Cowgirl Up! Ch. 2 free porn video

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That evening after dinner, I started back to work on my book. At first, the going was slow but soon the words started pouring through my fingers onto the keyboard. I was composing on the fly just like I had done when I first started writing my stories. I felt a renewed vigor coursing through my mind as my newest story began unfolding.

“What’re you smiling about?” My grandfather inquired from his comfortable recliner in the office.

“Oh nothing.” I replied. “My story just seems to be coming together all of a sudden.”

“Is it a western?” He asked, grinning. “I’d like to see you write a good western. Like a John Wayne movie.”

“Sorry, it’s not a western.” I answered. “Maybe someday I’ll write one especially for you.”

“Well, don’t wait too long.” J.D. k**ded. “I wanna still be alive to read it. And, don’t put a lot of that sex stuff in it either! Cowboys never had much sex in the old west.”

The mention of cowboys having sex reminded me of my scheduled rendezvous with Cody later that evening. My fingers started tripping over the keys, making several typographical errors. I slowed my typing pace down, trying to concentrate but dreaded thoughts of having to keep my agreement interrupted my progress.

I kept watching the digital clock in the right-hand corner of the monitor as it ticked off the minutes towards 10pm. I tried to remember the last time I was with anyone. It had been so long I could barely remember who it was, let alone when it was. Thoughts of not showing up at Cody’s trailer fought thoughts of just trying to talk him out of the stupid situation.

“Surely, he’d let me off the hook if I ask him.” I thought. “He’s too much of a gentleman to force me to have sex with him.”

As the clock clicked 9:00pm, I decided it best to prepare myself for the worse. Shutting down my laptop computer, I put it aside for the night.

“I’m gonna grab a shower.” I remarked to my grandfather. “Maybe, I’ll run down to the barn before bed and check on the horses.”

“Cody usually checks on the horses before he goes to bed.” J.D. asserted. “You don’t have to worry about them.”

“Well, I need to talk to him about the calf sale this Friday.” I commented. “We should probably discuss what breed of cows we want.”

“Can’t that wait till tomorrow?” My grandfather asked.

“Unless... you just want to spend some time with him.” He added, grinning. “I do think ole Cody’s got a thing for you.”

I couldn’t think of anything to counter with so I quickly slipped out of the office. After showering and fixing my hair and make-up, I slipped on a pair of dress slacks and a frilly blouse. I wasn’t sure if I was trying to look sexy or trying to look innocent!

Before leaving the house, I checked on my grandfather. He was still sitting in his recliner, watching one of his favorite westerns.

“See ya in the morning.” He remarked, not bothering to look away from the television.

“Don’t forget. Breakfast is at 6am.” He added. “I’ll expect you to be at breakfast with the ranch-hands each and every morning.”

“I’ll be at breakfast. Don’t worry.” I responded, picking up my cigarettes and lighter.

Walking down the hill towards Cody’s trailer, I kept thinking of what I could say to talk him out of the situation. I nervously lit up a cigarette before approaching the door to his camper, taking a couple of quick, hard drags off it.

“You’re right on time.” Cody greeted, gesturing me to enter.

Stepping up into the travel trailer, I immediately noticed its tidiness and luxurious appointments. Its spacious interior and carpeted flooring were highlighted by its light oak cabinetry and stylish furnishings. The travel trailer had two expanding walls, one for the combination living-room, dining area and another for the bedroom.

“We should probably discuss the upcoming calf sale and what we need to look for.” I suggested, placing my cigarettes and lighter on the kitchen counter.

“We can do that tomorrow.” Cody responded. “We don’t need to discuss it tonight.”

“There’s one of my shirts on the bed.” He stated. “Take off your clothes and put it on. I’ll open up a couple beers while you’re changing.”

I stood frozen, unable to comply with his command. Cody just stood there, staring at me for a brief moment.

“Well! I’m waiting!” He spoke out angrily. “What’s your hold-up?”

I turned and walked quickly to the rear bedroom of the trailer. On the bed was a man’s white dress shirt, way too large for Cody, let alone me. Taking off my clothes, I placed them on a shelf in the large closet that ran the width of the bedroom. I kept my panties on but slipped off my bra. Putting the shirt on, I buttoned it the entire length and rolled up the sleeves till they were above my wrists. The shirt was long enough that it came almost halfway down to my knees.

Thoughts of trying to reason with Cody were dashed from my mind as I looked at myself in the closet door mirror.

As I walked back to the front of the trailer, Cody scanned his eyes over me from head to toe.

“I hope you like beer.” He remarked, handing me a glass. “I wasn’t sure of what kind of wine to get so I bought beer instead.”

“I hope you bought plenty cause you’re going to have to get me pretty drunk.” I countered, lighting up a cigarette.

“I’m not planning on getting you drunk, just relaxed.” Cody commented.

The two of us sat together on the couch, sipping the cold beer. I sat sideways with my legs curled beneath me. Cody could sense my anxiety. I was hoping he’d call off the charade but I had a feeling he wasn’t about to. I wasn’t about to plead with him either

“I’ve been thinking about you all day.” Cody murmured, toying with my hair. “I couldn’t get you off my mind.”

“Bet you can’t wait to make me number six on your list of conquests.” I smarted back.

“Actually, I can’t wait to change your outlook on sex.” He countered, taking the glass from my hand.

Cody’s next move was to lean into me for a kiss. At first, I started to pull back but I couldn’t resist the temptation to let him put his lips on mine. My lips responded as if they had a will of their own. Cody’s moist lips pressed lightly against mine. I savored the tender kiss, allowing it to prolong. Our lips compressed harder as our kisses became much more passionate. My urge to pull away was the farthest thing from my mind.

Cody’s hand worked at the buttons of the oversize shirt till he had it completely unbuttoned. The cool breeze from the overhead air conditioner wafted across my sensitive nipples, causing them to grow erect. Cody’s hand slipped beneath the shirt, clenching my waist. As we continued kissing, I could feel his calloused hand sliding upwards towards my breasts. Thoughts of stopping him never crossed my mind. My lips lightly chewed on his as I taunted him with my mouth.

Feeling my firm breasts being gently massaged and squeezed heightened my sexual desires. Cody’s gentle hand stimulated my soft skin. His fingers tweaked my nipples bringing a gasp from my lips. Cody’s lips kissed along my neck, making their way slowly towards my sensitive earlobes. My body tensed when his tongue licked at my ear.

Cody’s lips moved quickly to my nipples. Flicking his hot tongue over the hard projections had me gasping and moaning aloud. I murmured Cody’s name over and over, almost incoherently. Cody sucked on each nipple, pulling ever so lightly on them. My hand, at the back of his head, crushed his face into my breasts.

Cody’s left hand brushed lightly over the nylon material of my white bikini panties. I grabbed his wrist, forcing his hand between my legs. My juices were flowing, saturating my panties.

“Let’s go back to the bedroom.” Cody murmured.

I barely nodded my head, complying with his suggestion. Cody pulled me from the couch, guiding me down the narrow hallway to the bedroom. He slipped the shirt from my shoulders, tossing it to the bedroom floor.

“Face down on the bed.” He commanded. “I wanna look at your ass.”

I stretched out on the cool sheets, lying on my tummy. Propping myself up on my elbows, I watched Cody getting undressed. He wasted no time as he flung his clothes off. I was growing warmer as my eyes feasted on his naked and very masculine body. His tight briefs were bulging, constraining his already hard cock.

“On or off?” He jested, tugging at the elastic waistband of his briefs.

“Off!” I exclaimed. “I want you naked!”

Cody shoved his white briefs down his legs, kicking them off. His beautiful cock protruded proudly from his athletic body. I couldn’t take my eyes off it as he climbed onto the bed with me.

I rolled over onto my back, immediately being pulled into Cody’s warm embrace. We continued kissing passionately. My hands gripped Cody’s shoulders, holding him against me. He slipped his hand inside my panties, brushing his fingers lightly over my trimmed pubic hair. My legs spread slightly apart allowing him access to my pussy. His forefinger rubbed over my clit, bringing me closer to orgasm.

“Cody, do me now.” I pleaded.

Cody pushed my panties down, baring my pussy to his gaze. He wasted no time removing my panties, tossing them to the floor. Cody spread my legs open wide, embarrassing me with his evil grin. His rough hands brushed upwards along my legs, holding me in position. I cringed when he began kissing around the lips of my pussy. For some unknown reason I couldn’t relax and enjoy his oral stimulation.

Cody probed his tongue inside my pussy but I fought against him. My hands pushed against his forehead, trying to get him to stop. Cody grabbed my hands, entwining our fingers. He pulled me against his mouth, snaking his tongue in and out of my pussy. The astonishing orgasm came unexpectedly. I bucked against Cody’s face, grinding myself into him. I gritted my teeth to keep from screaming out but I couldn’t contain myself. I screamed.

Cody prolonged my sexual pleasure with darting stabs at my sensitive clit. My body went rigid as the continuing orgasm sent shock waves throughout my body. I was shaking and trembling even as the orgasm slowly dissipated. It felt like all the strength had been pulled from my body. I choked and fought to regain my breath.

Lying there completely helpless, Cody used it to his advantage. Grasping his hard cock, he guided it towards my pussy. I felt the mushroom-shaped head of his cock slip between the lips of my pussy. Lubricated with my juices, his manhood pressed into me. The feel of a hard cock spreading my pussy was something I’d all but forgotten. Cody worked his cock deeper with each stroke.

Feeling his warm balls against my ass, I opened my eyes. The cowboy was smiling down at me. Leaning down, we kissed lovingly. Expecting Cody to fuck me like an a****l I was prepared to ride him out. Instead, he stroked his hard cock slowly in and out of my pussy, prolonging our sexual encounter. Our eyes locked on each other’s. I grasped Cody’s upper arms, steadying him, as he plunged into me with deliberate strokes.

We fucked each other with a steady rhythm, slow at first, gradually increasing our tempo. My fingers were holding onto Cody tighter the harder and faster we fucked each other. Again, my body and its long-sleeping desires were winning out. I could feel another orgasm building deep within my body.

My widening eyes were a clear indication to Cody he was about to bring me off once again. With gritting teeth, he fucked me hard and fast, plunging his cock into me with a vengeance. My orgasm triggered, sending me into another world filled with sexual fulfillment. I convulsed uncontrollably, gripping Cody with my legs. His hot cum spewed deep inside my pussy, mixing with my own hot juices. Muffled cries of pleasure escaped from my lips as the orgasm continued for several long moments. Cody pulled me up into his arms, still impaled on his hard cock. I held onto him, never wanting to let go.

Perspiration from Cody’s face trickled onto my back. He rocked me like a c***d, soothing my expended body. The combined heat from our bodies warmed us in our close embrace.

“God! That was awesome!” Cody whispered in my ear.

Unable to verbally respond, I squeezed his body, assenting my agreement. My own personal happiness wasn’t because I’d been sexually satisfied but knowing that I’d been able to fulfill Cody’s sexual needs. It was the personal satisfaction that I received from fulfilling my lover’s desires that was most important.

Laying me gently back onto the bed, Cody kissed me tenderly. My lips responded to his, not wantonly but lovingly.

After washing ourselves off and changing the bed linen, we snuggled together. The howling of coyotes off in the distant were the only sounds we heard as we slowly drifted off to sleep. Cody’s warm embrace and satiated body were all the comfort I needed.

A few hours later, Cody gently wakened me. I wasn’t sure what time it was nor did I care. We shared another extraordinary sexual experience that left us both breathless and totally exhausted. Cody’s warm cum oozed from my pussy onto the sheets. Cuddled in each other’s arms, we lay together without falling asleep.

“What’re you thinking about?” Cody murmured.

“Just thinking about the ranch.” I whispered, rubbing my hand lightly over his chest.

“What!” He exclaimed. “You mean you’re not thinking about me?”

“Of course, I was thinking about you.” I conceded. “I’ve just got a lot on my mind.”

“Do you feel any different about sex than you did the other day?” He asked. “Or, are you still having doubts about yourself?”

“Well, I feel better, that’s for sure.” I answered. “I’ve still got some reservations about my sexual abilities though.”

“Maybe we just need to fine tune them.” Cody suggested with a slight laugh.

“You’ve already done enough.” I asserted, slapping him on the tummy. “But, I’ll keep your offer in mind.”

About 4:30, I slipped out of bed without awakening the cowboy. Getting dressed, I hurried back to the house to grab a shower and change clothes. Checking on my grandfather, I found him sleeping soundly. I didn’t want him to know I’d spent the night with his ranch foreman. He’d never understand or forgive me.

At breakfast, J.D. announced his decision to the ranch-hands about my taking over the Double D. I expected to get looks of surprise, maybe even a sign or two of disapproval but the men seem to take it stride without asking a single question. Then again, maybe they were just too busy eating to ask my grandfather about his decision.

During breakfast, Cody kept trying to get my attention but I purposely avoided eye contact with him, knowing full well what he had on his mind.

“What’s on the agenda for today?” I asked, as my grandfather and I stepped into his office.

“I’m gonna grab my checkbook and head over to Lincoln.” J.D. answered. “You might want to go over the database on the ranch assets and update it. It’s been awhile since I’ve worked on it.”

“By the way, don’t make any plans for tomorrow.” He added. “We’ve got a 10:00 appointment with my attorney to get the power of attorney taken care of.”

With just myself and Juanita in the house, it seemed awfully quiet. Reviewing the ranch’s asset database, it took me awhile to figure out my grandfather’s filing system. He always did things his own way instead of using conventional practices. Verifying the assets still existed would involve doing a physical inventory. For that, I’d probably need one of the ranch-hands assistance, maybe Cody’s.

“Better not use Cody.” I thought, smirking. “He’ll just want to take inventory of me and we’d never get anything done.”

I worked on the database most of the day, running a printout of the resorted document. Putting my feet up on my grandfather’s desk, I scanned over the papers till my eyes grew tired. I was still having some problems with my left eye, today more than usual. I closed my eyes to catch a short nap.

“Hey! That’s not very businesslike!” My grandfather exclaimed, awakening me from my catnap.

“You’d never catch me asleep on the job with my feet propped up.” He added, grinning.

“Oh... a... I was just resting my eyes.” I stated.

“I’ve been going over the asset database.” I continued. “I changed the form a little so it’d be easier to understand. You wanna take a look at it?”

“Nope.” J.D. replied. “I don’t need to look at it. That’s your job.”

“By the way, I bought you a new buggy.” My grandfather asserted. “That old car of yours needs to be sitting in some high school k**’s driveway, not in mine.”

“I’ve had that car since I was in college!” I retorted. “I’m not about to get rid of it!”

“Well, park it down in the equipment building. Somewhere out of sight!” J.D. commanded. “It’s leaving a puddle of oil everywhere you park it. I won’t comment on all the rust and dings and dents.”

“So, what’d you buy?” I questioned. “Something sleek and fast?”

“Hardly.” My grandfather replied. “I bought you a new Suburban. Something functional and reliable. When the winter snows hit, you’ll need the four-wheel drive to get around.”

After dinner, I worked on my book. Although ideas were popping into my head left and right, thoughts of Cody had my nimble fingers stumbling over the keyboard. I kept looking out the picture window, hoping to see him.

“You lookin’ for Cody?” J.D. asked, looking away from the television.

“No! Of course not!” I exclaimed. “Why would I be looking for him?”

“Michelle. I know you didn’t sleep in your own bed last night.” He responded. “It’s obvious, you slept somewhere.” I kept my mouth shut to avoid getting into an argument with my grandfather. Putting thoughts of Cody aside, I continued writing till almost midnight. My grandfather went to bed around 11:00, leaving me to work without his occasional interruptions.

The next morning, Cody sat across from me in the dining-room. The conversation among the ranch-hands was on the weather and impending storms forecast for the area. Cody kept nudging my foot with his, trying to get my attention. Kicking him with the point of my high-heel shoe finally discouraged him.

J.D. and I left the ranch around 8:30 for our drive to Pueblo. Dressed in a beige business suit, which had a shorter than usual skirt, I met my grandfather’s approval. He’d purchased a white western style hat for me to wear. Although I seldom wore anything on my head, I put it on. It complimented my ensemble perfectly.

“Now you look like a rancher!” J.D. exclaimed. “And, not so much like a city slicker.”

Driving the two-lane highway towards Lincoln, I relaxed behind the wheel of the new Suburban. The soft leather interior felt very luxurious compared to the faded and worn velour interior of my old Camaro.

“Whatta ya think of it?” My grandfather asked. “She’s quite a truck, huh?”

“Yes, it’s really nice.” I answered with a big smile. “It handles like a dream. Practically drives itself.”

“Don’t let the power get away from ya.” He warned. “I got her so you could pull the horse trailers when you need to.”

“Why would I ever need to pull a horse trailer?” I questioned. “You’ve got trucks to do that.”

“I’d like to see you expand our horse business.” J.D. replied. “It’s something I never got around to. But, that’s up to you.”

“I’ll think about it.” I stated. “I’ll discuss it with Cody.”

“Keep your clothes on when you do.” My grandfather jested with a smile. “You’ll get more done that way.”

Obviously, my grandfather knew there was something going on between Cody and me. I couldn’t very well discuss my sexual problems with him but I felt he was broad-minded enough to realize I had physical needs that justified my actions.

Arriving at my grandfather’s attorney, we were ushered into his office without waiting. Thornton Smith, a gentleman in his late fifties, was dressed in a tailored suit. He didn’t mince words, getting right down to business. He wanted to make sure I understand the limitless powers I would share with my grandfather. I sat quietly, not interrupting with questions.

 Watching my grandfather affix his signature to the documents made me feel uneasy. I hoped he wasn’t going through all these legalities in an effort to hide something from me. The ranch was very profitable and stable financially. My grandfather’s health matters were another story. Keeping both in good order were my utmost concern.

Stopping for lunch in Ruidoso on the way back to the ranch, I noticed my grandfather seemed a lot more relaxed and contented. He wasn’t giving me hell about my writing or making comments about my supposed relationship with his ranch foreman.

“I’m glad you’re taking over the ranch.” He mumbled while we ate. “It’s a big load off my mind knowing you’re in control. I know you’ll continue to improve the operations.”

“Is all this your way of telling me you’re health has declined considerably?” I questioned. “If it is, I want to know exactly what’s wrong.”

“My health’s not the best.” J.D. replied. “I won’t try and k** you about that. I’d just like to prolong the year’s I’ve got left.”

“Does that mean you’re not going to question my decisions?” I inquired.

“I may question your decisions.” He answered. “I just won’t argue about them.”

Wheeling the Suburban into the driveway at the ranch, I spotted a sheriff’s car sitting next to the house. At first, I was alarmed, fearing something had happened.

“Must be Juanita’s husband.” J.D. remarked. “Probably stopping by for something to eat.”

Entering the house, we heard women’s voices coming from the kitchen, Katy West’s and Juanita’s.

“Hey J.D.!” Katy greeted, giving my grandfather a hug. “How’s my favorite rancher?”

“Retired!” My grandfather exclaimed. “Gonna swing a golf club from now on!”

“What? Retired! No way!” Katy shouted.

“Yep! Michelle’s taking over the ranch.” J.D. explained. “I’ll just be keeping an eye on things from time to time.”

“Well, congratulations.” She asserted, giving me a smile. “Michelle’s the reason I stopped by.”

“Just thought you’d like to know, those three men copped a plea bargain for the cattle thefts and d**g charges.” Katy stated. “They gave us the name of the slaughter house where they were selling the stolen cows along with details about their d**g supplier’s operation.”

“It was quite a bust, two in one night!” She added. “With elections coming up in November, it’ll be a real boost to my campaign!”

“It’s a relief knowing our cattle are safe.” J.D. commented. “Those bastards took a lot of prime beef off the Double J.”

After Katy left in her patrol car, I spent the balance of the afternoon in the office.

“You going with Cody to the calf sale tomorrow in Lincoln?” My grandfather inquired, reclining in his favorite chair.

“Yep, sure am.” I replied. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

“Well, don’t dress too fancy.” He commented, clicking on the tv with the remote control. “It’s a stockyard not a formal affair.”

“You trying to tell me something?” I asked, grinning.

“Me! No!” He muttered. “I wouldn’t think of trying to tell you anything.”

Cody joined us for dinner that evening. The three of us sat in the office afterwards, sipping coffee and discussing the ranching operations.

“Once we get these additional calves purchased, we need to concentrate on expanding our horse operations.” I asserted.

“We’re not using any of the stalls in the one barn, only half in the other one.” Cody stated.

“That’s thirty stalls we’ve got open.”

“I thought about boarding horses at one time.” My grandfather chimed in. “That’s the reason I built the two barns.”

“That’s an idea but I’d prefer to have a boarding stable somewhere other than here.” I remarked. “I don’t want a lot of traffic in and out past the house.”

“That would involve building another barn though.” J.D. affirmed.

“Not just another barn.” I countered. “I’m talking more than just building a boarding complex.”

“What about building a complex where people can bring their campers and motor-homes as well as their horses?” I suggested. “We could set up a campground with full hookups. People are gonna want all the amenities and conveniences. But, I’m sure they’d be willing to pay the price.”

“Sounds more like a resort than a boarding stable!” Cody exclaimed.

“It’ll be both.” I declared. “We’ll build two barns, enough to house forty horses. We’ll need a large corral to contain the overflow of horses during the summer.”

“Any idea how much this idea of yours would cost?” My grandfather inquired.

“Not a clue but I’ll get some estimates on construction costs.” I replied. “I’ll also work up some figures to give us an idea on the return on our investment.”

“What about the location?” Cody asked.

“How about the north-south county road that borders the ranch to the west.” I responded. “North of the intersection where we caught the cattle rustlers would be perfect. The ranch borders the government land. That would give people more area to ride.”

“Damn! I’m getting to like this idea of yours!” My grandfather exclaimed. “But we’re gettin’ away from the horse operation I was thinking about. I was thinking more along the lines of buying and selling as well as breeding our own horses.”

“I know! I know!” I stated. “That’s something we’ll work on first. The boarding operation is secondary since it’s too late in the year to do anything now.”

“What kind of horses are we talking about, J.D.?” Cody asked. “Trail horses, cuttin’ horses, cow horses?”

“Those and team penners and pleasure horses.” My grandfather answered.

“Don’t forget Appaloosas and Paints.” I chimed in. “I love them.”

“Better build another barn if we’re gonna have all them horses here on the Double J.” J.D. k**ded, kicking back in his recliner.

“If we need another barn, we’ll have one built.” I declared. “We’ll have to wait and see first.”

The rest of the evening, while J.D. and Cody watched a western on tv, I worked a little on my book. It was almost 10:00 when the movie ended.

“I’m heading for the ole’ bunkhouse.” Cody remarked, rising from his chair. “We’ll need to leave for Kirksville around 7am.”

“I’ll be ready.” I asserted.

“You wanna walk with me down to my trailer?” Cody asked.

“Why? Afraid you might get lost on the way?” I quipped, grinning.

“No. I just thought you might want to get some fresh air.” He replied.

“Breakfast is at 6am.” J.D. declared. “Don’t forget.”

“I won’t forget, Grandpa.” I retorted, stepping out onto the patio. “I’ll be there.”

“You think your grandfather suspects anything?” Cody asked as we walked down the hill towards his trailer.

“He knows something went on between the two of us the other night.” I answered. “He noticed my bed hadn’t been slept in.”

“So... he doesn’t have any objection then?” Cody assumed with a smile.

“Well, he’s sure not giving us his blessing, if that’s what you’re thinking.” I asserted. “He’s certainly not a believer in casual sex.”

“I thought what we had was more than just casual sex.” The cowboy stated. “I thought it meant something more. At least for me, it did.”

I wasn’t sure exactly what he meant but I was afraid to ask. Surely he wasn’t thinking seriously about our relationship. Walking slowly towards the trailer gave me a few minutes to think of something to say, if I had to.

Cody opened the door to his travel trailer, motioning for me to enter. I glanced back at the house to see if my grandfather might be watching.

“I better not.” I mumbled. “I don’t want to upset J.D.”

My refusal didn’t set well with Cody. It was clear, by the look on his handsome face, that he wasn’t happy with my decision.

“Well, he surely won’t object if I kiss you goodnight!” He muttered, leaning into to me.

I barely had a chance to moisten my lips before the cowboy pressed his against them. Our tender kiss was soft and very prolonged. I could feel myself melting into Cody’s arms as we embraced. Thoughts of spending the night with him, despite my grandfather’s objections, passed through my mind.

“That was some goodnight kiss.” Cody murmured when our lips finally parted. “I could kiss you all night long.”

“I know.” I whispered. “We’ll get our chance. Just not when my grandfather’s around.”

After giving Cody a brief kiss, I strolled back up towards the house. I briefly looked over my shoulder with the thought of going back but I didn’t.

“I didn’t expect you back.” J.D. remarked when I entered the office through the french doors.

“That was some kiss he gave you.” He added, suppressing a grin.

“Didn’t realize you were watching us.” I responded. “I couldn’t very well just shake hands with him.”

“Michelle, you’re a grown woman.” My grandfather declared. “What you do is your own business, not mine. I just don’t want anything going on in my house is all.”

“I’m gonna grab a shower and get some sleep.” I stated. “I’ll see you at breakfast in the morning.”

After showering and toweling myself dry, I headed across the hallway to my bedroom. I noticed the lights and television were turned off in the office. I suspected my grandfather had decided to go to bed since the rest of the house was dark.

After slipping into a shorty sleeper and my sneakers, I grabbed my cigarettes and lighter. I crept through the house, deciding to leave through the kitchen. As I stepped into the darkened kitchen I didn’t notice my grandfather drinking a beer, standing next to the refrigerator. Just as I reached the back door, I realized I wasn’t alone.

“Going somewhere?” He questioned.

“I’m going down to see Cody.” I boldly replied.

“Don’t forget breakfast is at 6:00.” He joked.

“How could I ever forget.” I responded. “You keep reminding me.”

Closing the door securely behind me, I walked briskly down the hill. The chilly evening air did nothing to cool my sexual desires. My nipples, taunted by the coolness of the evening, were growing hard and erect.

Entering Cody’s trailer, I heard the shower running. I set my cigarettes and lighter down on the counter after lighting one up. Pouring a beer into two glasses, I waited patiently for the cowboy to exit the bathroom.

Cody stepped out of the bathroom, toweling himself dry. He was quite stunned seeing me standing there. His first instinct was to wrap the towel around himself.

“How about a cold one?” I offered, handing him a glass of beer.

“Like your outfit.” He muttered. “Love what’s in it.”

“Thanks. Thought I’d wear it to the cattle sale tomorrow.” I k**ded.

Catching Cody off-guard, I pulled the towel loose from around his waist. His halfhearted attempt to stop me was unsuccessful. I reached for his cock, stroking the hardening shaft with one hand.

“Better be careful.” Cody warned. “It just might go off.”

“I’m counting on it.” I muttered with a big grin. “And, more than once too.”

Placing his empty glass on the counter, he pulled me into his strong embrace. Our lips crushed together in a heated, passionate kiss. I snaked my tongue between his lips, swirling it maddeningly inside his mouth. I almost had him choking as I flicked it like a serpent.

“That’s some tongue you’ve got.” Cody murmured when our lips finally parted.

“Wait’ll you see what I can do with it.” I quipped.

Getting Cody into the bedroom wasn’t a problem. Letting me assume the part of the aggressor was a different story. I wanted to suck his hard cock and taste his hot cum.

Pulling the top of my shorty sleeper off over my head, I tossed it aside. Cody lie on the bed, looking up at me, his delicious cock protruding straight up. Climbing onto the bed, I grasped his erect manhood near its base. I teased the head of his cock with the tip of my tongue, applying a light film of saliva to the bulbous flesh. My hand brushed lightly up and down his cock, stimulating the cowboy even more. Cody was very relaxed, letting me take control of him. Slipping the head of his beautiful cock between my lips, I lowered my mouth down over the shaft.

“Oh God!” Cody cried out. “Michelle...”

Tightening my lips around his throbbing cock, I pumped my mouth up and down on it, slow at first then hard and fast. Cody’s fingers grasped the sheets and his leg muscles tensed. I rubbed his legs, still pumping my mouth up and down on his thick, hard shaft. My tongue swirled over the taut flesh, teasing and taunting my lover.

Cody began to quiver beneath me. I sensed he was nearing ejaculating. I slowed my oral stimulation of his cock to a slow and steady rhythm. His body started to relax, letting himself enjoy the sensations.

I kept sucking on Cody’s cock, intentionally making loud slurping sounds as I coated his dick with thick saliva. My hand rubbed over his balls, feeling the heat permeating from them. I wanted his cum even more! I pumped my mouth up and down on his cock, gently massaging his balls at the same time. Cody’s body tensed suddenly as he shot his hot load into my mouth. His hand grasped my shoulder, trying to pull me back but I wasn’t about to let a drop of his cum escape my lips.

Cody cried out as the hot cream flooded into my mouth.

I sucked his cock harder, forcing every drop of cum from his throbbing cock. His butt arched up off the bed, almost throwing me off. I grasped his legs to hold on to him. The last drops of his cum flowed onto my tongue as his body went totally limp.

Only the sound of Cody’s heavy breathing filled the small bedroom. His chest was heaving, trying to regain his breath. Sliding my tongue up and down the full length of his shaft, I let him relax beneath me.

My hands brushed lightly over his muscled chest, soothing his tensions. Cody’s eyes were barely open but his face displayed a contented smile. My hands massaged gently down over his body, easing the tensions in his legs.

“I take it that wasn’t your first time doing that?” Cody commented.

“Nope. Won’t be the last time either.” I smarted off.

“So... how many guys have you been with?” He asked. “Or would you rather not say?”

“Not that many.” I answered. “None except you since my divorce.”

“Why?” I questioned. “Is it important to you?”

“No. I was just curious.” Cody replied. “You seem a little aggressive is all.”

“Aggressive?” I questioned, not fully understanding what he was getting at.

“Yeah. Like maybe you’re taking this boss lady thing a step too far.” He remarked. “When it comes to sex, I’m used to being in charge.”

“Well... excuse me!” I exclaimed, growing angry. “I thought sex was something shared equally. I didn’t realize the man had to be in charge, as you put it.”

Cody jumped off the bed, scurrying off to the bathroom. It was obvious he was upset with me. But, not as upset as I was with him! Grabbing the top to my shorty sleeper, I quickly put it on. I passed Cody as he was coming out of the bathroom.

“Now what’re you doin’?” He shouted.

“I’m leaving.” I shouted back. “What did you expect me to do, stay here and listen to your bullshit?”

“Remember, I’m the boss lady!” I exclaimed. “I can damn well do as I please! So get used to it or move on!”

Slamming the door on Cody’s camper, I stormed back up to the house. It was starting to rain, hard enough that I was soaked by the time I reached the back door. I half expected Cody to come running after me to apologize for his behavior but it wasn’t to be. I found it difficult to sleep that night, thinking about Cody.

The following morning at breakfast, Cody and I did our best to ignore each other. My grandfather was too busy chatting with the ranch-hands to notice. After Cody reviewed the day’s work schedule with the men, he and I set out for the calf sale in Kirksville.

We rode along without speaking to each other for most of the drive.

“We need to talk.” Cody remarked, breaking the silence. “I shouldn’t have said what I did last night.”

“Maybe it’s a good thing that you did.” I responded. “At least now I know what you’re really thinking.”

“You’re still upset, I take it.” He surmised.

“No. I got over being upset.” I stated. “I’m just going to let it pass.”

“So... we’re still a couple then?” Cody presumed. “That’s a relief.”

“Cody, we were never a couple.” I asserted. “And... we’re never going to be a couple either.”

“Our relationship is going to be kept on a strictly professional basis from now on.” I added with a stern look on my face. “You’re the ranch foreman and I’m the boss lady. Keep that in mind and we’ll get along just fine.”

“Geez! What a...!” Cody muttered, catching himself.

“Bitch!” I affirmed, finishing his comment. “Only by creation, not by choice.”

The sale at the fairgrounds proved worthwhile. By the middle of the afternoon, I’d purchased seventy-five spring calves, all Angus, from three different breeders. After making arrangements for delivery, Cody and I headed back to the ranch.

“You seem to have acquired an eye for cows.” Cody commented. “But how come you didn’t buy any Herford or Angus?”

“There’s a better profit margin on Angus beef.” I replied. “I’ve been checking the latest beef prices on the Chicago market report the past few mornings. That, along with market predictions, proves Angus beef to be the better investment.”

“If Angus beef is what people want, Angus beef is what we’ll raise.” I declared. “They’ll just have to pay the price.”

I looked over at Cody, figuring he was going to say something in rebuttal. Instead, he seemed to be letting my statements sink in. He didn’t ask any more questions and I didn’t offer any more statements.

It was late afternoon when we drove onto the Double J. Pulling up to the house, I jumped out of the truck, dragging my purse along with me.

“See you at dinner... or breakfast.” I remarked, slamming the door shut.

I found my grandfather taking a nap, snoozing soundly in the recliner in his office. I set my purse down gently on the desk, being careful not to awaken him. Picking up the remote, I lowered the volume on the television.

Much to my surprise, Cody came up to the house for dinner. As usual, Juanita had prepared a delicious meal for us. All I had to do was put it in the microwave to heat it up, then serve it.

J.D. seemed quite pleased with my purchase decisions. He asked several questions similar to Cody’s. I gave him the same sound reasoning that I’d mentioned to Cody earlier.

“Damn ranching’s gettin’ to be more like running a corporation.” My grandfather remarked, disgruntled. “Used to be, you operated by the seat of your pants and conducted business with a handshake.”

“Well, those days are long over.” I affirmed. “Nowadays it’s extensive research, computerized operating systems and documentation of all transactions.”

“You can bet your ass, John Wayne would never have operated this way!” J.D. exclaimed, grinning.

“Well, if John Wayne were alive, I’d sure as hell try to hire him.” I jested. “We could use the promotional benefits of having him around.”

“Why not use your name for promotional benefits?” Cody seriously suggested. “I’m sure a lot of people would buy horses from us if they knew Michelle Hill were tied into the ranch.”

“The Double J can stand on its name alone.” I replied. “Besides, some people don’t particularly care for my writing. It could prove more detrimental than promotional.”

After dinner, I worked on my book. My grandfather and Cody sat out on the patio, enjoying the cool evening air. The book was still flowing through my mind onto the keyboard. I completed one chapter, immediately starting on another. It was a little after 10:30 when my grandfather re-entered the house.

“I’m going to bed, Hon.” J.D. muttered, giving my arm a light squeeze. “Don’t stay up too late.”

“I won’t, Grandpa.” I responded. “I’m going to bed shortly, myself.”

An hour later I sauntered off to bed to catch up on the sleep I’d missed the night before. I slept soundly, not being wakened by the thunderstorm that passed through sometime during the night.

Early Saturday morning, I skipped breakfast, opting for coffee and a cigarette in J.D.’s office. I found an interesting website on the internet that listed classified ads for horses. I was amazed at the amount and different types of horses listed. Although my research on horses had been very limited, I felt I knew enough of the basics to purchase a sound a****l at a fair price.

Sorting through the ads by state, I found an Appaloosa mare for sale in Albuquerque, a couple hours northwest of Three Rivers. The three year old had a lustrous brown base color with a white blanket on her rump. At fifteen hands high, which is about sixty inches at the shoulder blade, she was absolutely gorgeous. The asking price for the registered mare was four grand, which seemed fair.

“What’s on your agenda for today?” My grandfather inquired. “Taking it easy, I hope.”

“Nope.” I replied. “How about the two of us going over to Albuquerque and looking at this Appaloosa mare I found on the internet? I could sure use your knowledge of horses.”

“Wouldn’t you rather have Cody go along with you?” J.D. asked.

“No. I’ll go alone if you’ve got other plans.” I answered.

“I’ll go along but just for the ride.” My grandfather asserted. “You’ll have to make the decision whether to purchase the horse or not yourself.”

After calling the owner of the mare and asking a few basic questions, including driving directions, I had Cody show me how to hook up one of the horse trailers.

“You want me to drive?” Cody asked. “It’s not all that easy pulling a horse trailer.”

“No thanks.” I replied. “Grandpa’s going with me. If I run into trouble, he can help me out.”

Donning our western hats, my grandfather and I headed out on our journey to Albuquerque. Feeling the tug of the horse trailer behind the Suburban was unsettling at first. Once we were out on the open highway and cruising along at sixty miles an hour, the trailer seemed effortless to tow. Wheeling the rig through the mountain passes and steep valleys, I settled back in the driver’s seat, switching on the cruise control.

Glancing over at my grandfather, I noticed a big grin on his face.

“What’re you smiling about?” I asked, lighting up a cigarette.

“You. Driving this rig. Wearing a cowboy hat.” He answered, breaking into a grin. “I never thought I’d ever see it.”

“Well, I surprise even myself sometimes.” I remarked. “Besides, I’m gettin’ to like this ranching business.”

“That’s good. I’m glad you’re happy.” J.D. commented. “I know it’s been awhile.”

“I guess.” I muttered. “Living out here has made a big change in my whole outlook on life.”

“Mind telling me what happened between you and my ranch foreman?” J.D. asked.

“Nothing happened.” I replied. “We just decided it best if we kept our relationship on a business level is all.”

“Who decided that? Certainly, not Cody.” My grandfather questioned.

“I did.” I answered. “Let’s leave it at that. OK?”

Pulling into the driveway at the Lazy R ranch, I was surprised at its modest size. Situated between two luxurious homes, it seemed out of place with the rest of its neighbors. Pulling up in front of the barn, I spotted a middle-aged woman wearing a leather apron much like a blacksmith’s. She looked rugged but not enough to deter from her feminine appearance.

“Bet you’re the young lady I talked to on the phone!” She greeted, removing her leather gloves and stuffing them into the pocket of her apron.

“Yes. I’m Michelle Hill and this is my grandfather, J.D. Kramer.” I responded. “We’re from the Double J down by Three Rivers.”

“Emma James.” The woman asserted, shaking our hands. “Welcome to the Lazy R.”

“I’ve got Indian Summer in her stall.” Emma stated, motioning towards the barn. “Just got her all curried and gussied up for ya.”

Leading the three year old mare out of her stall, I could see she was a lot more horse than her picture depicted. Indian Summer was absolutely gorgeous!

“I’ve been showing her in halter classes at the local horse shows.” Emma asserted. “She taken first in her class every time. She’ll make a good trail horse or brood mare. Summer’s got excellent bloodlines and a pedigree that’d rival most Appaloosas twice her price.”

While I walked around the mare, running my hand lightly over her coat, Emma went on about the horse’s excellent health and physical characteristics. The woman definitely knew her way around horses.

“Got a black gelding for sale if you’re interested.” She mentioned. “He’s great with k**s and loves to be ridden.”

I’d already made up my mind to purchase Indian Summer without even trying to negotiate a better price. The admiring look on my grandfather’s face, assented his approval of the mare.

After carefully looking over the registered, four-year-old black gelding and leading him around in the corral, I decided to purchase both of the horses.

Emma led me through the purchasing process, showing me how to transfer ownership and registrations over the internet. After handing me several folders containing full documentation on the horses, we were ready to load up and head home. Along with purchasing the horses, I’d acquired a brief education in horse trading. It had turned out to be quite a day.

Driving back to the ranch, we stopped for dinner in Adobe Ranch, a small town about halfway home. It gave the horses a chance to rest while my grandfather and I took time to eat. The long day had pretty well worn him down but he was still very upbeat and highly encouraged with our progress into the horse business.


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One Humiliated Hubby Part 1

I woke up this morning feeling super horny. My wife was sl**ping, so I went on Xhamster. I checked out some bi and femdom movies. Then, some "turning you gay" captioned photo slideshows. I was getting pretty hard, when I heard a toilet flush in the bedroom. Bummer. My wife was awake. I immediately closed the windows on my computer,and went back to "business as usual." I usually go to the gym in the morning, so I got my gym bag ready. As I was preparing, I was still thinking about the porn I'd...

2 years ago
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Summer Fun 2

David and I had plenty of fun that summer. We had extra time on our hands to play all our favorite games. Our parents typically dropped us off at our grandparents house before heading to work, just about every weekday. Of course grandma Margaret and grandpa Ralphie didn't mind having us over. David and I had our very own room there which even had a full size bed, for whenever we'd stay the night. I remember one day in particular... Mom was running late for work as she rushed over to grandmas...

1 year ago
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Reddit Cumsluts, aka r/CumSluts! Have you ever heard about I feel like an idiot asking this, but recently I met a dude who did not really know this place, and boy was I surprised. I feel like everyone who lives in this day and age should have at least head about this place and the fact that it literally has a little bit of everything to offer… I mean, where the fuck are you from if you do not know Reddit?Reddit is amazing, and it has lots of subsections to offer!With the size of...

Reddit NSFW List
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BurrChapter 8 Growing Pains

Friday and the end of the school week finally arrived. Charlie and I walked together to our waiting rides. He must have pointed me out to his mother because she waved to me as I was getting into the Volvo and Charlie hopped into the passenger's side of a Volkswagen Rabbit Convertible. It looked new, but out of place among the larger American and Foreign built automobiles. It took Ned a few minutes to get me to talk but once I opened up I told him everything that had happened over the past...

1 year ago
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Indian Volleyballers Part II

The four of them then walked down the beach in search of a flat area to set up the volleyball net. Ritu held Jay's hand as they led the way. After walking about ten yards, Rick tentatively reached for Naina's hand. She smiled at Rick and firmly grasped his offered hand. About one hundred yards down the beach from the boat, they found a perfect spot for a volleyball game. The guys had the net up in about ten minutes and the girls began practicing. The way they were warming up, one would have...

2 years ago
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Making My Buas Sluts Of My Life

Hii readers my name is Sumeet, iam from Dhanbad and this is my story about how I fucked my two aunties (bua’s) and made them sluts of my life. This happened to me three year ago when I was in my 12th. First let me tell you all about myself I was a sex starved boy, I used to watch porn and just masturbate that’s all I knew. I never had sex in my life before this incident. Now I’ll tell you about my bua her name is Sudha aged 48 & she is from Mumbai, she is my bua. She is happily married women...

3 years ago
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The Mother In Law Elle Chapter 2

"You doing okay?" Kath asked."Just fine, thanks," he said, as he drove their black sedan into the driveway of Kath's mom's house. In truth, he was in a pretty terrible mood. It was nearly midnight, the drive had taken about an hour longer than the usual six because of construction on the highway, and he had been forced to leave work later than planned even though he had told his boss about the out of town trip at least two weeks in advance. To make things even worse he was about to spend his...

Straight Sex
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First Encounter An East Meets West Story

Zinaat’s favourite pastime was shopping in high-end lingerie shops. Had been for years. Yet she had never really had anyone to wear it for. She just liked the look and the sense of being mischievous. Obviously, she didn’t tell the shop attendant back home she was single and frustrated. Instead, in the past Zinaat liked to tell the cashiers she was married to a rich businessman from out of town and that she was just planning a surprise for his return. Once she even claimed a family was planned...

3 years ago
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Ricks RevengeChapter 31

“Hi Honey, I’m home!” Dave said, loudly. “Hi, Rick,” he added, seeing me in the living room. “How is you cold?” Mom asked, going to him wearing her housecoat. “Fucking horrible, but thanks for asking. I think I’ll call off work for tomorrow.” “That bad is it?” “Oh my fucking head! I just want to crawl up in bed and suffer,” he joked. Dave poured a cold glass of ginger ale and took a decongestant, then sat in the living room. “I’ll probably fall sleep during the hockey game.” “Mom called...

2 years ago
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My friends make my mom their slave interracial s

This is Karan, hi, I want to share an erotic story of my mom. She is fair in colour having big and tight boobs of size 38, she has big butt and thin waist as her waist size is 80 cm. She looks very hot and seductive as her height is of 5ft. After my dad left her we went to my uncle’s friend’s house in Cairo in Africa. We live in his farm house and we pay rent for it. My mom generally wears salwar at home in which she looks like early 18 but her age is 37. She is a teacher in my school and every...

3 years ago
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BSC08 How Jack and Susan Became NudistsChapter 18 Good Night Mom

“You just be real careful with that thing now” said a concerned looking Jack Flynn to Susan Flynn. “Oh, stop fussin’” responded Susan. “Now lie still or I will do you some damage ... permanently!!!” Jack watched Susan lather up his upper torso with a whole pile of spray-on shaving foam then take to his chest with a disposable shaving blade. After their breakfast of waffles and coffee that morning and a wander through the local park Susan had decided that Jack was way too hairy for a...

1 year ago
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Sexciting Business Trip Part1

Hi all. Guess you all know I am a bisexual guy. I love to crossdress whenever I get a chance and I am alone. Well as it happened I was on a work trip to Chennai and Bangalore some time back. It was not a planned one. My boss told me in the night that I had to go and all arrangements have been made. I reached by the afternoon flight, took a cab and checked into the hotel booked by the office. After settling down in my room I decided to out and buy myself some nice girlie stuff. I had a couple of...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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My bookstore fantasy

I pass by a pretty well frequented book store every day and every day, I fantasize about how great of a time I'd have in there. On Craigslist, there's always open invitations to stop in to satisfy anyone you want - boys, girls and boys who want to be girls. One morning, after having worked all night, and figuring I wouldn't see the Mrs. until late in the day, I got the cajones to stop in and check it out.Even at an early hour, the parking lot was pretty full. Figured this was a good sign. I was...

4 years ago
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This is a true chronicle. Names have been changed to protect the guilty. Her name was Cindy, and she worked the evening shift at the local Seven-Eleven. In those better days, stores provided free coffee to customers, and my crew and I always stopped at Cindy’s store to grab cigarettes and whatever on the way to the rig. One evening, Jake asked me if I had ever noticed that Cindy was always reading a Penthouse Forum when we came in. I hadn’t noticed, but would check it out the next time we...

2 years ago
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Cyber Mom

Mary's heart raced as she read the subject from her "friend" Wendy, "My Daughter Sara". The 38-year-old single mom opened the e-mail and read.Mary,This is Wendy. I have to say that last night on the phone with you was so HOT! Hearing you admit that your daughter turned you on got me so excited. I decided to tell you this via e-mail rather than on the phone. Heck, I didn't think I could finish it without cumming. LOL! Get your fingers ready. Enjoy.Let me tell you about my daughter Natalie. She's...

3 years ago
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always wanted to

I had never done anything even remotely sexual with another man, but for years and years my jack off fantasies had all been about sucking a dick - all sorts of situations, but they all ended with me taking a load in my greedy sucking mouth. I always assumed that that was as far as it would go since I was too timid to try to act out my fantasies, but as luck would have it, one day everything changed.I was shooting baskets one day in the summer in the local gym, deserted I guess because it was...

4 years ago
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I don’t know when it started, but when I heard my sister’s voice I knew it was happening again. Sara was singing to herself as she worked. She was was teaching herself to bake, twirling around the kitchen with bowls and mixers and pans. “How’s it going?” I asked. “Great. I hope..” she replied chipperly. She picked up a large baking sheet, “Can you get the oven for me?” “Sure,” I said, opening the oven door. I watched Sara slide the tray onto the rack, but a second later she yelped and jerked...

1 year ago
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16 ladyboys jerked off in front of me live

Just got back from Thailand and had a very special birthday present. A big party had been arranged for me at my favorite ladyboy bar and a “competition” had been secretly arranged for me.Had a nice party with balloons, food, drinks etc then a midnight I was told that it was now time for my birthday present. The door to the bar was closed a chair was bought out and put against the closed door and I was told to go sit on it. Then I was blindfolded and a bib put on me. I could hear all the...

1 year ago
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Wife8217s first threesome

So that this story is not so long and mostly boring i will skip the parts of the story where, when and how we met rohan, whom was to be my wife’s first bbc. We met rohan at a local club as we had arranged with him. We met him there to have a few drinks and to get to know one another just a bit and to have a few drinks to help get some of the nervousness out of the way. We talked and decided to go to our hotel room. After we got to the room, we sat around and had another drink. After some more...

3 years ago
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L025 Lizzys story Storytime and more

After my spanking, corner time, and sucking on Little Danny, when you asked me what stories I had been reading, rather than working on my resume, I blush and lower my eyes.  In a small voice, I whisper, “Anal play and sex.”You are a little surprised.  I had said that was something I thought I would like, and we had that once lovely afternoon after shopping when we both had the small vibrators up our asses, but you did not realize I was thinking about it more now.“Lizzy, would you want to start...

2 years ago
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Our Arrangement Reprise Three

Almira sat next to me at the breakfast bar, totally naked, wearing only her radiant smile.  While holding my toast I slipped my other hand between her thighs and slid it up to her pussy.“Hmm,” she purred between sips of coffee.Her lips were smooth, soft, warm and a little wet.  She put down her coffee and covered my cock with her hand.“Ready to go again?” she asked, smiling at me.“I think you could persuade me!”She had slept with me the previous night.  We'd had sex before we fell asleep,...

Wife Lovers
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Blessed by Nature

Rose-Marie felt truly blessed by nature, as she stood naked on the balcony of her father’s palatial white mansion looking out onto her father’s ornate garden. Not only had she the good fortune to have been born and to continue to live here in St Lucia, one of the most pleasant corners of the French Empire, but she also had the good fortune of possessing a wealthy father who had chosen the Edenist way of life. In fact, the garden, the island as a whole, was very much like the Garden of Eden to...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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My Maid My Slave 2

She groaned again, the flood gates of her sexual desire burst open. It didn’t even matter now that I had sadistically tormented her in her weakest moments. Nothing mattered but the long thick length of hard flesh teasing mercilessly at the inflamed swollen hair-fringed mouth of her cock-starved vagina. Shamelessly abandoning the last of her scruples, she ground her wide-spread buttocks upward toward my huge, heavily-throbbing penis, her hungry wet cunt searching desperately for the bulging...

3 years ago
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Lez Be Lovers

When I arrived in the big city, ready for university, I found that I didn’t even have anywhere to live! The place that I was going to rent had been rented to someone else, probably for more money, or maybe they just didn’t like black people? I would have complained, but did I really want a landlord like that? I spent my first night in my car. I barely slept, I was so worried that a cop might arrest me for vagrancy, or other worse things that could happen to a homeless girl found all...

2 years ago
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Adult gh

I like my porn and I tend to have my favorites, mature women, MILF's, asses, BBW, big tits, tgirls, bi male 3somes, amateurs at adult theaters and/or gloryholes. Recently my favorite porn site, someone had up loaded lots of gloryhole pictures and videos. Well I had to view it all. I put on my favorite cockring and sit back stroking my cock thumbing thru the porn. Well a few weeks later, my lady and I were sitting around when she makes a comment about my resent history our computer. She noticed...

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