Techno CultivatorChapter 47 The Gears of War
- 4 years ago
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The next two months, until the War of the Worlds, passed rather quickly for James. He spent most of his time training his combat and practising forging and alchemy. The incident with the mercenary army spread far and wide, and the tickets that had been bought up for the war of the world started to find their way onto the black market or disappeared from the hands of the smaller factions that had managed to nab one at auction.
The two nations of Soel and Hastoel were starting to flare up even more violently. Hastoel’s political infighting devolved to a vicious state. Noble husbands had been found sleeping with the wives of friends and allies. Wrathful wives and husbands started viciously attacking each other either politically or in the shadows.
The leaks of the upper classes dirty secrets only grew more numerous, and many factions and the majority of the populace began to resent those aristocratic families that were in power. The entire nation was in turmoil as resentment and enmity between each other started to escalate to the brink of civil war.
Soel had actually banded together, and faith in the Order of Sun’s only grew more intense as the populace sought out some order of comfort in their now famine stricken lives. The Red Barron and the Ghost of Famine were now on the most wanted lists with bounties reaching into the millions of gold coins.
To date, the few people that had managed to corner or attempt to catch these walking calamities had all died miserable deaths.
Regardless of the increased faith of the populace as they raced to churches in hopes of seeking redemption from the gods, the nation’s famine only continued to worsen. By now all the major crop production towns and cities and been swallowed by plague and drought.
Few to no places across the nation still had any substantial amount of crops growing. Unfortunately, these places weren’t enough to sustain the nation. With this calamity looming over their heads, the Order of Sun’s began looking for new ways to feed their people.
They tried numerous times to use their contacts with the Northern Commerce nation of Baquerro to import food, only to discover they acted as if any discussions had never happened the very next day. Worse still, anyone they sent to investigate the Capitol would suddenly disappear.
The southern nation of Hastoel was even harder to seek support from because no one there trusted each other and the nation was in a state of civil war and constant turmoil.
The three nations to the south and west had long since allied each other in order to hold back Soel. They were revelling in Soel’s misfortunes and just waiting for a chance to start pushing for war to try and take land in their weakened state.
Apart from the Northern Nation, seemingly ignoring everyone else and pretending they never spoke to any of the other nations, everything seemed eerily normal in the northern nation.
Yori Empire, trapped in the middle of these three nations was surprisingly quiet. One would think that being the centre of the three great nations, it would be targeted quite extensively by the two nations that were now on the brink of calamity or collapse.
On the contrary, the two great nations that were currently in an uproar never even thought to look to Yori Empire for help or concern. After all, it had been, and always will be, a piddling little neutral zone that no one really cared about.
Every now and then James would get in contact with his trouble making companions and laugh his ass off at their status reports.
The Profit Sect, having already taken a huge blow twice now, had started trying to get in contact with the Brotherhood to discuss. Even though they started trying to create some political channels with Tech City and the Brotherhood, they continued to send assassins and infiltrators.
Almost all of these people would disappear the moment they stepped into the city. The AI’s pervasive big brother like security was almost omnipotent. The one or two infiltrators or assassins that actually got into the city and guild or close to James, often ended up being recruited or killed. Those were their only choices.
Thanks to the Profit Sects Efforts, Green Ninja had assembled quite a powerful arsenal of skilled shadow practitioners.
After the second month, Harvy returned and reported that his progress in the underground was fast and he was already considered by the undead populace as the Underlord of the 2nd level of the Crypt.
When he appeared to report to James, James had been in the middle of talking to Sully. Seeing Harvy, who had only decayed further than before and appeared to only be skin, bone and bandages, Sully almost lashed out to instantly kill him.
More surprising for Sully was that Harvy had somehow materialised out of the Shadows. James also was curious how exactly how he did that and learnt something interesting. Apparently, moving into the True Spirit Realm didn’t lock your elements. It just made it incredibly difficult to master a new element.
Thanks to his living in the pitch black underground crypt and slaughtering undead, Harvy had somehow unlocked this darkness element. James wasn’t so sure that it was just a matter of spending time attuning to an element and was probably something more to do with Harvy specifically. After all, Harvy was a deviator, and his cultivation path was definitely not the same as others.
Having already over succeeded in his primary mission, James sent Harvy to the university to join a batch of rookie guild members who wanted to learn how to fly the velocity. The class was small, and the AI did most of the teaching with implants and the simulator. Thanks to his prior experience with captaining a velocity, Harvy was the second best out of the whole class.
The best in the class was a skinny young man with golden blonde hair and blue eyes by the name of Charles. Turned out, he was from earth. Originally, he was abducted into a faction from Char. Said faction had been hired to come here and attack Tech City only to then be obliterated.
The man holding the Clan Seal that he had an oath to was unlucky enough to be sucked into the blast radius of a compression bomb from the Devastator. Luckily for Charles, he and his compatriots were then freed from their oath because the Clan Seal had been crushed into dust.
Thus, they made their way here.
They weren’t the only ones who started turning up at tech city. By the time the War of the Worlds came about, nearly a hundred Earthlings were living in the city or part of the guild. Quite a few had skills that made them quite useful to the guild.
Originally, when James discovered there were more earthlings here from Kelly, he had a brief notion of going to rescue them all. Very quickly he changed his mind though. He didn’t really care that much about them. As long as they didn’t get in his way or oppose him, he could care less.
Despite that, he made a little effort and put up a Job on the guilds job boards for an Earthling Rescue Mission. By this point, the AI had drones and other recording devices across half the continent. Thanks to this, the AI had a list of hundreds of earthlings that were still trapped in a guild or clan somewhere.
Some of them were lucky enough to have been picked up by a sect, or weren’t noticed when they came through a gateway, so those people were living their lives mostly freely.
Interestingly enough, he heard rumours of a few of them possessing rare or abstract elements. Even other people possessing one of the elements of sin. These people were all top priority to be dragged back to the guild. Everyone except Pride. Anyone who had the sin of pride was hunted and killed immediately. There can only be one Pride after all.
While all this was going on, Tech City was winding up for a huge commotion. The day the war of the worlds came, Tech City was filled to the brim with traders, tourists, powerful factions and commoner alike. Every inn, hotel and spare bed had someone sleeping on it.
Not just that, the outer city, which was the town’s slowly building up outside the gate of the inner cities walls, had thousands of practitioners building little dodgy wooden shacks to sleep in for the next few days.
Originally, James had intended to only have competitors that bought tickets enter the competition, but two months ago he instead announced that those tickets would only be seeded spots. Another 50 slots would be opened to allow competitors who couldn’t afford to buy a seeded slot to compete for a chance to enter.
Although there was some dissent from the factions that forked out huge sums of gold for their ticket, there was nothing they could do about it. It’s not like they were going to throw their seeded spot away and potentially lose a chance to win a velocity or the help of the guild.
As the day had approached closer, James had released an even grander prize list. Third place was a spatial ring with about a square meter of storage space.
This was made using the residue spatial particles built up over the past month from the pressure formations. He started calling the stone in the centre of the formation a Seed Stone. As it grew more spatial energy, he would harvest it with his Forging Chamber and then pour it into just a normal metal ring.
Because the properties of the metal ring didn’t resonate with the spatial energy like spatial stone did, the effects of forging a ring with the spatial energy were drastically reduced. Nonetheless, it allowed him to keep the same amount of spatial stone that he had so he could make more spatial energy.
When people found out something so rare was going to be a prize, people started seriously training or seeking disciples that could contend in this competition. Many factions didn’t look favourably upon the first and second place prize, first because they were too small a faction to need the Brotherhood or second because they were too powerless to keep hold of an artefact like the velocity. Everything was different though when the third place prize became a spatial ring.
Not just that, but all sorts of interesting prizes were listed. Fourth place was the guild paying and supplying the materials to forge this placeholder a customised weapon to their exact specifications.
Because of this, the competition became an event that could be finished in a few days to an event that could take almost a week.
The opening day of the War of the Worlds, everyone who wanted to compete had to climb to the 15th floor of the spire. For most true spirit realm cultivators, this was incredibly difficult already. Apart from seeded teams, there weren’t many true spirit practitioners as monstrous as James who could climb beyond that.
James once again stood at the base of the Spire and addressed the whole city via the drones.
“Boys and Girls, if you wish to apply for the War of Worlds, registration is simple. All you need to do is ascend the spire to the 15th Floor and meet one of my guilds Halls Masters. They will register you and check to be sure you’re a true spirit realm practitioner.
“I should warn you all of two things beforehand. The first is, this competition doesn’t disallow killing. If you join to compete, you must be prepared to die or hope that your opponent is merciful. The second is also rather simple. I know there are means for tower realm or palace realm cultivators to suppress their realm to the true spirit level or hide their true cultivation.
“If you are one of these people, please stop your pointless effort now. The moment you enter the spire today, you will be crushed to death.”
James finished this statement with a rather malicious smile. When he was done, he turned and walked into the spire. Taking that as an invitation to start, people started rushing wildly into the spire.
There hadn’t even been a few hundred people in the spire yet before an old man in red robes stepped past the main door into the first level of the spire only to suddenly freeze in place. The pressure directed specifically onto him was immense. Using everything he had, he gave a roar and circulated his cultivation base to try and back out of the tower.
Unfortunately, the moment he released the seal on his realm and returned to his usual palace realm cultivation to escape, a huge array pattern shaped like a hand descended from the roof of the first level and clasped into a finger pointing formation.
Everyone watched on, shocked, horrified and awed, as what appeared to be the hand of God slowly fell onto that old man and squashed him into a mushy paste. Blood sprayed everywhere, and the gory remains of his body were indistinguishable.
The hand then shimmered and disappeared. James, who was already on the 15th level watching this on a screen with the Hall Masters couldn’t help but chuckle. This array was purposefully designed and built for today by James. His sick sense of humour couldn’t help but be unveiled in this brutal display.
He wanted everyone to know that he is like a god in this city and regardless of how powerful you are you will still be squashed like an ant under his finger.
Naturally, screens were put up all over the city by the drones so that everyone could watch the fierce competition. Why else would all these people be coming to Tech City?
Seeing this display of might, everyone drew in a cold breath. Some palace realm and tower realm practitioners faces became stony, cold and unreadable. Whatever they were thinking, no one could tell.
Seated in there very luxurious rooms in the most lavish hotel in the central district, the seed teams all had varying reactions.
Of the sixty spots open for seed candidates, nearly 20 teams had been formed. Of the nation’s on the mainland, Soel and Hastoel had 4 candidates each. Strangely, Baquerro sold off their tickets long ago but didn’t seem to realise they’d done it or even acknowledge that today was the day for the war of the worlds.
The five western nations of Chor, Sargie, Lanthoe, Lokio and Jecuro all had 2 members in each of their teams.
Bietsu, Pomit and Castello each had 1 candidate.
Nahtiro, the island nation far in the south, didn’t have a single team but rather had 4 teams from each of the respectively powerful factions that ruled the island together. Each of these teams had 5 members showing just how powerful the southern nation’s factions really were.
The strangest team, which James still had no idea how they even got a ticket, let alone numerous, was the Tillion Unity. This was the island nation that was controlled by bugs. Interestingly the Bugs were very humanoid in appearance, except instead of having skin they had a carapace or shell or some other insect-like qualifier. They managed to secure 4 slots.
The Gollian Empire, which was an island nation from the far west, and it’s neighbouring island nation of Sully Isles, both had 2 spots each.
The United Islands had 5 spots. From what James had heard they’d expanded a huge amount of wealth and resources for this chance. The Island nation was in frightful need of assistance due to the Tilion Bug people attacking from the south and Pirates attacking from the west.
The last few teams were from assorted powerhouses scattered around the continent. This made up 3 teams of two and single one man team.
All of these seed teams were put up at the Hotel along with whatever important dignitary that had escorted them here for this competition. Quite a few had hoped to use this chance to try and set up some contacts in Tech City and most importantly set up a relationship with James.
Unfortunately for them, all of their efforts were rebuffed. James had no intentions of making friends with these people. After all, they are all just ants in the grand scheme of the world, and he would one day stand above them like a giant ... if he wasn’t already essentially doing just that.
As the first day continued on, a few more attempts to infiltrate the competition happened, and similarly to their predecessors, these people became a mushy paste. When night eventually fell, the Hall Masters had registered a few hundred new competitors.
Sitting in the room of central hotel were the competitors from Nahtiro. A rather dignified and arrogant looking young man was watching the screen where the final dregs were ascending the spire in hopes of signing up. He was quite handsome and well built, with long brown shaggy hair and clean shaved face.
“Humph! What use is this elimination method? That pathetic little tower is hardly an accurate measure of strength. I could probably walk to the top and then back down without sweating.”
Seated on a nearby couch, a very elegant young lady with long blonde hair was lounging around while eating little cakes and talking to some of the others about the upcoming competition. She smiled wryly and glanced at her brother, a young short-haired blond boy seated next to her who can’t have been more than 15 or 16.
“It’s not as easy as you might think. Betto and I tried to climb it yesterday. I couldn’t make it past the 21st floor. Beyond that, it’s only even more difficult. Betto was forced to give up on the 34th floor.”
Seemingly shocked, the neat arrogant youth spun and stared at Betto with wide eyes. “Betto, even you couldn’t climb to the top of that tower?”
Betto just shook his head quietly, seemingly more focused on the little cakes on the table in front of him. The arrogant youth turned back and stared hard at the screen as if trying to discern its mysteries.
“Just what kind of genius mind came up with the arrays for this ‘spire’? And where the hell are they getting the power to run this thing?” he mumbled to himself.
Also seated in the lounge room area they were in, was an old man with long grey hair and hunched back. He carried a gnarled and twisted walking cane and seemed for all the world like a boring plain old man. He too stared intently at the screen with some consternation on his face.
Similar scenes were playing out in the other rooms about the hotel. These powerful groups only now were starting to realise that what they’d seen of this guild’s power and technology was only the tip of the iceberg. It’s not that they didn’t have the same sort of arrays or even similar understandings, but rather that they simply could not imagine the methods that these people used to implement them.
Furthermore, they would never guess that the energy for these advanced arrays was actually being supplied by such incredibly dangerous and volatile device as the Cube Reactors.
-Endless Forest-
Early the next day hundreds of competitors were gathered sitting in the backs of Big Bertas and hovering over some unknown part of the endless forest. The task was rather simple, everyone got a little badge.
This badge served two purposes. Firstly, it had a little marker that pointed towards the closest badge nearby. Secondly, it was considered to be worth 1 point. These competitor hopefuls were going to be randomly dropped into the forest and had to find and collect enough badges. Anyone who could collect 13 badges would pass.
Since there were only 643 participants, the last contender only had to gather 6 badges. Unfortunately for the last remaining six, everyone that hadn’t been killed when their badge was stolen will be hunting them like dogs in the hopes of getting back into the competition.
To make it even more exciting, when 45 participants for the arena battles had been chosen, everyone else’s badges are going to flare up like beacons, attracting every person who lost their badge.
To further add to James’ amusement, the area they would be playing their game in was considered a hot spot for true spirit and even palace realm beasts. From what James had recently learnt from Exsue, these level are actually more commonly called Core and Solidification realm beasts. It was only because Atsunari was such a backwards continent they didn’t really understand how beasts cultivated.
This little area was nearly 20 square kilometres and fully policed by drones and guild members that kept an eye on anything.
Because James wasn’t completely heartless, he gave all these people a chance to escape the forest when they needed to. Everyone only had to say the words ‘Babaganush’. Because a drone would always be following everyone to live stream this event back to Tech City, this method was more than feasible.
All these True Spirit Realm’s got told this on the way out here. Once they were over the forest, they were given a single talisman to help prevent their death by falling and then pushed out one by one from 6 different Big Bertas.
Once everyone landed, they waited as instructed. Soon, everyone had landed. At this point, James’ voice resounded out from the drones that were monitoring everyone. “You may begin!”
It only took minutes before battles started erupting all over the forest. Some were cultivators, and others were spirit beasts. With the help of the AI, people could cycle through and maintain watch over their favourite player or simply watch the Action Feed, which monitored the best and most interesting battles with the use of multiple drones.
Every pub, inn and drinking hole in the city had a few screens donated by the guild, which allowed everyone in the city to monitor the game.
It was a huge spectacle, and everyone loved it. Not many places in Atsunari could boast such a scene or the ability to properly monitor it. As the day wore on, numerous deaths occurred throughout the forest. There were only 6 people left with badges. Amusingly, against James’ expectations, all of them but one had more than one badge. This meant that there were still 2 more spots open and there were 19 badges remaining.
The contender with only a single badge was a young woman with long black hair, not more than 17 or 18 years of age in appearance. She was dressed in a Japanese kimono and wielding a long samurai blade. Strangely, she never picked up other people’s badges. She just killed anyone that came for her and left their bleeding corpse and badge, or badges, lying on the ground.
James wasn’t certain if she had actually understood the rules or not. He sat in his spirit realm with Jasmine and Goldy watching the excitement on a multitude of big screens scattered about in his realm. Eventually, curiosity got the better of him, and he addressed her through the drone that followed her around. “Young lady, are you not aware of the rules in this competition?”
The samurai girl stopped walking and then looked over at the talking drone. She silently nodded her head to the drone. James’ eyebrow quirked slightly. “Is that a yes, you are aware of the rules?”
The girl nodded again, just silently staring at the drone with an expressionless face. James pondered for a bit then asked another question. “Are you just here to kill people then? Why aren’t you collecting badges?”
The looked down at the ground for a moment, then in a voice as quiet as a mouse, finally responded. “Can’t count...”
James almost fell out of his chair. His eyebrow started twitching as he stared at the screen. Goldy couldn’t help but laugh loudly and almost fall out his chair from the hysterics. “HAHAHA! Good God! The girl’s thicker than a brick! Hahahaha ... She could have just picked up the badges until she had enough and we would then automatically come and pull her out of the forest. She must have thought that if she just killed everyone, there wouldn’t be anyone to contend with her for the spot.”
James sat there listening to Gold James. On the screen, the girl obviously heard his laughing and guessed explanation then looked at the screen with slightly widened eyes as if in shock. Her very quiet voice then came through the drone. “ ... tell me when to stop?”
James gave a “yes” and then all of a sudden the girl shot off in the direction of the closest competitor. It was minutes later that the girl appeared in a clear patch of the forest. In the centre of this little patch, two participants that had badges were busily going at each other with gusto.
Seeing two people, the sword girl then seemed to blur for a moment and reappeared right between the two. Her hand shimmered as if it was some kind of glitch in the video feed and then the heads of the two people fell from their bodies in a fountain of blood.
Before the first drops of blood had even finished their arc through the air to come back down, the girl had shimmered again then reappeared tens of metres away holding 6 badges. In a matter of seconds, she was already shooting off into the distance for her next target.
Gold James had long since stopped laughing after that spectacle. He looked solemnly over at James. “That girl’s very fast.”
James’ true spirit nodded. “I may not even be as fast as her.”
The Live Action Feed in Tech City just happened to be broadcasting that battle which that girl had suddenly interrupted. When this sudden interruption happened to the fight, with the fast, lethal killing blow she delivered that even the drones camera couldn’t fully catch, the entire city went silent.
A huge raucous then spread across the city as everyone started guessing at this mysterious girl’s identity. Sitting quietly in the dark corner of a pub, an old balding Japanese man couldn’t help but smile wryly and facepalm himself. Sitting across from him at his table was another man who was donned in a kimono and carried a samurai sword as well.
He was quite muscular and had rugged features. His head sported short black hair and a black moustache. He sat with his arms crossed over his chest and straight backed. He looked well-disciplined and had a rather dangerous aura about him.
As he watched the screen, he couldn’t help but glance at the old man. “She’s incredibly talented Master ... it’s just she will only ever love the sword. Things that require thinking ... well, if she ever faces a challenge she’d rather just kill it.”
The old Japanese man wiped his face tiredly and poured himself another cup of liquor. “I had hoped she would meet some powerful cultivators in this competition, but so far we’ve been greatly disappointed. Hopefully, after this game of the City Master’s is over, the seeded teams will be more challenging for her, otherwise, she may become too arrogant, and it will impact on her cultivation.”
The moustached man nodded. “Master, I suggested she come here because I’ve fought with the City Master in the arena before. He’s definitely powerful. Although our match was won by me in the end, I believe he was only using me to train his martial techniques. Even then, I felt that he was holding something back. If I had to face him in a true life or death situation, even I might be troubled slightly. That is why I recommended she come for this War of Worlds.”
The old Japanese man looked at his disciple from the corner of his eye as his lips curled into a smile. “Oh? That’s rather high praise, especially coming from you. Is not the City Master just a True Spirit Realm? How could he be a challenge for you? You’ve been in the Palace Realm for decades.”
Moustache just nodded with a stern look on his face as he stared at the table. “I feel that, in another 10 years, I may not be that boys match in battle. If we counted all the strange artefacts his guild produces, I might not be a match for him even now.”
The Master’s eyes widened slightly. “There artefacts are that powerful? Perhaps it’s time that I met this boy. He would surely make a good Junior Brother for you two from the praise you’ve given him.”
Moustache smiled wryly at the thought. “I’m not so sure it’s that easy Master. There is something incredibly strange with this city. Within these walls, that boy is like a god. Not just that, but I feel as if I’m constantly being watched, but I can never pin point where from. It’s almost like I’m being observed from so many directions at once that it’s impossible to discern the location.
“This is the reason why I left the City so soon the last time I came here, and it’s also why I feel that the City Master’s Guild is powerful beyond the what it’s shown to the rest of the world.”
The moment he finished his discussion, a young man with long brown hair in a ponytail, fit physique and well-defined features, sat down at their table and shuffled over next to the moustached man.
He then grinned at the moustache man. “You’re intuition is quite frightening Mr Samurai. To feel the ever present gaze of my city, even though it’s not alive and has no will or intention. Very mysterious.”
The Moustache man’s eyes almost popped out of his skull when he realised that the young man who just sat down at their table was the very man they’d just been discussing. He hurriedly stood up and gave a curt bow.
“City Master.” He said as his closed fist was enveloped in his open palm in salute.
James just waved his hand about nonchalantly. “Cut that shit out. It’s belittling to us both for a cultivator of greater power to be bowing before me, a lowly True Spirit Realm.”
The moustache man sat back down and warily eyed James. Instead of crossing his arms again, he kept them resting on his thighs as if preparing to quickly reach for his sword and defend himself if need be.
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-Spirit District Arena- The third day of the arena battles came quickly. The number of competitors had been whittled down to only 26. Some of these competitors had managed to sneak into the top 26 only by sheer luck at having lucky draws from the box, while others had stepped into this position through a great deal of hardship. Of the 26 remaining competitors, 9 of them were from factions unaffiliated with a nation or super power and weren’t seed members. One of these people was the sword...
-Dragon Vault- Deep in the underground of a world that spanned the distance of countless suns, lay a vast expansive cave network. This cave network stretched out and crisscrossed through the entire planet. It had caves as big as the entire planet of Ascension. In a shallow part of this cave system, far and distant from any other underground caves, was a relatively tiny cavern. This cave spanned only a few hundred kilometres and was carved entirely from a shiny black rock. In the centre of...
For the next month anyone that could work, worked. The entire city was ripped up from the ground like an old tree and rebuilt. A wall 20 metres high was slowly raised around the city. Luckily the city had a massive reserve of grain, so anyone that worked was fed from the stocks. The Imperial Branch wasn’t too happy with that, seeing as normally all those reserves were sold to the capital city and if they didn’t get a certain quota, the Imperial Clan would jump up and down and probably have...
-Star City- James was mulling about the city rather early the next day and just as the suns were coming up, he sauntered over to the south-east corner were the guild plaza was located. This area was a vast open square with a wide cylindrical job board in the centre. Every few meters the background colour of the job board changed and was titled after a different guild or faction. Surrounding the plaza were an assortment of buildings all bought and paid for by guilds that wished to set up a...
With all responsibility to the guild well and truly shirked, James now had the free time to ... well if being honest, not much changed for the first few weeks. For starters, James had long since shirked his responsibility to the city. He had given all of those duties to other people, namely Jessy and Jasmine. It also didn’t help that he was still affected by Skay’s death. The first few weeks were spent flipping between brainstorming for his future flying Headquarters and meditating alone. By...
-The Lab- The laboratory had settled down rather quickly after this whole scene finished playing out. It should be said that James wasn’t just heartlessly torturing the man. If he was going to grant someone the element of wrath, then he wanted to make sure that person had the ability to contain it. If the emotional elements affected a person’s nature like he suspected they did, then the last thing he’d want is someone constantly angry at everything. To say that Goliath had passed with...
The Hall of Forging was a massive underground structure. If James didn’t know better he’d think it belonged to some dwarfish race. It spread out over nearly a kilometre underground and hundreds of ventilation stacks channelled through the underground back to the chimneys in the circle courtyard up on the surface. The stone halls and walls were all lit by odd spirit stones, spread out evenly and letting off a humble glow not dissimilar to incandescent bulbs. Little green stones sat on the...
Now would be a good time to explain how exactly they managed to achieve all of this in the 2 weeks since they built their auto-factory. Also, you’re probably guessing at how exactly those boards were floating around no? Well, let’s start with, how so fast? In truth, almost everything they sold had been assembled by computers in the auto-factory. Hell, after they completed the first couple machines Skay just programmed it to auto-manufacture itself, so the fuckin factory could produce just...
-Monolith at Midnight- Setting the scene of this romantic rendezvous, or rather, this prince rescuing the princess moment, the night’s sky was beautiful. The dual moons were high in the starry heavens, bathing the world beneath them in a calming and harmonious mellow glow. The stars shone in strange and bizarre patterns, like ripples being created by rain drops. Not a cloud could be seen Apart from James, garbed in his new handsome light blue robe and the little blue ferret sleeping...
In the video projected on the wall, was the view of Goliath screaming “Incoming!” at the top of his lungs and Fatty firing an Arc Cannon as 30 huge black rhinos charged towards them through a field. One by one they fell, but some of them still reached the pair. As the few who had escaped Goliath and Fatty’s cannon fire hurdled out of the grain field, Fatty roared loudly and launched forward to meet one. It was like smashing into an immovable object as the massive horn collided with Fatty’s...
Seeing he’d managed to work up a response from James with that little play his subordinate just acted out, Artimus smiled and placed his tea on the ground next to his seat then crossed his legs and eyed James. “It’s rather simple James. You’ve only been here for 3 or 4 months, and you’re already achieved so much. You’re already running a city in my empire, you and your 3 companions have already stepped into true spirit realm 10 times faster than even the quickest cultivators in the entire...
James was rather upset that everything had devolved like that. For starters, why did he react like that? He’d never been so touchy about such things before. Normally he would have just let it slide for now and make a note to take his own back later. Then a sudden thought hit him. “Oh no!” he mumbled. He then closed his eyes and entered his spirit realm. When he appeared in his realm, he started looking everywhere. He even separated his lightning nucleus and plasma whirlwind. After a while,...
James spent the majority of his afternoon in the lab playing hide and seek with the little Forest Hopper trying to get better control of applying the instantaneous speed produced by the lightning element and also some time jumping up and down from the building testing his weightlessness from his wind element. After a few hours Skay finally finished whatever mad experiments he’d been busying himself with then came out to find James rapidly sprinting away from another lightning/plasma ball...
The next day everyone gathered in the courtyard. Jessy looked rather ragged today. Apparently she’d been dragged into the lab at some point for her hypno-memory implant and experienced some things she’d have been better off not ever having witnessed. According to Skay, she very willingly jumped at the chance to join the Brotherhood. The face she made when he said that showed a great deal of grievance however, so James decided to take it with grain of salt. The now ever present Harvy was...
Harvy Gau was a minor disciple of the Clan. Being 3 times removed from the head family’s bloodline he was treated like dirt. Resources that others were given he’d have to work twice as hard to earn. He looked young. Perhaps just escaping puberty and considered a man at 18 or 19. However having trained spirit energy to the edge of the Spirit Barrier he naturally aged slower. In truth, he was nearly the same age as James. Interestingly enough, should he ever break through the Spirit Barrier,...
Before coming to James’ room Jessy had been for a bath and changed into some short grey robes that reached down far enough to just barely cover past her lower regions. In her own room she’d worked herself up into quite a fit of an anger, until at last she couldn’t handle it and had to give him a piece of her mind. Before James could even register what was happening or employ his spirit energy she’d launched herself across the room and grappled him to floor. During her grappling him to the...
“From what you just said you won’t necessarily be able to use our magic even with our knowledge and you can’t change your cultivation direction without becoming a commoner again. What exactly is it that you want from us?” James’ face was stern as he asked this. He knew the answer to this question could change everything. His so far easy journey into this world may come to a sudden obstruction. In this sense, he couldn’t help question if his luck at being discovered immediately on arrival was...
Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...
Mein 37 year ki housewife hu or Bhopal me rheti hu. Aise to hamari family me mere saas, sasur, mere pati or mera beta rhete hai but kuch time se mere pati ka transfer Mumbai ho gaya. Aur ab wo month me 1 ya 2 bar he ghar aa pate hai. Jab wo yaha the to hamari family ekdum complete or happy thi. But unke jane ke baad mujhe akela pan lagne laga. Mein jab bhe naha kar taiyar hoti to sochne lagti ki mein kis ke lie taiyar ho rhi hu, jabki koi mujhe dekhne wala he nahi hai. Sharu me to ye duri video...
It's finally done! The next part of my Witch Chronicles series. It's the largest part to date, almost twice as large as Part 9, the previous record holder. It's also closing in on the end. There'll be two more parts. Part 12 will cover the end of the war. Part 13 will be an aftermath, answering questions that weren't covered in previous installments with information the government doesn't have access to. The previous installments of this story line are republished under the...
“DJ Stephanie…is DJ Stephanie doing a set here tonight?” “Ah Stephanie, no, no. Tomorrow, nine o’clock. You come back then.” Mick smiled and blinked hard as he looked at the man’s glistening, dark brown eyes. Eyes set into a hairy, brown Aegean face that was framed by the dazzlingly white wall beyond. The man had moments ago emerged from a square, black door at the top of a short flight of steps in response to the bell. He now turned, rapidly descended the steps and without looking back added,...
This story is the synthesis of email conversations I had with a friend I met online. I met R_ online over a year ago, her profile stated “submissive … I love Anal Sex”, we exchanged a few emails tentatively feeling each other out and then ‘wham!’ we were chatting every day. I got to know her well and found her life to be quite interesting. Currently working in the Financial Industry, she had the straight laced, buttoned down collar look of a Librarian or a school teacher, but on weekends her...
B_ had to be the sexiest woman I had met online, she had an air of mystique that was incredibly hard to penetrate. She lived in Lebanon, was married and discovered porn through her husband. He however had no clue to the Pandora’s box he had opened and would be shocked if he knew exactly how addicted she had become. She revealed after much prompting that she had been a virgin before marriage, and her husband was the only man to fuck her. She had so many questions about sex I seemed worldly...
Tecno-glitch By Cheryl Lynn This is a forced feminization/horror story and all standard disclaimers apply. This is my first Sci-Fi story. It may be downloaded for personal use only any other use is prohibited unless approved by the author. Comments are welcome at [email protected] Tecno-glitch Back drop: It is 2075 and the planet is technologically advanced. Every country is divided into massive cities surrounded by large expanses of farm land. The need to feed such a...
B_ had to be the sexiest woman I had met online, she had an air of mystique that was incredibly hard to penetrate. She lived in Lebanon, was married and discovered porn through her husband. He however had no clue to the Pandora’s box he had opened and would be shocked if he knew exactly how addicted she had become. She revealed after much prompting that she had been a virgin before marriage, and her husband was the only man to fuck her. She had so many questions about sex I seemed worldly in...
VoyeurThis story is the synthesis of email conversations I had with a friend I met online. I met R_ online over a year ago, her profile stated “submissive … I love Anal Sex”, we exchanged a few emails tentatively feeling each other out and then ‘wham!’ we were chatting every day. I got to know her well and found her life to be quite interesting. Currently working in the Financial Industry, she had the straight laced, buttoned down collar look of a Librarian or a school teacher, but on weekends her...
Straight SexAbnormal! If James were asked to describe his present experience travelling under the arm of a middle-aged man skip-jumping through the sky, he would start with that word. Closely followed by uncomfortable, not solely because of the lack of any safety restrictions to prevent his death from falling and not even so much because bugs kept hitting him in the face and the wind burned his cheeks, but mostly because this powerful but amiable-seeming middle-aged man was constantly rubbing his nipples...
-Back at the Gateway site- “Argh ... it fuckin’ hurts.” A now very thin and sickly looking Fatty Alan crawled out of a small ditch at the field where no more than a few days ago James and his two companions had awoken. He stared at his surroundings and then at the starry night sky and then at his bloodied jumpsuit. The night was dark and moonless, which in this case was very unfortunate for Fatty, seeing as the two moons are usually always on opposing sides of the planet. Fatty, being no...
-Flashback! Zoom!- Alan (Fatty) Hayashi. Despite being of Japanese descent, he was born and raised in America where he lived his whole life a virgin of simple means. Having a stable build (fat), he was employed as a trade assistant to a mining corporation and later worked his way through an apprenticeship to become a qualified tradesman that could proudly sell himself as a Fitter Mechanic. After an accident involving the coincidental collision of a truck hauling soap, a lorry filled with...
After a short time of cleaning up the lab, with James choosing to avoid contact with anything remotely suspicious looking, his body finally began to calm down and he and Skay returned to the courtyard. In the paved courtyard was a handful of odd gadgets like strange looking cameras and metal antennae on tripods, which seemed very poorly wired together with a mish-mash of bizarre electronics sticking out of them and connecting to a single advanced looking laptop on a wooden desk running some...
-Lost Village- Lost Village wasn’t actually lost, it would be more accurate to call it Forgotten by Everyone Village. The reason it’s called lost village was ironically lost to time and the some 500 odd residents didn’t particularly care what the town was called. It was quiet and out of the way, a good 25km from Gau City and within the influence of the monolith. As long as they joined the great harvest twice a year they could be paid a gold coin for every full wagon of grain they can...
-The Lab- When James awoke he dazedly looked at his surroundings. When he realised he was laying half naked on Skay’s questionable operating table he was instantly worried. As he made to climb up he quickly decided this was a bad idea as the pain in his chest and ribs flared. With a soft grunt he laid himself back down and quietly contemplated on his recent encounter. He came to realise two things. Firstly he needed power to live in this world. The fact that cultivators could just kill...
The pervasive aura of death settled on the courtyard and everyone felt a shiver up their spine as if the grim reaper himself was standing behind them and lining up his scythe for the first and final swing. An ancient sounding and truly demonic voice rang out from Harvy as if evil itself was speaking through him from the underworld. “The Dark Lord rises on this pathetic mortal plane. You think yourselves powerful with cultivation and martial skills! But, you don’t realise you are but ants in...
After a good sleep the trio of Dark Brotherhood’s founders met in the lab to find a perfectly ghoulish Harvy tidying up with Little Blue running around everywhere madly. The moment he saw James he ran up his leg and bit his arm. “Ahhh! You little shit!” Once he gave a response, Little Blue let go and started madly running around again. He’d clearly been terribly bored being ignored the last two days and wanted to play. James let out a sigh and against his better judgement tried to catch...
-Brotherhood Guild Hall- At first, everyone thought it was a scam, but after a few curious and adventuress souls had gone through the process, rumours began to travel. Eventually, they didn’t even need the sign out front. A massive wave of interest began to stir throughout the city as every commoner with a son or daughter scraped together every copper they could find till they had a hundred just so they had a chance of sending their children in. People began to crowd the front door of the...
Ascension Star is a planet with a circumference of nearly 300,000 km. For reference, the Earth sits at a comfortable little 40,000 km, and Saturn is about 380,000 km. To help you realise just how big that is, the surface area of earth is about 510 million km2. The surface area of Ascension blows it out of the water at a whopping 28.6 billion km2. Now for a new comparison, take New Zealand. It’s got a surface area of 260,000 km2. If the surface of the earth was covered in New Zealand’s, it...
After this short greeting, Grace took out a little crystal clear gem from her robes and handed it to Jessy. “This is the testing stone. We only have two in the Clan, one of them I have and the other one is in Elder Jeng’s possession. Just hold it and pour a little power into it. It will change colour and brightness to show how far your spirit power cultivation has progressed in the barrier realm.” Jessy held the stone in her hand and looked it over. Then without hesitation injected some...
-The Lab- While Harvy and Skay busied themselves with the now unconscious Galtin on an operating table, James went to check on their new residents. He had intended for the two of them to come train with them today, but circumstances prevented him from properly inducting Fatty and figuring out what his deal was. Exsue, of course, had still been unconscious. To his surprise, they both appeared to be awake and were pacing around inside their rooms. The moment he opened the door to Fatty’s...
As the day dragged out into night James recorded each person’s breakthrough experience. What he quickly discovered was that anyone with an abstract element had a different experience. Instead of just coalescing a True Spirit, merging with it and then breaking the Barrier, they all suffered what they described as a tribulation. From earlier research on regular cultivators breaking through, James had learnt that it was all basically the same. When you create your spirit, it requires an...
Exsue started patting down his body while paying specific attention to sensitive areas and grabbed his face looking at his eyes then moving his arms around and tapping on joints all while asking questions. “Have you got any aches or pains? Headaches? Nausea? The uncontrollable urge to kill? A desire to eat human flesh? General hatred or disgust at the world or people?” As she fired off questions and poked and prodded him, Skay started to join in. “How long did your trial feel? Did you...
Now that the zone was cleared of beasts and James was out of commission, Skay as the Vice Guildmaster was forced to start making some decisions. While he set up a basic outpost around the Quarry, the Guilds got news that James had disappeared since the Mole incident. They soon started trying to play some political games and skirting the rules both in the Empire and in Star City. They were only lucky that Jasmine and Jessy mostly cleaned up any messes. Had they not jumped in to stop Skay,...
-Guild Branch- The Tech City Guild Branch, that was somehow being managed and run by ex-Lackey 1, now Overseer Gary, was far more impressive than in the past. It was a 30 story building right next to the biggest plaza in town, which also happened to be the Monolith plaza. It remained mostly empty but was manned 24/7 and still posted Jobs that needed doing. Most of the cultivators that lived in the shadowy side of the city got their jobs here. The entire third floor was just 4 walls of job...
-Tech City Spire- With 4 days left until the auction, things had been quickly ramping up in the city. More and more powerful cultivators were entering the city and with that influx was the increase of people taking advantage of the cities services. Namely, a lot of people were trying their hand at the Spire or at the Arena. On this day, James had been busy trying to ascend to the 22nd level of the tower when he got a coms from Jasmine. “James, it would appear that a new contender has...
-Tech City- Apart from the excitement of Ruff at being in a high-speed vehicle and his constant attempts to stick his head out the window while they travelled back to Tech City and supersonic speed, the trip back was uneventful. That is until they landed and the ground team on standby at the hanger realised there was a huge dismembered corpse in the back of the dropship along with the corpses of at least a hundred other dead spirit beasts. James called up Skay to come and take care of...
With the day of the Brotherhood auction finally complete, life in Tech City returned as close as it could to normal. The city and guild had a huge influx of new residents, guild and clan offices, money and resources. A few factions tried to use their newly acquired equipment to infiltrate and capture members of the Brotherhood only to quickly discover that nothing they brought from the guild could operate within 10 kilometres of the city walls. What they also didn’t know, was that every...
With the discovery of soul Pressure and soul sense, James now had a whole new element to consider in regards to his cultivation training. With that in mind, he once again secluded himself away in the HQ building and spent the next month focused on understanding it more, finding a way to train and focus it and discovering how it tied into spirit energy. After meticulous experiments and training, he concluded that he could only touch the tip of the iceberg in regards to spirit aura. He went...