- 4 years ago
- 42
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Comments are welcome. Helpful criticism especially so. If you want another episode let me know by adding your comments.
The story makes more sense if you read the precious chapters.
Bob looked into their bedroom and on seeing his wife fast asleep, snoring heavily, he turned and left for the spare bedroom.
Approaching her father Aurora thought it appropriate he was dressed in his judge’s robes for she was seeking his advice. Looking up at him she said. ‘I thought you were dead daddy.’
‘Yes but I’m working on an appeal. What is it you want dear? I’m busy, quickly make your submission.’
‘I don’t know where to begin.’
‘Try starting in the middle with a garbled version of the truth. That’s the norm.’
‘Well. I was only half conscious when a man put his thing into my mouth. I really wasn’t aware of what was going on, perhaps I thought it was my husband. Anyway he used me daddy. A pain in my bottom brought me round and I knew someone was inside me there too. I yelled out but the thing in my mouth muffled the sound and they both carried on. I couldn’t move away from either of them. I had to endure them using me. Then they both did it to me, they both came. I gagged and passed out. Did they rape me daddy?’
Aurora awoke with a start half remembering the dream and still wondering at what the answer might have been. Sensing the bed was wet she moved her legs over the edge and winced in pain. She wasn’t wetting the bed it was something else. Removing her hand from between her legs her nose confirmed what it was. ‘It really did happen!’ She said to herself. It wasn’t just her pussy that was leaking the same sticky mess was seeping from her bottom too. The acrid taste in her mouth couldn’t be ignored she had to get to the bathroom quickly to gargle and clean her teeth. Wanting to return to the comfort of a warm bed she stood there staring at the sticky mess on the sheets. She couldn’t just get back into the soiled bed nor could she leave the stains for the maid to discover. Ripping the sheet off the bed she screwed it into a ball and tip toed down the stairs not wanting to wake him, not wanting to even see him. Shoving the offensive evidence into the washing machine she bent looking at the dials and switches in a daze not knowing what to do. ‘Damn! The maid can do it.’ She said, raising a bare foot to kick the machine, only to think better of it.
Sitting on the cold floor she wrapped her arms around her cold knees replaying that evening. So all three of the strangers had taken advantage of her. She knew their first names but hadn’t even been properly introduced to them. Three strangers had fucked her brains out in her own home, in her lounge. She couldn’t blame them after the sordid exhibition she had made of herself. The damned hypnotic state was gradually becoming stronger every time it was invoked, otherwise she wouldn’t have dared dance a striptease in front of them. What was so galling is that she had done this to herself, she had reinforced the hypnosis by practising it on herself not meaning others to have the advantage. After going along with those other lewd acts it had worn down her natural reticence until the game had degenerated to last nights despicable performance. It had all suddenly got out of hand. She had only meant to encourage her husband to dominate her in the privacy of their home, behind closed doors. She had wanted to re-invigorate their marriage. ‘No, be honest. I wanted him to just take me in wild passion. I needed to feel the passion we used to share.’ She whispered.
Where was he when all this happened? Remembering the smell of coffee she knew he must have been fumbling around an unfamiliar kitchen hoping it was all over by the time he got back in. It was a frightening thought that she couldn’t trust him to look after her! The hypnotist had warned her not to give this power to anyone she didn’t trust but she hadn’t thought it included her husband. Daren had guided her through the games, he hadn’t let them get out of hand. Except for Lynne perhaps. She remembered the sounds of a heated argument outside Lynne’s apartment. He must have been telling the young woman off for invading her body with that dildo. She certainly looked contrite on coming back into the room with Daren. That’s why he had asked if she had something left inside her pussy. Shivering with cold, or was it from the memory of that young woman doing it to her? She decided to seek help.
Darren was the only one she could trust to look after her and she didn’t even know who he was. There were bits and pieces of information she had picked up along the way and yes her husband was representing him, unless that was just a fiction made up last night. In the study she flicked through his address book looking for a Daren. No good. Not knowing his last name she would have to search everyone of the cards. Flicking through at random she found an almost blank card. Just a name and number, this was it. Stabbing with trembling fingers she managed to hit the right keys through hot salty tears. ‘It’s Sunday morning. Bloody six am. Who is it? Speak up. Don’t bloody well wake me up and keep silent, say something. What do you want?’ His tone changed enough for her to feel he was listening after saying just one word, her name. ‘You had better come round.’ He told her. With an address scribbled onto a scrap of paper she followed the instructions to an old warehouse. It was a brick building looking abandoned and she wondered if this was the right place to find reassurance.
‘Let me take your coat.’ He said. Seeing her naked under it he meant to cover her, ‘What the hell.’ He casually remarked, ‘It’s warm enough in here. I like it hot.’ He said, casually dropping the expensive designer garment upon the floor. As she might have expected the apartment was a huge loft over the old warehouse. The brick walls were painted off-white, hung with oil paintings. She padded on bare feet from one to the other. There was nothing here of the abstract school which decorated her own home. In even greater contrast each seemed to have been selected to his particular taste not just bought as a job lot. Before long she had circled the room ending up in the kitchen area where he had prepared breakfast. ‘Sit.’
‘I don’t.’ She began only the effort was too much.
‘Just eat.’ His assault upon the eggs, bacon, beans and what looked like offal was infectious. Suddenly hungry she joined him matching him fork for fork swilling it down from a mug of strong tea. She watched him curiously eat the eggs then the bacon, the kidneys, the liver, then he cut into the toast dripping with beans. With each mouthful a sip of tea, then he bent to the task of steering another fork to his mouth. The way he attacked the food was determined and forceful. It was strange watching him eat each portion separately then move on to the next. A ravenous hunger had surfaced in her yet she closed her eyes to the offal only to be surprised by its pleasant texture. It tasted good.
‘Another cup?’ He asked. She almost asked for coffee but nodded her head instead. Watching him rise from the chair with both plates and cups was mesmerising as though he were performing a juggling act, turning just so, placing them right, opening a cupboard, dropping tea bags, switching the kettle on, all in one continuous fluid movement. Like a blind man knowing where everything was, not needing to look, simply stepping and stretching to reach for what he wanted with the minimum of effort. The second cup had been downed and he seemed to be satisfied with the task but he didn’t speak, he waited.
‘I.’ She faltered not knowing how to tell him and stopped.
‘Just let it all out.’ He said softly. They sat on a sofa, he listening while she told him of being let down by her husband. For the first time becoming conscious of her nudity she wrapped her arms about her breasts. He didn’t seem to take any notice and after a moment she relaxed again to continue with her sorry tale.
br> Under other circumstances the sight of an attractive woman sitting on the sofa naked would have interested him but not after what she had just told him. ‘What do you want to do about it?’ He asked.
‘I don’t know.’ She murmured.
‘You want to continue with the game otherwise you would have said so straight away. Your mind would have been made up before you got here and you haven’t even mentioned ending it all.’ He said.
It was a shock to hear him say this but she had to admit she was turned on by the game and she knew she couldn’t carry on without being hypnotised. Aurora tried to explain, ‘I need your help. It’s all getting out of hand. The hypnotic state is becoming stronger every time it’s used on me. I’m sure I could have refused something I didn’t want to do originally, where now it seems I can’t refuse anything. I need protection, someone I can trust to look after me while I’m hypnotised.’ She said, the tone of desperation clear in her voice.
He thought about what she was saying weighing it against the help he needed from her husband. To protect his interests the situation had to be put back together, at least for a while. ‘I can look out for you but he could put you under at anytime without letting me know. I’ll have a word with him to see what he thought of last night and if he knows what really happened. It might have shocked him enough to go back to the usual arrangements. If not I’ll talk him into it. The best thing to do is to go home and get some rest. Don’t do anything until you’ve talked it through with me. You had better take this.’ He handed her a card with an address and telephone number printed on it, but no name. ‘It’s a discreet clinic. Get a check up as soon as you can.’ He told her. She looked shocked at the implications as well as the idea of going to such a place.
‘It’s me, Daren. Can you talk?’
Aurora was home trying to concentrate on a financial report for a wealthy client, not happy at being interrupted. Feeling wary of bad news she answered. ‘Yes, I’m alone.’ She replied feeling very nervous at the sound of his voice.
‘I’ve talked to Bob and he doesn’t know what happened Saturday night. Your not exactly in the clear though. He didn’t know you would go so far as to dance in front of them ‘in such a lewd manner’, and I’m quoting him. He’s pissed and was thinking of ending the whole game. I talked him round by telling him I would keep a watch on you. What do you think?’ he asked her.
She couldn’t get her breath for a moment not knowing if she had been saved or condemned. ‘That’s marvellous Daren. I can’t thank you enough.’
‘Well that’s the second thing I want to talk to you about. You owe me. I don’t do anything for nothing so when the time comes that I need a favour you will pay me back, understood?’ A sudden thought flashed through her mind of what he knew and how it could affect her life and it was as quickly dismissed.
‘Of course, whatever I can do for you Daren.’
A Friday night went by without being summoned into the sordid game and she felt relieved and disappointed at the same time. Bob hadn’t mentioned anything and they had recovered their tedious relationship. The usual boring routine had continued with her waiting expectantly for something exciting to happen. The danger of the game had become a thrill in itself with the exciting sex a bonus. A second Friday hadn’t produced the expected note and she felt pensive as though needing a fix. ‘Hi Aurora, it’s Daren. Are you alone?’
‘Yes! What is it? Anything wrong?’ She asked.
‘Just listen. In the study desk, top left draw, there’s an envelope. Don’t open it, just fetch it.’ Her heart began to flutter as she ran to the study and back. ‘I’ve got it!’ She said breathlessly. ‘Bring it here to the club. The address is on the back. When your safely here you can open that envelope, not until then, understood? Just so there are no more mistakes. OK!’ He warned her.
She absently nodded her head deep in thought as to what was to happen to her next with seconds passing before she realised he was waiting for a response. ‘OK! And thanks Daren.’ It seemed like an age driving to his club but eventually she arrived, where the way had been obviously prepared, for the doorman let her through without question.
‘It seems he’s not as hooked on these games as you are.’ Daren told her. ‘Well, open the damn thing and get it over with. I’ll be back in a minute.’ He said. With hands trembling the envelope was ripped open, all the time she wondered what humiliating situation would be arranged this time. ‘I don’t have to do this!’ She said quietly, ‘I could just walk out of here.’ Unfolding the page it was obvious she would read it like an addict needing a fix, the need overcoming the fear. She just had to find out what humiliating situation had been thought up for this evening.
The door opened and Daren marched over to his desk. ‘Well?’
‘I’m to follow your orders, sir.’ She said. It didn’t seem so bad, disappointing in fact. Perhaps her husband had been shocked more than she thought and was reining back from the more risqué adventures. ‘Well that’s not surprising. I can look after you here. Bob must have been impressed with your dancing skills or he’s teaching you a lesson. I had better give you some instructions now you’re hypnotised.’ He ordered her to act like any other new girl starting at the club and laid out the rules. Eventualy he ended the lecture and told her, ‘You’ll need an outfit. Judy will still be in the changing room so off you go.’ He said.
As usual she was dressed in what a man thought was sexy, only the underwear was cheap, not the fine silk her husband would have bought for her. The dress was short, low cut and loose so as to be easily shed while dancing. She felt cheap like some poor woman hard up for money, just as she had been instructed to be. The music was quiet and seductive though at first she found it difficult to move in time with it. The man didn’t seem to mind. He kept his eyes upon her breasts anticipating their appearance.
Without thinking about what she was doing she swayed them from side to side before him, almost in his face, like a snake charmer. His eyes follow their impressive size bulging impressively from the dress. Lifting the hem around her hips she turned around to show off a peachy bottom teasingly framed by the stockings and suspenders. Looking over her shoulder she gave him a shy smile but he didn’t respond, he was impatient to see her breasts. Lifting the dress over her head she turned with her hands at the bra catch thrusting her breasts at him. His obvious excitement encouraged her onward despite earlier reservations about stripping before a complete stranger.
The same dance as the one performed before the three men brought him to a fit of pleasure only this time there was to be no satisfaction for her. The club rules forbade anyone touching a dancer and he kept to them. Before five different men she stripped each time becoming excited to the point of nearly coming until she was brought to a permanent state of frustration. While waiting for the next customer she was summoned to the office wondering, ‘What next?’
‘You’ve done well. The punters were pleased with your performance. One of them offered a lot of money for you to dance at a private party.’ He looked at her pleading eyes knowing she had been right, it would be impossible for her to refuse if he sent her to the party. She shivered with fright imagining what would happen once naked before a group of drunken men unable to refuse them anything. ‘I have other plans for you this evening. Your going to pay me back rather sooner than I thought. One of the girls can’t make a date with an important client so you will take her place. What have you to say to that?’ he asked.
At last given the chance to speak, having been asked a question, she asked. ‘What do you mean a date? I thought you were going to look after me! Can’t you just take me back to my husband? I’m ready for h
im now. I mean. You know.’ She stammered, unable to tell him how ready she was for her husband to service her now that she had been humiliated.
‘Don’t worry. The man won’t use you, at least not like that. He will just play with you for a little while. It’s harmless enough but you’ll have to see for yourself what he wants of you. I’ll take you to the house and wait to make sure nothing untoward happens.’ He said. She knew he meant the house where her husband had made love to her pretending to be a stranger, so naturaly she suspected it was him doing the playing. Whatever that meant. On the drive there she kept herself excited thinking over how she had danced naked before strangers and was now being pimped to another stranger. Her morals had slipped drastically from being a stripper to a whore in a short drive out of town.
An outfit had been selected and so she showered and dressed in preparation. The little pet clothes she wore reminded her of the abuse taken from a young woman some weeks ago. She wondered if being dressed as a pretty doll better or worse than being dressed as a puppy. Surely her husband hadn’t come up with this getup! Wearing a furry one-piece body suit, with doggy ears, a collar and leash, was bad enough. To add to the humiliation she had been ordered to wait curled up in a dog basket. The instructions had been specific and so now she was going to have to wait for a master to appear then obey him. Although this was exactly what she had been hypnotised for, to be at the beck and call of a master, this is not what she had in mind.
At last someone walked into the room. As suspected it wasn’t her husband. Daren had been telling the truth, she was to perform some strange ritual for a complete stranger. ‘Come over hear puppy.’ He said. With difficulty she crawled over to him to be patted and her tummy rubbed. ‘There’s a good puppy.’ He told her. Taking from a holdall a soft rubber ball she was told to fetch it. Bringing it back to him she was offered a biscuit as a reward. ‘Come now. Beg.’ He told her. Up on her haunches she nearly fell backward but he had a hold of her collar. In disgust she found it really was a doggy treat but as ordered she was his puppy for the evening and chewed it until able to swallow the dreadful thing.
The leash had been tied to a chair with her facing it whereupon he began to pull apart the poppers to expose her crotch. In some panic she thought Daren had got it wrong this man wanted to take her after all. Even worse she felt him massaging grease into her bottom. Had she been tricked into being this mans doggy whore? She could have objected in Daren’s office only now it was too late as she had willingly read the command to obey this stranger. She was in a helpless condition with this man who had paid Daren for her to be his whore and he was going to do whatever he liked with her.
‘Now lets get this done, hold still.’ He said, trying to mollify his nervous pet. With a slight pain she felt something enter her bottom. It was definitely not his penis, which brought some relief not to be buggered, but what was it? He led her round the room on a leash with her trying to figure out what he had done to her. ‘Wiggle that tale pet. Go on, sway your hips.’ He told her. It dawned upon her that she was sporting a puppy tail and he wanted her to wag it. Relief from discovering what it was allowed her to wiggle it with some enthusiasm. Led round the room once more she wondered why she was so pleased at having a butt plug shoved up her arse, but perhaps it was better than being buggered. It was all turning into a nightmare. The humiliation of being this stranger’s pet was far greater than the teasing she had endured in the café or the sex shop. Still frustrated from the club she felt the slight stimulation from the butt plug an annoyance for she really did want to have her sex filled where this was close but not close enough. While at heel he patted her talking nonsense at her. ‘You’re a good puppy. Yes you are.’
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Fantasy & Sci-FiHe lay tattered and torn, the life gone from his once vibrant body. Shelby screamed and pounded her fists into her father's chest. Seth felt numb to the pain she inflicted on him as he tried to make this nightmare go away. His son-in-law was dead. Another man was as well. The elderly man ran a red light and plowed into Rex's car just hours ago. Both men died on impact according to the police. Rex was just twenty-five. Seth struggled with the senselessness of it all. He knew his daughter...
Several months had passed since Chip and Becky joined Michael, and Julie in their home in Alpharetta. Michael and Julie finished out their basement so Chip had a room to himself, and Becky took the guest bedroom upstairs. On the home front, Michael was now Manager of Development Operations at Datatronics, after getting Scott fired; albeit accidentally, by patching his monitor and keyboard into the executive conference room. When the board members were having a meeting discussing...
I have always been a shy person, with little confidence and was a bit of a nerd. After my freshman year, I ended living with my my uncle. He would often travel a lot, so I had to stay at my neighbors, I even had a dedicated room, it was like my second home. The only thing that was weird was about them is that had strange fruit and chips that there daughter and me would often have have to eat. Sara is there daughter, a gorgeous tanned red head with long legs and couple months older than me. I...
FantasyGirls At Heart By Silly Sissy Sarah -Sarah's words- Just a little story about how a father and son can relate to each other without going the macho way... Please enjoy the story. *** One a.m., I was applying my new Revlon lipstick on my puckered lips when I heard a loud crash coming from my daughter's room. A fatal scream immediately followed. Without hesitations, my nylon-clad feet carried me hurriedly to the source of disruption. I opened the door...
Have you ever been so horny you just had to....... ........Masturbate, like immediately, right then and there?I would like to tell you a story that happened to me a while back.I was working in a grocery store as a produce manager, it was kind of a temporary thing, but it was a decent enough job. Well one day I was going through the produce section, checking inventory and straightening up the stock when I hear my name being called. A woman's voice and I turned around and it was an ex-girlfriend...
Chapter 1: The InterviewLouise Chatterton Lewis taught college English part-time in California. She discovered that one of the college's Deans had just been appointed Vice President Academic at another state college, a giant leap in salary and authority. Ambitious and tired of part-time work, Louise began to plot a strategy for putting herself forward for the Dean's position now advertised at her college. In the staff lounge one day, Louise chatted to another female adjunct professor about the...
Hi! Just wanted to introduce myself, my sister and a bit of family history. Well, she's only my half sister. We both were orphans for awhile before a wealthy and caring couple from the United States adopted us.We were born in Vietnam and have the same mother but different American fathers. Apparently, our birth mother survived those terrible years with the help of a few soldiers from the U.S. We, of course, were the unplanned result.I'm Misha and my sister, Svetlana, is a couple of years...
Incest“Etsuko” I told her, “you are so calm, It’s like the world slows down around you”, She turns towards the camera as I snap away a shot. I hear the mechanical shutter release and the image of her innocent naive face smiling at me is captured forever. As she turns on the steel railing, pouting her lips, smile gone from her face and nostalgic images race in front of her eyes, I could almost see them. I wanted to see the images in her head as she confesses "Contrary to what you see, I am not a city...
My sister Saranya (21) was about to go to the USA for her higher studies in few days. I and my parents were really happy about it. Although my mom was a little worried, I and Dad assured her that it would be good for my sister. I am Vikram (26), working in a small law firm. My Dad is a bank manager and mom’s a teacher. Our family was a close knit one, always been there for each other when required. Even though our parents were away from office, they always ensured me and my sister got all the...
IncestAnd so time passed... 1865. The Second Subjugation of Choushuu. Takasugi Shinsaku, in spite of his illness, took command of the Choushuu army and led them to victory like the god of war himself. Without seeing the dawn of the new era, he died two years later. His death poem was "I made an uninteresting world interesting." His life was such that he wrote only the first line of the poem, not the last... 1868. The Boshin War. Saitou Hajime was separated from the mainforce in the third battle...
Jackie arrived on time to meet her date. She looked chic in her knee length black chiffon dress and five inch Italian stilettos. She wore her hair down unlike the first time they met. She had met Tyrus at Starbucks, and thought he was cute not knowing the lingo to order herself an Iced Quad Venti Non-Fat Caramel Macchiato. Which he offered to replace after knocking hers over reaching for his espresso. She assisted him in ordering the drink and they exchanged numbers. After weeks of talking on...
I tell my sister how my ex-girlfriend and her wear the same perfume.. And when I smell it, I get excited. I can’t control my manly desires, and the craving for a sexy woman never goes away. Somehow sis felt empathetic for me and asked if there was anything she could do. Maybe this was wrong of me, but seeing sis in her towel knowing she’s completely naked underneath, was turning me on a great deal.. I ask if she could put on the panties and lay on her stomach for...
xmoviesforyouMy name is Shilpa and I am an engineering student in maharashtra orignially from karnataka. When I was in second year of engg I started to work as a call girl parttime because my father was unable to pay for my tution.By the time I finsihsed engg and joined Wipro I had slept with more than 100 men. There were 2 of us in one flat myself and another poor punjabi girl called Resham. An aunty who found us in college suggested this and we both eventually agreed because we needed money to pay the...
The week after the party at Aaron's house Marta suggested we go out to dinner that Saturday night. I agreed and made reservations at a nice restaurant. I spent the morning worshipping between her legs and the afternoon cleaning the house and doing chores while she took my credit card and went to the spa for a mani/pedi and a blowout. Marta came back around 5 and I noticed she had some shopping bags with her."What's in the bag?" I asked."None of your business," Marta said with a devilish grin....
Note : This story is completely fictional! It was a summer holiday as we sat in our farmhouse sharing a meal with our friends Ravi and sindhu, a brother and sister like us. We initially met Ravi and Sindhu in a resort one of our special vacation tour and created a friendship, which led to a meeting with them. Our initial meeting with them was magical as we all had similar interests. After five more meetings we invited them to our farmhouse for a visit. Sindhu is her mid twenties Longhaired...
IncestAs the sun shone brightly outside, Nika and her best friend Ashley were inside shopping at the local mall. The place was bustling with people at every corner, everyone swarming like bees in their hive. Nika and Ashley had just found themselves a place to sit in the centre of the food court after a tiring morning of shopping. They licked their ice cream treats as they talked, the cold chill feeling great on their teasing tongues. “I’m thinking of dying my hair Ashley, do you think it’s a good...
Group SexThis story is fiction: I was twenty, married to a beautiful woman, and trying to start my career as a film director. I’d finished film school, which left me high and dry, but at least I was on my way in following my life long dream. For five years I worked in the film industry, working with some of the best actors in the world today. Five years later I was twenty-five, I had successfully worked my way up the latter in becoming an accomplished Assistant Director. The money was decent, the job...
EroticHai my name is kiran the only son of my mother iam now 23.studing degre 2nd mom parvathi 42 working in a school as a science dad was in dubai last 5 mom was a good figure she has 36 size boobs and big round ass and she was white.she had long hair it touches his ass.she was looking very beaitiful when she in moms 3 students are coming tousion for every day in our house.they are more brilant students they are coming tousion for science.students are raju18.sunil...
IncestFacing each other, just inches apart, he gazed into her eyes and didn’t say a word as he took her two hands in his and brought them to his lips to gently kiss them. He kept holding her hands in his warm, slightly rough ones, rubbing the backs of her hands with his thumbs as he brought them back down and softly said, “Kayla…I really like you. But I know we’ve been just friends, I don’t expect anything from you that you don’t want to give.” She adored how her name sounded as it came out of his...
Love StoriesThe long awaited return of Sandra and her friends. Find out what happened and how things change for Sandra and how this attack affects the perpetrator. A Prayer Answered Chapter Seven I woke up with the realization someone was squeezing my hand and could hear the blazing sound of a siren. I jolted up quickly when I felt a bump, I soon realized I was in the back of an ambulance and the back of my head hurt like hell. My...
This all started when Annamma aunty was going bra shopping. I knew Annamma aunty for a long time and we were very close. I used to hug her sometimes and touch her back every time. I touched her back to feel her bra hook and later masturbate thinking of her. Sometimes, I used to steal her used bras from her washing machine or bathroom, masturbate over them, and used to keep them with me. I don’t know whether she realized it or not that I used to steal her bras as she would obviously notice that...
IncestThe old man's hand was trembling, as he shook another hand. It seemed that everyone wanted to thank him for his service, before they meandered away and ignored the shape his country was in. It was another Fourth of July, and the old man was grieving over what he saw in the news, and on the streets of his country. "Thank you for your service," another young man said, "and Happy Fourth of July," he continued as he reached for the old man's hand. "Celebrate it while you can," the old man...
Hi, how r u readers, mails chappaga unnayi, manchi mails encouragement vi raaledu, sare next story kelite, vadina red signal ichhindi, time kosam choostunte rane vachindi, intlo,nenu sister, vadian tappa andaru marriage vere place kellaru nenu ranani tappinchukunnanu, sister ki tests ani, sister ku toduga vadina, ila kalisivachindi, morning nundi, vadinanu ila dengali ala dengali ani reharsals enno veshanu,ratri bojanalayyayi, sister chaduvutu koorchundi , vadina tana room lo undi, common ga...
STRUGGLING -or- IT WOULD BE SO NICE IF SOMETHING MADE SENSE FOR A CHANGE "No, Blaine, I'm not 'sick,'" John sighed as he spoke into his phone to a very concerned young man several miles away. "Please, I really don't want to talk about this over the phone. We have the long weekend coming up, so let's meet for breakfast on Friday morning - my treat. After breakfast, we can have a long conversation. Then we can go to the airport to pick up my friends from Massachusetts that afternoon....
Well, I was reluctant to let my daughter’s friend Janice move into our house for her last year of high school. But like most parents I gave in. Little did I know I was creating a disaster? Now Janice is a nineteen year old six foot tall, sexy, blond haired Scandinavian beauty living who was blossoming into full womanhood. She was stunningly beautiful so of course when my 21 year old son came home from college for winter break he and Janice fell in love. Now they are fucking their brains out in...
When Seema called me to accompany her on the bed. I readily agreed and went near my bed and lied next to her. She lied facing me and we talked about my gym and nutrition etc. She made a remark that my music collection seems pretty impressive as I had all the songs of Bob Marley, Jimi Hendrix, and MJ. She said that she too was a big fan of Hendrix and MJ. We lied in that position and talked a lot but suddenly there was a lot of silence between us. I was looking straight into her beautiful eyes...
IncestMy name is Tredem and this story is about how I became a Master. When I was 16, my life began to change. I was friends with the hottest girl in the town we lived in. I didn’t see her this way at first, Katy was my next-door neighbor and we had been partners in crime for just about every mischievous thing kids can dream up. We did everything together, as we got older our friendship grew and I became the first line of defense against every other male in our town. Now the reason Katy was sought...
BDSMWhen we last left off Nicole and I had just met and had some interesting first night sex while her friend Kate slept beside us. I found out many years later that Kate was awake the entire time. I always wondered what would have happened if she had rolled over. Me being 18 at the time I probably would have just cum in 2 mins as opposed to 5. Anyhow lets fast forward a few months. Due to circumstances at the time I was already living on my own. I was renting a small 2 bedroom house with a friend...
Quarantine Cove (c) 2007-2010 by Trismegistus Shandy This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution- Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. Feel free to repost or mirror it on any noncommercial site or mailing list. You can also create derivative works, including adaptations to other media, or new stories using the same setting, characters and so forth, as long as you mention and point to the original story and release your own adaptations or new...
It had been a busy and frustrating week at work, despite best efforts our deliveries were late meaning we couldn’t deliver to our customers; All leading to long days on the phone either chasing other people or apologising for our lateness. I couldn’t wait for Friday and just had to get away. To tell you the truth I pretty much just leapt in the car and drove with no real plan, ending up at the coast in the early evening with no idea where I was going to sleep. I park the car and can’t resist...