Subby Hubby's Hypno Humilation free porn video

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I came home after work to find them fucking on the living room floor. My wife and some guy I didn’t know. He was on top. I remember her heels and toes hanging in the air as his ass flexed and he pumped away at her.

“The FUCK,” I said. The guy looked back over his shoulder and smiled at me. Then he saw my expression and his smile left. My wife, she looked at me, then rolled her eyes.

The guy sounded concerned. “I thought you said he’d be into this.”

“He is,” she said. “He just doesn’t know it yet.”

She’d painted her toenails. She never painted her toenails for me.

“The fuck,” I said again, setting down my laptop bag. I didn’t know what to say, but I needed to say something, so I started by saying, “You goddamn fucking—“

In a very clear and level voice, my wife said, “Subby Hubby.”

Something in me melted. Like a sugar cube getting water poured over it. Or like when you’re smoking weed and then, suddenly, something in you just gives way, like a dam breaking open, except that, instead of disaster and a community getting destroyed, it’s just pleasure that’s barreling your way. Dopey, happy, stupid, pleasure.

I stood, quietly, docile, like a waiter hanging around while a couple chose off a menu.

The guy noticed something was different. “What’s wrong with him?”

She smiled at me. “Nothing. Well, nothing that I haven’t stuck into him. I guess maybe there’s plenty wrong with him, if you think about it like that. . . .”

The guy looked confused. “Look, is he into this or not?” I could tell he was losing his arousal.

“He’s into it,” she said. She stared straight at me. “Baby. Strip.”

My shoes came off first. Then my socks. Then slacks, and underwear, and finally shirt. I was still a dopey, happy waiter, but now I was a naked, dopey, happy waiter. Waiting for an order. My cock stirred. . . .

My wife turned her attention to the guy. She reached around and felt his sac. “C’mon,” she said to him. “Let’s get you back up to speed. Baby, give my guy’s balls the attention they deserve.”

I got on all fours and crawled over to them. A lovely pleasant buzz hummed away in my head. I got close to his rear, and his cock was deep inside my wife. But I could tell he was getting soft. I needed to fix that. I needed him to feel as good as I did right now. No, even better. A waiter’s job is to make the customer happy. My job is to make this man happy. Make him happy, and make my wife happy.

His balls were shaved. Smooth. With a fat tongue I began lathering them. He wriggled a bit. “Oh, shit,” he said.

“Yeah,” I heard my wife. From my place licking his balls it was hard to hear her. “You like him there?”

The man moaned. “Shit yes. Fuck. Oh.”

“He’s into it,” my wife assured him. “He’s into anything at all. Trust me on this.”

The man just groaned some more. He slowly pulled out of my wife, then slightly less slowly pushed back in. Slow pull out, slightly faster push in. He didn’t want to go any faster than that. He didn’t want to lose the sensation of my tongue slathering his balls.

My wife was enjoying herself, too. I could tell from her scent. And the sound. More slippery. My tongue’s attention shifted back a little from his balls to his taint, then back down to his balls again. Slather, draw up, taint, drop down, massage his shaven, tasty sac with my tongue, back up again, each time drawing a little closer to his hole, down, lathering, up. . . .

My tongue darted into his asshole. “Uhhh,” he moaned. “Fuck.” I pushed my tongue all the way. With a hand I caressed his balls.

She laughed. “He’s at your asshole, isn’t he? In there?” “Goddamn,” the guy said. “Jesus Christ.”

“Just relax,” she said. She rested her heels on my shoulders. I pushed my tongue in and out of his ass, then moved down to worship his balls, then back into his ass again. “Call him a faggot.”

My cock jumped. “What?” said the guy.

“Faggot,” she said. “Call him a faggot. It’s part of the game. You’re not gay, right?”

“No,” said the guy. “I mean, there’s nothing wrong with that—“

“There really is,” she said. “There really is something wrong with it. You know it, I know it. He knows it. It’s deviant, and perverse, and unnatural. It’s okay. You can say it here, in private.”

Deviant. Perverse. Unnatural. My cock was dripping. I could feel the head dragging on the floor. I’d have to clean the carpet once it was all done.

“Do it,” my wife said. “Call him a faggot.” When she said faggot, I pushed my tongue as deep into his ass I as I could. I wished my tongue were long enough to massage his prostate. I longed to feel the nub of the gland press against the tip of my tongue.

“Faggot,” the guy said, and I moaned into his ass.

“Whoa,” he said, jumping a little. “Wow.”

“He loves it,” said my wife. “My little faggot. Say it again.”

“You faggot,” said the guy. “You fucking faggot. Lick my ass, you pansy.”

I moaned some more. I was pretty much dissolving now. Well, all of me was dissolving except my cock and my tongue and my hands and my feet. My cock was the most solid thing in the world right now. But everything else was melting pleasurably as in a warm summer rain.

The guy was pushing his ass back into my face. He fell out of my wife with a shluuup.

“Ah shit,” he breathed. “Sorry.”

She giggled. “It’s okay,” she said. She pushed him back a little and shuffled out from under him. “We’ve got time. And I want you to enjoy this.”

He rested on his forearms, ass in the air. As I tongued him, I brought my fingers to his shaft and ran them up and down, soliciting a happy moan.

My wife brought herself next to me. She took my cock in her hand and started gently pumping it and whispered in my ear: “You love this.”

Yes. I love this.

“You want this.”

I want this.

“You’ll do anything.”

I’ll do anything.

“My Subby Hubby.”


“You’re sick.”

I’m sick.

“You’re perverse.”

I’m perverse.

“Faggot,” and she licked my ear, and my cock pulsed and thickened in her hand.

“Shit,” the guy said. He pulled his ass away and sat on the floor and stuck his cock straight up into my face. “Suck my cock you faggot.”

“That’s the spirit,” said my wife. She was talking to him. “Now you know. C’mon. Have some fun.”

The guy put his hand on the back of my head. “Suck me, man. Suck me you dirty little slut. C’mon, you know you love it.”

He sounded a lot more confident, now. And he was right. I did love it. I loved sucking his cock. I loved what I was doing and what they were doing to me. My wife lightly licked my ear and jacked my cock, occasionally bringing her hand down to my balls and tapping on my asshole. Cock, balls, asshole, balls, cock. She ran her thumb over the head of my slippery cockhead. Lots of precum. She brought her hand to my face and wiped her thumb on my nose and now my world was full of the scent of my own cock.

She sat up and knelt over by the guy and started kissing him, caressing his face while I worked away at his cock. I missed her attention, but I was glad to be making him happy, because by making him happy, I was making her happy. I heard kissing noises as I worked, kissing noises that grew steadily more ragged under his breathy moans.

“Fuck he’s good,” he said. “He’s really fucking good.”

“You gonna cum?”

Yes. Please, cum. I need your cum. Cum in this dirty slut faggot’s mouth.

“Yeah soon,” the guy said.

My wife grabbed my hair and pulled my head away from his pelvis. His cock bobbled like a flagpole in a wind. “Sit your ass back,” she said to me, and I complied. The guy started to protest, and I knew how he felt. “No,” she said. “No, not like this. Don’t worry, you’ll have plenty of chances. But I want to show you something.

“Hubby, lie down on your back.” I complied.

She crawled over and straddled me and stuck her pussy right over my face. Light brown pussy hair. Pale skin. Her Danish ancestry. I pushed my tongue up to meet her twat, but she pulled away. “Not yet,” she said. Now she spoke to the guy. “All right. C’mon and fuck me. Get inside me.”

The guy walked on his knees up to my wife, his thighs straddling my head. She reached back and grabbed his cock and guided it into her and he sank deep into my wife’s cunt. His balls pushed up into her.

“Yes,” she said. “Grab my hair.”

The guy said “What?”

“My hair,” she said. “Grab my fucking hair and fuck me.”

I felt him shift, and my wife’s body stiffed and she cried out. “Fuck, yes.” And she took my cock in her hand, and then her lips rubbed over and around the head, and then her warm, fat tongue came out, and then she took me into her mouth. Blowing me while the guy fucked her from behind and pulled at her hair. The only thing that would have made it any better would be if I could have tasted her cunt and run my tongue along his meat and toyed with her clit. But that lovely experience was too far away. All I could do was breathe deep of the scents they were producing.

A stray pubic hair fell off my wife and onto my cheek. I loved her more than I ever had, right then.

It was like that, then, for a while, my wife moaning, the guy grunting, hips slapping against the backs of her ass cheeks, the jiggle of two real, normal, healthy humans above this slave faggot, warm mouth on my cock. I never wanted it to end.

But then it did start to end. I could tell. His sac started flexing, and his thrusts grew stronger. He pushed into my wife harder, and she started to fall forward a little. She pulled her head off my cock and her forearms buckled and she rested her cheeks against my thighs. Her cunt and his balls and cock fell closer to my head and I started licking, forcefully, but careful not to upset their rhythm. I wanted to improve their experience, not interrupt it.

“Oh, fuck,” he said, and his thrusts increased. “Fuck yes.” I was clearly improving his experience.

“C’mon,” muttered my wife. “C’mon, cum in me, fucking cum in me. Spank me.”

The guy slapped her ass. But not hard. Tentatively.

“Fucking SPANK ME,” she said. It wasn’t quite a shout. He spanked her, harder, and she rewarded him with a “yes.” Another spank, harder. Spank spank spank SPANK.

And then he flexed, and he hollered, and he pulsed, and I knew that his cum was shooting into my wife. I lightly sucked on his taint and felt the pulses between my lips. My wife and the guy both hollered as he shot his seed right up deep into her twat, again, and again, and again . . . .

He fell over her. Their weight pressed down through my wife’s pelvis onto my face. His balls rested on my forehead. My wife’s ribcage sixty-nined against mine as she breathed in and out, in and out, expand—hold—contract, expand—hold—contract.

I couldn’t breathe. My world was the junction of my wife’s cunt and her lover’s cock and balls. I had to wait.

Soon the guy lifted up a little. “I think we’re suffocating him.”

“Heh. Yeah.” She sounded drunk. “Someday maybe I will.”


“Here,” she said. Her hand came back and pushed lightly against his thigh. “C’mon, sit back. There’s something I want you to see.”

He pulled out of my wife with a light shlup, and his glossy cock bopped onto my nose and dragged up away from my forehead. I heard him sit on the floor behind me. My wife pushed herself up to her hands and knees, her labia at my lips. The mixed scent of my wife and her lover wafted out of her hole. My cock bobbed in approval.

“C’mon, baby,” she said. “Your wifey needs some cleaning.”

My wife’s lover’s semen emerged from her cunt. Yellowish, a little bit chunky. As it hit my tongue my whole head buzzed. I got stupid. Really stupid. I was made for this. Please, yes. I lapped at her pussy, receiving my reward for being good and obedient and docile and stupid and happy. It burned my throat as it slithered into my belly.

“Wow,” said the guy. My wife just groaned. She pushed back on my face more, and I sank my tongue into her as far as it would go. I needed every last bit. Please, feed me. This is what I live for.

Eventually she pulled herself off me and landed on the floor with a grunt. My face was cool and wet. My eyebrows tickled with gelled arousal. I felt stoned. My heart pulsed in my ears, and in the world around us all.

From underwater, I heard the guy ask my wife, “Did you get off?”. That was kind of him.

“No,” she said. “Sixty-nine. It’s really tough for me to get off that way.”

“Yeah,” the guy said. “Wow.”

She brought herself close to him. I just lay in a heavy-lidded glaze, feeling my wife’s arousal dry on my cheeks and forehand. I couldn’t see, but I think they were snuggling. I heard light kissing.

“So what now?” he said. “Do you want to finish? Does he?”

Really, this guy, he was so thoughtful. I was falling in love.

“Nah,” said my wife. “That’s not good for him. He cum, he starts to expect it. Starts getting ideas that he deserves it. Isn’t that right, baby? You don’t deserve to cum, do you?”

I shook my head, no. I don’t deserve to cum.

“Wow,” the guy said. “You?”

I could actually hear my wife smile, a crackling of saliva. I could picture her vast smile, all toothy. “You’re sweet. Not today. I need to get cleaned up. Night out with the girls.”

“So I’d better go, is what you’re saying.” And so he got dressed, and she walked him to the door, and I heard low conversation. I couldn’t make much of it out, except that I heard him say “next time” and I heard her seem to agree. And then the door shut, and he left.

Not much more to tell, now. She let me finish her up with my mouth and tongue, and she came so hard that she nearly wrenched my neck, almost. She pushed me away and lay on the floor, panting. Then a long silence, and she got up and gave me my orders.

Now I’m sitting here, writing this on the computer, while my wife showers and gets ready for her night out. After she reads this, she’ll make me post it to mcstories under my alias. And then she’ll make me shower, and get my clothes on, and walk out to the car with my laptop, and get in the driver’s seat. And as soon as I close the door, this slave faggot will forget that any of this happened, and I won’t notice any of the lost time or my stiff tongue or the scent of sex in my home.

I’ll share my dull day with my wife, who will listen, a little impatiently, as she gets ready to go out and have fun with her friends, again.

And me? After she leaves, I’ll watch a little television, and I might masturbate, and I’ll wish for a little more excitement in my life, except that I’ve come to accept that, in middle age, excitement is for other people.


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Hypno Wife

She lay on the sofa, her head resting on my lap. After her bath all she had put on was one of my tailed shirts just in case we had visitors. She wasn't always sexual like this, in fact, she was the complete opposite. She had always been a little chubby and was probably called fatty at school; kids can be so cruel. Now she still thinks her figure wasn't perfect but that's normal. She was perfect for me, five foot five with a curvy figure of 37-26-38 with a C cup. She was so shy about her...

1 year ago
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Hypno Help

Mark pulled into the parking space in the underground garage and put on the emergency brake. He sat there for a minute gathering his thoughts. He felt nervous. Placing his hand on his stomach he felt a fluttering anxiety in his belly. 'Relax' he said to himself, 'This isn't a big deal. A lot of guys have performance anxiety." He took a deep breath and opened the truck door, a slight wind blew across his face cooling his perspiring brow. He found the office pretty easily. On the side of...

1 year ago
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Hypno Porn

HypnoPorn? I’ve seen all sorts of porn sites during my time in the porn industry reviewing all sorts of websites, but I’ve never seen anything like this before. Alright, I’m lying, I’ve seen similar things, but most of them are in hentai form. So yeah, anyway let me tell you more about and what it’s all about though you can probably conclude from the domain name alone what you can expect from here.Hypnotizing porn for all the fans of the genre and newcomers tooBasically, this...

Fetish Porn Sites
3 years ago
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Subby Doctor

Characters in this story: Characters in this story:Susan: The DoctorNimmy: Doctors best friend.Rohith: Nimmy?s boy friendlover.Ancy:Fashion Designer.Febby: Nimmy?s friend.Mary: Nimmy? girl friend.CHAPTER ?1DOCTORS DREAM Susan is a young woman of 24 she has just now only completed her studies and joined in this small nursing home as a doctor who is specialized in general medicine. Her friend is Nimmy she is also a doctor specialized in Gynacology. Both of them know each other from...

4 years ago
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Oh How I love the Humilation

When I first started with guys it used to embarrass me when I guy called me a cocksucker or a faggot and I would feel my little dick start to harden ,now I realize that it is just the way some of us are wired ,I love being humiliated . I guess Mr. Evan was the 1st to see that I liked being used and every once in a while when he would contact me he would give me orders to do something . One day I was home playing on my computer when a message popped up ,it said " hey you want some blk. cock now...

4 years ago
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Wakeup Call Ds Bd WS Humilation

Adults only. Please do not repost. Comments to [email protected] The silent vibration of the timer woke me. I opened my eyes, then slipped my hand inside the pillowcase to deactivate the timer. Automatically, I pulled the covers off my naked body, and shivered as the cool air hit my warm skin. Quietly, so as not to awaken Master, I moved from the room, and padded to the kitchen, where I started a pot of coffee, and set up a tray for Master's breakfast. A quick glance at the...

3 years ago
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Useful Humilation

Useful Humiliation ã CarmenicaDiaz Rosehad completely shocked me with her casual announcement, so shocked I almostspilt my wine. I peered at her through my glasses and she smiled at me. 'DidI hear you right? You're going away for two weeks with your boyfriend?' Shenodded, laughing at my consternation. 'Yes, two wonderful weeks in Jamaicaand I'm going to drink cocktails, eat and eat, lay on the sand and,' shewinked, 'have lots of great sex with Johnny.' Iblushed at that, I had seen Johnny...

2 years ago
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Hypno Sis 1

Dr. Martin knew Andy didn't belong there, but he allowed the boy to sit in anyway, because Andy had a way of asking questions that allowed the professor to explain more difficult concepts to the whole class better. Besides, the boy was quite adept and showed great promise. That summer, Andy spent back at home, moving in with his single mother and younger sister to save money. The day he got home, they both welcomed him to his old room and were happy to see him. His mom looked the same,...

4 years ago
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Hypno Slavers The Dr Emily Grouppart 2

It was located on the front wall next to the entrance and had two sliding doors, one opening from the outside, and one on the inside. The food was placed there for the patient's convenience, and I must admit the flavor of the delicious food was much better than I'd experienced for a long time. Eggs, ham, hash browns, orange juice, buttered toast. It was a wonderful meal and I enjoyed every bite of it while watching TV. I felt something inside that I couldn't identify, like ...

3 years ago
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Hypno whore at camp

At 1pm Bob picked me up right on time. I came out with a big duffle bag of stuff and threw it in the back seat as I climbed in. ‘Did you get everything?’ he asked with a big smile. I shrugged shook my head ‘Tooth brush, tooth paste, shoes, socks, underwear, pants and shirts.’ ‘Cool, let’s go.’ he said still smiling I looked at him closely ‘Why you so happy?’ He chuckled ‘I just cant wait to get there.’ And pulled out. He was really smirking because he knew what I had in the bag. I thought I had...

3 years ago
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You are a 18 year old White boy that always has something about hypnotism. It fascinates you, how people gets defenseless at hypnotist mercy, and how he/she can do do everything with the mind controlled subject. You want to try it, but you don't on how try it. Maybe you try with your family. Soon enough you think on your older sister, who always pranked you. The last hot summer, in your home pool, she pulled down your swimsuit in front of your crush after you have been swim in cold water pool,...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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Dr Masters HypnoCollege

Dear Sir, You have been invited to attend Dr. Master's College of Mind Control. At this prestigious school,you will learn mind control and other things. You have one week to show up on campus before you are denied entry,so please do decide fast. --Administration You at first thought the letter was a joke. After all,if the school was so prestigious,how come you had never heard of it? So you did some research and found that yeah,the college did exist,and it was now enrolling. You thought of all...

Mind Control
1 year ago
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John and the HypnoWatch

My name is John Doe. I attend college. And this is the story of how my life changed forever. See,I was never popular with the ladies. I'm what you might call a nerd. I was a virgin at the time of this story. A 'dweeb',I guess you could say. But that all changed. I was walking home from school one day when my sexy female bully,Eliza,and her friends,Veronica and Jordan,ambushed me. They were hot,stereotypical cheerleaders who loved making fun of me and bullying me. "Hey,nerd!"called Eliza,her...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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Hypno party

It was a typical saturday night in college. Dumb partys with people getting drunk. except this time you were actually going to go to one of those dumb partys. The year was almost over and you wanted to go to one before the end of the year. This was the last big party so almost everypne in the school was going including your crush. Her name was eve and you had just met her this year but she was very cute. She was not too popular but had enough friends so that you could never catch her alone and...

2 years ago
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Martin graduates hypno class

Martin walked out of the small run down office with a feeling of achievement. He had been useless at absolutely everything in his life. Until now that is. Martin has just finished top-of-the-class in a hypnosis course and can now hypnotise nearly anyone. As he stands outside the office, he wonders what he should do with this new gift...

Mind Control
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Hypno high

Helo "insert name hear" welcome to hypnosis high school whare you lirn all you need for the world and evry student can freely control the minds of thaor fellow students and even the teachers any form of mind control is alowed and you can make them do anything lets say agesnt all odds you have control of a whole class you can have them become your loyal cult or just make them compleat morons the intire town is under the control of the princible who in his old age wants to make a new genoration...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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Hypno Dodie

It was an early summers morning. Dodie awoke to a rumble from her phone. It was a business email. The title read: "Interested in taking a new tour? We can help!" Intreiged, dodie click on the email: "We at minersty of sound have seen your growth in the music industry and would like to offer you an opertunity to do a world tour! If interested, click the link below for more details" Dodie was suspicious. It seemed too good to be true. Shes always wanted to fly all across the world. This seemed...

Mind Control
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Hypno celebs

Celebs get wild after seeming a vid that hypnotises them and makes them moaning sluts. I'll will start with streamers and youtube celebs then move on to more main stream celeb. Add a comment for any celebs you would like to see.

Mind Control
3 years ago
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I wake up one day in abandoned building with my arms and legs strapped down. I can't hear anything and I have a headache that won't go away. Then a voice announces that I have been randomly chosen to be one of five test subjects for a government experiment. Each of us would be able to get any two super powers that we want. I chose the shapeshifting and hypnosis. The surgery was painless at first but then I started to remember things. I am a single 18 year old male who goes to a normal middle...

Mind Control
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A Milking Farm Hypno Fantasy

I awaken. I feel different. Confused. Not quite sure where I am. As I come to my senses, I realize I am bound. I am lying down with my hands and feet shackled in metal restraints. I try to look around only to see my entire body covered in tight black latex. My cock is the only thing exposed. As I move my head around looking for someone, something to make sense… I realize my head too… is covered in a latex mask. The room I am in is dark, unable to see anything outside of 10 feet away, after...

2 years ago
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Hypno whore at camp

At 1pm Bob picked me up right on time. I came out with a big duffle bagof stuff and threw it in the back seat as I climbed in."Did you get everything?" he asked with a big smile.I shrugged shook my head "Tooth brush, tooth paste, shoes, socks,underwear, pants and shirts.""Cool, let's go." he said still smilingI looked at him closely "Why you so happy?"He chuckled "I just cant wait to get there."And pulled out.He was really smirking because he knew what I had in the bag. I thoughtI had packed...

3 years ago
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Hypno sissy slut

It took a while to get a sense of reality. First my sight: blurry and hazy like my mind, light streamed through the window, bouncing off the soft white covers I was lain on. I blinked, shaking the hair that was covering my eyes, trying to see my surroundings. A largre screen TV was in front of me. I twisted my head left, and right, trying to take in the room. The room was made up of mirrors, and a blonde girl was in the centre, pillows underneath her stomach, arms and feet padlocked to the bed....

1 year ago
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Hypno Mail

Miranda couldn't believe that people posted crap like this to the internet.It was obviously just spam, posted to the targeted audience of one of the webpersonals sites. It was posted in the category 'Male seeking Female' with theheadline 'Submit yourself to me'. When she opened the message, it seemed tooridiculous to take seriously. The poster claimed to have a subliminal hypnosisprogram that would work through the monitor of any computer. ' Complete every session, and it will turn you into a...

2 years ago
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HypnoSubmission Pt 02

Part 2: Katie Master Boratus stood before her, although he just seemed a silhouette of a man. Katie knelt in front of him, a few feet away, naked with a collar around her neck. “Have you been a good girl?” he asked. Her body shuddered at the words. “Yes, Master,” she replied. “I haven’t cum like you ordered. I only cum when you let me.” She thought for a moment and felt into the words. “I only cum for you.” “Good girl,” he said, smiling. She shuddered again, a wave of pride and pleasure flowing...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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New hypno

Imagine!Imagine your self dressed in your Faggot latex outfit. Standing on the street in a bad neighborhood. Master made you wear your lockable baletheels so you can only take little steps. You wear your face open Hood with the rubber pony tail. Held in place with your Masters collar. According to your Master it is important that your ugly Faggot face is always recognisable in public! Your clit is locked in the Tiny chastity Cage and you have a Thick steel ring around your balls. Attached to...

2 years ago
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New hypno

!Imagine your self dressed in your Faggot latex outfit. Standing on the street in a bad neighborhood. Mast Imagine er made you wear your lockable baletheels so you can only take little steps. You wear your face open Hood with the rubber pony tail. Held in place with your Masters collar. According to your Master it is important that your ugly Faggot face is always recognisable in public! Your clit is locked in the Tiny chastity Cage and you have a Thick steel ring around your balls. Attached to...

4 years ago
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Fairy Tail Hypno Collection

Route A) You are an Enchanted Item Salesman who has a wide variety of magical items, some of which have hidden attributes (with sexy implications). Route B) You've been recently been cursed (or blessed) with an Incubus Curse which grants you hypnotic powers of seduction but the more you use them the more you'll need sex to sustain yourself. Route C) Seilah's Revenge: Seilah's soul somehow managed to take over Mirajane's body and now wants nothing more than to take over the guild and corrupt the...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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HypnoSubmission Pt 04

Part 4: Katie Katie woke in her bed, feeling happy and refreshed.God, I feel good. I haven't slept that well in ages. With all this stuff with Master Boratus, I …How did I get in bed? Wasn't I in the bar with him? Or was I? It's hard to focus. Did I dream it? I must've. How could he know I was going to be in the bar? And I don't remember what happened after. I must've dreamt it. Yeah. Lost track of time last night, gone to bed, and dreamt of meeting him.Jesus, that man is doing a number on my...

Mind Control
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HypnoSubmission Pt 08

Brenda Brenda shot a few “Good girl”s at Katie during the day, but just enough to annoy her without getting her angry. Cynthia looked a little worse. She obviously wasn't sleeping enough.I wonder what Master is doing to her?She knew not to ask him, though. Her day proceeded uneventfully, although she found herself assessing the various girls she saw.She’d be a nice choice for Master. Not her, though. Mmmmm, that one is sexy.By the end of the day, when she had not heard from her master, she...

3 years ago
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The Perfect Husband A Hypno Sissywife Story

Carla-Jean took another drag of her cigarette, savoring the sensations of the exhale for as long as she could. She'd been off cigs for a couple of years, up until she had that first fight with Mason. The moment he threw the first bottle, and then the first slap, well... She'd been through a pack every few days for a while now. She glanced over to the woman in the driver's seat, Shannon. Carla-Jean had known Shannon since they were best friends all the way back in first grade. Despite...

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