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The man twisted the business card between his fingers with a terrible sensation in the pit of his stomach, like waves crashing against the rock he’d always considered his marriage to be; erosive powers eating away at it. He was in a car, his wife’s car. He’d only borrowed it because his own needed repair work. Forgetting for a moment that it wasn’t his car, he’d stuck his hand into the pocket in the door, and instead of a clock disc, he’d found a business card.


There could hardly be any doubt what the card was about. For a big man, Phil was less than adequately endowed in the one department every man believes really counts. It had always been a source of embarrassment to him, and though his wife was sweet and said that it was what he did with it that counted, her selection of toys hardly erred on the side of modesty.

He sat there a while, feeling physically ill. He’d never been a smoker, but he suddenly understood why some might feel a craving in times of stress. His wife! How could Emma do such a thing? He should have it out with her, of course, but there were so many conflicting feelings battling for supremacy. Having turned things over and over in his mind, he took out his mobile and dialled the number.

He didn’t like the sound of the man who styled himself “Big Dick”. Not only did he sound like a right chancer, he was also very guarded. “You understand, Phil,” he said. “I never divulge any information about who has or has not availed themselves of my services.”

Big Dick sounded as if he’d learned this line off the TV. “But what if it was your wife?” Phil demanded.

Big Dick gave a little chuckle. “Fortunately I’ve never been tempted to get hitched,” he said. “There are plenty of willing takers for my services, most of them married. A man gets a bit cynical after a while.”

Phil was astounded by the man’s effrontery. “But…”

“But there is nothing to say your wife… Emma, was it?”

“It is.”

“Emma… has ever been in touch. I’m not sparing with my business cards. They’re all over the place.”

That may well be the case. But Phil wasn’t so sure. At the back of his mind he was remembering… There was nothing to say Emma had phoned up Big Dick McShag, far less done anything, but Phil had been running things through his mind for a while now, and he just knew. Or rather, he felt that there might be a way to become certain. He was almost certain. There was something about Big Dick’s manner. However guarded he tried to be, it seemed to Phil that the man was gloating.

“Yes, I see,” he said. He was being eaten up inside as he took the plunge. “The thing is, Mr McShag…” How stupid was he actually calling the man that? “I want to make you a proposition.”

The call over, Big Dick McShag let out a huge sigh of relief. It wasn’t unknown for irate husbands to phone him up and give him a piece of their mind. Those calls he could handle. However many threats they made, no part of Big Dick McShag came close to his real name, and the number couldn’t be traced. He didn’t advertise openly, but word and his business cards spread easily enough. From that point of view he felt pretty safe. He just wished that some women weren’t so careless.

This, though… This proposition of Phil’s, this was in a whole other league. There was no way he was doing it the way Phil had suggested. The man was out of his mind. Still, the money was good – very good. It might be doable, but first he needed to make sure. He had calls to make.

Seven hours later, down the pub with a pint in front of him and his two mates Winston and Danny there, he was doing his best to bat away their reservations. “Trust me on this,” he said. “You know I don’t take risks.”

“I don’t know,” Winston said. “The dude sounds completely bonkers.”

“Some people, eh?” Danny chimed in.

Big Dick shrugged. “It takes all sorts…”

“What if it’s a set up?” Danny tried.

“There’s three of us,” Big Dick said. “Anyway, I’ll get assurances.”

“Assurances,” Danny said, mulling the word over. “I like that. I just think the whole thing is so out there that there’s got to be some catch.”

“Think about the money,” Big Dick said.

“What good’s the money if we land ourselves in hot water?” Winston said.

“We won’t.”

“How do you know?”

“Haven’t you been listening? Trust me. I’ve got it sorted just fine, but I need you two to be on board.” Big Dick took a sip of his pint. “Anyone would think you were being cagey about this because you don’t want to feel inferior.”

“There is that,” Winston agreed, nodding, a huge smile on his face. “I’m pretty pissed off to find that some white dude’s hung heavier than me”.

“Take it in your stride, Winston,” Big Dick said. “Anyway, it wouldn’t be the first time we’d got stuck into a bird, all three of us.”

“Is she a looker?” Danny asked.

Big Dick grinned wolfishly. They were with him. They just needed that extra encouragement “Fitter than you’d ever know,” he said. “And once she gets a cock inside her, she’s a loud one. Real dirty mouth on her, too.”

Winston and Danny looked at each other. There was still an air of doubt, but Big Dick knew they’d run out of objections. The game was on.

“Well, Phil,” Big Dick said. “All we need is for you to sign on the dotted line and we can get the show on the road.”

Phil read the document thoroughly, feeling the three men’s eyes on him. There was nothing to stop him from stopping this; nothing at all. He twiddled the pen between his fingers. He still didn’t like the man who called himself Big Dick. Normally he wouldn’t have trusted such a figure to empty his bin. Signing this piece of paper was foolhardy. If it ever came to light, his goose wouldn’t just be cooked, it would be burnt to a cinder. On the other hand, he doubted Big Dick would be keen to produce it under any circumstance whatsoever. Big Dick, who had called him back, proposing a change to the plan that almost gave Phil a heart attack; he wanted to bring his mates along. “That’s what you want, isn’t it, Phil? To teach the little lady a lesson?”

That wasn’t what Phil had wanted at all. He just wanted certainty, the flicker of recognition in his wife’s eyes. Somehow, Big Dick had managed to get under his skin. Teaching his wife a lesson wasn’t what he’d had in mind, but he’d found himself saying, “Yes, yes, of course.” He twiddled the pen again, before finally adding the required squiggle to the document.

“That’s step one,” Big Dick said as he folded the sheet of paper and slipped it into his inside pocket. “Now step two. The money.”

Phil produced the notes from his trouser pocket. This too was patently stupid of him. What was to say the three of them wouldn’t just abscond with the money? Though perhaps that would be for the best. Big Dick took the wad and chucked it to Winston. “Count it,” he said.

There was a tense pause as Winston flicked through the notes. “All there,” he said.

“Well then,” Big Dick said, smiling at Phil in a way that made the man’s stomach turn in on its own emptiness. “You say the missus usually gets home at quarter past five?”

Phil nodded. “She knocks off at five. It’s a quarter of an hour drive, give or take.”

“Then we don’t have much time, do we?” Big Dick decided.

A chair was lifted from the kitchen and placed in the lounge in an out-of-the-way position. Phil sat down on it, a horrible feeling making his belly heavy and his head light. It was all so very wrong. What was he doing? Then he felt a surge of anger. It was all Emma’s fault, for having that wretched man’s business card in her possession in the first place. That’s what you want, isn’t it, Phil? To teach the little lady a lesson?

There was rope. The three men combined forces, securing Phil to the chair, binding his wrists behind the chair, his ankles to the legs of the chair, his torso to the back of the chair. Then came the question he didn’t want to have to answer. Not out loud.

“Are you sure you still want to go through with this?”

He swallowed hard. Did he? It hardly seemed to matter anymore. He’d set the train in motion, and now he didn’t know where the hell the brake was. “Yes,” he said, hating the way his voice faltered.

“Grand!” Big Dick exclaimed. “I’m going to enjoy this.”

The looks on the two other men’s faces suggested they were feeling the same way. Again Phil’s stomach lurched. Now there was only the wait, the tense wait.

In the event the wait lasted just under ten minutes, Emma arriving home a little earlier than expected. They all heard the front door opening, heard her call out. Big Dick, Winston and Danny spread out in anticipation. Emma appeared in the doorway. Her mouth opened as she saw her husband sitting there, tied to the chair, looking mortally ashamed of himself. “What the fuck’s going on?” she said.

She had a Scots accent. Big Dick had said she was a looker. This was a slight exaggeration. Emma was hardly model material, but she was very well kept for a woman midway between 40 and 50. Her dark hair was bunched up on her head, her work uniform of black nylons, black knee-length skirt, white blouse and dark jacket gave her an appearance as professional as it was sexy.

Phil could see how the men were staring at her with lustful, ravenous expressions. His heart sank, but it was done, and he must play his part. His wife had extracted her mobile from her bag. “I’m calling the police,” she said.

“Don’t!” Phil cried, his voice leaping several octaves in one syllable. “They’ve got a gun!”

Emma looked around. “I don’t see a gun,” she said.

The distraction gave Big Dick the time he needed to stride across and snatch both bag and phone from the woman. She let out an angry bark as Big Dick moved across to take up a position behind her husband. “We were just leaving anyway,” he said, casually rummaging through the bag. “Mind you, we’ve found precious little worth taking.” He brought out a roll of notes, slipping them into his pocket, catching Emma’s eye as he did so. “Trouble is, there’s not much here either. Looks like this has all been a complete waste of time.”

“Get out of my fucking house!” Emma snarled, as Big Dick dumped her bag and mobile on the floor.

“Attitude!” Big Dick warned. Then he laughed. “Fact is, I like a feisty lady.”

“Get out!” Emma persisted.

“Emma, they’ve got a gun!” Phil exclaimed.

Stupid prick, Big Dick thought. Phil had only been given the one line. He didn’t have to repeat it. Outwardly he grinned as he moved towards Emma. “Thing is,” he said. “I don’t really like leaving places until I’ve had something worth taking.”

He was close enough to Emma for her to take aim. The palm of her hand just about connected as he turned his head to avoid it. He laughed as Winston and Danny moved across the room. “Like I said, I like a feisty lady.”

“Get off me!” Emma shouted as Winston and Danny grabbed hold of her, pulling her arms back and holding her as she struggled with her whole body.

Big Dick strolled up to them, looking Emma in the eye as he reached round behind her to cop a feel of her arse, then skilfully dodged the knee she brought up dangerously close to his crotch. “Nice tits,” he said, squeezing one as he turned to look at Phil, whose pallor was now one step away from that of a corpse. “Bet your missus is a real goer,” he said. “Am I right?”

“Eat shit!” Emma spat.

Big Dick turned to face her, addressing the two men holding her. Get her on the couch he said, watching as the two men dragged the struggling female to the sofa, pinning her down so that she sat slumped, feet kicking out as Big Dick came close. He made an attempt to grab hold of her ankles, but to no avail.

“Don’t make me get the gun out!” he shouted, eyes boring into hers.

To his surprise it was Phil who spoke. “Leave her alone.” His voice was all trembly, and for a moment Big Dick wasn’t quite sure if he was having second thoughts; this wasn’t in the script. He turned, stalking across to Phil and raising an arm as if to hit him. It was then that the man gave the briefest of nods, and at that moment Big Dick read in Phil’s eyes just how much he wanted to see this, even if he didn’t realise it himself. He was just making sure he was seen and heard to protest.

Big Dick bunched his fist. Phil had a point; better make it look real enough. “Got anything more to say?” he said. “Or are you keen on keeping your teeth?”

“Don’t!” Emma said.

Big Dick turned. “What’s that now?”

“Don’t hurt him!”

Big Dick walked slowly back to the couch, stopping within kicking distance. “Are you going to be a good girl then?”

Emma nodded. “Say it!” Big Dick shouted. “Are you going to be a good girl?”

“Yes,” Emma said, eyes blazing. “I’ll do whatever you want. Just don’t hurt my husband.”

This brought a smile to Big Dick’s face. “So what do you think I want?” he asked.

“You tell me,” Emma replied.

Big Dick stepped forward. Emma really did seem to be subdued now, her legs remained still and he could easily bend forward and grab hold of her ankles. Everything was tension as he pushed her legs up. You could have heard a pin drop if it hadn’t been for the sound of five people breathing heavily. Big Duck muscled his way in between Emma’s legs. Staring straight into her eyes he pulled her skirt up. Then he grabbed hold of her tights and ripped the crotch out of them.

“You’ve ruined an expensive pair of tights, you sod,” Emma told him.

“What of it?” Big Dick replied. His hands were already on her panties, pulling, ripping to expose the woman’s private parts. “Who wants to get her ready?” he asked.

Winston, who was holding the woman’s right side, reached out a hand to touch her cunt. “Don’t pussyfoot around,” Big Dick told him. “From the look of her I’d say she has wet dreams about black cock.”

Winston grinned. “My pleasure,” he said.

Emma made a sudden move, a lurch of resistance, and Winston was forced to concentrate on pushing her back.

“You really want me to thump your husband?” Big Dick asked.

He stomped towards Phil, only to pass the chair before turning around. Emma’s sudden burst of defiance had subsided. Big Dick shrugged off his jacket and began unbuttoning his shirt. “What are you waiting for?” he said to Winston. “Get stuck into her. Amuse her bush with a bit of black cock.”

Winston fumbled with his fly, managing to move round between Emma’s thighs while Danny remained pushing down on her, in case she tried anything on. Big Dick continued to strip. He was down to his underpants when Emma began to scream. “What’s the matter?” he said calmly. “Doesn’t black cock agree with you? I thought you’d be just the type.”

Emma was staring straight at him. “You fucking bastards!” she shouted. “You evil fucking bastards!”

“No argument there,” Big Dick stated, pulling off his underpants. His mammoth erection, which he liked to think was almost legendary among married yet unfulfilled women, was already ready for action. He was enjoying the way Emma was eyeing it as Winston’s arse humped between her thighs.

Leisurely, he walked towards the couch, rounding it so he could lay his hands on Emma’s shoulder blades. From here he could see Winston’s cock thrusting into the woman’s cunt. He grinned, Winston grinning back. “You want a go, Danny?” he said. Might as well have her properly warmed up.

Danny released his grip on Emma, who seemed in no mood to put up a fight as Danny ripped off his trousers. Big Dick slid his hands down, squeezing Emma’s tits hard before ripping open her blouse. Buttons pinged. Emma glared up at him. “Don’t tell me,” he said. “That blouse was expensive.” He was already tearing her tits from her bra, enjoying hearing her cry out as he pinched her nipples.

Danny took over from Winston between her legs as Big Dick mauled the woman’s breasts. Glancing up, Big Dick could see the humiliation in Phil’s eyes. The man looked horrified and ashamed, but he couldn’t disguise the arousal at the back of his eyes. Oh yes, if he could only bring himself to allow it, he’d be enjoying this. “Looks like the missus is having a whale of a time,” Big Dick said. “Right little slut if you ask me!”

This caused Emma to give shriek of protest and make as if to fight Danny off. Big Dick pinched her nipples hard while pushing down on her. Emma gave another shriek. “Do as you’re fucking told!” Big Dick shouted. Phil’s face was the colour of unwashed sheets. Might as well give him a show.

He pulled a hand up to grab hold of Emma’s jaw. “Tell Danny how much you’re loving his cock,” he demanded.

Emma managed to respond with something that sounded like, “Ukk ooo!”

“If you’re gonna be like that,” Big Dick said. “Right lads, bring her round here!”

Danny withdrew from Emma, he and Winston pulling her up and manhandling her round the couch, Emma’s arms flailing as she stumbled in her heels.

“Bend over!” Big Dick bellowed. When Emma didn’t do it fast enough, Winston and Danny forced her over the back of the couch, Winston pushing her head down with a firm grip on the back of her neck. Big Dick licked his lips before pulling Emma’s skirt down. Then he grabbed what was left of her tights and ripped them through. A slap of her ripe buttocks caused her to cry out. Big Dick grabbed hold of his monster and took aim.

“Oooooowwwww!” Emma cried as the huge cock stretched her wide. “Are you trying to fucking kill me?”

Big Dick stabbed his big dick as far up her as it would go, giving her another slap on the arse for good measure. “Playing hard to get,” he mused. “Don’t pretend. Everyone knows you women say size doesn’t matter, but you’re all really gagging for the biggest fucking cock you can get!”

He was looking directly at Phil as he spoke. Phil, whose face was a picture of mortification. Big Dick wasn’t saying anything he hadn’t thought himself, but something about the way the man said it made him suspect that he knew about Phil’s modest measurements. Emma was screaming out loud. Phil stared at her facial contortions. The most terrifying thing was that he wasn’t convinced those were screams of agony. He knew Emma too well. He’d expected some kind of sign that she’d met Big Dick before. He hadn’t seen any, but he wasn’t too sure the man’s attentions were entirely unwelcome either.

Big Dick slapped Emma’s behind again. He was working up a sweat as his huge cock burrowed deep inside the woman. “Take every last fucking inch, you bitch,” he panted, thrusting hard.

“Eeeeoooogghhhwwwwaaahhhh!” Emma wailed.

“Like that, do you?” Big Dick demanded.

“Fuooowwwww yoooooiiiiiiiiii!” It didn’t sound like defiance.

“Well you’re good and fucking wet, I’ll say that for you.” Again Big Dick looked straight at Phil. Strange how a man’s skin could go that colour; from deathly pale to a sickly shade of turquoise.

“Fuck, fuck!” Emma panted, and as she did so Phil felt the taste of his own betrayal rising. This was horrible. He’d done a terrible thing, and now it had backfired badly. There was no doubt in his mind that his wife wasn’t crying out in any kind of discomfit. He stared at her face where her eyes were screwed shut, her mouth hanging open. He stared at the man thrusting his monstrous cock into his wife as hard as he could and felt nothing but shame, hoping against hope that the inadvertent bulge in his trousers wasn’t obvious.

“Emma,” he squeaked. He felt a terrible need to confess, but when his wife’s eyes opened briefly, he knew better. He knew that she’d never forgive him if he said what he’d thought to say.

His eyes flitted over the three men. The black one, Winston, grinned at him. “We’re not finished with your missus yet,” the man said, “not by a long shot.”

Phil wanted to screw his own eyes shut, but forced himself to keep them open. Emma was still being shafted hard by Big Dick and his enormous cock, crying out every time the thing struck her innermost depths. The shame was almost too great to bear as he watched Winston move round the couch. He noticed that Emma wasn’t putting up anything even resembling a fight. The black man got up on the couch and grabbed hold of Emma’s head, pulling her towards him. “Come on, doll,” he told her. “Time for a tasty treat!”

Emma didn’t make to move, but her mouth was open where she was uttering hoarse cries, and Winston could easily direct his cock into her mouth. Big Dick gave her arse another slap. “That’s right, show us what a good, dirty little shag you are.”

Emma’s cries were muted now, but they were there, and they were hardly noises of distress. Emma was liking this far too much for Phil’s liking. He couldn’t for the life of him think why he’d thought this such a good idea. He was ashamed of his erection, both having one and its diminutive size. Everyone knows you women say size doesn’t matter, but you’re all really gagging for the biggest fucking cock you can get! Was that it? Was he taking his feelings of inadequacy out on his wife? That’s what you want, isn’t it, Phil? To teach the little lady a lesson? It had all backfired terribly.

Big Dick was panting heavily. His hand came down on Emma’s arse as he began his breathless rant. “Like that, do you, slut? Like sucking on a black rod that’s nice and juiced up from having been in your cunt, do you? Like having your cunt stretched out by a big fucking cock, do you?” He slapped her arse again. “You’re a real fucking treat and no mistake. I’d let your husband feel how fucking wet it makes you being fucked by a real big cock, but he’s all tied up at the moment.”

The other two men seemed amused by this, Winston pulling Emma’s head further down his cock. Phil watched as a string of saliva swung uneasily from Emma’s lips before dropping onto the couch. That thing would be going to OXFAM when this was done; no doubt about it. He opened his mouth, but could think of nothing to say, nothing that would stop either the nightmare or the shame of his miniscule erection.

“Hey, you two!” Danny said. “You gonna hog the slut for yourselves all night?”

“Sorry, Danny,” Big Dick grinned.

He and Winston withdrew before Emma was unceremoniously bundled back on the couch. Phil just stared, at the men’s cocks, all of them much bigger than his, especially the one belonging to Big Dick which looked capable of destroying a woman at ten paces. He was defeated now, thoroughly defeated. Especially when Emma responded to Big Dick’s command of, “Spread your legs, slut”, by doing just that. There was secretion all over her pussy, even some on her thighs. The man called Danny wasted no time in getting on top of Emma, driving his cock into her and thrusting hard.

“Tell us you want it!” Big Dick demanded. “Go on, tell us!”

Emma was on her back gasping. She looked up at him, her eyes glancing fleetingly at her husband before returning to Big Dick. “Do your worst, you fucking bastards,” she said defiantly. Then, almost as an afterthought, but in tones that nearly brought tears to Phil’s eyes, “Fuck me! Fuck me as hard as you can!”

Phil’s head was swimming. Everything became a blur of bodies. What had he done? Later he would only remember odd scenes in the sequence of events. He would remember Danny and Winston taking turns fucking his wife, while Big Dick shoved his massive pole up against her face. “Go on,” the evil bastard had said. “Try it. See if you can suck a cock this big.”

The man’s cock was like a fucking tree trunk, but somehow Emma’s mouth had managed to stretch wide enough to get some of it inside. “Mmmmf, mmmmf, mmmmf,” emerged from her as the two others kept up the momentum, taking turns to bang her frantically.

“Suck it!” Big Dick told her, “Show us you’re slut enough to suck on a big fucking cock.”

Bodies shifted. Occasionally Phil lost sight of his wife, who was bundled into all manner of positions, the men over her, pulling on her tits, making sure she was never unoccupied, their cocks seeking their pleasure in her mouth and in her cunt; Emma crying out in ways that made Phil want to cover his ears and run away and hide.

Then everything came into sharp relief. Somehow Big Dick had ended up sitting on the couch with Emma on top of him. Phil didn’t know how it had happened, only that he could clearly see her skewed and stretched wide on that monstrous weapon. Big Dick’s hands were on Emma’s buttocks, her torn nylons hanging forlornly. “Further down,” Big Dick urged. “Take every last inch. You’re loving that big cock, aren’t you? Every last inch.”

He pushed down. “Uuuuuurggghhhhh!” Emma groaned. The cock disappeared a little more. Secretion oozed out, thick and white. Phil watched in disbelief.

“Attagirl,” Big Dick said. Phil was too preoccupied with Big Dick to notice Winston moving into position. Only when the man aimed his dark cock at his wife’s anus did he come to. No, it was impossible, they couldn’t. He could feel himself turn green as the man spat on Emma’s tight hole and renewed his aim.

“Oooooowwwwww!” Emma cried as the black cock inched its way into her. “You bastards! Haven’t you done enough already? Are you determined to kill me?” Then the words came again, words that made Phil crack inside. “Do it then! Fucking do it! Fuck me you arseholes! Fuck me!”

“I think it’s your arsehole that’s in for a fucking,” Big Dick leered. He was pushing down, but there wasn’t much room for Emma to move on him. Instead it was up to Winston to drive his erection hard and fast in her.

“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Oh fuck! Ooooohhhhoowwwwwweeeee!” There was no pretence of reluctance from Emma now, and Phil was almost relieved when she was prevented from saying anything by Danny climbing onto the sofa and guiding her mouth to his stiff cock.

Sweat was pouring down Phil’s body. There was an unholy grunting, panting and gasping mixed with a slurping and squelching of bodily fluids as the men laid into his wife. “Ummmmmuurrrrrghhhhmmmfffffaaahhhhh!” Emma uttered, the cock in her mouth preventing her from pronouncing the words he feared she was trying to say.

“The slut’s enjoying this,” Big Dick said, eyeing Phil maliciously. “A big fat cock in her cunt, a nice black cock in her arse, something to suck on.”

“Mmmmmmmmmaaaaahhhhhhoooooommmmmfffffff!” Emma responded, as if she was agreeing.

Phil feared he might vomit as the men upped their pace. Then Big Dick said, “That’s right doll, let it all out.”

A high pitched squeal erupted from his wife, forcing its way past the cock that was forcing itself into her mouth. No, no… But Phil could tell from the way Emma’s body spasmed that she was coming. A squeak came from his own throat, causing Big Dick to aim an amused glance his way.

Suddenly the men were pulling back, Emma being dumped on her back on the sofa. She was staring up at them, eyes damp and glazed.

“Like that did you, fucking slut?” Big Dick spat.

“Just fuck off,” Emma told him.

“Aren’t you forgetting something?” Big Dick leered.

All three men had grabbed hold of their cocks. The only thing that could cause Phil any relief at all was the knowledge that it must soon be over. The men couldn’t cum fast enough for him, even though he knew what it would entail.

“Bet you love cum, don’t you, slutface?” Big Dick said.

The contents of Phil’s stomach curdled. The humiliation would continue right to the end.

“Fucking cover her,” Big Dick urged. He was hovering over Emma’s nether regions. Phil couldn’t understand how the man could manipulate that monster so deftly, but it was the other two who came first, their cum raining down over Emma’s face, not a little of it ending up on the sofa. It would definitely have to go to OXFAM.

“Oh yeah!” Big Dick said. “A cum-drenched face! I bet you fucking love that, don’t you, slutface?” The tone of his voice betrayed his own impending climax. “Open your pussy!” He ordered. “Open your fucking pussy for me, slut!”

To Phil’s horror, his wife complied without so much as a whimper. Big Dick was up on the couch, taking aim, rubbing his enormous cock head against Emma’s slippery cunt. His ability to produce emissions was seemingly in direct proportion to the size of his cock. Spurt after spurt shot out, landing on Emma, swamping her pussy; other spurts shooting up over her stomach and breasts. But now it was over. Phil could at least take comfort in that as Big Dick finished things off by wiping his cock on Emma’s torn nylons. He sat there, staring at his wife as she lay immobile, the three men’s sperm sliding over her satiated body as they got dressed and disappeared, leaving the couple to sort out the mess.


His mobile went off. Big Dick looked at the display before answering.

“Emma!” he said. “What can I do you for?”

He heard the woman giggle. “Haven’t you done me enough already?”

He chuckled. “You’re someone a man can never get enough of,” he told her. “So what’s the fall-out?”

“Difficult,” she said. “Phil feels as guilty as hell. He won’t say, of course, because he can’t bring himself to own up.”

“While you don’t feel guilty at all?”

“About which time?”

The two of them laughed about that.

“Look,” Emma said, going all serious. “Phil’s a lovely bloke, really he is, but a woman has needs…”

“Goes without saying,” Big Dick said.

“And when you phoned me up and told me what the stupid sod had suggested…”

“It gave you the opportunity to live out a fantasy. You don’t have to explain, Emma.”

“Maybe I do feel a little bit guilty.”

“Not for long, if I’m any judge of character.”

There was a pause. “Don’t worry. You won’t be losing a client. Maybe I’ll ask you to bring your mates along again.”

“I don’t think they’ll need much persuading.”

Another pause. “Just promise me one thing.”

“What’s that?”

“Never ever try to stick that monster of yours up my arse. You hear me?”

“Loud and clear.”

“But for the record…”


“That was the best fucking sex I’ve had in my life. Just so you know.”

“Well, you know, satisfaction guaranteed, and all that.”

“Worth every penny.”

“And you, my favourite client, deserve an Oscar for that performance. Phil really doesn’t suspect that you were in on it all along?”

“If he had his head screwed round the right way, he might. Hopefully he never will.” There was a pause. “Anyway, until next time…”

“Be doing you, Emma.”

The woman giggled. “That you will, Big Dick. That you will.”

Same as

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Mistress Dee took a quick long stride through the open door. Being in the position I was my cock was pulled tight and up toward her shoulders. I needed to walk quickly in order to minimize the pain. Looking over her shoulder she chuckled, “Keep up dearie, my guests need to know how willing and supple you are!”She led me to an area encircled with hay bales, where a number of couples sat, enjoying the afternoon. The area was well lit from a cupola, the glass, letting in the warm sunshine. Doors...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Jennifer White Gets Caught In A DP Sandwich

Jennifer White is back and hotter than ever as she takes on Manuel & Steve in this no holes barred fuckfest! One cock isn’t enough for this seasoned whore. Jennifer teases as she poses for the camera in her black lingerie and sexy black stockings. This brunette bombshell is really something else, piercing hazel eyes, legs for days, perfect perky tits, and an amazing ass that you’d love to get lost in, she’s like a fashion model gone bad! Jennifer starts out servicing...

1 year ago
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Get Out of My Mind

My eyes opened, and I regained consciousness. I was lying flat on my back and try as I might, I couldn't move a muscle. Panic set in as I tried to recall how I had ended up like this. My last conscious thought was of a hellish flash of light which had enveloped the space station and then… Nothing!I looked above me and was confronted by an indigo sky in which myriad stars glittered. They formed constellations that were utterly foreign to my senses.'Do not be afraid. Soon the powers will come to...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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Girls Just Want to Have FunChapter 18

As the weeks pass, Lumi becomes more and more involved in their activities. She keeps a professional atmosphere with Riley at work, but sometimes they sneak off for a quickie. Sola, of course, is over almost every day and she and Justin get to hear about the sexual rendezvous. Justin is in the bedroom, changing from his business suit when he hears footsteps from the girls. “Don’t turn around and look, Justin,” Sola says in a sing-song tone. “Close your eyes.” He does as he is told to and...

2 years ago
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Gym fun

I enjoy keeping in shape and hit the gym on a regular basis. My tight revealing gym clothing always gets me plenty of attention and my skimpy bikinis always draw plenty of stares when I’m down in the pool area!A couple of weeks ago I was at the gym for one of my workouts. The gym was quite but there were still a few people in and as usual, my outfit got me some good looks. Naughty thoughts began to enter my head and by the time I finished my work out and headed off downstairs I was feeling...

Quickie Sex
3 years ago
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Crazy From The Heat

Jake looked up at the fluorescent lights hanging from the ceiling of his garage as they started to flicker. When the lights went dead, he cursed, "Fuck, not again."It was mid-July in Toronto, the start of the Dog Days of Summer. When the power would come back on again was anybody’s guess. South-Western Ontario was also under an extreme heat alert. For the next seven days, the temperature was expected to hold steady at thirty-five degrees Celsius during the day. When the humidity index was...

Straight Sex
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My dream girl become my sex patner

Ya story maree friend ka sath ki hai mai job ki talash main mumbai aee or girls hostle ko prefer keya bahai ki jagha, mujha 2 bed ka room main aik bed mil he gaya or doosree taraf abhi koe nahi thee, means mai room main akalee he thee. Mahina to asa he guzar gaya koe room patner nahi aee, isee hostle main aik maree frind banee jis room main aik bohat he khoobsurat girl jo ps ki job kartee thee yahan hostle main rahi thee. Jo mujha bohat pasand aee, maina apni friend ka sath mil kar asee planing...

2 years ago
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Naina ki chudai

Hi friends I Bhupesh from Sangrur, Punjab with my another sex experience. Yeh story meri wife ki fast friend naina ki hai. Jo mere se Dus saal chooti yani ki 24 years ki hai.Jo mujhe jija ji kehti thi .Naina ek bahut khubsurat larki hai.Uske figar jabardarst hai . Bilkul model ki tarah koi bhi use dekhe to chodne ka man kar de. Paint fad kar land bahar aa jaye. Ye bat kuch ek sal pahale ki hai . When I saw her then I thought jab iske lips itne pink hain to choot kaisee hogi iski.shadi ke waqt...

3 years ago
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My Secret Wank

I have been inspired recently by my wife for whom I have written a few dirty stories and by some of the fantastic contributions to Lush. I only discovered this after my wife told me what a good writer I was and I innocently searched for sex stories. As I say, I have recently written a few short stories for my wife, which has spiced up our sex life beyond imagination. We have always had a reasonably good sex life, but since I began sending her notes it has become even better. I think the first...

2 years ago
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Who Knew a Physical Could Be Fun

I woke up grumpy. I couldn’t eat or pee this morning. I had a physical scheduled for first thing this morning. Even worse, the doctor had warned me that today I even got a prostate exam. Oh well, I hope his hands aren’t too big. I arrived at the doctor’s office early and waited for my turn. The nurse ushered me into the exam room and drew blood then gave me the little plastic cup I had to pee in. I relieved myself and gave the cup to the nurse, and then I waited for the doctor’s arrival. He...

1 year ago
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The Woman Within

The Woman Within by Darla Raspberry He sat at the dressing table and stared into the mirror. It had been Helen's. She told him that he needed it more than she did and gave it to him as part of the divorce proceedings. He stared numbly into the mirror at the sea of mascara that had been unleashed upon his cheeks and wondered how it had all come to this. He stared down at the small leather case in front of him. It contained a revolver that had been his father's. The weapon had come...

3 years ago
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Wishes Granted Inc Case Three

Wishes Granted Inc: Case Three By Micah Distel "Honey, are you alright?" "I'm fine. Blaaaaaaa!" "You know, maybe you should take a pregnancy test. That's probably why you've been sick lately." "I just had my period. I am NOT pregnant! Besides there are no other symptoms. Could you go and order us a marshmallow and anchovy pizza? I'm starving." "Honey, that sounds a bit odd." "Don't question me! I'm just hungry that's all. And if you can't order your wife a pizza because...

2 years ago
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lost day part two

I sat down at my at my vanity, that’s when it stuck, I looked around the room, it was a girls room! Something drew me back to mirror, as if I had been doing for ever; I picked up my brush and began to brush my hair. When I finished I went to dresser, opening the top drawer, I pulled out a pair of blue satin panties, and slipped them on, making sure my little cock was tucked between my legs, I grabbed a matching bra, and put it on, the cups pushed up my budding breast up, giving them a bigger...

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Mothers Day

He stood in the window and watched the young girl walk down the street. She was so much like her mother at this young age. She had an adult body but she was a c***d. He watched her ass as she walked and her tits as they pushed against her tight t-shirt. His cock got hard as he thought about undressing her like he had her mother. He remembered seeing her mom's huge tits the first time he stripped her naked. Her huge globes filled his huge hands as he rubbed them and played with her nipples. He...

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Haleys CometChapter 14

With nary a hitch I got off to Albany to spend time with my hockey charges and get back home to spend a few days puttering and thinking around the house, but the evenings were all Gail. With our "beginning of relationship" ardor cooled we began to know each other better on other planes. Not that there wasn't a fair share of sex, but there was a lot more sharing of feelings besides orgasms. We were meshing into each others lives. My four weeks away from home were easier to handle when Gail...

2 years ago
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Do Biwiyan 8211 Part 2

Sushma ko nasha jyada chadh gaya tha aur wo beshudh si badbadate hue nangi hi padi rahi. Bina bhabhi ko bhi nasha accha khasa tha, wo aankh khol toh rahi thi lekin sofe se chal kar bed tak aane ke prayas mein, floor pe hi girne wali thi ki meine badi mushkil se sambhal ke bed pe leta diya, aur bina bhabhi ko puri tarah nanga kar diya. Bina ladkhadate hue se boli, kapde mat uttar. Meine ek thappad laga ke chup kar diya. Mujhe toh halka hi nasha hua tha, aur do do khoobsurat gadrayee hui aurat...

1 year ago
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AssParade Rose Monroe Rose Monroes Perfect Ass

Rose Monroe joined us this week to have a little bit of AssParade fun. We started things by having her parade her goods in south beach. Everyone out and about was mesmerized by her perfectly plump ass. From there, we decided to move things over to the location for the real fun to begin. Here, Rose oiled up her curvaceous body before shoving Peter Green’s cock deep inside her mouth. Things only escalated from there. Rose’s pussy was penetrated in several different positions before receiving a...

1 year ago
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The Hawk and The ChipmunkChapter 69

A rather startled Jason looked across the table at the former Speaker. Trying not to reveal anything in his face other than puzzlement, Jason asked, “I’m not sure what you’re referring to, Mister Speaker.” “Relax, Jason, and please call me Newt. As for my comment, I’m pretty sure that behind your actions is a missing document that’s been like a guillotine casting an ominous shadow over the head of every President since Lincoln. What’s more, I’ve known of its potential existence since I was...

2 years ago
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Nowhere Man Book OneChapter 38

I would rather take over the world through trade than through war.” “Take over the world? Are you serious, John?” Numa was flabbergasted at such a proposed venture, starting from a tribe only months old. “Why would you want to take over the world, anyway?” John was clear about his reasoning. “I was thinking long term, my love, nothing immediate, but we should have an objective for our lives, instead of just surviving and prospering here. Discovering that some forces wanted to conquer by...

4 years ago
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Wrong place wrong time

John and Lisa were twins with strikingly similar features, although they weren't identical they were often mistaken for sisters due to John's long hair and feminine features. He usually laughed off people's mistakes because of his good nature and the fact that was completely non-aggressive, unlike Lisa. Lisa was a lesbian, which didn't seem to cause any trouble with their parents since both were very open minded. However, after the last presidential election, they did ask her to tone down her...

1 year ago
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Weekend Fun at the Beach

After a hectic week in the office under his strict new boss, Selvam was looking forward to relax and enjoy the weekend at the beach. Friday evening, he managed to leave the office early and was driving his car to his favorite beach resort by 5’o clock in the evening. Bose, the owner of the resort met him at the door and allotted him, his favorite suite facing the sea. Having shed his sweaty city cloths he had a quick shower and donned his favorite Bermudas and T-shirt. Mixing a drink from the...

Group Sex
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Yes my Darling Daughter

“Mu-um! I’m Home”“In the kitchen, Darling!”Callie hung her coat on the hallway hook and walked into the kitchen. Suzanna looked up from the table where she was finishing off some paperwork as she prepared the evening meal and smiled at her daughter.“How was school?” she asked.“I can’t wait until these exams are over and get to Uni,” the girl replied and slumped down on a chair opposite her mother. Callie laughed, her face lighting up as she did so and Callie smiled back at her. She loved...

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Country Boy City GirlChapter 47

It was the last full day of the convention, and after breakfast Ginger met us and we were on our way there. She once again said how much she had enjoyed the game the night before, and I told her she was more than welcome to join us that night for champagne. Once we got there, we had barely started to wander the floor when I heard my name over the PA. Mr. Cummings was there with Roy, and after going to a private room they told me that all the arrangements were being made. They laid out...

3 years ago
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Who Knew

To begin with, this occurred during a sleepover with someone close to me. We often baby sat for his parents. We did everything together and were rarely apart. So when he would get stuck with the baby, we would just spend the night at his parents. The evening proceeded as usual. We played with his infant sister and watched a few movies. We cooked popcorn and had eaten dinner earlier. Finally, his sister went to bed and the house became quiet. We lay on the couch watching another movie. I guess...

First Time
2 years ago
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The deal

The Deal 12 th Feb.2011,1.30 amCaptain A B Bose planned really well. Only a few gunshots, and they captured one of the most wanted Al ziyad leader Haseeb Dar from a god forsaken village in injuries, no dead bodies. Haseeb is the mastermind of terrorism in India, convicted for political leader killing, sabotage against country and working as a commander for a forbidden outlaw group. Along with him they captured two bodyguards and enough firepower to start a battle. Captain bose was...

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Janes Cure

Chapter One "God, I hate men!" exclaimed my sister Jane as she burst in through the kitchen door and slammed it shut. "Every male in the world is a jerk, as far as I'm concerned." It was a warm summer's day in July at our house. At age 14, just about to enter high school, I was doing what I did best; goofing off and tormenting my older sister. It was especially fun when she was steamed like this. "I didn't know you knew any males," I said, sympathetically. "You little... creep!"...

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The Legend of Eli CrowChapter 111

After their performance on their first assignment in Colorado back in October of 1896, the six Young Bucks’ names became well known at the Western District U.S. Marshal’s Service office in Kansas City. During the next two years they were called upon time and time again to settle disputes. They were sent to the Missouri border town of Fort Scott, Kansas, to help settle a railroad union dispute that had already gotten out of hand with clashes of violence by the time they arrived. With strong...

2 years ago
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A Femme Domme TaleChapter 3

It was incredibly difficult talking to my best friend Liz concerning the momentous changes in my marriage that occurred over the past two months. I had long suspected that she considered me a prude, or at the very least, sexually non-adventurous. Perhaps, compared to her, I was. I had only known Liz a little more than a year and both of us were quite reserved when we met. However, once we really got to know each other, and trust was established, she confided in me that she took many lovers,...

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*** The island, visiting the shaman. In the summer of 2021, I found myself visiting Olkhon Island on the lake Baykal in Siberia. I was not alone, and we would spend a few days on the island and then visit the mountain regions in Buryatia. But Buryatia was closed because of the pandemic, and we stayed the whole week on the island instead. Olkhon Island is home to breathtaking landscapes that are second to none. Surrounded by the largest freshwater lake in the world, the island is a...

3 years ago
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A Game Of Seduction Part 1

Andrew Cummings lives next door and he is the hottest man in the neighborhood. He is single and fifty years old. Andrew stands at six feet four with a physique that can only be described as sculpted. He has a head of hair that is salt and pepper, just the right combination of each. Andrew has the most inviting light blue eyes I have ever seen. Whenever I see this man, my heart races and butterflies fill my stomach.As for myself, my name is Julia Swanson. I am twenty years old and single. I...

4 years ago
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The ProfessorChapter 15 Marcias adult videos Pool party

I watched Marcia being spit-roasted by two hunky males on what she told us was the bed in her condominium. While the two guys were average, what they were doing to Marcia was anything but. She kept having intensive orgasms, and had squirted all over both men as they fucked up a blue storm with her and she kept inhaling their wet rods. Marcia lifted her mouth off my cock, “Oh, you liked that scene did you? Your cock just grew an inch and got a lot thicker.” I gasped, “You’re right. These are...

1 year ago
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Biker Chick

Biker Chick A Short Story By Maryanne Peters Iggy Harper was in a strange mood when they left the roadhouse. He had learned that his oldest son, no living with his mother miles away, had won a big baseball game that very afternoon. It left him with a warm feeling, as if the success of one of his, had made his presence in the world a good thing. Not everybody would agree. In any other time and place, Iggy Harper would be a man to be avoided. But only just before they had left...

2 years ago
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Finally getting what I want

Thank you to Kim, for helping me edit my story. Wouldn’t have been able to submit it without you! It all started last Sunday afternoon. I was sitting on our bed, watching you. You were lost in another one of those stupid TV shows, the ones that I have absolutely no interest in whatsoever. To tell the truth, I couldn’t care less about what was on the damn television anyway. I wanted what was in your pants. I didn’t want to waste the entire afternoon watching TV. Between the holidays, work, and...

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Mom tells About Her Anal Joys

It was a lazy day of summer, where the heat of afternoon sun made the world stop moving and lying out on the deck sipping iced tea was the most important thing anyone could do. That’s exactly what Anita and Sharon were doing, but with small tidbits of conversation thrown in.“So, when was the first time you tried anal sex?” Sharon asked.“Well aren’t you just discreet!” Anita laughed. “Could you be anymore direct?”“You said that I could ask you anything.” Sharon stated pointing her finger at...

3 years ago
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Servant Boy Helps For Divorce

(Dialogues are translated from Hindi to English so no problem for non Hindi readers) Anjali and her hubby were unhappy couple who spent most of their time together fighting. Anjali’s father had not bothered to look at her hubby before the marriage as he was a rich man. But on the day of the wedding she had realized that he was an ugly very black Tamilian. The marriage as expected didn’t work and after seven months they were almost at the brink of divorce when her hubby brought Ramu an eighteen...

3 years ago
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My First Sexual Encounter

So recently, I turned 18 and achieved my age of consent. I was pretty excited to have my first sexual encounter and, I was quite sure of the fact that it will be gay sex. I’m bisexual, but I love the feeling of having a dick in my mouth and getting fucked. Alright, so straight jumping to the story: It was a Wednesday night, where the majority of the population was dozing off, but I was surfing my options to get a perfect person to have sex with. Facebook and Instagram never helped at all, full...

Gay Male
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Female side also

To began with I am a female and love to read the various stories with my husband. We enjoy all no matter which ones, the boys and or the girls and both. Like to start off by saying we are the average man and wife no kids yet and enjoy sex very often. We watch films, read stories, try out various things we have read about or watched. One day after we had some hot sex, I asked my husband what is all this stuff we are hearing about on the radio and tv , bookstores and sex stores. He told me about...

Group Sex
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The Threesome That Was

Hey guys, this is sideria07. And this is my first time writing a story. So please forgive me for any errors and do get back to me at I am 23 and a guy with an average body with a love for mixing things up in the bedroom. This story is about how i fulfilled one of my closet dreams with my girlfriend. So without much further ado, I’m going to start with this story. I was 22 around the time and i had been dating my girl for almost three years. Just the one night we both got a little horny and...

4 years ago
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Sex Swapping Sisters 8211 Part 4

I again first thank Indian sex stories for giving me huge support by publishing all my stories. When the blind fold was taken out both from Madhu and Honey’s eye then they saw Ravi is smiling. Both of them asked who the other fucker with you was. Honey again told that I will marry him. Now Ravi gave a whistle and they saw a servant standing in front of them and Ravi told that he is not servant but his uncle. Now Madhu took bitch position and the uncle needed no more encouragement and his 11...

3 years ago
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After World War III

After World War III By Kathy Smith Harry Zeissler had a good life. He was the Director of Software in a biotech company near Boston. He had 50 engineers working for him. He was married to a lovely woman, Hannah Zeissler for the past 17 years. They had 5 children, all between 6 and 14 years old. He is a handsome man. He is 6'3" and dirty blonde hair and piecing blue eyes. He looked like he was 25, not 45. He met Hannah at their synagogue, in Brookline, MA. He was in...

2 years ago
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A Night of Cum Cock and Pussy

I don't consider myself gay but maybe bi. I prefer sexy, dominate women but have recently become a slut for cum, I love to taste the sweet nectar of a hard cock that has been fucking my wife. I have turned into a cum slut craving cum on me or in me. I had been emailing with a trio who was going to be traveling to the city I live in. Both of the men were bi and she was dominant. It was exactly what I was looking for. We all met at a local titty bar. My wife was out of town so I arrived by...

3 years ago
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The black satin dress still clung to my body as master told me to get out the car. My ass felt stretched and full with the plug still inserted and my nipples ached where the clamps still bit hard into them. We were in a car park at the edge of a wood and although there was no one around, there were a large number of cars and vans parked with no one in them. Master told me to stand with my hands at my side and produced a blindfold from his pocket. He moved behind me and covered my eyes,...

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Aunt Wants Anal Sex

Hi dear ISS readers, this is Dipu. Im not a regular reader of ISS since i spend most of my time watching porn, but I got interested after going through couple of stories. So I decided to share my own experience which happened last year. Since this is my first time Im not sure if you will like it, however please send your feedback and suggestions to To begin with myself, Im 5.4″ guy with few extra pounds and Im very sexual. I get attracted to elderly women very much and love navel gazing. I...

3 years ago
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When I arrive to pick you up I notice you’re already outside in front of your place, waiting for me. I see you in the dim porch light and my butterflies only beat their wings faster at the sight of you. My memory has so many little details patched over, and seeing you there instantly fills in all the gaps. You look better than I remember. You wave, unselfconsciously, and you click down the driveway in your heels and slide in next to me. “Hi!” you beam, wide eyed and happy, and I smile back and...

2 years ago
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Changing Room Confessions

  One Saturday I went shopping with my mate Katie for some sexy lingerie to surprise my boyfriend with on his birthday.   As we looked around the lingerie department my friend pointed to a very sexy black satin corset with a tiny pair of matching thongs and suspender belt.   “I bet that would get him hard” she said as we walked over to the display.   I choose my size and went to the changing room to try the set on.     As my friend waited outside I stripped to my underwear, I...

First Time
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Falling in love

That morning when I got up for high school I felt that something was different. But I didn’t know what. So I just went about my usual morning routine. I got out of bed, woke my roommate up and walked through the apartment naked and turned on the shower then I went and put the coffeepot on. I took a nice cold shower, dried off, brushed my hair and teeth, and got dressed. ‘Who knows maybe I’ll finally get laid tonight maybe that’s what is different today’ I thought to myself and laughed fat...

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Potential Part 15

Leave helpful comments about the story and let me know if you see errors. I try hard but shit happens. One last thing, check the comments for answers to questions before asking. Many questions have already been answered there. Potential by Bistander Chapter 15 Close Shaves An hour after Evan had left her room, Deana was still tossing and flipping her pillow, searching for sleep. Before she was awake, he had set off the alarm and activated her defenses. By the time Deana...

1 year ago
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Virgin sister fucks brother

100% fiction! Im Ally and im 18. My brother's name is Justin, and he is 20. I masturbate frequently and one day my parents were out and I decided to masturbate. Justin had recently got home from college during summer break and i yearned for his hot, sexy six pack abs and his beautiful body. Whenever i masturbate i think of him. I was just about to have an orgasm when justin walks in with a look of lust on his face. For some reason, i didnt stop fingering myself. He suddenly came over and...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Alexis Fawx Ryan Ryans Military Wives Part Two

For Ryan Ryans, life as a military wife is sexually frustrating because her husband is deployed off the base. But Ryan makes the most of the lot she’s given, when her man is a million miles away. She relies on her friends, like fellow military wife Alexis Fawx. Ryan is still purring from her earlier encounter with the lesbian MILF, when Alexis comes back wanting to play, in sexy red lingerie. Ryan’s in the middle of a video call with her husband, but she lets Alexis hang up, opting...

2 years ago
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Getting to Know My Neighbors

My wife and I are in our 50s, and although I seem to have an insatiable thirst for sex, she lost her desire many years ago.  I occupy myself by reading primarily cuckold, creampie, and bisexual stories, and although I definitely like pussy the most, I also have some bi-sexual tendencies.  But my real bias is for oral sex of almost any kind, and maybe that’s because I have a below-average-sized cock and tend to cum too quickly.  With oral sex, I can enjoy the encounter for much longer, and I...

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Justice ResurrectedIntroduction

Out of darkness we were brought forth into the Light of the Divine, forged by the hands of the fifteen Lords and Ladies of Heaven to bring wisdom and justice to those who came before us. For we were the Second Divine Miracle, the second time those who watch over creation came together to combine their might. My consciousness awoke to the feel of Sol, Dispenser of Justice, raising me in front of him with a slight smile of pride and satisfaction. As were they, we numbered fifteen, each to go to...

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Parents Just Dont UnderstandChapter 2

“Wait,” I said, looking back and forth between my mother and Dr. Williamson. “He’s a hypno-therapist?” “That’s right,” the doctor said, his calm demeanor making me wonder if I was just wildly over-reacting. No. Mom’s strange behavior, the way she’d been constantly picking on me lately... Surely I wasn’t being crazy to maybe suspect the man who’d been hypnotizing her of being responsible for the changes in my mother... Now I don’t know much about hypnotism. My understanding is that you...

3 years ago
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The Little Black Choker

My boyfriend and I were cuddled together in my bed enjoying the post coital bliss that followed a nice, but not spectacular fuck. I was gently fondling his rapidly deflating penis as he softly massaged my labia – both slippery with various sexual fluids. Devin broke the moment asking, “On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate this?” “Sssh,” I sighed, “let’s just enjoy this.” “Seriously,” he said, “1 to 10, with a 10 being mind blowing.” “Devin, let it be,” I protested, “Just be quiet.” ...

2 years ago
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Leaving present 1

Leaving present. Normally, there would be a group of us for the Friday quiz night in the pub, but this week there was just myself and my wife. The night was made more enjoyable for my wife as colleagues from her work made up a quiz team in the other room so she went back and forth stealing answers. A surprise member of their team was Dave, who my wife had been a mentoring all year at work. Sadly Dave who is American was leaving to join another company where Tim an ex colleague of her's now...

1 year ago
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A Memorable Time With A Matured Facebook Friend

Hello friends, I have been a reader of ISS since I was in my early graduation days. Now I’m working as a consultant in an IT company in Hyderabad. This is my first ever story here. It is going to be a little lengthy one, please excuse. I’m 32, married, average looking south Indian guy. I have a good romantic life in marriage. But the desire for more to experiment in sexual life keeps me looking for more. I find myself more attracted towards married women and women who are elder to me even with...

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