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Pendulum By Argus A note from the author I actually wrote this before I began writing the "Rise of Miss. Hyde" stories, so chronologically it's my first piece of fiction. I was of two minds whether to submit it though, because I felt it was very rough round the edges. I'll freely admit that some of the prose is less than perfect and it feels a bit awkward in places, but I'm still happy with the basic idea. Having nearly completed the final part of my Miss. Hyde story, but requiring a bit more time, I thought I'd submit something in the meantime. I hope people will enjoy it! Saturday 4th June 2011 Dear Diary. Hi, it's me Casey! Well like, err obviously, but um, I guess I thought I'd better put that as this is my first ever diary entry! In fact you could say I'm like a diary virgin, oooh nawty, hehe! I've like never kept a diary before, I'm not really into all this writing and stuff, because writing is soooo boring. I prefer texting my girlfriends, like Bree and Sasha, but this is kinda like special circumstances. Thing is, I wanna keep a record this time as the change happens. I wanna be able to see whether it's affecting me or if I can fight it. OMG! This is like soooo hard to explain, even to myself. I guess I'd better get my thoughts in order to like try and understand what's happening. So anyway. My name is Casey Jones. I've just turned eighteen years old, same age as my twin brother Nate and I am totally hawt! I'm not being vain or anything, but I am by the far the prettiest girl at my school. If you were a boy, you would totally wanna date me. I have long blonde hair that goes halfway down my back, just reaching to the naughty tattoo above my cute little ass. Mmmh, my mom and dad don't know about that yet... or that I got my bellybutton pierced recently. They're so gonna freak when they find out, but it looks soooo totally hawt! Er, anyway. Oh yeah, one of the reasons the boys totally love me is that I have a nice pair of big juicy D Cup titties already. OMG I love my boobies. My favourite thing to do is to like wear tight, low cut tops... all the other girls are soo jealous of my big firm boobs. When I make out, I like to pop them loose and let a guy touch and fondle them, mmmmh it feels so good. I also have a thin waist perfect for slipping an arm around, and smooth tanned skin. Every inch of me is shaven, and I mean every inch. I'd say my face is pretty gorgeous. I have big kissable lips that I love to smear with shiny lipgloss and pretty blue eyes with the longest lashes you've ever seen. Yup, I'm a babe and I know it. I also know how to dress to show myself off the best. I always have sexy manicured nails, I love having white French tips... mmhhh, looks so good when I touch a guys... errr, oooh naughty thoughts, better stop that babe! I always wear the hottest makeup and my sense of fashion is amazing. I gotta admit, I like showing off my body so I like short skirts, stockings and knee socks and tight tops, especially if they show off my tanned belly with it's sexy piercing. I also have a thing for shoes, I love boots, high heels... mmmh anything that pushes me up as I'm quite short. So as you can probably guess I'm like pretty popular at school. I'm the kind of bitchy girl your momma warned you about, I eat boys for breakfast and nerdy girls better stay out of my way. My family are quite well off so I have all the clothes I could ever ask for. I love fashion and I love to go shopping, it's soooo much fun to like go to the mall with Chloe, Bree and Sasha. I'm on the cheerleading team and my current boyfriend Brad is like the star quarterback. Mmmmh, he's such a hunk, though I have like cheated on him a couple of times, whoops! So I'm a bit of a slut... I guess I can't help it cos I'm so sexy! Well, you'd not be mistaken for thinking I have a perfect life. Thing is I have a big problem! I'm cursed! Sigh, I can't really explain how it happens, or why it happens, but me and my twin brother... we have a problem. We... swap places. Every year, regular as clockwork we begin to change. I start turning into a... boy and he starts turning into a girl. Gawd, it sounds totally mental when I write it down here. Since we were little it's happened and the weirdest thing is that we are the only two who seem to notice. It's like reality gets bent bit by bit. By the time the changes are complete we've become completely different people. I can like remember being a boy from last year, but it's all hazy and difficult. Mom, Dad, our friends, our teachers... everyone acts like we've always been a girl or a boy. It's weird. We never tell anyone of course, who would believe us? Each year, I guess we hope the curse won't happen, that we won't change this time, but we always do. That's why I like wanna keep a diary. I wanna fight it this year. I don't wanna be a horrible boy, and I like know he doesn't wanna be a girl! Hmmm, maybe I should tell you about Nate? He's really tall for his age, but thin like a bean pole. He's a total nerd, wears glasses and even has a dorky haircut. He loves playing computer games and spends most of his time in his room, probably jerking off or playing RPG's. His skin is all spotty and pale and he gets picked on mercilessly by all the jocks. Having said that he seems happy enough, he's certainly doing well at school he's like soooo clever. We don't get on, we're too different... for now anyway. Anyway, I like feel a lot better now I can like write this stuff in my diary. I've got my fingers crossed that this year nothing is gonna happen and I'll stay as a girl. Bye for now diary! Casey XXX Tuesday 7th June 2011 Oh shit, oh shit... it's like started. I wasn't sure at first, but this morning when I sat up in bed, I realised something was wrong. My boobs had shrunk! They must only be like a c cup now and they don't feel as sensitive as they used to. Worse, I've gotten taller... nearly an inch in height... and I found a spot on my face! Okay... that last bit could be like normal, but I'm totally freaking out. I had to stuff one of my bras with socks this morning, just so my boobs were the right size... this isn't fair! After I'd finished crying I had to shave my legs, I couldn't believe it but they seem to be getting hairy a lot faster than they used to. I like totally hate this! When I went downstairs to the kitchen, Nate was there. It could be my imagination but it looks like he'd shrunk and his hair had lengthened over night. Now he has a big mop top! He gave me like a bitter look as if this was my fault! The little prick! When I got to school I felt totally self conscious, but nobody acted like anything was wrong. Funny thing is, everyone was like totally treating Chloe like she was the alpha girl and I was just one of her sidekicks! I couldn't seem to think of any like really bitchy comments though, in fact I have to admit I was like finding their conversation a little boring. I found myself looking over the hallway to where the alternative girls were hanging out. Those emo chicks are soooo trashy, but at least it looked like they were having fun! Maybe I'll like try talking to some of them, Liz looks okay I guess. I noticed that Nate wasn't wearing his glasses at school today. He looked nearly as bored as me talking to his nerdy friends in the corner. This is totally not good. Casey X Thursday 9th June 2011 This is the worst day of my life! Brad dumped me! It isn't that I care about him, but he did it in front of the whole school. My reputation is ruined! Now he's going out with Chloe, that little slut! She thinks she's so hawt, just because she has big tits and a pretty face. Gawd, I hate vain girls! My boobs are a lot smaller now, probably just a modest B cup, but I still look pretty. True I've put a bit of weight on and my hair is starting to shorten, but I kinda like it. I'm starting to think that maybe I don't wanna be a slutty bitch anymore. I actually tried in class today and I think I started to understand what the teacher was talking about rather than just chewing gum or playing with my hair. In fact I've given up chewing bubble gum, I don't seem to like the taste anymore. I used to love blowing big pink wet bubbles, ooooh and blowing other things... but now I just can't be bothered. Funny thing is I left my gum lying around and I'm sure I saw Nate chewing it. Nate looks weird at the moment. He's gotten even smaller and his hair is now nearly shoulder length. It's getting darker too! He sold all of his comics the other day, he's acting stranger and stranger by the day. The only good news for today is that I made friends with Liz and the skater girls. I don't wanna be friends with that bitch Chloe anymore she's no good for me. Casey Saturday 11th June 2011 Wow what a fun day it's been! I still can't get used to looking at myself in the mirror anymore. I used to love my blonde hair, but I have to admit I think I look less stupid as a brunette. All the blonde is nearly gone now and my hair is only shoulder length. My breasts... not boobies, what a dumb word... my breasts are probably about an A cup, but I like it because I don't get stared at anymore. I'd never realised how much time I was wasting putting on makeup, dressing up like a tart and as for talking in that stupid teenage twang, I'm glad that's done with. I just feel a lot more relaxed and nicer. God, I used to be such a bitch. All those people I was horrible to, and I was so vain and selfish! How could I even think that I was so amazing? Anyhow, to fill you in diary, it's been a cool week. I quit the cheerleading team yesterday and I've stopped hanging around with those idiot airheads. They don't dare pick on me though since I have gotten some real attitude. I couldn't give a shit anymore whether I'm popular or not, I just want to do my own thing. I'm a lot taller now and stronger. I've started to hang around with Liz and the emo girls. It's so much more fun to just wear loose comfortable baggy clothing and to go down to the skate park. Skater boys are hot, though I have to admit I caught myself looking at a few of the girls too. Liz is cute, we've become really close. I've never felt this close to another girl before. Sometimes I feel... I feel almost like I'd like to kiss her and I'm sure we've been flirting. Weird. I snuck into Nate's room last night and borrowed some of his boxers and other clothes. They are much more comfortable than the stupid thongs and tight panties my drawers are stuffed with. They feel so loose and give you a lot more freedom. My crotch has been itching recently so it feels good to have something new to wear. I'm getting hairier by the day and my tan has completely gone. I look so strange in the mirror, my chin is a lot rougher, my face harder and less feminine. I've stopped wearing my navel piercing, it closed up and my tattoo is gone! Good thing too, I hated that damn thing, made me look like a cheap slut! Strange. Anyway, I'm going to sleep now. Caz Sunday 12th June 2011 I think Liz is really cute, she's such a hot babe. I love spending time with her. We were in the skate park again today. I had to borrow one of Nate's hoodies because mine didn't fit anymore, I'm quite tall now and I'm not even bothering to wear a bra. I think my breasts are pretty much gone, I certainly can't feel anything much when I touch them. Thing is, I'm finding it hard to care. I've stopped wearing makeup and worrying about fashion. I've even stopped shaving my legs, it's just too much effort. Anyway, we were sat in the park when she suddenly slipped her little hand into my big one. All at once I felt myself getting.... hard. Yup, that's right, I had this sudden feeling between my legs. It was small, tiny almost, but I have a feeling that it's going to get bigger and bigger and I can't wait. We kissed, and then Liz called me Chris and snuggled into me. Chris. I guess that's my name now. You could probably still mistake me for a girl, I'm thin and androgynous looking... I guess I'm about halfway through the changes now... but today I tipped over. I'm a boy now... and it's getting harder and harder for me to remember why I didn't want this to happen. I want to become more manly so I can make Liz, who is now my new girlfriend, very happy. I already tried to impress her by doing some skateboarding and guess what, I was pretty good. I've made friends with Matt and Jordan, they're showing me how to get even better and later I'm going to theirs to play video games and chat. Being one of the lads is great, we mess around and do stupid stuff to each other. Matt gave me a dead arm by punching me when I wasn't looking, jerk! Chris Monday 13th June 2011 Dear Diary, Surprise! It's me Nate. I guess you belong to me now diary, along with all of of my sisters things since she's stolen my bedroom and my life. I can't believe it, but when I got in tonight she was in there with that friend of hers Liz. I don't even want to know what they're up to. Thing is, the curse seems to have reached the point where my parents think that it's her room now. I had no choice but to come in here and being curious I began to read this. It sure makes for an interesting read and I kind of like the idea of having somewhere to jot down my secrets and ideas. Plus I want to tell my side of this story. I hate what's happening to me. It started a week ago when I woke up to find my hair had lengthened over night and I was getting shorter. Before I knew it I didn't need my glasses anymore and I continued to get smaller and weedier. I haven't been able to concentrate in class, my grades are slipping and I got moved to the back of the room where the naughty girls and boys sit. Dexter and Vince won't talk to me anymore, it's like they don't even recognise me. Somehow I ended up talking to Travis and Jake the class bad boys, Travis even let me try on his leather jacket. Weird. I can't believe how short I've become. My muscles have all gone away, but my body seems a lot more toned. Worse of all is that my chest feels all puffy and itchy. My penis, which used to be a reasonable size is now tiny... I can barely find the damn thing. I'd recently started to shave, but guess what... I haven't had to all week! Instead I found my new sensitive skin starting to get irritated by my body hair, so last night I shaved it all off using my sisters razor. I look like such a sissy! God, I can't believe I'm going to have to sleep in her room tonight. Look at all this stupid stuff. Makeup, pop music, teen drama DVD's. Nightmare. I didn't even have anything to wear. In the end I had to wear this old teddy top of hers... mmmh, it does feel nice and soft and now I'm so tiny it kind of fits. The front is all stretched out, I wonder what it would feel like to have a big pair of tits nestling in... no, stop that. Anyway, I'm tired and now I'm going to have to sleep in my sisters stupid silk sheets and her four poster bed. It still stinks of her perfumed body, I doubt I'll sleep well. - Nate Tuesday 14th June. Wow. I had like the best nights sleep ever! Casey's silk sheets felt so good on my on smooth shaven skin and I had to admit I think I had a couple of naughty dreams. When I woke up this morning, I had a hand on my chest. My nipples felt soooo nice as I touched them and I think I have tits now! They're only small, but they are definitely breasts. I can't help but wonder how big they will get as the curse progresses? My nails are longer too, and my hair is nearly down to my upper back. I feel a lot better about everything today. Now I'd spent the night... it felt more like my room and when I got up I found I knew where stuff was. I looked in the mirror and was amazed to see that my hair was raven black and I looked tanned and hot with a wicked expression on my cruel red lips. My face seemed smoother and my body was starting to get curvy. I didn't really have any choice... I had to dress as a girl. It felt so naughty, but so right as I began rooting through what had been my sisters clothes. Her normal bras were far too big, but then I found an old training bra of hers. I slipped it on along with a pair of silk panties. Mmmmh, so much tighter and more comfortable than those silly big boxer shorts. I put on a pair of jeans, finding my slender legs able to fit inside and pulled on a big tee shirt to cover my torso. I was about to leave when the sudden temptation struck me. Before I knew it I was smearing lipstick on and applying mascara. Casey... now calling himself Chris, was down at breakfast. He looked such a mess, dressed up like some kind of emo skater boy. He's become some sort of cool alternative guy, what a loser. When I got to school I totally ignored Dexter and the other geeks. I can't believe I'd even ever wanted to hang around with those dweebs. Instead I found Travis and Jake and they convinced me to skip class. I'd never done it before and it felt so naughty as we hung around at the back of the school. I had my first ever cigarette and I didn't even cough. It feels so cool to be one of the bad, I mean bad guys. When I got home I went straight to my room and began looking through all my amazing new stuff. Some of it would have to go... but some of it I could totally make use of. Nat xxx Thursday 16th June 2011 Oh fuck yeah, I had such an amazing night. I started masturbating and it felt sooo good. When I woke up, I felt amazing. My tits, were big! I must be like a C cup now. I can even get one of my sisters old push up bras on. I decided to try out one of the outfits I'd picked last night. Basically it was a tiny plaid skirt, so small you could see my perfect ass cheeks when I wore it. I also wore a slutty little thong and a blouse tied up to make me look like some naughty school girl bitch with her tits popping out everywhere. I tied my hair into two naughty pigtails, and put long knee length socks and high heeled pumps on. I finished everything off with oodles of lipgloss, lots of eyeshadow and mascara and best of all, a bellybutton piercing I found would now fit in my navel. When I looked at my back, it almost looked like a tattoo or something was starting to form there... I couldn't wait! I felt so fucking dirty and slutty as I got onto the school bus and went right to the back where Travis and Jake were smirking. Linda, the current school slut giggled as I sat next to her and she looked me up and down approvingly. Passing me a cigarette she winked and we both laughed as we put our feet up on the seats and started to smoke. It felt good to be bad... The rest of the day was a blast, I got thrown out of three classes and had fun parading myself around school. As we were leaving, Travis put his hand on my ass and squeezed. I slapped him, but secretly I was pleased. I have plans for that bad boy... real fun plans. Friday 17th June Shit, I'm such a dirty slut. I took Travis down to the bike sheds and we did it, fully clothed. He slipped my thong to one side and did me against the wall whilst I wrapped my legs round his waist. My boobs are massive now, and I fucking love it. Big double D titties, even larger than Casey's used to be. I'm the naughtiest girl at school now, the girl everyone would secretly like to get with. Those cheerleading bitches are all scared of me and so are the teachers. I can't wait for this weekend. I'm going to a party, we're gonna sneak loads of booze in and get drunk. Me and Linda are already planning on giving the boys a special surprise halfway through the night. I've already picked out a good outfit with fishnet stockings and a tiny slutty skirt. Mmmh, I can't wait. I can't believe I used to be such a goody goody little dweeb. I love being a total bitch and acting like a naughty slut now. My brother Chris thinks he's all that, but I'm definitely the black sheep in the family. I got called into the principals office in order to explain to him why I was bunking off school. Good job nobody looked through my bag, or they'd have found some of the makeup I'd shoplifted earlier that day. Bunch of useless douchebags in this town. So anyway... the idea of keeping this diary is starting to bore me. Writing is for losers and I have so many naughty things to be doing. Travis is coming by on his motor bike to pick me up, I love being his girl. He's sooo bad. He kicked the shit out of some guy last night for even looking at me, I love the jealous type... mmmmh. Anyway, I don't ever want this to end, but I guess I only get one year. I intend to have as much fun as possible. Bye diary, maybe me and Chris will see you next year, until then... - Natalie

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36 year old Emily Parker sat in her father's bedroom. Her 5'4 220 pound framewas stuffed into a Girl Scout costume 2 sizes too small. She had purchasedthe silly outfit from a novelty shop in a fit of excitement about seeing herfather again, hoping he would like it. 58 year old Michael Parker was a semi-retired general contractor. He had beensurprised by his estranged daughter's first visit in almost 20 years severalweeks ago. 100 pounds overweight, single, and having severe depression...

1 year ago
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First Time In Shiny Pantyhose

Introduction: My first true adventure as a boy wearing shiny tights around my teacher My first true pantyhose/tights experience with someone else happened at the young age of 14. I had been jerking off in my mom and sisters pantyhose, panties, tights, and slips, since I was young. I had accidentally read porn magazines, and even watched some of my dads porn tapes he had collected over the years, so I already had a working knowledge of how things worked regarding sex, and I had developed my own...

3 years ago
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Priya Ko Shaadi Se Pahle Honeymoon Experience

Hello frnds, myself rishu , ye meri sacchi or pehali story h. Me seedhe story per aata hu. Priya mere college me mere frnd ki gf thi, college khatam hone k 7 saal baad mujhe contact kiya job k liye maine uski job apne saath lagwa di, saath me aana jaana hota tha. Dheere-2 pata nahi kab gf ban gayi. Uska figure kuch jyada khaas nahi h lekin uski choochiya aisi h k bas khaa jaao. Wo mujhe dene se har baar mana krti thi uski shaafi fix ho gayi. Mai e use emotiknally blackmail kiya k ab to krne...

1 year ago
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My sister and me Second time

100% fictional incest sex story! About a week after I had made love to my sister, I wake up in my bed downstairs in my New Hampshire. My sister was in the next room so I decided the previous night I would wake up early and surprise so I could ask her to have sex before my parents wake up. I went out of my bed to hers to see her with one sheet covering her. I pulled the sheet slowly not to wake her so I could have a bit of fun first. I carefully pull off pajama bottoms to reveal no under wear! I...

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The Crystal RainbowChapter 32 Perceptions

Erik stood in the doorway listening to Christine and Khalid talk. With fresh eyes, he gazed at the woman to whom he had given his heart and found himself amazed at the changes he saw in her. The graceful poise of her body and the confident manner in which she spoke proclaimed to those around her that she neither wanted nor needed their approval. She knew her own mind and was not afraid to speak it. She exuded self-assurance in her movements and inner peace in her smile. She had come far from...

2 years ago
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Six Times A DayPart 92 Like a Virgin

At around eight o'clock in the evening, the long-awaited Boy Scout van finally dropped Alan off in front of the house. Alan's anticipation and frustration had been building all weekend, but his tensions rose to unbearable levels on the ride back home from Los Angeles. He had a non-stop erection that seemed to get harder and harder as time went on, and he had to keep his hands over his lap to keep the other scouts from noticing. Naturally, the van had gotten stuck in a big traffic jam. And...

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A bet gone wrong But it felt good

So it all begins with me losing a bet. I lost a bet and had to dress in women's clothes to go out that night. I had to wear a woman's thong panties, a bra, a woman's shirt and a mini skirt. So me and Mike and David met at a bar last night, no special occasion we just decide to do go have a couple drinks. Towards the end of the night we're all I'd say pretty drunk. I dropped my keys on the floor and when I bent over to pick them up (remember, I'm wearing a mini skirt) somebody had grabbed my...

4 years ago
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Matts Torment

My name is Matt and this is a true story of the torment I was forced to endure at the hands of my uncle Jim. It all began when I just turned 16 and my mother died tragicly in a horrific car accident. The accident turned my life around for the worse. I started give up on everything I once cared about and it eventually resulted in my dropping out of high school. After spending a few months at a city foster home my 13 year old brother Ricky and I were sent to live with my uncle Jim. Although we...

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Monica vecina mea

Era prin 1985 pe vremea comunistilor. Aveam 16 ani si inca nu cunoscusem nicio fata. In acele vremuri abia aparusera aparatele video la noi. Nu era usor in acele vremuri sa procuri un astfel de aparat si mai ales de filme. Se obisnuia sa ne strangem mai multi la cineva acasa sambata seara sa vizionam filme. Cine a prins acele vremuri stie despre ce vorbesc. In acele vremuri aveam un grup de prieteni, iar unul dintre ei avea un aparat video si sambata ne starngeam cu totii la el acasa sa vedem...

2 years ago
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Where it all started and how I became a little slut for my husbands friend

I think it is best that I tell all of you where things started and how I began my slutty little adventure with my husbands friend. As most things do it started off with some simple flirting through text. We were at a school party for the kids and I noticed him there. I figured I would text him and see if he was having fun. Of course he texted back, “oh just a blast.” I couldn’t help myself and I texted back, “Well you could have more fun with me.” I knew my text would get his mind running and...

Wife Lovers
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Surprise Visitor

I am sitting alone in my apartment, Nothing on Television tonight, so the tv is turned off. The clock radio in my bedroom is playing, so I can barely hear it at the desk where Im sitting. I just finished checking my emails, and writing one to you. Was hoping you would be online so I could talk for a while with you. I always miss you when Im not talking to you. Im just shutting down my computer when I hear a knock on my door. Im in just a t-shirt and undies, so I had to just peak out the...

3 years ago
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Jenn my first BBW

I was ready to go out with my girlfriend, Kelly. Kelly had an awesome body. Long wavy blonde hair, Perfect ass, smooth pussy, and small but firm b cup tits. We had been together for 2 years, so I was going to pop the question. I had it set up perfectly. Nice dinner at the nicest restaurant in town. Kelly gets home from work and gets ready, but doesn't seem to be acting like herself."What's wrong?" I ask."Nothing, just a long day at work." She responds as she takes her work clothes off. But for...

3 years ago
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Forbidden Dream 8211 Part 2 Dream Came True

I wanted Ayushi so desperately that I was hugging her and fondling her, thinking she was unconscious. Suddenly she yelled with joy, “Ma’am,” and hugged me tightly. I was shocked and felt embarrassed at the same time. But there was no turning back from here. So I held her face in my hands and asked how? How come you are awake? She smiled with a mischievous grin. She said that she got pricked but didn’t inject herself with that drug. She told, “Ma’am I always had a big crush on you, I always...

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Dark Places ch 0102

by darthewriter 30-year-old Zahid took a final deep puff of his cigarette, and dropped it onto the wet street outside the gate of his house. A distant clap of thunder warned of more rain to come. He left his muddy shoes on the veranda of his family home and walked, in his socks, into the house. Zahid lived in a spacious but modest bungalow in the town of Abbottabad (N. Pakistan) with his parents and elder sisters. At 5 ft 11 inches in height, Zahid was a handsome young man, with dark eyes...

4 years ago
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Make Your Wife Cuckold You

Confusing hah... well I only want to say that women don't cheat with the intention of deriving pleasure from making their husbands cuckold, while the men or husbands sometimes want their wives to cheat and they derive pleasure in it. I faced similar situation, derived pleasure in secretly fantasising about my wife cheating on me but do not know how to make it a reality. I have overcome it and now I am a very satisfied cuckold with an equally satisfied married life. Cuckold is a fetish, a...

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My new sister

My parents divorced when I was ten years old so for the last three years, it’s just been mom and me living in our house. My father buggered off with his secretary to another state, and stopped making support payments, so money was very tight. With my mom working long hours to maintain the house and provide all the usual necessities, it has been my responsibility to cook, clean, do yard work, etc. I’m not complaining, because my mom works really hard, and has little time to do anything else....

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Hi everyone, I am Rahul from Bangalore this story is about my maid so coming to story we had maid who’s name is Parvati. She was old enough to work so my mom was looking for someone else then one day an aunty came may be in mid thirty with in 35-40 her name is Sheeba for job. My mom directed what and all should be done in home and how much we pay, she was ok with everything, my mom asked to join from 1st so that salary can be calculated.She joined she was very clean in work and obedient, at...

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The Burning Candle

This story is incomplete. It is also less than a quarter the size of what I intend the final story to be. It should be long enough, and contain enough transformations, to satisfy your needs. I appreciate criticism on storyline, characters, etc. However, please do not criticize its grammar and spelling, unless you are willing to help me edit. :-D Do not repost this story in any place. It is a working copy, and the sole reason I'm posting it on Fictionmania is to get the inspiration to...

1 year ago
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I Have Sex With A Tiny Chinese Girl

She was so tiny, so very tiny, barely five feet tall. And skinny. Very skinny, she couldn't have weighed more than ninety pounds. But when I saw her naked for the first time, my mouth went dry, my schlong became hard as a truck axle, and my heart speeded up so much I thought I was having a heart attack.Jingha had come over wearing almost nothing and had shed that almost immediately. She had long black hair, black as coal, which hung down to the middle of her back. Her breasts were small, to be...

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Weekend Ballbusting

"Wake up, bitch-boy!" are the first words you hear this Saturday morning. You look to your doorway and see your step-sister, Bridget. She looks extra sexy today, and you take a moment to study what she looks like. You see her long legs go up to her shorts, her tight white top being pulled at by her braless, erect nipples, and finally you get to her lightly freckled face, big, blue eyes, and long, red hair. "What do you want?" you respond. "I'm in charge starting now. Shower up, get dressed, and...

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You wake slowly, wrapped in snuggly in covers, your head buried deep in the softest pillow you've ever felt. You can't remember what it was ever like to be uncomfortable, this feels heavenly. Actually, now that you think about it you can't remember much before this moment. You wrack your brain for anything, any moment prior to waking up in this mysterious bed but everything is a grey blur, you can only manage to conjure up silhouettes and half remembered words. You suddenly shift into a state...

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A Table For Two With A View

Part One Mark closed the computer down quickly. The noise of his wife’s key in the lock had jerked him back to reality. Today was really close. He was usually more careful, but today he had been finalising details. Details that would mean he would meet his friend, the friend he had been talking for nearly a year. Her name was Rhiannon, and as far as he could tell, she was a really nice lady. The small photos they exchanged online were only passport sized and didn’t show any detail but their...

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My Personal Relationship With My Pussy

... the fact that when I see a pussy, I know exactly what the gal feels like when she's having it touched, licked, fucked... When I see a picture or a movie of a pussy, my pussy tingles as if what's being done to that gal is being done to me. I can feel every touch, every lick, every stroke. It drives me wild. Not to mention the fact that there's just something so erotic about a pussy. Since I love to look at pussy so much, who's better to look at than my very own? Looking at a movie or a...

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Sex With Lover After 8 Years

Hi all. I am Ragu. This is my story with gf. We are basically from south. mine is purely love on her. her name is Swetha ( name changed) Now I am single in Andhrapradesh. so people who are interested post reading this story can mail to Coming to story. I studied in 1 of top collage in south. but am not very good at studies. In my 1st yr I was more eager to get more girl friends. i use to make any gal fall in my way. just by being caring and romantic to them. on seeing this my friend bet me...

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Fucked And Married My Hungry Mom 8211 Part 1

Hi. I am Rajesh from Thanjavur. My age is 19 I’m 6.2 feet tall and I have a nice 8 inch meat downstairs. I’m here to tell how I fucked my hot mom. My mom’s name is Lakshmi she is a hot chick but she herself doesn’t know this she is 35 of age. She got married with my father when she is 14. She gives birth to me when she is only 16. We are the respectful family in our village. I’m studying my B.Com in hostel in Chennai. My mom loves me so much. My father is the one of the heads in our village. He...

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My first married lady

These are extracts from the story of the first married lady that I had a fling with. A very well to do lady whose husband travelled round the world on business. I was 35 at the time, and hadn't been married long. She was older than me and had a family. I'll call her Lucy.extract 1Many girls swear when they fuck, but usually it comes out in sentences or commands, such as “Fuck me you bastard” or “Ram that cock in my cunt” or similar, but Lucy’s orgasmic swearing was completely incoherent. It was...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 2 Lost and FoundChapter 56 The Band Stories 07 ndash Taking Off

June – Year 4 Erin quit jumping up and down and hugged me and gave me a nice kiss and then stepped back while I returned to the mic. “Welcome to The Club Club! The house band is The Savannah, featuring yours truly, Paul O’Dell and we will be having special friends join us from time to time. If you were with us downtown several weeks ago, you know that our friends that night was RUSH. Tomorrow night we will have some friends that will knock you out.” I turned to my bald-headed wife and gave...

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Modern Age

Modern Age Man, I just love living in the Modern Age. Technology is such a wonderful thing - and so sexy too! Here I am, all frillied up for my lady, kneeling before her with her collar around my throat, with her hand on the back of my head pressing my face into her beautiful, beautiful pussy, and with my tongue working all over that gorgeous clit of hers as I try to coax it into becoming a cock. Yes, it is true that if you lick it hard enough and lick a clit well enough it can...

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Dragon WytchChapter 2

Preston Pickering Manager of Maddy’s Trust Fund, 5’-11’’ tall, 200 pounds or so, 55 years old, short hair turning gray Since Ken still had off that day, we arose late the next morning. Following a good breakfast for us and our Familiars, I started Ken on the First Book. He was surprised that he could now read it and understand it. I continued on Book 6, which appeared to be a lot like Book 3. Just when I thought that I was nearly finished with it, more pages would appear, even though the...

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old guys fun part 3

Hi just a quick recap Rose and her family had moved in with John read the other part firs thanks .This is from Roses view of her life now .Right many people will think its weird way to live me a 35 year old black women my mum who is 55 and my twin girls 12 years old .We love it here when i decided to move in with John a 71 year old guy that was the best thing i have ever done .this is a year later im now 36 and John has got me pregnant .I was scard to tell him i was pregnant but he just loves...

1 year ago
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Surprise dare with an unexpected result part 2

“Truth or dare?” appeared on the screen. Really, on a Tuesday morning? “Ok, dare. But you know I have to go to work today.” What are the odds this is a bad one? “Wait a minute, I never asked you truth or dare so now it’s an automatic dare for you! Let me think about this one after what you made me do last time.” Then I signed off and got ready for work. I was still confused about the last time we played and she brought me to a female strip club and then a tranny bar. Although I ended up having...

2 years ago
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Diamonds In The Rough Ch 05

Thanks to SoCalOvid for his tireless work editing my stories. Any mistakes you see are mine and mine alone. If you haven’t done so, please read the previous chapters first.And please, open your mind and unlock your heart! Diamonds In the Rough Ch. 5 ** * ** Curled up on the back porch eyes closed, Major enjoyed the warmth of the afternoon sun. Ears twitched at a very faint rustle, SNAP! In a flash the canine’s long legs propelled him swiftly towards the huge silver maple, the squirrel...

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A Little Adventure in TimeChapter 16 Ill Be Damned

You think I'm not serious about the "Premier" of our tryst, don't you? Sorry, mate, it's all too true. Mother has surveillance everywhere and the juicies are run as "Specials" nearly every night. (Mother has Day and Night, it helps the crew keep their shifts straight) The usual fare in the auditorium is pretty mundane; assaults, temper tantrums, some irritating quirks, things like that. They keep a list of requests for repeats. The funny stuff gets played over and over until it's not...

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The Babysitters Cummin Out Ch 08

Sheila was in shock for the first time in a very long time. Scott was never really this brazen with her in public, she couldn’t decide if he was really turned on by this because he found it sexy or if it was the revenge issue alone. The man standing behind her was still sucking her neck and ears and he had both hands full of her enormous tits. He had slid the material apart so that he could grasp her bare flesh and his hips were pushing hard against her ass. He swallowed hard, closed his eyes...

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NubileFilms Sierra Nicole Waiting For You

Spunky cutie Sierra Nicole waits impatiently for Damon Dice to come home to her. She’s already decked out in a bra and thong that hug her slender curves. While she waits, she occupies herself with messages and pictures on her cell phone. The longer Damon takes, the racier her photos get. Eventually she realizes she can’t wait another moment. Getting on her hands and knees, she starts playing with her medium boobs and massaging her trimmed pussy. Damon arrives just in time to catch...

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FamilyXXX Dakota Tyler Tiny Teen Dakota Wants To Take It All

Unfortunately for stepdad Brad his tiny cute teen step daughter Dakota caught a glimpse of his big fat cock and now she cannot stop thinking about it. When Brad tried to hear all about her camping trip she quickly responded about is big cock and can not understand how her mom can take it since she used to complain on how much big cocks hurt inside her. But ready and eager Dakota wants to try to take it all but quickly realizes it doesn’t even fit inside her tiny hot mouth. Being the...

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Vacation Playmate Mg cons

Vacation Playmate By SpectreOfHell ‘So,’ Nick said as he studied the little girl sitting across from him. ‘What do you want to do?’ She shrugged, which was all that he had expected from her. He rolled his eyes, which she couldn’t see because her eyes were fixed firmly on the floor, and tried once again to figure out how he’d gotten stuck with babysitting duty. It certainly wasn’t what he’d planned to be doing on his vacation. Nick was forty years old, and this was the first vacation he’d...

4 years ago
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Fucking my hot madam

Hi guys!I am vineet. As u know I live in mumbai and have a hot english teacher of school,mrs.jayamala shinde.She must be around 35-36 yrs old with big tits,a round ass and with an open navel.All d guys in my class used to fantasize her.She taught me from class 11 to 12.All 3 yrs I was a very good student of English scoring above 80% every time.I was her favorite student and she used to call me for any work she had..Now d actual story starts here.Wen I was in class 9 I shifted to a new house and...

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