Rachel s Rapture Ch 00
- 3 years ago
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Marcus and I drove along the narrow roads. I had my face buried in a bunch of print-outs of old newspaper reports. I was excited to be on this trip. For months I have been trying to get ideas for my new book, but it seemed as if inspiration was in sort supply. My publishers were crawling up my ass, wanting to know when the next Nova Raskin book would be on the shelves. I was tired of dealing with it, that's why I came to this small New England town. There was one house I was interested in, one house that I had heard about on several occassions. Most poeple I had talked to had said that they considered this house to be one of the most haunted houses in America.
What better place for a horror writer to get inspired than by spending a few days in a haunted house.
"I still don't know why you want to go up there," Marcus said to me. Marcus was an old man who worked for the company that owned the house. Recently they had sold the land to the state who was preparing to tear it down. That's why I needed to make this trip right away. "There hasn't been anyone interested in that house in years," he continued, "I don't even like going up there myself. Something evil in there for sure; my hair stands up on end when I walk in there... well, what's left of my hair anyway."
"That's exactly why I'm interested in it," I told him.
"I know, I know. But I don't think a pretty lady like you should be bothering with such nonsense. It ain't good to keep rustling up bad things. We should just let it be."
I guess that was charming, in a pathetic old geezer kind of way. But I was not concerned with his opinion. I looked through my notes some more as we continued driving. Up until the 1940's the house was a brothel, and it seemed quite a popular one. It seemed like people had come here for there ladies from all over the area. Naturally, I suppose, they attracted their fair share of bad company. But it was not the nature of the house, or it's former inhabitants that interested me, but rather who, or what, now haunted it's interior.
My research had led me to one story that I could not deny as being the source of the hauntings. In the summer of 1939, a strange person came into town and frequented the brothel. He went by the name, Jona. Around the time he arrived in town several of the girls working at the house were found dead. They had been raped and slaughtered. A typical Jack-the-ripper style case, except of course for the ending. Jona was the only suspect, but the police had trouble linking any of the murders directly to him. There was; however, not need for any for the people who ran the house. It had ties to the underworld, and to them there was no doubt who had committed the murders. They dragged him out of his bed one night, brought him to a hidden basement room built during prohibition and locked him down there to die. Months later it was out of people minds for the most part.
But it seemed that Jona was not going to be forgotten. Ever since that event, strang things started happening. Objects would move, girls living in the house were attacked by mysterious forces. It had become too much for the house to continue to operate and it was closed down in 1942.
A few years later it was bought and converted into a residence and sold. According to what I could find, it didn't seem that anyone had stayed in the house for more than a month. The first people to own the house completely disappeared. The fortune of all it's future owners were no better. Family members would vanish or go insane. The last people to own the house, found their daughter naked on the dirty basement floor, rambling incoherently and masterbating.
My imagination was already going crazy as we pulled up to the house. As I exited the car I looked up at it. It looked scary, like it had been neglected for years.
"Well, good luck to you," Marcus said as he pulled the last of my things out of the car. "I'll be back tomorrow morning, miss." With that he got back into the car and left.
I grabbed my things and walked into the house. The air inside felt damp and heavy, and I noted it as a horrible cliche I too was guilty of using from time to time.
"Good one," I said to myself, "I guess next it's going to get really cold." I sort of laughed at myself saying it. I was acting as if I was talking to the damn ghost.
I walked around the downstairs. Some old, dusty furniture was still around, but nothing I would really enjoy sitting on. I moved upstairs, bringing my stuff up to one of the bed rooms. I set out my cot, and threw my sleeping bag over it.
I took in my surroundings, like every good writer should, and tried to picture people walking about, going about there day in and out of rooms, unaware of any presence gazing at them. That's what I needed to depict. Lure my reader into the innocence of the people, make them stop thinking about how they know something bad will happen, make them hope no harm will come to them.
I took out my notebook and started to scribble some notes: innocent family -- possessed house. No, no, no! That was horrible! The concept had been done too many times. I wanted my next book to be something great. I didn't want it to be a cheap horror story, I wanted it to mean something. I wanted it to be a metaphor.
There will be no innocent victim. I thought about the house's history. It had been a brothel, a place of debauchery, a place many people would frown upon today. That would be my background, a brothel.
I needed it to focus around the real story of the house, but I needed to make it better. I had always concerned myself with what was going to happen next; as I wrote, I would always think about what would happen next, and try to keep my readers guessing. This time, it would be different. I would not focus on what will happen, but why it happens. I needed to get into the mind of the horror.
Damn. If only the character of my inspiration were still alive. I couldn't do that, I couldn't sit down and get into the mind of the murderer because he was dead. I needed to improvise.
Why would someone kill? All the classes and research I have done for my books I've always heard about the bad childhoods and sexual frustration. I would have to build something on that.
I took a break for a moment and put my notebook and pen down. I went over to the bathroom and was pleased to find that the water was still on. I cleaned up the toilet and relieved myself.
I returned and picked up my notes and I jumped. There was something written in small letters on the bottom of the page, and I was not the one who wrote it. 'You want to know?' it said.
Suddenly I heard a cracking sound, like the roof was buckling. I paused for a moment, looking at the ceiling, wondering if it was going to collapse. I knew it, I knew this place was haunted. I tried not to get too excited.
"Well, I guess you think your something special, huh?" I yelled, "You are not going to scare me, is that what you want to do..." I paused for a second, "... Jona?!"
The buckling sound suddenly stopped, which made me just a little nervous. There was a silence in the house, and a draft ran through it. I jumped as a loud bang resonated through the house shattering the silence.
I couldn't let myself be scared. "What are you trying to prove, you son-of-a-bitch!" I screamed. Maybe they weren't the best choice of words. Suddenly I heard something...
"I don't want to be scared..." The words drifted softly from somewhere in the house, and it sounded like a little girl. "Mommy, where are you?" I heard the voice again, it sounded so sad and desperate. I knew it was against my better judgement, but I left the room and looked up and down the hall. "I want to be brave..." I heard it say again, and I thought that it had come from upstairs in the attic.
I knew it was a stupid idea to go up there, but if I was going to try to understand the presence that possessed this house I needed to jump right into it and confront it.
I climbed the stairs slowly, and made my way into the attic. It was extremely dark, and as I walked in I heard the door slam behind me. Oh shit, I thought. I walked further into the attic, looking desperately for some sort of light switch. I didn't find anything.
"Are you here to help me..." I heard the voice again.
"Who are you?" I asked.
'Haven't you already answered that?' I jumped as a deep voice swept out of the shadows. 'Don't you already know? Or is it just arrogance?'
"Jona?!" I asked.
'I haven't heard that name in a long time, ' he said, 'Many people have come through here, but none of them have called me that, but none of them have called me a son-of-a-bitch, either! Now what are you doing here?'
"I... I'm curious," I said, trying not to sound nervous.
'Yes... I know... I can see it in your head, ' he said, 'your looking for a story. You want to make people terrified, don't you? And you want them to love you for it?!' I could not respond. I was lost in the idea. 'Yes, that's it isn't it? For that, I can almost like you. But there is something else, isn't there? Something even more you want to know? Me, isn't it... that's why you went out and found out about this place, why you walked into this hell with confidence? You want to see through my eyes, and right it down in one of your books.'
"I do not. You're just flattering yourself!" I said, though I knew that he had stumbled onto the truth.
'You are lying to me. I can see into your head, so it is pointless to try to fuck with me, ' his tone grew more stern, 'but since you seem so curious, I will let you know anything you want... but of course, you need to do me a favor.'
I was almost afraid to ask, "What is it? What do I have to do," I asked.
'To start, I want you to touch yourself, I'll tell you anything you want to know, as long as your rubbing that pussy of yours.'
"What?!" I freaked out. There was no way in hell. "Now way!" I yelled.
'If that's what you want, you can just die up here... ' his voice trailed off, back into the silence.
"What the fuck," I mumbled. I felt my way back over to the door and tried to open it. It was shut tight. I banged on the door with my hand. "Let me out!" I yelled, "Let me out now you fucking asshole!!!!"
Just as I said that I felt something hit me hard. I fell to the dirty floor, my head smacked against it. I was pinned down, my body almost being crushed.
'I think you are forgetting your fucking place here, whore... Don't you fucking forget I'm a murderer and I am even stronger in death than I was in life... '
I was pulled roughly across the floor, and I felt my skirt being torn away. "Agh! Stop!," I yelled, "Stop! I'll do anything for you, please!"
'Who the fuck do you think I am? Making offers to me? I don't compromise, and I don't negotiate. I do what I want. Isn't that what you came here for? So now you know. I killed, and I raped because I fucking liked it, and I wanted to do it. Hard to comprehend, isn't it? That the same reason why you write books is the same reason I killed.'
I felt the force press even harder against me, and my panties were torn from me. I couldn't breath. I wished that I had never gone to that house. I was completely helpless, I could not force enough air out of my mouth to even plead for release, and I felt my legs being spread painfully apart.
'Remember it was you who came looking for me! No one made you walk through that door!'
I suddenly felt something warm and slimely rubbing against my pussy. I freaked! I tried to pull myself away, but it was hopeless. I was completely at the mercy of an evil, etherial being. I tried to gasp, and my stomach tensed as I felt an enormous pressure against my cunt as the huge object was trying to drive through my dry opening. The pressure was intense and relentless. I felt my pussy lips stretch and the object jam inside. Tears flowed from my eyes as the pain was so intense.
I tried to scream, but all that escaped my mouth was silence. It kept driving forward, making painful, slow progress up my dry passage. It thrusted and thrusted again, forcing my body to rub painfully against the hard wooden floor. It constantly hammered my sore pussy, tearing the sensitive tissue in my cunt. My head felt light, and I felt like I was going to throw up as it slammed into me so hard.
Still it got deeper, forcing the slimey thing to slam into my cervix with each thrust. It slammed again, pushing me even harder into the floor. I felt like I was going to die, and a part of me wished that I would.
There was no stopping it, my pussy was constantly torn open, forced to accept the huge invader. I was thankful when my pussy start going numb, and the pain of my torn pussy lips ceased. All I could feel was the constant pressure of the end slamming into the deepest parts of my body. The thing swell, forcing my insides to stretch even more, and I felt a hot flood break out deep in my body. I was filled with some kind of hot, disgusting cum. It filled my cunt completely in a second, and dribbled out onto the dirty floor. The added lubrication from it made the thing slam even harder into me, pulling almost all the way out before slamming back in, still oozing as it did.
I felt the pressure increase on my back, and I heard his voice again, 'You are not so curious anymore, are you, bitch... and now you know what I am, and why I am... I'm the consiquence, I'm the proof that some doors should not be opened because I can not be tamed... ' The thing in my cunt was forced hard against my cervix as it continued to cum, shooting it straight into my womb and I felt my mind going black.
'But nothing will ever change, no one will learn... they will keep coming like they always have... they need to... the mystery is arousing... and I am proof of that... people will never let the gates of hell be closed... they will always be running to be satisfied more and more to greater extremes, just as I have, and one day they will all be like me: free. When they ask you who did this to you, let them know it was me, the need to be satisfied, the need never to be content, the desire for glory and power. Tell them it was the very thing they all want to be!'
The pressure steadily increased, and the pain grew more intense than I could bear, and slowly darkness covered my face as I passed out.
I slowly woke up from my haze, cold concrete pressing against my skin. My body was in terrible pain and I felt a hand press against my shoulder. I shrieked and pulled myself away. I turned around and saw a man hovering over me. He was a paramedic.
"It's ok. Were bringing you to the hospital. Just try to stay calm." He said.
I looked around. I was outside on the street, and I had no recollection of how I got there. The man pulled me up and lead me to back of the ambulence.
I spent a few days in the hospital, but trying to free my mind from what had just happened would take a lot longer. There was something I could not put my finger on, but I felt so different, but not in a bad way. I didn't want to write my next book anymore, my publishers can just go fuck themselves, those goddamn, stuck-up motherfuckers... Shit, what was I thinking!? I needed to write that book to satisfy the last of my book deal. Fuck It! I thought... I didn't need to do a fucking thing, I'll go down to those people and tell them were to put that contract!
I just tried to relax. I sat in my bed and read the paper until I got to a story that read: "Alledged Haunted House Bought/... James Walsh, a wealthy stockbroker, bought the house from the city just days before it was scheduled to be torn down. "I've always been a sucker for the paranormal," Walsh said yesterday, 'I think it will be interesting to own a house that's supposedly haunted. I bet tons of people would like just to spend a night in one.'"
I stared at the picture of the house, and tears came to my eyes. Still, through the tears now running slowly down my face, there was a part of me that was laughing.
Chapter 2Something had changed in me. It had been several weeks since my ordeal at the house, and there was something eating at my mind ever since. As if some alien idea had become lodged in my head, but I couldn't quite get it out of my head. I had been doing a lot of research trying to track down anyone who had any contact with the house. It took some time, but I eventually found some names. It was a good thing I had some money saved up because I was going to do a lot of travelling.
I thought that the best place to start was with the last people to own the house. They had lived in the house for only a few days when there daughter went insane. Their daughter was the one I was interested in. Though it had been several years she was still admitted to a hospital in upstate New York. It took some phone calls, but I finally got permission to see her.
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Rachel’s Rapture, Chapter 2: Although she really couldn’t be sure any longer, Rachel thought that it was probably August by now. It might already be September, but she thought that it felt more like August, as it was still awfully hot in this world without air conditioners. She had not seen any signs of a working power grid in several months, and along the way, she’d decided that keeping track of individual dates was pretty meaningless. ‘No,’ she thought absently, ‘I won’t dwell upon...
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Jack Bender had finished watching Cheryl and Cindy fuck each other. He wandered if his feelings about buttfucking were for real. He wondered if maybe it was Cheryl, or just Cindy, who made him feel good for the first time in his life to fuck an asshole. He wanted to be sure because later that night he would be with his wife, Susan, for the first time in six months. It would be a trial for him, one that if it worked out, might mean the happy remake of their marriage. He hit the boardwalk...
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Sue Bender had enjoyed the buttfuck supplied by Nick the surfer. But she rather preferred to fuck in the comfort of a regular bed as opposed to that of the incredible van. It was only natural that she suggest to Nick that they return to her apartment. And it was only natural for Nick to agree. "Wow," he said, looking around Sue's livingroom when they first arrived, "this place is too much." Sue's job at the aircraft company paid her exceptionally well. Andshe'd spenther moneyon...
JackBenderwatchedDawnfinishwashing. Her long-legged, angled body filled his eyes with beauty. His heart beat rapidly. He was filled with feelings of lust even though he'd only just finished showering Dawn's asshole with violent affection. He came up alongside her, looked at her deep strange smile and said; "I know it was tough on you, but I had to do that." "I liked it," she said. Again she smiled her intriguing look. "I don't do things that I don't like," she said. she stood up...
When Jerry left Cindy at his apartment he was about an hour late for work at the Pier Side Club. He'd been late before and his boss Stan or one of the other lifeguards had always covered for him. He hurried down the boardwalk and made his way through the locker rooms out to poolside. Up on the platform keeping a sharp eye on the swimmers below was Stan. "Jerry," he called, "you're late. Get on up here." Jerry climbed the ladder up to the clubhouse and viewing deck. "Sorry boss," he...
Sue Bender dozed on the livingroom couch. The fucking with Carla and Nick had left her exhausted. But more than tired, no matter what she told either of them, she remained unsatisfied. WhenCarla andNick hadfinally left, together, Sue tried to nap. But it didn't work. She had an itch in her cunt and a twitch in her asshole. It wasn't the kind of thing she would have told anybody but she admitted to herself that she remained horny. At first she tried sending her finger roving in her own...
Jack Bender finished off with the red-headed, red bushed Linda at Sandy Cliff and started out in search of lovely Dawn, his ride home. He crossed the Sandy Cliff grounds and ran smack into Dawn's farewell to the tall blond she'd so wanted to fuck. Once they'd said goodbye, Jack took Dawn bye the arm and said: "Let's get our clothes and get out of here. Believe it or not I'm supposed to meet my wife in twenty minutes. Dawn smiled her deep and mysterious smile and followed jack into the...
[ For all those cuckold men out there...here's something to think about! Enjoy! ]It was well past midnight when my phone buzzed.As I picked it up, I could see it was from my wife. My heart immediately began beating faster, and my hands...they trembled slightly from the excitement, and anticipation I'd been feeling over the four hours she had been gone. I answered."Hey, babe!" I replied."Hey!" She said. "It's me! I just wanted to let you know that I'm fine. No problem. I'm still here with Duane....
July 22nd 1822. Hotel Telford, Pisa. Arthur Wilson poured generous measures of sherry into two glasses, and then handed me one. I had brought one of the bottles of sherry given me by Charles Godfrey and presented it to Arthur, as a thank you for his hospitality during the many times I visited Pisa. He was delighted with my gift. “The taste of sherry takes me back to England, and my early days of working with Mister Telford,” he said, after having an appreciative sup. “Mister Telford was...
Steve's alarm went off at 7:00 on Saturday. It was unusual for him to get up earlier than 9:00 on the weekend, but he had signed up to teach English to immigrants at the library once a month and today was his first day. He rolled out of bed, checked his email. Nothing yet. A shower and breakfast and he was on the road. Thirty minutes later and he was helping a group of three elderly Indian ladies learn the days of the week in English. "Sunday," they repeated after him, "Monday, Tuesday,...
ExhibitionismSteve came home from a sociology class to a general uproar Friday afternoon. "Have you heard about it?" Justin said as Steve put down his backpack. "What? Did someone run us out of milk again?" Steve joked. "Just read this," Anthony ordered. "Read it off my screen." The email had been sent anonymously, but specifically to the guys that shared the house- Steve, Anthony, Gabe, Justin, and Dieter. Steve read with mounting astonishment. ---- You guys have really gotten our attention. We're a...
ExhibitionismProfile Questionnaire kaspo5 in englishtranslated with google (if something is unclear, please info)Name: Rene PumpenmacherGender: manAge: 69eyecolour: BlueHair color: red; but not really.Size: 179Weight: 76 kgPenis: 20 cm (measure again, if it is not enough, then he comes again on the rack)Marital status: married (and very long)Germany, City: Trierdepending on the mood dominant and submissive (wat is dat actually ??)not sadistic and masochisticsexual orientation is heteroWho would you search...
Welcome to Julie's Salon where we have been catering to the needs of Mistress's and their sissies since opening our doors. Thank you for showing interest in our services, we are a full service salon catering to the special needs of dominant women and their sissies. The object of this questionnaire is to better serve your desires and the desires of your submissive. Please answer as many questions as possible for it will help us better shape your desires. Mistress Name: Sissy's...
When we arrived back at the rental, Meagan ran inside, only for Chloe to come out a moment later. She walked up to me, grabbed me by the wrist, and pulled me inside and into her room. In the room, on the bed Elyssa and Sherley were sitting. I was stunned. The four of us, everyone from the incident was here. “I had a chat with Sherley, and we’ve come to a conclusion.” Chloe said as she shut the door. She walked over and stood near Sherley. “We fucked up royally eight years ago.” Chloe...
Some sex questions answered1. What’s your favorite place to be kissed? Mouth. With tongue, bottom of cock right below tip, and balls.2. What color and style of underwear are you wearing? Commando3. What’s your favorite sexual position? Woman on top4. Do you prefer sex beneath the sheets or on top? On top On top5. Do you prefer sex with the lights on or off? Lights on6. Do you like rough sex or smooth sex? Smooth7. What one word would describe the most pleasurable night you’ve had? Tripping on...
Some sex questions answered1. What’s your favorite place to be kissed? Lips and Neck2. What color and style of underwear are you wearing? Right now: red nylon bikini briefs3. What’s your favorite sexual position? Middle4. Do you prefer sex beneath the sheets or on top? On top5. Do you prefer sex with the lights on or off? On6. Do you like rough sex or smooth sex? Mild to wild7. What one word would describe the most pleasurable night you’ve had? Variety8. What’s your favorite part of sex?...
June – Year 1 “Holy Shit!” Not the best alarm clock ever! Dara was standing in the door examining a scene of total sexual carnage. There were bits of clothes scattered around the room. The top bed sheet was scrunched up on floor at the foot of the bed. The fitted sheet was off of two of the corners and was wrapped around Erin’s feet. Lynn woke up first; I guess when a mother hears any surprising noise out of a daughter it sends waves right into the mother’s brain. She found herself wedged...
I ran faster than the other girls. April ran too, but she fell behind quickly. I dashed down the trail through the trees, out onto the open field to the waiting ambulance with its bright, flashing lights, and to the medics who would have never found us in the woods. "She's back up this way!" I shouted. One of them shined a flashlight along the edge of the woods to the entrance of the narrow trail. "We'll never get the stretcher up there," he said. The other replied, "Fine. I guess...
It was once we were inside that he revealed that he was aware of what we were doing. "Why?" were his first words once the door closed. "Because I have questions I don't want to ask where others can hear," I stated firmly. I could see Sarah and Fate peeking around the corner from the back room, but guided Commodore Pruitt to a chair and had him sit. Linda clearly had decided that withdrawing might help and vanished into the back for a moment. I could see the man look around and spoke...
I have often wondered how Lisa, my wife, will react if a black man approaches her sexually when I'm not around. I know how aroused she gets and the intensity of the orgasms she has when we talk of her being with a huge dicked black man while she's in the throes of love-making. Just the sight of a thick long black cock is enough to cause her to become wet immediately. For some reason, I have never fully understood why, but just knowing how hot it makes her thinking of fucking a...
When Jenaya woke up she knew something was wrong before she had even opened her eyes. Outside her window, about twenty yards to the left stood an old alder. At night an owl frequently used the tree as a look-out for its hunt. Jenaya liked to watch the bird while it was overlooking the garden. The owl’s calm patience always had a soothing effect on her, not tonight though. Tonight the owl was a pulsing presence in Jenaya’s awareness. Its surprisingly high frequency heartbeat was absently...
First off, I haven’t written anything in years, something possessed me this last week and all I did was work on this. Very strange behavior, don’t expect anything else for a while, if ever. The following is a fantasy (as in porn fantasy) story about an abnormally well hung teenager and a MILF. The major theme here is mother/boy. Contrary to my older written works, this is not a xxx story filled with fucking, this is more sensual and erotic. Romantic even. ******* Nicole the MILF and...
This is a continuing story that begins with ‘Darkroom – Monday.’ —- Steve arrived at the mall about half an hour after it opened. Monday hadn’t told him what time to be there, and he didn’t feel like waiting. She had said she was going to break the rules, and he fervently hoped she wanted to break them thoroughly. He was skipping his physics class for this meeting. The massage kiosk was near one of the ends of the mall. Steve had always wondered who would want to get a massage with all those...
This is a continuing story that begins with "Darkroom - Monday."----Steve arrived at the mall about half an hour after it opened. Monday hadn't told him what time to be there, and he didn't feel like waiting. She had said she was going to break the rules, and he fervently hoped she wanted to break them thoroughly. He was skipping his physics class for this meeting. The massage kiosk was near one of the ends of the mall. Steve had always wondered who would want to get a massage with all those...
Exhibitionismive answred the BLACK DICK QUESTIONNAIRE 1. WHEN U 1ST ADDRESS ‘INITIAL TOUCH’ THE DICK, DO U… A.KISS/TONGUE THE HEAD B.KISS/TONGUE THE SHAFT EXPLAIN i suck on the bottom of yor balls if u want me 2 kiss yor dick u can tell me or make me 2. AS U WORSHIP THE DICK, DO U… A. TAKEOVER THE DICK AND HANDLE IT THE WAY U KNOW HOW B. WAIT FOR INSTRUCTIONS EXPLAIN i want instructions or u can make me ill wait 4 u 2 grab my hair and pull my head up and push yor cock in my mouth but i wont do it...
ive answred the BLACK DICK QUESTIONNAIRE1. WHEN U 1ST ADDRESS 'INITIAL TOUCH' THE DICK, DO U... A.KISS/TONGUE THE HEAD B.KISS/TONGUE THE SHAFT EXPLAINi suck on the bottom of yor balls if u want me 2 kiss yor dick u can tell me or make me 2. AS U WORSHIP THE DICK, DO U... A. TAKEOVER THE DICK AND HANDLE IT THE WAY U KNOW HOW B. WAIT FOR INSTRUCTIONS EXPLAINi want instructions or u can make me ill wait 4 u 2 grab my hair and pull my head up and push yor cock in my mouth but i wont do it until u...
I saw this on some other peoples profiles, and thought I'd have a go. So, enjoy! If we have anything in common, then drop me a DM!Food for thought :joy: Thought I'd have a go at your questionnaire :D Are you male or female? Male Age? 26At what age did you start masturbating? 14How many times a week do you masturbate? Full blown ejaculation probably 4 times a week, depends how busy I am.How many times do you orgasm each time you play with yourself? Define orgasm :P Where do you masturbate: In...
That Questioning Look I pull in to the parking lot of the hotel, in town again for a conference. The place is familiar, well-known to me and comforting. My life has been so prosaic – I’ve been in a rut that feels as deep as a canyon. I feel as if I could die from ennui. I’m resigned to attending the conference, but can’t help feel a slight breeze of optimism, with this welcome break in routine and typical of my nature, like a sailboat, I tack into it. Almost against my will, my spirits lift as...
That Questioning Look I pull in to the parking lot of the hotel, in town again for a conference. The place is familiar, well-known to me and comforting. My life has been so prosaic – I’ve been in a rut that feels as deep as a canyon. I feel as if I could die from ennui. I’m resigned to attending the conference, but can’t help feel a slight breeze of optimism; with this welcome break in routine and typical of my nature, like a sailboat, I tack into it. Almost against my will, my spirits lift as...
Straight SexJohn awoke the next morning to the soft sound of a girl singing. He recognised Faye’s exquisite voice, but the song was filled with a heart-breaking sense of melancholy that almost brought a tear to his eye. Trying not to disturb Tashana and Irillith, he untangled himself from the sisters and sat upright so he could look at Faye. She was sitting in the chair, gazing away into the distance with a mournful expression on her face. “What’s wrong, Faye?” John asked her quietly, climbing off the...