Breast Expansion
- 2 years ago
- 30
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When the undead swept across the land, electricity was quickly lost nationwide as the power plants were abandoned. Automation softened the blow, many stations capable of operating for days, weeks, or even months without human labor. As time passed, the lights went out one by one, but in some rare cases, they’d turn back on. In times of disaster, it’s natural for humans to search each other out, for both resources and strength in numbers. Power plants, built to withstand wars and natural disasters, and the towns around them, became a hotbed of refugee camps and new communities. Gather enough engineers together and they could even get the plants going again. The humans flocked to the lights like moths and formed a defense against the undead.
Unfortunately, all things age, more and more components breaking every year, with replacement parts hard to reproduce and even harder to find. Without a means of production, things that broke stayed broken, with the survivors having to make due with whatever they could think of, but that was just prolonging the problem. In time, the power plants gave out, in need of repairs that the ill-equipped and uneducated survivors couldn’t perform.
Some power plants broke down harder than others, namely, nuclear power plants. The concept of nuclear reactors is quite simple: uranium atoms are split, releasing heat, which evaporates water into steam, and that steam spins turbines that produce electricity. The fuel rods eventually stop producing heat at economically-useful levels and are contained in cooling pools for several years until they can be safely disposed of.
When the nuclear power plants were abandoned or broke down, so too did the heat exchangers that regulated the water temperature of the cooling pools. Once they deactivated, the fuel rods boiled the water away, and upon exposure to their air, they combusted into nuclear bonfires. The power plants were destroyed and the land around them was doused in radiation. A century later, the land around these abandoned power plants remains uninhabitable, five hundred Chernobyl nightmares that the rebuilt world can’t do anything about.
Now, in New Hampshire, in the ruins of the Seabrook Station, an era of silence is interrupted. It is Adam, searching the wreckage for anything of use. For a dozen miles in any direction, the radiation is enough to cause cancer and even slow-acting radiation poisoning. In the destroyed buildings that he’s picking through, a normal person without a radiation suit would be dead in less than an hour. The radiation has no effect on him, about as damaging as a stiff breeze, though he’d have to thoroughly decontaminate himself before he could return home.
He scoured the power plant, searching both the old reactors and the cooling pools. In both locations, he found radioactive ash and melted metal, but nothing like the heat-generating fuel rods.
‘Master, I’m afraid that I’m not finding anything of value. There is plenty of radioactive material, but no uranium or anything like that.’
‘Very well. Collect some samples and then come back. I’m sure I can find a use for them.’
Dominion answered from Concord, the capital of New Hampshire. The spawn were all busy stripping the buildings of their interiors, collecting things of value while tossing all of the junk out into the streets. With their powers and plenty of practice, they had it down to an art form, clearing buildings in minutes. The city was due to be transformed into a prison, but he had other plans for it until then. Once the job was done, Dominion had his minions vacate the city. He floated above the center, giving him a bird’s eye view.
The twirl of his hand, that’s all it took. All of the junk tossed out of the streets, everything made of metal or containing metal, rose into the air, caught in a focused electromagnetic field. Silverware, tools, door handles, electronics, decorations, picture frames, everything. Even the cars were picked up. He gathered them together into a massive pile and dumped it outside the city for the spawn to begin gathering up to take to the foundries. Then he raised his other hand and the rest of the garbage was levitated into the air, gathered into a mountainous mass, and tossed to the other side of the city, out of the way.
Now, with the board cleared, he could get to work. First, he released thousands of demons and wraiths, more than he had ever harnessed before. Then, he focused them around several city blocks, letting them infiltrate every nook and cranny. They passed through walls, examining everything. Of all the buildings in that sector, there wasn’t a single square inch of space not within eyesight of his pets, and of him. He had linked himself to their senses, granting him a view that was nothing short of omnipotent, and was also harnessing their minds so that he could process all of that information. Rather than simply using them as extra eyes, he was also using them as extra brains, supplementing his processing abilities with theirs.
It was a more primitive version of Blight’s outsight ability. Unlike the homunculus, Dominion hadn’t been born with such an ability, so his brain hadn’t been shaped to handle the information. Strange, that he’d be less skilled than the servant crafted from his own power. However, in time, he’d get stronger and his body would adapt.
A crack sounded out, deafening, with every building simultaneously shaking. Then, together, they all rose into the air. For the first few moments, they appeared intact, but really, they were disassembling with every inch of elevation. All of the bricks, boards, and pipes were being separated, and he could see them individually thanks to all of his spirits. Then, once they were all in the air and a giant plot of land was created, he began to reassemble them into a new structure.
This was why he needed all of those extra minds and eyes. Most people couldn’t even write their name straight without being able to see it. In order to make sure that everything fit together, Dominion had to see every piece. He had to see the dry mortar clinging to each brick in order to change its composition and make it malleable. The wiring from the electrical systems, the plumbing, everything was reassembled into a whole new system. Once he was finished, one massive building took the place of over a dozen smaller ones.
It was built like a Wal-Mart, one single floor with a vast open space, but no shelves or content, just support beams. There were no windows and just one door. Against the far wall were the repurposed sinks and toilets from the old buildings. It had a 100,000 square feet of floor space, enough hold a thousand people, though not comfortably.
After seeing the events in the Maine Mall, how everything transpired, Dominion became curious and desired to replicate the experiment. However, now he’d be using different variables. He moved on to the next sector of the city and repeated the process. This time, he created a building with half the square footage, but a second story. The third building had the same footage as the second, but a basement instead. The fourth had 33,000 square feet but both a basement and a second story.
He continued making these buildings, each one incorporating different designs and different combinations of features. He toyed with how much space there was, how much light there was, the temperature, the level of privacy, population, and other variables. Once Concord was all used up, he moved to the next town and started all over again with fresh ideas. He had so many fresh prisoners, so many ways to torment them. It took days to get it done, one hundred of these buildings spread across the state.
While he worked, the new prisoners were kept comatose. Like the people of Portland, he wanted them to wake up in their new environment, unsure of how or when they had arrived there. They’d only remember being captured. Once he was done, it was time to put the rats in their new cages.
The world was reeling from Dominion’s sudden invasion of New Hampshire. For over a month, he had kept quiet within the state of Maine, and then lashed out with seemingly no provocation or warning. Unfortunately for Collins, everyone was holding him responsible. The citizens of the US had been told that he had negotiated a ceasefire with Dominion, that fear of nuclear retaliation was keeping the enemy in check. Either he had believed Dominion’s lies and was incompetent, or he had told the country perhaps the most catastrophic lie in American history to hide how powerless he was.
The leaders of the international community were also furious and terrified. Collins told them that he could keep the issue contained, that he was buying them time, but Dominion’s expansion was costing them the faith of their own people. If the US fell, then they’d be the ones to face him next. They weren’t just twiddling their thumbs, though. Every country was searching for answers on how to defeat Dominion, combing through history and mythology. Shamanic rituals, exorcisms, rain dances, ways to “bless” weapons or cast spells—they were compiling everything.
The problem was that there was next to no actual information on him. His appearance had been plastered across the globe, but they knew nothing of his real name or his history. Most of the Christian population assumed that he was the Antichrist or even the Devil himself. They didn’t know what he was capable of. The extent of his powers was a mystery. They couldn’t even test any methods of dealing with his minions since it was impossible to capture any. The US was constantly trying and failing to bag one of the spawn, meaning that they also were shrouded in mystery. Had Dominion created them? Had he summoned them through some Satanic ritual or opened up a portal to Hell? Were they related to the undead?
Weeks passed, and Collins continued making deliveries. After New Hampshire was taken, nothing was left to chance. 1100 humans were now being delivered weekly, the extra hundred just in case some of them died on the way up. They’d also arrive at the drop-off point at 1:00 instead of 2:00, so that should anything go wrong with the delivery, they’d have an hour to rectify it.
A quiet June day found Dominion in his office at the Augusta prison, looking over paperwork. Despite his territory encompassing two states with dozens of new prisons, his work-load was next to nothing. For each prison, he created a mid-level spawn to oversee operations, and each of those spawn had a staff of sentinels, homunculi, and collaborators to do their bidding. Blight was tasked with overseeing all of their work and managing the entire prison system.
The paperwork Dominion was looking over was simply an overview of everything that was going on, Blight’s summaries of current events. This way, he could keep an eye on the big picture and make sure his minions didn’t screw anything up or accidentally deviate from the plan. Under his desk was Ishtar, worshipping his cock and using her mouth to baptize it. She had been going at all day and lost track of how many times he had ejaculated, but the feeling up her Master’s semen filling her stomach was pure ecstasy.
The doors to his office opened, Adam stepping in. One might think it rude for him to suddenly enter without knocking, but he had already requested an audience with Dominion and been granted permission. In his arms was a missile, about six feet long and seven inches in diameter.
“That’s it?” Dominion asked, looking up from his work.
“Yes, we caught it just as it entered our airspace, fourteen miles north of Lancaster.”
He set it down on Dominion’s desk, but there was no need to worry about it going off. Adam had already deactivated it with his powers. Despite the missile above her head, Ishtar didn’t stop sucking on the missile in her mouth. Her dedication was commendable. Dominion gave it a look over, then with a snap of his fingers, disassembled it like the had the buildings in New Hampshire. Rather than explosives, he found small cannisters of VX gas.
“Ah, they’re going for the big stuff. Seeing as how the mustard gas didn’t work, I guess they’re running out of options.”
“How shall we retaliate?”
“Well it looks like they removed all the serial numbers and codes to try and hide where it came from, but I’m guessing it’s Russian. I’ll tell Scourge to kill their president’s wife in front of him.” He handed the VX canisters to Adam. “Take these to my lab, and be careful with them.”
Adam left and Dominion reassembled the missile, then stood it up along the wall next to all the others. The other countries were getting both creative and desperate. Since he had taken over New Hampshire, they had already tried to deploy weaponized cholera, Ebola, smallpox, and countless other diseases at least a dozen times, and were using just about every chemical they could get their hands on. The spawn were even reporting priests and monks in Canada trying to bless the rivers flowing through his kingdom, hoping “the power of God” would cleanse him from the earth. Oh well, at least they were trying. Plus, the missiles made great decorations.
Unfortunately, he was starting to get bored. His forces were so strong that it was impossible for anyone to put up a decent fight, and it would be stupid to intentionally weaken his troops and hinder his plans. Oh well, there were plenty of other ways of entertaining himself.
As he had anticipated, the actions of the people of New Hampshire were a goldmine of psychological study. Each building had its own setup, and while certain behaviors and actions often repeated, the frequency or timing seemed to depend on the variables. The populations were also specifically portioned, most buildings having the same percentages of old people, young people, families with kids, married couples, and the unmarried.
After arriving, the people woke up, either with no lightning, dim lightning, blinding light, or even natural light. First, they would determine if they were hurt. Parents and children, if taken together and then separated, would immediately try to find each other, while the rest would focus on studying their surroundings and trying to figure out where they were. They’d follow the walls, see if there was anyone with them that they knew, and evaluate what they had to work with.
Then, they’d try to find a way out. Dominion hadn’t given them rules like the people in the mall, they were free to try and escape. However, it was quite impossible. Without tools, basic wood and plaster were as impenetrable as steel. Even if someone could bust through a single layer of drywall with their fist, the sides of the building were more than a foot thick and contained stone and brick. Likewise, the doors were heavily reinforced, able to stop a runaway semi. Regardless, the prisoners would beat their hands on the walls, throw themselves against the locked doors, and even try shouting for someone to help them, despite knowing that there was no one outside. Once it set in that they couldn’t escape, they’d reevaluate their situation and try to figure out how they’d live.
There was access to water and toilets, half of the buildings having stalls and the other half going without. There was no stimulation beyond human interaction, most of the buildings didn’t even have windows. Food was delivered at random times, most buildings getting just enough and some getting too much or barely any. Like at the mall, the doors used to deliver it were shrouded, so that even when open, it was impossible to tell the time of day outside, leaving the people with no way to tell time.
The first building he had created, the “plain” model, produced the expected results. Without any kind of privacy, the people inside tried to protect their modesty. The people of the mall had the same problem but learned how to hide. It was a while before anyone used the toilets. Even the men were too nervous just to pee. When the women could no longer hold it in or someone had to go #2, they’d cover their laps with any extra clothing and try to go as quick as possible, to minimize their exposure. Of course, the constant crying of children helped conceal the noise of nature’s call. In every building, that was a problem. The children didn’t understand what was going on and could only scream. Also, the dim lighting helped. Like the mall, there was just enough to make out the shapes of people, maybe see their faces if they were close enough.
They had enough food to feed everyone, not actually fill their bellies, but feed them. Fights broke out immediately, just like at the mall. In between meals, some people would try to elevate themselves in some way and address everyone, to suggest new ways to break out or at least advocate for the fair distribution of food, if only to protect the children and the elderly. There were a thousand people in this one building, many trying to take the role of a leader, and just as many not wanting to hear what they had to say, causing more fights to break out.
There were two buildings exactly like this one, one with perfect lighting, the other as black as the ace of spades. The brightly lit one had a lot more violence. Galvanized by the light, more people would try to play the role of leader, and without any darkness to calm their tempers, more angry naysayers would rise up to knock out those wannabe leaders. However, in the pitch-black building, it was the opposite. Everyone was docile, subdued by the darkness. They had no hope and knew that there was no escape.
None of these three buildings had any rapes, though, not like the mall. There were murders, fights escalating until someone died, but without any place to hide, even in the dark, none of the men gave in to temptation.
That changed with another set of three buildings, exactly like the first three, except that a labyrinth had been set up, the walls made of brick and rebar-infused wood so that they couldn’t be broken down. The dead ends of the maze were prime real estate, three walls offering both privacy and protection. Families with children would huddle in them, like animals nesting where they could guard their young. Those dead ends would become small bastions of civility, the families taking refuge and bonding over their shared responsibilities and fears. When food was delivered, the men would leave to gather some for the group, like Neanderthals heading out to kill a sabretooth tiger.
The meek singles or the childless couples would hide in corners of the mazes, often against the walls. In the center, it was livelier and lawless, people discussing escape or fighting over resources. In the labyrinth, the only people that existed were those in view. Secret conversations could be had, crimes could be committed. In the lit labyrinth building, there was much more fighting in the center, but in the darker buildings, a lot more women were raped. The darkness and the walls of the labyrinth provided the perfect cover for any violent man to do whatever he wanted.
Elevation seemed to play an important role. Only the first floor had the toilets and food delivery, but people would still flock to the upper stories if they had the chance. It was like they believed they could “lift themselves” out of danger by getting higher. Strangely though, basements had an opposite effect. Or rather, they drew a different creed of people.
On the ground floor would be the families, parents wanting to keep their children near the food and toilets, minimizing the amount of dangerous ground they’d have to cover. They were just trying to get by, unable to afford things like hope or pipe dreams. Upper floors would have the hopeful, those who believed that there was a way out, either physically or spiritually. They’d hold meetings and group prayers upstairs, as if being higher in elevation brought them closer to God.
In the basement, just as it was at the mall, would hold the dregs of society. Not even the dregs, just the people who gave in to despair easier, who would revert to more primal or chaotic natures when things went wrong. Those who isolated themselves from society, who numbed themselves with drugs or alcohol, who rebelled against conformity, they’d sink into the depths to try and fill the hole in their hearts with darkness, not wanting to be found. They’d cast off their humanity, embracing despair and madness so that they wouldn’t have to fear them. Rape, cannibalism, human sacrifice, devil worship, it happened no matter what the light levels were. They’d feed on each other and defecate in the corners so that they wouldn’t have to go upstairs.
In a few multi-level buildings, Dominion would trick them, either putting the toilets and food delivery on higher stories or in the basements. Since there was no way to see outside, nobody could tell what their actual elevation was. The buildings where the food was delivered in the upper levels, the ground floor would become “the basement”. In the buildings where food was delivered into the basement, those who dwelled down there remained civil. Food was their link to the outside world, it reminded them that they were people.
The amount of food would greatly determine the behavior of the subjects. The prisoners that were overfed were more civilized and determined to escape. The prisoners that were underfed were more antagonistic to each other and easily swayed by insanity. For a few buildings, there was no food delivered. The people were left to starve. However, while all the other buildings were left unfurnished, the starving prisoners were given knives. Again, the light level was important. In the brightly lit buildings where everyone could see each other, cannibalism didn’t take place until at least a week had passed. At which point, they tried to form a community and vote on who would be eaten. Even when discussing victims of cannibalism, the light forced them to remain civil.
In the darker buildings, it was a blood bath. They managed to avoid temptation for the first two days, resist their hunger out of force of will, but as always, stress caused short tempers and short tempers caused violence, and whenever a scream was heard and blood was smelled, that hunger would grow stronger. Typically, by the third day was when the eating began. A fight would break out, someone would stab their enemy, and as they felt the body fall to the ground, the need to feed would overcome them. The sound of chewing would break the wills of others and they’d join in, blind in the darkness and going only by touch and smell. Then, they started killing each other for food. After that, the descent into madness became a straight dive.
Dominion let his experiment go on for a month, watching the events in every building, studying the degenerating mental state of his victims. He counted the casualties, setting a limit on how many were allowed to die before he’d put a stop to it. Luckily, since they had all been branded, it was just a matter of collecting the bodies. Even half-eaten corpses retained their bound souls. Once he deemed the experiment finished, he let everyone out, just long enough to reconstruct the buildings into real prisons, then they were locked back up, but their living conditions had improved to match those of the Maine prisoners in Augusta and Portland.
Once the prisons were made, the processing could begin. Men, women, children, and the elderly were separated. Their names, family members, and jobs were recorded. Anyone with useful skills would be a worker or medic, the rest would be laborers. Then they were shaved, hosed down, and deloused. Any woman currently ovulating was immediately handed over to the guards for breeding, and all pregnant women were isolated in the maternity ward, where they’d spend the rest of their lives tied to beds. Overall, it was a very busy day, but there was no rest for the weary. The day after they were introduced to their new prisons, they were put to work. Just like in Maine, land was being cleared for farming. Trees were cut and ripped from the ground and the soil was plowed. All earthmoving equipment and heavy machinery available were used, for the sake of efficiency, but most of the prisoners were forced to labor with hand tools, all while being whipped by sentinels. After all, exhausted slaves were docile slaves.
Along with farming, there was also the collecting of resources. The prisoners would go into empty houses and strip them down. Food would be packaged up and catalogued, while anything metal was tossed into dump trucks. Tools and resources like copper wiring and chain-link fences were collected for reuse, but everything else would be used to craft Dominion’s weapons of war. Foundries were built in Concord for melting the collected metal.
For two months, it went on like this. The slaves were worked to the bone, used to create Dominion’s dream world. More sphinxes and other crafts were created, a fleet built for the enslavement of mankind. Dominion was similarly busy. When it wasn’t at the mansion raping and torturing his slaves, he was in his lab, experimenting with things that man was not meant to tamper with. The vehicles his collaborators used were being faded out and replaced with new vehicles for raids outside of the territory. They were massive windowless buses, reinforced with heavy armor and wide enough to take up both lanes on the road, with tank treads instead of tires. They used electric motors that were powered by S2 Engines, essentially making it so that they could run forever, no longer relying on gas or electricity.
He was using this unholy technology more and more, running his whole operation with the power of S2 Engines. Fossil fuels, solar power, hydroelectricity, nuclear power, he was making them all obsolete, with what was ironically the cleanest energy source in the world.
The mansion was filled with the sounds of Nayara’s euphoric moans. In the master bedroom, she was riding Dominion’s cock. He was against the headboard, gripping her ass as he bucked his hips and pummeled her womanhood. Her cheeks jiggled with each strike and rippled as he spanked her over and over. It was July, painfully hot, and while Dominion was immune to the heat, his slaves were glistening with sweat.
“Yes, Master! Please fuck me harder! I want your cock so deep inside me!”
He increased the brutality of her thrusts and lifted her up to give him full movement. His speed was masterful, his strokes sending her eyes rolling back into her head. Almost as good was the sensation of him sucking on her breasts, tenderizing her silver dollar areolas with his tongue and teeth.
At the foot of the bed, Mary was drinking Dominion’s semen out of Ishtar’s pussy. He liked to violate his slaves in pairs, a habit which started with the twins. He’d brutalize one until she passed out, then take a turn on the second until the first recovered. Ishtar was always present, just in case both slaves were unable to continue. Not only did this setup continuously humiliate his nazi milf slave, but he enjoyed the almost yin yang tranquility of her and Nayara both sucking his cock.
Dominion’s breathing became rough, the sign he had climaxed. Nayara, permanently lost in her dementia, became overjoyed. “I can feel it, Master, your hot cum flooding my womb! Pour it all into my slutty pussy! Make me your filthy cum slut!”
His erection didn’t fade for even a second. If anything, he was now fucking her even harder, stirring his semen around inside her into a foamy mess. After a few minutes, he finally pulled out, or rather, slipped out. Seeing her Master’s manhood, Ishtar dove across the bed and greedily sucked it clean, as a dutiful servant should. The taste of her Master’s semen, it intoxicated her like a drug, making her mind go hazy. She licked every square centimeter, slurping up all the flavor she could, then she went to work on his balls, soaked in Nayara’s honey.
Her own pleasure was not her top priority, and knowing her Master’s rhythm, she wrapped her long tongue around his cock and guided it into Nayara’s asshole. As it penetrated her, Dominion changed his hold, sliding his arms under her knees and grasping her at the small of her back, giving him full control of her body. This time, instead of bucking his hips, he slammed her up and down on his cock, using his hold to lift and drop her. Ishtar watched with an envious look, her eyes fixated on her Master’s manhood, spreading Nayara’s asshole wide, brutalizing it as he turned her intestines into a cock sleeve, and at her beautiful chocolate cheeks, glistening with sweat, bouncing and jiggling, just begging for her to sink her teeth into like a side of beef.
To satiate her lust without getting in her Master’s way, she extended her tongue as far as she could and wrapped it around his manhood like a cock ring, so she could continue to taste him and Nayara. A few minutes later, he came a second time, once again marking Nayara’s asshole as his property. He pushed her aside, not a shred of kindness or mercy, and pointed to Mary.
“You, get to work.” Shooting daggers from her eyes, she crawled over and began licking his dick. “Go on, make love to it. Or I can get rough.”
She took the message and began sucking on it like a cheap whore. How much collective time had she spent letting this monster dirty her mouth? How much time had he used her skull like some kind of holster, the hours she’d have to spend blowing him while he’d read books or watch TV? It was like she could taste her children’s blood on it, a constant reminder that she was forced to live only to please their killer, not to mention she could taste that filthy whore Nayara, but in fear of torture, she put in her best efforts, gargling and sucking on it, making an even bigger mess than when she started.
This story is a public hub for members of CHYOA to post whatever breast expansion (BE) focused scenarios that they don't want to put in a stand-alone story and/or doesn't fit in another story! BE is a fetish that focuses on breast growth. The exact method and rate will depend entirely on the individual author of the BE story. The result is that each individual story/route in this CHYOA will vary greatly in terms of tone, setting, and secondary kinks. We thus have a template that will help you...
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Fred and Helena woke up at 7am and ordered breakfast. Helena rang William asking about the amount of business he did with Melbourne and Victoria. He advised some 150 plus packets a week. He has no agent in the area. Helena mentioned about the possibility. He agreed to go ahead, if worthwhile, under the Australian operation. The next call was to Lisa, who was still at home with Joe. They mentioned it sound good but would need to have a local manager. Helena advised Fred of the calls and...
Dave arrived home from work a little on the early side. He strolled out onto the patio rather than going directly in to change his clothes. He saw the couple and smiled to himself. Elise lay on her back on one of the chaises. She only wore a tiny thong that did little to hide her nudity. Dev was massaging suntan lotion or oil of some kind into her body. He was nearly naked as well wearing a very small bathing suit that was really a sack to hold his jewels, and he was already oiled up. Dev’s...
Our dinner started quietly. I felt that Jodie, Linda, and Dean had made up some stories about what our foursome would be like and those thoughts were silently thrashing around in their minds. “Everyone is so quiet,” I finally said. “This is an occasion to celebrate not brood about. This is where you leave your lives of predictability, your puritanical ways, and break your ties with society’s expectations that sex is dirty, evil, and a sin. You become delightfully abnormal.” I raised my...
Hello welcome to expansiondemia. A my hero academia expansion world were any from of expansion is possible but do keep in mind certain limitations like Momo suddenly gaining 500 pounds or midnights tits becomes bigger than the world. Please don’t make it like that if all possible. Any form of expansion is allowed in any way. Transformations are also allowed but with expansion needed to be added in. This doesn’t have to be limited to just the girls boys too even gender bends are allowed. Be...
BDSMExpansion Fan! You want to know where you can find some of the hardest working mother fuckers on the planet? It’s not on a construction site. Or in the crop fields. Hell, it’s not even in a brothel.You will find the hardest working pros at their desks drawing the most intricate penises, tits, and other types of genitalia to make end’s meet. Artists that have no qualms about drawing XXX content – and those that enjoy it – are cranking out a never-ending array of original art every fucking day....
Premium Porn Comic SitesGreetings! And welcome to the lands of Morridan, also known as the Morridan Expanse. You must take the role of one or more ‘Adventurers’ or equivalent persons through their lives as they attempt to figure out a dark secret that is hiding in the midst of this proud land. As for the Adventurers and equivalent persons go, Adventurer is merely the common title given to these strange beings that are born randomly to normal parents. It is in fact hereditary but for the most part, an Adventurer’s...
Part one - two - days after the incident in the discipline room, Nancy and Mary, along with the rest of the dorm, were allowed back into general circulation. The disappearance of the dorm mistress and corporal had caused concern. Still, nobody in the German high command believed that the girls could have had anything to do with their...
Picture in your mind the perfect way to wake up. For each of us, it's different. Some people would like to watch the sun rise in the solitude and cold mountain air of the Grand Tetons. Others want to hear waves crashing on the shore. One of my favourites is to come out of that sleepy haze with a warm, wet sensation of someone's lips or pussy wrapped around my morning wood. Yet even that took second place to the Monday morning I woke up in bed with my five best friends. We were a tangle...
He walked into the office and saw her sitting at the Reception Desk. She looked so lovely and so sophisticated. “My God, what are you doing here Celia?” “I work here Dave.” . Her smile lit up her face when she spoke to him. It must be 15 years since they had seen each other and he never expected to see her in this situation. He was working as agent with ASIO and it seemed that she was in the front line as Secretary to the Director. He wouldn’t have come up on her radar because he was...
Love StoriesSometimes I take a day off, so I let my other coworkers run the XXX PAWN SHOP when I’m not around. Of course, this means that they have to make sure that people that come in shouldn’t think that they can pull a fast one on them because I’m not around to catch it. So when of course, this hot brunette walked into the XXX PAWN SHOP carrying a box full of phone cases (they were out of date from 2 years back), Victoria tried swindle us and asked to get them at a top dollar return or trade it in for...
xmoviesforyouTotal Transformation Salon and Spa - Cathleen and John (Part 6) The following Saturday, Cathleen & John arrived promptly for their appointment at Total Transformation Salon & Spa. As usual, Cassie greeted them from behind the reception desk. She smiled and looked at John. "You look very nice today!" "Thank-you," John replied, visibly pleased with the notice. "We picked up a few new things this week." Within minutes, Cathleen & John were in treatment rooms 4A &...
Debbie slowly turned away from Marion, and reached over to where her husband was still laying on the bed. She reached up and untied the rope from his handcuffs and pulled it free. She then reached down to the cuffs holding his ankles together, and freed them, too. "OK, pussy boy" she said to her husband. "Get up and make room for the Bitch." Bill then rolled over and stood up beside the bed. Debbie then told Ron to rotate his body 90 degrees, so that his head was still facing down, but...
Chapter 2 The rest of the evening before bed was very interesting. I made dinner and we ate it front of the TV. When we had finished dinner, I stretched out along the couch sideways. Scout surprised me when she came over and curled up on my lap, with her head on my chest. I tensed up at the unexpected action. After a few minutes though, I relaxed and put my arm over her. We watched TV for a couple of hours, until I saw Scout start to yawn. Time for bed, I said. I dont wanna get up, mumbled...
Forum sites have sort of gone out of fashion in recent times. Mostly because people have moved on to some more interactive things which include clean user interfaces where you can jump straight to the content without having to browse through an entire post just to get to it. Forums were really popular back when porn sites weren’t a thing because this was the only place where you could actually find some erotic content to jerk off to for free. This means that you were no longer confined to your...
Porn Forums"What the fuck is that?" Mira gasped. It was a continuous growl, one that sounded inhuman and hungry and twenty times as big as the biggest of the Zombie girls. Hunter leaned against the door as the heavy metal rattled as if something much bigger wanted to open the door and make their acquaintance. He could feel the power that leaked through the metal and the thoughts that tried hard to leach into his brain. He fought it, moving bare inches from the metal. When his skin no longer touched...
I made a deal with a buddy of mine and he said he and some friends were more than glad to help out. When they brought her back to me well fucked out and covered in cum I asked one of the guys to tell me what all they had done with her. "It was a wild night man. That woman got more cock stuck in her last night than any whore I know. She was enjoyed it, even with all the cum we filled her with." Your old lady was at the bar with some dude named Bates and when he went to the bathroom we spiked her...
“Have you ever heard of a suicide?” she says… Kelsi Monroe is a big booty babe who has some serious skills. Flexible and sexual with ass-mazing measurements! A tiny little waste and hips and ass that were designed to drive these fuckers nuts. Cute little Kelsi is about to use that body for two big cocks at the same time. From DP Masters 3 – Kelsi is up to the challenge. This athletic slut gets oiled up nice and good before she gets an outdoor double dicking from Jules...
xmoviesforyouChapter 14 - The Sighting of a Clue by Monica Rose and Marina Kelly Editor: Qmodo Emily, living in a small rural community, was just as starved for the friendship of a kindred spirit and they found themselves meshing quickly. Her experiences had not been nearly as bad as Leslie's, but being different in cowboy country was still difficult. She had grown up here in Laramie and there had never been problems, but it was still lonely. As long as she did not flaunt the fact that she...
HistoricalHi, this is Sameer again from Bangalore, I am 27 years old and had worked as a male prostitute for several years in Mumbai and Bangalore, recently some 2 years back I got trained in massage and joined SPA in Bangalore, I have posted many stories about me, as I am a male prostitute, I often visits many places in India, as per the customer request, I have to go their home and satisfy them, this stories is not about male prostitute but about a massage parlor, I joined SPA as a part time job when I...
IncestIntroduction: Mom fights her growing desire for her son. If underage sex isnt your cup of tea, may I recommend you read Niven & Pournelles Footfall instead. I guess, it all started the day my mother was sitting at the kitchen-table, wearing nothing but her bathrobe. She was sitting side-on to the table, had her legs crossed, and was showing most of one thigh. I had never thought of mom as a woman before, but now I felt hot and my pecker got instantly hard. Mom looked up, and I quickly opened...
I knocked on the front door. Karen opened the door and stepped back to show her new husband crashed out asleep on the floor. "Sorry. He has had a long week. Working two jobs is taking it's toll""Yeah" being 18 I knew nothing of responsibility and doing what mattered. I walked in and followed her through to the back of the house. Watching her long lithe figure move gracefully through the house. My eyes were glued to her firm athletic butt and long long legs. My teenage cock throbbed in my...
“Hey, Josh. I thought you were going to share. We want to fuck your big titted whore.” “Patience, guys. You’ll all get a turn. Just not until I’m done fucking her first.” Josh could feel those massive tits pressed firmly against his chest, feel their combined heartbeats as he hugged her body tightly against his. “Josh, please. I’m your mother.” With a firm grip on each of her butt cheeks, he slowly ground his hard cock into her pussy. “Someone get some rope so we can tie this bitch up...
By Dina PetroA continuation of the same story from part (04)Writer’s Note:Dearest Fans & readers, this is a true story that happened to one of my very close friends, not me personally, but she had given me the full consent and approval, to go ahead and write it. Of course I have done my best to alter all of the personal facts and informations, to protect privacy and personal life of her and her family, it will be written as the first person, in my own words, for making it more fun to read...
Crash, the lightning crackled through the sky. Heather watched out the window, as it poured. It was hot and humid, and with the rain, no one wanted to go out, and the pool wasn't an option. Mom was at work, and it looked like it was going to be one of those days. Mom was working a double, and there was nothing on television. I flipped the channels but it was infomercial after infomercial. I've never understood, how, during summer break none the less, all the normal television channels air...
Jim was halfway through his afternoon in the office. He hated his job. Well he didnt really hated it, it was just too boring. Especially on such a nice friday afternoon. He tried to concentrate but he couldnt, the job was just too boring, but then was saved by the bell. Or rather the ringing of his phone. He looked at the display and saw the number of his mother. "Hi mum, how are you?", Jim answered the phone. "Hi Jimmy, im fine, how are you?" "Great mum, but im at work, so i dont have too much...
Quick and Dirty ? By: TGBear "Mother, I thought you of all people would understand. I really did." "Well I don't. I can't. Look at you, you're not my daughter, you are my son." "Not any more." "What?" "Yes, that. I'm fully female now. I have been since last month. I didn't have the 'flu', I was in a clinic in Denmark." "Surgery?" "No, something new. Something basically painless and ever so much more complete. I wasn't lying before. I am female now. I had my first period...
Jane didn’t really mind clearing up on her own.She had nothing better to do tonight and for all the help that her workmates were they might as well fuck off frankly.She’d emptied the dish washer and put glasses away and was giving the bar a last wipe down when the phone at the bar’s end made her jump out of her skin by ringing loudly.She wasn’t a particularly nervous type but this phone was the direct line to the mini cab office half a mile away down by the station and she had never known it to...
"And we didn't even have breakfast," Johnny laughed as his mother scrubbed him in the shower. She slapped his ass playfully, saying, "You always get breakfast, asshole." "Hey, that was good, Mother," he said. "You sure have a tight asshole. And it is so hot, I thought you were gonna burn my cock off." "I'm always hot for you," she said, dropping to her knees to rinse the soap from his ass. When she finished she began to kiss and lick along the crack of his asshole, running her...
Today in Private Specials, Sensual Yoga Retreat we have the pleasure of introducing you to Misha Maver, a spectacular girl who loves yoga so much she has decided to get her own private teacher, Gerson Denny. Watch the mesmerising Misha with her incredible tattooed body and perfect tits as she is taught some AcroYoga until her teacher can resist no more and things get heated. Misha offers up her juicy pussy for a taste before giving an amazing blowjob, gagging, deepthroating, and then tit...
xmoviesforyouJanet didn't know what it was, what mental affliction had suddenly warped her mind into instantaneous loathing at the mere sight of Paul's naked body, but she well knew that the ailment had seized hold of her- neurotic or otherwise. Paul had said nothing... unbelievably nothing... not once complaining to her during the entire voyage... even after she would lead him on, begging him to make love to her, wanting him so badly that she ached maddeningly with her desire; and then, he would expose...
Originally posted on Doctor Susan Block's JournalMost men are excited by the idea of their women being with other men. Yes, most. They may or may not actually like it. But many an otherwise sensible gentleman finds himself aroused upon seeing his hot wife, girlfriend or significant other flirt with a stranger, or perhaps a friend. He may be jealous, hurt, angry, even enraged. Still, he often can’t help but want to make love to “his” woman as soon as they get home, his erection stronger than...
Hello people of ISS, thank you for all your supportive emails. I’m Kishan and this is my story. Please read it and tell me how you felt. Also, give me feedback about what you liked and what you didn’t like about the story. Continuing from my previous story, I and Madhavi aunty from downstairs started our hot sexual journey with a weekend fuck. Soon we became closer than we were. She used to come to my place some days but I used to go there mostly. She introduced me to her husband and also to...
Chapter 2 James checked his cell phone. There was a message from his aunt Julie, it said, “It’s Julie. I have an idea I’d like to talk about. We got carried away with the webcam yesterday, and I know you might feel different about that today, but to be honest, I feel good about it. Let’s talk soon. Give me a call. Bye.” James called her back and the call went directly to messages. He quickly composed himself and said, “I got your message. I agree that we got caught-up in the moment. ...
On the way home the next afternoon, I stopped and picked up a couple of shortie bathrobes for Marcie and myself. There was no point in messing up her dress and cumming in my clean pants every morning, assuming that this was going to keep on happening. My investment paid off handsomely the next morning. Marcie lounged openly in the doorway to the bathroom. Her robe was wide open as she fingered her cunt, giving me the best view yet of her treasures as I stroked my massive manhood. After I...
Mr. Ryan walked into the teachers lounge only to be surprised by seeing one of his students there. Alyssa Olsen, oblivious to the fact that someone else had walked in was trying to clean up water she had just spilt. “Alyssa! Why are you here” Mr. Ryan asked. “Well you see uhh….”Alyssa stuttered, she was too embarrassed to finish her sentence. Mr. Ryan clearly seeing the girl was upset immediately softened his tone. “You know you can tell me if something is bothering you.” “Well...
I woke to a pleasant sunny morning and after climbing out of bed; I went commando slipping on a pair of gray athletic shorts and a black T-shirt. Finished changing the sheets and cleaning up, I went to the gourmet kitchen. I opened a cabinet, took out two pizza pans and set them on the granite countertop.It was already nine o’clock as I started the coffee maker and fried up some bacon with scrambled eggs. After washing the dishes, it was time to do some housecleaning before Monica showed up....
MoneyWe were Walking through the streets of Colombia, it was a very busy day. When we found the cutest petite girl over by the bus stop. We asked her what her name was and she told us her name was Katty Doll and that she was heading to school at the University. Right there we knew we were on to something, because everyone knows University students are low on cash most of the time and they need money for books or to party or whatever. So we made her an offer. A thousand bucks if she let us take her...
xmoviesforyouAfter the first night together, Brock and I decided to slow things down. It wasn’t that we weren’t into each other, and believe me, we did get “into each other” quite often in the following months, if you know what I mean. Simply put; however, we decided we wanted a relationship built on more than just sex, regardless of how amazing the other was in bed. Instead of daily orgasms, we waited about a week or so between anything intimate. The good thing was that this made things highly...
“Thanks for letting us use your classroom, Mr. Franklin!” Suzy yelped, immediately wishing she could go back and try repeating herself without sounding like a c***d. Mr. Franklin appeared not to notice and flashed the smile she loved so much. “No problem, Suzy. I’ll be around if you girls need me. Happy birthday!”And just like that, he was gone. Suzy wanted more than anything to tell him she’d happily trade her private, after school 18th birthday party with her closest friends if it meant she...
My name is Martha and I’m 33 I live alone and because I’m not in a serious relationship I have thrown myself into my career and work out every day at the gym on my way to work. On a girly night out an old friend confided in me that she had visited a specialist to have an internal checkup and although she went privately and had to pay she told me it was well worth the money. She went on to tell me she now had regular checkups and suggested that at my age I should do the same, she...
Just before we got to our bedroom, Hannah stopped and kissed me full on. We she broke the kiss, she told me that tonight was her way of saying thank you to me, and that I should enjoy myself. Finally, she explained that Claire was almost exclusively into women, but she was also besotted with Hannah, and was totally submissive to her. If my male urge to have sex with Claire took over, I would have to use a condom. Otherwise, anything goes. She squeezed my hand as we went through the door to find...
A Wife's Fury By Margaret Jeanette Joel and Julie Woods had a beautiful marriage. They were much in love with each other. They were married a little over three years. He was a successful novelist with three books published and his publisher after him to complete his fourth. She was a teller at a bank and enjoyed her job. They had just been out to eat. He brought her up to date on the negotiations to make his second novel into a movie. They went to see a...
This is my first story on indian sex stories. However, I have been a regular reader of Indian sex stories. Before starting the story let me tell about myself. M a guy aged 23, 5’11” tall, dick size 7″. Any girls or aunties for meeting in Jammu or sex chat from anywhere can contact me at There will be full privacy of everything. Now coming to the story Ye baat tb ki hai jab hmare ghar me function tha to sb rishtedaar ghar aae hue the. Mere chachu ki beti jo mujse 2 saal bdi hai age me...
Chapter 10The guy licking her pussy and ass stood up and pulled out his hard cock which looked around 7 inches and stuck it in Julias pussy and started to fuck her. She could handle him no problem at all and as she took it another guy moved in front of her and stuck his cock in her face and she began to suck him.I sat on the sofa as this was happening and Simon sat next to me and said u ok Jon you dont mind my friends having some fun with Julia ? I said no its cool no one will beat you i dont...
Guess what, guys. I just found another subreddit that is centered around just one girl! Her name is Ellie Leen, and she’s a Chaturbate cam girl who you’re going to go crazy over if you like cute faces and big asses. The bitch has those both nailed down and she has a massive following of fans who just can’t get enough of her. If you ask me, this babe has to be one of the hottest Chaturbate models, period. Why? Well, it’s just because she’s so damn young. You can tell that she is still quite new...
Reddit NSFW ListReluctant Boy-Girl by Pat T. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ My mother divorced my father because he beat her. He was rich, though, and got custody of me. My mother refused to turn me over, contending he beat me too. This simply wasn't true, but I guess Mom didn't want to give the bastard any satisfaction and I felt too sorry for her to tell anyone the truth. My mother hid me at one of her childhood friend's houses in Texas. The judge...