That Questioning Look
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That Questioning Look
I pull in to the parking lot of the hotel, in town again for a conference. The place is familiar, well-known to me and comforting. My life has been so prosaic – I’ve been in a rut that feels as deep as a canyon. I feel as if I could die from ennui. I’m resigned to attending the conference, but can’t help feel a slight breeze of optimism, with this welcome break in routine and typical of my nature, like a sailboat, I tack into it. Almost against my will, my spirits lift as I check in and get settled.
The next morning, I’m driving into the rising sun, fortified by a restful sleep, a continental breakfast and a large cup of coffee. I still can’t help but feel this is the advent of better things. From where is this ridiculous optimism coming? It’s like a premonition, but of what, I can’t even explain to myself.
As I walk into the conference auditorium, I greet familiar faces and settle myself in one of the middle seats. Several minutes later, the conference coordinator comes in, followed by about a half a dozen of what I assume is her staff. After a brief welcome and introduction, I realize these are her instructors. My gaze rests on each as they are introduced, and my attention is caught by one man, who stands at her side.
He is tall and broad, has dark hair touched with gray, with arresting features and eyes that snap with intelligence and wry humour. There is a hint of arrogance around his mouth, which is full and sensual. As the conference coordinator introduces him, my pulse increases and my mouth goes dry. Why do I find this man so compelling? He doesn’t seem to notice my regard at all, but I can’t see anything or anyone else in front of me.
The conference has begun in earnest. I have no choice but to pull myself together, ask pertinent questions and take notes. The information that’s being imparted is essential to my work at home, and I can’t afford to miss a single detail.
When it’s almost the end of the day, we’ve had several knowledgeable instructors for each topic on the agenda, and there’s only one more topic left. The conference is three days long, but I can’t help but wonder if the man who so drew me earlier would be instructing the class next.
Oh… and he is. He strides to the front of the room to the dais, introduces himself again and immediately confirms what I suspected at first glance: He is incredibly intelligent, articulate and is able to hold our attention with a solid knowledge of his material and a humourous delivery. He emphasizes main points, gesticulating with his hands, and with the quirk of an eyebrow, he has the entire class in the palm of his hand. I’m completely entranced. As he speaks, his gaze wanders between his presentation on the screen, to individuals sitting in the auditorium, keeping them engaged. I’m almost desperate for his eyes to catch mine. Then, for just a second, they do, and it almost seems like his eyes can see right into me. Both eyebrows slightly lift, almost as if asking me an unspoken question. Before I know it, his lecture is over, and he is swarmed by my colleagues, who have to ask him one more question or make one more point… but I know there are women in the class who are like me, and just wish for a few minutes more in his presence. A hot, swooping sensation is in my stomach. I can’t stay another minute when we’re finally dismissed for the day.
In agitation, I drive back to my hotel. I change into clothes that feel uncomfortably tight, and go for a drink in the hotel bar. I have a book with me, but I can’t get past the first page. Colleagues arrive for supper and a drink, but I can’t eat. I finish my drink, make my excuses, and head to my room.
After two hours of television shows I can’t remember, even my skin is tight, and I can’t sit still. I opt for a shower, and stay in the steamy wet heat for at least a half an hour, repeatedly stroking my body, when the soap and shampoo have long since been rinsed away. What is wrong with me?
When I’ve dried off, I step out with some determination, and snap off all the lamps but one in the far corner. The bed is enormous, with four pillows end to end, and I arrange them all to my satisfaction. I reach into my suitcase, and bring out my vibrator, resolved to get rid of this inexplicable craving. I try to start slow, to build the pressure and enjoy the final release, but I just can’t. I touch my clit and find myself swollen and soaking wet, so with no preliminaries, I fuck myself with the dildo, with the attachment vibrating against my clit, and I come explosively in seconds. I’ve just made an incredible amount of noise, but as I lay there still panting, with a fine sheen of sweat on me, I’m all alone in my room and don’t care. But my satisfaction is short-lived. In another minute, as I experimentally play with myself, I realize I need it again. This time, with the image of a big man with that piercing gaze in my mind’s eye, I get there even faster, and there’s no way I want to stop it, as I pluck my nipples with my other hand. Two more times throughout the night I reach for my vibrator, desperate for release, all the time, taunted by his image.
Now it’s the next morning. Again, the sun is shining, and now I feel a different reason for my optimism. I’m so tired, but the anticipation is swelling. I return to my seat in the conference room, eagerly awaiting him. But like the day before, we have many lectures, with many instructors, and none have been him. With one more class again to go before the end of the day, he walks in. At his first word, I’m his again. Again, his gaze wanders to each of us, again, his gaze briefly locks on mine, and AGAIN, his eyes seem to ask a question. I so want to answer… but I’m so afraid this connection we seem to have is all in my head. But he’s so completely knowledgeable about his topic, he’s made it so absorbing and compelling, it would be impossible to not pay attention to him. He holds me prisoner with the timbre of his voice, those large, capable, expressive hands, that enticing hint of arrogance and those sharp, sharp eyes that seem to miss nothing. He can’t possibly not notice the effect he’s having on me. But perhaps he doesn’t, as now his lecture is over, and we’re done for another day.
But this time… he lingers, seeming to take longer than it should to pack up his briefcase, and again, I get that questioning glance that gives me tight little shivers inside. So I take my time packing up as well, wondering if this is all a product of my wishful reverie, or if we’ve somehow really forged this intimate connection that only I can see. Everyone has finally left, and it’s only the two of us in the room.
“Where are you parked?” He asks me.
“Just across the street,” I answer, not quite able to meet his eyes.
“I’ll walk with you, then,” He replies with a twinkle, amused, and seeming to sense how I’m feeling.
Arrogant man! Of course he’s noticed the effect he’s had on me. His self-confidence and obvious assumption that I want him so badly should have dampened the fires of my lust, but with the full impact of his charisma finally so close, I want to pull the very smell of him into my blood. I have no choice but to follow where he leads.
When we get to my car, I open the door and am about to get in, but he stops me with a hand on my shoulder. An electric current runs straight through me, and I know I’m wet. He asks me, “What room are you in?”
Of course, he’d know the hotel, as everyone who’s attending the conference is at the same one. Before I can launch into him for his presumption, my mouth opens of its own accord. “422,” I whisper.
He doesn’t smile when he says to me, “See you later.” Is that later as in tonight? Or later tomorrow, on the last day of the conference?
Either way, my stomach is tight, and I break every speed limit getting back to the hotel. I request a bottle of white wine from room service, strip off my business casual clothes and dive into the shower. The thought of spending another night in the company of my vibrator is beyond aggravating… and the thought of spending it otherwise is absolutely terrifying… and beyond exhilarating. But after my shower, I get dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, with no underwear or bra, and I leave my feet bare. He may have consumed my every thought waking and sleeping for two days, but I have more spirit than to wait on my bed patiently in a bathrobe for someone who is toying with me.
I turn on the TV, more for the company than anything else, and open my laptop. I catch up on the news and read my emails. An hour goes by. Then, two. At the three and a half hour mark, there’s a knock on the door. Hands shaking, I answer it. And there he is. He’s changed into more casual clothes like me, which doesn’t disarm his physical presence in the slightest. He takes in everything about me, from my hair that’s been let down and is damp and curly still from my shower, to my t-shirt, with the outline of my tits with their nipples peaked, all the way down to how I fill out my jeans. I can’t help making the same appraisal. He, too, is freshly showered, and the smell of him is completely clean and free of cologne. I feel my nostrils flare as I take in the purely male scent of him. His long sleeved shirt looks soft and comfortable, but is fitted to his frame. His jeans are snug, and now I’ve lost track of everything else, because he fills them out so perfectly, I know I’ve been staring too long.
“Do I pass inspection?” He asks with a grin.
“I think you’ll do,” I reply, deadpan, finally having found my own sense of humour.
There’s a moment of silence, as he stands in my doorway and we look at each other. I get this funny feeling of a point of no return – that with his first single step into the room, there’s no turning back.
“Do you want to talk?” His voice has lowered, and he’s pointedly looking in my eyes, forcing me to hold his gaze, as he seeks my honest answer.
There could be only one answer to give him. “No,” I whisper, and step back.
He steps in the room completely, and the door closes behind him with a snick that seems overly loud in the charged silence. At the sound, my heart races, and I’m trembling. A random thought occurs: Strange, how sex, fight or flight are all so closely linked.
He deliberately walks toward me, slowly, I walk backwards, until the backs of my knees are touching the bed. The expression on his face is so intense, so arresting, I’m not sure what he plans on doing first. To my surprise, he stands in front of me, cups my face in both of his slightly callused hands, and kisses me… and kisses me… sliding his tongue along the seam of my lips so I’ll let him in, stroking his tongue with mine, sucking on my lower lip until I’m whimpering. I’m so close, if I rise up on my toes, I might be able to rub my clit close to his cock. As I stand on my toes to do so, he reaches behind me, grabs my ass, and pulls me up to where I need to be. My control is gone, and I’m rubbing against him with wordless pleas. But he has his own agenda. When he’s done, I’m gratified to see his kiss-swollen lips and to feel his iron cock pressing against me, but my patience has vanished. His seems to as well, as he grabs the neck of his shirt to pull it off in that masculine way. When he pauses, I take advantage, all shyness gone, and lick my way across his nipples, up to the line of his jaw, down the cords of his neck, his taste intoxicating. He doesn’t indulge me for long.
He grabs my t-shirt from the bottom and lifts it off, eyes widening at the lack of bra underneath. He glances down at my bare toes, then back to my face, with that sexy, questioning look again. I quirk an eyebrow as if to say, “If you want to know what else is underneath, there’s only one way to find out.” I love our body language, I love the way we stay silent, but say so much. But he, too, gets distracted, cups my tits in both hands, suckles my nipples and buries his nose in my cleavage. He trails two fingers down the middle. I shudder, thinking of him running something else long and firm down my cleavage. I look into his eyes, and I can see the exact same thought, and suddenly, the reins snap.
He rips my jeans off, pushes me backwards onto the bed, with my legs still dangling over the side. He crouches in front of me, and opens me like a flower. I’m panting… I want to stay quiet for awhile, because I just know he’ll be wringing sounds out of me that I’ve never made, but I can’t hold back the moans. He begins to lick, sliding just around my clit, enough to drive me crazy. His lips rub my clit, then slip away to lick around it again. My moans are getting louder, and I can’t stay still. He pulls up my legs so my feet are flat on the bed, then pushes my knees outwards, so he can hold me down better. I’m frantic. My hips are lifting in time. One of his hands is under my ass and a finger has slipped into my asshole. My eyes snap open, as it’s uncomfortable, at first. But he keeps licking and sucking. Another finger slides in, and seems to be rubbing against an inner wall I can’t imagine. While yet another finger has found another entrance, sadly neglected to this point, and aching to be filled. My panting is louder, my noises are totally out of my control, and my head thrashes on the bed. I start begging.
“Please…please…PLEASE!… I can’t…”
He lifts his head up, his eyes now on fire, his lips wet with my juices, and his voice like gravel, “You can. You WILL.”
Now he leaves his fingers in my ass, and totally concentrates on kissing and sucking on my clit. The pressure is building. My heartbeat is racing. I don’t know where to put my hands, and they land on my tits, squeezing and pulling. When he looks up to see this, he hums against me, and then I completely shatter….”OHHHHH!” Oh, god… where does the magical mystery tour go from here?
Without giving me time to recover, he pulls me to my feet, then walks us to the hard-backed chair sitting in front of the desk. Intrigued, I watch as he sits down, then pulls me to him, so I sit facing him. I may be spent, but he certainly isn’t, and I’m immediately impaled. “Ohhh…wow…” The possibilities seem endless to me. I can rub my tits against his chest, kiss and lick so many things, nibble on his jaw and his ear… but once again, he’s ahead of me. He grabs my hands and pulls them behind me, able to hold both in only one of his. He grabs my hair in his other hand, and steadily pulls back, until my head is back tight and I can’t reach anything on him. Just as I was his prisoner in the classroom, he has me willingly imprisoned again, and I’m so turned on, I can hardly bear it.
“Now what are you going to do?” He asks me roughly, slowly raising and lowering himself, so my body rides up and down his turgid cock. I rock against him in counterpoint.
But I’m through letting him have his way without a fight, so I say, “Hmmm… what do YOU plan to do?”
He stops moving and says, smugly, “Nothing, I think.”
I squeeze the muscles of my cunt around him, and he just slightly flinches. I’m not totally defenseless.
Well, now the gloves are off. He picks up the pace, until I can no longer hope to keep up, and now the hand has moved from my hair, sneakily down my back and his fingers are in my ass again. This time, they’re welcome, and I eagerly rotate my hips around his fingers and cock, until I feel the inevitable pressure building again. With little warning, the wave crashes, and I almost scream this time, before collapsing onto his chest, boneless, soaked in sweat, his and mine, and bodily juices from him and from me. The smell of sex is in the air, and I’m loving it. But as I catch my breath, I realize, he’s still hard inside of me. He’s been so in control, so playful, and so generous, I’m dying to return the favour.
I lean back, this time I give him the questioning look, and gently ease myself off his jutting cock. I kneel in front of him, as he still sits on the chair, pull my hair to the side, and gently put the head of his cock into my mouth. I can taste myself, and as I run my tongue down the slit at the top, I taste the pre-come, too. My mouth waters… this is going to take some time. I pull the full length of him all the way in, and it’s significant. I let him out, and suck for a while on the very head, eliciting a moan. But I’m after more of a reaction than that. I lick all the way down to his balls, following the vein, and take them into my mouth, running my tongue underneath. The moan is a little louder, this time. I glance up, under my eyelashes, and I’m seeing some of what I’m wanting from him…his face is flushed, his eyes are burning, and the tendons are standing out at his neck. But he’s still holding back. I relax my throat and come back to the head, pulling the entire length in again, so the head rubs against my soft palette, and part-way down my throat. I put both hands on his hips, and pick up the pace. I become so absorbed in what I’m doing, I’m moaning myself, and don’t want to stop. His hands are in my hair, holding me in place, and I can tell, that just for a second, whatever plans he had, he’s tempted to let me take him, to come in my mouth and let me drink him in. With one last thrust, he pulls away.
He then throws me bodily on the bed, face down, and I can hear him breathing hard. I’m not a slight woman, and his sheer strength takes my breath away. I look over my shoulder, and the look in his eyes is almost of a wild thing. He grabs my hips, and pulls me to him. He grabs my lube from my suitcase… how in the world did he know that was there?… and I can hear him spreading a generous amount on his hands. He grips my ass, pulls the cheeks apart, and rubs his fingers over the entrance of me. And now I understand… all those times earlier, with his fingers moving in and out, he’s been readying me for his possession all this time. I think I’ve been ready for his possession my whole life, and while nervous, I can’t wait. He puts still more lube, straight from the bottle, in the crack of my ass, massaging it in, dipping his fingers in my asshole and stretching the tissues as gently as he can. It feels a bit strange, but by the trembling of his hands, I know he wants it badly, and I’m going to give it to him. After rubbing some on himself, half of the container of lube is gone, and neither of us is holding anything back. He takes my hips, and pulls me to him… fits himself to the entrance of my ass, and slowly, eases in. It’s TIGHT. At first, I can only take the head of his cock, moving in and out, but the feeling becomes so incredible, I raise my hips instinctively, and pull him right to the hilt.
OHHH… Not sure if I like it… wait a second. Can I still tighten around him? I pull everything as tight as I can, squeezing the muscles of my cunt, squeezing my ass cheeks… NOW I get a reaction! NOW he’s making noise, and oh my god, NOW he’s picking up the pace. Ohhh… and hitting this place inside me… somewhere I’ve never felt before… almost like I have to pee, but not… “OH GOD, PLEASE GO FASTER!” I’m overwhelmed… overpowered… and completely owned. He’s pulled my hair back so tight, my neck snaps back and tears involuntarily start in my eyes. I don’t care. He still isn’t pulling hard enough. But there’s no way I can keep up. He’s the storm, and I’m just hanging on, hoping I won’t get swept away. He’s taunting me, too.
“You like it, don’t you? You like it in your ass. Tell me you like it.” His hot breath is at my ear, we’re covered in sweat, and the sounds of our bodies slapping together are so raw, so primal.
“I love it!” I gasp, unable to say anything else. “I think I’m going to….oh god…”
“You’re going to come?” He rasps out. “Then come for me. COME for me. NOW!”
And, incredibly, I come, and soak the bed like I’ve never done in my life, it’s simply everywhere. I’ve been taken apart and put back together, and am no longer my own person.
When he grates out, “Tell me you want me to come in your ass… TELL me!” I’m helpless to do anything but whatever he wants, to say whatever he needs to hear.
“Come in my ass… PLEASE! I want you to!” And he finally loses control and collapses on me with a shout, his glorious full weight behind me, and my arms held by him over my head, I’ve never been so taken.
In the aftermath, we lay there, his hot, full weight on me. Aftershocks of the most powerful, unrelenting orgasm of my life ripple through me, and I involuntarily clench around him, still buried to the hilt in my ass. I feel his forehead touch my back as he catches his breath. I know he has to leave, so I wait.
Finally, his lips touch the back of my neck, less a kiss than a caress… and his tongue traces a line down to the base of my spine.
His voice is hoarse as he whispers, “Thank you.”
I can’t find the words to thank him back, but I raise my head from my arms. He washes briefly in the bathroom sink, and my eyes follow him as he dresses. As he turns to leave, I find my voice and whisper back, “Thank YOU.”
I hear the door close behind him, and I curl up on my side, incapable of thought. Barely aware, I smile as I fall asleep.
The next day is the last of the conference, and will probably end no later than noon , so I don’t expect to see him again. My whole body feels a jolt when he walks in for one last class, right before the conference is closed. My face heats, and I’m positive it’s there for anyone to see that not only have I had this man, I want him again, and right this minute.
As we close, the conference coordinator informs us of the date of the next conference, and for the positions we hold, that it’s mandatory… and six months away. His eyes slide towards mine… and I get that questioning look that makes me instantly wet. My eyes give him my answer…
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Funny Porn SitesIt had only been a week since the incredible experience in the industrial estate. I had spent the week once again in a roller-coaster of emotion. I found the experience turned me on incredibly, and actually wanked to relieve myself daily over the thoughts.But then, I also questioned the experience. How did we go from a cheeky masturbating drive in the car, to watching my first wife exposing herself voluntarily? Then, me encouraging her and her willingness, to fuck not one, but three strangers....
ExhibitionismDear Diary, Sometime ago, I joined a message board where I could talk to other cross dressers, women, trans preps, and even male admirere about all sorts of topics. It became a safe spot, a sanctuary for Kimberly to express herself. I became a regular there and even befriended some very nice people. Although never meeting any of them in person, I felt a general closeness where I could be myself and took comfort in the cloak of anonymity. I had met this guy named Dalton who lived in...
Four hours had passed since Michelle's capture and the police computer technicians were still working on trying to access her files on the computers seized. Meanwhile Michelle herself was sitting in a cell waiting patiently to be interrogated and Officer Reynolds was having to explain himself to the commissioner: "I know it was reckless sir, but I couldn't let her get away; not when we'd finally managed to track her down." "And what about the seventeen good officers we lost today due...
I woke clammy again my heart racing in my chest My dream though a bit foggy was also so painfully real.It was that fateful day again replaying itself like a broken record. The day I made the biggest mistake of my life, and only now am I aware of that. It was the day Karin got on the plane. If only I could remember what she said."I'll be ... if you change your mind about things," she said as she got on the plane and blew me a kiss goodbye, which I, of course, caught and ate. But I didn't think I...
LesbianA petite blonde with long, bushy hair and very perky boobs was silently working through what seemed to be a hybrid cheerleading-dance routine. Her tan lines stood out starkly and her lithe body froze Anita in her tracks. After throwing herself over the lip of the cliff and onto the plateau which comprised its summit, Anita sprawled inelegantly in the dirt. Actually, she realized, it was more of a fine white powder that felt really good to roll around in like a kitten with too much...
By the time we got back home John was discussing where to put anyone turned out. Elizabeth suggested the apartments in the grotto. I had never looked inside them but Cynthia told me they looked very comfortable. I nodded to John, “have someone check them and possibly the top floors of the Keep.” I looked around before spotting Jacob, “Jacob, do you think there will be a problem with these girls and women staying in the grotto?” He shook his head, “we have been talking about your idea of...
Dan Bednarick came back to his office from lunch one Tuesday around 12:20, and dictated a few notes on two projects; things that had occurred to him while he ate. He opened his door to tell Zeena, his secretary that he wanted them transcribed. As usual, she was on the phone. She looked up and said "Just a second, Dan's here," into the mouthpiece. He told her about the notes. "In the Common folder? I'll have them done in half an hour, Dan," she said. "By the way, I have Reese on the...
Frances was 16 and an only c***d from a typical middle class family with both her parents doing 9-5 jobs to keep the family in a stable condition,her mother Karen was a manager at the local leisure centre and her father Robert was a construction worker who travelled the country from job to job mostly coming home for long weekends at a time.Frances was of small build with large tits and mousey brown shoulder length hair which acompanied her outgoing personality and she had just started an art...
I am.change my real name am i Sarasi(its not my real name).i leaving with my mum & dad get after thats my mum get 2nd marriage.mum age 38 his age is 34 so my age is 16 steady at OKI inter:girls school .ok Thats story is tow month mum get lion club award its function held at Hotel Hilton.thats day my 2nd dad dint go with us .he go to the funeral at Kandy.tits day night at 10.30 mum told me baby u well go home with Driver becoz.tomorrow yore exeam.i came home...
IncestIntroduction: What would you do if you saw pictures of your wife nude on the Internet? Fbailey story number 504 Thats My Wife I stumbled upon a web site where pictures of girlfriends and wives get posted for the entire World to view. I looked through the previous weeks worth of postings and found one girlfriend that was the spitting image of my wife. I said to myself, Thats my wife. Then I wondered&hellip,if she is my wife, then who took the pictures and posted them. I decided to check back...
That'll teach you! - Halloween 1999 Story Competition. Written by Kathy Core. * Disclaimer: Permission is granted to Fictionmania to archive this story, but anyone else should know better than to publish muck like this around the internet. This story (c)1999 Kathy Core - Do not reproduce without consent. * (i.) Storm clouds brewed overhead, a typical October night. The yellow ochre and burnt umber of the season scattered far and wide, tinting the landscape in every...
It was open mic night at some pretentious coffee shop. She had begged him to come see her sing, so he had conceded, though he hated places like that. At seven o’ clock, he walked through the doors and saw her just walking onstage then. She had dressed for him, he could tell—her low shirt, a black lace bra peeking from the corner, a tight pencil skirt, and high heels. She carried her guitar, smiled shyly, and introduced herself. He listened as her voice carried across the shop, watching,...
My girlfriend Susan and I had been driving across the USA, East coast to West coast for three days. It was midday and we had been on the road since 5am. It was hot, very hot, and the air conditioning in the car was broken. It was cold and dark when we left this morning so we had both put on a long shirt and jeans.I looked over at Susan and noticed her wiping her brow, "You are sweating like a pig." I said as I watched her.She undid her seatbelt and looked in the various bags in the back seat...
MasturbationMy wife and I had the most wonderful sexual experience last month. This is a true story and has somewhat of a slow start. Apologies for that but I hope it’s worth it in the end.We had booked a spa day at a very posh hotel. We needed it. A break from a very busy life. We arrived and went through the usual routines. We headed off to the Hydro pools. It was quite large and around the edge there very various water jets etc.Well, to cut a long story short I discovered that one set of jets was...
Straight Sex"Hello Avengers if your watching this it mean's that the world is in danger and I've finally decided that you need the whole story, because what you know is only half the story and for you to be the hero's and heroine's the world needs it's time you heard everything. To start I look 18 year's old, but in truth I'm 13, 799, 997, 977 year's old and I was a creation of the cosmic entities Death, Entrophy, Eternity and Infinity. Eternity created my likeness and Infinity gave me life, however,...
FantasyThe sound of the wind and the rain was deafening, never before had I experienced a cyclone and of this intensity. Emergency Services advice was to find a small brick enclosure in the centre of a building and remain there, until the storm past. We had been warned about the calm of the eye, so to stay put, until we were notified over the battery powered radio we were directed to take and keep on. My great-aunt Muriel, who I was visiting on my way through, took water, food, torches and the radio...
March 23, 2012 12:30pm “I have a question, Anika,” Jesse said as the four sat at the dining room table. “If we were in Sweden, what would you serve for lunch?” “Ah, you are curious,” she smiled. “Well, it might be some yellow pea soup and an oven-baked pancake with jam or something sweet on it. Or it might be a whitefish baked in a traditional sauce with some potato and a vegetable. The lunch at home is usually a hot meal, but not too big.” “My mom used to make yellow pea soup with...
Bill and I slumped into each other's arms. We were both in the after glow of orgasm. Men and women have always experienced orgasm differently. Now there was a third variation. ROBO-ORGASM, it was something which the humans could aspire too. No it wasn't better, it was just different. Humans would never rest until they could experience one, should they ever find that there was such things. It was therefore essential that they never find out, I was informed secretly. The message came from...
I made a pit stop at my townhouse for some clean clothes, showered, shaved, changed and headed back to Ali's home. I was on a high. Last night and this morning had been an amazing experience and I wanted more. Ali made it plain that she wanted more as well. Considering how my world had collapsed less than a year ago, it seemed incredible that I could recover this quickly. I'm not sure why I decided to take the Malibu instead of the Escape. I guess I was thinking it could use an outing...
For the first time he actually heard her speak, 'come up when you're ready theres beer and wine in the fridge. Daniel had to calm himself first making sure it wasn't a joke or a wind up. Steady his nerves steel himself for whatever was going to happen. Worst case scenario an unexpected cock up his ass and a smile on hubbys face, best case scenario anything but the latter.'Nah fuck it, I've been in worse situations no need to steady myself'. Dan the fucking man the legend in his own...
Clearly, Corky had been right all along. The debaucheries of the Dalrymple household were not merely repellant and vulgar but unhealthy; fundamentally perverse. Alone once more in his room, Corky was frantically repacking his steamer trunk with renewed determination to quit the household in which he had unwittingly become entangled. Beatrice's discovery of Maggie in his bedroom may have been an unpleasant experience, but in fact it was a blessing in disguise. The shock of the experience...
That’ll Teach Her Judy and I had a date at eight o’clock on Saturday evening. When I got there I saw Richard walking in her front door. Apparently they didn’t see me. I looked in the side window and saw them sit on the couch and start kissing. I watched his hand slide in between her legs and I saw her spread them wider for him. I walked around to the front and rang the doorbell. Judy opened it up and Richard was standing right behind her. I said, “Hey Richard, she booked a...
“It’s John Anderson! IT’S JOHN BLEEDING ANDERSON!” my mind crowed while my stomach turned cart wheels. The mad woman was running round inside my head again and I prayed that she’d keep her damned voice down before he heard. John’s arm was round my waist and his hand was resting lightly on my hip. I glanced round the table in the social club that my school friends and I were sitting at and and breathed easier. Nobody was staring aghast at me so I guessed that my internal-idiot hadn’t given the...
That's What Good Boys Do Ch. 01 by Grassmonkeym I came home early from my summer job at the landscaping company, feeling tired, dirty, and, as usual, more than a little depressed. I was eighteen years old and still coming home to my mother's house each night. Not that she minded—we had lived together, just me and her, for most of my life. My first year away at school had been tough on her, and I knew she liked having me around, at least for the summer.What bothered me more, I guess, was that...
IncestFrom the first time we touched it was obvious that the spark between us was something special.The way we responded to each others touch was celestial,the passion was unlike any other either of us had ever experienced.So it was ovious we were campatible in many ways very early on.So it should of come to no surprise that I would discover she was a freak as well.I mean after all,my dream woman would be,right.So as soon as her freak flag became apparent,I ran it right up my flag pole so to speak. ...
Sari: But father! That is a donkey! And a male! Your eyesight is getting worse every day! Ezekiel: Oh rats! Guess I should return it. Sari: Wait, don’t he’s kina cute. The donkey stands there, short and stout, however sporting a massive erection. Goofily disproportionate. Sari: Look at him, his hair is so fuzzy! Ezekiel: Ok, we can keep him as a pet if you like him so much. Sari: Looks like you are with us now. I will call you Eppi. Let’s see if I can teach you some new tricks. Sari...
You look at yourself in the hotel mirror, hardly believing that you’ve been able to arrange a night in the big city sans your husband, but here you are, dressed in your slinkiest lingerie, wet to the extent that you’re about to leak. He’s going to be at the door any minute and you haven’t even laid eyes on him yet, the cop. Sure, you’ve seen a picture, but they never tell the whole story. You’ve talked on-line and on the phone, his voice is sexy as hell, so is what he said he was going to do....
“I asked you two to come in because we need to talk. Al, what would you think of having sex with Mary?” Let me backtrack to give you a little history. My name is Albert but most of our friends call me Al. My wife of 23 years is Angie. We’re soccer parents in the summer and hockey parents all winter. Being associated with any rep team sports is a lot like joining a family. We see so much of each other that we all become a part of each other’s lives. We help each other out whenever we can no...
I walk into his hotel room and an easy smile comes across my face as I see him sprawled on the bed, reading. ‘Hey you,’ I say, walking over to wrap my arms around him. He grins and slowly winds his arms around me, pulling me right against him. ‘You ready to see the sights?’ He laughs a little and nods. ‘I can’t wait! I’ve wanted to see Scotland for so long. And it’s the biggest bonus ever to already know someone over here, to have my personal little tour guide.’ I laugh too, a warmth...
Following my divorce, my company transferred me across the country and the custody agreement with the ex allowed me to have my daughter for six months then she would go back to her mother’s place on the West Coast for another six. I had a deadline rapidly approaching and desperately needed some uninterrupted time in my home office to complete my reports. I called my usual babysitter and she apologized but had accepted another job for the evening. I explained my situation and asked if she had...
Denise wrapped her mouth around Cory’s firm cock with a sigh. She sucked lightly then licked around the head a few times as Scott moved to her rhythm. He moved closer to her with her head half in his lap and his back on the headboard. They were oddly straddled on the bed since Scott was underneath her while she road him in time with sucking Cory’s cock. Denise felt the cool lube as Richie pushed his dick in her butt hole seconds before it found it’s temporary home. “Oh yeah Baby let’s get...
It was opening day for football and Steve had invited three friends over to his house to watch the games. The three men were all members of his softball team from work. Two of the men had been friends for years and one was visiting his house for the first time. Gary and Sean were the longtime friends and Bill had recently moved into the area and was a new hire by Steve’s company. The men had settled in for the games. The first game would be starting soon. The food and drinks were well supplied...
Bright sunlight streaming in through the window brought me around from a long and deep sleep. The night before had been quite a late one for me, my husband Tim and I had been to visit friends, we chatted for so long it must have been nearly two am before we arrived home, but it had certainly been a fun evening. Tim of course had long been up and left for work before eight am, the coffee he brought me earlier was now stone cold by the side of the bed. I lay there thinking how well we had done in...
I had met him several times before, and now that he and his new wife, June, had moved into our neighborhood, we interacted more frequently. I had actually dated her for a while before she and Jeff married, so I was aware of more intimate aspects of her as well as their relationship. I had always found it strange that they got married, as they seemed an odd pair. He was not particularly attractive, nor personable. Also, June complained a lot about him, in particular his tendency to be rude...
That’s What Sisters Are For I was pretty young I guess but Mom caught me jerking off one day. I had just barely realized that I had a cock and that it was fun to play with. Anyway, Mom caught me and grabbed me by the back of the neck and pushed me out of the living room, down the hallway, and into my sister’s bedroom. I was twelve at the time and my sister was thirteen years old. Mom told Elaine to get undressed. She looked at me and then back at Mom, Mom repeated her orders and...
A Holiday Story What is enough? Enough what? That's Enough by Jan S ©copyright 2007 by Jan S ?????? ? ?????? ~Home at last!~ I thought as I sat down on the back steps. Troy greeted me with his usual huge smile. I put my arms around him and buried my head in the long blond hair on his shoulder. "I don't know why I do this every year, Troy. I never really make any...
‘That’s it?’ That was all George thought as he lay on his bed. His pain no longer bothered him. It was commonplace, to be expected. When it did bother him, he just had to press the button on the end of the white cord clipped to the railing on his bed and a nurse, usually the pretty, busty, beauty he liked would come into the room and adjust a valve or give him a shot, and minutes later, he would no longer feel the pain. * * * * * George spent his life trying to figure out his life. His...
That’s My Wife I stumbled upon a web site where pictures of girlfriends and wives get posted for the entire World to view. I looked through the previous weeks worth of postings and found one girlfriend that was the spitting image of my wife. I said to myself, “That’s my wife.” Then I wondered…if she is my wife, then who took the pictures and posted them. I decided to check back through the previous weeks that were displayed and found that her pictures were posted once a week and...
“C’mon,” Jess urged me, pulling me into a tight embrace, “pour your heart out. What’s happened?” “I – I’ve.” I hiccuped between sobs, unable to formulate the words to describe my misery. Instead, I buried my head into my best friend’s shoulder and cried some more. It took me a few minutes of having my back rubbed soothingly to get my composure back, but finally, the tears subsided and I slowly extricated myself from her embrace, wiped my eyes and nose and took a deep breath. “I’ve been kicked...
When I did the dishes, now with a full stomach, I hummed a little tune I had heard and liked in the radio, but not gotten the name of. It felt a bit strange, doing it naked, especially when the corner of the towel brushed against my nipples or tummy. Something I hadn’t experienced before, the touch too soft and flighty to be felt through clothes.All too soon I was finished and traipsed out into the living room. Jess and Cat were lounging on the couch, Jess’ head in her flat mate’s lap, both now...