oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo-oOo- Back...

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Wedding day whore

Her lace and silk white dress gave her a cleavage which was noticeable because of her 38C breasts being pushed up by the tight fit. She had considered not wearing a bra, but in the end she chose to put on the lace white bra as it matched her panties and stockings, which she was wearing for her husband later that night. All she had to do was put on her shoes and veil and then wait for her father to come to her room and take her down to the priest, family, and friends, all waiting to see her...

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Lacey8217s Wedding Day

My daughter Lacey and her fiancé had chosen a stunning mountain chalet for their wedding. The building was at the top of a hill, with a spectacular view of the valley below. Out front there was a large lawn, where the ceremony was to be held. Inside, there was a big room which was set up for the upcoming reception with formal dining tables, flowers galore, a small stage and dance floor, and a large wooden staircase for the happy couple to descend. It cost me a fortune, but it was worth it. It...

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A Wedding Day to Remember Ch 02

Terry lays down the law.I could not shake that feeling that they had taken me to yet, because of either damn luck or maybe on purpose; they would not take me to that climax, that big one that I had felt building and building as they used me. They came several times, and I only had that one small climax. Needless to say, I felt that I had been cheated, not being able to achieve that climax that I had wanted and at the time felt that I needed so bad. I was glad that Sandy and Terry did not want...

2 years ago
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Sex on wedding day in hyderabad

Hi my name is karthik am from hyderabad this is my true story,pl z if u like my stories send ur feedbacks to my yahoo id am 24yr old single guy studying in some college in hyd, and love to live to the fullest. The incident i am telling you today is a real one and happened just few days back.if aunties, gals, wanna meet me can mail me at my yahoo id , sorry dis is my story if any mistake pl z forgive me ok… i was living in hyderabad, my hometown.i was invited to go to a wedding of a cousin who...

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Katies Wedding Day

I’ve known Katie for going on eight years. She moved to the small town I live in and got a job working at my place of employment back in 2002. We became friends, and up until six months ago, that was that. I turned 39 in September, but two weeks before my birthday was Katie’s wedding. Katie turned 28 last May, and it was at her birthday party that she asked me to be her wedding photographer. I do a lot of photography, and even make some money at it, but I am by no means a wedding photographer....

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Katies Wedding Day

I’ve known Katie for going on eight years. She moved to the small town I live in and got a job working at my place of employment back in 2002. We became friends, and up until six months ago, that was that. I turned 39 in September, but two weeks before my birthday was Katie’s wedding. Katie turned 28 last May, and it was at her birthday party that she asked me to be her wedding photographer. I do a lot of photography, and even make some money at it, but I am by no means a wedding photographer....

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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The wedding day

Jeremy had been a long standing friend of the family and had enjoyed the pleasures of both myself and Louise long before they married (and after of course) and I think he chose her as his ‘bride of convenience’ over me as she has bigger breasts with more prominent nipples and he so enjoyed suckling them. However, back to my story which relates to their wedding day as it was hardly the usual sort of wedding in terms of preparation, ceremony and wedding breakfast later. The whole event was...

2 years ago
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Wedding Day

Chapter 1 Gloria and I have loved eachother sense childhood. Puppy love. Of corse we've growmn up togther, and graduated high school. She's growmn into a stunning and respectable woman. We never had sex as Gloria wished to wait untill marriage. I agreed as I loved loved and adored her so deeply. Never did I try to take advantage or encourage sex, as I respected her wish. Mind you, it it hasn't been easy! Watching her grow from an innocent child and blossom into the well-shaped adult woman...

3 years ago
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Wedding Day To RememberChapter 3

Terry (on TV) said to me, "Get me hard again, baby, I'm want to fuck you one more time before I take you to the church to marry your new husband. If you want me to fuck you one more time, all you have to do is begin sucking my cock. Don't worry if you don't want to do it, it is OK. In fact if you want to stop with just Charlie here fucking you in your asshole, drop your head close your eyes and enjoy it as he fucks you, baby. You will get the pictures; either way they are yours." I...

1 year ago
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Wedding Day Cuckold

Pamela had been one of the most popular girls in her high school. She been in the high school girls' sorority, served as one of the varsity cheerleaders and she'd been voted as "Most Popular" by nearly all the guys and girls in her class. There was no question that Pamela was one of the most attractive and sexiest girls in the school as well and the only problem with Pamela was that she knew she was hot, she knew she was in high demand and she knew she could have her choice of any guy in...

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Wedding Day To RememberChapter 2

I could not shake that feeling that they had taken me to yet, because of either damn luck or maybe on purpose; they would not take me to that climax, that big one that I had felt building and building as they used me. They came several times, and I only had that one small climax. Needless to say, I felt that I had been cheated, not being able to achieve that climax that I had wanted and at the time felt that I needed so bad. I was glad that Sandy and Terry did not want to talk in the van; I...

2 years ago
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Wedding Day Cuckold

My wife Holly fucks other men. Not just one, but a bunch of other men. We've been together for 3 years and married for 2 and I have been knowingly (although unwillingly) sharing her with any man that has come along since the day of our wedding.Well, that's not entirely true. Holly doesn't cheat on me with just any man. She has one basic qualifica-tion for the men she allows between her legs. Big cocks. Holly likes big cocks. Not just your run of the mill 7-incher. No, Holly likes guys who are...

3 years ago
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Spoiling Her Wedding Day

Ellie was as happy as she'd ever imagined she could be. It was her wedding day and everything seemed to be perfect for one of the biggest days of her life so far. She was marrying the one man in her life who she thought would make her forever happy and contented, Rob, and she was in the final stages of preparing before it was finally time to leave the room she dressed and done her makeup and hair in before she went out and they started the marriage ceremony. She loved tradition and her parents...

1 year ago
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Wedding Day Fantasy Gets Made Real By A Hotwife Bride

As the fourth massive load of cum erupted over my wife’s willing tongue and landed on her eager face, I knew that this day would live on in my memory forever. Looking down at her, camera in hand as she stroked a cock in each hand, she looked up at me and breathed, ‘Happy Wedding Day, Darling!’ I need to restep to let you know the whole story. Two weeks ago, we were laying in bed after some pretty awesome sex. She cuddled up and asked me what I’d been thinking about while I was pounding her. I...

Wife Lovers
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SLUT Ann degraded on my wedding day

My name is Ann, well actually, it's been Slut Ann most of my life. My body has ruled me always. My nipples would itch, then when I played with them or scratched them, a charge would go through my body and make me crazy, insanely horny. It’s like the beginning of a huge orgasm that stays with me until I cum. The type of horny where there are no limits. Once that happened, I would need to cum many times to settle down.We were very poor, so clothes weren't replaced regularly. As a result, I wore...

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The Farmer Gets A Wife chapter 6 The Wedding Day

DAY 6a, THE WEDDING DAY BILLY I was awakened with a start as he came marching through the door carrying a tray with toast, cereal and a mug of coffee upon it. My head was still groggy from the cannabis laced brownie that he had given me last night. I half stumbled out of bed to greet him correctly by curtseying and raising my little baby-doll and saying in the most feminine voice that I could muster. "Good morning sir." "Good morning sissy and how is the little blushing virgin...

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Wedding Day

Wedding Day Susanna says: - It is every T-girls fantasy to get married in a lovely white wedding dress, to wear those wonderfully sensual white and pearl bodices, the white stockings and the blue garter. The icing on the cake in this story of course is the photographer, what a way to celebrate your first few hours as a married woman, by being fucked by a man! As for me, always the bridesmaid but never the bride, especially when I wore a lovely pink taffeta bridesmaids dress that hugged...

2 years ago
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Keeping her wedding day vow with bro

HALF TERM, DAY 9, SUNDAY - returning to the real worldI'll admit I'm concerned.When I awoke, Emma wasn't in our honeymoon suite. She'd left her phone, keycard, purse... everything. I had to be honest - she'd probably gone to fuck someone. In itself, that wasn't a massive problem, although I'd rather she'd told me, or at least left a note. I don't know where she is, or who she might be with. I can't shake the fear that she might have gone back to find that dangerous DJ.There's only 5 minutes...

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