WeaklingChapter 7: Back To... free porn video

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Saturday morning, a day after grandma’s funeral. I wake up at 4am and I head out for my morning run. There were many people at grandma’s funeral. She was buried beside my grandfather. After the funeral, Peggy took me to see Mr. Buckley. Peggy has been a great help. She helped coordinate grandma’s funeral with the lawyers, that were according to her Will and has checked on me every day and brought me food.

Mr. Buckley assured me that grandma has taken great care of me and I have nothing to worry about. Her Will is going to be read today at 1pm at the ‘Buckley and Maw’ law firm, where I will learn my fate.

After my run, I work out, take a shower, and make breakfast. It feels weird eating breakfast by myself. The whole week has been lonely in this huge house. Now I know how grandma felt after my grandfather died. All alone in a huge house. That makes me hate my mother even more for not being the daughter that grandma needed.

At twelve thirty, Peggy picks me up and we head to the law office. The drive is silent until Peggy pulls into the parking lot, parks the car, and grabs my hand. I have a lot of respect for Peggy. She was one grandma’s friends and has taken care of me all week.

“Your grandmother loved you and was very proud of you,” she starts. “She was so happy when your mother sent you here to live. She locked herself up in that house after your grandfather died. You made her last year on this earth a very happy one.” She pauses and takes a deep breath. “I asked Charles if I could take custody of you, but he told me that there is a stipulation in your grandmother’s Will of who will be your legal guardian since your mother doesn’t want the responsibility.” I cringe as I think of my mother. We get out of the car and walk inside. It’s déjà vu as we get into the elevator. We are led into a conference room. Unlike last time, there are only a few people. My heart stops when I see my mother sitting there with a smug look on her face. My mother who sent me here, because she did not want to deal with me. If she could be here today for the reading of the Will, then why couldn’t she attend her own mother’s funeral? I am mad as I sit on the other side of the room not wanting to be around her. Charles Buckley walks in, sits at the desk, and opens a folder.

“Margaret Meeks and George Shields,” he addresses us. You have been asked to attend the reading of the Will, because both of you are listed in Emily Shield’s ‘Last Will and Testament’.” He reads some stuff that I’m sure is legal jargon, because I didn’t understand a word he said.

“George Shields,” he continues. “My loving grandson, who I cherish more than anything on this earth. I leave my estate and everything in it. I want you to enjoy it as much as your grandfather and I have. I leave all monies in my trust fund from the sell of the business that your grandfather and I started, to include all stocks and bonds that are tied to my old business, which will stay in a trust fund and managed by Buckley and Maw until you are of legal age.”

“That bitch,” mom blurts out before Mr. Buckley can continue. I stand up to give her a piece of my mind, when Peggy pulls me back down in my seat as mom looks at me in fear.

“Margaret Meeks,” Mr. Buckley says, ignoring mom’s outburst and continues reading. “I leave five million dollars with the following stipulations. One, that you be a loving mother to George, YOUR son. You take him home with you and give him the love and attention that a MOTHER should give her son. Two, the money will be held until George turns eighteen and only if you meet the number one stipulation.” I look over at mom, who is as surprised as I am. That’s what grandma was talking about. She knows how money hungry my mother is so she had that written into her Will. I’m not sure that I like that, because how do I know her love is real or if she’s doing it for the money.

“Margaret,” Mr. Buckley continues reading. “Give George a chance and you will love him as much as I do.” The room is silent as Mr. Buckley closes the folder. “George your estate will be taken care of through the money in your trust since you will be moving back with your mother. It is also in your grandmother’s Will that your current allowance of three hundred dollars a month will be deposited into your account and if any other money is needed then you can contact Mr. Elliott, who is also handling your ownership of ‘Camp Zion’.” I see mom look at me with her mouth hanging open as Mr. Buckley continues.

“Mrs. Meeks, Please remember that you do not get a penny until George turns eighteen, and that George has to prove that you were a good loving parent to him, and your conduct will be monitored by our office,” Mr. Buckley adds.

After the reading of the Will, everyone leaves the room so that my mother and me could talk. We sit in awkward silence as I decide to talk.

“I need to stay for a couple weeks to clean the house and cover everything up,” I say as mom nods looking at the ground still in shock. “I also need to go to ‘Camp Zion’ in July. Please don’t tell anyone of my inheritance,” I plead as mom nods again. I want to know who my real friends are and if the word gets out that I’m a multi-millionaire, then I will never know who my true friends are.

“I’ll have your room ready,” she says standing up and walking out as I take a deep breath.

The two weeks went by quick. I boxed up all of grandmas clothes and gave them to charity, which is what she would have wanted. I gathered her large collection of jewelry and put them in a safety deposit box, that Peggy helped me set-up. She also helped me hire a cleaning crew to come in and clean the house. I also asked John to keep taking care of my car until I turn sixteen and can come and get it.

I’m sitting in the living room, exhausted from the two weeks of work, when I hear the doorbell ring. I get up knowing that its probably Peggy bringing me something to eat. I open the door and see Katy. I forgot all about her. There was so much going on in my life that I forgot about my half sister.

“Soooooo...” She starts as I wait for the ass chewing to come. “You thought you could just up and leave your sister without saying goodbye.” I thought she was joking until I see tears coming out of her eyes. I pull her into a hug as we start crying in each other’s arms. I remember that she had a brother that she couldn’t come to terms that he was dead. I am the only brother she has and she is my sister. I will always take care of her.

“You drive I’ll buy,” I say releasing her.

“Burger bar,” she grins with tears still running down her cheeks. I remember her taking me there on Christmas break and telling me that it was her favorite place to eat.

“I want the half pound chili burger. And I want to eat the ‘all-you-can-eat-fries’ until I barf,” I say as Katy giggles.

“So, who is Dorothy Warner,” I ask shoving another French fry into my mouth as Katy thinks. I explain the oak tree where Thomas wanted his ashes spread, and what I read.

“Dad’s high school sweet heart and first wife. They grew up in Reno,” she says as the waiter brings our burgers. “They were married after they graduated high school and they went to college together. A year later, she died of cancer. After he graduated college, he bought ‘Camp Zion’. Rumor is, he bought the property to be close to that tree, which is where he spread her ashes.”

That’s why he wanted his ashes under that tree. I think for a minute wondering how a man that could turn from love to hate, Katy smiles knowing what I’m thinking.

“The rumors say that is when he became a mean person and decided to become a business tycoon. But through it all, he never sold ‘Camp Zion’.” I wonder if that was what my father wanted to share with me. Katy takes a gulp of her soda. “BUUUURRRPPP!”

“That’s a sissy belch,” I say as I take a gulp of my soda. “BUUUUUUUURRRRRPPP!”

We look at the other tables, who are staring as we giggle like a true brother and sister.

I get off the plane and see mom waiting in the terminal. Nothing is said as she follows me to baggage claim to get my duffle bag. I left a lot of my belongings at the mansion, because I plan to go back every three or four months to check on things, which Peggy recommended. I get my bag and follow mom out to the car as we head home in silence. Halfway home mom decides to break the silence.

“I called Willow Academy when I got back two weeks ago to get your transcripts and registered you for school next year here,” she starts. Then it hits me. I never got a chance to get everyone’s address and phone numbers and they don’t know that I’m not going to Willow Academy next year. Martina! Martina is going to be devastated. I make a mental note to call the school when it starts to leave a message for Martina. “I ran into Coach Barkley, who noticed that I was registering you for school next year. He was excited and asked me to make sure that you try out for the football team,” she finishes as there is another awkward silence.

I decide it’s time to get things settled. I don’t know how much mom knows about my life over the last year. She knows about me inheriting a business, but I’m not sure if she knows from where. I’m not sure if she knows about me finding my real father. Since we have another hour drive, I decide it’s time to get things straight.

“I know you don’t want me back,” I start as mom cringes keeping her eyes on the road. “But we are stuck with each other until I turn eighteen, which means we need to get along. And your little secret is safe with me. I wasn’t going to tell anyone anyway. What you do is your business not mine.” I pause for effect and then blurt it out. “I found out who my birth father was.” My body stiffens as mom almost drives us off the road. “And before you try to blame grandma, I found out on my own. Actually, Peggy and Todd told me. Grandma just validated it.”

I told her about meeting my half sister without the dirty details. And the chat I had with my father the Saturday before he died, and inheriting Camp Zion.

“I’m not looking for an explanation,” I continue. Mom has been silent during my rant. Probably trying to come up with an excuse. “I just wanted to let you know, that I know. So that maybe we CAN have a relationship without you hating me.” I finish my rant and nothing else is said the rest of the ride home.

I am sitting in my room after getting everything unpacked and organized. It looked like the room was untouched. I put my clothes away. I take my shirt off to get ready for a shower. I take the necklace off my neck and hold it in my hand. I read the writing on the heart ‘Martina’. I miss my soul mate. I hang the necklace on my night stand lamp and head to the shower.

After a shower, mom calls me down to dinner. I haven’t seen anyone, but mom since I’ve been back. My step dad was out golfing and Jenny is at a ‘School is out’ party since the school year for her ended yesterday. Mom warned me that Jenny was bringing her friends back to have a sleep over in the basement. I’m assuming the warning was meant to keep me away from Jenny and her friends.

Dinner was another awkward silence between my mother and I as we eat pizza. My step dad tried to keep the conversation going. Asking me how I’m doing and how everyone missed me. Bull-shit, but I kept silent.

I wake up the next morning at four and head out for my morning run. I run longer than usual, because I know that I don’t have a weight room. After an hour, I find myself at the high school football field where I run wind sprints for thirty minutes. Then I do pushup and sit-ups until 7am and head home.

I get home and see a note from mom on my desk. I pick it up and read it.

Your father and I are spending the day with friends. Mow the lawn

I’ve been gone almost a year and nothing has changed. I crumble the letter up, throw it in the trash can, and head downstairs to mow the lawn.

I do love doing yard work. Almost as much as running and playing football. One good thing about coming back is that I get to play football. Two hours later, I finish and head up to my room. I walk into my room and see someone in there standing by my bed with her back to me. A little over 5’5”, petite, long red hair with a tight athletic ass. Wearing tight pajama bottoms and a tank top. What caught my attention, was that she is holding my pillow and has her face buried in it, and sniffing it.

I am speechless wondering why this girl is in my room sniffing my pillow. She place the pillow back on my bed and turns around, when she notices me standing in the doorway.

“AAAAAHHHHGGGG!” She screams grabbing her chest as I try to hold in my laughter, because I scared the shit out of her.

“What the fuck Deana,” I say after recognizing her. Deana the girl I first met last year at a party after she moved here from California. I had a mad crush on her, but when Tracy put dibs on me she started dating Kevin, “Why are you in my room.”

“I ... Um ... I,” she stutters sitting on my bed in frustration. “Jenny told us that you were coming back.” I didn’t ask her why she was in my room again, because I didn’t want to embarrass her anymore than what she was. “Who is Martina,” she asks pointing at the heart necklace hanging on my lamp with a hint of jealousy in her voice. Apparently, she must have been in here for awhile snooping.

I hold back tears thinking of Martina. “A very ... very good friend,” I say sitting beside her. I remember being told by Jenny and a few other girls that Deana had a crush on me, but Tracy had told everyone to back off. We sit in silence for a moment.

“I better get back down stairs before I’m missed,” she says nervously as she stands up to leave. Before she steps out the door she turns and gives me a light smile. “It’s good to see you again George.”

After another awkward dinner, this time with Jenny not talking. I am sitting in my room, when the door slams open. I don’t look up from the book I’m reading knowing who it is.

“Soooo...” She starts as I look up and take notice. She is wearing a halter top and tight blue jean shorts. She has grown since the last time I saw her. She is a little taller. Her waist has slimed and her hips flared and sporting a set of b-cups. “Are you okay now?” I look at her confused. Okay NOW. I dread to ask what she is talking about. “Mom said she sent you to a boarding school, because you tried to kill yourself again.”

So that’s the tactic mom used to justify my sudden disappearance. “And I’m assuming that’s what you told everyone at school,” I say with venom already knowing the answer.

“I had to tell them,” she defends as I sigh knowing what I’m going to have to deal with at school. “You suddenly disappear from school and I’m the one being asked where you are. The football seniors were bugging me for answers, because they were counting on you to bring them to a state championship. Which they never even made it to the playoffs,” she mocks. “They think you abandoned them.”

“Oh, and this is for you. She gave it to me to give to you before she moved to Germany,” she says throwing an envelope at me and storming out of my room before I can give her my side of the story.

I open the envelope and read it.


I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to thank you for the date. I had a great time and I wished that we could have gotten to know each other more. Take care and I wish you the best.


I remember Matilda. The girl that I took to the Homecoming dance before I was sent away. Her father is an Air Force pilot and Matilda warned me that they would be moving soon.

Two weeks later and it is the end of June. I kept to myself. Going out only to run and do yard work. Jenny has not brought any of her friends over, which doesn’t bother me. I am in my room loading my duffle bag, when the door slams open. The first thing I’m going to do when I get back, is buy a fucking lock.

“My boyfriend wants to know if you’re going to try out for football in August,” Jenny asks. Boyfriend? “Mike Wallace. He wants you to try out for football. He said that he has a chance to make varsity this year, because the only other quarterback is Trevor Lockland.” I remember Trevor. He was a sophomore last year and played second string varsity. Coach Barkley was training him to take over for Jeremy, who graduated this year. Trevor is really good.

“Yes,” I say as Jenny looks at my duffle bag and I wait for the question that I know is coming.

“Where are you going,” she asks.

“Camp,” I say keeping it short wanting to get her nosey ass out of my room.

“What camp,” she counters as I sigh.

“Football camp,” I lie grabbing her arm and shoving her out of my room before she can ask any more questions.

I wake up at 4 am in my cabin. It is July first and I arrived at Camp Zion at 10 pm last night by bus. It’s good to know that it is only an eight hour bus ride maybe faster by car, which is good to know since I get my driver’s license in November.

I walk to the lodge and into the gym. I’m surprised to see Mike Walker with four other guys. It looks as if he is training them.

“George, come on in and welcome back,” Mike says shaking my hand. “Join the class,” he says as I nod to everyone. “So pick a goal for the summer.”

“I want to get ready for football tryouts in mid August,” I say as he nods. “I’m trying out for tight end and wide receiver.”

“Speed and endurance,” Mike starts. “While working your upper body to give and receive hits.” Mike leads me out of the gym and to the swimming pool. I pull my shorts off to reveal my swim trunks. “Great. I’m going to start you with ten laps a day.” I’m not much of a swimmer, but I trust Mike to train me. “This will build endurance and work the muscle that you never knew you had.”

I stagger back into the weight room breathing heavy after my ten laps as Mike gets me going on some weights. I’m glad that Mike is going to help. This will give me an advantage at tryouts. I remember last year and how everyone was out of shape.

After my work out, I head back to my cabin. I notice people are getting up and are out and about. I see families either heading for the lodge or off to the trails with back packs to go hiking. I get into my cabin, and dress. I put on the employee t-shirt that Mike told me to wear. Mike told me that his parents want me to meet them in their office at 10an and to walk around and get familiar with the area until then.

After breakfast, I walk around the camp enjoying the view. Bikinis, tight shorts, and tanned bodies. A smorgasbord for a horny fifteen year old boy. I am walking when I hear someone yelling.

“New employee!” I’m not paying attention when I’m grabbed by the shoulder. I turn around and see a girl around my age 5’10” with curly strawberry blond hair pulled back in a ponytail and sky blue eyes. I can’t tell how her body looks, because it’s hidden under loose fitted jeans and a large employee t-shirt that has the Camp Zion logo on it. “You didn’t hear me calling you,” she barks with a very snotty attitude that reminds me of my step sister Jenny. “You need to come with me.”

I give her a stern look. I am pissed off at the way she is talking to me. “Who are you and why do I need to come with you,” I ask with venom already hating her attitude.

“You don’t worry about who I am,” she blurts out clearly upset that I won’t follow orders. “My parents are the managers here and if you don’t do as I say, I will have you fired. Now follow me.” Now I remember Mrs. Walker telling me that she has a daughter my age and works here during the summer. I decide to play along and follow the snotty bitch.

I follow her down by the lake to a small building. We walk in and it is a storage building with inflatable rafts, inner tubes, beach balls, and volley balls.

“There’s the air hose,” she points. “Make sure everything is inflated.” She storms out as I start working. After I finish, I decide to walk to the lodge to my ten o clock meeting. I get up the stairs and see David Walker.

“George welcome back,” he says shaking my hand. “During summer when we have a lot of events going on, so we have staff meetings every Monday to discuss the week’s events.” He leads me down the hall to the conference room where I see Becky Walker and Mike.

“George, welcome back,” she says giving me a light hug. “Have a seat at the table.” I sit beside Mike as he pats me on the back and smiles.

People start coming in as I recognize some from my first visit. I cringe as I see the bitch from this morning walk in. “Mom, I filled all the equipment with air like you asked and everything is ready,” she says sitting across from me as she sees me and her mouth drops open in surprise. I smirk and give her the bullshit look as she looks away.

Mr. Walker starts the meeting. “Before we get down to business,” he starts. “Some of us have already met the new owner of Camp Zion. George, please stand so that everyone can see you.” I stand as Mrs. Walker’s daughter gives me the look of death. “George will be staying with us until August to learn what we do so please welcome him and help him to learn.”

After the meeting, I stay back with the Walkers. “George, I would like you to meet my daughter Sylvia,” Mrs. Walker introduces. I hold out my hand as Sylvia puts her hands on her hips and scowls at me.

“Looks like he’s already met the ‘Ice Queen’,” Mike teases as Sylvia gives him a death glare.

It is Friday afternoon and I’m in the accounting office, where I spent the day. Mr. Walker has me on a training program, where I spend a day in each area. Yesterday was the Maintenance section, which was a lot of fun except for the call to unclog a stopped up toilet. I almost lost me lunch on that one.

Mike and I are becoming good friends. He let me tag along and help with one of the hiking tours that he conducts once a week. He is also training me every morning and pushing me hard. I am working muscles that I never knew I had.

Sylvia is avoiding me, which is a good thing. I don’t know if it’s because she hates me or because she’s embarrassed from what happened on Monday.

After I’m released from the accounting office, I decide to go to the lake and do some tubing to relax. I walk into the building and see Sylvia putting some equipment away as she scowls at me.

“What are you doing here,” she asks as I shake my head,

“I’m going to go be a teenager for the rest of the day,” I say as she scoffs. “And you’re coming with me. Are you wearing your swim suit under there?” She nods as I kick off my shoes and take my pants and shirt off and toss them in the corner. I am standing there in my swim suit as Sylvia is eye fucking my whole body. Stop drooling and let’s go, I say snapping her out of her trance.

I turn around and pull two inner-tubes off of the shelf and turn back around as my jaw drops to the ground. Sylvia is standing there in a yellow two piece swim suit. I am looking at her body for the first time. She has an athletic body, toned and tanned. B-cups with the longest sexiest legs that I have ever seen on a girl.

“Stop drooling and let’s go,” Sylvia teases as she tilts her head and smirks.

Sylvia leads the way as I stare at her sexy ass. And I’m not the only one staring. Sylvia is gorgeous and gets stares from men of all ages. We get to the lake and I drop the inner-tubes into the water.

“I have to tell you,” I say helping her on her inner-tube. “You are very beautiful. Every guy on the beach is staring at you.”

“You’re not my type,” Sylvia fires back as I jump onto my inner-tube and start paddling away. I am surprised by her come-back, because I was only giving her a compliment. “Plus, you can have any girl at this camp.” I look at her surprised. “All the girls are creaming their panties over you. Look at those three girls over there,” she points. I look at the beach and see three girls that look to be between sixteen and eighteen. One of the girls catches me looking as she smiles and waves at me. “I told you so,” Sylvia boasts as if she won some sort of debate.

We paddle along the shore-line away from the beach enjoying the heat of the sun and the quiet.

“So ... What’s your story ... Besides being a spoiled rich kid,” Sylvia asks as I frown. Just when I thought, she could actually be nice. I reach under her inner-tube and flip it over as Sylvia falls into the water. “AAAGGGHUFFF. Asshole.” Sylvia starts splashing water on me and then pulls me off my inner-tube as we both start laughing. At least I got a smile out of her.

After we get back on our inner-tubes, I answer her question. I tell her about my sad home life of being neglected and bullied. I tell her about my being sent to live with my grandmother and how I found my biological father.

“He died and left me Camp Zion,” I say. She hasn’t said a word as I continue. “Then, to top things off my grandmother dies and leaves me everything. Then I’m sent back home to my mom, until I’m eighteen.” I finish.

“Soooo ... You’re just a rich kid,” She says. “You’re not as bad as I thought you were.”

“Wow! Did you just give me a compliment,” I tease. “Just when I thought you was a bitch,”

Sylvia barks out a laugh. “Ice Queen,” she says as I look at her and wait for her to continue. “I’m the beautiful girl at school, who gets straight As and is known to be the stuck-up cheerleader that every decent guy thinks is out of his league and won’t give me the time of day.”

“Who is he,” I ask. knowing that she is talking about a certain guy.

“Jake Marsh,” she sighs. “He will be a sophomores next year. I’ve known him since elementary school, but he doesn’t give me the time of day and hangs out with the football jocks. But anyway I have friends and I enjoy school and work here during the summer. And I have great parents.

“I’d give up everything for loving parents,” I say ending the conversation.

It is Friday, the first week in August and the last weekend before I head back home next Friday. The Walkers have kept me busy learning the business. I spent the last two weeks helping in different areas. I helped Sylvia with some bon-fires, where we helped the kids make smores, and Mike let me lead a hike under his supervision. The last week was spent in the office with Becky and David, learning the important part, management. Where they showed me the planning and structure of running the business.

Sylvia and I are getting along and we have become friends. We hang out when we can, and I have learned to ignore her ‘I’m better than everyone else’ attitude.

Mike has gotten me into great shape. I am up to twenty five laps a day of swimming and my work-outs have been intense. I am now 6’1” and a hundred and ninety pounds. Mike told me that his friend’s brother asked them to spend some practice time with him and some other football players before two-a-day starts at the local high school to give them an advantage of making varsity. He asked me to join and said that it would be good for me.

It is 3pm, I’m heading out of the accounting office to bring the requested paperwork back to the Walker’s office. I hear Sylvia in there, and she doesn’t sound happy.

“That’s not fair,” Sylvia huffs as I stop in the hallway not wanting to interfere with family business. “We’ve always had my birthday party here, it’s my sweet sixteen tomorrow, and I’ve invited all my friends.”

“I told you, Sylvia. The owner is here and he may not approve.” Becky says.

Now I’m mad as I decide that this is my business now. I walk into the office and set the requested papers on David’s desk as the conversation stops. I see Mike sitting in a chair with David at his desk and Becky and Sylvia standing.

I stand in front of David’s desk. “Becky,” I address. “Do you remember my first visit here?” She nods as I pause for effect. “You told me that all of the employees are family. You also told me that I am now part of this family.” Becky nods remembering what she said. “Sylvia, if it’s okay with your parents, I would like to have your birthday party here. And since I didn’t know it is your birthday tomorrow, I will let you and your friends stay in a VIP cabin overnight.”

The room is silent as Becky wraps me up in a hug. “Thank you George,” she whispers in my ear.

Saturday morning, Mike and I pull into the parking lot behind the local high school. We get out of the car and I see a huge guy walking towards us.

“Hey pussy, you ready to go back to USC, after pounding your pud all summer,” he says to Mike.

“I got more pussy than you faggot,” Mike fires back as they do a chest-bump. “And we are going take USC all the way this year. George, this is Eddie Marsh, My best friend since kindergarten. He is our linebacker at USC.”

“Is this the guy you’ve been training all summer,” Eddie asks as I shake his hand and Mike nods. “Jake is on the field with the rest of the guys that want to work out. You take the offense, I’ll take the defense, and then later we can have a scrimmage.”

We get to the football field and I see only a handful of high school kids.

“All right guys, defense with me and offense with Mike,” Eddie barks.

I see six kids run to Mike and eight run to Eddie. Mike gets everyone situated into their positions, as close to what they want to try out for. There is only one that is going to try out for quarterback and the rest just fall in line.

Same as Weakling
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Twisted Throwback

=== Twisted Throwback === by Trismegistus Shandy This novel is set, with Morpheus' permission, in his Twisted universe. It's set about a generation later than his "Twisted," "Twisted Pink," etc. A somewhat different version was serialized on the morpheuscabinet2 mailing list in January-April 2014. Thanks to Morpheus, Maggie Finson, D.A.W., Johanna, and JM for beta- reading earlier drafts. Thanks to Grover, Paps Paw, and others who commented on the earlier serial. This work...

4 years ago
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Flashbacks"Here you go, safe at last: those awful people can't touch you here!" assured the good-looking brunette policewoman as her charge explored her new home. She kicked herself mentally as she saw the stunning blonde's gaze locked firmly on the handcuffs on her belt - standard police equipment, of course, but nothing but a liability on this very strange assignment: baby-sitting the former slave as she adjusted to life as a free woman again, keeping her safe until the trial.Jenny quickly...

3 years ago
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Permission given to post on Fictionmania and Crystals Story Site. Standard warning and disclaimer: All characters are fictional. If you see yourself, buy a new mirror. Contains subjects some people may find offensive. If you are one of them, why are you reading this? Protect your kids. If you are worried about them reading this sort of material, please censor free speech and use a safe surfing program such as net nanny. Or better yet, teach them early and lovingly to understand...

2 years ago
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caught in the backroom

Kevin Longquirt was supposed to be doing inventory in the backroom of Warden Automotive parts. Instead he was rubbing his cock through his jeans while thumbing through an old porn magazine. He had found the dirty magazine hidden in the bottom of a dusty old filing cabinet. Kevin was a thin, sinewy 18-year-old with dark black hair and green eyes. He had played football on the high school varsity team and had developed a strong and lean body. What he lacked in bulk he made up in speed and...

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The man twisted the business card between his fingers with a terrible sensation in the pit of his stomach, like waves crashing against the rock he’d always considered his marriage to be; erosive powers eating away at it. He was in a car, his wife’s car. He’d only borrowed it because his own needed repair work. Forgetting for a moment that it wasn’t his car, he’d stuck his hand into the pocket in the door, and instead of a clock disc, he’d found a business card.BIG DICK McSHAGSATISFACTION AND...

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The Quarterback

I have always liked traditions. Christmas and Thanksgiving traditions. Graduation traditions. All kinds, really. A new tradition I got into was the one in my first year at college, when I was a cheerleader. It seems that the tradition there was that when there was a new cheerleader on the squad, the quarterback of the team was to have sex with her after the first football game of the season. Yes, I was the new cheerleader.I enjoyed sex. I had had my share of experience - at least. And I...

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I guess I was pretty clueless when I went to work at Thaxter’s. I knew it was a gay bar and all, but I assumed today’s gay bars weren’t that different from straight ones. I definitely didn’t expect getting hung from the fly loft like a random piece of meat. But apparently there’s a first time for everything.I should probably back up and say I was always a theater geek. You know the type: the guy who spent his teen years playing Troy in High School Musical, though he was really lusting after Zac...

Gay Male
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I Dream of Demie 10 The Cutback

--- I Dream of Demie 10 - The Cutback (MFF, caution, interr, magic, mc, oral, impreg?) by Krosis of the Collective --- 'We need to talk.' Those are some of the most dread-inducing words you can hear, or read for that matter, since they were written on the note that I found behind my apartment door. It was signed by Erica. She was my neighbor from down the hall. A few weeks ago I had pulled her into my apartment, thinking she was Demie trying to fool me with her shapechanging power, and...

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I started watching zoo porn and reading stories about human's and dog's as well as humans with other animals not that long ago. My cock gets incredibly hard when I see or read about a woman sucking or fucking a horse, or getting fucked or sucking off a dog. Tho I have seen a guy fuck a chicken and laughed my ass off. I remember thinking, how small is his dick that he could fuck a hen. So like I said, I recently started watching zooporn and liking it. I don't know how many load's of cum I...

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Wifes Birthday bonepaybacks

This happened about 18 months after I caught my wife with Butch our shepard and black mailed her into being my sex slut. It was Friday and Judith asked if we could go out and I said sure it would be fun to go out for some drinks. Judith dressed in a pink half bra and a thong, thin white bottom up blouse and a short black skirt with black heeled boots. Her double D tits sat nicely in her bra and their dark nipples shown through her blouse, she was hot and damn lovely as always. She...

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199394 Homeback

1993-94: Homeback Confidential Not much sex in the first part of this story. Much more feelings than fuckings, as this is an account of my return home after Operation ‘Restore Hope’ in Somalia. It was the moment in which I experienced the strongest feelings ever, the real turning point in my life. The story starts in October 1993 in the burning desert of central Somalia, and ends after New Years Eve in the cold and wet Dutch winter. We were close to the end of our turn of Mission. 76th Mech...

2 years ago
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Ninas Joke Backfires

38 year old Nina was in bed and heard the shower start up. This was going to be great she thought. She had doctored 18 year old Megan’s shampoo with colour, a bright red. It would last for days. Nina listened for the inevitable shriek. Megan would be so embarrassed with her red hair. It would only be another moment but just then Megan passed her bedroom door and Nina realised it wasn’t Megan in the bathroom. Then who was she wondered? There was only her Mum in the house. Then it hit her. Mum...

4 years ago
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My Fetish for Barebacking

If any of you have read about my other sexpereinces by now you know I like fucking strangers bareback. I developed this "fetish," if you will, from reading stories about it on some of the adult sites I frequented and in various online groups and bulletin boards. I figured most of it was fantasy. But it was a fantasy that I could not get out of my head. Anyway, I started going on adult dating sites and perusing CL to see if I could actually find women that wanted to do this with me ...When I...

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“This has got to be the sickest stunt us Delts have ever pulled,” Phoebe whispered. “Poor Colleen.”“Shh,” Brooke said. She watched Colleen through the gauzy curtain surrounding the bed.“I mean it,” Phoebe said. “I could puke. How can she stay so cool?”“Because she’s Colleen,” Brooke snapped sotto voce. “She’s our president and she’s got Delta in her genes. Mother. Sister. Grandmother. All chapter presidents too, you know. In this very house.”“This very house we’re gonna loose.”“We are not...

2 years ago
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A Booty Call Backfires

To men, women are fascinating creatures. Intriguing, unfathomable and, perhaps most importantly – formidable. Most of the time, they're one step ahead of us. They know how to get what they want. Usually they can convince us it's what we wanted all along. Guys catch on eventually. Usually after it’s too late to do anything about it. But every now and then, a guy outsmarts a girl. Or does he? In my senior year of college, after two years of putting in my time on the staff of my college newspaper,...

College Sex
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Phone Sex Backfires

Sex with us was always good, light hearted and most of all fun. My husband always said that good sex is a equal measure of moans and laughter. Toss in some screams and it’s great sex. We also enjoyed being pretty wound up, meaning a dirty text during the day or a sexy note found in your lunch or pocket. It’s those little things that feeds the fire. We were also not against making it hurt, as in wrong time to do such. This story was one of those times that took on a life of its own. One which...

3 years ago
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Anitas Backdoot

Anita’s backdoorThat summer time Anita and I accepted our friends Cecilia and Peter’s idea for sharing a vacation week with them at a nice Bahamas resort.The first two days we spent mostly of the time lounging by the pool, swimming and relaxing in the sun. During the day the pool was mostly crowded, but in the evening we noticed that the place became a desert paradise for lonely people.On the third evening, after dinner, Ana and I came back to our room to relax. Suddenly she told me she would...

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Caught FUCKING my Chinese Girlfriend in the backse

This is a true story and I’ve accompanied it with some pictures in my gallery – so please take a look!LiuChen was one of my Chinese girlfriends. I was her first lover and I busted her virginity in the backseat of my Ford Expedition. It was quite hard laying atop her body and penetrating her on that stiff bench seat, but I managed. She and I didn’t live close together so I didn’t like having to take her to my house, fuck and then take her back home where her retired parents resided. Every now...

3 years ago
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Aunty Revenge Hitback

Hi you all have read the last story aunty three plus one where I found the boys fucking my daughter and then they fucked me in my own home and my daughter at the same time. I am not writing more stories as am not getting more comments from you guys. So please encourage me to tell you more about my past.I was really angry on them and wanted to take revenge. So I thought of a plan and decided to make mihir and jatin ( my student/ master) to fight. So I bought slutty clothes and called jatin that...

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A coach and a quaterback

Jack sat on the bed his back against the head board. Now the head coach for his high school football team, and at 25, his years of sports and gym training left him with a hard hairy muscular body. At 6 feet his shoulders were broad and hard as steel. Big guns and thick muscled forearms. Hard chiseled pecs. Sexy cut abs with a dark trail of brown fur leading all the way to his dense pubic bush. Jack liked the way he looked with a slight 5 o'clock shadow so he managed to always keep that sexy...

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Remix Chapter 1 Backbeat

Remix, Chapter 1: Backbeat By Brevdravis The first thing that James noticed was the stiffness in the right side of his face. As he opened his eyes, the pull of the skin along his cheek caused slight pain when the scabs upon it tugged. Judging from the amount of hardness along his face, he realized he must have torn the flesh from at least half of it. He began to open his mouth, feeling the small scrapes of metal on the inside of his lips. Braces, twisted and protruding, which...

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Pregnancy risk sex goes beyond simple barebacking

Reciprocal NeedsPregnancy risk sex goes beyond simple barebacking.Barebacking is basically a selfish, lazy thing -- don't want to wear a condom, and just want to appeal to one's own pleasure. One can bareback with birth control, and not risk pregnancy (or at least, lower the risk).Pregnancy risk sex requires stalking the woman and getting familiar with her menstrual cycle, and watching carefully for signs of ovulation. It also requires arguing against birth control, so you know she's fertile....

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Switchback By DreamWeaver A Sequel to "Paprikash" One of the benefits of being a high school teacher was always the fact that I got the summers off. This allowed me a chance to do some writing for history journals, and sometimes for the local newspaper. I was considered something of an expert on the history of our town and county, and the summer I turned 41, I had been commissioned to write a series for the newspaper. It was a...

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Ninas Joke Backfires

38 year old Nina was in bed and heard the shower start up. This was going to be great she thought. She had doctored 18 year old Megan’s shampoo with colour, a bright red. It would last for days. Nina listened for the inevitable shriek. Megan would be so embarrassed with her red hair. It would only be another moment but just then Megan passed her bedroom door and Nina realised it wasn’t Megan in the bathroom. Then who was she wondered? There was only her Mum in the house. Then it hit her. Mum...

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Making a Point about Backgammon

Making a Point about Backgammon Ashley B. D. Zacharias When Craig answered the phone, he immediately recognized Leslie’s voice. ?I haven’t heard from you for a while,? he said, somewhat tentatively. He had been wondering if he had crossed the line the last time he assisted her. She had a habit of playing backgammon online and punishing herself when she lost. He sometimes oversaw her punishments to ensure her safety. The last time she had lost badly and, though her self-imposed punishment had...

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The Cruel Game of Backgammon

The Cruel Game of Backgammon by Ashley B. D. Zacharias?Why backgammon?? ?Because it has been called a cruel game and I want to play a cruel game.? Leslie smiled at her friend. ?It’s cruel because you’re going to give yourself a penalty for losing?? Craig frowned in return. ?No. The game is cruel in itself.? ?How can backgammon be cruel apart from your self-imposed penalties? It’s just a dice game.? ?It’s cruel because of the element of chance. There’s a lot of strategy behind backgammon, but if...

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Briannas Backdraft

There was a fire in me, and it took four of them to put it out. I played along with my husband’s sermon about me being a bad girl who needed this “punishment.” He was like a priest wanting to exorcise the demons out of me. I just wanted to close my mind, free myself of any pride, open my legs, and enjoy the pillaging these boys were about to commit on my body.Julian wanted me humble and hesitant, I guess. That’s probably why he was frowning as I danced my little butt off for the boys at his...

Wife Lovers
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Sexpionage 3 Blowback

'Blowback' is a term originating from within the Central Intelligence Agency, explaining the unintended consequence and unwanted side-effects of a covert operation. Reflecting signs of a rapprochement between Belarus and the USA, both countries had recently appointed diplomatic ambassadors to one another. Russia had stopped the energy talks but there was clearly a more determined intent to develop a mutual understanding between the USA and the Russian Federation’s near...

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babysitters Revenge Backfires

Jeana lies down on her bed flustered while scrolling through her Instagram feed, trying to get her mind of her coming week. Thanks to her loving mother, Jeana now was forced to babysit a little twerp named David; for an entire fortnight. Jeana scrolls from picture to picture looking at all the fun she could be having over Her summer holiday. Not to mention that she had spent the last few months going to the gym, enduring the constant stares from the 'chads' who roam the gym like they own it; at...

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Amas Paranormal Quickies 2 Greyback

Ama after her experience in her new house. Became a junkie. Addicted to paranormal sex. It took her a few weeks of digging but she believed she found another haunted location that would suit her... needs. She found an abandoned road where many women have claimed they were raped by a confederate ghost. She did research and found out a confederate unit was attacked by general Sherman located by the Mississippi. And one of many skirmish’s. She studied the geography and found the road was...

1 year ago
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The Backpacker

I loved the wide open roads of this land, far different from the roads back home where your views are hidden by hedgerows. The furthest one can see is about a hundred yards without seeing a house or habitation somewhere. Here one can see as far as the horizon with the road disappearing into space and not a sign of life either side. One has to be careful walking Australian roads, for drivers have a bad habit of trying to knock down walkers and cyclists. That is why there are so many bodies...

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Many thanks to techsan for editing this story. My name is Tommy Janson and I'm regarded as an average Scandinavian man. Earlier in this year in my early forties, I saw myself to be a man without any personal problems, living in a happy marriage when the events, which got me to write this story, began to happen. At least in my own opinion, I couldn't by any reason be regarded as some kind of wimp though I began to realize that my wife ruled an increasing part of our lives. Much of it was my...

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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 26 Backslide

"I can not believe I am here at the library on a Friday afternoon," said Jessie. "I know. Pretty depressing, isn't it?" said Karen Laskovich "I feel like that preppie boyfriend of mine," grumbled Jessie. "So, how is Crash?" "Crash is great. It's just too bad I won't get to see him this weekend. He's got some sort of family thing tomorrow, won't make it to Nickie's party." "So," Karen smiled, "after all the shit you've given Sophia, how's it feel to have bagged a...

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A WellLived Life 3 Book 1 SuzanneChapter 5 Blowback

March 4, 2000, Chicago, Illinois “Good morning, Sensei Steve!” Miyu said when I walked into the dojo on Saturday morning. “Good morning, Miyu. Are you ready for your final test?” “The final test is when we pass from this world to the next,” she replied. “Your lessons with Kaito seem to be going well.” “They are. You were right about that, too.” “You were very much off balance in every way, Miyu-chan. Now you are centered, and I’m pleased to call you my friend, in addition to my student....

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Or Die AloneChapter 3 Blowback

Boyd awoke to freezing cold, taking in a sharp breath of the frigid air and feeling a burning in his chest. His ears were ringing and he couldn’t remember where he was, did he have a concussion? He tried to sit up, but the pain was too great, and he collapsed backwards into the snow. Snow? As his vision cleared he saw a dark sky, snowflakes floating through the air, his breath freezing into clouds of sparkling crystals. His breathing was coming in wheezing gasps, something was wrong, the...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 363 The Home Team Fights Back

Wednesday, June 6, 2007 The second battle in our war was going to be at Beale Air Force Base. According to the very helpful Wikipedia, it's the USAF's (US Air Force's) largest UAV operations center, almost certainly where the UAV that had taken out Mom and Dad's bedroom had been operated from and out of [half right, as it'd been operated from a Northrop Grumman's facility in LA]. The Government, media and public would recognize the appropriateness of the Guardian Angel's...

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Gold MountainChapter 18 Lashback

“Good morning, Alpine-Colorado office of acquisitions and permits. How may I help you?” Marjean Foster answered. She struggled to maintain a neutral, friendly tone. Her secretary said the caller refused to identify himself but insisted that the call was most urgent. The moment the man on the other end spoke, Marjean’s hand clenched the handset so tightly her fingers cramped. She felt a premonition of fear. “You were told specifically never to call us,” she snarled, glancing to her open...

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One Backpage! A website where you can buy anything. From a motorcycle to the hottest female escorts in town. Yes, this place has it all, and it’s called OneBackPage.com, though we’re probably going to focus on the adult part of the website here. I know that you guys are here to fuck some chicks and not to look for restaurants to dine in, and you know that I always work in favor of my wonderful audience. And when I say wonderful, I mean you bunch of greasy fat bastards.All sorts of escorts and...

Escort Sites
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Are you ready for some Black Payback? Before you answer that, I should warn you this ain’t your typical premium interracial site. They say that payback is a bitch, but I’d argue that the girls on the receiving end of these BBCs are more worthy of the name. If you’re looking for tales of romantic jungle fever, you’re wandering around in the wrong part of the hood. This is hardcore sexual payback, end of story. Get ready for some motherfucking reparations.BlackPayback.com has been hawking their...

Premium Interracial Porn Sites
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Yes Backpage! The younger folks among you might not recognize this name just yet, but I’ll school you. No worries. The older among you probably remember the original Backpage. It used to be a classifieds website that was entirely free to use and featured all kinds of used carburetors and washing machines. Yes, you could purchase someone else’s worn socks at a premium and even find a decent tailor in your area to finally fix that oversized zipper that’s hanging over where your bulge should be....

Escort Sites
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Backpage Pro! Are you longing for the touch of a woman? Or maybe a man? Transexual? Whatever way you swing, it can be hard to find a professional to deliver the kind of sexual services that will get you off. In fact, it’s twice as hard if you live in the fucking United States!But Backpagepro wants you to put those days behind you. That’s right: Backpage is back! Well, sort of. This website aims to make finding a servicer a thing of the past. Whether they succeed or not, well, that’s entirely...

Escort Sites
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BACKLASH BY Vrykolakas Scot hit the enter key for the last timethat day--at least, in an officialcapacity. He rose to his feet, pushing back his wheeled chairand stretching,all in one flowing series of motions. He was proud of his strength, all thosehours of martial arts; looked like something was finally paying off. His legstrength alone could kick out a fire-door. He brushed back a few stubborn locksof hair from his eyes, and grabbed for his jacket and keys. It was time togo. Food, a...

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Little Miss Breeder gets a new life in the outback

Little Miss Breeder gets a new life in the outbackThe lovely slut from Rochester, MN didn't understand what had happened. At 31, she was fit, gorgeous, and completely in control of her life, until that horrible night in April. She had come home, jumped in the shower, toweled off and walked into her bedroom, shocked to see me sitting on her bed, naked with a throbbing, deeply veined erection. Their were four young girls in the room as well, all dressed in black latex; they clearly would not be...

2 years ago
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Revenge of the Quarterback

REVENGE OF THE QUARTERBACK by Long Tall MaryMy name is Jeff and it had been nearly three years since my ordeal at the hands of a sadistic Syracuse area dominatrix. The full story has been written previously but I’ll briefly recount what took place.I was 18 at the time and a star high school quarterback, when I succumbed to the fantasy of submitting to a dominatrix. Through the Internet, I met and arranged a session with a dominatrix, whose first name is Mary. She was insistent that I dress as a...

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I Dream of Demie 12 Backfire

--- I Dream of Demie 12 - Backfire (MF, anal, magic, oral, reluc) by Krosis of the Collective --- I woke to the feeling of my dick being sucked. "Demie..." I moaned. Damn, that demon was insatiable! "Mm mmm..." someone hummed a negative into my member, which felt strange but also good. I sat up. Kate the witch in her new brown-haired and curvy 18-year-old body was sucking on me...and she was naked. "Kate, what...?" Her lips smacked as she opened her mouth to talk. "Please, Tom,...

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Revenge Can Sometimes Backfire

Revenge Can Sometimes Backfire! By Miranda C. Rose Here it is another Friday night and Lisa Stevenson had to work overtime as usual, she could always use some extra money in this tight economy. Now Lisa's husband Peter would always take advantage of his wife working overtime and slip off to the bar. Where he would meet up with Michelle Lederman, a woman he has been is having an affair for the last year or so. Michelle 26 years old; 5'7" has a big pair of double D's extra...

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Bookmark Backfire

Bookmark Backfire By Missy Satinpanties It was a story on Fictionmania that got me in trouble. BIG trouble! Okay, actually it was a whole bunch of stories, and a few videos, but that last story was the killer! I'll explain it to you. It seems as though I wasn't as clever as I thought I was, and my wife of 2 years was able to see my browsing history anytime she wanted. You see, when we met, she was THE computer and IT guru at the brokerage, and I was the Golden Boy. While most...

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PAYBACK   PAYBACK!ByAnne Gray(Illustrated by Dan) ?Well welcome back to the land of the living Jessica.? I stood in front of the girl as she finished coming out of the drugged stupor and struggled to sit upright on the loveseat.? Her wrists, covered in long kid gloves, were crossed and firmly bound behind her back.? More white cord around her ankles, just above the black pumps with 4? heels, held her legs together.?? All very basic, but effective. As she shook her head to try and clear...

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This is the sequel to ‘I Warned You.’ I hope you enjoyed it and didn’t take it seriously. There is only a mention of sex in this story. I decided to keep it in the category of the first story for consistency. Please don’t take either of these stories seriously. There is no permanent damage done to anyone. Just read and enjoy. ***** Payback For those of you who read about what my wife did to me in the story ‘I Warned You,’ I’m here to let you know that I did not go gentle into that good...

4 years ago
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Betrayal and Payback

Betrayal and PaybackThe Setting:Southern California, in and around the Los Angeles area.Part 1 - The Betrayal"That's the way - suck my clit you miserable little slut - make me cum - that's it."Gail had arrived home early that day. She noticed Paula's pick-up truck in the driveway. These were the sounds she heard emanating from the back bedroom."YES - AHHH - Let me feel your tongue you little cunt."Gail recognized Paula's voice."Lick it up - slave - lick it all up."Gail froze in her tracks as...

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Danielle Quarterback

Bryan and Danielle’s parents had been neighbors since before the either of the kids were born. Danielle was the first born of eight children (3 sisters and four brothers. Bryan was the first born of five children (3 sisters and one brother). The families lived in the country and very quickly became friends. It became natural for the parents to baby sit for each other’s children. Both sets of parents were active in the PTA and as the children grew both sets of parents spent considerable amounts...

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The Quarterback

The Quarterback A Short Story By Maryanne Peters I played nose tackle, primarily on defense, but as guard for blocking on offence as well. I guess that means I am a versatile player. Anyways, I did OK and got a good run at pro-ball in my time. I had enough money to retire because my Mama put it all in the Bank. And besides, I do all right as a sales rep for a sporting goods company. I travel around and shake hands and talk about football. It is a good life, I guess. I still...

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BONDAGE FOR THE QUARTERBACK   by Long Tall MaryMy name is Jeff, I am 18 years old, and was the highest rated high school quarterback in all of Central New York. Jeff isn’t my real name and I’m not going to identify either the high school or college, where I was accepted at. Suffice to say it is outside of New York, and is one of the top ten NCAA football teams. I plan to major in physical education, and probably in my freshman year will be a back up quarterback, then as a sophomore I’ll be the...

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