Femme Your Hubby - Instalment # 2 free porn video

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Title: Femme Your Hubby Installment #2 Author: A. K. Remenko Preface: I have been privileged to learn a few things by being permitted to observe the work of some very accomplished individuals. For what it's worth, I'll share what I've learned or at least THINK I have learned. A FAQ section is being prepared. Questions should be e-mailed to [email protected]. Flames and the like will be ignored and cheerfully deleted. Not for dissemination to minors under any circumstance(s). Special preface to Installment #2 The author has been inundated with email, generally well-written and well intended, following the posting of the first installment. The author has a mailbox of limited size and can only empty it on occasion. If mail "bounces" due to limited box capacity, simply wait a few days and resubmit it. While the author would like nothing better than to be able to provide assistance in individual cases, it's just not possible time constraints being what they are. The sole purpose of posting the email address in the header is to collect questions for a FAQ section. Specific questions will be handled through the FAQ, as it's more time efficient than responding one-on-one. In particular, many wives mentioned oral sex, finding that activity objectionable (no surprise there!). Some expressed doubt such activity would work and/or be the only alternative. The following paragraph appears above, presented here again as some seem to have missed it: "In the (highly) unlikely event the oral sex isn't the hubby's trigger here (more on "triggers" later) something else is. It might be dirty talk during sex, XXX rated videos or some other long harbored fantasy. If one doesn't know, one should find out (does intelligence gathering ring a bell?)." The wife who is adamantly opposed to the activity in question is well advised to follow the recommendation in this paragraph. It is recommended for both the TGurl's and the wife's benefit (i.e. things that the wife would find acceptable). It also seems advisable to restate a portion of Part I.A.: "(This work) does not purport to be the definitive work on the subject as others may have experience or methods not covered here or those that conflict." Thus ever onward Phase IV. Moving toward further goals As mentioned near the end of the first installment, some wives may have achieved all of their objectives early on and will find little of value in that which follows. We bid those women a fond adieu and grant them a "well done" to boot. They should not feel in the least that they have "underachieved" simply because they did not aspire to do more. This is not a competitive process, success being measured only in terms of the wife's desires and those things that are practical and possible. For those wishing to continue, this is the proper time to elaborate on the "trigger" concept. "Triggers" are objects or activities that produce what can be likened to an involuntary response in the subject. This is in direct contrast to the CONDITIONED response technique(s) used to move the subject toward general feminization discussed previously. Triggers are very powerful weapons and, like all very powerful weapons, they can be dangerous to use. Since good triggers work so well (in terms of aiding progression) one may be tempted to overuse them or use them to the exclusion of other techniques. This is ill advised; triggers like cutlery become dull with overuse and unlike cutlery cannot be "re-sharpened". Put another way, don't go to the well too often. How does one recognize a trigger? The author is reminded of a typical discussion of classical music: A to B: "What kinds of classical music do you like, symphonic, opera, light classics, Beethoven, Chopin, Wagner, Strauss?" B in response: "I don't know any of the terminology or composers, I just know what I like it when I hear it." So it is with a trigger. One will know it when one sees it. The subject's demeanor will change noticeably and she will become more compliant. It's been described variously as "off in another world" or "mesmerized" and etc. Triggers can be anything. How does one find triggers? It's not unlike exploring for crude oil; oil does not jump up and announce its presence, one has to conduct tests and carefully observe and analyze the results. Drilling a few test wells doesn't hurt either. One will encounter a few "dry holes" but the rewards justify the costs. Similarly, husbands are wont to divulge the information voluntarily as it is typically something they would almost always find embarrassing to admit in their male role, and even occasionally in femme mode. An illustrative example would be useful here. Consider "Betsy" another UK wife. (As an aside, the UK seems to have wives adept at this work out of all proportion to relative population. The US in contrast seems still subject to its puritan foundation and ethic.) Betsy had done pretty well with a somewhat resistant gurl. Betsy fought the good fight but each step had been hard won and the effort had become fatiguing. Most wives discover that putting on panties (or pantyhose) cause their husbands to achieve immediate erections. This was not so with Betsey's hubby. This puzzled Betsy no end and even discussions with other wives provided no insight. One of Betsy's goals (to this point, unknown to her gurl) was to get her gurl to go out en femme. Therefore getting her gurl to learn about makeup was essential. Through a TANSTAAFL gambit (unrelated to the femming process) Betsy had been able to get her husband "Adrianne" to agree to wear a little makeup in addition to a garterbelt, hose and a bra. Betsy seated Adrianne at Betsy's vanity to do the work. Adrianne seemed a bit embarrassed, almost sheepish, at the thought but complied. Betsy busied herself with the work, telling her gurl what she was doing and how nice it looked. In Betsey's words (as nearly as can be recalled, paraphrased of course), "She sat very still for me while I applied some lipstick and I chatted her up all the while showing her how to blot, etc. She even looked in the mirror to see what I had done. I then started on her eyes with the eyeliner, mascara and shadow and before long she started squirming around making it difficult for me to properly apply the cosmetics. Thinking this was the beginning of resistance, I paused as my mind raced with ploys I might use to be able to overcome any resistance and continue." "I looked down and saw she was rubbing her thighs together; I reached down and parted her thighs a bit to discover she's been using her thighs to massage her stiff little thing. There was even a wet spot on the panties. She was so embarrassed; I had to tell her it was perfectly alright, that even many GG's got sexually stimulated from putting on makeup." (Nice touch.) Betsy had found, albeit accidentally, a trigger, namely eye makeup. The essential difference between triggers and other concepts (e.g. TANSTAAFL) is that triggers are employed to achieve other objectives when the subject is IN femme mode rather than techniques used to get then INTO femme mode. This is to be sure a subtle difference but it is important to remember. Triggers are not to be used when the subject is in boy mode as they generally won't work and their future usefulness may be jeopardized. Betsy later used the makeup trigger to get her gurl out. Another common trigger is smoking; especially long cigarettes ("120's") or the use of cigarette holders. Their attributes as both oral and phallic symbols are unmistakable even to the uninitiated. Some TGurls don't smoke (or have never smoked) unless in femme mode! A better example of a trigger is hard to find. (Wives who are rabid about their dislike of tobacco may have to "bite the bullet" on this one.) The reader is now equipped with all the required tools to complete the task and achieve whatever goals she may have established or that she will establish or modify in future. The discussion may now lend itself to those things that can be done or established as opposed to how they may be introduced. One may move along in a general way without having specific goals established at this point; it is however not recommended. The presentation will therefore center on goals and milestones used to mark progress toward them. For the wife who wants to get her gurl out the milestones are inevitably appearance or mannerism or skill oriented. The crucial thing to remember is again MORE femme either in adding items or in acquiring skill in their use. For example gurls who do go out most often use the ladies restroom. This means no urinals of course so sitting to "piddle" at all times is useful practice. This has the added benefit of keeping the commode at home cleaner as males are notorious "splashers". If the gurl has been given the task of cleaning the bathroom/WC it's all to her benefit to sit. For gurls who are unable to adopt a more femme or even androgynous hairstyle (thinning hair being common in older gurls and even some younger) obtaining a wig is a milestone. Good ones aren't cheap and cheap ones aren't good. The dedicated wife will take pride in her gurl's appearance and a good appearance can come in handy for certain other goals. This typically requires that the gurl go to a wig salon to insure that the one(s) selected are flattering. In the event that this is impossible to accomplish at the time the wife desires it, purchase of an inexpensive wig may have to do. The gurl will be broken to the wig and over time will likely want something that looks better. For some wives a beauty salon trip is a goal in itself rather than a milestone. If the wife's gurl has such potential locating a suitable venue is the appropriate first step. Some salons are "Tfriendly", some are not. Wives should remember that asking a proprietor or proprietress does not reflect on them personally as they are asking on behalf of their gurl, no embarrassment should accrue. Locating a salon that is experienced with TGurls is the best solution not only because of acquired technical skill but also because they know how to put the gurl quickly at ease. This is old hat for wig retailers who do significant TGurl business. Tracking the improvement in her appearance is important and can give the gurl a real sense of accomplishment. Taking plenty of pictures is very good technique whether or not they are to be shared with others. (Note: It is possible to use the offer to share the pictures with friends or family or co-workers as an "inducement" to balky gurls. However this is fairly heavy handed, "last resort"-type technique and such bludgeoning may cause unwanted backlash.) One will find on the web many "headless" photos of gurls. Clearly done in an effort to retain anonymity, one essential element is forgotten, namely background. Many of these photos are done at home with a unique and recognizable home layout and furnishing. When fully dressed and made up, most gurls are unrecognizable as their male counterpart so full length photos aren't a problem, background may well be. TGurls are almost invariably attracted to high heeled shoes, the higher the better. Unfortunately, walking in them is an acquired skill that requires practice; further, jumping into a pair of five-inch spike heels can be hazardous, considering sprained ankles and all. It's best to start the gurl with a pair of flats. Many gurls get their first experience "out" wearing an A cup bra under say a loose sweatshirt along with a pair of women's loafers. It's a good first low-risk step and accustoms the gurl to the basic experience. "Knee-high" nylons are a natural addition to the flats. The first pair of heels should be of rather modest height as that provides a learning step and a progression opportunity later, namely higher heels. Sad to say, while walking around the house in heels is practice, it's just not good practice as the distance covered on each transit is typically small. Unless one owns a palatial residence, getting the gurl out somewhere to practice should be high on the "to do" list. Late night walks are common for many gurls. Beginners typically retain for a time the side-to-side rocking motion and longer strides typical of males when walking. In addition, their footfalls tend to be more under each hip rather than centered "in line" as practiced by most GG's. There are two techniques that may be used to aid in overcoming these unwanted qualities. They are the string trick and the board trick. In the case of the string trick, obtain a piece of light thread a few feet in length. A little experimentation with length is to be expected. The ends are tied to each of the gurl's ankles to force a shortened stride. If her strides are too long the string breaks and light thread won't cause her to tumble while wearing heels. Just shorten the ankle-to-ankle distance until the stride the wife wishes is achieved. Some wives delight in tiny little mincing steps while others prefer something more natural. For wives interested in getting their gurls into the bondage scene this can be a subtle first step as well. For the board trick, two pieces of dimensional lumber are best. Some prefer eight-foot lengths of 2x4, the author thinks 2x6's somewhat better, personal preference being what it is. Twelve footers (or longer) are excellent but somewhat more costly (don't get warped ones!). Place the boards on the ground parallel to one another about sixteen inches apart or so and have the gurl walk between them. Gradually reduce the separation until the footfalls are more in line to the wife's satisfaction. Once the stride is adjusted the wife will note the gurl has a tendency to wiggle her posterior when walking, it's almost unavoidable. Higher heels push the knees forward, angling the thighs back a bit and therefore cause the butt to protrude more. TGurls attracted to men do a lot of walking around in Tbars shaking their bottoms most alluringly. Advertising pays. If the gurl is interested, she's going to push for skirts before long. If not, don't overlook slacks as an intermediate step. Side or back zipper types are generally considered best and are another item that can be worn out fairly early on. They also have the benefit of being able to be introduced prior to leg shaving. In addition to walking, skills would include sitting and getting in and out of automobiles. Many wives have gotten big chuckles out of their gurl's first attempts to exit an auto wearing a skirt and heels. Going out, as a gurl does not occur all at once for psychological as well as appearance reasons. Many TGurls who begin on their own do it initially by driving while in gurl mode. They're not going anywhere in particular, they just drive. Indeed, some never progress beyond this. Little trips in the car are a good first step, with the wife driving. Nervous drivers in today's traffic are a risk best avoided. Get the gurl in an simple outfit say slacks, flats, bra, panties, a top and a little light makeup. The gurl will only enter and exit the vehicle at home (attached garages help) so the trip, quick errand to the store for example, will be low stress and acclimate her to going out. This far along in the process gurl who's accepted, even welcomed, the inevitable may exhibit signs that the wife is no longer required to push the progression of the process so hard. Some wives find their gurls slipping easily into femme mode on an increasingly frequent basis. It's not unheard of for some gurls to femme fully or partially on returning home from work or on weekends, or both. There may be other signs as well. This is a good time to talk about selection and use of the gurl's femme name. She may have already selected one or may wish the wife to select one for her. In any event it's not advisable to postpone it any longer. If she hasn't selected one, it's best for the wife to propose a number of options from which her gurl may select. TGurls unlike most of the world get to pick a name at the time of their "birth" as gurls and doing so presents tangible evidence of their acceptance of the new status quo. The wife should provide a viable (read "reasonable") list of names from which the gurl may select. This is the name the gurl will present to the world in her new persona. As much fun as it may be, saddling the gurl with a moniker like "Easy" or "Fellatia" just isn't done. (The author recalls with fondness a gurl with a record of armed robbery who was given the name "Robyn Banks". Such wry humor is a joy to behold.) The gurl may think about her options for a time or even suggest another. As long as both are happy with a reasonable choice, it's a good one. If genuine femming is the wife's goal then this is the name she should use in addressing her gurl whenever practical. Use of the boy name should be minimized at worst and eliminated at best. For the wives interested in getting their gurl out this phase is the time for a little reconnoitering. Irrespective of whether or not the wife wants her gurl to date men, she's going to have to locate suitable places for her gurl to go and suitable companionship when she gets there. The other TGurls the wife meets can be a wealth of information (e.g. beauty salons) and once they discover the wife is helping her TGurl hubby, the wife will have plenty of gurls who think she is the greatest and will be only too happy to help. The wife alone (especially in the case of a "nervous" gurl) should do the initial phases of scouting. It's bad form for the gurl to do this in boy mode as the face she is to present to the community is femme. Tfriendly bars and clubs come in a wide variety of types, as do the gurls and assorted other characters, that frequent them. In addition the capable wife will not overlook the various TG support groups that can be most helpful in the early phases. Find places where your gurl will be safe and locate other TGurls whose deportment is that which you desire your gurl to exhibit. If one doesn't want her gurl to date men, putting a gurl with a big D0 (right offset) and/or large R (rate of drift) in the company of TGurls who do enjoy men, will yield unpleasant (for the wife) results. Conversely if the wife is desirous of having her gurl date, introducing her to the "100% heterosexual" group is not going to aid the process. One should take their time, get to know the places and people that frequent them and proceed accordingly. TGurls absolutely love it when friendly, understanding GG's give them attention so do not be concerned about introducing oneself and chatting. Buying a few drinks won't hurt either. Take an interest in the gurls that one meets and let them know you are interested and fully supportive. Having said that however, don't be in a hurry to volunteer information about one's own gurl (especially your plans for her) unless and until one is sure the time and the company are appropriate. In that regard it's best to even ask questions without divulging your specific interest. If necessary, "dumb down". For example one might ask the best places in town for one's gurl to go. One might get a response something like "Well, what is the gurl (or "what are you") interested in?" One should just say that they're not sure what's best, they're new to all of this and information about all of the places would be deeply appreciated. If a wife has gotten her gurl this far dealing with the other gurls should be no problem. Some wives want their gurl to date men but DON'T want the gurl to go out. This is a big, big problem as the best way by far to meet and qualify dating candidates is out in a social setting in the appropriate environment. (Any wife with reasonable "blind date" experience knows this to be a fact.) It's far safer in all respects than for example lining something up online. Wives may not want to hear this but if their gurl has no natural predisposition to date it's going to be the wife's job to line up and/or bring home her gurl's first guy. On the other had, wives who have an anathema for their gurl dating need to discover who the local "admirers" are, so the gurl can be given fair warning of persons to be avoided. So-called admirers are an unusual lot. Some in fact are frustrated "wannabe" TGurls who find it impossible, either out of circumstance or lack of "spine", to do so. Those that do find TGurls attractive share a trait with the gurls, namely they are not "gay" in the traditional sense; they have no interest in men "as men" just as most TGurls have no interest in men when in boy mode. This attribute has been deemed "selectively bisexual" or alternatively "heterogender" (the second was found on a website whose name is long forgotten; like another bit of TG nomenclature is needed.) Some admirers can be very pushy, to the point of being obnoxious. As previously mentioned, this is part of the reason one sees those "NO MEN" disclaimers in TGurl online profiles. These dolts are best avoided irrespective of the wife's social desires for her gurl. They're not "fun company" and usually talk a far better game than they play, to use an old expression. For wives who want their gurl to date, there are not enough good ones around and for wives who don't want their gurl to date, one good one around is one too many. Such is life. Admirers tend to be loners in the culture and typically do not "buddy up" with other admirers; they are after all competitors of a sort. Some just stand around with drink in hand eyeballing everything that moves. These types have always given the author an uncomfortable feeling. Some are easy to get to know and like most TGurls are worthwhile people. It's in every wife's best interest to invest some time in learning about these characters, as distasteful (or not) as that may be. The "wife's best interest" provides an entr?e (at long last) to discussion of some of the wife's goals for herself. If simply getting the gurl out so as to have more free time to oneself, less housework and etc. are the goals then they would seem to be readily accomplished with the knowledge gained so far. If the wife has in mind other, more "earthy" longings this is an appropriate time to review them. The gurl's social interaction will be discussed later. As mentioned earlier some wives are motivated to femme their hubbies out of a desire to expand their own social life, e.g. a boyfriend for the wife. Some TGurls find the thought of being cuckolded most appealing either in fact or in fantasy. The wife is so inclined she needs to determine whether it is in fact or in fantasy. If the wife wants to date and if she wants her gurl to date men (the most common combination) sequencing of these activities is crucial to success. It is absolutely essential that the TGurl begin dating men BEFORE her wife does and even before she knows the wife had such a desire. This means the wife may have to postpone fulfillment of her goal for some time. One may recall the earlier proviso about not getting caught in a lie that can be proved to be a deceit. If the gurl is already dating men, it's going to be very difficult for her to be critical of the wife's expanded social interest. Even TGurls have little patience with the double standard. While not able to "dive right in" immediately, the wife is not powerless to take a few initial steps. The wife will undoubtedly want in future to "entertain" male guests and a hubby sharing her bedroom simply isn't pragmatic. The concept of one's own "space" applies here. An excellent preparatory step is therefore introducing the gurl to the concept of her "own room". This will not be her "bedroom" necessarily at first, just a place where she can store her gurl things the usual excuse offered being insufficient master bedroom closet and drawer space. (As an aside when separate bedrooms are a fact, wives cursed with hubbies who snore or continually toss and turn while asleep will discover a definition of "rest" they forgot ever existed.) Many wives' boyfriends are understandably anxious about the "jealous husband" scenario and having a hubby who is femmed, dating men and in a separate bedroom go a long way toward reducing such anxiety. In addition, the separate bedroom is evidence of the hubby's cuckolded state and enhances the boyfriend's feelings of exclusivity (even if only imagined) vis-?-vis the wife's sexual favors. Additionally, the gurl will find having her own bedroom (when it becomes so eventually) very practical when she "entertains". It is unheard of for a wife to consider letting her gurl use the wife's bed for such frolicking. There are plenty of techniques to be employed in getting the TG to accept the concept of "her room". Joint shopping for furnishings for the room, additional "treats" real or intangible and etc. are most commonly employed. Furnishing the room in ultra feminine style reinforces the gurl's self-image and is a very good practice. The same concept should be extended to bath facilities if possible. TGurls, even more than GG's, can accumulate a truly awe inspiring collection of cosmetics, hair care products, lotions, appliances and so on. Another key element in the separate room philosophy exists for the wife who is really pushing for a high level of feminization. The wife can't do much about hubby's male attire that MUST be retained; after all if they're not working and producing a paycheck what good are they? (Wives in need of more solitude may choose to introduce the "second job" ostensibly to pay for additional expenses related to femming.) If the TGurl can work as a gurl there's no problem, but many can't. With two rooms, the TGurl's male clothing remains in the wife's bedroom. With control over the wardrobe thus established the wife should proceed to reduce the inventory to the barest practical level. Well femmed hubbies with a nice selection of panties have no need of boy's underwear. It should be discarded as soon as possible with the stated expedient of being worn out and simply replaced with panties. Many wives begin this gradual process very early on by explaining that maintaining completely duplicated wardrobes isn't economically sound. Sooner or later is a matter of indifference so long as it is done, irrespective of social plans for either. The wife who does not want her gurl to date must rigorously work to prevent any increase or produce a decrease in the gurl's R (rate of drift) by a judicious selection of friends, activities and so forth. Clearly the wife who does not want her hubby to date but desires to do so herself faces a formidable task. The hubby must be offered other "physical outlets" or a crisis of major proportions is likely to develop. Many cuckolded TGurls find simply masturbating while dressed an acceptable outlet. Some do not. Some wives may consider relenting on occasion and allowing the gurl to sleep with the wife in the wife's bedroom; this is very unsound. This is almost guaranteed to awaken memories and probably feelings of masculinity all to no purpose. If indeed anything is done, it should be done in the TGurl's bedroom and any activities should exclude actual intercourse as man and wife, that being contrary to the whole philosophy to begin with. It is also likely to (extremely) displease the wife's boyfriend(s). (Note: The author was remiss in not explaining to this point that the wife's selection of a female companion rather than a "boyfriend" is absolutely acceptable if that is the wife's preference. The reader may assume any future reference to "boyfriend" automatically presumes this possibility. Further an initially less than enthusiastic cuckold may find a female companion for the wife more tolerable. Note though that female companions tend to be far less tolerant of husbands, femmed or not, than boyfriends are. A few it must be admitted delight in helping the wife with other things.) "What to do?" one might well ask. Suggestions would include the use of sexual toys (the politically correct term being "marital aids"), mutual masturbation and the like. The term "sissy milking" has been around a long time and not without good reason. This is an effective expedient and has the added advantage of consuming very little time and energy. The wife doesn't even have to muss a hair on her head. Simply place the gurl on all fours and milk her TGurl "clitty" manually. Most wives use a liberally lubricated surgical glove for this purpose. One might also consider the use of vibrators or artificial penises on or in the subject's TGurl "pussy". This reportedly can produce "relief" in record time. (Wife "Ellen" in the Pacific Northwest US claims to have succeeded in getting the job done during a commercial break on a favorite television program!) TGurls who've been "naughty" (sometimes intentionally so) frequently respond well to a little chastisement with a hairbrush applied vigorously and repeatedly to their "cheeks" during the milking process. Sissy milking is likewise recommended for wives who have a diminished interest in sexual activity of any sort. It is fast, easy to do, neat (use of a paper cup as a collection vessel is not uncommon, avoid condoms which provide a male totem) and conditions the subject to correlate pleasure with being feminized and vice versa. Wives who wish to minimize completion time should praise and reward TGurls that exhibit consistently brief and more importantly decreasing elapsed times. (Jot down any phrases or expressions one uses during the activity that appear to enhance results on an index card. Either commit these to memory or keep the card handy for reference.) An inexpensive electronic stopwatch can substantiate the TGurls increase in performance. (Note the avoidance of the negative. It's not "decrease in staying power", it's "increase in performance.") The gurl should be trained to have everything needed close at hand and be "in position" before summoning the wife. Above all, the TGurl must be conditioned to accept that ANY such activity can and will ONLY be done if she is fully femmed, hair, makeup and wearing, at a minimum, lingerie AND only in the TGurl's room. There is no point in disturbing or messing the wife's bed. Wives whose gurls are unusually sexually prolific must accept that this activity may seem to be in constant demand. While tiring (switching hands helps somewhat with the penalty of doubling the consumption of surgical gloves), it presents numerous, dare one say continuous, TANSTAAFL opportunities for many things, e.g. housework, laundry and the like. (Note: Purchase of surgical gloves in large capacity/institutional size boxes reduces the unit cost to the bare minimum. Any reputable hospital supply distributor that does retail sales is the best bet. The same may be said of large jars, really large jars think "pounds" or "kilograms" for wives on the metric system, of lubricant. Always have a liberal supply of both on hand as running out can produce severe angst in "needy" TGurls.) Any discussion of milestones that excluded shopping would be incomplete. It's a joint activity that the wife and her gurl can enjoy indefinitely; a mutual interest shared yields real bonding. Read virtually any TGurl web profile or website and if "shopping" isn't listed as a favorite (THE favorite?) please email the author immediately as that would be truly unique. (Just kidding about the email.) In the early stages most gurls have a phobia about store personnel discovering that the feminine items purchased are for them. Be not alarmed dear wife. Store personnel have plenty of experience with this and know full well that items ostensibly purchased for a wife or lady friend are often in fact for the subject. Over time the fear will subside and may well be replaced by overt acknowledgment that it is indeed for the gurl. In addition shopping presents an opportunity to get the gurl out in "mental femme mode" at a minimum. It's not just the shopping per se; it's how it's done. Another example will serve to illustrate this point. Canadian wife Glenda discovered her gurl's desire for pierced ears, so it was off to the piercing kiosk at a local mall. Fairly innocuous activity of course as many men have pierced ears. Glenda's gurl sat patiently through the piercing process and when completed had the standard gold posts in place. The sales girl well trained and on the ball asked if there would be anything else of interest. Glenda responded by pointing to a large pair of hoop earrings while looking at her gurl and saying, "Let's get those too sweetheart." The word "too" implied all it needed to but was not "over the top" in terms of presentation and not lost on the sales clerk. The sales girl picked up on it quickly adding that she'd sold quite a few to male customers putting Glenda's gurl at ease. There is nothing like being friendly and understanding to insure repeat business and not coincidentally more commissions. Shopping is one occasion that over time will provide evidence of a characteristic of TGurls called "the mores." This is as in, more clothes, more lingerie, more shoes and etc. One should recall the analogy of the snow sled presented previously. The appropriate analogy here is the snowball rolling down hill. The bigger it gets, the faster it rolls; the faster it rolls the bigger it gets. Just try to stop it. When "the mores" are in evidence, femming as "work" the wife experienced early on is history. In purchasing clothing one may find dresses present a real problem. While separates (e.g. skirts and tops) are easier to fit, dresses are the definitive clothing statement in terms of outerwear. Like it or not, trying them on before purchase is strongly recommended. Sale items are frequently non-returnable and likewise back-and-forth trips to the store are time consuming and try the patience of all concerned. Until she is comfortable with shopping, the TGurl should be accompanied to the fitting room by the wife as it is presumed by the TGurl that this is "good cover". A size six wife taking her hubby to a fitting room with a size twelve dress however does not fool store personnel, nor do they really care. Most gurls eventually lose their fear of this type of thing and indeed come to relish the shopping experience. Indeed, just looking is greatly enjoyed the purchase proper being of secondary importance for some. Phase IV could be continued indefinitely citing more milestones and elaborating more goals but those already presented should be sufficient given the readers presumed knowledge of the concepts and techniques in Phases I, II and III. The reader will undoubtedly be buoyed by the fact that for this phase there are no exercises to complete. The reader should invest the time thus saved on contemplating whether or not she should pursue the course of femming her hubby and moving into Phase V. Phase V may be likened to crossing the mythological River Styx; there FOR SURE isn't any coming back. Phase IV will be concluded with another quote, this from a fictional character. (Please accept the author's apologies if it is not perfectly accurate, the author being hampered by an imperfect memory.) "Do, or do not. There is no try." Yoda, in response to Luke Skywalker's statement to the effect he would "try" to master the "force". "Star Wars" trilogy. (Postscript to Installment #2: A reviewer of Installment #1, Sydney Michelle, was kind enough to point out that the source of the Damon Runyon appended verse is The Bible, Ecclesiastes. The author expresses sincere thanks to her. It's a treat to have such well-read reviewers!) End of Installment #2.

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Title: Femme Your Hubby FAQ #8 51. Do the wives who do this feel it's more easily done with younger gurls or with older gurls? I want to femme my hubby but I'm afraid that I won't be that good at it so I want to do it when my chances of success are best. Answer: It's the author's guess that most wives who have done it would probably say that ALL hubbies are pretty easy to femme. Which is a way of saying the author feels you have crisis of confidence more than anything else....

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Femme Your Hubby Instalment 3

Title: Femme Your Hubby Installment #3 Author: A. K. Remenko Preface: I have been privileged to learn a few things by being permitted to observe the work of some very accomplished individuals. For what it's worth, I'll share what I've learned or at least THINK I have learned. A FAQ section is being prepared. Questions should be e-mailed to [email protected]. Flames and the like will be ignored and cheerfully deleted. Not for dissemination to minors under any...

1 year ago
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Femme Your Hubby FAQ 3

Title: Femme Your Hubby - FAQ #3 Author: A. K. Remenko Questions should be e-mailed to [email protected]. Flames and the like will be ignored and cheerfully deleted. Questions will only be accepted if in the form of standard text email. E- mails with attachments will NOT be opened. Questions don't necessarily reach the list predicated on frequency only, those that are especially illuminating or illustrate basic concepts well or are of special academic interest will move to...

3 years ago
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Femme Your Hubby Instalment 5

Title: Femme Your Hubby - Installment #5 (Conclusion) Author: A. K. Remenko Preface: I have been privileged to learn a few things by being permitted to observe the work of some very accomplished individuals. For what it's worth, I'll share what I've learned or at least THINK I have learned. A FAQ section is being prepared. Questions should be e-mailed to [email protected]. Flames and the like will be ignored and cheerfully deleted. Not for dissemination to minors under any...

3 years ago
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Femme Your Hubby FAQ 2

Title: Femme Your Hubby - FAQ #2 Author: A. K. Remenko Questions should be e-mailed to [email protected]. Flames and the like will be ignored and cheerfully deleted. Questions don't necessarily reach the list predicated on frequency only, those that are especially illuminating or illustrate basic concepts well or are of special academic interest will move to the head of the class. Not for dissemination to minors under any circumstance(s). Preface to FAQ #2: The author...

2 years ago
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Femme Your Hubby FAQ 1

Title: Femme Your Hubby FAQ #1 Author: A. K. Remenko Questions should be e-mailed to [email protected]. Flames and the like will be ignored and cheerfully deleted. Questions don't necessarily reach the list predicated on frequency only, those that are especially illuminating or illustrate basic concepts well or are of special academic interest will move to the head of the class. Not for dissemination to minors under any circumstance(s). Preface to FAQ #1: The author is...

4 years ago
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Femme Fatale

Femme Fatale By Cal Y. Pygia Derek sighed heavily, his eyes scanning the bank of security monitors, each of which showed a different view of Femme Fatale. A month ago, he'd taken the job as a security guard for the woman's clothing store because he needed the money and because he supposed that watching the store, or more specifically the ladies' dressing rooms, would provide him with the opportunity to ogle half-naked women. Unfortunately, for some reason, despite the...

3 years ago
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Femme Your Husband FAQ 5

Title: Femme Your Hubby FAQ #5 Author: A. K. Remenko Preface to FAQ #5 Some email has been received about feminization issues relating to minors. Please be advised that such issues are NOT a part of this discussion. ANY email received containing ANY content relating to minors will not be reproduced or answered. The author is confident that readers will understand why this policy is necessary. To the...

4 years ago
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Femme Your Husband FAQ Part 4

Title: Femme Your Hubby - FAQ #4 Author: A. K. Remenko Questions should be e-mailed to [email protected]. Flames and the like will be ignored and cheerfully deleted. Questions will only be accepted if in the form of standard text email. E- mails with attachments will NOT be opened. Questions don't necessarily reach the list predicated on frequency only, those that are especially illuminating or illustrate basic concepts well or are of special academic interest...

3 years ago
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Femme Your Husband FAQ 6

Title: Femme Your Hubby - FAQ #6 Author: A. K. Remenko 38. If a guy admits that he has the inclination to dress but steadfastly refuses to do so how does one go about getting him to follow through on those urges? I am a female who works with a guy who used to CD but no longer does so. The nature of our job is such that we have a lot of time for uninterrupted conversation (the work is boring). The subject came up as a result of a talk show about transsexuals we were...

3 years ago
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Femme de Mnage Part 1

Femme de M?nage Part 1 Belladonna Charles Cannon gave his housekeeper a smile as he walked by her while she continued her labors. Jane acknowledged the grin, but she did not waiver from her tasks. Charles had trouble tearing his eyes away from Jane for reasons he could not quite understand. There was nothing about Jane that struck him as particularly alluring. Jane was roughly the same age as him, but she looked a bit older than he was. Their hair was similarly speckled grey a...

3 years ago
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Femme de Mnage Part 3

Femme de M?nage - Part 3 Belladonna [Author's Note: This Story is the Third of Five Parts] While Charles had expected his time as a maid to be a one day thing when he first put on Emma's apron, he found himself turned on by the situation and wanted to partake in the experience again. The next morning, Charles awoke and found that Jane was not sharing his bed with him. Charles got to his feet and felt the marble floor beneath the laddered tights he had worn to bed. Charles h...

3 years ago
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Femme de Mnage Part 2

Femme de M?nage - Part 2 Belladonna [Author's note: This story is the Second of Five Parts.] The next morning, Jane awoke early and drew the curtains back in Charles' bedroom. Charles groaned as the early morning light bathed down upon his face while he struggled to open his eyes and block the sun with his hand. "What the hell?" Charles murmured. "Up and at them, Emma." "What's going on?" "Emma, yesterday you said that you want to be a lady like me, so we're going to s...

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Femme de Mnage Part 4

Femme de M?nage - Part 4 Belladonna [Author's Note: This Story is the Fourth of Five Parts] The next morning, Charles arose and put on one of Jane's dresses over a pair of cheap hosiery that Jane had seemingly passed down to him. He slipped on her plain flats and walked into the kitchen. Charles made breakfast for himself and began to clean the penthouse in silence before he heard Jane stirring in the master bedroom. A short while later, she greeted him before she made her way ...

2 years ago
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Femme de Mnage Part 5

Femme de M?nage - Part 5 Belladonna [Author's Note: This Story is the Fifth of Five Parts] Charles panted as he ran the vacuum over the floors once more. While the floors were hardly walked upon, he wanted everything to be pristine the moment that Jane returned to the penthouse. Jane's absence during her surgery and recovery drained Charles. He hated being away from her. He tried to occupy his time by cleaning and re-cleaning every inch of the penthouse to make up for her a...

2 years ago
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Femme Films A 3D Experience

Femme Films - A 3D Experience! One of Luke and Stephan's favorite things to do was to skip school and cruise around downtown in the middle of the afternoon. Living in a small town meant that there wasn't a lot of people around, especially in the middle of the day, and they were usually the only ones in their favorite places like the small arcade and ice cream parlor. But one of their favorite things to do was to go catch the matinee screening at the tiny theater downtown. The movie...

4 years ago
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Hubby8217s colleague

My name is payal and i am a young indian housewife living in canada. I have been told that i have a very sexy body. My husband loves to display my legs and my shapely boobs to his friends and in public. I am deeply in love with my husband. Like a good indian wife, i very rarely have the courage to disobey him. My hubby knows my weakness very well and freely takes advantage of the situation. We have only been married for a couple of years, and i have always been a devoted wife. He is a good...

2 years ago
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Subby Hubby

Hi everyone Hi everyone.I have decided to share a little about my relationship with my husband.We?ve been married for two years now.Counting the 5-year courtship, we?ve been together for 7 years.We?re both in our mid-40?s and at that point where a lot of relationships start to struggle.I?m happy to report that ours is in great shape, though, and it all came from an idea my husband had.After we?d been married for 6 months or so, my hubby made a rather dramatic confession to me.He had always...

3 years ago
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hubby and I double date

On Friday evening I told hubby that I was organising a little dinner party for Saturday evening, so he must cook a nice meal for four people. I added that although he must cook and serve the meal, he would be permitted to dine with me and my two guests, and hopefully he would have fun. He became really excited about this, I assume thinking the guests would be female, or maybe a couple. The evening arrived, and I instructed hubby to stay naked, and I tied a little bow on his chastity cage. It...

1 year ago
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My first time without Hubby being there

First time without hubby!! (Obviously with his permission though or should I say more like a blessing lol!!)So this experience happened at Christmas time (well just before – during the party season lol) I also have to say that this was without a doubt the most scariest but exciting and definitely the most riskiest and sexual thing I have ever done. Hubby absolutely loved it but I’m not sure at the moment if I would repeat it (not yet anyway lol)I had an evening out planned with some girls from...

3 years ago
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First time with hubby and a stranger

My First Time With My Hubby And A StrangerHubby kept telling me how sexy it would be to watch me with another man, and how hot it got him. I could see, from the erection that was being subdued by his pants, that what he was telling me was true. I told him that I would try it, if he agreed to set it up, and control the whold episode. He agreed that he would take care of everything. Well, it was about 2 weeks before he brought up the subject again. He told me that he had been chatting on sls with...

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My first time with my hubby and one of his friend

Hubby kept telling me how sexy it would be to watch me with another man, and how hot it got him. I could see, from the erection that was being subdued by his pants, that what he was telling me was true.I told him that I would try it, if he agreed to set it up, and control the whold episode. He agreed that he would take care of everything.Hubby said not to worry, he was going to handle the entire get together, and that the other male was totally agreeable with it. He told me to go and get a...

2 years ago
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mmmf and hubby consolidated

So I probably bit off more than I could chew. Perusing fab I stumble across a KIK account: mymilfwife72. It is the usual kind of bi-curious husband, eager to show you pictures of his very hot wife. In this instance she was indeed fantastic. About 5 foot 8. Size 12. gorgeous tanned skin and immaculately dressed.Normally I don't waste my time with Hubby's like this. But I wanted her.He told me she didn't like to play so much anymore, but they both still spoke about Gangbangs.I suggested that we...

1 year ago
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fucking my father in law and my hubbys frien

My name is Lynlee. I love writing stores about my true experiences, though I like to add a few things here and there to make the stories more naughty, for the most part it's real.My father in law, Eric. and I had been having sexual encounters for about 6 months. It all started when he caught me half naked in our shared laundry room and we ended up fucking on the washing machine. Then things got more intense after our second foray when we both learned that each was up for doing more. After our...

2 years ago
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Wife Got Fucked Surprisingly By Hubby8217s Friends

Hi this is Disha 26 years old from Bangalore so this is my true story. I am a housewife n got married before two years. We r settled in Bangalore. In my story if there is spelling mistakes am sorry. So let me start my story. At first wen v r married we had normal sex. N we both loved n trusted each other. Usually we have many fun in home. Some time he makes me roam naked in front of him n sometimes I don’t wear panty n bra n wear top exposing my boobs. My hubby likes to see me seminude. But one...

4 years ago
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Chandigarh Me Married Female Ko Satisfy Kia Uske Hubby Samne

Hi Friends, mera naam ashu h nd main chd me rehta hu .meri height 5،10 h main basket ka player hu nd daily gym jata hu..my looks r damn hot nd sexy..dick size 7 h.l.maine apni lyk me bht bar sex kia wid gfs but wo common h .so here m sharing my exprnce wid a cpl main aapko apni ek story bta ra hu jo bilkul real h jimse maine ek cpl k sath 3sum kia nd baad me maine or aunty ne bht maje kiye har tarah se sex kia. Nw come 2 d story ye story last yr dec. Ki h main yahoo messenger chala ra tha m in...

2 years ago
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Hubby Brings My Fantasy To Life

One of our friends in their “About Us” section asked their friends for their craziest, wildest, kinkiest time they had… Here goes!When I first read Hubby's “Shy Wife Tied And Displayed” story on our site, I vividly recalled our exhilarating bondage session in the apartment that morning. I was pretty pissed to discover that a good friend had seen me naked and touched me! But after reading the hot comments about our stories and seeing the surprising reactions to our site, I forgave him. In...

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fucking other men for hubby

I have been fucking other men now for a few months at hubby's request. First I fucked Dave, and older gentleman, he was my first when this all started. Then i fucked a much older man at his house a couple of times and so lets just say im starting to like it more now. I am in my early 40's, hispanic and mother of three. I am 5'0 and i am a 34DD. My hubby and i have always had a great sex life i so i cannot complain about that at all. It was his idea for me to start having sex with other men and...

2 years ago
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Birthday surprise for hubby

Well it’s was my hubby birthday and I wanted to do something for him that he would never forget. Well it turn out to be a night neither one of us would forget lol. Well I decided I would take him to a strip club for his birthday. I knew he has never been to one and now I am bicurious and love looking at sexy women I figured it be a great adventure to share together. Well where we live there is not one so we had to travel about a hour to a bigger town that did have some. So I decided I get us a...

2 years ago
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Birthday surprise for hubby

Well it's was my hubby birthday and I wanted to do something for him that he would never forget. Well it turn out to be a night neither one of us would forget lol. Well I decided I would take him to a strip club for his birthday. I knew he has never been to one and now I am bicurious and love looking at sexy women I figured it be a great adventure to share together. Well where we live there is not one so we had to travel about a hour to a bigger town that did have some. So I decided I get us a...

1 year ago
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Hubby Gave Me A Memorable Gift

We both are very broad minded and very passionate in sex. We use to wife swapping too with his friends. Now we will come into story, this was happened 2 weeks ago. That day me and Khanna (hubby) decide to long drive somewhere in car at evening. We started at post 5:30 and moving towards Nellamangala road. I feel very happy and relaxed listening songs, chatting with husband. While talking we came to topic about sex and he said “Baby today I was decided to give a surprise and you feel like a...

3 years ago
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Dom wifes tale of changing her hubby into a

Chastity Belt 3 Sun, March 16, 2008 - 6:06 AMThe Wives' View Submitted by: Mary Chastity is something that Mark, my husband of 12 years, and I have had an interest in for some time. It became an important part of our life five years ago. I work in the insurance industry and have to travel a lot. He often has to work long hours. We realized that our sexual life was fading away. After Mark gave me a strong nudge to consider using chastity for him, I decided it was worth looking into almost...

1 year ago
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Dom wifes tale of changing her hubby into a

Chastity Belt 3 Sun, March 16, 2008 - 6:06 AMThe Wives' View Submitted by: Mary Chastity is something that Mark, my husband of 12 years, and I have had an interest in for some time. It became an important part of our life five years ago. I work in the insurance industry and have to travel a lot. He often has to work long hours. We realized that our sexual life was fading away. After Mark gave me a strong nudge to consider using chastity for him, I decided it was worth looking into almost...

4 years ago
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My Hubby friend I

Hello, I’m Sunitha Gupta aged 28 married with one kid. I’m housewife, my hubby works in a MNC, most of friends & relatives tell me that I look like tele serial actress Sangeetha Gosh. I have hour glass figure of 34-32-32, 5-4ft tall, I was virgin before marriage and was never included in any kind of activates before marriage. I was married at the age of 23 by my parents, even after marriage & one kid, I have maintained my figure and many look at me whenever I go out for shopping or...

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One Wild Night with Miss Ria and Hubby

NOTE: The below is a completely fictional story of my own personal fantasies with the incredibly beautiful, artisically brilliant and alltogether lovely fellow xHamster user, Ria (https://xhamster.com/users/ria3xx). This story is inspired by the pictures in her wonderful 'One Wild Night' gallery (https://xhamster.com/photos/gallery/rias-one-wild-night-7051478).I hope you enjoy reading this, and if you do, it would be awesome if you took the time to show the darling Ria some deserved love and...

2 years ago
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Hubby Brings My Fantasy To Life Part 2

For part 2 of my story to make the most sense, I hope you will go to our site and read “Hubby Brings My Fantasy To Life”. Over the years, Hubby enthusiastically helped me discover my “inner exhibitionist“. We are just returning home front a long-time fantasy of mine that Hubby fulfilled with flying colors -- a titillating 2 day CMNF car trip. Too much to summarize here… you should really just read it. ; )It was dusk as we finally made our last turn and headed down our street. Past the...

4 years ago
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Powerful Language To Use On Your HubbySubmissive

As much as the dominating things you do to your sub make him feel more submissive and you more dominant, it is important to learn how to use the right language.The words that come out of your mouth while you dominate him have an even stronger impact on the psyche of the male than the actions you are performing. Doing one without the other is fine, but if you want to truly get into the mind of the sub and make him your obedient house bitch, then you need to truly understand his inner desires to...

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My hubby likes watching

My husband thinks he’s the one who makes decisions. He can’t even imagine it’s me who makes him creative by using my small women’s tricks. I generate all sparkling ideas. My hubby isn’t the only man I’ve had in my life. He knows it for sure but he doesn’t know how many partners I’d had before I met him. We met when I was 24 and we got married in a year, and I lost virginity at 18. He doesn’t know about it. I was a real sex freak, I’ve been obsessed with sex since I turned 18 and before I met my...

2 years ago
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My hubby likes watching

My husband thinks he’s the one who makes decisions. He can’t even imagine it’s me who makes him creative by using my small women’s tricks. I generate all sparkling ideas. My hubby isn’t the only man I’ve had in my life. He knows it for sure but he doesn’t know how many partners I’d had before I met him. We met when I was 24 and we got married in a year, and I lost virginity at 18. He doesn’t know about it. I was a real sex freak, I’ve been obsessed with sex since I turned 18 and before I met my...

Wife Lovers
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How I Convinced My Hubby8217s Boss

Hi, friends, thank you so much for the overwhelming response to my previous sex story. It has been almost three years since I posted my sex story and even now I am getting positive feedbacks from the readers. This is what a writer enjoys in writing. This encourages me to write new adventures and my previous encounters related to sex. Now I am going to narrate a sex story about an incident which happened to me 14 years back. As most of you guys know I was married at a very young age of 18 and my...

3 years ago
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Hubby made me

 When my husband retired last year we decided to move to Florida. We adapted to the area fast, made lots of new friends.We would go to the beach every time we had a chance. My husband liked to go golfing or fishing. I would go shopping once or twice a week with my new friend. Life was great Well only one thing was missing in are life.That was Sex due to my hubby's age and some health condition ( diabetic ) Joe could not get hard cock Mostly he was getting semi hard. So we watched lots of porn...

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Hubby made me Fuck black man

When my husband retired last year we decided to move to Florida We adapted to the area fast,made lots of new friends.We would go to the beach every time we had a chance. Joe my husband liked to go golfing or fishing I would go shopping once or twice a week with my new friend. Life was great Well only one thing was missing in are life.That was Sex due to my hubby's age and some health condition ( diabetic ) Joe could not get hard cock Most he was getting semi hard. So we watched lots of porn at...

2 years ago
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we were looking for a little excitement in our sex life so hubby asked me if I would like if he left some of my nude pics out on the table next time his friend ROCCO came over while I was at work? my pussy got wet just thinking about, sure I said let's see his reaction! well one day ROCCO came over and was having coffee with hubby when he saw the photos and said "what have you got there"? hubby said MARCIA, she loves to pose! he said can I look at them? hubby said sure and handed them to ROCCO....

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My Hubby8217s Ignorance

Hello all, I am Sangeeta, 38 years old. I am married with two kids and staying along with my in-laws. My hubby is working in an IT company. I, too, work in an IT company. I am 5.3 feet with long hair and a complexion. I never had an affair before my marriage. I lost my virginity to my hubby at 23. I married Pankaj. Pankaj is tall and handsome. He is a well-settled person and didn’t find any issue to marry him. Ours is an arranged marriage. After marriage, he took me to Switzerland for a...

4 years ago
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Hubbys New Chastity Cage Shrinkage

First, some background information:We are a happily married couple (Wife & husband) who live a 24/7/365 chastity, cuckold, and FLR lifestyle. Sexually, we're both very submissive, though I (Wife) am my husband's Keyholder and Mistress. We also have a shared Mistress who we all consider my girlfriend as well. While I have collared Hubby, Mistress has collared us together as a couple. Except for time I spend alone with our Mistress, Hubby and I always play together when we are with any of our...

2 years ago
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I Cheated My Hubby Part 2

Hi, am Maneesha again! I was just overwhelmed with the kind of responses & comments that i received after publishing my first ever true story. A lot of people asked me whether it was the first and last time i cheated on my hubby or whether there were any more such incidents and that i should publish them as well. This encouraged me to write this story which again is a true story.I carried on my discreet relationship with my brother-in-law for almost an year without getting caught and we...

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sharing my hubbys cock

We were newly married and my close friend Monica was accompanying us for a few days as is the custom. Monica was just a year younger to me and we were very close friends right from the school days.We used to share almost everything between us and no thing was secret. She was not yet married and was working in a private firm. Just after marriage the days are all full of joy as two unknown people come together to know each other and to share everything intimately between them. Our flat in Mumbai...

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How I Got Hubby to Crossdress And Suck Black Cock

My husband and I have been married for almost 8 years now, he is 60yr and I'm 54. Our sex life had become pretty routine and to tell the truth, it had become a boring weekly ritual of me faking my orgasm just to get him off. About 2 years ago he threw a little spark into our sex in the form of him always eating me out after he came inside me. I thought it was gross that he wanted to do such a thing, but wanted to keep him pleased, and let him do his thing. After about the fourth time I actually...

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Hubby invites his nephew to take me

I could clearly see a big bulge developing in his briefs as we talked of sex...I could see that happening when he stared at my boobs ...I had full big boobs that always attracted attention of young guys and gals right from school days...... Hubby's young nephew had come to spend his vacation with us. He was a College stud and looked very virile and handsome. While looking at the growing tent in his briefs , made me imagine the size of his stiff cock and his juicy nuts.......may be I...

4 years ago
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Hubby wont notice

Dedicated to all the beautiful, married women out there that want to spice up their sex life...It's a Thursday evening. We are meeting after work to have some fun. But not the easy way in a hotel. No your hubby has to be around. So we drive to your place and we pretend that I am a new co worker of yours. An important presentation is due tomorrow morning, which means we have to work late. Your hubby is a little bit suspicious as you've never mentioned me before, but it passes after a while. We...

1 year ago
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My hubby encouraged me to exhibit

I am a 50 year old married woman with three sons. I am an Indian American, born and bred in USA . My hubby, an Arab American, is 10 years older than me. We got married when I was 21 and my hubby 31. Both have conservative family background.   My hubby is of a very loving nature. I am far more conservative than him. For the last five years or so we have had a fairly routine sex life. Lately, however, my hubby seems to be becoming hornier. He has started to indulge, and induce me too into...

3 years ago
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I Cheated My Hubby Part 1

Its absolutely a true story of my life. It happened about a year before. My name is Manisha. I was 38 then, today am 39 with attractive looks and a good figure to turn many heads around. I could say my figure is 38 - 28 - 40 and although i dont exercise, i do keep a watch on my diet. I am aware that my breasts and my buttocks get the maximum attention. My husband Rajesh is working as Head of Marketing dept for one of the reputed petroleum companies in India and often keeps travelling a lot...

2 years ago
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Black cock friend first time hubby gone

Hubby asked me to write a story that happened so here goes:Last week, while hubby was away on business. I went to our favorite watering hole with a girlfriend. BFF had to leave after an hour and a half. I elected to stay in the hopes of another BFF that I was texting would show. I shimmied over to a group at the bar that I know in the hopes she would show soon. After an hour and no response from her I made my exit. On my way out I met a black guy friend in the parking lot. Hubby knows him. We...

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Me my wife and her friend8217s hubby

He was there for 2 days from 4pm to 3pm next day. This was an unexpected visit. We reached his place around 4pm and she got off. I was to come with packed dinner at around 830pm. What they did from 4pm to 830pm i am not aware of but i am sure it was very passionate.i reached his place around 830-840pm. I had locked the door from out so that no one disturbs. Before opening i gave a missed call so they are prepared. His room was a 2 room set with bathroom attached with bed room but no door...

3 years ago
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my wife shared by BBC and enjoyed by hubby

Husband Gifts Me His Friend’s BBC On A Trip!30-06-2020 Hey there, thanks for clicking my story to read. This is about one of my best sex experiences I ever had. I hope you will enjoy too!My name is Desiwifepreet. I am married and I am very happy with my partner in marriage. My husband takes care of me very well even though we use to have a few fights as usual.I look very sexy and that’s what many girls have said to me. When I go out, guys stare at my boobs and ass. My husband gets possessive...

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Hubby arranges evening with Liam

“She has wonderful breasts” LIam said to my husband. “I know, would you like a closer look?” Tonight was to be the night. Hubby had swapped several e mails with Liam to set this up and our first meeting was to be tonight. It’s 8.25 I have bathed, shaved my pussy, and prepared myself. Hubby had dressed me in black see through lingerie with stockings and suspenders. The extra high heels made me look a little slutty. I hoped I would be attractive enough to excite him and get it over quickly....

1 year ago
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first time hubby shared me with another guy plz

hubby always liked it when i flashed him around the house and let him take pictures. but one day he showed me a website where girls can post their pictures and guys can comment on them. so i submitted a few that he took of me, and instantly we got hundreds of comments from guys around the world telling me so many sexual things and fantasies they had with me. it turned me on alot, and i mean ALOT! my panties were soaked and the first words out of my mouth was "FUCK ME!". but this day in...

4 years ago
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Me My Hubby With Our Master 8211 Part II

Hi all dear reader’s I am Moupriya now I am 29 years old and my hubby Manoj he is 30 years old .we married last 3years ago. Thanks to you all for read our last 2story’s.(3sum in our 1st honeymoon Honeymoon ) & (How I Become A Slave Of A Stranger Man) and also thanks for all of your reply. In my previous story I was share with u that how we meet with a handsome stranger man in our honeymoon and then how me and my hubby become the slave. How he start dominate & start rule on us. Now in this story...

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