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The long awaited return of Sandra and her friends. Find out what happened and how things change for Sandra and how this attack affects the perpetrator. A Prayer Answered Chapter Seven I woke up with the realization someone was squeezing my hand and could hear the blazing sound of a siren. I jolted up quickly when I felt a bump, I soon realized I was in the back of an ambulance and the back of my head hurt like hell. My vision was a bit fuzzy as I tried to look at who was holding my hand. It quickly cleared up and I could see it was Brian holding my hand. I then could see the ambulance guy working on an IV and was watching a monitor on the side very closely. "Oh thank God you're ok; you were kicked in the head by that rat bastard Brad. He got his though," Brian said looking pissed off and then happy I was conscious. As the fuzziness continued to wear off, I began to hear the driver in the front making calls on the radio, about my condition. I heard the following which made no sense to me. "Inbound one female juvenile, sixteen with a contusion and a two inch laceration to the anterior portion of the lower head and neck area, unconscious for five minutes, on line with fluids and 10 CC's." I could not understand the rest; I was now looking over at Brian who still had a worried look on his face. "My head hurts," I squeaked out then heard the guy in the back with us tell the driver my condition up date. "She's conscious." "That is good to hear," the driver responded. "What happened after I blacked out?" I asked Brian who was still squeezing my hand, he did not have time to answer because the ambulance stopped and I was quickly wheeled out and was hurried into an examination room with a bunch of people in white coats and smocks were waiting to examine me. The I presume the man in the white coat was the doctor, he began looking at my eyes with a light and looked at the monitors hooked up to me and then took a gauze bandage to the back of my head. After a few minutes he sighed in relief and explains to the others my condition. "It looks as if we have a very lucky young lady here, but just to be sure I want a CT scan of her skull and then get a local and stitch up the cut in the back of her head. It does not look to bad and will probably heal with a very small scar. How do you feel young lady?" "A little out of it, my head hurts and my vision was blurry when I woke up in the ambulance," I said feeling a little scared I might be hurt more on the inside. "You're sure I'm ok?" "Yes, I just want to rule out the possibly of brain injury but you do have a slight concussion, and will need stitches in the cut on your neck, most likely two or three will do, it's not that bad of a cut." "What's a concussion doctor?" I asked not knowing what it meant. "That means your brain is bruised and it will clear up in a few days to a week. I will send a letter requesting you not participate in any physical activity for the rest of the week and will see you next week to take the stitches out and follow up on you then. Does that sound ok?" "Yes, thank you, Doctor ?" "Sorry, I'm Doctor Jenson a Pediatric resident here at Mercy hospital." "Thanks for taking care of Sandra," Brian said. "That's my job, take care of the injured and cure there ails," Dr. Jenson said chuckling. "Are you Sandra's boyfriend and I hearing you're the one who fought off the bully who attacked her?" "Yes I'm her boyfriend, and yes I took care of that bully, and good I hope." "I heard he's ok, just a broken spirit and bloody nose from what the school nurse has told the police." "Police, Brian's not in trouble is he?" I asked concerned for Brian. "That's something he will have to ask the investigating officer. He's waiting outside in the hall for you, if you would like Brian I'll tell him your waiting for Sandra's test results and will be out in a while." "Thanks Doctor, I'd like that." With that the Dr. Jenson walk out and spoke to the tall black officer in the hall, the officer smiled and nodded an affirmative and Dr. Jenson walked back in the examination room and was soon followed by a large piece of equipment being pushed into the room by a large guy in scrubs and an ID that read D. Jones, Orderly. "Ok, the portable CT scanner is here so I'll go ahead and get that out of the way, thank you Rick," Dr. Jenson said to the big balding man. "No problem Frank," the orderly said and walked out. Dr. Jenson the pushed it the rest of the way over to the bed I had been lying on and had me lay down and then turned on the machine. It made a low buzzing sound for a few minutes then Dr. Jenson turned off the scanner an pushed it into the far right corner of the exam room. He then sat at a computer terminal and brought up what could only be pictures of the inside of my head. He studied several images for a few minutes then stood up and came over to the side of the bed. "Your scans are clear of any damage, just a small bit of bruising from a mild concussion. You'll have to stay in the hospital overnight for observation, but you will be able to go home tomorrow afternoon. Your principal Mrs. Sherman has informed me she has contacted your father and he's on his way here." "Thank you," I said relieved dad was coming to the hospital. A second later a short and skinny female nurse walked in with a tray and syringe and set the tray on the table next to the bed. "Brian you can go out and speak to Officer Thompson while the nurse tends to Sandra's stitches." Dr. Jenson led Brian out to the corridor while I had stitches put in. Once the nurse used the syringe, the area around the wound became numb and all I felt was a slight tug as she did the stitches. The nurse, Betty, finished in just a few minutes. "There we go, all finished. I was able to close the cut with just two stitches and used glue on the rest. It'll heal nicely and most likely not leave a scar, and if it does it will be small and hidden by your hair." "Thank you nurse, will it hurt?" "Call my Betty; it will be sore for a few days. Just keep it clean and covered until the stitches are removed. You're a very pretty girl, how old are you?" Betty said sweetly "I'm 16 Betty, and a sophomore in high school," I answered. "Is that cute boy in the hall your boyfriend?" Betty continued to talk as she tapped a bandage on the wound. "Yes, that's Brian, my knight in shining armor; apparently he stopped the boy who kicked me from doing anything else," I told her very proud of him. "Do you know why that boy did this to you?" she asked innocently, unaware of my secret. "Yah, I think it's because I used to be a boy," I told her a bit scared of what she might think. "Oh, well I guess he's just another boy not secure with his own manhood," she said calmly and unaffected. "You don't mind?" I asked confused. "No not at all, in fact my sister was just like you and has grown up to be a very special sister and friend," Betty said with a grin. "I'll give you her email and maybe you can talk to her if you like." "That would be great, thank you," I said excited about talking with another person who had already gone through what I am. "I'll be back with her business card in a few minutes; it's just in my locker down the hall." Betty then left and Brian and the police officer walked in right as she left. "Hello Ms. Davidson, I'm Officer Thompson and I'm investigating the attack on you at school today and I have a few questions to ask you," he asked gently. "Go ahead Officer Thompson; I'm ready to answer any questions you may have." I was wondering how I could help I really did not see anything. "Ok Ms. Davidson, at any time in the past few days did you at any time do anything that might be construed as flirting or inappropriate touching to Kevin Chambers?" "Absolutely not Officer, I haven't even spoken to him in at least a week," I said a little mad at the question. "Ok, calm down Ms. Davidson, I just need to get all the info from everyone involved and I'm not pointing fingers of blame at you," Officer Thompson said in a calming tone. "Sorry, Officer Thompson, but I am still a bit fuzzy and I did nothing to deserve this attack." "I realize that, you're too lovely a young lady as far as I have seen and heard from many people at your school," he said with a smile. "You have a lot of good friends and teachers who came to your aid and defended your honor when Kevin started spreading that you not only flirted with him, but you also exposed yourself to him in a sexual manner." I turned beet red in anger at such an outlandish lie. "How could he say such a thing, I was just getting my next class books out of my locker when I heard that piece of shit yell, then next thing I know I'm in and ambulance. No way is that horse's ass going to get away with telling lies. What a piece of shit," I almost screamed in anger, I don't even remember ever being this angry before. I've always been passive and shy up till now. "It's ok to be angry Ms. Davidson, from what Brian and the other witnesses have told me this was a total unprovoked attack and that the perpetrator will be dealt with. I'm going to speak to his father once I've completed my interview with you." "Please call me Sandra, and thank you." "You are welcome." His smile then turned to a frown. "I sorry but I have to ask you this final question, part of what Kevin was spreading at school after this incident was that just a few days ago you used to be a boy. All I see in front of me is a very nice girl, but does this rumor have any truth to it?" he asked gently. I started to wonder if I was in some sort of trouble for becoming a full time girl. I began to worry I might have to go back to being a boy, no way that was happening. I'm a girl now and no way is someone going to force me to change who I am. Officer Thompson must have seen the unhappy expression on my face. "Look Sandra, not that it mattes one way or another, but I am obligated to get the facts in this case. It will have no bearing on you and will only be used against your attacker in such cases that involve discrimination against persons in your alleged situation." "Yes it is true I was once a boy. I am a girl now and no one is going to tell me otherwise," I said still a frustrated about what happen and what might happen when I return to school in a few days. "Thank you for your honesty Sandra, it will indeed help if this incident goes to court. It's up to you, as I said I will be contacting Mr. Chambers in a few minutes. At that time I will come back and discuss what might happen next. I'll return shortly and once again thank you Ms. Davison." "You're welcome Officer Thompson; I just hope that piece of shit Kevin get what he deserves," I said still feeling hurt and angry at my attacker as Officer Thompson walked out the shaking his head. "Watch your language young lady." "Daddy!!" I squealed as my father walked in with an expression of worry that changed to a smile once he realized I was ok. My head hurt as I sprang up from the bed and jumped to my feet to hug him and I wobbled a bit. "Careful Sandra, I don't want to be the one who causes you to get hurt more," Dad said with a smirk. "Oh Daddy, I'm fine. The doctor said I can go back to school on Thursday, but I have to stay overnight for observation," I told him trying to be smarter than him. "I know sweetie, I just spoke with Dr. Jenson. He told me you're a very lucky girl." Dad gave me a big hug, then turned to Brian. "I understand I owe you a great debt of gratitude young man for saving Sandra from a severe beating. You sir have my thanks and eternal appreciation, and Sandra is very fortunate to have a boyfriend like you Brian. Your mother will be very proud of your actions today, and I will be sure to tell her how I feel about it." Brian could not help but turn red in embarrassment. "Thank you Mr. Davidson, I just reacted to protect the girl I love. I would not know what I would do if I had lost her. She's my best friend and girlfriend in the world," Brian said and smiled at me. "I love you Brian," I let slip out and gave him a kiss on the lips. We held it just for a few seconds and then were interrupted by the door opening and Officer Thompson came back in. "Hello, I'm Officer Ben Thompson you must be Mr. Davidson," the policeman said as he shook dad's hand. "Why yes I am, are you going to arrest the person responsible for this unprovoked attack?" Dad asked sternly. "If I may sir may I speak to you outside regarding that point?" Officer Thompson asked and gestured to the corridor just outside my room. Once they left the room I could see Dad and Officer Thompson talking through the glass in the door to the room. It looked like a civil conversation and not heated. I could see my dad nod his head from time to time in the affirmative. I began wondering what they were talking about; I did not have to wait long because they both came back in a few seconds later. Dad came up to me and put his hand on my shoulder in a comforting manner. "Sandy, Officer Thompson has spoken with Mr. Chambers, Kevin's dad about this. His initial reaction was one of shock and embarrassment. He said he is truly sorry for what his son has done to you. He has requested to meet with you and me to discuss alternative punishment other than arrest. He does say he will support whatever decision you make," Dad said, then squeezed my shoulder for support. "Ok Dad, I'll meet Mr. Chambers and talk with him. I certainly will hear what he has to say, then make a decision then," I told him a bit apprehensive. "That's very grown up of you Sandra, you must be very proud of your daughter Mr. Davidson," Officer Thompson said. "Yes I am very proud of Sandra; she is a very responsible and tender young lady," Dad said then smiled at me. "Mr. Chambers said he could be here in about an hour, he said something about needing to take care of his son first then he will meet with you here," Officer Thompson explained. "Thank you Ben." Officer Thompson shook dad's hand then left to wait somewhere for Mr. Chambers to show up. "Honey, you should get some rest and Brian and I will go and see if we can fetch you something to eat." "Ok dad that sounds nice, I'd like some ice cream too," I said greedily knowing I would get what I wanted. "Of course your majesty, you ask and you shall receive," Dad said jokingly. "Come on Brian let 'Princess Sandra' rest while us men fetch her some food." "Yes sir," Brian continued the berating. "My lady," Brian said bowing as he exited the room. I'll have to get him back for that one for sure. I took dad's advice and lay down and closed my eyes and thought about what dad and Brian might talk about while out. I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew I was being woken up by someone tapping on my shoulder. "Wake up Sandra, Brian and I have returned bearing a back of food," Dad said holding a McDonald's bag. "Yummy and an ice cream cone too. I love you guys, thanks," I said very appreciative of the food and ice cream. "What did you talk about while out?" "Not much," Brian said while fidgeting. I guess I'll have to ask him later when we are alone, and I know just the trick to get him to talk. "Here's your food, enjoy," Dad said as he handed me the bag, I opened it and found my favorite nuggets with sweet and sour sauce and fries. We all ate quietly until we were done eating. I gobbled down the last of the nine piece and last fry just as a very tall balding man knocked on the door to the room I was in. Dad got up and asked if he could help the man, he introduced himself as Mr. Chambers. "Sandra this is Mr. Chambers, and he would like to talk to us about what happened today," Dad said as he led the very muscular man into the room. I felt overwhelmed by his stature; he defiantly towers over the smaller Kevin. "Good afternoon Sandra, my name is Brad Chambers, and I would like to first off apologize for my sons actions against you today. He had no right or reason to do what he did. He will be held accountable for his actions which why I am here today. I wanted to discuss other options other than having him arrested with you. He is a good boy; just he has had problems relating to other kids his age. And what I have in mind is ok with you I think it might even help him become a better man," Mr. Chambers said in a very soft spoken tone, he really seamed different sounding than he looked, very educated and caring. "What do you have in mind Mr. Chambers?" I asked very curious. "First of all Kevin will be required to apologize to you personally and in front of the whole tenth grade. I have also decided he needs to learn what it's like to be perceived as he put it, 'An outcast and a freak.' His punishment will be to dress completely as a girl for fourteen days starting Monday. That way he will experience some of the things you might be going through. I can only imagine what it might be like, but I have a great respect for you and Kevin needs to learn that and how to treat those around him." Mr. Chambers was direct and to the point. "How do you feel about that Sandra?" "I'm unsure of what to think, I do appreciate the respect you have shown me but I don't know if this will work. What if he tries to injure me again?" I asked for assurance Kevin would not hurt me again. "Don't worry about that Sandy; I've got your back," Brian said with a big smile and acting tough. "I will guarantee that if you tell me that Kevin hurts you or anyone else he will be arrested for this action. In fact I'll give you my cell number and you can get in touch with me at anytime you feel I need to be informed of any actions he takes," Mr. Chambers said with conviction. "I think I can live with that, I thank you for coming and apologizing to me personally Mr. Chambers," I said honestly. "You are very welcome Sandra, all my best to you and your father. Don't forget to call." "I won't Mr. Chambers." With that Mr. Cambers handed me his business card and left. I then turned to Brian and dad. "What do you guys think about this?" "I think it's a hoot and great karma, I can't wait to see Kevin at school trying to hide behind girls clothes," Brian said with laughter. "You two need to tread lightly on this subject, if Kevin gets picked on at school who's to tell anyone they can't pick on you for the same reason Sandra, and even you Brian. You are dating and some might consider you gay for dating Sandra, even if she is a girl on the inside. Some might not see it that way, and if they see you two in on the fun of what will happen at school with Kevin. Then they will see you as a bully also and open for payback," Dad said sternly. When dad put it that way I had no choice but to agree. I would certainly not partake in any bullying or teasing when I saw Kevin next. I hope Brian feels the same way. "You're right Mr. Davidson, Sandra we have to be careful and not in any way teas Kevin. I will still protect you if he becomes violent." "I was thinking the same thing Brian, it's a good thing you and I think alike. If you didn't then I would dump you." I put that last part in just to put Brian in his place. "Well you are my princess after all. I will only follow your lead my liege," Brian said with a bow for emphasis. "You're such a kiss ass Brian," I said then hit him on the shoulder. "That's quite enough you two, or I'll have to ground you both. It's getting late and visiting hours are almost over, so we will have to say our goodbyes and let Sandra get her rest," Dad came over and gave me a hug and a kiss on the forehead. "I'll see you in the morning sweetie, I'm stopping by on my way to work then I will pick you up on my way home," He said smiling and patting me on the shoulder then looked at Brian. "Brian I will leave you and Sandy alone so you can say your goodbyes and then I'll drive you home." "Thanks Mr. Davidson," Brian said blushing. "You're welcome Brian, and please call me David." "Yes Mr. Da.... I mean David," Brian corrected himself. My dad then walked out and left us alone. I looked over at Brian and thought how much I love him. He saved me from being injured further, I had to thank him. "Brian I am truly thankful for helping me today. I didn't mean to sound bossy earlier," I said apologetically. "Don't worry about it. Your dad and I were only teasing you besides I do think of you as my princess." "You're a kiss ass Brian, come here," I told him patting the spot on the bed next to me. Brian cautiously sat down, and I looked into his eyes, I realized right then I loved him more than anything. I then put my hand on his cheek and pulled him into a passionate kiss. I felt all tingly all over, and was getting excited. He's a good kisser, and I like what he's doing with his tongue. I melted into him and let the kiss linger and for the first time in my life I let my hand fall to his lap and touched another penis. I could tell he was excited as I was even through the fabric. I had to cool down or I would make a mess, so I broke the kiss but still looked into his eyes and lost myself in them. "I love you Brian," I simply said. "I love you too Sandra," He said blushing but meant it. "That was fantastic; you think you might be ready for more?" he asked honestly and I could not blame him. "Of that I am sure of Brian, I do want more, to be honest I've given it a lot of thought and I want to experience everything with you," I told him sort of hesitant. "You do, that's great," Brian said excitedly. "Yes, I've soiled plenty of towels just fantasizing about it. If you know what I mean." Shit, did I just tell him I was masturbating thinking about him, yep sure did, oops. "I know exactly what you mean Sandra; I can't wait to experience more with you. Maybe we can do more once the dance is over next Friday?" he said in a question. "Yes an after dance celebration dance just you and me alone." "That sounds great Brian, and I agree." I was excited about it myself and wondered what it would be like. "It's late and I wish you didn't have to go, but the orderlies will kick you out promptly at 8 o'clock." "I know and I hate leaving you here alone," Brian said with sadness. "I'll see you tomorrow ok." "Of course silly, I can't wait to see you again, good night Brian," I told him, then kissed him again, but not as long as before. "Good night my love, see you soon," Brian said as he walked out then he blew me a kiss at the door. God I love that man, I thought to myself, and fell fast asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. I was woken up by a light tapping on my shoulder; I opened my eyes to see my dad standing over me with a smile. "Good morning sweetie, have a nice sleep?" Dad asked pleasantly. "Good morning dad, yes I slept well enough. My neck is kind of sore though, but I feel better today." "Well that's great honey, how would you like to get out of here?" Dad asked. "Go home, absolutely. But I thought the doctor wanted me to stay the whole day?" "I just finished talking to him, he said that you're doing well enough to go home and back to school tomorrow." "That's great dad, what about work?" I asked hopping he would not get in trouble on my account. "Don't you go worrying about it? My boss John is very understanding and told me not to worry about missing work," dad said easing my fears. "I won't dad, so the doctor says I'm ok then?" I asked just to be sure. "Yes Sandra your fine, we just have to come back on Monday to get the stitches out." "Well I'm glad about that, let's go home." Dad handed me a bag with some clothes in it. A simple yellow shirt and jeans and clean panties bra. I guess he's a simple man. I dressed and soon dad and I were on our way home. It was a quite ride home. I just kind of zoned out and gazed at the passing buildings and passersby. I guess I wasn't really in the talkative mood at the moment, which is almost a miracle for a teen aged girl. I then remembered about the dance and what Brian had said. I began to wonder what dad would think if I asked him about it. "Dad, Brian asked me to the spring dance and I said yes, is that ok?" I asked a little red faced. "Yes of course its ok, I expected that he would," he said with a smile. "Thanks, there is another thing I want to talk to you about, and it's a hard subject for me to talk to you about," I said a little slowly trying to get it all out. "You can tell me anything Sandra, no matter what it's about. I am here for you," Dad said patting my knee and then turned into our driveway. "How about we get something to drink and sit and talk?" "Ok," I had not realized we were that close to home, I followed dad into the house. "I'll have some iced tea please," I asked as he opened the refrigerator. "That sounds good, I'll have one too," Dad said and grabbed the container and two glasses from the cupboard and handed me a glass then poured it for me then poured himself one. We then took our drinks into the living room and sat down. "So what would you like to talk about Sandy?" dad asked with no concern as he looked to know what I would be asking. "It's about Brian and me. It... It's..." I stumbled a bit. "I've been thinking a lot about being with Brian more intimately." If my face was not red before, it sure was now. "You mean sleeping together?" dad said without a change of expression, little or no surprise. I was stunned to say the least. "Yes," I squeaked out. "You don't mind?" "What you and Brian do in private is your business. I just want you to be sure that this is what you want. I knew right away that your mother was the one for me. And I'm sure you feel the same way about Brian, am I right?" Dad asked with a smile. "Yes, I love him more than anyone. I just now realized my feelings for him were deeper than I thought. I always thought I wasn't gay. Now all I can think about is being with Brian," I said not sure if what I said made any sense. "Labeling yourself as anything is to early Sandra, weather your straight, gay, transgendered or somewhere in-between does not matter to me. I will still love you unconditionally." "Thanks dad, I love you." "I love you too sweetheart." He then gave me a big hug then released me a few minutes later. "Let's sit back down and finish our chat shall we." "Ok," Dad and I talked for hours, mostly about school, Brian, the Spring Dance and of course he asked me again about Kevin and his punishment. I won't bore you with all the details. It was a wonderful afternoon that I got and bonded closer to my dad. I have to say I felt much better after I talked to him about my feelings about my identity and not knowing which road I would ultimately take. He just sat and listened to me go on and on. He knew exactly when to interject with an idea or suggestion. He also told me not to stop questioning the world and my decisions. It's the adult thing to do to look at the issues we are face with from multiple angles. For that I love and cherish my dad. After our long talk dad asked if I would like to go out and get something to eat later. I said yes, and at that very moment there was a knock at the door. I went and opened it and standing there was Brian. "Hi Sandra, I've missed you," Brian said then gave me a hug. I'm beginning to love hugging him. He felt so warm and I could not help but melt into him. I looked into his deep brown eyes and kissed him. "Hi yourself," I said after breaking the kiss. It took Brian a second to get his composure back. "I'm glad you're out of the hospital." "Me too Brian, would you like to come in?" "Yes please?" Brian said politely. Brian and I sat and began talking. Dad excused himself and let us be. It was nice of him to give us space, even after I told him I had these feelings about Brian. The more we talked the more I felt at ease with him, Brian is such a good friend and I must be truthful, he's very attractive too. We must have talked for hours about school. The biggest thing Brian had said had happened that the other students were all coming together in support for me. I could not believe that was happening, Brian explained that Kevin had spread rumors about me around school before he had hit me. No one believed him, and if they did no one seemed to care. I guess I will find out tomorrow when I get back to school. It must have gotten late because dad came out and asked if Brian and I would like something to eat. We both said yes, and the three of us went out to dinner at Outback. It was a very nice and quiet dinner. I knew Brian and I both enjoyed the time with dad. I asked him if it would be ok if we go to dinner with his mother some time. He agreed and said Saturday would be perfect. We soon found ourselves once again staring at each other on my porch waiting for the other to say good night. I took the lead and kissed him good night. It was another great kiss that once again led me to think about spending time 'alone' with him. I don't think I will be able to wait any longer, if I do I might explode in anticipation. I asked god for patience and went into the house and went to bed as I was tired.

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Some Prayers Do Get Answered

This is my first attempt at authoring a story on my own. Constructive criticism is invited. I’ve not used an editor this time, as I would like to know what people think of my writing first. Thank you! “Roshan, shut that damn play thing off and come sit down for your prayers young man!” my Aunt Dolly shouted from the living room. “It’s not a play thing, it’s a PlayStation”, I muttered under my breath, but I found myself smiling at her matronly behavior. Grudgingly, I paused the game where I was...

4 years ago
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A Question Answered

Suzanne lay against me, her back beside my chest, my arms around her, in the dimly-lit den. We each held a cold beer (drinking beer was a common passion of ours, and something I had not been used to in previous relationships). I took a swig of mine, closed my eyes and felt her warmth on my body, thinking of her beauty, so understated yet stunning. There was no doubt I was falling for her, I had suspected the same was true from her standpoint, but couldn’t be 100 percent sure-not yet. As is...

4 years ago
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Some sex questions answered

Some sex questions answered1. What’s your favorite place to be kissed? Mouth. With tongue, bottom of cock right below tip, and balls.2. What color and style of underwear are you wearing? Commando3. What’s your favorite sexual position? Woman on top4. Do you prefer sex beneath the sheets or on top? On top On top5. Do you prefer sex with the lights on or off? Lights on6. Do you like rough sex or smooth sex? Smooth7. What one word would describe the most pleasurable night you’ve had? Tripping on...

1 year ago
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Some sex questions answered

Some sex questions answered1. What’s your favorite place to be kissed? Lips and Neck2. What color and style of underwear are you wearing? Right now: red nylon bikini briefs3. What’s your favorite sexual position? Middle4. Do you prefer sex beneath the sheets or on top? On top5. Do you prefer sex with the lights on or off? On6. Do you like rough sex or smooth sex? Mild to wild7. What one word would describe the most pleasurable night you’ve had? Variety8. What’s your favorite part of sex?...

1 year ago
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Dark Rapture II A Question Answered

Chapter 1 Marcus and I drove along the narrow roads. I had my face buried in a bunch of print-outs of old newspaper reports. I was excited to be on this trip. For months I have been trying to get ideas for my new book, but it seemed as if inspiration was in sort supply. My publishers were crawling up my ass, wanting to know when the next Nova Raskin book would be on the shelves. I was tired of dealing with it, that's why I came to this small New England town. There was one house I was...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 1 The BabiesChapter 16 Questions Asked Questions Answered

June – Year 1 “Holy Shit!” Not the best alarm clock ever! Dara was standing in the door examining a scene of total sexual carnage. There were bits of clothes scattered around the room. The top bed sheet was scrunched up on floor at the foot of the bed. The fitted sheet was off of two of the corners and was wrapped around Erin’s feet. Lynn woke up first; I guess when a mother hears any surprising noise out of a daughter it sends waves right into the mother’s brain. She found herself wedged...

4 years ago
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TyballaChapter 8 Questions Answered Questions Not Answered

I ran faster than the other girls. April ran too, but she fell behind quickly. I dashed down the trail through the trees, out onto the open field to the waiting ambulance with its bright, flashing lights, and to the medics who would have never found us in the woods. "She's back up this way!" I shouted. One of them shined a flashlight along the edge of the woods to the entrance of the narrow trail. "We'll never get the stretcher up there," he said. The other replied, "Fine. I guess...

3 years ago
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The Ishtar InvestigationChapter 13 Questions Asked Questions Answered

It was once we were inside that he revealed that he was aware of what we were doing. "Why?" were his first words once the door closed. "Because I have questions I don't want to ask where others can hear," I stated firmly. I could see Sarah and Fate peeking around the corner from the back room, but guided Commodore Pruitt to a chair and had him sit. Linda clearly had decided that withdrawing might help and vanished into the back for a moment. I could see the man look around and spoke...

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Three Square MealsChapter 83 A question of the ages finally answered

John awoke the next morning to the soft sound of a girl singing. He recognised Faye’s exquisite voice, but the song was filled with a heart-breaking sense of melancholy that almost brought a tear to his eye. Trying not to disturb Tashana and Irillith, he untangled himself from the sisters and sat upright so he could look at Faye. She was sitting in the chair, gazing away into the distance with a mournful expression on her face. “What’s wrong, Faye?” John asked her quietly, climbing off the...

1 year ago
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Personal Ad Answered

I decided it would be fun to place a personal ad. This would be like a blind date and I promised myself that if I got an answer, I'd try and seduce the woman, no matter what she was like. I described myself as a 35 year old man. 6' 3" tall at 185 lbs. with hazel eyes. Long brown hair and a mustache. I said I was looking for a 50 plus year old woman who was interested in having some intimate fun. After about a week, I got one envelope from the news paper. It was from a 59 year old woman. She did...

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A Prayer Answered

Sister Mary Elizabeth peered into the gloomy corners of the church as she hurried to the front and kneeled before the altar. She thought she had seen someone for a moment but when she searched there was only the breeze left behind by the closing of the heavy old front door of the church. No one was supposed to be in here, not even her, but she needed to feel close to God as she talked over her issues with him. She took her position of prayer and was about fifteen minutes into her meditation...

4 years ago
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A prayer might be answered

The contract work on a drill-ship was too lucrative to pass up. Arrangements for my k**s was hard to setup. With so many Kristen needed help 7*24 and quality care is very hard to find. Pretty dull work but heavy skill and it paid off. Informed all computer connections are monitored. So I stayed away from this site. Got back Saturday and I've been hugging my babies ever since. No cock for a month. All work and no play makes Andie a bad girl. And Kristen is the best. She has basically...

4 years ago
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Some sex questions answered

What’s your favorite place to be kissed? Lips and absWhat color panties are you wearing? Right now: none ;PWhat’s your favorite sexual position? SpoonsDo you prefer sex beneath the sheets or on top? On topDo you prefer sex with the lights on or off? Depends on my moodDo you like rough sex or smooth sex? Depends on my partnerWhat one word would describe the most pleasurable night you’ve had? SlipperyWhat’s your favorite part of sex? Do I have to choose?Are you familiar with the term “erotic...

2 years ago
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Bonnie Called and I Answered

If you read my recent post regarding a hotel Front Desk Supervisor encounter, please read on. If you did NOT read that post, I suggest you read it BEFORE you read this one.As you recall, Bonnie is a middle-aged woman - in a less-than-wonderful marriage. Her husband, by her account, is a "climb-on, grunt and groan, and roll off" kind of guy. As she acknowledged after our encounter, she was ripe for and open to a "different" experience - and I happened to come along.At any rate, shortly after...

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Desire and Despair Book 3 of Poachers ProgressChapter 18 More Questions Are Answered

"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride" The Vicar of St Wulfrum's reached the culmination of the marriage ceremony and Gurney and Zinnia embraced. The church bells chimed, the choir sang an anthem, and most of the ladies in the congregation cried while the men stared stolidly to their front. I accompanied the chief bridesmaid – a cousin of Zinnia who possessed an equally prominent bosom but little else of Zinnia's warmth, intelligence or wit – following the happy couple...

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Sorkanas Rise the Search for Answers

Sorkana's Rise, the Search for Answers By: Malissa Madison Pern, Landing Weyr; Zinda was just stepping out of the Weyr kitchens, it had been a hurried afternoon, after returning from Between. But the injured Dragons and Riders had all been tended and treated. Thankfully none serious enough to prevent them returning to their Home Weyr. The excited chittering of Fire Lizards caught her attention and she turned to see the little gold with a message tube from Western....

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Darkness and LightChapter 6 Questions and Answers

When Jenaya woke up she knew something was wrong before she had even opened her eyes. Outside her window, about twenty yards to the left stood an old alder. At night an owl frequently used the tree as a look-out for its hunt. Jenaya liked to watch the bird while it was overlooking the garden. The owl’s calm patience always had a soothing effect on her, not tonight though. Tonight the owl was a pulsing presence in Jenaya’s awareness. Its surprisingly high frequency heartbeat was absently...

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Darkness and LightChapter 24 Simple Answers

Athea lay on Roban’s wide chest, her eyes were closed but she was not sleeping. Lying on her brother, her arms wrapped around his neck, feeling his big hand possessively holding her butt and listening to his slow, steady heartbeat, was the one place she normally felt safe and at home. But she didn’t feel safe tonight. His body was warm and alive but an empty hull, his mind and awareness gone where she could not follow. Athea felt alone lying on her brother’s chest, but that wasn’t true...

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Ovid 21 The Answers

Ovid 21 - The Answers By The Professor I awoke from an unplanned nap with a start. In spite of the pleasant sounds of an early summer day - the barking of a dog several yards away, the sounds of the sprinkler watering the yard next door, and the muffled sound of a baseball game on TV coming from inside the house where Jerry was watching a KC Royals game, and the soft buzz of a pesky fly - I had awakened in an agitated state. I had been dreaming as I lay on the comfortable chaise...

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Mom has the answer

Mom's arms rocked back and forth with the dice in her hand. My eyes flashed to her cleavage as it bounced with the movement. I could only look for a moment. She was my mom after all. Mom dropped the dice on the Monopoly board, "Eight! One - Two -" She counted up to eight. "Boardwalk! I'll buy it!" She smiled at me brightly and counted out four $100 Monopoly dollars. "Oh great." I said sarcastically. "Now you have the Monopoly. It starts with a couple houses and pretty soon you'll have hotels...

1 year ago
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A Different Sort of LifestyleChapter 18 Searching for Answers

Pouring two cups of coffee, June asked, “So how was your vacation?” “I’m afraid that it wasn’t all that great.” June examined Cindy shocked by the unhappy expression on the woman’s face. She wondered what had happened. Frowning, she said, “I thought George wanted to give you a nice treat.” “He did. He wasn’t the problem,” Cindy said while shaking her head. In fact, he had been great. If George hadn’t been with her, then things would have been much worse. “It couldn’t have been all bad,”...

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Song of ThanksChapter 11 June 12 1996 In Search Of New Answers

The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers. M. Scott Peck: South Dakota June 1-2, 1996 ... I have seen that in any great undertaking it is not enough for a man to depend simply upon himself. -Lone Man (Isna-la-wica)(Teton Sioux) Gaho's daughter...

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Megan Enraged Book 2 of Wizard a Love StoryChapter 4 More Questions Than Answers

Brett Stevens turned to look back as his Ram Charger turned from the driveway and picked up speed on the gravel road. All five Magi were in the first Ram Charger and their seconds were following in the other. Both vehicles followed an Arizona state police cruiser. He turned back, facing front. He glared at the police car ahead of them and demanded, "What the hell was that about, Whitcomb?" Karl Whitcomb could only turn his head and glare at the leader of the Americas Council. "Oh, for...

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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 246 Answer

Kenshin: I finally managed to find it. My answer of how to atone for the crimes of the Hitokiri, and for killing Tomoe... Enishi: Really. So you finally understand. Then you'll cease this pointless struggle and accept your punishment! (He leaps forward, stabbing Kenshin in the arm.) Misao (wincing): Ouch! Megumi: Ken-san! Watoujutsu Goutsui Tousei! (Enishi's second blow sends Kenshin flying almost straight up in the air. He lands with a spray of blood.) Enishi: The only way to pay...

2 years ago
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The Hardest Answer

Julia and Lauren were wrapped in each other’s arms, the light in Julia’s bedroom was set very dim, but Julia could see something she had never imagined she’d see. She had made love to Lauren so many times these past months in all sorts of conditions, but now here just holding Lauren this way, Julia’s eyes could not be torn away from Lauren’s forearms. The pink scars were at least a half-inch wide in three different stripes below her elbow. Just following her line of consciousness, Julia reached...

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The Answer

The sound of the trash truck clanging and beeping its way down the street heralded a new day. Mornings have a sound all their own. The breaking dawn was peeking through the blinds as I watched Lexi, so peaceful in her sleep - a stark contrast from what happened yesterday. I couldn't sleep last night, thinking about how our lives were seemingly spiraling out of control. How could I have let it progress to this point, and what, if anything, could I do to stop it? I keep going over it all in my...

Wife Lovers
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Masturbation and Porn Questionnaire my answers

Masturbation and Porn Survey 2019I saw some of these surveys have been done in the past and I find the idea fun, so let's try this! This one is not only about masturbation, but also about what kind of porn you like. I will provide the blank form below, and my answers under that. If you want, put a link to a blogpost or story with your answers in the comments (If you like this, be a good sport and participate! You can answer only the questions you want to, obviously)survey begins below...

1 year ago
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Second Chances Chapter 3 Questions and Answers

Tuesday, September 23, 1997 Ron's truck stopped in the driveway. Metallica spilling out of the rust and pock-marks of the truck. I laughed to myself. Ron in 2018 is making enough money to drive a Lexus, or rather his wife is. His music taste has changed too. The music stopped as I walked out of the house and down the front porch. I opened the passenger door and threw my backpack onto the seat. Behind the steering wheel was a younger Ron. While Ron is older than I am by a few months, it's...

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Question and Answer

Question and Answer Question and Answer.?A Short Story by Susan.?..Caution. Not for the faint-hearted.?Interrogation which gets seriously evilNon consensual?.One. Capture.?..The sunset was exceptional, shards of vermilion on a canvas of almost lemon yellow.Greg sat at the stern, one hand on the polished wood of the tiller, the other nestling under his wife?s? left breast as she cuddled in to his chest.Auto-pilot could have taken over, but this was the magic of long distance...

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Sean David Kilpatrick Flynn Book 1 of Wizard A Love StoryChapter 12 Finally Some Answers

Martha got the men settled around the table. Seth had fixed a brace for one of the chairs so Sean's car carrier could hold Sean at table height. Udit chuckled and pointed out that most people just used a highchair for their babies. "Sean's more comfortable this way Mr. Udit," Martha replied with a little irritation in her voice. "This way it seems like it's easier for him to join the conversation with the rest of us," she explained. Her expression started to look sheepish before it...

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To Love Honour And Fingers CrossedChapter 2 The Answers

They settled in the lounge. Kenneth took one of the two burgundy coloured armchairs while Ricky took the other settling himself so that he was facing his father. Beccy, as was her want, sprawled out on the couch that was the third of the family's three-piece lounge suite so that she too could look in the direction of her father. "Come on daddy," said Beccy excitedly as she reached across, grabbed the glass of orange juice she had placed on the coffee table and carefully took a drink...

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Jamie Searching for Answers

Jamie in the rush of time, jogged the way that complimented his athletic abilities, arrived at James greeting by the University entrance. James had observed his steps were perfectly spread, his body near pedestrians would watch him jog in awe of Jamie’s athletic body, where his sexual attractiveness aura swiped the hearts of many. Jamie had arrived breaking no sweat and showed no signs of fatigue by face and body. James made the first move and gave Jamie a bear hug. “Hey, thought you was going...

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Naomi Powers opened the front door to her dingy apartment. She tossed her purse on the table in the hallway and kicked off her shoes allowing them to land where they would. Her neatly ordered world was back to the chaos that it had been that night thirty-one years ago when she was just a baby. An eight month old baby learning to crawl. Through her mother’s blood when she did not answer her cries. They say her father found her there asleep in her mother’s cold arms the next morning when his...

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One Answer

My friend and I grew up together in the city. His family moved to an acreage south of the city when we were in grade nine. We would get together for weekends often. Our families (parents, brothers & sisters) were clueless as to how our relationship was changing from pals to intimate friends. In-deed we were pretty clueless too, but we were keen to explore and learn, especially me.One weekend when we were in grade 11, I got a question answered.He was bunking in our basement guest room two levels...

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Beginnings Chapter 3 Model Answers

I arrived home utterly exhausted after my first full day at Berman Bruce. I went straight to my bedroom and closed the door. I popped open the side button of my skirt, lowered the zip, cautiously eased the tight material over my bottom and allowed it to fall to the floor. The cheeks of my bottom were still smarting fiercely; a burning reminder of my disobedience. I positioned myself in front of the full length mirror and turned around. I caught my breath sharply as I saw the livid marks which...

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Mayank Want Answers

Bhabhi Bhaiya Hey guys, This is Dragging_Feets and this is my first story here at ISS. I am an amateur so the story may not be as expertly written as it should be but please bear with me.Also, the story will be long. So, please have patience.The story is totally a fantasy and characters of the story does not represent anyone in real life. —————————– The phone at Shukla residency was ringing aloud and it caused Mayank to wake up from his sleep. “Wow! That’s a Great news” he heard his mom...

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One Answer

My friend and I grew up together in the city. His family moved to an acreage south of the city when we were in grade nine. We would get together for weekends often. Our families (parents, brothers & sisters) were clueless as to how our relationship was changing from pals to intimate friends. In-deed we were pretty clueless too, but we were keen to explore and learn, especially me.One weekend when we were in grade 11, I got a question answered.He was bunking in our basement guest room two levels...

Gay Male
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CaptivatingSome Answers

Nallen kept walking me through the steps needed to heal my father. In truth, it was more him teaching me to teach my father’s body a different way to heal. ‘Physician, heal thyself’ indeed. His case would require huge amounts of food - that missing mass wasn’t going to come from nowhere! - but once started the process would be all but automatic. It wouldn’t require upkeep, not from either of us anyway. Future injuries wouldn’t even require the massive nutritional intake that replacing Daddy’s...

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ResultChapter 2 Answers

All those films on the Internet about the first night bonk-fest in your pod? They're not true, at least they weren't for me. When we arrived on board the colony ship, we were given a short lecture on concubines' rights, i.e. none, and our duties, i.e. do whatever you're told. Nothing new there, we'd already had the basics explained to us in school. Afterwards Isabel went off to medical for a quick fix, diabetes I think, and the rest of us followed Jun-Hee to our pod. It was late, so she...

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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 53 More Questions Than Answers

“Do you believe this wise, Father?” the red-haired young woman asked as they stood at the dock nearest to their destination. “I do not know about wisdom but I believe it necessary,” the older man asked. “Your uncle’s hold on power has grown tenuous. He has become enamored with the idiotic ideas emanating from across the water. He has spoken of allowing a plebiscite in the eastern lands to allow them to determine for themselves if they wish to remain part of the country.” “I have never heard...

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Desire and Despair Book 3 of Poachers ProgressChapter 16 Suggestions Questions and a Part Answer

Caroline smiled in delight when I explained the stratagem which would enable us to travel to Grantham together. "I wanted to meet your parents before our marriage, in case they were unable to attend our wedding." She gazed at me with admiration. "Your plan is positively cunning in concept. I like a man with that quality within him." She took my earlobe in between her teeth and bit gently, then breathed huskily in my ear. "And I like a man with that quality to be within me." "What...

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Questions and answers

We get asked lots of questions so we thought we would answer on here:Favourite sex position:She loves being fucked hard from behind doggystyle and he loves to pin her legs back and fuck her deep.Best sexual experience:2017 - a new client with a sex dungeon got in touch and explained his bondage fantasies. I was excited and wanted to try it! Hubby wasn't at first but I told him we would try it and see how it was. We nervously went there and he bound me in lots of positions and angles. He started...

3 years ago
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Milking Time B1 Chapter 4 Questions And Answers

Chapter 4: Questions And Answers"Okay, girls. You've all done your duties quite nicely this afternoon," said Barocca. "I realize that for some of you, this was your first time in the milking ritual." Barocca strolled over to Tiffany, where she still reclined on the platform. "For those of you who are new here, here's what we expect of you, and I'll give you the chance to ask some questions also." "You're all here," continued Barocca, "Because you all found out or heard about us, either through...

4 years ago
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Dear Diary part 10 Questioning and Answering

Dear Diary, Sometime ago, I joined a message board where I could talk to other cross dressers, women, trans preps, and even male admirere about all sorts of topics. It became a safe spot, a sanctuary for Kimberly to express herself. I became a regular there and even befriended some very nice people. Although never meeting any of them in person, I felt a general closeness where I could be myself and took comfort in the cloak of anonymity. I had met this guy named Dalton who lived in...

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The Chastity BallWednesday Chastitys Answer

Wednesday - Chastity's Answer Steve was lecturing about chapter 9 and 10 of our Human Sexuality textbook today. It was all about technique. I decided to ask him why we spent so much time on sexual mechanics and so little on love. "After all, it's just intercourse." He frowned. "Remember to watch your language, young lady." I blushed. "I'm sorry. I mean, it's just fucking." Steve looked at me for a long time. Then he spoke. "I'm going to tell you a love story about a girl named...

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Journey OutwardChapter 23 Answers

I take Holliday's hand and start to walk toward the Protector's training grounds. "Holiday. How do you really feel about Alys?" "Well I like her, a lot, but..." he pauses. I insert, "But she is not Annie." "Yeah," he agrees with me but surprises me with his next question, "I was kind of thinking, am I just trying to find someone now that Annie is gone?" "Do you truly believe you are that fickle?" I smile sadly at him. "Well, I did kind of jump into all this. I don't...

1 year ago
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Good Medicine Freshman YearChapter 53 Questions and Answers

November 27, 1981, West Monroe, Ohio On Friday morning, just after 10:00am, I was surprised when April showed up at the door of Jocelyn’s house. “Your mom said you were here. I guess you and Jocelyn decided to go steady?” I shook my head, “No. There are some problems at home that mean I need to stay here.” “Problems with your parents?” “It’s a family thing I can’t really talk about. What’s up?” “I wanted to apologize for getting upset and sending you away on Monday.” “Apology accepted....

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The ArrangementChapter 5 Questions and Answers

ISPOTA International Society for Protection of The Arrangement Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) What is “The Arrangement”? The Arrangement is a set of guidelines developed to ensure that a young woman’s (*) first sexual experience is safe, healthy, consensual, and enjoyable. These guidelines are based on those used throughout the world for centuries by families and societies wishing to properly introduce their daughters to sexuality in an appropriate and safe manner. ISPOTA has adapted...

2 years ago
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The Wishes Tempus FugitThe Kevlar of Knowing the Answer

James blinked awake just before the alarm blared the song, ‘I’ve Got You Babe,’ and he couldn’t help but smile at the irony of that particular tune. He sighed and pulled the sheets back, pondering the fact that his life just seemed to be on autopilot at this point. He could do it blindfolded; even with the recent events, the changes in the family dynamics were helping him out. He was beginning to realize that he was ready for more than just sleepwalking through life. He threw off the sheets...

4 years ago
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Did She Know The Answer

Arriving in Ireland for a wedding, I was a little nervous. It was my first experience of my man’s family en-masse; most, I’d never met before. He’d told me everything would be fine, but that didn’t really help.Pulling up at the hotel, I felt rather out of my depth. You know that feeling when you sit on a high stool and can swing your feet like a child? How it makes you feel small and a little giddy, I felt like that with my feet on the ground. Alcohol was needed. As was the man beside me.The...

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