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She wrapped her fingers around my cock and gave a possessive squeeze.

“Mine,” she said

I leaned over, cupped her between the legs with my right palm.

“So this is mine?” I said.

Patty-Ann gave a laugh.

“Of course not, that’s mine as well, you silly man.”

“Doesn’t seem quite fair.”

“What’s fair got to do with it? We’re married. It wasn’t easy for me, and you sure didn’t help. The simple act of walking down that long aisle in the Cathedral was physically daunting. Have you any idea, what a sixty-thousand-dollar French lace dress with an eight-foot train is like to walk in?

“The fitting takes forever, and you have to lose weight so you can wear it. You’re required to be at least ten pounds underweight. Really, why not put up an obstacle course and make the bride wear a thirty-pound pack. Only if she gets to the altar does the groom marry her.”

She shook her head and squeezed my cock tighter.

“No mister, I jumped through all the loops now I have earned my prize. Your days of having any say over this, are done,” she said giving my genitals a good slap for emphasis.

“And don’t you dare turn those lovely blue eyes on me, Mister. I will let you have anything I have, but you belong to me,” she said and planted a passionate kiss on my lips.

Her name is Patty-Ann Shelley now, but it was Patty-Ann Tobler as in Tobler GM, Ford, Volkswagen, Honda, Subaru, and Kia. Her Dad’s that guy that makes an ass of himself on TV. However, he is very smart. She gets her brains from dad and her looks from mom. Her parents are rich. She’s the youngest of four children and the only girl, Daddy’s little princess.

I’m Greg Shelley like the Poet. Which is interesting, because I met her at University in an advanced English course on the Romantic Poets. I’m not bad looking and on the large size, but clumsy as hell. Patty-Ann says I have the sweetest baritone voice. But I’m very shy and socially awkward like all nerds. Oh, I guess I should have said that right off. I’m what is commonly referred to as a computer geek. Yet, beneath the tech exterior is buried a romantic hero. At least, that is what my new wife tells me.

“Yes, I know the wedding was hard my love, but whose fault was that? I would have married you at the Courthouse – remember, I offered,” I said.

I could immediately see her dissatisfaction and frustration with me. She is smart, as well as beautiful, and has little patience for what she sees as male stupidity.

“Marriage involves three things. First, there is love. I keep telling you that I love you. Second, there is a sacred union of two souls. It’s a sacrament for a reason—so a church is a necessity. And finally, there is the practical, social, and economic union. As in, I need a father for my children. My parents needed and wanted a big wedding, and that is the least I owed them. You are now my property. I earned you with my work and sweat.”

“Ok, but why do I belong to you but not vice versa?” I asked.

“God you are such a ninny. Look we’ve been married a week, spent near the entire time in this hotel room, and you have yet to fuck me once,” she said.

“What!? We did it four times the first night and never less than three times a day since!” I said, beginning to lose it.

She smiled like the Cheshire Cat, “No my sweet virgin. What you do is make love. Take my word for it. Fucking is something foreign to you. We had intercourse the first night four times, but you came only twice. I have way too much experience to be fooled. You wear your heart on your sleeve, and it’s beautiful and oh, so romantic. No one ever made love to me before. You were the first to take my heart and my body at the same time. I will love you till the day, I die.”

She looked at me with those deep green eyes of hers. A man could lose his soul in those eyes. I needed to be careful. My wife is the kind of woman every man wants. Sexually, she has a lot of experience. I think most women today with her looks and opportunities have significant experience.

What most men fail to see is that my wife is not like other women. Her body is soft and welcoming, but her soul is hard as diamond. She will not belong to you. Her man must belong to her, and she does not share. It is so odd to discover that a beautiful woman has the same emotions as any. She is just as possessive of her mate, and she can be jealous.

“I don’t know what you see in nerdy me,” I said.

She laughed and stroked my face, “You are beautiful my love and not just on the outside. ‘There was a rich man on finding a pearl of great price sold all he had and purchased it.’ You, my love, are my pearl of great price,” she said

Patty-Ann wrapped her arms around me, and the kiss she gave me would have melted iron, but it turned my cock to steel. We made love four times that day, but that only hid the problem.

I didn’t trust my wife. If I truly gave her all my love, would she break my heart? Was not she the pearl, and how was a man like me to keep her love. I felt like I was living next to a volcano that was sending out plumes of smoke. I was just waiting for the eruption that would kill me.

We returned from our honeymoon in time for Patty-Ann to begin her first year teaching physical education at Central High. She was also coaching the Cheer Squad. Coaching was her passion. Everything in Patty-Ann’s life orbited around the Cheerleading. That first year was good. It was just the two of us, and the fears I had coming into the marriage dissipated like fog over the ocean on a summer’s morning. But like fog, they returned when the conditions were right.

Patty-Ann was amazingly attentive. Calling me several times a day to ask where I was and what I was doing. Even on her busiest days, she took the time to check up. The unkind would say, “your wife is a bit too watchful even jealous to a fault.”

So what, we were happy. Whatever my wife took, she gave back ten fold. Every time she checked on me, I made sure to ask where and who she was with. Maybe not a perfect arrangement, but I was not complaining.

“I’m going off the pill this month,” Patty-Ann said one day.

It was the first of June. We had been married about ten months. The school year was ending. They’d renewed Patty-Ann’s contract for the next school year. She’s a planner, so I knew she’d worked it all out.

“Do I get a say?”

She gave me that look that said something like, “Just how dumb are you?”

I was getting accustomed to her raising her eyebrows at my male stupidity. I am not a wimp. I’m not. It’s just that she’s in charge, and no place more than the bedroom. From the beginning, she let me know that she’d had enough of guys getting what they wanted from her. I was there to give her pleasure.

“Look, I know what you want and need in bed, but this is new to you, so I will teach you what I need and want,” she said. “Fair is fair. You get yours, and I get mine.”

At first, I feared we might be sexually incompatible. She was so much more experienced. All those jocks had had her.

“Greg, please enough. I have to teach tomorrow.”

“I’m just trying to make you happy.”

“I don’t have to orgasm a dozen times a night to be happy. Half a dozen is more than adequate. Stop trying to compete with the whole football team. The backfield is quite enough.”

The sex was good. I was happy, and she said she was happy. So everything was great. Oh, I sometimes felt a bit challenged in the ego department. A man should rule his home or, at least, have a say. But you need to face facts. My wife was beautiful, and she earned the money. What she didn’t earn her parents gave us, our house, her Mercedes, my overpowered Ford.

We live in a modest three-bedroom in a well-established development about twenty minutes from her parents McMansion of a home. Patty picked the house. She consulted with me, but what did I know of houses.

“I want you to be happy living here,” she said.

“I will be happy as long as we are together. No matter where we live,” I said.

“But what do you think? It has three bedrooms, The master bedroom is a bit small, but there is two good size rooms for the children. They will have the space they need,” she said.

“We have no children,” I said.

“It’s for when we do,” she said beginning to get frustrated.

“Well, I love it then. It’s perfect.”

Her parents put down half the purchase price. They would have paid it all, but she wouldn’t let them.

“We need to be independent,” she said, but the We — was really only her.

My wife carried the load. Patty is more capable. I was relying on her, not her on me. I had no steady job. In my longest employment, I had worked for her father for two months, fixing some IT problems. His usual support firm let him down on a needed upgrade. Daddy wanted to give me a permanent job, but I did not want to work for my father-in-law. Patty-Ann was very supportive.

“You don’t need to do anything you feel uncomfortable with. I make enough,” she said.

I ended up forming a partnership with two old school buddies. They were Jarred and Larry. We operated out of a garage at Larry’s mother’s house. Jarred lived in the basement of his older sister’s house. We bought parts from China that were obsolete. We made our purchases through a Chinese friend we’d gone to school with. He scouted out electronics that were over manufactured and no longer in demand. It was up to us to figure out a new use. Our biggest seller was a chip designed to run a toy that I was able to reprogram to run a phone. You know one of those throwaway things. You buy it because it is cheap, and is just a phone for when you need it.

We never made a lot of money, but we built up a good size customer list. Jarred seemed able to sell anything that I could invent, and Larry could manufacture. It was a good partnership, and it gave us something to do while we looked for real work. I gave the money to Patty-Ann. She gave me back my allowance. That was the way it was. She ran things.

My contribution was limited at best. I fixed things in the house when they broke. Set the table for the diners she cooked. Carried the clothing she washed from the laundry room, and I put out the trash. My wife took care of everything else.

“Can we afford a baby??” I asked.

“Well they don’t actually charge you for them, and I have good medical coverage. So I would say yes. We can afford a baby. As for the costs of a growing child, I expect my income to increase. And, of course, the grandparents will want to help out.”

“What about daycare and such?” I asked.

“Don’t need any. I work, you take care of the kid,” she said.

“I don’t know if I can do that,” I said.

“Yes, you can and you will. It’s decided.”

That was the end of the discussion, but only the beginning of my problems. I understood that Patty-Ann had an image of our family in her head. Her home, her husband, and her children. Someone once told me that little boys dream of adventure and little girls dream of marriage and a family.

My wife had her dream. I would never deny her that dream. I did feel a bit guilty she was taking most of it on herself. As men go, and I believe husbands, in particular, I was a bit of a flop. Patty carried all the burdens of the marriage. Maybe I could be a good stay at home husband/father.

Nine months later, the rabbit still hadn’t died or even gotten sick. I remember the day the shit started to hit the fan. It was the Friday before St Patrick’s Day. We had a case of Harp’s in Larry’s Mother’s garage. We were sitting around drinking. We weren’t complete layabouts. We had just shipped five hundred solar powered clocks.

A guy shows up in a suit, and what a suit! It must have run five grand at least. The suit has one of our phones and is threatening patent infringement. Seems some company in California designed the chip. Jarred is non-pulsed.

“How much are you going to pay us?” Jarred said as he leaned back to take a swig of his beer.

The suit smiled and held out his hand, “My name’s Jack Thomas, so do I get a beer?”

Jack got his beer. The suit coat and tie come off, and we spend a few hours discussing the deal that puts their worthless toy part together with our phone programming.

“So this,” he said waving his hand. “Is this what you guys do? Sit around in a garage, drink beer, and invent stuff?”

“The beer is to celebrate St. Pat’s day,” Larry said clinking his bottle with Jack’s.

“But spending time in a garage is pretty much how it is,” Jarred said, “Except for Greg here who has a wife who supports him and watches him like a hawk.”

“Old ball and chain?” Jack asked.

“Drop dead gorgeous, “Larry said, a bit of envy creeping into his voice.

“Yea, but jealous as hell,” Jarred said.

“That’s not true,” I declared, “Patty-Ann just wants to know where I am and whether I’m alright.”

Jarred sighed, “Greg here is the best programmer I have ever known. Give him a technical problem and just stand back, but, and it’s a big BUT, when it comes to his wife he’s the dumbest guy I know.”

“You can say that again,” Larry chimed in.

“That’s not fair. I know Patty-Ann has faults, but who has a woman who does more for them.” I said.

Larry and Jarred nodded their heads.

“Crazy in love the man is,” Larry said.

“In love we are all fools alike,” Jack said.

“Don’t get me wrong. I would willing be a fool for a drop dead gorgeous babe like Patty-Ann. A woman who seems to think literally supporting your man is the way to go, and I just wish that some woman was as jealous of me as she is of Greg,” Larry said.

“Does she need to be jealous? “ Jack asked as he turned to me.

“No. I have never even thought of another woman since the day I first saw Pat. She means so much to me. I know for some strange reason she is a jealous woman. Though she has no cause, I love her so much. I don’t know what I would do if...”

There was an awkward pause in the conversation. It was Jack who finally spoke.

“They don’t tell you that being married to a beautiful woman will be hard. You wake up every day wondering, Is this the day I lose her? Well, love her and hold her tight, and if all goes well you will bring her home a pot of money,” Jack said, and then we all clinked out beer bottles to our new venture.

Jack left with a smile and a promise to come back Monday with the contracts.

I get home a bit drunk, with the exciting news that maybe I am good for something after all.

“Bedroom! Now!” My beautiful wife said, none too pleased with my late arrival and inebriated state.

“Take off your pants and sit on the edge of the bed,” she said.

With my pants off, naked from the waist down, I sat on our marital bed.

Patty-Ann squirted some lotion into her hand and proceeded to jack me off.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“Getting a sample. Kelly is waiting at the clinic. She is staying late because you can’t get home on time. We will have it tested and have the results by next Friday.”

She had a little trouble gathering her sample. I can take a while, usually not a bad thing, but she was in a hurry. It was not what I would call a pleasant experience.

A week later and there are still no results. My wife puts me off with a wave of her hand. What happens if I can’t produce? I’m not afraid of her, really—I’m not.

But if she wants a baby, and if I can’t come across. What happens?

It was one of those early spring days that is unexpectedly warm. It takes you by surprise, and if you are working in someone’s mother’s garage without air-conditioning, you take off.

Our house has central air, but, of course, it is off. I need to do the maintenance to start it for the year. I get everything done but the attic fan and ducks. I strip down and go up. It’s hot as hell. I am almost through when I hear the voices.

Patty has come home from work and is sitting on the back patio with Kelly.

“So have you told him?” Kelly said.

“No, you know how Greg is. I hate to worry that pretty head of his.”

“You know I warned you against falling for a pretty face and a pair of deep blue eyes, but would you listen.”

“Gee Kelly, Miss practical. How has cautious, love with your head and not your heart, worked out for you,” Patty said.

“Please don’t rub it in. We have exactly the opposite problems,” Kelly said.

“Well if the man fails there are alternatives,” Patty said.

“Yea, and we both know what the best alternative is.”

“At least, you have an option, but what do I do. I was anticipating two children. How do I tell Greg he might not be a father. That he will never be more than my husband,” my wife said.

“Is that so bad, I think he lives pretty good for a man who has no career, no job, and no prospects,” Kelly said.

“Why are you so down on him. He does his best. He is not like other men. He’s not practical or ambitious. He’s a poet. It’s why I love him.”

“Well, I need to get home. I need to spread my legs for my stud before he is too tired,” Kelly said.

They both laughed as they went into the house.

I came down stairs and turned the air-conditioner on. As it kicked in, Patty called out.

“Greg are you home?”

“Yes, I just got the air-conditioning working.”

She came to me put her arms around my neck and said, “how sweet you are. No woman ever had a better husband. You’re sure worth having around the house.”

“But not worth much for making babies,” I thought.

Life with Patty-Ann went on. She often had a sad look in her eyes. It was a look that hurt me and worried me. She was a strong woman, but like iron, she was also brittle. I knew what was bothering her. It was not just that she wanted children, I believe she needed them. She could not see herself as a woman without them. That I realized is the trouble with dreams. My aimless one day at a time existence had that advantage. I had no dreams to lose.

My problem was what would I do if my fertility was the issue. There are medical things you can do, but Patty-Ann is the direct natural type. Could I keep my wife if I was sterile?

Six weeks go by without a word on my fertility. I know the test has come back. The question if why haven’t we discussed the results. Finally, a serious Patty-Ann sits me down. She gives me a smile that tells me something bad is coming.

“You know we are having a problem conceiving,” she said.

“I will do better. I promise,” I plead.

She sighs and says, “As unbelievable as it seems the problem is not you, it is me. It seems that some of the injuries I suffered as a cheerleader have affected my cervix and my uterus.

“It took them a while and numerous tests to find the problem. I could have surgery, but that would take some time to heal, and I still would possibly have a problem. That is the bad news. You married a defective bitch.”

I take her hands in mine and look deep into her sad eyes.

“I love you with children or without out,” I said.

She gives me a wane smile,” I know that, but there is also good news. The doctor says I’m married to a super stud who with a little help may still get the job done.”


She is laughing now.

“Oh, Greg, the doctor says your sperm count is at the top of the chart, and your boys are all Olympic swimmers, ‘ she said.

I’m taken aback, but so relieved.

“Ok, so we just keep trying,”

“Well ... there are things we can do to increase the chance that your boys reach the end of the pool.”

“Oh good, what?”

“You see, your swimmers have further to travel and a more difficult journey. If we can shorten the journey, and give them a little push, that would be a big help.”

“Ok, how do we do that?”

“Well, when you make love to me, I should be on my back and a little elevated. Then I should stay that way for at least a half hour after we finish ... And,” She hesitated.

“We need to have lots of sex when I am fertile, and you need to refrain from ejaculating when I am not ovulating,” she finished in a calm even voice.

Like any guy, I heard the lots of sex and nothing after that.

“So let’s go,” I said grabbing her hand and pulling her toward the bedroom.

“No, I am waiting for my friend. You know the one that visits every twenty-eight days. We need to wait about two weeks,” she said.

“Oh, so what do we do in the meantime?”

“Well, you need to refrain from...” and she made a vulgar motion with her hand.

Then to my perplexed expression, she moved closer.

“Look, love, we can still have sex. You can please me with your mouth, tongue, and hands like always, but we need to save you for when it counts.”

“Ok, I guess, if that’s what we need to do,” I said.

“I’m sorry for this, I feel so inadequate...” she said.

“No, we need to see this as what it is, good news. We have a chance. We chose to have a child, and we make it happen.”

“I don’t know what I did to deserve you. Why, would you marry the campus slut? I was used goods, and you knew it,” She said.

Patty put her hand on my cheek. She looked at me with her impossibly green eyes, and said, “I wanted you never to have a regret that we married. I know I can be a bit possessive, but I never cared for any man but you. I’m afraid that I am a one man woman, and unfortunately, for you that man is YOU.”

We hugged then, and I relaxed, and that is always a mistake with a woman like Patty-Ann.

So we began the strangest period of my life. Patty-Ann was insatiable for oral pleasure when she wasn’t fertile. When she was fertile, we had sex until I thought my dick would fall off, but it was anything but pleasurable. She lay flat on her back unmoving, and I was expected to perform. When I complained that my hand was more satisfying, I instantly regretted it.

Patty-Ann grabbed my manhood and said, “If I so much as catch you touching yourself, I will cage this up so tight your eyes will pop.”

She was serious, and she must have seen the fear in my eyes. Could I live with this woman? Should I have ever married her? Then the warm, loving wife came back.

“Dear love, I’m sorry, but I want a baby so bad. Please promise to keep trying. It’s only for a little bit.”

She kissed me and petted me, and did all the usual things she did to get around me.

After four months of trying, I came home to a party. I had good news, a contract to design phones that were going to make real money. But the party was my relatives celebrating the impending birth.

I was the last to know, my wife was pregnant. I had a moment of relief. The ordeal was over. I had performed, and I expected rewards, like a return to normal sex. I know, stupid, but even a smart man could not have foreseen the trouble that was to come. That would have taken a genius on the scale of Sherlock Homes.

I was a bit stung that no one seemed interested in my news, but I told everyone just the same.

“Good man!” my father-in-law said before he launched into a long discussion of the merits of the various Ivy League Universities for his grandchild. Surprisingly, it was Patty-Ann’s girlfriend Kelly who was interested in my news and me.

Kelly handed me a Sam Adams, and said with a big friendly smile, “You look like you need this and congratulations on the new company! Always knew you would succeed.”

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Travel Trouble

     This story is written and intended for the enjoyment of adults only.  Please send any comments to [email protected].  I love hearing from you.                               Travel Trouble                                        Written by 4play     My wife Mary and I had recently retired and had sold out house and bought a motor home.  We disposed of everything we couldn=t carry with us and said goodby to our friends.  We decided to use our new freedom to see some of this great country and...

4 years ago
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Barrack Room Betty Chapter Thirteen

Barrack Room Betty By Michele Nylons Chapter Thirteen - Naples - Whores and Princesses The Ark continued her voyage through the Mediterranean Sea, exercising with the Task Group as she went and arrived in Naples a week after she left Gibraltar. Lieutenant Steven Winters, RN became a regular at Barrack Room Betty's whenever there was no night flying. He entered into an arrangement with Michele that she would always be available for him at thirty pounds per week. In 1974 that was...

2 years ago
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Brandi Protector of the Gateway Season 2Chapter 8

Kristine Winter sighed. It had been almost eight months since she’d learned what her daughter really was: the “Protector of the Gateway”, Antioch’s “only hope”. Dealing with it was a struggle - for the first few months, she’d pleaded with her daughter to stop, to look out for herself. It was only at the end of the previous year that she’d come to terms with her daughter’s role, when Antioch High had been overrun by a cult, transforming the minds of students and teachers alike. Kristine...

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Richard and Nikkis Humiliation Part 1

It was only when her husband Richard promised to ensure her anonymity that Nikki agreed to go out with him and dance in wild fashion and wear the party dress he picked out for her. The club in Tribeca was a long ways from where they lived, but it was one of the hotter clubs and everyone there was in their late twenties or early thirties and looked hot. And going there for the third time now, Richard had got them a hotel so they would not be in their own community to satisfy Nikki’s fears of...

Group Sex
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NaughtyBlog Interracial

When we download porn videos, we often do not really know what the fuck we can expect. Sure, we are given some screenshots and the overall categories, but for those who are looking for something very specific, that is not enough. It would be great if porn download websites actually gave us a description of the videos as well, just like you have descriptions on basic porn websites.Well, if you search and browse the adult websites as long as I do, you are bound to find something like that. This...

Interracial Porn Sites
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A Farmer I Am NotChapter 9

In a little over a minute, he saw what had set the dog off. A group of a dozen men on horseback was coming towards them. As they got close enough to see details, Andrew relaxed a bit, they had the local Ducal coat of arms and banner showing. They were also wearing chain mail and leather in the Duke’s colors. Andrew stepped to the side of the road and pulled the mules all the way over to the wood line. They resisted a little then moved as he wanted them too. The dog sat next to him and waited...

3 years ago
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Late Night Licks

On warm September nights like this, I sit in my darkened, moon-lit room and remember a similar night many years ago. It was a pleasantly cool night, as it is now, and not a wisp of a breeze disturbed the partially open curtains that hung over our bed. My job often required me to work long into the night, and on this particular evening, I had not made it home until well after midnight. Not wanting to wake my lovely Teresa, I showered in the guest bath and was clean and completely naked when I...

Oral Sex
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Innocent Chachi

Hi m akash from gujarat and m 26 years old this is a real experience with my chachi. We live in a joint family and i have an uncle and aunt,me jab chota tha tab mujme sex ki samaj nahi thi but i use to fondle with my penis against mattress. Khatye pe lund ragad na muje alag ehsas deta tha, chachi ki umra tab kariban 30 hogi aur muje us umr me itna kuch idea nahi tha ki boobs kese hote hai aur wo bhi kabhi dekha nahi tha kisi aurat ke.Chachi mere sath ache se rehti thi like a kid i use to play...

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Megan and I are the best of friends, and god is she gorgeous. She has light brown hair that falls at her shoulders perfectly and bright green eyes that would make anyone stare. Sure, we would make out for guys at parties if they wanted us to, we'd grope each other and tease guys while we kissed and sometimes we'd get pretty into it. We’re so close that it didn't bother us, but Megan made it clear she would never go further than that with a girl. I usually agreed, but sometimes when she changed...

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Aunt Peggys Passion

Introduction: Young man falls for his uncles passionate wife JackassTales&hellip,Tale # 33&hellip,Readers, this is a change of pace story for me. Usually my tales are about sexual relations between older males and younger females (my favorite characters). Here, Ive reversed roles by having a younger male and an older woman. I know its been done by others, but not so much by me. Some might consider this a blasphemous tale because I interweave sex and religion. But, like they say, sinners make...

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My First Time and My last time

“Hay Sara,” he said. “Hi mike,” Sara said angrily, “What can I do for you today?” “You can Fuck me that’s what!” Mike said loudly. “I told you earlier we are over! Get it through your thick skull Mike!” Sara Yelled. Mike grabbed Sara’s arm and said. “No! You’re my little Fuck toy and we’re not over till I say we are.” Mike yelled. I’m a gentleman and I wasn’t about to let a man treat a woman that way so I walked toward them. “Hay Mike!” I yelled. “Hi Sean what do you want...

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Marys story Part 25

Without saying a word Mitsumi turned her back, reached up to the neck of her dressing gown and slowly pulled the zip all the way down to the floor. Straightening, she let the gown fall off her shoulders. Mary was really not prepared for what she saw. Mitsumi was totally tattooed from her neck down to her wrists and ankles. Shocked, Mary could not speak immediately. Mitsumi turned to her, and said, “Well, don’t you have anything to say?” As she turned, Mary could see that the tattoo covered...

2 years ago
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A Short Hop 2

By Pistachio I noticed a young woman who looked like Betsy around the baggage claim conveyor like she was looking for someone. She was a tall brunette who looked as athletic as Betsy looked poised. She walked up to a fellow about 20 feet away and they spoke for a minute then she continued toward me. She had long muscular legs flowing out from a loose fitting red dress. But it was the warm inviting smile that hooked me. She stopped, looked around, then started walking right towards...

3 years ago
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fucking sheela

Once again there were no words for few seconds, as she was expecting something from my side and I was adjusting my rod in my pant, “what happened” she asked after few more seconds, “I am burning in sexual desire” I wrote back, “I know. aaj aapka pant faad ke bahar aajayega”,( I know, today it will tore off your pant to come out) I smiled on that, Sheela Didi was writing everything so casually that for a instant I could not believe that I am doing such type of chatting with a female. Anyways our...

1 year ago
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Student Exchange

We had last year two students rather than the normal one a girl from Spain and a boy from Portugal. We had collected and were given the rotation for each day of the stay. Both students were 19 years old and good looking. On the Friday of the first week I came home early and my wife was already there. As I entered I heard noises from the bedrooms and then saw Sophia sat on stairs looking into our bedroom at same time I heard my wife moaning and knew she was fucking someone. I was then spotted by...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Dubai Men And My Wife 8211 Part III

Please read my other stories 1) Dubai men and my wife and 2) Dubai man and my wife. The day had been strenuous. I had finally managed an interview with another company in Dubai. It was a good feeling as it might be the end of the chapter with Ali and his brother. But I warned myself from getting carried away. It was just an interview; I still hadn’t got the job. Though, I was getting confident with the boss of other company being an Indian. I had been torturing myself mentally after a secret...

1 year ago
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St Valentines Day Gift

Her name was Sparkling Mist, but everybody just called her Misty. By the time I met her in American History as a senior at Waverly High she had already been voted most popular everything there. In fact, it was that first day for me at Waverly, when after dropping my pencil, and reaching down to pick it up, I looked towards the back of the class right up her short dress. It was the triangular blond fleece instead of panties that caught my attention, and put her on my most popular list of...

2 years ago
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A young woman is introduced to beastiality

Alan and Allison were newcomers to the small northern sea side town; they had decided to move north after selling their small business in the south. Tired of the long cold winters they had moved up the coast in search of a warm tropical climate. Travelling in a caravan, stopping at different resorts until quite by chance, decided to take a small road off the highway, ending up at a caravan park close to the beach. It was perfect, not too far north where the summers would be too hot, but far...

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The Masters House Part 1

She was only seventeen, with brown hair and brown eyes, one of the seven girls who lived in my house, and the youngest. She was my fuck toy, my personal plaything. I had given her a name once, but I had forgotten it. I only ever called her “Toy”. My toy licked the cream off of her lip and gulped audibly. She knew she was going to be punished. I never let my toys disobey me. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” I demanded. “I just wanted some cream, Master….” She looked at me...

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My Hot Mother Malini and Me

I am floating in cloud 9 as I am holding my partner’s hand and entwined my fingers in her slender, soft and long fingers. My partner is walking along with me in grace. We were in a mall observing the shops and materials displayed and talking ourselves. My partner wore a tight jeans and short top. Through which her 36 B boobs jetting forward. The impression of her nipples can be seen through her fabric. The jeans so skin fit that contour of her panty is visible. She is revealing almost all her...

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Bigtitslut4u dirty lil cockslut

rJust so you know this story isn't true is a story I'm posting for a friend!! Well the story began' s with Laura out shopping for sex toys and she's looking around the place trying to find just the right toy to fit her needs but is having a hard time deciding on which one will do the trick when out of no where comes the sales person of which Laura becomes mesmerized with as soon as she hears him speak as his a very handsome man with a body that looks as if he works out a lot!! He's 5'6 and...

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true story of years gone by

Before I was married I lived with what is now my wife Yvonne, she shared a house with a girl called Debbie who was a bit of a cracker really, one evening I was at the house waiting for Yvonne to come in from work, Debbie was getting ready to go out so as she rushed around we chatted about stuff, I was in the living room and she came in forgetting I was there, I turned to see her topless her tit’s where huge and nice dark nipples to go with it, all she was wearing was a small pair of lace...

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ManuelFerrara Gianna Dior Naughty Beauty In POV

Super sexy sprite Gianna Dior is all ready in the buff and ready to play in scene one of Manuel Ferrara’s Raw #35. The stunning brunette spreads out on the sofa as our hero Manuel gets to play with Gianna’s pussy. He squeezes her fleshy muff together as Gianna states how good it feels. The pretty princess pokes her ass to the sky as she ingests all of Manuel’s meat. Manuel fingers her butthole until she comes up for air for a split second then starts to whop her face with his...

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A Private Eye Finds Her FeetChapter 2

After that, it was anticlimactic. The next morning Tom Leech called Lydia and said he'd received her resume and when could she come in for an interview? She told him that she was available anytime and he asked her to come in at two PM that same day. Lydia was nervous; she'd never had a formal job interview before. She had no idea what to expect; so she arrived early. The address belonged to a huge building, relatively new, that looked like a giant storage shed made of steel siding. In...

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My amazing trip to Sydney

My name is Matt, I’m 22 years old and studying at university in Adelaide. I have a girlfriend called Kate, she is a short blonde 20 year old who is great in the sack, but unfortunately she likes me more than I like her. Kate has a friend in Sydney who was having her 21st birthday, and she asked me to come along for the weekend. I agreed but said that I would stay at a family friend’s place, whom I had not seen for a few years. We arrived in Sydney on Friday morning, and I said goodbye to...

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Andy 17

Mit einem Schrei wachte ich auf, in Schwei? gebadet. Nur eine Minute sp?ter war Mom bei mir im Zimmer. "Andrea, was ist passiert?" Ich brauchte einen Moment, um wirklich wach zu werden. Mir war ganz komisch zumute. Langsam beruhigte sich mein Herz, das eben noch wie wild gepocht hatte. "Mir- mir geht es wieder gut. Nur ein Albtraum." "Das muss aber ein schlimmer Traum gewesen sein. Willst du ihn mir erz?hlen?" Ich nickte. "Ich war mit Biene zusammen und wir k?ssten uns. So inte...

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Nerdy Niece ch 1

I would visit my sisters house sometimes just to see her. I never let my sister know that I had urges for her little girl, but it was something I didn't want to tell her either. I noticed that my niece started to read fantasy books, ones that I'm use to and it brought a smile to my face. I knew how I could get her by myself. When she turned 18, I invited her over for a night and a DnD game. Something to get her out of the house and into my domain. She was nervous that night. There was a...

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My Wifes Special Anniversary present

(A little note this was when she had first thought about exploring her bisexuality but hadn’t yet confessed her feeling to anyone only slight subtle hints to me, heck she wasn’t even sure herself how she really, felt) She went inside and the woman whose name was Rachel immediately made her feel at home asked her if she would like something to drink, water, coffee, soft drink, or maybe something a little stronger she told her some people get a little nervous and this helps lighten things up....

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Caroline Alone Ch 03

Foreword Firstly a word for those who have reached this via the Romance pages: the first two chapters were published in Loving Wives in the last week or so. Please read those first. Why publish this chapter here? It seems appropriate to the content. And also because it would be good to have some input from beyond the Loving Wives crowd. If romance is summed up by the immortal Jane Austen ending: ‘Reader, I married him’, Loving Wives is the opposite: ‘Reader, I divorced the cheating slut and...

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Cousin Behen Ki Zabardast Chudai

By : Hsuraa Hi friend’s mera naam aarush hai, ye meri 2nd story hai pehle main apne baare mein bta du. meri age 22yrs hai aur main m.p. se hu.plz send ur comments on my email address mera shaft size 7 inch hai main apni story hindi mein likh raha hu jisse zyaada logo ko samajh mein aae ye haadsa 2 mnths pehlle ka hai meri sister ki age age 21 yrs hai uska naam geet hai woh mere Tauji ki ladki hai dikhne mein poori item hai ekdum randi jaisi, kaatilana figure gaand dekho toh aisa lagta hai ki...

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Fight for skin

i push myself against you my body my form a complete and uncontrolled being of pleasure i moan and hiss as your arm clings to me pulling my clothes like peeling lotus blossoms or plucking the wings from innocent grasshoppers your fingers etch lust across my chest and your teeth and tongue offer a salve to my skin that leaves me aching for more i hum violently as i fall back onto the rug it scratches my hips and burns my flesh but i am blind i'm waiting for the true scratches of uncaged passion...

Erotic Poetry
4 years ago
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My cock suffers for you oh how it suffers

You instructed me to masturbate all day. I am to stroke my cock until it is fully erect and the first drop of precum seeps out of my cockslit. From that point, I am to stroke for one more hour, maintaining full erection and a flow of precum, until I am just one stroke away from cumming, at which point I am to stop stroking and use just the tip of my finger to ever-so-lightly rub the frenulum to maintain the edge. When even that threatens to send my jizz shooting, I am to grab my cockshaft in...

2 years ago
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Stacys First Time

I have been cross-dressing for almost a year now. Ever since I can remember, I have had a fetish for high heels and finally was able to start buying my own secretively once I came to college. I have my own collection and wear feminine clothing mostly in my room, but one evening I was so horny from watching porn and wearing my dress and heels. I went on to an internet site to find someone in my area looking to get sucked. And lucky for me I did! I took a shower and shaved my ass and around my...

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Memorable Sex With Rosy And Sheetal

I am going to describe one of my best experiences involving two girls in a 3-some. For a preamble, first as the incident narrated in the story was to my encounter with Rosy, my Chat friend. I remember, it was a Friday at about 8.30 in the night, when my telephone rang. Before I could say “Hello”, I heard a female voice saying: “Hello, is this Mr. Pankaj?” I have heard this voice before. Still I could not recognize the person. I answered: “Yeah, may I know who is speaking please?” I heard a...

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Blue Lagoon Book IIChapter 27

The Sandersons and the Kaheakus may have had similar inclinations in the way they lived, but that, by itself, did not lead to any immediate conjoining of activities. Just as people on a nude beach do not engage in sexual play just because they are nude, these two families were still reticent about becoming involved in any kind of joint intimacy. The word had been circulated that Kahoku and Lanikai were closer than just brother and sister, and that both were just as close with their parents....

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Conspiracy of DreamsChapter 24 Deaths in the Family

When it was six in the morning in Silver Orb, Nevada, it was nine in Pensacola, Florida. Hank in Pensacola was going over the latest spreadsheets from Operation Goldfish Bowl and the intersection points with the investigation on the recent senator assassinations when his virtual desk signaled an incoming priority call from Nancy in Silver Orb. "What's the bad news?" Hank said when Nancy's face appeared on the wall opposite the desk. "It's Charles and his wife," Nancy choked up, put...

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Building a Better PastChapter 8

I fully expected high school to be as boring as junior high had been. It started out that way, certainly. Trish and I both had Geometry, Biology, Creative Writing, Literature, American History and French. The other amigas were in most of the same classes, though Jenny had Algebra and took an art class instead of Literature, she and Jodi were taking Spanish instead of French. Jodi also passed on Literature, taking Drama instead. Classes were classes — I attended, read the books, did the...

1 year ago
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Giveing Beth what she wants

My cock was still wet from my girlfriend when I pulled up to my sister’s boyfriend’s house. I beeped the horn twice and waited, my mind flashing to about 10 minutes earlier when I was laying on my girlfriend’s bed as she rode on top of me, cumming on my cock as I filled her with my load. When I saw the front door open and my sister step out, all thoughts of my girlfriend were pushed from my mind and my cock started to fill up again. Her hips swayed confidently as she walked to the car,...

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the night my auntie saw me naked

This is a true story, something that happend when i was 19 years old. I was staying at my cousins house one mid winters night. We had been playing 5 a side football down at the local recreation club and had returned home. It was about 8 o clock in the evening and we got back and I was all sweaty from football. So i went to have a shower, i wen to the room i was staying in to get my clothes ready to take into the bathroom and then took my stuff to the bathroom with my towel. The problem was...

4 years ago
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Locker Room Sports

As I walked into the locker room with my bag, it was just as I had imagined it. Guys talking, laughing, and getting ready in the warmth of the locker room. I found a locker and set my bag down, then turned around to survey the scene. Immediately almost a dozen tan, shirtless guys caught my eye. I untied my shoes very slowly, all the while watching the scene around me. Eventually, though, a lot of the guys began to head out to the track, and I realized I was way behind everyone else. Quickly I...

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Diddly Chapter 2

I watched the traffic without really noticing it. I paid no attention to the whispered conversation going on between the girl on whose lap I was sitting - whose name I still didn’t know - and her friends on the back seat. My mind screamed that what I was doing topped all previous reckless, dangerous adventures by miles. My heart thumped. I jerked when two pairs of hands suddenly grabbed my knees and pulled them wide apart. My legs were encased by strong thighs and the front of my flimsy skirt...

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Voyeur Style! Listen, guys, I don’t know about you, but when it comes to porn, there’s just something super sexy about amateur content. And not only that, but when they turn that amateur content into voyeur content? Now that’s some next-level fun if you ask me. Here’s the deal, I just like the fact that these chicks have no idea that there’s a video being taken of them while they’re sucking a cock, fucking, getting dressed or undresses, taking a bath and so on. I know some people take it to the...

Amateur Porn Sites
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Awesome Paying Guest Service

Hi readers, I am Navi working in Noida these days, shifted from Kolkata after switch over of new job. Well difference between love and lust was taught to me by my marwari girlfriend manisha choudhary (real name) as I was serious for her but she was serious for bed line. A relation of 4 years was over within 4 minutes anyways leaving her aside. coming to the sex story. So guys I joined my office in punabi bagh and was hunting for paying guest with good surroundings, was missing kolkata a lot. It...

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