Femme NataleChapter 5 free porn video

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Peter Sweeney was the kind of guy who didn’t take shit from anyone.

And at 6’2”, and 230 lbs of muscle, he didn’t have to.

But he was finding his new job as chief arms purchaser to be a stressful one, ever since he took over for Bill Haverluck. And after their most recent meeting ended, he went straight to his favorite dive.

“That prick doesn’t know his dick from his own asshole” he grumbled crudely to himself. He was thinking about the conversation he had with his superior, when he saw his buddies approaching-

“Hey” he said to them.

“Hey Todd” one of them said. Peter liked to go by Todd, since Peter was such a pussy name. Pete, Petey, it’s all the same emasculating shit, he used to say.

Besides, he liked to be compared to a mass murderer.

“Same place, huh?” said the other man. Jessie was his name.

“Yeah?” Todd responded challengingly, putting out his cigarette in the ashtray. This was one of the only bars that let you smoke, although you had to do it in the back room.

“It’s cool” Jessie said, placatingly. He was only 5’6’’, and a little flabby, so he definitely didn’t want to start a fight.

“Used to go here with my old man” the first one said, changing the subject, “Was run by a biker gang back in the 40’s ... one of the last ones” he said lamentingly. Al was his name.

“Yeah”, Todd agreed, sitting back in his chair, looking bored, “This country ain’t the same no more.”

“It’s a shame what’s going on, but at least we’re doing something about it, ya know?” Al said, looking him in the eyes.

Al’s alright, Todd thought. “Gotta do something, before it’s too late. Those dykes’ll be cuttin’ our balls off soon enough.”

“Fucking skank-ass titty-poppers think they own everything” Al agreed. He was in his 30’s, and shared Todd’s unquenchable disdain for the Feminist Party.

“How ‘bout you, smalls?” Todd looked over to Jessie. Jessie hadn’t expressed the same vitriol as the other two men, which didn’t sit right with Todd.

“I think it’s way past time we did something” he nodded to Todd and Al. Chicken liver, I bet.

“It’s like Antone said-”

“Man, fuck that guy” Todd interrupted, reaching for another smoke.

“He’s a smart guy, Todd. He’ll know what to do next” Al said confidently.

Lighting up his cigarette, Todd took a while to respond-

“I hate his pompous ass” he said, before taking a drag. Fuckin’ short prick.

Jessie took a long swig of his beer, appearing a little uncomfortable.

“He’ll deliver” Al said, with reiterated confidence.

“He better” Todd mumbled.

“Miss Garofalo, the floor is yours” said the spritely meeting host, as she sat down.

Miss Garofalo stood up and walked around her specially-designed conference room, looking at the holograms of business and political women floating in the air. Some of the holograms were active, showing real-time expressions and movements, while others were still.

“Ladies, thank you for having me present on our recent conditioning programs” she smiled, pacing around the room in her high heels. “Our analysis of the health records shows an improvement in household adherence to the 2039 American Academy of Pediatrics breastfeeding recommendations, up 7.2 points to 75% overall. We believe that our recent marketing campaign has been the reason behind this.” Using her eyes to select the video from her heads-up display, Miss Garofalo played the video for each of the meeting participants-

An older child, a boy, is seen sitting on an old living room couch, presumably watching tv. As the camera zooms out, the outdated decor and simple furnishings are visible. There is the sound of conversation behind the couch, which can be barely heard after the voiceover begins-

“Research shows that boys start to learn aggressive behavior at the age of 2” says the deadly-serious female voice, “And without constant emotional contact, will begin ingraining improper coping strategies for the rest of their life.” The camera continues to zoom out, showing a husband and wife yelling at each other in the kitchen.

“Without an emotional connection during childhood, this boy will learn disrespect, selfishness, and violence”-

The husband is seen slapping the wife in the face, and the camera stops. Every person in the video stops moving.

“But there is a way to save your child from the pains and frustrations of this kind of life...” the voiceover continues over the eerie silence, “Through a mother’s natural instincts of love and compassion.”

The camera starts to slowly zoom in towards the boy again, who is still motionless.

“You can stop the violence. You can make a difference for your child today.”

Only the boy is visible now, and he blinks his eyes once.

“Come here sweetie” a soft voice is heard. A younger woman’s bare breast graces the screen from the side, and the boy turns his head towards it.

“Breastfeeding to the age of 4 is scientifically proven to help young boys emotionally mature faster, giving them the coping skills they need as adults” the voiceover continued. The boy starts to suckle at the bare breast, and his mother’s arm reaches around to keep his head supported as he continues.

“There, there, honey” the sweet mother’s voice says, “Mommy’s going to make everything alright.”

“Breastfeed now, for a better tomorrow” the voiceover finishes.

“And as you can see” Miss Garofalo started saying, switching the video to a graph, “our focus groups correctly predicted a general public approval of 65% for this ad”

One of the holograms turned a yellow color, and Miss Garofalo looked towards it.

“Similar statistics to our female:male demographics” the woman noted.

“Yes, exactly” Miss Garofalo agreed, “The ad was perceived positively by 82% of women, but only 37% of men.” As the yellow color faded from the hologram, another appeared, although this one did not require eye contact to be heard.

“Yes” Miss Garofalo nodded towards the host’s chair, appreciating her good etiquette.

“It appears from those numbers, that there is quite a bit of resistance from a subset of our population” she noted.

“I mean, there’s like no place for us to go!” Al said, his hands upturned in an exaggerated show of exasperation. “You can’t go to the regular bars, cuz ... there they are. Ya know?”

“Yeah” Jessie agreed. “And they’re always flashing us their tits, or waving their asses, and teasing us. But it’s always on their terms, not ours.”

“Exactly!” Al said, pointing a finger at Jessie while holding his mug of beer. “The minute we touch em where they don’t like, we get arrested. Bloody cops are in on it too”

“Fuck the cops” Todd said, gravely. His face sneered with unmistakable hate.

“It’s like what Antone said-”

“Fuck Antone” Todd said.

Al only glanced at Todd briefly before continuing, “Well, he’s right, ya know? All these laws and stuff ... it’s designed to keep us down. It’s the system!”

Jessie nodded his head aggressively, “I couldn’t agree more, man. It’s like, we’re headed into slavery or something.”

“And all this BULLshit about ‘equality’”, Al said, emphasizing his sarcasm with air quotes.

“Yeah, those reports saying women still don’t make as much as us...” Jessie trailed off.

“Women run EVERYTHING” Al complained. He started listing things on his fingers, “The government ... the fuckin corporations ... technology...”

“I’ll get those dykes” Todd muttered, changing the subject, “I got something real nice for them bitches.” Al and Jessie looked at Todd with confused expressions.

“Yeah? Wuh’s that?” Al slurred.

Todd smiled maliciously, and gave a few hearty laughs, “Oh, you’ll see”

“And what kind of support do we have for our breastfeeding mothers?” asked the host.

“Oh, we have plenty. First, all women who are seen in our national healthcare system are counseled on proper breastfeeding techniques, like positioning, and if there is any trouble in the child’s latching, we are available 24/7 via instant video messaging. In extreme cases, we will send them a diluted version of our conditioning formula.”

Miss Garofalo looked to one of the holograms.

“Is that the ‘love drug’ concoction I’ve heard about?” asked one of the women.

“In very small amounts, yes” Miss Garofalo explained, “It is a blend of synthesized hormones related to oxytocin. It elicits very strong feelings of connection, very much like being ‘in love’”. But the pediatric version also contains sweetening agents designed to attract the child, and improve the rooting reflex.”

Miss Garofalo paused, before continuing when there were no other questions, “As I was saying, there is quite the support structure to encourage and enable long-term breastfeeding for our mothers. And even if the mother refuses to breastfeed, we can correct that.”

“How is that?” asked the host.

“Throughout our periodic healthcare screenings, we test the babies for antibodies which cannot be found in regular formula. If the antibodies are not present, we know the mother is not breastfeeding, and ‘encourage’ her to use one of our wet nurses. I say ‘encourage’, because through our health insurance plan, premiums will increase by 50% if they do not adequately breastfeed their baby.”

Miss Garofalo stood at the end of the imaginary table, “Very few women pay the increased premium, which is why we have a 92% adherence within the national healthcare system. It’s only because of the private insurances that our nationwide adherence is only 75%.”

“Moving on into adolescence, the mothers are counseled on techniques to calm their young boys, and using breastfeeding as a coping mechanism whenever the child becomes emotionally upset. Through our specialized training, I am proud to say that almost half of young boys are reaching satisfactory levels of submission and obedience by the time they reach 6 years old.”

“Again, there is support for the occasional unruly child which a mother cannot control, even despite the use of one of our conditioning formulas. This is where Mommy’s Angel comes in.”

Miss Garofalo looked to the side, and the specs for Mommy’s Angel appeared.

“Now, Mommy’s Angel is an automated machine approved by the FDA for children ages 2-12, with an indication for breastfeeding resistance. It is designed to force a child to use the artificial teat, and after this occurs, rewards the young adolescent brain with the same blend of synthetic oxytocin compounds I described before.” Miss Garofalo quickly moved her eyes around.

A video of a young boy, about 5 years old, starts playing. He appears to be trapped inside a clear plastic cage, with holes cut out for air. The boy’s face is red, presumably from hours of crying, and there are only dried tears on his face.

“This is an example of one child who absolutely refused to breastfeed, no matter what his mother tried” Miss Garofalo explained, “It got to the point that the child would physically abuse his mother to get away.”

A picture of a large, bruised chest appeared next to the video.

“This is the damage that the boy did to his mother.” Although she couldn’t hear them, Miss Garofalo knew there was some visible wincing from the presentation attendees.

After the picture faded away, the video resumed with the boy finally going to the artificial bosom, and latching onto the nipple.

“The subject in this video held out for 3 hours before hunger and thirst overcame him, and he relented to the swollen breasts of Mommy’s Angel. In only 2 days, this is what happened”

The video switched to one of the same boy, suckling sweetly on his mother’s breast. The mother can be seen crying with happiness, and stroking the boy’s head.

The video made Miss Garofalo feel proud to be working in the psychology field of Feminism. Suppressing those feelings, she turned off the video with her eyes.

“All I’m sayin’ is ... you gotta take ‘em out, one by one” Todd explained, slurring his words.

“Alright guys” came a sober voice from the doorway, “Last call”

“Oh man ... wut time is’t?” Al asked. He was feeling shit-faced, and completely lost track of time.

“One ... thurty” Todd said, squinting at his watch.

“Three more shots ... for the road” Jessie told the bartender.

“Okay, but I’m calling you guys a cab” he said.

“Oh, come off it, Henry” Todd said, to no avail. The bartender waved his hand at the men, and went to pour the shots.

“Y’know, this was kinda fun” Al admitted, “It’s nice to get out.”

“Yeah, me too” Jessie agreed, slapping Al on the shoulder.

Damn lightweight ... didn’t even drink ... HALF of what I did, Todd thought.

The bartender brought the three shots down on the table, “Alright guys, get your cards out.”

Slowly, each man pulled out a credit-sized card from their pocket, and let the bartender scan them with an electronic device in his hand.

“Have a good night gentlemen” he said, leaving the room.

“To the ruh-zis-tence!” Al offered, bringing his shot glass up.

“The resistance!” Jessie added.

“FUCK those bitches!” Todd completed, touching his glass to the rest.

Each man downed their shot and slammed it on the table, one after the other.

“Ooowww” Todd howled.

Al laughed at the burly man, who had damn near drunk him under the table. “Alright, less go boys” he said, trying to stand up.

Todd grabbed Al by the sleeve, steadying him. “Yur aright, Al” he told him.

“FUCK those bitches” Al responded, laughing. Todd laughed with him, seeing that he was trying to imitate Todd’s final toast. Even Jessie laughed.

“By the time boys are brought to one of our elementary schools” Miss Garofalo went on, “they are usually well conditioned to accept female authority. If this isn’t the case, then they spend some time with Mommy’s Angel, and their behavior is quickly corrected.”

Another yellow light-

“Is that the same device as before?”

“Very similar, with slight modifications” Miss Garofalo explained, “It still forces the boy to latch on, but now it completes the conditioning with scopolamine-laced instructions.”

“We are drugging children?” asked one of the holograms.

“In a sense. The way the drug works at higher doses is by inhibiting higher thinking, leading the child into a very suggestible state. Each Mommy’s Angel is equipped with personalized settings, so that an individual can introduce their voice into the conditioning of the child. Soon enough, the child believes that they must be obedient to their teacher, and eventually, submissive to other females.”

“Beautiful work” the host added.

“Thank you. Now by age 7, boys and girls are separated, and the learning courses are vastly different- boys are taught with minimal supervision and direction, while girls are put on a vastly more challenging learning schedule. It only makes sense to do this, since girls grow up to produce superior leaders in our society.”

Miss Garofalo saw most of the active holograms nodding in agreement.

“Boys are taught how to use their hands, and to work together, setting them up for trade school education by high school. The entire time of their education, they are given instructions by a female authority figure, and expected to obey instructions.”

“Now these female teachers are trained by our organization to monitor boys for their propensity for servitude, and regular tests of their oral fixation needs are assessed.”

A video played of a young schoolboy on all fours, acting as a footstool for a buxom, faceless teacher.

After ending the video, Miss Garofalo started to get animated, “Now the part of the curriculum that I personally designed is called ‘The Battle of the Sexes’”. It occurs when the boys and girls are both in their early teens, and nearly all of the girls have reached puberty.”

“Through years of elementary school training, the boys are not only taught about female authority, but female sexual superiority. You see, boys age 10-12 are subliminally taught that sexually-developed females are extremely desirable, and that the more developed they are, the more they are desired. It’s similar to how our society sexualized women decades ago, but much more heightened.”

“Anyways, after boys are ingrained with this desire for females, they are taught proper behaviors around them- agreeing with them, being pleasant, offering favors and gifts ... all the things that women have had to do for men these past few millennia.”

“And on the flip side” Miss Garofalo continued, flipping her hand excitedly, “Girls are taught how to flirt with boys, and how to tease them enough to drive them wild, without going too far. So when you finally bring these horny, sex-minded young ladies and boys together, you get ... a Battle of the Sexes.”

When Miss Garofalo didn’t see anyone sharing her enthusiasm, she cleared her throat, and brought her tone down again-

“Well, you get the point- young ladies are practicing their craft on the boys, and learning to become strong, independently powerful women, so that they can run a corporation, or run for office. Think of it as a leadership conference, for young aspiring women.”

Many of the women nodded in appreciation once they understood the concept.

“And the boys?” asked one of the women.

Miss Garofalo smiled- “No harm done. They learn to live peacefully within our society. Everybody wins.”

Just wait ... til they see what I got, Todd thought. He watched as his buddy Al got into another cab, and Jessie walked to his car.

I bet I could drive better than that pussy, he thought. He didn’t know why he disliked Jessie so much, but there was something off-putting about him.

Todd jumped back a step when a cab arrived on the street right in front of him.

Huh, that was fast.

Staggering over to the back door, he opened it and fell in.

“Ooph” he let out, as he fell on the back seat. It took him a minute to sit up, and close the door.

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Femme NataleChapter 6

You want to submit to me, baby. It would feel so good... You want my body so bad, you can feel it in your cock... Focus on my voice, and listen to my words... You want to be my slave, to obey my commands... Submission is pleasure, and only I can give you release... Call me ‘Master’, and I will grant you an orgasm... Submit to me, and surrender your secrets... There is no escaping me, I am a part of you now... You want to worship me, to humble yourself... Give in to your...

3 years ago
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Femme NataleChapter 7

Just one more week, and all those dirty, sexist politicians are going down. Antone walked down the crowded New Philadelphia street, head tilted down, avoiding eye contact. Not only did he avoid social interactions, but he needed to reach his destination on time. Seeing a blonde strutting her hot self down the street, Antone quickly averted his gaze, and stepped off to the side. Not even a sideways glance. Heh, they won’t see me coming. Antone could’ve taken one of the unmanned taxi’s to...

2 years ago
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Femmes of Spring Break The Coffee Shop

Dorothea finished typing a paragraph into her computer and sat back, looking at the screen with a frown. She shuffled through some of her notes and stared at a pile of books with torn paper bookmarks protruding at intervals. She sighed. “Nothing for it, gotta go back to the library.” She straightened up her desk and put on a jaunty yellow and blue hat.She was down the steps, across the walkway and out of the gate before the unseasonably warm spring weather distracted her from academic...

4 years ago
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Femmes of Spring Break The Art Gallery

Angie pawed through her closet, searching for the perfect dress. Hard to strike the right balance, she mused. Gordy’s photography gallery opening needs class and elegance, not sexy. My old prom dress would be over the top. She pulled out a formfitting, low-cut black dress, shook her head and hung it back on the rack. Frowning, she sat at her combination vanity/desk.Think design, girl. The main attraction are Gordy’s photos of nature subjects with fuzzy focus trees as the background....

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Femmes of Spring Break The Manor

Jenna and her college roommate, Sondra, settled into their seats for the three hour flight to Sondra’s hometown. Sondra, evidently exhausted from finals, promptly tilted her seat back and fell asleep. Jenna, wired from the coffee she’d drunk to study for her geology final, found reflecting on her first six months away from home more interesting than the airline magazine.Classes had been about as she expected, challenging but not overwhelming. Some of the weekend parties far surpassed anything...

4 years ago
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Femmed By Julie O Edited By Robert Arnold This story features characters from The Julieverse Stories Jennifer Stevens appears courtesy of Bob Arnold (There's a list of characters at the end of the story) Chapter 1 Dana Rawlings hit save on his computer, got...

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Femmericks By Lenal A dad took his kid to the mall Told the wizard, "She asked for a doll" So now every day, She says, "Daddy, let's play," And then he's the best Barbie of all. A builder's responses were crass When the witch said he used half his ass So she made the big jerk Put his whole tush to work When he dances each night, as a lass. Young Susie experienced joy When she broke lonely Billy's new toy. Doc Smith made her play nice With his TG device In a tale tagged...

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Femmetown By Simone Clark By day, I was an ordinary man with a job, wife and no children, important responsibilities and all the things being a modern man entails. However, when I had spare time for myself, I became my female alter-ego Simone and lived my as close to the feminine ideal as I could. I would revel in my dresses, heels, and hose as I went into public dressed as a woman and passed. I was also friends with several other cross dressers, trans people, and members in the BDSM...

3 years ago
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My Wifes Best Friend1

I probably should have done something to stop the girl, of course, but I was rather flattered. Here was this young woman with long, blonde hair and a nice tight figure, acting as if she wanted ME of all people. Melissa was as tall as me, thin as a rail, with long legs and small breasts. Her blue eyes were strikingly piercing, as if they could look into your soul, and her smile, framed by full, kissable lips, was worth every joke I told her. Beyond how she looked, she was fun to hang out...

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Bhabhi Ko Nhane Ke Badh Choda

Hello friends i am nirmal frm jaladhar meri age 19 saal hai… Aur mai 1 student hu mai 12th stnd main parhtai hu aj mai aap ko 1 sacchi story batane wala huuuh….. And thanx tusi meri pisli story nu bohut pasand kita yeh story hamare pados main rehne wali bhabhi ki hai toh frds main aap ko jyada boor nah krte hue sida story par aata huuh yeh baat kush 5-6 mahine purani hai.. Mai apni pados wali bhabhi ko chata tha aur main hamesa uski gand marne ki sochtai rehta kbi-kbi toh main apni bhabhi ko...

4 years ago
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The Extrahuman Integration Project

You heave the last box into the trunk of your car (if you could even call that piece of scrap metal a vehicle). Wiping your brow, you walk back into your soon to be former apartment building. It feels proper to give the place one last goodbye. After climbing up the familiar set of stairs, you reach the weirdly empty space. It's not big by any means, but it was home. You walk into your single bathroom and look at your disheveld self. Your tank top is dirty from the collected dust of the place,...

2 years ago
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Sasurji Ne Sex Kiya

Hi everyone. Mera naam asha hai. Mein 22 years ki hoon, Nagpur mein rehti hoon. Meri arrange marriage hui thi. Ye kahani ek saal pehle ki hai jab meri nayi nayi shaadi hui thi. Mere ghar main mere pati(30years), Sasurji (56 years) or mein rehte hai. Meri saas das saal pehle hi guzar gayi. Mere sasurji tabse sex keliye bekaraar the. Mere pati mujhse bohot pyar karte hai. Unki naukri marketing hai, unko sheher se bahar jana padta hai. Ek baar unko Mumbai jana pada kaam se 6 din ke liye. Mera man...

2 years ago
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How I lost my virginity

I was out one Friday night with my mate, Neil, just in our local pub, when I caught the eye of a couple of girls I knew from my summer holiday work in the warehouse of a local factory. The girls waved me over & we sat down with Carol, a plain looking girl of around 20 with a penchant for revealing tops & short skirts which showed off her trim body.With Carol was Elaine, a married woman in her mid 20's with 2 k**s, a pretty girl wearing similar clothing struggling to contain her, more...

1 year ago
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Biancas Assistant Part III

Justin awoke with a start, orange curls matted to his forehead. His body was shivering, though it was the dead of summer. She was laughing. He could still hear her laughing. His eyes darted to the clock. 3:52 AM. A few hours to go still... Justin's chest slowed and he sunk back into his sheets. Fuck. This was the third time tonight she had dropped into his dreamscape uninvited. This time he was in a cage, crouched and cowering like an animal. A crowd of people surrounded the...

3 years ago
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My Ladies Fun With A Thick Cock

My girlfriend & I have been together for a few years. We have a yummy sex life & spice it up a lot by telling stories to each other of our sexual encounters. She's been involved in a few threesomes which led to us having one which was the sexiest thing I've ever experienced. One of her sexy stories was about a guy that she dated "for about 10 minutes" & realized there was zero connection, but he was a really good fuck with a long & thick cock - so we started calling him TC....

1 year ago
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NuruMassage Casey Calvert April Olsen What The Wife Likes

Casey Calvert and Seth Gamble, a married couple, show up at a massage parlor. The masseuse, April Olsen, asks if they want a couple’s massage. However, Seth explains that they actually want April to give Casey a NURU massage for her birthday, while Seth just watches. Even though that isn’t how she is used to giving NURU massages, April agrees. The two women get undressed, and April gives Casey a sensual NURU massage while Seth observes them. April starts to get a flirty/sexual vibe...

3 years ago
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Wings as EaglesChapter 15

The beginning of an Airline! Another year and a half passed and I had purchased my own Lear Jet. I was finally going into business for myself. We had sold the house and used that money for collateral along with three contracts I had signed with companies that saw the benefits of using another company to fly their corporate people. The money was better and I spent less time flying. I hired Richard Withers to co-pilot and to take over flying when I bought another Jet, which was my plan, to...

1 year ago
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The Trapper

Tobias was a big, strong, and hairy. He was an excellent hunter, and trapper, and lived in the rugged Canadian outback in the eighteen-fifties. He had built his log cabin on his own and made a good living from the pelts and meat that was able to trade. The only thing missing from his life was tenderness. He wanted a person who would love and care for him, and most importantly, succumb to his primal needs in the warmth of his bed.Tobias had always been socially awkward around women and yearned...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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The Webcam Model part 2

The next night, Sean logged onto his Skype and added Amy as a friend. She was all he could think about for that entire day! While waiting for a response, he went to her page to find out a little more about her."Hmmmm. So she's into BDSM...blowjobs...nice!", he thought to himself. "Oh, she's a cutie, too! Nice tits and a nice smile! That's always a plus! Oh, wait! We're not too far from each other either! Meh, keep dreaming, dude. You'd be happy with a private show with a woman who looks like...

4 years ago
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The Rask RebellionChapter 24 Long Live the Matriarch

“Looks like your guys had a bad time,” Cooper muttered, peering out of the slatted windows of the conning tower as the convoy of crawlers trundled across the battlefield. The East Gate looked like the surface of fucking Mars. There were blasted craters everywhere, the storm whipping up clouds of dust, the haze that choked the sky diffusing the sunlight to give everything a sepia tone. Here and there, he could make out the ruins of a bunker or the wreck of a disabled vehicle, some of them...

2 years ago
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My Sister 8211 My Teacher

It was Friday Evening. I was sitting on the sofa, Annu was lying with her head on my lap as I watched TV. She was reading a fashion mag and I rested my hand on her breast. I had unbuttoned her shirt and my fingers played with her nipples. Mona came in through the front door. She had a friend with her from work. She blew me a kiss from the hall and went with her friend towards the kitchen. Her friend saw me an a look of shock crossed her pretty face as she saw Annu on my lap. She wore a sharp...

1 year ago
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Us as One

Us as One We lay there together in bed completely nude. I have you in a sweet embrace. I look at your body. That sweet chocolate coated skin, your every curve. You turn smiling at me looking at me, I hold you tighter in my arms. Kissing your glowing cheek. The moments we spend in each other arms are so rear. But that’s a thing I wish would change soon. I slowly start to run my hand all over your body. I kiss your cheek, leaving my lips lingering on it. You put your hand on my face. Your touch,...

2 years ago
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My club orgy part 1

First let me explain, I removed all previous stories as they were not getting new readers.Also this year at the "Park" was different than previous years. A lot more work and a lot less play. There was little time to put things in writing and things all got out of sequence. We will now share some relevant events, although they may not be in the actual order of occurrence.I now turn this over to my wife-- My husband dropped me off at the airport, so secure, he cannot even come past security to...

2 years ago
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Quick Blowjob leads to incredible encounter Part

I laid back on the bed to watch Robert fuck his wife. Velma took Robert's nice cock in her mouth and gave him a quick blow job. As she sucked his cock, I stroked my still semi erect cock. I was still extremely horny and watching his cock disappear in her mouth and her huge tits swaying back and forth really got me going. Velma had Robert lay on his back and straddled him reverse cow girl. She bucked up & down on him which gave me a fantastic view of Roberts dong impaling her cunt. I...

3 years ago
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No Rules Part 8

Oh my god, those are the guys from the sauna! The doorbell had rung and Ashley was looking through the peep hole to see who it was. Shit, shit shit. What the hell are they doing here? She opened the door a crack. “You're looking for Brad right?” she said, hiding behind the door. “Uh huh,” one of them replied. “Is he here?” Ashley had been headed toward the family's backyard pool when the doorbell had rung. Still hiding her bikini-clad body behind the door, she responded, “I think so. Let me...

Straight Sex
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Living Next Door to Heaven 155 New Guy in Town

I woke up on my back with one arm around Whitney and the other around Rose. Somehow we'd all managed to get our shirts up under our armpits and I had four beautiful breasts pushed up against my skin. I knew it was early, but I heard someone stir and Rhonda smiled down at me. "So pretty," she mouthed at me and nudged my feet to get me to part my legs. Then she lay down between them with her cheek right against my hard cock. It was the exact same position Rose had been in a few months ago...

4 years ago
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Jess and the Birthday Party

Jess wandered into the kitchen at her parent’s house to pour herself another drink. It was her grandfather’s 80th birthday party and most people were in the garden, enjoying the sunshine and celebrating. Her grandad’s old friend Frank came in and glanced at her. He had been flirting playfully with her for years now, and Jess always enjoyed the cheeky banter between them. “It was my 80th last month and I still haven’t had my present from you Jess” he chuckled with a cheeky grin in his eye.“Well...

1 year ago
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Fucked my lovely mom

Hi this s raj and i m here to express my sex adventure with my mom. My mom s a house wif. My dad working in dubai.. Me and my sister with my mom staying in a home outer of the town..i m now 20 years of age doing engineering.. My mom s very sexy lady.. Her sizes are awesome..her age s 40 now.. Most of the time i mastrubate my self by thinking about mom… But one day it happens really.. I cant forget those days. And now I am here to express with u all. My dad went abroad before 2 years. We are all...

2 years ago
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An Encounter

     He initially said nothing, he stood up from where he was sitting with his legs slightly spread.  He had this  "It's your move look on his face.  I placed my soft drink on the kitchen table and moved in front of him.  He followed my every move with his eyes, as I squatted in front of him reached up unbuckled his belt and pulled down his pants.  There was no hurry, I wanted to do this right.  His underwear went next, and his member, hung freely between his legs.  I slid forward, onto my...

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Cookie Shares

This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen. oooooooCookie: He’s upstairs in the study. I’m chatting to MonstaMunch.Jellybean: Are you sure? Last chance.Cookie: Go for it, sweetie. Make him happy, please.Finally, the night was here. Lashing rain, howling wind, and the slime of the wet leaves on the path made the walk up to the front door mysterious and exciting.________________Months of chatting online to Cookie had broadened Jellybean’s...

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ExpansionChapter 6

Ralph showed up on schedule and spent almost eight hours going over in great detail all of the answers to our questions and the arrangements for the language school. That meant that we would spend the summer in Virginia near Washington, and the kids were thrilled because that would surely mean that they could visit all of the memorials and special attractions that abounded in Washington. We were told the name of the company that we would be associated with, and the kids had never heard of...

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