Hypno Slut
- 3 years ago
- 26
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Miranda couldn't believe that people posted crap like this to the internet.It was obviously just spam, posted to the targeted audience of one of the webpersonals sites. It was posted in the category 'Male seeking Female' with theheadline 'Submit yourself to me'. When she opened the message, it seemed tooridiculous to take seriously. The poster claimed to have a subliminal hypnosisprogram that would work through the monitor of any computer.
' Complete every session, and it will turn you into a completely submissiveslut who will do anything to be humiliated and abused. Don't say I didn't warnyou.'
Well there's a sales pitch. Who the hell did the guy expect to sell thisprogram to, women who had nothing better to do than fantasize about being hisfuck-toy ? He had an awfully big opinion of himself.
Just out of a perverse curiosity, Miranda clicked on the e-mail link.
' How do I get the program ?' she asked.
She fully expected to get a reply with a request for $24.95, cheque, moneyorder, or visa, thank you very much. By the time the response came the nextevening, she had almost forgotten that she even sent the e-mail. Instead ofa request for cash, attached to her e-mail was a file named 'Sbmit1.exe'.
Okay, so it wasn't spam. Correction. It wasn't spam...yet. The creep wouldstill probably ask for money for Sbmit2 or 3. Either that, or the program wasjust a delivery device for a virus. No big deal, Miranda figured. She had boughta new computer recently, and the old was still hooked up. All she had to dowas load the program into the old computer. That way, she could see what theprogram was about, and not take any risks with a virus.
Miranda copied the program onto a floppy, and took it to the spare room,to where the older computer had been displaced. She wasn't sure why she evenbothered. Boredom probably. Her husband's new schedule had him working evenings.Patrick wouldn't be home from work for another couple of hours, and she usuallyjust spent this time cruising the internet. It would be good for a laugh anyhow.
Upon opening the file, the screen of the older computer displayed a message.
' Hypnotic display session 1
Duration 5 minutes followed by instructions
Press to continue '
She pressed the key. The screen began to flash with an array of colours,first slowly, and then with a rapidly increasing pace. Nothing terribly complex.Simple designs floated through her line of vision. She had to admit that thevisual stimulation was relaxing, and even somewhat erotic, but there was nohypnotic trance. It was just a cute little graphics program. After five minutes,the screen gently phased back into text, displaying a screen full of instructions.
' Print this page now ' were the first instructions. Miranda clicked in thecommand to send the file to the printer. She didn't mind playing along withthe program. It seemed harmless enough, and she did have some sexual tensionto work off. When the page was printed, she pulled it from the printer andbegan to read.
' Suspend your disbelief. If you have come this far, you are at least willingto do that. Give these instructions the next half hour of your life.'
Miranda decided that she could do that. As an editor for a book publisher,being able to suspend disbelief was almost an occupational requirement. Shetried not to allow her eyes to skip ahead on the page, as was her habit whenreading.
' Take this set of instructions with you to a place where you can view yourselfin a mirror. I want you to see yourself obey my commands. Once you see howmuch it turns you on to follow my commands, you will be mine. '
Miranda picked up the sheet of paper, and brought it to the bedroom. Sheset it down on the dresser and looked into the full length mirror on the bathroomdoor. She smiled at her reflection, feeling a little silly for playing alongwith the author of these words.
' Remove all of your clothing. Do this quickly now. I know that you are eagerto be naked for me. '
She had no reason to feel self conscious. She was the only one around. Nonetheless,it felt odd stripping of her clothes at the written commands. She thought ofthe thrill it might give the author if he knew that she was actually goingthrough with it.
Miranda looked at her body in the mirror. She had been working out recently,and was quite proud of the results. She turned and inspected her body for aminute before reading the next instructions.
' Symbols are important. You will wear a symbol for me, to show your submission.Find a strip of black cloth, ribbon, or string, and tie it around your neck.It will be the only ornament on your naked body. It will symbolize your obedienceto me. '
Miranda liked the direction this was going. In truth, the initial reasonshe had been looking in the online personals, and that she opened a messagetitled ' Submit yourself to me' was because she took a thrill from games ofdomination. Patrick tried his best, but he wasn't really into it. So, she oftenlived vicariously through personals and stories posted to the internet. Notthat she ever intended to do anything about it, but it helped to satisfy herappetites.
She went to the closet, and looked for a suitable piece of black cloth. Aftera minute of searching, she finally just decided to remove the shoelace froma black pair of boots. When she went back to the mirror, she watched her reflectedself as she tied the lace around her neck. She smiled at herself again. Thiswas getting her really horny. Who would have guessed that she would enjoy participatoryfiction ?
' The black band around your neck is your slave collar. If you had any doubtsabout serving me, they are gone now. Through this symbol of submission, I amin the room with you now, watching you through the mirror. Come closer now.I want to touch you. '
Miranda took a step closer to the mirror. She moved the page of instructionsalong the top of the dresser so that she could still read it.
' Your nipples are pointed now. I can see them through your eyes. Your handwill act as mine. Explore your body with it. Feel my hand upon your flesh.'
She moved her right hand across her body now. She watched herself in themirror. With little effort, she could imagine that the hand exploring her bodybelonged to someone else; to the unknown author. She cupped her own breasts,and circled the nipples. They were hard between her fingers. She felt up anddown her body, showing her imaginary lover every inch.
Her hand went to the string around her neck. She liked the look of it inthe mirror. She imagined that his hand was tight around the collar, and thathe was in total control of her. Her hand ran across her belly, around her hip,and caressed her naked ass. She could imagine his body pressed up against her,perhaps his cock brushing across the curve of her ass. When her hand finallyfound her pussy, it was like an electric jolt went through her body. She lookedback to the instructions.
' You are showing me your pussy now. You are guiding my fingers into yourwetness. My fingers are hot with your juices. I can feel you pushing your bodyagainst me. You want me to finish you. Not yet. I want to taste you first.Guide my fingers to your mouth, slave. Taste them for me. '
It was like he was in the room with her, and the words on the page almosttook on a real voice. Without hesitation, Miranda brought her fingers to herlips, and sunk them to her mouth. She sucked them eagerly, working her tonguearound her fingers. Her taste was strong on her hand.
' Look me in the eyes. I can see into your soul. Bring your lips to mine,and I will let you cum. '
Those were the last of the instructions. Miranda caught her own eyes in themirror. They were eyes that could see every secret she held. She brought herlips to the mirror. The glass was cold, but she could feel his tongue againsthers. Her hand had found her pussy again.
" Mmmf, " she hear herself groan, as she strained to push her tonguefurther into the glass. The mirror was fogging under her hot breath.
Her legs were weak. She dropped to her knees in front of the mirror, buther mouth would not free itself. Her lips slid down the mirror, keeping herin contact with the tongue of her lover. All of her feelings came now fromthe black lace around her neck. Even as her pussy began to send shock wavesof pleasure through her body, the feelings seemed to be an originate from thecollar around her neck.
I am a slave, she told herself silently. A submissive slut. To be used. Abused.Fucked by my master.
The collar felt so heavy. The mirror was warming against her lips. Her pussywas throbbing against her hand. When she finally lost control, she swore thatshe could feel the mirror kissing back.
Miranda thought a lot about the program while she was at work the next day.It gave her little shivers of excitement. It was exactly what she was missingin her love life; a little harmless fun with a dominant lover. A fantasy lover,but a lover nonetheless. She still wore the shoelace, as a reminder, tied tightlyaround her ankle.
She still didn't put any stock in the idea of the subliminal hypnosis program.The screen display was just a nice little prelude, and helped to put her intothe mood. It was just a psychological tool really, to allow her to take thewritten instructions seriously. If the instructions had come to her any otherway, she was sure that she would have ignored them.
" How far do I want to go with this ?" she found herself askingaloud, while alone in her office. She certainly didn't want to let Patrickknow about the program. It all seemed pretty harmless, though. She would playit by ear.
She sent another e-mail that evening.
' How do I get the next session ?'
To her surprise, the e-mail response was back within an hour.
' Fill out this questionnaire with your personal information. Enclose yourslave collar in the same envelope, and send it to me. It is a symbol of yourobedience, given freely to me. '
The address was to a man called Walker, and was over half a continent awayfrom Miranda's home. Up to this point, Miranda had been careful to only sende-mail through an anonymous address. She was a little concerned about providingher personal information to this Walker. She opened the file to the questionnaire,and was relieved to find that it didn't ask any questions that would revealher identity. The questions were about her physical description, sexual preferences,and marital status.
For a minute, she considered lying about the details, but somehow that feltwrong. Anyhow, there was no danger in answering truthfully. This guy was milesaway, and had no idea who she was. He might find out where she mailed the letterfrom by reading the postmark, but there was no way that she was putting downa return address.
So, she filled out the questionnaire and enclosed it in an envelope. Mirandauntied the lace from around her ankle. For some reason, she was reluctant topart with the black shoelace. The man was right, symbols are important. Nonetheless,she was anxious to receive the next session of the program, so she droppedthe lace into the envelope and sent the letter.
The next two weeks, Miranda anxiously awaited a reply in her e-mail. Shecouldn't believe how excited she was about getting her next set of instructions.When she finally received an e-mail from the man named Walker, she opened itimmediately.
' I'm pleased that you obeyed my directions. Are you ready to take it onestep further ? Your instructions await following the presentation of Sbmit2.exe.'
Miranda liked the sounds of this. She was definitely ready to go further.This time she didn't bother to load the program onto the second computer, andran it right away.
' Hypnotic display session 2
Duration 10 minutes followed by instructions
Press to continue '
She pressed the key. This program was much better than the first. Withinthe shimmering colours of the display, Miranda could make out what seemed tobe human forms. The glimpses were brief, and left her looking for more. Theimages were ghostly. She thought she saw a woman... no... two women. Were theybeing whipped ? The scene was too fleeting.
Miranda could feel her body reacting. There was no way to know if it wasthe result of the images of the display, or the anticipation of the followinginstructions. By the time the images faded, and the screen phased slowly backto text, Miranda was shaking with sexual desire. She printed the page immediately.
' You have come this far, though you still doubt the effects of the display.Perhaps you were born to be my slave. Perhaps the program does nothing. Itis not important. What is important is that you know that you will do exactlywhat I say, because you are my little whore now. You will enjoy every momentof your surrender to me. '
Miranda was reading quickly. She needed to cum so badly now.
' I will give you only one chance to continue. If you cannot follow my instructionsexactly, I have no further use for you. Symbols are important, little one.I hold your slave collar in my hand as I write these instructions.'
The thought sent shivers through Miranda's body.
' Tonight you will wear black panties as our symbol. Get them now. You willwear them with a short skirt for me, and then I will tell you what to do. '
She took the sheet of paper with her to the bedroom. She stripped out ofher jeans, and pulled off her white panties. In her dresser, she had a pairof lacy black panties that Patrick had bought for her. They were perfect. Shealso found a short skirt to wear. Instinctively, she looked tot he mirror forWalker's approval. Her bare legs looked delicious. She could hardly wait toget her hands between them.
' How slutty you must feel, wearing only black panties and a tiny littleskirt. What kind of a whore would go out in public wearing what you are wearingnow ? You will. I'll see to it. I have made some plans for you this evening.'
Miranda could feel her heart swelling with a mixture of fear and excitement.This game was going too far. What if someone saw her ? What would they think? Her mind protested the commands on the printed page, but her body was anxiousto feel the sting of humiliation. Perhaps, even, the sting of his whip Sheconsumed the rest of the instructions eagerly.
' I have arranged an encounter. You will display yourself for me. I met aman in a chat room yesterday. He lives in your city. Your are going to showhim your black panties, and when he sees you wearing them, he will know thatwhat I've told him is true. He will know that you are my little slut. Thatyou belong to me. '
' What will I let him do to you ? You are anxious to know. '
' Why, nothing, my dear little pet. I could have you do anything, couldn'tI ? But tonight, this man will only watch. He will see you at the main branchof the public library. He will be upstairs, at a study table, and you willsit across from him. Perhaps no one will notice as he looks up your skirt througha mirror in his lap. '
' What a naughty little slut you are to be spreading your legs so. He willwatch as you drop your hand under your skirt, and squirm out of your panties.He'll see them around your ankles. Does anyone else see what's going on ? Itdoesn't matter. '
' He'll watch your face as you begin to stroke your pussy for me. You willsee his eyes drop down to the mirror in his lap. Imagine how it will feel tohave a total stranger watch you as you slide your fingers along your wet pussy.You must feel like a real slut, knowing that you will do this for me. '
' Give him a good show for me. He will be there at eight o' clock. When youare done, mail me your black panties to receive the next session. '
Miranda's internal debate didn't last long. This was more excitement thanshe had ever had with Patrick, and she knew that she couldn't resist. In lessthan an hour, she was at the library.
One of the librarians was watching her as she climbed the narrow set of stairs.From her vantage point, she could probably see most of the way up Miranda'sskirt. Her face flushed red. It wasn't even summer. She looked totally outof place in the tiny little skirt. At least the library was fairly empty thisevening.
On the second floor, she looked for the study tables. She was a few minutesearly, and the study tables were empty. She couldn't help but scan the room.Where was this man ? Was he waiting among the rows of books, or had he beendownstairs, watching for her in the lobby ? She was breathing heavily. Shewas sure than anyone would be able to see her state of excitement.
Eight o'clock came. She was in amongst the rows of books, watching the tables.The suspense was killing her. Then, like clockwork, and man came up the stairsand stationed himself at one of the study tables. She started to go over, tosit across from the man, when another library patron came out from the rowsof books and took a place the second table. He flashed her a smile. Her heartraced. She had almost chosen the wrong man.
She walked over to the second table. He watched her. His eyes ran up anddown her legs. Miranda could feel her pussy twitch when the man ran his tongueacross his lips. She felt so very cheap. They both knew that she was here togive him a peep show, like some sort of sleazy stripper.
Miranda sat across from him. He was looking into his lap now, maybe adjustingthe mirror to get a good view up her skirt. For a minute, she couldn't bringherself to uncross her legs. It was so unladylike. His eyes were riveted inhis lap.
Slowly, she uncrossed her legs. With one hand, she pulled the edge of herskirt back to give him a good view of the black lacy panties. God, she couldn'tbelieve she was doing this in a public place. Anyone could see. Her eyes flashedaround the room. No one was looking. Time to pull down her panties.
Both hands now went down below. She lifted her ass from the chair, and pulledthe panties down on her thighs. She watched the man. He was smiling now. Hadhe caught his first glimpse of her pussy ?
She bent forward a bit, and pulled the panties down her legs, until theyrested around her ankles. Taking a deep breath, she spread her legs again,and pushed her crotch to the edge of the chair.
" Oh, that's nice, " the man across the table said quietly. Mirandablushed.
Could he see how wet she was, Miranda wondered. She couldn't wait any longer.Taking another self-conscious glance around the room, she dropped one handbetween her legs and began to frig herself. Just as Walker had described, theman looked up to see her face as she began to jerk off for his viewing pleasure.Her mouth hung open slightly, her eyes locked on his. He looked again to themirror in his lap.
There was a woman in the row of books across from her. She bent down to lookat the lower shelves. Was she watching too ? The idea mortified Miranda, buther lust drove her forward. Her hips were gyrating now at the edge of the chair,and anyone who was looking at her face would surely see that she was in theheat of passion. She tried in vain to keep herself silent, but a low whinewas escaping her throat.
The woman in the row of books was watching now, not even pretending to lookat the literature anthologies before her. The man at the table was fixed onthe mirror. Miranda wouldn't last much longer. Her humiliation was only increasingher lust. At that last moment, when she knew that she couldn't retreat fromclimax, she locked eyes with the woman at the row of books.
Orgasm ripped through her, throwing her body into convulsions. Her fingersworked furiously to extend the moment, as they became soaked with her juices.Her low whine intensified into a muffled squeal, as her body jerked on theedge of the chair. Finally, as the last peak of pleasure escaped her, Mirandaslumped back into the wooden chair to catch her breath.
The man across form her was smiling in her direction. She couldn't even lookat the woman who was watching. She bent forward, and balled up the black pantiesin her hand. She needed to get out of there. The embarrassment was too much.She stuffed the panties into her purse, and made a direct line to the frontdoor.
The next day, Miranda sent her panties to Walker. Just like the black lace,she was reluctant to part with the black panties, but as embarrassing as thescene at the library had been, she couldn't take her mind off of it. It wasthe best orgasm she'd had in years. The thrill of following the unknown author'scommands was undeniable. She wanted nothing more than to get the next session,and to print her next sheet of instructions.
When she finally heard back from Walker, her hands were shaking. Two weekshad passed, and her sexual fantasies had only intensified. She masturbatedevery night, thinking about what he would tell her to do next. Even when shemade love to Patrick, her mind was only on her next set of instructions.
The symbols were in her dreams. She saw herself bare, wearing only the blacklace around her neck, and the black panties around her ankles. They markedher as his possession. She always awoke wondering what symbol he would askher to send him next.
' I am pleased by your appearance at the library, ' he wrote. ' My new friendtells me that you are quite an attractive little thing. You will make a fineaddition to my collection. Are you ready to submit yourself completely to me? Your instructions await after viewing Sbmit3.exe.'
She could click the mouse fast enough.
The third session was an amazing display. Far from the shadowy images ofthe first and second programs, the screen lit up with vivid scenes. Mirandamentally placed herself in every scene. Her body was on fire. The display showedwomen in tight bondage, leather cutting into their pale flesh. The shimmeringcolours of the screen heightened the reality for her. She wanted to be there,to be used and punished. When the images faded, they left Miranda hungry formore.
' You must serve me fully, Miranda, ' the instructions began. Somehow heknew her name. ' Your body is not my prize, it is your soul. I hold your symbolsof submission with me now. You have given these freely to me, but there isone more symbol which you must give freely. '
' Do not guess. You will know the symbol by the end of this evening. By then,you will know how truly you have become my slut. I know the lust that burnsin your soul. You crave humiliation, degradation, abuse, and submission. Yes,you will know exactly what symbol you need to send me. '
' Tonight, you will make a call on a friend of mine. He is visiting yourcity on business. I am allowing him to borrow you, and another one of my newplaythings. He will do what he pleases with both of you. Are you ready to letyourself be used by my friend, whore ? I think so. '
' He will be staying at the Empress Hotel. Be there at nine. '
Miranda didn't know what to think. The scene at the library paled in comparisonto this. This was so open- ended. Walker's friend might do anything to her.Her anxiety grew, but she knew that she would obey. She couldn't stop now.Miranda so desperately wanted this in her life.
The lobby of the Empress was elegant. Every surface sparkled of marble orbrass. Miranda didn't know quite what to do, so she sat in one of the stuffedchairs of the lobby, and looked nervously around the large room. The placewas almost deserted. Another woman, a black girl barely over twenty, waitedin the lobby nearby. She was nervous too.
Miranda wondered if this was Walker's other girl. She wondered if the girlhad responded to the e-mail the same way she had, or if she too had displayedherself in the library. Most of all, she wondered what Walker's friend wouldwant them to do.
A phone rang. It was the front desk. A hotel employee picked it up.
" Front desk, " she answered cheerily. A slight pause while shelistened to the request.
" Yes sir, " she said, scanning the lobby with her eyes. " Rightaway sir. "
The employee walked out from behind the front desk, and towards where Mirandaand the other girl were sitting.
" Excuse me ladies, " she started. " Are either of you hereto visit a Brent Fitzgerald ?"
" I think so, " Miranda answered quickly.
" Yes, " said the black girl, almost simultaneously.
The desk clerk seemed confused. She obviously thought that her guest wasonly expecting one visitor.
" He asked me to send you up to room 420. "
In the elevator, there was an awkward silence between the two women. Mirandafinally broke the ice.
" Are you nervous about this ?"
A stupid question, she thought instantly, but the black girl seemed relievedto answer.
" Oh, god yes. I don't even know why I'm doing this. My name is Carmen,by the way. "
" Miranda. Good to meet you. "
The elevator door slid open, and the women walked together down the hallway.When they found room 420, they looked at each other. If either was having doubts,this was the time to walk away. Miranda knocked on the door.
A man opened the door. He was well dressed, and looked like a businessman.He looked the two women up and down, and then invited them in.
" All right bitches, " he started, with a sharp tone in his voice. " Let'ssee the goods. "
Carmen shot Miranda a look. In response, Brent slapped the girl across theface.
" Don't look at her. You're here to serve me, bitch. Now, get the fuckout of your clothes. "
Miranda didn't delay. She was horny as hell, and, if she were honest withherself, she couldn't wait to see Carmen's naked body either. Not that shehad ever done anything with a woman, but the idea of seeing this cute blackgirl getting her ass whipped made Miranda quiver.
When her clothes were off, she waited for another command from Brent.
" Mmm, I got a couple of pretty ones this time. Lucky me. Both of you,get on your knees, facing each other. "
The women dropped to their knees at his command. Brent unzipped his suitpants, and fished out his cock. He stood beside them now, and stroked his hardeningtool in front of their faces.
" You know what you're here to do, you dirty whores. Why the fuck elsewould you be in my room, naked, and on your knees ? "
Carmen was the first to begin sucking. She slipped her mouth over the tipof his cock. Miranda came forward too. She tongued the base of his cock andhis balls while the black girl sucked him into her throat.
" Oh yeah, you're a couple of natural cock suckers. That's good. That'swhere your tongue belongs, licking my balls bitch. "
The guy obviously got off on verbally abusing the women. He had one handon the back of each woman's head. He forced their mouths together at the tipof his cock. Miranda could feel Carmen's tongue slipping across hers as theyboth licked and sucked the swollen head of this man's penis.
She drank in all of the sensations. The feel of his saliva coated cock againsther lips and mouth, the smell of Carmen's perfume, and the heat of the girl'slips against hers. She soaked in the words of the man who held her head. Hewas so right. This is where she belonged, on her knees, serving a man.
" That's a good little whore, " he told Miranda now, as he guidedhis tool into her throat. Carmen lapped at his balls from beneath. " Takeit in your throat bitch. A hot little slut like you should always have a cockin her throat. "
He was breathing hard now. Miranda could taste his pre-cum leaking onto theback of her tongue. She wanted so badly to feel his cock swell in her mouth,but he finally pulled her away.
" Bend over the bed, " he commanded. " Display your assesfor me. "
Side by side, the women bent over the edge of the bed. He stood behind them,and pulled his belt free from his pants. The first blow landed on Carmen'sass. The black girl yelped and jerked forward on the bed. Miranda knew thatthe sting of the leather would belong to her next.
" Ahh, " she cried out. It was more painful than she was preparedfor.
" That's right, you naughty little bitches. I'm going to whip your littleasses until they're good and red. You need this, don't you ? Who wants thenext one ?"
" I do, " begged Miranda. The sting of the first blow still lingeredon her skin. Her pussy was dripping with excitement. She wanted, no, she neededanother blow. And she got it.
Miranda wished that she could watch this scene. She heard the belt come downon Carmen's ass, and she wondered what it would look like from behind, thetwo women bent forward, begging to be whipped.
" Please, more, " she begged over and over again, as the businessmantook out his frustrations on both girls' behinds. Miranda was desperate toget her share of the punishment.
" Oh, this is a pretty sight, " Brent told the girls, when he finallystopped the strapping. " I've got two bad little whores who got the punishmentthey deserve. Get up on the bed, girls, I'm not done with you yet. "
Miranda crawled unsteadily. Her body was shaking from the pain.
" I want to see you two whores lick each other. " He swatted Miranda'sass. " Straddle her face. "
She waited for Carmen to lay on her back. Miranda was sure that she couldn'thold off cumming for long. The very idea of Carmen's hot tongue pushing betweenthe lips of her pussy from below was enough to make tingles of pleasure buzzthrough her body.
Miranda positioned herself over the black girl. No, she wasn't a lesbian,but the idea of doing this thing, of performing this way for the pleasure ofa man, it appealed to her submissive side. He was watching, she knew, as shedropped her face down between the black girl's thighs.
She was tasting another woman for the first time, and she was doing it forhim. Not for Brent, although it turned her on that he was watching, but forWalker. Would Brent describe this to him, tell him how eagerly she had lappedpussy at his command ? She hoped so. She wanted to please Walker so desperately.
" Nnng, " she heard Carmen moan, as the pushed her tongue againstthe girl's clit. She could feel Carmen's tongue probing her now. It felt sowrong to have a woman's tongue between her legs, but it felt so right to obeyBrent's orders. Obedience. Humiliation. That's what she wanted most.
" Oh, yeah, " said Brent. " It looks like you two get alongjust fine. I'll bet that you lick cunt just as well as you suck cock. Mmm,decisions, decisions. Which pussy should I fuck ?"
His hand rested on Miranda's ass. Her ass was warm from the belt. Brent madehis choice. He knelt behind Miranda now, and pushed the head of his cock againsther pussy, which was wet from both her juices, and from Carmen's mouth. Herested his cock there, at her entrance for a minute, while the black girl'stongue danced along the joining flesh.
" Aaah, that's it, nice and wet for me now, " he said, as he pushedhis cock inside of Miranda. " You're a hot little slut, aren't you ?"
Miranda could only agree with a muffled grunt as she lapped at the pussyof the black girl beneath her. The cock felt strange within her. It was largerthan her husband's. The reality of the situation was coming home to her. Whatelse could she be but a whore ? Here she was, with a stranger's cock in herpussy, pleasing a woman at his command.
What else could she be but a dirty little whore, to be fucked by any strangerthat Walker allowed, any time he wanted ? To be whipped while she begged forit. To suck any cock that was shoved in her face.
" Mmmf, oh, god, I'm cumming, " Miranda jerked back and forth onBrent's cock as he slammed into her roughly. She could feel Carmen's lips closedaround her clit as her whole body went into spasm.
" That's it, slut, " Brent told her. " Squeeze my cock withthat tight little pussy of yours. God, it feels so good. "
Every thrust brought a new wave of intense pleasure to Miranda's shakingbody. Brent was really giving it to her. She was only starting to come downfrom her own orgasm when his cock exploded within her.
" Oh, yeah, you'll take my cum like a good little whore. I'm fillingyou up, bitch. Do you like that ? Do you like taking my cream ? Oh, god, yes. "
The only one of the three who hadn't reached climax was Carmen, who was busilyslurping at the mixed cum that was leaking from around Brent's prick. Mirandarenewed her efforts on the black girl's clit. Carmen began to cum almost instantly.
Brent pulled out, leaving Carmen to finish her orgasm while his sperm spilledout over her face from inside of Miranda. When the girl finally came down fromher climax, the women just remained in position, gently kissing and suckingeach other's inner thighs while they caught their breath.
" All right, I'm done with you whores. You can get dressed and get thefuck out of here now. "
Miranda had never felt so thoroughly used in all her life, and it felt soright. Yes, she was just a whore, to be cast aside when she was done. Walkerknew it. That's why he had lent her to this man.
She gathered her clothing, and hastily dressed. Carmen did the same. Brentstood at the door. Before they left, he pulled out his wallet.
" Here you go, slut, " he said, pressing a crumpled fifty dollarbill into Miranda's hand.
The next day, Miranda sent out her letter to Walker. He was right. She knewexactly what he wanted her to enclose in the envelope. It was a symbol, afterall, and symbols are important. First she dropped in the fifty, but that wasn'tenough. It wasn't the symbol he was looking for, she knew.
She paused for a moment. This one was hard to let go of too, but she couldn'tresist.
Before mailing the envelope, she dropped in her wedding ring.
Brenda “I still don’t understand?” Kyle said, desperation creeping into his voice. “What did I do wrong?”“You didn't do anything wrong,” Brenda told him. "I hate to be cliché, but it's not you, it's me. Really. I just realized things about myself, things I know you can’t handle.”“What do you mean?" asked Kyle.Brenda put a hand up to Kyle's cheek. “I care about you a lot, Kyle, but what I need right now, you can't give me. It's one of the reasons I got together with you in the first place. I...
IncestHypno-Transformation By: Rachael Free Mike is drugged, set up and made to believe he is a girl, only to return to the real world, dressed as a girl and realizing he's changed, only in his mind but not for long. His buddy Hank helps him out and discovers something strange about his old buddy too. What is real and what is not? Hank's about to find out. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I was sitting at the computer typing in a letter when it came to me. What was I typing,...
Part 1: Katie Katie stared at the title of the video with both apprehension and desire. “Hypno-slave Induction for Women,” it read. The idea had never occurred to her, but reading the words made her pussy quiver.“Should we watch it?” asked Brenda.Katie turned her head to the blonde, hoping to see desire in her blue eyes. She found only a playful curiosity.“Hell no!” Cynthia chimed in. The black girl shook her head adamantly, her thick afro bouncing a little. “There’s no telling what that thing...
Mind ControlPart 9: KatieKatie lay on the bathroom floor, letting her breathing settle.I fucked Brenda. Holy shit, I fucked Brenda.The rest of the night came flooding back quickly without her having to experience everything that happened over again. It had been a fuck fest. Threesome after threesome, the girls playing alone when Boratus needed to recover. When she remembered him licking her, she almost came again.I hope mom didn’t hear me squeal when I felt that spanking. At least I know why my ass hurts...
IncestThis is the 3rd chapter of a story between an inevitable encounter between Russ Comer, a free-lance author and technical writer, and his next door neighbor Linda. To fully appreciate the flow of this story, I recommend reading the 1st two Chapters of ‘Hypno-Tryst.’ As always, I take full blame for all errors and omissions in it’s content… * Since I’d been entranced (literally) by my next door neighbor for the past couple of weeks, against my will, I’d been trying to put together a plan to...
The game allowed you to dress in your own clothes or use the over 22 million Halloween costume combinations in the database. The game was set in Halloween, and whether you wanted to go to a costume ball, trick or treat, visit a haunted house, fight legends like Jason, Freddy or Michael Myers or just stake vampires and get turned into a werewolf you get to choose. Because of the violent nature of the game, it was a for mature audiences only. That kept the kids from running amok and ruining the...
UNITED INTERNATIONAL HYPNOTIC SEX THERAPISTS is the brainchild of Dr.Emily La Chote MD and is owned and operated by her, and some of the wealthiest women in the world. The famous medical organization treats male and female patients for sexual disfunction, both psychological and physical, but also acts as a covert center to hypnotically train unsuspecting patients as sex slaves by use of very powerful, sophisticated, and state of the art hypnotic techniques. Dr. La Chote,...
Hypno Slut The advertisement was intriguing to say the least and had captured my attention for the last several weeks. I was not one to look at the Craigslist personals, but being bored, there I sat contemplating answering the captivating advertisement. It stated that he had vast experience in helping sissies achieve whatever level of femininity so desired. This could be anything from basic makeup tips, wardrobe selection to complete transformation. Being a part time...
Hypno Slut 2 Kneeling there before him with my lips around his softening cock I was overtaken with a mix of emotions. I had never been so excited sexually in my life and even as his cock was softening I still wanted my lips around it. Something in the far reaches of my mind was telling me that this was not right and that I should be ashamed of this behavior. But I felt proud that I had made him feel so good and want me in this way. Suddenly I feel Michael's hand beneath my chin pull...
Hypno Slut 3 I awake the next morning lying beside Michael, my hand wrapped around his cock. Dressed in a blue baby doll nightie I had adorned the night before and still wearing my heels and makeup. The urges for cock arise again and I slide down between his legs running my tongue up his shaft. As he awakens his wonderful cock starting to harden from my touch and once again I find myself succumbing to these uncontrollable desires. Thirty minutes later he clambers from the bed and...
Hypno Slut 4 After a day of frustration waiting to finally get my lips around Michaels wonderful cock, I minded not the least as he guided my hand onto James crotch. I was reveling in the feeling as my lips slipped over his large mushroom head and down his shaft. My wanton desire being finally fulfilled after a day of waiting it hardly mattered that he was expecting me to service James after I finished with him. My only thought was on pleasing him and being the best little cock...
The following story is intended as sexual entertainment for adults only.? The names used are purely fictitious. UNITED INTERNATIONAL HYPNOTIC SEX THERAPISTS is the? brainchild of Dr.Emily La Chote MD and is owned and? operated by her, and some of the wealthiest women in the world. The famous medical organization treats male and female? patients for sexual disfunction, both psychological and? physical, but also acts as a covert center to?? hypnotically train? unsuspecting patients...
“There’s our good girl,” Brenda said when they met at school the next day. Katie almost tripped up her last few steps as her clit tremored. Cynthia sent Brenda a curious look, her dark brown eyes intense. “What?” “Private joke from last night,” Brenda covered. Cynthia didn’t look impressed. Katie couldn’t tell if it was because they weren’t explaining the joke, but she wasn’t going to talk about it. Katie had texted Master Boratus in the morning, but hadn’t gotten a reply. Turmoil continued to...
Mind ControlPart 6: BrendaFeeling happy and refreshed, Brenda jumped out of bed to start her day with Hypno-Slave Induction, knowing Master would be happy with her. She met Katie and Cynthia on campus. She couldn’t tell them about her night – Cynthia would lose her mind – but she was dying to find out what happened with Katie. She’d tease her if she brought anything up, but they just talked about classes.“Hey, Brenda,” Katie greeted.Something squeezed Brenda’s nipples.What the fuck was that?She stumbled a...
Mind ControlPart 12: Brenda “Tell me again what we’re watching?” Brenda’s mom asked. “You know how sometimes you can’t sleep when you’re stressed?” Brenda asked. The sexy, blonde woman nodded, her perfectly styled locks bouncing subtly. “Yeah?” “This will help with that,” Brenda explained. “How?” “First they explain some breathing exercises and stretches that promote blood flow which helps you sleep. Then they take you through a meditation exercise. I tried it and it helped me sleep the night before a...
IncestThe story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this product are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred. Any resemblance to reality is purely coincidence. All characters are at least 18 years of age despite de***********ion, demeanor, or appearance. Written By: RebHillBabe Chapter 1: A Real Chance? Thomas rolled on his bed, kept awake against his will by the moans and thumping of...
She lay on the sofa, her head resting on my lap. After her bath all she had put on was one of my tailed shirts just in case we had visitors. She wasn't always sexual like this, in fact, she was the complete opposite. She had always been a little chubby and was probably called fatty at school; kids can be so cruel. Now she still thinks her figure wasn't perfect but that's normal. She was perfect for me, five foot five with a curvy figure of 37-26-38 with a C cup. She was so shy about her...
Mark pulled into the parking space in the underground garage and put on the emergency brake. He sat there for a minute gathering his thoughts. He felt nervous. Placing his hand on his stomach he felt a fluttering anxiety in his belly. 'Relax' he said to himself, 'This isn't a big deal. A lot of guys have performance anxiety." He took a deep breath and opened the truck door, a slight wind blew across his face cooling his perspiring brow. He found the office pretty easily. On the side of...
HypnoPorn? I’ve seen all sorts of porn sites during my time in the porn industry reviewing all sorts of websites, but I’ve never seen anything like this before. Alright, I’m lying, I’ve seen similar things, but most of them are in hentai form. So yeah, anyway let me tell you more about HypnoPorn.net and what it’s all about though you can probably conclude from the domain name alone what you can expect from here.Hypnotizing porn for all the fans of the genre and newcomers tooBasically, this...
Fetish Porn SitesDr. Martin knew Andy didn't belong there, but he allowed the boy to sit in anyway, because Andy had a way of asking questions that allowed the professor to explain more difficult concepts to the whole class better. Besides, the boy was quite adept and showed great promise. That summer, Andy spent back at home, moving in with his single mother and younger sister to save money. The day he got home, they both welcomed him to his old room and were happy to see him. His mom looked the same,...
It was located on the front wall next to the entrance and had two sliding doors, one opening from the outside, and one on the inside. The food was placed there for the patient's convenience, and I must admit the flavor of the delicious food was much better than I'd experienced for a long time. Eggs, ham, hash browns, orange juice, buttered toast. It was a wonderful meal and I enjoyed every bite of it while watching TV. I felt something inside that I couldn't identify, like ...
At 1pm Bob picked me up right on time. I came out with a big duffle bag of stuff and threw it in the back seat as I climbed in. ‘Did you get everything?’ he asked with a big smile. I shrugged shook my head ‘Tooth brush, tooth paste, shoes, socks, underwear, pants and shirts.’ ‘Cool, let’s go.’ he said still smiling I looked at him closely ‘Why you so happy?’ He chuckled ‘I just cant wait to get there.’ And pulled out. He was really smirking because he knew what I had in the bag. I thought I had...
You are a 18 year old White boy that always has something about hypnotism. It fascinates you, how people gets defenseless at hypnotist mercy, and how he/she can do do everything with the mind controlled subject. You want to try it, but you don't on how try it. Maybe you try with your family. Soon enough you think on your older sister, who always pranked you. The last hot summer, in your home pool, she pulled down your swimsuit in front of your crush after you have been swim in cold water pool,...
Mind ControlIt was a typical saturday night in college. Dumb partys with people getting drunk. except this time you were actually going to go to one of those dumb partys. The year was almost over and you wanted to go to one before the end of the year. This was the last big party so almost everypne in the school was going including your crush. Her name was eve and you had just met her this year but she was very cute. She was not too popular but had enough friends so that you could never catch her alone and...
TeenHelo "insert name hear" welcome to hypnosis high school whare you lirn all you need for the world and evry student can freely control the minds of thaor fellow students and even the teachers any form of mind control is alowed and you can make them do anything lets say agesnt all odds you have control of a whole class you can have them become your loyal cult or just make them compleat morons the intire town is under the control of the princible who in his old age wants to make a new genoration...
Mind ControlIt was an early summers morning. Dodie awoke to a rumble from her phone. It was a business email. The title read: "Interested in taking a new tour? We can help!" Intreiged, dodie click on the email: "We at minersty of sound have seen your growth in the music industry and would like to offer you an opertunity to do a world tour! If interested, click the link below for more details" Dodie was suspicious. It seemed too good to be true. Shes always wanted to fly all across the world. This seemed...
Mind ControlCelebs get wild after seeming a vid that hypnotises them and makes them moaning sluts. I'll will start with streamers and youtube celebs then move on to more main stream celeb. Add a comment for any celebs you would like to see.
Mind ControlI wake up one day in abandoned building with my arms and legs strapped down. I can't hear anything and I have a headache that won't go away. Then a voice announces that I have been randomly chosen to be one of five test subjects for a government experiment. Each of us would be able to get any two super powers that we want. I chose the shapeshifting and hypnosis. The surgery was painless at first but then I started to remember things. I am a single 18 year old male who goes to a normal middle...
Mind ControlAt 1pm Bob picked me up right on time. I came out with a big duffle bagof stuff and threw it in the back seat as I climbed in."Did you get everything?" he asked with a big smile.I shrugged shook my head "Tooth brush, tooth paste, shoes, socks,underwear, pants and shirts.""Cool, let's go." he said still smilingI looked at him closely "Why you so happy?"He chuckled "I just cant wait to get there."And pulled out.He was really smirking because he knew what I had in the bag. I thoughtI had packed...
It took a while to get a sense of reality. First my sight: blurry and hazy like my mind, light streamed through the window, bouncing off the soft white covers I was lain on. I blinked, shaking the hair that was covering my eyes, trying to see my surroundings. A largre screen TV was in front of me. I twisted my head left, and right, trying to take in the room. The room was made up of mirrors, and a blonde girl was in the centre, pillows underneath her stomach, arms and feet padlocked to the bed....
Part 2: Katie Master Boratus stood before her, although he just seemed a silhouette of a man. Katie knelt in front of him, a few feet away, naked with a collar around her neck. “Have you been a good girl?” he asked. Her body shuddered at the words. “Yes, Master,” she replied. “I haven’t cum like you ordered. I only cum when you let me.” She thought for a moment and felt into the words. “I only cum for you.” “Good girl,” he said, smiling. She shuddered again, a wave of pride and pleasure flowing...
Mind ControlPart 4: Katie Katie woke in her bed, feeling happy and refreshed.God, I feel good. I haven't slept that well in ages. With all this stuff with Master Boratus, I …How did I get in bed? Wasn't I in the bar with him? Or was I? It's hard to focus. Did I dream it? I must've. How could he know I was going to be in the bar? And I don't remember what happened after. I must've dreamt it. Yeah. Lost track of time last night, gone to bed, and dreamt of meeting him.Jesus, that man is doing a number on my...
Mind ControlBrenda Brenda shot a few “Good girl”s at Katie during the day, but just enough to annoy her without getting her angry. Cynthia looked a little worse. She obviously wasn't sleeping enough.I wonder what Master is doing to her?She knew not to ask him, though. Her day proceeded uneventfully, although she found herself assessing the various girls she saw.She’d be a nice choice for Master. Not her, though. Mmmmm, that one is sexy.By the end of the day, when she had not heard from her master, she...
IncestPart 10: Katie “Seriously, Brenda?” Katie whispered. “What the everlasting fuck? How did you even get her to watch it?”“I didn’t,” the blonde said with a surprisingly large Cheshire grin for her small mouth. Her blue eyes sparkled with mischief. “I spliced it into another video. You remember how quickly she tranced before?”Katie nodded.“I figured, she’d drop just a quick again. And I was right! Damn, I’m good.”Katie threw her hands out. “But why? Seriously. Why?”“Actually, I’m working on...
Mind ControlPart 11: Katie “Shaun, please,” Beth said, slapping his arm. “W-when did you get here, Ma … Shaun?” Katie asked, her throat dry. His name is Shaun? I never thought to ask, I guess it doesn't matter except in company. He's just Master to me. “Just a little while ago,” he replied. “Finished my last appointment early and thought I'd swing by.” His brow furrowed. “I hope it's okay.” He looks genuinely concerned. But he can't be. He has to be fucking with me, being here while my mom is here. He...
IncestBeing a young spotty youth, with his hormones ranging, I wanted sex, sex and more sex. The facts were I wasn't getting any at all. I dreamed of young girls under my control doing all sorts of sexy and disgusting things for me. I saw this film once where the butler hypnotises all the staff of the big house for his sexual pleasure. I wanked over that thought for weeks. Then I thought, perhaps I could learn to do that. I spent a fruitless week in the local library looking for a good book. Then I...
This resort was everything I hoped it would be. I had just graduated from Georgetown Law School and I was treating myself to a resort before starting with the mega firm, Mugin and Hatcher. They were going to overpay me and overwork me, big time. My name is Tim Sharp. I had seen a brochure advertizing a hypnoerotic resort. I was a good amateur hypnotist, using the stage name Master Hypnotist. It was a good way to make a few bucks and to get women without trying too hard. The resort seemed...
// All characters in this story are at least 18 years old. Sometimes an image begs for some text to really bring out its true potential. This story is for those pictures and captions. Stories will be on the shorter side, just as some bite-sized entertainment to accentuate the pics, though if the fancy strikes, longer stories are fine as well. Mind-control stories only. Fictional or non-fictional, existing licenses or entirely of your own creation, anything is a-ok, as long it's attached with a...
Mind ControlNote : This story is completely fictional! Being a professional hypnotist, I was exhausted from being on “the road” for so long and decided I needed a break. I figured visiting my widowed mom would be fun since she lives out in the country by a relaxing stream all alone and would enjoy my company. I immediately started thinking about when I was younger and use to fantasize about my own mother while I laid in her bed and jerked off with her panties. Long story short, I got to my Mom’s house and...
IncestFor the most part these impromptu events are soon enough overcome and forgotten. However, very occasionally individuals feelings can outweigh events and an instance such as this occurs below. I have an idea this particular story will have limited appeal, but I felt it worthwhile to run with it anyway. Do remember, this is a work of fiction, written firstly for my own enjoyment, and submitted for what I hope will be the readers enjoyment. Again, please feel free to leave constructive...
E-MAIL An attractive female executive’s company vacation turns into a nightmare as she pays the price for her indiscretions. Guided by the e-mails of her computer, she’s forced into the realm of BDSM activities or be exposed and humiliated, to lose everything. CHAPTER ONE It’s the final night wrapping up her long anticipated vacation awarded to her by her company for her outstanding accomplishments, her announced upcoming promotion to vice-president in charge of the entire eastern...
Mistress by mail? I would like to tell you an interesting story of sorts. My wife requested that I accompany her to a marriage counselor in an attempt to save our dwindling relationship. "Of course" I said I would be glad to go if she thought it would help! She had selected the counselor, the time and even the place. All that I had to do was show up with my willingness to participate and the check book of course. After several hundred dollars and many wasted hours it was decided...
Chapter 1 As I have over 200 stories posted on 'Stories On line' you can imagine I get a lot of mails from my readers. Many just require a one line reply of thanks for their nice comments. Others get me thinking about new stories I could write. Some readers tell me things they have done and even others say that my stories remind them of some events that have taken place in their life. Every mail I receive gets a reply of one sort or another although there are a few, two I believe that have...
Just as I always do, I sat down at my desk after dinner and logged on to my personal e-mail account. I had been separated from my wife now for about 6 months, and the divorce was taking forever to get done. And, after living on my own for a couple of months, I had decided to start dating again. So, I was on three different on line dating sites, two that were “vanilla” and one that was very much adult oriented. My nightly routine was to see if I had any e-mail from someone on the sites, then go...
IncestDeidre Simmons gets a lot of attention in the office. A lot of . . . inappropriate attention. It's not uncommon for her to find a pair of amorous eyes zoned in on her tits or ass, or have a superior whisper something in her ear that would have him out on his ass faster than he could blink. But it doesn't bother her, either. In fact, she welcomes it—revels in it, and will even get a little piqued when someone ignores her. Her friend, Samantha, chalked it up to the nasty divorce...
Straight SexCopyright© 2007 by DB. It's the classic mistake of the Internet age. Perhaps it's classic because sooner or later it will happen to you, either as sender, or recipient. I was that recipient. Minor details are disguised to protect the privacy of those involved. Hi D... thought you'd find this interesting... this is from a man I knew in the -- club. I met him the same night I met J-- so he never had a chance. I have never been attracted to him in any way but he has always be ga ga...
I was a typical teenage male. All I ever thought about and all I ever wanted was SEX. Although, the object of my infatuation at the moment, to achieve my goal of having sex as much as possible, was my wonderful big titted, big assed mother. Every time I masturbated, all I could think of was fucking my mom. I loved her, like any son does, but I was also in love with her.I was slowly getting obsessed with wanting to fuck her. I started taking her dirty panties and absorbing the wonderful smell...
IncestRay Parker had just arrived at work. The morning had been hectic, the usual chaotic schedule to get the kids off to school, his wife left very early to her nursing job so it was always his job to get the kids dropped off. Having to hit three schools to drop off four kids always seemed to take longer than he allowed for. The company that Ray owned and slaved at every day was both his blessing and curse, when he had started it five years back it had all been a dream, build it up, make a ton of...
Last night I had a dream that I had just met you for the first time. You were this twenty-something-year-old man that moved into the apartment across from mine. We exchanged pleasantries a few times when checking the mail. I hate to admit it, but I would sometimes wait until I saw you coming before I nonchalantly strolled outside to walk with you to the mail boxes. Your quiet disposition was accompanied by your intelligence about everyday subjects, and I yearned to hear the next thing you would...
SeductionIn the morning when I woke up Sonya was in the bathroom taking a shower. While I lay in bed waiting for her to finish her shower I thought about our love making and how wonderful it had been. She had let me know at the restaurant, by giving me a peek under her skirt, that she was planning on making love to me but I almost fucked that up by picking a fight with her. My mind wandered back to the reason we were having problems and I then I suddenly realized something about that fateful night....
Michelle Williams was a smoking hot 22 year old legal secretary. She was tall, blonde and had a killer, voluptuous body that drove men wild. The busty blonde still lived at home with her father and stepmother, as well as her young 18 year old stepbrother Hugh. Michelle was currently single, but never had too much trouble getting guys, most of them easily drawn to her curvaceous body and open sexual nature. Where Michelle was popular and outgoing, her Hugh stepbrother was the exact opposite....
Stan and Laura were fucking furiously on the sun deck of the yacht they had rented for their honeymoon get-away. It was now exactly one week since they had gotten married and, with one week still to go before they were back home with their kids. They had chosen to use the sun deck as their bedroom for the past two days, to be near the computer. They were expecting a letter and they wanted to know the second it arrived. Their kids has sent them a letter the very next day after they had sent...
Flashback - Three months earlier... Judge Jasper opened up the chamber door with such great force that he almost ripped it from its hinges. Behind him followed Andrew Marshall (Mars), Pete Akins (Apollo) and Ashlee Gang. Jupiter slammed the crumbled note down on his desk in rage and faced his two sons. "This is intolerable!" he almost screamed. "A few months ago it was just one person, today it's two. What's he going to do the next time, bring in a busload?" "Father,"...
Dr. Lewis was ill tempered when he unlocked his office door. It was a little after eight and he had sessions back to back through out the day. He hated it when Ginger booked them like that. He needed time to recuperate and ground himself. He was doing memory work with some of his clients and that kind of therapy could be intense. He ached for Thursday – two days to go before he could see her. In his journal, which stayed in a locked drawer in his office at home, he had started referring to...
I was alone in bed in my boyfriend’s studio apartment. We had overslept, so he had to rush off, late for a meeting. I glanced around the room, noticing the mid-morning light filtering in through the curtains just above my head. The sunbeams highlighted the hardwood floor strewn with books, a towel, and an assortment of clothing: his jeans, t-shirt, my skirt, bra. One stocking hung from the table, beside an empty bottle of wine and some candles. Mmm, yes, last night had been quite delicious. As...
Straight SexThat Tuesday evening I was lucky enough to get back home early from my office.My loving Ana was not there, but I thought she would be out with her friend Helena.I poured a glass of my favorite scotch and sat down to check some mail deliveries…I picked up a manila envelope with no return address on it and as my curiosity got the best of me, I opened it first. Inside was an unmarked CD, guessing the easiest way to find out who had sent it, I slipped it into the TV.The disc opened on a tall...
YOU HAVE NEW MAILVivian and I were the best and closest of friends for years. We told each other everything about everything. She knew my husband had Erectile Dysfunction (ED) and she told me the same thing had happened to her husband, much to her dismay. Sometimes we laughed about it other times we cried about it.One day over lunch we were talking about our plight when she said, “You know, Sharon, I have started conversations with a guy over the Internet”“You have?” I asked surprised.“Yeah!...
Hi it’s me Richy from Kerala now working at chennai, .Thank you all for the great response to my last story. Most of the response was from NRI’s, I really appreciate your valuable comments. Even the invitations to meet also really encouraged me. I am now 26, working here at Chennai. Let me come to my experience, Sheena and Sonia both aged 24 are nursing students in Apollo hospital Chennai, since the last 2 years. Both of them were class mates in their Nursing College as well. They hail from...