Subby Hubby s Hypno Humilation
- 2 years ago
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Hi everyone.I have decided to share a little about my relationship with my husband.We?ve been married for two years now.Counting the 5-year courtship, we?ve been together for 7 years.We?re both in our mid-40?s and at that point where a lot of relationships start to struggle.I?m happy to report that ours is in great shape, though, and it all came from an idea my husband had.
After we?d been married for 6 months or so, my hubby made a rather dramatic confession to me.He had always dreamed about being dominated by a woman and wanted me to try it.I was not at all enthusiastic.I knew a fair amount about the dominant/submissive lifestyle and didn?t think it was for me.We are friends with a couple that practices D/s in a 24/7 relationship.I never got excited seeing this couple.I never understood why any woman would let herself be treated this way.In fact, I often got angry when I would see her running around in outfits that would embarrass a hooker and performing her silly curtsy every time she approached her husband.When we were out I was usually embarrassed for her.
Anyway, back to my situation.I wasn?t interested in the whole whips and chains thing and I told my hubby so.Earlier in our relationship we did experiment with BDSM.I did try to play along but it didn?t do anything for me.It wasn?t bad, though.It just wasn?t very exciting for me.There was that time he kept putting off mowing the lawn and I got very angry.I paddled his behind good and there was nothing erotic about it.He didn?t enjoy it much but it did make me feel better and he did cut the damn lawn as soon as we were finished.Still, it didn?t seem like anything to build a sex life on.We struggled with this type of experimentation for months and the whole idea just faded away.Or so I thought.
One day hubby told me he really wanted to act on his submissive fantasies.He had given it lots of thought, too.I appreciated that he had considered my feelings about this and acknowledged that this wasn?t really my thing.He suggested we start slowly and methodically and just see how it goes.His first suggestion was quite simple and very easy for me.What he wanted was a to be "required" to be naked whenever possible.He explained that this would clearly demonstrate the different status each of us had in our relationship.Obviously, with me being clothed and him being nude, everyone would know I was the boss.It seemed easy enough although I wondered who the "everyone" was that he referred to.I wasn?t expecting to invite a bunch of friends over to watch my subby hubby prance around nude.Anyway, we agreed that we?d try it for a weekend and then talk about it Monday.
I was pleasantly surprised at the change in his demeanor once his clothes came off.He was pleasant and attentive.He helped around the house.He even spent a little time on foreplay Saturday night.There were a couple of occasions when we had unexpected visitors and he had to dash for his clothes, but for the most part he stayed naked the entire weekend.The following Monday I realized that I had enjoyed the experience.I loved the changes it made in him and it was no effort at all on my part.I found myself looking forward to our discussion about it that evening and hoped he wanted to continue with his "required" nudity.It had been a little weird having him naked all weekend but the effect it had on his attitude was worth it.I had to admit I was also enjoying the feeling of power I got from it, too.
I was disappointed that he was wearing clothes when I got home from work Monday evening.I?d hoped he would be nude for our little recap of the weekend.With his clothes on, John had gone back to his old ways.He poured himself a cup of coffee but didn?t ask if I wanted one.I held my tongue as I got my own coffee and sat back down at the kitchen table.I asked if our little experiment with nudity was over and he just shrugged.We talked about his feelings and what I learned was encouraging.
Surprisingly, my subby hubby didn?t grasp that I had enjoyed having him naked all weekend.He felt I was merely tolerating his nudity.I?ll admit he was exactly right about that at the beginning.He completely missed the change in his attitude and my response to it.He also said he was disappointed that I had let him dress when company had dropped by.This shocked me but he explained that his nudity was a status thing and it really didn?t mean much if nobody else knew about it.I questioned him closely about this.I learned that it wasn?t so much that he wanted other people to see him nude.What he wanted was for his nudity to be forced.He told me it would have been better for him to have to stay in another room or even be exposed to our guests than to be allowed to be dressed.He finished up by saying the whole thing wasn?t going to work for him unless he felt required to be nude.Having me tolerate his nudity when it was convenient was not feeding his need.So, he concluded, the nudity experiment was over.
I let him know that I had enjoyed having him run around naked all weekend and I felt it could continue.Obviously, there was more to this than just having my husband naked.I suggested we needed to talk about every aspect of this.I wanted to understand everything he wanted out of this and where he expected it to go.I also pointed out that being constantly naked was going to be inconvenient at times and embarrassing for him at other times.Fortunately, he was ready to talk.He started to tell me what he thought I wanted to hear but I stopped him.I told him I would ask questions and he was to answer me completely and honestly.When I was done with my questions he could volunteer any additional information he felt I should have.I also told him that we could start our discussion as soon as he took his clothes off.His eyes lit up.Within minutes he was naked and we talked for several hours.
I learned a whole lot about my husband that evening.He wanted me to be the dominant partner in our marriage.Initially, I though we were just talking about our sex life but he made it clear that he wanted me to have the final say in every area of our life.We were discussing some very dramatic changes.John was never one to help around the house much and he pointed out that I had the power to change this if I?d just take it.His laziness around the house was one of the few things we argued about.The other main area of argument was money.John makes a lot of money, far more money than I do, and has always had control of the household finances.We often argued about money, mostly because we lived far below our means.John was a compulsive saver and we lived like a couple that earned half as much as we did.I was a little surprised when he immediately agreed to give me complete control in this area, too.
After we had discussed all the benefits I would get by dominating my hubby I asked him how I could be sure that he would follow through on this.He was obviously horny and I have too much life experience to trust the promises a man makes when his dick is hard.He told me I was free to punish him for disobedience and that he expected punishments to be real and unpleasant.He told me he needed the threat of punishment for this to work for him.I rolled my eyes at this point, thinking ?here comes the whips and chains part? of the discussion.I asked for an example of an appropriate punishment.His answer shocked me.He suggested withholding privileges as a punishment and used watching the Super Bowl as an example.I was speechless.I knew how serious he was about this when he used this particular example.
I asked him if he realized that he was volunteering to be my full time maid, chef, and errand boy.He said yes.I asked him if he realized I could now spend all the money he had been saving and not even consult with him about it.I asked him if he realized that I could expose and humiliate him in front of anyone I wanted.He said yes.
Next we talked about where he wanted this relationship to go.He mentioned that he just wanted to be dominated and his focus would be to please me.I would be free to add requirements at will without getting his agreement.The only thing he needed was to make sure there was some sexual element to the whole thing.In short, as long as I kept him nude, I could do what I wanted.He pointed out that he didn?t expect to like everything I did and actually hoped he didn?t.He said if he enjoyed every part of this it wouldn?t feel like submission to him and he needed that feeling.He was almost encouraging me to do things to him that he wouldn?t like.I was intrigued.We agreed to just see how things went and that we would have a discussion about the relationship every month.
Next came the fun part.We talked at length at the mechanics of keeping him naked all the time.I let him know that I didn?t enjoy his critique of the weekend and that from now on it didn?t really matter what was going on at the house, he was just going to have to deal with it without clothes. I warned him that there would be very few situations where having him dress was an option.He agreed.We talked about his options when we had company.I told him I would not let him dress every time someone dropped by.I was not willing to lie for him and tell our guests he was away from home when he was really hiding naked in another room, either.We live in a close neighborhood and are friends with virtually all of the neighbors.He agreed that I shouldn?t lie for him and that hiding every time someone dropped in would not be an option.I laughed at this.I asked him directly if he understood that some, maybe all, of the neighbors were going to find out about this.He understood and told me it was completely up to me to decide who would learn about our arrangement and see him naked.I was afraid we would end up arguing about this eventually but he simply repeated that the decisions in this regard were completely mine.I told him that wasn?t enough and that he must agree that he would never question my decisions or even talk about my decisions when it came to deciding who learned of this and who saw him naked.He agreed.
I pointed out that this was going to be terribly inconvenient for him.He understood and pointed out that the inconvenience and embarrassment were necessary components of his submission.There were things he needed to be made to do that he hated in order to feel like he was being dominated.He urged me not to worry about whether he was enjoying any particular thing and that we both needed to evaluate the big picture.He mentioned that the monthly relationship discussions would be the only time we were ever truly equal and could discuss individual experiences them.I laughed and pointed out that we wouldn?t be truly equal even during our monthly discussions since I would probably be wearing clothes.Even if I decided to have the discussion naked, it would still be a choice for me.He had already made his choice.
And so, after a couple hours of discussion our deal was set.I gave hubby a list of chores to do and I went off to surf the ?Net.I needed to do a lot of research on BDSM relationships.I was sure I was going to enjoy our new arrangement and I wanted to make sure I was giving hubby what he wanted and needed from it.I also wanted to get some new ideas about how to take full advantage of my newly acquired power.I checked on hubby about an hour later and found him happily on his hands and knees, scrubbing the kitchen floor.I couldn?t resist taking a few pictures of him.I enjoy digital photography and have long wanted a really nice digital camera.Hubby never wanted to spend the money to get a really nice one but that was about to change. Around 11:00 I checked on hubby again.He was just starting on the half bath on the main floor of the house.I went to bed and watched the end of the Monday Night Football game.I couldn?t help chuckling at the thought of my hubby, possibly the biggest football fan in the world, happily scrubbing floors naked while I watched the game.Life was good.
I spent hours searching the ?Net and found lots and lots of material on BDSM.I started with a search for forced exhibitionism (where else would you look if your partner told you he wanted to be naked all the time?) and found that there was a lot of material linking forced exhibitionism with an interest in humiliation.That made sense to me, so I searched for humiliation.I found a lot of great ideas and started making a list of things to try.One of the items I discovered on my search through humiliation topics was forced masturbation.I was in my mid-40?s and had never seen a man masturbate in person.This was going to be one of the first things I tried.I also stumbled onto some information about orgasm control.This seemed like fun.There were two schools of thought on this?denial, or making orgasms infrequent, and the opposite, or having the male have enough orgasms so they become difficult for him.I read a great story about a woman who made her subby masturbate multiple times a day, every day.That seemed like fun, too, so I put it on the list.I also found lots of general ideas about the maintenance of submissive men.
The next morning, our first real full day of hubby?s submission was a bit surreal.It was funny to see him do all of his morning routine except dressing.We usually had a cup of coffee together before leaving for our jobs and having John nude was fun.I told him he could get dressed for work as soon as I left and reminded him that he had to leave the house the instant he put clothes on.His little penis twitched a bit when I gave my order and it was adorable.
I suppose I should explain my remark about my hubby?s little penis.The sad fact is that he?s quite small.I?ve heard that some men are ?show-ers? and some men are ?growers.?John is certainly not a show-er and he?s not much of a grower, either.His penis length varies from time to time.When not aroused, he ranges from an inch and a half to about 2 and a half inches.Believe me, it?s not very impressive.Fully erect, he "grows" to about 4 and a half inches.He is well below average in length and probably slightly below average in girth.All in all, he just doesn?t have the equipment you would expect from an exhibitionist.His penis is not his best feature.I bring this up here for a few reasons.First, I?m not sure where I?ll post this article, so I don?t know if I?ll be able to include pictures.Second, since the man now spends 2/3?s of his life with his penis exposed, everyone that sees him already knows how small his package is.If you?ve taken the time to read this, you should know, too.Finally, it illustrates the complex mind of a submissive man.My husband finds erotic stimulation from being embarrassed or humiliated in a sexual context.Having everyone know that he is somewhat under-endowed embarrasses him.So, laughing at his small penis arouses him and he likes it.Lest you think my husband is alone in this, do an Internet search for ?small penis humiliation? and you?ll be surprised at the hits you get.
Anyway, that first day at work I couldn?t help myself and told one of my work friends about what was going on at home.We laughed so hard my sides hurt.Irene, my work-mate, found the whole idea hysterical.We agreed to go out after work and discuss it some more.We were at a table in a bar when I called my husband.I?m sure he could hear Irene laughing in the background as I talked to him.I verified that he was naked and assigned him some chores to keep him busy.Irene and I laughed some more at the thought of my naked hubby vacuuming and dusting the house while I had a leisurely dinner and drinks.She was so interested in how I was dominating my hubby I suggested she drop by on Saturday to see things for herself.I knew John was going to be mortified when she came over and saw him naked.I was having a great time just thinking about how I?d add to my husband?s embarrassment when she came over.
The next night I had John pose for some ?before? pictures and then sent him up to the bathroom to shave his legs, pubic hair, and underarms.He hated the idea but he complied.It took him about an hour but it was worth it.I knew as soon as I saw him hairless that I was going to make him stay that way.He was horribly embarrassed.I photographed him for about 15 minutes.Then it was entertainment time.I was surprised at how reluctant he was when I ordered him to masturbate for me.He had never masturbated in front of anyone and I?m sure the presence of my camera added to his intimidation.He was very concerned about having pictures of this and wanted to know what I was planning to do with them.He pointed out that masturbation is a very private activity.
I ordered him to stand in front of me and masturbate.While he did, I photographed it.I also informed him that he no longer had a right to privacy and that I hadn?t really decided what I would do with the pictures but I would probably show them to people and maybe even post them on the Internet.I reminded him of the things he said to me earlier about not needing his consent to do things and not worrying about whether he liked the things I decided.I also teased him about our monthly discussions, telling him he was free to discuss the issue with me in about 27 days.
All together, I had taken about 70 pictures of my hubby that evening, including his before and after shaving pictures.I had taken 10 pictures of him on Monday night, as well.Since he had been working so hard, the house was pretty clean.I didn?t have a lot of chores for him that evening so I told him to order a pizza and print out the pictures I had taken on our photo printer.
My hubby did not enjoy answering the door naked for the pizza delivery guy.Unfortunately, the delivery guy was a little angry about the whole thing, too.I didn?t care a bit about hubby?s feelings, but I didn?t want to offend people that came to the door.Nor did I want to be responsible for answering the door all the time.So, in the end I came up with a clever solution that really embarrassed my hubby.I made a sign for the front door that warned people.It said, "WARNING, THE MAN LIVING IN THIS HOUSE IS ALWAYS NAKED AND WILL ANSWER THE DOOR NUDE WHEN YOU RING THE BELL.IF YOU CANNOT TOLERATE THIS PLEASE RING THE BELL 6 TIMES AND BE PATIENT WHILE HE COVERS UP."John was mortified when I had him hang this sign on the door.He pointed out that this would embarrass him in front of everyone that came to the door, whether they actually saw him naked or not.I just laughed at him and told him if he had a problem with the sign he could put it on his list for the monthly relationship discussion.Now, 18 months later, that same sign still hangs on the front door.I made him laminate it and apply it permanently.
We finished that evening?s activities with hubby printing out all the photographs.He did have to get dressed to go out and get more printer ink and photo paper.I also had him pick up a couple of photo albums.He?s become a regular customer at the computer store.I have taken nearly 5,000 pictures of him, nearly all of them with a very expensive, high quality digital camera that he bought me shortly after we began our dominance/submission lifestyle.After every photo session he is required to print the pictures and put them in an album.I made him buy a bookcase for the living room and there are about 40 full albums of his pictures.We keep the two most recent albums on the coffee table and they are a big hit with our guests.
In the first couple of months of his required nudity all of our neighbors learned of my hubby?s new status.The sign on the front door helped a lot, of course.Surprisingly, very few people ever ring the bell 6 times to signal him to cover up.His lifestyle has greatly impacted his standing in the neighborhood.Most of the men in the neighborhood regard him as being weird and not very masculine.He?s not included in a lot of the male activities now.When we have our neighborhood barbecues, for example, he is not drinking beer and working the grill with the other men.He is in the kitchen with the other women, making salads and cutting vegetables.Everyone in the neighborhood knows he can be counted on to clean up so he?s always assigned chores to do, no matter whose house we get together at.If one of the neighbors is hosting a party I usually lend John out to them for prep work and post-party clean up.There aren?t a lot of young children in our neighborhood so it?s not uncommon for John to scurry down the street naked to help get a party together.
Since my hubby had basically become one of the girls, I started thinking about how to make him appear more feminine.I wasn?t sure if he was going to like this or not, so I waited until the day after our second monthly relationship talk to spring it on him.I knew from our talks that being embarrassed was a big part of the thrill for hubby and I was about to make it much more thrilling for him.I got him dressed and took him to a fetish lingerie shop downtown.He was very obedient and stood silently blushing as I told the young clerk all about him and what I had in mind.Soon we had purchased a nice pair of red 6-inch stiletto heels, a half dozen pairs of pink thong panties, pink bras, and pink thigh-high stay-up stockings.The young clerk was fabulous, suggesting we have John model one of his new outfits and try walking in the heels.She made him walk around the entire store and he looked adorable with his face bright red from embarrassment, tottering around on the extremely tall heels and wearing pink lingerie.The other clerks all laughed and made comments about it.Poor John was mortified to be putting on this show in front of four girls that were less than half his age.While we were paying for the stuff I explained to him that the panties were for work only and that from now on he would wear a bra, stockings and heels while at home.Everyone giggled at this except my subby hubby.
Hubby?s pink outfits were a big hit.They further isolated him from the men in the neighborhood but all the women loved it.He was more and more becoming one of the girls.Stacey, one of the older women in the neighborhood had a daughter who was going to cosmetology school.She suggested we have her daughter give John a little makeover to complete the effect.The very next night she came over.Some of the other neighborhood wives came over and we all laughed as Beth gave John a feminine style hair cut and taught him how to put makeup on.She made John up like a trailer-park whore and we all laughed till we cried.Beth was also selling cosmetics and I had John place a huge order.I let John know that is lifestyle was about to become a little more inconvenient for him. I told him I wanted him in full makeup whenever I was home.Poor John had to adjust his working hours a bit to accommodate this, leaving just a little bit earlier each day and arriving a little later.His sleep suffered a little bit, too, since I also decided that as long as I was awake he needed to be "dressed" and made up.So, he couldn?t get ready for bed until I had and had to be up early to be in his heels, bra, and stockings, made up when I woke.He stayed that way until I left for work and then transformed himself back into a male for the workday.
For the first couple of months of John?s new life I controlled his orgasms very closely.I let him masturbate once every few weeks.We stopped having intercourse altogether as soon as we had started our new life.This wasn?t a hardship for me.With hubby?s small penis, intercourse was never very satisfying for me.I did require a lot of oral attention from him.Once I had started dressing him in lingerie he became eager to give me head. He knew the best way to get to bed himself was to get me to fall asleep.So, every evening he would give me a licking between the legs in the hopes of delivering that super-satisfying orgasm that would put me to sleep.He got quite good at this and could get me off in a matter of minutes.I taught him how I liked being brought to the edge of orgasm and held there for a while before finally having my orgasm.While he could get me off in a minute or two, he needed to work about a half-hour to get the intensity required to put me to sleep after my orgasm.I enjoy this treatment almost every night now.
One side effect of hubby?s restricted orgasms was the unwanted erections.After about 10 days without an orgasm, he would become erect very easily.As cute as it was to see him walking around with an erection in his little pink outfit, it wasn?t very feminine.So, I switched course and ordered hubby to masturbate to ejaculation twice a day.His orgasms have to be supervised and are usually photographed.I?ve tried to make this as undignified and humiliating for him as possible.He is responsible for the timing and when he?s ready he must approach me with the camera in hand and ask me if this is a good time for him to masturbate.I love the submissive look on his face as he does this.After a couple weeks of this I decided he should also have an erection before asking me to supervise his masturbation.It?s a strong acknowledgement that my time is more valuable than his time.I figure if he wants me to supervise his masturbation he should be ready to masturbate when he approaches me.He doesn?t like this requirement at all, though.Masturbating twice a day his difficult for a man his age and he sometimes has difficulty getting erections.As a result, he spends a lot of time playing with himself, camera nearby, trying to get erect so he can ask me to watch him masturbate.It?s very humiliating for him and extremely amusing for me.He wanted visible cues that I was in charge and having him in his "pinks" playing with him self is one of the best I?ve come up with.Another thing he hates about this is that so many of the pictures I?ve taken of him show him fondling his penis.
There have been numerous benefits to his requirement to cum twice a day.In addition to the total humiliation he feels, it takes up a lot of his time.He is still responsible for all the cooking, cleaning, and laundry and I don?t give him much free time.What little free time he has is spent playing with his penis.He is well aware of how damaging these pictures of him fondling his penis could be to his future, but he dutifully carries the camera to me every day so I can take more.This has had a very positive impact on his attitude, at least from my perspective.Finally, it has rendered him completely impotent.He has spent almost a year and a half working his penis by hand, most times coaxing it to cum when it doesn?t really want to.I don?t think he could get laid now if he had to.
His twice-a-day requirement has also provided lots of entertainment for the neighbors.All the girls have seen the pictures, of course.Most of them have seen him do this in person.Beth, the young woman that taught him how to do his makeup watches him whenever she can.She has even brought some friends around to see him masturbate.
Another benefit to my hubby?s requirement to masturbate twice a day is the opportunity it presents for punishment.Masturbating twice a day is a tough order for a man his age to do on a regular basis.Most of the time he doesn?t even get fully erect and he has to pull on his penis for 15-20 minutes to finish.So, when he displeases me, I simply make him have more orgasms.For example, one Friday night I wanted another glass of wine and we were out.I made him go get more wine, of course, but he also needed to be punished since I had to wait.So, I told him he would owe me an orgasm for every 5 minutes it took for him to pour me another glass of wine.He threw a coat on and raced to the store, still wearing makeup, heels and hose, to get the wine.Despite his best efforts, it took 25 minutes to fill my glass.So, that weekend he masturbated 9 times!I almost felt sorry for him.He was stroking his penis every available minute of the day, all weekend long.The pictures I took were great.The picture of his face as he coaxed a little cum from his penis for the ninth time that weekend is still hanging on the refrigerator, months later.
About 6 months ago I made John get a piercing and a tattoo.John didn?t want the tattoo at all.When he realized that he was getting it anyway his body betrayed him.He was begging me not to make him do it but his little penis was erect the whole time he was talking.At least I knew part of him wanted the tattoo.I don?t usually take him far from the house in his "pinks" but the trip to a very busy tattoo parlor was an exception.I put a coat over him and off we went.At the tattoo parlor he got my name tattooed on his ass in big red letters.I also had him get his scrotum pierced during his visit to the tattoo parlor.From his piercing I have hung three chains of different lengths.Each chain has a bell attached to it.Between the clicking of the high heels he always wears and the ringing of the 3 bells hanging from his balls on chains, he makes a very distinctive sound.
Over all, I think my subby hubby has enjoyed our new relationship.He was unhappy when I started to bring other men over to the house.I mentioned that his penis is pretty small.We never had great sex before he became my little wimp and I went for a fairly long time without getting laid at all since I don?t permit hubby to use his little tool in that manner.So, it was inevitable that I would start dating.John was very unhappy that I was sleeping with other men and even more unhappy that I was doing it in our own home.Even after 18 months of exposure and over a year of wearing pink lingerie, heels, and makeup all the time, he was worried about what the neighbors would think.I just laughed and told him I didn?t think it would hurt his reputation much.
We recently had a frank discussion about just where we stood with each other.As I said earlier, my hubby understood just how vulnerable he was to me with all the pictures I had.If he tried to divorce me, he would have to take any settlement I offered.He could not contest a divorce without the pictures becoming part of the divorce proceeding.Not only could he not divorce me, he had to keep me happy so I wouldn?t want to divorce him.I made sure he understood that if we did divorce, I would take everything.I sat with him and flipped through his photo albums with him, explaining that all of these pictures would become evidence.There just wouldn?t be a good way to explain them away to a judge.Nobody would think that he had been a good husband.He understood my point.
He begged me to keep his pictures private.I had a big laugh at this.I told him the best he could hope for was that his family never saw them.He didn?t know it at the time, but I had already posted hundreds of his pictures to the Internet.His was a familiar face on the CFNM sites and a couple cross-dresser sites.I will never forget the look in his face when I told him this!I pointed out that he was still relatively safe since his family was unlikely to visit such sites.I have plans to make a huge web site and post all of his pictures there.I plan to get that web site up in the next couple months.I have warned him that if he ever does consider divorce, all I would need to do is put his full name on the site and his secret would be out.Any prospective employer would likely do a Google search on him and find everything.Not only would a divorce wipe him out financially, it would also ruin his ability to earn.
After our little chat my subby hubby was once again committed to our relationship and my happiness.While we no longer live as husband and wife, he is certainly devoted to keeping me happy.He treats me like a queen.I don?t know of a single married couple where the man willingly spends every moment of his life trying to please his wife.My home is spotless and well stocked with food.My floors are scrubbed and vacuumed twice a week, laundry is done every other day, and my shoes are polished after each wearing.If I bring a date home, hubby fixes the drinks and snacks and makes us a wonderful breakfast the next morning.After breakfast my dates always find their clothes freshly pressed and their shoes freshly polished.
I don?t know if my hubby still finds all of this as thrilling as when we started it, but I don?t really care.He told me he wanted to be forced to live like this and that?s exactly what I?m doing.I?m going to wrap this up now and have hubby proofread it before posting.I?d love to hear your comments about it!
Characters in this story: Characters in this story:Susan: The DoctorNimmy: Doctors best friend.Rohith: Nimmy?s boy friendlover.Ancy:Fashion Designer.Febby: Nimmy?s friend.Mary: Nimmy? girl friend.CHAPTER ?1DOCTORS DREAM Susan is a young woman of 24 she has just now only completed her studies and joined in this small nursing home as a doctor who is specialized in general medicine. Her friend is Nimmy she is also a doctor specialized in Gynacology. Both of them know each other from...
I have been fucking other men now for a few months at hubby's request. First I fucked Dave, and older gentleman, he was my first when this all started. Then i fucked a much older man at his house a couple of times and so lets just say im starting to like it more now. I am in my early 40's, hispanic and mother of three. I am 5'0 and i am a 34DD. My hubby and i have always had a great sex life i so i cannot complain about that at all. It was his idea for me to start having sex with other men and...
Well it’s was my hubby birthday and I wanted to do something for him that he would never forget. Well it turn out to be a night neither one of us would forget lol. Well I decided I would take him to a strip club for his birthday. I knew he has never been to one and now I am bicurious and love looking at sexy women I figured it be a great adventure to share together. Well where we live there is not one so we had to travel about a hour to a bigger town that did have some. So I decided I get us a...
Well it's was my hubby birthday and I wanted to do something for him that he would never forget. Well it turn out to be a night neither one of us would forget lol. Well I decided I would take him to a strip club for his birthday. I knew he has never been to one and now I am bicurious and love looking at sexy women I figured it be a great adventure to share together. Well where we live there is not one so we had to travel about a hour to a bigger town that did have some. So I decided I get us a...
NOTE: The below is a completely fictional story of my own personal fantasies with the incredibly beautiful, artisically brilliant and alltogether lovely fellow xHamster user, Ria ( This story is inspired by the pictures in her wonderful 'One Wild Night' gallery ( hope you enjoy reading this, and if you do, it would be awesome if you took the time to show the darling Ria some deserved love and...
He was there for 2 days from 4pm to 3pm next day. This was an unexpected visit. We reached his place around 4pm and she got off. I was to come with packed dinner at around 830pm. What they did from 4pm to 830pm i am not aware of but i am sure it was very passionate.i reached his place around 830-840pm. I had locked the door from out so that no one disturbs. Before opening i gave a missed call so they are prepared. His room was a 2 room set with bathroom attached with bed room but no door...
Husband Gifts Me His Friend’s BBC On A Trip!30-06-2020 Hey there, thanks for clicking my story to read. This is about one of my best sex experiences I ever had. I hope you will enjoy too!My name is Desiwifepreet. I am married and I am very happy with my partner in marriage. My husband takes care of me very well even though we use to have a few fights as usual.I look very sexy and that’s what many girls have said to me. When I go out, guys stare at my boobs and ass. My husband gets possessive...
This is dedicated to the man of my life, the man who made sex a playful and joyous thing. He is a few years older than I, and had far more sexual experience when we met. During the first couple of years he presented me with many challenges and provocative sexual situations for which I will always be grateful. I thank him for allowing me the opportunities to explore and experience all that sex is about without jealousy or inhibitions. I love the way he casually introduced me to...
Wife LoversOne evening, my beloved hubby called me, saying he would go to a bar with some of his office mates. Victor suggested I could wait for him at bed, since he was coming back home late.I was in the mood for wild sex that night and I could not wait for my hubby.So, I lubed up my favorite huge black dildo and played with it on my pussy lips, until I shoved the tip up my horny wet cunt. I came three times before feeling my cunt sore but fully satisfied. So, I dropped my nicely pussy juice coated toy...
I decided that I needed to move my husband forward with regard to the chastity device. I wanted him to get into it so that I could control him with it. We ordered a metal chastity cage over the weekend, with me telling him that it was just a bit of fun, for a few days running up to the weekend, to get him really horny, then we could have great sex.It arrived Wednesday, during the day, but when I got home he didn't mention it. I'd had a text confirming the delivery time, so I knew we had it in...
Helper Sissy Hubby - Chapter 2 ? by: Sexy Wifey Since Sissy Hubby was already dressed up in his lacy womens' underwear, 5" high heels, breast forms, red wig and makeup, and since I'd already made him give several blowjobs, I figured it was MY turn for a little sexual action. I motioned for one of our male playmates to sit in the middle of the couch. Then I said, "Now, Sissy Hubby, get down on your knees in front of my 'new lover' and start sucking on his dick. I want you to get...
Just a normal week night at home, that’s how it started. I had been upstairs and came down to get a drink. My husband was on his lap top typing away. I leaned over and noticed he was chatting. Kissing him on the forehead I asked who he was talking to. “Some guy” he replied. I went back up stairs and got back to what I was doing. Awhile later I returned down stairs and hubby was still typing away. Being nosey I looked over his shoulder to find a picture of my ass and on the screen. I asked my...
I decided to visit him as he wanted me to come over. I could visit him for only three days as i got leave for only 3 days. He took leave and the visit was planned during my safe days so that we could enjoy the fuck without fear of pregnancy as we did not want condoms to interfere in our love. I wanted him to ejaculate in me and he too wanted to ejaculate in my vagina. I reached the house around 130pm and he and she were there. Children were to come back at around 430pm. I could see the sparkle...
When Peggy got home from Wanda’s place, she was exhausted. The bike ride, the rain, the incredible lesbian sex she had with Wanda, combined with all the wine made her desperate to go to bed. But hubby had other ideas. When she walked in, she looked pretty worn out. Her hair was a mess, her clothes were wrinkled, and she looked like she just woke up. The remnants of the little make-up she did wear was smeared on her face in an odd way. She also smelled like pussy. She had dried juices all over...
Here it is 2010 which started out very well when my husband and I went out on the town and stayed at a nice motel on the way home. Sure, we could have easily made it home but my husband had other ideas since when I have had a few drinks, he knows I am wide open for adventure. I have been an exhibitionist for many years and have to say that many men have seen me either naked or partially clothed. I suppose I am chicken to do many things when alone so am lucky to have an understanding husband...
ExhibitionismA Ramming For Hubbyby Cest4u This is a story about Ann, a lady who has a very strong sex drive. She is also into doggie sex and gets even with her hubby as she has the doggie fuck him while she has him tied to the bed. Then both of then start to enjoy him being pounded while the hubby is making love to her. A little on the wild side.The first time I shaved my pussy, I looked at it as I was masturbating and loved the new look. I have a fat little pussy and a wide ass. My labia has such profound...
I am Siddarth and there is no big prologue to this story, and for a start, I will say about Bhavna, my teacher in College. When I was in college, she was not married and was friendly with everyone including me. I believe her stance on us were quite friendly and she was not the type who will flirt with the students. But I am sure no boy who is not gay or impotent would have never shared same thoughts on her. She was such a jelly girl who will erect every man’s dick. Mark your opinion about the...
My nice hubby came that evening from his office.He looked tired and I said that he needed some rest; but now Victor looked sad when he told me his Boss had appointed him for a road trip to Denver. Victor said it would be quick, just three days away from home...But I said it would take to get there at least one entire day driving.I then had an idea: I had nothing to do at home; so, I could join him during those five days out. Victor smiled and accepted the plan.The next day he called me from his...
We rented a front bedroom to my best friends youngest 20 yo daughter, and after a few months she broke up with her abusive boyfriend after my husband had to stop a fight where he was hitting her. He did so completely naked with his huge thick cock just hanging there as he kicked the assclown out. She is not my husbands type, as she is skin and bones and he likes women with meat! Fast forward to the weekend and her sister and my besty are over for my female only sex toy party. My husband comes...
THE GOOD HUBBYKimmie Holland & Meeah Mackenzie***One***Even though he knew it probably meant the end, he nearly sobbed in relief when he heard the sound of Wendy’s heels on the stairs leading up to the attic bedroom. He’d felt so horribly alone lying there on the bed, naked, the dull pain growing in his belly. Dying. Dying—it seemed so hard to believe. He’d managed to turn over onto his right side, his knees partially drawn up, and he was panting lightly. He saw his wife standing at the head of...
author: unknownUnprotected sex while hubby is dining next room...Hi, I'm Linda and would like to tell you a little story about me and myhusband. It started three years ago an the last few month I decided Iwould love to share the experiences with readers of erotic stories. First a few details from me: Now I'm 28 years old, have shoulderlength,darkblonde hair, I'm 5'8'', and a weight of 135lb. OK, that are justvalues, but to most men told me I look real hot (and I use this to teasemen). ...
It was early morning when I slipped quietly in the darkness of our bedroom and crawled naked into bed beside my loving husband.I wanted Victor to feel my body heat and my breath, smelling of sex and alcohol. I kissed his neck as my hands slid on his belly to his hardening dick.I had been out last night with my friends, I had left home dressed to impress and Victor was sure that I would have an adventure to share with him when I returned home…My hubby moaned as I straddled his body and guided...
During the last months I had experienced an increasing difficult to become lubricated when I was fucked by my beloved hubby. My cunt stood dry and sex was painful and with no orgasms at all.It felt really strange to me, since I had never experienced this before…Then I finally decided to seek out for some professional assistance. I booked an appointment with a well known gynecologist genius.When we entered the surgery, a receptionist asked me to sit in the waiting room, while the Doctor spoke to...
Well, my first job I got from campus placement was in another state and I was nervous about how I would be able to cope up there without any familiar face and friends. After training, I got into the project team, my team leader was from my own place and thus we kinda became friends as we enjoyed talking in our mother tongue. Well that day she offered to drop me to my hostel (working women’s) and I agreed happily and evening when we walked out of office, I was surprised to find out she was...
One sultry late spring evening after chatting with an out oftown girlfriend on the internet I accidently stumbled onto what you might call an interesting adult site. It had all kinds of sexual adventures of men and women in various situations. Intrigued I came across a very erotic article about a middle aged couple who were interested in spicing up there marriage by bringing in a much younger man for the wife’s sexual pleasure. I was so aroused after reading the story I raced upstairs,...
CuckoldMy name is Samantha, but everyone calls me Sam for short. I am a 32 year old married housewife, and my hubby Steven and I have no kids, yet! I'll explain the yet part later. We'd been married for six years when this story took place about a year ago. I had really noticed that our sex life was taking a down hill slide. The first few years of our marriage it seemed like we fucked all the time. I was always open to trying new and exciting things, and I never denied hubby anything, and I mean...
FetishFriday afternoon I was home alone; my dear hubby flying away in another boring business trip. I felt horny, since Victor had not fucked me during the last ten days; he was a bit stressed and tired…My girlfriend Camilla called me that day and she invited me to spend the week end at her house. She would be also alone like me, since her husband was nursing his mother in another not so far town away.That night Camilla and I had dinner outside and then we came back directly to her marital bed. There...
My Black Master Jerome had arranged a meeting at a dirty motel in the middle of the highway. He told me he was on his way to the airport that same night, to catch a flight abroad. Jerome said that my loving husband could be present in the room as he fucked me.Victor drove me to the motel and we arrived a bit early. He sat down on chair at a corner and I stood on my stilettos close to the filthy bed…Soon my toned long legs tensed as the door opened and my handsome Black Master entered the room....
Hello, Hello,I would like to tell you an idea that I come up with to humiliate my hubby,The last few day have been very hot and on Sunday I had my slave hubby working cutting grass with a pair of scissors while I relaxed, The phone rang and I went inside to answer, it was my boyfriend who said that he wanted sex and wanted to come over to see me, I told him to get over quickly as I wanted it also. I was about to walk out of the Kitchen when I smelt a bad smell coming from the kitchen bin,...
The temperature in Cancun was a comfy 27 degrees Celsius. Ours was the last tiki hut facing the calm, glass-like waters of Playa Forum. As seasoned vacationers, my girlfriend and I preferred the cool shade of a thatched roof to the romantic experience of Bali beds. My girlfriend was lying on her stomach, reading a girly romance novel. I took a break from my writing and strolled out to get a drink. The couple in a Bali bed adjacent to us was constantly bickering since morning. When I passed...
The first time I shaved my pussy, I looked at it as I was masturbating and loved the new look. I have a fat little pussy and a wide ass. My labia has such profound lips as they are quite puffy. I love to watch as I take my toys or my husbands cock between my puffy lips. It is so hot to see as I am being penetrated and watch as my pussy opens up. I love sex and always have. I have big breasts and love to massage them while I am being fucked. Doggie style is my favorite position and I also love...
When we were first married I found that my husband had a penchant for lesbian love to him. We started to talk like girls during our lovemaking sessions. Telling each other the kind of guys we'd like to pickup and what we would do to them in, some of the sluttiest scenarios you could imagine. AS time past we had Franny's (My Husband)dressing to a science. He could do his own make-up and nails and he developed a female voice (using a British accent). I started taking him in public slowly. First a...
She MalesI was smiling and looking into my husband’s eyes as my two friends pumped their meaty cocks into my cunt simultaneously. The look of surprise and shock on his face was matched by the look of lustful bliss on my face. We had discussed this very scenario in the past while having sex and I knew that it was only a fantasy to him. But to me, it had become a bit of an obsession. It was my husband who first brought it up that he wanted to see me with two dicks fucking my twat at the same time. But...
‘As you may or may not know I am about to be divorced. This is a way I thought of getting back at hubby………hell no we are not getting back together. LOL!’ Dear ex-hubby, I hate it here, living with my sister. Don’t get me wrong, I am glad she offered me a place to stay, but she is just too nosy and bossy. All she does is lecture me oh how you were so wrong for me, pointing out every thing in detail like a fucking drama queen. Why just this morning sis told me that I should swear off all men for...
That summer afternoon was being really warm.My beloved hubby had left early for his office; but after having a shower, he had returned to bed and fucked me as I deserved.I was amazed, as my sweet Victor did not use to have me in the early morning. As we were recovering the breath, I asked him about his sudden arousal. But the he laughed, saying today would come some young black guys he had hired to do the back yard and he wanted me sexually satisfied, just in case.But now after lunch time; as...
My beloved hubby had hired for us a quick week end vacation at Jamaica. As we were making the check-in at the airport, I could notice a young black hunk was watching me; although Victor was by mi side. Later on, when we boarded the plane, that same guy moved behind me and brushed his crotch against my buttocks; making me feel his growing erection. I said nothing, but checked out he sat down a few seats behind us. When we arrived to our hotel, I was surprised to see the same black man was...
My loving hubby’s birthday was coming up soon and I had no idea about what to get him for a present. I asked him, but Victor smiled and just said I should surprise him…Then I decided to have fun with a well hung black man and show a video to my lovely husband. He would love it for sure…But the day before his birthday, Victor had to fly away from home, in another of his boring business trips.Searching for something special in the net, I finally found two black guys who were looking for a white...
Hallo, ich bin mich etwas am einschreiben. Ein Vorspiel gibt es hier zu lesen: packt die Schulbrote der Kleinen in die Rucksäcke, ihr Kleinster geht nun auch schon 3 Wochen in die 1. Klasse. Und natürlich wollte er schon nach 2 Tagen keine Begleitung mehr von Mutter auf dem Schulweg. Seufzend stellt sie die Schultaschen an die Tür. Da kommen sie schon angerannt. Ihre Schätze, Ihre Welt. Gleich ist sie 5 Stunden alleine....
The following is a true story to best of my and my wife's recollection. Sue and I have been swingers for over a decade. This happened very early in our marriage and is one of the events that started us down the road towards swinging.Sue was invited to a bachelorette party by one of her co-workers. Though 10-15 years younger than her, Sue and her got along famously.Sue was skeptical about going. The person inviting Susan was a bit of a wild c***d and word got our that there would be male...
I wish I could say I've been as sexually adventurous as some of you have been but I've been monogamous for the past 15 years. My adventures have always been restricted to my fantasies. Until the past few months… When my hormones shifted into high gear making me constantly wet and aroused and oh so hungry for adventure. It's been a bit of a trial for my husband, which is understating things a bit to say the least. He's been struggling to accept my desire to correspond with others about...
"As you may or may not know I am about to be divorced. This is a way I thought of getting back at hubby.........hell no we are not getting back together. LOL!"Dear ex-hubby, I hate it here, living with my sister. Don’t get me wrong, I am glad she offered me a place to stay, but she is just too nosy and bossy. All she does is lecture me oh how you were so wrong for me, pointing out every thing in detail like a fucking drama queen. Why just this morning sis told me that I should swear off all men...
Love StoriesHi friends, it is Rajiv from Bhubaneswar again with a new experience of fucking for ISS viewers. This is especially for the husbands who love to watch their wives fucked by another man, with a nice big cock and terrific amount of sexual experience and far more important, the confidentiality. Yes that’s why they choose us. I have written many stories about wife swapping last times in this page and you all appreciated it. Now I will be writing about how I make the couple happy and fulfill their...
Hello this is Pabby this time I am not telling u my experience but this is one of my lady friends experience who meet me on net and told me her experience she said she cant write it as she was feeling shy. Any females girls couples or group wanna contact me plz contact me at Now I am starting her story in her own words… I’m Suganya 38 & 40-36-38 height 5’6″ & fair complexion. This happened when I was 16yrs old. My sis got married as I was studying in the same city where my sis was married....
Hi Friends, I hope you remember the Old incidents posted by me. I am 28 yr old guy from Delhi working in an Top IT Company. Lot of couples and husband had contacted me seeking inputs how to add spice in their routine and boring sex lives. I am sharing the real incident shared by a couple who was in contact with me and taken several measures to spice up their normal sex lives. It was the fantasy of husband who wants to see her Punjabi wife an exhibitionist and enjoy seeing her wife getting...
Voyeurhi my names crystal and i'm 32yrs old i married my husband john when i was 19 he was 25 i had only been with 2 other guys when we got together but i have always had a extremly high sex drive and a really dirty,kinky,sexaul mind. anyway me and my hubbys sex life started out realy boring and about 3 months after we got maried I started cheating on him with one of our mutual friends tony it started when we asked tony to be are dd one night at the bar he drove us their and me and tony sat and...
First Holiday without HubbyThere seemed to be an extra urgency to the phones ringing tone. Picking up the receiver I tentively said, “hello?”“Oh thank god you are at home,” it was one of my best friends, Jan. “What’s the matter?” I asked. “Ian has gone and broken his leg at the football, and we are booked up for our holiday to Turkey. We are supposed to leave tomorrow, but now he can’t go and I was wondering if you could come with me, in his place. I know its short notice, but you are the only...
It was Friday night. My beloved Victor and I had been invited to a pub, to have a few drinks with a close friend of ours. Tom had been a friend of my husband’s since they were office mates in the past. He had also been a frequent lover of mine over the years. Best of all, he was black… a huge black one…We entered the place and found Tom was already there, seated in a booth. He rose to greet us and gave me big hug, sliding his hands inside my coat and grabbing my buttocks with both hands....
After me and sissy spoke, I felt so overloaded with my emotions that I felt like I needed a release. I knew one of my gf was at the local pub so I decided to meet her.I arrived and walked past a group of guys, we made eye contact and i smiled at him and he smiled back.I went to my gf and we were talking. A short while later the group of guys came over and they knew some of my gf's friends. We made eye contact again.I asked anyone if they wanted a cigarette, my gf said yes and so did he. We...
Wife and Her Twin sister Surprise for HubbyDan and Jean are friends of ours and asked us to post this true story for them. We hope you enjoy it as much as we did. Dan knew that Jean had an identical twin sister Jane. Both girls stood 5’5”, weighed 105 pounds, long strawberry blonde hair, green eyes and 34C breasts that seems much larger on their slender frames. They were the type of girls that would turn every head, male and female no matter where they went or how proper they were dresses. Dan...
Wife and Her Twin sister Surprise for HubbyDan knew that Jean had an identical twin sister Jane. Both girls stood 5’5”, weighed 105 pounds, long strawberry blonde hair, green eyes and 34C breasts that seems much larger on their slender frames. They were the type of girls that would turn every head, male and female no matter where they went or how proper they were dresses. Dan met Jean in college, but Jane had attended a different college overseas and was rarely home. She managed to come back...
MasterYesterday’s requestI left the note you asked me to leave for my husband detailing that I should be punished for satisfying myself without your permission. The note explained the circumstances for the punishment and that he will find me ready in one of our playrooms. I put the note near the kettle knowing he would probably make a coffee as soon as he arrives home.I went out into our large playroom where the 2 tall upright posts exist. Mostly these posts are used to chain someone in the...
PART ONE -- WIFEY'S TALE***************************************You know a girl is over-the-top sexy when even a married woman like me creams my panties just from laying eyes on her.I knew she was in college, or going to college this fall, but she definitely looked barely old enough for that -- so right away I figured she had to be 18. Her face was pretty enough. She had long, curly strawberry-blonde hair, almost amber in some light; her skin was a luxurious tanned bronze, now deep in the...
This is one that Sophie wrote about a little birthday surprise for her hubby (not me unfortunately... but I'm working on that!)They were having drinks for her husband's birthday. Just your usual "tuesday night" - or so she thought... The wine and conversation was flowing and eventually everyone left - except Nicky. Her, her husband and Nicky were all fairly toasted and having a good time. They started talking about porn sites on the computer and she showed Nicky some porn that she had...
The next day we both went to work and tony started texting me at work. He asked me to stop by his house after I got off work. I said ok I got off at about 5pm and was at his house about 10mins later. Tony worked with john and they both got off at 2:30pm. Tony was just getting out of the shower when I showed up. I asked him how work went, he said good but that he was hungry. So I told him I would make him a sandwich. I was spreading mayonnaise on the bread when tony walked up, grabbed my ass,...
I have always been attracted to couples and often on the prowl for them. Bars are a great place to meet a hot wife/couple looking for fun. This Saturday was no exception. As I sat at the bar drinking and waiting for the crowd to come in, around 9pm an attractive woman around mid 40's walks by and takes my breath away! She was followed by a man that I assumed to be her husband, about the same age. Both dressed well. I watched to see where they were going to sit and was suprised when after a...
I`ve been fucking my neighbour for about two months now and my hubby has no idea. About 12 months ago a young couple moved next door to us in the winter and they kept asking us if we would like to go round for a meal,some drinks. My husband is always trying to get me to flirt with other men and would lover one to fuck me but that was out of the question. One summers afternoon I sat in the garden with a glass of wine when Jane our new neighbour came round and asked if we would like to join...
HEATHERIZED HUBBY A three part odessy by: Deborah Leigh Johnson, aka Miss Karen-Anne Brown This was written as a personalized fantasy for a girlfriend of mine. I do hope that you enjoy it as much as I did while dreaming it up. PART ONE They say that when you make a mistake like this one, that it is a Freudian slip, no pun intended. I do not know if that is true. I do know this, after the hell that broke loose, and the resulting lives that my wife and I...