Femme Your Hubby Instalment 1
- 4 years ago
- 32
- 0
Peter Sweeney was the kind of guy who didn’t take shit from anyone.
And at 6’2”, and 230 lbs of muscle, he didn’t have to.
But he was finding his new job as chief arms purchaser to be a stressful one, ever since he took over for Bill Haverluck. And after their most recent meeting ended, he went straight to his favorite dive.
“That prick doesn’t know his dick from his own asshole” he grumbled crudely to himself. He was thinking about the conversation he had with his superior, when he saw his buddies approaching-
“Hey” he said to them.
“Hey Todd” one of them said. Peter liked to go by Todd, since Peter was such a pussy name. Pete, Petey, it’s all the same emasculating shit, he used to say.
Besides, he liked to be compared to a mass murderer.
“Same place, huh?” said the other man. Jessie was his name.
“Yeah?” Todd responded challengingly, putting out his cigarette in the ashtray. This was one of the only bars that let you smoke, although you had to do it in the back room.
“It’s cool” Jessie said, placatingly. He was only 5’6’’, and a little flabby, so he definitely didn’t want to start a fight.
“Used to go here with my old man” the first one said, changing the subject, “Was run by a biker gang back in the 40’s ... one of the last ones” he said lamentingly. Al was his name.
“Yeah”, Todd agreed, sitting back in his chair, looking bored, “This country ain’t the same no more.”
“It’s a shame what’s going on, but at least we’re doing something about it, ya know?” Al said, looking him in the eyes.
Al’s alright, Todd thought. “Gotta do something, before it’s too late. Those dykes’ll be cuttin’ our balls off soon enough.”
“Fucking skank-ass titty-poppers think they own everything” Al agreed. He was in his 30’s, and shared Todd’s unquenchable disdain for the Feminist Party.
“How ‘bout you, smalls?” Todd looked over to Jessie. Jessie hadn’t expressed the same vitriol as the other two men, which didn’t sit right with Todd.
“I think it’s way past time we did something” he nodded to Todd and Al. Chicken liver, I bet.
“It’s like Antone said-”
“Man, fuck that guy” Todd interrupted, reaching for another smoke.
“He’s a smart guy, Todd. He’ll know what to do next” Al said confidently.
Lighting up his cigarette, Todd took a while to respond-
“I hate his pompous ass” he said, before taking a drag. Fuckin’ short prick.
Jessie took a long swig of his beer, appearing a little uncomfortable.
“He’ll deliver” Al said, with reiterated confidence.
“He better” Todd mumbled.
“Miss Garofalo, the floor is yours” said the spritely meeting host, as she sat down.
Miss Garofalo stood up and walked around her specially-designed conference room, looking at the holograms of business and political women floating in the air. Some of the holograms were active, showing real-time expressions and movements, while others were still.
“Ladies, thank you for having me present on our recent conditioning programs” she smiled, pacing around the room in her high heels. “Our analysis of the health records shows an improvement in household adherence to the 2039 American Academy of Pediatrics breastfeeding recommendations, up 7.2 points to 75% overall. We believe that our recent marketing campaign has been the reason behind this.” Using her eyes to select the video from her heads-up display, Miss Garofalo played the video for each of the meeting participants-
An older child, a boy, is seen sitting on an old living room couch, presumably watching tv. As the camera zooms out, the outdated decor and simple furnishings are visible. There is the sound of conversation behind the couch, which can be barely heard after the voiceover begins-
“Research shows that boys start to learn aggressive behavior at the age of 2” says the deadly-serious female voice, “And without constant emotional contact, will begin ingraining improper coping strategies for the rest of their life.” The camera continues to zoom out, showing a husband and wife yelling at each other in the kitchen.
“Without an emotional connection during childhood, this boy will learn disrespect, selfishness, and violence”-
The husband is seen slapping the wife in the face, and the camera stops. Every person in the video stops moving.
“But there is a way to save your child from the pains and frustrations of this kind of life...” the voiceover continues over the eerie silence, “Through a mother’s natural instincts of love and compassion.”
The camera starts to slowly zoom in towards the boy again, who is still motionless.
“You can stop the violence. You can make a difference for your child today.”
Only the boy is visible now, and he blinks his eyes once.
“Come here sweetie” a soft voice is heard. A younger woman’s bare breast graces the screen from the side, and the boy turns his head towards it.
“Breastfeeding to the age of 4 is scientifically proven to help young boys emotionally mature faster, giving them the coping skills they need as adults” the voiceover continued. The boy starts to suckle at the bare breast, and his mother’s arm reaches around to keep his head supported as he continues.
“There, there, honey” the sweet mother’s voice says, “Mommy’s going to make everything alright.”
“Breastfeed now, for a better tomorrow” the voiceover finishes.
“And as you can see” Miss Garofalo started saying, switching the video to a graph, “our focus groups correctly predicted a general public approval of 65% for this ad”
One of the holograms turned a yellow color, and Miss Garofalo looked towards it.
“Similar statistics to our female:male demographics” the woman noted.
“Yes, exactly” Miss Garofalo agreed, “The ad was perceived positively by 82% of women, but only 37% of men.” As the yellow color faded from the hologram, another appeared, although this one did not require eye contact to be heard.
“Yes” Miss Garofalo nodded towards the host’s chair, appreciating her good etiquette.
“It appears from those numbers, that there is quite a bit of resistance from a subset of our population” she noted.
“I mean, there’s like no place for us to go!” Al said, his hands upturned in an exaggerated show of exasperation. “You can’t go to the regular bars, cuz ... there they are. Ya know?”
“Yeah” Jessie agreed. “And they’re always flashing us their tits, or waving their asses, and teasing us. But it’s always on their terms, not ours.”
“Exactly!” Al said, pointing a finger at Jessie while holding his mug of beer. “The minute we touch em where they don’t like, we get arrested. Bloody cops are in on it too”
“Fuck the cops” Todd said, gravely. His face sneered with unmistakable hate.
“It’s like what Antone said-”
“Fuck Antone” Todd said.
Al only glanced at Todd briefly before continuing, “Well, he’s right, ya know? All these laws and stuff ... it’s designed to keep us down. It’s the system!”
Jessie nodded his head aggressively, “I couldn’t agree more, man. It’s like, we’re headed into slavery or something.”
“And all this BULLshit about ‘equality’”, Al said, emphasizing his sarcasm with air quotes.
“Yeah, those reports saying women still don’t make as much as us...” Jessie trailed off.
“Women run EVERYTHING” Al complained. He started listing things on his fingers, “The government ... the fuckin corporations ... technology...”
“I’ll get those dykes” Todd muttered, changing the subject, “I got something real nice for them bitches.” Al and Jessie looked at Todd with confused expressions.
“Yeah? Wuh’s that?” Al slurred.
Todd smiled maliciously, and gave a few hearty laughs, “Oh, you’ll see”
“And what kind of support do we have for our breastfeeding mothers?” asked the host.
“Oh, we have plenty. First, all women who are seen in our national healthcare system are counseled on proper breastfeeding techniques, like positioning, and if there is any trouble in the child’s latching, we are available 24/7 via instant video messaging. In extreme cases, we will send them a diluted version of our conditioning formula.”
Miss Garofalo looked to one of the holograms.
“Is that the ‘love drug’ concoction I’ve heard about?” asked one of the women.
“In very small amounts, yes” Miss Garofalo explained, “It is a blend of synthesized hormones related to oxytocin. It elicits very strong feelings of connection, very much like being ‘in love’”. But the pediatric version also contains sweetening agents designed to attract the child, and improve the rooting reflex.”
Miss Garofalo paused, before continuing when there were no other questions, “As I was saying, there is quite the support structure to encourage and enable long-term breastfeeding for our mothers. And even if the mother refuses to breastfeed, we can correct that.”
“How is that?” asked the host.
“Throughout our periodic healthcare screenings, we test the babies for antibodies which cannot be found in regular formula. If the antibodies are not present, we know the mother is not breastfeeding, and ‘encourage’ her to use one of our wet nurses. I say ‘encourage’, because through our health insurance plan, premiums will increase by 50% if they do not adequately breastfeed their baby.”
Miss Garofalo stood at the end of the imaginary table, “Very few women pay the increased premium, which is why we have a 92% adherence within the national healthcare system. It’s only because of the private insurances that our nationwide adherence is only 75%.”
“Moving on into adolescence, the mothers are counseled on techniques to calm their young boys, and using breastfeeding as a coping mechanism whenever the child becomes emotionally upset. Through our specialized training, I am proud to say that almost half of young boys are reaching satisfactory levels of submission and obedience by the time they reach 6 years old.”
“Again, there is support for the occasional unruly child which a mother cannot control, even despite the use of one of our conditioning formulas. This is where Mommy’s Angel comes in.”
Miss Garofalo looked to the side, and the specs for Mommy’s Angel appeared.
“Now, Mommy’s Angel is an automated machine approved by the FDA for children ages 2-12, with an indication for breastfeeding resistance. It is designed to force a child to use the artificial teat, and after this occurs, rewards the young adolescent brain with the same blend of synthetic oxytocin compounds I described before.” Miss Garofalo quickly moved her eyes around.
A video of a young boy, about 5 years old, starts playing. He appears to be trapped inside a clear plastic cage, with holes cut out for air. The boy’s face is red, presumably from hours of crying, and there are only dried tears on his face.
“This is an example of one child who absolutely refused to breastfeed, no matter what his mother tried” Miss Garofalo explained, “It got to the point that the child would physically abuse his mother to get away.”
A picture of a large, bruised chest appeared next to the video.
“This is the damage that the boy did to his mother.” Although she couldn’t hear them, Miss Garofalo knew there was some visible wincing from the presentation attendees.
After the picture faded away, the video resumed with the boy finally going to the artificial bosom, and latching onto the nipple.
“The subject in this video held out for 3 hours before hunger and thirst overcame him, and he relented to the swollen breasts of Mommy’s Angel. In only 2 days, this is what happened”
The video switched to one of the same boy, suckling sweetly on his mother’s breast. The mother can be seen crying with happiness, and stroking the boy’s head.
The video made Miss Garofalo feel proud to be working in the psychology field of Feminism. Suppressing those feelings, she turned off the video with her eyes.
“All I’m sayin’ is ... you gotta take ‘em out, one by one” Todd explained, slurring his words.
“Alright guys” came a sober voice from the doorway, “Last call”
“Oh man ... wut time is’t?” Al asked. He was feeling shit-faced, and completely lost track of time.
“One ... thurty” Todd said, squinting at his watch.
“Three more shots ... for the road” Jessie told the bartender.
“Okay, but I’m calling you guys a cab” he said.
“Oh, come off it, Henry” Todd said, to no avail. The bartender waved his hand at the men, and went to pour the shots.
“Y’know, this was kinda fun” Al admitted, “It’s nice to get out.”
“Yeah, me too” Jessie agreed, slapping Al on the shoulder.
Damn lightweight ... didn’t even drink ... HALF of what I did, Todd thought.
The bartender brought the three shots down on the table, “Alright guys, get your cards out.”
Slowly, each man pulled out a credit-sized card from their pocket, and let the bartender scan them with an electronic device in his hand.
“Have a good night gentlemen” he said, leaving the room.
“To the ruh-zis-tence!” Al offered, bringing his shot glass up.
“The resistance!” Jessie added.
“FUCK those bitches!” Todd completed, touching his glass to the rest.
Each man downed their shot and slammed it on the table, one after the other.
“Ooowww” Todd howled.
Al laughed at the burly man, who had damn near drunk him under the table. “Alright, less go boys” he said, trying to stand up.
Todd grabbed Al by the sleeve, steadying him. “Yur aright, Al” he told him.
“FUCK those bitches” Al responded, laughing. Todd laughed with him, seeing that he was trying to imitate Todd’s final toast. Even Jessie laughed.
“By the time boys are brought to one of our elementary schools” Miss Garofalo went on, “they are usually well conditioned to accept female authority. If this isn’t the case, then they spend some time with Mommy’s Angel, and their behavior is quickly corrected.”
Another yellow light-
“Is that the same device as before?”
“Very similar, with slight modifications” Miss Garofalo explained, “It still forces the boy to latch on, but now it completes the conditioning with scopolamine-laced instructions.”
“We are drugging children?” asked one of the holograms.
“In a sense. The way the drug works at higher doses is by inhibiting higher thinking, leading the child into a very suggestible state. Each Mommy’s Angel is equipped with personalized settings, so that an individual can introduce their voice into the conditioning of the child. Soon enough, the child believes that they must be obedient to their teacher, and eventually, submissive to other females.”
“Beautiful work” the host added.
“Thank you. Now by age 7, boys and girls are separated, and the learning courses are vastly different- boys are taught with minimal supervision and direction, while girls are put on a vastly more challenging learning schedule. It only makes sense to do this, since girls grow up to produce superior leaders in our society.”
Miss Garofalo saw most of the active holograms nodding in agreement.
“Boys are taught how to use their hands, and to work together, setting them up for trade school education by high school. The entire time of their education, they are given instructions by a female authority figure, and expected to obey instructions.”
“Now these female teachers are trained by our organization to monitor boys for their propensity for servitude, and regular tests of their oral fixation needs are assessed.”
A video played of a young schoolboy on all fours, acting as a footstool for a buxom, faceless teacher.
After ending the video, Miss Garofalo started to get animated, “Now the part of the curriculum that I personally designed is called ‘The Battle of the Sexes’”. It occurs when the boys and girls are both in their early teens, and nearly all of the girls have reached puberty.”
“Through years of elementary school training, the boys are not only taught about female authority, but female sexual superiority. You see, boys age 10-12 are subliminally taught that sexually-developed females are extremely desirable, and that the more developed they are, the more they are desired. It’s similar to how our society sexualized women decades ago, but much more heightened.”
“Anyways, after boys are ingrained with this desire for females, they are taught proper behaviors around them- agreeing with them, being pleasant, offering favors and gifts ... all the things that women have had to do for men these past few millennia.”
“And on the flip side” Miss Garofalo continued, flipping her hand excitedly, “Girls are taught how to flirt with boys, and how to tease them enough to drive them wild, without going too far. So when you finally bring these horny, sex-minded young ladies and boys together, you get ... a Battle of the Sexes.”
When Miss Garofalo didn’t see anyone sharing her enthusiasm, she cleared her throat, and brought her tone down again-
“Well, you get the point- young ladies are practicing their craft on the boys, and learning to become strong, independently powerful women, so that they can run a corporation, or run for office. Think of it as a leadership conference, for young aspiring women.”
Many of the women nodded in appreciation once they understood the concept.
“And the boys?” asked one of the women.
Miss Garofalo smiled- “No harm done. They learn to live peacefully within our society. Everybody wins.”
Just wait ... til they see what I got, Todd thought. He watched as his buddy Al got into another cab, and Jessie walked to his car.
I bet I could drive better than that pussy, he thought. He didn’t know why he disliked Jessie so much, but there was something off-putting about him.
Todd jumped back a step when a cab arrived on the street right in front of him.
Huh, that was fast.
Staggering over to the back door, he opened it and fell in.
“Ooph” he let out, as he fell on the back seat. It took him a minute to sit up, and close the door.
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Title: Femme Your Hubby - Installment #4 Author: A. K. Remenko Preface: I have been privileged to learn a few things by being permitted to observe the work of some very accomplished individuals. For what it's worth, I'll share what I've learned or at least THINK I have learned. A FAQ section is being prepared. Questions should be e-mailed to [email protected]. Flames and the like will be ignored and cheerfully deleted. Not for dissemination to minors under any...
Title: Femme Your Hubby Installment #3 Author: A. K. Remenko Preface: I have been privileged to learn a few things by being permitted to observe the work of some very accomplished individuals. For what it's worth, I'll share what I've learned or at least THINK I have learned. A FAQ section is being prepared. Questions should be e-mailed to [email protected]. Flames and the like will be ignored and cheerfully deleted. Not for dissemination to minors under any...
Title: Femme Your Hubby - FAQ #3 Author: A. K. Remenko Questions should be e-mailed to [email protected]. Flames and the like will be ignored and cheerfully deleted. Questions will only be accepted if in the form of standard text email. E- mails with attachments will NOT be opened. Questions don't necessarily reach the list predicated on frequency only, those that are especially illuminating or illustrate basic concepts well or are of special academic interest will move to...
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Title: Femme Your Hubby - FAQ #2 Author: A. K. Remenko Questions should be e-mailed to [email protected]. Flames and the like will be ignored and cheerfully deleted. Questions don't necessarily reach the list predicated on frequency only, those that are especially illuminating or illustrate basic concepts well or are of special academic interest will move to the head of the class. Not for dissemination to minors under any circumstance(s). Preface to FAQ #2: The author...
Title: Femme Your Hubby - Installment #5 (Conclusion) Author: A. K. Remenko Preface: I have been privileged to learn a few things by being permitted to observe the work of some very accomplished individuals. For what it's worth, I'll share what I've learned or at least THINK I have learned. A FAQ section is being prepared. Questions should be e-mailed to [email protected]. Flames and the like will be ignored and cheerfully deleted. Not for dissemination to minors under any...
Title: Femme Your Hubby FAQ #5 Author: A. K. Remenko Preface to FAQ #5 Some email has been received about feminization issues relating to minors. Please be advised that such issues are NOT a part of this discussion. ANY email received containing ANY content relating to minors will not be reproduced or answered. The author is confident that readers will understand why this policy is necessary. To the...
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Title: Femme Your Hubby FAQ #1 Author: A. K. Remenko Questions should be e-mailed to [email protected]. Flames and the like will be ignored and cheerfully deleted. Questions don't necessarily reach the list predicated on frequency only, those that are especially illuminating or illustrate basic concepts well or are of special academic interest will move to the head of the class. Not for dissemination to minors under any circumstance(s). Preface to FAQ #1: The author is...
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Femmericks By Lenal A dad took his kid to the mall Told the wizard, "She asked for a doll" So now every day, She says, "Daddy, let's play," And then he's the best Barbie of all. A builder's responses were crass When the witch said he used half his ass So she made the big jerk Put his whole tush to work When he dances each night, as a lass. Young Susie experienced joy When she broke lonely Billy's new toy. Doc Smith made her play nice With his TG device In a tale tagged...
Femmetown By Simone Clark By day, I was an ordinary man with a job, wife and no children, important responsibilities and all the things being a modern man entails. However, when I had spare time for myself, I became my female alter-ego Simone and lived my as close to the feminine ideal as I could. I would revel in my dresses, heels, and hose as I went into public dressed as a woman and passed. I was also friends with several other cross dressers, trans people, and members in the BDSM...
Paige Harris had grown up as the popular girl. She'd been captain of the cheerleading and volleyball teams, and loved the attention and acclaim this got her. When she moved to the city to attend college, she noticed that what was cool changed. Now the in thing was dramatic irony, grungy clothes and a focus on obscure bands. So, wanting to stay popular, she adapted to her new setting. She started listening to indie bands instead of pop, dressing in trendy hipster clothing and working at the...
If only these pathetic creatures had not been so keen on keeping dry! The gun snagged for a second on the waterproof as Evans tried to raise it and halt Katie's onslaught in its tracks. That second was all Katie needed and she brought the side of one hand down against Evans's arm and grabbed the gun away with the other before he had time to stop her. Possession of the weapon presented Katie with a problem. She had not the slightest idea how to use a handgun. The subject of firearms was a...
It was funny, Josh mused as he made his way back to Rachel's bedroom, a bowl of tomato soup in one hand, glass of water in the other... Friday night when he decided to find her all he could think about was how badly she needed to pay for her "sins", and now different thoughts entirely dominated his thoughts. Upon further contemplation, he wondered if she might could come out of this not just chastened but a better person; the idea nagged at him as he walked into her room. He paused and was...
Our hotel room is nothing special. It has a King sized bed, small shower/bathtub, a small table and 2 chairs, and a TV. I pour you another glass of Merlot. We are feeling the effects of the wine and our conversation has turned from idle chit-chat about other xHamster members to the reason you and I are in this hotel room together.I’m becoming increasingly aroused as I watch your chest heave as you laugh at my jokes. You place your hand on my forearm and I feel electricity shoot through. You do...
it was a hot summer day. and I sat one sam on a beach. the beach as I sat on was not an ordinary beach. no to this beach went all around naked. all men have a naked boyfriend or a girlfriend I have no girl. I am alone. on the beach where all naked people were happy. I wanted to do something fun this last week is left on my summer holidays. ten minutes is good. and then there came a nice, hot chick. bride began to talk to me. she was as old as me. I had clothes on me because I was not in the...
From my bunk I could see into the cell across from mine. It was occupied by this sweet looking blond kid with an angelic face and cute bubble butt. He was new to the county lock-up, and judging from the fear in his huge, blue eyes, it was safe to assume this was his first time behind bars. As usual in mid-July, the cells were hot as hell. The dim light from the corridor cast a soft, warm glow over the boy's resting body. The only thing he wore was a pair of boxer shorts. The rest of his slender...
GayDon Corleone's home 6:07 p.m. Micheal starts leading Jarod into the living room, "Wait! What did you just say?" Jarod asks pulling Micheal's hand stopping her. "My father wants to talk to you." "No, the first thing." "Oh, did you bring the ring?" "Does that mean, what I think it means?" "I don't know. What do you think it means?" Jarod didn't even get a chance to answer before Vincent slaps him on the shoulder, making him spin around, coming face to face, with her father....
Jon woke early, not sure as to why he decided to go and make a coffee. Untangling himself from the delicious flesh that adorned his bed. He smiled as he saw that Genja had returned at some point through the night, she was cuddled into Fiona. Along with Chrissy and Beth, the four were dead to the world. He grabbed his shorts and made his way down to the kitchen to grab a coffee. Walking past the Piper’s room he could see that Stefan wasn’t there, CC was lying on her own while Sasha was...
I pressed the pink recessed rubber button again, there was an audible change in frequency, a higher whine, and an exquisite vibrancy, as it vibrated deep inside me.I closed my eyes as I gripped it tightly, every pink fold of moistened fleshly ridge inside my vagina tingled, as they caressed and kissed the shaft moving freely in and out of me, my mind feverously concocting the scenario to match the size of my new vibrator, all three men taking turns with me, my finger rubbing my anus, as the...
It was raining fast outside. I didn't have work today. I could here the thunder loud clear. dad was at work, mum had gone to the market and said she would come home late that day. I was home alone with my granddad who was now 80 years old. I didn't like my granddad. He always gave me the creeps as he smiled at me in a perverted way while looking up and down at me with his small pupils every time I walked passed him and made me feel discomfort. He was old, wrinkly and hardly moved around much. I...
EroticSophie placed her school bag against the soft, green mossy bark of the old oak tree and squatted unflattering in the undergrowth, her grey skirt riding up slightly on her hips. She tried desperately to stifle her breathing only too aware that her heartbeat seemed almost audible in the relative silence of the forest. Sophie licked her glossy pink lips and stared transfixed through the greenery into the clearing. There, not five metres away stood four people; three men and a woman. There was a...
VoyeurAs I said earlier, Susie and I discussed a multitude of different things as we finished our lunch.I could tell that Susie was still in a fairly high state of arousal as we went and paid our bill before making our way back to the car.I suddenly thought just what a luck lad I was, 18, fairly well-off financially and with a gorgeous little 16 year old schoolgirl holding my hand. Not only was this gorgeous little girl a schoolgirl - she was wearing her school uniform, proper school knickers...
FetishI sit in the airport and watch the planes land. It's 6:32 AM and Lara's plane should be here in three minutes, if it's on time. The board says it is, but you never know. I grab my purse and walk to the nearest Starbucks to grab a coffee while I wait. I have to go to work after I drop them off at their apartment, and to be honest I don't really want to go. Damien's acting weird towards me. He took Monday and Tuesday off, and when he came in yesterday he seemed... different. I'm not sure how to...
Office SexMy wife Kamilla is still quite beautiful and sexy. A 33 years old petite, 5 ft, black haired, with brown eyes and thick black eye lashes she is very attractive. She has a gorgeous figure maintained by regular fitness exercise at the gym. I have always appreciated her small well-proportioned body and small rounded breasts which form small perfect globes on her chest, not to mention her thick black hairy mound. Even after over ten years of marriage and three children, unlike me, she appears...
Opening scene:Wide-angle helicopter view of low rolling hills ablaze with full autumn colors. The helicopter pans right and we see a majestic bridge crossing a large river. Those in the know will recognize it as the Tappan Zee Bridge crossing the Hudson River in New York State. The sun dances on the dying leaves, bringing out their full and dazzling hues. But thunderclouds are closing in from the west, lightning bolts rippling through them. The helicopter zooms in slowly and we see two...
Wife LoversThe definition of beauty is amongst us today at Bang Bros. Alina Belle is here and she is horny. It’s an Ass Parade which means its all about that perfect booty. She shows it off to us and its making our camera guy a little too horny. We need to see her get fucked. She didn’t come to play around. Johnny the Kidd is up for the challenge. She sits on his face and he enjoys every minute of it. She gives him an amazing, sloppy, blowjob. He fucks her and she loves it. He gives her a huge...
xmoviesforyouForeword: Since people left some very favorable feedback, I thought I would upload this, one of my first stories. It is easily the longest and most involved story I've written, though still not very long. It's got (in the author's humble opinion) a lot more emotion and plot than my other little sex romp stories. There's still a good deal of sex, don't worry. STORY TIME! Chapter 1: Wherein we begin There was a knock at the door. That would be Sam. John got up off the couch...
The F.B.I. arrests of Elliot Stainsby, Conrad Blyer, and Aaron Mahon were not front-page news. It made the news alright, but set back behind two other stories that took precedence. A destructive tornado in Texas and Oklahoma was the lead, and a navy jet crashing near the heavily populated Sheepshead Bay district attracted a lot more attention. There had been no mention of Stanton Mellows in the story. He had not been charged. Tony had been called by reporters at the restaurant several times...
George Foster watched Sylvia nurse Kimberly in the fall of ‘72. It was such a joy to see his daughter that he didn’t even mind her occupying what had been his playground. Kim was so tiny, but so perfect. Fingers as thin as toothpicks but equipped with joints and nails just like his own. (Well, the nails were sharper, what did you expect with them so tiny?) “You know, George,” Sylvia teased, “I never knew that a man could beam and ogle at the same time.” That was unfair. Sure, the breast...
Cassie McCaffery nearly dropped her coffee cup when her best friend made his request. "Th-Three way?" She gasped, putting the cup down with a shaking hand. "You have got to be kidding!" Mark Benson grinned wickedly at his childhood buddy. "Cass, I thought you'd be overjoyed!" The busty redhead felt her face grow warm. "Overjoyed, he says?" She took a deep breath. "You can't be serious! Tracy is my friend too! She isn't just my roommate! She's also your fiancée! She'd hate us...
*** It was a quarter past three in the afternoon and Harry and Adam were now in town, shopping for groceries. They had finally finished fooling around with each other after sharing a very pleasurable shower together. They were at the supermarket and as usual, Adam was going way over the top buying things which they didn’t need just because they were on special offer. “Baby are you sure we really need a pack of assorted multicoloured pencil decorations?” Harry questioned in a monotone...
Juicy South Asian coed Numi Zarah ❤ makes her Hussie?Pass debut today, and we paired her up with 2 of our favorite studs: Brian Omally and Danny Steele, for this fun-filled BBG update. After our skillful director, Johnny ?? Robins, helps us get to know a little about the exotic Bangladeshi girl, Numi shows off her curvy body before using her fingers to get her juices flowing. Enter Brian & Danny with some lube ? for Numi’s luscious all-natural tits ?? and lovely backside ? which she,...
xmoviesforyouBut now there wasn't even a market for the sardines caught there. As they no longer received any cash for their catches the inhabitants could no longer buy flour to make bread and had to resort to eating just the fish they had caught, along with the few vegetables they managed to grow in the thin stony soil in their gardens. More importantly the fishermen could no longer afford to pay boat builders to repair or replace their boats, nor to buy new nets, although their wives did quite a...
Jazlyn (Jazlyn Ray) and Kay (Kay Lovely) meet Donnie (Donnie Rock) and Mazee (Mazee the Goat) for the local happy hour. Donnie claims to be going straight but sneaks off to the restroom to tip a few back. The foursome heads to Jazlyn and Donnie’s place where Donnie promptly “falls asleep”. Jazlyn and Kay waste no time and are quickly devouring Mazee’s monstrous man meat. Jazlyn suspects that Donnie’s only faking and proves it by pulling out his already erect cock. Since Donnie’s jig is up he...