- 2 years ago
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Useful Humiliation
ã CarmenicaDiaz
Rosehad completely shocked me with her casual announcement, so shocked I almostspilt my wine. I peered at her through my glasses and she smiled at me. 'DidI hear you right? You're going away for two weeks with your boyfriend?'
Shenodded, laughing at my consternation. 'Yes, two wonderful weeks in Jamaicaand I'm going to drink cocktails, eat and eat, lay on the sand and,' shewinked, 'have lots of great sex with Johnny.'
Iblushed at that, I had seen Johnny when he came by to clean Rose's pool andhe was certainly muscular. After what Rose had told me about his cock, Ihad to admit I checked out the bulge in his shorts.
'But,'I spluttered, 'what about Steve, your husband ?'I reminded her.
'I'mnot worried about little old Steve, Tammy,' Rose winked. 'Steve does exactlywhat I tell him.'
Ihad to admit that ever since Steve's accident last Fall, he was very attentiveto Rose and we all noticed it. There were times when I wished my ex-husbandhad been as attentive. Didn't matter now, he was long gone, the slimy bastard!
'Steveknows about Johnny?'
'Itell him every little detail and I mean every detail as the most importantdetail ain't little!' Rose winked again and smiled devilishly as she pouredherself another glass of wine.
'Doyou remember that accident Steve had last fall?'
'Hefell off the ladder when he was cleaning the gutters, didn't he, broke hisshoulder and a leg?'
'That'sit except it wasn't an accident!'
Ispluttered in my wine. 'You mean…'
'Yep,I sabotaged his ladder right after I found out he was fucking that slut ofa secretary of his.'
'Youdid what!'
'Well,'Rose said defensively, 'I was pretty mad. I mean, I was pulling a lot ofshifts at the hospital and he was sneaking off to bang that slut!'
'Butyou could have killed him!'
'Yeah,well, I didn't but when he was laid up and couldn't move for four weeks,I came up with a better idea.' She sipped her wine again and leaned forward.'I pierced his cock.'
Thistime I lost it completely and spurted wine across the table. Rose grinnedas I apologised and mopped it up. 'You did what?'
'Iput a ring through the end of his pathetic little wiener and another ringunder his balls, then I put a padlock through it, and bingo!'
Iknew my mouth was open but I didn't believe it. Rose was a nurse and shehad pierced my belly button for me but she had completely dumfounded me withthis.
'But,what did he say?'
'Ohhe was a little pissed and then I pointed out the facts of life. He was goingto remain locked up until I decide. If he gave me any grief, I was goingto divorce him and take his business.'
'Idon't believe it,' I muttered and Rose laughed.
'Believeit honey, I've got him right where I want him.'
'Whatabout, you know, sex?'
'Hegets to jerk off once a month or earlier if I'm in a good mood. I get plentyfrom Johnny or any other hunk I feel like fucking.'
'Hejerks off?'
'Yeah,I unlock his cock and he goes at it, then I lock it up again for anothermonth.'
'Whydoesn't he run away when you've unlocked him?'
Roselaughed nastily.' Because he's naked and chained around the neck to the pipesin our cellar and the idea of divorce scares the hell out of him. I won'tunlock his cock until he's chained himself and I've checked that he's doneit right.'
Thepicture of a naked and chained Steve popped into my head and I couldn't helpbut laugh softly. And then another thought occurred to me. 'Do you watchhim…do it?'
Roselaughed at my flushed face. 'I used to, made it a little more humiliatingfor him. Now, I can't be bothered. I just leave him there and let him havefun for a few minutes.'
'Imean, how does he do it? Does he have magazines or something?'
'Noway! I've banned all that stuff, he doesn't even get to see me naked. Hehasn't seen pussy for six months.' I gaped at her. 'Believe me, Tammy, whenthat lock comes off, he's pretty horny, it doesn't take long. When I watchedhim, I used to wear a short skirt and the idiot would stare at my legs whilehe jerked off. It's really quite funny.'
'Ohmy god,' I murmured, my face hot and I sipped my wine.
'Hisjerk-off day will occur on Friday when I'm away. Of course,' she smiled evilly,'he wanted me to bring it forward but he hasn't been nice enough to me soI want to leave the key with you.'
'Me?I couldn't…'
'It'sno problem, Tammy. He'll chain himself up, give you the key to the locksfor the chain and you give him this key,' she said sliding a gold key acrossthe table, 'and give him a minute or so. You can always stay and watch, ifyou like.'
Rosewinked as she continued. 'He'll lock himself back up, you take the key andhide it before he gets free and dressed. It's really simple. He'll freakout when I tell him you've got the key.'
'Oh,he just thinks your so prim and proper, I think he's a little afraid of youso that will make it all the more humiliating for him when he has to askyou for the key.' Rose drained her glass. 'It's really pretty simple. Havea little fun, Tammy.'
'Whatif he doesn't ask?'
'Hemight not, he might find it too humiliating but I suspect he will, he hatesgoing a month with only one jerk off, I doubt he could last two months. Mybet is, he will ask you as soon as I leave, hoping you'll let him come afew times while I'm away. If you want to, that's ok, I'm feeling magnanimous.'
Rosestood up and kissed me goodbye. 'I'll send you a postcard. Have fun, I knowI will.'
Later,I stood at my kitchen window and watched Johnny drive into Rose's driveway.He helped Rose with her bags and tooted the horn as they roared away. Minuteslater, I saw Steve standing forlornly at the front door, gazing down thestreet. He turned to look at my house and I stepped back so he couldn't seeme. The key was lying on the table and I quickly shoved it into the sugarcontainer, pushing it down until it was completely hidden.
Iwent upstairs and had a long bath, lost in thought as I soaked. When I driedmyself, I put my glasses back on so I could see my naked reflection in thewall mirror. I didn't look too bad, aerobics and the light weight trainingI did every week was paying off. I let my fingers wander through my softpubic hair and I gently stroked my fleshy lips as Rose's words echoed inmy mind, I've banned allthat stuff, he doesn't even get to see me naked. He hasn't seen pussy forsix months .
Thetelephone rang and I jumped, and then grabbed it. 'Hello?'
'Tammy,'a male voice said hesitantly, 'this is Steve.'
Fora moment, I panicked and then the whole absurd situation took hold of me,filling me with a feeling I had never experienced before.
'Yes?'I said coolly.
'Ah…Rosesaid…she told you about…you know.'
'No,'I snapped, 'I don't know. I don't read minds, you know!'
Iheard a rough intake of breath and found myself smiling. My fingers slippedbelow the towel again and I shivered as I touched my now soaking wet pussy.'I thought, Rose…I mean she told me that she told you…'
Ibrought my fingers to my nostrils and smelt myself, that thick musky perfumethat I found so exciting when I was aroused. 'Get on with it, Steve!' Myvoice crackled with sensuality and my fingers gently traced around my throbbingpussy.
Thewords came in a rush and, for a moment I thought he was crying but I quicklyrealised it was the intense humiliation he was enduring. 'Rose said she toldyou about the key and she gave it to you!'
'Well,yes,' I purred, 'she did tell me about the lock on a certain piece of youranatomy. And she did give me a key, I'll try to remember where I left it.'
'Please,'he croaked, 'could I have the key?'
'I'llthink about it.' I couldn't endure it any longer, slammed the phone downand collapsed on the bed, both hands caressing my burning pussy. 'Oh God!'I screamed as I came in a fierce and intense rush.
Isat at my kitchen table in my robe, sipping iced tea and trying to understandwhat had occurred. I had just experienced the most intense orgasm since myhusband ran off with that slut from the drycleaners. Pete was a completejerk but he had been excellent in bed. My only criticism was that he hatedoral and never went down on me. I couldn't make him and as I didn't likesucking him, it seemed a fair trade.
Although,I used to fantasise about a man licking me, teasing me with his tongue untilI came.
Slowly,I made up my mind and dressed in a black lace bra and panty set. I lookedat myself and suddenly wished I had contacts instead of glasses but it wastoo late for that. Maybe ,I thought, the glasses willmake me look more in control. What did Rose say? He just thinks your so primand proper, I think he's a little afraid of you
Ilooked through my wardrobe and pulled out a short black cocktail dress, itwas about four inches above the knee, low cut and clingy. Pete used to askme to wear it but I always felt self conscious in it. I tossed it on thebed and rummaged through my underwear drawer for my black suspender belt,remembering more of Rose's words, whenI watched him, I used to wear a short skirt and the idiot would stare atmy legs while he jerked off. It's really quite funny
Thesuspender belt was almost brand new, I think I had only worn it on the honeymoonand I searched through the tangled bundle of pantyhose and stockings forblack stockings, hopefully they wouldn't be laddered.
Dressedto my satisfaction and drenched in my sexiest perfume, I made myself a stiffdrink and took one mouthful before I dialled the number.
'Hello?'Steve answered tentatively.
'Youhave two minutes to get over here!' I snapped, hanging up and then downingthe remainder of my drink in one gulp.
Thedoorbell rang in less than two minutes but I let him wait and extra fivebefore I opened it. 'Tammy…' he stuttered.
'Shutup!' I snapped and turned back into my living room and he nervously followed.'Shut the door!'
Iarranged myself on the sofa, crossing my legs and his eyes fell to the sheernylons and I smiled. He couldn't tear his eyes away and I thought I saw aflicker of pain in his eyes. The realisation that it must hurt him when hiscock tried to get hard, made me shiver and I knew my panties were becomingwet.
'So,Rose has locked your cock up while she fucks the pool boy?'
Steve'seyes bulged at my words and tried to stammer a reply, I didn't bother tolisten. 'Shut up, Steve,' I said in a bored tone although I definitely wasn'tbored and I uncrossed and crossed my legs again. Instantly, I was rewardedwith that dull expression of pain over his round face and I squirmed a littleon the sofa.
'Iunderstand Rose allows you to jerk yourself off once a month?' He noddedfrantically. 'That's interesting,' I sneered, 'but I have no interest inallowing you to do so.' His face when white and his mouth fell open. 'Whyshould I? Your wife asked me to look after the key, she didn't ask me tolet you jerk off,' I said. It wasn't strictly true but it also wasn't strictlya lie, just manipulation of the facts.
'ButTammy,' he whined.
'Imean, what's in it for me?' I stared at him coldly. 'What's my benefit inthis?'
'Whatdo you want?' he stammered. 'I'll do anything…'
'Willyou?' I instantly pounced. 'You'll do anything?'
Henodded and I smiled as he murmured, 'Anything. You just have to ask…'
'Ask?I think you mean I tell youwhat I want. Isn't that right?'
'Yes,'he muttered, head down, 'that's right.'
'Goodand what I want is orgasms, Steve, nice juicy orgasms. Let me see,' I said,pretending to think while I uncrossed my legs, tugged my skirt down a littlebut, in fact made it shift up so the tops of my stockings were visible. Thereit was , I thought withglee, that flicker of pain.It must really hurt the poor schmuck! God, if I see it again, I think I'llcome just be squeezing my thighs together!
'Ithink I should have five orgasms before you get one. Sounds fair to me, doesit sound fair to you, Steve?'
'Yes,'he quickly mumbled, 'yes, that's fair.
'Yougive me five and I'll let you jerk off to your hearts content. The quickerI get my five, the quicker you get to feel your pathetic little cock.'
Hiseyes bulged at that as he quickly figured this might not be a bad deal forhim after all. Rose did say she was feeling magnanimous.
'Ok,'he said slowly, 'but how will I give you these…'
'Useyour intelligence, Steve,' I sneered. 'Your tongue, baby, surely you've gonedown a woman before?'
Heflushed and I guessed he hadn't really enjoyed it, well, too bad, he wasabout to get a lot of practise. 'Of course, but…'
'Getdown on your knees, Stevie boy,' I said, pointing at the carpet in frontof me. He did so slowly and looked up at me. 'Now, I said, producing a silkscarf, 'I'm going to blindfold you. Rose said you weren't allowed to seepussy but she didn't say anything about tasting pussy!' I laughed softlyas I made the blindfold fast, then lifted my skirt and shucked my pantiesdown.
Devilishly,I rubbed my wet panties over his nose. 'Get used to my sweet perfume,' Icroaked and laid back. 'I'm ready, baby,' I purred.
Stevelowered his face towards me pussy and even from my vantage point I couldsee my pubic hairs were slick with my moisture. I wondered how I must smellto him, how musky and ripe? I was a previously self-conscious about the perfumeof my arousal but now it didn't matter at all. If he didn't like it, tough!
'Oh,'I moaned softly as his tongue drifted over my outer lips. 'Take your time,'I whispered, 'we have all night.'
CasualHumiliation by Carmenica Diaz
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"They were staring at me... the whole walk home..." She was still blushing, her gaze only lifting from the floor to his every so often, unable to maintain the eye contact. She was sitting on the edge of the couch, her mostly bare legs pressed together tightly to keep herself from squirming, her arms folded beneath her breasts. Her arms pressed them together, framing them in the dangerously low cut shirt, accentuating her cleavage. The same shirt he'd had her walk home in, spend her whole day...
Tricia and I shared a friends with benefits type of relationship. However, since we lived about 2 hours apart we usually met only once or twice a month for a day or weekend at a hotel somewhere about an hour away from each of us to share some orgasmic fun together. Tricia was bi-sexual and her apartment roomate (Angie) was also one of her lover's. Tricia eventually introduced me to Angie and we started enjoying some occasional threesome's. At the time, Tricia and I were in our late 30's and...
Slaves take control for a dayEarly the next morning Claire and Olivia woke up and sneaked out of bed and went down stairs and they started talking about how their Master had treated them making them take the two black guys cock's without letting the girls know what was going to happen and as they talked they decided that they should get their own back on their Master. Claire grabbed some rope and hand cuff's while Olivia grabbed a blindfold and some other toys before they both sneaked back up...
(Published originally on Literotica by me here:'ve woken up in the morning with a raging hard-on and remembering vaguely some fantasy dreams I had over night involving some lesbian orgies. I looked at the time and it was hardly 6 am! Wish I could go back to sleep but my erect cock wouldn't let me -- I needed to give it a bit of attention. Hmmm.... mom wouldn't be up before 8 or 9am and having just fucked her brains out the day before...
Intermission is over. It is time to get back to working you over. I am pleased that your tits are still well coloured and your nipples are swollen. I have had time to think over the next sequence of events in order to provide a diversity of pain and pleasure. I start by having you stand up with legs open so I can again access your depraved cunt. I am pleased that it is still loose from the previous activities and yet again I work my fist into the big hole. Just a few thrusts though, in order to...
The Elliott family was one of the nicest families on their block. John and Jackie had been high school sweethearts. Jackie had gotten pregnant at 17 so the two of them got married. John had already graduated and was working full-time while attending community college part-time. They had difficulties at first. But Jackie wasn't due until summer so she was able to graduate. Their son, Josh, was born. Then the following year Jackie got pregnant again and had their second, and final, c***d,...
The armchair is in his study. It's upholstered in exquisite jacquard-woven fabric, with wings at the side to shield his face from the glow of the fire, propped on short, stout, sensuously curved legs, as is typical of the style.The study reflects his tastes - it's a picture of Victorian luxury - filled with objets d'art, shelves of books and rich furnishings. A low fire flickers in the fireplace, and the smell of newly - heated coal permeates the air. The Persian rug beneath her knees is an...
BDSMHello to all ISS readers This is a true incedent and happened few years ago. I am raj. I am 22 years old. I live in Banglore with my parents and i have relatives in Banglore and Delhi. We visit them often and since being a big family we had getto gethers and family functions often. This incident happened when i was 18 years of age. Right from my child hood we(my family) used to visit our relatives in summer holidays. I have many aunts and I had a aunt, seema,she was a nurse. Who was around 31...
IncestI was now a fully fledged Crossdressing Sissy Slut even though still only in my teens I needed and craved cock……….any cock as long as it was loaded with spunk for me to swallow. I had been sucking cock at various toilets around my town and had met some really kinky bastards in my time but John was way ahead in his kinky ideas. He was a mature respectable male in his late 50’s a white collar worker with a nice property in the country…..he was married and had 3 k**s so to any one taking a casual...
Used Panties In My Yard One Sunday I found a used pair of panties in my backyard not far from the fence that separates my yard from the Garrison’s backyard. I picked them up and looked at them. They were a small size, they were cotton, pink in color, and they had a cum stain in the gusset. I quickly assumed that they belonged to one of the Garrison girls but why did they toss them into my yard? After that I found another pair each Sunday morning. They were all the same size and...
Ive always wanted to be used for nothing more than a fuck toy and degraded and humiliated. I'm not big into hitting or spanking or anything like that I just wanna be used.A little about myself I'm 30 and have slept with another guy twice. It was fun but was not what I was looking for. He was very vanilla and it didn't hit the spot I was hoping it would so I decided I needed something a little more kink. It started out like any other night browsing around on Craigslist looking for a daddy bear....
The true story of why I don't do analUSED AND ABUSED (Edited) My first experience of being shared was my last for over twenty years. I had been married to my first husband for over fifteen years and we had three k**s and to be perfectly honest the only time we had sex was when he wanted it. This was back in the seventies and women didn't have much say in such things then and I just lay back and thought of England as he fucked me till he came. There was no thought for my feelings, I was just...
I was now a fully fledged Crossdressing Sissy Slut even though still only in my teens I needed and craved cock..........any cock as long as it was loaded with spunk for me to swallow. I had been sucking cock at various toilets around my town and had met some really kinky bastards in my time but John was way ahead in his kinky ideas. He was a mature respectable male in his late 50's a white collar worker with a nice property in the country.....he was married and had 3 k**s so to any one taking a...
Cheri was so in love with Ken. He totally controlled her every move. He saw her in the library when she was in college and knew he had to have her. She was beautiful and very sexy and she was also innocent. He began talking to her and she was so naive and he liked that as he loved to control especially in sex. She fell instantly in love with him and he drove her home and parked on a back street and began kissing her and soon had her top and bra off and he was fondling her lovely full tits. She...
My girlfriend was hot, worked out a lot, and had a hard muscular body.She and I used to watch porn together.So I had figured out that she liked interracial porn.Once we were out at a club, and I went to the restroom.When I came back, this big very muscular black guy was chatting her up.I could tell that she was getting horny, just from the way she was breathing and her eyes were dilating.When she saw me she kind of turned away from that guy and I whispered that she seemed kind of horny. She...
Claire walked past David and Olivia and headed over to the bed before turning round to face them both but all the time not taking her eyes off of Olivia. David noticed this and it put a big smile on his face as thought's of what he could get Claire to do to Olivia and of what he could do to her popped onto his mind. "So what do you think"?Claire snapped out of staring at Olivia and looked at David slightly confused."What do you mean"? she asked"What do you think about seeing Olivia all tied up...
The Hotel is upmarket and quiet – I use it frequently, and you know it well. You enter the hotel room and kneel before me – wearing a demure cardigan, blouse and long skirt. I like the idea of you travelling to meet me looking like everyone else, but being so much more. The idea, that people on the bus that you have caught think you are just coming home from work, when in fact you are going to a rendezvous to have your tits, cunt and anal cavity variously tormented. I stare deeply into your...
I am waiting at the agreed-upon spot. It's dark and quiet, just like I wanted. It's a hot summer evening in Chicago, and it's only going to get hotter. I've been looking forward to this meeting with my slut. I think of the digital pictures you sent me; the one with a dildo shoved up your ass and the wonderful pained expression on your face. Another pic with the same dildo buried deep in your mouth, your tongue licking all around it. Another with a vibrator up your cunt and your back arched as...
David was a young teen boy, average in size and looks and had never even thought about anything other than girls. There was never a gay thought come into his mind and he thought it would stay like that.One day he was going into town to meet some friends and have a few drinks, he did not have much money but he could not resist the invite.David phoned a taxi company to organise a lift into town. 10 minutes later the Taxi turned up and David left his house and got into the cab, on the way there he...
Brianna whispered in my ear. ‘Do you feel safe, Andy?’Did I feel safe?First, I need to explain the position in which I found myself.Brianna had brought me into a luxurious apartment and blindfolded me, before guiding me into another room where soft music was playing.All she had told me about the evening was the owner of the apartment, a woman in her fifties, had got friendly with Brianna and mentioned she had fancied the pants off me. Together the two of them hatched a plan to use me as her...
BDSMSome things were easy. The router for broadband was already in there, and when the cable was installed they could run it there just as easily as the phone line. Likewise the cordless phone base – no need for change. I dumped my files on the floor and started disconnecting cables. Printer and scanner – they would go, too. I'd replace them with a three-in-one and free up more desk-space. Half an hour saw the electronics piled in the hall. What else? Lock ... that was okay. Chair could be...
“Alright Class!” our teacher Mr Batelli said in a commanding voice as he walked in. He was about 6 foot 4 with Dark hair that was parted, and the sides kept short. He had olive skin because I am pretty sure that he was Italian. His gray eyes were something that would catch me off guard whenever I was able to look into them. He was a fit man that always had clothes that accentuated his physique. Today was a gray collared shirt that was not tucked in but lay right at his belt line. He had a...