gang bang
- 3 years ago
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Dan knew that he should not ask when Julie stopped at his office to get the key to his home.
At Dan's house, Julie marched right into the master bedroom where Arlene was huddled in a pitiful ball on the bed. Sitting down next to Arlene and stroking her head gently, Julie said "I've thought about it, Arlene. I will try to convince Dan not to leave you."
"Oh, Julie, I..."
"Don't start celebrating, Arlene," Julie warned, her voice changing dramatically. "As you are right now, you are not a good wife for my son. I will convince him to stay with you, but only because I am going to change you into a proper wife for him."
Arlene could only stare in amazement. Between the morning's traumatic visit and what she was now hearing, she actually wondered if it was really Julie talking to her.
"If you want any chance of growing old with Dan, you will obey everything that I tell you to do. If you do not, I will tell Dan to divorce you immediately. Now, how badly do you want to grow old with my son?"
"I ... I'll do anything," Arlene said shakily.
"Even have intercourse with him?"
"I already told him I would," Arlene said with her head down. "He ... he says I have to want it."
"OK, Arlene, take your clothes off."
"M ... my clothes? Why?"
"Because I told you to. That should be enough. It is your first order from me. Are you going to fail already? Do I have to call Dan already and tell him to get a divorce lawyer?"
"NO! Don't! I ... but..."
"Arlene, listen to me. Wearing clothes in this house is a privilege you will have to earn. You have not even started to earn it." Julie was making it up as she went along.
Arlene gave Julie the most pathetic look imaginable from an adult woman. Rebecca's words about submission and dominance were being put to their first test. To Arlene, clothes were apparently a critical symbol of control. Could she give them up?
Just to make sure there was no misunderstanding, Julie said, in as stern a voice as she was capable of "Arlene, from now on, you will be naked in this house. You will not wear clothes again at home until you have become a good wife for Dan, or until I give up and tell Dan to divorce you."
"N ... n ... n ... naked?" Arlene shrieked. "H ... how can you ... that's ... that's..." Sheer panic showed an the poor woman's face. Julie had picked up Carole's belief in the value and the impact of nudity in changing people, and Rebecca had identified control of her body as a key to Arlene's problem. Now, though, she was starting to believe it was a step too far. At least, she may have thrown it at Arlene too abruptly.
After wailing for a few minutes, Arlene became angry. That was actually easier for Julie to deal with. Arlene shouted about how it was her house and how Julie had no right to come in there and say such horrible things to her.
Remaining impassive in the face of Arlene's tirade, Julie gave her a few minutes before she rather dramatically took out her phone. Holding it up, she caught a moment when Arlene was catching her breath and asked loudly "Shall I call Dan and tell him to just get the divorce over with?"
Arlene was a bright woman. She had said that she would do anything to stay married to Dan. It apparently just then sank in what Julie was demanding of her. In a near replay of Sarah's bladder crisis at Dan's mere suggestion of exposing himself to her, a different kind of panic took over Arlene's face. She jammed her hand in her crotch, hunched over, and scrambled toward the master bath.
It took Julie just a moment to catch on. She knew all about what had happened with Sarah, and she had to suppress an ironic laugh. Deciding that it was the perfect time to be strong and commanding, she went into the bathroom right behind Arlene. As Arlene sat on the toilet and released her flood, Julie roughly pulled off her shorts and soiled panties. Saying nothing, Julie just stood with hands on hips, staring at Arlene.
Before Arlene could wipe, Julie grabbed her golf shirt and pulled upward, trapping Arlene's arms. That produced more wailing and complaining, but Julie was able to be so strong and commanding that Arlene was helpless. Taking off the bra was only a little more difficult.
While Arlene sat hunched over to hide her breasts and whimpered, Julie ran a bath. Having no idea whether Arlene preferred baths or showers, she thought a bath might be soothing and help her get more control.
Arlene was a little heavier than Julie, but Julie was very strong and Arlene seemed to have lost her will to fight. Julie got her on her feet and tried to lead her to the tub. Like a recalcitrant child, Arlene resisted, still hunched over trying to hide herself with her hands and arms.
Fervently hoping that it was not a step too far, Julie gave her a hand-stinging slap on her ass. The reflex worked and Arlene straightened up and reached back to protect her wounded bottom.
"That's better, Honey," Julie said, trying to assume the role of a parent with a young child. "You need to get in the tub and wash the pee off of you. Besides, we have only a couple of hours to get your naked body looking beautiful for your husband."
"Wh ... why this, Julie?" Arlene stammered as she finally relaxed back in the water. For the first time she was not trying to hide herself from Julie. Perhaps the feeling of the water covering her gave the illusion of hiding. The details did not concern Julie right then.
What concerned her was that she was flying by the seat of her pants. She now understood Rebecca's concern completely. Dominating someone certainly was not easy. How should she proceed? First of all, she had to keep first things first. The ultimate goal was to make Arlene into a satisfying sexual partner for her son. She could not get sidetracked with anything else. She could not let her anger at Arlene's mother or at Arlene herself affect her in any way. She was going to be preaching about forgetting the past, so she had better do it herself.
Taking a deep breath, she challenged "You are not a satisfactory sexual partner for Danny, are you, Arlene?"
"Julie, Dan and I have gone..."
"Dammit, Arlene! Do you want to save your marriage, or don't you care!?" Julie shouted that like she would to a rebellious child.
"I ... I can't lose him!"
"Can you keep him by yourself?"
"I said I would give him sex, but he..."
"Will you let your counsellor help you keep him?"
"But she wants to ... to hypnotize me!"
"I'll warn you right now, Arlene," Julie said sternly, "hypnosis would be a lot easier on you than what I will do to make you into a wife Dan can live with."
"Ohhh! Why can't he live with me the way he always has?!" Arlene wailed.
"Arlene! How many sessions did you have with the counsellor? What did you learn about normal wives and sex?" There was that pathetic stare again. "You tell me right now what you learned or I WILL call Dan and tell him it's hopeless."
Julie decided this was one time she would just wait Arlene out, so she sat quietly beside the tub. Almost five minutes went by with neither woman speaking. Just to break the impasse, Julie turned and ran some more hot water into the tub. That little bit of action seemed to bring Arlene out of her reverie.
"Most wives enjoy having sex. Surveys show that most couples our age make love twice a week or more." Arlene spoke like she was reading the words. "As a rule, the only wives who do not enjoy intercourse are those with some physical difficulty such as dryness, or those whose husbands are unusually large or are not considerate lovers."
"Do you or Dan fit into any of those exceptions?" Arlene could only shake her head.
"What did the counsellor say about lack of sex being a valid reason for divorce?"
"She said that either denial of sex or infidelity account for a large percentage of divorces."
Almost like a teacher drilling a student, julie continued. "Would a divorce between you and Dan be justified?"
"NO! I love him!"
"Arlene! Based on what you learned from the counsellor, would Dan be justified in divorcing you?" Julie persisted.
"Juliiiiiie! Don't make me say that! Ohhhhh!"
"Then, why should I waste my time? I'm willing to help make you into the wife my son needs to have. But, if you don't admit that you need to change, what chance do I have? I might as well just go home."
Taking a huge chance, knowing that she would be unable to return for another try, Julie got up and walked toward the door of the bathroom. Stopping at the door, she turned back and said "I have a few things to get together." That was a lie. "I'll stop to say goodbye. It could be for the last time ever."
Fighting back tears, fearing that she had gone too far, Julie went to the guest bathroom, used the toilet, then touched up her face. Resignedly leaving the bathroom, she almost ran into Arlene in the hall. Arlene was holding a robe tightly around herself.
"Don't go, Julie. Please. I can't lose him."
"Why do you deserve to keep him?"
"I ... I..." Whatever Arlene was planning to say, she changed her mind. "I don't," was said very softly.
Julie decided that was the perfect time for a little bonding, so she took Arlene in a hug. "You may find this hard to believe, Honey, but I want you to grow old with my Danny. I believe you can be a wonderful wife for him.
"You are in so much emotional pain that you can't see how to become that kind of wife. I will admit that I have had some expert help, and I know how you can change. I am going to have to do some things that you will hate, but believe me, I do them out of love for you and Dan and Sarah. You have heard of 'tough love', haven't you?" Arlene nodded her head against Julie. "Well, this is the first tough love thing I have to do."
With that, Julie pushed the robe down Arlene's back, eventually getting her to drop her arms so it came all the way off. "I'll turn up the heat so you wont' be uncomfortable."
"Wh ... why this, Julie?" Arlene stammered as she did her best to cover herself with her hands again.
"Come on in the kitchen, Arlene, and I'll explain it."
"But I can't ... please! Let me put something on. This is not right!"
"Go ahead, Arlene. Put something on. Of course, I'll have to call Dan and tell him that the first test failed. Tell you what; to show you that I'm not just being cruel, I'll undress, too."
It took many minutes, but eventually they were sharing tea in the kitchen. Julie had turned up the heat on the way. Being sure not to talk down to Arlene in any way, she explained the theories about how nudity affected behavior and how attitudes could be changed. She very bluntly explained Rebecca's belief that fanatical control over her body was Arlene's first hurdle.
As time for Dan to arrive home approached, Arlene became almost frantic. "Julie, get dressed! Dan will be here soon. He can't see you!"
"Oh, I'm not worried about that, Arlene. I think you need my support. Otherwise, you will run and get dressed and I will have to tell Dan to divorce you."
"No! I won't get dressed! Please! It's not right for him to see you!"
Julie could hardly believe how frantic the poor woman was. It appeared that she would do anything to prevent the sin of Dan seeing his mother naked, even stay naked herself. The problem was, would it be better in the long run if Arlene had to endure her husband seeing his naked mother? What was really bothering her? Again, it seemed that Rebecca was right on.
"Arlene, just relax. It won't bother me if Dan sees me. It's not a big deal."
Suddenly, Arlene turned and dashed to the master bedroom. That gave Julie time for a hurried call to Dan. "When you get home, Hon, Arlene will be naked. Make a genuine fuss over her. Can you do that? I'll be naked, too. That idea is driving her crazy, making me think I should stay bare. Pretend that my being nude is no big deal if you find me that way."
Hearing the toilet flush explained why Arlene had dashed off. "Why are you so upset about Danny seeing me naked?"
"I don't want my husband looking at other naked women!" Arlene shrieked. She started to say more, but clammed up.
Julie had heard enough. It was control again. It was exactly what she had postulated in the hurried meeting with Rebecca and the Gang. Arlene considered Dan her man, her property, hers to control. That included what female flesh he looked at. That meant there was no way Julie would dress.
"Is this a deal-breaker, Arlene? Is it divorce time?" Julie wondered how long the divorce threat would hold its almost magical power.
It was a surreal scene when Dan came home. He did a great job of enthusing over the sight of the naked Arlene. He complimented her profusely and gave her a rather dramatic hug and kiss. It was doubtful if Arlene would remember a single second of it. In fact, the entire evening was probably lost in a haze of shock and disbelief.
As she sat with the others watching some TV, Arlene's eyes kept darting around, particularly at Julie. Bedtime was even more stressful as Dan undressed as soon as he got into the room and stayed that way. Julie gave Arlene very stern instructions that she was not to wear anything to bed.
In the morning, the pressure increased as Dan came to breakfast in minimal attire, much less than was customary. In the first evidence of acknowledging Julie's control, Arlene looked frantically at Julie upon seeing Dan's near nakedness. Seeing Julie, naked again, talking casually to her son, Arlene's shoulders sagged and she said nothing.
The itinerary for that day included grocery shopping. Julie let Arlene make the list, but made very firm demands on what should and should not be bought. Julie could see more just plain irritation at that 'interference' than for anything else that had happened. Most of the previous day had engendered shock and fear. The chance to put clothes on, though, was the main thing on Arlene's mind.
Julie made a valiant effort to engage Arlene in all kinds of conversations. While they were dressed and in the car or at the store, it worked rather well. At home, naked, it was very tough sledding. Having to undress again when she returned home was almost as bad as the first time for Arlene.
After lunch, Julie said "I don't think you slept much last night, did you?" Arlene acknowledged that. "I'll give you a little back rub and you can take a nap."
When Julie actually touched her, Arlene flinched strongly. That prompted Julie to slap her sharply on each ass cheek. That was followed by gentle caresses on the injured areas which upset Arlene even more.
"Arlene, do you think I am doing this because I want to be mean to you?" It took a while but Arlene admitted that she did not think that.
"Despite what you think of me," Julie went on, "I have always liked you. I always thought you could be a wonderful wife for Dan. Why am I doing this? Well, you understand now that you are not a good wife for Dan, don't you?"
That only brought tears. Julie kept right on caressing Arlene's back and down over her ass and thighs. "My Dan is a very faithful man, Arlene. He loves you very much. Even after the harsh things he has said and done lately, he would give anything if you could have a healthy, normal marriage."
"But we HAVE a healthy marriage!" came through tears.
"Please. By now, you know that is not true. You know that your mother tragically warped your thinking about sex."
"But I can't just change!" Arlene protested.
"By yourself, you probably can't. That is why I am going to change you little by little. You see, Arlene, just like I told you yesterday morning, your problem is not fear of intercourse. Your problem is an extreme need for control. I am going to teach you how good things can happen when you give up control. Now, you must be very tired. Sleep for a while. I will come and get you when you can leave the room."
The nap was an important chance for Julie to talk with the rest of the Gang and brief them on what was happening. They were all surprised and pleased at what Julie had been able to accomplish.
Little else changed that day, except that Arlene was gratefully given full cooking and cleanup duties.
Two programs started the next day. First, Arlene was sent to the health club where she was to meet Phyllis and get started on a workout regimen. She was given an outfit that was not outrageous by any standard, but was much more revealing than anything she would have chosen for herself. It took some threats by Phyllis to get her into it.
Realizing that time for for whole Gang to meet, including Julie, would be very important, Phyllis made plans from the first day. One of her employees, a woman who insisted on being called Pip, was seriously into body building, and looked it. She was also a very nice, considerate person. Much of the time that Phyllis spent with Arlene, Pip was also present. While Arlene was at the club became the perfect time for Julie and Phyllis to meet with the rest of the Gang.
If another naked woman were to be imposed on Arlene in Dan's presence, Phyllis would be the logical one. Rebecca had counseled Phyllis to be kind but firm with Arlene at the club, becoming stern and commanding when necessary. Thus, if Phyllis showed up naked at the house, her planned adoring demeanor toward Dan would present a striking contrast.
The other thing that started in earnest was cuddling by Dan. Julie would start the same thing, but not right away. The shocks needed to be metered out, so to speak - gradualism. The objective was to get Arlene to start cuddling with Dan. It was not something she was used to doing when anyone else was around. The Gang and Rebecca believed that she wanted control of all access to Dan. Cuddling by Julie should bother her greatly.
Deciding the next steps in bringing Arlene along and when they should be implemented became a dominant discussion topic among the Gang.
A great deal of energy went into scheduling each day in a way that would keep Arlene off balance. As much as possible, they did not want to let her anticipate anything. Little things like serving breakfast before Dan was dressed one day, then waiting until he was dressed for work the next were examples. Sending her to the health club at seemingly random times was another example. Unpredictable work times for Dan, Irregular bedtimes, widely varying mealtimes, Dan taking her out for dinner at the last minute; the Gang came up with many ways to keep Arlene off balance and thus more under Julie's control.
Julie found time every day to explain to Arlene why she was doing what she did. Julie did not pull any punches, saying every day that success would come when Arlene begged Dan to make love to her. Arlene's expressions of disbelief never let up. She always stopped short of anything that would cause Julie to make the fatal phone call to Dan, though.
Part 1 By: Jimmy T Seay (t+/t oral anal rape gang bang) =========================================================================== Author's Note Some of you will remember Steve from 'JailForce'. As that story concluded, Steve found himself grabbed off a dark street. And now for the new story, Steve Meets the Gang. (Another title could have been, The Gang Meats Steve........) =========================================================================== Mario and Jose had...
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God, I'm perverted, I thought to myself. I was old enough to be the grandmother of the three teenage Latino gangsters groping my big ass while we walked up Mission St. The tight Lycra mesh dress I wore hid nothing. In fact, it probably highlighted my sissy body. I stepped down harder to make my boobs bounce. My ass swayed and so did my flaccid cock.The night was young and the street was well lit. Passing men stared and commented in Spanish. I didn't understand but knowing the importance of...
TransWhile Sean and the five women were basking in the glow of their relationship reaching its final level, things were far from contented for Rebecca. More and more, she would bring the girls and spend the evening at Nancy's even when when Jason, her husband, was in town. That evening, Rebecca seemed particularly down. Nancy hugged her and asked "What now?" She knew it had to be another downward step in the deteriorating relationship between Rebecca and Jason. "Not even a peck on the cheek...
Late that Friday afternoon, Sean had been rescheduled and was working at Nancy's. As usual, when they finished, he stripped in preparation for the hot tub. As he came out of the second bathroom where he always undressed and showered, he came face to face with a naked, fiercely blushing Rebecca standing beside her aunt. The two women took his hands and led him to the hot tub without anything being said. "Pretty pathetic, huh, Sean," Rebecca said ruefully after she had sat down. "Here am I...
Once fully seated, she kissed him hard, then said quite calmly. "If you are ever my son-in-law, this will make it even more interesting. Oh, I had my tubes tied. I was checked after the last party, and I made my husband wear a condom since then." Hardly able to believe what was happening and the sudden change in the woman's demeanor, Sean just tried to hold still, resisting the urge to thrust into her. "I was a virgin on my wedding night," Celeste told him. "My second man was your...
I know this gorgeous woman since about a year. Her name is Ganga. She is aged about 30, but looks far too young with amply filled body and very sexy eyes and a mouth half open in a ever lasting smile. She was the elder sister of Hema and Swarna, who were my students. When she learnt through her sisters that I was quite a teacher Ganga perhaps felt like taking some lessons herself. Ganga is about five six, stoutly built woman. She is married and quite satisfied sexually with her husband. She...
Although I had him on girth my wife expressed that she thoroughly enjoyed the lengthy cock she got from Chris and equally as much playing with his huge hanging balls, especially dog-style. She even admitted she preferred sucking his cock for these reasons and the fact that his didn’t drip the pre-cum that mine did during oral. My wife was fucking Chris in the morning, me at night, and back and forth on weekends. Eventually the tables turned where she was gone for days at a time and...
The year had been long. I had gone through a bad break up at the start of the year and I’ve enjoyed being single since then. It was a little hard, since it seemed all my close friends were in long term relationships or married. They always wanted to do couple type things, which I get. I did the same thing when I was dating my ex. However, I’m single now and I don’t want to be settled down with just one guy. I want to spread my wings. New Year’s Eve has always been my favorite holiday, except...
Hi dear friends. I am a regular reader at ISS. I have found ISS to be the best site for people to express their secrets and fantasies which hardly people have the courage to reveal. I will be narrating one of the personal experiences with you today of how we three friends had a gang bang of one of our friend’s girlfriend. We stay three friends together in Delhi-NCR Sam Prince and me Zaid, enjoying the freedom, company of each other and privacy. On weekends we hangout together and enjoy...
Hey horny people and I am Tanya Punjabi Slut 27 years old from Brisbane, Australia. I have been reading a lot of stories on ISS and thought to publish and share my best experience with you all. First of all, I will describe myself. Both me and my husband are always very horny and I love cocks our sex life is simply fantastic as we try different things all the time. I am sexy and have been giving instant hard on to boys since last 4 years of our me and my husband Rohit, 29 years swinging life....
It happened all again, and I could not believe it happened after getting gang banged by my neighbour and his friends right in front of my husband, he seemed to have lost interest in me, and was gradually getting more and more distant from me emotionally. I on the other hand, continued to be thirsty for sex but, after that incident, he was more and more cautious and never left me alone at home. So, he decided to take me to a conference in Gurgaon. We landed in Delhi, and as usual, I was dressed...
Hi I am Ashu back again i have cousin and I helped her to post her story here I’m Pooja, 24 and married to my husband Rohit for 2&1/2 years. I have a very satisfying relationship with my husband. We are both working. But, Rohit has to travel some time because of his work. Though i’ve never been with another man in my whole life, my sex life was very good. Rohit is always innovative when it comes to sex. He had introduced me to erotic movies, sex toys. We always talk dirty when having sex. It...
Julie and Zoe were both very attractive young woman, and had been the closest friends since their school days. They were now both 20 years old and in their second year of university, sharing a dorm room in an all girls house. Julie was about 5'2" tall, with long dark hair and a lovely pair of large breasts. She kept her body in shape with regular gym sessions and running at least 4 times a week. Zoe was slightly shorter at about 5'0" with long blond hair and a pair of small pert breasts....
"Alright guys, hit the shower, and get some sl****p, remember games at 8:00 tomorrow. Now Bucks on three." The head coach of the varsity football team said. "1... 2... 3 ... BUCKS!!!" Yelled the whole football team. Then they made their way towards the locker room. I had watched the last half hour of their practice in a white tank top and black mini skirt along with a friend and her boyfriend. However we spent much more time talking than actually watching the practice. We continued our...
Carole convinced Sean to join her in her king sized bed using the excuse that she might need help in the night. She did not have to say that they would not do anything with each other. That was understood. They fell asleep holding hands, though. He did have to help her to the bathroom once in the night and iced her up after she went. The same thing was repeated in the morning. As he was fixing breakfast, still quite early, Nancy arrived, helped him prepare it, and ate with them. "So, are...
The next noon, Dan had another surprise. The women were all dressed. That did not stop them from undressing him or from bringing him to full erection. Because he had a chart to follow, the workout went quickly. There was always one woman ready to adjust the machine for his next set. When the workout was done, Claire and Nancy again led him to the shower. They wore only outer garments and they stripped and got in the shower with him once more. "We're going to get you off in here today,...
For all of the success that the Gang was having with the young people, things had not gone as well with Dan. Actually, Dan had undergone some important changes. It was his marriage that refused to be transformed. The pile of money being spent on therapy was not completely wasted. After the first session with both of them and the counsellor, the counsellor had decided to work with just Arlene. She had come to the place where she understood and admitted that she was way outside the norm where...
The next day after school, Sarah drove herself and Jess to a fast food place where they sat and talked. This time, Jess was far from speechless. "Sarah, I don't need to go through what you did. I don't care if I'm not like Cinderella. I don't care if I don't date a lot of different guys. Remember, you caught more grief than I did just because you look so young." "Yeah, you've never had that problem," Sarah acknowledged. "OK, Jess, what do you want to happen? What do you want to...
Phyllis had a smile as big as the sun that Sunday morning as the Gang gathered for their regular brunch. Claire could not resist a tease. "But you've worked with pro teams who won championships." The day before, Sean had completed his championship quest. Only two of his championship matches reached the second round. Grant Jacobs, the erstwhile favorite for the title, had moved up a weight class immediately after Sean had beaten him so soundly during the conference schedule. There was time...
As she closed her laptop, Carole let out a contented sigh. She had just closed the week with gains for herself and her friends that few investors saw in a month. That was certainly satisfying. The year since her retirement had been a very, very good one, even if it had started a bit slowly. The building of the Gang's 'stable' of men had been fulfilling in more ways than just the great sex the Gang and the men all enjoyed. The project of getting Alan his captaincy and rebuilding his health...
The guys launch at me and grab my clothes; buttons spraying everywhere as they rip my top off.I feel hands throw me to the bed ripping at my tights - the last barrier of clothing protecting me from the impending onslaught. I am lost in a dream I’ve had a thousand times but only today it’s real. The men are real and the cocks are real. On Saturday I wake early and drive to meet Donna. She’s a friend and we’ve also fucked ourselves stupid once or twice. But tonight is for me. I’m keeping all...
GroupGanged By Knyterose "Wasn't that show great?" Lisa asked, grinning from ear to ear. Looking at her cute little miniskirt and her long black stockings, how could I do anything but grin back? It was our second date, and she was definately the hottest woman I had ever been close to. Sometimes her 5' 9" body seemed like it was all leg, and when she wore heels like tonight, it seemed like it would be so easy just to bury my face in her lush chest. For some reason,...
“You... were... great” Michelle whispered as she nuzzled my neck and planted little kisses behind my ear. I lifted my tired, sweaty body one last time, just high enough to kiss her on the lips. “I love you baby” I sighed, exhausted but contented. Michelle didn't repeat my statement, nor did she even acknowledge it. She just looked in my eyes and smiled. She didn't have to say anything, I knew she loved me. She always had and always would. Twins know that sort of things. “I have to...
Introduction: Slut wife got busted during gang bang My wife was screwing her married supervisor Chris a 62 ex marine, and this time she wouldnt stop. Normally she cheated only once or twice with another man and stopped before it got out of hand. Giggling, she got undressed and spread her legs revealing her glistening wet and freshly fucked pussy. My slut wife looked hot and I dove into her muff with my throbbing bone bouncing around between my legs. Like me Chris had fallen in love with her...
Gang Bang Whores This is the third part of my story. In ‘Virginity Lost’ I told the true story of how I had my virginity taken aged 16 by one of my school teachers. In ‘Sisters’ I told how the same teacher had a threesome with me along with her younger sister. This experience really set me on a course sexually for the rest of my life. I now jump almost 8 years to when I was a newly qualified junior doctor working horrendous shifts in a busy city centre hospital, constantly in fear that...
Gang Bang Ball. Steve stood behind M, his erect dick sandwiched between her taught thighs, his hands cupping and squeezing her ample breasts as his mouth kissed and bit her neck. His penis was stiff as a board, and he was loving the smooth feeling of his cock pushing between M’s thighs from behind, the juices escaping her sopping pussy making the motion glide smoothly as the pair explored each other’s bodies, semi-naked on the dance floor. M was wearing a tiny tube dress and heels, and Steve...
It was a very hot day in the summer of 2009. My wife and I are an adventurous couple and we love to experiment with our sex lives. This particular Sunday afternoon it was very warm and this always makes us both very horny.We were in the garden when my wife turned to me and said, "Fancy a little playtime upstairs?"How could I resist? So I was soon watching her sexy little bum going up the stairs.I was amazed at how horny she was and she soon had my cock out and was sucking me slowly to an...
Group SexIt was a very hot day in the summer of 2009. My wife and I are an adventurous couple and we love to experiment with our sex lives. This particular Sunday afternoon it was very warm and this always makes us both very horny.We were in the garden when my wife turned to me and said, "Fancy a little playtime upstairs?"How could I resist? So I was soon watching her sexy little bum going up the stairs.I was amazed at how horny she was and she soon had my cock out and was sucking me slowly to an...
Group Sex"I'm coming for you..." The raspy voice on the other end told me.I hung up the phone. I was getting used to the prank calls by this time since they had been happening for at least a month or longer. Nothing ever came of it. Some nights I didn't even get the calls. My husband wasn't concerned either. He just figured it was teens making prank calls. Unfortunately neither of us knew at the time how wrong we were.Another month had passed another month of more prank calls, only they were getting...