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Mark pulled into the parking space in the underground garage and put on the emergency brake. He sat there for a minute gathering his thoughts. He felt nervous. Placing his hand on his stomach he felt a fluttering anxiety in his belly. 'Relax' he said to himself, 'This isn't a big deal. A lot of guys have performance anxiety." He took a deep breath and opened the truck door, a slight wind blew across his face cooling his perspiring brow.

He found the office pretty easily. On the side of the door were numerous plants housed in different colored pots. It had a very comfortable, homey feel. He looked at the brass plate; Janetta Mendoza, Hyponotherapist. He took another deep breath. Mark grasped the knob and pushed the wooden door forward.

The waiting area felt inviting, like a soft nest for humans. It was painted in earth tones, browns, gold and mustard yellow, which made the surroundings feel warm and comfortable. Cozy would even be a good word to use He looked around the room, surprised that he was the only person there. 'Maybe Saturdays were slow days' he thought to himself. Mark plopped down on an oversized couch and looked at the brass clock hanging on the opposite walls. He grabbed a tan throw pillow that was propped up on one side of the couch and hugged it to his chest like a security blanket. It was almost 10:00 a.m. His appointment with Jeanetta, the hypno-therapist he was supposed to see was at 10:30. He had gotten there early because he didn't want to be late. In the background he could here a piano concerto, the rhythmic tinkling of the ivories seemed to seep into him, releasing the tension in his muscles. He took another deep breath feeling the cool air-conditioned air fill his lungs, relaxing his body. He clasped his hands together and stretched his arms outward, hearing a slight sound as the joints in his elbows cracked. He was feeling better. He had done a good thing by making the appointment. He leaned back in the sofa and looked up to the ceiling closing his eyes, letting the fading piano concerto lull him to sleep.

In his dream, a beautiful Latin looking woman, naked, was laying next to him, her firm breasts pressing into his rib cage. Her fingers languidly running through her aroused vagina, while her other hand was...

Half asleep, Mark opened his eyes and unconsciously jumped back from the woman leaning over him. She had a bemused look on her face. "Are you O.K?" she asked, lifting her hand off of Mark's upper arm. "I heard you moaning and I thought you were having a bad dream." Mark rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and refocused.

Feeling sheepish and embarrassed, Mark sat up. "Hi, you must be Janetta?"

"Yes, I'm Jeanetta." She held out her hand. "Nice to meet you Mark"

"Same here" he said lamely.

"Well," she said brightly, "Are you ready for our session?"

Mark nodded.

"O.K. then, follow me. My office is at the end of the hall."

Mark checked out the therapist as they made their way back to the office. He didn't expect her to be so attractive. Mark always had a thing for Latin women every since he could remember. Blonds just didn't do anything for him. He never understood why so many people went ape shit for Pamela Anderson. Looking at her was like looking at a box of crayons, she just didn't do it for him on any level, even when she was younger and looked less trashy then she did now.

It was hard to guess Janetta's age because of the dim lighting, but he guessed she was anywhere from 35 to 45. She had a superb figure; a dynamite rack, slim waist and long, limber legs. Her ass swayed invitingly with a come hither swish as they walked together down the hall.

Session 1

As they entered the office Janetta motioned for Mark to take a brown leather chair that had a light green throw blanket draped over it. He sat down heavily and laid the blanket over his legs. Her office was a lot like the waiting room. Everything was designed for maximum relaxation. If he laid his head back, he wouldn't surprise himself if he fell asleep again. He could hear muted sounds of crickets and birds coming from somewhere underneath, what looked like a large futon. On the shelves behind where Janetta sat her lith frame, were a lava lamp and what looked to be a variety of crystals. The atmosphere was tranquil and relaxing.

Even though he was in a very relaxed environment he could still feel some tension in his muscles. He turned his head cracking his neck.

They sat looking at each other for a few seconds.

"Well Mark, tell me what bring you here?" Jeanetta asked. She took a clip board with lined paper from the stand next to her and crossed her legs. She was wearing a dress and Mark got a fleeting glimpse of her soft thighs as she accommodated herself. She looked at him attentively.

Mark was embarrassed. "Didn't you read the paperwork I filled out."

Janetta could sense his tension and nervousness. She had read the paperwork, but Mark had barely written down anything and she really didn't have a clue to what was bothering him so much, that he would seek the help of a therapist.

"Yes I did, but I think it's always a good idea to hear things straight from the client. The more I know about you and your current situation the more information I will have on hand to offer you my assistance in dealing with it effectively, O.K.?" She gave him a warm smile encouraging him to open up.

Mark sighed. "These things are pretty hard for me to talk about. I've been dealing with these issues for a while, but have not..." He looked away, embarrassed, not able to maintain eye contact. Janetta waited patiently. She spoke softly like the way a cowboy would talk to a jittery horse he was trying break in order to ride, "It's O.K. Mark. I've been doing this for almost ten years and I have heard it all. Nothing shocks me or surprises me" She leaned forward, "It's O.K." she said soothingly.

"Do you promise not to judge me?"

"Of course. Anything we talk about is completely confidential."

He paused for a couple of seconds. "Do you mind if I kick off my shoes and make myself comfortable."

"Sure," she replied, wanting to make him as comfortable as possible. From experience she knew that the more comfortable he was with the process the better the session would be.

Mark kicked off his tennis shoes and sat cross-legged on the chair, draping the blanket over his lap. He folded his hands together tightly.

He began to speak, stuttering at first and then with a bit more confidence as he began to describe what he had been suffering with.

"Over the last few years, when I've been with a woman I haven't been able to get as excited as I would like when I'm with them. I start getting anxious and can't perform. Because of this I haven't had sex for a long, long time. In fact, because of how I was brought up, I haven't you know ... done anything at all, for months for sexual release. I'm just too anxious to try and honestly wouldn't feel right about it if I did. I would feel dirty. Like I was sinning or something"

Janetta took some notes and then looked up at Mark. "Mark, when you say, that you haven't done anything at all do you mean you haven't even masturbated?" She looked at him with interested detachment, attempting to create trust, but void of any overt emotions. In these types of situations, it was important to proceed slowly and with caution. At this point in their therapeutic relationship it was important that Mark felt supported and more important that he trusted her and the process they were both part of. She firmly believed that a client and therapist should work as a team and she made it a point to solicit their input thru all stages of the therapeutic process.

"No," he replied, "I don't do that because I was told by my pastor that it was a sin. I mean ... I wan ... want too. You have no idea how difficult it is to feel ... you know ... sexual feelings and not be able to do something about them." Mark hung his head. He looked frustrated and dejected.

Janetta looked at him. Mark was a nice looking man. He was a little on thin side, but with beautiful expressive brown eyes. His whole demeanor was almost boyish in some ways. He kind of looked like a lost little boy. He looked up at her. She could see the anguish reflected in his eyes.

Patiently she told him, emphasizing her words, "Mark listen to me. Masturbation is totally and completely normal. Everybody does it. If you didn't masturbate you wouldn't be a normal human being. It's a biological process that has been going on since the time of Adam and Eve."

Talking about masturbating was beginning to make Mark horny. He was glad he had the blanket draped across his legs. Feeling the telltale hardness of his cock straining against his shorts, he stretched out his legs and put his feet on the floor, raising his legs with the front part of his feet so that Janetta would not notice the bulge in the blanket. When Janatta stated that everybody masturbated he was tempted to ask her if she did, but was too embarrassed to do so. Besides that they were in a therapy session. This wasn't someone's dorm room.

Janetta looked at Mark with concern. Her words didn't really seem to have affected Mark the way she should would have liked. "Mark, you really look tense. Maybe it might be a good idea at this point to put you under and get you into a relaxed state."

Mark was affected, more than Janetta could possibly know. Bringing up masturbation made him realize how long it had been since he had total and complete sexual release. He was kind of irritated at himself that talking about jerking off was making him horny. He couldn't stop thinking about the word. He started thinking about the times, months and months ago when he would masturbate. Besides Latina women, the other thing that he really enjoyed, and that got him off like nothing else, was watching videos of women having unprotected sex, especially when they were tricked, blackmailed or coerced into doing it. Reading erotic stories with the same theme also excited him greatly. He remembered a particular story called, "Nena and the Gringos." It came out around 1996. He was about 29 or 30 at the time. He had jerked off to it just about every day. He could feel his cock hardening further. Thankfully, he had worn boxers and not briefs under his shorts. If he had worn the latter, his cock would have snapped in half like a termite infested baseball bat. He tried to focus in on what Janetta was saying.

"O.K. Mark, all you need to do is lay back and the chair and listen. I'm going to take you on a journey. You won't be totally asleep, just that netherworld where you are both asleep and awake. It's where you want to be to maximize the effectiveness of the session."

As Mark relaxed his legs and laid back Janetta noticed the large bulge in the blanket. Mark was aroused. She looked away. It was normal for men to develop an erection in this type of situation. Once he was under Mark would be so relaxed that his penis would revert back to its flaccid state. She began the session murmuring instructions to Mark's subconscious, willing it to absorb her words and relax his mind and body.

Janetta's voice had the complete opposite affect that she intended. The more Janetta spoke, the hornier Mark became. The timbre and cadence in her voice was erotically hypnotic. Her words seemed to have their own pulse; a soft, insistent, subtle movement that seemed to promise more a relaxed state of mind. The arousal he was feeling was almost tangible. He could feel his hardness straining almost as if it wanted to loosen itself from his torso and shoot forward on it's own like a missle. He breath was shallow and he could feel a glut of desire in his stomach. The kind of desire that overshadows and eclipses all other senses of the body. That overrides everything like the rouge computer program that movie that came out ... the one with the robot named Hal. Mark couldn't stand it any longer.

He sat up abrubtly cutting her off. "Jan ... Janetta we have to stop." He gripped the armrests, his hands encircling them, his finger digging into the cool leather. He was obviously distraught.

Janetta was thrown off balance, clueless to the depth of Mark's sexual desire. She stated, her face edged with genuine concern, "What's wrong? What happened? Are you all right?'

Mark looked at her. She was more than attractive. He looked with longing at her, staring deeply into her eyes and then darting lower, his eyes feasting on her large breasts, devouring her; picturing her naked, spread out, wet.

Janetta, taken aback by Mark's raw display of sexuality, protectively crossed her ample breasts with her arms. She looked at him coolly.

Embarrassed at his response and behavior Mark ripped his eyes away from Janetta. He stuttered an apology, still overtaken with the glob of desire for release that he could feel, throbbing relentlessly inside his cock and ball sack. He fought the overwhelming urge to reach down, heft his throbbing member in his hand and pump, pump, pump, pump until he could finally shoot his load.

Janatta just looked at him, not sure how to proceed.

"Janetta, I'm sorry, I can't continue this anymore. This is just making me ... his voice trailed."

"Mark, what is it?"

He paused and began rambling. "The talk, you know, us talking about masturbation and then your voice. It's making me hot. I can't concentrate on relaxing. You know. I'm feeling a lot of sexual feelings. But then I feel guilty because I can't do anything about them. I have this pressure ... this pressure in my ... cock ... that I need to release."

"Look Mark," Janetta patiently explained, "I already told you that it's O.K. to masturbate. It's not healthy for a man not to ejaculate sometimes. It's not good for the prostate or their health in general."

Mark, overcome by the overload of sexual feelings he was experiencing couldn't think straight. "Janetta, can I masturbate here. Right now."

Janatta looked at him quizzically, and brought her hands up making a gesture as if saying, back up a minute here. "No Mark, we couldn't do that. However, how about if I leave the office and I give you some time to relive yourself? It's important for you to understand that the act of masturbation is a normal aspect of human behavior."

Mark looked at Janetta almost in gratitude. The way she explained it was like she was giving him permission to masturbate. She validated the act. It was what he needed to hear. He couldn't carry around the guilt anymore. I can do it here?" he asked, emboldened, aware of the pre-cum that was leaking out of his hot and throbbing member, the desire coursing through his body like damp smoke.

"Not now," she laughed easily, "Let me leave the room. I'll knock in a few minutes and you can let me know if you finished."

After Janetta left Mark peeled off his shorts and boxers, leaving on his socks and t-shirt. He looked down at himself. His cock stuck out like a piece of pipe. It had been almost six months since he masturbated, which is the equivalent of someone not eating for a couple of weeks. He was starved for release, ravished, but wanted to prolong the sensations as much as possible.

He spread his legs and reached down. With one hand he cupped his ball sack, the little finger of his hand dipping in the soft folds of his perineum. With the other hand he fisted his pulsating prick. He closed his eyes.

As he stroked himself he saw an image of Janetta on the lip of the futon. She was completely naked. Her pussy was wet and aroused. Her toned, dark legs were spread open invitingly. The lips of her pussy glistened with the secretions of her desire. She was looking at him, her eyes lidded, her tongue running across her upper lip leaving a moist film of saliva in its wake. She raised her hand slowly and sensually waving him toward her, to come closer, to move inside her.

Mark could feel the ascent of his climax. He pulled on his stiff rod with more urgency.

In his fantasy Mark pushed forward, his cock sliding effortlessly into Janetta's warm inviting cunt. 'Are you safe' he asked, his cock beginning a slow and methodical piston action inside of Janetta's wet hole. She looked up at him, her eyes reflecting some alarm. "No, I'm not safe. Pull out right before you shoot and I'll finish you up with my hand. You can cum on my tits, O.K.?"

Mark could feel his scrotum tightening.

In his fantasy, he did not respond back to Janetta. He continued pumping deeply into her wetness. She reminded him again, more insistently, 'Remember, I'm not safe.' He continued to plow into Janetta, his heavy balls thudding heavily against Janetta's perspiring thighs. Janetta groaned. She was close to climaxing. She reached around Mark's ass, her middle finger sinking deep. Mark groaned. He bend down and began to French Janetta. He ran his tongue along her white teeth and then sucked her tongue into his mouth.

Mark moved his hand away from his balls and slid his finger up his ass seeking his prostate gland, his other hand pistoning faster, his flesh on the upstroke briefly covering the swollen head of his cock every one or two seconds.

In his fantasy he reached up and hefted Janetta's right breast, pinching the turgid nipple making Janetta groan deep in her chest. She could feel the moist heat of Mark's lust through her skin as he kept her long legs side apart, with his torso, pushing into her deeper, more insistently. Almost pleading she said, "Remember Mark, not inside ... please ... not inside of me."

His legs spread on the chair Mark groaned loudly as he began to orgasm. Months of repressed cum came spewing forth; shooting into the air, blobs of his seed landing over the chair and wood floor. His cock pulsated in pleasure, each orgasmic spasm, sending forth another warm flow of sperm causing him to groan anew with each spasm. He milked his prick, pulling forth the remaining pleasurable sensations, along with the last remnants of the warm spunk, as it cascaded down like melting vanilla ice cream across his fingers, still curled around his softening prick.

At the same time in his fantasy, Janetta sensed that Mark was close to his orgasm. Fear of pregnancy caused her to drop her pelvis so that Mark's cock would plop harmlessly out and she could finish him off with her hand. He was close to cumming and it would only take a few quick strokes of her small hand to bring him off and take off the months of suppressed sexual need he had endured. Mark, however, feeling her pull back drew his arm underneath along the small of her back and gently pulled forward causing her to slightly arch her back, further spreading her legs, giving his pistoning prick a better angle in which to plunge itself further into her soaked passage.

Her stomach flooding with fear driven adrenaline, Janetta tried twisting her body, desperate to disengage Mark's pounding prick before it began spewing it's pent up cargo of cum, but Mark was able to grab her arms and pin them over her head, keeping her in the position he wanted her in; prone, and helpless to escape. She tried one last time to reason with him, but it was too late. As Mark's pumping became almost frantic, she cried out in fearful desperation, "Don't cu- cum inside of me." but it was too late. Keeping Janetta's arms pinned over her head by her dainty wrists, Mark used the arm he had under her back to pull her even closer to him. His breath came and went in short, agonized gasps. Pushing himself deeply he began cumming inside of Janetta. Jets of his spunk spraying her insides like a garden hose. She had pleaded with him, cajoled him, to pull out but it was too late. As his orgasm peaked Mark fell upon Janetta's limp form, utterly drained.

After completing his orgasm, Mark enjoyed a few seconds of post-orgasmic bliss. Looking at the clock he saw that almost ten minutes had gone by. Suddenly aware of his nakedness, he grabbed some Kleenex from the stand next to his chair and began to mop up the mess. He couldn't believe how much cum had shot out of his cock. Beginning to feel a little uncomfortable about masturbating in a clinician's office and having a sexual fantasy of the therapist herself to boot, Mark hurriedly cleaned up the last remaining vestiges of his masturbation session, dumping the soggy Kleenex into the trashcan by his chair. Seconds after he had put back on his boxers and shorts, he heard a tentative knock on the door. "Mark, are you finished."

"Umm ... Yes, please come in."

Janetta sat back down in her seat and picked up her clip board. She looked up at Mark who smiled guiltily at her. "How do you feel?"

Mark was embarrassed and couldn't look at Janetta. "Uhh ... better." 'That sounded so lame, ' he thought to himself.

Janetta spoke to him with a slightly sharper tone. "Mark look at me." Mark tilted his head to look at her, trying hard not to stare at her tits or legs, but even just looking at her eyes made him start feeling horny again.

Janetta said with a warm smile, "Remember what we talked about. Masturbation is completely normal. What you did is so good for you. It's good for you to give yourself pleasure. It's healthy for both your physical, mental and emotional health. All right?."

Mark looked back at her slightly smiling and replied, "Your right Janetta, masturbation is healthy. Thanks for being so supportive. Coming to see you was a good decision. I think we'll are going to be a good team"

"I think so too," Janetta replied, standing, smiling. "Well, it looks like our time is up. Would you like to make another appointment for next Saturday at the same time?"

"Yes, I would."

Mark stood up and they stood looking at each other somewhat awkwardly. Impulsively Mark held out his arms and hugged. He could feel her soft breasts pressed against his chest. He pulled away. "Well, I guess I'll see you Saturday."

"O.K. see you then. Bye."

Before going home for the day Janetta busied herself cleaning the office. She thought about her session with Mark. It was a good session and she felt that they had accomplished quite a bit in the hour they were together. Although she was thoroughly professional in her dealing with clients, she couldn't help thinking about Mark's hard on and the fact that he had masturbated right in her office, right in the chair in front of her.

Her mind wandering she sat in the chair and imagined Mark playing with himself. He said he hadn't had an orgasm in almost six months. She could only imagine the amount of sperm that must have shot out of him. Janetta felt a soft surge of arousal flow up her spine, making her nipples tingle. Without thinking she looked in the wastebasket amazed at the amount of tissue there. She thought to herself, 'He must have sprayed a bucketful' For a split second she pictured Mark on the chair, stroking himself, cumming... 'stop it, ' she berated herself as she closed the door to her office and walked hurriedly out of the office. In her haste to leave she almost forgot to set the alarm on the way out. She cursed to herself, 'dammit.' She felt very uncomfortable where her thoughts had taken her. That never had happened to her before in all the years she had been a therapist. Janetta slammed the door behind her as she walked to her car at a brisk place. She just wanted to get home to her family and forget about work, forget about Mark.

Session 2

Mark arrived at 10:15 the following Saturday. Now that he had a chance to meet his therapist and work with her, he had a better idea of what to expect.

There was nobody around again. Mark had a few minutes to kill before his appointment so he idly picked up a People Magazine and begun thumbing through it looking at the inane pictures of supposed celebrities. It was amazing what constituted a celebrity these days. Joe the Plumber a celebrity? The guy was a fucking loser.

Janetta walked into the waiting room. She was wearing a cute, snug fitting sun dress, yellow with a light orange pattern arranged in diagonals on the dress. The dress was scooped low and he could see her ample cleavage. She had a rack on her, no doubt about that. She looked radiant. "Well, good morning. How are you feeling today?"

Mark stood up. "I'm feeling pretty good actually. Well, not perfect, but pretty good."

Janetta raised her arm signaling him to follow him back to her office. "Well come on down," She said, obviously referring to show 'The Price is Right.' Mark smiled at her attempt to help him feel at ease.

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Hypno Wife

She lay on the sofa, her head resting on my lap. After her bath all she had put on was one of my tailed shirts just in case we had visitors. She wasn't always sexual like this, in fact, she was the complete opposite. She had always been a little chubby and was probably called fatty at school; kids can be so cruel. Now she still thinks her figure wasn't perfect but that's normal. She was perfect for me, five foot five with a curvy figure of 37-26-38 with a C cup. She was so shy about her...

1 year ago
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Hypno Porn

HypnoPorn? I’ve seen all sorts of porn sites during my time in the porn industry reviewing all sorts of websites, but I’ve never seen anything like this before. Alright, I’m lying, I’ve seen similar things, but most of them are in hentai form. So yeah, anyway let me tell you more about HypnoPorn.net and what it’s all about though you can probably conclude from the domain name alone what you can expect from here.Hypnotizing porn for all the fans of the genre and newcomers tooBasically, this...

Fetish Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Hypno Sis 1

Dr. Martin knew Andy didn't belong there, but he allowed the boy to sit in anyway, because Andy had a way of asking questions that allowed the professor to explain more difficult concepts to the whole class better. Besides, the boy was quite adept and showed great promise. That summer, Andy spent back at home, moving in with his single mother and younger sister to save money. The day he got home, they both welcomed him to his old room and were happy to see him. His mom looked the same,...

4 years ago
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Hypno Slavers The Dr Emily Grouppart 2

It was located on the front wall next to the entrance and had two sliding doors, one opening from the outside, and one on the inside. The food was placed there for the patient's convenience, and I must admit the flavor of the delicious food was much better than I'd experienced for a long time. Eggs, ham, hash browns, orange juice, buttered toast. It was a wonderful meal and I enjoyed every bite of it while watching TV. I felt something inside that I couldn't identify, like ...

3 years ago
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Hypno whore at camp

At 1pm Bob picked me up right on time. I came out with a big duffle bag of stuff and threw it in the back seat as I climbed in. ‘Did you get everything?’ he asked with a big smile. I shrugged shook my head ‘Tooth brush, tooth paste, shoes, socks, underwear, pants and shirts.’ ‘Cool, let’s go.’ he said still smiling I looked at him closely ‘Why you so happy?’ He chuckled ‘I just cant wait to get there.’ And pulled out. He was really smirking because he knew what I had in the bag. I thought I had...

3 years ago
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You are a 18 year old White boy that always has something about hypnotism. It fascinates you, how people gets defenseless at hypnotist mercy, and how he/she can do do everything with the mind controlled subject. You want to try it, but you don't on how try it. Maybe you try with your family. Soon enough you think on your older sister, who always pranked you. The last hot summer, in your home pool, she pulled down your swimsuit in front of your crush after you have been swim in cold water pool,...

Mind Control
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Hypno party

It was a typical saturday night in college. Dumb partys with people getting drunk. except this time you were actually going to go to one of those dumb partys. The year was almost over and you wanted to go to one before the end of the year. This was the last big party so almost everypne in the school was going including your crush. Her name was eve and you had just met her this year but she was very cute. She was not too popular but had enough friends so that you could never catch her alone and...

1 year ago
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Hypno high

Helo "insert name hear" welcome to hypnosis high school whare you lirn all you need for the world and evry student can freely control the minds of thaor fellow students and even the teachers any form of mind control is alowed and you can make them do anything lets say agesnt all odds you have control of a whole class you can have them become your loyal cult or just make them compleat morons the intire town is under the control of the princible who in his old age wants to make a new genoration...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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Hypno Dodie

It was an early summers morning. Dodie awoke to a rumble from her phone. It was a business email. The title read: "Interested in taking a new tour? We can help!" Intreiged, dodie click on the email: "We at minersty of sound have seen your growth in the music industry and would like to offer you an opertunity to do a world tour! If interested, click the link below for more details" Dodie was suspicious. It seemed too good to be true. Shes always wanted to fly all across the world. This seemed...

Mind Control
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Hypno celebs

Celebs get wild after seeming a vid that hypnotises them and makes them moaning sluts. I'll will start with streamers and youtube celebs then move on to more main stream celeb. Add a comment for any celebs you would like to see.

Mind Control
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I wake up one day in abandoned building with my arms and legs strapped down. I can't hear anything and I have a headache that won't go away. Then a voice announces that I have been randomly chosen to be one of five test subjects for a government experiment. Each of us would be able to get any two super powers that we want. I chose the shapeshifting and hypnosis. The surgery was painless at first but then I started to remember things. I am a single 18 year old male who goes to a normal middle...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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Hypno whore at camp

At 1pm Bob picked me up right on time. I came out with a big duffle bagof stuff and threw it in the back seat as I climbed in."Did you get everything?" he asked with a big smile.I shrugged shook my head "Tooth brush, tooth paste, shoes, socks,underwear, pants and shirts.""Cool, let's go." he said still smilingI looked at him closely "Why you so happy?"He chuckled "I just cant wait to get there."And pulled out.He was really smirking because he knew what I had in the bag. I thoughtI had packed...

3 years ago
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Hypno sissy slut

It took a while to get a sense of reality. First my sight: blurry and hazy like my mind, light streamed through the window, bouncing off the soft white covers I was lain on. I blinked, shaking the hair that was covering my eyes, trying to see my surroundings. A largre screen TV was in front of me. I twisted my head left, and right, trying to take in the room. The room was made up of mirrors, and a blonde girl was in the centre, pillows underneath her stomach, arms and feet padlocked to the bed....

1 year ago
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Hypno Mail

Miranda couldn't believe that people posted crap like this to the internet.It was obviously just spam, posted to the targeted audience of one of the webpersonals sites. It was posted in the category 'Male seeking Female' with theheadline 'Submit yourself to me'. When she opened the message, it seemed tooridiculous to take seriously. The poster claimed to have a subliminal hypnosisprogram that would work through the monitor of any computer. ' Complete every session, and it will turn you into a...

2 years ago
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HypnoSubmission Pt 02

Part 2: Katie Master Boratus stood before her, although he just seemed a silhouette of a man. Katie knelt in front of him, a few feet away, naked with a collar around her neck. “Have you been a good girl?” he asked. Her body shuddered at the words. “Yes, Master,” she replied. “I haven’t cum like you ordered. I only cum when you let me.” She thought for a moment and felt into the words. “I only cum for you.” “Good girl,” he said, smiling. She shuddered again, a wave of pride and pleasure flowing...

Mind Control
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HypnoSubmission Pt 04

Part 4: Katie Katie woke in her bed, feeling happy and refreshed.God, I feel good. I haven't slept that well in ages. With all this stuff with Master Boratus, I …How did I get in bed? Wasn't I in the bar with him? Or was I? It's hard to focus. Did I dream it? I must've. How could he know I was going to be in the bar? And I don't remember what happened after. I must've dreamt it. Yeah. Lost track of time last night, gone to bed, and dreamt of meeting him.Jesus, that man is doing a number on my...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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HypnoSubmission Pt 08

Brenda Brenda shot a few “Good girl”s at Katie during the day, but just enough to annoy her without getting her angry. Cynthia looked a little worse. She obviously wasn't sleeping enough.I wonder what Master is doing to her?She knew not to ask him, though. Her day proceeded uneventfully, although she found herself assessing the various girls she saw.She’d be a nice choice for Master. Not her, though. Mmmmm, that one is sexy.By the end of the day, when she had not heard from her master, she...

3 years ago
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HypnoSubmission Pt 10

Part 10: Katie “Seriously, Brenda?” Katie whispered. “What the everlasting fuck? How did you even get her to watch it?”“I didn’t,” the blonde said with a surprisingly large Cheshire grin for her small mouth. Her blue eyes sparkled with mischief. “I spliced it into another video. You remember how quickly she tranced before?”Katie nodded.“I figured, she’d drop just a quick again. And I was right! Damn, I’m good.”Katie threw her hands out. “But why? Seriously. Why?”“Actually, I’m working on...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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HypnoSubmission Pt 11

Part 11: Katie “Shaun, please,” Beth said, slapping his arm. “W-when did you get here, Ma … Shaun?” Katie asked, her throat dry. His name is Shaun? I never thought to ask, I guess it doesn't matter except in company. He's just Master to me. “Just a little while ago,” he replied. “Finished my last appointment early and thought I'd swing by.” His brow furrowed. “I hope it's okay.” He looks genuinely concerned. But he can't be. He has to be fucking with me, being here while my mom is here. He...

3 years ago
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Hypno Sex

Being a young spotty youth, with his hormones ranging, I wanted sex, sex and more sex. The facts were I wasn't getting any at all. I dreamed of young girls under my control doing all sorts of sexy and disgusting things for me. I saw this film once where the butler hypnotises all the staff of the big house for his sexual pleasure. I wanked over that thought for weeks. Then I thought, perhaps I could learn to do that. I spent a fruitless week in the local library looking for a good book. Then I...

4 years ago
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This resort was everything I hoped it would be. I had just graduated from Georgetown Law School and I was treating myself to a resort before starting with the mega firm, Mugin and Hatcher. They were going to overpay me and overwork me, big time. My name is Tim Sharp. I had seen a brochure advertizing a hypnoerotic resort. I was a good amateur hypnotist, using the stage name Master Hypnotist. It was a good way to make a few bucks and to get women without trying too hard. The resort seemed...

2 years ago
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Hypno Captions

// All characters in this story are at least 18 years old. Sometimes an image begs for some text to really bring out its true potential. This story is for those pictures and captions. Stories will be on the shorter side, just as some bite-sized entertainment to accentuate the pics, though if the fancy strikes, longer stories are fine as well. Mind-control stories only. Fictional or non-fictional, existing licenses or entirely of your own creation, anything is a-ok, as long it's attached with a...

Mind Control
1 year ago
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Hypno Sex with Mom

Note : This story is completely fictional! Being a professional hypnotist, I was exhausted from being on “the road” for so long and decided I needed a break. I figured visiting my widowed mom would be fun since she lives out in the country by a relaxing stream all alone and would enjoy my company. I immediately started thinking about when I was younger and use to fantasize about my own mother while I laid in her bed and jerked off with her panties. Long story short, I got to my Mom’s house and...

3 years ago
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Case 34 Innocence Lust MrPhelps

"You can start any time you want to Brian." I encouraged. "Take as much time as you need.""Well...I don't know where to begin. Should I jump in, and tell the juicy parts first, like Jenny did, or can I just take it as it comes?""Whatever You want,Brian. Whatever makes it easier for you." I smiled at him and leaned forward to take his hand in mine. It was hot and sweaty, and he was shaking like a leaf in the wind. At a nod from me, Malinda got up and walked over to stand behind him. She kissed...

1 year ago
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A Swim with Phelps

It was a beautiful day at the Portofino Hotel in Universal Studios, Florida, and I was enjoying it immensely. I took a few lazy laps in the pool and then got out to recline on one of the many empty lounge chairs. It was mid-afternoon and most of the hotel’s guests were in the park. Taking advantage of the vacancy, I spread out, placing my wet towel and cover-up on the chair next to me and laid down, pulling my sunglasses onto my face. I’m not sure how long I lay there, I must have dozed off...

2 years ago
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Hypnotism Doesnt Work

Michelle Williams was a smoking hot 22 year old legal secretary. She was tall, blonde and had a killer, voluptuous body that drove men wild. The busty blonde still lived at home with her father and stepmother, as well as her young 18 year old stepbrother Hugh. Michelle was currently single, but never had too much trouble getting guys, most of them easily drawn to her curvaceous body and open sexual nature. Where Michelle was popular and outgoing, her Hugh stepbrother was the exact opposite....

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Dr. Lewis was ill tempered when he unlocked his office door. It was a little after eight and he had sessions back to back through out the day. He hated it when Ginger booked them like that. He needed time to recuperate and ground himself. He was doing memory work with some of his clients and that kind of therapy could be intense. He ached for Thursday – two days to go before he could see her. In his journal, which stayed in a locked drawer in his office at home, he had started referring to...

4 years ago
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Rosannes Little Helper

It all began on a Wednesday night early last summer in Rosanne’s back yard. Finding ourselves alone following her “Welcome to Summer” party, Rosanne’s curiosity and my hormones set us on a journey of sexual exploration that led directly to this story. That night, Rosanne’s parents were playing cards with members of their large extended family at her uncle’s house just down the street, something they did regularly on Wednesday nights. This continued all summer, but by fall the card-party had...

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Jacqui Space WaifChapter 27 Colin Helps

Colin quickly snapped Jacqui's hands into the cuffs on the bed head and went to the cupboard to fetch the paddle he knew from previous visits was kept there. SPLAT. The paddle came down fairly firmly on one cheek of Jacqui's arse; it wasn't a real punishment blow but it did make the colour much more uniformly red. Jacqui knew fine well that she should not cry out yet. Not if she wanted him to get the most out of his punishment of her. SPLAT. The other arse cheek changed colour to match...

1 year ago
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Helpless Teens are arguably the best type of teens, at least if you’re the sort of depraved pervert who drives around in a windowless van stocked with ropes, handcuffs, shackles and blindfolds. That could be the setup for a horror movie, but you already know what kind of subject matter I talk about here at ThePornDude. Sure, it might be some rough stuff, certainly not for everyone, but in the end, we’re always talking about porno movies. The question is, how kinky do you like to get while...

Premium Extreme Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Hypnotised to Quit Smoking Ch 01

My name is Kate and I am 28 years old. I have been married for 5 years and have a little boy. I started smoking when I was 14 and just before I gave birth I was smoking 20 a day. I managed to cut back but soon after giving birth I was quickly back to 20 a day again. Whilst my husband has never smoked, he has never pressurised me to quit. That was until our little son had arrived. I love smoking. Despite all the negatives, I find nothing better than kicking back lighting up and indulging in...

1 year ago
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Hypnosis Daughter

My dad is very shy. He's not a bad-looking guy; he's just shy. I knew that he wanted to meet a girl and to have a girlfriend, but he was too shy to even talk to them.He and my mom didn't ever marry. I don't think that they were together too long either. They had broken up by the time I was born. But even though I always lived with my mom, I still love my dad. He's always nice to me and always remembers my birthday and Christmas and stuff like that. He's always nice to my little brother too,...

2 years ago
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Hypnosis for Weight Control

Cynthia wanted to lose weight and chose hypnosis as the way to do it. Her brother David decided to take advantage of the situation. Author’s note: Every character in or referenced in this story is 16 years old or older. Sometimes in real life people lie about their age. In the same manner, these story characters may lie about their age, stating that they are younger than 16. But I am stating here and now, as the author of this story, that every single character is at least 16 years old....

1 year ago
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Hypnosis Daughter

My dad is very shy. He’s not a bad-looking guy, he’s just shy. I knew that he wanted to meet a girl and to have a girlfriend, but he was too shy to even talk to them. He and my mom didn’t ever marry. I don’t think that they were together too long either. They had broken up by the time I was born. But even though I always lived with my mom, I still love my dad. He’s always nice to me and always remembers my birthday and Christmas and stuff like that. He’s always nice to my little b*****r too,...

4 years ago
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SPH III The Return of Santas Perverted Helper

For the third time that cold December afternoon I tried to adjust the digital binoculars on the house across the street but I was unable to focus them. That was because my young assistant had succeeded in removing my yule log from its confinement and she was doing her best to grow it to its full holiday dimensions with her small, warm hands. “Susie, if you keep that up then we’ll never be able to accomplish this mission,” I told her, hoping it would stop her from what she was doing though...

2 years ago
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At work, I and a co-worker had been talking about a hypnotist that was coming to town with his show. My co-worker told me he knew somebody who could do that as well and we agree to go see him sometime. So a few days pass by and we go to see him with a whole group from work. He does his routine, and I'm told I have eaten sour grapes like they were oranges and that kind of stuff. What they actually did, I find out the next day. I go to work, and I felt the need to dress really sexy that day....

4 years ago
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Hypnosis Weight Control 4

Cynthia (Cin to me) has been using hypnosis to lose weight. Her brother David has implanted a secret phrase that puts Cynthia into a deep hypnotic trance, ready to receive his suggestions. He has successfully convinced her that she needs his help to have an orgasm while masturbating. His most recent accomplishment, with a little patience, was to have her fuck him. Now her girlfriend Yvette is coming into the picture. Author’s note: Every character in or referenced in this story is 16 years...

3 years ago
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Hypnotizing a Mistress

(Disclaimer: In regards to the cover image, I do not own any intellectual property or proprietary rights. I have no association or affliation with the owner/owners of the image or any of their content. The image is being used for demonstration purposes only, with no monetary or personal benefit of its use. If the original content owners wish for me to remove it, i will do so without hassle.) (Also. The porn actress in the cover image is called Sinn Sage. The video the image is from is called...

Mind Control
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Santas Helper

This is a follow up story to my wife's 40th birthday present. To review briefly, we shared a fantasy for years about having a young man enjoy my wife's hot sweet nectar and finally with some teasing, I got it set up and she enjoyed a young black college man. I watched them but she didn't know it.I suggested that perhaps we could repeat the event for her next birthday but that it should be a threesome with her enjoying me and a lover. She jokingly suggested that perhaps it could be sooner,...

3 years ago
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Mothers Future Helper

--- Mother's Future Helper (F-solo, f-solo, ff, MF, 1st, bi, cons, reluc, oral, impreg?, ScFi, voy) by Krosis of the Collective --- -------------- Two weeks ago: -------------- "But Dave, you know what week that is!" "I know, Linda, but it's my job, and we need the money." "Money isn't everything." ----------------------------- Jump forward - four days ago: ----------------------------- Hi! My name is Jessica (Jesse7327 to my friends). I'm 15 years...

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It is the annual alumni reunion event at the Lauderton High School, which they hold in the large gymnasium in the main school building. The events in these stories take place at various times during the evening, and to different characters; they are not chapters of the same story, but a series of separate takes. We are the invisible camera, panning around the scene and then zooming in for a close-up ... TAKE FOUR Jenny Neustein, the teacher who had done most of the work of...

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Sally had all but moved in, I had told her to keep her flat as a back up but she moved in a lot of her clothes and personal things and it was great having her around the house in Lisa’s absence.I had got into the habit of just wearing boxers around the house as Sally loved to see me like that. ‘cock on tap’ she called it and it was fine by me, even calling me ‘daddy’ was pleasing and she certainly enjoyed playing games and having fun, albeit she was 3 years older than Lisa they were like twins...

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