- 4 years ago
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I’m not sure where to begin. I am travelling at the moment and I need to be careful, because I’ve deserted my position with the U.S. Navy and I don’t know if, or when, I will return to duty. Dereliction of duty is something I take seriously, though not as seriously as the Navy is going to when they find me. I’m writing this because an account of what’s going on and why I made the decisions I did is going to be important when my hearing happens. But I should have been writing this from the beginning. Some of it is fuzzy now.
My story starts at Guantanamo. The base has a reputation now, thanks to the prisons, but I was not involved in that and people forget that it’s a naval base with a long history unrelated to detention. While relations with the rest of Cuba aren’t great, it’s an important base, and a stop for a lot of ships patrolling South America, it’s part of drug interdiction efforts, as well as a meeting place for foreign dignitaries who would rather not be seen visiting America. I can’t talk about who comes and goes there, but some of it is eye-opening. A lot of different flags have sailed in and out.
As a Petty Officer (Second class) I do a lot of problem solving, being just far enough up the chain to have real responsibilities, but not far enough up the chain to avoid real work. I joined the Navy because I love ships, it look a few years to come to grips with the fact that Navy personnel are on shore quite a lot, and ships are mostly things that sit in the water nearby. But I’ve gone out of my way to keep my feet wet. And that means I’ve been around a lot of visiting ships and boats, as support crew for meetings and for logistical execution. (If that sounds to you like I move a lot of boxes and crates between boats, you get a gold star.)
The Lua, out of Portugal and visiting Cuba en route from the Port of Coquimbo, was an older ship that had clearly been a lot of places and seen a lot of wind and tide. But she was beautifully maintained, some captains will find any excuse to polish and paint, and I love to see that. I got invited aboard when my passable Spanish and few words of Portuguese got me points with the captain, and when I Indicated I’d trade a tour of his ship for some good Cuban rum.
We settled on the bridge, and while drinking on duty isn’t the wisest move, I nursed a cup full of rum while the captain showed a more in-depth, old-world sailor’s familiarity with the contents of the old blue-green ‘cleaning solution #6’ bottle I used to transport distilled substances in these situations. His English was much better than my Spanish — you don’t find much command crew on larger vessels with international work who don’t speak passable English — and we got along fine.
‘Is a lot of your crew in port?’
‘Hell no. Strict orders to keep them aboard until our passenger has his meetings. Apparently someone doesn’t want any incidents on base while he’s around. My crew would behave — but rules are rules.’
‘Small crew then?’ No one likes to run a ship with minimum crew, but I hadn’t seen that many people on board.
‘The smallest I can use to keep her going. It’s hard to find sailors willing to run older ships. We’re not military, we just contract to them… so we scramble for good crew just like everyone else.’ He smiled mirthlessly. ‘I offer ten percent above the usual pay and I still have trouble signing crew.’
He took another pull of the rum, and looked me over. ‘You’re not keeping up your end of the drinking, amigo. Don’t make me do all the lifting.’
‘I’m on duty. And this rum is no Havana Club, it’s locally made and it has a kick.’
‘I am noticing that,’ he nodded. ‘But you need to get a little more into you if I’m going to shanghai you.’
‘Heh. You have a nice boat, I’d hate to see it full fathom five. The USS John Finn’s not far away and I’m sure her captain would like to try out her capabilities on a pirate.’
‘No, they’d never know I had you. You ran off with a local girl.’
‘Hell I did. The Cubans laid a minefield around the base, just so all their women wouldn’t sleep with Americans and get themselves a baby and a new nationality. I’m not saying we never visit up and down the coast,’ I smirked, patting the bottle of cleaning solution, ‘but meeting the women for anything long term isn’t as easy as that.’
‘Sounds like you’re a true Navy boy.’
I gave him a Take Your Gay Navy Sex Jokes Elsewhere look, and he laughed. ‘You’d like this boat, amigo. She’s not modern, but we get interesting jobs and we can go anywhere. It’s not all Portugal navy contracts. And it’s not all legal…’
‘Is that why you sail with a small crew?’
‘No. Not by choice. Like I said, it’s hard to get good people…’
We’d been drinking for a half hour. My cup was half empty and I felt a trace of lightheadedness. He’d taken down half the bottle and he didn’t look even slightly affected. But he stared out the glass at the water’s light chop, and added ‘…especially when the ship is haunted.’
‘Is it.’ Haunted ship stories are as old as navies are, and before them, cargo ships. In the Navy you’ll sometimes find someone to tell them to new recruits, and the ones who fall for it become the butt of jokes for months. Maybe when boats were made of wood, and creaked in the night, and wind whistled in the rigging, the stories had a place. Modern ships are metal and in the large ones you never realize you’re at sea unless you go up on deck, which there’s rarely reason to do. Bottom line, my new amigo had marked me for a chump.
‘Si. Not ghosts and spirits. Just a curse. Count my crew and you’ll find we’re at minimum crew… less one. We had a disappearance off Brazil.’
‘You know, I’m not that drunk.’
He looked at me, expressionlessly. And nodded, reached back and opened a locked drawer. He pulled out a form and slapped it down in front of me. ‘You read Portuguese?’
‘Not well.’ I can read Spanish, which means sometimes I can get lucky with Portuguese. But this wasn’t that hard to make out. It was a missing persons report, signed by the captain, two weeks ago. Stapled to it was a fax confirmation.
I looked up at him. ‘Light wind, moderate swell, fifty miles off the coast?’
‘What it doesn’t say is that it was a suicide. He left a note. I don’t have it, I mailed it to his wife. Didn’t think the police needed to know, eh? No one’s business but him and his.’
‘So you had a depressed guy on board. Being at sea can be dull, he had too much time to think.’
‘Twelfth loss in twenty years. I’m the fourth captain in that time. The owners have tried to cover it up with a name change and different paint, but the stories still get out among the sailors.’
‘What did she used to be called?’
‘The Sino.’
‘I haven’t heard the stories. How did all the men die?’
‘Disappeared overboard, every one. They were never found. Some left notes, others nothing. And ten of twelve happened after a storm.’ He sipped more rum.
‘After a storm? Not during? And why would any modern ship sail through a storm?’
‘The day after, or the day after that. They were not large storms, and it’s a big enough ship to handle a little weather. Sometimes deliveries have to be on time, si? And there are some customers you don’t want angry. But you can see how the stories would start. It’s said it started happening after a newlywed couple drowned in a storm, they were washed overboard… that is untrue. It has never been a passenger vessel except on rare trips like this one, when people prefer to move without announcing their business and destination.’
‘So if not newlyweds, what is the basis of this curse?’
He looked at me. ‘You think I am telling a story. In stories the reason for the curse is always known, it is why the story gets told. It’s because of the ancient mummies shipped from Cairo, or the Irish saint who was killed on board, or the ship that sailed too near the dark, unm
arked island… but this is not a story, senhor. There is no known reason for the curse. There are only twelve dead people, all believed suicides.’ He chuckled mirthlessly. ‘Sign on and I will give you one hundred and twenty five percent of rate.’
‘Sorry, I still have a commitment to the United States Navy. I assume you ruled out foul play?’
‘The meaning of this I do not know.’
‘Ah. Over twenty years? None of the crew is from the beginning. And the ship has been gone over by inspectors, looking for secret compartments, leaking gasses, drugs in the cargo. Nothing was found. Welcome to the mystery, senhor… but I do not think the mystery will last much longer. The insurance company is how you say spooked by this, and they will find an excuse to raise the rates eventually. That will finish this boat.’
‘That will be a sad day. She’s a beautiful thing.’
‘Yes, I keep her scrubbed down. All the captains have, it’s become a tradition. Modern boats, they just apply paint, but she is kept enameled where I can, and we’ve kept up the brass everywhere. A bitch to clean, but a pretty bitch after polished and oiled in the sun.’
‘I’ve done my share of polishing brass.’
‘It’s good to be captain. I have crew for that. One hundred and thirty percent, amigo? Since you know how to polish brass.’
‘Still can’t do it. But I’ll take that look around now.’
Walking the ship was definitely odd. It was almost museum-piece pretty and the paint job reminded me more of a well done old fashioned merry-go-round than a cargo ship, but the crew was as small as I’d thought. Navy ships being tight on breathing space with all hands aboard, this was startling.
When the area around a fuel intake gleams, you know the captain is a stickler. I wondered how many toothbrushes they went through, keeping it spotless.
We paused in the shade of the superstructure for another drink, against my better judgment. I’m a lightweight when it comes to booze and the second cupful had me noticeably lightheaded. I grabbed the railing and looked up to assess how dizzy I was getting.
‘Unusual bells,’ I said, peering up at them.
‘Si. The ship doesn’t have one bell, it has five. I don’t know why. The one at the bottom is a regular ship bell, and we ring it at the usual times. The three above you can see are smaller and thicker and the one above that is smaller still. Only the bottom one actually rings — you can see the pull cord. The others are stuffed with something to mute them.’
Clinging to the railing, I looked more closely. They were the only thing not spotless above deck, on account of being mounted 12 feet up and out of reach, on a pipe curved into an S. ‘Hellava thing, four extra bells and up there and useless like that. What were they thinking?’
‘Ask the first captain, I was told he put it in. I left them alone. It’s not like we use the bell for much anyway.’
‘Wouldn’t be hard to rig lines to them so you could ring them all. Maybe they’re tuned. That little bell though… really needs polish.’ I frowned. ‘Never was all that good as getting a good polish out of brass. I lack the patience I guess.’
‘I don’t think rigging them to ring is a good idea… they’ve been there silent for a long time. Cuál ha sido será… who knows if there is a reason for these things, eh? The ship has enough mysteries.’
Occam’s razor, I thought. Two mysteries in the same place are probably related.
‘So here is an idea,’ I said. ‘People go overboard after storms. What happens after storms? On a pretty ship like this, clean up. Salt spray gets into things, brass needs to be wiped down. Someone looks around with a polishing cloth in their hand and they see the bells. They fetch a ladder, the boat hits a swell and the ladder goes down. Over goes the man.’
‘A poor theory, senhor. Suicide notes in some cases as I said. And even if a man could topple from that height and go over, the ladder would stay on deck. We’d know.’
It was probably just the rum, but I was curious. ‘Mind if I take a look?’
He shrugged, and whistled. A man popped around the corner immediately.
‘Andres, uma escada.’
A moment later a paint-speckled ladder was dragged and leaned against the superstructure. I climbed, slowly, frowning a little at the effect of the rum.
Ten feet up, I regarded my footing. My theory had indeed been a poor one, a fall from here wouldn’t send me overboard even in rough weather. And no one would stay up here to polish the bells anyway, they could all be unhooked and carried down.
The ships’s bell was a good few years old, but nothing like ancient. It had Sino engraved on it, and a date that matched the age of the boat. They hadn’t bothered to replace it in the name change.
‘What is Sino, in English?’ I called down.
‘Bell,’ the captain said. ‘So I suppose the original owner just liked bells. They ward off evil spirits you know.’ He chuckled, wryly. ‘Or not so much it seems…’
The three above it looked identical, and perhaps not any older. They were unmarked. I tapped one with a fingernail to get an idea of pitch, and then did the same for the ship’s bell. I was no musical expert but I didn’t think the bells had been chosen for their harmony.
The bell above that…
It was clearly brass, but it was reddish, and old. Very old. It had been cast, and the casting marks were still visible. It was small, more the size you’d use as a hand bell than anything else. Faintly engraved near the rim was lettering, which I struggled to make out. rrepenti. There may have been more but it was obliterated, a victim of the years of salt spray it had taken by facing the breeze.
‘What is rrepenti?’
‘That is not Portuguese. But it is very like arrepender-se. Repent.’
Oh. It had probably been arrepentirse, Spanish for the same word.
‘It’s Spanish I think. What is a Spanish bell doing on a Portuguese ship?’
He chuckled. ‘That must be why it doesn’t get to ring.’
An attempt had been made to polish it, maybe several attempts. But never a complete job or anything close. Someone had rubbed some of the corrosion off the bottom of the bell and then, apparently, hung the bell back up, work unfinished. I tilted it, there was a thick piece of leather fitted inside, the bell would not ring unless it was removed. It looked very old. The clapper was also brass.
I was dizzy up here. On a whim I unhooked the bell and carried it down.
‘What are you doing, amigo…’
‘I want a better look and it’s not a very steady ladder.’
‘Or maybe not a very steady sailor? You don’t handle the rum well, amigo.’
I settled against the warm metal of the superstructure, and fished the leather from inside the bell, it was stiff, curled into place, and hooked on a projection inside the bell. When I got it out it broke in half, weak from salt and age.
I rubbed a fingernail over the corrosion at the base of the bell. The rest of the letters of arrepentirse became dimly visible, but there was no other markings. It was quite heavy for the size, but it was hardly larger than my fist. A hole in the top hinted that it might once have had a wooden handle, like a hand bell. A thin bar of brass across the inside supported the clapper.
‘Now this just doesn’t make sense. A little bell like this? You wouldn’t hear it far in fog and it wouldn’t wake anyone up, you probably couldn’t even hear it below decks. Why bother?’
I stuck my pinky in the hole and dangled the bell that way. He put his hand around it.
‘Senhor that bell hasn’t been rung in years. Decades. Could be centuries. Nothing good comes of… waking things that sleep so long, you understand? Tudo o que foi… Old things deserve respect, and maybe expect it-‘
‘Now who isn’t handling the rum well. It’s a bell.’
He took it off my finger, and wrapped his fingers inside it. The bell made a muted, me
tallic noise. ‘Oh,’ he said. ‘I remember now… the first captain… remember this was twenty years ago and he was old, almost seventy I think. He’d sailed with the Navy and his first job was to find and stop pirates in the Mediterranean. I remember now. He wanted only the purest, the most loyal, and most virtuous for his crew, believing that God would favor the virtuous over any pirate. That is why this was here. The sailors had to repent and confess their sins publically before he’d sign them. I wonder if he rang the bell to start the confessions.’
He looked at the bell, uneasily. ‘I have too many sins to confess, I would never have made his crew. He’d have gotten bored after the first hour of my litany, yes? Maybe not yours, you are too young to have sinned much. I think this bell is best filled with rags and put back where it was…’
He moved to the ladder and began to climb. The bell made this awkward, and he was not very steady either, so without thinking he put his pinky in the mounting hole as I had done, using his other four fingers to grasp the ladder.
He slipped trying to step up, and the bell rang.
It was a very resonant bell, and surprisingly loud for the size. The frequency was complicated, perhaps due to the corrosion, and for a moment I imagined I heard wind noises or whispering in the pitch of it.
The captain settled on the deck, staring at the ringing bell. His hand twitched, and it rang again, louder and purer.
‘I… drink too much,’ he said, softly. ‘Once I swore I would never drink at sea, only in port. For a few years, yes. But then after the first disappearance on my watch… it started to go too far. There was a woman… in Lisbon. Waitress… so young. Too young for me. But she brought me drink after drink and soon enough I realized she was not charging me, and soon after that I had her in my lap. I look her away with me, but at the last moment, in my room, she started crying, she’d changed her mind, she did not want to be a whore… I was furious. I slapped her across the face, she struggled… I was drunk and angry, I did not want to hear no. I forced her, she hit her head on furniture… there was no blood and I thought she’d be ok, but she wouldn’t wake. I panicked, there was a dock nearby… I forced alcohol into her, filled her purse with coins, went to my ship and got an old flashlight with a dead bulb, and some oil. I made it look like the flashlight had died and she’d slipped in the darkness in some oil at the water’s edge, just another whore on her way to a boat. I was at sea before she was found, and I swore I would never drink again, but I just drank more. I have not thought of her for years, but oh God, she was little more than a child…’
‘I don’t think…’
But he was not listening to me. His hand twitched again.
The bell rang.
‘I ran guns. South America. Guns in, drugs out… we changed flags and ran silent and no one ever proved it was us… so much money. I could have given it up but I have a taste for Caribbean whores and they put up with rough treatment when you pay them enough… it was all about the girl in Lisbon. Deep down I knew it, I would slap them around the same way… eventually that was not enough and I found the wife of a fat mayor in the Dominican Republic… I bought her interest, and then taught her to crawl, beg, do drugs. When she fought me I blackmailed her, and never had to buy her gifts again… in the end she told her husband, he divorced her, there was scandal. She’s poor now, ruined. I never had to care. I could have given her money but felt that would just tie me to her for longer, and I was done with her…’
The bell rang.
‘I framed a partner, in a shipping company, before I was captain. We exported drugs hidden in oriental vases, but I realized we’d be caught in the end, drug enforcement was getting tighter, the Americans will not leave it alone… the paperwork made it look like his work, not mine. He didn’t know anything, now he’s in an American jail. He has family. I ruined them…’
I stared at him, he continued to stare at the bell.
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IncestShe took her hand back out of her shorts, surprised at how wet she had gotten, and became momentarily lost in thought. It was absolutely wrong to be turned on by what she saw, but part of her didn't care. He had jerked off to the same video she came to last night, and he did so knowing it. Not only that, but she had never seen him naked as an adult before and his penis was huge. So huge, she had to wonder if it was bigger than her own huge dildo...for sure it was much bigger than any of...
IncestHello all, this is Prem and I am back with another one of my adventures. I would like to thank all the readers who have provided me with valuable feedback and because of which I am still writing these stories. A little bit about me, I am 24 years old, 5’8″ and have an average body. Let’s get to the story now. This one is a bit long. During college, I was living in my hometown of Nagpur. I moved to Mumbai in order to chase my dreams. I have always been a good story teller and so I decided to...
Sucked DryIt was a stale, early autumn night in the woods.The air had a certain level of mugginess around it all day, only now that the full moon had risen, with barely a blink of a star in the foggy night sky, blew a small breeze that sent chills down the spine...A young male and female were walking through the ancient woods. Woods that have been untouched by man for all its existence."Are you sure this is the right way back into the village?"The young handsome man questioned."I'm sure."The...
When Bob entered her room to wake her the next morning she was still nude. He took in her loveliness and felt his cock respond, but all he did was shake her shoulder and tell her it was time to get up. She was fully dressed in jeans, a checkered shirt, and boots when she came to the kitchen, where pancakes awaited her. In Bob’s opinion she couldn’t have looked sexier. They inspected the cattle they’d herded into the corral. They milled around, their eyes rolling as the two humans moved...
I have always wondered what it would be like to suck on a cock, but I live in a small community where everyone knows your business. It all happened one day while out fishing with my long time friend Kevin. We were out in his boat drinking beer and wishing we were catching fish. After some time of no action we went back to shore and to the local tittie bar for a few drinks and a game of pool, then we decided it was time to hit the water again. An hour had gone by since the tittie bar and I was...
BisexualTwenty-eight year old Bob Zimmerman was married to the most wonderful girl in the world, so why wasn't he the happiest? He knew it was all his fault, but what was he to do about it? Bob felt he would never be happy until his fantasy was fulfilled. For many years, he had been on the computer browsing adult websites, particularly interracial sites. He had looked at white studs and their women, but without any interest whatsoever. His fantasy was to see Lori with a well hung black man, the bigger...
He meets me in the parking lot and pulls me tight against him. Lowering his head, he crushes my lips with his. That kiss tells me he wants me, the hardness in his pants tells me how bad. We pull away and he leads me into the hotel opening the door and escorting me in first. He’s always a gentleman except when we’re behind closed doors.As soon as I’m inside the room I put my things down and feel his hands slide up my ass under my sundress. Knowing what he’s not going to find, I smile to myself....
CheatingDetective Mike Corrigan couldn't believe his luck. After three days of tramping through a deep, dense forest he finally found his quarry. He was plodding up another endless hill and getting tired of fighting his way through tangled bush while contending with hordes of mosquitos and bugs when he spotted something out of the ordinary. A flash of color or a sudden movement? He wasn't sure which, but something caught his eye. He focused his attention on it. Yes, definitely something down there...
by Vanessa Evans Part 3 Skipping forward three months, I have now fully moved in with Ethan and given up my apartment. I was glad that I had left one of my old dresses un-shortened because one weekend Ethan and I drove to my parent’s house to say hello, give them my apartment deposit back and to introduce Ethan, who played the perfect catholic choir boy and kept his hands off me all weekend. He even slept in the spare bedroom and talked with my parents about him being unhappy that he wasn’t...
Mom Was Caught In The Trunk I went to the kitchen for a Pepsi and heard Mom calling out. It was muffled and I couldn’t actually hear what she was saying. So I opened the door to the garage and called out to her. She called back so I went to see what she wanted. I could not believe what had happened. Mom was half into the trunk, the top half that is. The trunk apparently broke something inside and the full weight was pressing down on her and in her position she could not lift it...
Well it finally happened, after talking with each other via the net for 12 months I decided to come down to Melbourne. Not having met in person, it was difficult finding you at the cafe, however I guessed that the lost looking soul having just got off the tram must have been you and I was pleasantly surprised with what I saw. Having chatted for so long, it seemed like we already new each other. After the initial greetings, I explained that I would take you to my hotel and then take in a show....
The day's activities and the strength of my various orgasms combined to push me into a deep slumber earlier than usual that night. Whoever had decided that teenagers had nearly limitless sexual recuperative powers had never met someone with her mouth, and her skills with that mouth. As my consciousness left me, a smile crept across my face thinking about her, and how beautiful she was. My sleep was deep, and mainly empty, until a strange dream began to tickle a few brain cells. In the...
When Aryana Amatista finds a porn disc hanging around the house, she cannot wait to show her stepbrother. They watch a little bit together and she says she does not think she could handle a huge porn star sized cock. Her stepbro begs to differ. She gets him hard while he fingers her, and she can barely believe the size of his meat! Later, their stepmom comes home and lays down on the couch to rest. Aryanas stepbro starts thinking about their masturbation sesh earlier, and gets some horny ideas....
xmoviesforyouMark looked at me in a bewildered way, but cottoned on fast. “Yes,” said Mark, “your wife has a lovely body, you’re a very lucky guy.” “Well I don’t mind if you want to feel her body,” said Tom. I couldn’t believe my ears, what the hell’s got into Tom? Tom lay back, closing his eyes. “Are you tired,” I asked. “Just a bit,” said Tom, “This is so relaxing.” Mark began to finger fuck me again this time pushing three or four fingers into my soaking pussy. I...
Group SexThe war hammer glanced off Gorgo's helmet and made his head ring. He stumbled, went down to one knee, and hung his head feigning serious injury. The enemy warrior, a greasy-haired brute that was missing half of his teeth, raised his hammer again and stepped into position. With the warrior's back arched and his arms held high about to bring the deadly hammer down, Gorgo swept his spiked axe off the ground and up between the brute's legs. The spike ripped through the man's testicles and...
Introduction: My wifewas on a business trip in Las Vegas Yes Dear This is a true story that happened when my wife went to Vegas about a year ago. I have tried to recreate it as best I could however as the saying goes what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas so I will have to improvise to fill in the gaps. I was bored that evening as I was the only one at home for the weekend. My wife had been in Las Vegas for the week and I was getting really honey. I thought about looking up some erotic stories...
I couldn't believe my eyes that it was Sandman. He looked different harder, more world weary but I guess war does that to people. We gave each other a hug and he came in. We each had a brew and sat down he asked me where my better half was and I told him she was on a business trip. I was more interested in how he was. "Good to be back in the world my friend" was all he had to say first off. He went through his many travels in Special Forces and by god he had seen some heavy shit. He then...
“This cannot be happening,” I thought as I lay awake in the luxuriously furnished bedroom and smoked yet another cigarette.I stared at the ceiling and tried for sleep, but sleep was the last thing on my mind. It came way after my husband to be at home in the house we'd bought. It came after the good, well paid job I'd given up and it even came after the man in bed with me, the man I'd made love to hours before, the man I was aching for now!It had all started three months ago with a lawyer's...
IncestHi people! This is my first time of writing an erotic story so apologies for anything that isnt good, and comments and ratings will be taken in good heart.*Names have been changed throughout the story. Also apologies in advance, if there isnt much sex wise in this story, but more will happen next chapter, if people want another chapter.Chapter 1.Hi there, my names Natasha. I'm an average girl, who is 5' 5'', 8 and a half stone and long blonde hair. I suppose I dont have a bad figure and I'm...
Straight SexI had wanted her so badly. I got a huge hard-on every time I saw her! But, let’s go back a little bit. My name is James Conley. Her name was Jessica Halford, Jessie for short. She was a size C-cup breast and had a nice full ass. I wanted her so bad, It was all I could do to not run up and fuck her every time I saw her. Of course, she wasn’t very popular. She was also Gothic, so she didn’t have many friends, but I was one of the very few she did have. I was a bit Gothic myself, but the popular...
This is a departure for me but I hope you enjoy the story. It is based on a woman I knew years ago and I wish I could have traveled with her. ************************* Helen Mason was not beautiful, was not pretty. While she had more than a passable figure, slim, deceptively big busted with long curvaceous legs and rounded hips, her face while not ugly was angular with much too large a nose. She had a small chin, small mouth and thin lips. Her gray eyes were perhaps her most attractive...
Frozen Loveby Abe As soon as I realized I was floating free, in micro-gravity, I knew something was terribly wrong. I tried to figure out where I was and how I got there. Charles and I had only been married for three weeks, two of them in hiding, when he was arrested and tortured for being a member of the Liberty Party. While I suppose they might have suspected me, too, my father was a recent appointee to the Cabinet, and it would have embarrassed the President, if they had...
I know you seem apprehensive about this girl we've been grabbing drinks with at the bar for the last two hours, our new "friend"... She seems really fun and harmless though, we've talked about wanting to be more spontaneous and exciting with our sex life? She hasn't been pushy, our hotel room is like 50 feet from here, let's just invite her over for a drink and see where things go, no expectations...(30 minutes and a couple drinks later)You and I begin on the bed with our "friend" to the side...
Tommy awoke alone in bed the next morning. Given the way his aunt had been all over him lately, that surprised him. He figured they’d wake up and make love. That might have been a way to make her forget he’d stood her up the night before. It looked like they wouldn’t be making love after all. Oh, well. He got out of bed, went to his room and got dressed. Then, wary of what his aunt’s mood would be, he walked to the kitchen. Sooner or later, he had to face her. He might as well get it over...
It was the third week with our once-a-week rule. The first week I had phone sex with Bill and was able to work oral sex into our fantasy, and yes, I went down on Tim. Every once in a while, I made some exaggerated sucking sound and praised Bill’s cock so he would think I was pretending to suck him off while we played with ourselves. When all that time, I was enjoying sucking my son’s hard cock. Of course, I finished Tim with my hand. I mean, what mother would swallow her own son’s juice?...
Author's notes. This story was requested by one of my readers. It is dedicated to you, Mia, I hope you enjoy and feel better. I didn't ask anybody to edit this story because I'm not sure I like it myself and I also don't want anyone else to touch this one. But I think it may be useful if I write a couple of words to explain my view on things like violence, forced feminization, forced sex. I'm against any form of violence and any form of oppression. And, of course, I'm firmly...
Hi friends I am aarush.. Last time aapne meri kahani padi hogi dost ne di apni maa chodne.. Ye uska next part h..Jinhone nhi pdi h story vo pd le uska link h I hope aapko kahani pasand aai hogi.. To start krte h uske aage ki kahani.. To m rekha ko chod kr uske uppr leta tha or vo mere neeche thi.. 2 mint k baad avi kaaa msg aaya bhai main daaru le aaya.. Tera jb ho jaae to guest room m aaja.. Mne rekho ko msg dikhaya or puri kahanu btai.. Rekha thodi hairaan or khush hui ki use inna accha...
Diane had a foul mouth and her temper was just as bad. Everyone in the upscale condo complex knew her and most of them tried to stay out of her way when something didn't go her way. You could always tell when Diane was in a bad mood, as her pretty face was etched with anger and hatred. It wasn't so much she hated the world, but rather she hated being left alone. Her husband was in the army and stationed in Afghanistan on an overseas mission. They had been married two years and loved each...
Once upon a time there was a park. Not any old park no. This was sex park founded by Thomas James Williams. This park is outside like most parks. Except there are a few exceptions that you can tell between a sex park and a children's park. The slides are raised higher and there are a few lined up next to each other. Under the slides are chairs. The swings are also higher. And for bondage reasons there is a play pirate ship but it holds secrets. This is the story of noah...
Hailey groaned when her alarm clock buzzed at 10:30 a.m. She was face to face with her best friend, their nipples pressed together and their arms wrapped tightly around the other. Tiffany had skipped her two morning classes but she stirred when Hailey kissed her softly on the nose. “I am completely fucked out,” Tiffany admitted. “Can I have one more kiss?” Hailey asked. “A small one,” Tiffany giggled. “I know where your mouth was last night, particularly there at the end.” Hailey blushed...
Way back in the mists of time, the early to mid 1990's I dated a gorgeous lady. She was a Goth - tall, elegant, legs that went on forever, a very high sex drive and lots of very exciting lingerie. She was also the very first woman I ever slept with who had a completely shaven pussy. Not something that was very common when I first started my sex life back in the 1980's. We had split up, but had somehow always stayed in contact. She had gone on to get married, have k**s, but had also forged...
They both walked up the stairs to Abduls flat which was on the 3rd floor and raesaah knocked the door softly while zain rested his head on her shoulder and they waited for it to open he squeezed raesaahs ass and adjusted his cock just as the door opened which immediately made Abduls jaw drop to the floor Salaam Waalicum Adbul said raesaah in a pleasant tone as abdul stuttered n replied with waalicum salaam baby... and smiled at raesaah and then looked at zain and greeted him with a big grin and...
"No!" Sam shook his head. "I am NOT going to play with you! I'm just here to watch you. Now, go to your room, and do something there. I'm gonna put on a movie and watch it in the living room. Let me know when you want to eat, and I'll make something for you then." "But can you play, please, just for a little bit?" "Sorry- no..." Sam watched as his niece Amanda walked back to her room, disappearing around the corner with a dejected look on her face. Something important had come up,...
Let me begin this story with a little background information. I am single and happy as hell to be out of my last relationship! Being single lets a woman find time to take care of herself as only she can, sorry guys! With Luke, continue reading to find out who he is, in my holster there is nothing I can’t achieve! This story is a culmination of many past ventures and present fantasies. With a deep breath I opened my eyes,the sun shined through the window and lite up my room and my bed as it...