Shred Of Humility free porn video

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"Shred of Humility"
Author: DominantHacker
All rights reserved Copyright ? 2008 by DominantHacker

Story codes: M/f, MF/f, humiliation, bdsm, consensual, serious, slavery

Description: This is totally a fantasy.? I don't expect a man or a woman to act like this IRL.? Just something I thought to get down on paper since this type of fantasy is such a common one for me (though not usually so much S&M).

A shy, repressed, young woman drawn to a controlling man who enjoys humiliating her.? She finds in him that man of her mysterious, dark dreams.? Is this romance or just a sordid game?

Chapter 1

{More development?}
Edward sees Anna behind the pharmacist's desk.? He tells her to get into his car when she finishes work.

After work, Anna goes to Edward's car after he flashes his lights.? The door is locked.? He waits until she asks to get into his car.

Anna knocks quietly and waits, but seeing him not moving quietly asks to come in to the car.? He unlocks the door.? Quickly, she opens the door and climbs inside.? Her head down, she whispers "Thank you, sir."

Edward asks "Why are you here?"? She looks around nervously, floor, dashboard, seats, her skirt, her shoes.? Her answer is a simple, but quiet "because you told me to come."

Edward files her answer away: maybe more submissive than I realized.? He looks how she is sitting, legs folded demurely under her, her back in the furthest corner from him, her head down submissively, her hands held in her lap on top of her long, simple skirt.? Her decidedly feminine, frilly blouse, buttoned to her neck, did much to try to hide her assets.

Edward was not as interested in her assets as he was in her humility and her submission.? Edward chuckles briefly and speaks again: "Let me rephrase my question: what do you expect by coming to my car?"

Anna blushes deeply.? "I am not sure, sir."? She isn't; she had no experience in high school or college with men.

"Obviously you expected something or you would not have come here... tell me now." he demands.? She gets nervous at his tone, but feels her nipples harden - just like in her dreams.

Opening herself emotionally, Anna replies, "I hope you will be pleased with me."

"Pleased how?" Edward asks, grinning.

Confused, Anna innocently responds, "however you wish."

"Do you wish to come to my home and be made my servant?" Edward growls possessively.

Heat flashes over Anna, starting between her thighs.? She can only nod, her chin almost glued against her chest in embarrassment.? "Tell me!" he growls.

"Yes, Master." Her body reacts like never before: panties so wet, nipples hard and taut.

Edward reaches over and moves her skirt up one leg, lightly caressing the outside of her thigh.? She trembles and shakes with fear.. and arousal.

Anna is completely unsure of how to handle these new feelings - all through high school and college, boys ignored the little, repressed, mousy girl.? That was okay, her studies kept her occupied.

But lately her dreams had turned dark.? Kneeling naked on the floor, totally humiliated and undeniably aroused for the first time in her life, in front of a man - this man.? She had known him the moment he walked close to the pharmacists' desk.? She had felt the same arousal; and she felt the same exposure, fully clothed in a busy store.

And the dreams... images of her being made to do things good girls are only forced to do.? Shameful things she avoided even thinking about.

And now, the man so like in her dreams, is touching her.? And she could do nothing but feel ashamed at how her body was reacting: her nipples getting larger and harder, getting so disgustingly wet between her thighs.

Edward enjoys the play of emotions on her face, and leaving her skirt on her exposed thigh, starts the car to drive to his home.

After a short time, they arrive and Edward gets out of the car and walks up to the small house.? Anna watches him leave and quickly exits the car to follow him, afraid he will be upset if she doesn't obey some perceived wish.

Edward unlocks and opens the front door, then walks through and removes his shoes, replacing them with slippers.? He looks at her pointedly.? She immediately lowers her head and eyes and enters the house.? "Kneel!"? Edward orders harshly.? Anna starts, and lowers herself to the floor ungracefully.? But she quickly composes herself: skirt neatly tucked under her, legs close together, back straight, hands in her lap, not fidgeting.

"You will never wear shoes in this house without my approval." Edward tells her quietly.? Anna reaches behind herself and removes her shoes, placing them side-by-side beside her.

"Go to the kitchen and make dinner for us.? Pork chops, potato au gratin and mixed vegetables.? Set the table and be ready in one hour."? He leaves to go watch TV.

Slowly, Anna gets up on her bare feet and walks down the hallway in the direction she guesses would be the kitchen.? She finds it quickly enough and finds all the ingredients, then starts hunting for that necessary pots.? Later, Edward stands in the doorway to the kitchen watching her cook, knowing that the meal should be late and that he will get to punish her.? He goes back to watching TV, thinking how best to punish her.

At one hour, Anna kneels quietly at the entrance to the living room, head down, hands folded in her lap.? Edward looks at her, stands and walks over to her.? He takes her hair in his hand and enjoys the feeling of it.? "What is it?"

"Dinner is ready, Master"

Edward is surprised.? He didn't think that the meat would be done this short a time, and the same with the potatoes.? "Crawl," he said simply.

Anna has a very difficult time crawling in her long skirt and Edward tries to keep his composure as he hears her shuffling clumsily behind him.? "Stop."

He remembers the trembling of her leg when he exposed it and thought this type of mousy woman would feel humbled undressing in the middle of a hallway.? "If you can not crawl with your skirt on, then you should remove it now."

Anna is stunned.? She has not been exposed to a man, especially below the waist since.... she doesn't want to think about that right now, but it was before high school.? And now Edward wanted to her to take off her protection.? The covering over her ugly body.

Slowly, Anna stands up, her face red, her breath quick, and against her will, her nipples feeling even harder.? She reaches behind her to unbutton her skirt and as she is unzipping it realizes the depth of her upcoming humiliation...

After Edward left the pharmacy the first time, Anna was so wet that she went to the ladies room and, even though it is not her period, she placed a sanitary pad in her panties to soak up her juices.? She knew that the pad would easily be seen in the unfortunate choice of panties she had on today.

After the dreams she had been having, she felt compelled to wear decidedly feminine underwear: smaller than her normal size, "bikini" style, white, lace panties.? Today, of all days, Anna thinks.

When she finishes unzipping the back of the skirt, she slowly eases it down to the floor, steps out of it and carefully folds it.? She holds it in front of her protectively, her head hung in shame.

"Go place it by the door." Edward quietly orders.? He watches her as she shuffles off.? He had not told her to crawl and she does not.? But he enjoys the view of her sexy panties flashing under the hem of her blouse and noting the nice gap between her thighs; easy to quickly reach between when wanting to get access.

When Anna returns, she stands in front of Edward, dressed in a blouse and lacy panties, her hands clenched before her.? She can feel the drafts on her thighs, against her still damp panties.? She feels small in front of him, not just because he is nearly a foot taller, but because she is so ugly and he can see part of that now.

"Pretty scrawny, aren't you?" Edward taunts her, looking her thin legs up and down.? He refuses to show her how much he might enjoy the look of her body.

She feels even more tiny, wishing that she could hide, but knowing that she can go nowhere.... he has told her to be here.? A tiny voice in her mind asks, why is that important?

"Crawl," and Anna again gets on her hands and knees, this time having much less trouble following.? She has almost forgotten that there was a meal to be eaten.

Edward leads the way to the dining room to find two place settings carefully laid out, with steaming trays on the table.

Edward sits down at the head of the table, Anna kneels next to him.? She doesn't feel "right" sitting just yet.? Her dreams are affecting her psyche more than she realizes and she feels more "normal" on her knees beneath him - "beneath him" a shudder came over her at the errant thought.

Anna looks up at Edward expectantly.? This is the first time I've really looked at him since the pharmacy.? All her erogenous zones fire off at once upon seeing his face.? She suppresses a moan, but does make a slight noise that attracts Edward's attention.

"What is it?"

Blushing deeply, feeling childish, stupid and humiliated, she asks "May I please kneel here beside you, Master?"

"Why is that?" Edward responds.

"It doesn't feel right for me to be sitting at your table.? I feel that I should be at your feet, beneath you."

"As you like, I will eat alone."? Anna feels indeed hungry, after working all day and then cooking the meal for them.? But he told her that she would not eat with him... so she will kneel next to him until he finishes.

Edward quietly eats, secretly enjoying Anna's cooking but refusing to let her know that.? When he finishes, he tells her, "I was pleasantly surprised that you were able to finish on time.? The food... is passable."

Anna feels ashamed to have failed to pleased him.? The whole reason she had said to come with him was to please him.? She knows her body won't do that.? Now she finds her cooking won't either.

"Would you like dessert now, Master?"

"You made dessert?" Edward is now truly surprised.? "Just a small fruit salad. I didn't have time for more.? I'm very sorry you didn't enjoy your dinner, please punish me for not pleasing you properly." Anna begs him earnestly.

Edward grins internally, here I was looking to punish her for being late, and she wants me to punish her anyway, simply because she thinks I didn't like it enough. This could go somewhere.? Let her be disappointed, keep her off-balanced.? "Get my dessert first, and then you can have your meal in your seat."

Shyly, Anna stands and walks into the kitchen, absently holding her hands behind her, over her barely covered bottom.? She brings back a bowl of fruit and spoon.? Holding those, she doesn't realize that she is no longer covering her privates.? Edward notices the front of her panties for the first time.

"Do you need to change your panties?"

Anna comes to a dead stop, feeling deeply ashamed at the state of her panties, and more, that Edward can see.

"It's not good to be in wet clothes, a person can catch a cold." Edward chuckles internally at the silliness of the comment.? "Remove your panties right now."

"Please..." She whispers.? But Anna is already moving to the table to place the bowl in front of Edward.? When completed with that task, she slowly reaches under her blouse and hooks her thumbs in her panties.? Feeling more of her dream becoming fulfilled and a wave of humiliation wash over her...

Her panties are pushed down over her hips.? Stepping out of them, Anna realizes just how wet they are and feels disgusted with herself.? But that just makes her feel even more wet.

"Hand them to me," Edward tells her.? She takes a step closer and places the soggy item in his hand then steps back and waits.? "Hands behind your back, spread your feet a bit."

As she obeys, she first realizes something shocking.? She begins to feel the forgotten, now soaked sanitary pad begin to peal away from her wet crotch.? Anna begins to quietly sob as she feels it fall.? The pad makes a dull thud as it hits the floor between her feet.

Anna shakes from the sobs.? "Was that to soak up all those juice I feel in your panties?" Edward asks.

Between her sobs, Anna replies "Yes... Master... I... needed... that... at... work."

"Do you always do this?" Edward asks quietly, moving the fragrant underclothes to his nostrils.

Anna gasps, "No, Master! My body has never behaved this disgustingly before..."


Anna hangs her head, "Before I saw you."

Edward grins.? "Sit down and eat your meal while I sample your dessert."

Anna gingerly sits down, feeling the cool fabric of the dining room chair on her bare bottom.? Then the humiliation as she feels her wet privates kiss the seat of the chair - I will leave a mark for sure.

She slowly starts to eat, watching Edward eat his fruit dessert.

Edward watches Anna carefully, enjoying the depth of humiliation playing over her.? Enjoying taking her deeper, wondering how deeply she can go.? She is definitely submissive, and definitely sexually repressed.

His dessert finished, Edward stands up. "Clear the table now," seeing that Anna's meal is barely half complete.? He can see the disappointment in her shoulders, but she places the fork carefully on her plate and stands.? Gathering up the plates and utensils, Anna moved to the kitchen.? The process of clearing and washing the table took several trips.? Meanwhile, Edward sat and watched her.? "Master, should I wash the dishes now or later?"

"Later.? Now, you will show me the rest of your body, then we'll get to the matter of your punishment."

Anna felt another level of shame - he'll see how truly ugly I am now, he'll send me away... or punish me more - I hope.

Anna stood several feet away from him, feet together.? Fingers slowly travel up the center of her blouse, very conscious of what they are going to be exposing, button by button.? Starting at the top, she unbuttons the collar with fumbling fingers and looks at him through her eyelashes.

Edward is sitting quietly in his chair, a small grin on his face, appearing to be watching her hands work, but in reality paying more attention to her reactions.

He asked to see my body, Anna thinks, and so she slowly pulls open the collar instead of simply moving to the next button.? Then her trembling hands succeeds in unfastening the next button and opening more of the shirt.? A soft moan of despair escapes her lips with the exposure of the skin.

A third button, this one directly over the junction of her lacy brassiere, is clumsily undone.? Again, Anna pulls open the two sides of her blouse, this time turning her head away in shame.? She knows that he can see her bra now - will he notice what is inside?

The rest of the buttons come easier, now that she knows he has seen her shame.? But has he truly realized it?? Does he know what I'm hiding? Anna thinks to herself.

"You are not done, I haven't told you to stop." Edward admonishes.

Anna slowly pulls the blouse off her shoulders and down off her arms.? She kneels down and folds the shirt and places it neatly on the floor.? Staring straight at her feet, she reaches behind her back and unfastens her brassiere.?? Holding her bra in front with one arm, Anna pulls one shoulder strap down and then the other.? Then slowly pulls her arms out of the loops.? Holding the bra cups in each hands, she gently sobs, knowing the ultimate humiliation is coming.? She gracefully lowers herself to her knees before Edward, trying to make herself as small as possible.

Slowly, she lowers the bra cups away from her chest...

Revealing only two, huge, red, cone-shaped nipples atop engorged, pink, puffy areolas... on top of nothing.? Anna was a completely flat-chested girl.? Anna drops the bra to the floor in her shame, not realizing that the falsies she places inside flops out as well.? Gasping, Anna buries her face in her hands.? She is now living in her dream.. naked before the man, undeniably aroused and utterly humiliated.

Edward wants to turn the screws a bit.? Sounding as angry as he can, "Are you a girl or a boy? Stand up so I can check between your legs to see if you're a boy!"

"I am a girl, Master."? She stands up as ordered.

"Come close!"? When she does, Edward reaches between her thighs and squeezes Anna's vulva tightly.? She cries out.? Edward grins, "Definitely a girl, alright."

"But I didn't get a real woman, did I?" Edward tells her, almost laughing inside, but he can also feel the sudden gush of of girl-juices on his hand.

"I'm sorry, Master.. please don't send me away.. do anything you like to me, but please don't send me away," Anna blurts out, crying.

"If you stay, then you will become my possession, my property.? I will control everything about your body, your life, even your death if I wish.? You will live by my rules and you will be severely punished for infractions, disobedience or even hesitation.? I doubt that you will please me as much as you promised, but the house needs to be cleaned by someone."? Edward added that last bit as a jab and felt her twitch.

"I am your's, Master.? I give myself to you."

Edward steps back and takes in the mousy, young woman.? Nearly a foot shorter than his 5'10" frame, she has to weigh less than a hundred pounds.? No breasts, but he can have fun with those huge nipples.? Thin arms, thin waist, narrow hips, thin legs.? Very little, fine, dark hair covering her pubic region.? A pleasing pussy from this angle: thin outer labia coming together tightly just barely showing a line of pink between them - and of course, the entire area completely wet with Anna's juices.

Edward looks back at Anna's "breasts".? Huge conic nipples standing out at angles atop large puffy areolas.? Looking closer, he sees that there is indeed a very slight swelling under the areolas which must be her breasts.

He lifts her chin gently.? Anna allows him to raise her head, but cannot help but look at the floor.? Anywhere but at him... she knows he is appraising her, she knows that any other woman would be better for him.

He looks at her face.? Cute.? Cute nose, pretty, lovely, small mouth.? Nice, shoulder length, straight, brown hair.? Doesn't really need makeup.? I'd say this one is a find.? No Jennifer Love Hewitt, but definitely something to want to come home to.

"You made a mess of the chair," Edward growls.? Anna gasps then sobs in shame realizing she will stain the chair with her damned juices.? "Clean it."

Anna starts to leave for the kitchen.? "Stop. Clean it with your hair."

Anna nods, thinking how she shouldn't deserve cleaning supplies but wonders if she can clean it properly with just her hair.? "Yes, Master.? I'm sorry, Master."? She kneels gracefully and crawls to her chair.? Then, taking her hair in her hands and leaning over the chair, carefully rubs the stain.? Her nose so close, she smells her odor and whimpers.

Edward watches from behind, taking in the view of her small, slightly heart-shaped bottom sticking up, her delicate spine and slim neck.

"Isn't it clean yet?" He asks after a few minutes.? "No, Master."

Edward pulls his belt from the loops of his pants and swings it underhanded against the left check of her bottom.? Anna screams and her hands fly to her wounded posterior.? Then she realizes, He's punishing me... I'm not doing a good enough job. "Thank you, Master," and her hands again reach up to grab hold of her hair to renew their efforts.

Edward grins and lets another lash of the belt fly at the other cheek of her small bottom.? Anna screams again, but doesn't stop rubbing her now damp hair into the fabric seat and again says "Thank you, Master."

Edward takes a half-step closer, carefully aims and brings the belt up between her carelessly spread thighs, the tip hitting against her pubes.? Anna crushs her face into the damp stain and screams so loud that Edward is afraid the neighbors might become concerned.

Edward drops the belt and kneels down behind her.? He fishes his swollen, erect prick from his slacks.? He pulls her tiny body away from the chair and lets her fall to the floor.

Anna cries out as she puts her arms out in to try to break her fall.? Luckily, in her surprise, she lets go of her own hair.? Grunting in pain, her upper torso and forearms takes most of the impact.? She feels her nipples crushed against the wood floor, making her her suddenly aware of how hard they actually are.? Maybe they'll drill little holes in his floor.

Grabbing her slender hips, Edward raises her bottom in line with himself.? He reaches down and slowly rubs the head of his engorged cock over her trembling, wet, inner thighs.

Anna feels a male penis on her flesh for the first time.? She is shocked at how hot it feels.? A sudden, intense yearning sprang up down low in her loins. Anna couldn't understand the need, only the shame because of where it originated.

Edward moves the tip of his cock so it splits her pussy lips.? Being rubbed up and down the length of her sensitive furrow, Anna moans in arousal and then in humiliation.? He starts to saw his cock through her pussy lips, directly across her tiny clitoris.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" Each sound punctuated with Anna's tiny clit getting directly stimulated for the first time in her life.? She shakes her head, trying to deny the horrible, "dirty" feelings she is having.

When the shaft of his member is well lubricated from her juices, Edward places the head at her tiny opening.

Reaching under her hips with one arm and keeping his cock aimed straight with his other, he violently pulls their bodies together.

Anna screams at the sudden pain, seeing a flash of light behind her eyes from it.? She can't feel anything other than the searing pain of what feels like her pussy being split apart.? She doesn't even feel her virginity being torn away.

Edward groans at the extreme tightness of her warm, thankfully wet cunt.? He won't last long this way... but he has a plan for her.? I reaches under her and between her thighs, finding her tiny clit with a little difficulty.

Anna feels the pain of her overstretched vagina lessen, replaced with a "dirty", full feeling.? "No... please", she moans.

Edward starts pumping hard into her tight hole, slowly at first so he does not loose the connection with her clit, then faster.

Edward starts thinking about non-erotic images to control his orgasm while, surprisingly bringing Anna to full steam rather quickly.

When he feels that she is about to pop, he pulls out and roughly flips her over onto her back, thinking of disgusting images to make his erect penis deflate.

Anna is gasping, totally confused about the new feelings coursing through her.? She was about to reach something... all those disgusting feelings between her legs were rising up to a point of someplace.? Then Edward stopped it: "Noooo...." A different cry escapes her lips.

He grabs his nearby belt and brings it down on her open, drenched vulva.? "You do not take pleasure for yourself!" He lashes her privates again.? "Your body and your mind are for pleasing me." Again, the belt connects with her wet cunt.? Anna is shaking her head back in forth from the intense pain, but keeps her legs open to receive this blessed punishment.

"Look! You can't even please me well enough."? Edward tells her, showing her his deflated cock, glistening with her juices, still a formidable size.? Anna looks at his body, feeling another "dirty" shudder even after the punishment doled out.? His cock looks huge to her innocent eyes.

"Your worthless body, no tits, and you want to fuck yourself?? You probably touch yourself whenever you can!"? Anna gasped.? In fact, she had never touched herself sexually.? In fact, she only touched herself in the shower with a facecloth, not wanting to get that disgusting "wetness" on herself.? And she would never want to make her hated nipples even bigger, even in the privacy of her dark bedroom under the covers.

"You exist to please man! Namely, me!? You can't even do that."? Anna wanted to curl into a tiny ball in the corner, but knew that Edward would not let her.? He was right: she was worthless.? She had always felt that compared with other women... and now the man in her dreams has just confirmed it.

Suddenly, Edward's manner turns soft.? He moves around to her side and picks her up into his lap and holds her.? He puts her head on her chest, his arms around her body and lets the heat of the two keep each other warm after the post-coital punishment.

Anna sobs in to Edward's chest, curled up against him.

"You can clean the rest of that chair up properly later," Edward tells her quietly, grinning. I am going to enjoy her.

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Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en nanbanin thangaiyai 3000 kodhuthu matter adithen. Eppadi avalai oothen enbathai intha kama kathaiyil ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar arul vayathu 24 aagugirathu. Enaku oru nanban irukiraan avanuku oru thangai irukiraal peyar anandhi . Aval paarka sexiyaaga irupaal, avalin iru mulaiyum perithaaga sexiyaaga irukum. Avalin soothu pilathu kondu irukum, niraiya aangaludan oothu irukiraal, aval karupaaga irunthaalum kaamamaaga irupaal. Niraiya aagal avalai...

3 years ago
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One Woman ManChapter 6

Kate Turner stood at the helm of the Lady Ester and watched a flock of brown pelicans as they flew across the bow, low on the water, in single file. They didn't fly in a V - unlike geese, they weren't migrating they were scanning the waters searching for fish. The weather was perfect for sailing - a sunny and warm day with a strong following breeze that keep the sails filled as they made their way toward Santa Cruz Island, twenty miles distant. It was just past noon and the waters of the...

2 years ago
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Hunky Gogo Boy and Stripper Derek Tyson

I was greeted at the door by a very hot nude male stripper for a birthday party I was invited to over Memorial Day weekend. I found out that his name was Derek Tyson and that he entertained for different private parties and events along with dancing at some regional strip clubs. I was also told that he had done several porn shoots. There were at least fifty or sixty people at the party, and the host had the evening well planned out. Since it was a pool party, Derek actually was totally naked...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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While Mom and Dad Were Gone

"Kasey, we'll see you in a few hours. Please take good care of your brother." called Kasey's mom as she began closing the door to the garage. "I know, Mom......bye." she replied. Gosh, she thought, Why did they have to choose today to meet with a client? It seems like they're not around that much anymore..... Kasey's parents ran a small recruiting firm for the city of Evansville, Indiana. They were often out of the house, leaving Kasey, who had just turned 14, to watch her...

3 years ago
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Intensely Passionate Neighbour

Hello, there the horny aunts , girls, guys who use this site for their own secret pleasure. This is my first story on Indian Sex Stories You can mail me at for feedback & more *winks. Any aunt, girls around the vicinity of Ahmedabad interested in sex chat, casual hook up, affair, to get pleasured, mail me at Don’t worry, it will be a secret and discreet. So here’s the story. I am good at writing. I write hang on. There won’t be fucking right from the first line..have patience a bit,...

1 year ago
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John CarterChapter 20

The incessant ringing bell was an irritation that could not be ignored. John woke wondering why he had set the alarm clock. He felt Beth stir beside him. He looked at the clock and saw that it was only three in the morning. It then dawned on him that the alarm clock was not making the ringing. He sat up and said, “Shit.” He shook Beth gently and then a little rougher. He hissed, “Wake up! Wake up!” He climbed out of bed and then turned on the light. Beth complained in her sleep. John shook...

3 years ago
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Wifes Affairs

Sara was my wife and attractive enough that she would receive cat calls as we walked down the street because she was very thin, 5 ft 5, 110 pounds with 36D cup breasts. Her eyes are big and full of life and also has jet black hair.We had a normal and uneventful marriage up until the third year. It seems the seven year itch hit Sara at the three year mark.I was a soldier and deployed often for temporary duty but never had a doubt in my mind about Sara's faithfulness while I was gone. We had...

1 year ago
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PornWorld Kylie Green Insatiable Student Kylie Green Bribes Her Teacher With Classroom Fuck

Naughty schoolgirl Kylie Green is getting changed in the locker room when she gets aroused and while no one is looking decides to pulls her white cotton panties to one side to masturbate. She takes out a glass dildo and is in the middle of fucking her tight teen ass when her teacher, Erik Everhard catches her in the act! He is furious and demands she meets him in his office but before he has the chance to tell her parents, Kylie has his cock out and deep throats his thick shaft! Erik takes full...

2 years ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 132

Rebecca, Trinity and Erin headed off to Las Vegas just after noon. But with them, they carried two additional passengers – Anya and Ekaterina. Anya would see Las Vegas again in a few days, she knew, but Ekaterina would be making the only visit she would make for awhile. She had determined after only a few minutes of talking to the group from Five Friends Casting that she would stay in the United States and work toward a resident visa. Ekaterina and Shelly had quickly become friends, partly...

1 year ago
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SexAndSubmission Gia Milana The Snitch

When newcomer Gia Milana gets caught trying to frame Tommy Pistol in a heist he teaches her a hardcore lesson about being a snitch! Gia is one sexy babe and wearing a skin tight black catsuit, spike heels and mask she is a sight to behold. She and Tommy are partners in crime and after scoring a bag full of money and drugs they celebrate back at the clubhouse. Tommy has been dreaming about Gia’s huge tits for a long time and finally he can get his greasy paws all over them while Gia blows...

1 year ago
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Amber Gets Anal

Amber stood nervously before the apartment door. She had just moved to Chicago from a small town in Indiana little less than a year ago and her new group of friends had been frequently telling her over the last few weeks that they had a tradition whenever someone in their group turned twenty one. They wouldn’t give any details and only laughed mischievously when she asked about it. Tonight was Amber’s twenty-first birthday, and even though she had her reservations about their...

1 year ago
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Mountains of Rubber Chapter 6 Dancing Partners

Synopsis: Dan/Daniella is enjoying a wonderful weekend of servitude, up in the mountains with MzDominica. Mistress has dressed Dan for his first time going out "en femme" -- something he greatly desires and greatly fears -- and they are having dinner with a group of her friends. Daniella has been tranced to drink so much water, she could not resist going to the restroom -- the LADIES' room, of course -- and had to beg Mistress for the key to unlock the rubber panties that constantly massage her...

1 year ago
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Old Lady goes to heavan

An old lady dies and goes to heaven. She's chatting it up with St.Peter at the Pearly Gates when all of a sudden she hears the mostawful bloodcurdling screams.Don't worry about that', says St. Peter,'it's only someonehaving the holes put into her shoulder blades forwings.'The old lady looks a little uncomfortable but carries on with theconversation.Ten minutes later, there are more blood curdlingscreams.'Oh my God', says the old lady, 'now what is happening?'Not to worry', says St. Peter,...

1 year ago
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Romantic Date

Hi I am from a village near Kurnool and this is my first story hope you like it and excuse me for any mistakes please send your comments. Thanks for ISS team for getting this published, I am 5.9 and fair slim recently came to hyd for my job posting and stating at boys hostel in Ameerpet and hellip, this is the most crowded area with girls most of the time I fantasized but could not get courage to any girl for my self and felt bad when my room mates went for date at their girlfriends houses ah...

3 years ago
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Turn Turn Turn

‘Turn, Turn, Turn…’ She lifts her breasts and moans as I fuck in her, raising her knees and panting. ‘Do it now, please do it now!’ I rasp my lips at the silken skin at her throat and softly bite. And drink. She screams in passion but not in pain. She bucks her hips and pushes her pussy deeper upon me. I raise my wrist and open a vein with my teeth. I push it towards her lips. She’d swallow anything now. She swallows me. Her little tongue pokes and licks at what I give her and she cries out. I...

3 years ago
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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 4 Many Faces of the MoonChapter 9

I picked Lillian up and carried her out of the wagon, just as the others arrived. From the feel of her in my arms, I could feel she was breathing, but it was very shallow. They all had looks of dismay at her state and I could feel their worry that she was not showing up in our bond. Janet came over and ran her hand along the top of Lillian’s head, as a small tear fell along her cheek. She looked up at me with pain and anger in her eyes. “Janet, please have the others go locate the Voguel...

3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 557

The Prison Planet ... Morales motioned toward the main fire. “It gets quite cold in here before morning unless I get my lazy butt up and feed the fire during the night. We always make sure to have extra furs on the foot of the bed in case we need them.” “And speaking of getting up,” Jasmine broke in to say, “don’t just lie there hurting if you need to go. Wake us. Chances are we’ll need to go too. I almost always have to in the middle of the night, but my love here never complains about...

3 years ago
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Fucking My Mom8217s Sister

Hello, friends, this is Sabu from Kerala. This is my first story in ISS, so please forgive my mistakes. I am 25 years old this is the story about how I got a chance to fuck my mom’s sister. Her name is Sheeja. Her husband is military and she has 2 sons one studying in 10th standard and other in 5th standard. She is 37 years old with a good body that has less fat proper amount of flesh at proper places. She has 34 boobs and a normal waist size and ass. She looks like Sona Nair actress not...

3 years ago
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AsylumChapter 8

Billy BEEP BEEP BEEP Billy woke up to the sound of beeping. The environment for him was very familiar. He was in a hospital room. Trying to sit up, he felt a tag on his left hand. Seeing there was a butterfly needle connected to the back of his hand, he laid back down. Also on his chest, some electrodes attached to a heart monitor. The door to his room was wide open. People were walking up and down the corridor, mostly nurses and doctors in white uniforms. He could hear talking just outside...

2 years ago
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Nate and Ariana

Nate checked the address on the sheet of paper. This is where his GPS had led him, but this was not the computer store he was looking for. The name on the sign said Ariana’s. It looked like some fancy ladies store. College students can’t be choosey. He heard the computer store was hiring and he needed a job; badly. Maybe someone in the store could direct him where he needed to go. He felt uncomfortable walking into the store, but he didn’t feel like he had a choice. Ariana was in the back of...

First Time
2 years ago
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Sex With Neighborhood Aunty

Hello Friends.. Mai ISS ka bahut bada fan hu.. 4 saal se lagatar ISS pe stories padhte aa raha hu to maine bhi socha apna real life experience ap logo ke sath share karne ka.. ye aj se 6 months phle ki baat hai.. mere pados me ek newly married couple shift hue the.. Sorry mai apne bare me btana bhul hi gaya.. i am saurabh (name changed) from Nagpur. Engineering student. Height 5’6″ With a hard rod cock.. Ha to story pe aate hai.. mere padose me ek newly married couple shift hue the just mere...

3 years ago
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My first BBC with a surprise MMF

I had an ad up on one of the adult sites looking for a BJ. One day, I got a reply from a man, mid 30s, good shape and black who said he loved to suck white meat. Not thinking anything more, I replied, and he sent me his address.I arrived, he lead me to his room, with a king size bed. Pictures of his very attractive wife and k**s were on the dresser. He faced me, took off my shirt, unzipped my pants and let them fall to the floor. He took off his shirt, revealing a flat hard chest with a good...

1 year ago
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Desi Bhabhi Aur Jawan Ladka Part 8211 2

Thanku for your feed backs….Mjhe lag rha hai………..Ki aap logo ko meri story bahut pasand aai…………All the ladies feel free to contact me on my id id will be kept secret………… Toh friends jaise ki maine bataya ki sunita bhabhi ko maine kaise pataya………….Ab vo mere lund ki pyasi ho gayi thi….Baar baar ab vo mere lund ko chuune ki koshish kar ti rehti thi..Jab b unko mauka mila vo paka lucky ke lund ko dabba deti thi…..Ya kabhi kabhi toh….1 haat se mere lund ko dabbati aur dusre haat se apne….Chut ko...

2 years ago
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Anal sex with a young fatty from Lahore

My name is amjed bajwa am 30 years old now and consider myself a sex maniac. Till now i have had sexual relationship with 5 girls and some boys ranging in age from 10 to 15. I am mad after big fatties, with huge massive shaking hips and large boobs. I serf the internet for watching bbw sites and download clips and then masturbate. I get maximum sexual stimulation whenever i see fatties with huge shaking hips. I am a government servant and now posted in rawalpindi. Two years ago i was posted in...

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The Sleepover Chapter 1

Ellie rang the doorbell.  She stood face to face with the oak wooden door for twenty-five seconds as she contemplated the possibilities of the upcoming weekend that she hoped to be extremely eventful.  Ellie, or Eleanor (as her mother called her), was a beautiful girl.  She was sixteen years old and had a long, flowing blend of light brown and blonde hair that hung freely below her shoulder blades.  She was a slim girl, five foot five in height, with a typically attractive, ‘perfect-looking’...

1 year ago
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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 5 A Turning Point

They ended up in the hospital. That punch to Sophia's mouth was accompanied by another to Sophia's already broken ribs, before the cops got in and grabbed Scott. Sophia and Warren had gone down to the police station to give their statements, but the cops did it quickly because it was clear that Sophia was in agony, and Warren wanted to make sure his jaw wasn't broken. The cops took them to the hospital. They could come in later in the week and finish up their statements-the cops had...

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Busty Barmaid

I believe that most rapes, especially to young and vulnerable girls and women are life-shattering events and mustn't be taken lightly. Others are different, my ex wife would often found herself either being coerced or even forced into doing things that she might not have done willingly but I know as a fact she looked back on these occasions with a buzz in her head and a tingle in her groin. The following story is not about her just for a change, although she was my then girlfriend at the time....

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My Affair with a Student ndash Part 2

In part one of this story, my student, Jaime, and I were having a very torrid affair, always meeting in my office after school hours. I’d taken her virginity and we were settling into an enjoyable affair when her best friend, Jenny, caught us! - - - - - - - - - -When Jaime opened the door, Jenny was standing there.“Oh! My! GOD! You’re fucking Mr. Graham!!”“Jenny!” Jaime yelled.I collapsed into my chair. We’d been caught. All I could think was, “There goes my career; maybe even my freedom. I...

1 year ago
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A Good ManChapter 42 Plans

After Clarissa made her decision, things began to move quickly. Before we left his house, Pete told us he’d update the Germans first thing Monday morning and would have letters out to the other shareholders by the end of the day containing the formal purchase offer. My letter was waiting for me when I got home from school on Tuesday. I filled in the acceptance form and put it aside to post on my way to school the next morning. When I asked Vicky if she had accepted the offer or not, she...

4 years ago
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After the Energists Mikes and Tempes NIS WeekChapter 2 Rock My World Little Country Girl

NIS Day 1 – Afternoon - Medway High School 12:17pm, Monday, October, 30, 1979 “Hey! Teresa! How’d you’re first period of being in your birthday suit go?” I said as I walked into the café. Our NIS tenth grader was obviously invited to join our lunch crowd, because her partner, Greg Smythe was in PE this sixth period. I figured Sammy, Lynette and Tempe didn’t want her naked and alone at another table. “It was kinda scary and kinda cool at the same time, if you know what I mean?” Teresa...

2 years ago
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Sharing her

A true story.I met my current wife over ten years ago and; having just escaped from a shit marriage, I was in no hurry to start into another. We were both in our fifties and she has a stunningly beautiful BBW body which I very quickly got into. However we did spend a long time talking about what we wanted and expected from a new relationship. I should mention that she too had just recently gotten free from a bad marriage.Needless to say there was a lot of talking and inevitably it got around to...

1 year ago
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HerLimit Serina Gomez Watch me gape

Far from being as innocent as she looks, Serina Gomez threw away the anxiety & stress of shooting another hardcore porn video and replaced them with the confidence of a gorgeous Czech girl, ready to rock her world as she gets deep analyzed by Mike and his BBC. The tasty goodies underneath her sexy dress distracted his attention and charmed him for another hardcore action, interracial deepthroating Serina and filling her mouth with passionate stamina. Then he licked her sweet ass, sucked and...

1 year ago
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Nestled in the center of rolling mountains, surrounded by sky-reaching spruce trees, blanketed in a thick layer of snow nine months out of the year, was a small growing town called Greenwall. The little mountain town was founded over two hundred years ago by a man by the name of Simon Kaster. Only a trading post in the beginning, it steadily grew into an impressive hub for northern trade, but as the years passed, the trade left, but the people remained. While never much to the average...

3 years ago
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Space DerelictsChapter 3

The next few days were spent in checking out various ships of the fleet. In no case did we find any more living people. The Ichiro Massimoto, a ship of educators at the university level, was completely empty. There was not even a body to be found in the cryogenic cells. On the other hand, we did find a woman still alive in a cryogenic cell in the Manuella Sanchez. She was a teacher at the elementary level, and was going to be a real boon in a few years when our family started producing...

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New to sex all in one

This is a true story which involves sexual situations between a teen and a minor. So as not to cause any offence, if you find this distasteful, please leave and search for a story that is more to your taste. You have been warned. My infancy was a well protected one, being the only child at home made me an introvert, playing by myself and no friends to play after school, this lasted until my teens year (not sure, I cannot remember, it was such a long time ago. Unbeknown to me, changes were...

2 years ago
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In Nockton Vale Man Wanted Chapter Five

Chapter Five Workman 1 The oddest thing was that when I woke up there was no "bloody hell" moment. I didn't jerk upright, gaping down at my manly body in incredulity, instantly regretting what had happened, asking myself how I could have let it happen in the first place. I just opened my eyes and smiled contentedly and stretched. It didn't even occur to me there was anything funny about my situation at first. When it did I just thought to myself, oh, I'm still a man. I didn't...

3 years ago
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The Pond of Pristine Spirit

The Pond of Pristine Spirit by Tegeli CHAPTER 1 "My patience is wearing thin," the sorceress Mesimiya growled. "Say, what you are." The agony from my crushed insides was too much to bear. "A g-girl. I'm a girl." "Finally!" The sorceress sighed and let the painful spell fade. "Looking at you, it is a wonder how that could be so hard to utter." The large mirror revealed my visage perfectly well. Mesimiya had kept me prisoner for months. Destroying my body body with poor...

4 years ago
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Gold MountainChapter 5

Shamans Involved The gold shone through the sparkling quartz structure like glittering webs in a white butterfly’s wing. A waterfall of quartz, wide sheets of it, flowed through and across the granite face of the mine. Michael Peterson, dressed in dull brown coveralls, hammered steadily against a hand-held star bit. Tink, tink, tink, each blow sending a trickle of granite dust falling from the hole. A series of deep holes pierced the rock face, some above, some below the glistening quartz...

4 years ago
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Sali ki chudai sari raat

Hi kese ho sab iss readers aur writers?i hope that u r fine,aur apni life ko ache tareeqe se enjoy kar rahe ho ge.apne meri pehli story parhi aur apne usko passand kiya jis ka andaza mujhe apki mails aur calls se ho geya bohat logoon ne milne ka kaha to mai unse mila bhi well batain to khatam nahi hoti me ab apko 1 aur real accident k bare me batata houn jo 2 din pehle hi mere sath hua lekin me 1 year ki koshish k baad kamyaab hua houn. Mera naam hai laveen he pyar se sam kehte hain me 12...

1 year ago
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Equal Shares Ch 37

‘She’s inconsolable,’ Anne told him. Stan looked up. He was in his kitchen, filling the kettle. Tea all around seemed to be the best answer. ‘God, I’m so English!’ he thought, irrelevantly. Anne stood in the doorway of the kitchen, leaning tiredly against the doorframe. Her white blouse was stained with what Stan assumed were tears and makeup. She looked exhausted. Stan put the kettle on and went to her. He gathered the tall blonde figure into his arms and kissed her, softly, tenderly. ‘I...

1 year ago
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Stranger Rendezvous

My wife, Mellonee, goes into the bedroom. I follow her in there and say “So in one hour, you be ready ok?” She laughs a little bit and says “I’ll be ready, but I don’t know what you are planning.” The plan is for her to be laying on the bed wearing some lingerie and a blindfold. All I told her was that I had a surprise for her and that I would be back in one hour. She had no idea what I really had planned, except that I told her that she would enjoy it. Once I got to the bar, it wasn’t long...

Wife Lovers
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The Rifleman

The Rifleman Chapter 1 - The Trap I didn't like the situation that Commissioner Gordon had described to me earlier in the evening. A new gang had moved into Gotham City and they have The Rifleman as a member. Although The Rifleman and I've never crossed paths before, I was very aware of his reputation. A deadly sharpshooter for hire by anyone that could afford him. His expertise was to kill any competition and then to move on to the next job. He had been in Chicago for a...

3 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 360

Have a happy and safe Independence Day. I hoped that I had chosen the right cord and that it was the slow burn type and not mislabeled. It was one hell of a chance but I did not like some of the things Robert was sending me from his intelligence gathering. They had a couple minutes to change their mind but no more. I had walked fifty feet when all kinds of screaming erupted from behind me. Gus wasn’t saying anything, just staring at the burning cord, but his three accomplices were saying...

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