Dolcett Palast Teil 2 free porn video

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Leicht verdientes Geld

"So, Mädels, wir werden einen Kaffee trinken gehen bevor wir uns für ein Restaurant entscheiden.

Ihr könnt euch also gerne solange umschauen, wenn ihr möchtet" lächelte Maritas Vater

"Außer natürlich ihr wollt euch uns anschließen."

"Nein, alles in Ordnung, wir sehen uns dann später" antwortete Marita schnell und
sich mit Claudia von ihren Eltern.

"Sei in einer Stunde wieder zurück, Schatz!"

"Ja, sicher, Mama!" Marita und Claudia ließen sich von den Menschen- und Fleischmassen wegtreiben.

Sie beschlossen, Anna und Louise zu finden, die sie außerhalb des Palastes kurz gesehen hatten.

Sie mussten nicht lange suchen. An einem Tisch mit ihren Freunden wartend, winkten ihnen
beiden, völlig nackten Mädchen zu. Louise schaute fantastisch aus mit ihrem kurz geschnittenen
rot-braunen Haar, welches sie jungenhaft aussehen ließ.
Sie war groß und schlank, hatte Beine, die ihr bis zu ihren Ohren reichten und besaß wunderbare Titten der Körbchengröße C, denen die Schwerkraft nichts anhaben konnte.
Marita dachte schon immer, dass sie wie die junge Jamie Lee Curtis aussah.
Anne war kleiner mit kurzem blondem Haar und besaß auch kleinere Titten.

"Hallo Louise, Hallo Anna, was macht ihr hier?" fragte Marita und versuchte die Bemerkungen

der Jungen über ihre und Claudias sehr knapp ausgefallene Unterwäsche zu ignorieren.

"Hallo ihr beiden" antwortete Anne

"wir verdienen uns gerade ein paar Moneten extra für das Wochenende"

"Habt ihr das hier schon gelesen?"

"Aehm, nein!" Marita las das Sc***d auf dem Tisch:

Registriere Dich jetzt und bekomme dafür 200 Euro - Ganz ohne Verpflichtungen

"Was ist das für ein Angebot?" fragte Claudia.

"Alles, was du tun musst, ist Dein Fleisch beim Palast anzumelden und dafür bekommst du
200 Euro. Ist das nicht großartig?"
Louise balancierte auf ihren Zehenspitzen, was ihre großen Brüste von einer Seite zur anderen
schwingen ließ.

"Was ist mit dir, junge Dame?" fragte der Mann hinter dem Pult.

Sein rundes Gesicht füllte sich mit einem strahlenden Lächeln, als er Marita und Claudia

ein Formular hinhielt. Einige Mädchen am Tisch füllten Formulare aus und händigten es dem

übrigen Personal aus.

"Soo... und was springt für Sie dabei heraus?" fragte Marita argwöhnisch, als sie Ihm das

Formular aus der Hand nahm.

"Ich meine, wenn für uns keine Verpflichtungen entstehen?"

"Also, um ehrlich zu sein, Süße, wir haben die Erfahrung gemacht, dass, wenn das Fleisch
einmal registriert ist, ist es sehr viel mehr geneigt, auf einem unserer Tisch hier zu enden.

Aber es ist immer noch absolut freiwillig und wenn der Gedanke dich abschreckt,
lass dich einfach nicht registrieren."
Er hielt Marita die Hand hin, damit sie Ihm das Formular zurück geben konnte.

"Nein, also was soll's! Ich könnte das Geld gut gebrauchen" lächelte sie und nachdem
ihnen die beiden Jungen gut zugeredet hatten, füllten die vier Mädchen das Formular aus.

Sie gaben dem Mann auch ihre Kontonummern, so dass der Palast die Prämie überweisen konnte.

"Sehr schön, Mädels, jetzt folgt bitte meinen Kollegen hier, damit wir die Plakette an
euch anbringen können" sagte der Mann, als die Mädchen schon dabei waren zu gehen.

Zwei Männer in blauen Uniformen traten vor die Mädchen.

"Äh, Plakette???" fragte Marita völlig verwundert.

"Ja du hast schon richtig gehört; und zieht bitte alles aus" sagte einer der beiden Männer

und riß in einer schnellen Bewegung Claudias BH von ihren Brüsten.

"Oh, das haben wir ganz vergessen euch zu erzählen" grinste Louise als sie und Anne

bereitwillig ihre durchsichtigen Latex-Bikinis auszogen.

"Wir dürfen nichts mehr tragen nach der Registrierung und wir werden als Fleisch gekennzeichnet."

"Macht euch keine Sorgen, ich habe gehört, es ist nur ein kurzes Zwicken und dann ist

es auch schon vorbei" grinste Anne und hielt dem Personal eine ihrer zarten und frisch
rasierten Schamlippen hin. Die Jungen pfiffen und schauten neugierig zu als Marita und Claudia
sich widerwillig auszogen und dem Personal ihre spärliche Unterwäsche zur Entsorgung überreichten.

Sie mussten einem der beiden Männer folgen, während der andere dicht hinter ihnen war.

Marita kam sich vor wie in einer Mausefalle. Sie konnte das alles nicht glauben.

Wie sollte sie das ihren Eltern erklären, die sie in weniger als einer Stunde wieder treffen

mussten? Die beiden Mädchen wurden zu einem Wartebereich geführt, der sich bei einem
Restaurant befand, welches Mädchen auf asiatische Weise zubereitet anbot.
Es war ein umzäunter Bereich von ungefähr 4 auf 4 Metern, in dem schon 7 oder 8 nackte Mädchen
warteten. Sie unterhielten sich alle miteinander und lachten.
Marita war froh, dass der Laufstall für die Mädchen weit weg war von dem Cafe, in dem ihre Eltern saßen.

"Du meine Güte, ich fühle mich wie eine Kuh auf dem Weg zum Schlachthaus!" grinste Claudia als
noch eine andere Gruppe von Mädchen in den Laufstall geführt wurde.
Sie standen ganz nahe beieinander und berührten sich gegenseitig.

"Ich weiß, was Du meinst!" seufzte Marita und beobachtete wie die Mädchen vor ihr eine nach der
anderen hinausgeführt wurde, um gekennzeichnet zu werden.
Nach einer kurzen Weile, war Louise an der Reihe.

"Titte oder Fotze?" fragte der Mann beiläufig. Louise dachte einen Moment nach und sagte:
"Fotze bitte!" Sie wurde zu einem Tisch hinüber geführt und angewiesen sich darauf zurück zu
lehnen und ihre Beine breit zu machen. Sie folgte den Anweisungen und offenbarte ihre Muschi
vor einem Mann in einem blauen Arbeitsanzug.

"Sehr schön, halt jetzt bitte still!" sagte der Mann, mit einer Piercing-Kanone in der Hand.
Er grabschte nach ihrer linken Schamlippe und hielt sie zwischen Daumen und Zeigefinger.
Dann zog er sie etwas heraus. Louise schloss ihre Augen als er einen Silberring durch ihr
delikates Fleisch schoss. Der Ring war größer und dicker als herkömmliche Piercing-Ringe, die man
für diese intime Körperstelle benutzte. Im Vergleich dazu sah er denjenigen Ringen sehr ähnlich,
welche man zur Kennzeichnung an den Ohren einer Kuh benutzen würde. Das Gesicht von Louise
erfüllte sich mit einem Lächeln als der Mann einen blaue Marke aus Plastik an dem Ring anbrachte
und sie anschließend vom Tisch aufstehen ließ. Die anderen Mädchen schauten auf den Ring
an der Schamlippe von Louise. Anne in Ehrfurcht, Marita und Claudia voller Furcht.

"Warum lassen sie uns wählen, wohin wir den Ring bekommen möchten?" fragte Marita während
sie zuschaute wie das nächste Mädchen durch ihre linke Brustwarze gestochen wurde.
"Autsch, das Titten-Piercing sieht schmerzhaft aus!"

"Ich habe keine Ahnung, aber ich lasse mir den Ring lieber an der Schamlippe anbringen"
sagte Claudia.

"Wer ist die nächste" fragte der Mann, worauf Anne mutig nach vorne kam,
um sich stechen zu lassen. Sie machte kein Geräusch als Er sie kennzeichnete und lief schnell
zu Louise hinüber. Sie grinsten beide und verglichen ihre Marken. Marita war die nächste und
winselete kaum als ihre dicke Schamlippe durchstochen wurde. Tatsächlich war sie überrascht
darüber wie wenig es ihr weh tat und wie sehr es sie erregte. Sie konnte es in den Augen der
Mädchen sehen, als sie gestochen wurden, dass sie nicht die einzige war, die so fühlte.

Die Zubereitung der Freundinnen

"Also, ich fühle mich wie ein Stück Fleisch" flüsterte Marita als sie zu den Jungs
außerhalb des Laufstalls kamen.

"Ich weiß" seufzte Claudia und wusste nicht recht, ob sie ihre gekennzeichnete Vagina
mit ihren Händen verdecken sollte oder nicht.

"Es ist eine Sache, sich daran zu gewöhnen ganz nackt zu sein, aber diesen Ring an der intimsten
Stelle des Körpers zu tragen ist einfach entwürdigend!" fuhr Claudia fort.

"Und was ist mit unseren Eltern?" graute es Marita bei dem Gedanken "Was erzählen wir Ihnen nur?"

"Was steht den eigentlich auf den Marken?" fragte Claudia und kniete sich hin um Maritas Marke
zu lesen.

"FLEISCH Reg. Nr. 124GFX765JK - Freiwillige" las sie laut vor.

"Was? Freiwillige? Das heißt mein Körper gehört jetzt Ihnen!" rief Marita erschrocken.
"Der Mann hat uns ausgetrickst, dieser Bastard!"

"Hey, Mädels! Wir haben sie gefunden!" das war die Stimme von Louise, sie kam von dem Restaurant
nahe dem Barbeque-Stand. Marita und Claudia wussten, wer gemeint war. Nämlich Joanne und Linda,
die heute Abend zubereitet werden würden. Als sie hinübergingen, sahen sie, dass es ein
griechisches Themen-Restaurant war. Im Inneren des Restaurants konnte man eine Reihe von
vertikalen Spießen sehen, auf denen sich sechs Mädchen drehten ganz ähnlich dem Fleisch in einem
Döner-Kebab Laden. An einem der Spieße drehte sich zweifelsfrei Lindas vorzüglicher Körper.

"Wow, schaut sie euch nur an!" staunte Anne und ging so nahe zu ihr, wie es die Hitze aus dem Ofen
hinter Linda zuließ. "Sie ist einfach ... vollkommen!"

"Aber nicht mehr lebendig" seufzte Marita. Linda wurde von ihrer Möse bis zu ihrem Mund mit einem
Spieß durchbohrt und drehte sich offenkundig schon eine ganze Weile am Spieß.
Sie hatte eine schöne, gold-braune Kruste entwickelt und war kurz davor tranchiert zu werden.
Ihre halb geschlossenen Augen waren leblos und starrten hinauf zur Decke.

"Aber du hättest sehen sollen, wie sie vorher den Spieß gefickt hat!" lachte eine bekannte Stimme
verschmitzt. Es war Joanne die so lachte, immer noch lebendig, hinter den Spießen stehend.
Sie trug einen Ring an ihrer Fotze wie die anderen.

"Hallo Jo, noch nicht zubereitet?" lächelte Louise und ging zu ihr hinter die Öfen, um ihr die
Hand zu geben. "Wann wirst du gegrillt?

"Oh, ich wurde nicht für den Kebab-Spieß ausgewählt! Im Moment bediene ich die Gäste und in
ungefähr einer Stunde oder zwei, werden sie mich kochen und in Scheiben schneiden für die
Moussaka, wenn ich gut durch bin.

"Ah, das ist cool!" sagte Louise und schaute zu den besonders großen Brüsten von Joanne hinunter.
"ich wette, deine Milchkannen werden ein paar gute Scheiben hergeben, was Mädchen?"

"Ich hoffe doch!" lachte Joanne, nahm ihre Titten in die Hände und hob sie ein wenig.
"Was ist mit euch? Wie ich sehe, seid jetzt alle zu Fleisch geworden. Wisst ihr schon wie ihr
zubereitet werden möchtet?"

"Nein, wir haben uns nur für die 200 Euro registrieren lassen!" grinste Marita.

"Ja, klar, genau das haben die fünf Mädchen hier neben Linda auch geagt, als sie vorher
hier mit ihren Eltern und Freunden rein kamen! Ihr seht ja, was mit ihnen passiert ist, Mädels!
ich wette, ich werde die meisten von euch zubereitet sehen, noch bevor ich später am Abend
in den Topf steige!"

"Ich wette, du liegst falsch!" lachte Louise und drehte sich herum um zu gehen.
"Wir werden später noch einmal vorbei kommen und dich kochen sehen! Viel Glück!"

"Ganz sicher!" grinste Joanne und hob ihre Stimme, um sicher zu gehen, dass die Mädchen sie
beim Weggehen hörten. "Vielleicht wird eine von euch mich in den Topf begleiten, wer weiß!"

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They went into the kitchen and he had her sit at the table. He sat down beside her. He knew that he would have to coach her on how to survive in this world that was so backward compared to her world. If she made a slip, the public would brand her either a crazy person or worse, the UFO nuts would hound her to death. " I don't even know your name." "It's Thea." "Thea, I don't think that you're ever going to get back to your world again. I have always been taught, as apparently you...

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Dad Helps Son To Fuck Mom Part 2

My name Raghuram Chandra. I am a senior financial manager in one of the reputed MNC. My age is 55 and I am a workaholic. I arranged for my son and wife to fuck as I wanted her to be satisfied by a man in the house. This is the story of what happened next. Then we reached home they didn’t care about me. They reached inside home holding each other. I parked the car went inside. As soon as I entered home, I heard the moans of my wife and my son in my bedroom. I knocked on the door. After 2 minutes...

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Holly Jones is Rescued

CHAPTER 1 Driving rain and the falling temperature finally drove Holly Jones off the walking track that followed the tops along the mountain range. She could see a back-country road a couple of thousand feet below and decided to retreat to it, hoping someone would come along and take pity on her. The descent was slow because of the loose gravel slides, extensive areas of slippery native grasses and groves of native trees and shrubby vegetation the New Zealanders called bush. Being a seasoned...

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The Cuckolds Reward Tims Story

“You’re late,” he said quietly as Claire entered the room. “I’m sorry,” she replied as she walked up to him. “Things kind of dragged on.” Tim was sat on the edge of the settee and she stood inches from him. Looking up, he saw that she looked tired and her long blonde hair was slightly dishevelled. “Have you been a good girl,” he asked her as he placed his hands on the outside of her knees inches below the hem of the black cocktail dress she was wearing. Her legs were clad in black silk...

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That Night

It had been a year that we dated without getting to see one another, and the sexual tension between us was craving to be satisfied. We spent endless nights having phone sex and sexting one another about what we wanted to and finally she told me to just come see her. I finally worked up the courage to go and I will never forget it. I got to her house around 8 that night, and she was home alone waiting for me. She answered the door wearing a nightie and instantly I felt my clit throb. She looked...

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JamesDeen Iris Rose Iris Rose And James Deen Public Sex

Iris Rose and James Deen are headed to set to shoot some porn. They pull over in a private place so James can pee, because James hates bathrooms and insists on peeing under bridges for some reason. Iris has a camera pointed at her and all of a sudden can’t stop herself from entering porn mode. The all natural blonde teen starts to flash her pussy and tits to the camera. James finishes pissing in and then comes and shoves his cock inside her until she gets enough dick to hold her over for the...

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Started with Me Eating my CumPT2

Joining the Divorced Men’s Support Group and Baring My SoulA coworker who knew how distraught I was recommended a psychologist who had helped him after his divorce. I went to my first appointment with Gretchen, who I call Doc when I address her face-to-face, and was so impressed by her soothing and supportive approach, that I continued meeting with her weekly for the next two months.She’s a beautiful, sophisticated, middle-aged woman, looking a lot like the actress, Helen Mirren, in her...

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ISABELLE AND THE COMPANY PARTYby Isabelle VagabaNate looks adoringly at his beautiful wife. Isabelle is a petite bombshell, barely 5'2" tall she has an angelic face with straight blonde hair and a body to die for. Her skin is light and perfectly unblemished, with large DD cups that look huge on her tiny frame and a narrow waist that ends in a perfect bubble butt and legs that look out of proportion with her body. Nate knows he is very lucky to be married to one of the hottest women he ever seen...

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Academy of the Dark Arts Saved

Maiga is a land of fantasy and wonder. Magic flows not only through every creature, large and small, but so too in plants, objects, and the very earth itself. Fittingly, the world is filled with a wide assortment of creatures. Not only humans, but elves, dwarfs, gnomes, orcs, and far more rule the continents, with a plethora of magical beasts not quite as intellectually capable or desiring of holding a kingdom. While the vast multitude of these species, with differing values and beliefs, has...

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A High School Homecoming

A High School Homecoming... The little Clique, made up of my former classmates who had been in charge back in High School, was elated. The very fact that he had bothered to respond at allto their invitation was considered to be quite a feather in their cap. The E-mail sent from his office, no doubt by his Secretary, had simply read: Hello all, Tour schedule permitting, I'll try to make it home this year for our Class Reunion. Warm regards, Smokey Joe I found myself laughing at the...

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John CarterChapter 14

The weather this day was unbearably hot. Kelly trudged up the path that was described in John’s hiking journal. Sweat ran down into her eyes. Her tee shirt was soaked and stuck to her. She knew that she was filthy. There wasn’t anywhere to bathe at the campsite. The insects were active and bothered her tremendously. She had to force herself to walk faster than she liked, but she had to be in the clearing by noon. She was tired, not having slept the night before. The woods were full of noises...

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Black T girl impregnating mature white wife

45EE-36-45 mature white wife loves this picture! She had always wanted a black T girls baby. She was getting worried as at the time she was 47 and realized the biological clock was ticking if not passed and too late.She ran into a Joanne (use to be Joe), she looked a lot like this T girl. Because my wife wanted to be bred the donors personality was most important. She loved Joanne's figure even though she had a small penis (as in this picture), fully erect my wife said it was only 4" with two...

3 years ago
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The Awakening of a Cougar Part 1

The Awakening of a Cougar Part 1 I watched intently as Debbie began to undress, carefully and neatly placing each item of her clothing on the top of the cabinet next to her as it was removed. Stood in just her bra and panties as if to tease me, she turned to look at me with a mock doleful expression on her pretty face, “Do I really have to be completely naked Sir?” she asked. Confident that she already knew the answer and was just playing games, I slowly nodded my head and struggled not to...

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Sarahs First Adventure

Sarah woke up wet and horny that morning. She had had the dream again. She had been up on the stage naked, surrounded by strangers. They had stared at her nakedness, cheered her, complimented her. They had liked what they saw. It had excited them. It had excited Sarah. As the excitement had grown, her hand slipped down to the wetness between her legs. She had begun rubbing herself to the wild encouragement of her audience. Her hand had slipped deep within her pussy. At least, maybe it was her...

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Green Goblin Strikes Back

The Green Goblin Strikes Back by Steve Zink In Marvel Comics, Spider-Man is one of the all-time favorites. One of his constant foes almost from the beginning has been the Green Goblin. This villain was originally the chemical industry mogul Norman Osborn, who gained his alter ego after being bathed in chemicals at his plant. In the comics, Norman eventually died, while his son Harry, a good friend of Peter Parker, the alter ego of Spider-Man, married his high school sweetheart,...

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First Time with my daughter Penny

Sixteen years ago my wife decided she needed drugs more than she needed her family. She left me with a two year old green eyed beauty named Penny. Penny is my pride and joy. Growing up without a mom and a wife did present us with a few problems. Which bathroom to use at the movies and mall was an issue until she was ten years old. We also played more sports than dolls. Penny was a tomboy. Today she is 5’4 lean, athletic and except for the very sizable breasts she has, she’s built for speed and...

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Mistress Dyvia Scratchin an Itch

Mistress Dyvia's "Scratching an Itch" LETTER TO MY READERS: Hi all, I love you all to death. Well I decided to get my butt moving, and I wrote another story. 'Scratching an Itch' being about scratching an irritation. Specifically a sub trying to top me from the bottom. I don't like that. If I wanted to be topped, I'd be on the bottom. LoL. I hope you enjoy! KISSES! DISCLAIMER: I wrote this story so its mine. Mine! Mine! Mine! I own the rights to it. If you wish to post it...

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My neighbour aunty

Hi horny site viewers.This is sanjay from hyderabad,29yrs.I like sex stories very much.But I think most of those stories are not true.But this is a true incident in my life and it is a sweet memory.I was deeply attracted by sex when is was studying in degree std.I always fantasy about my neibourhood aunty.Her name is visali.She lives in the ground floor.My family is in 2nd floor.we are living in this flat for more than 10 years.She is a close friend of my mom,since they both are housewifes.They...

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The Duel the Damsel the Deception and Debauchery Part Three The Deception

That night was a storm of firsts for me. I was once involved in a group-sex thing but it wasn’t anything close to a premeditated orgy and didn’t have Kiera, the Princess of perversion, conducting everything. I gave in to the decadence and left my inhibitions at the door. The rest of that night was a blur of naked, tangled limbs; of tongues and hands; and of hard cocks and drenched pussies.I was eventually exhausted and Glade, my on-again lover, took me to his camp. Kiera, insatiable as always,...

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ShoplyfterMylf Kylie Le Beau Case No 8845021

Case #8845021 – March 14th, 2:44 PM. Suspect is a black woman over the age of thirty. She identifies herself as Kylie La Beau, and is filed in our Must Implement Liberal Frisking, or MILF, category. She is recorded stealing items from the storefront on the closed circuit security cameras. The Officer searches her, demanding the suspect disrobe and expose potential hiding places. Ultimately, the merchandise is found in the suspect’s underwear, and proper Loss Prevention Protocol is...

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Crazy holidays

As I wrote earlier, our girls are very fond of all kinds of fun. Basically, the more severe and brutal you are with her, the more she loves it. Daria and Julka love brutal games until the pain. And the guys are just waiting to give the girls a good ass and fuck them hard in their eternally warmed pussy and ass. The last opportunity came to her a few days ago. Our ladies have arranged a short walk. They called this time, right away, for the boys to join them. Quickly, the company found a...

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The Anomaly Volume One The Battle for the Known UnknownChapter 14

Intrepid - 3754 C.E. Ever since he'd got married to Beatrice, Paul had tried to resist the temptation to visit Nudeworld. It no longer had quite the same attraction as before. It wasn't that Paul didn't visit cyberspace any more. He still enjoyed going to places and meeting people that could only ever be encountered in virtual reality, but he mostly avoided sexual encounters. He preferred to be free from even virtual guilt when he and Beatrice made love. But the truth was that he was more...

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A Second Chance

Mike stood there stunned. The woman of his dreams, his high school sweetheart, had just broken up with him and the only explanation he got was an "It's not you, it's me." She was the only girl that he had ever dated and he had been ready to propose. As he watched her walk out of his life he didn't know what to do. Mike stood, motionless and numb, staring into space long after she was gone. Eventually, his body started to move on autopilot and before he knew it he was back home in his tiny...

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Infidelity Revisited Ch 06

Ryan awakened the next morning a little aroused. Actually, it was more like the next afternoon since the clock on the nightstand said 12:46. Wow, he thought, we really slept late. He looked over at the beautiful woman beside him. Charmaine was fast asleep, lying on her back, the sheet wrapped around her tanned body. He didn’t remember, but obviously at some point during the night he slipped out of her and rolled off of her. As far as he knew, he was still inside her when he fell asleep. ...

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I Caught Mother Masturbating

by MoondriftI came home early that day because of a canceled tutorial. Going straight to my room I dumped a couple of books and some notes I'd taken during a lecture on the desk and then wondered what to do.I could have got down to some studying, and had almost reluctantly made up my mind to do just that, when my attention was caught by a strange sound. At first I wasn't sure if it was inside or outside the house; it was a sort of whimpering sobbing sound.I listened for a while. It might have...

1 year ago
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Little Cousin

Note : This story is complete fictional! It all started after I got out of college and moved back home. I was eighteen at the time and my cousin was fifteen years old. When ever my folks would go over to my aunt and uncles house my cousin Jeff would follow me around. At first I didn't think anything of it, but then I started to notice him looking at me or should I say my body. That’s when I realized he was getting a hard on when ever I was around. To think I was making him horny made me feel...

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Jodis Story Part 2

Wedded Bliss It was Thursday morning and Jodi was all dressed for our wedding day. She had a pretty knee length white dress on and nice 4" white heels with white stockings. I think her heels were really tall for her but I think she was trying to be up as tall as she could. I was well over 6' by a couple inches. She looked so so beautiful. Her long brown hair in a loose braid down her back and nice make-up. Whew smokin hot. We...

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Getting Pregnant

Getting Pregnant Janet L. Stickney [email protected] Her swelling belly, her breasts sagging in anticipation of the baby, her hips widening out to ease the delivery, the clear rosy skin and the obvious joy she felt at the coming event were all evident to anyone that simply looked at her. As she walked past me, I once again rued the day that I was born male, unable to experience the joys of being pregnant. In my early youth I had tried padding my belly, desperately trying...

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Mr Rogers ResearchChapter 15

I was sure the complimentary coffee was the type made from the sweepings off the floor of the packaging plant. The cereal was a generic rice puff, or cornflakes in those little individual cardboard boxes. There were a few breakfast pastries sitting on a table. They were shriveled up, as if they came from the day old market. Tonya was already in the lobby eating the crappy cereal when I showed up dressed for my morning hike. I waved at her as I passed. She caught up with me when I stopped...

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Young And Three

I’ve been contemplating whether to share this story with all of you, or just let sl**ping dogs lie. So I decided to share my experience with you all and hope it gets everyone motivate to share their stories with us all. Now that being said let me start from the beginning. This sexual experience happen to me while I was in my youth and somewhat made me the person I am today. I used to live in the south island and I attended and did my schooling in this area. While in the south island I had...

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Oh Where Oh Where Could My Baby Be

My name is Lars Micheal Anderson and am about to graduate from Sanford University with a PhD. in Psychology. I will be working with the Transgendered Community to honor my dead girlfriend Katrina Leona Stewart who's Love for me led to my redemption and return to God. [-][+][-] I met Katrina after she had transitioned. She was an only child whose parents had passed away, leaving her to live with Pastor Franklin Rhodes, her uncle. He used to pastor the Gate City Baptist Church until...

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Her Night

Eva stared at the wall of toys before her, still unable to believe that she was actually here. For months she'd delayed visiting any adult shops; she was just too afraid she would run into someone she knew. If she ever needed a new vibrator or some lube, she just sent Jake. He'd run the errands she was too nervous to run herself and she'd treat him to a night of whatever he wanted. It had worked- until now. She couldn't send him for this one, since he was creating the problem she needed to fix....

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NubileFilms Angel Gostosa Stretch Me Out

Fresh from the shower, Angel Gostosa wraps a towel around herself and primps in the mirror. Her brother’s friend Jay Romero happens to be there, which gives Angel an opportunity to act on her big crush. Dressing in tight yoga pants and a sports bra, Angel joins Jay in the living room where she begins a workout routine designed to show off her teen body. Jay peeks, but ever the gentleman he doesn’t stare. When her workout routine alone doesn’t get Jay to pounce, Angel puts the...

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The Birth of Lesley Renee Charles

The Birth of Lesley Renee by: Lesley Renee Charles Part One - The Early Years I was born on Sunday, September 26, 1965 in Somerville, New Jersey. I was named Ernest for my father and Charles for his paternal grandfather. My mother says I was a prissy child from day one and had to be treated just right or I would be moody. My father always told me that I was a very good baby, and that they only had to tell me no and tap my hand and I would stop misbehaving. The first three years of...

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Falling Ch 06

Chapter 6, In which Jenny gets her job I knew how to get back and forth to the airport, my hotel, my clients, and a sampling of restaurants. I’d never even gotten my ears pierced, much less thought of doing anything more radical. Of course I called Jenny. She’d sounded a bit scandalized on the phone, but she was up for anything I wanted to do — the magic my girlfriend, Stacey, had showed me seemed to work that way. We’d had a lot of fun together, but I couldn’t forget that I’d gotten Jenny...

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