Santa Mrs Claus
- 4 years ago
- 35
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Here I was at the Halloween Party. Since it was for mostly the salaried employees I figured no one would recognize me; especially in the Santa suit. I hoped the little rumor spread earlier worked. I guess I would know in the next hour or so.
I figure I should explain this story from the beginning. My name is Ross Hughes and I've been employed with General Motors for the past fifteen years. I got this job thanks to my dad and uncle who helped get me it many years ago.
I was a jock in high school but not the real popular type you often hear about in stories. I was the big overweight guy that played football on both the offensive and defensive line. I wasn't that fast or good; I was too big for opposing players to push aside so the running backs had to run around me.
I was friends with the guys but other than a hello from the girls now and then they never paid any attention to me. After the first couple of turndown's, I knew I wasn't what any girl was looking for so I never dated much in high school.
I wasn't a brain but I wasn't a dummy but I didn't get any scholarships for college either for sports or scholastics. College wasn't for everyone and I knew it wasn't for me. Dad got me an application for work at the plant and since my uncle worked there too, I was able to get a good job.
Thank God, I was young and healthy enough to pass the physical. I worked on the assembly line and later I transferred to working on a machine, making parts for the line. That made it a lot easier for me since I didn't have to do as much bending.
Even though I never dated, I should mention that I did have sex but I had to pay for it. In a way, I didn't mind. I didn't have to wine and dine the woman and hope to score at the end of the evening. I just paid up front and got what I wanted. Hell, I even had my choice of women. Black, White, Asian, it was all available at a price.
Because I was at about six feet and around two hundred seventy-five pounds, I didn't do missionary position too often. I had to keep my weight off the women so I didn't squash them but lying on my back and watching them ride me was pretty damn good. I liked to also get a big ass gal from behind. Holding on to her hips and pushing in and out did it for me.
Oral sex was pretty common for a quickie and a lot less expensive also. I remember one little Asian gal telling me her ears weren't handles and to let them go. Damn, that little woman could give head.
When I was about twenty-two, my mom convinced me to attend a Weight Watchers meeting. That's where I met Sheila. She was a pretty woman but was also overweight, almost obese as they considered me; hence, why she was at Weight Watchers. I noticed that the overweight women always had the prettiest faces. Sheila was no exception. We got to talking and became friends. I found out she was also twenty-two and single.
I started looking forward to the meetings just so I could see Sheila. After about a month, I asked her out and she accepted. We seemed to have a lot in common. Not just being overweight but we also liked many of the same things like movies and even the same kind of foods. She said she had only dated a few times in high school. We didn't talk much about that.
She worked in a local department store chain and they were becoming health conscious. They would even pay the fees for the heavier employees to join gyms or weight reduction programs. That's when she joined Weight Watchers.
We were each losing a pound or two a week. My problem was I didn't get enough to eat. Those little platters of food just weren't enough for me, so I cheated a lot. I only attended the meetings because of Sheila.
After going out for about a month we started having sex. It was great to have a woman that wanted sex with me and not for the money. I did everything to her that I learned from the different prostitutes. She loved it from the rear, doggie style. The penetration seemed so much deeper. There wasn't a time we went out without having sex of some sort. I was falling in love.
I was finally with a woman who wanted me for me. I had someone I could go out with and know she wanted me before the night was over.
The only problem with Sheila was she was always worried about losing weight. She told me she wanted to have a family someday and wanted to be around long enough to watch them grow up. She wanted to have a gastro-bypass surgery.
I told her that I thought it was a bit drastic but I would stand behind her in whatever she chose to do. That's when she started crying and told me her insurance wouldn't cover it. It would cost well over twenty thousand dollars.
We had been going together for about six months. I checked and my insurance covered the bypass surgery under the policy I had. I decided to ask Sheila to marry me. She said yes so we went to Las Vegas and Elvis married us. At least the minister was dressed like him. In the background was the song "Loving You" playing. It was great.
We had stopped going to Weight Watchers and both were back at our heavier size. Sheila decided to go back on the program. I told her I loved her no matter what she weighed and would always be behind her.
We rented a nice two bedroom home. Life seemed good but all Sheila talked about was the surgery. As soon as the preliminary waiting period on my insurance on Sheila went by, she went to a clinic to get checked out for the surgery.
She had the surgery and I stood behind her the whole time. She had a lot of mood swings since she could hardly eat anything. Once the weight started coming off her moods changed. She told me we couldn't have sex for six months after the surgery. I wasn't happy about that but her life was more important to me.
If I begged her often enough she would give me oral sex but I had to do her first. Her moods were changing and she didn't seem as close as she was when we first got married.
Over the next year, she had lost almost a hundred pounds. She looked great and I think she knew it. Her wardrobe had changed and she was dressing a lot sexier. I liked it but I had to wonder if I could lose her. I was still the big overweight but happy guy.
She seemed to be changing and it bothered me. She started going out with the girls from work twice a month while I was spending more time home alone.
On her nights out, she was getting home later and later. When I mentioned it to her, it always started an argument. I just waited till the next girls night out and decided I would follow her.
Sheila dressed a little too sexy to be out with the girls. When I told her, she yelled at me that I didn't want her to look nice. "Just because you don't care how you look doesn't mean I can't look good."
That really hurt. It was probably the first time that she talked about me being overweight in a demeaning way. She walked passed me and said she would be home late as she went out the door.
I followed her at a safe distance but I didn't see her picking up any girlfriends. She entered a lounge that had valet service. I wasn't dressed to go in so I waited across the street. I parked in front of a little diner, went in and ordered something to eat. I just sat there and ate but I had no idea what I was doing.
I felt so stupid and decided that maybe I should just go home. I got back in my car, started it up and got ready to pull out of the parking lot when I saw Sheila coming out of the lounge. She was hanging on some guys arm. I knew him; it was Bill, one of the managers at the store where Sheila worked.
They walked past Sheila's car and got into his. I followed them as they pulled out. They didn't go far as I watched them pull into a motel. Bill parked in front of a room. He must have already got it earlier. He opened the door for Sheila and they kissed right there in the parking lot. I watched them walk into the room.
I was devastated. What is a guy suppose to do at this point. I've read stories where the guy gets hot and bothered watching his wife with another man; that wasn't me. My stomach ached and I could have thrown up. This was supposed to be my loving wife. What should I do? I knew I had to face them.
I walked in the office hoping the desk clerk didn't remember Bill.
"Can I help you?" asked the desk clerk.
"Yes, I'm William Street. I've lock myself out of my room. I left the key card on the dresser. I'm in room 106 right here in the front."
"One second Mr. Street while I bring up your room. Yes, here it is. There will be a three dollar charge for a new key card," said the clerk.
"That's fine. Just add it to my bill," I smiled. I figured Bill could pay for my card.
I got the new card and headed for the room. I could hear voices as I slipped the card through the lock. I opened the door to the shock of the two people on the bed. "My god, Ross; what are you doing here?" said a naked Sheila lying on the bed.
Bill was between her legs eating at her cunt. We were the same height but I probably outweighed him by a hundred pounds. I grabbed him by the shoulder and threw him back against the wall. I hit him twice before Sheila screamed at me. "Don't Ross, please don't."
I looked back at her in disgust. "You fucking slut. You were so much more loving and beautiful when you were heavy. Sure, you have the looks now but lost everything that was good about you. You threw it all away for this piece of trash. You're pathetic! Don't come home tonight or I might do something terrible. Come by tomorrow with your parents. We will talk about our divorce then."
"Ross, wait, please wait."
I kept on going. I headed over to my parents and told them I would be getting divorced; that I found Sheila in a motel with another man. They tried to talk with me but I told them there was no way I could stay with her.
I went home into our dark house, sat on the couch and cried.
The next day about noon Sheila arrived at the house with her mom and dad. "Ross, we need to talk privately," said Sheila.
"No, the reason your parents are here is to stop me from hurting you. Bob, Helen, I found your wonderful daughter having sex with a man at a motel yesterday."
"Ross, stop, I told my parents I made a mistake. You don't need to go into details of my actions. We're here to work this out."
"The only thing we need to work out is the divorce. There is no 'We' anymore. You chose the life you wanted. I'm willing to bet if I delved a little deeper that I would find this wasn't your first time."
"Ross, you need to learn to forgive and move on. We all make mistakes," said Bob.
"Bob, the day you come home and see some guy eating out Helen you can call me and tell me how you forgave her. Till then, stay the hell out of my affairs."
"Ross, that's not necessary to talk like that," said Bob.
"Look, Sheila wants this lifestyle where she can go fuck who she wants. I'm giving that to her. She doesn't love me or she would not have done what she did."
"Ross, I don't want a divorce. I want us to be married."
"You're a day late on your thinking. You see, I loved you as much as any man can love a woman. Hell, I'll probably always love you but you tore my heart out and it's not repairable. I will never forgive you."
Living in a fifty-fifty custody state made it rather easy for coming to terms on the divorce. Besides, we weren't married that long. Since we were renting the house, I let Sheila have it. I found a two-bedroom apartment almost within walking distance of work. I took whatever I wanted from the house for my apartment.
The divorce went by very quickly. I didn't have to pay alimony since we didn't have any kids and Sheila agreed not to ask for any money if I filed under irreconcilable differences. The only thing she asked for was for me to carry insurance on her for one year because of the surgery.
Life was difficult for me for a while. I did my best never to see Sheila. She seemed to have gotten over me rather quickly. Some of my friends said they had seen her out on dates pretty often. She wouldn't even talk to most of them. They all said the same thing to me. "The weight loss went to her head."
The one time I saw her at the divorce hearing she told me how pathetic I was. It really hurt when she told me, "I never loved you. I used you to get the surgery. It made me sick to have sex with you. What woman would want to be married to an obese man like you? I'm glad I'll never have to have sex with you again." She laughed as she walked away.
I had to wonder if she was always like that or had the surgery changed her. I guess I'll never know.
It was two years later that Sheila got remarried. Didn't surprise me that it was the same guy I caught her with. I heard that she had moved to another state and was divorced a couple of years later. She was sleeping her way up the management chain.
My life was rather normal for a fat guy. I worked, saved money and went on very few dates. Don't get me wrong here. I had a lot of female friends but they were just that, 'friends' not bed partners. My male friends' wives always said what a nice guy I was and always invited me to their house for parties and dinner.
I guess I was the life of the party on the outside but no one knew I often cried on the inside. I wasn't the kind of guy that most people wanted to have as a blind date. I did have a few female friends that I could take to dinner, or see a movie with, but not as bed partners, just friends. For sex, I was back to the prostitutes.
Almost every week I went with the guys to places like sporting events. I loved Holidays. For Halloween, I'd dress up as a scary monster while I passed out candy. I loved kids but figured I'd never have any of my own.
I had six nieces and nephews and I was their favorite uncle. They didn't care that I was fat, they wanted to go everywhere with me. I took them to amusement parks and sporting events and I attended all their activities. I was good old Uncle Ross.
Christmas was probably my favorite time of year. I played Santa Claus from Thanksgiving till Christmas day. I even bought the best Santa suit money could buy. With the beard and glasses, everyone thought I looked like the real McCoy. I did stores and parties around Christmas. My own nieces and nephews didn't know who I was.
One day a few years back, the personnel man called me to his office and asked if I could be Santa again this year for the annual party. He mentioned that the employees said we had the most realistic Santa ever. No one ever knew it was me. I should say a few of my friends knew and of course my family.
I had been playing Santa for the last nine years. I loved it! I was no longer the fat guy, or overweight Ross. I was Santa Claus, the man that everyone loved. Kids didn't pre-judge Santa, after all he was going to bring them gifts at Christmas.
The mothers loved me even though they didn't know who I was. I couldn't believe how many times I've gotten propositioned over the years. Some women just wanted to say they made it with Santa. I swear, it's true. I never removed my suit, just pulled down my pants and these women rode me. I wished I could be Santa the whole year.
Women who would never give me a second look were riding me as if I was the best thing since chocolate. No wonder Christmas was my favorite season.
As I have mentioned, many of my friends invite me to dinner or their parties. Scott, one of my best friends, who I work with, invited me over for a cookout. His wife Marcie was really nice and always told me that there was a woman out there for me. Never to worry, I would find her someday.
I always wished I could find someone like Marcie. Sweet, kind and always treated me like part of the family. I actually played uncle to their two kids. I just hoped that maybe someday I would meet that special woman she said was out there for me.
My friend Scott said he had someone he wanted me to meet. At first, I thought he might be trying to fix me up with someone, but that never happens since I'm kindly turned down. He introduced me to a veteran buddy of his by the name of Bud. They served in the armed forces together. Bud, which was really his name, walked with a limp from wounds he received back then.
"Ross," said Scott. "You and Bud have something it common. You both hate the same person."
I had no idea what Scott was talking about. "Scott, I don't hate anyone. Well, there was one person, but that was years ago."
"Yep," said Scott, "and she's back in town."
"No! You're shitting me? I haven't seen her in years. How do you know her Bud?"
"I work in the Shoppers Factory Warehouse. I was telling Scott about a good-looking babe that worked there. I mentioned that the problem was all she had was looks. Her personality and demeanor really sucked. I had asked her out when she first started working there and she laughed at me. I guess I wasn't high enough on the totem pole for her to date. Scott asked me who it was and when I said her name, he laughed. He told me it was your ex-wife. I'm sorry but I didn't know it was your ex. I apologize if I said the wrong thing."
Hi all, this is my incredibly awesome entry into the ANNUAL WINTER HOLIDAYS EROTIC STORY CONTEST! This EPIC STORY is filled with: HOT SEX HEARTWARMING LOVE FREAKY SEX JOLLY HUMOR And CRAZY FREAKY HOT SEX Disclaimers: All the ELVES in this story are over 18 years old, and most of them are over 18,000 years old. Though they are small, they ARE NOT children! REINDEER are mentioned, but DO NOT do anything naughty! PLEASE VOTE!!! This story is LONG, so if at any point you feel the...
My friend Merry took me Christmas shopping last Wednesday. She knew I had been down in the dumps about life. I moved out of my parents’ house earlier this year, living on my own. I had my own studio apartment, a decent job, and… And that was the problem. I wanted a boyfriend, a man. Merry had a boyfriend. His name was Jared and he was as a courier. Merry was hoping he would deliver an engagement ring to her for Christmas. I crossed my fingers for her. That was part of my depression. My best...
It was Christmas time, just a few days after Black Friday, the biggest shopping day of the year. Kyle was looking for some new clothes at a store when he overheard two sales girls gossiping about the new mall Santa Claus. Girl 1: “Have you seen the new Santa Claus at the mall? I hear he’s a total a dirty old man.”Girl 2: “No, what did you hear?”Girl 1: “My friend Chloe told me that she went to get a photo with her on Santa’s lap as a lark, but when she was sitting on his knee, she started to...
'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse...All except for Jilnar Jardaly, who had been tossing and turning in bed, restlessly, all night. It was only a minute till midnight, and till he would finally be here. She hoped he got her letter and was going to leave, under her Christmas tree, the present, she so desperately wanted. Jilnar loved Christmas and she'd been extra good all year, satisfying all her friends and colleagues most...
Late on Christmas Eve, I helped my mother put the last of the Christmas presents under the tree. Our tree looked like Charlie Brown's tree with its needless branches, lopsided stance, and sizable "bald" spots. And the handful of presents underneath made it look even more pitiful. We barely had enough money to pay the bills, much less money to spend on a lot of Christmas presents. But Terry still believed in Santa, so we worked hard not to disappoint him. Mom and I know the real story...
Introduction: This is a "Challenge Story" given to me by my friend Poppet. She sent me the cover pic and challenged me to make a story around it! Although Christmas has passed, I wanted to let all my readers see how I accepted this challenge! I hope you like it! * It was that time of year again. Outside, the ground was covered in a flawless blanket of white, the trees flocked heavily with snow as well. The houses were lit with a rainbow of flickering colored lights and "Merry Christmas"...
BDSMWARNING: The following creative artwork includes topics of voluntary sex, crossdressing, and other themes. If you find this sort of material objectionable, then press the back button on your browser. My original story may be copied, reproduced, downloaded, and otherwise shared without restriction. Enjoy! Naughty or Nice By Apollo I was working as the shopping mall Santa Claus, hey, it was a job, y'know? Besides, what else would I be doing on Friday nights and the weekend, my...
Sienna Grace stepped out of the Lincoln before Uncle Terry could come around from the driver's side to open the door for her. This was as usual for her, as she shunned the trappings of "celebrity-status", especially with her devoted companion, Terry. They had pulled up to parking at Macy's at the Mall to look around at the christmas decorations and gifts, the ever-present christmas music everywhere in the background, both inside and out at the Mall. Uncle Terry dressed in casual tweed sport...
My little sister, Anna sure knows how to keep Santa busy on Christmas Eve! She made arrangements for Santa to visit a couple of our friends' houses and deliver packages to add to the holiday spirit. Santa would visit Anne's and Karin's Christmas parties, then make a midnight appearance at Annika's. My sister thought this would be just the kind of thing to keep Santa jolly all Christmas Eve. Of course, she had hubby playing the role of Santa.By the way, he does a wonderful job as Santa...
This story is non fiction but would love to be Santa Claus.It was close to christmas and my parents decided to have a fancy dress house party, people had to dress in seasonal costumes. As the guests arrived all types of costumes where there from snowman to not so little elves to santa's help[ers anf of cause santa him self.My parents dressed in great costumes mum was a sexy santa helper and dad as The grinch. The party was swinging booze and food aplenty, I got chatting to a couple of identical...
Mandy sat quietly in the corner of the school room as the other children were laughing and eating cookies with kool-aid. She stared out the window looking at the snow falling on the playground wishing she could have stayed home from the Christmas party. Mandy’s teacher walked up to her smiling knowing the child did not have a gift to exchange today. ‘You left something in my desk Mandy.’ She said handing her a gift with the name Thomas wrote on the gift tag. Mandy smiled up at her with a huge...
It was a normal morning, or at least I thought so. Thanksgiving was over, with its parade of seldom seen relatives and the required polite attention as they “caught up” with what everyone had been doing. It was a Saturday and it had snowed six inches the night before. That meant the kids were all outside, bright and early, getting thoroughly cold and wet, and loving every second of it. Their mother and I loved it too because it meant a very rare opportunity to celebrate the memory of how those...
I hate playing Santa. That said, I am a kid’s party Santa. Did I mention that I hate it? The outfit is hot and made out of cheap fabric which makes my skin break out if I wear it for more than a few hours. I go to parties where everyone else is having fun, and I can’t even have a drink (except of course the warm milk that comes with the cookies I have to eat), and the kids are usually brats. But I already have a beard, the money isn’t bad, and occasionally I even get a tip from the parents in...
MILFLet me say right up front that Gunther was definitely not a young man.I knew he had been around the Santa operation at the North Pole long before I arrived with my bright ideas for cost reduction. I was called in to promote increased toy production by the easily distracted Elves. Those little imps preferred being silly rather than busy little workers focused on their quotas like dedicated employees. As a small-sized human male, I was able to relate easily to the female Elves because they liked...
Fantasy & Sci-Fi"Jiggly balls! Jiggly balls! Uhhh, uhhh, fuck! Jiggly as you thrust! Ohhh! Oh, what fun it is to fuck as you play with my big bust!" Hilda Humper sang, naked on her back as her dangerously large titties flopped up and down on her body while the mall Santa worked, while he literally jammed his long prick in and out of her vagina, both of her legs bent and up in the air. "Come on, Santa! Ohhhh, that's the way to fuck me! Hump my pussy and make my boobs bounce! Ohhhhhh, shiiiittt, yeeeaaaahhh!...
I won't bother trying to describe myself. You've all heard my description-- "nose like a cherry", and a "belly that shook like a bowl full of jelly" and all that shit. What the prick who wrote all that about me didn't know was what was hanging under that bowl of jelly. What's the point of fulfilling all those wishes for everybody else if you can't help yourself out once in a while?I get around a bit, about once a year. Most of the time I'm just hanging around the old pole, trying...
You better watch out, you better not cryYou better not pout, I’m telling you why!!!Santa Clasu is coming to town!!!And that dirty old bastard spends all year looking into the bedrooms of boys and girls across the world deciding whether what they do is naughty or nice!! He is pissed with one young woman that is spoiling Christmas by telling k**s that he is not real!!!! So he made a special trip down from the North Pole just to set some things straight!!!And does he ever get it straight!!!Hope...
Disclaimer: This story is a work of pure naughty fiction. Any similarities to any person living, dead, undead, fictional, et. al is purely coincidental. This is my first story. Critiques are welcome.We all need a little extra money this holiday season. So for some extra cash, I became a mall Santa. Took the course, rented my costume, ho ho ho I'm ready to go. All I have to do is sit for a few hours, have some cuties sit on my lap, listen to their wish lists and smile for the camera. Simple...
I went to a Christmas shop right before Thanksgiving and was browsing for decorations and party stuff. I found a Santa suit. Of course I am mature and a chub with a white beard. I bought the suit and some other stuff and went home. I was on CL just messing around and posted a pic with me in the jacket no pants bent over. I got several responses. Mostly just great pic or would like to see the jingle balls, etc. Later I got a response from a guy who was having a Christmas party and...
Timmy awoke, rubbing his eyes. It was Christmas Day! Excitedly, he scrambled out of bed, and over to the fireplace, where his Christmas stocking hung. Eager hands pulled it from the crooked nail, wide eyed, he peered inside and found... Nothing. "Oh, Santa," he cried, "You've forgotten me!" He lay on the floor, sobbing. A light appeared in the room, all of a sudden it was just there, hanging in the air. It became brighter, bigger, more intense. Timmy stared at it, his eyelids closing as the...
First TimeIt was late Christmas eve, well by now it is Christmas day like maybe 3:00 am was the last time I looked at the clock at least so I had gave up waiting to see if Santa was coming. I checked my sack at the end of the bed with a little kick to find it was empty, I don’t know perhaps I dozed off for a while and missed him, I thought it was worth checking. Any way 3:00am had passed and my eyes started to shut. Then I heard the squeak of my door handle, I shut my eyes tight a prayed “Please let it...
Timmy awoke, rubbing his eyes. It was Christmas Day! Excitedly, he scrambled out of bed, and over to the fireplace, where his Christmas stocking hung. Eager hands pulled it from the crooked nail, wide eyed, he peered inside and found… Nothing. ‘Oh, Santa,’ he cried, ‘You’ve forgotten me!’ He lay on the floor, sobbing. A light appeared in the room, all of a sudden it was just there, hanging in the air. It became brighter, bigger, more intense. Timmy stared at it, his eyelids closing as the...
It was Christmas time again, and everyone was very joyful at the North Pole. Toys were being made on every table, hot chocolate was brewing and smiles abound. It was a beautiful holiday scene, with the exception of Dear old St. Nick being mysteriously absent. Which made one person very unhappy. Mrs. Claus… Mrs. Claus stomped through the warehouse watching the Christmas elves toil over completing the toy orders for Santa’s ride this year. She had been completely on edge the last...
Disclaimer: This story is a work of pure naughty fiction. Any similarities to any person living, dead, undead, fictional, et. al is purely coincidental. This is the 3rd part of my first story. Critiques are welcome.1 more day until Christmas. But first I have to make it through the office party. Work's been crazy, we're all working overtime, plus with my stint as Santa I just want to head home. Nope, it's been "highly recommeneded" we attend. Ah hell, might as well enjoy some free food. I have...
Disclaimer: This story is a work of pure naughty fiction. Any similarities to any person living, dead, undead, fictional, et. al is purely coincidental. This is the 2nd part of my first story. Critiques are welcome. 5 more days til Christmas. But until then, I still need to work, to carry on as I usually do, maybe have some fun in the interim. It was a long day at work and longer playing Santa. Sure you get some good feelings, but man, keeping yourself in check can be a strain. Sometimes you...
It’s Christmas Eve in Christmas Town. The elves are busy getting Santa’s magical sleigh packed with toys for all the good children around the world. Rumor has it Santa traded his sleigh in for a Lamborghini with all the latest bells and whistles. With his new set of wheels, he’d be able to make his deliveries in a shorter amount of time. Rudolph had sprained his leg and some of the other reindeer went on strike. Santa had read that the latest edition of the new Lamborghini was packed with all...
Group SexJust a quick story for the festive season.As all the elves were loading up the sleigh for santa to head off delivering presents they were all smiling and happy. Santa thought this was because they were full of festive cheer or maybe they were just happy to have a rest from making toys. What santa didnt know was that all the elves had decided that once the fat man had gone to empty his toy sack they were going to use mrs claus to empty their ball sacks.Mrs claus was always wearing skirts and...
It’s Christmas Eve in Christmas Town. The elves are busy getting Santa’s magical sleigh packed with toys for all the good children around the world. Rumor has it Santa traded his sleigh in for a Lamborghini with all the latest bells and whistles. With his new set of wheels, he’d be able to make his deliveries in a shorter amount of time. Rudolph had sprained his leg and some of the other reindeer’s went on strike. Santa had read that the latest edition of the new Lamborghini was packed with...
Damn it to hell, it was Christmas Eve. I was curled up in my favorite chair listening to Bruce laugh his way through "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" while I sip my second glass of Shiraz — could it get any better than this? Of course it fucking could. For one thing, Stephen could have not been assigned as first officer on a three-day to Australia. And for another, he could have fucking taken me with him, the asshole. Instead, I had to settle for wearing one of his favorite flannel shirts,...
Ever since that Monday night, December 15, 2003, the Parker family had fucked each other in every possible way. And they often brought friends! Or family! They did it all. And they were happy. Their friends were happy! It was perfect. That Christmas, there was a big party at their home. George and his family were invited, of course. And so were Rachel, Grace and Valerie. And Troy. Jill, Brad, Joan, Carla, Sarah, Sue and Nat were even more important. Since Nat wouldn't spend the...
It was December 17th. A light snow was falling. Warren had just gotten off the phone with Sophia, and went down to talk to his Mom. "Hey. Mom? Got a question." "Shoot, honey." "Would you mind if Sophia came over for Christmas?" "Not at all, honey, but does her mother mind? Wouldn't she be more at home with her family?" "Nah. There isn't anything with her family. Her brother and sister are going to be with their father, so her mother is going over her aunts and uncles house....
The next morning, I found myself awake earlier than I had been on Christmas morning for years. For the first time in what seemed like forever, I felt the excitement that used to accompany Christmas morning when I was a child. The only difference was that then, I’d been awake early, wondering what gifts there would be for me. This time, I was awake early, wondering how the two girls would react to the gifts I had chosen for them. Katelyn came out around 7:00, as she had the morning before,...
The holiday’s are always the busiest time of the year when you work as a housekeeper. After a long day of work, I was looking forward to relaxing, watching a movie. However, my friends had different plans in mind. I came home to a new message. ‘Hey Elizabeth, it’s Mary and Katie. We just heard that TIDAL is having a Mr. and Mrs. Claus contest tonight. The winner gets $200 and a date with Mr. Claus! We should enter, it’ll be fun. Call us back!’ So much for my plans, I thought as I called them...
My name is Lucy Willis. As a child I was a chubby girl that no one paid much attention to. That all changed at puberty. God decided to grace me with an incredible body. I don't mean to brag, but my perfect 36DD-24-36 figure with long shapely legs, has been known to make priests get an erection. I have blonde hair and blue eyes and a dazzling smile that completes the look. I was very popular in school, but did not do well in classes. I decided that my greatest asset was my body, so I went...
Mary first started wanting to blow santa Claus last Christmas Eve. She had gotten out of bed to get a drink of water from the bathroom and heard muffled noises downstairs, like someone mumbling. A light was on in the living room. And there, as plain as day, stood Santa Claus… with his full white beard, red hat, red coat, red pants, and black boots. Oddly, however, Mary’s older sister Kim, 21 years old, on her knees in jeans, a red sweater and sneakers, helping Santa position gifts under the...
Group SexThe day dawned bright and cheery and Santa was in a jolly raunchy mood. He had slept with his favorite elf and had been well serviced. It was a slow day appearance wise. There was one gathering in East Palo Alto for a very large group of neighborhood Mexican children. When that was done Santa was looking forward to a nice soak in the hot tub with his two favorite elf maidens. His sleigh was cleaned and polished and ready to transport him to EPA for his appearance. He climbed in his sleigh and...
The day dawned bright and cheery and Santa was in a jolly raunchy mood. He had slept with his favorite elf and had been well serviced. It was a slow day appearance wise. There was one gathering in East Palo Alto for a very large group of neighborhood Mexican children. When that was done Santa was looking forward to a nice soak in the hot tub with his two favorite elf maidens. His sleigh was cleaned and polished and ready to transport him to EPA for his appearance. He climbed in his sleigh and...
MILFBuck's Big Boob Bed Time Stories....Ho Ho Ho....Secret SantaNormally I be happy coming home for winter break. The semester went really well. I got my grades up. I was looking forward to some much needed time off. But my parents volunteered me to help with this Christmas charity in town. They email me a message before I left campus. I needed to stop at the Christmas charity warehouse and make a delivery. It was Christmas Eve. I just wanted to go home and relax. It was beginning to snow as I...
By SaraOz I was at home about a month before Christmas when one of my brother's friends dropped in to ask me if I would like a part time job for the holidays. I was thinking some extra money for Christmas would be good. So I asked Adam what the job was? Adam said with a smile: Elf.After a laugh I asked Adam again what the job was. He said being an Elf at the Shopping Centre. I knew Adam had worked as an Elf at the Santa show last year as my friends and I had dropped by to see him and to sit...
“Honey this is fucking stupid. You’re twenty-seven. Definitely too old to be leaving Santa cookies and milk,” Richard lectured with a smirk.Jennifer had baked chocolate chip cookies, what she believed to be Santa’s favorite earlier Christmas Eve. She placed them by the fireplace with childlike glee. “Shut the fuck up, Rich. I do this every year, and every year, I wake up to a half empty plate of cookies and a half drank glass of milk," Jennifer shot back."You may want to think about...
CuckoldSanta Lovers – Alicia and SamAlicia was under her special uncle. He was very gentle but his huge belly spread across her tiny one and hung down over her sides. She felt wrapped in love and protected from the world. She was so warm and safe with her Uncle Santa. Her slender legs were spread wide and she was being stretched incredible open between her legs. When Alicia’s sweet pussy had been opened like this in the past, she always felt like it was too full to ever close up again. As her...
A Strip Searchin' Santa By Deputy Duffy The distinctive tick of the large oak grandfather clock was the onlysound heard, as the two lawyers sat in wonderment. Their boss had just calledthem into his office, presented his proposal, and left them alone to maketheir decisions. "What do you think, Stewart?" Stewart looked at the pretty blonde who had asked the question and tried toplay it tough. "Doesn't look like we have much choice, now. We blew it,plain and simple." "I still don't...
"Go on boy, Good Old Santa!" Cindy, a precocious eighteen year old in her twelfth grade at high school, smiled sweetly at her mother and assured her that she would not stay out late. Clare, her best friend, also had school in the morning, so they would not leave it too late leaving the city centre. They would watch the movie, grab a McDonald’s and catch the bus home before the riff-raff, drinking themselves silly in the bars and clubs, spilled onto the streets and caused their usual mayhem....
SupernaturalSanta spanks Taylor & Hangs a Candy Cane In Her Bottom.Taylor was home for Christmas from college and she was in their bedroom for a long winter’s night. Not a creature was stirring her family away but pretty coed had decided to stay.As Taylor had made merry and cheer. Little did Taylor know it was the condition of her cute rear she should fear?Her pretty long brown shimmery hair swished and swayed from side to side displaying her round shapely bottom packed tight into her blue jeans and bust...
DAVEY, DAD, AND SANTA"Davey!" my dad called from upstairs."What?" I yelled back, not taking my eyes off of the Christmas-day footballgame on the television."I need help!""Can't Mom do it?""She's already headed over to Grandma and Grandpa's to help get ready forChristmas dinner.""Okay, be right there."I flipped off the television and headed upstairs. Larry could give me afull replay when he stopped by later.*****"What's the big...?" My voice trailed off when I crossed the threshold ofmy parent's...
Hi I’m Barry and would like to tell you about the Christmas party we had this year with friends and neighbours, each year 1 person has to be Santa but only 2 people know 1 of cause the Santa and the chief neighbourhood watch chairman, this year it was me and not even my family had to know, I remember last year and it got rather naughty I even got blown by one of Santa’s helpers and had a good idea who it was but, like any year even if you knew it stayed a secret. Well the party started and I...
Santa Babe by Daniel A. Wolfe (aka D.A.W.) Author's Note I sat on this story for more than a year, but I finally decided to dust it off and finish it just in time for Christmas. It's a little more 'fetishy' than my usual stuff, but I hope you like it. ------- "Ho, ho, oh no!" The fat bastard rolled out of the sled falling face first and produced a thud that shook the whole damn roof. "Clumsy old coot," I grumbled under my breath and hopped out of the sleigh to help my red...
Santa was waiting when the sleigh with Mrs. Claus and Lily arrived. He had seen what the two of them had been doing and it was very naughty. It was very, VERY naughty! And he had liked watching a lot!!!He had been stroking as he watched the two of them through the snow globe he had given to Lily so that he could watch her each day. She was on his nice list in a way that very few women ever achieved! How Mrs. C found out about her or why she had flown down to hook up with Lily, Santa was...
It was five days before Christmas. Everything was on schedule, reindeer fattened up, elves wrapping and packing toys, and Santa checking his list. The naughty list had grown this year. Santa was wondering why, when he heard on the North Pole News Station: “Mayan calendar predicts end of the world tomorrow. Earth is in a panic.” The elves heard the news and stopped working. They got up from their benches and gathered around Santa. The female elves all sat at Santa’s feet. A couple sat in his...
Group SexEvery year I wish for something at Christmas. Usually it's things I don't need, but something that I really want. So about the end of October I started thinking about what I wanted for Christmas this year.You know the stores start putting their Christmas items out. Kmart, Target, Walmart, etc. have all their Christmas lingerie right up front so horny guys walking down the isles can jerk off while thinking about getting their girlfriends, wives, mistresses, or fuck buddies one of these little...
Straight SexI was ready and didn’t need to be asked twice but I have learnt to always make sure a girl is ready before you just shove one inside her. She laid there on the desk legs spread wide her hand rubbing her clit. “Come on Santa bring those big sacks over here let me empty them for you. I want all your goodies you have inside themâ€. She cried as if about to overheat. It’s not every day you get to play Santa and I can assure you my sacks were full to the brim.I did my duty and handed out all...
Cheating WifeIt’s not every day you get to play Santa and I can assure you my sacks were full to the brim. I did my duty and handed out all the Prezzies at the masquerade work Christmas party, tossed out candy canes and generally made everyone smile. I think it was more of a punishment from the C.E.O than anything else but I found my fun in it. He seemed to give me all the things that no one else wanted to do… maybe because I am young… maybe it because I am up and coming… or maybe it was...
Sweet Santa tries to reach jolly Jessie by his only means: Debbie Deb!Sweet Santa tries to teach jolly Jessie by his invitation for a longer visitSweet Santa is in the rest of te year just Poet-PETER, Professor EroticaSweet Santa is only his role for a fortnight, each end of a year, in EuropeSweet Santa swallows deep, he is so glad that the year is almost over nowSweet Santa swallows deep, he wishes he can eat some fresh teen...
Sweet Santa tries to reach jolly Jessie by his only means: Debbie Deb!Sweet Santa tries to teach jolly Jessie by his invitation for a longer visitSweet Santa is in the rest of the year just Poet-PETER, Professor EroticaSweet Santa is only his role for a fortnight, each end of a year, in Europe!Sweet Santa swallows deep, he is so glad that the year is almost over nowSweet Santa swallows deep, he wishes he can eat some fresh teen...
This story was edited by my friend, 'Chantal' who always makes it a much better read. Hope you enjoy it and 'Happy Holidays'. I live in a medium-size town in the Midwest. I served four years in the army. When I got out, I went to college for two years and received my Associate Degree in Criminal Law. There weren't many jobs available, but I was able to land a job in security at the mall. There was a lot of turnover in my profession, but I decided to stay with it and I became head of...
This story was edited by my friend, ‘Chantal’ who always makes it a much better read. Hope you enjoy it and ‘Happy Holidays’. * I live in a medium-size town in the Midwest. I served four years in the army. When I got out, I went to college for two years and received my Associate Degree in Criminal Law. There weren’t many jobs available, but I was able to land a job in security at the mall. There was a lot of turnover in my profession, but I decided to stay with it and I became head of...
The spirit of Naar floated helplessly in the darkness of space, his soul a cloud of ethereal, black smoke. He watched angrily as the universe was consumed by the Light of Ishir and Kai, their benevolent gazes bringing new life to the worlds he had purified with fire and death. At the Dark God’s side floated Gwena, an Elf girl who had succumbed to Naar’s evil power. *This Light, this goodness sickens me,* snarled Naar mentally to his disembodied slave. *Is there any way we can halt...
Santa's ElfAbby was in her senior year of high school and had been getting in trouble- mostly because of boys. The problem was that Abby had discovered how much fun sex could be, and the boys at MLK High School were most willing to help her out.Abby was an average looking girl, with a big smile, even though she had a couple of teeth that were a little crooked. She had straight red hair, that was fine and limp. She had to tie it into pigtails to keep it out her green eyes, and even then, there...