A New Beginning Ch 01 Erudition
- 2 years ago
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Orphaned as an early teen, Uditi was taken in by an older uncle. He was wise and wanted her to warm his bed so had her fitted with a coil in her womb. At his age he desired his lingam warmed once or twice a week too. It was a simple request and lasted a very short time. Not too exciting for her but quite tolerable. Her housekeeping skills were good as well.
Also realizing other’s needs, he ordered her to provide relief for Manu, his loyal groundskeeper and driver. This man was about a decade older and made the physical connections more satisfying and they grew closer emotionally as well.
When after five years the uncle passed on, Manu and Uditi stayed together and looked for another similar work situation, being the main skills they had to offer.
Their search led to a rural estate owned by a couple with two early teen sons. Uditi did not expect to be a bedwarmer again but they discovered, after settling in to their place, that the wife found intercourse painful and age and looks were an important factor in their hiring. While she would not have to warm her employer’s bed all night, he was younger and more vigorous and expected enjoyment at least five times a week, often at bedtime but occasionally at other times of the day and in any place where they could find a bit of privacy.
Manu was not at all pleased by this because romantic feelings had developed. He had learned to accept the use of his beloved’s body from their prior situation and she would be in his bed after serving her Master so that helped. It was never spoken of directly.
He did notice that she was more amorous the nights she had visited their Master’s bed and other times when her yoni had a silky slipperiness. When he observed carefully they may have just returned from one of the outbuildings or a trip to the forest. She might seek him out and want immediate gratification.
Their own interactions changed in quality too. When he mentioned a new feature of their coupling there was a rare discussion. “Our Master is unlike my uncle. He is not just using me for release. He misses the pleasures of his wife and is teaching me to be as skilled as she was. You will of course benefit from that.” Manu worked at being grateful and showing his beloved how much he appreciated her.
Things were pretty well adjusted until the older son “came of age”. Remembering the gifts of an older and experienced woman at that age, the Master requested that Uditi undertake the sexual training. This was mostly done when Manu was occupied elsewhere. And she was still joining frequently with the father so he didn’t notice.
Even a year later when the second son began training and the first was on “maintenance”, the additional activity of her yoni did not become evident. Her affection and eager welcome of his lund were reassurance enough for Manu.
Then one day he returned to the main house to retrieve something he’d forgotten to take with him. He looked for Uditi in the usual places and she was absent. He widened his search, believing she might be doing housekeeping in other parts of the large house.
He found her but not in a situation he’d expected. She was riding the lund of the older son on his bed. Her breasts were fully held by those young hands. The younger one was standing over his brother’s shoulders and his lund was being sucked by Aditi. She was cupping his testicles in a hand.
He’d approached quietly and the door was only slightly open so he could watch unnoticed. Although he felt his lund swelling from the raw sexuality of it, he turned and fled. Stumbling outdoors, he vomited in a shrub.
That night, after enjoying the Master’s attentions to her body, Uditi returned to her own bed, eager for another lund helping even after the debauchery and pleasures of the afternoon. It seemed that the more she got the more she wanted.
Manu was clothed, an unusual reception, and was lying facing the wall, also unusual. While she might have to use her skills to get his lund prepared for penetration into her slippery yoni, that usually didn’t take long. What was happening?
He refused to talk or even turn over. She disrobed and laid up behind him, reaching around to find his lund hard as ever. Puzzled, she asked, “What is it, my love?”
He growled, “Am I your love? You seem to have many secrets from me. Is it not enough that our Master enjoys you frequently and you have made it clear that he is more skilled at giving you pleasure than I? Now I must also get in line with young boys who you act like a prostitute with.”
Her face was ashen as she blurted, “Who told you this?”
“I saw you this afternoon with two hard lunds invading your openings.” He gave sufficient detail that she could not dispute that he had seen her.
“Oh, my. I was required to teach them by our Master,” she offered in feeble defense.
His anger showed in his tone of voice, “The smiles and squealing weren’t like any teaching I could imagine. Two of them at once, yet! I might understand something more private as simple but this looked like an orgy that you were enjoying immensely. If you wanted to be so wild, why did you not approach me? I thought we had a good relationship!”
Her head hung down and she knew of nothing to say. Indeed, she’d basked in the attentions of two young, hard and eager men. She’d lost sight of her bearings in the lustful excitement. What should she do to show her remorse?
Manu was not a mean man and he could read the feelings written all over her face. His voice softened, “I must think about this. Your yoni has had enough exercise for today so take me in your mouth to get rid of this persistent erection.” She noted that he was indeed that way. Flaccidity was most likely if he was completely rejecting her. She bent over and gave it her very best.
He did not couple with her the next day and she told the boys they would have to wait. The Master got his but noticed she was not as enthused as usual. When he asked, she said they were way overdue for a holiday. He immediately agreed and made arrangements for them to stay at a friend’s hotel at the seashore for an entire week. His parts were thoroughly drained in appreciation the day they left.
Manu was in better spirits as they rode the train. He had entered her yoni only once since the discovery and that was because she mounted him in the morning when he was partially asleep. The sons had briefer encounters also.
There was an older widow woman with an adolescent daughter who worked as cook and housekeeper respectively. Janani had been the one who comforted the Master before Aditi’s arrival. Her daughter, Daya was just approaching puberty, awkward and skinny in all respects, of no interest to the sons, especially with the ripe Aditi available. It was arranged that Janani would fulfill the services of Aditi while she was away. Having watched the boys grow up, even bathing them as youngsters, she was looking forward to seeing just how well they HAD grown up.
When Manu had discovered Aditi’s promiscuity, he had turned to Janani for solace and advice. As she hugged the crying man to her pillow-like bosom, her hand stroked him like a child. But it was no child’s part that she brushed at his crotch. Having none of that for too long, she quickly pursued it and soon she was feeling that delightful rubbing of a male body on her thighs, belly, and breasts as his lingam pleasured her special place. They had repeated their acquaintance each day. Although there were feelings of cheating on Aditi, a brief reflection on the hundreds of times her body had been used by others made that go away, except that she didn’t know about this any more than he knew about the sons, something that he had criticized her for and was now doing himself.
At the seaside it was like a different world. Just the two of them seeking some healing. The first night after a dinner and a walk along the surf at sunset, they made tender love on the balcony of their room. it was more like being a conventional couple than they had ever had.
The next day they donned swimsuits and alternated playing in the ocean with serious talks. Aditi did her best to explain how lust had overtaken her. Having four men desirous of her body had been such a rush. She had also not known how to tell Manu of this added sex. Manu told her he could understand better now and related his experience with Janani. To his surprise, Aditi seemed pleased, explaining that the older woman had spoken of her unrequited needs. She was fine with him continuing, especially when she was otherwise occupied herself.
They were seated at dinner with another couple a bit younger. With introductions the others revealed they were celebrating their first wedding anniversary. Manu and Aditi enjoyed the offered wine, something that was not available at home. They were a bit giddy as all went for a beach walk in the moonlight. The men walked ahead, speaking of soccer. When Rupita learned of Aditi’s situation she had many questions. “My husband was raised with a woman like you. I was kept a virgin so I am glad he knew what to do and has taught me how to truly enjoy sex. I am curious though about other men and how they would be.”
Aditi took her hand in friendship, “I have been with five so far of much different ages. They are all certainly different even though the basic act is the same.”
Rupita squeezed her hand, “Would you tell me about that?” Aditi just had time to say. “Let’s talk tomorrow,” as they reached the hotel again.
There was a dance band playing and the younger couple became dance instructors to the older one who had never done it. Later they talked and described the fun of moving so close to another partner even with clothes on.
After breakfast the men went to do a manly thing and Rupita was eager to hear about Aditi’s sex life. That sat on the beach in their swimsuits and Aditi gave her tale for the very first time to another since Manu didn’t really want to know more than he did. Aditi noticed Rupita’s crotch showing moisture and teased her about it. She smiled shyly, “I got lots put there last night and your stories are making much of my own. My husband was quite eager and when I asked he said you reminded him of his sex mentor.”
“Manu thinks you are quite attractive as well and I like your husband’s personality since that is all I have seen of him so far,” she teased.
Rupita looked serious as she asked, “I have a crazy idea but I hope you will consider it.” Aditi nodded her agreement. “What if we pretend each other’s partner is our own for the next twenty-four hours? We could really get to know them.”
“That’s for sure,” Aditi blurted, “especially if the trading is complete.”
“That is what I intended. I don’t know if I can convince my husband to share me though. You two are past that I know.”
“Manu would be delighted I am sure, and I am agreeable. Go talk to him, preferably naked but before he has finished. That is when men are most agreeable to anything sexual.” Rupita kissed her new friend and scurried off to find him. They would meet at lunch in a short time.
Rupita looked rumpled and was smiling as they arrived for the lunch meeting, whether from her husband’s attention or decision or both was yet to be determined. Aditi asked, and Manu knew the question by now, “Have you decided?”
Rupita held her husband’s hand on the tabletop for all to see, “This wonderful man loves me enough to let me pursue this. I know your answer so let’s start by trading sides of the table.” Manu and Rupita conferred about the menu while Aditi and Sushil looked at theirs. After dining the new pairings walked different directions. It appeared that Rupita took her man towards the hotel, eager for a new physical experience while Aditi wanted to know hers better before the inevitable coupling.
Sushil had heard only scraps of her story as a bedwarmer and told of his experience as a young man on the other end. That bonded them and they held hands like the lovers they were about to become. He even stopped in a private place and gave her a deep, long and romantic kiss, running his hands over her body outside of her clothes. The gesture thrilled her and she felt wetness wanting to welcome him.
It had been agreed that the couples would use the woman’s room since they had the most “stuff” there. Each took the new man to the bed they’d coupled in earlier that day and things proceeded rapidly, all being curious and aroused.
Sushil was circumcised, not the usual condition in Aditi’s experience so she spent time looking, touching, and mouthing it before laying back to welcome the substantial shaft into her. He was plenty skilled to give her two pleasures before the familiar hot spurts she expected. They tried another position with happy results before dressing in swimwear and going to the beach. Both men were similar enough that they had decided to use each other’s clothes, really living the switch.
Rupita was not so easily satiated, insisting on three couplings with the foreskin-equipped organ before she reluctantly put her suit on. Confronting her husband at the beach with several visible signs of her activity, she was suddenly shy and kept a towel over herself. She focused on her new sex partner and asked for several fruity alcoholic drinks, finally getting giddy and running to the water. Manu followed closely to ensure she didn’t drown.
Aditi laughed gently at Rupita’s cute buns wiggling as she ran, “She’ll be a different woman for you now. She is very lively and I like her a lot. When her confidence builds you will have your hands, and something else, quite full. My advice is to just love and support her and you will be a happy man.”
He reached for her hand, “You are a wise woman as well as an extreme pleasure when naked. I pray she will be just like you.”
She squeezed his hand back, “That is a tremendous compliment. I think she will be. If you ever need me to talk to her I will give you my phone. But now, let’s get some other parts of our bodies wet.”
Each couple found it fun to shower together and that led to more horizontal dancing and a nap before dinner. They were at their assigned table but a good observer would have noticed the new seating arrangement.
Regular dancing was again offered and those new skills were practiced. When Aditi was awkwardly moving around with Manu she asked, “How’d it going?”
He chuckled, “She is an eager one. Like us with dancing, she will get better with more practice but I am well satisfied. You seem to be in good spirits.’
She hugged him close, breaking the rhythm of the dance, “It is exciting to be with a good young man. I feel so very experienced since I’m only his third woman. His lingam is cut so it feels different but not better or worse. I only love you though.” That was the best thing she could have said. He returned to Rupita feeling better.
Everyone took full advantage of the opportunity until the lunch-time termination. The talk was muted as all were absorbing the unusual arrangement they had just enjoyed. The rest of that day was spent as separate couples readjusting to their normal situation.
Sushil was terribly curious how his wife had weathered the experience. She seemed quite buoyed but didn’t seem as horny as he expected. Finally, as they were showering for dinner he had to ask, “How did you like having another man?”
She turned to him, eyes flashing, “I thought you would never ask! I wondered if you cared!”
Wet and soapy he grabbed her and cupped her yoni with his hand, pushing the middle finger inside, growling, “Tell me what this had been doing in detail and how you felt about it.”
She orgasmed in his arms as this never-before-seen side of him expressed itself. They quickly dried and she mounted him. “I felt so wicked and womanly every time he touched my body and pushed inside me. I didn’t even think about you, just the pleasure of the moment. His lingam felt different to me and made me wonder if one hundred would each feel different. I was so aroused that if there had been a line of men with hard ones they could all have had me. Can you understand?”
He thrust up to meet her motions, “Oh yes! I felt that way with my mentor, thinking of the many men she had taken where I was. The same with Aditi and her man just recently. And now you with Sushil filling and spurting many times I think.”
She nodded vigorously, “It was like a second honeymoon but now I have you again too.” She shook in her climax and that set him off too.
They needed to shower again after she texted Aditi who said they were running late as well. She thought, “Probably for the same reason!” She was right as she found out later.
Dinner was interesting. Little was said about the partner swapping and mostly focused on activities for the morrow. As they got after-dinner drinks and walked to the beach, Aditi spoke up, “We don’t have long left to be here so I am proposing something since Rupita’s seemed to work out OK. Now that we have all gotten VERY close to each other, I propose we go to one of our rooms and get naked and all have fun together. I am terribly curious to watch Manu having sex with a woman, in this case Rupita, and maybe others are curious too. It is the next step. Oh, I have had sex with two at the same time and it is delightful. This would give the rest of you that opportunity. Talk it over while I confer with my partner.”
All it took was a nod from Manu to know where she stood. The married couple were in a vigorous whispered conference until Sushil looked at them and said, “We’re go. When do we start?”
That was quickly answered by Aditi who stood up and took Sushil’s hand, as if it was the last arrangement all over again. She led the way to their room and once inside promptly removed her garments. The others followed suit and all got to see the other sex unveiled. Lunds began swelling and nipples too. The fearless leader knelt down and sucked on Sushil while waving Manu to stand next to him and moved her mouth from one to the other every minute or so. Rupita reached for her furry place and began rubbing it as she watched the two long shafts that she knew being pleasured. Then she gently pushed Aditi aside and took over. The displaced woman went around the men and rubbed her breasts on their backs in turns.
They had recently enough been drained that they didn’t erupt too quickly. Pouring some wine in a small glass, Aditi dripped some on her nipples and crotch as she laid on the bed. The men jostled to lick it off until Rupita copied it. Then the leader Aditi simply called out “switch” every few minutes. That word would be used many times that night.
Things progressed to watching your partner copulating with another then on to threesomes. It was a late hour when exhaustion and the lack of male capability called a halt. Same-sex activities had been marginal but waited to be explored. Contact information exchanged, the remarkable week ended for both couples and they returned to their more mundane life.
When Aditi checked in with Janani, the woman was tired from all the “exercise”. After the week away, even with all the activity engaged in, she was fired up. It was agreed that the older woman would take care of the older man and the younger one the two horny sons, at least for a while. Reconnecting with the boys after a week away, she noticed things she’d overlooked before, or perhaps they had learned from the older woman. No matter, they were enjoyable.
Her man had another role to play in the household. Daya, Janani’s daughter was changing with the new hormones in her body. She sprouted breasts and hips and hairs at various new places. Along with that came an interest in the interactions with males she had witnessed many times in the small room she shared with her mother, most recently watching the sons that she had many interactions with over the years. She began asking many questions after that, interested that joining ould take so many positions and be done with many men. She’d not watched the Master pushing into her mother since his bedroom was private but Manu had been watched too.
Now she wanted to try it herself. Janani had some serious talks with her and when it was clear that the youngster was as ready as a young person could be, they went to clinic for contraception. Consulting with Aditi, they women decided that Manu was the best choice to change her status to “woman”. He would be the most sensitive and she was less likely to develop a too-strong attachment after the deed.
He had little choice but to agree, considering the requestors. Besides, he liked Daya anyway and considered it an honor. The day was set when her pills took effect.
The “ceremony” would occur in her own bed and her mother would stay with Aditi for that night. The virgin was coached and ready, under the sheet in a candlelit room when Manu entered wearing a robe. She shivered with both anticipation and trepidation but he calmed her with soft words and kisses.
She knew the basics, having watched them occur to her mother many times although not from an ideal vantage point. Manu gently pulled down the sheet to uncover her budding breasts. The nipples stood up proudly and were thrilled to feel his fingertips and then mouth and tongue. It was like electricity running to her crotch. A different and better reason to shiver! Same when he kissed her with tongue and nibbled her earlobes.
His robe was still on so she reached through the opening searching for the very flesh tube she’d seen before and when it penetrated her mother. She knew it shrank afterwards and hoped it was swollen now. It was and her fingers explored it as his hands moved under the sheet and she separated her thighs like opening gates to a treasure house.
His touch down there was also electric and when he moved to touch her most private place with fingers and tongue, she exploded better than her own fingers had ever produced. When she caught her breath, she scooted down on the bed and breathed, “I’m ready!”
She was surprised when he asked her to be on top. “You can control it better. I can feel your little barrier and it is best if you make me break through.” She kissed him for that consideration, the only part of this she was apprehensive about.
Her maidenhead was easily breached as she sat down further and further on the male shaft. Her smile was huge as she took it in inch by delicious inch with small up and down motions until their pubes met. Manu had been stimulating her breasts throughout and she felt like she was flying.
She exploded again before lying on his chest and whispering, “Shoot in me like I’ve seen you do my mother.” She lay still and felt him stretching her tender tissues over and over until there was a flood of heat deep inside and he groaned. She was a complete woman now!
Little sleep for the new lovers as she reveled in her new status. He was a wreck the next day but smiled through it. It took no questions for the two older women to know that there had been a successful inauguration of Daya.
The yonis of the older women were relatively dry for the next several days as the initiate offered herself freely to the sons and Manu, but not the Master, in a frenzy of copulation. Finally she slowed down and apologized for her wantonness. Both older women recalled times that they had felt that way even if they couldn’t accomplish it as easily.
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Please leave feedback. All characters named and any actions taken are fictional. Mark looked at the four girls he had before him. All of them had previously shared his bed over the past few years and he had enjoyed being with them. Two of the girls, Ingrid and Jasmine were currently unemployed and in need of money. The other two girls, Veronica and Debbie were rather better well off and did not exactly need any extra money. Previously Mark had visited one of the largest sex shop chains in the...
ToysMelanie Hewlitt signed in relief as she perfectly executed a pirouette and finished the floor ensemble in arabesque position under the watchful eyes of her instructor, Nicole Mettraux.. It was a hot and humid summer afternoon and the pretty 19 year old high school dance major was glad to have finished her modern dance class for the day. Beads of sweat ran down her face and her grey leotard was soaked in perspiration. She reached thankfully for the bottle of Evian mineral water in her bag....
EroticWith nervous butterflies in her stomach Nadine walked into the studio. She would finally become a real actress. For years her agent had only send her out on modeling jobs and told her she couldn’t act, but now for the first time she would do an actual real screen test. ‘Welcome,’ A guy with baby blue eyes reached out his hand. ‘I’m Martin the director, are you ready for your audition?’ ‘Yes Sir.’ Nadine tried to hide her nerves under a bunch of enthusiasm, but she realized it sounded...
I spotted the ad late one night while browsing job ads online. I scrolled past the ad initially, but my curiosity about the headline got the better of me. Easy Money - First Time Models Wanted - No Professionals For the record, I don’t think that I’m some sort of model. I know that I’m too curvy for anything like that, but it sounded better than the waitressing and retail jobs that I was qualified for. The first line of the ad told me that the job wasn’t for me, but I kept reading. Looking...
HardcoreIt was about 48 hours after my first experience in the porn industry and I was back at work at hooking. I was trying to pick up a customer at the bar but there were no takers. I walked out and found Gary beside my car. I had met him briefly at the studio where I had made my first movie. He was the perfect specimen of a Midwestern hood. Mid-20’s, tall, thin, and wirey with black jeans and jean jacket over a plain white shirt. His hair that looked like it was held in place with salad oil. More...
The Agency Julie Taylor was not normally a shy girl, nor for that matter a timid girl in any sense of the word. At nineteen she had lost her school-girlish outlook on the world and those about her, as long as she was mix- ing with her own age group. When a perfectly normal, healthy girl as attractive as Julie looks at an older person...well, she couldn't help thinking that anyone over thirty is middle-aged, and over thirty-five they must be well past it! It was perhaps this normal...
Walking through Manchester one sunny day I cut through the back streets to an Adult store I visited regularly. I'd got to know the guy who worked there, Alan; he was happy to pass on the more hardcore uncensored stuff to me. I browsed the shop but I wasn't buying, I explained to him that I was flat broke. He offered me a leaflet off the counter."Try out for that," he said: "they're auditioning for a porn film. You tell them what you're willing to do and they pay accordingly."The audition...
Hi fellow ISSians, Boys take your cocks out of your jocks and Girls put your hands inside your pants because im sure you’re gonna enjoy this story :) This story is about a famous director Leo who helps out a cute 19 yr old girl named Amelia ;) an become a star in Bollywood. Down that muddy line, poor Amelia was walking that night think about her bleak future. She was done with petty stage acts and small commercials, she wanted to go up there – where the spotlight would always be on her....
I awaken slowly, the soft light streaming through the curtains warming my still-closed eyelids. I sigh contentedly as I recall the events from the night before. I stretch my neck slightly, feeling the dried cum cracking on my soft skin. Patrick loves my hot, wet mouth almost as much as I enjoy being the masterpiece he paints when he unleashes spurt after spurt of steaming hot, sticky cum all over my face, neck, and tits. He pinches my hard tight nipple again and I realize this is what has...
Toys“Beautiful aren’t they?” Roy whispered as he came behind her, putting his arms around her, cupping her breasts, rolling his thumbs over her nipples. “They look so sweet, so innocent,” Ann whispered, leaning back against him, feeling his erection pressing against her back. “Hardly innocent,” he chuckled, “that daughter of ours is a right little pervert.” “I should say,” Ann sighed, “you should have seen her pushing that wine bottle up my arsehole yesterday.” “Which end?” He said, pinching...
Max Shimmer sat behind his oversized black desk spreading out pictures of the young, blonde actress. Having the ability to recognize talent and to visualize the actor in the part made him a successful Casting Director for a major motion picture studio. Each time he saw his name roll onto the screen during the movie credits, Max felt important. But that was only part of the reason Max loved his job. The livelihoods of struggling young actors and actresses were in his hands. He held the key to...
Today is a very exciting day for me. I had seen an ad for modelling and when I responded to it, the people actually called me in for an interview! I couldn't believe it! So, I wanted to dress sexy for it. I really didn't have much that screamed sexy, my body had started developing nicely when I was quite young and ever since then my parents have been very protective in trying to cover myself up. They say it's not appropriate to be showing off my body. But, last week I just turned 18 and I...
How producer, Director and the Teen artist used me while having my audition for short film [email protected] %MCEPASTEBIN%
Sex With StrangerTurbulence rocked the small aircraft, sending Zeke’s stomach into a tailspin. This is better than a roller coaster, he thought, although he wished for a smoother flight. Flying wasn’t one of his favorite things to do, but it would become a necessary evil in his line of work. Thankfully, he didn’t have to pay for this one. His flight from Sarasota to Detroit had gone very smooth, but the commuter shuttle from Detroit to Dayton, Ohio was rough almost from the start. Wind and rain battered the...
I remember when I first woke up and saw him – my Master. Awkward hands rubbed me. I was not sure what to do with these new feelings awakened by Master, but I quickly learned. I am not going to lie; he was a little rough at first, and rarely let me sleep.Now, I love his long strokes up and down me, and that mind-blowing release at the end is second to none. We have grown very close. He knows when I need his touches and when I need to rest for a while.Master becomes pretty demanding as the years...
HumorMUSINGS By Betty Noone I was an adult before I was told that until I was 10 year old my parents dressed me in hand-me-downs, because I was too pretty, and they feared that I could be prey to a molester. It was a joke in the family before I reached puberty that my father was probably the milkman as I didn't resemble any of my parents nor my two older siblings. I had fair skin, a pug nose and small chin. It was summertime and I was eleven years old,...
Musings Ken sat quietly one Saturday morning thinking about his wife, Barbara, as they both sat at the kitchen table talking to the neighbor’s daughter, Beth, who had just turned 19. Looking at the hunger Beth caused his thoughts to drift back to the beginning of his relationship with Barbara and how they developed into what it is today. He remembered when they first met. Barbara was a senior in high school and had just turned 17. He, on the other hand, was 22 and had a good paying job that...
I entered the building as my nervousness and excitement were fighting with each other. Within ten minutes, one gentleman in his thirties came out and introduced himself, "Hi. You must be Taneesha? You are pretty. I'm Shane, nice to meet you." I thanked him, shook his hand and he asked me to follow him to a casting room where they hold auditions. There was a hand held video camera on the desk along with two more sitting on tripods. Shane calmly instructed, "Don't be nervous Taneesha....
Today Jade was going to audition for a porn video. When she got to the hotel she was brought into a room where a woman with huge tits was sitting behind a desk. She got all of Jade’s info then told her to stand and turn around slow. She looked Jade over then told he to remove her shirt then she look at Jade and said ‘Now your bra.’ She told Jade ‘Pinch and play with your nipples I need to see them hard.’ Jade pinched her nipples till they were hard for the woman. She then was told to remove her...
For a while, I am naked, alone with Jo. She oversees the setting up of a table and four chairs, towards the centre of the room. Three chairs are placed on one side of the table, close in, while the other is positioned on the opposite side, a little further away. She then tells me to get up on the table, on my knees, stretching my arms as far forward on the table as I can manage.I am then asked to bring my knees forward under my chest to the limit of my capability, and then, keeping this...
FemdomFor a while, I am naked, alone with Jo. She oversees the setting up of a table and four chairs, towards the centre of the room. Three chairs are placed on one side of the table, close in, while the other is positioned on the opposite side, a little further away. She then tells me to get up on the table, on my knees, stretching my arms as far forward on the table as I can manage.I am then asked to bring my knees forward under my chest to the limit of my capability, and then, keeping this...
FemdomEarly Spring 1980 Just minutes before, a rare thunderstorm had graced Los Angeles. Rain had poured in torrents, leaving puddles and causing reflective glare on the streets. The click of high heels on the wet sidewalk roused the attention of the guys standing outside the pool hall. They all turned to watch as a very attractive young blonde walked by. “Hey babe, wanna taste of big daddy tonight?” Laughing loudly the guys made a spectacle of themselves as they stepped off the pool hall steps...
HardcoreSlutty Sarah is back guys - and she's getting worse."I was talking to Sarah in a cafe one day. We weren’t dating and to be honest, I didn’t admire her slutty ways, which seemed to be getting worse. I’d just come back from working in London (UK) for a month and she asked me what was the best part about being there. I told her it was in the evening, after I’d finished work, going to a strip club, well really a strip bar, near the Old Street area. I won’t give the name of the place, but anyone who...
Today Jade was going to audition for a porn video. When she got to the hotel she was brought into a room where a woman with huge tits was sitting behind a desk. She got all of Jade's info then told her to stand and turn around slow. She looked Jade over then told he to remove her shirt then she look at Jade and said "Now your bra." She told Jade "Pinch and play with your nipples I need to see them hard." Jade pinched her nipples till they were hard for the woman. She then was told to remove her...
?? He stood naked in front of me. A perfect specimen of a young male pig animal. Nineteen years old. His body muscular and smooth from years of high school athletics and working out at the gym. His eyes were blurry from the drugs he had taken to get his courage up for our "Male Model Photo Shoot." He was in trouble with the law and needed money and someplace to hide.? ?? ? "Can you just stand with your feet a little wider apart so your big fat dick and balls hang a little looser. Can you reach...
“What are you doing? Tony will be home in less than an hour and you’re playing with that dog.”, Marian said. “Go get cleaned up and get dressed.” Johnny realized his day wasn’t over, and it was time to get serious. He dashed into the bedroom, took a quick shower and slipped into the outfit that his mother had purchased for him the day before. He closed the closet door and admired himself in the full-length mirror. He looked just like the girls that Bonnie would shake her head at when she saw...
Sloane sat at his desk and waited for Christina Ricci to enter his office. The 16 year old actress was there to audition for a role in his new movie. Sloane owned a production company in L.A. and he was making a new movie. He had put out the word that he was looking to cast the part of the younger sister in the movie and he hinted that he wanted Miss Ricci for the role. So she meeting with him to try out for the part. Christina knew that her friend Winona Ryder had the lead role in the film...
“Thanks for coming in. Sorry we had to do it in the studio.” “No problem, it’s great to have the chance to audition for a part.” “Sure. I know what it’s like in this town. Hard to even get noticed, huh?” “Tell me about it! My agent said this is some Greek myth thing? Perseus & Andromeda?” “Yes. Well, gods, monsters, that sort of thing. A lot of CGI, effects but needs convincing actors too.” ““Well, I’m your woman then. So, CGI – that’s why the green screen?” “Uh huh. I want to see how...
Carmen sneered. "Amateurs!" She muttered as she surveyed the competition. She was standing on the doorstep of a cozy, suburban middle-class house that had recently seen massive and expansive renovation to add new rooms. A sure fire clue that the competition would be fierce. "And what makes YOU so special?" snarled one of her competitors, a midnight-haired, tattooed beauty in a red string bikini. A tattoo of two lovers embracing on her taut abs seemed to move as she spoke, the inked lovers...
I didn't get much pussy in high school, some, but not as much as I wanted. So I joked that after I graduated, I'd become a porn star, and get laid all the time. My friends all laughed, but, we weren't sure it wouldn't be true.The reason I didn't get the girls was because I was 5'6". The reason we thought I could work in porn was because of my dick. 9 inches. On a shorter guy. So, yeah, it looked even bigger.Skip ahead a couple of years, and I say fuck it, I'm going to Miami to break into the...
I didn't get much pussy in high school, some, but not as much as I wanted. So I joked that after I graduated, I'd become a porn star, and get laid all the time. My friends all laughed, but, we weren't sure it wouldn't be true.The reason I didn't get the girls was because I was 5'6". The reason we thought I could work in porn was because of my dick. 9 inches. On a shorter guy. So, yeah, it looked even bigger.Skip ahead a couple of years, and I say fuck it, I'm going to Miami to break into...
Pale white skin, dark brown hair tied up to a pony tail, green eyes and an intoxicating, sweet smile. Jane often admired herself in the mirror, there was no doubt in the fact that she was proud of her physique and always had an attire that would do justice to her body. ‘You’re one sexy babe in the world’ she would often whisper to herself and giggle. In college she didn’t have a lot of friends, but all the friends she had, was quite dear to her. One of those were, Ashley. Ashley was as...
Pale white skin, dark brown hair tied up to a pony tail, green eyes and an intoxicating, sweet smile. Jane often admired herself in the mirror, there was no doubt in the fact that she was proud of her physique and always had an attire that would do justice to her body. 'You're one sexy babe in the world' she would often whisper to herself and giggle. In college she didn't have a lot of friends, but all the friends she had, was quite dear to her. One of those were, Ashley. Ashley was as...
First TimePlease leave feedback. All characters named and any actions taken are fictional. Mark looked at the four girls he had before him. All of them had previously shared his bed over the past few years and he had enjoyed being with them. Two of the girls, Ingrid and Jasmine were currently unemployed and in need of money. The other two girls, Veronica and Debbie were rather better well off and did not exactly need any extra money. Previously Mark had visited one of the largest sex shop chains in...
ABUSING FERN BRITTON MY SISTER-IN-LAW Although my wife and i have been happily married for quite a few years now, it hasn’t stopped me playing around. It was some five years after I married her that I had my first conquest with her older sister the television celebrity Fern Britton.Di, my wife and I were invited to a Christmas party at her sisters house Fern and her Celebrity Chef husband Phil. They had been together for four years after hooking up on ready steady cook and at times Fern could...
This is a true, albeit long-winded recollection of a very inappropriate experience, which started when I was all alone in my best friend’s mother’s house… I regularly used my mother’s vibrators as a teenager, literally hundreds of times. I was never particular aroused by sticking penis-shaped objects in my butt, but rather by the fact that I was accessing and using a woman’s private and secret stash of sex toys without her knowledge or permission. The fact that they belonged to my own mother...