The Perfect Husband (A Hypno Sissywife Story) free porn video

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Carla-Jean took another drag of her cigarette, savoring the sensations of the exhale for as long as she could. She'd been off cigs for a couple of years, up until she had that first fight with Mason. The moment he threw the first bottle, and then the first slap, well... She'd been through a pack every few days for a while now. She glanced over to the woman in the driver's seat, Shannon. Carla-Jean had known Shannon since they were best friends all the way back in first grade. Despite being a couple weeks younger than her, Shannon had always been something of an older sister for Carla-Jean. A protector, a counselor, even a bodyguard when one of the cheerleaders in middle school decided that Carla had tried to steal her boyfriend. It'd been a long, long time since those days, but Shannon never changed. The last few weeks had proven that. Carla-Jean looked hard at the smiling face of Shannon. How lucky could she be, to have a friend like this? A woman who had gone so far in the world, still coming back to a no-name town to fix the life of a friend who'd gone down such a different path. Carla-Jean smiled sheepishly as Shannon glanced over. "A-are you sure he knows I'm coming?" "Oh yeah. In fact, he might be a little... enthusiastic when he sees you," Shannon said, almost giggling. "Just lightly push him off you if he gets too huggy. You'll see he's not quite as intimidating as you remember." "Shannon..." Carla-Jean paused to get a final smoke, then slowly ground the cig down into the ashtray. The thought of being anywhere near Mason's hands immediately put second thoughts in her mind. "I don't know about this. I don't know if I can see him, not yet." "Don't you worry about Mason, Jeanie. He's just dying to see you." Shannon laughed. Her use of her pet name for Carla-Jean, a pet name as old as their relationship, brought a little hope into Carla-Jean's pensive thoughts. "Is this really going to work? I don't know about this, Shannon. The things you said, they sounded, well... I've just never heard of anything..." Still keeping her eyes on the road, Shannon's laugh softened into a smile. She put a hand on Carla-Jean's knee. "Jeanie, trust me on this honey. When you see him, you'll figure out I wasn't bullshitting you on this stuff. The stuff I told you last night, well, let's just say it was an understatement. That Mason you're thinking of is long gone, baby. And you've got some papers this new Mason wants to sign." Carla-Jean looked down at the folder of legal documents in her lap. "I... okay. Okay," she said softly. * * * They pulled into the motel parking lot around 9 pm. Shannon didn't so much as glance at the office, instead pulling into a spot at the end of the building. It was clear she knew exactly where to go. "Shannon, wait," Carla-Jean said as Shannon moved to exit the car. "I don't know. I just-" "Jeanie, honey, I know. It's okay. Trust me. Okay? You'll see." With that, they exited and began to walk up the metal stairs to the second floor set of motel suites. Carla-Jean followed behind Shannon, glancing nervously around her. This motel wasn't exactly a good place to stay. In fact, the only thing it was good for was a midnight parking lot purchase of something or other in ziploc bags. Hell, she'd seen a someone dumping syringes into a trash bin in the few seconds since they'd pulled into the parking lot. She wondered why Mason would have chosen to live here after getting that inheritance. Surely he could afford better. Carla-Jean's thoughts were interrupted when Shannon suddenly came to a stop in front of a door bearing the number '431'. Carla-Jean noted to her surprise that the door also featured a taped-on print out of some tacky looking art featuring a big stylized heart with flowers, decorated with 'SWEETHEART XOXO'. It looked trashy, even considering the rest of the environment. "This is it," Shannon said, her voice an almost mischievous giggle. It was clear that whatever was going to happen, Shannon was looking forward to it. Carla-Jean felt herself tensing up out of habit as Shannon knocked once, twice, three times. The thought of Mason slamming open that door, his eyes burning with a rage she had seen so many times, made Carla-Jean's knees tremble. The moment the door opened inwards, Carla-Jean's eyes went as wide as saucers. The folder of documents fell from her hands like a ton of bricks. Shannon had been right, she hadn't told Carla-Jean a tiny fraction of what had really happened to Mason. "Oh my gawd! SHANNON! You look so darling, sweetiepie!" The falsetto voice tore through Carla-Jean's mind and only pushed her further into shock. The man who stood in the doorway was, to put it simply, fabulous. The first thing Carla-Jean thought of was that Ru-Paul show her kid sister was always watching, one of those drag queens who danced in heels so high they made Carla-Jean wince. Somehow, this was even more flamboyant. The man was dressed in lingerie that was halfway between a 1950s pinup model outfit and the world's frilliest vintage bridal lingerie. It was outlandish: a long-line bra barely holding two oversized and obviously fake plastic breast forms, a girdle that forcefully created a wasp-shaped waist out of a distinctly male torso, panties that looked like they were mostly ruffles and ribbons, and stockings and garters that would be a little too much even for an old-school Playboy model. And everything covered in bows, and frills, and ruffles, like some kind of parody of women's clothing. That wasn't even covering the frilly matching high-heeled pumps that had to be six inches tall (at least), the heart-shaped purse, gaudy oversized pearl earrings, or the fake nails that extended a couple inches past the point of reason. But of course, the thing that really drew Carla-Jean's attention and shock was the beaming face of the man who stood before her. A huge mass of platinum blonde hair (clearly a wig, a cheap one at that) was curled into an outrageous bouffant, an equally huge frilly pink headscarf decorated with fake roses and little ribbons tied off in an adorable little bow under the man's chin. And just up from that chin, the start of what was either a makeup disaster or masterpiece. It was the heaviest coating of makeup Carla-Jean had ever seen, leaving the man's face with an unnatural matte look, almost like a living plastic doll (but only the kind of doll that got parents up in arms and got toy companies sued for indecency). It was so much makeup, in fact, that Carla-Jean didn't immediately realize who she was looking at. It was until the tattoos on his arms and shoulder caught her eye that she gasped aloud, freezing mid-motion as she kneeled down to pick up the dropped folder. "Good to see you too, sweetie," Shannon grinned, sarcastically matching the flapping limp-wristed hand motion of the man in the doorway. "Aren't we fabulous today, cupcake? Cute panties, very femme." "Oh thank you Ma'am, I just looooved the pretty little ruffled rear," Mason giggled, spinning expertly on his pink heels like an over-excited cartoon princess. Carla-Jean gasped again, just now remembering to breathe. Shannon looked over her shoulder, smirking at her stunned friend. "Mason, don't you want to be polite and say hello to your darling wife?" "C-Carla-Jean! Oh my goodness!" Mason gasped in his strained falsetto. He minced forward, and dropped into a shockingly dainty curtsey despite wearing nothing so modest as a dress or skirt. "I know I have been such a h-horrible, bad, good-for-nothing husband, I am so, so, s-so-" Before he could finish his apology Mason burst into tears, sobbing uncontrollably, his constant falsetto pitch making an almost chipmunk-style sound as he bawled. Carla-Jean snapped into reality when Shannon grabbed her hand and pulled her inside, even as she used her other hand to push the crying Mason into the motel room ahead of her. The crossdressed man strutted with a scandalizing sashay of his hips even as he sobbed. The inside of the room was what Carla-Jean expected judging from the exterior, with the addition of very frilly and very gaudy decorations and clothing strewn about over every inch of open space. Shannon grabbed Mason's hand and spoke firmly. "Mason, dream pink lace broken porcelain. Clear state, pink doll stands, pink doll stands pretty." It was almost like a spell. Mason immediately stopped sobbing like a switch had been flipped, now suddenly standing up straight in a girly pose. He was perfectly still, like some flamboyant mannequin, his eyes rolled slightly up like as if in a daze. Carla-Jean was still shaking slightly as Shannon walked back to her and guided her to a chair at the room's small writing desk. "What, w-what..." Carla-Jean whispered. "I told you, Jeanie. There's nothing a little hard work can't fix. Well, hard work and experimental 'forced mental reconstruction' techniques utilizing drugs that officially do not and never have existed. When I told you there are things out there, things that are only known by people who have the ability to make whoever they want disappear to a black-site at the snap of their fingers... Things that make Hollywood's idea of hypnosis look like a trick from a sub-par talent show magician... Well, I wasn't kidding. I pulled a lot of strings for this, but as you can see I think it was worth it." As Shannon spoke, Carla-Jean kept staring at the sight of Mason posing like some caricature of a princess. She never imagined that seeing revenge in motion would feel so deeply satisfying to her. Normally she couldn't stand the sight of anyone getting hurt or abused, but this... "He broke in the first couple of days. Most do. To be honest a lot of the past few months has been personal tinkering with the final touches of the conditioning. You have my personal guarantee that no matter what happens, this pretty little princess will never be able to hurt you or anyone else ever again. They aren't even able to hurt themselves." "C-can he hear us?" Carla-Jean asked, her voice quiet and tinged with fear. "Oh yeah. Mason's still inside there. He's fully conscious. You can think of it like a one-way window. He's seeing and hearing everything, but we just get the new Mason. He has a new name, by the way. Lucile Froufrou. Very subtle, I know. We let him pick it out himself. Well, actually it was his second choice. He wanted 'Lucile Lovescox' but the county clerk wasn't going for that name change." Despite herself Carla-Jean laughed, her giggles turning to a snort at the thought of this bizarre drag queen version of her ex-husband prancing into a county clerk's office and demanding to get their birth certificate turned into something that sounded like the top billing for a drag show. Shannon spoke again after Carla-Jean finished laughing, but her voice was now much more serious. "I have to tell you something. You know I don't keep lies between me and you. When we conditioned him, we had to know exactly what he did to you..." Shannon didn't go any farther. Carla-Jean averted her gaze. "It's okay, Jeanie. Believe me, I'm making sure this bastard gets everything he deserves. This big strong man's going to experience hell in heels and frills. By the time I'm finished, it'll be revenge tenfold." Carla-Jean still didn't speak for a few moments, her thoughts dark. "I... I want to know. About this, all of this. I want to know what this conditioning does to him." "I'll give you the full details later, honey. There are some very entertaining videos I think you'll really enjoy. First we need to deal with those papers. But, well, if you really want the gory details... For now, let me just say this. As you can probably guess, Mason's choice of romantic partners hs changed. But trust me, I didn't just make it that simple. What's the fun in that?" As she spoke, Shannon reached over and picked up one of the frilly pieces of clothing strewn around the motel room. She lifted up a frilly pink peignoir robe and showed it to Carla- Jean with a wink, grinning as she continued. "Whenever Mason giggles and minces his way into some hunk's bed, the real Mason comes out. He gains full control over his own body, except for his voice. That keeps on chirping and squealing in delight, begging for more. There's just one little catch... His body won't let him use its strength. Not even up to five percent of it. I don't have stats but I'm pretty sure in this state he'd lose a wrestling match against my five year old niece. I'd put money on that, in fact. He can struggle and wrestle with all his might and his partner will just think he's into a little rough play. The more he struggles, the more Lucile's voice speaks up to let the hunk know just how much he's loving it. I know, I know, very evil of me. Pardon me if I don't feel bad about giving Mason here a little taste of his own medicine." Carla-Jean looked at Shannon, suddenly seeing the side to her friend that those years of giggling in classrooms and childhood bedrooms had hidden from her adult eyes. She was scared by what she saw. She couldn't argue that Mason hadn't done worse to women (she knew after finding those horrible videos that Mason wasn't just unfaithful, his other girls got treatment every bit as bad as she did or even far worse). But the sheer and unapologetic enjoyment in Shannon's voice didn't sound like justice to her. To her surprise, Carla-Jean found herself not feeling the slightest desire at all to oppose her friend's actions. "Hunks?" Carla-Jean asked. "You mean...?" "You couldn't even imagine. I'm telling you, the videos I'm going to show you..." Shannon smirked. She dropped the peignoir robe and walked over to the writing desk where the folder of legal documents laid open. "First, let's get his signatures on these. I'm glad you contacted me before he blew through much more of that inheritance, Jeanie. You should be set to buy that house in Charleston you were talking about, and still have more than enough to live off of." Carla-Jean glanced at the documents. She smiled, the thought of starting a new life, a quiet life, had seemed like the most remote of fantasies before Shannon had shown up and flipped her nightmare of a life upside- down. Carla-Jean looked hard at Shannon. The things she had seen today told her that Shannon was far more dangerous and wickedly ingenious than she ever imagined, but in its own twisted way it only made her love her friend more for it. Shannon was like something out of some crazy spy thriller, or some action movie with helicopter stunts and budgets larger than the GDP of many island countries, and here she was doing it all for Carla-Jean. Carla-Jean pushed aside her moral concerns with a growing smile. For the first time in years, she felt a hint of real power behind her decisions. "I want to choose what kind of 'hunk' he's looking for," Carla-Jean said suddenly, surprising even herself. Shannon grinned, eager to plot more humiliations for the immobilized and very unwilling drag queen standing perfectly still in the corner. "Oh yeah? What were you thinking?" "Someone mean. Like him. Or, like he used to be, whatever. Someone who treats him like shit. But no matter how he's treated, he treats them like they're his Romeo or something. He should be absolutely obsessed with pleasing them, like some... parody of a 1950s housewife, something like that. A perfect little homemaker." Shannon snorted with laughter. "Jeanie, you wicked little thing. I love it! Fortunately, I was planning something already pretty similar. It's a fantastic idea! Shouldn't take long at all. I'll let you know when I get him on the dating apps, you can play matchmaker." Carla-Jean glanced over at the frozen form of the man who had done so much to bring hurt into the world. She thought about the bruises she had for so many nights. She thought about how many times she fell asleep crying, alone in a bed that only brought her memories and nightmares of pain, spending every moment afraid he would return. She thought about what it meant to match his cruelty inch-for-inch. Did that make her just as bad? Worse? She decided she didn't care. "I don't want him to go run away and start a new life. Not yet. I want to make sure every person he's ever met gets to meet the new Mason," Carla- Jean spoke with a sudden conviction. There was a tone to her voice that even made Shannon raise an eyebrow. "My thoughts exactly. It's no fun otherwise, Jeanie. Now, let's get him to sign these papers." Shannon turned to the paralyzed crossdressing Mason and spoke in that same firm, controlled voice. "Mason, dream pink lace porcelain giggles. Resume state, pink walk and talk dolly, pink dolly obeys." Mason snapped back to life as if suddenly re-animated. "Lucile, sweetie, we need you to sign those papers," Shannon said with a snicker. Mason, eyes dull and his wide ditzy smile still on proud display, pranced over to the desk with a wiggle in his high-heeled walk. Carla-Jean watched his every moment. It was an outrageous movement, his hips working overtime. His mincing steps tiny in length, he placed each foot placed in front heel-to-toe in a straight line with each swing of hips. Carla-Jean giggled at the sight. "Lucile, don't you want this money?" Carla-Jean asked with genuine curiosity as her sissified ex-husband and abuser gleefully signed page after page of divorce papers that handed over every penny he owned. "Oh no, I won't need money when I find a sweet handsome man to marry," Mason giggled in that outrageous falsetto. For a moment, Carla-Jean thought she saw a hint of pain in his dolled-up eyes. "Until that happens, Lucile here won't have any trouble finding some steady work to afford this room," Shannon said as she walked over to the cheap motel nightstand and carefully used two fingers to lift up a frilly pink pair of panties with a heart-shaped cutout in the rear. The panties didn't exactly look brand new. Carla-Jean's eyes widened a little bit, and Shannon smirked. "As you can imagine, business is good." * * * Carla-Jean was quiet for the first few minutes of the ride back to her apartment. This time, however, it wasn't from fear. She wouldn't be afraid of Mason ever again. That man was dead. Well, to be more accurate, imprisoned. Imprisoned in the unbreakable and currently very frilly cell of his own body. When she began to speak, Shannon listened closely, delighted to find that Carla-Jean was formulating new ideas for her ex- husband's fate as fast as she could memorize them. Back in the motel room, Mason was preening and primping in front of the filthy mirror, staring deep into his own eyes. Inside his head, an endless and futile stream of rage echoed for no one but himself. In reality, only a falsetto giggle left his painted lips. As he pulled the corset strings tight, Lucile giggled and hummed to himself, joyous from nothing more than the sensation of satin and silk on skin. His body brushed out its wig and began to style it in a new style, eager to make itself as pretty as possible. After all, he had a husband to find. And to find a perfect husband, he would need to be the prettiest thing to ever grace a skirt and heels. Perhaps the man who was coming up to his room next would be that perfect husband. And if not, there was always the next man, the next night, the next town over. He would wait for the perfect man, the perfect lover, the perfect husband. There was quite literally nothing else he could do.

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HypnoSis Ch 15

The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this product are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred. Any resemblance to reality is purely coincidence. All characters are at least 18 years of age despite de***********ion, demeanor, or appearance. Written By: RebHillBabe Chapter 1: A Real Chance? Thomas rolled on his bed, kept awake against his will by the moans and thumping of...

4 years ago
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Hypno Wife

She lay on the sofa, her head resting on my lap. After her bath all she had put on was one of my tailed shirts just in case we had visitors. She wasn't always sexual like this, in fact, she was the complete opposite. She had always been a little chubby and was probably called fatty at school; kids can be so cruel. Now she still thinks her figure wasn't perfect but that's normal. She was perfect for me, five foot five with a curvy figure of 37-26-38 with a C cup. She was so shy about her...

2 years ago
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Hypno Help

Mark pulled into the parking space in the underground garage and put on the emergency brake. He sat there for a minute gathering his thoughts. He felt nervous. Placing his hand on his stomach he felt a fluttering anxiety in his belly. 'Relax' he said to himself, 'This isn't a big deal. A lot of guys have performance anxiety." He took a deep breath and opened the truck door, a slight wind blew across his face cooling his perspiring brow. He found the office pretty easily. On the side of...

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Hypno Porn

HypnoPorn? I’ve seen all sorts of porn sites during my time in the porn industry reviewing all sorts of websites, but I’ve never seen anything like this before. Alright, I’m lying, I’ve seen similar things, but most of them are in hentai form. So yeah, anyway let me tell you more about and what it’s all about though you can probably conclude from the domain name alone what you can expect from here.Hypnotizing porn for all the fans of the genre and newcomers tooBasically, this...

Fetish Porn Sites
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Hypno Sis 1

Dr. Martin knew Andy didn't belong there, but he allowed the boy to sit in anyway, because Andy had a way of asking questions that allowed the professor to explain more difficult concepts to the whole class better. Besides, the boy was quite adept and showed great promise. That summer, Andy spent back at home, moving in with his single mother and younger sister to save money. The day he got home, they both welcomed him to his old room and were happy to see him. His mom looked the same,...

4 years ago
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Hypno Slavers The Dr Emily Grouppart 2

It was located on the front wall next to the entrance and had two sliding doors, one opening from the outside, and one on the inside. The food was placed there for the patient's convenience, and I must admit the flavor of the delicious food was much better than I'd experienced for a long time. Eggs, ham, hash browns, orange juice, buttered toast. It was a wonderful meal and I enjoyed every bite of it while watching TV. I felt something inside that I couldn't identify, like ...

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Hypno whore at camp

At 1pm Bob picked me up right on time. I came out with a big duffle bag of stuff and threw it in the back seat as I climbed in. ‘Did you get everything?’ he asked with a big smile. I shrugged shook my head ‘Tooth brush, tooth paste, shoes, socks, underwear, pants and shirts.’ ‘Cool, let’s go.’ he said still smiling I looked at him closely ‘Why you so happy?’ He chuckled ‘I just cant wait to get there.’ And pulled out. He was really smirking because he knew what I had in the bag. I thought I had...

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You are a 18 year old White boy that always has something about hypnotism. It fascinates you, how people gets defenseless at hypnotist mercy, and how he/she can do do everything with the mind controlled subject. You want to try it, but you don't on how try it. Maybe you try with your family. Soon enough you think on your older sister, who always pranked you. The last hot summer, in your home pool, she pulled down your swimsuit in front of your crush after you have been swim in cold water pool,...

Mind Control
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Dr Masters HypnoCollege

Dear Sir, You have been invited to attend Dr. Master's College of Mind Control. At this prestigious school,you will learn mind control and other things. You have one week to show up on campus before you are denied entry,so please do decide fast. --Administration You at first thought the letter was a joke. After all,if the school was so prestigious,how come you had never heard of it? So you did some research and found that yeah,the college did exist,and it was now enrolling. You thought of all...

Mind Control
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John and the HypnoWatch

My name is John Doe. I attend college. And this is the story of how my life changed forever. See,I was never popular with the ladies. I'm what you might call a nerd. I was a virgin at the time of this story. A 'dweeb',I guess you could say. But that all changed. I was walking home from school one day when my sexy female bully,Eliza,and her friends,Veronica and Jordan,ambushed me. They were hot,stereotypical cheerleaders who loved making fun of me and bullying me. "Hey,nerd!"called Eliza,her...

Mind Control
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Hypno party

It was a typical saturday night in college. Dumb partys with people getting drunk. except this time you were actually going to go to one of those dumb partys. The year was almost over and you wanted to go to one before the end of the year. This was the last big party so almost everypne in the school was going including your crush. Her name was eve and you had just met her this year but she was very cute. She was not too popular but had enough friends so that you could never catch her alone and...

3 years ago
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Martin graduates hypno class

Martin walked out of the small run down office with a feeling of achievement. He had been useless at absolutely everything in his life. Until now that is. Martin has just finished top-of-the-class in a hypnosis course and can now hypnotise nearly anyone. As he stands outside the office, he wonders what he should do with this new gift...

Mind Control
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Hypno high

Helo "insert name hear" welcome to hypnosis high school whare you lirn all you need for the world and evry student can freely control the minds of thaor fellow students and even the teachers any form of mind control is alowed and you can make them do anything lets say agesnt all odds you have control of a whole class you can have them become your loyal cult or just make them compleat morons the intire town is under the control of the princible who in his old age wants to make a new genoration...

Mind Control
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Hypno Dodie

It was an early summers morning. Dodie awoke to a rumble from her phone. It was a business email. The title read: "Interested in taking a new tour? We can help!" Intreiged, dodie click on the email: "We at minersty of sound have seen your growth in the music industry and would like to offer you an opertunity to do a world tour! If interested, click the link below for more details" Dodie was suspicious. It seemed too good to be true. Shes always wanted to fly all across the world. This seemed...

Mind Control
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Hypno celebs

Celebs get wild after seeming a vid that hypnotises them and makes them moaning sluts. I'll will start with streamers and youtube celebs then move on to more main stream celeb. Add a comment for any celebs you would like to see.

Mind Control
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I wake up one day in abandoned building with my arms and legs strapped down. I can't hear anything and I have a headache that won't go away. Then a voice announces that I have been randomly chosen to be one of five test subjects for a government experiment. Each of us would be able to get any two super powers that we want. I chose the shapeshifting and hypnosis. The surgery was painless at first but then I started to remember things. I am a single 18 year old male who goes to a normal middle...

Mind Control
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A Milking Farm Hypno Fantasy

I awaken. I feel different. Confused. Not quite sure where I am. As I come to my senses, I realize I am bound. I am lying down with my hands and feet shackled in metal restraints. I try to look around only to see my entire body covered in tight black latex. My cock is the only thing exposed. As I move my head around looking for someone, something to make sense… I realize my head too… is covered in a latex mask. The room I am in is dark, unable to see anything outside of 10 feet away, after...

3 years ago
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Hypno whore at camp

At 1pm Bob picked me up right on time. I came out with a big duffle bagof stuff and threw it in the back seat as I climbed in."Did you get everything?" he asked with a big smile.I shrugged shook my head "Tooth brush, tooth paste, shoes, socks,underwear, pants and shirts.""Cool, let's go." he said still smilingI looked at him closely "Why you so happy?"He chuckled "I just cant wait to get there."And pulled out.He was really smirking because he knew what I had in the bag. I thoughtI had packed...

4 years ago
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Hypno sissy slut

It took a while to get a sense of reality. First my sight: blurry and hazy like my mind, light streamed through the window, bouncing off the soft white covers I was lain on. I blinked, shaking the hair that was covering my eyes, trying to see my surroundings. A largre screen TV was in front of me. I twisted my head left, and right, trying to take in the room. The room was made up of mirrors, and a blonde girl was in the centre, pillows underneath her stomach, arms and feet padlocked to the bed....

2 years ago
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Hypno Mail

Miranda couldn't believe that people posted crap like this to the internet.It was obviously just spam, posted to the targeted audience of one of the webpersonals sites. It was posted in the category 'Male seeking Female' with theheadline 'Submit yourself to me'. When she opened the message, it seemed tooridiculous to take seriously. The poster claimed to have a subliminal hypnosisprogram that would work through the monitor of any computer. ' Complete every session, and it will turn you into a...

3 years ago
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HypnoSubmission Pt 02

Part 2: Katie Master Boratus stood before her, although he just seemed a silhouette of a man. Katie knelt in front of him, a few feet away, naked with a collar around her neck. “Have you been a good girl?” he asked. Her body shuddered at the words. “Yes, Master,” she replied. “I haven’t cum like you ordered. I only cum when you let me.” She thought for a moment and felt into the words. “I only cum for you.” “Good girl,” he said, smiling. She shuddered again, a wave of pride and pleasure flowing...

Mind Control
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Subby Hubbys Hypno Humilation

******** I came home after work to find them fucking on the living room floor. My wife and some guy I didn’t know. He was on top. I remember her heels and toes hanging in the air as his ass flexed and he pumped away at her. “The FUCK,” I said. The guy looked back over his shoulder and smiled at me. Then he saw my expression and his smile left. My wife, she looked at me, then rolled her eyes. The guy sounded concerned. “I thought you said he’d be into this.” “He is,” she said. “He just...

4 years ago
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New hypno

Imagine!Imagine your self dressed in your Faggot latex outfit. Standing on the street in a bad neighborhood. Master made you wear your lockable baletheels so you can only take little steps. You wear your face open Hood with the rubber pony tail. Held in place with your Masters collar. According to your Master it is important that your ugly Faggot face is always recognisable in public! Your clit is locked in the Tiny chastity Cage and you have a Thick steel ring around your balls. Attached to...

2 years ago
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New hypno

!Imagine your self dressed in your Faggot latex outfit. Standing on the street in a bad neighborhood. Mast Imagine er made you wear your lockable baletheels so you can only take little steps. You wear your face open Hood with the rubber pony tail. Held in place with your Masters collar. According to your Master it is important that your ugly Faggot face is always recognisable in public! Your clit is locked in the Tiny chastity Cage and you have a Thick steel ring around your balls. Attached to...

4 years ago
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Fairy Tail Hypno Collection

Route A) You are an Enchanted Item Salesman who has a wide variety of magical items, some of which have hidden attributes (with sexy implications). Route B) You've been recently been cursed (or blessed) with an Incubus Curse which grants you hypnotic powers of seduction but the more you use them the more you'll need sex to sustain yourself. Route C) Seilah's Revenge: Seilah's soul somehow managed to take over Mirajane's body and now wants nothing more than to take over the guild and corrupt the...

Mind Control
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HypnoSubmission Pt 04

Part 4: Katie Katie woke in her bed, feeling happy and refreshed.God, I feel good. I haven't slept that well in ages. With all this stuff with Master Boratus, I …How did I get in bed? Wasn't I in the bar with him? Or was I? It's hard to focus. Did I dream it? I must've. How could he know I was going to be in the bar? And I don't remember what happened after. I must've dreamt it. Yeah. Lost track of time last night, gone to bed, and dreamt of meeting him.Jesus, that man is doing a number on my...

Mind Control
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HypnoSubmission Pt 08

Brenda Brenda shot a few “Good girl”s at Katie during the day, but just enough to annoy her without getting her angry. Cynthia looked a little worse. She obviously wasn't sleeping enough.I wonder what Master is doing to her?She knew not to ask him, though. Her day proceeded uneventfully, although she found herself assessing the various girls she saw.She’d be a nice choice for Master. Not her, though. Mmmmm, that one is sexy.By the end of the day, when she had not heard from her master, she...

3 years ago
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HypnoSubmission Pt 10

Part 10: Katie “Seriously, Brenda?” Katie whispered. “What the everlasting fuck? How did you even get her to watch it?”“I didn’t,” the blonde said with a surprisingly large Cheshire grin for her small mouth. Her blue eyes sparkled with mischief. “I spliced it into another video. You remember how quickly she tranced before?”Katie nodded.“I figured, she’d drop just a quick again. And I was right! Damn, I’m good.”Katie threw her hands out. “But why? Seriously. Why?”“Actually, I’m working on...

Mind Control
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HypnoSubmission Pt 11

Part 11: Katie “Shaun, please,” Beth said, slapping his arm. “W-when did you get here, Ma … Shaun?” Katie asked, her throat dry. His name is Shaun? I never thought to ask, I guess it doesn't matter except in company. He's just Master to me. “Just a little while ago,” he replied. “Finished my last appointment early and thought I'd swing by.” His brow furrowed. “I hope it's okay.” He looks genuinely concerned. But he can't be. He has to be fucking with me, being here while my mom is here. He...

4 years ago
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Hypno Sex

Being a young spotty youth, with his hormones ranging, I wanted sex, sex and more sex. The facts were I wasn't getting any at all. I dreamed of young girls under my control doing all sorts of sexy and disgusting things for me. I saw this film once where the butler hypnotises all the staff of the big house for his sexual pleasure. I wanked over that thought for weeks. Then I thought, perhaps I could learn to do that. I spent a fruitless week in the local library looking for a good book. Then I...

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This resort was everything I hoped it would be. I had just graduated from Georgetown Law School and I was treating myself to a resort before starting with the mega firm, Mugin and Hatcher. They were going to overpay me and overwork me, big time. My name is Tim Sharp. I had seen a brochure advertizing a hypnoerotic resort. I was a good amateur hypnotist, using the stage name Master Hypnotist. It was a good way to make a few bucks and to get women without trying too hard. The resort seemed...

2 years ago
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Amazing Hypno Hal

Last night was crazy! Just crazy! After JUST enough booze, my wife Cara, and two certain men especially, started pushing me to show off my nacient hypnotic skills. I insisted I wasn't that good yet, but they persisted, as I expected. Hours before the party, Cara asked me to relax her with hypnotism as I had done a few times before. I did as asked, using her already established key "CARA SLEEP." Once she was under, I also added a reinforcing suggestion as my own reward. In five minutes, she...

3 years ago
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Hypno Captions

// All characters in this story are at least 18 years old. Sometimes an image begs for some text to really bring out its true potential. This story is for those pictures and captions. Stories will be on the shorter side, just as some bite-sized entertainment to accentuate the pics, though if the fancy strikes, longer stories are fine as well. Mind-control stories only. Fictional or non-fictional, existing licenses or entirely of your own creation, anything is a-ok, as long it's attached with a...

Mind Control
1 year ago
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Hypno Sex with Mom

Note : This story is completely fictional! Being a professional hypnotist, I was exhausted from being on “the road” for so long and decided I needed a break. I figured visiting my widowed mom would be fun since she lives out in the country by a relaxing stream all alone and would enjoy my company. I immediately started thinking about when I was younger and use to fantasize about my own mother while I laid in her bed and jerked off with her panties. Long story short, I got to my Mom’s house and...

2 years ago
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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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