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A Special Last Request

By Ropetease
c 2010

My world crashed around me the other day. It was a day that changed my life. I lost my brother. No, not my real brother but someone who was with me since I was five years old. Our parents had moved us to a new subdivision. Being the new kid on the block, I did not know anyone. The neighbors introduced themselves as Dave and Eve. Hiding behind Eve was a boy the same age as me with shaggy brown hair; "This little rascal behind me is Jerry," Eve said.

That was the first time I met the best friend any person could ask for. I went over to Jerry and said, "Hi."

We grew up together. Not only did we go to the same schools, but we did everything together including getting into trouble. Even when we were in high school we played the same sports. Jerry was the quarterback on the football team and I was the receiver. We won the championship game our senior year when he threw the winning touchdown pass and I caught it. Our bond could not be broken. It was almost as if we were the same person to the point of knowing what the other was thinking.

It was after college that our lives changed a bit. Jerry and I both went to UCLA, Jerry had a scholarship for football and I had a scholarship for engineering. We both graduated and to our dismay, we had to part company. I got a good job in San Diego at a large engineering firm and Jerry went to work for his Dad in their consulting firm in Los Angeles. We kept in contact and saw each other as best we could. Jerry met a lovely woman in Los Angeles named Keira. When I was in town I always had a standing invitation to stay at their place.

Jerry met Keira at work and they hit it right off. I had often chided him that if he let her get away from him he would be sorry he let her go. One night after work, Jerry decided to eat out that night. There was a nice little tavern a couple of blocks away from his office building. He walked over to the tavern and found a table when he heard some loud talking by the bar. Jerry turned his head towards the commotion from the bar, noticing Keira being harassed by two men.

Jerry heard Keira yell, "Get away from me!"

Getting up from the table, Jerry quickly walked up to Keira, "Leave my fiancé alone!" raising his voice to get their attention. Three pair of eyes turned and stared at Jerry. The men backed off as Jerry leaned over to Keira’s ear whispering, "Come with me now."

Keira recognized Jerry from work, breathing a deep sigh, she extended her arm. Jerry paid the bar tab for Keira and led her over to his table sitting her down. She was shook up and trembling. "I am so sorry, Jerry. Thank you for getting me away from them," Keira sobbed.

Jerry noticed she was drunk and out of control. It took a few minutes for Keira to calm down. "Get up and I will take you home," Jerry said rising up from the table.

"I can't go home, not like this," Keira cried.

"I have a spare room at my house, you can stay the night," Jerry offered.


As they walked, Keira explained that she had lost control of her Life. She has been drinking too much. Jerry took her to his house and took control of her life that night. The next morning Jerry was drinking coffee in the kitchen when Keira walked in looking sorry for herself, her hair a mess, her clothes wrinkled. Jerry handed her a cup of coffee, then they talked about the night before.

After Keira had told him her life was falling apart, Jerry asked, "You want me to help you gain back your life?"

Keira nodded yes, her eyes looking into his. Keira moved in Jerry's life and house that same day. Keira and Jerry never married, but their love for each other was deep. She always knew I was his best friend, more of a brother in heart, and accepted me for who I was. Soon Keira became one of my best friends, too. Unlike Jerry, I was not as fortunate with my relationships. I was married for a while but it did not work out and we divorced a few years later.

It was five years later, on a Friday night, when I got the worst phone call of my life. Keira called crying. She explained that Jerry had died in auto accident that day. A drunk driver hit him in a head on collision that killed him instantly. I was in total shock and felt as if my heart had ripped open. I told Keira I would be there as soon as I could. Keira thanked me and hung up the phone. After the call, I sat on my bed and I lowered my head and cried.

The next morning I called into work in a daze and explained that I would be out of town for a few days for a funeral. I packed a few things and headed up to Los Angeles. I do not even remember driving to their house. When I pulled up to the house, I noticed several cars parked on the street. Walking up the driveway I had expected Jerry to greet me at the door as he always did. However, when the door opened it was Keira. Her eyes were red from crying so I pulled her close. I hugged her tight and started to cry with her. We hugged for several minutes before she backed away and led me into the house. Walking in the living room, I saw the people that had gathered and Keira introduced me to her best friend Amber.

"Amber, this is Jerry's best friend, Bill," Keira said placing her hand on Amber's shoulder.

"Hi Bill, I feel like I know you already, Jerry and Keira spoke of you often," Amber said, extending her hand towards Bill.

"Yes, I feel the same. Keira always talked about you," taking her hand in mine, I noticed Amber's soft gentle touch.

Keira introduced me to the rest of the people who had come. I never remembered the other people's names. About an hour later they started to leave. After everyone left, Keira sat down on the couch and started to cry again. I went to her side and hugged her, holding her until she stopped. We sat on the couch for hours talking and remembering Jerry for the man he was to both of us.

Eventually, Keira led me to the bedroom where I would sleep for the night. I spent a restless night hearing Keira's soft crying. Placing a robe around my body, I went to her room and knocked on her door, "Keira, anything I can do for you?"

"No, Bill. I am so sorry I woke you. I am all right." Keira said between sobs.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yes. Thanks for just being here with me," she said.

It was late when I finally went to sleep. I woke up the morning and went to the bathroom to freshen up. I heard Keira in the kitchen and I smelled fresh coffee brewing. Dressing in tan shorts and a t-shirt, I walked to the kitchen and sat down at the table just watching her.

"Good morning, Bill. Would you like some coffee?" Keira asked.

"Yes, I would," Keira poured a cup handing it to me. Taking the coffee cup from her, I noticed she looked a little better despite the circles under her eyes. Almost as if seeing another woman this morning, Keira seemed to be more in control of herself and her emotions.

Keira looked me in the eyes and said to me, "Bill, a while after I met Jerry he told me how close you two were. How you both grew up together and what your friendship meant to him. He wrote a letter and sealed it up making me promise that if anything happened to him to give it to you. He also wrote a letter to me."

I sat there stunned that Jerry would have done something like that. Jerry had always been the practical one, always thinking of the other person. Both letters were in front of her on the table with our names on them. Keira picked up the letter addressed to her and started to cry.

I opened the one with my name on it. I could hear his voice in my head as I read:

Hello Bill,

If you are reading this, something happened to me. Do not fret too much, bro. I had a good life and great friends. I know you are having a tough time now, as I was always the tough person despite what people thought. Get on your bike and ride for there might be no tomorrow my friend. However, right now, I need you. In this letter, you will find that Keira is now yours. Let me explain, Keira is my slave and I want you to take her home with you. Keira knows how you loved me as a brother and she trusts you. She needs to have a strong hand controlling her in her daily life. I have a will stating that you gain all my property, including Keira. Keira will give you control of her life and all her possessions. You will take over as her protector, her Master, her lover. In the letter I wrote to her, I mentioned that she is to go to you and be your slave. She will give up everything to you. Keira will tell you more after she reads her letter. I know this is a shock, but Keira needs you, please take care of her.

Thanks brother,


With trembling hands, Keira opened her letter and read in silence. I could see her eyes open wide and then she silently smiled and wept at the same time.


I am sorry that I am not there right now to help you though this. My lover, my friend, and most important my slave. I have cherished you from the night I rescued you from the bar. You have given me the best gift a woman could give a man, your heart. And for that I will always be grateful. I saw a woman that night I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

You have given me great pleasure being who and what you are. My words can never explain what you have given to me. I just hope that I have fulfilled your needs and desires these last few years. You have given me great pleasure by letting me into your life. I know that no one can replace me, but I would not want you to suffer. I want you to go to Bill. He will be your new Master. Trust me on this my love of my life, I know what I am doing.

I want you to give him what you have given me, your love, your devotion, your heart and soul. He did not know what we have shared and I want you to guide him. He will learn fast I promise you. I have told him in his letter a little about us. Answer any questions he has and be open and honest with him. Guide him, love him, cherish him because he is a good man. I have given Bill all my property and possessions and my most prized possession, you my love. I trust you will follow my request and go to him.


I sat there in silence trying to absorb what I just read. I have read books about this and always wondered about it. I admit I often fantasized about having a slave, a woman who would do anything I asked. But, Keira, she was Jerry's. What was he thinking? My eyes shifted up from my letter looking over at Keira. Keira noticed my eyes looking at her and she quickly stood up and removed her shirt and shorts folding them up and placing them on the table. My jaw dropped. Keira stood there naked in front of me for the first time.

Keira was five foot five and had dirty blonde hair, with the most succulent thirty-six d-cup breasts. Her eyes were the deepest blue eyes I had ever seen. Her figure was trim. Her tanned and toned body shined in the morning light from the window. Her hands went behind her back, her feet spread shoulder width apart, her head looking down at the floor. Her dirty blonde hair fell in front of her face, dangling over her round breasts.

I had always thought Keira attractive but my God, I had no idea how truly gorgeous she was. My eyes took in her beauty. Gazing down I saw how her hair dangled on her breasts. Her hard nipples were standing. I let my eyes follow her curves down to her naked pussy. Her pussy lips had a moist coating on them. I stood up from the chair to give her a hug. Before I could reach around her, Keira went down on her knees and bowed her head to the floor at my feet.

"Master, how can I please you this morning?" Keira meekly asked. I was stunned at her submissiveness. I told her to stand back up. "Yes Master." Keira replied as she rose up to her feet, her eyes looking towards the floor.

"Keira, I need time to figure this out. We will talk about this later," I said.

Jerry's funeral was later that morning. I pulled Keira to my body wrapping my arms around her. I felt her naked breasts press against my chest while we hugged. Keira let a deep sigh escape as my arms held her. I could not believe the change in Keira. Just last night I heard her crying herself to sleep and this morning she was standing naked in my arms and sighing like it was the most natural thing in the world. My heart went out to her and I had to do what my best friend asked of me. He knew he could trust me to take care of her. Today was going to be hard for both of us. The doorbell rang bringing us back to the present.

"Get dressed while I see who it is." I said to her breaking our embrace.

"Yes Master," Keira replied.

"I am not ready for you to call me Master, yet. Just call me Bill," I sternly told her.

"Yes Mass, I mean Bill," Keira meekly replied flashing her blue eyes at me.

I left the kitchen, from the corner of my eye I saw her get dressed. It was hard to hide the bulge in my shorts. I opened the door and Amber was standing there.

"Hello Bill, is Keira all right? I came by to see if there was anything I could do," Amber asked while standing there at the door. Amber was wearing a black dress that went down to just above her knees, black sheer stockings on her toned legs and black open toed heels clutching a black purse. I saw her eyes gaze down, she noticed the bulge in my shorts.

"Come in Amber. Keira is in the kitchen," I said as I stepped back and let her walk pass me. I saw the little smile on her face as she walked by.

I heard Amber greet Keira and I saw them hugging as I walked up the stairs. I needed to take a shower and get ready for the funeral. I also needed to digest everything that happened this morning. There were some serious decisions to make today, decisions that would change our lives forever. The rest of the day was hectic and very emotional for everyone that attended. Jerry's parents came up with my parents consoling each other.

Dave, Jerry’s dad pulled me aside later when we got back to the house. He was like a second father to me. "How is Keira doing?" He asked.

"She is doing okay under the circumstances," I replied back.

"Anything we can do for her or you, Bill?" He asked.

"Yes, actually there is. You have an office in San Diego, right?" I asked

"Yes, we do have one there. Why?" Wondering what I had in mind.

"Can you get her transferred there? I am taking Keira back to San Diego with me to help her through this. Oh, another thing, can you take my car and Keira’s car back with you and leave them at my house? I am going to rent a truck and move Keira there," I explained.

Dave said the transfer would be no problem and they would take the cars back for us. I breathed a sigh of relief. All the guests left late, I saw that the day was a terrible strain on Keira. She was exhausted and so was I. We said our good nights and went upstairs to our rooms. I heard her door close and soon after I heard her weeping again. Removing my clothes I got into bed, I was exhausted. I was drifting to sleep when my bedroom door opened.

"Are you asleep yet, Bill?" I heard Keira whisper.

"Uh, not yet," I said.

"Can I sleep with you tonight? I do not want to be alone," Keira asked.

"Sure Keira. Come on and lay down with me," I sleepily replied.

I felt the covers lift and Keira slid under the covers joining me. I rolled on to my side facing her and Keira snuggled up to my body, I realized she was naked when her ass touched my stomach. Keira settled down and we spooned, my arms holding her. It was not long after that we fell asleep in each other’s arms. When I awoke the next morning, I noticed my hard cock was nestled between the tender folds of her ass. She felt amazingly warm and soft. I felt her gentle breathing and every time she inhaled, I felt her ass rub my cock. Carefully, I tried to move away from her.

"Good morning?" I heard her ask.

My eyes flew open, stammering out, "Yes, sorry I woke you up."

"That's okay. Is there anything I can do to please you this morning? Your cock has been poking my ass all night," Keira asked. Keira rolled over and her body pressed into mine. I felt my cock twitch as her hand grasped it tenderly and I heard a soft purr from her as she squeezed it. Her hand started to stroke my hard shaft and it was all I could do not to push her away from me. I closed my eyes and let her stroke my cock.

Keira's body moved away from me and then I felt her head under the covers. I felt her moist lips brush across my nipple. Keira opened her mouth and I felt her suck my nipple in her mouth. Her tongue flicked over my nipple and I felt it get hard. She increased her sucking and her tongue was circling around my nipple. I reached behind her head and pushed it harder on my nipple. Keira moaned, her hand stroking my cock.

She moved over to the other nipple and did the same thing. I felt her other hand lightly cup my balls as she stroked my cock. Her hand tenderly squeezed my ball sack as her other hand stroked my cock in a slow motion. Each time the tips of her fingers touched the tip of my cock, she drew a circle around the head. This girl was good. In a matter of minutes my hips began to move with her strokes. Keira slid further down my body, planting light kisses on my chest and stomach as she came closer to my cock.

Keira reached the base of my cock with her lips. She licked the base of my cock in a circular motion around the base of my shaft, her hand still on my ball sack. Keira slowly started to kiss up my cock, each kiss tender and sending electric shocks though my body. When she reached the tip, she kissed the tip of my cock. I felt my balls tighten. I have had blow jobs before, but this was the most sensual blow job I ever had received. It felt like she wanted to worship and please my cock as if it was the most prized possession she owned.

I felt her warm breath on the tip as her lips parted taking the head of my cock in her mouth. Her tongue flicked out and probed the slit on top of my cock. I reached down grasping a hand full of her hair and moaned. When I grabbed her hair, I felt her moan on my cock sending a vibration down my entire shaft. Her tongue left my slit as she circled it around the head of my cock. Keira slowly sucked my cock deep down her throat and she continued to moan as it disappeared down her throat. Her tongue explored my cock as she took me down. I felt her nose touch my pubic hair and she moaned hard. My cock twitched in her mouth and I felt my balls tighten some more.

Keira let go of my ball sack and her finger explored down the crack of my ass feeling my ass hole. She rubbed around my hole carefully teasing and probing my hole. Keira slowly worked her mouth back up my cock. She released my cock from her mouth sticking a finger in her mouth wetting it. Keira licked up the underside of my cock with her tongue going from the base to the tip several times. I felt her wet finger in the center of my ass hole. Keira put a little pressure on the hole. Just as my hole parted, she took my cock in her mouth and buried my shaft deep down her throat.

My hips bucked up forcing her deeper on my cock. I felt her finger massage my prostrate gland, her humming increased around my cock. I could not hold back any longer. My cock exploded sending rivers of cum down her throat. I felt my cock shoot several times as her finger massaged my prostrate gland that sent more of my hot cum deep down her throat. I thought I would never stop cumming. Keira’s lips locked tight around my shaft, as she took it all not spilling a drop. Carefully she pulled her finger out from my ass. Keira kept her mouth around my cock until it went soft, her tongue licking up the remains of cum from her lips. She lifted her head up and smiled at me. "Did I please you Bill?" she asked.

"Who taught you that Keira? It was the most intense blow job I ever had. Yes, you pleased me. Bring your pussy up here to my mouth now and I will show you how much," I said.

A smile was on her lips as she crawled up my body. She had a sweet sexy smile that I loved. Keira lifted her leg over my head, her bare pussy straddling my face. Just before she lowered her pussy on my mouth I noticed how wet she was. Her pussy lips were wet and my nose picked up her scent for the first time. Keira slowly lowered her pussy onto my open mouth. I tasted her for the first time, not bitter but a sweet taste. My lips brushed against her outer lips and they parted, dripping her sweet nectar on my tongue. Keira spread her legs wider, opening her wet pussy to my tongue.

I slowly licked up the folds of her pussy with my tongue parting her pussy lips. I spent several minutes exploring the folds of her pussy and briefly probing her wet dripping hole. My hands went up to her breasts cupping them. My palms rubbed across her nipples, hard as diamonds and just as precious and beautiful. I took her nipples between my fingers and squeezed rolling them between my fingers. Keira moaned deep and hard when I placed my tongue in her pussy. She grabbed the headboard as I started to fuck her pussy with tongue.

Keira started to move her hips across my face grinding her clit against my tongue. Her clit was hard and I placed my lips around it sucking it deep, flicking my tongue over and around it. Keira started to shriek with each stroke of my tongue. Her breathing became shallow and fast. I squeezed her nipples harder as I concentrated on her clit.

Between gasps I heard Keira beg, "Please let me cum, please Master. I need to cum!"

My face buried between her thighs, my tongue licking her clit when I mumbled, "Cum now slave!"

It sounded intelligible but Keira understood and released a torrent of her cum that instant. Her thighs closed around my head and her pussy squirted her nectar down my throat. She screeched that she was cumming and her body went rigid. Her body went in to spasms as the waves washed over her. As the waves of her climax subsided, her thighs parted, I gasped a breath of air my face soaked from her orgasm. Keira collapsed against the headboard.

When Keira regained her strength, she climbed of my face and settled beside me. I wrapped my arms around her as we both fell asleep. When I awoke it was late morning, I tried to process what happened this morning in my head. Just as I decided that I would follow my best friends last request, Keira came into the room carry a tray of coffee and some breakfast.

"Good morning Bill," she announced as she placed the tray down. Keira picked up a cup of coffee, using both hands she handed it me. Keira was naked and the sun was shining on her body though the window. Placing a few pillows against the headboard, I pulled up my body to a sitting position. I let my fingers linger against hers as I grasped my coffee.

"Keira we need to talk," I said after taking a sip.

I saw the color drain from her face, her body trembling. A tear formed in her eye. "Did I not please you this morning, Bill?" she asked nervously.

"Oh god yes, you did please me this morning. Very much so," I explained. "Come and sit next to me, Keira," I said patting the bed.

Keira sat next to me, her eyes looking down. I saw more tears starting to flow down her face. Reaching my hand up to her face and wiping a few tears away, I took her chin and raised her head up. "Keira, please listen to what I have to say," I said softly. "Yesterday was a shock to me when I read the letter Jerry had written. I never knew of the special relationship you and Jerry had. I just thought that you loved him so much when I saw the two of you together. I needed some time to think of his request of me. I thought long and hard of what he asked me to do for him," I said. "Keira I have known you for years, I know how deep Jerry loved you. He would have not asked me to do this for him if he did not think I could love you, too. I am going to abide by his wishes and take you home with me to San Diego where you will live with me. This is all new to me and with your help, I hope to be as good as Jerry was. All I ask is that I hope you can love me as deep as you did Jerry. I promise to protect you and care for you as he did," I explained.

I saw an instant change in Keira, there were tears of joy on her face and she leapt in to my arms hugging me tight. "Oh Bill, thank you, since I met you, I have come to care for you so much. Jerry was your best friend, a true brother; his face would light up every time he talked about you. I knew how much he cared for you. I am so happy that you will be my new master. I wish to please you and care for your every need and want," Keira said between sobs.

"Okay we have some things to do now. I have arranged with Jerry's dad to transfer you to the San Diego office. They will drive our cars back with them for us. We will have to arrange to sell this house and get a moving van to move the furniture. I don't know where I will put it all, but I will figure that out later," I said.

"Bill, let us just keep what you want and sell the rest. The only things I need are my possessions and of course the play room," Keira said.

"Play room?" I said raising an eyebrow.

Keira giggled when she answered, "Yes the play room. You know the room Jerry said was for storage? Actually, he made that into a playroom. Come and I will show you."

Keira took my hand in hers and we walked naked down the hall. Keira reached up over the door and brought down a key putting it in the lock, opening the door. Keira stepped back after opening the door, her eyes watching for my reaction. Taking a few steps, I entered the room. On the far wall, there were several shelves with various dildos and an assortment of vibrators. There was an assortment of nipple clamps from the mild to a severe looking set with sharp pins on the jaws with various little chains and weights on them.

Next to the clamps were several gags and blindfolds. On the bottom shelf, all the leather cuffs with pad locks attached. I saw the lotions and lubricants next to the cuffs. Next to the shelves on the wall hanging were ropes of different lengths, chains and leather straps. Jerry had floggers, paddles of different sizes and whips of different styles hanging next to the ropes. Turning my head I saw an X cross bolted to the wall with chains and eyebolts on it for securing a slave's body. In the center of the room were two hooks in the floor that were recessed. Looking up I saw the rope hanging from the ceiling attached to a pulley going over to a hook on the wall. On the far wall was a padded sawhorse with several eyelets for immobilizing a slave securely. Next to that was a knee high table covered in leather with chains on each corner. In the corner of the room, I noticed an adjustable pole with a threaded end standing there.

"What is that pole used for Keira?" I asked.

"Jerry had that made for me. There are a couple of dildos that screws on the top. When Jerry suspended me he would put a dildo on it. He would put it in my pussy and extend it into me," Keira explained. "I loved it when he would flog or whip me when I was impaled on it.

Keira stood next to me with her eyes down looking at the floor as I walked around the room touching everything. I took a flogger from the wall and swished it though the air. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Keira flinch, a smile on her face. "Did Jerry use these on you?" I asked.

"Yes he did, Bill. It was my responsibility to clean up all the toys after a session," Keira said. "Sometimes I had to stay here all night after punishment on the cross," Keira added.

"Were you punished often Keira?" I had to ask.

With a smile on her face she said, "Yes, sometimes I messed up on purpose just to feel his whips. Mostly we were here on weekends after a long week at work."

"Did anyone else know about this room?" I inquired.

"Amber knows about the room. Master punished me one time and made Amber watch," Keira said.

"Why did he do that?" I asked.

"Jerry caught Amber and I playing with our pussies and I did not have permission to do that. He tied me over the sawhorse and spread my legs wide. Jerry told Amber to kneel and watch her friend take the punishment that she caused. He made me explain to Amber why Jerry had to punish me. Jerry had used that hard leather paddle," Keira pointed at it on the wall. "I had to thank him with every stroke and if I lost count, he would start over again. He gave me twenty hard hits on my ass and thighs. About halfway through my ass was on fire. Jerry explained that the first ten were for my misbehavior and the last ten were Amber's misbehaver. However, I have a secret, Bill. I wanted Jerry to catch us. I knew what would happen and Amber knows that I am his slave. Amber is my best friend and she saw what Jerry had done for me. Amber noticed how Jerry cared for me and helped me stop drinking. I tried to stop drinking before and could not. I have not had any alcohol since that night in the bar when Jerry brought me here to his house. I never craved it again. I just needed a Master and did not know it. She saw how I changed for the better. She wanted that. Amber wanted to be my sister slave, but Jerry said no. He would not consider Amber as a sister slave to me until she stopped drinking. She has been clean and sober for a year. Next month, Jerry was going to make her my sister slave. Now that can't happen," Keira said, tears started to flow from her eyes. "I am so glad to have you. I want to move and be your slave more than anything. Nevertheless, I just lost Jerry and now Amber will be farther away…"

Keira started to cry more. I stepped closer wrapping my arms around her holding her tight. Keira lowered her head on my shoulder and cried hard. She cried for several minutes as I held her in my arms.

Keira's tears subsided, then she asked for a favor, "Bill will you spank my ass with a paddle please?"

My heart started to pound in my chest as I heard her request. "Why do you want me to paddle you Keira?"

"Because it will be my gift to you. I love you, I need you and I want you to?" Keira meekly asked her blue eyes focused on mine.

How could I say no to this beautiful woman standing naked in front of me? "Get the cuffs from the shelf. Bring the paddle you want me to use on you," I said sternly.

Keira flashed a big smile as she went to the shelf getting the items. She studied the paddles hanging on the wall. I saw her reach for the wooden paddle that was three inches wide, twenty inches long and about one inch thick. One side was in leather, the other side just varnished wood. Walking over to me she stopped and lowered herself to her knees, holding the items up in her hands she said, "Bill, use these on your slave."

As I took the items, I started to feel very nervous. This was the first time I ever was going to strike a woman. Keira looked up into my eyes saying, "You will do fine, Bill. I know it in my heart. Please, I need this,"

"Get up and spread yourself over the sawhorse, Keira. Do it now!" I said my voice shaking a bit.

Keira walked over to the sawhorse and pulled it away from the wall. When it was in the center of the room Keira straddled the horse with her legs down the sides, laying her chest on the padding. She placed her arms down the sides of the sawhorse. I walked over to her and stood there taking in her beautiful body, her ass facing me. I noticed how wet she was when I placed my hand between her legs. A soft moan escaped from her lips.

Kneeling behind her, I placed a cuff on each ankle and locked it to the horse. I ran my hands down her legs feeling her tremble. I went to the front of the sawhorse and kneeled in front of her. Keira raised one hand and touched my face. Looking up I saw the gleam in her eyes. I took her hand away from my face and placed a cuff around her wrist locking it. Keira's eyes followed me as I went to her other wrist locking it to the horse. Keira tugged on her restraints, closing her eyes. I slapped the paddle in my hand and felt the sting from it. I raised it up over my shoulder swinging it down across her round ass.

I heard the slap from the paddle as it hit her, "One! Thank you, Bill. May I have another?" Keira did not flinch from the strike, she just laid still. I heard the dismay in her voice when she said, "Thank you." I raised the paddle again and swung harder. This time landing on the other side of her ass. She jumped, saying, "Two! Thank you, Bill. May I have another?"

I saw the red mark from the second strike appear on her ass. My nervousness started to subside when I struck her ass again this time with some force. "Aaaaaiiiieeee!" she screamed, "Three! Thank you, Bill. May I have another?" The red mark appeared instantly. I swung the paddle again with the same force landing the strike on both cheeks along her crack. Keira jumped in her bonds and screeched again, "Aaaaaiiiieeee oooo! Four! Thank you, Bill. May I have another?" she gasped.

Looking down at her red ass, I saw how wet her pussy was. The moisture was flowing down her thighs. I also noticed how hard my cock was. I turned the paddle around. I was using the wood side before, now I wanted to see her reaction to the leather side. I sideways struck her ass hard with the leather side. Keira jumped when the blow struck her ass.

"Owwwwww!" she yelped. "Five! Thank you, Bill. May I have another?" I saw her grinding her pussy against the padding of the sawhorse, her thighs wet from the juices flowing from her pussy. Each time she ground her pussy on the horse more of her sweet nectar flowed out on to the leather top of the sawhorse. Keira was moaning louder, her wiggling ass asking for more. I raised the paddle for one final strike, swatting her ass hard. Before she could yell out, I shoved my cock in her pussy.

"Ow oooooo," She moaned as my cock drove in deep. Grabbing her hips, I pounded hard and fast in her wet pussy. Keira started to moan loud with each thrust and pushed back against my cock. I felt her pussy muscles contract around my cock, squeezing it. Her pussy felt like a vise as she gripped my cock. "Fuck your slave, Bill, fuck me!" she cried out.

Keira was gasping for breath as I pounded her pussy. I felt my balls tighten, my cock grew harder and thicker. I felt my cock throb as cum started to bathe the inside of her pussy. I reached up taking a handful of her hair, forcing her head back and yelled, "Cum now slave, cum hard for your new Master!"

Keira's body shook. I saw her strain against her bonds. Her pussy squeezed my cock milking every drop of my cum. Keira's pussy sent a flood of her own cum around my cock. Then, she squirted a clear shot of cum from her pussy as the wave took hold of her.

My knees buckled and I fell on to her back, pinning her to the sawhorse. She laid there gasping and moaning as the waves subsided. I lay on her back for a few minutes before I tried to stand up. When I got my strength in my legs back, I pulled my cock from her wet pussy. Keira was just laying there with her eyes closed and her body having aftershocks.

When I pulled my cock out of her pussy, our combined juices flowed out of her pussy running down her legs. It was then I heard a deep moan from behind me. Turning around to look I saw Amber standing in the door way leading in to the room, her panties around her knees, her dress pulled up to her waist, and two fingers shoved deep in her pussy. Her eyes closing tight as her orgasm racked her body.

"What are you doing here?" I said with a surprised tone.

Amber's eyes opened wide. She pulled her fingers out of her soaked pussy and quickly pulled her panties back up, letting her dress fall back down her legs. "The front door was unlocked. I rang the bell but no one answered. Then I heard noises coming from up here. I saw you fucking Keira. It was so hot," she stammered.

Keira heard Amber's voice, opening her eyes. "Hi Amber, Master just used me. It was great," Keira cooed.

I stood there, my face felt red from blushing and my limp cock dripping cum onto the floor. Amber did the strangest thing. She walked over to me, getting on her knees. She opened her mouth and swallowed my cock deep down her throat. Her tongue licked around the head of my cock cleaning our combined cum from it. Amber's mouth felt warm as her tongue licked and sucked my cock clean.

"Master, I would join you, but I am little tied up right now," Keira giggled.

Hearing Keira giggle brought me back to reality. "Amber, release Keira from the saw horse. Clean up this mess also," I said as I quickly left the room.

I left the room heading for the kitchen. I forgot I was still naked. I sat at the table, my mind reeling from what I just experienced with Keira. I just tied up a woman and paddled her ass hard, turning it red. She was thanking me for the blows I inflicted on her body. My cock got hard when I saw how wet it was making her. I never felt that way before and being caught by her best friend while she was fingering her own pussy. I sat there staring at the coffee I just poured.

Upstairs Amber walked over to Keira, kneeling down she released the cuffs from her wrists. Keira used her free hands to help her sit up. Amber crawled on her knees towards Keira's ankles.

"My god, Keira, there is a puddle here on the floor!" Amber shrieked.

"Yeah, he made me squirt," Keira giggled.

Amber released Keira's ankles standing back up. She noticed how red Keira's ass was and carefully placing her hand on it.

"Ohhh," Keira moaned.

"Does your ass hurt?" Amber said while rubbing her hand over Keira's ass.

"Yes it does, but it is a good pain. I asked for him to paddle me," Keira replied.

"Help me clean this mess up, please? Well, tell me, how was he, Keira?"

"Great! He is new to it, but I think he enjoyed it and I think he will be as good as Jerry was, maybe better. His cock is bigger than Jerry's though," Keira said with a tear in her eye at the mention of Jerry's name.

"Does Bill know about me wanting to be your sister slave Keira?" Amber asked.

"Yes. I told him, but I don't know now, things have changed. He is moving me to San Diego to his house. In a way I am glad, because this house has too many memories for me," Keira said holding back a tear.

Keira and Amber went downstairs to the kitchen where I was still sitting at the table. Keira was still naked as was I. Amber still had her clothes on when they walked in. Keira sat down on the chair a little tenderly and Amber sat beside her.

"Thank you, Bill. I needed that," Keira said holding my hand.

"I am happy that I pleased you, Keira." I said giving her hand a squeeze. "Keira, when we do that again and I am sure we will. You can call me Master," I said.

Her eyes brightened when I said that to her and she squeezed my hand harder. Keira stood up and came over to me, wrapping her arms around my neck whispered, "I love you, my Master." Keira gingerly sat in my lap with her arms around my neck. Looking over towards Amber, I saw her smile at us.

"Amber, Keira mentioned that Jerry was going to take you in with them as a sister slave for Keira," I said.

"Yes, Bill, he was going to," Amber replied. "I have not drunk any alcohol in a year and have not had sex with a man either," she added.

"Well I have agreed to follow Jerry's wishes and if he was going to take you in with them as a sister to Keira then I guess I should see what I am getting then. Don't you agree?" I said looking at her. Amber's mouth fell open in shock at my words. "Stand up Amber and take off your clothes, do it now!" I ordered her.

Amber looked at Keira and Keira just nodded her head. Amber stood up and removed her dress placing it on the chair. She stood at the table in her bra and panties.

"I said all your clothes, Amber, do it now," I said sternly.

Amber reached behind her back and released the clip holding her bra letting it slide down her arms. She hooked the top of her panties with her thumbs and slowly lowered them down her legs. Amber placed her bra and panties on her dress. She stood there in front of us naked, her body trembling with her hands covering her pussy. Looking at Keira for a reaction, I just saw her smile at me. Amber's body was just as toned as Keira's, her breasts were smaller than Keira's. Her nipples were long and getting hard. They looked just the right size for those nasty nipple clamps in the playroom.

"Move your hands. Let me see your pussy," I ordered. "Stand with your hands behind your back, spread your legs even with your shoulders, Amber. Keira, show her how to stand," I said.

Keira stood up, placed her hands behind her back, spread her legs even with her shoulders and immediately tilted her head towards the floor. Amber saw Keira stand and did the same.

"Hmmm, Keira, what do you see wrong with Amber's body?" I asked.

Keira raised her eyes and looked at Amber. "Her pussy is not bare, Master," Keira replied.

"Yes, you are right. It is not clean-shaven," I agreed. "Amber, your pussy is not shaven bare. What are you going to do about it?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Master, I will shave it immediately if you desire," Amber said rather meekly.

"Amber, you will not call me Master yet. You may call me Bill or Sir, understand?" I said sternly.

"Yes, Sir," she said still looking down.

"How long will it take you to get your affairs in order? I am taking Keira to San Diego to live with me. If you want to be Keira's sister slave you must move there with us. Is that acceptable with you?"

"Yes, Sir, it is acceptable with me. My apartment has a month-to-month lease and I do not have any furniture. I can quit my job tomorrow if you wish it. I have no other responsibilities here," she said her voice shaking.

"Keira, is it acceptable with you if Amber becomes your sister slave?" I asked looking at Keira.

Keira's face lit up, her eyes going wide, "Oh yes, Master, it is acceptable with me to have Amber as my sister slave!" she said jumping into my lap and kissing me deep.

When I broke the kiss from Keira, Amber was still standing there with a huge smile on her face. "Thank you so much Sir, I will do my best to please you both," Amber said.

"Come here and give your Sir and sister slave a hug. Welcome to the family," I said extending my arms open.

Amber moved quickly over to Keira wrapping her arms around her. Keira's arms went around Amber and they embraced each other. A minute later, they parted their bodies and each of them came over to me and gave me the biggest hug they could. Two separate hands grabbed my cock squeezing it hard. Just as I felt their touch, both women got on to their knees. Keira on my left and Amber on my right. I looked down as two wet hungry mouths started to kiss my cock.

Two pairs of lips planted kisses up my cock. I felt my cock grow hard under the sensual affection. Keira reached the tip of my cock sticking her tongue out and flicking it across the tip. Amber kissed my cock towards my pubic hair. They worked in unison, as one kissed and licked my cock down the other would kiss my cock and lick up.

I let a moan escape as they worked on my cock. When Keira reached the tip of my cock, her lips parted slowly taking the head of my cock down her throat. Amber went to my ball sack and tenderly placed one of my balls in her mouth and sucked. As Keira reached the base, her tongue was licking the underside of my cock and I felt her hum. I almost came right then. Amber was sucking my balls and licking her tongue over them.

I reached down and placed my hands on their heads grabbing their hair. I heard both women moan and intensify the sucking. Keira released my cock from her mouth, placing her hand around my shaft. She offered my wet cock to Amber's open mouth. Amber took her sisters gift and inhaled my cock deep in her mouth in one stroke. Keira’s hands pulled my hips closer to the edge of the chair. Keira spread my legs wider and she settled in between them. Keira began to lick my balls as Amber placed her mouth over the tip of my cock and started to suck slowly. Just then, I felt a tongue lick my puckered ass hole. Keira licked around my hole flicking her tongue in my hole. I felt her probe and lick all around. I knew I could hold on from cumming but the sensations these beautiful women were doing betrayed me.

My hands grabbed their heads as I felt the orgasm build in my balls. Pulling their heads up off my cock, I sprayed both of their faces. Rope after rope of cum splashed on their faces. The first spurt hit Keira's mouth, the second spurt hit Amber's chin. My twitching cock covered both of their faces. When the spasm of cum stopped both of their faces were covered in cum. Both women instantly lowered their heads and licked me clean. I opened my eyes to see cum covered faces cleaning my cock.

"You two are a mess. Clean your faces," I said.

Keira and Amber looked at each and started to laugh. Cum was dripping off their faces. I thought that they would go and wipe off the mess, but they started to lick cum of each other’s faces. I just sat and stared at them lick each other clean. When they were finished, Keira and Amber kissed each other deeply.

I was exhausted from the morning’s activities. I just sat there and watched them. I could not believe what has happened to me in the last few days. I lost my best friend, took on a responsibility of caring for Keira and now taking on another woman to care for her also. Three days ago my life crashed around me and now I was the happiest man in the world. I was content on being a single man and now I had two women who needed me in their lives. My head was spinning with a complete new bunch of responsibilities to handle.

Looking down at the two most beautiful women kneeling at my side all I could do was smile. "I am going to take a shower ladies, while I am away make us some breakfast," I said. Suddenly, I was very hungry.

"Yes, Master," Keira said.

"Yes, Sir," Amber said.

"What would like for breakfast, Master?" Keira asked.

"Surprise me," I said getting up and walking out of the kitchen.

Walking into the bathroom, I started the water in the shower. Stepping into the shower, I let the water fall over my body. As I was standing there, I felt a cool breeze as the shower curtain moved. Turning around I saw Keira standing there.

"Master, it is my pleasure to wash you. May I?," she asked.

"I thought I told you to make breakfast, slave," I asked.

"Yes Master, you did. But I always washed Jerry in the shower," she replied adding, "Amber has everything under control in the kitchen."

"Okay then, slave, you may wash me," I said.

I saw the smile on her face as she reached for the washcloth and soap. Wetting the washcloth, Keira rubbed some soap on it. Keira started to wash my chest, going in a circular motion around my nipples. When she was satisfied that my chest was clean, her hand moved down to my stomach with the cloth. Keira went down to her knees and carefully lifted my cock. Very tenderly, she washed my cock and ball sack clean. After spending several minutes cleaning, every inch of my cock Keira slowly moved down to my legs washing each leg. Keira stood up after she finished with my legs. "Turn around please, Master, so I can wash your back," Keira asked.

I turned around facing the wall as Keira lathered the cloth again. I felt her hand start at the top of my back and go across my shoulders. She slowly worked her down to my ass. I felt her hand spread my ass cheeks apart. I placed my hands against the shower wall, feeling her hands wash between the folds of my ass. I felt her finger stroke the crack up and down and playfully probed my ass hole. Keira turned me around guiding me under the nozzle of the shower rinsing the soap off my body. The water was cascading over my body and Keira used her hands slowly rinsing the soap off me.

I noticed her nipples were hard pointing out from her breasts the water flowing between her breasts going down her stomach, ending in a stream of water falling from her pussy. Keira was looking deep into my eyes, a fiery look of lust that would melt snow on a winter day. "My turn," I said as I took the wash cloth in my hand.

I lathered up the cloth and started on her left breast. Washing each, paying extra attention to her nipples. I took my fingers and pinched her nipples. A soft moan came from her throat. Keira arched her back as I washed and pinched the other nipple. Her chest was heaving with her deep breaths as I fondled her breasts. Taking the wash cloth down to her stomach, I paused a minute as I cupped her pussy in my other hand. Keira parted her legs a bit as my finger slid up her slit. Brushing the tip of her clit with my finger, I drew a circle around it feeling it extend from her hood.

Keira was moving her hips at my touch trying to force my finger harder on her clit. I knelt down and washed her legs, taking my time as I felt how soft she was. As I washed her legs, her bare pussy was a few inches away from my lips. I lowered my mouth on it and licked up her slit kissing her clit. Standing back up I told her to turn around so I could wash her back. Keira reluctantly turned around. Taking the washcloth, I started on her shoulders and worked slowly down her back until I reached her ass. It was not red anymore from the paddling she received, but as I touched the cloth to her, she flinched from the touch.

"Time to rinse you, my slave," I said as I pulled her under the shower nozzle letting the water flow over her.

Keira reached out, taking my cock in her hands and gently stroked it a few times making it hard. Keira pushed me back a bit so she could get on her knees. She opened her mouth taking my cock in deep. I felt her tongue begin the magic touch again as she ran it around the head of my stiff cock. I watched her head slowly engulf my cock deep into her mouth stopping when she reached the base, her nose buried in my pubic hair. She just kept it down her throat for several seconds massaging it with her throat muscles before she began a slow withdrawal until only the tip was in her mouth. I could not believe how good she was at sucking a cock. While she sucked the tip of my cock, her tongue licked the slit of my cock looking up in to my eyes with hers.

Grabbing her hair in my hand, I pulled her to her feet forcefully turning her around and bending her at the waist. Spreading her ass with my hands opening her wide. I placed my hand on my cock and stroked it up her crack several times touching her puckered hole. Resting it on her brown puckered hole, I placed the tip of my cock and pushed forward. She pushed back groaning as the tip of my cock stretched her tight hole. The shower water helped lubricate my cock as I slowly pushed my cock deep in her. I felt the head of my cock pass her anal ring and waited a second for her to adjust to me. I slowly pushed my cock further in her ass as Keira shoved her hips back and buried my cock deep in her. My pubic hair pressed against her ass. I waited a minute feeling how tight she was. I started to pull out my cock. When I was about halfway out I shoved it back in one sudden thrust.

"Ohhhh, Master! You're so big. My ass feels so full! Fuck my ass, Master! Please, fuck your slave’s ass," she begged. I do not know what came over me as I heard her say that to me, but I started to pound hard and fast in her ass. Keira matched my strokes as I increased my thrusts. "Yes, Master! Oh yessss, use your slave!" she cried out as I fucked her hard. I saw Keira's fingers stroke her clit hard.

For the fourth time that morning, I felt my balls boil with my load of cum going up my shaft. I threw back my head and screamed. With a final hard thrust deep I exploded deep in her ass and at the same time Keira screamed as her climax racked though her body, shoving back on my cock. Keira’s ass muscles clamped around my cock and milked every drop of my hot cum shot in her.

I stood there shaking as I recovered from the intense feeling of her ass milking me. My cock went limp and fell from her hole. I noticed cum dribble out of her stretched hole as she stood back up. As she stood up, I wrapped arms around her and hugged her tight in my arms. The water was still running over us like a soft rain in summer rinsing our combined cum off. I turned the water off stepping out of the shower, Keira right behind me. Keira took a towel off the rack and dried off my body. While she dried me off, I stood there thinking about this morning, in the matter off a few hours I climaxed four times and used each of her holes.

"Let us go eat I am starving," I said to Keira as I took her hand in mine. We walked in to the kitchen naked with sly grins on our faces.

"That must have been a heck of a shower you two took. I heard you both down here," Amber chuckled.

Keira and I just smiled as we sat down at the table. Amber had enough food to feed an army laid out on the table. Bacon, eggs, ham steaks and toast. All of us ate and talked about what had happened so far this morning. It was agreed. Keira and Amber would go to Amber’s apartment and gather Amber’s belongings. While they were away, I was going to go over all of Jerry's papers in his office. When we finished eating, my slaves cleaned the table, washing the dishes and putting things away. I sat there and watched both naked women in their chores.

"Master may I get dressed and go to Amber's apartment and what do you want me to wear today?" she asked.

"What do you mean Keira?" I asked.

"Jerry always laid out my clothing for the day, I always dressed as he wished," Keira explained.

"Oh, I guess I have a lot to learn then, okay show me your closet and I will choose your clothes," I said.

We all went upstairs to Keira's room; she opened her closet showing me her clothes. Keira’s clothes arranged according to style. Her everyday work clothes first, casual wear second, lingerie last. Keira led me to her dresser and open the top drawers. Neatly placed were her bras that she wore under her work clothes. I noticed no panties in the drawer.

"You don't have any panties in this drawer, just bras," I asked.

"No, I don't have any, Master, it is forbidden for me to wear panties. Jerry always wanted to have his pussy always accessible for him," she explained.

"I see," I said. The image of her naked pussy always being available for use excited my cock, making it grow. The next drawer had her halter tops and t-shirts. The next drawer she opened had all of her shorts. The last drawer had her stockings and socks. I did not see any panty hose in the drawer. "At least you have panty hose right?" I asked.

"No, Master, they are considered panties, all I have are these crotchless stockings," Keira said.

"Okay, you are to wear shorts and a halter top today. Do you have something Amber can wear also?" I asked.

"Yes, Master, I do have something Amber can wear," Keira replied.

I left the room while the girls dressed going to my room. Opening my suitcase, I picked out a pair of dark brown shorts and a loose fitting white shirt. I was just finishing getting dressed when they walked in.

"Is this acceptable, Master?" Keira asked. Keira was dressed in a pair of loose fitting white shorts with a white halter top. Amber had on a beige sundress that had thin straps on the shoulders. Both women turned around to show me their outfits.

"I approve of your choices, slaves," I said. "Oh, before you leave, did Jerry have a password for his computer?" I asked.

"No, Master, he did not have a password. We did not keep secrets from each other. I had permission to use his computer any time I wanted," Keira said.

I followed them downstairs to the front door, Keira leaned over and kissed my cheek, and then Amber kissed the other cheek. I watched as they walked out of the house towards Amber's car. As they walked away, I said to them in a loud voice, "Be back in two hours."

"Yes, Master," Keira said.

"Yes, Sir," Amber added.

I stood at the door watching as they drove away. When they turned the corner, I closed the door and walked into Jerry's office. I felt a shiver run up my spine as I stood there looking around. Jerry had pictures of us on the wall from when we were kids to the time I visited last. Sitting behind his desk, I powered up his computer. It took a couple of minutes until the computer came to life. On the screen was a picture of Jerry and Keira from last Christmas, hugging each other.

I opened the file labeled finances. There were several sub folders and I opened the one labeled checking account. The first thing I noticed was the balance of the account. It had more than sixty thousand dollars in it. My eyes went wide at the amount that Jerry had in the account. Jerry had made his money by investing in stocks, but I never knew he did that well.

The next file I opened was Keira's savings account. The last statement balance was forty thousand dollars. I saw regular deposits made each week since he opened the account. The next folder I opened was the house expenses, balance owed, paid in full, taxes and insurance ten thousand dollars paid for the year. The last folder was the expenses and utilities file, everything was up to date. I closed the file, it was then I saw a file labeled, For Bill. I opened the file and waited for it to load.

The screen came to life. It was a video of Jerry sitting at his desk looking at the web camera on top of the computer. He said, "Hi bro, surprised yet? Guess you are watching this because something happened to me. By now, you know about the life Keira and I lead. I bet you are shocked that you never knew that about us. Yeah you are surprised," Jerry laughed at what he said on the screen.

"I am going to explain it to you now. First, you read my letter that I left for you and Keira read her letter. Therefore, here goes. In my will, I have left everything to you. You will take ownership of everything I have, including Keira. What you do with the house is up to you. Keep it or sell it, it is up to you to decide. All I ask from you is to love Keira as I did and care for her needs. There is a savings account set up for Keira. She has to deposit half of her wages weekly in to that account. She keeps half for her spending money and the rest goes in to the main account.

Now the fun part. Keira loves to be in bondage and spanked severely. It is what she craves the most. She gets excited at the mention of bondage and discipline. It is in her core to submit to me. Bill, she needs this in her life. She wants to serve me anyway, I see fit. Here are her rules:

One, she is to be naked when we are alone at all times.

Two, she must be clean shaven at all times. I had her go to the laser hair center so she never has to shave her pussy hair again.

Three, she is not allowed to pleasure herself without permission. If she does this, she is to tell you the minute you come home and await punishment.

Four, she is to call you at least once a day for any instructions that you order.

Five, she is not allowed to wear panties of any kind, including panty hose. Her pussy is to be available to me at all times. You will choose what she wears in public or at work.

Six, she has her own bedroom to sleep in. She is only allowed to sleep in my bed if I wish it. Most of the time she sleeps with me, but sometimes I have to punish her by making her sleep in her room or on the floor at the foot of my bed.

Seven, she is to ask for permission to sit at the table when we are eating. Sometimes when she has broken a rule, I have her eat from the floor.

Eight, she is to do anything I ask of her. That includes any item of clothing, sex, and anything she dislikes to do.

Keira loves you, Bill. Please take care of her. In the desk, there is a complete list of her rules for her to follow. She needs this in her life. It is what she wants and desires to happen in her life. Just remember to cherish her gift to you. You will learn more about her every day. She gets the most pleasure giving her life to you.

Oh, one more thing I have to warn you about," Jerry laughs at this, "She is insatiably horny. You have to deny her sometimes. It just makes her better when she has to wait. Good bye, my friend. You have been the best friend any one could ever have in his life."

The screen went dark.

I heard the front door open.

"Master, we are back," Keira announced as they walked in. Looking at the clock, I had been in the office for an hour and a half. Both women walked in the room, their hands full of Amber's stuff. "Were do I put Amber's things, Master?" Keira asked as she walked over to me leaning down and giving me a kiss.

"Move my things to Jerry's room and put her stuff in there for now, slave. I will be up in a few minutes," I said.

Keira's eyes turned bright at the word slave. "Yes, Master," Keira said as they hurried up the stairs.

I turned off the computer, sitting there a few minutes longer thinking about what Jerry had said on the video. My new slaves made several trips to the car getting Amber's belongings. Now or never, I thought to myself, rising up from the chair I left the room. I heard the slaves talking and laughing as I went up the stairs. Walking into my former room, both slaves were sitting on the bed still fully clothed going though Amber's clothes and sorting them in to piles.

"What's going in here?" I shouted standing with my hands on my hips. Keira instantly got off the bed and fell to her knees, legs spread wide, with her head on the floor. Amber still sat on the bed with her mouth open. She looked down at Keira and fell to her knees, legs spread wide, her head on the floor. "Slave Keira, what is the first rule?" I asked her.

"Master, the first rule is to be naked when in the house," she meekly said her head still on the floor.

"Did you slaves remove your clothes?" I asked again.

"No, Master. We did not," Keira answered.

"What is the punishment for breaking the rule slave?" I asked.

"The punishment is at Master's discretion," Keira answered.

"You both better be naked when I return, bent over the bed asses high," I said leaving the room.

"Yes, Master. We will be naked, bent over the bed. Asses high when you return," Keira said repeating my order.

As I left the room, I heard them scurry to remove their clothes. I went to the playroom, walking straight to the wall selecting a heavy leather strap with a handle. I waited several minutes to let the suspense build. Standing out of view watching them bent over the bed. I noticed Amber's legs were shaking and Keira was standing absolutely still.

I heard Amber whisper to Keira, "What is going to happen to us?"

"We are going to be punished for breaking the first rule. We are going to get paddled, Amber," Keira answered excitedly.

"Oh no, I have never been paddled before. Is it going to hurt a lot?" Amber asked almost crying.

"Yes," was all Keira said, adding, "remember to thank him and ask for another."

Amber started to whimper when I walked back in to the room. Turning her head she saw the strap in my hand. What a sight they were, two perfect asses high in the air, two pussies winking at me. Walking up behind them, I placed my hands on their asses and rubbed them. Keira pushed back a little, Amber just shook in anticipation of what was going to happen. I let the anticipation build a little longer as I slipped a finger in Keira's pussy and it was soaked. I slid my other finger in Amber's pussy and to my surprise, hers was soaked also. I finger fucked both slaves’ pussies for a minute.

When they both were moaning from my fingering them, I stopped. Stepping back, I raised the strap bringing it down hard on Keira's perfect ass. She jumped at the blow that was brought down upon to her ass. "One, thank you, Master. May I have another?" Keira squealed.

I raised the strap again and swung it hard against Amber's ass. When it made contact with her skin she jumped straight up, her hands grabbing her ass. "Owwwwwww!" she screamed. Then she bent back down saying, "One, thank you, Sir. May I please have another?"

Both asses had a red stripe across them. I raised the strap again and swung it on Keira's ass a little harder. Keira arched her back from the blow. "Ahhhh, two, thank you, Master. May I have another?" she gasped.

I swung the strap just as hard on Amber's ass. When it landed the shriek she made almost broke the windows. "Aaaaaaaiiiiiiiiieeeeee," she screamed standing straight up her hands covering her ass.

I heard Keira yell at Amber, "Count, Amber, and thank him or it will get worse!"

Amber looked surprised. Bending back over the bed saying, "Two, thank you, Sir. May have another?"

Their asses were turning red from the strap. Looking at them bent over I almost felt sorry for Amber. She was starting to cry a little, her ass shaking. The final blow I landed on Keira was right between her legs, striking her pussy. Keira's feet left the floor when the blow landed. "Aaaaaaaiiiiiiiiieeeeee, Owwwwww, three, Master. May I have another?" She asked between gasps.

Amber saw where the last blow on Keira landed begging not to hit her there. "Please, Sir, not there! Oh please, Sir," Amber begged between tears.

"Amber you have to take it, just as your sister slave took it. I am not going treat you any different," I said.

"Yes, Sir. You are right, Sir. I am ready, Sir," she said gritting her teeth. I swung the strap between her legs landing square on her pussy. Amber jumped straight up in the air from the blow. "Owwwweeee shit oh oooowwwww," she screamed placing her hands on her pussy. When she settled a bit, Amber leaned over the bed again crying hard saying, "Three, Sir. May I have another?"

That was enough. I did not think Amber could stand another blow. She was trying to subdue her sobs. I dropped the strap to the floor. Taking my hands, I rubbed both asses trying to soothe the pain. I slid my fingers down their cracks going between their legs. They were both soaked with juices flowing down their legs. I stuck two fingers in each of them slowly pumping my fingers in their pussies. Almost in unison, they started to hump my fingers, moaning loudly. When I felt they were close to cumming I withdrew my fingers. Both slaves moaned in desperation, they were close and I denied them.

"Tend to your sister slave, Keira. I will be back soon," I said picking up the strap from the floor and walking back to the play room to hang it back on the wall.

"You all right, Amber?" Keira asked lightly rubbing her sore ass.

"Oh my god, Keira, that hurt!" Amber said as the tears flowed down her cheeks.

"I have to be honest with you, I loved it!" Amber added flashing a big smile towards Keira.

Keira reached over and pulled Amber in to her arms. They hugged each other for a couple of minutes before they separated. I stayed in the playroom for a few minutes letting my hard on subside. How can paddling someone bring on a hard on like that I wondered? I decided that Jerry was right. I was going to enjoy being their Master. How did he know? I went back to the room the slaves were in. Both slaves saw me and dropped to their knees with their heads on the floor.

"Master, we have separated Amber's clothes for your inspection," Keira said.

"Let me see what you have, Amber," I said.

When I sat on the bed, Keira came over and kissed my cheek whispering, "Thank you, Master, for the punishment. I should not have forgotten the first rule."

Amber stood in her slave pose waiting for instructions and Keira was standing beside her. I took my time looking over the piles of clothes on the bed. One pile had all Amber's panties. "Amber, take those panties and toss them to the floor, you will not need them anymore," I said.

"Yes, Sir," As Amber took all of her panties and threw them on to the floor.

The next pile of clothes I looked at was her bras. There were several types and colors. "Amber, any bra that is red or pink goes on the floor. Save all the others," I said.

"Yes, Sir," Amber went to the bed, picked out all the red and pink bras.

There were just a few left on the bed. Next, I looked at her blouses. "Any blouse with a low cut, showing your cleavage must go on the floor," I said.

"Yes, Sir," Amber went to the bed and almost all the blouses fell to the floor.

Next items to sort out were the skirts, "Any skirt that just covers your ass goes on the floor, keep all skirts that fall down to your knees or just above them," I said.

"But, Sir, that is almost every skirt I own," Amber protested.

"As long as you are my slave you will not wear anything I do not approve of, especially anything that's suggests a fuck me look. Is that understood?" I asked.

"Yes, Sir," When Amber was done only four skirts remained.

As the sorting went on the piles disappeared from the bed. The pile on the floor grew. I looked over towards Keira. She had been standing there just watching us smiling. "Why are you smiling, Keira?" I asked.

"I am smiling because you have the same taste in clothes as Jerry had, Master," Keira said.

It was late in the afternoon when we finished with Amber's clothes. The pile on the floor was large; almost everything Amber wore was on the floor. The pile on the bed was small. "Pick up the clothes on the floor and throw them away. Then get ready to go to go out for dinner, slaves. It has been a busy day for all of us," I said leaving the room.

"Master, formal wear or casual clothes?" Keira asked.

"Casual wear slaves," I said.

I went in to Jerry's old room for the first time to get dressed. The room was decorated with a four post king size bed, a dresser by the window, two night stands on each side. On the floor at the foot of the bed was a small thin mattress with a blanket without a pillow. By the mattress was a leg cuff with a neatly coiled chain attached to the bed. Jerry had his own master bathroom. The chain looked long enough to reach the bathroom. This must be Keira's bed where she sleeps when she is being punished for her disobedience.

I opened my suitcase getting my clothes out and putting them on the dresser. I heard a knock at the door. "Master, May we enter?" Keira asked.

"Yes enter, slaves," I replied.

They walked into the room. Keira had a beige halter sundress that hugged her chest showing her nipples poking the material. Amber had on light blue blouse and dark blue skirt. Each slave had on black sheer thigh high hose with two-inch open toed black heels. At the same time, both slaves raised their dresses up showing me their pussies for inspection.

"Are you slaves wet?" I asked. Both slaves took their fingers and stroked their pussies. They held their fingers out towards me. Both slaves’ fingers glistened with moisture. "Good slaves clean your fingers," I ordered.

Keira placed her finger in Amber's mouth and sucked it clean. Amber gave Keira her finger and Keira sucked it clean. After what had happened today I felt my cock stir. Jerry was right, Keira was insatiable. I still was not dressed yet, when Keira offered to choose what I should wear.

"Master, may I choose your clothes, please? It will give us great pleasure to do it for you." Keira walked over to the closet sorting though some pants. She chose a pair of black slacks and a dark blue shirt. Jerry and I were about the same build, the slacks were a little tight on my ass but comfortable. The shirt was a perfect fit.

My slaves helped me dress and when they were satisfied, they both gave me a kiss. We had to use Amber's car because ours were on the way to San Diego with Jerry's folks. I made a mental note to replace Amber's car with something a bit better. We drove downtown to Jerry's favorite Italian restaurant. We walked in seeing the owner by the front desk. He saw us come in and extended his hand saying, "I heard about Jerry’s accident, sorry about your loss." Keira and I thanked him at the same time. He led us towards the back to the booths. It was a little quieter back there. He placed the menus on the table, "Your waiter will be here shortly," he said turning walking away.

Keira picked up the napkin from the table spreading it on the seat. She sat down pulling her dress up and her naked pussy on the napkin. Amber followed her move and did the same. I sat down across from them asking, "Keira, why did you do that with the napkin?"

"Master, I did that because I am not allowed to sit bare assed on a seat without a covering," she whispered. I learned something new from her. The waiter came by to take our orders.

"Bill, choose for us please." Keira said giving me a wink.

I ordered the nightly special with diet cokes and water. The waiter left placing our dinner orders. While we waited for our meals to arrive, I explained to them what I had decided to do. Tomorrow morning we will pack up the playroom. After the playroom is done, we will get Amber a better car. Amber looked at me with disbelief at what I said. Keira just smiled at what I said. After that, we will rent a truck to pack up the things we will take back with us to San Diego.

Just as I said that, the waiter arrived with our meals. I finished explaining everything to them. We all agreed to start early the next morning. I sat back looking at them wondering what had I gotten myself into. Whatever it was, I felt proud having in it my life. We paid our bill and left driving home. When we entered the house, both slaves stopped and removed their dresses, just standing there naked.

"Let's go to bed slaves, you will sleep with me tonight." I said.

Both slaves followed me to the bedroom. I took off my clothes and lay down in the center of the bed. Keira went to my right lying down and Amber was on my left. I wrapped an arm around each of them falling fast asleep. The next morning I awoke to two soft hands holding my cock, two sleeping heads on my shoulders. I gently shook them awake.

"Time to get up slaves, we have a busy day ahead of us," I said.

They both moaned a bit opening their eyes hearing them say," Good morning."

"Come on move your butt’s slaves," I ordered.

"Yes Master, Yes Sir," they said.

"Change of plans slaves, we will get Amber a new car first this morning, then get a truck for the move. Then we start packing." I said.

It took all morning to find a car for Amber. We traded hers in for a small SUV. I paid for the car and we left to rent a truck. It was mid afternoon when we got back to the house. "Fix lunch slaves and we will get started on the play room," I said as each of them removed their clothes.

Amber offered to make lunch while Keira and I started up the stairs. Keira had packed up the shelves when Amber came in and said lunch was ready. Amber had made sandwiches and salads for us. "Master, may I sit at the table?" Keira asked.

"Yes, you may and Amber also may sit at the table," I said smiling.

After we were done, I went back upstairs and finished taking down the cross on the wall. Jerry had made sure it was secure to the wall. Keira and Amber walked in and finished the rest. It was early evening when we loaded the truck and most of the other items we were taking. We all were exhausted. We had packed all the beds into the truck so we had to sleep on the sofa hide a bed. It was a little small for the three of us, but we managed. The next morning we loaded up Amber's new SUV. I had called a real estate agent to come by and list the house. I gave him Jerry's lawyer for contact information. He would handle the estate and probate.

It was mid afternoon when Keira climbed in to the truck with me. Before she sat down; she placed a towel on the seat, raised her dress and sat down.

"Ready?" I asked looking at her.

"Yes, Master," she said.

I noticed the tears slowly fall from her eyes as we pulled away from the house. Amber followed us and we left to start a new life together as a family.

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Aertheril Geschichten aus dem Elfenpalast

[Allgemeine Infos -Die ganze Geschichte als solches gibt es bei http://www.fanfiktion.de/s/407944b3000004640c9055f0 zu lesen! -Bilder und Infos zum Comic erhaltet ihr unter http://lesyamina.lesandira.net/] Die folgende Geschichte trägt sich auf Aertheril, dem schwebenden Kontinent, zu. Aertheril unterscheidet sich von anderen Kontinenten, anderer Welten dadurch dass er sich über der Wolkendecke der Welt befindet. In der Mitte der sternförmigen Landmasse ragt ein hohes, unüberwindliches...

1 year ago
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Entkommen Sie von Inga Palast der Snde

Inga war eine mächtige vollbusige deutsche Frau. Sie war groß und sehr mächtig. Sie war auch ein sadistisches, Nymphomaneherrscher. Kein Mann könnte sie in Bett behandeln. Sie hat Freude aus Zerquetschenmännern und Frauen mit ihrer sexuellen Fähigkeit und Kraft genommen. Niemand könnte sie behandeln. Sie vorbereiten alle eigenes Deutschland und bewegten auf zu anderen Ländern. Sie hat in einem cheesy Karikatur Akzent gesprochen. Sie beherrscht gern Leute und war ein wenig verrücktes. Einige...

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Dolcett Palast Teil 2

Leicht verdientes Geld"So, Mädels, wir werden einen Kaffee trinken gehen bevor wir uns für ein Restaurant entscheiden.Ihr könnt euch also gerne solange umschauen, wenn ihr möchtet" lächelte Maritas Vater"Außer natürlich ihr wollt euch uns anschließen.""Nein, alles in Ordnung, wir sehen uns dann später" antwortete Marita schnell und entferntesich mit Claudia von ihren Eltern."Sei in einer Stunde wieder zurück, Schatz!""Ja, sicher, Mama!" Marita und Claudia ließen sich von den Menschen- und...

3 years ago
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It was a beautiful sunny day and I decided to have my coffee and cigarette outside, as I sat there minding my own business I was looking across the road where the neighbour was having some work done in their house. I saw an older man about 40 plastering a wall and his younger assistant, probably about 20, was helping him.Then the older guy pushed him against the wall and started to kiss him, his hands were somewhere else as the younger man had his arm across his shoulders and his head in the...

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plasterer fucks rich mature lady

this is a true story. I am a plasterer (dryliner) and when this happened i was 29 years old and running my owe business.I went too the job and with my college john (dad who is a lot older 58) the job was i harrogate an expensive part of north yorkshire and when i pulled up outside the house was very old and very big there was a nice car on the drive and the place smelt of money.I went to the door and rang the bell the lady of the house answered the door she introduced herself as Caroline and...

4 years ago
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MailmansLast Day

It was the mailman's last day on the job after 35 years of carrying the mail through all kinds of weather to the same neighborhood. When he arrived at the first house on his route, he was greeted by the whole family there, who congratulated him and sent him on his way with a $25 gift certificate to a fine restaurant. At the second house they presented him with a box of fine cigars. The folks at the third house handed him a box of chocolates. At the fourth house he was met at the door by a...

3 years ago
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Lastnights dream fuck

This is an dream I had lastnight. I do know the woman in the dream. I have wanted her for almost an year. Shes 5 foot 5, her breasts are b maybe c cup, she has black hair, she white and she wears thick black glasses but her still is somewhere between punk and emo.Another guy and I are standing in an large department store when Tiffany comes out of some room. The other man and I talk her and we find an empty room. He and I take turns stripping her down. He takes off her shirt and bra and I take...

1 year ago
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Longlasting Desire For My Neighbour

Hello friends, this is Ajay. This is about how i had sex with my neighbour girl who is just 19 years old. My neighbour is a Orissa family who recently got a baby girl. Since both are working, my neighbour brought her sister to Bangalore. She is the heroine of the story. She is just 18 years old. But has a very good body & structure. She is definitely a virgin. The most beautiful asset of her body is her ass. Her ass is well shaped and tightly packed. I always had an eye on the girl from the day...

3 years ago
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Plastique Surgery

Master Mold Plastique SurgeryBy Darqside Her blindfold was removed and she could see before her a laboratory with several computer panels and monitoring devices. ?Miss Williams?? a voice from behind her crooned. ?Roger Vaincroft!? Her eyes were now filled with hatred and anger at the sing-song man standing behind her. ?Ah?so you remember me, my dear?that?s good!? I was hoping the very reason my career as a plastic surgeon ended would at least remember my voice, if not my face.? The man...

1 year ago
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Vixen Ecdyslastiates

After meatloaf supper at the local diner, Vixen sat in her rented room and looked at her bankbook. She had pretty much gone through the money she had earned making hard-core porn for her father as a teenager, but she had enough left from the summer job for her tuition and books and probably the rent until Christmas. It was going to be close. She was going to need some income, money to run on. And for food and beer and stuff. She figured that she could live on less than five dollars a day if...

2 years ago
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LimitsChapter 11 The Last Batch

There was no question that we would limit the number of other males who would be brought into our little sex club, in part because it was inevitable that we would have to control other males, much as we did those at the Sunny Tropic contest. Dad and I talked it out. And even though he now generally agrees with me, it was still a nice reinforcement. Having harvested the best of the upperclassmen, we were going to either branch out into the community at large or aim at the next...

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Reddit PLASTT, aka r/PLASST! Have you ever heard about PLASTT? If you are a part of Reddit.com and have been for a while, then you must have run into a subreddit called r/PLASTT/. However, if you have not, I am here to explain all that you really need to know. Starting with what r/PLASTT/ even means, to what it offers, and whether I think that this subreddit is worth your time.Let’s not forget who you are talking to… I am a pro when it comes to talking about porn and telling you what is what....

Reddit NSFW List
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Jav Last! There are currently so many tube sites on the net and more continue to pop up every day. The thing is, though, tubes often don’t focus on specific niche content and instead dedicate their time to availing large quantities of all kinds of content. The result is websites with a little bit of everything that’s often not enough to satisfy your needs fully. So what can you do when you want to jerk off to a fantastic assortment of, say, quality Japanese adult videos (JAV) without having to...

Asian Porn Sites
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Sniffing Sisters Sock Ends in Punishment and Cumblasts

Note: This story is completely fictional. All the characters in this story are of or over the age of 18. This is intended for adults only. And you must be 18 years or older to read this. Enjoy! "Have you seen my pink socks Jon?" Anna shouted from her bedroom. "Those are my lucky socks, I can't win without them" She said as she prepared for her track meet. My sister Anna unintentionally waited for the last minute often before heading out to her track meets. Directly across from hers, I watched...

1 year ago
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Longlasting desire for my Neighbour

100% fiction!Hello friends, this is Ajay. I am from bangalore. this is about how i had sex with my neighbor girl who is just 19 years old. My neighbor is a orissa family who recently got a baby girl. since both are working, my neighbor brought her sister to bangalore. she is the heroine of the story. She is just 18 years old. But has a very good body & structure. she is definitely a virgin. The most beautiful asset of her body is her ass. her ass is well shaped and tightly packed. I always had...

2 years ago
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Special BondLong Weekend at the Lake Chapt 127 Revised

Introduction: RJ and Candy Make New Discoveries A SPECIAL BOND Long Weekend at the Lake ___________________________________ No institution or agency may use this work for other than the intended purpose to provide personal entertainment. All characters are fictional. This is a work of fiction. Of fantasy. Its called My Right of Free Speech. If you do not approve of youngsters engaged in various sexual acts . . . or if you live in one of the God-forsaken States that bans possessing/reading...

3 years ago
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Special Massage Lesbian

She thought back to how she had decided to get into the business of personal massage.Her first orgasm had come at the hands of a masseuse who knew all of the special places on a woman's body. It had been her first special massage. She had been nervous, the tenseness evident in her shivering. She had lain nude underneath a towel that just covered her bottom, awaiting the masseuse.When the masseuse entered the room, April had been startled by the masseuse's good looks. April had expected a...

2 years ago
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Special Needs

Special Needs. Players (in order of appearance): Rose Marian Carter; Tracy Tillerman; Beth Goodman; Mark Sanford; Lucy Davis as Ms. Pennywort; Susan Day; Trent Baker; Helen Anderson. Synopses: Special Needs has an odd connotation without context, and of late a politically correct term for accommodating the handicapped. Mark wasn't handicapped when he filled out that form although not too long after he did that form he wished he was. At least then he'd have a reason for...

3 years ago
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Special 25th Anniversary Gift from loving wife

I am Steve and my wife is Mandy. We have three kids, two away at college and one left to go next year. Our son at home does not bother with us much as he has a tight circle of friends and is always out everywhere but home. We have some time back in our lives and are alone together often. We have been married for 23 years and the last few years the sex life has kind of fizzled off. Don't get me wrong, we have great sex, but other stresses in life have gotten to us and as we think about...

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Special Appointments

A Long Daydream : Special Appointment I ran into quite a lot of money recently. More money than I know what to do with and I’ll certainly never have to work again. Fortunately, I’ve always had this about one of the things I’d do if this situation ever arose. Since I have a fairly extreme passion for long hair on women, I thought it would be great to open a salon catering to the longhaired woman. Nothing new in the idea but think of all the longhaired women I’d meet. I knew exactly what I must...

4 years ago
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Special BondLong Weekend at the Lake Chapt 127 Revised

Long Weekend at the Lake ___________________________________ No institution or agency may use this work for other than the intended purpose – to provide personal entertainment. All characters are fictional. This is a work of fiction. Of fantasy. It’s called ‘My Right of Free Speech.’ If you do not approve of youngsters engaged in various sexual acts . . . or if you live in one of the God-forsaken States that bans possessing/reading such material . . then please, PLEASE, go someplace...

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