A New Life For My Mother Chapter Two
- 2 years ago
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Dick and Jack had settled themselves on the couch to watch the show. Jack kept looking at his dad to try to get a clue that he wasn't mistaken.
Dick saw his son looking at him out of the corner of his eye and had to smile inwardly. Remembering back to his on trials during puberty he realized this must be a pretty good mind blower for the kid. Turning to his son Dick quickly and quietly said, "Look son. I know what you are going through because my mom was blonde and I went through something very similar. I was in a constant state of horny from about 12 until I left home. It was interesting at times but it was really frustrating. At the dinner table tonight, I realized the effect having two blondes in the house must be doing to you. I decided that you will not go through what I went through. It won't hurt your mom or sister but the game plan will change in this house. Just follow my lead and help where you can."
Dick didn't mention the effect his beautiful daughter was having on his own libido. He didn't mention that he thought it was a fair trade to allow his son to fuck his wife as long as he got to fuck his daughter. Well, actually it would be fun to watch his son fuck his wife even if he didn't get to fuck his daughter, but he would. Dick smiled and asked, "Are you OK with that?"
Jack looked at his dad with a dazed feeling but nodded then said. "Ah, dad? How far, ah, what are we, ah, can I, ah." Jack stammered. It was pretty hard to figure out how to ask your dad if you could fuck your mom. Usually when a dad and son have a sex talk they are restricted to the proper words, like intercourse, and breasts, and vagina. No fucking or tits or pussy in those conversations. His dad seemed to be saying he would be able to do something but he didn't want to blow it by doing something he wasn't supposed to do or say something that he shouldn't. He didn't know how to ask. He just couldn't so he closed his mouth for a moment then said, "I will follow your lead and help where I can." He wasn't sure what that meant but judging from what was happening so far it couldn't be too bad.
They both turned back to the mother and daughter standing in the middle of the floor.
Jill was showing Jane one of the cheerleading moves that she had used in high school. Dick thought it had a different effect with that crop top blouse she was wearing than it did with those tight little sweaters they wore at school. Every hop, jump and skip caused the blouse to flare up showing her tits. Her skin tight jeans looked good too the way they molded around her hips and pussy.
Dick glanced at his son and got an idea and said, "Jill honey, It looks like your movements are pretty restricted with those jeans on. You had a skirt, kind of like Jane's during high school. I don't think you can show her how to do the cheers right with them on honey. Why don't you take them off? It is just us family here and you will still have your panties on."
Jill stopped for a moment and looked at her husband and smiled saying, "You are so smart honey. Thank you."
She proceeded to unbutton and peel the jeans down her legs to Jack's total amazement and enjoyment. She did have panties on. Thong panties to be exact. The process of pulling the tight jeans down over her hips caused them to slide down several inches that gave Jack a view of his mom's pussy too. It wasn't completely shaved. There was a small patch of hair right above the pussy. I think they call those landing strips. As he watched his mom got the tight jeans tangled around her feet and had to bend over to try to untangle them. Jack had a clear shot down her blouse right to her pussy, including her pussy. "Errrrrrrrk," he said. His dad just smiled.
"Son, help your mom get untangled there," Dick said.
Jack got off the couch and knee walked to his mom. He wasn't sure if he could stand. His mom was barely maintaining her balance with her legs close together and trapped by the jeans. His mom leaned on his shoulder slightly when he reached her and one of her hard tits pressed against his arm. She was still leaning forward enough for the blouse to hang loose and Jack had a up-close and personal view of his moms tits. Her hard, exposed nipples were less than six inches from his mouth. "Errrrk," He said.
"Jack, I think her panties came down a little when she pulled her jeans down. Would you pull them back in place please son, "his dad asked?
"Su, su, sure d, dad," Jack stuttered his reply.
Jack's eyes were still focused on his mother's hard nipple that was so close to his mouth as her reached for her panties to pull them up. His hand brushed the top of her panties and he felt her pussy hairs on the back of his hand as his fingers encountered her pussy. It felt wet when his fingers slid into his mom's slit. His mother's pussy juice was on his fingers made it slide so well and his fingers slid across a bump at the top of her pussy that caused his mom to jump. The little jump caused her to fall foreword slightly and his mother's tit pressed against his face with the nipple right at his mouth.
Now what's a kid to do? His fingers were in a pussy and a nipple was pressed against his mouth. He opened his mouth to go,"Errrk," but the nipple popped in. He wiggled his fingers. He clamped down on the nipple in his mouth. He dimly heard his mom say," Oh, oh, oh," and the rhythm of the sounds seemed to match the movements of his fingers.
Dick watched his son chewing on his mom's nipple through the blouse and moving his fingers in her pussy. Dick's cock got hard.
The spell was broken by Jane saying, "Jack, you are going to get tangled up and both of you are going to fall," as she moved forward to help.
If Jane was going to get involved then he was too Dick decided and moved forward to 'help'.
Dick and Jane arrived at the tangled couple together. Jane saw how her brother's fingers were embedded in her mom's pussy and asked, "Is she plugged up Jack?"
"Huh," was the only muffled reply the poor kid could make since his mouth was full of momma tit.
"Is her plumbing plugged up," Jane asked again.
"What are you talking about," Dick asked honestly curious about where a question like that would come from in these circumstances.
"Well, Susie said we should check to make sure our plumbing isn't plugged up," Jane stated in a very matter of fact tone. "She said we can make sure we aren't plugged up with our fingers but it is always best for someone else to do it with their fingers or better yet, with their mouth," the 14 year old concluded sounding very knowledgeable.
"How do you know when it isn't plugged up," Dick asked? He was almost panting with lust at the visual of his daughter being eaten out by her pretty little oriental friend.
"Oh that's easy," Jane said importantly. "The person getting checked gets tingly all over and a lot more juice comes out proving that she isn't plugged up. Susie and I figured out how to check each other at the same time," she concluded proudly. "It saves time to do it together like that."
Dick groaned at the visual of the two of teenagers going down on each other. "Good girl," Dick said in a husky voice. "You know honey, guys get plugged up too. Maybe I could check you and you could help check me too."
"Oh dad, that would be perfect," Jane said excitedly. "I always need to wait until Susie and I can get together or do it myself. Thank you. Now I won't have to wait." the sexy young girl said as she hugged her father. "She got a puzzled look on her face and asked, "But Dad, how do you check guys? Guys have outties and girls have innies."
Dick groaned again as he felt his daughter's hard tits digging into his chest. "Don't worry baby. Daddy will show you." Dick said. "OK," he thought to himself. "I need to keep control just a little longer to get this party really rolling."
"Don't worry honey," Dick said to Jane. "Daddy will always help you but we need to help your mom and Jack right now."
"OK Daddy," Jane said turning to the tangle of her mom and brother.
Jill's thong had slipped farther down her legs to her knees making her even more unstable on her feet. The panties held her knees together and her jeans held her feet together. Her legs being so close together weren't much of an impediment to her son's fingers. They were buried deep in her pussy.
"Good job son," Dick said smiling. "It is important to get a good grip to keep someone from falling over." He could hear the squishing sound of his son's fingers working in his wife's pussy.
"Oh Honey," Dick said to his wife. "Your blouse is all wet now. Let me help you." Dick straightened his wife and both his wife and son moaned when the hard nipple was pulled from his mouth. Dick quickly pulled his wife's little crop top over her head. The transparent bra was wet with his son's saliva so he unsnapped that and removed it too, just to stay consistent of course. Now his wife was standing all but naked in the middle of the family room. Her legs were held together by panties and jeans so she couldn't walk and could barely maintain her balance. Her body was trembling and it looked like her knees would buckle at any moment from the sensations running through her body.
"Just about where I want all this to be," Dick thought with a chuckle. "Can't let her go off or she might start wondering about what we are doing here."
"Son, we need to get these jeans off your mom so we can move on with this cheer leading practice," Dick said cheerfully to his son. "Just hold her up until we get her untangled." Dick grabbed his son's hand, the one that wasn't in his mom's pussy. He grabbed the one that was wrapped around the 13 year old cock. "You will need to brace her so she doesn't fall. Just holding her up by her puss won't be enough," the horny father said as he placed is son's hand on Jill's bare tit.
Help me Jane while your brother holds your mom up," he said smiling to his daughter.
Jack looked at his dad with glazed eyes trying to understand what was being said. Comprehension slowly filtered into his lust fogged mind and he nodded. He was panting as if he had run a mile and he didn't understand why. He had only been finger fucking his mom and sucking on her tit through her blouse. Now he was holding her tits and squeezing the firm softness while that hard nipple burning into his palm. He was squeezing his mother's tit. His fingers were squishing in his mom's pussy. A weak "Errrk," bubbled from his throat.
Dick and Jane knelt on each side of Jill and started working on untangling her jeans. Dick helped Jane get the jeans off her side first, leaning close to get a good look and smell of his son's fingers in his wife's pussy. "Damn," he thought. "The kid has three fingers in her and trying to get a fourth. It looked like he was trying to fist fuck her. That would drive her over the top. Got to stop that."
"Son," Dick said as the jeans were freed from one side and they started working on the panties on that side. "You can get a better grip if you do it this way."
Dick pulled Jack's fingers from her pussy. Jill groaned at the loss. Dick guided Jack's thumb into his mom's pussy and two pussy juice soaked fingers into her ass. Jill groaned again and started trembling again. "See son," Dick said proudly. "Now you can grab hold and have a better grip."
Jack could only nod as he felt his thumb and fingers through the thin membrane separating his mom's ass and pussy.
"Don't worry honey," Dick said to his wife. "It will only be for a moment. He just needs to hold you up until we get you untangled. We sure don't want you to fall."
"Th, th, thank y, you honey," Jill panted as she braced herself on her son's shoulder.
Jane managed to free her mom's panties from her side so Jill was able to spread her legs slightly. She only spread them to get better balance of course.
"Good job Jane," her father said. "Would you do me a favor while I get this leg untangled?"
Jane nodded enthusiastically saying, "Sure daddy."
"While I am getting the jeans and panties off this side would you please check your mom to make sure she isn't, ah, plugged up?" The horny father asked. "I don't think your brother has as much experience so I don't know if he can tell."
"No problem daddy," the young girl said as she reached for her mom's pussy.
"Now honey," Dick said chidingly. "Didn't Susie tell you it worked better with your mouth and tongue? You don't want to cheat your mom do you?"
"You're right dad," Jane said blushing. "I guess I wasn't thinking."
Jane leaned forward and nuzzled into her brother's hand enough to get her tongue into her mom's pussy.
Jill's trembling looked like it was getting to a critical point so Dick hurried in removing the jeans and panties from his wife other leg. Once finished he leaned back on his heals looking at his naked wife being pleasured by his son and daughter. The look on his wife's face made it pretty evident how she was taking all this. It would probably further his plans if he could keep her at this fever pitch, just below cumming. This was a scene out of his most erotic fantasies but, more to come so he needs to stop this for a few minutes.
Reaching forward he pulled his son's fingers out of his wife's pussy. "Got to get on with the show Jack," Dick said cheerfully. Jill groaned at the fingers left her body. Dick placed Jack's fingers in his wife's mouth and said, "You really should clean him off dear. I mean, he did keep you from falling so that is the least you can do."
Jill could taste her own pussy on her son's fingers, but there was another taste too. It was a muskier flavor. She still had sensations rolling through her body from her daughter's tongue in her pussy and son still squeezing her tit. Jill was almost ready to cum. She was almost there.
"Ok you two," Dick said good naturedly as he gently pulled his daughter back and removed his son's hand from Jill's tit. "It is time to get to the cheerleading. We want Jane to be ready for her big tryout tomorrow."
The three of them were still kneeling in front of their naked mother who looked like she was in a daze of passion.
"Ok daddy," Jane said excitedly as she reached down to use her blouse to wipe her face.
"Ok no honey," Dick said, his voice very concerned. "You don't want to stain your blouse but it was wet too so we should take it off like we did your mom's."
"Jack," Dick continued with a wink at his dazed looking son. "Would you help your sister and lick that pussy juice off while I help her with her blouse?"
"Su, sure d, d, d, dad," Jack replied knee walking closer to his sister while holding his hard cock in one hand.
"Be sure to get all of it so nothing gets stained. Inside her mouth too," Dick said with a smile as he proceeded to unbutton his 14 year old daughter's blouse.
Jane's tits were beautiful. They didn't have the full, mature heaviness of her mom's tits. They were still full looking but hadn't quite completed leaving that cone shaped stage. The areolas hadn't lost that very pronounced puffy look that young, not quite fully developed tits have. Her nipples sure looked like they were fully developed. They were nearly a quarter of an inch long and they were rock hard. Dick couldn't resist and leaned forward to suck it into his mouth.
Jack had licked his sister's face tasting his mother's pussy juice that had smeared there. It tasted good and he wanted more. His dad had said there was more in her mouth so after he couldn't find any more on her chin, cheeks, and nose his tongue started exploring his sister's mouth. He forgot about finding more momma juice after a moment as the exploration turned into a passionate kiss.
Jill stood on trembling legs. She hadn't had a cum. She looked down at her husband sucking his daughter's tit and her son kissing his sister. She hadn't had a cum. She needed to have a cum.
"Dick, can you help me here?" Jill asked in a husky, panting voice.
Reluctantly Dick released the nipple that was cradled on his tongue. He sat back and watched his son kissing his sister for a moment then said, "Yes dear but shouldn't we get on with the cheerleading first?"
Without waiting for a reply Dick gently shook Jack and said, "She's got to go to work son."
Jack sat back and looked at his sister and in a panting voice said, "Geez Jane, you are beautiful."
Jill moaned. She wanted to cum so bad but Dick was right. They needed to get on with this.
Jane just sat in a near stupor of sexual frustration. The kiss from her little brother and her dad sucking her tit and almost driven her over the top. She wanted to cum so bad. She needed that tingly feeling. But, her dad was right. Work before pleasure.
Dick and Jack got to their feet and, each one grabbing an arm and a tit, helped the weak kneed girl to her feet. Dick flipped the catch on the only piece of clothing the girl had left, her skirt, and let it drop to the floor.
"Now neither of you has anything to get in the way of your cheer leading," Dick said positively and a little breathy.
"Thanks daddy," Jane said panting.
"Good thinking," Jill said panting too.
"I love being married to a blond," Dick thought.
"I love having a blond mom and sister, "Jack thought.
The two blondes moved to the center of the room as Dick and Jack sat on the couch, still fully clothed. Jack still had that glazed look and was still holding his cock through his pants.
"Jack, Now we need to have a reason to get undressed. After that I will pair you off with your mom and I will stick with your sister," Dick said quietly.
Jack looked at his dad with that deer in the headlights look and asked, "What should I do?"
"Are you still a virgin," Dick asked?
Jack nodded with a sheepish look and Dick said, "Don't worry about it. All of us were virgins once. Just play with her and when you are ready, fuck her. You'll do fine son."
The father and son looked back at the naked mother and daughter. "Jill," Dick said. "Why don't you show her how to do that hand stand and leg split."
"Good idea," Jill said and tried to stand on her head, and fell over. Laughing she got back to her feet and said, "I need someone to hold me."
Dick got up and pulling Jack along said, "Jane should be doing it at the same time to copy you so I guess we can hold you up."
A couple of steps from the couch Dick stopped and said, "If we are going to help we might have to get in some of those cheerleading positions too so we should probably take these clothes off so we can move better."
"You are so smart honey," Jill cooed as Dick and Jack quickly stripped and walked toward the naked women with hard cocks waving before them.
Dick walked to his daughter and motioned for her to stand on her head. The young girl gracefully leaned forward and raised her torso and legs to a hand stand. Dick grabbed her legs to balance her and looked down at the tasty looking 14 year old pussy as the legs opened slightly.
"Daddy," Jane protested. "You aren't supposed to hold my legs. That is cheating. You can only hold me up with my pussy."
Dick liked the idea but couldn't imagine were his daughter would get an idea like that so asked her.
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Chapter 11. Carmen and Ryan becomes a couple. In the morning I woke as I heard the shower running. About five minutes later the water shut off and I heard the shower curtain open. A few moments later Carmen walked into my room. She walked over to the dresser which had a large mirror behind it. She was wearing a short black robe with plunging laced back displaying her beautiful back and the top of her tight ass. On her feet she had a pair of what looked like three inch slipper heels. She sat...
Hi everyone, I am back with my my new story which happened last month. It happened with my aunt and my maids daughter .She is very hot . My aunty name is komal and maids daughter name is payal.Aunt figure is great 38 36 42 and payals figure is 36 34 40 komal aunty ke boobs aur gand bhut badi thi .Unko jab bi mai dkhta tha mera land khada ho jata hai. Mai unko soch ke kai baar muth marta hu. Mjhe unki gand marna chata tha. Unki gand dkhke kisi ka bi chodne ka.Mann kre . Wo low cut ke blouse...
Katherine felt attracted to him the very first time she saw him. He was different than the other men she knew, not that she knew that many, but there was something altogether safe and yet demanding about him. He looked her straight in the eyes, unlike boys her own age, and he showed his interest in her, in an open and pleasant manner. They met at a party of the better circles. She had come there with her two sisters, both older, and both married. The youngest in the family, she was used to...
He got me a doggy. Finally after months and months of begging, my Daddy finally caved and brought home a dog. His name is Fang. It isn't a puppy but that's fine with me. He's a good dog and very sweet and affectionate too. He always wants to lay with his head in my lap… and he does other things too. This happened the other day… When my Dad went to work, the doggy stayed with me. Even when I started touching myself in the big girl way I do when I know I won't get caught… he seemed curious,...
Where were we? I knew we had left the party to explore the house but I was getting lost. The champagne had gone to my head and I was feeling like I was floating...I was pulling him behind me trying to find a place we could be alone. Giggling I stopped every once every few few to kiss his warm lips. I could taste the booze he had been drinking. But I think I was more drunk then him. I tried to open door after door but that were all locked. Goddamn rich. Too many rooms they think they have to...
EroticAs I was stretched out on the sofa when I heard the front door open, and then Mum's familiar voice, "Hello Darling I'm home, how was your day?"I turned towards her. "Hi Mum. It was fine thanks."She came up to me and gave me a big hug and a motherly kiss on the lips, Mum was what most people would call pretty. She wasn't stunning and she rarely turned heads, but she had an almost c***d-like face, which had its own attractions. She kept her dark brown hair fairly long. She had a good shape, curvy...
"Yeah i know, thats why i want to invite you over this weekend… it'll just be us ," he said. I thought about it for a moment before replying. He's so sexy I can deal with fucking just him. The weekend arrived and I was getting ready to be at Deckers at 8. I pulled on a skin tight tribal body con dress, which sat beautifully between my knees and my crotch - easy access. I finished the outfit with a pair of killer strappy heels, grabbed my bag, tousled my hair and left. I looked sexy...
I laid in my bed staring up at the ceiling. I had been able to fall asleep for maybe two hours before my brain took off like a runaway train once again. I wondered how Derek was and wondered if he missed me. I wondered where Donnell was and how he was able to cut off ties so easily. I thought about how many good times I had with Courtney. I also thought about how easily she had turned on me - embracing my sexuality one day and then shaming me for it the next. I concluded she was just...
True"B" IS FOR GIRL Chapter 7: "B" is for Blossom, the Forest Fairy Princess It was a few days before Christmas. The snow had gone, but it was raining very hard, so me and mummy stayed in the house. Mummy told me to put on my pink tutu and my white ballet tights and my ballet shoes. "You should practice your dances for the pantomime, Beverly," she told me. "You don't want to make any mistakes when you perform in front of the mayor, now do you?" I was puzzled. I knew that a mare was...
A couple of months back my husband was due to go out into town with his 2 bosses, a father and son firm he had worked with for about 5 years. Both father and son were certainly not my idea of attractive, both skinny and obviously not sun worshippers like myself judging by their pale pink complexions. On the night I was feeling a little horny myself and was looking forward to him coming home and satisfying my desires, hence I dressed accordingly, black pull ups, short skirt, lacey black knocks...
Cheating WifesYou show up to your first Italian lesson and your teacher is super hot. Marica Chanelle is your teacher, she has a perfect figure and gigantic tits. What will you do? Are you gonna sit there and just try to learn some Italian? Or will you make a move? How will she react to your advances? With SexSelector it’s all up to you and your decision making skills. Make the right choice and have the opportunity to bang this beauty. Or fuck up and get kicked the hell out. Your fate is in your hands. Good...
xmoviesforyouHello Pussycat Hermione clutched the small handbag tightly as she entered the hotel. She had to walk slowly, and on her toes, because she had never developed the skill of walking in ridiculously tall heels like these; being a little drunk didn’t help either. Fortunately her belly dancing classes had taught her how to undulate as she walked, which helped her keep balance as long as she kept her hips and shoulders moving in opposite directions at the right time. Somewhere behind her...
at long lastwe are finally alone 2getheragain...u reach out & start 2 fondle my cock through my pants... i press against your fingers as my cock starts 2 respond & your hand feels really nice on my cock-skin... 2 my cumplete & total delight i am becoming very excited at the thought of sexually experiencing u again...i whisper " i wanna suck your cock !! i wanna feel u fuck me all night !!! " then i fall down on2 my knees as i free your cock from your pants & stroke the shaft...
All of us enjoy the company of our mother-in-laws but there are times when they can be downright mean to their son-in-laws. Always taking the wife side and complaining about how the son-in-law is not taking good enough care or not making enough money, etc. We all had fantasies and here is one. It had been a tough week at work and half the time when I got home I had to make my own meals with the wife and mother-in-law rambled in town shopping and doing women things. My wife was used to my...
Hello ISS readers! Mera naam jabeen Ahmed hai aur mai 20 saal ki hu hum Jalgaon k rahne wale hai. Kuch hi mahino pahle maine ISS ki site par aayi aur Kuch stories read kiye aur finally apni stroy batana chahti hu. Mere ghar me 4 log hain. Mom dad badi bahan aur mai dad ek company me manager hai aur jada tar business trip pe bahar rahte hai. Mom school teacher hai jiski wajah se muje aur meri bahan ko bahot Saara time akele milta hai meri bahan ki umar 21 saal hai aur uska naam yasmin hai ye...
Life for Kim after the home reunion was she'd go to work at 7am and get the office ready for the day then at 9am her dress came off and in high heels and collar only she would take her place behind Helen's desk ready to server her at a moments once. The staff were all women that Helen picked all young pretty and lesbian Kim also took care of them too. then at 5pm. she would go to the home and Sue's needs her life was one pussy after another in her face and she loved it. After the reunion...
Note : This story is complete fictional! Never try to do in real live! Natalie was in the kitchen pouring herself a cup of coffee as herson, Mark, came in the back door. Seeing his mother like that, bundled in that towel, casued a stir in his groin. Without turning,she rebuked him, "You're late, Mark!" Turning around quickly toconfront him caused her towel to flap wildly upward allowing him afleeting glimpse of her blond-haired groin. "Sorry, mom," he apologized. "I was at Dave's and I guess...
IncestI bought my wife a remote control vibrator for her birthday. It's controlled by a phone app. She likes wearing it while she lays by the pool sunning. She has even worn it out in public while we are in nice restaurants. It's not at all odd to see a well dressed woman with her phone while setting at the table in the restaurant. She would set it on a low setting and enjoy the feeling while we chatted. I found the site and down loaded the control app onto my phone. I couldn't wait to use it on her...
This was one particular night last week on which I just had to take her...When you don't wear clothes, sex sometimes begins very suddenly...out of nowhere. No clothes to take off, so that's out of the way. When I get hot for Blue, I just don't wait at all. I just go for it. Without warning, I slid off the couch to my knees and shoved my face between her legs, pushing her computer to the side, off her lap. She closed her computer, wove her fingers through my hair and slid down, happily giving...
Green Lantern Wishes by Wanda Cunningham This one is for Steve. --- "If you could be a super hero, who would you want to be?" asked Tommy, not for the first time. At thirteen and fourteen, the guys were almost too old to be playing this game, or were beginning to think they were. "That's easy," said George. "Superman of course." "I think I'd rather be Thor," said Tommy. "And don't anybody hit me! I mean Thor, the thunder god!" He rubbed his upper arm...
(Episode 21) This story is about spring break of my junior year in college and follows “Make-up Sexathon!” Weeks before spring break, the girls in my close knit gang of friends came up with the marvelous idea that our entire gang should spend spring break together. I was absolutely delighted with that idea. In fact, it erased the dread I had harbored deep inside about the possibility of Jennifer and I going on separate spring breaks. The worry over any potential damage that would do to our...
All-natural blonde with perky tits, Freya Parker, is looking hot as hell in red lingerie paired with red stockings and high heels. The gorgeous babe can’t help but feel wet and horny while talking with Alex Jett. She shows off her bushy pussy to Alex before getting down on her knees to give him a sloppy blowjob. The beautiful blonde then bends over on the couch and lets the lucky stud bang her doggystyle. Freya can’t help but moan as Alex pounds her pussy in missionary. Her small...
xmoviesforyouSharon was overjoyed at the offer. "When do you want me to start?, she asked. Mrs. Hinkle answered, " As soon as you get situated, Hon. I need a new face in the office, especially one as pretty as yours, but, I need one that is ready to hit the ground running. I have people who think they are owed something, and I have a surprise for them. I only ask that you don't come in dressed provocatively, or showing too much skin, as pretty as it is. I want the others to be thinking about their work, not...
So I’m 46 with a happy but not sexually full filling marriage. i thought my time for getting jiggy with a lady under the age of 40 had gone ………. My daughter of 22 and her friend Sam wanted to borrow my PC while I was at work on Saturday. We only want to MSN together they giggled and Sam hasn’t brought hers. Some jammy gits going to be flirting on messenger with her, I thought. Still she’s my daughters mate, behave ! I thought no more of it and toddled off to work. When I came home my laptop...
PART SEVEN FINALEven though I was now broken, thrashing around like a fish out of water. I was still fucked relentlessly .During which injections were administered frequently, actually keeping me hard, forcing me to discharge was now in a demented state frequently passing out. It seemed to me as if I was flouting in a dream.Someone was shaking me. In a daze I could hear my aunts voice .Wake up get dressed room service is on its way we check out today had you forgotten now hurry up.Ok, I...
I peeked past Sheila's shoulder as she looked over the semicircle of women from the Science Team gathered around Jennifer as the dark lady of data studied the computer screen in front of her workstation. Her fingers flew across the keyboard while she scanned hundreds of files, crunching numbers and extracting the data she needed.The thirty-four-year-old Boston descendant of Zulu warriors became a legend within the Society as a math prodigy with an uncanny ability to ferret out hidden trends and...
Fantasy & Sci-FiIt was a warm Saturday evening in the southwest desert city of Phoenix, Ariz. My baby sister, Jenny, was celebrating her eighteenth birthday with a bunch of her girlfriends. They had decided to go play miniature golf, but there wasn't quite enough room in Jen's car for all of them to fit in at same time. So Jenny called me. “Hi Jen, how's your party going?” I answered. Caller ID indicated in advance who was calling. “Pete, could you help us out? We don't have quite enough...
George & Sarah are a married couple in their mid thirties living in the Home Counties. They met whilst at university. They have two young c***dren, a daughter & a younger son. George runs his own small software company which he started shortly after graduation. Sarah is a fulltine mother & housewife but she earlier had a career as an accountant for a city firm. She stopped work originally on maternity leave when she was pregnant with her daughter. After she was born, Sarah decided...
Stepdaughter Scarlett Sage is going through her late aunt’s book collection in the garage. She brings in a pile of hardcovers and heads into her bedroom. When Scarlett turns her back, one of books flies onto the floor mysteriously. She picks it up and opens it. It was her aunt’s diary. She reads a few entries and sets down the book. Her aunt wrote that she wished she won the lottery. In the next entry she wrote that she won the lottery. Apparently, whatever her aunt wrote in the...
xmoviesforyouSaturday 31st March 2018The next morning I was awoken in the best possible manner. The aroma of fresh coffee and bacon wafted under my nose by my beautiful wife. Apparently both Gemma and Chris had awoken early and gone for a walk together. Leaving my beautiful wife to give me her undivided love and attention for the next couple of hours.Jill’s soft kiss on my lips was the perfect antidote to that nagging feeling at the back of my mind that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. “Morning, honey,”...
Wife LoversThe doorbell rang a few minutes before 5:00. Jack was in the living room doing something on his computer so I let him get it. Probably Wanda, afraid of interrupting something. I was thinking that I needed to warn her that Daddy was coming over at 7:00 and send her down to June's when Daddy came into the kitchen, followed by Jack. "Hi, Princess." "Hi, Daddy. I thought you were coming over later." "Yeah, well. I had to take the car in for service. I figured I could come over early...