In Search Of ParadiseChapter 2: A Decision free porn video

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"So you finally got smart and left that no-good brother of mine, did you?" Celeste Inman grilled her sister-in-law. "What took you so long?"

"You should talk," Tracy snapped right back. "How long have you been putting up with Darryl's antics? Three years? And every time he beats the shit out of you, you end up in the hospital. I keep hearing you tell me that you're never going back, but you always do. Why, Sis? What's so great about living like this that you'd give up everything else in life?"

"At least I didn't run to a brother that hated my guts so much that he left without a word!" Celeste hissed.

"Brandon didn't hate my guts. It was me that got it all wrong. He had a dream, Celeste, and he left to pursue it, to make it come true, to make it his own. That's more than you or I can say."

"And how long before he up and takes off again? A week? Maybe a month? Then where will you be?"

The anger in Celeste's voice spewed out like poisonous venom, but it was unclear what she was angry about, at that point. As uncomfortable as it made Tracy to have to defend her brother from her sister-in-law, there was a loyalty that she owed him, and an onus to uphold that loyalty.

"I have no idea how long before he leaves, Sis. He said that he wouldn't go until I was ready. He's ... he's asked me to go with him. With the way my life's turning out, there's not much to keep me here in Chicago. In fact, I can only think of one good reason."

"And what's that, pray tell?" her sister-in-law growled.


"Me?" Celeste questioned Tracy's declaration, her face betraying her surprise. "Look, Sweetie, I know how much I love you, and how much you love me, and maybe that's a reason for you to stay in Chicago. But how long do you think we'll last together? A month? Maybe another year? After that, where will we go? There are times when love just isn't enough to keep two people together."

"Maybe," she conceded, "but while we have it, why not enjoy it?"

"Sweetie, I loved Darryl – once upon a time. But it's deteriorated to merely existing, and I'll suggest that the same is true for you and my asshole of a brother. So why wouldn't it be true for you and your brother too? With my track record, I don't trust men very much anymore. If they don't walk out and leave you between a rock and a hard place, they beat the crap out of you, or up and die. They're not to be trusted. Isn't that why you and I are together? Because we've both learned the hard way?"

"Which leads me back to my original question," Tracy argued. "What's the attraction to Darryl? What keeps you with him, considering what he does to you? At least living with Brandon, I get the feeling that the beatings might stop."

"And if you're in the middle of nowhere, then find out you're wrong? Or he up and leaves you behind somewhere? Then what? You're still screwed, and without the hugs and kisses. Do you really think that being in some idyllic setting is going to make it any easier? Starvation is starvation, no matter where you are."

"That's true," Tracy replied, "whether it's in Chicago or Katmandu. But the fact remains that as long as my brother treats me the way he's done for the last week, I'd rather die happy than alone, and I'll bet you feel the same way. Why else would we have stayed together this long? Neither one of us have what it takes to strike out on our own, whether it's individually or together."

"So what's the solution?" Celeste tried for a summary. "Where do we go from here? Do we keep on putting up with the abuse we endure, because that's the only way you and I can stay together? Or do we take our chances, break up and leave each other, then hope for the best?"

"That's not what I want, and you don't either, Sis," Tracy reminded her sister-in-law. "But until I can sort out this confusion inside, leaving things the way they are might be the best way to go. Or are you telling me that you and I are through?"

"No," Celeste softly replied, while retracting her aggressive stance. "I'm no more prepared to leave you than you are to leave me. But this house of cards is going to collapse one day, and then where will you be? Or me, for that matter? Does your brother even know about us, or is that another secret you keep so that he'll provide you with a roof over your head and food in your belly?"

"I haven't told him," Tracy let her sister-in-law know. "To be honest, I don't have the guts, and I have no idea how to do it anyway. Maybe you're right. Maybe I'm just taking advantage of his generosity. But if it was you in my position, you'd do the same. Hell, we're both guilty of that. It's why you stay with Darryl, and why I put up with Darren. I guess you're right, though. About the only reason I'm staying with Brandon is that his offer is better than any others I've had recently."

"Sweetie, as soon as he finds out why you're still hanging around, or about us, you'll be out on your ass. Men are like that."

"I'm not so sure, Sis. Brandon's different. Don't ask me how; he just is. Dammit, this is so bloody confusing! I hoped that talking to you about it would make it easier, but it hasn't. All I know, Celeste, is that I love you. But I love my brother, too."

"The same way you love me? Are you getting in over your head with him? You told me once how you felt when you were a young girl. Is it like that again?"

"No!" Tracy was adamant, but not convincing, even to herself. "Well, maybe," she backed off from her earlier insistence. "Oh hell, I don't know, Sis. Maybe I am. I mean, it's not like he's unlovable. I might be, but not my brother. What should I do?"

"Sweetie, I can't answer that. I've never been in your position before. I mean, look at my brother. He was never someone I was interested in, and he hasn't gotten any better with age, has he? He's certainly not someone I'd fall in love with. I guess this is one of those situations where you wait to see what happens. Just do me one favour?"

"I'll try," Tracy wanted to promise, but wasn't sure if she'd be able to keep it if she did.

"Before you leave me, let me know to my face? When that day comes, I want one last night together. Think you could do that for me?"

"Like I said, Celeste, I'll try."

She looked at the clock on her sister-in-law's wall, realizing that while she didn't want to leave, she wasn't ready to stay and go through any more of this dead-end conversation.

"Sis, I've got to go," Tracy made up an excuse. "I told my brother I'd clean up the apartment for him. I'll try to get over here tomorrow, though. Will you be okay? He's not going to beat you up again, is he? Darryl, I mean."

"Who knows," Celeste's resignation to her fate came out. "If I'm not here when you come by, I'll either be in the hospital again or down in the morgue. You scoot, Sweetie. You have better things to do than listen to me prattle on."

"Celeste, I love you, you know," Tracy tried to sound reassuring to her sister-in-law.

"I love you too," the tired woman responded, "but you have somewhere to be. Go. I think I need a nap before the crap Darryl's going to bring home finally arrives."

Tracy walked slowly as she covered the fifteen blocks between her sister-in-law's apartment and her brother's, glad to be out of the depressed atmosphere, but still struggling with the dilemma she'd created for herself. She and Celeste had been lovers for a little more than a year, and although it had started as an arrangement of convenience, their affair had become the one ray of sunshine in an otherwise bleak life. But now that Brandon was back in her life again, she was reluctant to let either one go.

Unlocking the apartment door, Tracy called out to Brandon that she was home, only to be greeted with the sounds of silence. He had left her a note on the table, though, and she closed the door, then went to read it.


Gone to a job interview. Should be back before long. If I get the job, let's celebrate and go out for supper.

I do love you, Pip-squeak.


Once again, there were those five magic words that had sustained hope in her for the last two decades, and they brought a tear to her eye that blurred her vision of the letter. But unlike the first time she'd read them, there were feelings of hope and happiness in her. This time, he'd be back. Of that, she felt certain.

True to his word, Brandon walked through the door of the little apartment almost an hour later, and as soon as he did, Tracy was in his arms, hugging and holding the one man that she felt she could trust. Well, for the most part she could. Whether he'd understand and accept the relationship between her and Celeste remained to be seen.

"How'd it go?" she tried to get into his inner self.

"I start on Monday," was about as enthusiastic as her brother got. "It'll give me something to do for a while, and I kind of enjoy that sort of work. How was your day? Did you get to your sister-in-law's?"

"Yeah. I just got back about an hour ago, and cleaned the apartment up a bit. How come most of the stuff I picked up is mine? Where the hell do you hide your dirty laundry and all the garbage that we create?"

"Laundry's in the hamper and the garbage went out to the bin when I left. I appreciate that you pick up after me, Sis, but I'm trying not to make it your life's work. That's just me, I guess. Now. About supper. Where would you like to go?"

"You choose," she deferred. "You know more about those things than I do. But it has to be somewhere casual, because I only have this one outfit."

"Tomorrow, little sister, we have to correct that. Think you can stand shopping for clothes with your big brother tagging along?"

"It's a tough job, but I think I can manage," she teased him happily, then softly and gently kissed his lips.

That little flutter in her stomach from his proximity thrilled Tracy. As much as she loved the sensation though, it also reminded her of the dilemma that she couldn't seem to resolve. Would its implications cost her a brother again? Would he throw her out, or would he decide to accommodate her needs, including the ones she had for Celeste? Those questions squelched the happy mood she'd enjoyed only moments earlier. It was something that Brandon noticed, or maybe just felt in the air around them. But he did notice, and it left him wondering what he might have said or done to bring on his sister's melancholy.

"You okay, Sis? Something the matter?" Brandon tried to find answers to the questions inside him.

"Just one of those loose ends," Tracy kept her reply vague. "Don't worry about it. I'll get it sorted out eventually," she struggled to change the subject.

There was an uncomfortable heaviness in the air as they both got ready to go for supper, and it followed then down the stairs and into the car. As he put the key in the ignition, Brandon stopped, his priority now to discover what had brought his sister so far down so quickly.

"What's going on, Pip-squeak?" he brought the discomfort to the fore.

"Nothing's going on. I'm just trying to get a loose end taken care of, that's all," she tried to dismiss his intrusion into a private part of her life that she was scared to reveal, especially to him.

"Nice try, Sis," he refused to accept her dismissal, "but whatever it is, it's dragging you down, and that hurts. I never did like it when you let yourself get into one of these funks, and I don't care for it now, either. So tell me what's going on in that pretty little head of yours. This is your brother you're talking to. Remember him? The guy that always had the time to listen, and help out if he could?"

"I remember, but this is something I have to work out on my own. Can we leave it alone? Please?"

Brandon tried to resign himself to waiting as he started to turn the key, then found that waiting wasn't the solution. Only by tackling the problem head on would he find an answer, and he desperately wanted to be a part of that solution. Again, he let go of the key, then swivelled in his seat and faced his sister.

"Tracy, out with it," he became more insistent now. "Something's eating your guts out, and I want to know what it is. How else am I going to be able to help if you keep it bottled up? You made me promise to be as open and honest with you as I could, but now it's you that's holding back. Kind of hypocritical, isn't it?"

"Can we leave this until after supper at least?" she begged. "It's not something that I want to talk about right now. Actually, I don't want to talk about it at all, but I'm getting the impression that you're going to make me tell you anyway, aren't you?" her tone now included elements of anger.

"I'm not going to make you do anything, Sis, but I'd appreciate a little honesty here. You and I have enough excess baggage to deal with, and adding to the pile won't get us anywhere. Remember when we were kids? There wasn't anything you couldn't tell me or talk to me about. The same goes now."

"Okay, but let's leave it until after supper. Right now, we have something to celebrate. My brother got himself a job. That's pretty special, even for a guy that's retired," she tried one last time to get him off the subject of her dilemma and back to his own achievement.

Brandon described his new position, and how it tied into some of the things he'd done previously in his life. The more he told her, the lighter the air around them became. By the time he'd told her everything he knew, Tracy was positively elated for him. This was one of the most open conversations that they'd ever shared, which made her feel closer to the one man in the world that she found she could trust.

"Have you given any more thought to my idea of sailing around the world together?" Brandon opened a whole new subject that Tracy didn't expect.

"Not really," she told him. "I've got to get that loose end out of the way before I can think about anything else. But if it makes you feel any better, I haven't rejected it either. Maybe we can talk about that after we discuss the dangling thread?" she fought to gain herself some time.

"So you've decided to let me into that part of your life after all?" he expressed some optimism.

"I think so. I'm not so sure it's a good idea from my side of things, but I guess you're entitled to know. But I'll warn you, right now. Opening that can of worms scares the crap out of me."

"Why, Sis? What dark little secret are you keeping that you think I'd abandon the one person in the world I feel I can trust?"

"You're pushing, Brandon. After supper, when we get back... '

She was going to use the word, "Home", but for her, was it? Was her brother's apartment really her home, or was it just a temporary address?

" ... back to your place, we'll talk," she finally found a description that was non-committal.

They finished their meal in relative silence, although the uneasiness of what wasn't said brought with it that air of heaviness again. Brandon needed to find out what had caused his sister's agitation, while Tracy had a burning desire to keep that part of her life secret and private. But she also understood what the possible consequences of silence could be to her. Was she prepared to pay the price?

They rode back to the apartment in silence again, with the gulf between them weighing heavily on both. It was all Brandon could do to keep his mouth shut and allow his sister the space she insisted on him granting her. But as soon as they were in the suite again, he sat down with her on the sofa, then waited until she opened up and filled him in on her "loose ends", as she called them.

"Remember how I told you that my sister-in-law was about the best friend I have?" Tracy started out on her explanation, realizing that he wouldn't let it go until she did. "For the last two years, we've been the only support each one has. Celeste is in a situation that's as bad as the one I just got out of, if not worse. And like me, she doesn't have a lot of choice but to stay where she is. I'm beginning to feel like I'm mooching off you, which is the same thing. Maybe that's why I stayed with Darren for so long, even after he started hitting me. But Darren never broke bones. Celeste hasn't been that lucky.

"Brandon, there have been times when if it wasn't for my sister-in-law, I wouldn't have had anyone, and times when it's been me that's the only one she could turn to. Because of that, we've become close – extremely close. Abandoning her to run away doesn't sit well with me. But there's another complication that comes into it."

Tracy stopped talking, then gazed into her brother's eyes, looking for some sign that he'd be able to accept what she knew had to be said. What she found was a man struggling to comprehend the direction she knew this conversation would take them. Swallowing hard, Tracy decided to take a chance that when he threw her out, it wouldn't be a physical ejection.

"I won't candy-coat this, Brandon," she finally started again. "Celeste and I are ... we're lovers. I need her and she needs me. Our affair is the only thing that's kept me going for the last year. At the time, I had no idea where you were, or how to get hold of you. It was only a fluke that I found out you were back in Chicago, and tracking you down took me three weeks. Maybe I shouldn't have, but I had to see you one more time before you disappeared again. Can you forgive me for sticking my nose in where it doesn't belong?"

Brandon just sat, letting what his sister had explained sink in, not sure exactly how he felt. Only when some of the deluge of information and emotion began to gel did he say anything.

"Tracy, I know I said that you'd have to be open if you wanted me to do the same. At the moment, I'm beginning to regret asking you that. Not because of what you told me, but because I've been down this road once before. There was a girl in Alaska that I got to know, or thought I knew. We even moved in together, and I was starting to think she might be 'the one'. But one day, I came home and she was gone. Left. She ran away with the girl she worked for, and it turned out that they'd been lovers for longer than she and I had. I let myself get blind-sided, Sis, and it hurt like hell. So you'll pardon me if I don't jump up and down with enthusiasm when I find out that my sister's a lesbian."

Tracy let the impact of that term sink in a bit before she went any further. Maybe she was in love with another woman, but if she was a lesbian, then why did she feel so strongly about her brother? She'd been in love with him once before, and after just one short week, it was happening again. Was she grasping at straws? She didn't think so, because just below the surface, those desires for him still existed, still struggled to be released, still boiled within her. They weren't about to go away, nor did she want them to. All that was missing was his love for her to the same degree that she loved him. It might not exist right now, but it wasn't an impossibility either. That, from what he'd said, and from what she believed, might just be a matter of time.

With that hope in her heart, Brandon's idea of sailing off together started to look a lot more appealing than she'd allowed before now. Maybe if they were in a world of their own, he would fall in love with her – again, as he'd confessed. Along with that spark of hope came another one; that the two might find a life together that would last for many, many years. But first, she had to deal with the mess her current life was in.

"I'm not sure that I am a lesbian, Brandon. If I was, I wouldn't have these feelings for men that are in me. I was in love with Darren once. It was only when he started hitting that I lost the magic. And remember I told you that I was in love with you when I was in my teens?"

"I remember, Sis. I was in love with you, too. But that was a different time in our lives, and we never got it to come together. But what's that have to do with this?"

"Because it's happening again, Brandon. I'm falling in love with you again, even if you are my brother. So what does that make me? A lesbian? I don't think so. Obviously, I'm not heterosexual, because I really do love being with Celeste. So what's left?"

"Bisexual?" Brandon advanced.

"And can you handle that? Or should I leave now, before you throw me out? Because if you did, I wouldn't blame you."

"Pip-squeak, I told you that there would always be a place here for you, and I also promised that I'd always have an ear to bend, and be someone to help you get out from the rough spots. None of that has changed. I might not agree with your chosen lifestyle, but you're still my sister and the most important person in my life. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I do love you, Pip-squeak."

With that, he opened his arms to her in an offer of love and affection, fighting hard to accept what he'd just learned. Tracy moved into his embrace and that feeling of security flowed over her as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders, protecting her from the wrath of the outside world.

"You're not going to throw me out?" she questioned him.

""No, Pip-squeak, I'm not going to throw you out. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I did, knowing that you were probably out on the streets and scrambling to stay alive. I love you too much to ever do that, and you know it."

Tracy stayed in her brother's arms, relishing the safety he gave her out of the generosity of his heart, even after she'd inadvertently hurt him – again. She hid there for several minutes, and in that time, the idea of staying with him for a lot longer than a few weeks or months began to solidify. But would he want the same thing?

"Is that offer to go with you when you leave still open?" her soft, enquiring voice vibrated through his chest, more than he heard it through his ears.

"If you're still interested, it is. I'm not sure how to handle your lover, though. I'm not particularly good at being a woman, so I won't make a very good substitute," Brandon tried to lighten the mood.

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Chapter Two: Futa's First Sultry Decision By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “So you said that most of the contestants just sang songs?” Adelia asked, the caramel-skinned talk show host leaned closer to me. She liked doing that, getting close, her thighs pressed tight, stained with my futa-cum. “That's it?” “I know, it sounds so boring compared to the modern competitions where the contestants try to do the most outrageous solo sex acts they can to win style points,” I said...

4 years ago
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Actions and Consequences Part Six Another Decision

"Next pose," the photographer said. I laid down on the lounge chair by the pool with my legs folded over each other and leaning forward, dropping my heavy hangers down for him to take a few pictures of me. Then I switched again following the routine of the three other women that had come before me. Eventually, I got into the pool and came out slowly. Each picture was taken over and over again. After I finished one set, I would start over with another photographer. A video was taken, then...

Oral Sex
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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 16 Moving into the New Mansion with New Beginnings and Jessicas Decision

Introduction: This is a Fictional Story, Romance, Love and Sex. Enjoy it but dont take it too seriously My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 16 Moving into the New Mansion with New Beginnings and Jessicas Decision Characters Introduced: Maize, 34, 58 Black maid Hazel, 33, 56 Black maid Dominic, 35, chef 62, white, Derrick, 18, Dominics assistant 60, White Charmaine, 14, 52 Black maid, daughter of Hazel Chellise, 14, 52 Black maid, daughter of Hazel Chemier, 14, 52 Black maid, daughter of Hazel...

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Bad Decision

From the moment I saw him he looked like trouble, he had 'bad decision' written across his forehead. Way too handsome by half and very much aware of it. He had this very arrogant walk and stance and his smile reminded me of a cross between a hungry wolf and a sly cat. All the girls in the office went ga-ga over him, even the married ones were flirting with him; I could see he knew it, and he liked it. You could see how he'd smile at them, his eyes would slowly and deliberately drag over their...

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The Postulants Tale Chapter Six The Decision

The next morning, the Abbess stopped Abigail as they were both leaving the chapel after Matins.“Thank you, Abigail, for all you have done for Peter,” she said warmly. “You have fully confirmed my faith in you. His recovery would not have been as quick or as complete without your dedicated care. I have just been to see him before he leaves, and he specifically asked to be given the chance to thank you one last time.”Abigail murmured her thanks and followed the Abbess to the infirmary. Peter was...

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Bangalore Innocent girl Soundaryas bold decision

Hi, all Indian sex story readers. This is Madhan here with a story of a newlywed housewife. First of all, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback for . I am a story writer with many stories published. About Me: I am a Madhan of 28 years of age, 6″ tall, south Indian complexion, broad shoulder, and a normal body with skills of tasting a body erotically. I belong to one of the cleanest cities in India, Mysuru, but currently working in Bangalore (which has all...

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Earths CoreChapter 38 Making A decision

“If back then I discarded the idea of associating dark attribute energy with the sixth and seventh stage, then perhaps today, after following big brother Raroen’s footsteps, I would have uncovered the true lineage of kinetic energy and Kinetic Force”. Zax momentarily lamented, as he really appreciated kinetic energy and was very much curious to figure if it is an independent force or ultimately birthed from the worldly attributes as a specific one’s Nature or Property. Zetsa sighed. Her...

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Desert DroppingChapter 17 Decision

If I wanted to be with him? In this very moment, it was questionable. I wanted to tell Aaron to go fuck himself, and then go make sure Luke was okay; but, I also wanted to beg him not to do this. I guess the bottom line was, I liked Aaron. I wanted to get to know him. I wanted to see where this new relationship was leading--and I wanted him to be able to drive me home every once in a while. Because as much as I hated it at the moment, he had a point. Luke already knew about us, and I...

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The Warrior Caught by FlowersChapter 23 His Decision

Eigis took a deep breath. “Thank you for your consideration, but I’ve already reached my decision. I have had plenty of time to think it over on the way up.” Everyone looked up, curious and apprehensive, waiting for his answer, as he faced Lady Death Eyes. “I want to live. I choose to accept your offer, and discover if I can live without devouring humans.” Bells cheered, her bells ringing noisily as she attacked him with a delighted hug from behind, making them both almost fall. As Eigis...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 10 Chapter 12 Decisions

Book Ten: The Flaming Woman Chapter Twelve: Decisions By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Aurora Xandra – Dominari's Lair, The Despeir Mountains Conflict warred through me as I watched my husband administer Thrak the healing potion. The orc drank the creamy elixir, his wounds knitting together. Elation and anger, joy and horror swirled through me. Chaun lived. He survived the fight with the dragon. He fucked my mother. The images the...

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Decisions Decisions

Sincere thanks to reviewers of my first story. You were all very kind. Decisions, Decisions by Joannebarbarella An unfamiliar sensation woke me. I am Lady Diana Spencer, soon to be Princess of Wales and last night my future husband Charles and I attended a Ball. It was not surprising that we were crowned king and queen of the event as I was wearing the dress in which I will be married and Charles his full-dress uniform. We were surely the most handsome couple there. It was rather...

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Search for a fuckbuddy

This was it. The end. There was no going back, no stopping it, even if I wanted to, which I didn’t. My eyes had been screwed tight shut as I rushed headlong to the end, and I opened them to see it happen. With my foreskin flapping up and down around my helmet the moment of release came as the build-up of tension turned to ecstasy and the first dribble of cum appeared at the eye of my cock, and then whoosh – the first jet shot out of the end, to be followed by another before the first had...

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Search Of PG Turned Into Sex Ride

Hi Friends, Very happy to post my shocking real experience which happened when I was home alone. This is my first time posting so please excuse any typos. My name is Murali age 28 years, stay in Bangalore. I am average built guy with 5.6 height and somewhat good looks and one bright sun day I was travelling from majestic to my place as there was no reservation for ladies in Volvo buses. I just sat in front with one seat left out bus was almost full and a beautify girl came and sat next to me. I...

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A First For Gracie Part 3 Daddy Makes A Decision

Daddy rolled off the bed and walked to the bedroom door to collect his boxers.  He pulled them on and said he was going to fix a cheese tray to snack on and then they could all talk. “Oh yeah, I want you both naked at all times tonight.” “Yes, Daddy,” they both said in unison.  Gracie looked and Candy and they both grinned. He walked out of the room and Candy moved up and lay with Gracie, kissing her deeply then laying her head on Gracie’s breasts.  Gracie started caressing Candy’s hair...

Group Sex
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Mannsborough Tales 4 Marigolds Big Decision

Marigold watched her boyfriend Thule sleep. Even while sleeping, he managed to look tired these days. Stripped to nothing but a pair of shorts, he lay with on his back with one arm flung across his eyes. At least he was coming back to the house to sleep now. For a while, he'd been crashing in his dorm room on campus to avoid even the twenty-minute drive from there to here. He was getting a full six hours of sleep s night now, too. He'd refused to sleep any longer than that since the attacks...

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Crystal ClearChapter 20 Make Me Pregnant Claires Porn and a Decision

Edie said in a slow, soft, measured tone, "Well, I'm not even ready, but I have so dreamed about this recently. I'd like you to make me pregnant. I want your baby too." I was speechless – impressed and nonplussed. Finally, I babbled out the first thing that came to my mind. "Errr, that's a big decision, and you're young and single, and pretty, and available, and there are so many people you could partner with ... and what do you mean you're not even ready?" Edie kissed me. "Relax....

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Homeowners Association A Big Deal at Sunny Manor BDSMThe Family Makes a Decision

I didn’t know what I was going to do about Lindsay’s blackmail as I climbed down the spacious stairway to our vast living room. The great vaulted ceilings and sky windows made our new living room seem so big compared to our old house. I was intensely conflicted but one thing was for sure, I really didn’t want to leave Sunny Manor. At the same time if I was doing what my sister told me it was probably wrong on many different levels. I would have probably done what my sister asked me to do...

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Pennys Promiscutiy 11 Discovery decisions

“So would you be prepared to help me Penny? To help us?”I was sitting in the bar of the gym club that my husband Peter and I belonged to, having a post-spinning-class glass of wine – okay a second glass of wine with my friend Julie.Julie was a close family friend, the blonde, petite, china-doll-pretty, butter-wouldn’t-melt-in-her-mouth estranged wife of my regular lover, Tony.Tony had left over a year ago because at the time she had started a highly public affair with a man more than twenty...

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Bikini Beach Pardons and Decisions

Bikini Beach: Pardons and Decisions ElrodW The 'girls' from Midnight Swim are still working in the park, and having issues adjusting, when Grandmother makes an unexpected announcement. Their futures are now at stake, and they have some tough decisions to make. ********** This story is copyright by the author. It is protected by licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Prologue...

4 years ago
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Councils of WarChapter 4 Fateful Decisions

Once again, Dorwich House hosted the ton of the ton for a ball. Once again the hostess and Lady Anne Tarleton descended the stairs together. “Are you going to dance all night?” Anne asked Lenora. “I shall save out two dances for rest periods,” Lenora responded. “Look!” She showed her dance card with the fourth and seventh lines filled out ‘sit.’ Seeing those, Anne could also see that the eighth dance was marked, ‘Dorwich.’ “Very wise,” Anne said. She now needed no trickery to know which...

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Serial Bad Decisions

A short piece I know. It was supposed to gone on longer, but the idea’s I had seemed to be merely tacked on, so I left it. ******** I was walking home in the cold drizzle when the car pulled over a short way ahead of me, the engine stuttering. The driver, who I could just about make out in the evening gloom as a woman, got out and opened up the bonnet, peering in at the engine. As she looked over the recalcitrant motor I heard her speak. ‘Oh you silly cow Carla, you didn’t do the radiator...

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Bethanys Decision

It was 1956, and Bethany was only sixteen growing up in the small town of Bakersfield, Iowa. It was an idyllic time to be a teenager, in an idyllic small Midwestern town. Bethany had always believed that she was blessed to have been born into such a time and place to what, after a time of trial, would become such a wonderful family. She was born a year before World War II, a year before her father made the hard decision to leave her and her mother to go fight against Germany. She was sixteen...

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Futa Naked In School 03 Futa MVPs Reward Chapter 2 Futas Taboo Decision

Chapter Two: Futa's Taboo Decision By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Charisma Lacy's Week, Tuesday I felt numb as I sat naked in Coach Musil's office. My little sister was beside me, equally as nude as me. We were both chosen to attend classes sans clothing thanks to the Program. Being naked wasn't why I was numb. After two months of the Program running at our college, I'd grown used to seeing naked girls and wild sex around campus. I'd even made love to my sister before our mythology...

2 years ago
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Robin Makes A Decision

His hand had made his way up my thigh until his fingers were brushing the white cotton of my panties where they covered my sex. I grabbed his forearm and held it with all of my strength to keep him from working his fingers inside of the elastic band where they would meet with my freshly shaven sex. His other hand had worked my left breast out of its bra cup where he was rolling the nipple between his thumb and forefinger. I wanted to tell him to stop but his mouth was clamped onto my mouth and...

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The Devils Pact Chapter 14 Karens Decision

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 Chapter Fourteen: Karen's Decision “Hi, Alice,” Mrs. Martin greeted me. The Martins were my eleven o'clock appointment. I was showing the couple a house in Spanaway; a cute, light gray rambler with mauve trim. After I showed them the house, for the third fricking time, I would be free for my afternoon date with Mary at the Blue Spruce Motel. I was so excited that I masturbated three times this morning while sexting with Mary. She sent me several...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 16 Moving into the New Mansion with New Beginnings and Jessicas Decision

Characters Introduced: Maize, 34, 5'8 Black maid Hazel, 33, 5'6 Black maid Dominic, 35, chef 6'2, white, Derrick, 18, Dominic's assistant 6'0, White Charmaine, 14, 5'2 Black maid, daughter of Hazel Chellise, 14, 5'2 Black maid, daughter of Hazel Chemier, 14, 5'2 Black maid, daughter of Hazel Chrystyna, 16, 5'7 Black maid, daughter of Hazel Cleona, 16, 5'7 Black maid, daughter of Hazel Corine, 17, 5'8 Black maid, daughter of Hazel Kasmira, 17, 6'0 Black maid,...

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Robin Makes A Decision

by bodaciousbob © His hand had made his way up my thigh until his fingers were brushing the white cotton of my panties where they covered my sex. I grabbed his forearm and held it with all of my strength to keep him from working his fingers inside of the elastic band where they would meet with my freshly shaven sex. His other hand had worked my left breast out of its bra cup where he was rolling the nipple between his thumb and forefinger. I wanted to tell him to stop but his mouth was...

2 years ago
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A Sudden Decision

Rachel Jackson and Valentina Vonn were sitting at a table in the back of the ball room, getting blissfully drunk and incredibly bored with the wedding reception. The two girls knew both the bride and the groom, they had all been friends since kindergarten. The two brunettes, who were cousins by marriage, adored Meche and hoped for long, happy years for the 26-year old bride. She and her husband had been in love since the second grade. Everyone in their small town thought it was a pipe dream,...

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A Teaching Moment Poor Decision

Faced with a decision that should have been easy to make, I would have to be the responsible one and forgo any type of student, teacher interaction. But no, like an impulsive youth I had to throw caution to the wind. Sure I bellowed as I reached for the joint. A bunch of “all rights” came from the group which made me feel cool and inclusive. I took a long toke and held it in my lungs. I’ve smoked plenty of weed before and I have to say this was some primo grass! I passed the blunt back. My mind...

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Dannys Dick Part 8 A Decision

Danny's Dick Part 8 - A Decision But after about six sessions with the makeup-thing, I found that I was kinda getting into it. I was experimenting at home with slightly different styles for my hair and I had begun wearing eyeshadow and eyeliner every day, and some brighter colors in lipstick, and I'd gotten my ears pierced and had several sets of hoop earrings that I was wearing, and I had gone to a nail shop and had gotten some pink fingernail extensions, and I had painted my toenails...

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A Rash Decision

A Rash Decision By: Cindy Renee' Anderson [email protected] My husband Doug was being an absolute asshole and jerk. I had a special week-end planned for the two of us but instead, at the last minute, he announced that he was going to hunting camp with some of the boys. I was furious and hurt that he was blowing me off yet again. My friend Lisa had invited us to a Halloween party and I was desperately looking forward to having some...

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Lauras Bad Decision

I shouldn’t really be surprised that two students were being spanked in front of the whole group of students. I am part way through a six month temporary position with a private school in my area where spanking as a form of discipline is an established method. I wanted to see first-hand if it helped discipline in the school and having watched several students being spanked I could see how discipline was far better than in schools with no such deterrent. I did smile when I read my contract as it...

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Desperate Decision

Desperate Decision By Mark Dayette I remember it like it was yesterday, I was in college attending a small but insignificant four year school and it was my very first semester there. I was in a World Religion class and that's when I noticed this girl who stood out from the pack like no other, her name was Holly. Holly was gorgeous with long dark hair and a complexion that was pale almost tending toward the goth look. Her facial expressions and mannerisms were the haughtiest I had ever...

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An Executive Decision

Don?t Piss Off the Boss An Executive Decision I had seen enough. Something had to be done. Arriving at work on time seemed a near-foreign concept, her work was always a day late, she clearly spent more time chatting than doing her assigned duties, and now, as it turned out, she?s been misusing the office computers on work hours, on among other things, an internet forum on bondage. Yeah, that would look really great to my superiors if it got out that I?d allowed that to carry on. So,...

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Life Changing Decision

My morning started out as usual, I made my husband and son breakfast and got them off to work and school respectively; then I made decision that would come to change my life. My son is eight; I have been married nine years, am thirty years old, stand five foot seven inches tall, brunette with a thirty-four C cup, twenty three inch waist and weigh in around one thirty four pounds. I’m told I’m still a looker. Given all this, my husband has very little sex drive and his idea of sex...

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It Certainly Wasnt A Conscious Decision

It certainly wasn't a conscious decision. We were the leftovers. An evening, they said. The eight of us. Why not? My best friend Mark and his girlfriend, two old sort-of-friends with a plan for immediate benefits, two strangers who just fell on top of each other, and us. I don't know who came up with the plan in the first place, but odds are it was Mark. It was decided that we really needed to go to this Chinese restaurant, that we really needed to partake in the banquet, and that we...

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Hollys Decision

I first met the university professor at the library on campus. Her name was Rachel and she was introduced to me by my roommate, Cindy. What struck me right away about Rachel was her beauty and how young she looked. Cindy had met Rachel at a one day seminar two months ago and it was obvious my roommate had a case o hero-worship. "Cindy has told me a great deal about you and it is so nice to finally meet you," Rachel greeted me with a smile, and it was about this time where things turned...

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HazardChapter 6 A Quick Decision

I awoke at first light, finding myself tucked up behind Mary. A quick glance at the clock told me it was almost seven o'clock. Saturday was my day to catch up on chores around my quarters. Laundry was an absolute necessity. Food shopping was another. Washing the car if the weather permitted. Somehow, I didn't feel quite as motivated as I would normally. Perhaps it was my morning erection tucked neatly between the lovely cheeks of Mary's backside. Perhaps it was my hand on her breast,...

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Earths CoreChapter 18 Difficult Decision

“Silternjan, repeat these words you just said!” Horn Kikon gritted his teeth as the atmosphere spiked with tension. “Calm down, Kikon”, Archbishop Silternjan felt a tinge scared that the beast will lose all reason and attack the messenger. Inwardly he cursed the Violet Star Commander for sending Horn Kikon along General Logan and not someone less unhinged. “It’s the chain trying to take what little advantage still available from obtaining the Galactic Communicator”. “Silternjan”, Admiral...

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Loosening Up Book 1 Journey StartChapter 22 A Tough Decision

Dave thanked Ritchie Rich for the opportunity to observe the filming of a porn video. Pam just gave him a large grin of agreement from slightly behind Dave. Richie explained a little about what the scene would entail. “Christie and I are going to play the part of a married couple who are kind of getting carried away in our living room. We start having sex, but then two of my friends come by, walking around the back of the house to see if we’re by the pool. They happen to look in the window...

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