- 3 years ago
- 33
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By TopCat
Chapter One
Carol was not your typical Iowa high school girl. She was raised by whatcould only be called a dysfunctional family. Her parents paid very little timeconcerned with her happiness or comfort. Her father was a long-haul truckerwho enjoyed the job because it kept him away from his obese wife who rarelyleft the house except to go the grocery or liquor store. So it was only naturalthat Carol would be attracted to any source of attention.
She lived in rural Iowa and her nearest neighbor was a quarter of a mileaway. She had to endure a forty-minute bus ride to get to school and she dreadedthis daily trek. It was during these bus rides that Carol was subjected tothe cruel ridicule of her peers as they mocked her poor cloths and her mother'sappearance. Carol herself was a pretty girl who had developed quickly. Herample breast and baggy clothes gave the impression of chunkiness that was unfortunate.In reality she still had a bit of baby fat to grow out of but she had a bodythat most would fine highly attractive. She was self-conscious of her body'ssexual maturity and worked to hide it during these grueling bus trips.
It was on the last leg of her return bus trip on a dusty May day that Carolsaw a sight that would change her life. Rapidly gaining on the trudging buswas a bright red motorcycle being driven by a blonde girl in a leather jacket.What was interesting to Carol as she gazed out the back window was that sherecognized this girl as being new in school. Carol did not think she livednear her yet why would she be coming down this rural road if she didn't. AsCarol watched, the mystery girl tore past the bus and sped down the road. Thisgirl had been the topic of some gossip because she was a loner and seemed ahood. She took no grieve from the cheerleader types and had been rumored tohave punched one out. Carol thought she was a striking girl with a tall athleticstature that Carol would love to emulate.
Carol watched as the bike turned down an access road to a farm that had recentlybeen for sale. A thought quickly came to Carol's mind as she pictured herselfriding to school with this tall blonde on the motorcycle and avoiding thisagonizing bus trip and the constant barbs from her peers. The trick was howto strike up a friendship with this girl who was such a loner. Carol spentthe evening sitting on the poach swing racking her mind on how to open thisrelationship. The answer came naturally as she notice the blonde and anotherwomen jogging down the road in spandex running outfits. A large German Shepherddog ran alongside. Carol sat in awe as she watched the two ran past her house.They looked over as they past and waved to her. She waved back and quicklythought of an opening.
She went inside and got two cold beers and went out to the road to wait.About fifteen minutes later the two came back up the road, sweat shining offtheir tan skin in the moonlight. Carol called out as they came close and said, "Youguys look thirsty, would you like a beer?" The two slowed then stopped.They were breathing hard and it took them a minute to catch their breath. Theolder women reached out for the drink with a smile on her face, "Thisis really neighborly of you. My name is Megan Barker and this is my daughterRachel."
Rachel took a long look at Carol, appraising her up and down, then smiledand took here brew. "Have I seen you at school?" Carol looked downat her shorts and baggy T-shirt and replied, "Yes, we are in the sameEnglish and gym class. I have been meaning to introduce myself but I'm kindof shy." Megan gave a nod to Rachel than started jogging in place. "Whydon't you two get to know each other a little better while I continue my run.Thanks for the beer, Carol. If your down near our farm, drop by and we willreturn the favor." With that said, she turned called to the dog, namedKing, and jogged on down the road.
Rachel stood on one leg and leaned on the wood fence. She seemed to be waitingfor Carol to make the first step. Carol desperate to make this friendship workdid not want to turn Rachel off by bringing her to her house and having hermeet her mother. To an obvious health nut like Rachel, her mom would be a turnoff. Carol offered to jog with Rachel back to her house. She was not an athleticgirl, but she wasn't too out of shape either. As they started off, Carol couldsee Rachel looking at her breasts bob heavily on her chest as she ran. Sinceshe hated to wear a bra around the house on hot days, she had taken it offwhen she got home from school, not expecting having to run that evening. Afterabout five minutes running and exchanging small talk about school and teachers,her boobs were hurting.
She brought her hands up and tried to hold her boobs from jumping up anddown her chest with each step. Seeing this, Rachel slowed to a walk and said, "Isee you're blessed with great tits. I really don't even need to wear a sportsbra when I run, but mom says I must to keep my tits firm." Rachel asked, "Doyour tits hurt from that little run?"
Carol feeling like a complete fool for trying to keep up with this girl inobviously great shape just nodded yes. "I guess I'm not in shape to dothis kind of running, especially without support. My boobs are always gettingin the way. I wish I had a body like yours and your mother. You guys have bodiesguys must drool over."
Rachel gave a little grunt and said, "If I wanted some guy I guess Icould have my pick. But my mom keeps me pretty busy with my training." Bynow they were in sight of Rachel's house. Rachel stopped and turned to Carolwith a questioning look on her face and asked, "Have you ever consideredtrying to improve your endurance and become more toned up. You have a nicebody, but it could use some work."
Carol, always dissatisfied with her appearance, replied, "I would loveto train but no one in my family is into that and I hate to work out alone.In gym I'm always trying to keep from being seen as such a geek that I nevergo out for sports".
Rachel gave a knowing smile, "If you are serious, I and my mom mighttake on the task of whipping you into shape. It would mean spending a lot oftime down here at our house and maybe even going out-of-town to clinics andstuff. Do you think you can get away from your house for that much time?"
Carol jumped up and down with joy, "Oh hell yes, I can get away. Mydad is never around and my mom doesn't care if I ran away. It would be morefood for her."
"Then it's settled then, we will begin your training tomorrow afterschool. There's only two more weeks of school left then you can devote yourselffull time. Come down first thing after school and we will begin."
The initial reason for starting this friendship had slipped to the back ofCarol's mind when the opportunity to have a personal trainer help her out ofher awkward years came up. Now she remembered, "You know I could startearlier if I didn't have to take that long bus ride home from school. I noticedyour great bike and was wondering if I could bum a ride home?"
Rachel gave Carol a slap on her butt and said, "I don't know. With yourbig butt on my bike I might not be able to go as fast. But that will changein time. All right, meet me by the motorcycle parking after school. I'll bringan extra helmet for you. I have to go now, Mom likes us to get a good rub downafter our evening runs. It helps you sleep you know." With that, Rachelbounded down her drive to her house. She yelled over her shoulder, "Don'tworry about what to wear during training, we have all the stuff you'll need.See you tomorrow."
Carol practically skipped all the way back to her house. The evening hadworked out great. Not only had she met a new friend, got a ride to school,but also now saw a way to rid herself from her image as a daughter of a fatwomen who everyone thought would probably end up the same way. Carol sworeshe would not become like her mother, even if she had to endure all kinds ofphysical hardship.
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{Thanks you to those of you who chose to write and comment, I do appreciate it. Some say I am a good writer, but they are just being nice, I know I am not. I can only write what happens.) ‘Tell the story like you are speaking to a friend!’ Ted would say. That is all I can do, I don’t know any other way. I really didn’t write much before, Ted did under his nickname, ‘magichands’. He always encouraged me to, and suddenly I have the urge to, so I do. So here is what is have to tell you all...
Some weeks passed, weeks in which Elizabeth and Seth became used to each other?fs ways, as newly married folk must. They got on well together, for Seth was hard-working and a good husbandman, knowledgeable and active, and willing to listen to his wife?fs suggestions - which he did with a male smile at her womanly foolishness before acceding to her wishes to humour her and finding that things went no worse, if not the better, for it. As for their nights, they were few when her bedroom was not...
(This story was inspired by two things. First, I am currently in rehearsal for a play dealing with the issue of adult victims of child abuse and that got me thinking of what I would like to see happen to the perpetrators of such abuse. Secondly, thanks to J. John Seaver for his excellent story, "SRU: In the Bag"; it's posted at Fictionmania, and I highly recommend it.) Jackie O'Lantern By Jezzi Belle Stewart (c)2005 Jack Prior knelt on the long uncut grass behind the worn and...
"Oh, man it's hot," commented April, while she and her best friend Wendy walked home from Jefferson High School. "You got that right, babe," responded Wendy, "am I glad this is the last week of school, it's just too darn hot to be sitting in some stupid class room!" The two eighteen year olds continued jabbering teenage girl talk until they arrived at Wendy's house, where upon they stopped at the frig to grab a couple of glasses of cold lemonade. Up in her bed room, Wendy flicked on the air...
usually i luv meeting for sex on fridays, so if ya ever wanna meetup with me must be then and only if i canonce a month can do a weekend but only early morn till till afternoons and same on fridays etcbut i luv to plan it out and chat heaps b4 hand so i know you and you know meam very friendly not into pain or vulgar words said to me like slut etc just am a plain girl person to be played with and how i play with them and am a cock worshopper too so sucking cocks is a hobby for me heheheso if...
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Toby let himself in and found both of his parents cuddled up on the sofa in the sitting room. He smiled warmly at them both. They happily returned it showing no embarrassment at all. “How I love them!” he thought. “So natural and so loving. To me and Nell too.” “Hello, sweety,” said his mother. “How did it go?” “Great! I really enjoyed it. She’s a sweet little girl, full of fun and energy, giggly and, I reckon, highly intelligent. She showed me some drawings which I thought for a seven...
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Danica knelt at her mother's grave, gently stroking the marker stone with one hand. Tears streamed down her face, but only the occasional sob shook her. Her mother's long illness had prepared Danica for this day long ago, as much as anyone could be prepared for the death of a parent. She laid the flowers in front of the headstone, whispering, "I love you, Mom. I'll miss you." Staring at the stone, Danica wondered, What would you think of me, if you could see me now? As if sensing her...
My sister and I were just sitting around and talking as we often did. I had come to visit for the weekend. It was a hot sticky day and she was wearing a tight tank top that was cut off a bit above the waist. That kind of thing can make small boobs look big. It made her big ones look huge. I couldn't help staring and when I told her she looked great today she laughed and said, "Do you mean 'they' look great today"?I said, "Both."Darla was never what you would call 'conservative' in the way she...
As I led my dream girl down the hallway, I listened to her. In the quiet of my house, I could hear everything as if it was amplified. I heard the click-click of her heels as she walked.I heard her breathing increase the closer we got to the bedroom, I could hear her heart (or maybe it was my own?) beating rapidly with the excitement of what was to come.At last, we reached the door to my bedroom. I opened the door with a click that sounded like a gunshot to me but she didn't seem to notice. Once...
CheatingThat Thing That Happened That Time That's Really No Big DealChapter 5: The Big Deal A rather firm knock is heard on Faith's door and she gets up to answer it. “Yeah...?” “One eyed maid service, guaranteed to clean your room without depth perception.” Faith smiles at Xander's greeting and goes over to open it. The door swings open and Xander is standing on the other side with a slightly serious smile on his face. “Hey Faith, how's it going?” The way Xander seems intently interested in the answer...
Alex D. carves a hole in a pumpkin for Halloween while his mother cleans the kitchen. He leaves the guts in the pumpkin and puts his dick in it before offering it to his stepsister Aubrey Sinclair. Alex’s stunt gets them both grounded. Alex convinces Aubrey that they can get each other off and have some fun while they’re grounded by stroking her twat through her shorts. Once Alex has gotten Aubrey too horny to stop, he peels off her panties and drops to his knees so he can finger...
xmoviesforyouSue checked into the hotel closest to her work, she was going to be there a few days due to the weather. She had some important files that she had to take care of even though a large snow storm was forecasted for her area. She hated being away from her family but didn't want to take a chance on not being able to make it to work. She had all ready ate and was ready to settle in and relax the for the rest of the night. She took a long, hot shower, slipped into her comfy pjs and called her...
‘Alright, the power is shut off for this section of the ship, as approved by the Captain. It’s late enough there aren’t many people active now, so if we work fast, hopefully we won’t be observed.’ ‘You realize the extent of the risk we’re facing here,’ Kaci reminded him. ‘All the more reason to shut up and work, so we’re less likely to be discovered.’ “Just get those cables stowed and I’ll connect the necessary communication links,” Zita said aloud. “Okay, those are the last of the...
Realising that Leandro had told Alex about how horny a fucker I was during his trip to visit my family in England made me remember the horny things we had got up to. It forced open a sluice gate that unleashed a torrent of intense memories locked up in my head. It was a tap that I had turned open many a time to fill my reservoir of sexy memories when needed, however this time the raging torrent couldn't be held back. All attempts to keep the memories from flooding back into my mind failed, as I...
Gay Male