Godless and Faithless Chapter 2
- 2 years ago
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He’d seen twisted trees, sickly grass, and muddy ground ever since leaving the miasma. Checking Axel’s pulse and breath, Rayner saw no improvement in his condition. As he rested among the cursed land, he took out his list. In only a short time it had gotten long and increasingly ambitious. But now he wanted to focus on the basics. The game-like system has several key differences from what he was familiar with back home. A review of what he had learned was in order. Attributes like speed,...
He had to buy it, and Axel thought they should have given it to them for free as a thank you for saving them. Rayner insisted the refugees were not in a position to give anything away for free. Besides, he had checked its authenticity, and it was a good map. “So, what’s the plan?” Rayner said. “I know you have one. You must, because we’re heading off into the countryside on our own. That has not worked out too well in the past.” “You’re the one who signed up for this quest,” Axel said. “I...
They had escaped the forest and now traveled across rolling hills and farmland, looking for civilization. After much discussion they agreed to avoid cities, not wanting to be near the center of events. They still did not know what to do in this world. Yazid wanted them to be a force that did not have any loyalty to the gods, to help people without asking for permission. “Is that smoke?” Rayner said. “Yes, I can smell it from here. Let’s go around it,” Axel said. “There could be people in...
A dozen students were ahead of him and he didn’t feel like wasting the remainder of his lunchtime, opting to grab the tasteless burgers from the shorter line instead. After loading up his tray with food, he looked for his friend Rayner. Axel saw him near the back by the window, chatting with Yazid. He did not want to deal with the eccentric teen. He just wanted to have a peaceful lunch. There was no avoiding it, sitting with anyone else was not an option. It was the price for having such a...
To start this story we have to go a ways back. For a little framework, I was born to an already broken marriage. My father a serial cheater and my mother could never fully let him go. I know they maintained a physical relationship years after the divorce, everyone saw the signs. He had too much charm and equally excessive libido. I guess that is where I get it. I was always told I was just like him. I was great at sports, was a natural leader, good looking, and you guessed it, i did...
In the now crowded brothel, Axel sat with his own full mug of devil’s water, brooding over the events since he was summoned to this world. Almost from the beginning, he and his best friend Rayner had been embroiled in conflict, battling goblins, Inimi soldiers, bandits, and even dragons. All he wanted now was to slip into obscurity and keep a low profile. Too much attention brought the wrong kind of scrutiny. People would start asking dangerous questions about them. Questions they could not...
All Axel knew of the man was that he clashed with Evans who also held the rank of captain. Their roles differed in that Evans patrolled the outside of the city and Kreg patrolled the inside. Evans received greater attention and accolades for his work, spawning jealously from the longtime captain. At the other side of the table the representative of the merchant class, Ivan, poured over a ledger. He would remove his nose from the ledger only to scribble notes. Every so often he would remove...
The town of Ridgehill deserved its name. Ridges surrounded it, providing a suitable defense. The three armies camped outside the town used those Ridges as cover. However, as Vix and his two companions sneaked past the camp and into the town, it was clear their natural defenses bred a lack of security. The town brimmed with activity and desperation. Women haggled with street vendors and the homeless hustled used goods on street corners. It reminded Vix of a poor city instead of town in a...
When Axel exited the cramped tunnel, he found the worshipers already engaged in combat. Rayner, however, was nowhere in sight, meaning he’d gone deeper into the battle to fight more fearsome foes. Axel knew Rayner was alive because of the way the worshipers fought. They were all under the effects of Rayner’s skill, Battle Cry. It meant Rayner was doing his part and Axel had to do his own. Since all the monsters were engaged and Colin and Haro were taking up the task of keeping other enemies...
The Inimi, being outnumbered and attacked from all sides, retreated. Causalities were minimal; the leader of the Inimi army had executed a brilliant retreat leaving their goblin allies behind to distract the enemy while the rest escaped. Sucks to be a goblin. Kevia told Axel people would forget their deeds in time, and he wanted them to, but it jarred him to see it happen. The handsome guard at the gate who had seen them off didn’t even recognize them. All the attention shifted to another...
A woman sitting by his bed left calling for a man named John. When John came, he explained what happened while Axel was sleeping. “He did what?” “He left to fight the dragons, rescue the maiden and free our people of this scourge,” John explained for the third time. Axel sighed, it sounded like something Rayner would do. Stupid hero. Not like he had much of choice. If he refused, Axel would still be asleep, or dead. He thanked the man and went to get his things. Maybe he could catch up...
Theirs had been a resounding victory. All the bandits they knew of were dead. They took longer than expected, as they had to deal with another two dozen women and girls rescued from the bandits. Then there was the packing of the loot. The bandits had been busy, they had plenty of food and even more weapons. Nothing too amazing as Alta was not a rich country. The bandits had been attacking both the Inimi and coalition forces, hitting their supply lines. Rayner told him the bandit boss was an...
She was a severe woman at times, with admittedly prudish and old-fashioned notions. Other than that, she was a very good listener with cute kids. They reminded Rayner of the kids he cared for back home. The kids he ultimately failed to help. From behind him came a tap on his shoulder and he turned to see Tessa. “You move silently. How long were you behind me?” “With the way things are going in town, I have learned to move quietly and with a sense of haste.” She moved past him to open the...
Vix worried little though. The goblins had waited a month to storm the final stronghold of the goblin lords. Finished patrolling the outside of the castle, Vix walked past the gates, stepping over the body of a goblin that had met a dagger to the throat. Though the goblin lords called the place a castle, it was truly just an abandoned manor. It had a moat but no outer gates and a guard tower in disrepair that likely stored foodstuffs. The state of the tower didn’t stop a goblin loyal to the...
The hospitality god’s blessing on the brothel provided numerous small benefits. It allowed warm water to run throughout the building, providing warmth without the need for a pumping system. It also sourced light that appeared to originate from nothing and with only a simple thought to activate it. Frankly, the blessing even this petty god, so weak as to not have a name, provided was a marvel even to Axel, who came from a modern world with advanced technology. Grace had informed him that...
But she’d been right in her recommendation for many reasons. Traveling with the caravan allowed them to see the might of the Coalition gods. A massive gaseous wall of blue bordered the entirety of the caravan, a blessing from a traveler god of the Coalition. The barrier protected the caravan as it traveled. Kobolds stalked the caravan and launched attacks against it, but the blessing of Turin halted them and when the kobolds pushed further into the shimmering wall of blue, their bodies...
Axel himself had little to no marketable skills to offer. Oh, he was vastly better educated than this world’s common citizens, but it wasn’t applicable or of little use. That left the duo stuck with their cover job as bodyguards for the camp whores. There lack of use was sobering. Even worse, the clients didn’t put up much trouble as none wanted to be banned from the comfort the whores provided. Also, if anyone was banned by the prostitutes, that individual would be kicked out of the...
The sheer volume of rain the sky dumped on him and his current companions obscured his vision and forced him to trek up a hill to see where he was going. Rayner found a job thanks to the recommendation of the whitesmith he assisted at the caravan. The job was to protect a monster cataloger named Kata. He researched the twisted monsters that still inhabited the area which the miasma had originally affected. Three others were hired on for the job. A team of two young men that looked like...
Turns out the Forest God was not as good as Yazid at setting fail-safes. Dodging trees and branches was not that hard, and the zombies no longer chased them. Axel thought the zombies would have collapsed after the forest god died. They had escaped the forest and now traveled across rolling hills and farmland, looking for civilization. After much discussion they agreed to avoid cities, not wanting to be near the center of events. They still did not know what to do in this world. Yazid wanted...
Axel’s worrying over the plan to attack the bandits proved misplaced. As Barny explained to him, battles were often small-scale brawls and went from one extreme to the other. With lots of death on one side, or an indecisive outcome with few fatalities. Theirs had been a resounding victory. All the bandits they knew of were dead. They took longer than expected, as they had to deal with another two dozen women and girls rescued from the bandits. Then there was the packing of the loot. The...
The lack of refugees to take care of and the addition of a map eased their travel. Rayner had gotten the map from the refugees. He had to buy it, and Axel thought they should have given it to them for free as a thank you for saving them. Rayner insisted the refugees were not in a position to give anything away for free. Besides, he had checked its authenticity, and it was a good map. “So, what’s the plan?” Rayner said. “I know you have one. You must, because we’re heading off into the...
Axel woke suddenly, jolting up in the bed. The last thing he remembered was a great deal of pain after he sealed the Miasma away. Rayner must have carried him here. A woman sitting by his bed left calling for a man named John. When John came, he explained what happened while Axel was sleeping. “He did what?” “He left to fight the dragons, rescue the maiden and free our people of this scourge,” John explained for the third time. Axel sighed, it sounded like something Rayner would do....
Swamp slimes. He’d never heard of them but they existed. The small blobs were composed of puddles of green goo, twigs, and moss. He’d battled them throughout the swamp, his hammer having little effect. Brute force failed to defeat them. Instead, he looked for other monsters and the dumb swamp slimes would get distracted and engage them instead. Using this method, he made his way through the forest with swamp slimes acting as his unknowing allies. He needed more varied skills. For one, when...
They returned to Ridgehill with little fanfare. The battle had already ended by the time they arrived. It was a resounding victory for the people of Alta and residents of Ridgehill. The Coalition army showed up marching out of the Corpsewood having made a deal with the Elves that he and Rayner knew to be fairies. Also, one of the country’s leaders used the invasion to rally enough political support from the regional governors to become head of state. The first thing on his to-do list was...
Rayner stood in front of Tessa’s shack, his hand over his brow to shield his eyes from the sun’s heat. He’d only just arrived. The usual riot of pickpockets and women soliciting him slowed him down. Visiting Tessa had become a regular event for him and he truly enjoyed the woman’s company to Axel’s amazement. She was a severe woman at times, with admittedly prudish and old-fashioned notions. Other than that, she was a very good listener with cute kids. They reminded Rayner of the kids he...
In a dark forgotten woodland, goblins rushed through the wrecked gates of the castle. Vix let them all attack ahead of him. He had to ensure no cowardly goblins lagged behind to let others do the hard work of fighting. Vix worried little though. The goblins had waited a month to storm the final stronghold of the goblin lords. Finished patrolling the outside of the castle, Vix walked past the gates, stepping over the body of a goblin that had met a dagger to the throat. Though the goblin...
In the oval council room, Rayner and Axel watched the one woman and three men present. The captain of the town guard had just arrived and sat puffing a cigar that exuded a purple smoke. A nameplate was on the roundtable in front of him reading: Kreg. A lazy air hung about him but his body looked ready for violence at any moment. All Axel knew of the man was that he clashed with Evans who also held the rank of captain. Their roles differed in that Evans patrolled the outside of the city and...
A ghostly warm glow came from all directions in the room as Axel sat waiting for Grace to finish her work. The hospitality god’s blessing on the brothel provided numerous small benefits. It allowed warm water to run throughout the building, providing warmth without the need for a pumping system. It also sourced light that appeared to originate from nothing and with only a simple thought to activate it. Frankly, the blessing even this petty god, so weak as to not have a name, provided was a...
Grace had insisted that Axel and Rayner travel with the caravan heading towards the dungeon even though it would have been faster for them to travel on foot. Instead, they plodded along with hundreds, if not thousands, of travelers. But she’d been right in her recommendation for many reasons. Traveling with the caravan allowed them to see the might of the Coalition gods. A massive gaseous wall of blue bordered the entirety of the caravan, a blessing from a traveler god of the Coalition. The...
Turned out finding a job at camp was harder than they first thought. Rayner tried working with the whitesmith from the caravan, but the whitesmith had plenty of assistants eager to learn the secrets of the trade by serving them. Axel himself had little to no marketable skills to offer. Oh, he was vastly better educated than this world’s common citizens, but it wasn’t applicable or of little use. That left the duo stuck with their cover job as bodyguards for the camp whores. There lack of...
Unfortunately for Rayner, this world didn’t have umbrellas. The sheer volume of rain the sky dumped on him and his current companions obscured his vision and forced him to trek up a hill to see where he was going. Rayner found a job thanks to the recommendation of the whitesmith he assisted at the caravan. The job was to protect a monster cataloger named Kata. He researched the twisted monsters that still inhabited the area which the miasma had originally affected. Three others were hired...
While it was called a dungeon, what Axel saw around him wasn’t a cold cloistered structure. Rather, he had stepped into a cool expanse. A cavern filled with light mist that smelled of grass after a spring morning’s rain. The walls of the cave were far enough apart that Axel’s eyes strained to see them through the mist. The walls were covered in the same green moss that was beneath his feet. Vines long enough to swing from hung from a ceiling obscured by cloudy mist. Rayner stood gaping at...
Once the boys had finished with their celebration at Roddrick’s offer for training, he led them through a gate of mist onto what he told them was another floor. Unlike actual floors, dungeon floors were not separated by stairs or ladders but by obscure gates like the one they just traveled through. Roddrick ordered them to sleep as the first lesson in his training regimen. He chuckled to himself. The boys knew he had a surprise in store for them but they believed he would attack them in...
They had little time to rest after their training sessions. Roddrick wanted them to try out their new skills in the midst of battle and they agreed. Using his mana manipulation abilities, Roddrick shared mana with them to restore their stamina. Their choice to take the corpseeater along was wise considering all the talents the man brought with him. If the Coalition or the Inimi couldn’t see that then better for those who could. With dagger and hammer in hand, Axel and Rayner barreled...
Vix’s time at the brothel had been a pleasant one. None of the females feared him, though they really should, and he even got to sit in a VIP room as he did currently. A chandelier with purple-stained glass hung from the ceiling, illuminated not by fire but by the power of the god blessing the building. Across from him sat Grace, finishing her drink while on the comfy couch, also colored purple. The couch circled the entire room and surrounded the table of finely varnished oak. Vix had no...
As they left the dungeon, others came. The smallest parties were made up of five and the larger ones numbered in the dozens. They gave the trio a quick once over and went about their business. At the entrance, the triangle barrier had been removed and in its place was a neat row of desks staffed by some very pretty ladies. They handed out pleasant smiles and papers. Worshipers lined up to put their signatures to the paper before moving on. Before Axel could ask, Roddrick explained the...
Rayner left their tent before Axel woke, leaving him alone. Axel knew he should go and see Colin but he had something else in mind. He would pay a visit to a whore. He told Mari as much when he saw her on the way to that part of the camp. She was just coming back from her own whoring. She gave him a withering glare and stomped off saying nothing as to why she was upset. Was she off all people judging him? Well, he wouldn’t be put off. On his way, he ran into Roddrick. “What are you doing...
Mari rubbed Rayner’s shoulders, trying to calm the seething teen. It had little effect. Rayner gritted his teeth as he explained what had happened to his short-lived team. Axel and Roddrick listened with grim faces. “I would like to say Rayner is looking too deep into this but I’m afraid it is highly likely your three friends were murdered, not just left to die.” “Because of us,” Rayner said, voice somber. “Yes, because of our confrontation with the Coalition. Being the cause is not the...
Since the night of the goblin attack, General Parlar had dismantled all the changes Leyla made to the army camp. The priests once again began trying to recruit Altans to their religion and soldiers began taking advantage of the weak. The Altan army wasn’t happy about it either but the General kept them in line. The militia was a whole other issue. They watched and seethed. It would bubble up into violence, eventually. The only reason they held back was because of the threat from the...
The camp still had plenty of supplies for them to use and so in order to buy time for himself to think, Axel ordered the worshipers to salvage anything of use. He stood with fake confidence pointing at random areas for them to go, giving the illusion of productivity. Axel pinched the bridge of his nose, the stress giving him a small migraine. He already regretted his choice to give in to the inspiring words of the gathered crowd. Making matters worse, someone had confiscated all the...
Once the battle had ended in their victory, Axel ordered the worshipers to return to camp and rebuild. If ever another threat came from the dungeon, they should be there ready to face it. Still, a significant number of worshipers opted to come with him and Rayner to Ridgehill needing a break from the fighting. Ellen and Kata were among those who joined them. When they got close to Ridgehill, the order of the army camps had gone through a visible change. The camp was structured much the way...
It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...
Después de lo que había pasado en el hotel aquel, no podía quitarme de la cabeza lo ocurrido.Antes de salir de la habitación me había dado un pequeño papel con la dirección de su trabajo y el número de teléfono.Había pasado ya casi un mes cuando encontré esa nota guardada en mi cajón entre mi ropa anterior, la saque y no pude evitar sentir que mi respiración se agito recordando de nuevo aquella verga en mis labios entrando y saliendo, sus venas marcadas.Cargue la nota entre mis libros unos días...
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