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Prologue: With Josef Stalin’s death on 5 March 1953, an epic struggle for the control and future of the Soviet Union commenced. Four major players emerged very quickly: Stalin’s presumed successor, Central Party Secretary Georgy Malenkov; the hardline Stalinist, Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov; The ruthless head of the MVD Internal Affairs and MGB State Security, Lavrentiy Beria, and the respected, but displaced, Party Secretary Nikita Khrushchev. These were hard men shaped by the Revolution and the Great Patriotic War, each with a different vision of the future. They quietly fought for Chairmanship of the Party and near absolute power. On the heels of 25 million war dead, and more killed in purges, the Soviet Union was a place of uncertainty and terror. Fear of a military coup, or even another civil war, this time between the Army and the State Security Forces ran through the country.

In such dangerous times, even a mouse may tip the balance.

Die Maus im Labyrinth

The Mouse in the Maze

Ankara: 23 April 1953

“There were no heroes at Stalingrad. Only survivors and the dead.”

The chill silence of a graveyard settled instantaneously over the room, the fine white tablecloths suddenly resembling nothing so much as burial shrouds, covering unnamed corpses in the stark cruel cold of winter.

The Russian was nearly perfect, but the accent was very German; the voice, even and firm, never wavered. The interpreter stood motionless, completely unsure what to do. I saw the Embassy Political Attaché freeze with his mouth open, like some kind of bizarre fish. He’d proposed the toast as an honor to me, one of the few female Heroes of the Soviet Union, and he was completely unprepared for the German’s response. He was absolutely stricken, terrified to make eye contact with me. Useless, like all political officers. I’d even seen that exact stunned expression before.

Stalingrad: 28 December 1942

I staggered past the masses of soldiers in their dull yellow-brown uniforms, mostly sitting on the cold concrete of the factory floor with their squads, listening intently, or at least pretending to listen intently to the “Zampolit,” the Political Officer responsible for the morale and revolutionary purity of the soldiers of the unit. At first, none of them noticed me, especially Zampolit Pavov, who was so entranced with the sound of his own voice, at his own pointless yammering, that even when soldiers began to turn away from him to watch me, he didn’t notice.

It wasn’t until I stepped into the cleared area around him that he really noticed me. I must have looked like hell. My shredded and burned uniform, the flash burns on my face, the singed hair half-gone, and the ball of gory rags I was holding against my stomach seemed to render him speechless.

He fought to recover from his shock with his usual tactic, mockery. “Tovarishch Kornilov, returned to seek shelter so soon? If you’ve even managed to kill two of Hitler’s soldiers, bring back two tags, I’ll personally put you in for a medal.”

I began to laugh. The pain and emotion of the eternity I’d spent in this hell finally breaking through. The laugh was disturbing, even to me, and I felt like it was never going to stop. I took eternities to get it under control, then I reached into my coat pocket and began dropping German identity tags in front of him. Fifty-three tags clinked like leaden bells as they hit the ground. I had one more, still on its chain around my neck and I lifted it up. “Then you can put me in for twenty-six medals, Tovarishch. There were more, many more, but some of them were bad soldiers; they weren’t wearing their tags. Maybe you want me to go kill another to make it twenty-seven medals?” I unslung and dropped Papasha, “Papa,” on the ground in front of him; there were three bullet holes in the receiver of the submachine gun and the barrel sleeve was half crushed. The drum magazine fell loose and rolled a few inches in a wobbling drunkard’s path, like a child’s toy, before falling over. “I will need a new weapon, though.” The laughter came back dark and vicious, twisting around me in spinning madness. I unwrapped the blood-soaked rags from my right arm and held up my mangled hand. “And if I could get a new hand, it would make it much, much simpler.”

The look on his face was utter shock. He half turned to look into the shadows behind him. A figure stood up and stepped forward. “Commissar...”

The stern man stepped past him as if he didn’t exist. I felt my knees give as the shock and exhaustion finally overcame my willpower; and so, Commissar Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev caught the slight form of the collapsing, badly wounded, half-starved, half-scorched scout directly in front of the official photographer sent to capture the political speech. That picture would appear in poster after poster, right next to the picture of that gaunt peasant girl being awarded the discreet gold star of a Hero of the Soviet Union by Stalin himself.

Ankara: 23 April 1953

I couldn’t afford to let this devolve into arguments and tension. I stood and raised my glass in my left hand and spoke across the silence. “Very well. To the survivors and to our Hallowed Dead.”

Across the room, the tall German in his perfectly tailored tuxedo raised his glass in a precise toast and gave a single, respectful nod. “The Hallowed Dead.”

I could feel the room relax as glasses came up and the rest of the room intoned the same toast. I looked out over the crowd. The Ambassador gave me a look of appreciation. Our hosts, the Turkish government, hadn’t missed the gesture, and that might help him in his mission of forging an agreement between our two nations. With the death of Stalin, and our retraction of territorial claims, there might be a chance of forming some tentative bonds to counter the massive American influence in Turkey, but that could hinge on the least of issues.

Issues, perhaps, like an angry Hero of the Soviet Union calling out a German businessman over a battle fought ten years ago. I’m sure the Ambassador wondered if the whole incident was calculated to cause problems, maybe even engineered by the Americans for that very purpose.

A few rounds of meaningless toasts later, I sat to eat my meal, some indescribable Turkish dishes that no doubt cost enough to feed a small town. They weren’t really to my liking, but I’d learned long ago to eat what I was given without complaint. Better to eat anything than starve. Hunger is a monster that lurks in everyone. As bad as it had been at Stalingrad, I’d heard Leningrad had descended into far, far worse. Rumors of murder and cannibalism were echoed in the haunted eyes of the people when I’d visited shortly after the end of the Great Patriotic War.

I watched, aloof, as the meal ended and music began. Despite the lectures and indoctrination, I could tell the younger girls of the Embassy staff were eagerly anticipating the music and the dancing. Unlike me, most were wearing lipstick and even other types of make-up. It was surprising that the Embassy let this kind of thing go on; everyone knew it was far too easy for bourgeoisie niceties to sway the mental purity of the young and easily influenced.

A few minutes after, some type of dessert, made of who-knew-what, one of the servers brought over a small tray, and set it in front of me. A small black bottle with a gold leaf label trimmed in cherry blossoms sat next to a liqueur glass and a small note card. I looked at the fanciful figures on the label, amazed at the sentimentality. “From the German, Madame. I am supposed to carry your answer back to him.”

I smoothed the note with the back of my scarred right hand and looked it over.

Major Kornilov,

I have been given to understand that you fought at Stalingrad. I would like to extend my apologies for any affront my words may have caused you. Please accept this offer from my personal reserve. I respectfully extend a request that you grace me with a dance so that I may be certain you are not offended.

With Deepest Apologies,

Kurt von Fuchs

Gracious enough, I supposed, but there was a slight issue. I looked up at the server. “I’m afraid you will have to inform Herrn Fuchs that I accept his apology, but that I’ve never learned to dance.”

The server poured a measure of the Kirschwasser into the liqueur glass before departing with his message. There was a golden brown tint to it, probably from years of aging in charred barrels, something I’d been given to understand was quite rare for the cherry brandy. It was smooth, slightly smoky, with a hint of cherries, and just a touch sweet. It was decadent enough that I glanced at the Political Attaché, who was too deep in conversation with one of the embassy secretaries to spare the time to watch me.

Just as I finished savoring the drink, the tall lean blonde figure of a man loomed over me.

“Major Kornilov?”

“Yes. Herr Fuchs, I presume?” I stood to face him.

“Of course.”

He reached out in greeting, and seemed utterly unsurprised when I extended my left hand. I, on the other hand, was taken completely off guard when he gave a very formal deep bow and kissed my hand instead of shaking it as I’d expected.

As he seemingly reluctantly let my hand go, I responded as dryly as I could. “That’s a rather sentimental and outdated gesture in our world Herr Fuchs.” I knew my admonishment hadn’t quite come off as stern enough, but at least the Embassy staff at my table registered it. The male members of the staff seemed indignant; the female staff seemed to be rather more interested than judgmental.

“Perhaps so. Proper manners seem to be another casualty of the late conflict.” He gave a sad half smile. “I’m afraid I came over to ask you to reconsider your refusal of a dance.”

“And I’m afraid, I’ve never had the time to learn to dance, so...”

“That is unfortunate, and we will have to rectify that immediately.” He nodded towards my medals “Surely no Hero of the Soviet Union would fear something as simple as a dance.” Before I could reply, he pulled me smoothly away from my table and began leading me to the dance floor.

I glanced around, my uniform was very much at odds with the crinoline, lace and silk that dominated the floor. “I seem to be a bit out of place, Herr Fuchs.”

“Pardon me.” He carefully positioned my left hand on his right shoulder, placed his left hand at my waist gently and took my maimed and twisted right hand carefully in his left without batting an eye. “This is the closed position for the waltz.” He pulled me a little closer than I’d expected and smiled. “You do not need the fancy silk gowns; your gold star speaks volumes of your worth. You outshine them all.”

He began to lead me around the floor, talking me through simple steps. I caught the Ambassador watching intently, concerned, perhaps, that I would disembowel my dance partner with a dessert spoon. I was well aware of my reputation, well aware of the impact my arrival had on the Embassy staff. I could practically smell their fear.

When I’d arrived at the airport, I’d been greeted by the Ambassador himself and regretfully informed that I would have to attend the Turkish government’s National Sovereignty Day dinner. An unavoidable complication it seemed; the Turkish government might take it as an affront if any Embassy personnel refused to attend. My lack of a suitable dress was of no concern; my dress grey uniform with its red piping and all my medals on display would even be preferable from the Ambassador’s point of view. He simply told the Turkish government that a Hero of the Soviet Union was being sent to honor their day of Independence from the Colonialist powers.

It didn’t matter that I told him I had highest priority orders, or that I probably had less than two days to finish this.

In any case, not going wouldn’t help, since nearly the entire Embassy staff, less the guards, would be at the dinner. At least I could further my investigation by observing the staff. My quarry, whoever it was, would almost certainly be at the celebration.

Whoever he was. I was almost convinced my quarry was a man. Not because I didn’t think women could be brutal; I knew all too well how dangerous a woman could be. Many would point to me as an example of that. The ones that didn’t point to me just didn’t know about me. I hadn’t known myself, once upon a time.

Stalingrad, 24 August 1942
1077th Anti-Aircraft Regiment - North of the Tractor Factory

“Fire, dammit. Fire!” The slow hammer of the 37mm anti-aircraft gun began, as it slammed flak round after flak round into one of the steel beasts leading the wave of infantrymen. I could see the shots crash into the monster over and over, scattering screaming fragments up into the sky from the armored hull, brilliant star-bound meteors. Other guns were sweeping the ranks of grey clad infantry with much greater effect, tearing horrible vivid crimson swaths through them. The Starshina, Lyudmila Drago, glared at me red-faced and furious. “Private Kornilov! You miserable little ‘mushe!’ Get your pathetic ass moving and bring more ammo. Now, Goddammit, Now!”

Shocked from my stupor, I pushed my too-large cap back from my eyes where it always fell, then I started to sprint and got three steps before the exhaustion caught the breath from my lungs and left me gasping. I staggered and began to lurch much more slowly. I’d been dragging boxes of ammunition for two days; there just wasn’t anything left anymore. Behind me, I could hear Starshina Drago bellowing angrily, fearlessly, “Where’s the motherfucking Infantry!?”

I reached the ammo point and found myself staring at Private Tania Alexeev. She’d been pretty once, now she was ghost-white pale, red-eyed, and almost lost in darkness and fear. It was like looking into a mirror. She half-heartedly shoved the sole remaining box towards me. As soon as I grabbed the rope handle I knew we were doomed.

“Is there anything it in?”

“Half a case, Maybe a little less.” Her lower lip quivered and I could see more tears starting from the corners of her eyes. She was a hundred years old now, but she’d been eighteen only two days ago. Just like me. Just like most of us. “It’s all I have, it’s all we can do.” She pointed helplessly back at the empty space behind her.

I strained to drag the case back to my gun, tearing another track though the dirt. Sweat was running into my eyes, burning and mixing with my tears as it ran down my face. The smoke from the guns was suffocating, clawing at my lungs. At first I thought it was just the ringing in my ears, but the sound of our guns was slowing, stopping, as they fell silent through lack of ammo, or disappeared in columns of smoke and fire. The distinctive voices of the German guns were growing louder, closer. I looked back over my shoulder at my gun, at Starshina Drago. She was, as usual, yelling something at me, pointing at me in her righteous fury, and snarling something I couldn’t hear. My last name was the same as the name of a White Russian counterrevolutionary general and I was never allowed to forget that. The Starshina had taken a special interest in making my life as miserable as possible. I was more in terror of her than of the approaching Germans. I struggled to move faster.

I reached the base of the revetment and I could hear the ruddy-faced Starshina clearer. “You worthless little bitch, put your back into it and get that ammo up here!”

I paused, trying to catch enough breath to drag the case up that six-foot slope. Then the world twisted as the gun position became a pyre of flame and I felt myself lifted into the air.

Ankara: 23 April 1953

Herr Fuchs escorted me back to my table, quite formal and correct, carefully seating me before bowing slightly and moving off. The Ambassador’s secretary, Ekaterina, if I remembered correctly, watched him move off with more than a little interest.

“The German is quite...” She cut herself off abruptly, suddenly realizing who she was talking to. “Major Kornilov, I apologize...”

I shook my head and waved her apology away with my left hand. “He was quite proper. He was also quite right. It was best for everyone to make it clear that there was no animosity. And, as it appears apologies require dances, I would rather not have one from you.”

Emotions flickered across her face as she tried to figure out if that was supposed to be humorous. I let her try to figure it out without help, pouring another drink of the Kirschwasser. It was likely to be a long couple of days for many at the Embassy; the overly-pretty blonde girl could have a short head start on it.

The stress was already setting in, I could see them whispering, wondering what a senior Militsiya operativnik, police detective, was doing at the Embassy, particularly one with a reputation for ruthlessness, and near-absolute, sometimes lethal, intolerance for corruption. Only the Ambassador, the Rezident, and the Political Officer seemed unconcerned. Whether that was through valid confidence or through ignorance remained to be seen, though. Ignorance seemed rather more likely, as I doubted very much that any of them were fully aware of just what I was willing to do.

The Rezident moved first, of course. The elderly senior intelligence operative at the Embassy smiled as he approached the table. “Major, I am Anatoly Petrov, First Cultural Attaché. As it is your first visit, perhaps you’d like to take a walk around the grounds here. I’d be happy to show you the fountains.”

This man was certainly dangerous. He’d be no fool; the Ministry for State Security would be very cautious in selecting their man for this assignment. There was far too much to lose, with far too little room for mistakes in Ankara. I hesitated to even think of how many operations he was juggling, how many agents he was running. He was, of course, using the Cultural Attaché position as a cover. The thought of that made me smile, wondering how many concerts and museum openings he had to endure.

I finished my drink and stood. “I think that would be a very good idea.” I paused. “Perhaps, as the Cultural Attaché, you’ll be able to explain just what it was we ate tonight.” I said it a touch sardonically, letting him know I was aware of exactly what he was.

He gave a wry smile. “That’s not quite how it works, Major. I’m here to bring our culture to the Turks, not the other way around.”

He took my arm and we walked slowly out the double doors to seemingly endless terraced gardens, with their winding paths and fountain after fountain after fountain.

“So, Major, allow me to be direct. I haven’t received any communiqués regarding your mission. I’ve received nothing, no information at all as to why an operativnik of your reputation would be dispatched here. Particularly with a credentialing letter signed by Nikita Khrushchev himself.”

Uncle Nikita had taken a special interest in that gaunt peasant girl after the war. He’d taken the time to read my reports from Stalingrad and confirm them with other unit reports. He sensed something in me and sponsored me into the Militsiya, the police force. It paid him back in spades. It turned out that I had the talent and ruthlessness necessary for hunting criminal organizations and destroying them. Drug runners, white slavers and smugglers learned very quickly that to be hunted by me was to be hunted to extinction.

I gave a half-shrug. “That’s not surprising. I am here in pursuit of a criminal matter.”

“And what would that be?”

I sucked in a slight breath; I knew he wasn’t going to like this at all. “A possible kidnapping. Oksana Beria, wife of Vadim Beria.”

“Beria? As in...”

“Yes. He was the nephew of Lavrentiy Beria. First Deputy Premier Beria.” I pretended to admire the elaborate tracery on one of the fountains.

“Was?” From the grim, hollow tone in his voice, it was clear he understood how bad this was.

“Was. Vadim was killed when the wife disappeared. Burned alive in his house.” I glanced over to see his reaction. There was, unsurprisingly for a man like that, none at all.

“You said disappeared. You have doubts that she was actually kidnapped?”

I shrugged again. “There are some questions. There is also a question of a dossier, a collection of letters and papers of some kind.”

“So you are investigating the murder of the First Deputy Premier’s nephew.”

“Not so much, I believe the actual murder is being dealt with, at a higher level.”

Even the no-doubt hardened Rezident let that pass quietly. The First Deputy’s reputed fondness for cruelty and torture was well known to anyone who had the sense to listen. “I see. And this dossier?”

I reached out and touched one of the flowers next to a small blue fountain. “I don’t know for certain. It has become apparent that Vadim was involved in some kind of scheme regarding women and even young girls. Trading them for money and favors.”

“Perhaps the dossier outlines the criminal network?”

“Perhaps. I can’t be certain what is in it. There is a link. One trail leads here.” I decided not to explain that further.

“To Ankara.” He mused thoughtfully, studying a rather ornately tiled fountain covered in complicated colorful floral motifs.

“To our Embassy in Ankara.”

That brought him up abruptly, he stopped walking and stared at me. His face was impassive, but I could tell his mind was screaming through possibilities. “Who?”

“I don’t know, yet. If, in a day or two, I still don’t know, I am to call Secretary Khrushchev and he will send men to take the Embassy apart down to the foundation. It would cause problems with Minister Malenkov, so he’d like to avoid that.”

“I don’t need these complications. The political situation at home since Stalin’s death is ... uncertain. Beria, Molotov, Malenkov...” He glanced at me for a second, trying to guess what I really was. “ ... and your ... patron, Khrushchev. They are all jockeying to come out on top. Malenkov is a puppet and he and Molotov are supporting Beria for now for some reason, but I doubt that will last.”

“I’d think you would be used to the complications and confusion with your job.”

“I’ve never gotten used to it. I commanded a tank division during the war and I was asked to join the Ministry for State Security as a troubleshooter afterwards. I always avoided the damn Commissars and their bullshit.” There was more than a trace of irritation in his voice.

“I always had problems with them myself.”

“They were like lice, more of them every day.” He sighed, shaking his head slowly. “People are going to die over this mess in Moscow. Maybe a lot of people. It’s made the situation here very dangerous; it is worse than ever. The Americans and British are like wolves with the scent of blood in the air.”

“That’s why I am telling you. Of everyone here, you are by far the least likely to be involved. You selling women for profit makes no sense.”

He considered me under lowered brows. “And you need an ally.”

“And I need an ally. And I have learned to take allies wherever I can find them.”

Stalingrad, 12 September 1942

“Private Kornilov!”

I stood up from my place on the floor among the unassigned soldiers and rushed to the table, stopping at attention. “Yes Comm ... Zampolit Pavov.”

He looked over a sheet of paper that might, or might not, have had anything to do with me. “While the 1077th performed in an exemplary manner, I see nothing to indicate that you had anything to do with that.” He looked up at me expectantly.

“We all did our part, Zampolit. I carried ammunition until the last gun was destroyed, as I was directed by my Starshina.”

“You broke and ran?” He said that as a question, but I could see in his eyes what he suspected.

I knew exactly what to say. “We fell back to regroup as our position was overrun.” I stopped for a second. “We ran out of bullets, we did not throw down our rifles.”

In fact, we’d had no rifles. The Starshina, hadn’t thought me or Tania worthy of rifles. I’d run as fast as I could when I saw the dull grey hull of the first German tank crest the ridge, stopping only long enough to pull a crying Tania to her feet and drag her along with me.

We’d made it nearly a half mile to a copse of battered trees before we saw the safety of the new Russian lines just that distance further away. Supposed safety, anyway, it turned out not to be safe at all. Just as we breathed a sigh of relief on seeing the lines, we saw another group of stragglers reach them. We watched in horror as they were forced to their knees and a Zampolit shot each of them in the back of the head. Even though I couldn’t hear the words he was saying over and over, I knew what they were. “For cowardice in the face of the enemy. Death.”

Tania sank to the ground, not really seeing anything, crying in terror. I looked around hopelessly, hyperventilating. Going back meant the Germans, going forward meant execution. I half-fell to my knees on the ground next to Tania.

A moment later a hand grabbed my arm. “Shhh. Come, little girls. Come with Timur.”

I looked up into a round, smiling, Asian face. His uniform was Russian, mostly, although it was almost covered in bits and scraps of cloth, leaves, and even sticks.

He led us down to a hollow in the ground where a dozen similar men sat completely unconcerned with the encroaching battle. He led us through them, directly to a weathered old man with a few scraggly chin whiskers and began talking in a language I’d never heard.

The old man looked at us. “I am Scout Sniper Platoon Commander Seriov. Did you run?”

I nodded stiffly. “We were never given rifles and the big guns were all destroyed, we had nothing to fight with.”

He studied the dirt and smoke residue on our faces. I’m sure he saw the tear tracks as well. “You were with the women that fought on the ridge?”

I nodded again.

He said something and one of the men stood up, picked up two well-worn Mosin-Nagant rifles from a pile, fired them into the ground until they were empty and thrust one at each of us, along with an empty bandolier.

“Timur will guide you to the lines. As long as you have rifles that have been fired, but no ammunition, and you tell them you fell back to find more bullets, they will not shoot you.”

So it was; when we reached the lines, I headed straight for the Zampolit who’d executed the stragglers, holding my empty rifle over my head. “Zampolit! We need more ammunition! More Germans are coming!”

Zampolit Pavov suspected, of course; he suspected everyone of everything, but with so many witnesses to our arrival and to my immediate demand for bullets, he’d been able to do nothing.

Instead of being shot or given ammunition, we’d been sent to wait with new replacement soldiers in a holding area for re-assignment. Tania, much prettier than I, had quickly been asked to act as an aide to the Regimental Commander. She knew what it really meant, but she’d grabbed the opportunity with both hands, grateful to have anything, do anything other than be sent back out to the battlefield.

Now, Pavov was clearly going to offer me the same opportunity; after weeks of mockery, of hints and veiled threats, weeks of commenting on my White Russian name, he was finally going to force me. “We have no requests for Air Defense personnel, so I can send you to a forward unit in the city, or...” He paused looking up at me meaningfully. “I can assign you as a Commissar ... Political Officer’s aide.” I’d learned he’d taken the change from Commissar to “Zampolit” Deputy Political Officer hard; the massive loss of authority when the independent commissars had been subordinated to combat commanders as political officers had angered him to no end, and it appeared I could be a convenient outlet for that anger.

I stared at him, trying to figure out what to do, what to say. His claim to have no need for replacement air defense personnel was almost certainly a lie. I was aware that I was no beauty, short, scrawny, with almost no figure, plain, with typical Georgian dark hair and eyes. I realized he was enjoying this, enjoying his power over me. If he enjoyed this so much, I knew what it would be like when we were alone, when he could be truly cruel.

I made my decision. “Then I will need my rifle back. Zampolit Pavov.” It was a better and cleaner choice to die at the hands of the Germans.

He stood suddenly, leaning across the table toward me, face darkening, nostrils flaring in anger, but before he could say a word, a familiar voice cut in.

“Pavov! I have need of your volunteer.” Seriov strode forward through the roomful of unassigned soldiers and put a hand on my shoulder.

“You have to...”

“Nothing. I have to do nothing. Scout Sniper Platoon has the highest priority, isn’t that what Colonel General said? I need one; you have one who just volunteered. Simple, no?” Seriov beamed cheerfully, taking a bite out of a piece of black bread in his other hand.

Even so, Zampolit Pavov might have argued, but at least seven of Seriov’s men were casually walking around the outer edges of the room, all smiling, half of them munching on black bread. All of them had the new PPSH-41 submachine guns casually draped across their arms, just coincidentally pointing in Pavov’s direction.

“Take her. But keep her out of here. She doesn’t come back here. Worthless whore of a White. I’ll be amazed if she kills even one German.”

“Not your problem, Pavov. Germans take more killing than scared recruits.” Seriov let his smiling mask slip for just a second, eyes hardening and smile fading. “But you wouldn’t know that, would you?”

Zampolit Pavov sat frozen, glaring hate and anger as we walked out.

I hesitated at the door. “I don’t have a gun.”

“Guns I have. I have lots of them, all kinds. I need somebody brave.”

I coughed in disbelief. “Brave? Me?”

“You stood up to that piece of shit. Germans are much less trouble. You’re allowed to shoot them.” He paused. “I really do need you, and I need you to be brave. I need someone small and brave. Someone who can fit in the ratholes and sewers. I need a scout who can go where we can’t.”

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Weekend Chores

     When mom went back to working  double shift weekends it left me to my own devices as far as entertainment.  At least at first it did.  You know those old sayings, "Idle hands are the Devils tools."  Someone must have whispered them into her ears, because she began loading me up with chores whenever she pulled a double so's I wouldn't get into any trouble.  She had another saying that she also believed in, "Spare the rod, spoil the c***d." Believe me, she wasn't having any spoiled k**s...

3 years ago
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Two Teen Nymphos At The Ice Cream Stand 2

Two Teen Nymphos from the Ice Cream stand #2It started the night before with a trip to a dairy bar in town. What happened there was unexpected enough, but what were the odds of it getting better the next day? Damn good when it comes out of my perverted mind! Read the continuing saga of the two Nymphos from the Ice Cream stand!!!++++++I walked out of the grocery and felt the summer heat hit me. It was really the first good hot Saturday and I was wishing I had added a water feature to my...

1 year ago
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NFBusty Anna Bell Peaks Leather Submission

Leather Submission with this big tits teen Anna Bell Peaks who seduces this horny man into a pussy pounding session! This beautiful girl has the elegance and grace of a ballerina. She showed up to visit wearing a beautiful tight black dress with a bit of tulle peeking beneath the skirt and long white gloves. Her adoring boyfriend helped her untie all of her ribbons remove all of her lacy things and then he laid her gently on the bed, where she looked up at him with her big soulful eyes in this...

4 years ago
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Strange RelationshipsChapter 13 Nora Dines with Her Father

Nate was less than thrilled with Nora's plans for the evening, but there was no stopping them. Getting in front of Nora's Daddy was kinda like stopping to tie your shoe in front of a steamroller -- not smart. He took her home, and they necked a while, then he departed for home. Nora decided that Daddy rated a better than average turnout, so she did the whole dress thing, a nice cocktail dress in blue with a wide skirt that de-emphasized her hips, and matching heels, all left over from the...

2 years ago
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The Unexpected Client Chapter 3

“Yes, Serena, it really is very bad indeed. Very naughty and incredibly sexy to watch you do that. I just love the way you are licking up the cum you spilled. Tell me how wet you are”. Serena slid two fingers into her pussy and brought them, glistening, up to her mouth. She let his cock slip from her lips and started to lick her fingers as though she had found another hard cock to play with. Phil watched her as she performed the lewd “blowjob” on her own fingers, licking and nibbling then...

Oral Sex
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Murphy 5Chapter 13

Her swollen, light brown pussy was seeping through her tight lips as I looked down at her. She held out her left hand, with her ring upwards and I kissed her ring and the back of her fingers. I leaned down and kissed her pussy as she bucked her hips up to meet my mouth. “PLEASE, just one kiss there Murphy, you don’t know how much we all want you. I mean all six of us too. We can make love for years to come, fuck me and make us a baby in my belly Murphy. We all want your babies, put one or...

3 years ago
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Behind the Church Shed0

When the boy came into view, she didn’t think anything of it. Kids came to the church building often, usually to play basketball or to skateboard in the parking lot. She and her husband taught Sunday School to a few of them every week. Melinda would never admit it to anyone, especially not her husband, but one of the things she enjoyed most about teaching was the attention the boys in class showed her. At 27, she wasn’t THAT much older than them, after all, and their raging hormones couldn’t...

1 year ago
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Glory Hole Hypnosis

I was horny. I wanted to cum. I was in New Orleans with a twenty-four hour plane layover. The airline put me up in a hotel. But, now what?I had been giving head to guys for years. But it was always in the context of some degree of relationship—never with a stranger. But, that day, I had no one with me. I was in a city I'd never been in. I knew no one and no one knew me. At eighteen, although I was sexually experienced, I had little in the way of real street-smarts. I couldn't see myself going...

Oral Sex
3 years ago
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Train Sex Daily Up And Down

Hi friends and I also would like to share my own story. I am 28 years working professional from Ahmedabad. I daily travel around 1 hour one side to reach my job destination. I go from Ahmedabad to Anand to work in one of the large manufacturing unit. This incident happened before few months as usual I boarded the train in the evening to come back to Ahmedabad at around 7.00 pm. The train was packed with very less space to keep the feet. I got some place in centre of the coach. I was standing...

2 years ago
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The Supermarket Trip

The Supermarket Trip?A summer dress can hide a lot of things, Raquel hoped this one covered her and kept a little secret safe underneath.  Her nipples rubbed against the light material sending shivers through her body as she moved towards the entrance of the supermarket.?Raquel was wearing a floaty summer dress which showed off her figure nicely and meant a number of men had already double taked as she walked past.  Some of this was also down to the 6 inch heels she was wearing and having some...

1 year ago
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MommysGirl Clara Trinity Kimmy Kimm Kitten Latenight I Love You Both Equally

Two teen stepsisters, Kimmy Kimm and Clara Trinity, are eagerly waiting for their stepmom, Kitten Latenight, to get home. They both obviously love Kitten very much and want to spend time with her. Although their love SEEMS innocent, they both secretly lust for their stepmom and are jealous of each other. When Kitten comes home from work, Kimmy and Clara both immediately start flirting and sucking up to her. They both want her complete attention and try to outdo each other to get it. Kitten is...

3 years ago
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A Drunken Tale Ch 05

Mary awoke in Grant’s strong arms and felt content. She marveled at the fact that she didn’t have a single nightmare the whole night, well, aside from the one that got Grant into her bed. She definitely wasn’t upset about that one either. He was still sleeping and so she took the opportunity to watch him. He was, as she already knew, simply gorgeous: strong chiseled chin, full, soft lips that looked utterly kissable, dark, nearly black, mussed hair, and she knew the eyes were killer without...

4 years ago
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I stood in front of the Greyhound bus station and watched herwalk away. In the three years since I turned 18 I have tried fourtimes to get sexually involved with a woman I was dating. Sylvia wasthe fourth to spend a week with me making love. She was also thefourth one to tell me I was a lousy fuck. I tried to accommodate them and do what they wanted, butwhenever I tried to 'eat pussy', I just gagged and choked on thesmell. As far as fucking was concerned, well just the idea...

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The Young Crossdresser Part 3

So the next night arrives and once again I find myself dressing up to head back to mom and dad's porn store to see if my lover from last night might be there. We had scheduled to be there around 8:00pm. I arrive in my car,check myself in the mirror and go inside. I see him instantly standing in the front looking at magizines and walk over to him and say hi. He smiles and looks me up and down and tells me I look hot tonight. He asks me if we could go back to  my place since my folks were still...

4 years ago
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I Big Banged the Theory P3 The Penny Conclusion

CREATED BY BIGHORNYCOCK123"Okay! Okay." replied Amy Farrah Fowler standing naked in the middle of the apartment."Well, as you know the boys are away at another comic convention" she then said."Yes, like they often are! But that doesn't explain why you and Bernadette are naked in my living room, with a strange guy!" retorted Penny sternly."Look. What do you want us to say?" retorted Bernadette back, as she climbed off my spent dick and stepped down onto the floor, standing as naked as Amy was,...

2 years ago
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blackmailed wife part 4

Walking by the local highschool my eyes focus on a group of 3 girls,they look incredibly hot,how the teachers allow them to wear such short skirts is mystery to me,then again if i was a teacher i would not say anything neither,never mind.Suddenly one of them scream at a men a few meters away''What the fuck are you looking at. You fucking pervert!!!''She embarrass him a lot and he almost run away as they all laugh.I cant stop thinking at that cockteasing bitch,so arrogant but also tremendously...

3 years ago
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Collateral Damage Book II the SacrificeChapter 2

The following week, I did another extra shift on Tuesday, and I could almost feel how there was always someone following me. I made sure that I just did my job and did not ask any unnecessary questions, nor did I try to keep track of what was happening there around me. Close to the and of my shift, Ken came to me and asked how I was doing. I just shrugged. “Okay, I guess. These extra shifts help a lot if I ever want to move away from that shithole I currently have.” “What’s wrong with...

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Linsey Dawn Mckenzie meets Bobbi Starr A wrestlin

Bobbi was having fun doing the ultimate surrender wrestling but fancied a bit of a change so decided to search around and see if there were any porn stars outside the US that mite be up for it.When she came across linsey her hole body started to tingle, seeing those big soft tits and sexy curves bobbi knew she had to get her over and see if she would be up for the wrestling.Bobbi rang and spoke to linsey telling her about the rules of ultimate surrender and asking her if she fancied coming over...

1 year ago
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The Pact Episode 1 The Elegant Solution Chapter 35

Rick and Teela approached things a bit differently. Of course, Teela never escaped Rick's grasp and both were soaked before they had been in the pool for thirty seconds. Repeated dunkings washed the magenta spritz out of Teela's hair and left her looking like a drowned rat, but she gave a good account of herself. Finally, breathless, they staggered to the edge of the pool, where Rick pinned Teela against the edge. Teela, laughing, said, "You know that tale you told me about Lon having his...

4 years ago
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A Powerful Gift Chapter 1

I vividly remember the first day I gained my gift. It was just during the week between Christmas and New years, where everything seems to stand still and nothing can really be accomplished. It had been a rather mundane Christmas with a whole lot of presents and family dinners. I was enjoying the break from school although around the house I was yelled at constantly “Jordan do this” and “Jordan clean that” my mothers would constantly holler at me. Oh the joys of being the only male in the...

3 years ago
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Bucket List Face Sitting

Sex Bucket List Rules. A list of sexual fantasies to complete before we kick the bucket! We each have our own list. We take turns to choose from our lists Fantasies can be as simple or as complicated as you like. If a fantasy needs props then it’s the owner of the fantasies job to provide them. If you have a fantasy you’re not allowed to introduce it in bed before bucket night! If you’re not comfortable with the fantasy you can say No. No involvement of other people without mutual...

1 year ago
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Milfty Ally Cooper Happy Mothers Day To Me

Ally Cooper’s new husband Ruban Rolex and her stepson Johnny The Kid have prepared a whole day of surprises for her to celebrate Mother’s Day. Ally gets breakfast in bed, a family photo session and a sensual foot rub from Ruban, which ends up turning her on! When Ruban has to run to the pharmacy for some pills that will help him perform, he leaves his son Johnny in charge of pleasuring his stepmother! Turns out having her way with her stepson is exactly the best Mother’s Day present she...

2 years ago
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Ahmedabad Ni Jakkas Bhabhi Ane Chokri 8211 Part 3

Main vapas laut ayaa hun aapni chudai story ka 3rd part leke…jinko ahmedabad ya gujarat main se gujarati nhi aati..Wo lok muje mail kr sakte hain .. Main unko secretly translation krke dunga wo bhi live… Hu …. 3rd part kehva maate aai gaayo chu….1-2 part na reviews aane mail maate thank u so much… Haawe direct story per aavu chu.. Drashti nu pani bhabhi na face per j nikli gaayu… Maaru b padvanu htu… Main bhabhi ni bhos ma j paani kaadhi lidhu… 3 jana naga j besi gaya room ma… Bhabhi-wah...

3 years ago
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The White Place Chapter 2

"Beth? How did it go? Are you okay? Was he mean to you?" My mother frantically fired questions at me. We were driving home now. I hadn't said a word since Will came all over my tits, and gave me a second chance. I was in a daze, a relieved, happy, and slightly horny daze. I kept replaying my memory of him fucking me over and over. Each time my pussy got a little wetter. We had been driving for about an hour, and my pussy couldn't wait any longer. "Mom, can we stop at that gas station? I REALLY...

1 year ago
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2 Sex Slaves continued

My ex wife Karen and her roommate Mackenzie needed a place to stay so I told them they could stay with me if they stayed naked in my house and did whatever I needed. It has been two weeks and I have fucked them every way possible. This Friday I got home from work and Karen was already home watching TV naked. I gave her a dildo and told her to get on the edge of cumming but to wait until I got back. I went and changed and got out to the family room. Karen was getting close to having an orgasm so...

Group Sex
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Deadly Pursuit Winter JenningsChapter 15 Terrycloth

The Whittaker Fund, the ammunition gambit, was bringing us into intermittent contact with Karl Hoffstatter. Well, with his gopher, Roger ‘Hoppy’ Cransdale. The FBI had decided to let Cransdale roam free for now. The bet was that he’d lead them to higher-ups in the American Nazi movement. The further bet was that the low-priced ammo that the Aryan was buying wouldn’t be used for anything but training purposes. It wasn’t a long-term wager; once Cransdale started repeating his route stops,...

4 years ago
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Owned Fraternity Moms part 2 Spring Break

Chapter 1- The Dean's Wife Mark was facefucking Joyce as he talked on the phone with her daughter Cindy She'd be over later to join them he thought , right now the cheerleaders had got together for a social mixer. Eat it slut he yelled as he hung up the phone . Fuck you are a great cocksucker Joyce , too bad the Dean can't experience all the time like i do he smirked (knowing that she was mind-controlled ) she tried to say something but couldnt cause her mouth was full of wang. Mark...

3 years ago
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AlteristChapter 3

As soon as I sat up, dumping pine needles all around me, I felt the cold. First things first, though. I had to pee. I took stock of my body. The right leg felt tight where I'd pulled out the stick. I'd have to take it easy on that so I didn't open up the wound. My left foot felt dead. I mean, it wasn't numb, it wasn't the normal feeling of no feeling, it wasn't asleep, there was more nothingness there. I rolled over and crawled to the nearest tree. There was a stick on the ground that...

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Further Tales of Peggy Sanford Ch 07

As she made her way through Tegel Airport in Berlin with her husband and the rest of his golfing group, Peggy Sanford spied Linh, the beautiful Eurasian woman she had met in Paris walking toward her. Linh was dressed in a flight attendants uniform. It was part of the ruse she and Peggy had cooked up so Peggy could get away for the night. The plan was for Peggy and Linh to meet like two old coworkers. Peggy used to be a flight attendant. Linh would invite Peggy out for a couple of drinks to...

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Daddys reawakening Chap 9

Introduction: This story is pure fiction. All characters depicted are 18+. Thank you all for the feedback on the other stories. This one is significantly longer than all the others, but I think the action at the end is well worth the wait. ,) Chapter 9 – The Day with Jessica Life in my house the last two months or so had been odd. After my sister unexpectedly moved in it put the brakes on any potential physical or intimate relationship my daughter and I had been on the verge of exploring. It...

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I had a long rough week at work, so Saturday night I knew I was gonna hunt down a good time.  I joined some friends for drinks at a local bar and was disappointed at the lack of eye candy.  After a few rounds of drinks, I went outside for a smoke.  While smoking this fine lady started up a conversation with me.  I was very surprised, most people won’t talk to me in public.  I’m 6’3′ and about 230 with a shaved head and an athletic build.  Most people take me for a skinhead or a biker…I’m an...

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Island Girls Part 3 Alone At Last

Island Girls Chapter 3 Freude, schöner Götterfunken Tochter aus Elysium, Wir betreten feuertrunken, Himmlische, dein Heilgtum! Ode an den Freude Ludwig von Beethoven_ I helped Stephie up over the bank. I had an almost surreal feeling shiver over me, as though I was chasing a white rabbit who was late for a mad tea party. I slipped my arm around her waist as we hobbled across the road to the cottage. “How’s your foot feeling?” “A little sore,” she admitted, “but it’s not bad. I just...

3 years ago
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Interview With the BimboChapter 22 Epilogue

Thirty Minutes Earlier... "There's one more thing I need to tell you." Said Lulu. "What is it?" asked Annabelle. "Lester knows I am here, he followed me to your apartment." "What!" "Please don't panic. You are safe. It's me he is after, but just in case I need to give you this." Lulu reached into her bag and pulled out a needle. "What is that?" asked Annabelle, starting to panic a little. "I told you that my friends from Venus gave me a keepsake or...

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Tomorrow Idin Noah Book 2Chapter 6

Merlin. Merlin was pacing back and fort in the cabin, Jen sat there watching him. "Why don't you go see whats going on?" Jen asked. "Because I promised to protect you." Merlin said. He was pacing because he could feel the fabric of the world breaking, he could feel massive amounts of arcane energies being tossed about. "Well I am safe right?" Jen said. "Yes yes, no one, or nothing can get you here." Merlin said. "Well why don't you go find Idin and see whats going on." Jen...

2 years ago
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Carlos and Laila

“How was Europe?” said Laila while pouring sun lotion in her hand. “Great, a lot different from here,” answered her step-brother Carlos from the pool where he was floating on the surface. The day was hot and there was no breeze in the air. The palm leaves above them hung down and not even the birds were singing. Laila began to cover her left leg with the sun lotion making her way up slowly. Her long legs were slender and ended at a thin waist. She was close to six feet tall and worked part-time...

3 years ago
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Tristians Wish

Smoke rose silently from my cigarette, curling now and then as it wafted towards the ceiling above. Some idiot inside the flat screen babbled on about a third world country in need of our support and my coffee grew colder by the second, but I wasn’t tuned in to those things. Instead I concentrated on the soft clicking noise as the bedroom doorknob slowly turned. You could just see it stop and then the slightest vertical crack began to widen, as the door swung inward on old but reliable hinges....

2 years ago
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Story 1: From whose bourne no traveler returns... The rain lashed the windshield. Carl cursed as the engine began running rough. "Damn it, car, don't DO this to me!" Ever since he had gotten that bad tank of gas, contaminated with water and rust, his fuel lines had been clogging at unpredictable intervals. He peered through the sheets of falling water as the motor began to miss, looking for a place he could pull off the road. Less than 20 miles from the city, but there seemed to be no sign...

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My first experience of being shared was my last for over twenty years. I had been married to my first husband for over fifteen years and we had three k**s and to be perfectly honest the only time we had sex was when he wanted it. This was back in the seventies and women didn't have much say in such things then and I just lay back and thought of England as he fucked me till he came. There was no thought for my feelings, I was just a receptacle for his cum. It seemed like every time I came I got...

4 years ago
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Sister Mary Jeans StruggleChapter 5

I knew I could not get out before they saw me, since it is dark in the hallway, and my habit is black maybe the easiest thing to do was stand in a doorway further down the hall, away from the stairs. I moved quickly and since I have a large white collar and a white front head cover I turned my back to them. I heard them talking along with Ann Giggling. I heard them walking away and up the stairs. God that was close, and so hot. My heart is pounding and my breath is so heavy and fast. I know...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie Anna Chambers G355

The big moment is here for Anna Chamber’s best first gangbang! Kris strips her down so they can have a look at the smoking hot body of this eager to please babe before laying her down on the table to start the real show. Surrounded by five cocks means Anna has a variety to choose from and her mouth and hands get straight to work taking them all in as Kris warms her tight little pussy up with his mouth. Solo takes the show in the air, ligting her off the ground as he pounds her with his...

1 year ago
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Mah Lil Sis

Author’s note: Some of the dialogue must be read phonetically since Ah have tried to give the story the flavor of where it occurs. Say it out loud if necessary. Just think of the Beverly Hillbillies and you will catch on. It were the middle of the night and Ah was having a realistic dream about a girl ridin mah pecker. Ah slowly realized it weren’t a dream and opened mah eyes and it was mah little sister who had turned sixteen just that day. She were a bouncin away with her titties floppin...

3 years ago
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Rumors of HavenChapter 13

“Oh, damn it, this is awesome!” Hank declared, as he screwed his beloved Carrie within an inch of her life and she used her hips to fuck him back just as hard. “See, honey, you’ll never be deprived with me! Blue balls? I don’t think so! I’m going to have you huffing and puffing to keep pace with me! I’m just hitting my prime!” Carrie laughed as she took further in her sweet pussy and gave him as good as she got. “I like the way that you think, babe. I think that I’ll be very happy with my...

2 years ago
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White Wife Impregnated by Mature Iraqi Men

It's difficult for many people to learn foreign languages, but I was lucky to have an aptitude for it. I could fluently speak, read and write Spanish by the end of middle school and I became fluent in French and German in high school. It was clear to me at the beginning of my senior year in high school that I wanted to attend a college that specialized in the language arts. I still didn't know which languages I wanted to learn, but I was considering Mandarin and Russian. All changed for me when...

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High School Circle Jerk

When I was a freshman in high school, 14, my friend John invited me to sleep over at his house one Friday night. We agreed to try to acquire as much alcohol and weed as a bunch of freshman could find. The group that was going to be hanging out was me, my friend John, JJ, and Steve. John was a year younger than me, but still made the cutoff to be in the same grade. It was a hot day at in September at the beginning of our freshman year. I got my mom to drive me to John’s house, hoping that she...

4 years ago
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The Great Shift One Mans Opinion

GS: One Man's Opinion By Tanto Two fifty-five. Five more minutes to go, I thought, as I glanced once again at the clock on the wall. It was Friday. I was in my last period of the day, World Geography, taught by the closest thing to a witch I'd ever met, a fat, ugly old hag who loves to torment us by giving us bad grades on the most spurious of grounds. To my left was Courtney Bitz, a blonde sophomore, who's a good friend of mine. To my right was the other Courtney, Courtney...

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The Maintenance Man

 Love understood as the desire of good for another is in fact so unnatural a phenomenon that it can scarcely repeat itself, the soul being unable to become virgin again and not having energy enough to cast itself out again into the ocean of another's soul. (James Joyce) My name is Charlie Flowers, and yes I was teased about it a lot in high school. Until I met my wife to be, more about her a little later, I had never considered it, but I think my name may have had something to do with the way...

Wife Lovers
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E099 Somethings new

A week later, Donald gets to delve into his shopping fetish.  He spends time every day previewing the new fashions of the seasons on different websites.  Then moving to his favorite shopping sites to choose items he wants to include in his cart for consideration.  He works his way through his different classifications of clothes: the lingerie, the outfits, the apparel.  The only thing he has not yet shopped for is the suits for his and Emma’s special nights.  But that will come.Emma is being so...

Love Stories
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Afterparty wrestling

As a sort of celebration for moving in to your new house, you invite a few friends over for a small party. At the young age of 19, you were able to get a house close to your college with a little help from your parents. It was around 1 am when the wrestling was suggested. You and your friends usually had friendly tussles but had never made it competitive, however the Alcohol seemed to make everyone more open to the idea. A mini tournament was set up and it was time to do the draw to find out...

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King of the hill the sexual adventures in the alley

Joseph sat up on his bed watching the tv he stared at a man being made to look like a women. This was the first time the boy had ever considered anything like this sure he knew about about gays and lesbians but the boy had never given anything like this as much as a seconded thought, But none the less here he was staring at the man being made into a women and he decided in that moment that the neglect and emotional abuse that his mother had shoved down his and his fathers mouth, Would no...

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Narutos New Look Day Three

~~Day 3 - Neji Hyuga~~ A roundhouse kick from the left, followed by a right hook. Easily blocked. Leap into the air, before an aerial axe kick. Simple to dodge. A straight thrust with his left fist and... there! Neji Hyuga, also known as the Hyuga prodigy, ducked under his opponent's punch and struck forward with a powerful palm strike. Even without chakra, the attack was powerful enough to send Rock Lee flying. "Okay, I think that's enough for today." stated their sensei,...

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