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Lady Clarissa had beed dragged from her mansion by the angry mob  Thursday

?Jane, you need to get those reports typed, by tonight. They need to be FAXED by end of business. Mr Carter is here tomorrow to look at the closing accounts. Don?t forget Mr Barns is back Wednesday so everything has to be sorted by then.

The legit accounts are sorted, no problem, but the others need some work. We don?t want any upsets or Barns will have our arses?. Miriam watched irritably at Jane messing with her nails as usual. She annoyed Miriam in so many ways, from her continuous preening, to her constantly lax attitude with regard to her feet. Though utterly inconsequential, it just irritated Miriam, who hated to see grimy toes with open sandals.


?Come on Jane, wake up, you really can be a vacuous bimbo sometimes.? Jane glared at Miriam. More defiant than usual, Miriam felt uneasy. Miriam Stokes had been senior accountant for this gang for two years. Miriam was rather timid, and these kinds of people made her nervous.


The day continued as normal, though Jane seemed to be different. More aloof, more defiant. The day passed. Miriam was pleased to see Jane had become more helpful, once she completed her main task. She seemed friendlier now and passed the completed folder to Miriam. Miriam quickly scanned over the document before signing it off, all seemed in order.


?See you tomorrow Miriam?, Jane cheerily bid her boss. She seemed to have a weight lifted from her; she smiled to herself as she left the building.


Miriam stayed a little longer to complete several things her junior had left.


?HIYA BABE!? she heard Pete calling through the door. Miriam didn?t mind Pete, he was one of her bosses more civilised thugs. Unfortunately he was accompanied by Greek George, also known as Fat George or Zorba if you wanted to upset him.


She opened the door and the two ambled into the office. She detested the Greek. Not only did she find him repulsive, the way he constantly looked her up and down made her flesh crawl.


?Just checking on things for Mr Barns luv. The FAX he needs is OK yeah.?


?Yes that?s going as we speak?


?And he says to make sure Mr Carter is well looked after and has everything he needs.? Pete gave a knowing wink; Miriam returned a trace of a coy smile.


?He?s due at three, everything will be ready by twelve. I?ve also arranged for a hotel, and evening ?entertainment? at his favourite establishment.?


?Blindin gal, you?re a diamond. Establishment, yeah I like that, hey George, they call em establishments in here. Just kiddin you babe. Only a bit a banter.? Miriam smiled; Pete was lippy but a good sort, always joking.


?Well, better be off then luv. Places to go, people to see eh. Cam on George me old monster, cheer up, just cos you ain't mangled no one today. Only messin with ya mate cam on? they jostled each other through the door exchanging play punches. He?s a nutter, Miriam thought with a smile, She then caught the smell of Fat George still lingering in the corner and shuddered at the reminder, she gave a generous spray of air freshener in an attempt to remove his stink. Time to get home; it will hopefully clear by tomorrow.



The day was uneventful. Deadlines were met, Miriam had a mass of work to complete the legit side of the accounts, so she was thankful that Jane was unusually helpful and kept Mr Carter out of her bosses hair, in fact she couldn?t do enough to assist him. He was even calling her Janie, as she prefers to be called.

Mr Carter left at ten to five, Jane at five. Mr Carter didn?t seem very talkative, but Jane was chirpy. Calling; ?see you Monday? as she left.


Miriam settled down to a night in, she bathed, put on a robe, ate and settled down for a night of television, and exhausted, went to bed.


Dreams faded and turned to the waking dreams that seem so real. Noises, a door, people,? bright light, a bright light in her eyes, being dragged from her bed. She was suddenly awake. It was no dream. She struggled futilely, dragged still naked into the next room? As her eyes began to focus she made out faces amid the confusion. Stan, a big unsmiling thug, Chas, another of the heavies, vicious but coldly professional. Carter, what was he doing here, Fat George. Miriam cringed at the thought of being naked in front of him, she was acutely aware of him leering at her. The last face was Jane. This surely had to be a nightmare.


The lights were put on, exposing her nakedness totally to all.


?Can I?, Fat George started as he grabbed Miriam?s breast and fingered between her legs


?No George?, Chas pulled him away, but not before the Greek had worked his grimy fingers inside her.


?We QUESTION her first George. That?s how it works. The Boss wants her at the cottage. We can question her, and keep her there till the guv'nor gets back.?


?Now you come easy sweetheart or I give you to George here. You gonna come easy?? Miriam stammered a reply

?Good girl. Now round the back there?s a white van. You keep close to me and get straight into the back of the van, no fuss, got it. You two, with Tony. Me an Chas up front, George in the back with her ladyship here. Don?t worry sweetheart, he won?t do anything unless you misbehave, but for,? Stan turned as if thinking, ?practical reasons, George is in the back with you?, Chas fought back a smirk.


?Please, my clothes, at least please let me put something on?


?No need sweetheart, no-one can see you outside. If we decide you need clothes we?ll give you some, don?t worry. Now MOVE!?


Jane and Carter got into a car at the front.


The van was at the back through a walk way. They had chosen the position of the van well. The two minute walk from the back of the house was completely shrouded with trees and where the van was parked was completely unseen. In addition, the van would not be likely to be associated with Miriam?s house anyway.


Although completely shrouded and a dead of night, the two minute walk seemed like ten to the naked Miriam.


The van pulled away, Miriam was now handcuffed and on the floor of the van nervously glancing up at the Greek pig. Sitting above her leering at her. It didn?t take a genius to figure out why George was in the back with her, and not up front or in the other car. Any doubt was confirmed as various unclean smells wafted around the van,


As she lay with her hands cuffed behind her back. The Greek tormented her by kicking her knees apart, and tracing his filthy trainer up and down her face and along her lips. He was careful not to do anything to draw attention, but that still left him plenty of ways to torment the naked female lying at his feet. Miriam wanted to shout, but the earlier threat of gagging her with Georges underpants, and tying his stinking trainer over her face with her nose inside kept her from uttering a sound.


After about two hours, the van pulled up. Miriam had no idea where she was. But this was presumably the cottage.


She was hustled out of the van, during which George managed to grab her breasts, and finger between her legs again, before being given new instructions. She was taken through the back door of the house, down a set of stairs, through a heavy steel door into a small basement cell.. There was a ring set in the floor in a corner, close to which was a hole, and a filthy mattress. Miriam was led to the ring instructed to kneel. A steel collar was locked around her neck and fastened by a length of heavy chain to the ring. The chain was plenty long enough for her to easily squat over the hole for her toilet needs, and lie on the mattress, but not long enough to allow her to stand, so she can only crawl. She was left alone, confused, naked and chained.


Miriam had no way of tracking time. The glimmer of light through the only grating was only sufficient to tell dark from light, not even daylight from twilight. Every minute seemed like twenty. Every sound caused hope or fear. Were they coming to get her, was she going to be beaten, or tortured or killed, or would they tell her it was all alright and let her go. Every footstep above her twisted and prayed on her thoughts. It was psychological agony. She looked about, but it was still night, she could see nothing. She knew roughly where the toilet hole was but had to find it by feel. She squatted and relieved herself. The mattress stank of piss, but the floor was cold and hard. She braced herself to lie on the mattress, and wept.



Miriam awoke with a start. There was movement and voices upstairs. She could tell it was now daylight but had no idea what time. AS she moved against the chains she was reminded it was no nightmare, it was real. Although the cell was cold she was covered in a sheen of sweat. She recalled the abduction, the journey, the Greek touching her. She shuddered. Her mind came back to her nakedness and chains. She felt cold. She was also thirsty and hungry. There was laughing above, sounds of eating and drinking, the waft of cooking smells. She thought she heard Jane. She was sure it was Jane. But also another woman. Jane, the bitch, the bloody BITCH! The voices trailed off, she could distinctly hear crockery being stacked. Then a car start and drive away, two cars. Silence. After what seemed like an eternity, a car pulled up. Voices, there was again movement. This time footsteps coming down the stairs, her heart raced, hope and fear mingled. She desperately needed to see someone, but was terrified. They were unhappy with her and these are not the kind of people to make unhappy. The sound of a bolt at the door, the second bolt, her heart was beating faster than ever. She was relieved to see it wasn?t the Greek. Chas strode up, placed a large tin mug of water beside the naked female. And as if she wasn?t there strode back out, bolting the door behind him. Miriam was parched and gulped the water down, suddenly thinking she should reserve some. More voices female voices, squeals of delight. More chatter. She could hear voices but it was impossible for her to make any out the words.


Meanwhile upstairs.


?Oh Sandra, you little bitch? both Sandra and Janie joined in a sniggering fit again

?Well you can do it as well? they looked at each other and fell about giggling again


?What?s with you two. Giggling like a couple of schoolgirls?


?I am a schoolgirl? answered Sandra truthfully. Sandra was a precocious little fourteen year old brat

?Tell him?, Sandra nudged Janie

they both turned to Chas, grinning all over their faces


?Sandra pee?d in Miriam?s water?

?So did she? Jamie jabbed Sandra with her elbow, she didn?t want the others knowing she had followed the lead of a fourteen year old.

?It was her idea? Jamie pushed Sandra playfully.

?You should know better Jamie, your twenty three for chrissakes not fourteen. Come on we got work to do. It?s nearly ten and Diane needs briefin so get to it Jamie, she?s next door. Sandra, get the kitchen cleaned up, we wanna eat before we question Stokes.


Four hours later, Miriam was alert to the tell tale steps toward the steel door. Her senses seemed to be hypersensitive to these events now. She awaited the entry, unable to move, her nerves coming apart? right on the edge.


?Get up. We?re going to have a little chat?, he undid the neck collar and handcuffed her hands behind her once again, She was led upstairs, along the hall, to a large room. In the centre of the room, from the ceiling, hung a heavy chain, the end of which was fastened to the chain of her handcuffs. Using a winch, the chain was raised? until, Miriam?s arms were uncomfortably pulled up her back under strain, bending her slightly forward so her breasts dangled freely beneath her, and just able to take some weight on the tips of her toes. She was beaten with heavy leather belt, all over her body, raising bruises and welts across buttocks and breasts in particular. She was then left in this painful position for half an hour before her interrogators began to assemble in the room. While her tormentors watched and questioned her, she was sexually molested, beaten, invaded by foreign objects, pliers used on her nipples, burned on the breasts with cigarettes and threatened with even greater horrors. The ?interrogation? didn?t take long. She was weak and afraid, and quickly confessed. Only the replacement accountant was not convinced of her guilt, to everyone else, it was a convenient and righteous confession.


Miriam was taken back to the cell and chained as before. She curled up on the filthy mattress utterly miserable and terrified of what might become of her.





?Hey Mikey, ask the boss if I can?, he tipped and nodded his head toward the basement stairs, ?You know, the snooty bitch?


?Yeah, Boss, Zorba here wants to know if he can screw the bitch?, The Greek gave a defiant stare, ?don?t call me that Mikey, it?s George not cunting Zorba. Mikey was always winding him up. Fat George as he was known as, had no real sense of humour or personality. He was just a big hulk of a thug and strong as an ox.


?I?ll tell him. Sure. Everything will be ready Boss, no problem. Yeah, consider it done?. Mikey wiped his brow.


?Well he is not in a good mood? The Greek cast Mikey an enquiring look and shrugged his shoulders.


?Oh yeah, Boss says she ain?t going nowhere to report nothing, so you can fuck her, and slap her around a bit if you want, but don?t do no harm to her. He wants her in good shape for him, so she knows just what?s going on. Another thing George, after you finish with her, for fucks sake, take a bath, yeah!? George scowled as he set off down stairs.


?Miriam looked up from her chained position, cowering before the massive frame of the Greek. She could see in his eyes what he intended and knew she didn?t stand a chance. He looked at her with a cross between a grin and a scowl. To him she was now just another available slut to use. She looked up and regarded the bulk that was about to defile her. He peeled off the sweat stained shirt, revealing his hairy bulk and large heavy gut hanging over grimy tracksuit pants.


?Spread you legs WHORE!? The terrified female obeyed and spread her legs in front of the pig?s gaze. Three times she complied with his demand to open them wider. She was filled with humiliation and shame at allowing herself to be so docile. But she knew he?d have his way one way or another, so what was the point in making it more difficult. Satisfied with the view he now had, he dropped out of his pants and advanced on her bringing his penis in contact with her mouth. He then stepped back and slapped her face hard on the left cheek, followed by a return back hander on the right and another on the left. She gasped and whimpered. Her head was spinning.


?OPEN you FUCKING mouth WHORE! I want you to suck my dick real nice.? Miriam complied with his unsavoury demand.


?Now if I don?t think you are trying hard enough, you are gonna get this?, she felt a sudden intense pain as his vice like grip cruelly crushed and twisted her sensitive nipples. She whimpered as well as she could with her mouth full, and renewed her efforts to please him. For over an hour she was subjected to indignity after indignity. Ever more degrading and repellent acts.


He finally clambered off her, he looked down at the wretched female, noting with satisfaction the new bruises and distastefully regarding the cum that he had deposited earlier, now dribbling from between her legs. He looked at her with contempt, cleared his throat and spat on her. he turned toward the door, but with second thoughts, turned back, and to as if to complete her defilement, proceeded to urinate over her.

From this point, Miriam was left chained and completely alone. Water and food (leftover scraps), were provided by the two bitches, Sandra and Jamie, who, unfortunately for Miriam, found peeing in her water and spitting in her food helped release some of the boredom.



Miriam, now standing naked in front of the gang boss and his leering thugs squirmed uncomfortably, terrified. She was until then the gang?s accountant, her bitch of an assistant had framed her for cheating the books to the tune of over ?25000 and these were not the kind of people you dare to cross. Her former assistant was sat in a chair idly tending to her nails, enjoying her former boss?s unenviable position, naked and vulnerable, trembling with terror. The sounds of knives sharpening in the next room made her sick to the pit of her stomach, she needed to vomit and had already retched without bringing anything up. It had been some time since she had eaten. For two days she had been chained in the cellar waiting with terror, for the boss to return to decide her fate.. She had not been seriously hurt so far, though her body was visibly bruised through the punching and kicking she had received, and the treatment at her interrogation. Welts had now turned to bruises and several blisters from cigarette burns remained on her breasts. She had been easily intimidated and quick to confess. There was also bruising to the face as she was slapped around during the assault from George, and also bruising to her nipples and pubic area, also courtesy of George. The boss, while not physically threatening, was vicious and ruthless. He exuded a vicious authority; his piercing eyes could tear someone apart with a glare. He looked her up and down disapprovingly. Miriam had never felt so naked.


?No one fucking thieves from me NO FUCKING ONE! If you can?t pay me NOW, you fucking DIE! You know what to do boys, and I don?t fucking care what order you cut her up in.?


Miriam, sobbing and wailing, pleading desperately in utter panic, struggled pointlessly against the two thugs dragging her towards the room. She retched yet again as she saw the plastic covered floor and walls. Three large thugs with blood stained butchers aprons stood with an assortment of large butchering knives and cleavers. Any small indignity over her nakedness had now been completely replaced by the sheer terror of what was about to happen.


Jane, or Janie as she liked to be called gestured to the boss to hold a moment; he scowled at her but acquiesced to her wish to talk.


?I?m sorry Mr Barns, but I have a thought that might interest you. It might serve more than one purpose? she approached and spoke softly in his ear. She enjoyed being close to him. The power turned her on. She would willingly be his slut. Barns, who was never slow to spot additional pussy to fuck, noted the silent offer. He listened and started to grin.


?Not bad, not bad at all Janie?, he stroked her face and nodded, ?That would be more practical, I like it. I bet you could be a real little cow eh?? Janie beamed, this was what she really wanted, the ?innocent? smirk she gave him said everything. An indication from Barns brought Miriam back to the centre of the room. Her mind was so fogged with terror; she hardly knew what was going on.


?You got just one way outa this you thieving whore, and you have Janie here to thank for that. Now, I am gonna give you the chance to pay back the money you owe, and you ARE gonna pay me back in full got it?. Miriam hardly aware simply nodded, she was coming round a bit, and ready to clutch at any straw in reach.

?You are gonna earn every penny as a prostitute in one of my brothels. If you don?t I?ll have your sorry carcass cut into convenient sized pieces and disposed of so no-one will ever know, and just so you know, you won?t enjoy the order we cut it up in. I can guarantee after your ears, nose, fingers, toes and tits have been removed you are gonna be begging for the next thing to be your heart. But when you?ve seen everything we want you to see, I will personally cut out your eyes, before we feed what?s left of your living body carcass to the rats?.


Her face turning pale with fear once again, Miriam blankly nodded. Right now she would agree to anything.


?Now you crawl to Janie and thank her for giving you the chance to pay off the debt as one of my cheap whores?, she was not so groggy as to be unaware that it was the sweetly smiling Janie who had set her up, so crawling to her like this was a bitter pill and knotted her up. She crawled to the smiling bitch.


?Thank you Janie, for giving me the chance to pay off what I owe as one of Mr Barns cheap whores.? She then with gritted teeth, knowing she had to make her capitulation look good, kissed Janie?s sandaled feet,. Janie was very pleased with this unexpected bonus, and not being one to miss the opportunity of pushing further, addressed the cowering Miriam on the floor at her feet.


?Don?t worry, you?ll earn it. I?m going to find you the lowest class little fuck house I can find. I?m sure you will agree that you want to do penitence for your disrespect to Mr Barns. So I?m sure you will WANT to work cheap, and for us to make your working conditions to be as unpleasant as possible. Well??


?Yes Janie?


?Yes MISS Janie?


?Yes Miss Janie?


?Well say it, you stupid SLUT!?


?Yes Miss Janie I want to work very cheap and suffer the most unpleasant conditions?, she seemed content.


?The soles of my shoes are dirty SLUT! CLEAN them? Miriam looked unsure and hesitated.



To Janie?s delight, Miriam, still in panic mode, obeyed instantly and put her tongue to the unpleasant and demeaning task of licking the dirt from the soles of the bitch?s shoes. Meanwhile Janie conferred with Barns and his thugs as to the most suitable venue.


The unanimous decision was a grotty downtown brothel called ?Pussy Palace?. This was run by a misshapen foul-mouthed midget bitch called Rosa. If there was a single definition of ugly and obnoxious, then she was it. An element here that Janie particularly liked, was the revolting midget Madam?s insatiable need for cunnilingus, coupled with her complete disinterest in personal hygiene. Janie savoured for a moment an image of Miriam?s face between Rosa?s spread legs, with nose buried in the unkempt hairy bush, while attentively licking at her filthy unwashed slit. Janie had only met the repugnant Rosa once, but would never forget the stink. She grinned as she looked down at her former boss industriously licking at the sole of her second shoe.


?Yes, I?m afraid I must have stepped in something nasty. Just make sure you bloody clean it all off?


When Miriam was finally sure she had finished, she indicated meekly to the former assistant towering over her.


?Right slut, you?re coming with me, you have an appointment with the lovely Rosa.? Miriam looked stunned. Not expecting things to move so fast.


?Yes. You start tonight. We?ve discussed your work. Since you no longer have a job, and your hours at the ?Pussy Palace? will prevent you holding down any other job, Mr Barns has generously agreed to give you a small daytime job as well, to provide for your living expenses. EVERY penny as a prostitute will go to paying back what you owe. But between the hours of 8:00 and 16:00 you will work as a cleaner at the company?s nine clubs. Again you will work cheap, and only work the sleaze pits. Actually let me be more specific, you?ll be cleaning the toilets. So, until you completely pay what you owe, you will work as a toilet cleaner by day, and a whore by night, and that means ALL night because you will be available to fuck at ANY time any punter turns up. I?m going to enjoy thinking about you sucking dirty old men?s dicks, and being fucked any time of night by any drunken bum that comes along.?








?Jane, you need to get those reports typed, by tonight. They need to be FAXED by end of business. Mr Carter is here tomorrow to look at the closing accounts. Don?t forget Mr Barns is back Wednesday so everything has to be sorted by then.

The legit accounts are sorted, no problem, but the others need some work. We don?t want any upsets or Barns will have our arses?. Miriam watched irritably at Jane messing with her nails as usual. She annoyed Miriam in so many ways, from her continuous preening, to her constantly lax attitude with regard to her feet. Though utterly inconsequential, it just irritated Miriam, who hated to see grimy toes with open sandals.


?Come on Jane, wake up, you really can be a vacuous bimbo sometimes.? Jane glared at Miriam. More defiant than usual, Miriam felt uneasy. Miriam Stokes had been senior accountant for this gang for two years. Miriam was rather timid, and these kinds of people made her nervous.


The day continued as normal, though Jane seemed to be different. More aloof, more defiant. The day passed. Miriam was pleased to see Jane had become more helpful, once she completed her main task. She seemed friendlier now and passed the completed folder to Miriam. Miriam quickly scanned over the document before signing it off, all seemed in order.


?See you tomorrow Miriam?, Jane cheerily bid her boss. She seemed to have a weight lifted from her; she smiled to herself as she left the building.


Miriam stayed a little longer to complete several things her junior had left.


?HIYA BABE!? she heard Pete calling through the door. Miriam didn?t mind Pete, he was one of her bosses more civilised thugs. Unfortunately he was accompanied by Greek George, also known as Fat George or Zorba if you wanted to upset him.


She opened the door and the two ambled into the office. She detested the Greek. Not only did she find him repulsive, the way he constantly looked her up and down made her flesh crawl.


?Just checking on things for Mr Barns luv. The FAX he needs is OK yeah.?


?Yes that?s going as we speak?


?And he says to make sure Mr Carter is well looked after and has everything he needs.? Pete gave a knowing wink; Miriam returned a trace of a coy smile.


?He?s due at three, everything will be ready by twelve. I?ve also arranged for a hotel, and evening ?entertainment? at his favourite establishment.?


?Blindin gal, you?re a diamond. Establishment, yeah I like that, hey George, they call em establishments in here. Just kiddin you babe. Only a bit a banter.? Miriam smiled; Pete was lippy but a good sort, always joking.


?Well, better be off then luv. Places to go, people to see eh. Cam on George me old monster, cheer up, just cos you ain't mangled no one today. Only messin with ya mate cam on? they jostled each other through the door exchanging play punches. He?s a nutter, Miriam thought with a smile, She then caught the smell of Fat George still lingering in the corner and shuddered at the reminder, she gave a generous spray of air freshener in an attempt to remove his stink. Time to get home; it will hopefully clear by tomorrow.



The day was uneventful. Deadlines were met, Miriam had a mass of work to complete the legit side of the accounts, so she was thankful that Jane was unusually helpful and kept Mr Carter out of her bosses hair, in fact she couldn?t do enough to assist him. He was even calling her Janie, as she prefers to be called.

Mr Carter left at ten to five, Jane at five. Mr Carter didn?t seem very talkative, but Jane was chirpy. Calling; ?see you Monday? as she left.


Miriam settled down to a night in, she bathed, put on a robe, ate and settled down for a night of television, and exhausted, went to bed.


Dreams faded and turned to the waking dreams that seem so real. Noises, a door, people,? bright light, a bright light in her eyes, being dragged from her bed. She was suddenly awake. It was no dream. She struggled futilely, dragged still naked into the next room? As her eyes began to focus she made out faces amid the confusion. Stan, a big unsmiling thug, Chas, another of the heavies, vicious but coldly professional. Carter, what was he doing here, Fat George. Miriam cringed at the thought of being naked in front of him, she was acutely aware of him leering at her. The last face was Jane. This surely had to be a nightmare.


The lights were put on, exposing her nakedness totally to all.


?Can I?, Fat George started as he grabbed Miriam?s breast and fingered between her legs


?No George?, Chas pulled him away, but not before the Greek had worked his grimy fingers inside her.


?We QUESTION her first George. That?s how it works. The Boss wants her at the cottage. We can question her, and keep her there till the guv'nor gets back.?


?Now you come easy sweetheart or I give you to George here. You gonna come easy?? Miriam stammered a reply

?Good girl. Now round the back there?s a white van. You keep close to me and get straight into the back of the van, no fuss, got it. You two, with Tony. Me an Chas up front, George in the back with her ladyship here. Don?t worry sweetheart, he won?t do anything unless you misbehave, but for,? Stan turned as if thinking, ?practical reasons, George is in the back with you?, Chas fought back a smirk.


?Please, my clothes, at least please let me put something on?


?No need sweetheart, no-one can see you outside. If we decide you need clothes we?ll give you some, don?t worry. Now MOVE!?


Jane and Carter got into a car at the front.


The van was at the back through a walk way. They had chosen the position of the van well. The two minute walk from the back of the house was completely shrouded with trees and where the van was parked was completely unseen. In addition, the van would not be likely to be associated with Miriam?s house anyway.


Although completely shrouded and a dead of night, the two minute walk seemed like ten to the naked Miriam.


The van pulled away, Miriam was now handcuffed and on the floor of the van nervously glancing up at the Greek pig. Sitting above her leering at her. It didn?t take a genius to figure out why George was in the back with her, and not up front or in the other car. Any doubt was confirmed as various unclean smells wafted around the van,


As she lay with her hands cuffed behind her back. The Greek tormented her by kicking her knees apart, and tracing his filthy trainer up and down her face and along her lips. He was careful not to do anything to draw attention, but that still left him plenty of ways to torment the naked female lying at his feet. Miriam wanted to shout, but the earlier threat of gagging her with Georges underpants, and tying his stinking trainer over her face with her nose inside kept her from uttering a sound.


After about two hours, the van pulled up. Miriam had no idea where she was. But this was presumably the cottage.


She was hustled out of the van, during which George managed to grab her breasts, and finger between her legs again, before being given new instructions. She was taken through the back door of the house, down a set of stairs, through a heavy steel door into a small basement cell.. There was a ring set in the floor in a corner, close to which was a hole, and a filthy mattress. Miriam was led to the ring instructed to kneel. A steel collar was locked around her neck and fastened by a length of heavy chain to the ring. The chain was plenty long enough for her to easily squat over the hole for her toilet needs, and lie on the mattress, but not long enough to allow her to stand, so she can only crawl. She was left alone, confused, naked and chained.


Miriam had no way of tracking time. The glimmer of light through the only grating was only sufficient to tell dark from light, not even daylight from twilight. Every minute seemed like twenty. Every sound caused hope or fear. Were they coming to get her, was she going to be beaten, or tortured or killed, or would they tell her it was all alright and let her go. Every footstep above her twisted and prayed on her thoughts. It was psychological agony. She looked about, but it was still night, she could see nothing. She knew roughly where the toilet hole was but had to find it by feel. She squatted and relieved herself. The mattress stank of piss, but the floor was cold and hard. She braced herself to lie on the mattress, and wept.



Miriam awoke with a start. There was movement and voices upstairs. She could tell it was now daylight but had no idea what time. AS she moved against the chains she was reminded it was no nightmare, it was real. Although the cell was cold she was covered in a sheen of sweat. She recalled the abduction, the journey, the Greek touching her. She shuddered. Her mind came back to her nakedness and chains. She felt cold. She was also thirsty and hungry. There was laughing above, sounds of eating and drinking, the waft of cooking smells. She thought she heard Jane. She was sure it was Jane. But also another woman. Jane, the bitch, the bloody BITCH! The voices trailed off, she could distinctly hear crockery being stacked. Then a car start and drive away, two cars. Silence. After what seemed like an eternity, a car pulled up. Voices, there was again movement. This time footsteps coming down the stairs, her heart raced, hope and fear mingled. She desperately needed to see someone, but was terrified. They were unhappy with her and these are not the kind of people to make unhappy. The sound of a bolt at the door, the second bolt, her heart was beating faster than ever. She was relieved to see it wasn?t the Greek. Chas strode up, placed a large tin mug of water beside the naked female. And as if she wasn?t there strode back out, bolting the door behind him. Miriam was parched and gulped the water down, suddenly thinking she should reserve some. More voices female voices, squeals of delight. More chatter. She could hear voices but it was impossible for her to make any out the words.


Meanwhile upstairs.


?Oh Sandra, you little bitch? both Sandra and Janie joined in a sniggering fit again

?Well you can do it as well? they looked at each other and fell about giggling again


?What?s with you two. Giggling like a couple of schoolgirls?


?I am a schoolgirl? answered Sandra truthfully. Sandra was a precocious little fourteen year old brat

?Tell him?, Sandra nudged Janie

they both turned to Chas, grinning all over their faces


?Sandra pee?d in Miriam?s water?

?So did she? Jamie jabbed Sandra with her elbow, she didn?t want the others knowing she had followed the lead of a fourteen year old.

?It was her idea? Jamie pushed Sandra playfully.

?You should know better Jamie, your twenty three for chrissakes not fourteen. Come on we got work to do. It?s nearly ten and Diane needs briefin so get to it Jamie, she?s next door. Sandra, get the kitchen cleaned up, we wanna eat before we question Stokes.


Four hours later, Miriam was alert to the tell tale steps toward the steel door. Her senses seemed to be hypersensitive to these events now. She awaited the entry, unable to move, her nerves coming apart? right on the edge.


?Get up. We?re going to have a little chat?, he undid the neck collar and handcuffed her hands behind her once again, She was led upstairs, along the hall, to a large room. In the centre of the room, from the ceiling, hung a heavy chain, the end of which was fastened to the chain of her handcuffs. Using a winch, the chain was raised? until, Miriam?s arms were uncomfortably pulled up her back under strain, bending her slightly forward so her breasts dangled freely beneath her, and just able to take some weight on the tips of her toes. She was beaten with heavy leather belt, all over her body, raising bruises and welts across buttocks and breasts in particular. She was then left in this painful position for half an hour before her interrogators began to assemble in the room. While her tormentors watched and questioned her, she was sexually molested, beaten, invaded by foreign objects, pliers used on her nipples, burned on the breasts with cigarettes and threatened with even greater horrors. The ?interrogation? didn?t take long. She was weak and afraid, and quickly confessed. Only the replacement accountant was not convinced of her guilt, to everyone else, it was a convenient and righteous confession.


Miriam was taken back to the cell and chained as before. She curled up on the filthy mattress utterly miserable and terrified of what might become of her.





?Hey Mikey, ask the boss if I can?, he tipped and nodded his head toward the basement stairs, ?You know, the snooty bitch?


?Yeah, Boss, Zorba here wants to know if he can screw the bitch?, The Greek gave a defiant stare, ?don?t call me that Mikey, it?s George not cunting Zorba. Mikey was always winding him up. Fat George as he was known as, had no real sense of humour or personality. He was just a big hulk of a thug and strong as an ox.


?I?ll tell him. Sure. Everything will be ready Boss, no problem. Yeah, consider it done?. Mikey wiped his brow.


?Well he is not in a good mood? The Greek cast Mikey an enquiring look and shrugged his shoulders.


?Oh yeah, Boss says she ain?t going nowhere to report nothing, so you can fuck her, and slap her around a bit if you want, but don?t do no harm to her. He wants her in good shape for him, so she knows just what?s going on. Another thing George, after you finish with her, for fucks sake, take a bath, yeah!? George scowled as he set off down stairs.


?Miriam looked up from her chained position, cowering before the massive frame of the Greek. She could see in his eyes what he intended and knew she didn?t stand a chance. He looked at her with a cross between a grin and a scowl. To him she was now just another available slut to use. She looked up and regarded the bulk that was about to defile her. He peeled off the sweat stained shirt, revealing his hairy bulk and large heavy gut hanging over grimy tracksuit pants.


?Spread you legs WHORE!? The terrified female obeyed and spread her legs in front of the pig?s gaze. Three times she complied with his demand to open them wider. She was filled with humiliation and shame at allowing herself to be so docile. But she knew he?d have his way one way or another, so what was the point in making it more difficult. Satisfied with the view he now had, he dropped out of his pants and advanced on her bringing his penis in contact with her mouth. He then stepped back and slapped her face hard on the left cheek, followed by a return back hander on the right and another on the left. She gasped and whimpered. Her head was spinning.


?OPEN you FUCKING mouth WHORE! I want you to suck my dick real nice.? Miriam complied with his unsavoury demand.


?Now if I don?t think you are trying hard enough, you are gonna get this?, she felt a sudden intense pain as his vice like grip cruelly crushed and twisted her sensitive nipples. She whimpered as well as she could with her mouth full, and renewed her efforts to please him. For over an hour she was subjected to indignity after indignity. Ever more degrading and repellent acts.


He finally clambered off her, he looked down at the wretched female, noting with satisfaction the new bruises and distastefully regarding the cum that he had deposited earlier, now dribbling from between her legs. He looked at her with contempt, cleared his throat and spat on her. he turned toward the door, but with second thoughts, turned back, and to as if to complete her defilement, proceeded to urinate over her.

From this point, Miriam was left chained and completely alone. Water and food (leftover scraps), were provided by the two bitches, Sandra and Jamie, who, unfortunately for Miriam, found peeing in her water and spitting in her food helped release some of the boredom.



Miriam, now standing naked in front of the gang boss and his leering thugs squirmed uncomfortably, terrified. She was until then the gang?s accountant, her bitch of an assistant had framed her for cheating the books to the tune of over ?25000 and these were not the kind of people you dare to cross. Her former assistant was sat in a chair idly tending to her nails, enjoying her former boss?s unenviable position, naked and vulnerable, trembling with terror. The sounds of knives sharpening in the next room made her sick to the pit of her stomach, she needed to vomit and had already retched without bringing anything up. It had been some time since she had eaten. For two days she had been chained in the cellar waiting with terror, for the boss to return to decide her fate.. She had not been seriously hurt so far, though her body was visibly bruised through the punching and kicking she had received, and the treatment at her interrogation. Welts had now turned to bruises and several blisters from cigarette burns remained on her breasts. She had been easily intimidated and quick to confess. There was also bruising to the face as she was slapped around during the assault from George, and also bruising to her nipples and pubic area, also courtesy of George. The boss, while not physically threatening, was vicious and ruthless. He exuded a vicious authority; his piercing eyes could tear someone apart with a glare. He looked her up and down disapprovingly. Miriam had never felt so naked.


?No one fucking thieves from me NO FUCKING ONE! If you can?t pay me NOW, you fucking DIE! You know what to do boys, and I don?t fucking care what order you cut her up in.?


Miriam, sobbing and wailing, pleading desperately in utter panic, struggled pointlessly against the two thugs dragging her towards the room. She retched yet again as she saw the plastic covered floor and walls. Three large thugs with blood stained butchers aprons stood with an assortment of large butchering knives and cleavers. Any small indignity over her nakedness had now been completely replaced by the sheer terror of what was about to happen.


Jane, or Janie as she liked to be called gestured to the boss to hold a moment; he scowled at her but acquiesced to her wish to talk.


?I?m sorry Mr Barns, but I have a thought that might interest you. It might serve more than one purpose? she approached and spoke softly in his ear. She enjoyed being close to him. The power turned her on. She would willingly be his slut. Barns, who was never slow to spot additional pussy to fuck, noted the silent offer. He listened and started to grin.


?Not bad, not bad at all Janie?, he stroked her face and nodded, ?That would be more practical, I like it. I bet you could be a real little cow eh?? Janie beamed, this was what she really wanted, the ?innocent? smirk she gave him said everything. An indication from Barns brought Miriam back to the centre of the room. Her mind was so fogged with terror; she hardly knew what was going on.


?You got just one way outa this you thieving whore, and you have Janie here to thank for that. Now, I am gonna give you the chance to pay back the money you owe, and you ARE gonna pay me back in full got it?. Miriam hardly aware simply nodded, she was coming round a bit, and ready to clutch at any straw in reach.

?You are gonna earn every penny as a prostitute in one of my brothels. If you don?t I?ll have your sorry carcass cut into convenient sized pieces and disposed of so no-one will ever know, and just so you know, you won?t enjoy the order we cut it up in. I can guarantee after your ears, nose, fingers, toes and tits have been removed you are gonna be begging for the next thing to be your heart. But when you?ve seen everything we want you to see, I will personally cut out your eyes, before we feed what?s left of your living body carcass to the rats?.


Her face turning pale with fear once again, Miriam blankly nodded. Right now she would agree to anything.


?Now you crawl to Janie and thank her for giving you the chance to pay off the debt as one of my cheap whores?, she was not so groggy as to be unaware that it was the sweetly smiling Janie who had set her up, so crawling to her like this was a bitter pill and knotted her up. She crawled to the smiling bitch.


?Thank you Janie, for giving me the chance to pay off what I owe as one of Mr Barns cheap whores.? She then with gritted teeth, knowing she had to make her capitulation look good, kissed Janie?s sandaled feet,. Janie was very pleased with this unexpected bonus, and not being one to miss the opportunity of pushing further, addressed the cowering Miriam on the floor at her feet.


?Don?t worry, you?ll earn it. I?m going to find you the lowest class little fuck house I can find. I?m sure you will agree that you want to do penitence for your disrespect to Mr Barns. So I?m sure you will WANT to work cheap, and for us to make your working conditions to be as unpleasant as possible. Well??


?Yes Janie?


?Yes MISS Janie?


?Yes Miss Janie?


?Well say it, you stupid SLUT!?


?Yes Miss Janie I want to work very cheap and suffer the most unpleasant conditions?, she seemed content.


?The soles of my shoes are dirty SLUT! CLEAN them? Miriam looked unsure and hesitated.



To Janie?s delight, Miriam, still in panic mode, obeyed instantly and put her tongue to the unpleasant and demeaning task of licking the dirt from the soles of the bitch?s shoes. Meanwhile Janie conferred with Barns and his thugs as to the most suitable venue.


The unanimous decision was a grotty downtown brothel called ?Pussy Palace?. This was run by a misshapen foul-mouthed midget bitch called Rosa. If there was a single definition of ugly and obnoxious, then she was it. An element here that Janie particularly liked, was the revolting midget Madam?s insatiable need for cunnilingus, coupled with her complete disinterest in personal hygiene. Janie savoured for a moment an image of Miriam?s face between Rosa?s spread legs, with nose buried in the unkempt hairy bush, while attentively licking at her filthy unwashed slit. Janie had only met the repugnant Rosa once, but would never forget the stink. She grinned as she looked down at her former boss industriously licking at the sole of her second shoe.


?Yes, I?m afraid I must have stepped in something nasty. Just make sure you bloody clean it all off?


When Miriam was finally sure she had finished, she indicated meekly to the former assistant towering over her.


?Right slut, you?re coming with me, you have an appointment with the lovely Rosa.? Miriam looked stunned. Not expecting things to move so fast.


?Yes. You start tonight. We?ve discussed your work. Since you no longer have a job, and your hours at the ?Pussy Palace? will prevent you holding down any other job, Mr Barns has generously agreed to give you a small daytime job as well, to provide for your living expenses. EVERY penny as a prostitute will go to paying back what you owe. But between the hours of 8:00 and 16:00 you will work as a cleaner at the company?s nine clubs. Again you will work cheap, and only work the sleaze pits. Actually let me be more specific, you?ll be cleaning the toilets. So, until you completely pay what you owe, you will work as a toilet cleaner by day, and a whore by night, and that means ALL night because you will be available to fuck at ANY time any punter turns up. I?m going to enjoy thinking about you sucking dirty old men?s dicks, and being fucked any time of night by any drunken bum that comes along.?







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Lisa Pays Daddys Debt

Lisa leaned back in the car's worn leather seat and closed her eyes. The slim 14-year old girl adjusted the earphones that ran from her ears to the CD player on the seat next to her. This was just typical of her father, Lisa sighed. She might have known this would happen. It wasn't the first time. Lisa was the daughter of Karl and Cathy Adams, a couple whose marriage had dissolved because of Karl's problem with gambling. He got so bad he was losing his paycheck before he got home on...

4 years ago
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Gang Of Four

An Old Friend I was at a downtown watering spot, waiting to meet my lady to go to dinner, when I ran into an old acquaintance, E. Wilmington Worrell. I almost went to work for him at Worrell, Hanson, and Associates a long time ago, at but I was young and easily impressed by shallow stuff then, so I went with another agency instead. I'd like to think I would know better now. We hailed each other, and he sat down at my postage-stamp-sized table. "Long time, Jack," he said, as we shook...

1 year ago
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Gang of FiveChapter 8

The tech from the security company renting the cameras was uncomfortable having Sean present for the demonstration and instruction session. Nancy was persuasive, though. She had insisted that Carole also be present. "The cameras are single focus. They have wide angle lenses and a perfect depth of field for shooting in a room. The transmission range to the receiver is limited to one hundred feet, and is best under sixty feet. "We have a version of the camera with its own fake hardcover...

4 years ago
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Gang of FiveChapter 10

While Sean had been meeting Rebecca's girls, working out fanatically, completing school, getting more and more into his new business, and taking the final step in winning freedom from his mother's stranglehold, the Gang had launched the 'Dan Project' at full speed. They had made sure that Sean knew nothing of this new involvement. They did not want anything to distract him. Besides that, what they had planned for Dan was more than Sean was ready to hear about. It was the Monday after...

3 years ago
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Gang of FiveChapter 4

"Well, we've got a great start on our 'stable' of cocks," Claire said with a nod toward Nancy at their next Sunday brunch. "Problem is, I can wear out those two beauties all by myself. Where are we going to get more?" "First of all, Claire," Nancy said rather sternly, "those men are far more than just cocks. I never thought I would find a man as good as my husband, once he got past his wandering phase. Roger and Alan have restored my faith in males." "Sorry, Nancy. You're...

4 years ago
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Hubbys debt

Jen and Sam had been together since junior high school and neither had been with anyone else when they married right out of school. That had been twenty years ago.From the very start of their relationship, they’d declared they didn’t want kids and Sam had even used condoms even though Jen was on the pill. A few years into the marriage, Sam had a vasectomy.Sam liked a gamble and Jen didn’t mind at first because he only bet on the occasional sports game and it wasn’t really that much money. But,...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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Slutty Kerry gets into debt

Slutty Kerry gets into debtKerry was just 18 when she came to work for me as an office junior. Even as a school leaver she seemed very forward and though she was a little overweight she was more than willing to wear low cut tops and short skirts to work which went down very well with the men who worked in the factory.She had a boyfriend but was more than happy to let everyone know that she was also seeing a married black man.It wasn’t long before she was cadging cigarettes from the men in the...

2 years ago
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Gang of FiveChapter 22

"Jess has run away!" Sarah almost screamed at Sean over the phone. Then, she started sobbing. "I wouldn't have found out about it if the police hadn't come to our house and asked a bunch of questions. She's been gone three days!" "Her mother never let your mother know?" he asked incredulously. "Aunt Maureen won't talk to Mom any more since Mom and Grandma Naomi aren't talking. This family is so screwed up!" "You've been seeing her at school all along, though, haven't you?"...

3 years ago
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Daddys Big Debt

In fact, she couldn't quite remember what she was doing stark naked in the middle of her dark bedroom. With a muffled groan, she tried to prop herself up on her elbows but only got as far as the groan - she was tied in place. "Oh my God!" she thought. This was a bad dream. It had to be! Desperately she tugged at the restraints on her wrists above her head. Now that she was fully awake, she could see that she was strapped down on her own mattress, completely stripped and...

2 years ago
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Daddys Big Debt

Introduction: Its my first story of this kind. I classify it as hardcore, so if youre not into this stuff, please dont read any further. If you do, I hope you enjoy. Please leave comments. =) Dahlia couldnt remember where she was. In fact, she couldnt quite remember what she was doing stark naked in the middle of her dark bedroom. With a muffled groan, she tried to prop herself up on her elbows but only got as far as the groan – she was tied in place. Oh my God! she thought. This was a bad...

2 years ago
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Paying Off a Debt

My name is Burt. I’m a big good-looking twenty-five year old guy. I know I shouldn’t have included good-looking in that description, But I’m not bragging. I didn’t have anything to do with it, so I can’t claim credit for it. It’s just the way it is. After all, people have said it to me hundreds of times over the years. I said big. I’m 6’2” and weigh 210, but I’m solid, no flab. I’ve been married a little over two years. My wife Patty is beautiful. She’s one of those petite perky types with a...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Free from Student Debt

As I left for medical school and into student rooms, it was the first time I had share my personal space with anyone. Christy was my roommate, 20 years old, one year older than me, but more worldly wise than I. The room itself was small but with 2 beds, a small study area each, a worktop stove/oven, a microwave on the side and a small but usable bathroom. The only issue was it only had a shower, no bath and the sliding door would not slide. It was a hot day when I arrived, and on opening the...

3 years ago
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Jan pays her husbands debt

Jan was looking forward to tonight. Earlier that morning her husband Rick had given her a key card to a suite at a five star hotel and said he'd meet her there after he got off work. "Wear something sexy," he said. She definitely would. Jan was an obedient wife. Plus, she liked the idea of a spontaneous and naughty adventure. Since Jan was a housewife and well taken care of by Rick, she spent all day getting dolled up. She went to the spa to exfoliate her skin and make it nice and soft. She...

3 years ago
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Michelle Settles My Poker Debt

Michelle Settles My Poker DebtIt was one of those situations I had heard about but never believed. Three friends were over at my house playing poker, and I was down about $300. It was a string of bad luck, really. My hands had been good all night, but someone else always had something a little better. Now, I am sitting here with a ace-high flush, the other three guys have gone in, but I do not have enough money to match them."I am short, guys. Can I put in my watch? Its worth $200." "I don't...

3 years ago
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She walked past me to the gaming tables and I got a second look at those brown eyes and a pretty face, before a whiff of her expensive perfume assailed my nostrils. I turned, just in time, to see her hips sway back and forth inside her tight fitting dress. The wolf (me) watched until she disappeared around a corner. Now the little head was doing the thinking, heh-heh. I wandered into the gaming room and saw her standing at the roulette wheel. Her modest pile of chips seemed to be dwindling...

1 year ago
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Wife Settles Husbands Debt

I couldn't believe that I had done it again. My wife warned me not to gamble anymore, especially with Tony and Rick. But they were the ones that would give me any action, everyone else had cut me off. This time I really messed up. I was in way over my head. There was no way I could pay this loss off, I couldn't even afford to pay the weekly juice. It was no use running because I worked with Rick and they'd always know where to find me. I met them at the bar on Friday night and tried to...

4 years ago
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Shayna Pays a Debt

I stood there on Jimmy's front porch, pounding frantically on his door. When he had called a few minutes earlier and asked me to come over quick there was a nervousness in his voice that told me that he really meant it. Something unusual was going on. I had dropped everything and run over to his place as fast as I could. Now he was making me wait in the hot sun. Finally the door opened. "Hi, Shay." No smile or hug or kiss on the cheek. Something was definitely up. "What's goin' on,...

1 year ago
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Jacob woke up. Tired after waking up he checked his phone. He saw notification... NEW MESSAGE FROM LAURA. He hapilly opened it, but was shocked right after. It was picture of his girlfriend and her dad, chained to chair with ducktape on their mouth. There was also pinned adress down below. He couldn't understand what was happening. In the moment he got another message saying "If you want to ever see her again... in one piece... don't call police." His hearth was beating so fast, he didn't know...

1 year ago
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Anna pays his debt

Anna was laying on her couch waiting for her boyfriend Mike when she was startled by a loud knock at the front door. Thinking it was Mike she went to the door in her tiny tank top and shorts, Anna was surprised to see a large black man at the door who was looking for Mike. The mans name was Carl and it seemed that Mike owed him some money. After Anna told him Mike was not here Carl insisted he would wait and forced his way into the apartment. After a few minutes Anna notice the man glancing at...

1 year ago
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GangSpunking In My Mates Sisters Pant

Story No.8WARNING: This story incorporates strong cuckold themes. Please don't read if squeamish.In the past, I used to crave a bit of humiliation and would do some quite degrading things for kicks. I thought I'd compile a list of the 10 most depraved/pervy things I've done and write a short story about them each and post them on xhamster.The list:10. Drank a girl-racer's piss-puddle from the floor of the car park.9. Wanked off in a used-condom after watching couple fuck in same car park.8. Me...

2 years ago
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Gang Banger Slut

For those wondering why I haven't been entering any new short stories here lately, perhaps this story will help explain a little bit. It's sorta short, but I think you will enjoy it nevertheless.*Now I love a big black prick as much as the next white woman, but when the six men, or should I say nearly men, holding guns, and knives somewhere on their person that were attached to those pricks, and directing their anger at my presence in their territory, well it can be somewhat disconcerting. Of...

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