Annie s WayChapter 6
- 3 years ago
- 40
- 0
Do I believe in soulmates? You bet I do, and if you’re destined to meet yours you will, no matter what mountains may be placed in your path. In the case of Evan and me, there was just one mountain and it was an isolated peak of 7200 feet in northwestern Montana. It was called Wolf Mountain and there was a lookout tower on top of it, a fourteen by fourteen foot box perched on stilts above a barren rocky summit, below which stretched sloping meadows of beargrass and dwarf huckleberry interrupted by granite outcrops and talus fields. A stone thrown from the tower would find the first scrubby trees of timberline, but real forest started lower, at around 6,000 feet. The tower had windows all around and they afforded a spectacular view: to the southeast lay the Mission Mountains, still wearing snow on their north faces, beyond the Missions marched the main chain of the Rockies, taller and snowier, bearing the Continental Divide north into Canada, northwest the Selkirk and Purcell Ranges in the Idaho Panhandle also faded away into distant British Columbia, while to the southwest and west reared the Bitteroot and Cabinet Mountains, respectively. In all of this wild expanse the only signs of human activity were a few distant clearcuts and a little pastureland. All else was mountains and forest, as far as the eye could see. I was the fire lookout on Wolf Mountain and it was my job to periodically gaze at this magnificence throughout the day. If I saw any smoke or lightning strikes I radioed the dispatcher at the District Ranger Station and reported the location. Aside from this duty my time was my own. I’d been on the tower for six weeks, since early July, and in that time I’d not seen a single human being, save two visits from the packer, who’d brought fresh supplies. I was desperately lonely and horny as a goat.
My name, by the way, is Janet. I was a forestry major about to start my senior year at Iowa State. Iowa doesn’t have much in the way of forests so a lot of students there look for summer jobs in the West where they can experience the real thing. The previous three summers I’d planted trees, fought fires and cruised timber, all for the U.S. Forest Service. The work was tough, the company rough and predominantly male. When the chance came to spend this summer as a fire lookout I jumped at it. Having just gotten out of a relationship with a brilliant, attractive and domineering engineering student, I was really looking forward to some solitude in which to recuperate, ponder and catch up on my music and artwork. My body had other ideas.
Working summers for the Forest Service may not do much for the mind but it can do wonders for the body. The nearest water was a spring and shallow tarn about a half mile and 800 vertical feet below the summit. The daily hike back to the lookout packing five gallons of water on my back had given me legs of iron and buns of steel. At five feet nine and maybe a hundred and forty pounds I was no fashion model, but the only fat on me was right where it did the most good. Actually, that tanned and curvaceous bod was doing nobody any good, unless you counted the pikas. When I’d wander out into meadows to pick berries, clad only in my hiking boots, they’d stare lustfully at me and whistle. Lascivious little lagomorphs.
At the beginning of August I’d had a wonderful dream. Normally my dreams are pretty inconsequential and soon forgotten, but I’ll never forget this one. I was in an airport gift shop and a friend was introducing me to a man. He had strong features and eyes you never wanted to look away from. Instead of shaking hands we embraced, and with the embrace all barriers came down and our souls merged. He threw back his head and laughed in exultation, a hearty, earthy laugh. I awoke exalted, feeling that I’d never known love until that moment. I was certain that the dream was precognitive, that at any moment this man would step into my life and we’d live happily ever after. Now, after three weeks of continued isolation I wasn’t so sure. After all, I could hardly have picked a worse location for meeting new people, let alone the love of my life. Besides, maybe my dream figure wasn’t a real person, maybe I was meeting the male side of myself – what did Jung call it? – my animus. Or was he a disembodied spirit, maybe some kind of angel. But would an angel bringing God’s love be so sexy and down-to-earth? Angels weren’t supposed to be sexy, were they? Every time I’d think about his eyes, and his embrace, my nipples would grow erect and I’d feel moisture between my thighs. I wanted to maintain a sense of purity about the experience but my body, as I’ve already noted, has a mind of its own.
By eleven o’clock on August twenty-third my thermometer read seventy degrees. In Missoula the temperature would already be in the nineties. Yesterday the high there had been one hundred and three, while Wolf Mountain had topped out at eighty-one. No more perfect summer weather exists than that which is found in the northern Rockies at 7000 feet. The radio came to life: This is your updated fire weather forecast for August twentieth: Three weather systems are approaching the northern Rocky Mountains and are expected to converge over the area tonight bringing thunderstorms, high winds and locally heavy rains. A strong cold front will be dropping down from Canada and meeting a Pacific system which is presently bringing rain to the northern Cascades. These two systems will combine with the flow of monsoonal moisture already in place to produce strong thunderstorms, high winds and locally heavy rain. With the passage of the cold front after midnight the rain should turn to snow at elevations over 7000 feet. Accumulations of one foot or more could occur on the higher peaks. Temperatures tomorrow…
I turned down the volume and absorbed the news. The fire season was about to end, and with it my summer job. I was ready to come down. My hoped-for period of reflection and regrouping had turned into long days of lonely yearning, and I had no more answers to life’s questions than I’d had in June, only more questions. Out of habit I scanned the surrounding territory for plumes of smoke. Nothing on the ridge to the east where I’d reported several lightning strikes the night before last. Not that it mattered. By tomorrow there wouldn’t be a fire burning anywhere in the Northern Region, fire crews would be packing to go home and so would I.
My musings were distracted by a flash of movement several hundred yards down the ridge to the east, where the trail to the lookout emerged from the trees. Was it another bear? I’d seen one in just that spot two days ago, a big cinnamon-colored sow with two cubs. No, this was a human! I grabbed the binoculars. A man in shorts and tee shirt leapt into view. He had a daypack on his back and seemed to still have a spring in his stride after a steep four-mile climb from the trailhead. I couldn’t quite make out his features at this distance, but what I could see looked pretty good. Hell, Quasimodo would have looked good to me at this point. I was finally getting a visitor! Oh damn! The place was a sty! I scurried frantically around the cabin picking up clothes, books, my neglected art supplies. Actually, there wasn’t that much to pick up, I hadn’t brought a lot of stuff, knowing that there wasn’t room for it. I laid my violin case on the alidade. At least I’d washed the dishes. Yikes, I wasn’t wearing a bra! I dug into my bag of clothing and fished out the only one I’d brought, a lacy flesh-colored item. No, dammit! I hadn’t worn a bra all summer and I wasn’t about to start now! My tee shirt was a little on the thin side but it would have to do. My shorts would have to do as well, even though there was a big huckleberry stain on the butt. Hard to avoid if you sit down to pick berries. I took another look out the window. He was nowhere to be seen! The trail was empty! Where. . .
‘Anybody home?’ called a voice from directly beneath my feet. I ran out the door and leaned over the railing of the catwalk. I still couldn’t se
e anybody.
‘Come on up. You’re a fast walker! Would you like some tea or lemonade? Of course you would, after that hike.’
‘I don’t want to intrude. I didn’t realize this tower was manned. I just came up to see the view.’
‘Well you’d better come up and see it. You’re my first visitor all summer and I’m not going to let you escape yet!’
‘I don’t think I want to escape. I’ll be right up.’ I heard his footsteps as he started up the stairs. A moment later he stepped onto the catwalk. He was dusty and streaked with sweat. He was maybe half a head taller than I was. He smiled, looking at me. He was gorgeous.
‘The scenery up here is even more beautiful than I’d imagined,’ he said, looking into my eyes. I felt a major blush developing beneath my tan.
‘Those peaks over there are in Glacier Park. You picked a good day to come up. It’s supposed to storm tonight. What made you decide to climb Wolf Mountain? Nobody ever comes up here. No lakes, no fishing. I’m Janet, by the way.’ I knew I was babbling. I couldn’t stop. My loneliness had made me as garrulous as a barfly. Actually, that was probably a good thing. Normally I’m rather shy around strangers and on the few occasions when I’d been introduced to really attractive men I’d been absolutely tongue-tied and no doubt came across as cold and distant.
‘I’m Evan,’ he said. We didn’t shake hands. We didn’t embrace either. Rats. Nothing like my dream. Those eyes, though- Brad Pitt would have swapped on the spot. ‘I was on my way to Glacier this morning, but when I saw this mountain from the highway, with the lookout on top, I thought maybe I should climb it, I’d never been to a lookout. Just then I saw a sign for Wolf Mountain and decided it was fate. I followed the road to the trailhead and here I am.’ He paused. ‘So were you pretty lonely up here all summer with no visitors?’
‘Yeah. I thought I’d enjoy it. I needed some space. But I got over that in a hurry. I guess I’m not cut out to be a hermit – or a nun. Come on in. I can make iced tea or lemonade, and there’s huckleberry pie. Have you had huckleberry pie? Are you from the Northwest?’
‘No to both questions. I’m living in Salt Lake City right now, but I’m originally from Pennsylvania.’ Good. Probably not a Mormon. Mormonism or born-again Christianity wouldn’t mesh well with my own rather vague pantheism… Oh brother! I’d known him three minutes and here I was planning our future together! I realized with a shock that I also fully intended to jump his bones. And there was no time to lose.
He followed me inside. ‘Would you care for lemonade? It’s not fresh, but the mix is pretty good. And I’ve got ice. Go ahead and sit on the bed, it’s the best seat in the house.’ He sat down. Oh shit! I’d left my bra on the bed! He was practically sitting on it! Oh well. I got the ice cubes out of the little propane refrigerator and started to measure the lemonade mix. My back was to him but I could see his reflection in a little mirror propped on the counter. I couldn’t stop looking at him, even to make lemonade. He’d noticed the bra. He cast a couple of sidelong glances at it and then quickly fingered the tag.
‘It’s a 38C,’ I said without turning around. ‘The label’s faded and kind of hard to read.’
He was immediately mortified, but managed a rueful grin. ‘Busted,’ he said.
I laughed. ‘Was that a bad pun?’
‘Is there any other kind?’ He was really cute when he blushed. ‘God, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have-‘
‘Oh hush! I shouldn’t have left it out. Anyway, I’ll forgive you on three conditions: first, you can help me carry water up from the spring, second, you have to stay for dinner.’
‘I can happily agree to those conditions. What about number three?’
‘I’ll think of something,’ I replied. Yes! That bra had bought me some time, unless I sent him fleeing prematurely down the mountain by being too forward. Not my usual problem. Part of me was standing back and admiring my unprecedented chutzpah.
I gave him his lemonade. ‘Can I see your fiddle?’ he asked.
‘Sure.’ I opened the case and handed him the instrument.
He examined it from all angles. ‘Looks German. It’s in pretty good shape. Maybe a hundred years old?’
‘I guess. It was my grandmother’s. She gave it to me when I was eleven. How do you know about violins?’
‘It’s what I do. I majored in violin performance at Temple for two years before I decided I’d rather make them. I’ve been going to violin-making school in Salt Lake City. I’ll graduate next spring, or at least I hope to.’
‘Evan, that is so totally cool. Listen to me, I’m talking like a fourteen-year-old. Will you play something? Please?’
‘You can’t sound like a fourteen-year-old unless you misuse ‘like’ at least twice in every sentence. You only said it once and you used it correctly. And yes, I’d be happy to play if you don’t mind some rustiness.’
I gave him the bow and shoulder rest. He stood up and launched into a soulful, bluesy rendition of Summertime. I was immediately enraptured. By the time he finished I was nearly in tears. ‘Evan…I’m overwhelmed. Ask me for anything.’
He smiled. ‘I’ll think of something,’ he quoted.
‘Which reminds me,’ I said, ‘you owe me a trip to the water hole. We should probably get started. But I want to ask you, could you teach me to get that kind of sound on my violin?’
‘I could try. If you have a strong concept of the sound you want and are determined enough, you should be able to do it. But maybe we should start your lessons at a later date.’
I liked the sound of that, especially the part about a later date. I wanted lots of later dates, but I decided for once to keep my mouth shut.
We strapped the empty plastic water containers onto packframes and started down the steep, narrow trail to the spring, occasionally stopping to pick and eat huckleberries. The day was still warm and sunny, but off to the west the sky had a steely cast, and in the east thunderheads were piling up over the Rockies. And I was planning on generating some electricity of my own when we got to the waterhole.
‘This is fantastic!’ exclaimed Evan when we arrived. The spring seeped out of the base of a rocky outcrop, flowed over a miniature waterfall framed by ferns and moss, and trickled into a small pond, about forty feet across and maybe four feet deep in the middle. ‘Do you swim in here?’
‘Every day,’ I replied, ‘at least if it’s sunny. If it’s cloudy the water stays too cold. I’m not your polar bear type.’ I set the five-gallon containers to catch the water as it went over the little falls, then started to remove my boots and socks. Evan was eyeing me speculatively, perhaps with a little alarm. ‘I generally wear my clothes when I go in. That way I can wash my clothes and me at the same time.’ I began to wade. ‘Come on in, if you’re so inclined. I brought soap,’ I said, flourishing a bar. I was pleased to see him start to follow me into the pool, I wanted to seduce a clean, sweet-smelling man, not a grimy, stinky one. I know some people prefer it otherwise, but not me. A dirty mind in a clean body, that’s my motto.
When I got waist-deep I began to wash. I soaped and rinsed my face and then laved my pits, working the lather into my tee shirt. Next I started working on my shorts, taking extra time with the huckleberry stain. Hopeless. Behind me Evan was watching circumspectly, but with interest. I unfastened my shorts but left them around my waist. I reached between my legs and soaped my crotch and panties. Then I zipped back up, turned around and tossed the soap to Evan. ‘Your turn!’ I called, and dove in and swam underwater across the pond. When I neared the shore I came up for air and turned to watch Evan as he bathed. I didn’t bother to be circumspect.
He followed my lead and soaped over and under his clothes. I wanted to help, but held my peace. His body was lean and muscular. I wondered how he kept it that way. He was less bulgy than a bodybuilder,
but bulkier than a distance runner and with more definition than a swimmer. He looked the way God intended a man to look. I really wanted him. Whoa, girl, not yet. Time to stoke the fire a bit. I stood up in the water and walked toward him. The thin shirt had become semi-transparent and was plastered to my breasts. The large, tan aureoles were plainly visible as were my small, hardening nipples. Evan was visibly excited but still trying not to stare. ‘Looks as though I win the wet tee shirt contest,’ I said cheerfully. Brazen hussy!
‘There’s no contest,’ he replied weakly.
‘Oh, I don’t know,’ I said, walking still closer. ‘I know lots of women with smaller boobs than you’ve got.’ ‘Hey, those aren’t boobs, they’re pecs!’ he said with mock indignation.
‘I dunno, they look like boobs to me.’ I put my hand on his chest and squeezed ‘They feel like boobs.’ Evan flexed his chest muscles, which became rock hard under my hand. ‘Wow! I stand corrected. I certainly can’t do that with mine.’
‘Are you sure? Maybe I ought to check. After all, turnabout’s fair play.’
‘No!’ I exclaimed, knocking his hand away. ‘Turnabout is definitely not fair play!’ Not yet, anyway, I added silently.
We shouldered our now weighty packs and trundled back up the trail. Our wet clothing helped provide evaporative cooling, preventing us from getting hot and sweaty again. ‘Is this what the physicists call ‘heavy water?” asked Evan.
‘I don’t think so. At least when I spilled some on the radio the other day it shorted it out.’
‘And that meant it was…’
‘Radio-inactive.’ We appeared to be on the same wavelength.
Evan thought for a moment and then asked, ‘did you know that there’s a way to recharge a battery without using electricity?’
I sensed a punch line lurking just out of sight. ‘No, tell me.’
‘You simply pour sodium chloride into each cell of the battery and you’ll be back to full charge within minutes. But it’s illegal. In fact, you could get up to five years in prison.’
‘On what charge?’
‘A-saltin’ a battery.’
By the time we reached the tower the exertion and bad jokes had dissipated most of the sexual tension that had been building up since we met, but it quickly redeveloped as we prepared dinner. We chatted freely about everything but sex and our feelings for each other. Also left unmentioned was the likelihood that if he stayed for dinner it would be too dark to hike down afterwards. And the fact that there was only one bed. . .
Fresh vegetables were in short supply so we cobbled together a shepherd’s pie using mashed potatoes, carrots and leftover lentils. We put it all in a cast iron skillet, which would serve as a casserole dish, and topped it with cheddar cheese. I knew that by the time the propane oven preheated and the pie baked it would be too late for him to leave, even if he bolted his food. I stood unnecessarily close to him as we worked, sometimes brushing thighs and once managing to rub against his arm with my breast. Each time we touched I felt an exquisite electricity. This was something new in my rather limited experience. I think he felt the same charge, because when it happened he looked at me and smiled shyly.
For a romantic touch at the dinner table I put a candle in a wine bottle and lit it. Too bad I’d already drunk the wine in July. For dessert I served a whortleberry pie that I’d baked the day before. There was only one piece missing. Evan’s eyes opened wide with amazement after his first bite. ‘This is incredible! I’ve never tasted anything like it!’
‘Whortleberries are to huckleberries what huckleberries are to blueberries, much smaller and more piquant.’
‘Every berry is an explosion of flavor. But they’re so tiny. How long does it take to pick enough for a pie?’
‘In this case about two hours, but the picking was exceptionally good. But on a lookout tower time is seldom of the essence.’ Except today.
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Hi to all the readers of – especially to aunties,bhabhies,girls and all the ladies who find their sexual desire outside and here…this is Ronny after a long time from dehradun and now in Mumbai for one month and I have received several feedback’s regarding my post stories..Mostly from boys.Let me make it clear I provide my service to females only..So please feedback’s from male are acceptable but request to provide my service is acceptable from females..Mail me on lets...
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Hi, readers, most of this sex story is true and happened to me after my first encounter with Saumya aunty which was a threesome with her and her friend Babita which I mentioned in my previous sex story. It’s ok if you didn’t read the previous one but just keep in mind that Saumya aunty and I had sex once before this event.So, I will introduce her to you guys first.Saumya aunty is my friend Arvind’s mom.She is 32 and has a 36-28-36 figure with round perfect bubble butt.She is fair and 5feet...
"Now you've really screwed things up," Ashley accused as she got off the bus with Tami. "What'd I do? I've been here all day." I hugged Tami and gave her a quick kiss. "You killed student government. And on my first day." "I killed... ? Your first day? Somebody give me a map, cause I'm lost." Tami slipped her arm around me and her hand into my back pocket. "Did you know Danny Kelly moved?" "I heard he was going to. He's gone?" My arm wound it's familiar way around Tami...
“Faren?” I called. “I’ve brought you a visitor.” And then I stopped, because a mostly-naked Faren was perched on the side of his bed, a basin of steaming water on a nearby table, washing himself with shaking hands. Because of course he is. I heard Sigrun squeak, and I slapped one hand over her eyes, the other over my own. “You could have asked us to wait!” I scolded him. Well, that’s a sight I can’t un-see! “I did,” he croaked, voice hoarse. “You just couldn’t hear me.” “What in the...
Maya Woulfe is ready to knock your socks off and make you cum over and over for her. She loves to be a tease in her bra and panties while wearing her flowery satin robe. Just wait until it comes off and Maya spreads her long legs wide to give you that wonderful view of her pussy. Don’t you wish you could run her fingers over her trimmed bush while you eat out that beautiful pussy?!? Maya would love it if you did and really loves it when Charles comes in to do just that. Dreams do come...
xmoviesforyouI wandered around Michaelsport until I found a stable. They would sell me a couple of horses, so I told them I’d be by tomorrow for them. If they were sold by then, I’d walk to Cooper’s Crossing. If anyone asked the farrier, he could tell them that I wanted two horses to head up to Cooper’s Crossing tomorrow. I used their well to wash the bolt off before all the blood dried on it. That would remove any doubt. How many men are wandering around Michaelsport with two swords and a bloody crossbow...
This was how to spend a hot summer’s afternoon, mused Lucy as she watched the voile curtain fluttering in the breeze at the open window. That breeze, caressing and stroking her body as surely as she felt Richard's hand stoking and caressing her arm. The “red eye” had landed her back in England earlier that morning, and Richard, true to his word had been there to meet her. “You need to stay awake Lou, then an early night tonight,” he said, as his welcome home kiss brushed her cheek, “and I...
MatureMany years ago my wife and I were separated and she had some interesting, to say the least wild sexual experiences. We have discussed them thru out our reuniting mainly because she knows I am excited every time I hear them and she gets a good fucking afterwards. First of all let me describe my wife. She is 5’4”, weighted about 140lbs, long auburn hair, 36C’s with ¾” hard nipples, wide dark aureoles, flat stomach, lips that made you want to shove your tongue and then your cock thru and the...
I pick you up from your house, you open the door looking absolutely stunning in the sexiest dress I’ve ever seen, it’s hugging your body so tightly and in all the right places, if that wasn’t enough your face is slowly stopping my heart with your beautiful eyes looking into mine accompanied by a smile that makes the nighttime seem like day. You ask me where we’re going and I just smile and tell you it’s a surprise, I open the car door for you and I get in and we take off, we drive for a good...
Steve Davies The BEEP, BEEP of my alarm clock went off, drawing me out of sleep. I felt my bed moving. “Too early!” Sam, my youngest daughter, cried out. She snuggled up against my side. “Mmm,” I groaned, my eyes opening. “Don’t go back to sleep,” my wife said. She was on the other side of me, getting up. She hit the alarm clock and then turned on the lamp. “Mom!” groaned Sam, burying her face into my side. I shifted, sitting up. Becky, my eldest daughter, sat up on the other side of...
My best friend Cherri and I were on our way out the door when I accidentally bumped into Phillip Taylor, who happened to be the hottest, most popular guy in the school. Every girl wanted to date him and every guy wanted to be him. When I looked at his face and realized who it was, my beating heart stopped and then began to pound. “I’m sorry,” he apologized. “No, I’m the clumsy one.” “Everyone is a little clumsy every now and then,” he said, with a smile. “You’re Sarah, right?” I glanced at...
First TimeHello I am devil169. This is my first story about my elder sister and her boyfriend. You can give feedback on this email . this is fake id so my name is something else. Leave this point. This story is in hindi, sorry to tamil and telegu readers. Ab me meri didi aur uske boyfriend ka indroduction karata hu. Meri behan ka naam Karuna hai. Uski age hai 23 aur uski boyfriend ka naam Steven hai. Uski age hai 21. Meri didi dikhne mai sexy smart aur decent hai. Uski height 5 feet 6 inch hai. Uske...
Sillu was about 19 years old teen when I had first met with her widow Mausi (mother’s sister) who was working in my residence. After the death of her mother at delivery she was since living with her Mama (mother’s brother) village and used to visit Mausi once or twice a month for a day or two. Jayasreeth was doing everything from cooking, cleaning, washing to gardening for me. I must admit she was very dependable and trusty lady. My visiting friends thought that I’m living with my Bua...
“Have another drink, Tammy,” said Tony and filled my glass with vodka. My real name is Tommy but guys who know me call me Tammy, which I preferThen he added, “Why don’t you get out of those pants, you look uncomfortable.”The room was spinning a little. I stood up and almost fell over, but I regained my balance. I unfastened my belt, then I pulled down my fly and unfastened my jeans button. I pulled the jeans down and fell back onto the couch. I’d spilled the vodka a bit, but then I chugged the...
As the winter weather cleared away and the color of lawns began to show green, Stephanie had progressed more than anyone could have imagined possible. Her coach praised her performance on the balance beam, and entered her in the final competition of the season. On the afternoon before that meet, Greg planned a light workout for her and after completing all of the routines, he escorted her to the massage therapy room, which was directly connected to the gym but in a separate area. "Lie down...
The phone rings and is answered. “Concierge, Hotel Royale, how may I help you?” The voice on the other end of the line is the Bell Captain. “He’s here.” “Are you sure?” asks the Concierge. “Think so. Gray brown hair and not much of that. Glasses. One white bag and one black plastic bag,” says the Captain. “Hmmmm, sounds right,” says the Concierge. “Thanks. And make sure he gets in all right.” “Will do,” and the Captain hangs up. The Concierge looks at her watch and thinks, “Early again.”...
In our last story Becky and her new friend Sherry where hanging out while wasting time so they didn’t have to go home. Becky had just told Sherry how her dad raped her at the age of ten. Then as she had finished sherry started to talk about her dad doing the same thing. Disclaimer: The author does not indorse or condone the use of any illegal drugs nor is the author responsible for any dumbasses who tries said illegal drugs because of this story. This story is a work of fiction. Disclaimer 2:...
You aren’t going to be in any trouble over this, Cass, are you?” I asked. “Possibly, though it will be low key and irritating rather than open and provable,” she shrugged. “Won’t affect the medical centre, will it?” “No, though they can constrain my time there by getting me involved in various meetings to discuss the work of Imperial Health Bureaucracy.” “You can always resign.” “They own the medical centre, not me.” “Do they? I always thought that it was owned by Municipal...
Two days Later, on Friday the girls met again, this time at Lauren’s house at around 4:00. It was time to see what the next challenge was, some girls eager to redeem themselves, and others hoping to stay atop the leaderboard. Lauren had finally decided on the second challenge and invited the others so she could explain it to them. “So, now that we’re all here, it’s time I let y'all in on what the next challenge is,” Lauren said grabbing her notebook. “So, this one will take all weekend, and...
MatureOn the surface, Andrea Walden was a teenager just like any other. She went to high school, lived in the suburbs, and did nothing that set her apart from any of the other girls her age. She lived alone with her mother, who was often out of the house for business trips. Everyone knew that they were a completely normal family. But that wasn’t true. Andrea’s family was one of magic. Alissa, Andrea’s mother, had studied the ancient art of witchcraft since she was a young girl. She had been...
“Mi Pablo, please get your work done quickly, and stay safe,” Anna said quietly with tears in her eyes. We were standing in front of the restaurant holding each other closely as we said our goodbyes. “My love, I promise not to fight any windmills on this trip, and I’ll do my best to stay out of trouble. You take care of the kids, keep the Estancia running, and stay safe while I’m gone. I’ll be home as soon as I can,” I told her while thumbing the tears from her eyes. She nodded, gave me a...
I was anticipating Marla's return from her work related trip out of town for a week. She was due to arrive around four in the afternoon. I wanted to make sure I was ready, so I spent the day preparing myself. I took a long hot bubble bath and made sure I was completely shaved. I sprayed on body spray and applied my make up and fixed my hair. Next I picked out my outfit, tonight would be my catholic school girl uniform. It starts with my white satin crochless panties with rows of little...
An Amazing Place Interdictor arrived at McMurdo Sound in the middle of a gale. Her captain ordered the helmsman to heave to, to stand off shore while the expedition leader radioed the base commander. "Commander Blevins," Gunter Hahn called, "this is SeaVire Services expedition aboard Interdictor. I believe you were told to expect us. Is a facility prepared and ready for our security team?" "Ahh, SeaVire Services, be advised that we were not consulted in this matter. If someone had...
Jenny passed him a glass of orange juice on the lounger by the side of the private pool. "So where is your cousin?" Ezra asked as he stretched out and took the juice, putting it on the table between them. "London," she replied immediately. "I think it is West Ham they are playing." Ezra smiled. "So he just lets you have a run of the house while he is away?" "Yeah. Well, just the pool and the tennis courts." Ezra surveyed the surroundings. "Does he have a bike?" Jenny shook...
Number 32 of a series of individual stories. Being a Man in Panties By SONIA (email [email protected] - Please send comments, favourite pictures etc.!!!) Chapter 1 - Saturday Afternoon Sally Anne and I had many fun times when I was dressed as Sonia. Sonia had developed from a dare many months ago, into another member of the family and a part of my life I know could not live without. I had not dressed up for a few weeks - both Sally Anne and I had been busy with work....
THE COIN.By Miss Irene Clearmont.An adult drama in three parts in which women of strong temperament and passions play a vital part.Act IReign Of Irene, Empress Of The Byzantine Empire.Byzantium Late 797 AD. The island of Principo, Convent of St. George.Act IIReign Of Catherine The Great Of The Russian EmpireThe Russian Empire Summer 1750 AD. The palace of the Kremlin. Moscow.Act IIIIn The Midst Of The Russian Revolution.Revolutionary Russia Autumn 1919 AD. Lubyanka Prison, Lubyanka Square in...
Hi, This is Sajid and I would like to share my live experience with you. This is my first story on ISS so if something is wrong please ignore the same, starting with myself I am not so handsome type of person but a simple guy and love to flirt with girls. If I receive a unknown calls from any girl I take around 15 minutes to say sorry mam this is wrong number (hahaha). A talkative nature person. The girl in this story is Anamika (Name Change) is beautiful by physique and nature. Love to see her...
I can’t believe that I’m actually reviewing audio porn when I could just as easily be looking at some titties right now. All right, I’ll be nice to all the audiophiles out there. I’ll admit it, though, I’ve jerked off to some sound clips that I received from babes I’ve been banging in the past. I definitely get the appeal of listening to some skank moan in pleasure in your ear. You can close your eyes and pretend she’s in the room with you. If she’s got a professional recording setup, it’ll...
ASMR Porn Sitesthese are compliments of hal NAME YOUR PENIS This guy walks into a bar and takes two steps in; he realizes it's a gay bar. "But what the heck", he says, "I really want a drink." When the gay waiter approaches, he says to the customer, "What's the name of your penis?" The customer says, "Look, I'm not into any of that. All I want is a drink". The gay waiter says, "I'm sorry but I can't serve you until you tell me the name of your penis. Mine for instance is called Nike, for...
KissWhen I Was High School No One Knew I Was Gay .I Knew Because I Would Always Have These DreamS About My Classmates.One Day I Was In Class When I Was About 14 I Needed To Pee Very Badly SoI Asked The Teacher To Go And She Said Yes But To Return Quickly Or I Would Be In alot Of Trouble .I Hurried To The bathroom And Quickly Took A Piss ,WhenI Was About To Leave I Heard Moaning Coming From A Stall So Stopped Dead In My tracks And Sure Enough I Could Hear Moans Of Pleasure Echoing Through The...
When we got to the room I opened the door and let her walk in first. Stepping past her, I went to the desk and placed my wallet on top of some papers as a reminder not to leave them behind. I then turned around to see her leaning seductively against the door. That familiar grin spread across her lips as one hand reached for the hemline of her skirt. She very slowly raised it, exposing her legs, and as it crept higher she beckoned me with her other hand. “Hungry?” She smiled. Famished better...
Straight SexCastle Wyvern: Several hours later. The Gargoyles and mutates were gathered outside the infirmary. Inside Goliath and Derek spoke with Xanatos while Delilah watched over Argent by his bedside. The flight back to the castle had been an intense one, and as soon as they landed a medical team was waiting. Delilah had placed Argent on the gurney, and despite the protests from the doctor in charge, she had stayed with him. Goliath looked over towards the bed in which Argent now occupied. "What...
The Stiletto is an actual place in London. I have not been there. While some of the rooms can be seen on the web-site, others are fictitious. I do not know the actual dress code of this place, and I cannot comment on what anyone gets up to while they frequent the venue. This is a work of pure fiction. After writing this - I think I would like to take Sarah there myself.A Chance Encounter - The RematchIt had been about eight months since I met with Sarah. My business trips, for some reason, had...
FetishBy the start of the sixth week on the planet, the two main habitat domes were complete. They had all of the necessary infrastructure installed. The construction crews had headed off to work on other projects. The scientists either had or were still moving in and were busy setting up their labs. Forty-six people now called Utopia home. The western dome, which they had built first, had twenty-four dedicated double bedrooms with unsuits downstairs. In the central double story area, a large...
More opportunities, more forks in the road, happened in my growing relationship with M. Two weeks following our first weekend together, I had another opportunity to drive down to see her.I arrived Friday afternoon. M had put the same welcoming sign on the garage door that was present on my first visit. There was a note on the front door to walk to the back yard and come in the back (kitchen) door. The yard had been cut and the smell reminded me of the better days of my youth. Hibiscus...