Bridal Suite free porn video

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Bridal Suite by Sheila Anne Morgan "!!! Is that really Danny?" Jill squealed as she watched the virtual makeover program morph Danny's handsome face into a replica of Princess Diana's face. "It could be," said Becki, Danny's girlfriend. "Do you think he'll go along with it?" asked Jill. "He will when he finds out the first prize is going to be ten thousand dollars." Becki had received an invitation to the annual Halloween masquerade party in the mail. She was determined that she and Danny were going to win this year, but to do it they had to come up with an exceptional costume. The tickets were two hundred dollars a couple and the competition was very stiff. Although many couples went just for the fun and to see the outrageous costumes there were several couples who spent extraordinary amounts of money to have the winning costumes. Becki and Danny didn't have a vast amount of money although her real estate sales career was beginning to grow and Danny was assistant comptroller at the advertising agency. What Becki did have was an idea. She and Danny would go to the party as the Prince and Princess of Wales on their wedding day. Only she would be the Prince and Danny would be the Princess. She and Danny were about the same height. She was dark and he was fair and as she and Jill had seen by using the makeover program Danny would make a very convincing Diana. With a little make up and some false eyebrows she would resemble Charles. "Com'n, Danny," Becki pleaded, "there will be a hundred guys there dressed as women and I'm sure none of them will look half as good as you. Just think, if we win we would have enough money to put down on the house we want." "Becki this is silly. I can't act like a girl and I sure can't fit into your sister's wedding dress." "The party isn't for four months. I think that by that time we could have you acting like a proper English lady. Now take off your clothes and let's see how the dress fits." Reluctantly Danny stripped down to his shorts and Becki helped him step into the dress. She pulled it up and adjusted it on his shoulders. She went behind him and pulled it closed. Fortunately the top was able to close but the waist missed by six inches. "See, I told you it wouldn't work. My waist is too big. There's no way you're going to get it to button." "I think with the right diet and some exercise we could have you wearing this dress in no time. you need to lose about four inches and the corset should do the rest." "A corset!" he whined. "You mean I gotta wear a corset too." "You have to wear everything my sister wore if we're going to win. Until it's time for the unmasking everyone has to believe you are Diana. You are going to have to learn to speak like her as well as act like a lady. We'll rent some English movies so you can see how they talk. Then we'll work on making you a lady." Becki took the dress and hung it on the wall at the foot of the bed. "I'll leave this hanging here to remind you what you are working toward." The next night Becki came in the house carrying several packages and a stack of DVD's. While she fixed dinner she popped a DVD in the player and had Danny repeat the lines the actresses were saying. Danny sounded more like a fishmonger's daughter than a sophisticated member of the royal family and Becki laughed as she corrected him. By the end of the week Danny was beginning to sound somewhat like a member of the British aristocracy although he would sometimes slip into a cockney or American accent and Becki would have to correct him. Becki would not allow him to speak at home unless it was with a British accent and she spoke to him in the same way only with a deeper male voice. Occasionally they would burst out laughing as they were struck by the incongruity of their role reversals. On Friday evening Becki met Danny at the door and led him to the bedroom. She ordered him to strip and led him into the shower where she began smearing a cream over his body, even working it between the cheeks of his ass. "What are you doing?" he asked as her gentle fingers massaged the cream into his skin. "It's time for you to start practicing being a girl." "Sooo? What's the cream for?" "You'll see soon enough." After several minutes she stood and left the shower. She could tell the cream was starting to work as some of Danny's hair was coming loose as she rubbed. "Turn on the shower and rinse the cream off, dear," she directed him. Danny did as he was told and was shocked to see the hair from is body floating in the water going down the drain. "Becki, what was that cream?" he asked as he felt the silky smooth skin of his legs. "It was a depilatory, Honey, all of us girls use it to remove all that nasty hair." "Becki, how am I going to be able to wear shorts for the rest of the summer?" "Don't worry, Honey, your shorts will look just fine," Becki said with a sly smile, "now get out of there and dry off." As he was drying off Becki came into the bathroom and again rubbed a lotion all over his recently denuded body. "This will make your skin smooth," she said as she massaged his legs. What she was now using on him was a product that would block hair regrowth so that she wouldn't have to constantly remind him to shave his legs. She led him from the bathroom. On their bed were a satin bra and panty set and a garter belt with a new package of stockings. Across the wedding dress was a banner proclaiming; $10,000.00 in gold lettering. "Becki, why do I have to wear those now?" "You need to practice. No one must know that you aren't a girl until the unmasking. So every move that you make must be as feminine as possible. And you can't act feminine unless you feel feminine. And you can't feel feminine unless you look feminine. So quit arguing and lets get started." Becki handed him the satin panties and he pulled them up his smooth legs. She could see a shiver run through his body as the smooth material brush his groin. She slipped the bra up his arms and fastened it behind his back. As she adjusted the straps she noticed him staring at the empty cups. She reached into a bag on the bed and brought out two artificial breasts that she inserted into the cups. Now the cups looked more natural and he noticed the weight and movement as his body shifted. Picking up the garter belt, Becki wrapped it around his body and fastened it. She then fed the straps through the leg holes of his panties. Sitting him on the bed she opened the package of nylons and began explaining how he was to put them on. As she rolled the silky stocking up his legs she noticed a very unfeminine bulge in the front of his panties. "Danny, you're going to have to learn to control yourself," Becki giggled. "Girls don't have clitties as big as yours." "Becki, why do I have to dress like a woman now? Halloween isn't for four months yet." "One reason is pushing out your pretty panties. It is all right to get excited wearing girl's clothes but such an obvious display is not only unattractive it will be uncomfortable. Let me take care of it so we can finish getting you dressed." Becki pulled Danny's panties to his knees and wrapped her fist around the turgid member. A drop of precum oozed from the slit and she flicked it into her mouth with her tongue. Danny leaned back on his elbows and closed his eyes as Becki expertly worked his manhood. Within minutes he was bucking his hips as he fucked her pretty face and the jism boiled up from his balls and flooded her mouth. As his cock softened and fell from her mouth she pushed it between his legs and pulled up the panties. Telling him to stand she fastened the garters and then picked up a short, pleated skirt. He stepped into the skirt and she fastened it around his waist and then handed him a ribbed- knit top to put on. As he was pulling the top over his head she went into the closet and returned holding a long, auburn wig. Becki placed the wig on his head and pinned it in place over his natural blonde hair. "I though I was supposed to look like Princess Di. Her hair was blonde and never as long as this," Danny said as he ran his fingers through the hair falling over his shoulders. "That's right," replied Becki, "but we don't want anyone to recognize you. If you go around town looking like Diana we may not win on Halloween." "There's no chance anyone is going to see me dressed like this except on Halloween." "Honey, when I said you have to practice I mean just that. You have to be completely comfortable in any situation and talking to anyone." "You mean I have to go out dressed like this?" "By the time Halloween comes I want you to be as comfortable walking out the front door dressed as Ms Dani as you are dressed as Mr Danny." Becki handed him a pair of flats and led him into the kitchen where she fixed them both a salad. The next morning Danny slipped out of bed and walked into the bathroom. As he passed the mirror he saw a pretty redhead in a pink, satin gown looking back at him. Becki had given him the gown to wear to bed and hadn't let him remove the wig. But their lovemaking had been the best he could remember. He was about to lift the seat when Becki called from the bed; "You'd better sit down, Dani, if you don't want to piss down your leg. Remember, girls can't stand and piss." Danny lifted the hem of the gown and sat as he relieved himself. "And don't forget to wipe," Becki called. When Danny looked in the mirror he noticed there was no sign of his beard. The cream Becki had applied had removed it yesterday and it didn't seem to be regrowing yet. Danny had a very light beard so it didn't surprise him. Becki slipped past him and kissed him on the lips. "Good morning, Sexy," she whispered as she sat on the toilet. "Are you ready for some more practice?" Danny didn't want to admit it to Becki, but he had been very turned on last night while wearing her skirt and top and was looking forward to doing it again today. "Yeah, I guess if you think I have too," he said, trying not to sound too anxious. Becki handed him her deodorant and went into the bedroom where she began laying out clothing on the bed. Becki handed him a pair a lace bikinis and told him to be sure to tuck himself when he pulled the panties up. Then she stuck something on the back of the breast forms and held them to his chest. They had a cool, wet feel to them as she held them in place for a few minutes. When she let go they stayed in place and jiggled as he moved. She handed him a matching bra and told him to put it on. He slipped the straps up his arms and nestled the breasts in the cups. Then he reached behind his back and fumbled with the two hooks until he had them fastened. "It gets easier with practice," Becki told him as she handed him a pair of shorts and a top. Danny noticed the difference in the way the breasts felt as they moved in the cups. Last night they felt as if they were just something fastened around his body. This morning they felt as if they were a part of him. Becki explained to him that this way there would be no chance of them slipping out of place and embarrassing him. The shorts were a lime green and came to about mid thigh. They were not the extremely tight, short-shorts Becki liked to wear. The top had short sleeves and was decorated across the front with a garland of flowers. Becki handed him a matching pair of ankle socks and told him he would have to wear his athletic shoes for now, as hers were too small for his feet. She sent him to the kitchen to fix breakfast while she got dressed. Becki came into the kitchen a few minutes later dressed in a pair of pink, short-shorts and a matching print halter-top. Her cheeks were lightly dusted with blush and her lips were coated with a creamy pink lipstick. They finished their breakfast and she led Danny back to the bedroom and sat him in front of her vanity. From a bag on the floor she pulled a new cosmetic case and set it on the vanity. "What are you going to do now?" Danny asked. "What does it look like I'm going to do?" she smiled. "Why do we have to do this now?" Danny asked hardly being able to wait for her to turn him into a beautiful girl. Becki applied the cosmetics to Danny's face before letting him turn and see himself in the mirror. Danny had looked pretty and passable without make up but now he was absolutely beautiful. Becki had used a very minimal amount of make up but the effect was amazing. His eyes were more prominent and there was a blush of color highlighting his cheekbones. The crimson lipstick gave his lips a pouty look. Danny smiled at the lovely girl in the mirror. Becky began stuffing some things in a small shoulder purse and Danny asked, "What are you going to do now?" "There are some things we have to get you. We need to go to the mall," Becki replied. "No way! Can't you just go get them for me like you did these other things?" "Honey, you need shoes and we will have to get your measured for them. Besides I want to show off my pretty girlfriend. Now quit arguing or the mall will be crowded by the time we get there." Danny could see he wasn't going to win so he took the purse and followed Becki out the door. Becki parked her car and a very scared and timid Danny got out and followed her into the mall. He noticed the looks they were getting as they walked along the concourse. Becki told him to relax as nobody saw anything but two pretty girls. The first store Becki took him into was an athletic shoe store. They selected a pair of cross-trainers and a young man came to help them. Becki told him that her girlfriend would need to be measured as she was new to this country and wasn't sure of her size. He had them sit as he took off Dani's right shoe and placed his foot on the metal scale. Dani found that he wore a size 9 in a woman's shoe. The young man returned with a box containing the shoes and placed them on Dani's feet. Becki had him put the male shoes in the box and paid for them. "Becki, why couldn't we just have gone to a discount store or one of these discount shoe stores in the mall?" "Oh, the selection and quality are never as good there. Besides I want you to be comfortable meeting people and you can't do that if you are always going to self-serve places." Becki stopped outside a very fashionable women's shoe store and looked at the shoes in the window. "Those are perfect!" she said as she dragged Dani inside. As they sat down a girl came over to them, "May I help you?" she asked. "We'd like to see a pair of those 3 inch pumps in black," Becki said as she indicated the shoes she was talking about. "What size do you take, Ma'am?" "They're for her. She takes a size 9." The girl left for a minute and returned carrying several boxes. While she was gone Becki warned Dani that if he didn't want her to suspect anything he had better start talking for himself. The girl sat in front of Dani and took off her shoes and socks and placed a nylon footie on each foot. She placed Dani's feet in the shoes and invited him to walk and see how they feel. Dani was shocked, as he had never walked in high heels. He stood and wobbled a bit before he felt confident enough to take a few tentative steps. He sat back down and said in his best British girl accent, "These will be just grand." The girl opened the next box and showed them a similar pair in white that Becki said they would take also. Opening the last box the girl said, "You have such beautiful legs, Miss, and every girl should have at least one pair of these," She held up a pair of black, patent leather pumps with the highest heel Danny had ever seen. It was a full 5 inches and the heel was no bigger than the head of a tack. Dani's mouth dropped open as he thought of having to walk in those. "Oh, those are great!" Becki said, "We'll take them too." "Do you want to try them on?" asked the girl. "No," replied Becki quickly, "I don't think Dani has ever worn anything that high before we'd better let her practice at home so she doesn't fall flat on her face." Dani couldn't believe he had been in two stores and no one suspected that he wasn't what he appeared to be. He was starting to feel more comfortable and readily agreed when Becki suggested they stop for lunch. Dani stayed dressed in Becki's clothes for the rest of the weekend until Becki removed the breast forms on Sunday night. Every night for the following week Becki had him dress in skirts and blouses and practice putting on his make up. By the following Friday night he was getting good at it and was almost able to do it as fast as Becki. Becki again attached the breasts and he spent the weekend as Dani. By Monday Danny secretly wished he didn't have to go to work so he could continue to be his alter ego, Danielle. By the morning of the Halloween party Danny's waist measured twenty-four inches and Becki knew she would have no trouble getting the corset to give him the last two inches he needed. Danny had not been able to think of anything but the Halloween party all week. He could see in the mirror how convincing he looked as a girl and so far he hadn't been found out when he had been out with Becki but today was the big test and he knew how much Becki wanted to win. About two o'clock Becki told Danny to eat lunch, as it was almost time to get ready. "Becki, the party doesn't start until eight o'clock. Why do we have to start so early?" "Honey, you can't imagine how long it takes a bride to get ready and after I finish you I have to get ready myself." Danny had a light lunch and then followed Becki into the bathroom where she had the tub filled with her scented bubble bath. Danny undressed and slipped into the water. He couldn't believe how sexy he felt as he sat beneath the bubbles and washed. When he got out of the bath his skin felt silky smooth and smelled of the scent Becki always wore. Becki tucked Danny's manhood into a pair of spandex panties and reapplied the breasts to his chest. She used make up to hide the seam where the silicone met his skin. She wrapped a corset around his body and fastened the hooks in the front. The garment covered him from the hips to the nipples on his breasts. It held him in but didn't feel like he thought it would. That is until Becki stepped behind him and told him to take a deep breath. He hadn't realized there were laces in the back and she was pulling them tight. When she finally let him take a breath he found he could only take shallow breaths. He looked in the mirror and was astounded at the tiny waist he now had. Sitting him on the bed she opened a new pair of white stockings. They were embroidered with bells and ribbons up the sides and the top was a wide lace band. Becki pulled the garters through the leg holes of the panties and had him stand as she fastened and adjusted the garters. Next she slipped a blue and white, lace garter up his leg. The full petticoats came next and Becki adjusted them around his waist. Danny noticed how they just brushed the floor as Becki led him over to the vanity. Danny could see Diana's face emerging as Becki worked her magic and by the time she clipped the dangling, pearl earrings on his ears and fastened the blonde wig on his head he knew he would have no trouble looking like the beautiful princess. Becki sprayed Danny with her perfume before helping him into the dress. As she fastened the tiny buttons in the back Danny noticed how the dress fit perfectly. He could see why brides were so radiant on their wedding day. He felt as if he was the most beautiful girl in the world. And he wasn't even a girl. It was already six-thirty when Becki finally finished adjusting the veil and went to take her shower. She dressed quickly in the naval uniform she had bought at a thrift store and altered and decorated to look like a captain in the British navy. She had bought a pair of black shoes with platform soles and heels so she was sure to be taller than Danny when he put on his three-inch heels. Becki fastened a strand of pearls around Danny's neck and handed him a clutch purse beaded with tiny pearls. She led him out the door and helped him get into the back seat of her sedan as there was no way he could sit in the front with her. They arrived at the hall and Becki dropped Danny of at the entrance and went to park the car. Danny smiled at the other people as they entered and greeted them in his best English accent. He had overheard several people comment that no girl was going to win just because she dressed in her bridal gown. Becki came up and led him inside and he told her what he had heard. "Just let them keep thinking that and we'll see who wins at the end." They gave their tickets to the doorman and found their table. They were seated with two other couples. One couple dressed as a pirate and a wench and the other dressed as male and female devils. Becki and Danny had practiced dancing in their reversed roles and Danny had been asked by both of the men at their table to dance and by several others as well. He could tell as they danced and the men flirted he had them completely fooled. By ten o'clock Danny knew he wouldn't be able to last until after the judging if he didn't use the bathroom now. When he announced he had to go the other two women said they had to go also and would help him. "I remember what a pain in the ass it was to maneuver all those petticoats when I got married," said the woman dressed as the devil. The three of them went into the restroom and found an empty stall. Danny went in and reached under the skirt and pulled down the panty. As he sat the women lifted the skirt and draped it over the toilet so he wasn't sitting on it. Then they left and the door swung shut. Danny was afraid they were going to stay until he finished and maybe try to help him pull his panties up. He found he had no trouble pulling the panty back up and when he exited the stall the other two women were standing in front of the mirror fixing their make up. As Danny reapplied his lipstick the wench said to him, "You know, dear, you don't stand a chance of winning by dressing as a bride even if you do look a lot like Princess Di. A lot of people have spent a lot of money on their costumes." "Well, I hope we win something," replied Danny, "we really want to use it for the down payment on a house." "Good luck," said the devil, "But I don't think you stand a chance." At eleven o'clock the judging began. There were about one hundred couples vying for the prizes and they all had to parade across the stage and unmask and give their names. When their turn came Becki let down the train on the wedding dress and led Danny to the center of the stage. The MC held the microphone in front of Becki and she said in her sexiest voice, "My name is Rebecca Mason." Then it was Danny's turn. He said, "My name is Daniel Chandler." A collective gasp went up from the audience. Danny could see the faces of the two women who had helped him go to the bathroom. Their eyes were as big as saucers when they realized that the lovely girl they had helped use the women's restroom was really a guy. A ripple of applause started and quickly rose until it was deafening and there were many wolf-whistles from the guys who realized that they had wanted to get into some guy's pants not a girl. When everyone had been unmasked the finalists were call back up on stage. Becki and Danny were among them and they were named the winners. Something Becki had failed to mention to Danny was that the winning couples were to be auctioned of to serve the highest bidder for a day. Danny was amazed that when the bidding finally stopped they had raised thirty-seven hundred and fifty dollars to add to the ten thousand dollar prize. The couple with the winning bid didn't identify themselves and Becki and Danny were told they would be notified by mail about their day of service. Neither Becki nor Danny could sleep that night as they discussed their plans for buying a house. They letter arrived the following week telling them that they would be serving the couple that bought them on the Saturday between Christmas and New Years. There was still no mention of who the couple was or what they would be required to do. Only that they were to be picked up at six A.M. and were to dress in casual clothes. There was also a stipulation that Danny was not to get his hair cut before then. Danny didn't resist when Becki suggested he keep wearing her nightgowns. But he noticed a change in Becki over the next few weeks. She was getting more aggressive and always took the dominant role when they made love. There also seemed to be a change at work. Adrienne Bannerman, the executive vice president and co-owner of the company, seemed to be finding more reasons to come into his office and compliment him on his work. She also told him how she liked the way his hair looked now that it was longer. The big day was finally here and Becki and Danny were waiting when the white, stretch limousine pulled up in front of the apartment. A pretty, uniformed driver held the door for them as they entered the plush interior. She said nothing as she drove off and soon they were pulling under the portico of an ornate building. The sign in front proclaimed the business to be; "Her Special Day Bridal Salon". Danny had heard of it. It was a very exclusive salon that catered to the elite of society planning everything for the bride and her family. Danny and Becki were ushered inside where Danny saw several girls about to be prepared for their big day. He was led into a private room and Becki was led down the hall. "Wow," Danny thought, "Somebody's spending a fortune." There were two young women standing in the room that was set up like a private beauticians station. "Hi, Danielle, I'm Molly and this is Sandy. We're going to get you ready," said the pretty brunette. "Take off your clothes behind the screen over there and put on the smock." "Aaahh....I'm not what it looks like," stammered Danny. "We know. But when we finish no one else will," replied Sandy. Danny went behind the screen and removed his clothes, putting on the pink smock that was hanging there. When he came out Sandy handed him a pair of the prettiest satin and lace panties he had ever seen and told him to put them on and be sure to tuck himself back between his legs. When he finished Molly said, "For the rest of the day we want you to forget you have that thing tucked away and imagine yourself as a beautiful bride." Dani sat in the chair. The mirrors in the room had curtains drawn over them. Sandy looked at her hair and then picked up a comb and a pair of scissors. She combed and clipped and Dani could see hair falling around the chair. Meanwhile Molly was working on her toenails. Trimming, filing and painting them a pink with iridescent sparkles. Next she started on her hands only this time she applied acrylic tips before shaping them into long sexy ovals and coating them with the same polish. Then she painted tiny silver bells on each nail. Sandy combed and sprayed until she was finally satisfied she had achieved the look she wanted. Dani was intent on watching Molly work on his fingers when she felt a sharp sting on her earlobe. "Owww! What are you doing?" Dani exclaimed. "I'm piercing your ears," replied Sandy. "I can't have pierced ears. Today's the last day I'm doing this." "Relax, Dani, the earrings they sent us are for pierced ears. When you take them out the holes will close up and heal over." Sandy pierced the other ear and then turned her attention to Dani's eyebrows. Becki had done some shaping before Halloween but it seemed that Sandy was removing a lot more than Becki had and Dani was beginning to worry that she was going to have a lot of explaining to do when she got back to work on Monday. Sandy then began applying foundation to her face. She blended it and then set it with powder before lining her eyes and then coating her lashes with mascara. She filled in the eyebrows with a sable pencil and dusted some blush on Dani's cheeks. Next she outlined Dani's lips with a pencil and filled in the outline with a shiny, pink lipstick. Dani couldn't see what was taking place but she knew that for some reason she was being made to look even more beautiful than ever. When Sandy finished Molly had Dani stand and remove the smock. He looked down at the smooth, hairless chest and the panty-covered crotch that was a flat as any girls. He could see the pretty, pink toenails sparkling on his feet. Molly held an artificial breast to Dani's chest and made a mark then she did the same to the other side. She sprayed the back of the first breast and carefully positioned it. When the glue had set she did the same to its mate. Dani looked down and saw these breasts were a lot more realistic than the ones she had worn previously and there was something different about their feel. Whenever one of the nipples was touched the feeling was transmitted to her real nipples and that feeling seemed to course it's way down to her pent-up cock. Next came the corset. This one was different than the one she had worn before. It came lower in the back and seemed to thrust her breasts up more. It didn't have the laces but the stiff stays held her in just as firmly as the other one did. The garters were fed through the panty and a pair of gorgeous, white stocking were rolled up her legs and fastened. Next came layer upon layer of petticoats and then Sandy brought out the dress. Dani had never seen such a gorgeous dress. It must have cost a fortune and she was sure there wasn't a girl in the world who wouldn't give everything she owned just to spend ten minutes in it. And Molly and Sandy were about to put it on a guy and he was probably going to wear it for the rest of the day. When Molly and Sandy finished buttoning the dress it felt to Dani as if it were made just for her. Sandy opened a jewelry box and took out a pair of earring and put one each of Dani's ears. Then she took out a necklace and draped it around her neck. Molly placed a diamond tiara and veil in her hair and then she was given a pair of white, satin and lace pumps for her feet. Molly positioned her in front of the drapes covering one wall as Sandy went to the drawstrings. The anticipation was killing Dani. She wanted to see what she looked like. Sandy snapped the draped open and Dani's heart skipped a beat. Standing there was the most beautiful girl Dani had ever seen. She looked like Diana would have looked after she got her new hairstyle. The lustrous blonde hair was feathered back at the sides and parted on the left and swept to the right. The five diamonds suspended on fine gold chains sparkled beneath her ears. Dani was sure that even Diana's dress wasn't as pretty as hers. Dani was led into a studio where she was posed and photographed. Both portraits and full-length poses. The smile that Dani wore wasn't forced because Dani felt every inch the beautiful bride she appeared to be. Dani was led back out to the limousine and he looked around for Becki but she was nowhere to be seen and after she was seated the chauffeur closed the door and drove off. Soon the chauffeur pulled up in front of a stately church in the best suburb in town and stopped at the steps. She opened the door and Dani was led up the steps and into the vestibule. An organ was quietly playing a popular love song. Becki was standing off to the side of the vestibule and motioned for Dani to come over. Becki was dressed in the most beautiful, green bridesmaid's dress Dani had ever seen. Just as Dani was about to ask Becki what was going on two girls dressed in the same dress as Becki emerged from the bride's room. Dani was speechless. The first girl was Jill, Becki's best friend and the second was Carla, Danny's secretary. "What's going on?" Dani stammered. "Just go along with everything as if you were the blushing bride you are right now. Everything will be explained after the ceremony," said Becki as the wedding march started playing. Carla took her place in the doorway and slowly began her walk up the aisle. Becki unfastened the train of Dani's dress and spread it on the floor behind her. When Carla was halfway up the aisle Jill followed her and Becki handed Dani a bouquet of flowers and took her place in the doorway. Jill's husband, Mike, came out of the bride's room and offered his arm to Dani. Reluctantly Dani placed her hand on Mike's elbow and walked through the door. Every inch of Dani's skin was alive. She could feel the sensuous feel of the silk stocking brushing against each other and against the petticoats. The feel of her calf muscles being stretched by the high heels. The gentle movement of the breasts on her chest. The cool air and soft, silky veil on her bare shoulders and back. And the weight of the tiara on her head. She felt every inch the princess she appeared to be. There were murmured oooh's and aaah's from the congregation as Dani walked up the aisle. Dani looked in the first row on the Groom's side and almost fainted. Standing there were Adrienne and Wayne Bannerman, the owners of the company he worked for. And a tall, handsome man, who looked like a younger Wayne Bannerman, was standing at the end of the aisle waiting for her. The church was jammed with people and Dani knew everyone here was expecting to see a wedding. What they didn't seem to know was that both the bride and the groom were men. They reached the young man and Mike gave Dani a kiss on the cheek and handed her over to him. They both turned to face the altar and the minister who was standing at the top of the stairs. "Friends," the minister said, "we are gathered here today to join this young couple in holy matrimony. If anyone knows of any reason why John Joseph Bannerman and Danielle Marie Chandler cannot be wed let him speak now or forever hold his peace." Dani knew it was time for someone to stand up and say, "Yeah, Danielle Marie Chandler is a guy," and have the whole church laughing at his embarrassment. But the church remained quiet and the minister started the ceremony. Everything proceeded just as if it was a real wedding and John placed a beautiful diamond ring on her left hand and she places a plain gold band on his. The Minister proclaimed them to be man and wife and told John he could kiss the bride. Dani had never kissed another guy but she turned to John and looked into his eyes as he bent and softly kissed her lips. Dani found herself kissing him back and her heart was jumping in her chest. Dani and John turned to the congregation who gave them a round of applause and then they walked arm in arm down the aisle amid the flashing of cameras and the whir of video cameras. They stopped in the vestibule and were joined by the three bridesmaids and ushers and by John's parents. As the congregation file past, Dani was kissed and congratulated by each of the guests. Many of whom he worked with. When the last guest had left the church they ran to the limousine under a shower of birdseed. As they sat in the back seat John pulled Dani to him and kissed her deeply for the photographer before the door was shut and they left for the reception. During the ride to the country club, where the reception was to be held, John just watched Dani with an amused smile on his face. He held her dainty hand in his. Dani was still in shock. No one had told her what was going on. She only knew she had exchanged wedding vows with a man she didn't know and she had kissed him. And she liked kissing him. And she liked him holding her hand. When they got to the country club John led her into the room reserved for the reception. The guests would not be arriving for another two hours so the only ones there were John's parents and Becki and the bridesmaids. John led her over to a table; Becki sat on one side of her and John on the other. Becki turned to Dani and gave her a reassuring smile as Wayne and Adrienne sat across from them. Becki had a hold of Dani's left hand and John had a hold on her right as Adrienne began to speak. "Dani, I'm sure you have no idea what is going on here. You are participating in this because we bought your services at the auction and you are fulfilling your part of the agreement. That part is true and you were to do anything we asked as long as it wasn't illegal or dangerous. Now we have gone past the agreement and have an offer to make to you," Adrianne hesitated before she continued, "John has always been attracted to girls like you. He is not gay and doesn't date men. He likes girls that have the same equipment between their legs as is between his. Unfortunately it seem that all of the "girls" he meets only want his money. We have often asked him to marry and he has told us that only if he could marry Princess Di knowing that that was an impossibility. When we saw you at the Halloween party we felt we had the answer to our problem. John readily agreed when we showed him your picture. We have already discussed this arrangement with Becki and offered her one million tax-free dollars if she would go along with it. Our offer to you is for you to be John's wife and live with him as husband and wife. If you do we are prepared to offer you one million tax-free dollars, but only after you have lived together for one year. Unfortunately if you don't agree we will have to let you go from the agency but we will give you one year's severance pay. You and Becki can still be friends and even lovers as long as you are discrete about it. All we ask is that you have no other male partners." Dani was shocked. She was being asked to stay married to this handsome guy and would be paid one million dollars. Or she could say no and lose her job. Becki would also lose if she said no. "Can I have a few minutes to think about this?" Dani stammered. "Yes you may, but we'd like your answer before the guests start arriving," said Adrianne. Dani led Becki off to a corner of the room. "Becki, what am I going to do?" "Dani, it is your decision. I love you and only want what is best for you, but over the past six months I have seen how much you like being Dani and how depressed you are when you have to go back to wearing your male clothes." Dani was watching John over Becki's shoulder. He was anxiously watching the two of them. Dani knew she liked kissing him and being held in his arms. Would she like everything else that came with being his wife and would she be able to carry off this masquerade. "Dani, you heard what Adrianne said," Becki continued, "We can still be best friends. And you are my best friend and I love you as Daniel or Danielle. Besides, It's only for a year. If you don't like it you still walk away with a cool million and the rest of your life." Dani knew in his heart he wanted to do it but was afraid he would be found out and ridiculed. He did not know much about transgender people and how they were becoming more and more accepted by society. John and the Bannermans had their answer when Dani walked over to John and gave him a long, passionate kiss. Dani stood in the reception line as radiant as any bride ever was and accepted the kisses and congratulations of the guests. She danced with John and kissed him as he held her tight. When the guests clinked their forks against their wine glasses during dinner she kissed John passionately. After the bridal dance Dani was seated in the center of the dance floor and John was on his knees before her. Dani pulled up the skirt of the dress to reveal the blue and white, lace garter. John pulled it slowly down her shapely leg and then stood and tossed it over his shoulder. Then the unmarried girls gathered around Dani and she threw the bouquet over her shoulder. Becki was overjoyed when she caught it. Dani and John said good-by to Wayne and Adrianne and left the reception. The limousine dropped them off at a hotel near the airport. John got the key from the desk and led Dani to the elevator. As they were alone in the elevator John pulled Dani to him and they embraced oblivious to the people watching through the glass wall that overlooked the atrium. After opening the door, John effortlessly picked Dani up and carried her over the threshold and into the bedroom of the suite where he set her on the bed. "Help me out of this dress and let me freshen up, Lover," Dani cooed. John unbuttoned the tiny buttons and Dani stepped out of the dress and headed for the bathroom. "Don't be long, Princess," John said as he began stripping off his tuxedo. Evidently Becki had brought clothes to the hotel for her as there was a lovely, white bridal set laid out for her in the bathroom. Dani freshened her make up and put on the sexy garments. When she opened the door the room was lit by a dozen candles. Dani stood in the door clad in a sexy, white teddy; her white stockings; a g-string; white, high heels and her wedding veil. She could see by the growing tent over John's groin that he liked what he saw. She walked slowly and sensually towards the bed. John pulled back the sheet but she teased him by walking around the bed showing off her lovely ass as her hips undulated. "Get in the fucking bed, Bitch, before I come out there and rape you on the floor," John said. "Yes, Master, I sure don't want to get raped on my wedding night," Dani smiled back. She kicked off her shoes and slid between the satin sheets. John enfolded her in his arms and she could feel the throbbing erection as it pressed against her belly. John probed her mouth with his tongue and Dani could feel her passion grow as her nipples were stimulated and the sensation rippled through her body. Dani broke from the kiss and slid down John's body, stopping to nibble on each tender nipple. She took his throbbing manhood in her slim hand and felt it's silky smoothness. Soon she guided it to her lips where she planted a kiss on its head. John groaned as the warmth of her breath washed over the sensitive head. Dani went down and kissed his balls and then kissed and licked her way back to the head. Dani could tell John was straining to hold back as she teased the sensitive flesh. She quickly engulfed the tender flesh, tasting a man for the first time. It was not as repulsive as she though it was going to be as she allowed the engorged shaft to slide into her throat. Dani drew back until just the head was captured behind her lips and then slowly swallowed the stiff meat. John could not hold back any longer and Dani could feel the seed as it coursed up the shaft and into her waiting mouth. John pumped and filled her mouth as she tried to swallow all of the sweet cream but some spilled from the corners of her lips. "Oooh...yesssss," John groaned as Dani drained him. Dani looked up and saw John's head thrown back as she sucked the seed from his softening cock. She had never ever expected to suck a man's cock, but now that she had she knew she could never stop. Especially if it brought pleasure to a man she was growing to love. Dani crawled up next to John and she fell asleep in his arms. They awoke just as the sun was starting to peek above the horizon. John pulled her close and kissed her. Dani could feel his growing manhood against her leg and reached down and teased it with her long nails. As Dani was about to go down and wrap her lips around her prize John stopped her. He was fondling her ass as he kissed her. Soon his finger moved aside the string that was bisecting her luscious ass cheeks and he teased the rosebud of her shemale pussy. He probed it with his finger and Dani felt her pent-up cock twitch. Before she knew it he had two fingers stretching her and then he removed them both. She longed to have him do it again. She didn't have long to wait as they were soon back and she could feel a cool wetness spreading into the crack of her ass. This time his fingers went in easier as he lubricated her hole with the slippery salve. John turned her on her stomach and put a pillow under her stomach that served to elevate her ass. He pulled off the g-string and positioned himself behind her, the head of his lubricated cock parting her cheeks. Dani eased back against it telling him she was ready. John eased forward and Dani could feel her muscle being forced open. At first there was pain as the hole was stretched but soon the head was buried inside and the discomfort passed and pleasure began. Dani pushed back again and felt more of the shaft enter her. John continued to slowly fill her until his stomach was pressed against her ass. John began to withdraw and Dani tried to hold him in but he stopped when just the head of his cock was inside her opening. Again he slid forward, being gentle as he took his shemale bride's cherry. Wanting her to relish the feeling of being taken. Soon he was pumping her with long, deep strokes. "Ohhh.....Darling.....FUCK ME.....FUCK ME...."Dani screamed as she felt the orgasm build deep within her and she spewed her cum into the pillow beneath her. John drove his full length into her and pumped his cum into her belly. Dani pushed back trying to hold him in as he softened. When he withdrew he left her feeling empty. They lay in each other's arms for another hour before John told her they would have to get up as they had a flight at noon. Dani wickedly suggested they save time and shower together. This was a mistake as it took them twice as long to shower. The plane landed on a small Caribbean island and they were met by the bus from the resort. Dani just had the little overnight bag from the hotel that contained her nightgown and make up. She was wearing a knee-length, denim skirt and a white, scoop-neck tank top along with her white, three- inch heels. Unless John planned on keeping her locked in the room people were going to get awful tired of seeing her in this outfit. Although after last night she wasn't too sure she didn't want to be locked in the room as long as John was there. John opened the door to the cabin and let Dani enter. The room was dominated by a king size bed. Dani set her case on the dresser and went to the bathroom. On her way out she noticed there were clothes hanging in the closet. She opened the door and found several short dresses and two evening gowns. Going to the dresser she found it stocked with lingerie and casual outfits. Someone had though of everything and from the styles it looked like Becki had a hand in it. Dani was relieved she wouldn't have to wear the same clothing for a week. Dani and John spent the week much like any other honeymooning couple. Swimming and dancing and sex and more sex. Dani couldn't get enough of John and he was always happy to oblige. Too soon the week was over and they were on their way back home. John had a taxi take them to his house. The driver carried the suitcases to the door and John tipped him before opening the door and carrying Dani over the threshold. Dani couldn't ever remember being such a beautiful home. It had a huge foyer with a spiral staircase leading to the second floor. The trim was all a rich oak and the walls were papered with what looked like a very expensive paper. John explained that the house was a wedding gift from his parents and today was the first time he had seen it since it was completed. Hand in hand they toured the rooms as Dani tried to guess how much all of this had cost. Whoever had decorated it had excellent taste. The furniture was at once elegant yet comfortable looking. The kitchen was a chef's dream. The second floor had three bedrooms. The smaller bedrooms were furnished with queen-size beds. They saved the master bedroom for last. They were not disappointed. The furniture was whitewashed oak with a king-size bed, triple dresser, large chest of drawers and a lingerie chest. The master bath was as large as the smaller bedrooms. It had a large Jacuzzi tub and a shower. Skylights and large stained glass windows brightened the whole room. Separating the bath from the bedroom were two walk-in closets on either side of the hall. The first contained all of John's clothes neatly displayed on racks and shelves. Dani could not believe her eyes when she looked into the other closet. It was filled with everything from expensive business suits to elegant, floor-length gowns. She recognized some of the clothes she had bought with Becki. The shelves were piled high with sweaters and the back wall was covered with racks of shoes in every style and color. She opened a drawer next to the shelves and found it stuffed with jewelry that she knew didn't come from Wal-Mart. Dani walked into the bedroom and began opening drawers on the dresser and lingerie chest. They too were filled with some of the sexiest clothing she had ever seen along with some of the garments she and Becki had bought. Monday morning it was time to return to work. Dani was, to say the least, apprehensive as she showered and applied her make up. She dressed in a fawn colored suit. The skirt just touched the tops of her nylon-covered knees. The jacket covered a long sleeved, cream colored, silk blouse. Just a hint of the sexy lace top of her slip showed through the material. Dani accessorize the outfit with a strand of pearls, pearl earrings and a matching bracelet and ring. On her left wrist was a watch she had found on the dresser. The back was engraved, saying, "To Dani, with all my love. John". She completed the outfit with a pair of beige, four-inch heels and a matching purse. John could tell Dani was nervous as she had a cup of coffee and a piece of toast before they went to the garage. In the garage were a black, Lincoln Navigator and a silver BMW convertible. John pointed to the Navigator and said, "That's mine. The other one's yours. "Where's my Jeep?" asked Dani. "I'll show you this weekend," replied John with a smile. They got into John's Navigator and he drove them to the office where he parked in his reserved spot. Dani noticed the spot next to his had been designated for "Danielle Bannerman". As they walked though the lobby Dani was conscious of her heels clicking on the marble floor. She felt self-conscious when the receptionists addressed her as "Mrs. Bannerman" as she and John made there way to the elevator. In the elevator Dani was about to press the button for the second floor when John stopped her. "Mom and Dad want to see us first," he said as he pressed the button for the third floor. The elevator opened onto the waiting area for the executive offices. Unlike the second floor with its small offices and cubicles, the third floor had only four large offices and the executive assistants along with a receptionist. "Good morning, Mister and Misses Bannerman," said the pretty, young girl at the desk. "Your mother and father are expecting you in your Father's office." John led Dani back to the office. They walked past Wayne's secretary and into his office. Adrienne got up and kissed her son and then kissed Dani, being careful not to mess either of their make up. "You look very pretty," she said as she stepped back and surveyed her shemale, daughter-in-law. "How was your honeymoon?" "We had a great time!" she said, slightly embarrassed. John and Dani sat in front of Wayne's desk as he said, "The reason we wanted to see you this morning is that we are restructuring the company. Adrienne and I want to devote more time to some of our other enterprises and we feel it is time that you two take over the day-to-day operation of the company. My title will change to Chairman of the Board. Adrienne's will be Vice Chairman. John, we want you to take over the reins of the company. Your title will now be President and Chief Executive Officer. Danielle, we are promoting you to Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer. We know you both are capable of running the company and we will still be available to help if you need us." John left the office and went to his own office. Adrienne led Dani to hers. As they rounded the corner, Dani saw Carla seated at a desk behind a door marked; Danielle Bannerman, Executive Vice President - Chief Financial Officer. Carla looked at her and said, "Good Morning, Mrs. Bannerman." Good Morning, Carla." Dani smiled back at her and followed Adrienne into the office. Dani could tell the office had been recently decorated and a woman had obviously decorated it for a woman. Where Danny's office on the second floor was small and cramped this one was spacious and bright. Danny's desk had been much smaller and covered with a computer and adding machine. The walls were covered with file cabinets and bookshelves and painted a light beige. The walls of this office were covered in rich, floral wallpaper. There was a two drawer lateral file and a credenza that held a computer monitor and adding machine. The desk held only a phone and a photo of John. Dani was thankful to see there was also a private washroom so she would not embarrass any of the secretaries when she used theirs. Adrienne left her and returned to her own office and Dani took off her jacket and hanged it in the closet. She seated herself in the plush leather chair and buzzed Carla, asking her to come in.

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Kansas City Embassy Suites

Kansas City Embassy Suites Although this story is true, I have changed a few things to protect the not so innocent and to set my wife’s mind at ease so she may enjoy this little bit of our history as much as she did at the time. This took place on a trip from Kansas City to the west coast. I was moving the last of my belongings back home to California , Gloria, my new girlfriend at the time flew out to drive one of my vehicles back. Sounds weird to call her a girlfriend as we are so much more...

4 years ago
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Kansas City Embassy Suites

Although this story is true to a point, I have changed a few things to protect the not so innocent and to set my wife's mind at ease so she may enjoy this little bit of our history as much as she did at the time. This took place on a trip from Kansas City to the west coast. I was moving the last of my belongings back home to California, Gloria, my new girlfriend at the time flew out to drive one of my vehicles back. Sounds weird to call her a girlfriend as we are so much more than that actually...

2 years ago
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Kansas City Embassy Suites

Although this story is true to a point, I have changed a few things to protect the not so innocent and to set my wife's mind at ease so she may enjoy this little bit of our history as much as she did at the time. This took place on a trip from Kansas City to the west coast. I was moving the last of my belongings back home to California, Gloria, my new girlfriend at the time flew out to drive one of my vehicles back. Sounds weird to call her a girlfriend as we are so much more than that actually...

2 years ago
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Spa Suite

To begin, I am a thirty something working in the military. I am married and work with a thirty something lady who is separated. We have been friends since I started working at this job and I have noticed that her separation has started to wear her down. I wanted to do something to help cheer her up, when the opportunity presented itself. My wife was going out of town for a few weeks to visit her family so I decided now was the time to make some plans. I arranged to take some days off work and...

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Cheerleader CoachChapter 14 In The Honeymoon Suite

I opened the door and then scooped Kim up and carried her into the room setting her down inside. The look on her face was a sight to behold. A combination of confusion, bewilderment, awe and lastly love. She was literally in seventh heaven right where I wanted her. She noticed lit candles on every table, soft music playing, rose petals all over the floor and a suitcase on the table and asked "whose room is this?" I said "It's ours for the night. And the suitcase is ours." She came back...

1 year ago
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Sissification Suite

Pink. Everything is pink. The walls are pink, the carpet is pink, by God the fucking chairs are pink. "Really stuck with a theme here didn't you" Your voice carries on towards the ears of a tall blonde woman, dressed shockingly, in pure white. The tender fibers of her ivory dress hug her hips like no one's business, and your eyes can't help to flick all over her sultry curve. She catches the minimal of your eyes like a cougar, her teeth revealing themselves in a harrowing grin, your dick can't...

2 years ago
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Mes fantasmes envers un couple 12 suite

Quelle vue j'avais en étant derrière Marie. Un cul écarté par un plug, une soubrette, à quatre pattes, la tête entre les jambes de sa maitresse qui avait le visage encore un peu couvert de mon sperme et de son maquillage coulant. Rien que ça ferait bander n'importe quel mec et je ne faisais pas exception. "Au lieu de bander devant son cul , punie cette petite pute" me lança Melinda. Levant le paddle, je commençais la punition.Le premier coup fut un coup d'essai car n'ayant jamais utilisé ça, je...

3 years ago
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Pet Sounds Suite

Wouldn't It Be Nice "Oh God! Do that again! Please?" He looked up from between her supple, tan thighs, grinning like a madman. "You liked that?" He asked, knowing the sticky wetness of her damp pussy pushing against him was all the answer he needed. His legs were cramping, so he tried shifting around in the crowded space, but it was no use. "Close your eyes," he whispered. "I'm going to open the door." "Wait," she answered, and he watched as Caroline hastily pulled her sweater...

2 years ago
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Eric Olafson First Journeys Vol 2Chapter 4 Crystal Suite

I came to my senses and realized even before I opened my eyes I was naked and my hands had been tied to my back. I opened my eyes and looked into the face of a blue skinned Thauran teen with coppery metallic hair. “Hey Exa, your rich benefactor is awake.” Then he turned back to me. “Now listen carefully, Rich Citizen Kid. We are the Port Roaches, the most bad ass gang on all of Twilight and I am the Roach King. You caused one of my roaches to be arrested. I don’t like that. You interfere...

1 year ago
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Sara the Suit

Introduction: Some things are better left alone as a young girl soon finds out. Chapter 1 Sara saw her Dad leave the house from her bedroom window. She waited until he was in his car and driving away from the house before she went to his room. His birthday was coming up and she wasnt sure of his clothing size, so wanted to sneak into his room to find out. She didnt have much money from the little bit of babysitting she did on non-school nights, but it was enough to buy something nice for him....

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Sara the Suit

Sara saw her Dad leave the house from her bedroom window. She waited until he was in his car and driving away from the house before she went to his room. His birthday was coming up and she wasn't sure of his clothing size, so wanted to sneak into his room to find out. She didn't have much money from the little bit of babysitting she did on non-school nights, but it was enough to buy something nice for him. She wasn't sure if she had enough for a shirt and some shorts, so she wanted...

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My Halloween Suit

My Halloween Suit By Teddie S With Halloween just around the corner, what happen a few years ago comes to mind. My wife works in a gift shop and they do things up big for all the holidays. But, the week before Halloween all the employees dress in costume for that week. A little background, before I go further. I've been a crossdresser for as long as I can remember, and I'm now 35. My wife has known about it since before we were married. She had the usual questions, are you gay,...

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The Suit

- - - - - - - - - - - - The Suit - - - - - - - - - - - - Jessie burst into the room with a crazy look in his eyes. Kalvin was watching New Girl, and was trying his hardest not to notice his manic friend as he dropped a large box on the floor in front of him. "I've done it!" Jessie exclaimed his face looking as crazy as it ever had. "Fantastic," Kalvin said attempting to look around him to see the Television "Do you mind?" "Do I mind what?" Jessie said looking around to see...

4 years ago
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The Incredibles 2 Elastigirls New Super Suit

I sighed as I look at my curvy body. My rounded bubbly breasts are perfectly cupped by the suit. It feels thin. Thinner than Edna’s suit. But it does the same trick. It can withstand fire blast, bullets, and radiations. I look down at my thighs, I have thin stocking like materials that a bit see through, where people can see the shades of my skin under the stockings. I sighed realizing how thicker my thighs are since the last time I suit up as an old school Elastigirl. “Helen!! Quick!” Bob...

3 years ago
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Zoot Suit

ZOOT SUIT by Robin Douglas Scotch is my one indulgence. Unless you count the women, which I don't. The numbers add up too fast. Now, this little excess isn't ordinary scotch. Not Johnny Walker, Chevis or Pinch. No, I'm talking pure quill single malts here. The real stuff. Makes my knees weak just to think about it. Sales is my one talent. If you're good -- really good -- you can sell yourself into bed or out of trouble. I'm good. And not too long ago Scotch and a woman gave...

2 years ago
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The Suit

The suit by TheDarkWomanDark Fantasy , BDSM, b********y, Bondage and restriction, Extreme, Latex fetish Posted: 2009-11-0820:09:25 Author's info Gender: Female Age: Secret Location: N/A Introduction: A womans dark fetish drives her to the extremes.. The woman was driving out to the farm she had been visiting for the past month and a half, a place not many thought of when sexual urges and fetishes came to mind. Sarah had a particular she didn't like to talk about with...

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The suit

About a two months ago, she approached a man who owned a farm on the outskirts of her town. He owned a small breeding ranch for work horses, nothing too fancy but she had chosen the ranch because of the many stallions that roamed the fields. When she told the man of her desires, she thought he would freak out, to tell her to get the hell off of his farm...instead a dark smile curled about his rough features. He said he didn't mind..and it blew her out of the water. In fact, he had been waiting...

1 year ago
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The Suit

I went to an antique car show this past weekend in Indianapolis Indiana. I was there last year so I knew the layout of the Hotel and swimming pool. It has an 8 foot fence all the way around and can only see the people in and around the pool from the 2nd-6th floors. I got there in the early afternoon and had 2 days of relaxation before the car show. They put me in the 3rd floor facing the pool as I requested. The only swimsuit I brought were my Hanes white semi-sheer women's panty and my Hanes...

3 years ago
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Lolas Punishment Essay 5 My Shaving Suit

My Shaving Suit One of the things that E's had me work on these past few years has been keeping my body smooth and feminine, and shaving has become a common ritual in our household. Although I go for laser and wax treatments every few months, we still shave 3 or 4 times a week. It isn't a chore for us. In fact, for me, the shaving routine is a kind of blessed relief from my confinement in the sort of modest and feminine outfits that E likes to see me in. Well, almost. On the one...

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SRU The Bathing Suit

S.R.U. The Bathing Suit by Rae Lincoln "I've been dealt a lousy hand of cards" was a thought that often ran through Andrew's mind. Andrew was a pleasant twenty two year old. Born of elderly parents, he was an only child. Both parents had been academics so Andrew had received a very sheltered upbringing, rarely coming into contact with other children and never honing the social skills. Consequently he was a loner. Working in local government, he kept himself to himself, not...

2 years ago
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Gorilla Suit

Gorilla Suit A Sunday Morning Dream By Maryanne Peters I had a nightmare last night that I was a man again. I had hairy legs and a bristly face, and I had a penis between my legs. I woke in a cold sweat. The first thing I did was reach for my crotch. To my relief it was in perfect order - smooth right to in the in-between. I could not resist giving myself a little tickle. I was doubly relieved to find my man lying beside me. His strong body rose and fell with his slight...

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New Suit

Another great first time experience sent to me from WillieB.Don't get a boner, don't get a boner. Those words went thru my mind. I was trying to tell my cock not to get hard as this woman was measuring me for a new suit. Mom had dropped me off at this woman's house, I had no idea who she was or even her name. But sure enough there went my cock to full on hard on making a huge tent in my boxers. Maybe she will not notice. "Well, I can't get a good measure with you in that state." The woman said...

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New Suit

New Suit             It was spring time, and that means its time for a new suit. I usually go to a custom shop on the west side, but scene I moved last fall to the north side of town I thought I’d check out some shops up here. Driving home one night after work I saw this little strip mall, in it I noticed a small tailor’s shop in the middle, their lights still on. So I turned around at the next light and pulled in. A bell rang as I entered, a very attractive mature lady came out form the...

1 year ago
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The Suit

"Are you sure about this?" asked Schneider. He wasn't wearing his trademark labcoat, just some shorts and a T-shirt with the phrase "Fuck Nobel, I'll make my own award" shoddily stamped on it, the 'N' in Nobel almost chipped out of existence. "No, not by a long shot," replied Bob, his voice trailing off with a hint of anxiety. He kept fiddling around with his extravagantly bulbous red suit, nervously checking and re-checking seals, wristbands, valves and plugs. Schneider noticed what...

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A Gentlemens Suit

The girl was eighteen, when a new friend invited her to hang out with her after school. It was supposed to be just another day, the kind of day where you open your eyes, hug your pillow wishing you could stay in bed and sleep, but know that it isn’t possible. The routine of putting on the same uniform and shoes, brushing your teeth, your hair and eating a bowl of cereal is predictable, meant not to be altered. But in the most insouciant manner, the girl’s new found friend introduced her...

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My cum stained suit

“Yeah, suck it” Reese said. I was on my knees, in a dark corner of our office building car port parking lot. Reese was a co worker of mine who, after a moment of drunken weakness, I gave a blow job to after a work get together at a bar. He now used the encounter as leverage over me. He threatened to tell everyone in the office that I was gay, if I didn’t keep sucking him off whenever he wanted. In a conservative business setting such as ours, that would black ball me.Now I found myself with his...

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Business Suit

I'll like to take this opportunity to thank all those who took the time to mail me with their nice comments about my ex wife stories and I hope you all enjoyed her pictures. Writing about her has opened lots of new memories about our time together. Her business suits I have mentioned before but now I think I should go into a little more details. When she started with the Airline she was a lowly typist but over a very short few years she raised herself into a managerial position in the...

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Body Suits

The newest item to hit the internet stores recently has been receiving rave reviews, Body Suits with miraculous results. The wearer would have the body of the suit for as long as they wore the suit! A tag line used commonly was "TURN INTO YOUR ADONIS" In big bold lettering or for women it was something like: "TURN INTO YOUR APHRODITE". Of course this prompted you to become curious to look up the suits and see what they actually had to offer. Scrolling through the screen absentmindedly as you...

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New Suit

New Suit             It was spring time, and that means its time for a new suit. I usually go to a custom shop on the west side, but scene I moved last fall to the north side of town I thought I’d check out some shops up here. Driving home one night after work I saw this little strip mall, in it I noticed a small tailor’s shop in the middle, their lights still on. So I turned around at the next light and pulled in. A bell rang as I entered, a very attractive mature lady came out form the back....

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Lab of suits

In a hidden lab, there exist several experiments. This lab will appear in different fictional universes. The character will use the object on themselves or on others. The character cannot change genders but you can use a genderbent version of them such that they were male/female in the first place. There are several experimental devices in the lab for characters to use. 1:A machine to create skinsuit of whoevers dna is input into it. The skinsuit will have tube like structures at its vagina,...

3 years ago
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Two Suits

His text, confirming the time, date and location for our meeting, concluded: Please wear a suit. I’ll be in a single-breasted dark blue suit. My reply read: See you on Friday at noon as arranged. I’ll be wearing a grey double-breasted pin-stripe suit. I wondered if I’d arranged a sexual ‘meet’ with a clothes faddist.Our only contact had been via an adult chat site. We’d ascertained that we lived within fifty miles of each other, were both married but relished the idea of pleasuring another man...

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The Santa Claus Suit

Here I was at the Halloween Party. Since it was for mostly the salaried employees I figured no one would recognize me; especially in the Santa suit. I hoped the little rumor spread earlier worked. I guess I would know in the next hour or so. I figure I should explain this story from the beginning. My name is Ross Hughes and I've been employed with General Motors for the past fifteen years. I got this job thanks to my dad and uncle who helped get me it many years ago. I was a jock in high...

1 year ago
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Birthday Suit

My mother said, “Remember you and I have a bridge club meeting tonight.” My father nodded his assent. Cynthia said she was going to take a long bath and go to bed. “What about you, Richard?” my mother asked me. “I’m just going to hang around with my friends till bedtime.” “Try to keep in mind that you’re only fifteen and shouldn’t hang around with older kids so much” my dad said. “Those guys are OK; we just have a good time.” I replied, sliding...

2 years ago
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Dark Blue Suit

I remember the first time I saw you tonight. You were dressed in a most handsome navy blue suit with a sheen on the fabric and it was tailor made for just you. It is quite beautiful work. The stitching was well hidden, the lines sharp and crisp. I could tell it was made by a master tailor. Your shirt was a crisp white with a sheen also. Your black shoes had the same sheen and you commanded your space, respect, and all without a power tie. You are one of few men I’ve seen in my adult life that...

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