Femme Your Husband -- FAQ # 5 free porn video

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Title: Femme Your Hubby FAQ #5 Author: A. K. Remenko Preface to FAQ #5 Some email has been received about feminization issues relating to minors. Please be advised that such issues are NOT a part of this discussion. ANY email received containing ANY content relating to minors will not be reproduced or answered. The author is confident that readers will understand why this policy is necessary. To the mail: 30. I am considering femming my hubby and have begun to do some research on the web. In addition to other things, I have been spending a lot of time looking at TGurl profiles and monitoring chat rooms (I set up a male profile for this so I wouldn't be bothered with IM's.) There are a couple of things that have aroused my curiosity. First, I see chat rooms and quite a few profiles and/or websites where the theme is TGurls for women (GG). Based upon my research it seems as if the number of TGurls interested in this far (far, far, far author) exceeds the number of women interested. It would seem to me that this apparent imbalance would result in a lot of disappointed TGurls. The second thing is if I femme my hubby is he, sorry, is "she" going to be one of these? The last thing I want is my femmed hubby looking around for women interested in this. Answer: The author is impressed by the writer's quest for knowledge and powers of observation. Proper preparation before commencing the process is vital if the effort is to succeed and the writer clearly understands this. As to the writer's first point, she is "right on" both with the observation and the conclusion. One of the supreme ironies of the whole business is that "self made" TGurls who profess to want GG partners rarely tell wives/SO's before establishing a relationship of the duality of their personality. Yet these are the women who have already expressed a deep personal interest in the gurl and therefore have a higher probability of acceptance! The number of extant TGurls in search of a simpatico GG significantly exceeds the supply of interested GG's to the extent that for most gurls it is a forlorn hope. Still, one must admire their commitment to the effort and hope for the future. A second point here is don't believe everything you read in profiles or websites. Some gurls have "in the know" wives/SO's for whom an interest by their gurl in men would be most distasteful. Admitting such an interest in a profile or website the wife could find would be figuratively suicidal. Therefore these gurls place the "only interested in women" type disclaimer in their profiles to placate their partner. Therefore the APPARENT number of gurls only interested in GG's is overstated. Sadly this impacts gurls who TRULY believe they are only interested in GG's. Why? Lifestyle veterans are aware of the disingenuous disclaimers and figure if a gurl is otherwise attractive they are "worth a shot". Therefore gurls whose profiles contain the "no men" disclaimer STILL get approached by "admirers" and can't understand why it happens when their profile literally screams "no interest". (It's easy to spot these victims, as their profiles can get very blunt to the point of being nasty because their disclaimers have been repeatedly ignored. And, let's face it: a not insignificant number of "admirers" are very heavy handed.) As to the writer's concern over her femmed hubby's possibility of pursuing other women the probability of this is of a very low order of magnitude unless of course the wife desires it. (Hard to imagine, though anything is possible.) Skillful wives thoroughly grounded in the fundamentals can achieve just about any result they wish. Once firmly under control the femmed hubby's destiny is in the wife's hands. Indeed one of the principle reasons some wives orient their gurls to dating men is precisely to pre-empt an interest by their gurl in other genetic females, although this is not a requirement. There are plenty of femmed hubbies who are celibate or are limited to self-stimulation, sissy milking and the like. 31. I started my gurl a few months ago and in the beginning it went very well, all according to plan. The first thing (panties) was easy but everything I've added since, and it hasn't been much, was tougher. What's worse is it's getting progressively tougher. I know "slow and steady" is the recommended approach but it's getting so slow it's almost stopped. At the rate I'm going now it's not going to take 6-9 months it's going to take 6-9 years! Mine is young (early twenties) and would be so cute as a gurl it just drives me crazy that I can't accomplish more with her sooner. Sometimes she really gets excited by femming and other times she just seems bored with it. I've tried everything I could think of or that was in your paper and I still can't find a way to break through and get real progression established. I don't mind investing the time or doing the work but I'm making so little progress it's frankly getting me depressed. Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Answer: This is another example of an astute wife. The writer well understands that establishing progression is the real key and she also understands that she has been unable to do that, probably through no fault of her own. Some gurls are just "tough cases" and this gurl sounds like one of them. It is also possible that the subject is a "real man" with an extremely low level of predisposition that portends a low probability of success. The author does not mean to discourage the writer; rather the author is just "telling it like it is". The author presumes that by "a few months" the writer means three or four months. Since the usual elapsed time is on the order of six to nine months this in itself is not cause for concern. There are a number of other possibilities. Some gurls resist progression because they understand where it leads. Some gurls also require a period of acclimating to the concept in general before real progression is established. This is precisely why the author cautions against pushing too hard too soon. At this point the best strategy would be to be patient and to be satisfied with whatever small progress can be made. It's far too soon to give up or to try desperate measures in an effort to accelerate the process. The author realizes how difficult and how frustrating this situation can be; the writer is reminded that the ultimate result is well worth bearing up under difficult circumstances. Hang in there and please give us an update or two when you can. (Late update. Just before sending this for editing the author had a conversation with a different wife in which that wife indicated the process took her THREE YEARS and was completed approximately 6 months earlier. While far in excess of the normal time span, it does illustrate that some subjects require special handling and that while norms exist they are by no means inviolable. The wife in question had never seen the material published here during the process. However when questioned by the author it was determined that the techniques she employed were very similar to those presented here with the added factor of almost unbelievable patience and commitment to the task. She indicated that though she had experienced many episodes of frustration and had briefly even toyed with the idea of giving up, the results achieved were well worth the effort. Given this wife's description of her management of the process, it is the author's opinion that it probably could not have been appreciably shortened. Heretofore the author's longest attested elapsed time was something on the order of eighteen months.) 32. I started this email several times but stopped because I am very nervous about this. However it is something I have been thinking about more and more and I have come to the point where I must make a decision. I am a female, twenty-three years of age and a graduate student. My boyfriend is 21 and will complete work on his undergraduate degree shortly. We attend the same school and "sort of" live together. We each have our own apartment but are together at one place or another. I am bisexual but have never told my boyfriend about that facet of my personality. I have been completely faithful to him but must admit there are times when I miss women a great deal. My boyfriend is, to my knowledge, completely straight and I believe he has also been faithful to me. My curiosity in this topic has been aroused because of my bi nature and my boyfriend's appearance. He is very attractive but not what I would call "handsome"; the word I would use (and I know this sounds weird) would be "lovely". He is of average height and in pretty good shape. He is not a "hard body" however, rather more soft and what you might call "round". He has very soft skin and longish hair. If all this makes him sound effeminate let me assure you he is not. He is a wonderful companion, good friend and a competent lover. However, I keep imagining what he would look like if feminized and I find that prospect very exciting. He has the kind of skin that would take makeup just beautifully and I have come very close in the past to asking him to wear some for me but have stopped myself each time. I have not done it because I am not sure what his reaction would be. I am very, very tempted to start "femming" him but have a number of concerns. I am NOT concerned about being able to do it. I am confident I could. Of the two of us, I have the more assertive personality (he even jokes about this) possibly due to the fact I am somewhat older than he is. My concerns are in the area of what may happen if I do feminize him. I am not concerned that he would become bi; in fact that would almost be welcome, as it would get me off the hook about not telling him that I was bi. I am concerned that if feminized he may become attracted ONLY to men in which case I might lose him. I am also concerned that there might come a time where he would resent the fact that I turned him into a TGurl. (I would never want him to have a "sex change operation" but the thought of him with real breasts, even small ones, makes me quiver.) We plan to get an apartment together after he graduates and gets a job. I'll be in school another year or two so I'd have the opportunity to do this over time. What are the chances he'll resent me later if I do this? What are the chances he'll get "hooked" on guys and lose interest in women in general, and me in particular? I'd like him to be feminine but I don't want him to be a "sissy" if you know what I mean. Is there anything special I can do to prevent these things from occurring? I am so tempted to do this that, in a moment of weakness, I purchased some lingerie for him; this even though I haven't definitely decided to femme him. The things I purchased would never fit me as they are too large. Any advice or information you could provide would be appreciated. Answer: The author understands your uncertainty and your concerns. You are quite correct in not embarking on this course of action without being absolutely sure that you are able to control the outcome and willing to accept the consequences if things don't turn out exactly as you wish. Despite any wife's (here SO) best efforts there are certain elements of risk in the endeavor and you have mentioned a few of them. Given your physical description of your gurl it sounds as if you have an extraordinarily good candidate in that regard. This is helpful because she will be very pretty as a gurl and, ego being what it is, that will work to reduce any resentment she might feel once the process is complete. The author's experience and knowledge is that TGurls almost never resent this being done AFTER they have become acclimated to being gurls. In fact, even those that resist (in some cases vehemently) initially eventually admit they are happier after being femmed. There exists in each candidate, even those not predisposed, the potential for something the author calls the "latent sissy". Some gurls have it and some don't but if present and if the gurl is femmed, repressing it is next to impossible. There is no method to determine in advance whether or not this factor exists in one's gurl absent her making it apparent in the first place; the gurl may even be unaware it exist! Given the writer's superior academic background the author assumes (something the author does not do lightly) that the writer has read the entire paper and has a firm grasp of the principles involved. The writer therefore is equipped to handle the issue of her gurl's interest in men with the addition of one factor. Be VERY careful that your gurl doesn't fall into the hands of a man who is highly skilled in developing TGurl sexuality with men. Some of these characters are very good indeed and have the, in your case nasty, habit of turning gurls into real cock hounds. You should therefore monitor her choice of companionship most carefully. Your inclination to start the process is very strong as is evidenced by the fact you've already made purchases for your gurl. The author thinks it highly likely you ARE going to do this. Besides, no use "wasting" the purchases you've already made. The author would recommend that when you do begin the process you do it gently and slowly making careful note of your gurl's reactions. These reactions can provide a great deal of insight into her potential as a TGurl. Best of luck. 33. I found your paper only recently. I've been femming my gurl for two years and I'm still not finished. She has resisted consistently and each forward step has been hard won. I am honestly getting exhausted by the effort and have come close on a number of occasions to just giving it up. Every time though I told myself the results will be worth the effort. Anything you could tell me to buoy my spirits would be greatly appreciated Answer: Read FAR 31 above. 34. I'm a male twenty-eight years old and I now realize (after finding this series of articles) that my wife is femming me. My guess is she has also found your stuff because the things she's doing are very similar to what I've read here. I don't want to be a feminized sissy. Is there anything I can do to prevent it? Answer: Probably not. (As an a aside the author expresses gratitude to the writer for his avoidance of berating the author for assisting wives in this work. Also she may not have found this work; some women are just innately good at this.) 35. I go out with my gurl once in a while and have noticed something I find curious. TGurls seem to be much less competitive and/or jealous when it comes to guys than GG's seem to be. I don't see the petty nonsense some women engage in. For example, a guy can date one TGurl for a while and then another and nobody seems to get bent out of shape about it. The gurls are still very friendly to one another. Am I correct? What's the reason for this? Answer: Your observation is correct. There are exceptions of course but generally speaking TGurls (especially those that go out regularly) are very supportive of one another. It's the author's opinion that this is a result of being a member of a societal group that perceives itself (and rightly so) to be the subject of unethical or unfair or discriminatory treatment by society in general. The same phenomenon can be observed in various racial and/or ethnic groups. As relates to men specifically, there just aren't enough quality men attracted to the lifestyle and TGurls have therefore acclimated to the concept of "sharing." A number of GG's have also adopted this strategy with respect to more traditional male/female relationships. 36. I busted my gurl CDing a while back and I exploded. I really gave her hell; I threatened her with divorce and exposure and anything else I could think of. To the best of my knowledge she stopped completely and neither of us has mentioned the episode again. Due to recent developments, I would like her to start being a gurl again and to start going out and making new friends. Given the way I reacted before I'm not sure the regular femming method(s) would work. How do I go about getting it done? Answer: Does "act in haste, repent at leisure" sound familiar? The author's experience with this situation is limited to one specific motivation. The author interprets "recent developments" as interest in another man/woman or men/women on your part. The other possibility is you are seeking leverage of some sort over your gurl, for other purposes, which would be provided if she were femmed. (Readers should note that while the writer reacted in an extremely hostile manner on discovering her hubby was a gurl, the writer still refers to her hubby as "her" rather than "he".) At this point anything you try is going to be viewed by your gurl in a very suspicious manner. You are probably hoping she's going to be so thrilled with the "new you" that she's not going to stop to consider what's really going on. Think again. In a manner of speaking you have "cornered" or "caged" your gurl. What's worse is you did it through the medium of fear. You are going to have to take a relatively long time to allow her to perceive a gradual change in your posture and further you must provide an excellent rationale for such change. This is not going to be easy. You might consider enlisting the aid of another wife and her gurl presenting them as "friends" who have brought the light of reason to your eyes and educated you on the lifestyle. Be warned; your gurl is going to watch you like a hawk for some clue as to why you've exhibited such a dramatic change. You're going to have to walk on the figurative eggs here and for quite some time. The author hopes your boyfriend is a patient man. (Note: This should serve as a valuable lesson for wives who are tempted to "go off the deep end" on discovering hubby is a TGurl. "Never" is a long time.) 37. My wife recently started femming me much to my delight. I have always been a TGurl but she doesn't know that! ("Oh happy day" author) She's doing pretty well, but I want her to go faster as I am just DYING to go out as a gurl. How do I get her to speed the process up, hopefully a lot? Should I confess I was already a gurl? Should I show her the few things I already have? Answer: You must be living right. DO NOT tell her about your status. You will only empower her further and you might not want to surrender any more control in the event points of difference arise later. (E.g. if you want to date men you can always ensure she'll feel responsible for that because this process was "her idea".) By all means IMMEDIATELY discard EVERYTHING you already have. Any sign of wear at all and she's going to tumble to what's been going on. You're getting all new things in return! Just be the best, most enthusiastic subject you can be and follow her lead. Don't overdo it of course; a little "token resistance" will play very well. Try to determine in a circumspect manner what her goals are so if they differ with yours you manage the process indirectly (via your reactions, etc.) to meet your needs as best you can. You should be thoroughly familiar with all the concepts in the paper so you are aware of her plans to the fullest extent possible. One word of caution though: you say she doesn't know about your status. That may or may not be true! All you know for sure is that she hasn't TOLD you she knows. A shrewd wife would never let such power-conferring information be known. End of FAR #5

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Femme NataleChapter 3

Mark kept telling himself to walk away, but his body wouldn’t listen. I love my wife!, he told himself, So why do I feel compelled to do this?! Mark was in his car, parked at Hunee Bunz. It had been 3 weeks since that fateful night, and he was struggling mightily with his temptation. Don’t do it, he told himself for the millionth time. Mark had hoped that his desires for Jade would fade over time, but they only became more intense with each fap session. Her words to him were still...

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Femme NataleChapter 4

Okay, looks like the coast is clear Jimmy took one last look at his moonlit surroundings, before sneaking away from the stone wall towards the house. Or rather, towards the mansion. The three-story building towered over the 15 acre property, which was sprawling with hedges, lawn decorations, and time-tested stone walls. It looked and felt like one of those old, villainous hideouts from the movies. Which made Jimmy the secret agent trying to gain access to this lair. Bond ... Jimmy...

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Femme NataleChapter 5

Peter Sweeney was the kind of guy who didn’t take shit from anyone. And at 6’2”, and 230 lbs of muscle, he didn’t have to. But he was finding his new job as chief arms purchaser to be a stressful one, ever since he took over for Bill Haverluck. And after their most recent meeting ended, he went straight to his favorite dive. “That prick doesn’t know his dick from his own asshole” he grumbled crudely to himself. He was thinking about the conversation he had with his superior, when he saw...

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Femme NataleChapter 6

You want to submit to me, baby. It would feel so good... You want my body so bad, you can feel it in your cock... Focus on my voice, and listen to my words... You want to be my slave, to obey my commands... Submission is pleasure, and only I can give you release... Call me ‘Master’, and I will grant you an orgasm... Submit to me, and surrender your secrets... There is no escaping me, I am a part of you now... You want to worship me, to humble yourself... Give in to your...

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Femme NataleChapter 7

Just one more week, and all those dirty, sexist politicians are going down. Antone walked down the crowded New Philadelphia street, head tilted down, avoiding eye contact. Not only did he avoid social interactions, but he needed to reach his destination on time. Seeing a blonde strutting her hot self down the street, Antone quickly averted his gaze, and stepped off to the side. Not even a sideways glance. Heh, they won’t see me coming. Antone could’ve taken one of the unmanned taxi’s to...

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Me And My Three Husbands 8211 Part 2 My Husband And His Secret Girlfriend

For the last couple of weeks, something strange has been happening in our bedroom. My fat, the small cocked, lazy husband is getting unusually better at pleasuring me in the bed. The sex we had the other night was the best I ever had with him. The best! So much that the next afternoon when I was alone at home, I was thinking about my time with Ranbir. You’ll understand the importance of this once you know all the wild things I do with my other two husbands – my old but fit father Dharam and my...

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Deflowering My Shy Muslim Classmate Shafaq

Hello everyone. This is Prem from Nagpur. I have been an avid reader of Indian sex stories for quite some time and reading these  stories has inspired me to write my own experiences. This is the story of how I lost my virginity to one of my classmates. The story begins when I was in the first year of college. As everything is new, you are scared at first but then you start making new friends and adjust to the new environment. As I was adjusting to this environment, I saw two familiar...

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Femmes of Spring Break The Coffee Shop

Dorothea finished typing a paragraph into her computer and sat back, looking at the screen with a frown. She shuffled through some of her notes and stared at a pile of books with torn paper bookmarks protruding at intervals. She sighed. “Nothing for it, gotta go back to the library.” She straightened up her desk and put on a jaunty yellow and blue hat.She was down the steps, across the walkway and out of the gate before the unseasonably warm spring weather distracted her from academic...

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Femmes of Spring Break The Art Gallery

Angie pawed through her closet, searching for the perfect dress. Hard to strike the right balance, she mused. Gordy’s photography gallery opening needs class and elegance, not sexy. My old prom dress would be over the top. She pulled out a formfitting, low-cut black dress, shook her head and hung it back on the rack. Frowning, she sat at her combination vanity/desk.Think design, girl. The main attraction are Gordy’s photos of nature subjects with fuzzy focus trees as the background....

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Femmes of Spring Break The Manor

Jenna and her college roommate, Sondra, settled into their seats for the three hour flight to Sondra’s hometown. Sondra, evidently exhausted from finals, promptly tilted her seat back and fell asleep. Jenna, wired from the coffee she’d drunk to study for her geology final, found reflecting on her first six months away from home more interesting than the airline magazine.Classes had been about as she expected, challenging but not overwhelming. Some of the weekend parties far surpassed anything...

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If youre husband wont satisfy you

I woke up with a jolt, taking a minute to work out where I was. Mark was beside me, snoring, as normal. I looked over at his clock, 7 O’clock. But what woke me, then as I turned on to my back, the warm trickle from my pussy, dripping down as far as my ass, I lowered my hand, my nightdress was pulled up around my waist, touching my bare pussy, it felt warm and puffy. I must have been dreaming, and the dream must have been hot. Leaning over I nudged Mark, he just snored and let out a loud grunt....

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Femmed By Julie O Edited By Robert Arnold This story features characters from The Julieverse Stories Jennifer Stevens appears courtesy of Bob Arnold (There's a list of characters at the end of the story) Chapter 1 Dana Rawlings hit save on his computer, got...

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Femmericks By Lenal A dad took his kid to the mall Told the wizard, "She asked for a doll" So now every day, She says, "Daddy, let's play," And then he's the best Barbie of all. A builder's responses were crass When the witch said he used half his ass So she made the big jerk Put his whole tush to work When he dances each night, as a lass. Young Susie experienced joy When she broke lonely Billy's new toy. Doc Smith made her play nice With his TG device In a tale tagged...

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Femmetown By Simone Clark By day, I was an ordinary man with a job, wife and no children, important responsibilities and all the things being a modern man entails. However, when I had spare time for myself, I became my female alter-ego Simone and lived my as close to the feminine ideal as I could. I would revel in my dresses, heels, and hose as I went into public dressed as a woman and passed. I was also friends with several other cross dressers, trans people, and members in the BDSM...

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150 Ways to Humiliate Your Husband

Originally from lov2dancecpl but I really love this150 Ways To Humiliate Your Husband 1. Tease your husband with sex and sexual ideas.2. Comment on how good other men look to you.3. Tell your husband you like big dicks.4. Tell your husband his dick is not big enough nor good enough for you.5. Tell your husband all your lovers are much better at sex than he is.6. Tell your husband he is a wimp.7. Tell your husband he is a fag.8. Laugh, grin, giggle or shake your head in contempt every time you...

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Ways to Humiliate Your Husband

1. Tease your husband with sex and sexual ideas.2. Comment on how good other men look to you.3. Tell your husband you like big dicks.4. Tell your husband his dick is not big enough for you.5. Tell your husband your lover/s are much better at sex.6. Tell your husband he is a wimp.7. Tell your husband he is a fag.8. Laugh, grin, giggle or shake your head in contempt every time you see your husbands dick.9. Tell your husband you can't wait to have sex with someone else.10. Tell your husband you're...

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Humiliate your Husband

Humiliating your husband is creating mortification leading to a state of being humbled. Here is a list of how to humiliate your husband: Tease your husband with the idea of, you sl**ping with another man. Comment on how good other men look to you. Tell your husband that you like big endowments. Tell your husband that his endowment is not big enough for you. Tell your husband your lover/s are much better at sex. Tell your husband he is a wimp. Tell your husband he is a jerk. Laugh, grin, giggle...

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Humiliate your Husband

Humiliating your husband is creating mortification leading to a state of being humbled. Here is a list of how to humiliate your husband:Tease your husband with the idea of, you sleeping with another man.Comment on how good other men look to you.Tell your husband that you like big endowments.Tell your husband that his endowment is not big enough for you.Tell your husband your lover/s are much better at sex.Tell your husband he is a wimp.Tell your husband he is a jerk.Laugh, grin, giggle or shake...

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My ExHusbands Life As A Transgendered And Cuckolded Husband

His name is Erik but he much prefers to think of himself as Erika. Who is Erik you ask? He is my cuckolded, transgendered ex-husband. My ex-husband Erik is very much a transgendered individual who along the road of life has had three failed but very lively and eventful marriages. We will discuss these interesting marriages very soon, but first a little background on Erik. Erik was born in 1964 and claims that he has been transgendered as far back as he can remember. Of course he had no real...

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Guide to Cuckold Your Husband

Guide to Cuckold Your HusbandTurning your husband into a cuckold can be one of the most rewarding things you ever do. A successfully cuckolded husband will be completely submissive. He will satisfy all your sexual cravings, manage all the mundane chores of your life, allow you to sleep with whomever you wish, subject himself to any amount of humiliation you desire, and of course, love you unconditionally.But be warned, cuckolding can also be one of the most challenging things you ever do. The...

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How to Cuckold Your Husband Ch 02

Now that you've cuckolded your husband, your job as mistress is only beginning. From now on you have full control and you'll need to use it. Your husband will need a strong hand to guide him. You'll be telling him what to wear, what to eat, and how to spend him time and his money. His only purpose will be to serve to you. Here are some ideas on how to keep up the dominance. SemenOn the surface your husband's semen can seem like an annoyance. It's messy, it tastes bad, and it stains linens. But...

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How I will fuck you and cuckold your husband

You and your husband meet me at the door. You are wearing a very revealing teddie that left little to the imagination. It is little more than three small triangles of material covering your pussy and nipples, connected by lace and gauze. It looks outstanding on your body and I can’t help but stare lustily at you.Your husband is the first to say anything/ “Please to meet you. My wife has said a lot about you. I can guess by your look that you want to come in and fuck my wife for me?"I grin....

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How to gain your husbandboyfriends acceptance of

I've Pm's from several ladies who are in relationships with a white guy and maybe looking to experience a black man on the side, I came across this guide (credit goes to Ella from getherblacked), which might hopefully help some wives out there.....here it goes.Many women have a strong desire, or even need, to experience the power of black cock. Many of these women have white husbands or boyfriends that they wish to keep in their lives, and thus, want their white husband or boyfriend to accept...

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Training Your Cuckold Husband

Think of training in three phases:1. Basic Training - is required to make permanent the rebalancing of the sexual roles central to a hot wife/cuckold marriage2. Advanced Training - is for couples who seek a deeper expression of cuckold devotion and preparation for the third phase3. Fetish Training - is where you build on your newfound perspectives to explore a variety of previously unimagined pleasures...Why is Training Necessary?We are all conditioned to accept a limited and distorted view of...

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I Am Not Your Husband

“How’s my sexy man tonight?” The delicate feminine voice wafted into my ear on a warm moist breath, barely audible above the unruly clamor in the pub. The speaker’s soft lips grazed my lobe as they formed the words. Soft tresses of her hair brushed the back of my neck while an unfamiliar fragrance of roses and jasmine intoxicated my senses. I could feel her ample breasts pressing snugly against my back as she wrapped her arms around my midsection in a tender embrace.Rita was feeling much...

Wife Lovers
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How To Cuckold Your Husband A Practical Guide

I am very fortunate to live a life of permitted sexual abandon, thanks to a wonderful husband.I have been asked many times how I have accomplished this, so here are some guidelines and ideas.First, and of paramount importance, your relationship with your husband MUST be 100% rock solid. Any jealousy, insecurity, or lack of total trust, and this is NOT for you.We have both been very active in the B.D.S.M. community for over a decade. We are used to playing with others in this world which does...

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How Not to Cuckold Your Husband

Melanie Edwards was not happy! To the outside world she would appear to have it all together. She owned a successful business. She had more money than she knew what to do with. She was fit and sexy which was confirmed every time she walked into the room and the heads of men and women turned to look her over. She was married to a handsome man who truly loved her. It would appear to anyone who knew her that she had everything that was needed to be happy.What only she understood was the contempt...

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Many wives (or dominant women or men) reading this, my first reaction to finding out my husband’s so called “sissy” fetish or “submissive sissy” fetish involving dressing up in lingerie, panties and bras had me worried and somewhat terrified. Over time, I realized the fetish was just that, a fetish. It is harmless in many ways and I’ve found it to be quite cute over the years. It’s not like I was going to wear those ridiculous, slutty, submissive clothes, so at least someone is wearing...

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Sissy Sister Husbands

SISSY SISTER HUSBANDS by Throne Tessa had been gradually cutting her husband Max off from sex and, at the same time, feminizing him. Now, after three months, he was desperate for relief and accustomed to wearing panties and other female items all the time. His wife decided it was time to take him to the next level. She knew the perfect person to help her do that. It was her friend Marie. Who could be more perfect? After all, it was Marie who had given Tessa the idea to change...

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My husbands birthday

It was a Monday morning and after dropping my daughter off at crèche I went to the mall to shop for a birthday present for my husband. His birthday was the coming Thursday. Walking around the mall I soon found myself in a gadget store, where I bought him a new flick blade knife. Not knowing what else to buy him, I bought myself a pair of crotchless underwear and decided I would were it for him on his bday, thinking to look sexy for my man on his bday. I decided to get myself a new short sluty...

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What Youre Missing Part Two

Introduction: The nightmare continues as Adam tries to break lesbian Lila. Will she submit? Lila squirmed in her confines as Adam approached her, his demeanor hadnt exactly been sunshine and cuddles before, but now it seemed to grow even darker. His bright blue eyes had lost their humor and light, and instead had become filled with angry determination. Adam, please stop, She begged him. He said nothing and didnt even acknowledge that she had spoken. He crawled into the bed towards her and she...

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