Dance Auditions free porn video

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Melanie Hewlitt signed in relief as she perfectly executed a pirouette and finished the floor ensemble in arabesque position under the watchful eyes of her instructor, Nicole Mettraux.. It was a hot and humid summer afternoon and the pretty 19 year old high school dance major was glad to have finished her modern dance class for the day.

Beads of sweat ran down her face and her grey leotard was soaked in perspiration. She reached thankfully for the bottle of Evian mineral water in her bag. However to her dismay, Madame Mettraux gestestured to her from the grand piano as the last few students stumbled out of the dance studio.

Madame Mettraux smiled and said “I have some good news for you, Principal Duxton has seen some of your rehearsals and has requested that I include you as a lead dancer in this years performance of Romeo and Juliet. Of cause we are still short listing potential candidates, but Principal Duxton has requested to have a private discussion with you on your dance career, he will be along momentarily and would also like you to show him your favourate ensemble”

Melanie was filled with utter dismay by the news. In the few months she had joined the dance academy, she had already heard of Principal Duxton’s reputation as a dirty old man with an insatiable appetite for sweet young dancers. She had done her best to stay out of the old lecher’s path, but this was particularly difficult as Principal Duxton often dropped into her dance workshops unannounced to “inspect” the class. The fact that she was an extremely pretty brunette, with a petite figure and long graceful limbs, and supple firm small breasts, also did not help.

“Whats wrong my child, you do not seem at all please with this news” noted Madame Mettrraux, “even if you do not like Principal Duxton, I would advise you to try to please him, as he has many friends in high places, this is your final year with us and I am sure you would like your career to start with a reputable dance company”

This was a simple truth that Melanie had to acknowledge, getting work as a dancer was never easy even though she new she had good grades and technique. “Of cause I will meet Principal Duxton, it is just that I have had 3 classes this afternoon and am quite tired”

“That’s a good girl, Principal Duxton only wants a quick discussion, I have to go to studio 6 now so please wait for him here” With that Madame Mettraux left the studio. The dance studio suddenly felt very cold and empty as Melanie proceeded to the bar to stretch her sore and aching muscles. The minutes ticked by…..and with a start she realized that Principal Duxton had quietly entered the studio and was staring back at her in the mirror.

“Good morning Melanie I take it Madame Mettraux has briefed you of our meeting?” croaked the 62 year old as he gazed unwaveringly at Melanie. Getting a silent nod from her he approached and took her by the arm to the center of the dance floor.

“I would like to see some of your floor and center work, just do the same pieces you did this morning in class, I am sure your technique is perfect but this is just a formality”

Melanie was very self-conscious as she awkwardly went through the routine, Principal Duxton retired to the edge of the dance floor and watched silently. After ten minutes, thoroughly soaked in perspiration, he interrupted….

“It is a very hot and humid summer afternoon Melanie, so I have no objections if you wish to remove your tights”. Melanie protested but the principal insisted “you will be a lot more comfortable”

Melanie unwillingly stripped herself of her tights and handed it to the Principal’s eagerly outstretched hands. After several minutes Principal Duxton again interrupted, “your arabesque is almost but not quite perfect, come let me correct your form”

As Melanie maintained the uncomfortable and precarious position, he approached and placed both hands on her now bare lower legs, adjusting her standing led, brushing up her bare standing leg. It was an unbearably long moment, as the principal’s hands lingered around her crotch, and then traveled to her chest. He inched even closer and said “you have the potential to be a great dancer, if you are willing to make some minute sacrifices, are you ready to put in more effort though”

Melanie silently nodded. She had mentally prepared herself to tolerate what ever perversions the old lecher desired, it was a competitive world and she new that many female dancers often slept their way to the top.

The old Principal smiled and became more bold as he gently massaged each breast, gently twiddling her right nipple through her damp body hugging leotard. Melanie's damp skin made the fine material even more sheer as it hugged the contours of each breast.”may I suggest that you also remove your leotard please” Melanie obeyed…..she was now dancing only in her bra and panties, her face was strangely flushed and she was acutely aware as the Principal openly leered at her breasts and panties as she sank into a perfect split with both arms held forward.

“Hold that position…..let me examine your spilt closer”…he eagerly sat down on the floor beside her and pretended to adjust her foot….slowly his hands drifted from her right ankle and made its way up along her inner thighs where the tender soft flesh was warmer and more moist.. Suddenly Melanie felt a tickling session as she looked down to see that Duxton had peeled her panties to one side and was gently using his index finger to explore her vagina through her very fine mound of pubic hair. She shuddered involuntarily and he noticed….”hold this perfect split position, do not move, be disciplined!!!”

Ever so slowly and gently he continued to explore the increasingly moist folds of her vagina with his index fingers. Whilst she was utterly revolted and repulsed by the old pervert, Melanie could not suppress the rush of warmth that was quickly invading her lower body. She felt flushed and her skin broke into goose bumps. She closed her eyes and tried to block out the sinful sensations.

Then the fingers were gone and she felt a her long black hair cascade to her waist her hair pin was removed. By now Principal Duxton no longer masked his desires, he unhooked her bra and stared hungrily at the firm young breasts that were perfectly capped with small nipples, and her supple slim body. He roughly pushed Melanie from her split position on to her back and climbed eagerly over her raising both her arms and clamping them above her head.

Almost hungrily he buried his bearded face on the now exposed tender damp flesh of her left under arms and slowly kissed the length of her arms, moving slowly to her hairless armpits, he lingered there and kissed the sensitive area there, Melanie shuddered again as his beard unberably pricked and tickled her armpit, but he held both arms firmly above her head…”oh how tender and fragrant you are, did you just shave?”

“I don’t have to” Melanie replied disgustedly, which invoked a more excited response from the old Principal as he moved his mouth and nostrils from her armpit to her left breast. He paused awhile and noted the fine beads of perspiration that covered the flawless white and smooth skin,savouring her musky sweet fragrance. Without hesitation proceeded to hungrily lap up the salty beads of sweat on each breast. With relish he sucked the left nipple, and then the right….leaving a trail of sticky saliva across Melanie’s already damp skin. Again and again he sucked each nipple until both were hard and erect.

By now Melanie felt like her whole body had turned to jelly. She could also feel something small poking at her stomach and realized there was a bulge at the front of the Principal’s trousers. He had moved down her body and she was shocked to realize that it was now Madame Mettraux who was anchoring her arms above her head with one hand and gently teasing each nipple with the other. Principal Duxton roughly raised both her legs and removed her panties. Melanie was now totally naked save for her ballet shoes and legwarmers.

Melanie looked down to see that Principal Duxton had raised and spread open both her legs and was staring hungrily between her legs. She could feel his fingers as he again explored the moist folds of her vagina. This time he buried his face in her right inner kneecap and covered the skin in kisses, working slowly towards her vagina. He paused for a while and then stuck his tongue deep within Melanie’s moist sensitive folds, lapping hungrily.

Melanie could feel an irresistible tide building within her. Madam Mettraux mean while had also turned her attention to hungrily sucking each of Melanie’s already erect nipples. Bolts of electricity seared through her twitching body as Melanie’s senses were overwhelmed by the new sensations that assaulted her.

The abuse continued endlessly and unbearably, and then Principal Duxton’s tongue found Melanie’s distended and erect clitoris. He gently flicked the tip of his tongue over the hard pink little nub, again and again. Melanie arched her back as the first wave of orgasm swept through her body. As her back lifted in spasms, Madame Mettraux bit down hard on first the left nipple and then the right nipple. The shooting pain seemed to lift her orgasm to a higher plane.

Melanie turned her head from side to side trying to block out the waves of pleasure that bathed her body. As the waves slowly receded, she felt all the muscles in her body suddenly drained of energy. Principal smiled at Madame Mettraux “ahhh…this one is very special as she is unbroken, lets proceed with her lesson….”

With a shock Melanie felt the old Principal part her tired legs….”Please” she said….”I cannot continue”. Principal Duxton replied “Melanie, you will be surprised what your beautiful body is capable of”

With that he sank between her legs again and gently blew on her clitoris, after the first orgasm it was still painfully sensitive and reacted instantaneously to the tickling air. Again and again he blew on the nub whilst Madame Mettraux gently played with Melanie’s tits, twitching each one between her fingers.

Melanie could feel a rush of warmth returning between her legs. The sweet torment was almost unbearable….”Please, don’t tease me” she cried weakly.

The Principal suddenly stood up and removed a 3 small pink vibrators from his pockets. Madame Mettraux took two and applied them to Melanie’s erect tits, the Principal positioned the third one directly on Melanie’s clitoris….”Now” was all he said and they flipped a switch.

As all three vibrators came to life, Melanie’s tired body was engulfed in a fresh wave of sensations. The teasing of her tits and her clitoris simultaneously overwhelmed her unaccustomed senses. She could not resist and it seemed like all her legs and arms had turned to lead.

Suddenly she flinched violently as she felt a warm soft tongue tickling her arse. She could feel an almost dewy substance trickling from her open vagina down toward her anus, and Duxton was lapping it all up. With a free hand he unzipped his trousers and out sprang an enormous erection. In spite of his advanced years Principal Duxton still maintained a penis of immense size. The top of the penis was capped by a small drop of transparent liquid mucus.

Principal Duxton applied his throbbing member to Melanie’s vagina. Entry was almost painless as the sensitive hole was already liberally coated with Melanie’s own nectar, but the organ still threatened to stretch and tear the small tight, pink hole. Slowly, inch by inch he continued inch by inch until the giant organ disappeared completely.

Melanie could feel her vagina stretched to its limit and moaned, in pain as well as pleasure as her vagina expanded to accommodate the monster. Principal Duxton withdrew the organ and then rammed it in to the hilt suddenly, Melanie almost felt a tearing sensation and the sharp pain seemed to add to the wave of pleasure that was urgently accumulating between her legs. Again and again the old Principal rammed his organ into her, Melanie lost all sense of time.

Suddenly when they were all slippery with sweat and it seemed she could not take anymore, Melanie felt the great dam burst, so intense was her orgasm she felt that her vagina was turning itself inside out. As Melanie’s vagina contracted spasmodically around his immense organ, Principal Duxton quickly withdrew and shot his load over Melanie’s breast, collapsing finally on top of Melanie.

After long minutes the old Principal reluctantly pushed himself off Melanie and said..”I think Melanie that you will have no problems with your auditions for the lead dance position, but graduation is still many months away so I would advise you to keep up your good work”

Melanie was too tired to respond as she lay in blissful oblivion…….

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Dance Panderer

On returning to our car in an upscale strip mall, I saw an orange envelope under a wiper. My temper flared with the thought of an unjust parking fine. I checked and saw absolutely no reason for a fine! When I scanned the other cars, I saw that ours was the only one ticketed. I angrily snatched the envelope, but before I damaged it, I saw an embossed gold foil seal on the flap. No ticket, or ad, I’ve ever seen came in such finery. The crimson sheet inside held more surprises, and questions. The...

3 years ago
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Dance Diary

Dec 27, 2006 Dear Diary, Mummy has been as good as her word! She enrolled me today in a ballet school, my Christmas present from her: six months of weekly dance lessons to see if I have what it takes for that kind of life. Do I have the discipline required. The instructor is a rather handsome man in his mid-thirties or early-forties, I'd guess ... but with an athletic build and cute bum ... a dancer in his youth most likely. Not sure if he's gay. Most male dancers are, you know. He was...

4 years ago
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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 47 Jacks Wedding

Ellen and Dan's wedding was a small affair, but Sophia and Warren had a good time. They really did make each other happy, and Sophia was just plain crazy about Kate. A week after that, Sophia and Warren found themselves en route to Washington DC for Jack Garrison's wedding. They were booked at a hotel, and made mad love before crashing. It was an afternoon/evening wedding, outside, on a large estate. They wandered in, found what table they had been assigned to, and went to find it. As...

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Dance Band

DANCE BAND BY JANICE It was the 1950s; Ned and I (Carl) were 15, next door neighbors and best friends. We both had very similar lives; both had an older sister who were also best friends, both had parents who worked a lot, and neither had any close friends other than each other. One of the most popular T.V. shows at that time, the 50s, was a show where teenagers would dance to popular tunes. The fashion trends,...

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We met at a party, I ask you to dance and we go out on the dance floor and the first couple of songs are fast, we are laughing and having a good time, then a slow song starts to play and I pull you close to me.We begin to move to the rhythm of the music, I let my hands caress your back, pulling you even closer to me. I whisper in your ear, how sexy you look!And as our bodies sway together to the music, you lay your head on my shoulder.Then you look up at me and I lean in to kiss you, parting...

4 years ago
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Dance Pe Chance Mara Ek Aunty Ke Oper

Hi, ISS readers kaise hai sab mera naam revan hai aur main pune ka rehne wala hu main iss ka regular reader hu aur ye meri pehli story hai story start karne se pehle main apne waare me bata du meri age 24 years hai aur height 5”3 hai, lund 6″ aur dekhne good looking to nahi hu but kisi b aurat ko satisfy kar hu ab story par aata hu….. Meri puna me dance class hey specially ladies ke liye aerobics aur yoga ke saat saat dance or massage ke liye home service private tuition be deto hu … Ek din ki...

2 years ago
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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 30 TV Surprises

"Good, good," June, their ice dance coach, was saying. "Excellent." Sophia and Warren skated over to her. "You're really getting that sequence down. I think you guys will be ready to test for juniors this spring. Then you can compete as Juniors next fall." "You think we're ready to test?" Sophia asked. "Just about," June smiled. "You've made amazing progress in five hours a week." "Oh, here we go again," Warren quipped, "The you-should-train-more lecture." "Oh, I know...

2 years ago
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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 170 Finale

Monday night, the Ice Dance finals, the free skate. Amy and Ryan defeated Courtney and Evan by the slightest of margins to win the battle for fifth place. Then, the top four couples took the ice for the warm-up. Sophia and Warren would be skating last. They ran through some footwork and warmed up, then stepped off the ice. They went backstage, but in range of a TV, so they could watch the other couples skate. The Canadians skated excellently. They got top marks and a standing ovation from...

4 years ago
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Dance Party

Now that I am finally "growing up", I see the fullness of a woman that replaces the skinny kid I used to be. I am 5'6" tall, about 125 lbs., with small boobs, and, as I turn around, a nice, not too big, ass. Having just finished a shower, my skin is still sensitive to the touch, and I rub my hands over my body, feeling the smoothness of my skin. As I do, my nipples harden, and I feel a tingle in my crotch. But I wont take the time right now to continue, as I have a big date tonight,...

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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 89 Competing

Skate Canada was Sophia and Warren's first event in the Grand Prix series. It was the last week in October, in Edmonton. They arrived on a Tuesday, and would compete Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. "HEY!" They heard from behind them as the walked into the hotel lobby. It was Liz Cushman. "Hey, Liz, what's up?" Warren asked. "Not much. You guys ready for the season?" "No!" Sophia laughed. "We're still using last year's free dance, because the new one isn't ready...

1 year ago
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Dance Contest

My name's Dan and I own The Glass Cat. The Glass Cat is a Female Impersonator club, although lately we're getting a lot of transsexuals, too. The club is pretty well-know, and and sometimes we get some big-name shemale porn stars in to do a show. Our biggest draw is Tuesday nights. Tuesday night is dance content night. Sheboys come in from all over and dance and strip for cash prizes and exposure. We get a lot of different folks in the audience, so it works out well for the contestants and the...

She Males
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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 99 The Dancers Take The Ice

The first week proceeded like the first day did. Warren and Sophia got out and saw as much as they could see. They practiced. Sophia's morning sickness acted up a bit, but not much, and she was feeling generally good and fit. Tuesday was the pairs' long program. Brett and Andrea were the first pair in the final group, and they skated wonderfully. "That's the best I've ever seen them skate," Warren said, and Sophia agreed. Brett and Andrea were beside themselves with joy as they came...

4 years ago
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dance fantasy

Introduction: My wife and I go dancing This is a fantasy I share with my wife told from my point of view You and I are out dancing at a local nightclub. You have on a very short, clinging black dress. You never wear a bra with it. Your breasts swing seductively. When we were dancing to a slow romantic song you press your self to me. I feel a tap on my shoulder from a guy who wants to break in. You look at me and I smile. You put your arms around his neck and mold your body to him. He puts his...

3 years ago
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Dance Partner Bana Beta 8211 Part II

Hi friends I’m Radhika back again aap meri pichli story to padi hogi ‘dance partner bana beta jisme mene apne bete ko apna dance partner banaya tha is story me mene use agli hone wali ghatnao k bare me bataya hai to dsto ab me story pae ati hu to dosto jis din mene apne bete se chudai karva li thi us din k baad to meri life hi change ho gyi thi 30 saal ki auarat ab fir se javani k galiyo me per rakh rahi thi ab me fir se javani ko Mehsoos kar kar sakhti thi hum ghar full enjoy karte the me or...

2 years ago
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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 71 Back at Nationals

"Ah, Seattle. Never been here," said Warren. "Yeah, it's going to be a west coast kind of year, what with Worlds being in San Jose," said Sophia. They were at Nationals. Their friends in the skating world were very glad to see them, together, and seemingly as happy as ever. "Hey, Dance King!" Christine Arsenault greeted Warren in the lobby of the hotel. Sophia was off chatting with Jack Garrison and his wife. "How's it hanging, Warren?" "Fine as always, Chris. You ready to...

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Dance Fan

When I am on stage I feel like I am in vacuum. My fellow dancers almost seen like they are surreal, the audience is dimly light to the point that they are blurred faces. I often feel like I am alone moving with the music, feeling it's vibrant impulse on my body. My senses are alive; when it is going good I feel it in my heart. A feeling of completeness a feeling of joy.On opening night last winter that whole experience for me changed, and changed in a way that it will never go back. It changed...

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Dance Party Leads To Fun

Hi friends….. My name is Rahul age 27, married since 3 years to my beautiful wife Priyanka. We both were virgins at the time of our marriage. After trying since more than 5 times one night finally we get successful to start our sex life. It was a superb experience to fuck my wife for the first time. Soon after our marriage Priyanka got job where I used to work, so don’t have spent much time with my family. We are living in rented house. Our sex life is been improving day by day. Our friends...

3 years ago
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Dance Hall Days

Dance Hall Daysby Miss Anonna It was a long week and Joann had called me earlier in the day asking me to join her and her new beau and the new night club just on the other side of town. In fact, the new club was just out of the towns jurisdiction and I had heard that things go on there that just do not happen in town. In any case, I had agreed earlier and even though I had no energy to go out, I just could not stand her up again or I would chance losing her as a friend and ally. I drove home...

2 years ago
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Dance Hall Days

Dance Hall Daysby Miss Anonna It was a long week and Joann had called me earlier in the day asking me to join her and her new beau and the new night club just on the other side of town. In fact, the new club was just out of the towns jurisdiction and I had heard that things go on there that just do not happen in town. In any case, I had agreed earlier and even though I had no energy to go out, I just could not stand her up again or I would chance losing her as a friend and ally. I drove home...

Oral Sex
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Dance with a fattie mom

When I was 16 years old, my family and I were staying at a hotel for Spring Break that also happened to be the location of a BBW Bash, basically a hookup and relaxation and week-long party for fat women and people who like them. My parents tried to ignore it, but I was fascinated. I didn’t even like women (I still identify as a straight woman, just with a few exceptions) but the outfits and novelty of it all intrigued me. So I did what any smarty-pants teenager would do and snuck into...

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Dance of a Kiss

by My Erotic Tale and Du Lac (Thank You Du Lac for the EDIT and adding your special touch to my tale. This story has been touched by the Du~ Thank You~) The Challenge~ Thundering rumble of horses in flight. Banded together in an all out spree across the burning sands of a scorching plane. Dust cloud bellowed behind the riders, racing toward the Tower of Love or Doom. Nostrils flaring with winded mane, neck and neck lashings to get the beasts to spurt into a lead ahead of the others. To win...

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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 88 Not Again

They were on the ice at the University of Wisconsin, in their first practice with Kathy Sleighter, their new coach there. She had met them over a cup of coffee, chatted a bit, and then asked them to do their programs from last year, so she could see them run through a couple of completed programs from close-up. "I wasn't at Nationals the last two years--I took a break from coaching to have a kid--so I've only seen you two on TV." They ran through last year's original dance and free...

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