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Replacement Daughter Chapter 1 - Meeting Hailey My name is or was Dylan Anderson. I was fifteen when I was taken by biracial White-Asian couple as a replacement for their daughter. I was, for the most part, just your average white guy in a suburban Philadelphia neighborhood. I had two parents and twin younger siblings who were thirteen, Talia and Taylor. I did get into trouble more than regularly. I drank alcohol, did some drugs on occasion, and shoplifted sometime; just for the trill of it. School was a joke to me. I just wanted to have a good time, especially with the girls. The only thing I like about school was the girls. There was never a pretty or sexy girl who I didn't try to get into her panties. All of that changed when a new girl came to town, her name was Hailey Brooke Patterson. Hailey was a pretty Asian girl. She was well endowed everywhere I liked it, breast and booty, with curves to go with them. She and her family moved into a how a couple streets over from me. But there was something different with this girl. I first saw Hailey when she came into my class first period. She was dressed in a sexy little denim skirt and cute pink top that covered her boobs but did nothing to hid them. She was a bit shy at first, but was almost instantly flirting with all the boys. Almost every boy in class had a hard on, except Kevin who was gay. And all the girls were giving her the stink eye. I had several other classes with her that day. At lunch Collin came up to me. "Hey dude, you going to try to hook up with that Hailey chick?" "I'm all for fucking the new chick, man." "Well don't take too long. That will be one well-treaded path before long." "Don't worry I got a plan. Can you get your brother to get us some booze this week end?" After lunch, I went up to Hailey. "So you are Hailey. I'm Dylan. Would you like to see some of the sights this weekend? We could have some fun." "Sure, I'd like that," she replied with a knowing smile. By the end of the day I heard a rumor from my best friend Collin that Hailey had given Bret a blow job in the janitor's closet during lunch. Despite the rumor, I was still looking forward to getting into her panties this weekend. Over the rest of the week there were several rumors of several guys fucking Hailey. One thing became obvious, Hailey was a big flirt. She flirted with everybody, the boys and girls, but the girls I knew tended to stay away from her. Finally the weekend arrived. Since we lived close to each other, I walked over to her house and picked her up. She was wearing this little sun dress with flowers that showed off her bountiful cleavage and curves. Here three inch heals made her butt sway with every step. I could feel my cock beginning to get hard in anticipation of what is to come with this delicious member of the female sex. We first took the bus into town to a mall were we got lunch and talked. She said she was from Tucson and that her father had gotten a transfer here. All through lunch she was flirting with me. I could tell she was very experienced flirting with guys. She knew all the right things to do and she was doing them all. After lunch we went to see a movie. I'm not sure what movie since we spent very little time actually watching the movie. A few minutes after the start, she took my hand and placed it on her breast while she leaned over and kissed me on the cheek before taking her other hand and turning my head to kiss me on the mouth. Her tongue went into my mouth. I started to massage her breast with my right hand while my left caressed her slender waist. Hailey then took my left hand and placed it on her crotch. I started to massage her clit through her panties. I could hear her start to moan with pleasure. I felt her working to open my pants to release my hard cock. Luckily for us the movie theater was fairly empty, I even heard another couple making out. When Hailey had my cock out, she went down and gave me the blow job of my life. She must be very experienced at this. I exploded into her mouth. We spent the rest of the movie making out. I think I brought her to orgasm. After the movie we went back to my house. My parents were out shopping and doing things with my little sister and brother. We made out all the way to my room. She had her dress of before we even got to my room. I lifted her up and placed her down on my bed wearing nothing but her bra and panties; her exquisite figure on full display for me. She unhooked her bra and let her full breast out of the confines of her bra. I took off my pants in anticipation of fucking her good. She wanted me to and I wanted to. But then... I stopped. "What, don't you want to fuck me?" Hailey asked after several seconds. She then took off her panties revealing her hairless pussy for me. "I don't know, there is something different about you." I tried to work out the word to describe what I was feeling. "Yes I want to fuck you; you are my wet dream. But there is something stopping me. It feels wrong." She looked both disappointed, but her eyes were relieved. We both began to put out clothed back on. We talked a little bit more before she left. I gave her some of the beer Collin's brother had acquired for us. As she was leaving I asked her, "Maybe we can try being friends." She looked at me for some time, unsure of what to say. After a minute she finally said, "OK." She then left home. I offered to walk her home but she declined. The next day Collin came around and asked what happened. I told him what happened. "What!" You had a chance to fuck the biggest wet dream of every boy in this school and you stopped one foot from home plate. What is wrong with you man. You never choke when it comes to chicks. Especially chicks as hot as Hailey Patterson." "It felt wrong to fuck her for some reason. I don't know." "Wrong, how could it be wrong when the girl was practically begging you to fuck her? She was naked in your bed asking you to put your cock in her pussy. How could that be wrong." "I don't know, there is something different with this chick." "Don't tell me you are falling in love with this chick are you?" Collin asked. "Because there is nothing but trouble if you fall in love with a girl. Use them and loose them man. That's what my dad says." After he left I thought more about why I could do it with Hailey. I knew I wasn't in love with her. It was more of me wanting to protect her. Over the next week, there were rumors about who had scored with Hailey. But none of that mattered to me. We talked like two guy friends. She had also stopped flirting with me. The more she talked the more I sensed she was holding something back, something big. Hailey asked if we could hang out this weekend and I said yes. On Saturday, we went to a park nearby. Hailey was wearing a mini skirt and a tight top. We talked like to friends, music, movies. But as we talked I got the feeling that she wanted to tell me something. I asked if there was anything she wanted to tell me, but she hesitated. After we got to my house, I took her to my room. "OK, there is something you're not telling me that you want to tell me. Just tell me," I told her. I sat down next to her on the bed and grabbed her hands. She just looked at me for some time. Then tears began to fall from her eyes and she just started to sob in my arms. I don't know how long she sobbed like that in my arms, but eventually she stopped and began telling me her secret, a secret I didn't see coming. "My name isn't Hailey Patterson, I was born James Alexander Stevens. I was born a boy like you." "You are really a boy? NO way, I've seen you naked, you are all girl." "My parents are not my parents, they did this to me. I was an orphan living in foster care in Ohio when I was kidnaped. I was knocked out and when I came to I looked like this. They had performed plastic surgery on me to make me look like their deceased daughter, gave me something to grow breasts, a sex change, contoured my body and implanted ovaries and a uterus so I would have periods like any other girl. They said I have to sleep with any guy who want to. They want me to get pregnant." "You were kidnapped and turned into a teen boy's wet dream so you could get pregnant." "Pretty much." "Thais is messed up man. We have to get you to the police, the FBI, they will know what to do." "We can't." "Why?" "They have friends in high places. They are part of some secret society or something. They can do pretty much anything they want to. I'm not the first one they've done this to." "What do you mean?" "I am not the first one they turned into a girl to replace their daughter. The real Hailey died about a year ago. But they really wanted grandchildren, so they took her uterus and ovaries and kidnapped me and made turned me into Hailey, to be her replacement. They have also turned other boys into girls. I have met one before..... The first time they... forced themselves on me. Besides they probably have people in law enforcement." "We don't know that. They may be just trying to scare you. We need to go." She sat there for some time thinking of what to do. It looked like the first time in years here eyes have held hope. "Tommorrow. Come by tomorrow. They have several hard drives of video recordings of what they've done to me and the girl/boy before me. I need to find it so we will have evidence that I am telling the truth." "OK," I said, "we get you out of here tomorrow." She hugged me before leaving. I could feel her breast push up against me. Her breast felt real, but they are implants. I spent the evening trying to make sense of everything she told me. She was a slut because those people wanted her to get pregnant so they could have a grandchild. The next day I went over to Hailey's house. Her "parents" were out for a moment which gave us time to get a few things. She got us some sodas from the fridge while we packed her some clothes. She held up a computer hard drive. "This is the hard drive with all the things they did to me and the other one." She started to look tired. "You look tired, and I feel tired all of the sudden. I feel really sleepy." She sat down on her bed while I slid to the floor of her bedroom. After a few seconds, the door opened and in came her 'parents.' "Well, what do we have here? Trying to run away are we," her 'father' said to Hailey. "And you brought a friend. We assume you told him everything. You shouldn't have. Now you leave us in a terrible position. We told you what would happen if you told anyone. But since you are so set on leaving us I think we shall let you. I think it is time for a new replacement." He said the last part looking at me. She started to scream in pain and grabbed her stomach and back as she writhed on the floor in pain. A new replacement, I didn't like the sound of that, especially with him looking at me. Unfortunately I didn't have much time to think about it before I was out. Chapter 2 - Becoming Haiey I was not sure how long I was out. When I awoke I was in what looked like a hospital room, except there wasn't a window. I felt extremely weak and my body felt all wrong in all the wrong places. There was weight on my chest that was not there before. I tried to sit up and felt a large about of movement in my chest. I reached my right hand to my chest and felt a large squishy mass on my chest. I knew instantly what it was. I had breast. I looked down into the gown I was wearing and saw the two large globes jutting from my chest. Fearing the worst I pushed the blanket down and reached up under the gown the gown. I wasn't wearing any underwear. I did not feel my cock; instead I felt a slit. I pulled the gown up and there it was, a hairless pussy where my cock and balls use to be. Between my belly button and my new pussy is a light healed scar that was not there before. 'What was that for?' I wonder. I fell back onto the bed. I turned onto my side and felt my breast shift. I started to sob like Hailey did in my bedroom when she told me what happened to her. And now it looks like it has happened to me too. After a while of crying, Hailey's parents came into the room. Her father is a white man of average build in his forties. He is still physically fit and is wearing an expensive black business suit. Her mother is an Asian woman in her late thirties. She has long black hair that goes almost to the small of her back. She is wearing and expensive woman's business suit consisting of a knee length black skirt and a light blue blouse that drapes over her small frame. My breasts are easily at least twice her size. "I see you are awake, Hailey. Good. We can begin," her mother said. "We know you have discovered what has happened to your body." She pointed to a camera in the corner watching me. She hands me a mirror. I look in the mirror and see Hailey looking back at me. "You turned me into Hailey? Why? What did you do with Hailey?" I ask in my new feminine voice that sounded similar to Hailey's "Hailey left us with no choice. Because of your action she was going to leave us and go to the authorities. We cannot allow that. Even if we let her live it would only be a matter of time before she would go to the police. So we decided to kill two birds with one stone. "We needed a replacement and you were available." "You killed her?" I was shocked at the sound of my voice. It was higher and way more feminine. "We buried her in the garden behind the clubhouse," her father told me. "That is what will happen to you if you go and try telling the authorities." "We have taken the uterus and ovaries from our beloved Hailey and given them to you," her mother told me. "So one day you will fulfil your new purpose and give us a grandchild or two. Besides being a vehicle for the birth of our grandchild you are our slave. We have many powerful friends who will want to experience your company. A service you will provide. We had not recouped the cost of acquiring you predecessor so now you have inherited her debt to us as well as the cost us to convert you." "You have been implanted with an implant in your abdomen," her father told me. It allows us to keep track of you and if necessary to control you. I t allows us to inflict pain on you as punishment for disobedience or anytime we desire. If you try to run we will be able to easily track you down." These people were sick and seriously disturbed. "I think we will leave you to recover more and explore your new body," her mother said. "There are some clothes in the dresser and wardrobe for you to wear home. We leave in an half an hour." With that they left the room. There was a full length mirror over in one corner. Even though I was week I managed to stand up. My center of balance was way off. My ass was large as were my new breast which swayed whenever I took a step. Eventually I made to the mirror. Staring back at me was the girl I knew as Hailey. Her/my long black hair fell past my shoulders and could cover the nipples of her breast. My now Asian face was as angelic and beautiful as I remembered it on Hailey. I pulled the gown off to reveal the body beneath. My figure looked just like I remember on Hailey it in my bedroom that one time. A perfect hourglass figure with large breasts, a narrow waste, a shapely ass, smooth thin legs and arms; I even had a thighs gap which all the girls were trying to get and maintain. It did nothing but accentuate the pussy that was now between my legs. There was now not a hair below my head. I was now any straight male's wet dream. I went over to the dresser and opened the top drawer. It has several pair of panties and bras. I took a black bra and matching panties. The bras had 34C on the tag. "Just perfect," I said to myself. "Just perfect." I knew what the size meant. But seeing the cup size only confirmed my worst fear. I step into the panties and then put on the bra. I had seen many girls do this including the last Hailey. As I had seen with Hailey and other larger breasted girls, I hooked it up in front then spun it around. I put my now skinny arms though the straps. I spend some time trying to adjust my breast in the cups before I give up. They feel much better being supported by the bra, but I cannot get use to the bra's band around my chest. I could feel the bra straps dig into my shoulders. I open a wardrobe find several dresses. There were all really short and sexy number that instantly knew would fall over my new figure like a glove. I picked out a black and blue dress with a short black mini skirt and neckline that would reveal much of my new breasts and cleavage. There were not many choices in the matter. I stepped into the dress and sipped it up on the side. The bodice my covered my breast but also as I feared prominently displayed the tops of my new beast and cleavage. Now I know why Hailey always dressed in short skirts and tight tops. It appeared to be all she was allowed to wear. I found a pair of black two inch pumps by the dresser but did not put them on yet. I went back to the mirror to look at myself. 'Damn I look hot' I thought to myself. I felt a little wet between my legs. It was then I realized I was turning myself on. Without a cock to get hard to let me know if I was turned on, my new vagina was getting wet in anticipation of being penetrated. Wearing the sexy dress only reinforced what I was and what was going to happen, I was now a girl; I was the one who was going to be penetrated. I went back to the bed and began to cry again. After I stopped crying and felt I needed to go to the restroom. I go to the simple hospital style bathroom attached to the room. I lift the dress up and pull down my panties and reached for my penis and missed before I remembered I did not have one anymore. I was going to have to retrain myself about going to the restroom. I turned around and my panties further down my legs. I then sat down on the toilet. I heard a hiss as I relieved myself for the first time as a girl. Tears began to fall from my face again. I take some toilet paper and wipe my new pussy dry. I pull my panties pack up and pull the dress back down. I go out into the room where my 'parents' were waiting. They were looking at a smart phone. I realized it was showing the bathroom. "This is good. I know several people who will pay good money for these shots." "What?!" I cried out in my new feminine voice. "That is right dear. We take videos of you having sex and doing various things and sell them on the web for extra money." "That's child pornography!" I exclaimed. They just looked at me and laughed. "We made lots of money on the girl you replaced. You have cost us over one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. And we are going to get our money's worth." Hailey never said anything about them making kiddy porn of her. I was now white with fright. "Put your shoes on, we need to go," my new 'mother' instructed me. I grab the shoes. I can tell they were filming me as I bent over to pick up the pumps. "Nice pantie shot you got there," my 'new father' said laughing. I could feel my cheeks turn red. I had forgotten I was wearing a very short dress, if I bent over my panties would be on display. I would have to be more mindful of that in the future. "I know I need to teach her how to be a girl," my new 'mother' said smiling. I sit down on the bed an put the pumps on. I stood up and started walking but started stumbling. "Looks like someone hasn't worn heels before," my new' mother said laughing. They let me walk around the room some more to get steady on my feet before leading me out of the room. We go down a short hallway that doesn't look like a hospital. There were several rooms on both sides of the hallway and at the other end of the hallway, but the doors are closed so I was unable to see what was in them. I saw what looked like a cross between a hospitals nurse's station and a prison's security station. There was a nurse there; there were video of several rooms including the one I had just left. I saw a Caucasian boy about my age with brown lying unconscious in one room. He was completely naked with a bandage on his groin and lower abdomen. I realize that he has just had a sex change operation like I had. I then notice small breast developing on his chest. We take a flight of stairs up to what looks like someone's home. We exit through the front door without seeing anyone else. I was led to the garden behind the club house. There near a marker my kidnappers showed me where the body of my predecessor was buried. I was told there were other bodies around the grounds. I could see another building nearby. I was told that was one of the brothels with girls like me and real girls are being kept. We get into a car with Virginia State license plates. We drove for about thirty minutes before turning into a northern Virginia suburban DC house. I see a girl about my age across the street but don't get a good look at her. I am then lead to what will now be my room. I looked around the room that was now mine. I was trapped, in a body that was radically different than the one I had known the last fifteen years, in a different town in a different state. The bedroom was extremely feminine. There were various pictures of boy bands and other things that one would see in a teen girl's room. The comforter and the pillows were pink and fluffy and frilly. There was a light purple rug next to the bed and vanity. I walk towards the closet and stop and look in the vanity mirror. The image I saw was completely different, what I saw was that of a teen girl. My image was that of a gorgeous Asian teen girl. My face is angelic with large puffy lips, large eyes, high cheeks, and a heart shaped face. My once Caucasian face was now largely Asian with almond eyes and a single eyelid crease. My long black hair hangs past my breast. My hour glass figure was flawless. My large breasts stuck out from my chest and jiggled whenever I moved. My waist is very narrow, Hulk Hogan would be able to put his hand around my waist and touch his fingers together. My heart shaped rear end and wide hips would make any girl jealous and give any man a hard-on. The dress I was wearing hugged and covered my new body but concealed nothing except for the emptiness that now existed between my legs. My arms and legs are no more than twigs compared to what they were before; they would look perfect on any slender teenage girl. I was sure any man or teen boy would be able to overpower me easily. Now I was the teenage girl. I am sure I lost a couple of inches in height for some reason. I was about five foot seven before, now I feel I am closer to five foot four. I continue to the closet and look in. Nothing but dresses tops and skirts in the most feminine and sexy designs I can imagine. In the dresser, I found the sexiest lingerie. The top drawers full of bras and panties in my size. Another drawer had nothing but the sexiest baby- dolls with matching gown that would hide nothing, and sleepshirts I ever saw. Not even my thirteen year old sister wore anything like this. A found a drawer of sports bras and sexy workout clothes. As I dug deeper I found that there was not a pair of pants or shorts to be found, not even for sleeping. The only shorts I found were bike shorts that would do nothing but advertise my new female status. I would have to wear a skirt every day. Probably so my captors and their friend would have less clothing to mess with when they wanted to fuck me. I did find a diary of sorts and began to read it. Then it dawned on me, this is the diary of the "girl" I had replaced. I was told what happened to her and why I was replacing her. It began much like I am now but was from a year ago. I read the previous Hailey's diary from the start. It details the horrible experiences she had to endure and how she gave up and how I gave her new hope. I did this. I got her killed. I got myself into this; I got myself turned into her as her replacement. I put down the diary. I knew what they did to James/Hailey. They killed her and transplanted her uterus and ovaries into me. Tears are streaming down my cheeks. I made a vow then and there that I would make them pay and get back to my family. I would need a plan to bring them down and their friends in Tucson for what they did to the previous Hailey/James, Jenny (or whoever she was before), and me. I would have to be smart as I knew they would be monitoring my room. I could see one camera already always watching. I might be a girl for the rest of my life. I might have to have sex with boys, but I would not be broken. Once I am free, I would make sure they couldn't do this to anyone anymore. I find a new smart phone. I am tempted to call the police right then, but realize that without proof of what happen. I realize that without proof they would turn me back over to my kidnappers and I would only wind up being punished like they did the previous Hailey. I look at the date, it was July 8. It has been nearly three months since I was kidnapped. My birthday was in two and a half months. And school would most likely start in a month. I realize I am starving. I haven't eaten solid food since I was kidnapped. I head for the kitchen. I open the pantry and see some snack food. "Stop!" I heard a commanding woman's voice. "You need to watch your figure; we didn't spend tens of thousands of dollars on that figure just so you could blow it on junk food. We are eating in two hours; you will just have to wait. Go back to your room and why don't you try on some of your new clothes or practice putting on makeup or you will be punished." "I'm hungry and I have actually eaten anything in three months." "Go to your room. In fact, I want your face all made up and nice for dinner young lady. GO!" she commanded. "Or you will feel what the implant can do." I felt defeated and head back up to my room. I could feel and hear the rumblings of my very empty stomach. I sat down at the vanity in my room and look at the various cosmetics. I look in the mirror. I notice for the first time that my ears have been pieced again. I had my ears pierced once in each ear, but now I could distinctly see two more piercings in each ear. I look back at the various cosmetics. I have no idea where to begin. I see a small tube from Cover Girl with 'foundation' on it. I look it over before opening it. I dab a little on my finger. It looks like it matches my skin tone. I start to dab a little at various points on my face before spreading it out and around my face. I take a cheek blusher and put some on my cheeks. Next, I put some light eye shadow on my eyelids. I look back in the mirror and it looks like I don't have any idea what I am doing. I take some eye liner and try to outline my eyes, but it looks really bad. I then take some lip balm and apply it to my lips. I look back into the mirror, my makeup looks bad. So I go to the bathroom and try to wash my face. It still looks like I have makeup on so I look and see some makeup remover on the counter. After I clean my face I return to the vanity and return to practicing putting on makeup. I concentrate on the eye makeup since it was the worst. After an hour and a half, I am still no better and my arms are tired. Chapter 3- Meeting Martin My door opens and my new 'mother' enters. I had not cleaned my face from the last time I had put on the makeup. She leads me to the bathroom where she cleans the makeup off my face. She then takes me back to the vanity and sits me down. I look in the mirror at her and I can tell she is angry at me. She then begins to apply makeup to my face. I sit passively as she does so. When she is done I look a little trashy, and a little older than I am. She then leads me back down stairs. When I get there I see a man I had never met before. He is an older man with slightly graying hair. He is wearing and expensive blue business suit. "Well this must be the 'new' Hailey," he says smiling at me. "I'm Martin Patterson. I am your new uncle." I instantly get a bad feeling about this man and the way he is looking at me. His eyes look me over, especially my breast and rear end. It was then I remember his name from the previous Hailey's diary. This man raped her. "She turned out wonderful didn't she," Martin said excitedly. "Simply fantastic. turn around for me." I reluctantly spin around in place. I nearly stumble in my heels. "Very lovely," Martin says. "The feminizing hormones have definitely done their work." He then grabs my breast. I stand there with wide eyes as a man gropes my new breast. "Very nice. All natural, all you," he tells me. "Hailey, come sit down," my 'mother' said. She had me sit down next to Martin. I cross my legs as I have seen girls do before to keep him from getting to my new pussy. He puts his hand on my thigh after he sits down. "Please stop," I tell him. I try to keep his hand away, but he full on slaps my face. I fall out of the chair. I land unceremoniously between my chair and my 'father's' chair. I instantly start crawling away from the table and my kidnappers. I feel my breasts shake as I did so. I stop when my back hits the wall. My face is read and tears start to stream down my face. "Don't ruin your makeup, girl," my 'mother' said angrily. "You need to start learning your place and to enjoy being a girl if you are to live as one. And Martin here is going to make sure you start to make sure you enjoy being a woman." I had never been hit like that before. I knew what was in store for me and did not want any part of it, especially my first day as a girl. I bet they were going to film the entire thing and sell it to their friends and customers for money. I look down at the breast hanging from my chest, encased in my bra, farther down I see my narrow waist and wide seductive hips. My dress hugs and accentuated my curves. I notice that my legs were open giving everyone a good view of my now flat crotch. My panties giving a hint of a camel toe in front. I stand up and started to go to my room, but was stopped by my 'father.' "Sit down, or you will make this harder on yourself." I reluctantly sat down. Martin then proceeded to grab my thigh. Before I can cross my legs, Martin reaches further up my dress. He pulls my chair closer to his and reaches around my back and begins to massage my breast. It felt good for him to massage my breast. But I still resisted him trying to touch my crotch by putting my hand between him and my panties; I was slapped again for my trouble. More tears started to form in my eyes. "We have other means to ensure your cooperation slut," Martin told me. "Would you like to experience it now?" "No sir," I squeak out quietly. I then noticed that there was another place set besides mine, my parents and Martin's on the other side of me. "Oh he said he would be late and to start without him," Martin said to me. "He will be enjoying your company tonight as well." Oh no, I thought, my first day as a girl and I am going to be raped by two grown men. My 'mother' brought in dinner and we began to eat. I was given only a small portion of what I use to eat, to "keep my figure." Halfway through dinner there was a knock on the door. I was then introduced to Lee. He was a tall Asian man with black hair and thin built. He had a Chinese accent. He was dressed more casually. "Welcome Lee," my 'father' said, "Any news from The Society Council?" "Yes, the Council has approved your petition. You will be given the resources to being within starting up in two weeks. Well let me get a good look at the 'new' Hailey," Lee said, "Stand up and turn for me." I reluctantly stand up and turn around while he looked over my body like a butcher over a steak. He grabbed my ass and my breast. He put his hands all over my feminized body, before reaching up my skirt and massaging my new pussy. Not wanting be hit again I did nothing and let him do what he wanted. "I bet you like that, you're getting wet like any other girl when I do that. Your vagina is just begging to be filled by my hard cock." "I guess," I replied. "Excuse me I need to use the little girl's room." I went to the powder room. After I close the door I look in the mirror. My mascara was running from crying earlier. Tears were falling from my eyes. I lean against the wall and slide down it until I am in a fetal position. I was going to have to be fucked by these two men tonight. The thought terrified me. I use to do anything to get into a girl's panties and now I was the girl in panties. In despair, I pull at my long hair but I only felt pain; the same with my breast. Neither is going anywhere anytime soon. I stand up. I pull my dress up and pull my panties down. I sit down on the toilet and look down at my new pussy. I was a girl now whether I liked it or not; whether I wanted to be or not; and I was going to be raped tonight. Tears were still falling from my cheeks. Somehow I was going to have to get out of here with evidence of what this "Society" was doing to people. I knew that my parents, my real parents had put my siblings and my finger prints and DNA into a database for children several times when I was younger. It was something my kidnappers didn't know about. I had the previous Hailey's diary. I was going to have to get word to my parents somehow. I would be allowed to go to school. James did not have family to go back to, but I do. I would have to find some way to convince them I was Dylan and what happened to me was real. I figured that the night would be recorded for their sick customers, so I came up with a plan to preserve as much evidence as I could and make worthwhile the rape, torture and pain I would experience. I wiped my vagina dry. I pulled up my panties and pulled my dress down. I exited the powder room, and went back to the dining room. Both men were still there with my 'parents.' They were obviously waiting for me to return. I had not even finished my meager meal when I was taken back to my room where my makeup was repaired. I was then lead back to the living room. I felt nervous as I knew what was about to happen. The feeling of emptiness between my legs where my cock was and my vagina now resided and my breasts encased with in my bra and sexy dress only made me feel even more aware of my situation and what was to come. "Listen Hailey," my 'father' said began. "This is what is happening. You are now Hailey. You are a female now and for the rest of your life. You will never have a penis again. There is no going back to being a boy. You will never be a man. "Your breasts are real. Our organization has created a series of hormones that will feminize any male in two and a half months. With surgery to create a vagina, it will feminize any male and turn him into an ideal female body. As you can see from your body, it gives very excellent results. It virtually erases your body's ability to absorb testosterone beyond what your new ovaries produce. Even if you were to start taking testosterone again, it would do nothing to your body. On naturally born girls, it helps increase the physical attractiveness of the subject. On males, it causes breast growth, narrows the waist, and widens the hips like any other girl during puberty. It gives males birthing hips. It also decreases muscle mass and limits how much muscle mass you can develop. It also decreases a subject's height by several inches. We have several different strengths. The biggest difference is the size of the breast and hips. You were given the second weakest strength. As you may know even with that, you are now a C-cup. Your breasts are every bit real as any other girl. The hormones also cause rapid growth of the hair on your head. Before you were awakened, your hair was cut and styles. "To finish your conversion your vocal cords were augmented to give you a girlish voice. You were given a sex change operation. While most sex changes in the world and in our own organization are basic inversion of the penis, you were given a uterus and ovary transplant with natural vaginal tissue. We have a special procedure that will prevent your body from rejecting the organs and other tissue. In a few weeks you will have your first period. You also had extensive plastic surgery on you face to give you the appearance of our Hailey if she was still alive. Your body was fully feminized within three weeks due to surgery and hormones. The remainder of the time you spent unconscious was to allow your body to heal from the surgeries along with some other chemicals to for your new life. "It is now impossible for you to ever pass as a boy again. Everyone will always look at you and see a girl. Even if you dressed in boy's clothes, you would never pass as one. You are female in every way possible. That is your life now; as a girl. As we told you earlier, the only reason you are still alive is that my wife and I want grandchildren. We cannot have children any longer and we only had our daughter, Hailey. Unfortunately she died. So we needed a replacement for her to have our grandchildren. Once you have provided us with grandchildren and we have recouped out cost for you and your predecessor, you will be sent to a brothel somewhere in the world. "In order for us to recoup our cost, we will be selling videos of you on the web, changing clothes, having sex, or whatever we want or can sell. We will invite clients for you to pleasure and special parties. This is your second purpose is as our sex slave. If there is anything video or image of you we can use to make money we will use at our discretion. Do not try to destroy or block the cameras. You will be punished if you do." "Don't think about escaping or even plotting of escaping. Every room has surveillance cameras that record everything in this house, including in your room and all the bathrooms. . No one will ever believe that you were a white boy. Don't think of trying to contact your family. If you try to, we will kill your parents and sell you siblings. You brother will end up like you, a whore with big tits, and a vagina. Both your sister and your former brother will end up in brothels in some third world city where no one speaks English. You, if you have not given us a grandchild will be put in a brothel until you do. While in a brothel you will be locked in a room with a bed bathroom, and some clothes. You will only see clients and the ones who will bring you food and supplies. Then you will be killed. "Let's not delude ourselves, we don't care about you or if you live or die. All we care about is getting our grandchildren. To this end you will have sex as much as possible. But to ensure that no one looks too close out our family and organization we need you to be as normal a teenage girl as possible until you become pregnant and deliver a healthy baby. You will go to school like you predecessor to maintain appearances. If any boy in school or any man you meet on the street want to fuck you; you will let them fuck you." "In order for you to become more comfortable with your new body, sex, and life as a teen girl," my 'mother' said, we have invited our friends Martin and Lee introduce you to female sexuality. We don't care if you want to have sex or not. It will happen. If you refuse any boy who wants to have sex with you and we find out; you will be punished. I'm sure you have read your predecessor's diary so you know what happened when she refused to have sex with a boy. We have decided to do this with you now instead of waiting like we did with her." "But before we get to that," she continued. "I want you to experience some of the punishment you will experience if you do anything stupid like disobey us. You see while you were being converted, we installed a special device inside your abdomen. It acts as a homing beacon should you ever try to run from us. All of The Societies sex slaves, like you, are implanted with one. They are recharged through induction so we won't have to surgically go in and change a battery. But even then the battery is very long lasting. And it can do this." She took out her phone and opened an app. With the push of a button I was hit with waves of pain radiating from my stomach and back. I scream out in pain. I never felt pain like this before. I had been kicked in the balls before but this was worse. My legs would no longer support my weight and I dropped to the floor and grabbed my stomach and back. My insides felt like they were in a meat grinder. I feel totally powerless as they watch me writhe in pain on the floor; unable to do anything to stop the pain. My inside felt like they were being tied into knots. I was left like this for several minutes before the pain stopped. I was panting too afraid to move. After a few seconds she spoke again. "Now, go upstairs to your room and wait for Martin and Lee to come up there." I reluctantly pulled myself off the floor but fell down again. I eventually crawled my way to the stairs and went up to my room. My legs were still shaky from the ordeal I just experienced. I now knew why the last Hailey was so afraid of them. The pain I felt just now was not something I wanted to repeat. I will admit that the remote control agony implant is an effective tool. I was effectively helpless to them while it was inside of me. They would be able to inflict that kind of pain anytime they wanted for any reason. Plus it was impossible for me to get to, remove or deactivate. Five minutes later I still feel the after effects of my first encounter with my internal agony implant. I decided to try and look for the cameras that I knew were there. I looked in all the obvious places but then felt I needed to pee again from nerves. I went to the bathroom and lifted up my dress and sat down. After I was done I cleaned up and went back to my room. I took the new cell phone I had been given to me for my new identity, went back to the bathroom and went into the shower, I was sure there was no camera inside the shower, and turned on the camera. Chapter 4 - New Horrors "Hello, I am Dylan Anderson. I am fifteen years old. I was a Caucasian boy but I was kidnapped and surgically turned into an Asian girl complete with boobs and a vagina. I woke up earlier today looking like this and my kidnappers have invited over two middle aged men are about to force me to have sex with them. I don't want to do this. They have implanted a device which can cause excruciating pain somewhere in my abdomen. I have no choice but to do what they want." "Hailey," I hear from my bedroom. "Get out here you slut." I exit the bathroom. I leave the phone on the dresser where the camera could get a good view of what is about to happen. There, standing at the door to my room is Martin, Lee and my 'parents.' Martin takes my hand and leads me to the bed. He fondles my breasts and kisses me. I pull back but he grabs me and holds firm. "No. please don't. I don't want to do this," I plead with him as I begin to cry. I mean it but I say it for the camera. He continues to kiss me and massage my breast with one hand while he begins to take my clothes off with the other. "No. Stop. Don't," I plead with him. No matter what I say he doesn't stop. "You know Hailey," Martin says. "In the American division of the Society, I get first dibs on all converted girls like you. So I get to go all over the county and I get to break them in It is a perk of my position. And your owners have decided to invite me to break YOU in, just like your predecessor." I let out some more moans of pleasure as my body began to betray my mind. I was unable to resist the sexual feelings that were coming from my body. "No. Stop. Don't. I don't want to do this." Martin then pulls my dress off me leaving my dress wrapped around my narrow waist. He then removes my bra and panties tossing them across the room. I am now naked for their perverts pleasure. He then begins to take his clothes off as I scramble away from him to the other side of the full size bed. I try to cover my boobs with one arm and hand and cover my pussy with the other hand. I get off the bed only to find Lee at my side and he tosses me back onto the bed. Martin is now naked and I can see his hard cock ready to penetrate me. For my trouble I am hit waves of pain from my implant for a minute. I see my 'mother' holding her phone with anger in her eyes. "Please," I plead with him, knowing it won't do any good. Lee holds me down while Martin opens my legs. He rapes me. I suddenly opened my mouth and bit Martin on the nose. Martin then punched me in the stomach knocking the air out of me. He then smacks me on the face and my head hit the headboard. "You want to fucking die you bitch. The next time you do that to anyone in The Society, you will wish you were dead. I will take you to the worse brothel we have and make you the star attraction. You will be fucked by so many dirty men, and shot up with so many drugs, what is left of your male mind will wish you were dead or you will forget you were ever a boy." He then continues to rape me, harder this time. After he finishes, he hits me again a several times making me see stars. "We will be doing this again." he tells me. "and next time you had better behave." I am hit with pain again and my implant is left on for several minutes. The pain was worse than last time. I nearly pass out. All I can do is scream and writhe on my bed. "This is for biting me you bitch." I scream and plead for him to stop. He turns up the dial and the pain only increases." When Martin finally turns off the implant, I look at him and see the devilish grin on his face. I knew he was enjoying torturing me. Lee the gets on top me. "If you even think of biting me you will regret it. Martin is the nicer one of the two of us." I start to cry more as he rapes me. He was even more violent than Martin. After several minutes he finishes inside me. He then gets up and goes to the bathroom to clean up. I look over and see my 'parents' looking on. My father then began to undress. "No, please don't do this. Please stop," I plead shaking my head. "You know, I never did this with your predecessors. She reminded me too much of my daughter. But you, you may look like her, but you are not her." He grabbed me and unceremoniously thrust his hard cock into me. He began to rape me as roughly as Lee. After several minutes he pulls out and then makes me give him a blow-job He then get off me and Martin is on me again. Martin takes the panties I had on and wipes my pussy of the cum that is leaking out of me. My 'mother' comes over to me. "You were a bad girl biting our friend like that." She takes the remote and then hits the button. Once again I am hit with waves of pain that go on for several minutes before it stops. I nearly pass out from the pain again. "Ready for round two?" Martin askes before I have even stopped jerking from the punishment. Martin then lays on his back and then rapes me again. The other two men each rapes me again before forcing me to give them each a blowjob. Afterwards, I was left alone in my room. I just crawled into a small corner and cried. I didn't care that I was practically naked with only my dress still around my waste. I had just been raped by three men who each raped me three each. I had been smacked across the bed for trying to fight back and they threatened to kill me or at least dump me in some third world brothel with no hope of ever getting out. I wanted out of the house and back to my old life. After a while, I looked down at my large breast and pussy and realized my old life as it was gone forever. Even if I got away from these people, I would still be a girl for the rest of my life. I got up and went to get my phone. It was till recording. I switched the camera to the rear facing camera and went to the shower. I pulled the dress all the way off leaving me completely naked. My breasts constantly jiggling with every move I make. I sit in one corner. "That was worse that I feared. Even my 'father' raped me. I was smacked around and I was shocked by the implant when I fought back. This is what they did to my body" I move the camera to record every mark and blemish I could find and then recorded my raw pussy. It looked like part of the opening had torn while I was being raped and there was a little blood coming from there. I took some still photos. I then get some tissue from the counter and clean out as much of the cum from my vagina as I can. I then set it aside but don't throw it in the trash. I take a nail file and scrape under my fingernails to get some of the skin from when I scratched them while they were raping me. I fold up the tissues and put them in a drawer while I toss others in the trash. I then take a shower. The water feels good on my smooth skin. The water gently massages my breast when they are in the stream. I just stand there soaking in the water and I begin to cry again. I don't know why I am crying so much, but it may be the female hormones now flowing through my body, constantly feminizing my once masculine body and mind. After a while I turn the water off and grab a towel. I dry off and then wrap it around my body covering my breast and hips like I have seen girls do in real life and on TV and films. I go back to my room and see the drying cum on my bed. I suddenly start crying again. I lean against the wall and slide down the wall to sit on the floor again. After this crying fit I look down and see my pussy was red and somewhat raw. There was still a little blood coming from it. I look at the windows and it looked like it was now dark. I grab my phone again and go take more pictures of my body. More bruises were developing. I go back to my room and get a pair of panties out of the dresser and the longest baby-doll I could find. I find some panty liners and put one inside my panties to catch what blood is coming from my torn vagina. The baby-doll was rather sexy, with spaghetti straps and from below the bust to the bottom of the hem showing my panties through the thin transparent material. But at this point my experience as a girl I didn?t care how feminine or sexy it was. I could hear my ?parents? moving around in their room down the hall. I sneak out into the hall to be able to hear them better. They were talking about how much money the video of me being raped tonight would make them. I sneak down to the kitchen and grab some fruit from the counter. I make it back to my room and eat the bananas and apples I got from the kitchen. I look over at the computer. I had not looked at it since I got here. I thought about getting dressed in something right now and running away and going to the police. The video of me being raped on the phone would be enough to get them arrested, but it wouldn?t be enough to prove I was kidnaped. I needed more. I needed more to get them and their friends. Even if I did no one would believe I had been given a sex change without my permission and I would end up in foster care or worse, their sick friends who would continue to use and abuse me. I went to the computer and started it up. There was a note with the password for the Hailey account. I put it in and then go online. From the phone I had learned I had been kept unconscious for about three months. It was now mid-July and the summer was nearly over. School would start in a couple of weeks. I would be going to school with guys like I used to be. I was a walking teenage wet dream and most of the boys would want to get into my panties now. I knew I would be punished if I refused to have sex and they found out. Looking like I do it would not be long before I was asked out on a date by a boy. I began by going online and looking at the Philadelphia papers in April after I was taken. There were news articles of my disappearance of how my parents were looking for me. The police believed foul play was involved and the FBI had been brought in. My kidnappers did not know I was very good at coding, so I started to look through the computer and their network. There were several computers on their network one looked promising for where they kept all their dirty videos and pictures. I would have to find that. It was firewalled even from inside the network so I would have to hack into it if I couldn?t find it. It would not be impossible but would take time. I also had no idea how much information they kept on it. I then created several hidden folders on the hard drive of the laptop I was given. I then uploaded the video of my rape and the pictures I took in one of them. I then opened a word document and then began to write about the details of my kidnapping and rape. By the time it was done it was quiet in the house. I felt relieved to have written it down. I found an empty journal and also wrote down what happened during my kidnapping and rape. My kidnappers had apparently gone to bed. I snuck back down to the kitchen and grabbed a couple of Ziploc bags and took them back up to my room. I took my soiled panties with the dries cum and put them into one of them. I took the tissues placed it them into another one. I then put the date on them in permanent marker. I then hid them. I put the dress and bra in the clothes hamper before going to bed. I figure I could do my own laundry so they would not notice there were fewer panties than there should be. I cried myself to sleep and did not sleep peacefully. I had dreams of being raped. of My ?parents taking a knife and cutting my penis off and laughing at me. Chapter 5 ? Meeting Julie and first client The next day I woke with the sun shining in my bedroom window. At first before I opened my eyes I thought what happened yesterday was just some horrible nightmare. I turned on my side and felt my breasts shift. My eyes shot open to reveal my ?new? room. It wasn?t a nightmare. It had happened. Everything that happened to me yesterday came back to me. I started sobbing. I dried the tears and put on a matching robe to my babydoll. I then went downstairs. I couldn?t find my ?parents.? I go to their room and look around for them but still couldn?t find them. I decided to get some breakfast. I found some decent cereal. I finished breakfast and found a note on the counter. "Hailey, practice your makeup. We will be looking in on you from time to time. If you try to do anything you will be severely punished. Yesterday would be a dream vacation compared to what will happen to you, especially if you try to escape. And remember what we told you would happen if you should try and contact your family." I decide to go get dressed and then look around the house. I go back to my room and look through the closet. My male mind was still reeling at suddenly becoming female. There was nothing to wear but very feminine and sexy girl clothes. I decide on a flowy pink knee length A-line skirt and a white peasant top. I grab a nude color bra and matching panty. After I change I find a pair of white two inch pumps. I decide I might as well practice wearing heels more. I look around the house. It was well furnished for a well to do family. I wonder how long it has been since they moved into it. I look around the back yard. It was sunny today and the air was cool. I knew I was in a Northern Virginia suburb of Washington, DC. I wonder into the backyard was elegantly designed with plants that can handle the humid summer climate. I must have lost track of time because the next thing I know I am doubled over in pain from the implant. It was not as bad as last night, but it was enough to get my attention. After the implant was turned off I went back to my room. I found a text message on the phone. "Say inside the house, and practice you makeup. Go outside again and you will be shocked into unconsciousness." I made notes of the cameras I could find. I still had a hard time finding the one in my room and bathroom. I go back and pretend to look at myself in the full length mirror with a few dresses I grabbed from the closet. I find the two cameras in my room. I then take the dresses back to the closet and go to the bathroom. I look in the various drawers and cabinets. I find tampons and pads for the period I will have all too soon enough. I try out the various skin care products on the counter and drawers as I look around for the camera. I finish in the bathroom and then go to the vanity. I decide to practice putting on makeup as I plan my next moves. I am going to need to download somethings from the internet to hack into the computer. I know of several hacking programs that could hack into it but it would take time. After an hour of practicing putting on makeup, I go online and download the hacking program. I erase the browsing history and the download history. I then set up the program in a hidden folder. I then set it to work on the computer. I was hungry again so I went down to the kitchen and grabbed some soup. I ate a light lunch so I would not be yelled or punished at for ruining my figure. I went back to the computer and saw that it would take three months at least for the program to hack into the computer. It was a specially designed program that examined the data coming to and from it to develop the cypher to get past the firewall and security. It takes time but it always works. It appeared I have time, since I didn?t find the computer on my first pass through the house. I decide to go back to practicing putting on makeup. After another hour, I was beginning to develop some skill at it. I take another break and go wandering the house. I was in the living room when I notice several boys coming out of the house across the street who were my age. I hide from them so they wouldn?t see me. I had no interest in dealing with boys right now, much less a day after I was raped. I find a door I hadn?t seen before. It leads to an office where there was a home server. That must be the computer. It was password protected of course. I leave the office and go back to my room. I look in the mirror at the face that was now mine. There were bruises I hadn?t noticed before from Martin hitting me. My kidnapper/?parent?s came back while I was practicing putting on makeup. "Hailey, there is a boy who live across the street. Why don?t you go introduce yourself," my ?mother? told me. "Tomorrow?" I asked. "There are bruises from Martin hitting me and I am not able to cover them well yet." "Fine. Tomorrow," she said, "Use concealer before foundation." I am then led to the office where I am forced to watch my own rape from last night. I cry during the entire thing. I feel like was happening again. The next day, Saturday, I got up and checked on the hacking programs. The computer was still months away. I get out of the bathroom and my ?mother? has a little floral blue sun dress and lingerie laid out on my bed. I am nervous about taking the towel hiding my new body from the woman who had helped created, even though she saw it the other day. I put on the matching white thong and push-up bra. The thong felt very uncomfortable, and rode up my butt. I wondered why I needed a push-up bra with C-cup breast. The bra hurt my breasts, and pushed them up even farther and enhanced my cleavage. I complain about the bra but am told to just get used to it. I put the dress on. The hem falls in the middle of my thigh. The skirt if flowy and even a light breeze would bow it up revealing my thong and ass. The neckline dips low enough to show my bountiful breast and cleavage. She then leads me to the vanity. She then teaches me to use more of the makeup, including concealer. When she is done, I can no longer see the light bruises. She then takes out several pieces of jewelry, including several pairs of earrings and puts them in my ears and a necklace. She then takes some perfume and squirts some on various places on my body. "Now go introduce yourself to that boy across the street," she commands me. "Yes ma?am." I replied. I grab a pair of navy ballet flats from the closet and put them on. I grab a black hand bag I was told to prepare for outings and head for the door. I begin to wonder how often I will be required to have sex. It was only my third day as a girl and I am being forced to go across the street and have sex with some strange boy. "If you think of doing anything stupid," my ?father? said, you will be severely punished." "I know." I leave the house and walk down the path heading to the road. I nervously look both ways for traffic and to work up my nerves. A light gust of hot wind blows my skirt up a little. I use my hands to keep it from show the neighborhood my panties. I was sure that they were watching me but I ignored them. Since the other day when I woke up like this, I had only interacted with my kidnappers and their two friends, all who know what has happened to me. I then walked across the street to the house I had seen the boys coming from yesterday. I walked up to the door and knocked. A teenage girl opened the door. She was the girl I had seen the other day about my age. She was very pretty. Her breasts were not as big as mine, but here figure was still gorgeous. Her dirty blond hair was pulled up on top of her head. She was wearing yoga pants and a tank top and some fuzzy bear slippers. "OH hi, you must be the new girl from across the street. I saw you going in the other day but I was busy yesterday so I didn?t have a chance to meet you. My name is Julie. Come on in." "I?m Hailey." Introducing myself to her. My heart and nerves jumped up a notched. She led me inside. I noticed several photos of the family members. I noticed one of her with five other girls all wearing cheerleader uniforms. She noticed me looking at them. "That is my mom and step dad and my twin brother. He?s a jerk, stay away from him. All he cares about is getting inside a girl?s panties." "I know the type, there was several at my old school," I told her. I left out that I was a boy like that until recently. "Lucky for you he is staying over his friend?s house for the weekend." My nerves and heart relaxed a lot knowing that he was gone for the weekend. My kidnappers never told me what to do if he wasn?t here. And I did not ask. Julie leads me to her room upstairs. It was very feminine and purple. "If you can?t tell, my favorite color is purple." She tells me. "So tell me where are you from." "I just moved here from Philadelphia. My dad got a transfer." "You have many friends back in Philly, boyfriend perhaps?" "A few. A few people started rumors back there, mostly that I was an easy lay. You get the idea," I tell her. "I am partially glad to be away from there." It was the truth. I didn?t know how they would react to me if I came back looking like this. "Oh and I don?t have a boyfriend I left." "I have lots of friends. I am the captain of the JV Cheerleading Squad. We just got back from cheer camp last week. She points to the picture of her and several other girls in cheerleader outfits. "Where you ever a cheerleader?" "Back in middle school in when I was in California. I don?t really remember many routines though. I moved around a bit the last two years and haven?t been able to join another team," I lied. My sister is a cheerleader in middle school. I had seen pictures of the real Hailey in a cheerleader uniform, including one picture in my room. "I was on the Volleyball and track teams in Philly," I lied again. I didn?t participate in anything at school. "A couple of girls left the squads over the summer after the spring auditions. You should definitely try out. And our volleyball teams is quite good, I bet you would fit right in there." I suddenly realized I had just set myself up for not only joining the volleyball team at school but to do the most girly thing in school, cheerleading. "I don?t remember many cheers." The thought of being a cheerleader actually frightened me. Standing in front of the school body wearing a tiny skirt and stop waving pompoms is enough to frighten most boys. "Don?t worry," Julie said, "My friends and I can teach you. You are really pretty and I just bet you would be very popular, especially with

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Replacement Ch 01

Merle shivered a moment, feeling the tension build up inside her. She looked down at the pretty but uncomfortable dress she was wearing, wondering if she really looked as beautiful as that strange servant said she looked. Tera opened the door in front of her and stood beside it. ‘After you, Mistress.’ Merle nodded and gave her a weak smile. She stepped through the door and looked around the dining room. The walls were panelled with wood and a few paintings hung between the thickly curtained...

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Big Tits his wife and daughter

A while back, because I lost my job, can not find a job, so you want her to to do pantry maintain in a small restaurant. Although my wife faces of ordinary, but the figure is not got a pair of large white milk, Buttocks, waist and, of course, wine at home who crude Han Meng drooling, her work every day are like prostitutes, they casually eat tofu .Most powerful chef Lao Zhu and clean Zhong bro, two are five, six years old, speak quite nasty, which originally only give them to touch the breast,...

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Wicked Wife Sleeping Daughter

The bathroom door opened right as I reached for the doorknob. I froze. A cloud of steam washed over me as my eighteen-year-old daughter stepped out, still damp from her shower, her brassy hair wrapped up by one towel, another towel wrapped about her budding body. I blinked at the sight of her swelling cleavage and then noticed how sleek her legs were.They glistened.The towel hardly fell down low enough to cover her rear. Up until that moment, I had seen Tiffany only as my daughter. Now she...

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How My Friend Stole My Wife And Daughter

My name is Rob and I am 40 year old typical average man, I have my own house, married to a beautiful wife and have an equally beautiful teenage daughter. This is a story about what happened one fateful night to both of them and how it nearly destroyed my life. It was Friday night and I was having my monthly poker game tonight with several of my buddies. We were all typical middle married guys all except for Frank. Frank was almost 50 years old and a friend from work, he never married and...

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My Sweet and Sexy Daughter

This is merely a fantasy. I have been married to my wife for 25 years. She was my high school sweetheart and is the mother of my children. We have 2 together.Mark, our oldest is 20 and has moved away to go to school on a lacrosse scholarship. Bethany is 18 and getting ready to graduate from high school. She will be attending a university in the fall on a soccer scholarship. I am very proud of my kids and what they are turning out to be. Bethany started developing at younger age. She was in...

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Mommys Hypnotic Discipline Chapter 1 Hypnotized Daddy Spanks His Daughter

Chapter One: Hypnotized Daddy Spanks His Daughter By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Anna Miller “Valerie!” I roared when I walked into the disaster of my kitchen. Flour covered one counter and spilled over the floor. My induction stove, set on the island counter, had something burned and crusted to the glass surface. Eggshells were scattered over another counter, the milk was left out, and the sink was full of dishes. “Valerie, where are...

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Weekend Daughter

Weekend Daughter By Pamela ([email protected]) My mother, may she rest in peace, was a very beautiful woman. She had done some modeling and been in some theater productions and even a couple of movies, but then she decided she wanted a quieter life. She met and married my dad and had me, Greg, a son. Unfortunately, my dad was a philanderer and when I was about 5 he left to never be heard from again. Though, many years later, I did receive a small inheritance from him after he...

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Dads MindControlled Daughters Chapter 4 Mommy Helps Her Virgin Daughter

Chapter Four: Mommy Helps Her Virgin Daughter A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2021 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! In a week my daughters had set up Best Dad's Daughter Services. “Showing young girls how to love their daddies!” Sarah set up the website, Tonya did the banner and other graphic designs, and Janelle did the marketing. I couldn't believe how excited they were for me to teach other daughters how to love their daddies, and to teach...

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Replacement Therapy Ch 01

Chapter 1: All Our Past Times There was no ‘Bernie.’ It was just a made-up name from long ago, and no one remembered its origin. ‘Backstreet Bernie’s,’ however, was a sacred watering hole for me and a number of the locals. Nick Kleinhof was bartender during most afternoons and evenings. He was also the owner, and as you soon discovered, no one … I mean no one … messed with Nick. He was built like a brick shithouse as the saying goes, and more than once I’d watched him bounce some drunken...

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Replacement Therapy Ch 05

Chapter 5: Back in the Fold Our bedroom contained a bookcase which I had only perfunctorily examined when I first moved in. Yolanda and I were lying in bed one Sunday morning, talking about her family, or more precisely, Margaret McCarty’s family. It seems they were some of the original founders of several of the towns in the area, after the gold rush of 1849. They came from the foothills of the Sierra Nevada down onto the fertile plains of the Central Valley. They farmed, they built stores...

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Super Bowl Forfeit Mother Daughter

Introduction: Continuation of Going (On My) Back to School. Cheryl, a sexy older woman again meets up with her young lover, who is now dating her daughter and brought him home with her. Her hand moved across her body, washing and caressing the soapy body wash against her skin, but soon that wasnt enough. Her nipples were hard so she pinched at one gently and teased it fully erect while her other hand moved down to her groin. It was wet from more than just the hot water from the shower spaying...

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A very precocious daughter

“You’re not going out like that?”It was a question, not a statement. At thirty-one, my daughter was too old for me to make any demands. Those days were long over. I couldn’t ground her and send her to her room, but the short skirt and precipitous cleavage brought out the old-school dad within.Belligerent as I remembered her being when she was still subject to my rules, she looked at me and said, “I am.”I was on the back foot by then. I knew I had no authority but still had to try. “That skirt’s...

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Mother and Daughter

Quick note: this is one of my darker non-consent stories. If you need a happy overall ending, you might want to read my other story in progress instead (Anya and the Fighter). *** A pair of harsh, naked bulbs lit the basement of the secluded house - no ordinary house. The owner had converted it into a dungeon of sexual perversion and hell. Small, rectangular windows were barred, letting in the eldritch light of the moon. Outside, owls called as they tracked their prey. Inside the...

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Mum like daughter

I am an extremely lucky man. I know full well that I had nothing to do with the hand of cards that life has dealt me and I am very thankful and aware of my good fortune. I was born into a middle class family and I have always been a decent looking k**. Not striking, mind you, and I did not stand out in any way by my looks, but I was what you would call a "nice looking boy" while I was growing up.I had tried the usual assortment of sports as a k**, and I did reasonably well with most of them,...

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I am an extremely lucky man. I know full well that I had nothing to do with the hand of cards that life has dealt me and I am very thankful and aware of my good fortune. I was born into a middle class family and I have always been a decent looking k**. Not striking, mind you, and I did not stand out in any way by my looks, but I was what you would call a "nice looking boy" while I was growing up.I had tried the usual assortment of sports as a k**, and I did reasonably well with most of them,...

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Dad dupes Daughter

Dad Dupes Daughter Chapter 1 "Dick, you must find a way to help me," complained Sarah to her husband. She felt she was fat and needed help to shape up. Dick was happy his plan was working. He had deliberately made comments to give her that impression, that she was fat and needed to exercise to reduce her weight. "You are not really that fat," said her husband, deliberately sounding unconvincing. "Oh yes, I am! You yourself have said that many times," insisted Sarah....

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Daughter's can be FunMy Daughter came home.We were both ready to go to the toilet by the time I pulled into our drive way, the last stop was for gas and a drink but should have been a full pit stop and it was an hour ago.It would be a race to the down stairs bathroom and Jane was on the right and closer to the door but I had the house keys. Once I unlocked the back door it would be 'all's fair in love and war', there were two ways to get to the toilet.I put the car in park and Jane opened her...

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I DIDN'T WRITE THIS BUT I RAN ACROSS IT AND WANTED TO SHARE IT......Chapter 1"Dick, you must find a way to help me," complained Sarah to her husband. She felt she was fat and needed help to shape up.Dick was happy his plan was working. He had deliberately made comments to give her that impression, that she was fat and needed to exercise to reduce her weight."You are not really that fat," said her husband, deliberately sounding unconvincing."Oh yes, I am! You yourself have said that many times,"...

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Naughty mother and daughter

Jason Howard stood near the window of his upstairs study looking out onto the patio where his eighteen-year-old daughter and her best friend lay in lounge chairs getting a suntan. The back of the house faced east and the afternoon sun hid him as he stood looking at the young girls. The blinds were adjusted down to block the sun and still give him a good view.It was a Saturday and his wife was out shopping with friends, something she did more and more these days. It was as though she valued the...

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Incestuous Tales of the Quarantine 1 Quarantined with His Nubile Daughter

Story One: Quarantined with His Nubile Daughter By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Three weeks with no women. Three weeks with my daughter stuck in my apartment thanks to the quarantine. I liked my daughter. Hell, I loved my daughter, but having Shannon stuck in the house with me for three weeks was enough to get on anyone's nerve. The only exciting place we could go was the grocery store. And you couldn't turn that into any huge amount of...

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My Baby Daughter

Chapter OneI would never admit this to my friends because I don't think any of them would understand. Oh, they most likely have the same feelings that I do; there have been many times recently when I have seen the look of intense desire and want on their faces when they looked at my daughter. But I doubt they would understand that I, her own father, was attracted sexually to her. I couldn't help it and I can't even explain why I wanted her except to say she was just so attractive that it was...

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The porn daughter

Jerry Lamont sat in the rear of the darkened club and watched his daughter perform on stage. She was naked, sandwiched between a man and a woman. The man rubbed his cock on her rump as the woman sucked her breasts. Jerry’s prick stiffened as he watched his daughter. She was in her early twenties, quite pretty, with long wispy light brown hair and gray eyes. She was big-boned and full-bodied; not chubby, just firm with a full body. She had big tits and a big ass. He stroked his crotch as...

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My Loving Daughter

I may never forget the morning when I awoke to the soft tapping of raindrops cascading off from my bedroom window. I had slept without the alarm. It was the beginning of a alarm was necessary; I wasn't expecting to go into the office. Upon hearing the raindrops, still groggy with sleep...I reached over to the left side of my bed; it was empty. The sheets were cold...the pillow was fluffed. I quickly recoiled my hand...I felt a teardrop forming; my beautiful wife JoLyn was...

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Mafia Daughter

Mafia DaughterPart 1 By AntiphasDonna Gionese was a privileged girl; the only child of Mario Gionese, a powerful crime lord whose business acumen had amassed a sizeable fortune. Looking as stunning as a fashion model with long, fawn hair coupled with piercing doe-like gray eyes, Donna had rarely given a thought about her father’s business which employed heavy handed tactics and brutality to get his way.Twenty four years old and educated at the best schools, Donna lived the kind of life the any...

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Incestuous Mind Control Explodes Chapter 2 Daddys Slutty Daughter

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Three: Daddy's Slutty Daughter By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “Alex, please, your sister is fine,” Deidre Icke said into the PA system, staring at the security feed. Her eighteen-year-old son rammed his shoulder into the metal door of the locked storage room, the makeshift jail they put him in. Everything was going wrong. Deidre Icke was entrusted with fulfilling Dr. Blavatsky's...

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Incestuous Mind Control Explodes Chapter 8 Sharing His Slutty Daughter

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Eight: Sharing His Slutty Daughter By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Deidre's mind reeled as she stared at the swollen belly of her eighteen-year-old daughter, Alexis. Cindy and Mindy's words that the two rapidly growing children inside Alexis were the true Gemini gods dazed her. That Alex and Alexis using the Halo was all part of Dr. Blavatsky's plan was such a powerful...

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Cousin Scouries Tree Hugging Daughter

Tuesday, September 5th 2007, 10:49 a.m., San Francisco, California "You better watch this boss," my secretary Patricia instructed as she walked across my office to the cabinet that held a large screen, flat panel TV. "What?" I asked as I looked up from the proposal I'd been examining. "It's also on the Internet ... the news outlets ... youtube ... I think even youporn ... I just got a call from Joyce in our PR department." "And the subject is?" I asked as I watched the TV...

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Roses Video Chapter 12 Chase Enjoys His Wife And Daughter

"Hey, Mom?" she asked, poking her head my bedroom. "Dad is in the shower, would you like to sneak in a quickie before he gets out?" I closed my eyes and bit my bottom lip for a few seconds. "Rose, there is something I need to tell you," I informed her, peeking back at her. "What, Mom?" she asked, coming in there with me. "You were walking in the hallway naked?" "I tend to get gutsy when it comes to having sex with my mom," she informed me, sitting down with me. "She is smoking...

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A tale of forbidden love between Mother and Daughter

Donna Hartley was no shrinking violet. She had the kind of job many men would have envied; she was a sports commentator for super bike racing and loved every minute of it. She presented the image of a tall confident woman in her late thirties, not frightened of the world and what it had to offer. She began commentating fifteen years ago because of her love of motorbikes coupled with her journalistic training, and now worked for the major sports station as their “star reporter” on...

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Pakistani Daughter

Ayesha was shopping locally with her mother, getting to know the new area. She hoped not to run into anyone from the new school while wearing traditional Pakistani clothes. Although, while wearing an abbaya and head scarf, there wasn't much chance she would be recognised. The clothing completely covered her, leaving just her face partially bare to the outside world. If she saw anyone she knew, the scarf could be used to cover her face. Not that it mattered much, as she hadn't started in the new...

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Roses Video Chapter 12 Chase Enjoys His Wife And Daughter

POV: Kate"Hey, Mom?" she asked, poking her head my bedroom. "Dad is in the shower, would you like to sneak in a quickie before he gets out?"I closed my eyes and bit my bottom lip for a few seconds. "Rose, there is something I need to tell you," I informed her, peeking back at her."What, Mom?" she asked, coming in there with me."You were walking in the hallway naked?""I tend to get gutsy when it comes to having sex with my mom," she informed me, sitting down with me. "She is smoking hot," she...

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Me and my daughter

I am in love with my daughter. No, not the “I am a carrying parent” version of it. We are a couple, since let me think, about six, seven years. We live together. Behave like every other couple. I am the old fart, she is young and gorgeous. It isn’t something to be proud of. You cannot tell anyone what you really are. So, how did it came to that forbidden relationship? Was it my dream to hammer my dick into my little girl? Never. But it is what I do. And I admit it, I like doing it. I like...

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Darling Daughter

Gerald Gateson found it difficult to maintain his composure on the trip to see his daughter. It seemed that his ex-wife was intent on making it more difficult as time went on. He and his ex-wife had gone through a particularly nasty divorce six months previously. Gerald lived in Los Angeles while his ex-wife had moved to Denver. Under the terms of the divorce, his ex-wife had retained custody of their sixteen-year-old daughter, and Gerald was required to pay alimony and child support, which...

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Futa Daughters Naughty Temptation 2 Mommy Tempts Her FutaDaughter

Chapter Two: Mommy Tempts Her Futa-Daughter By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! “This is very, very bad,” whimpered Grace the Futa-Angel. Her motherly face, lit by the golden halo floating above the crown of her head, twisted with concern. Her long, blonde hair spilled down her back and amid her white-feathered wings. “I'm going to be in so much trouble.” Spice had been bad. Again. Last time she had escaped, she started a century of witch hunts in...

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The Farmers Little Daughter

The Farmer’s Little Daughter Part 1 (the kitchen) There ought to be a law against a man’s adolescent young daughter growing up to be so goddamn sexy! If there was such a law, that daughter of mine would most certainly be breaking it. Why, a judge would throw the book at her, lock her sexy female ass up in jail, and throw the key away to a place where it would never be found! These were just a few of the thoughts running through my mind as I stood at my daughter’s bedroom door...

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The Interrogation of a Mother and Daughter

The Interrogation of a Mother and DaughterBy Shabbadew2002Email me @ [email protected]  Berlin  June 2009Offices of the Die Welt Abendblatt (The World Evening Paper)The man, Otto, was 63 years of age.  The woman, Ilse, was 61.  They sat nervously in the two chairs and smoked incessantly.  They drank a lot of coffee too.  Otto had never been good looking, even in his youth.  He was heavy-set and paunchy. His hair was now thin on top and he wore it close cropped.  She had been fairly...

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WebCam Daughter

Well Its been a while since my last story. So here's one I've been working on.Everything is pure fictional and all characters are of legal age for consent.When my daughter Natalia went off to university we knew it would be hard on both of us. I'd raised her alone since she was small and we were very close. I missed her a lot and from our frequent Skyping it was obvious she felt the same way.The other big issue was money. We are not rich and I didn't want her to get desperate for funds and have...

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The Deans Daughter

                                  THE DEAN'S DAUGHTER        I had only just met this girl in the college library twenty minutes before, and here I was with my hand up under her skirt beneath the long table where we sat side by side pretending to study. There weren't a hell of a lot of people around, thank god, but there were some, and the way she was squirming around and kind of moaning and whimpering under her breath had me kind of worried. But not enough to stop what I was doing with my hand...

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Daddys Darling Daughter

It was the swimsuit that did it. Yes, when you get right down to it, everything that happened between me and my daughter Lisa that summer started with the damned swimsuit. It was early June. I was in the living room watching television when Lisa walked in. She had just turned 18 that spring, and there was no denying it any longer - Lisa was becoming a woman. Fortunately she had inherited her mother's looks; thick black hair that cascaded around her shoulders, an angelic face with wide, dark...

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Porn daughter

Kyle's prick stiffened as he watched his daughter. She was in her early twenties, quite pretty, with curled blond hair and brown eyes. She was big-boned and full-bodied; not chubby, just firm with a full body. She had big tits and a big ass. He stroked his crotch as he watched his daughter being licked. The woman, an attractive redhead, now had her face buried between his daughter's thighs and was licking her pussy. The man had his dick at her mouth and she sucked avidly on it. Kyle's...

4 years ago
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Naught Mother even naughter daughter

As with all my stories these are truthful recollections of things past, except for the ones which are fantasies - you choose which you think they are! If you enjoy them please give them the thumbs up; if you really like them please comment and if you REALLY like them mail me and I’ll tell you more than I can put here!After splitting up from a long time girlfriend I found myself bouncing from one night stand to another. I’ll be honest I liked being settled down so started looking for something...

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Late Night TV with My Daughter

This story is fictional. This is a story about a father's growing lust for his maturing 18 year old daughter. I know what I write about that took place is against the morals of most people but I cannot help but share my most secret sexual experience with others who also struggle to contain these feelings. Any man with a gorgeous sexy daughter, sister, aunt or even mother is lying if he says he has never had sexual thoughts or fantasies about them. Most dare not act out on those fantasies in...

4 years ago
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Mom Teaches Her Mall Slut Daughter

Introduction: Mom finds out her daughter had sex at the mall…the perfect opportunity to teach her womenly love. Something was going on with her daughter Tatum. Mellissa knew it. Ever since she and had picked her up from the mall she seemed distant, and agitated. She had asked her in the car if everything was okay but Tatum just shrugged. She would sort it out when they got home. For now she would just enjoy the quiet. She looked over at her young daughter and felt it again that twinge deep in...

3 years ago
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Late Night Movie With My Daughter

This story is fictional. Hi this is line love with another story. Please write your comments to This is a story about a father’s growing lust for his maturing seventeen year old daughter. I know what I write about that took place is against the morals of most people but I cannot help but share my most secret sexual experience with others who also struggle to contain these feelings. Any man with a gorgeous sexy daughter, sister, aunt or even mother is lying if he says he has never had sexual...

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Daddy and Slutty daughter

Daddy: Mmm I'll cum with you Slutty daughter: yes daddy Daddy: Mmm Wanna be my little girl :wink: Slutty daughter: yes Daddy: Mmm let me see that tight little pussy of yours darlin Daddy: Is your cunt still hurting? Slutty daughter: yeah Daddy: Mmm I can rub it better for you Slutty daughter: even if i shake? Daddy: Mmm yes I will rub your pussy nice and gently, does it feel a bit better? Daddy: My soft warm hands rubbing your pussy lips is it getting better? Slutty daughter: it is ow daddy...

1 year ago
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Erotic Tale Of Dad And Daughter

Welcome readers, I am Abhishek, the following story is quite real and the changes have been made for literary freedom. I hope you guys will enjoy it and share it. Let me introduced myself. I am Abhishek, a lusty erotic guy who believes that one should enjoy every day of his life and try everything. I was married to my college girlfriend Pragya and together we had a daughter named Deeksha. We had a wonderful family and I had an as lusty wife as I was. Every day was just like a new wedding night...

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Rondas Delightful Daughter

Please note : This is work of erotic fantasy only! Ronda Tucker knew her daughter Cheryl was beautiful. Nobody had to tell her that; she had eyes. In fact, she had been watching her little girl grow up with increased interest. Cheryl was filling out nicely. She had recently turned fourteen, and Ronda was acutely aware of her daughter’s effects on others, especially her own mother. Ronda was at their pool thinking about her daughter, daydreaming about the many things that had happened while...

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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 52 Fertile Mother and Daughter

Lasla – The Free City of Grahata I stood on the deck of the Treasure Box as the ship drifted towards the quay. The two human males, Tarthan and his son Foran, tossed the thick hawsers to the longshoremen. The thick cables of rope, thicker than my leg, were caught and wrapped around thick mooring hooks. The city of Grahata was gray. There was not a bit of vibrancy in it. I wrapped in my purple robes, my pearl necklace about my throat. I stared at the city. This was the place where you could...

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African Wife and Daughter

Robert was troubled. Troubled at his African manager's latest demand. Troubled by his wife's seemingly easy acceptance of it. They had been in Kenya for nearly two years working for a Western company though under a local African manager. It had been a good two years. They had been able to save, and yet had enjoyed a lifestyle far superior to that back home. His wife Linda loved it here and had made it very clear she expected Robert to obtain a renewal of his two-year contract. It was bad enough...

2 years ago
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Incestuous Mind Control ExplodesChapter 8 Sharing His Slutty Daughter

Deidre’s mind reeled as she stared at the swollen belly of her sixteen-year-old daughter, Alexis. Cindy and Mindy’s words that the two rapidly growing children inside Alexis were the true Gemini gods dazed her. That Alex and Alexis using the Halo was all part of Dr. Blavatsky’s plan was such a powerful revelation. Hope surged through Deidre. Her son’s arguments had been persuasive that the wise Dr. Blavatsky had been wrong. That his soul had misjudged everything. She’d devoted her life to...

1 year ago
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Role play with sister and her daughter

100% fiction! For a little background to my story, I need to mention my upbringing a little for clarification. When my parents were married, my dad was a bit of a playboy. My mom knew this, but it never came in to play with their marriage until my dad messed around on her sometime between my brother's birthday and my own. We were only a year apart. So, my dad had two kids on the way at the same time with two different women. It was practically a race between my half-brother, Darryl, and myself...

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Futa MILFs and Their Hot Daughters Chapter 3 Futa the Latina Daughter

Chapter Three: Futa & the Latina Daughter By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Jolene Harland shuddered as she injected herself with the solution she and her mother had been working on. Pheromones. Lesbian pheromones. To Jolene, those were the greatest type of pheromones. A heady aroma that would arouse and entice other females. Awaken them to all sorts of possibilities that existed. All sorts of heady delights that Jolene could share with...

4 years ago
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Journey of a Teenager 8211 Pt 3 The Elder Daughter

This is the Part 3 of the sequel and all real-life experiences. I still remember the date when I and Kalyani had the first sex. It was 16th August. Life completely changed for me. She was a matured woman, taught me everything regarding sex. How it would please her, how to hold back ejaculation, her erotic places in the body. She felt like my own wife. She would wait for me almost every day. The moment her daughters would leave for school, she would get herself ready for me. She literally turned...

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