Hatchery RoadChapter 24 free porn video

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“How’s it been out front?” Sarah asked, handing the tablet back to Nina. The overall numbers for the concert were excellent, with only a few minor security incidents to report.

“It’s been awesome!” her on loan assistant gushed. “The performers have been stellar and everyone’s having a great time. One of the main cameras did go down but Aaron and his crew were able to replace it with one of theirs.”

“Good,” Sarah replied with a nod. “What’s left?”

“Well, we’re almost done,” Nina answered, first looking down at her tablet and then out at the stage. “Rennie’s out there now with Ty, which means we’re about twenty minutes from the last song. Of course, there’ll probably be an encore, but after that, we’re done. The Sheriff’s Department and our security people are in place and will handle getting everyone out of the park. All that’s left then is the after party.”

“What about the teardown and clean up?”

“All that’s still planned for tomorrow,” came the reply. “Dexter and his crew say they’ll have all their stuff packed, loaded, and gone by two. Vendors have until four, and final cleanup should be all finished a couple of hours after that.”

Sarah smiled at the diminutive woman who’d quickly become someone she considered a friend. “Well done!” she declared, raising her good hand for a high five. “Girl, you’ve been worth your weight in gold. Thank you so much for all you’ve done!”

Blushing at the compliment, Nina murmured self-deprecatingly as she slapped Sarah’s hand. “You’ve been pretty awesome yourself,” she said quietly in response, as she moved in and gave the taller blonde a gentle hug, mindful of her braced arm and wrist. Moments later Nina headed out front to enjoy the end of the concert, while Sarah was left by herself backstage.

Well, she wasn’t actually alone. Glancing off to her right, she could see Helen’s sister, Heidi, busy recording the goings-on out on stage on her cell phone. As for Helen herself, she was nowhere to be seen but Sarah suspected she’d retreated to the Green Room. Her girls, meanwhile, were across the way with Josie and a few stagehands.

Rennie and Ty had wrapped up their first song together and were now on their second – both of which were ones from early in Ty’s career and had been written by Rennie. Adding the songwriter’s guitar and voice to the performance really added to the quality of the songs, Sarah mused to herself. This was quickly followed by the insightful realization that the concert recordings of each of those songs could be released for radio airplay and give new life to those early hits. Knowing that was something she’d need to bring up with Mr. Lanci, her thinking quickly moved over to the matter of the settlement and job offers Grant gave her earlier.

A disappointed cry from Heidi, however, interrupted her train of thought. Looking over at the other woman, Sarah could see her trying to do something with her phone. Unfortunately, it didn’t appear to be working.

“What’s wrong?” Sarah asked, walking over to her.

“I was recording Ty and Rennie together but suddenly it stopped,” Heidi answered, still working with her phone. “Oh, crap! I’m out of memory!” she exclaimed, letting out a big sigh.

“Don’t worry about it,” Sarah tried to console her. “Everything’s being recorded and will be turned into a DVD set. That number on your ticket guarantees you a free copy.”

“I know but those probably won’t be available for a few months,” the other woman responded, looking up from her phone – clearly disappointed. “My husband’s a big Tyler Dawson fan and I just wanted to show him something right away of him and Rennie singing together.”

“Actually, they should be ready to go in a couple weeks,” Sarah corrected.


The tall blonde nodded in reply to Heidi’s surprise. “GAC’s production people are already working with the footage shot yesterday. I saw a bit of the digital feed from their studio this morning and it looks pretty good,” she explained, then pointed out to the stage. “The channel’s been given exclusive right to broadcast this and they’re going to want to have it ready to go as soon as they can. Our folks and theirs are assuring us that having the DVDs in box sets ready to ship when they air the concert two weeks from today is very doable.”

“Oh my!” Heidi exclaimed. “That’s incredible!”

Sarah shrugged. “The marvels of digital technology, so I’m told.”

About that time, several familiar women and a young girl came out of the changing area in tank tops, grass skirts, and sandals.

“What’s that about?” Heidi asked, gesturing over toward them.

Sarah held up a finger to pause the conversation momentarily. “What, no coconuts?” she called out to the group as they passed. It was Terrance’s daughter Hailey who responded.

“Daddy looked but said he could only find fresh ones,” she tried to explain.

Jenna, however, finished it for her. “Rance said it would take too long to carve them out and make bikini tops out of them. Now if we knew about this a few days ago...” she added, trailing off. Nicole and Megan, meanwhile, just nodded their heads in agreement.

“Don’t blame me,” Sarah tossed back glibly. “Ty made the change this morning.”

“It’s going to be so awesome!” Hailey answered excitedly, bouncing a bit on her toes.

An urgent wave from Manny, however, brought any further conversation to a halt. They quickly shuffled over to the stage manager for last minute instructions.

“Hailey’s father, Terrance, is married to Rachel,” Sarah explained, turning back to Heidi and pointing to the tall man himself now standing over by Josie. “Rachel and he met and fell in love in Hawaii, so Terrance – who goes by Rance – asked Ty this morning if he could surprise Rachel with a serenade.”

“Wait ... is Terrance – Rance – actually going to sing to her ... in front of all these people?” Helen’s sister asked, her eyes as large as saucers and her head swiveling between Sarah and the stage.

Sarah nodded, a huge grin sweeping across her face. “He is. Pretty romantic, isn’t it?”

“I’ll say!” Heidi responded, glancing over at the man who was surprisingly calm for what he was about to do.

“Just wait ‘til you hear the song!” Sarah offered with a giggle.

Moments later, the transition started. The girls took Rennie’s ukulele out to him and brought back his guitar to Josie, while Rance and the four females in grass skirts went out and took their places.

Just as that was happening, Manny was accompanying the very pregnant and very curious Rachel up to where Sarah and Heidi were, so she could look out on the stage, too. “What in the world are they doing?” the model asked no one in particular.

At that moment, the song started. Ty’s steel guitarist, Henry, gave a very Hawaiian-sounding intro, followed by Rennie on his uke, and then the whole band joined in. Rance’s voice was smooth and steady, but it was the lyric he sang that soon had them all amused, Rachel included.

Well, I packed my bags and bought myself a ticket For the land of the tall palm tree.

Aloha, Old Saint Louis. Hello, Waikiki.

I just stepped down from the airplane When I heard her say,

“Waka waka nuka licka, waka waka nuka licka, Would you like a lei?” Hey!

Let’s talk dirty in Hawaiian. Whisper in my ear.

Kicka pooka mok a wa wahini, Are the words I long to hear.

Lay your coconut on my tiki. What the hecka mooka mooka dear?

Let’s talk dirty in Hawaiian. Say the words I long to hear.

The song had two more verses, and, by the end of the second, young Hailey had come over and led her stepmom on stage by the hand. The audience responded with cheers and clapping, momentarily distracting Terrance but he recovered nicely. Sarah thought Rachel looked adorable, amidst the grass skirted females and mimicking their movements as best she could with a huge grin on her face.

When the song ended, she walked up to her husband, and, clearly amused, lightly slapped him on the chest with her open palm. “You goof!” she exclaimed, which the microphone picked up and rebroadcast. The laughter of the crowd grew even louder at this point, but shifted to cheers and catcalls when Rachel and Terrance kissed.

Taking her husband’s hand, she turned back to the microphone. “Excuse us,” she told the audience with a wiggle of her eyebrows, “we’re going to go practice our Hawaiian now.”

By this point, Sarah was laughing right along with practically everyone else, so much so that she almost missed what Rachel said to her as she walked past. Almost, being the key word. “You’re next,” the supermodel said cryptically, before heading away with her husband in tow.

Practically everyone backstage knew what was coming next, except for Sarah. Even Josie knew. Rennie had told her about Ty’s plan earlier in the day and had sworn her to secrecy. Now she kneeled down and clued in her two little charges. Katie and Lena clapped with glee.

While the stage was being reset a bit from the last song, Ty explained to the audience that he wanted to introduce someone to them. He went on to explain that this person was the sole reason behind the concert even happening. In moments, Sarah’s smiling portrait was posted up on the screens and Ty invited her to come out on stage.

To say that Sarah was shocked would be an understatement. Josie looked over as her friend just stood there, staring out at the events on stage with a facial expression somewhere between baffled and terrified.

Knowing what she needed to do, she glanced down at the two girls. “Go ahead and take it out,” she told them, referring to the stool they were both carrying. “Let your father help you and go by your Aunt Heidi when you’re done. Okay?” They nodded and did as she said.

Josie, meanwhile, walked over to Sarah and touched her good arm. “Ready to go?” she asked.

Still clearly a bit befuddled, Sarah looked her way with furrowed brows but managed to nod her head. Taking her left hand, Josie led her out on stage. As soon as they cleared the curtain, the applause started and just continued to swell. By the time they got out to the center of the stage, practically everyone in attendance – and not just those up by the stage – were on their feet showing their appreciation.

It was a pretty moving moment and Sarah was understandably affected. Thankfully, the stool that Katie and Lena had brought out was where it needed to be on stage. Josie guided Sarah over to it, helped her sit down, and then went over and stood beside Rennie. He and his ukulele would be the only accompaniment to the next song. Josie’s role was to share his mic and provide background vocals along with him.

Standing next to the love of her life, Josie watched as her friend quickly adapted to the situation, managing to smile and wave to all those cheering her presence on stage.

“Now that we have her out here,” Ty petitioned the crowd, “I was wondering if y’all might help me with something.” He couldn’t help but chuckle at their exuberant response. “I’ll take that as a yes,” he told them. “We’ll soon be serenading this lovely young lady to show her how much we appreciate her. You’ll know the song and when I point to you,” he explained, pointing to them, “you sing the chorus. Okay?”

He again took their enthusiastic cheering to be a yes. With a wink to Sarah and a nod to Rennie, Ty lifted his microphone to start. Rennie started to strum his ukulele and Ty began to sing.

Wise men say, only fools rush in,

But I can’t help falling in love with you.

Shall I stay? Would it be a sin,

If I can’t help falling in love with you?

Sarah’s eyes grew as large as saucers when she recognized the well-known song by Elvis Presley, her good hand quickly going to cover her mouth in surprise. Ty had turned back to her and his eyes never left hers. When he got to the line “Take my hand”, he reached out his to her. Josie watched as her friend laid her hand in his. Ty finished the line, and, without looking away from her, pointed back to the crowd with the microphone in his other hand. They responded.

“For I can’t help falling in love with you.”

Josie was impressed. Yes, the crowd was loud, but she could actually hear clear harmony being sung, as well. Ty proceeded to the reprise of the bridge, obviously now singing only for Sarah – who, for her part, had tears in her eyes. His voice, filled with emotion she’d never heard from him, however, started to break. Glancing over at Rennie, Josie could tell he heard it, too. She gave him a nod and he immediately shifted over vocally to the melody to support his friend.

By the time they made it to the second singing of the “Take my hand” line, it was only Rennie’s voice being heard. Thankfully, they were near the end. Josie pointed to the audience at the right spot, and they joined in for the chorus line one more time. Rennie slowed his strum for the last run through the chorus when Ty glanced his way, his own eyes more than a little watery, and nodded. His voice back, he closed out the song ... and the crowd went absolutely bonkers.

It didn’t seem that Ty and Sarah were paying all that much attention, though. He had leaned down his head to her, while she lifted her left hand gently to his cheek, and they shared a lingering kiss.

“Hey, you guys did great tonight!”

Rennie glanced up, only to see Hector, one of the sound guys, rolling up cord and packing it in large tote boxes. He was smiling and giving him a thumbs up.

The concert was over, the people had left, and the after party was in full swing. Rennie, however, had slipped out from that scene and headed back to Stage B to pack up his own instruments and other gear. That wasn’t the main reason for his escape, though. His whole day had been pretty much wall to wall people and he was looking for a bit of down time. A half hour or so on his own loading his stuff, with just a few roadies and techs all doing their own thing, was just what he needed right now.

Snapping the case closed for his own wireless gear, Rennie gave the wiry Hispanic man a warm grin and a nod. “If we did,” he returned, “it was because you guys made us sound so good!”

The man was about to say something in reply, when his eyes shifted from Rennie to something or, more likely, someone over his shoulder. Judging from Hector’s expression, he knew exactly who that someone was. With a weary sigh, Rennie stood and turned. There, anxiously wringing her hands and shifting a bit on her feet, was who he expected to see.

“What are you still doing here, Helen?”

Rennie had kissed his girls goodnight, with the promise that he’d see them at church in the morning, and watched them head off for the hotel with Heidi and their mother. Evidently their mother had other ideas.

“I was hoping that ... maybe ... we could talk.”

Resisting the desire to roll his eyes, Rennie reached up with his hands and rubbed them instead. “That’s what we were going to do tomorrow afternoon,” he explained, knowing full how she would respond.

“I know,” she replied, hesitantly. “But I couldn’t bear to wait that long. I had to see if I could get to you now.”

If there was one thing Helen hated to do, it was wait. She was not a woman of patience. The problem for her was the anticipation. Appointments of any kind, whether they were doctor or otherwise, were always scheduled in the morning – the earlier the better – so she didn’t have to wait. Having something metaphorically hanging over her head for any length of time, especially something potentially hard or unpleasant, was like death to her.

Rennie had to admit, there was a genuinely practical aspect to her impatience. In the past, he’d likened it to ripping off a Band-Aid. But sometimes, like now, it was more a matter of Helen getting what she wanted right away rather than later. Knowing his choices were few at the moment, Rennie walked over to the edge of the stage and sat down, with his legs dangling over the side. Looking back over his shoulder, he beckoned her to join him – which she did.

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“I am just here to check on our newest family in the community,” Eddie greeted my father with a hearty handshake as Charity knelt at his feet by our front door. “Thank you for telling me we couldn’t remove the lock yesterday,” Dad told him. “You would be surprised how many people have told me that. A little time and discussion were what you needed. I am glad I could be of service,” Eddie smiled. Dad ordered Charity to serve them a drink in the living room and sat down with Eddie. Charity...

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Party Hard

"Hey Ben, you ready yet? C'mon! The girls are waiting!" Ben tried for the fifth time to get his hair to stay the way he wanted it, finally giving up as his room mate shouted at him from down the hall. "Fine, Jack, I'm ready. Are we taking my car or yours?" "Are you planning to get blitzed tonight?" "Not particularly." "Well, I am, so let's take you car." They piled into Ben's Ford Taurus and pulled out from the apartment complex's parking lot onto 7th street. Frank had been...

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Malicious IntentChapter 3

Meg was face-down on the narrow bed in her cell that was designed to hold a maximum of four detainees. One of the prisoners had been remanded to state prison after her conviction on selling and distributing prescription drugs without a license. The judge was unusually harsh with the middle-aged woman because her only son had committed suicide after a bout with an addiction to the illegal drugs that robbed him of all desire to exist in a world destitute of sensitivity to his moods. The poor...

2 years ago
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First Time Surprise Part Three The Conclusion

It is silent except for the humming of the refrigerators, and the sound of Allen’s slow and intermittent labored breaths. The pattern alternates between, quick intakes, whooshing exhales, and extended held-breaths altogether. I can’t wait to make him moan. Allen’s hands are kneading my breasts experimentally, while his eyes haven’t left my chest since I gave him permission to explore.  ‘Just be nice to them,’ I had told him. So far, so good. I sigh contently. Next lesson. ‘So what do you...

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We were alone at the laundromat. I told him I wanted him to come to the bathroom with me. He looked a little confused but he came anyway. I locked the door behind us and flicked off the light. I pulled up my shirt and undid my bra. He grabbed my tits and started sucking on my nipples while I grabbed his hardness through his pants.I knelt down and undid his belt and pulled his pants down. Then I took a hold of his throbbing meat and started licking the head. He moaned quietly as I took the rest...

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Manaiviyin Amma Udan Sema Matter

Vanakam nanbargale, indru kama kathaiyil en maamiyarai naan eppadi oothen endra kathaiyai ungaludan pagirugiren. En peyar Krichnan, vayathu 35 aagugirathu. Enaku oru manaivi irukiraal. Aval peyar Vimala, vayathu 29 aagugirathu, enaku iru kuzhanthaigal irukiraargal. Naan santhoshamaaga thaan vazhunthu vanthen aanal en manaivi ippozhuthu ellam sex idupaadu ilamal irukiraal. Avalin pundaiyil en sunniyai vite niraiya naatkal aagugirathu, en veetirku adikadi en maamiyar vanthu povargal. Avargal...

2 years ago
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My Unwanted Transition 6

( Moving up and out )It took two weeks for me to move my stuff over to Andy’s place. The conversation with my parents went about as expected. There was a mix of worry and relief for them. It would be a change for me to be gone, but at the same time, I knew they would be happy to have the house to themselves. This was going to be my first day not going home to them and to my new place instead, to live. I was excited and nervous at the same time, and it was all I could think about at work.“There...

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You have to love it. You’re about to leave work on a Friday evening. You’ve tidied up your desk a bit so things are in order on Monday. Check your phone for messages to finalize your plans for that night. You’re all amped up for whatever the weekend may bring and then wham! Your boss drops a stack of legal documents an inch high that needs to be proof-red right away. Would love to grab him by the belt and throw his ass out of the god-damned window…. Wave bye-bye as he screams for 18 stories....

1 year ago
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Jennys Awaking to SexChapter 10

The days of summer flew by and Jenny and I met as often as we could. Some weeks it was every day and some weeks we met once or twice. And, then there were the weeks when we didn’t meet at all. It depended all on me. Work got in the way of training Jenny and our sex enjoyment! She was getting better with each of our sessions. Her body was enjoying my cock much more now that her vagina tunnel of pure pleasure got more accustomed to the size of my cock. After all my cock was the first cock she...

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A Fantasy that goes too far Part 4

As it turned out, my wife’s conditional agreement was more difficult than I had imagined: A guy that we didn’t already know, socially, yet one that we knew well enough to know his background and health record. I tried to make a list but it virtually had no names on it. The idea of travelling on a short vacation, away from our home, would meet the first requirement, but picking up a total stranger would fail on the second condition.I then decided to, on my own and without my wife’s knowledge OR...

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David8217s 24 year old niece

My brother Chris raised her to be respectful, straightforward, and honest. She brought her natural brilliance, vivaciousness and loveliness, making her a very attractive total package. And her hard-working intelligence and intensity brought her success in academia, a bachelors degree, a masters degree and an interest in sociology for which she was studying for her PhD. She had arranged to attend a full week intensive seminar in my town about 600 miles from the village she grew up in, where she...

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An Erotic Journey With Mom And Dad

“Seema!” My dad, Ramesh yelled at my mom, “aren’t you ready yet? We have to reach there by tonight not day after tomorrow!” Mom, like always was taking too long to get ready. I was all ready and had packed the bags into the car with my father. We were going to a family friend’s wedding. The wedding that changed my life forever. I am Suhas, final year B.Com student and the sole son of my parents. I very actively play cricket and football, and I consider that I have an athletic body. Dad(53) runs...

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My Wifes CoWorkers Are Making Her Fat

Coworkers Are Making My Girlfriend FatMy wife (then girlfriend) Samantha started at her office as soon as she finished college in her early 20s. She was a shy, thin and genuine girl; a former runner in school, she was by far the youngest and thinnest of all her coworkers. They were 5 married women, all in their forties and ranging from chubby to straight-up fat. She became immediately their "mascot." They would all compete to help her with the new job, make her feel at ease, invite her to...

1 year ago
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Making DoChapter 2

Henry Dickson was wondering if he was developing into a pervert. Every chance he got he tried to look up Her dress! Since the secretary’s desk fit close to the wall it was easy to bore a small hole to look underneath the desk. He had hoped to see her spread her thighs when she typed. He could do that but little else. So, first he cut a good sized door into the panelled wall. The small hinges and a latch to keep it shut when not in use allowed him privacy and greater range of vision. His desk...

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First LoveChapter 12

When the weather began to thaw Ryan began working at his dad's construction company, something he'd done since puberty. It was hard work, but it worked his body out well enough he supposed. He worked on the weekends, which meant he had less time to spend with Jen and his friends, but he was making a lot of money. He vowed to save it so he could get a car as soon as he got his license. He turned sixteen in November, and he calculated how many hours he would have to work till then to get a...

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Cum on my face daddy

It had all started in her stepfather's bed. Pretty little 18-year-old Jenny had begun to kiss her way down her stepfather Mitch's hairy chest, slowly, inch by hairy inch, adoring the taut skin and musky smell rising from his groin. Mitch lay motionless as his ultimate fantasy grew nearer and nearer, his heart pounding and his huge penis straining ever harder and stiffer in mad excitement. He was beginning to realize that what was about to happen, what had to happen when Jenny's heavenly mouth...

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Young and OldPart 1

Matt was what you would consider a normal senior manager from your workplace. He was far enough up the ladder to warrant a parking space and had the usual mid-life crisis car to park in it. Work was stressful but financially rewarding and at 56, had discussions each year with his accountant as to whether now was the time to cash in those share options, take the pension and go and retire to Spain. One thing however, stopped all that, or rather, one person. Outside of work, Matt had...

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Addicted To My Teen Neighbors Big Cock

“What are you doing in my room?” I asked as I opened the door of my room and found my eighteen-years-old neighbor, Ryan, standing near the bed.  Ryan and I were friends, not really good friends but we did talk to each other all the time. I was two year older than him, so age factor was also there between our friendship. His parents were away for a week so he was staying with us in my elder brother’s room, as my brother was in hostel. “Nothing,” he replied and stood still. He looked scared, as...

Straight Sex
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Sex on the boat

This story took place July 4th, 2000. I was invited to spend the day on a boat with my girlfriend Donna, her boyfriend Mark and his two older twin brothers, cruising and then to watch the fireworks. We met the guys at the dock and climbed aboard. It was a beautiful day, as it usually is in San Diego. We head out. They had some champagne for us start with, a huge cooler of beer and some other bottles of alcohol. Paul was driving. Donna, Mark, John, and I were seated in the back talking and...

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Wednesday: Doug: The doorbell ringing at 9:45 that Wednesday evening initiated the unraveling of my wife's deception, although she did not realize it yet. I answered the door to find myself facing a man and a woman dressed in reasonably normal business attire, although the clothing was somewhat out of style and obviously well-worn. I immediately got the idea that these two were with the police; not so much from their appearances, but from the fact that this was the week that Frank and I had...

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Love Thy Neighbour Chapter Three

Tom opened the door to his bedroom and ushered Cathy in. Although she had been in his house on many occasions over the past five years, this was one room she'd never seen. Neatly furnished, it still had a woman's touch about it. Cathy surmised Tom had not changed a thing since the passing of his wife, Sandra some six months earlier.As she stood looking around the room, Tom came up behind her, slipped an arm around her waist, and gently kissed her neck.Cathy closed her eyes, allowing herself to...

Group Sex
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The Blind Date BluesChapter 2

When Sam was finally able to breathe again, and George had mopped up all his spooge with an old rag he found under the blanket they'd been lying on, and pulled his pants back up, and after Sam had put her bra back on and snapped her pants, the older siblings turned their now considerable wrath on their younger brother and sister. "You guys are in SO much trouble!" yelled George. "See what you did to Sam? You almost KILLED her!" "My throat hurts" complained Sam, still coughing a...

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Married Cousin Ko Chudai Ka Asal Maza Dilaya

Mera nam XXX hai mai Pakistan ka rehney wala hon, yeh meri pehli story hai jo mai upload karney ja raha hon is Website per, in hope aap logon ko pasand aaye gi, mujhe is story k barey mai batana mat bhuliye ga, or agar koi pakistani larki mujh se relation rakhna chahey to most welcome, mera Email Id hai “” ab story ki taraf aatey hain, mai batata chalon k mai shadi shuda hon, shadi se pehle hamarey ghar mai meri aik cousin rehti thi zunaira, us ka figure hai 36 30 38, us k bharey huwey gol...

1 year ago
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Friendly Foursome

by Veronica Marcia and Ted were into their favorite bar on a Friday night, drinking and dancing to a local rock band. Two of their friends, Larry and Joan, walked in and joined them. The two couples drank well into the night and when the bar closed down, Marcia and Ted suggested that they continue the party at their house. Ted turned on more rock music at the house and asked if Larry and Joan would like to smoke some weed to keep the party going. The four of them sat around and got...

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The Masseur 22

They say the hardest moment of a mother’s life is when her child leaves home. This was particularly true in the case of my eldest daughter, as I had to literally chase her out of the house with a broom. This wasn’t our family home, of course, and she had in fact been living as an independent woman for several years at that point. The house, however, was mine. One of the many properties I owned around Nottingham and rented out to students. Lisa, my daughter, and her old school pal Ellie had...

Straight Sex
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A dream like torture

This story is my fantasies about some of the known figures and this is posted with best intentions to show proper respect to all of them. Human mind is strange and thank God such fantasies are indeed fantastic. Somebody has put her in a strange position to torture me. She is generally known as a sexy Pakistani actress. Lets call her Rehana...sounds much like Rihanna - the singer actress, so if your dirty mind wants to visualize Rihanna, you may do so as well! I have been captured by a terrorist...

4 years ago
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Ma Aur Sas Ki Chudai

Hello friends , mai ravi from Ahmadabad. Isse pehle mene meri sass aur meri wife ki chudai ke bare me bataya aj me apne sass, ma ,wife aur mere sale ki story ke bare me likhane wala ho. Jaisa ki ap sab log jante hai meri wife ka nam gudiya hai hai aur wo 27 yrs. Ki hai wo chudai me bahut hi mast hai aur me usko khoob chodta ho. Meri sas jo ki 54 sal ki hai wo kafi moti hai aur meri ma jiska nam sarala hai wo 52 sal ki hai aur thodi sawali hai, uski saize 38-32-40 hai uski gand bahut hi mast...

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Cryin in the Rain Conclusion

Hey Folks, what a week! The first and most important thing I have to do is to thank everyone who read the story. I have to thank those of you who wrote to me afterwards even more. The number of e-mails I had gotten before lunchtime last Thursday was staggering. I continued getting them until ... Crap I got another one this morning just before I posted the ending. Every one of you who told me what they thought should happen had great ideas. I wish I could have written five different endings to...

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