Dolcett Palast Teil 2 free porn video

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Leicht verdientes Geld

"So, Mädels, wir werden einen Kaffee trinken gehen bevor wir uns für ein Restaurant entscheiden.

Ihr könnt euch also gerne solange umschauen, wenn ihr möchtet" lächelte Maritas Vater

"Außer natürlich ihr wollt euch uns anschließen."

"Nein, alles in Ordnung, wir sehen uns dann später" antwortete Marita schnell und
sich mit Claudia von ihren Eltern.

"Sei in einer Stunde wieder zurück, Schatz!"

"Ja, sicher, Mama!" Marita und Claudia ließen sich von den Menschen- und Fleischmassen wegtreiben.

Sie beschlossen, Anna und Louise zu finden, die sie außerhalb des Palastes kurz gesehen hatten.

Sie mussten nicht lange suchen. An einem Tisch mit ihren Freunden wartend, winkten ihnen
beiden, völlig nackten Mädchen zu. Louise schaute fantastisch aus mit ihrem kurz geschnittenen
rot-braunen Haar, welches sie jungenhaft aussehen ließ.
Sie war groß und schlank, hatte Beine, die ihr bis zu ihren Ohren reichten und besaß wunderbare Titten der Körbchengröße C, denen die Schwerkraft nichts anhaben konnte.
Marita dachte schon immer, dass sie wie die junge Jamie Lee Curtis aussah.
Anne war kleiner mit kurzem blondem Haar und besaß auch kleinere Titten.

"Hallo Louise, Hallo Anna, was macht ihr hier?" fragte Marita und versuchte die Bemerkungen

der Jungen über ihre und Claudias sehr knapp ausgefallene Unterwäsche zu ignorieren.

"Hallo ihr beiden" antwortete Anne

"wir verdienen uns gerade ein paar Moneten extra für das Wochenende"

"Habt ihr das hier schon gelesen?"

"Aehm, nein!" Marita las das Sc***d auf dem Tisch:

Registriere Dich jetzt und bekomme dafür 200 Euro - Ganz ohne Verpflichtungen

"Was ist das für ein Angebot?" fragte Claudia.

"Alles, was du tun musst, ist Dein Fleisch beim Palast anzumelden und dafür bekommst du
200 Euro. Ist das nicht großartig?"
Louise balancierte auf ihren Zehenspitzen, was ihre großen Brüste von einer Seite zur anderen
schwingen ließ.

"Was ist mit dir, junge Dame?" fragte der Mann hinter dem Pult.

Sein rundes Gesicht füllte sich mit einem strahlenden Lächeln, als er Marita und Claudia

ein Formular hinhielt. Einige Mädchen am Tisch füllten Formulare aus und händigten es dem

übrigen Personal aus.

"Soo... und was springt für Sie dabei heraus?" fragte Marita argwöhnisch, als sie Ihm das

Formular aus der Hand nahm.

"Ich meine, wenn für uns keine Verpflichtungen entstehen?"

"Also, um ehrlich zu sein, Süße, wir haben die Erfahrung gemacht, dass, wenn das Fleisch
einmal registriert ist, ist es sehr viel mehr geneigt, auf einem unserer Tisch hier zu enden.

Aber es ist immer noch absolut freiwillig und wenn der Gedanke dich abschreckt,
lass dich einfach nicht registrieren."
Er hielt Marita die Hand hin, damit sie Ihm das Formular zurück geben konnte.

"Nein, also was soll's! Ich könnte das Geld gut gebrauchen" lächelte sie und nachdem
ihnen die beiden Jungen gut zugeredet hatten, füllten die vier Mädchen das Formular aus.

Sie gaben dem Mann auch ihre Kontonummern, so dass der Palast die Prämie überweisen konnte.

"Sehr schön, Mädels, jetzt folgt bitte meinen Kollegen hier, damit wir die Plakette an
euch anbringen können" sagte der Mann, als die Mädchen schon dabei waren zu gehen.

Zwei Männer in blauen Uniformen traten vor die Mädchen.

"Äh, Plakette???" fragte Marita völlig verwundert.

"Ja du hast schon richtig gehört; und zieht bitte alles aus" sagte einer der beiden Männer

und riß in einer schnellen Bewegung Claudias BH von ihren Brüsten.

"Oh, das haben wir ganz vergessen euch zu erzählen" grinste Louise als sie und Anne

bereitwillig ihre durchsichtigen Latex-Bikinis auszogen.

"Wir dürfen nichts mehr tragen nach der Registrierung und wir werden als Fleisch gekennzeichnet."

"Macht euch keine Sorgen, ich habe gehört, es ist nur ein kurzes Zwicken und dann ist

es auch schon vorbei" grinste Anne und hielt dem Personal eine ihrer zarten und frisch
rasierten Schamlippen hin. Die Jungen pfiffen und schauten neugierig zu als Marita und Claudia
sich widerwillig auszogen und dem Personal ihre spärliche Unterwäsche zur Entsorgung überreichten.

Sie mussten einem der beiden Männer folgen, während der andere dicht hinter ihnen war.

Marita kam sich vor wie in einer Mausefalle. Sie konnte das alles nicht glauben.

Wie sollte sie das ihren Eltern erklären, die sie in weniger als einer Stunde wieder treffen

mussten? Die beiden Mädchen wurden zu einem Wartebereich geführt, der sich bei einem
Restaurant befand, welches Mädchen auf asiatische Weise zubereitet anbot.
Es war ein umzäunter Bereich von ungefähr 4 auf 4 Metern, in dem schon 7 oder 8 nackte Mädchen
warteten. Sie unterhielten sich alle miteinander und lachten.
Marita war froh, dass der Laufstall für die Mädchen weit weg war von dem Cafe, in dem ihre Eltern saßen.

"Du meine Güte, ich fühle mich wie eine Kuh auf dem Weg zum Schlachthaus!" grinste Claudia als
noch eine andere Gruppe von Mädchen in den Laufstall geführt wurde.
Sie standen ganz nahe beieinander und berührten sich gegenseitig.

"Ich weiß, was Du meinst!" seufzte Marita und beobachtete wie die Mädchen vor ihr eine nach der
anderen hinausgeführt wurde, um gekennzeichnet zu werden.
Nach einer kurzen Weile, war Louise an der Reihe.

"Titte oder Fotze?" fragte der Mann beiläufig. Louise dachte einen Moment nach und sagte:
"Fotze bitte!" Sie wurde zu einem Tisch hinüber geführt und angewiesen sich darauf zurück zu
lehnen und ihre Beine breit zu machen. Sie folgte den Anweisungen und offenbarte ihre Muschi
vor einem Mann in einem blauen Arbeitsanzug.

"Sehr schön, halt jetzt bitte still!" sagte der Mann, mit einer Piercing-Kanone in der Hand.
Er grabschte nach ihrer linken Schamlippe und hielt sie zwischen Daumen und Zeigefinger.
Dann zog er sie etwas heraus. Louise schloss ihre Augen als er einen Silberring durch ihr
delikates Fleisch schoss. Der Ring war größer und dicker als herkömmliche Piercing-Ringe, die man
für diese intime Körperstelle benutzte. Im Vergleich dazu sah er denjenigen Ringen sehr ähnlich,
welche man zur Kennzeichnung an den Ohren einer Kuh benutzen würde. Das Gesicht von Louise
erfüllte sich mit einem Lächeln als der Mann einen blaue Marke aus Plastik an dem Ring anbrachte
und sie anschließend vom Tisch aufstehen ließ. Die anderen Mädchen schauten auf den Ring
an der Schamlippe von Louise. Anne in Ehrfurcht, Marita und Claudia voller Furcht.

"Warum lassen sie uns wählen, wohin wir den Ring bekommen möchten?" fragte Marita während
sie zuschaute wie das nächste Mädchen durch ihre linke Brustwarze gestochen wurde.
"Autsch, das Titten-Piercing sieht schmerzhaft aus!"

"Ich habe keine Ahnung, aber ich lasse mir den Ring lieber an der Schamlippe anbringen"
sagte Claudia.

"Wer ist die nächste" fragte der Mann, worauf Anne mutig nach vorne kam,
um sich stechen zu lassen. Sie machte kein Geräusch als Er sie kennzeichnete und lief schnell
zu Louise hinüber. Sie grinsten beide und verglichen ihre Marken. Marita war die nächste und
winselete kaum als ihre dicke Schamlippe durchstochen wurde. Tatsächlich war sie überrascht
darüber wie wenig es ihr weh tat und wie sehr es sie erregte. Sie konnte es in den Augen der
Mädchen sehen, als sie gestochen wurden, dass sie nicht die einzige war, die so fühlte.

Die Zubereitung der Freundinnen

"Also, ich fühle mich wie ein Stück Fleisch" flüsterte Marita als sie zu den Jungs
außerhalb des Laufstalls kamen.

"Ich weiß" seufzte Claudia und wusste nicht recht, ob sie ihre gekennzeichnete Vagina
mit ihren Händen verdecken sollte oder nicht.

"Es ist eine Sache, sich daran zu gewöhnen ganz nackt zu sein, aber diesen Ring an der intimsten
Stelle des Körpers zu tragen ist einfach entwürdigend!" fuhr Claudia fort.

"Und was ist mit unseren Eltern?" graute es Marita bei dem Gedanken "Was erzählen wir Ihnen nur?"

"Was steht den eigentlich auf den Marken?" fragte Claudia und kniete sich hin um Maritas Marke
zu lesen.

"FLEISCH Reg. Nr. 124GFX765JK - Freiwillige" las sie laut vor.

"Was? Freiwillige? Das heißt mein Körper gehört jetzt Ihnen!" rief Marita erschrocken.
"Der Mann hat uns ausgetrickst, dieser Bastard!"

"Hey, Mädels! Wir haben sie gefunden!" das war die Stimme von Louise, sie kam von dem Restaurant
nahe dem Barbeque-Stand. Marita und Claudia wussten, wer gemeint war. Nämlich Joanne und Linda,
die heute Abend zubereitet werden würden. Als sie hinübergingen, sahen sie, dass es ein
griechisches Themen-Restaurant war. Im Inneren des Restaurants konnte man eine Reihe von
vertikalen Spießen sehen, auf denen sich sechs Mädchen drehten ganz ähnlich dem Fleisch in einem
Döner-Kebab Laden. An einem der Spieße drehte sich zweifelsfrei Lindas vorzüglicher Körper.

"Wow, schaut sie euch nur an!" staunte Anne und ging so nahe zu ihr, wie es die Hitze aus dem Ofen
hinter Linda zuließ. "Sie ist einfach ... vollkommen!"

"Aber nicht mehr lebendig" seufzte Marita. Linda wurde von ihrer Möse bis zu ihrem Mund mit einem
Spieß durchbohrt und drehte sich offenkundig schon eine ganze Weile am Spieß.
Sie hatte eine schöne, gold-braune Kruste entwickelt und war kurz davor tranchiert zu werden.
Ihre halb geschlossenen Augen waren leblos und starrten hinauf zur Decke.

"Aber du hättest sehen sollen, wie sie vorher den Spieß gefickt hat!" lachte eine bekannte Stimme
verschmitzt. Es war Joanne die so lachte, immer noch lebendig, hinter den Spießen stehend.
Sie trug einen Ring an ihrer Fotze wie die anderen.

"Hallo Jo, noch nicht zubereitet?" lächelte Louise und ging zu ihr hinter die Öfen, um ihr die
Hand zu geben. "Wann wirst du gegrillt?

"Oh, ich wurde nicht für den Kebab-Spieß ausgewählt! Im Moment bediene ich die Gäste und in
ungefähr einer Stunde oder zwei, werden sie mich kochen und in Scheiben schneiden für die
Moussaka, wenn ich gut durch bin.

"Ah, das ist cool!" sagte Louise und schaute zu den besonders großen Brüsten von Joanne hinunter.
"ich wette, deine Milchkannen werden ein paar gute Scheiben hergeben, was Mädchen?"

"Ich hoffe doch!" lachte Joanne, nahm ihre Titten in die Hände und hob sie ein wenig.
"Was ist mit euch? Wie ich sehe, seid jetzt alle zu Fleisch geworden. Wisst ihr schon wie ihr
zubereitet werden möchtet?"

"Nein, wir haben uns nur für die 200 Euro registrieren lassen!" grinste Marita.

"Ja, klar, genau das haben die fünf Mädchen hier neben Linda auch geagt, als sie vorher
hier mit ihren Eltern und Freunden rein kamen! Ihr seht ja, was mit ihnen passiert ist, Mädels!
ich wette, ich werde die meisten von euch zubereitet sehen, noch bevor ich später am Abend
in den Topf steige!"

"Ich wette, du liegst falsch!" lachte Louise und drehte sich herum um zu gehen.
"Wir werden später noch einmal vorbei kommen und dich kochen sehen! Viel Glück!"

"Ganz sicher!" grinste Joanne und hob ihre Stimme, um sicher zu gehen, dass die Mädchen sie
beim Weggehen hörten. "Vielleicht wird eine von euch mich in den Topf begleiten, wer weiß!"

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Bajuwali Manisha Bhabhi Ko Choda

Hi doston.Hi this is gaurav from mumbai.i am 20 yeare old hungry for sex. Ye mere sex experience ki real story hai jo maine meri padosan bhabhi ke sath kiya tha.mera lund 7inch bada h. 2 saal pahele ki baat hai time mai 12th std me tha…mere baju me ek bhabhi rahti hai uska naam manisha hai.. wo 30 age ki hai…wo bht sexy hai…uska fig 34-28-36 hai…mai hamesha usko chodne k bare me sochta tha..uske ghr me uska hausband pr ek uska ladka rahta h. Uska ladka abhi 2 saal ka hai…mai uske ghr me...

4 years ago
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The Taboo Temptation Island ch1

PREMISE: this story is going to be kinda slower and less action packed than the next one, please be patient, also I'm more into building the setting than describing the actual sex, that's how I like to write.The show almost got cancelled last year, it was a disaster, it was supposed to be the erotic version on Temptation Island, but turns out nobody really wanted to cheat on their boyfriend on live TV, out of 12 couples only 3 cheated, and when that happened the public didn't even care that...

4 years ago
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BlondeChapter 6

Dick and Jack had settled themselves on the couch to watch the show. Jack kept looking at his dad to try to get a clue that he wasn't mistaken. Dick saw his son looking at him out of the corner of his eye and had to smile inwardly. Remembering back to his on trials during puberty he realized this must be a pretty good mind blower for the kid. Turning to his son Dick quickly and quietly said, "Look son. I know what you are going through because my mom was blonde and I went through something...

2 years ago
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Tall Dark and Sexy

Upon first glance, you can see that he is a confident, tall, sexy man whose presence fills the room full of admirers and haters alike. To see his solid perfectly proportioned body naked is hypnotizing. There is not a woman alive who is not attracted to him, from his personality to his a****l magnetism that even makes lesbians chase him. When he walks around naked in all his male glory, my eyes can’t move from that perfectly formed firm ass and inviting package dangling between his muscular...

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OAP Oral sex

Two old age pensioners are enjoying oral sex together... but after a few minutes, the old guy says, "I can't stay down here much longer, it stinks!"The old lady says, " I'm sorry, it's my arthritis playing up again."The old guy replies, " You've got arthritis in your cunt?""No" says the old lady, "the arthritis is in my arm, it means I can't wipe my arse!"

3 years ago
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5 Tips to Keep Your Girl Happy

When a relationship fails, it leaves one wondering what went wrong in an absolutely perfect relationship. Some relationships aren’t able to stand the test of time due to the various differences between the couple.These differences do not crop up within a single day and it takes various steps to lead a relationship to its breakdown. From a woman’s perspective, here are 5 tips which can help you guys make your relationship a better experience for your girl and yourself as well. As the saying...

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Battlemage Book 7 the Sound of Sensual JusticeChapter 11

"And that all happened just a little over ten seasons ago?" asked Nathan slowly. The way this young man was acting he thought it was all recently at least in the last couple of seasons. Not something decades ago. "I left the city and I've not returned. Not even to see my family," said Elliot nodding yes. "But what happened to Kathryn after you left or the man she was with? Did you ever find out? Did you even want to know?" asked Nathan. As he thought about it, he realized that he...

4 years ago
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Jelly Bean Justice

UNTITLED   JELLY BEAN JUSTICE! ByAnne Gray It wasn?t a swagger, or even a strut, it was an attitude, she knew she looked good and she did.? Even at just 5? 6?, plus a bit more with the heels on the boots, she had an arrogance about her that managed to give the impression she was looking down her nose at everyone.?? In a sense she probably was.  I suppose that kind of confidence was needed when you made your living defrauding people, but the clothes certainly helped complete the...

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Granny moved in with me II

This is a continuation of my story Granny Moved in with me. Early one morning about 2:30 a.m. Irma came to my room wearing her nightgown and slippers. I had just gotten up to use the restroom so I wasn't fully sleep. Irma pulled the covers back and got in the bed with me, I turned over to lay on my back cause I knew what she wanted. I felt Irma's hand on my dick which was already erect. She pulled the covers down and started sucking my dick. Good morning! Irma mumbled with my dick in her mouth,...

1 year ago
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The Gallery

His soft touch now running down your ribcage has you nearly paralyzed and your body yearns for more. You fight to regain control and look up at your tormentor. Torch light flickers on his face, the whites of his eyes glow even in the shadows. Dark green and intense, he's looking deep into yours and you feel your little bit of control slipping away. The Gallery With the lightest touch, my fingers slowly move down your neck. You stretch it out to make the sensation last longer. I do not stop...

4 years ago
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Coed in the Corner Part One

She had been going to the corner of the General Education building to study for a few weeks now. It was a little area near the stairwell with a few comfy sofas and a small coffee table. It was crowded during the day with students studying or just chatting with friends between classes. In the evening, however, it became quiet as a tomb. No one wanted to hang out in an empty classroom building, but Joni found it to be just perfect. Joni had tried the library, but it was just too stuffy. The smell...

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Day of Reckoning 1st BCT

By 0330 hours the Rim-Cats are prepared to commence their operation, the three Battalion Combat Teams prepared themselves for their task while the Templac Combat Battalion slipped out of the port’s gate led by Major Rolando Katapatan known throughout the regiment as Marangal the ‘Rightous One’. Jeez Colonel, if you’re going to have fun all night while the rest of us do the work for you let us know in advance. He just finished the thought when a command tank joined his side by side. ‘Do you...

2 years ago
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Car Fuck

Hello all, I am Ram from Chennai. this is my pen id which i am using to write stories. Tell me the comments and anyone who s interested in sex contact me. and been reading this blog for more than a year now. I thank the coordinator of this blog for providing a platform to all those who love to share their sexual experience and learn from others experience. I have had intimate relationship with few girls and would like to share my first ever experience. I was 21 then and every guy would expect...

3 years ago
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Black Couples In Love

The limits of power. What an odd thing for someone like myself to ponder. My name is Anthony Saint-Pierre and I’m a six-foot-one, lean and athletic Black male in his mid-twenties living in the city of Boston, Massachusetts. A proud member of the Haitian-American community. Currently, I’m a patrol officer with the Massachusetts State Police. It’s my second year on the job and so far I’m loving it. Hard to believe that three years ago I was a Criminal Justice student at UMass-Boston filled with...

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A bad wild revenge on me

My loving husband had a business conference in Cancun and he invited me to share a couple days with him there.As we checked into the hotel, I could notice many young people milling around the lobby. When I inquired at the desk, I was told it was the last week of spring break for the colleges and it had been a wild one. Once at the beach, I spread out a blanket and relaxed reading a good book. It was quiet and peaceful. It was all what I needed there…The peace was suddenly broken up by a loud...

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“You’re breaking up with me?” I asked softly, my eyes focused on the grey city skyline beyond the bedroom window. “Not… breaking up,” Ivan said uncomfortably. “I just think we should… y’know… have a break.” I literally could not believe the audacity of this man. Here we were, lying naked in his bed on a Sunday morning and he’d chosen now to end our four year relationship. I felt the tears creep into my eyes and hurriedly blinked them away. Now was not a good time to turn on the fucking...

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Amiee Is EEEEZ

Introduction: Sex with the ex. Revenge sex with the ex! When youre married to someone for seven years you know their habits well. Leopards did not change their spots. Robert was sure this was true and he knew that Amiee was a creature of habit. He knew she had not changed after seven years of marriage, and this made him pretty certain that she had not changed after seven years of divorce either. Once Steve had passed out on the couch and everyone else at the Cinco de Mayo party had taken off...

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Stranger in a bar part 2

We entered her room and she pushed me towards the double bed. “Wait here I’ll be right back” she said as she went towards the bathroom. I looked around the room and saw with some concern that there two sets of luggage. “Are you staying here with someone else” I called to her. “ Yes but don’t worry it’s only Hayley from work and she’ll be gone ages”. That was a relief. Helen came out of the bathroom in a cream coloured lacy vest and matching French knickers. Fuck me she looked hot. Her...

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My Daughter and Her Mischievous Friend Pt3

It was a Friday, and it was the weekend that Brittany would be sleeping over. When the girls got out of school, they headed straight to the house. Lori and Brit had planned on this weekend. Brittany couldn't wait for her turn to sleep at our house. She was driving Lori crazy with all the times Brit complained on how time was running slow, or would complain how Lori was having more fun with me than she was. There was some friction of jealousy on Brits part. Lori would tell me some of the things...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 2

It was Friday, and the spring term would begin on Monday. The twins needed to take Ayame to the high school to register and then they had to stop at the dojo to return some equipment. As they drove through the base, Ayame looked around in amazement. “This is such big place! When you said you lived in place called ‘Camp Pendleton’ I thought it was like small camp, yo?” “Yeah, nothing like Japan, right? Even LA isn’t anything like Tokyo; Tokyo has all those tall buildings. You didn’t get to...

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The Date the day after

I felt a terrible mixture of thankfulness that he was gone, mixed with shame over what I'd allowed to happen and the fearfully nervous apprehension over what he had suggested and what he'd left me with. The events of the day, the emotional madness, so highly charged, had exhausted me totally. I crawled up off the floor, into bed and pulled the duvet over me, seeking the solace and peace of darkness and sleep. I awoke at early dawn, the light shining in at my bedroom window. I felt the...

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Seriously Part Two

Seriously Part Two My husband Brad asked me a very surprising question a month ago and last night I answered it. Before I share the question and my answer, I must tell you the background so that you might understand why he would even ask. Please bear with me as I start from the beginning. Brad is fifty-three years old, I am forty-seven. We are five years past the first of three long and silent rides home from visits to our doctor. The first quiet ride was one of relief that he would...

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Wife shares her boy toy

I was texting my wife all day of how horny I was. I went through the entire day with a hard cock while my wife continuously sent me pictures of her massive tits and wet pussy. She even sent me a quick video of her eating her own cum. I told her I had enough and wanted something extremely hot when I walk through the door that will make me cum hard. As always my wife never disappoints.Apparently my wife made some calls because when I walked through the door my wife was sitting in the center...

4 years ago
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Deepa 8211 Finding Myself

Hi, this is Deepak or I would rather say Deepa. This is my story about how I had sex with my friend. All this happened some years back. I am the only son of my parents. My mother died while I was very young. Dad is working, but he usually drinks and come home in a dizzy manner. I always missed mom so I started to wear her inners while sleeping or wrap her saree. By doing that I always had a hard-on. While watching porn my friends watch how sexy the girl is. But I used to admire the girl’s...

Gay Male
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Chad The Babysitter Part 9

I called Trish while the girls were in the bathroom just to update her on recent events and fuck me if I didn’t score another brownie point, the nympho sisters both held me in high esteem for my good Samaritan act, “Have fun” she said and I think she was being sincere and I wondered if our ideas of ‘fun’ were the same especially as her daughter was involved, the bad thing it that they probably WERE the same.There was a lot of giggling coming from the bathroom and I had visions of the two of...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 812

“SIX LITTLE STORIES” Well worth the 30 seconds to read! Once all villagers decided to pray for rain. On the day of prayer all the people gathered, but only one boy came with an umbrella. That’s FAITH. When you throw babies in the air, they laugh because they know you will catch them. That’s TRUST. {3} Every night we go to bed without any assurance of being alive the next morning, but still we set the alarms to wake up. That’s HOPE. {4} We plan big things for tomorrow in...

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He Was Dads Friend My Uncle

Do not you know me, readers? Come on. You do. We live close by. My parents moved from their native country to your great country. We, your girls and I, go to same school. We are friends. Yes, you have now recognized my right. I am "Oosha". And as you know me, I am 19 years of age, medium built, darkish brown eyes and hair with a naughty smile in my eyes. My Mom expired some six months ago. She was the nicest soul, loving me too much. During her life, she protected me a lot. After her demise,...

2 years ago
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NeighborAffair Lexi Luna 30516

Kyle’s neighbor loaned him a ladder and he needs it back. His neighbor is out of town but asks him to go ahead and leave it on the side of the house. While Kyle is there, his neighbor also has him help out his wife, Lexi Luna, with random stuff around the house while he’s away. Kyle finds her in the back yard by the pool tanning. Looks like Lexi is in need of lotion. Kyle applies it to her back and big tits but now Lexi can’t help but crave a cock and lucky for Kyle, a big...

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First Night Out as a Sissy Pt 2 By Crystaled

So picking up where I had left off from my last published story…. I had just ventured out for the first time as sissy, determined to find a man. I went to a local sports bar dressed in in my tightest jeans and favorite panties and teased a group of guys. Was able to get one of them into my car for my first blow job ever and after swallowing his enormous load, his friends busted us before I could know the pleasure of him inside of me. After being busted (but feeling sweetly naughty) I was going...

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Bromfields Temptations Ch 14

Synopsis: The last chapter opened with Sandra telling Jim and Bette that Jeff had ‘come out,’ and given over to his homosexual instincts. Jim and Bette have gone to a party at Satin Studios. Su Lin and Stick are there, as is Cynthia, Hollywood’s ‘most famous madam’ who is eager to obtain Bette for her stable of working girls. Feeling cornered, Jim decides to look around. He believes this is the moment of truth. Chapter 14: Paying the Piper I laid in that rumpled bed for a long time, trying...

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The Trailer Park The Fourth YearChapter 10

"If we do this, we're going to need..." Robbie started. "Not to rain on your parade, but do you even know if we can do this?" I butted in. "What do you mean?" "Well, if each school gets to submit one production, and Tommy and Kirk both plan their own, can we?" "Oh?" "Well, if the school can submit one," Tami said. "And Tommy and Kirk and who knows who else all want to do one, the school's going to have to produce them all and choose, or come up with a FAIR way to decide...

3 years ago
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A brother sister 1

Steve watched as the large cock disappeared into her mouth. Her lips wrapped themselves around its girth, gliding up and down its length, her head bobbing merrily as Gavin looked down at her.As he watched, Steve freed his cock from his shorts and wrapped his hand around it, wishing it was his cock that the mouth was wrapped around and loving. He stroked his cock as it filled out to hits full size, swelling as his fist pumped up and down the shaft in time with the mouth on Gavin's erection. He...

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Taking the Class Part 3Chapter 12 Friday Evening 711PM

“I like your car, Tiff,” said Alaina. She stole a glance at her date, her gaze lingering on the small, jeweled studs in the other girl’s tiny earlobes. It feels like a date, so I’m going to think of it as a date. “Thanks!” chirped Tiff. She had thrown on a warm-looking cashmere coat that was laying on her seat before she reentered the car “Daddy wanted to get me an SUV, but Mommy said this was more stylish. And when Mommy and Daddy fight, Mommy always wins.” Alaina giggled. “It sounds like...

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Angelas Nest1

By Johnny cum lately Chapter 1 ‘Well if you don’t mind me saying so; you hardly look 20, more like fifteen I’d say. Your to petit to be of that age’ ‘Tell me about it!’ Angela said with a deep sigh. ‘I have missed out on so much because of my stature’ She replied. It was always the same for her; all her friends had guys, but because of her young looking age no one would give her a second look, cradle snatching they would...

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Treasured YouthChapter 4

As they had earlier, Lacey and Alyce walk hand-in-hand tot eh stairs. This time they are headed to Lacey’s bed and hopefully into a night of torrid sex. At the bottom of the stairs they pause and kiss again. Lacey considers dropping right there to her knees and eating out the girl, but she manages to summon the willpower to wait. She leads the teenager up the stairs and into her room where she then pulls the girl’s firm body against her. She feels Alyce’s young breasts press against her and...

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