Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen
- 2 years ago
- 206
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-The Lab-
The laboratory had settled down rather quickly after this whole scene finished playing out. It should be said that James wasn’t just heartlessly torturing the man.
If he was going to grant someone the element of wrath, then he wanted to make sure that person had the ability to contain it. If the emotional elements affected a person’s nature like he suspected they did, then the last thing he’d want is someone constantly angry at everything.
To say that Goliath had passed with flying colours would be an understatement. The fact that he could maintain any sort of self-control with someone picking at his scars is an accurate measure of his character.
After Goliath had cleaned himself up a little, James ran him through the basics. His earth element was already rather strong, so he didn’t go into much detail about that. Besides, he knew that as helpful as that was, actual experience with the earth was worth more.
After imparting the meditation and breathing techniques, they left him to go up to the arena and get some practice in with his new element.
Skay and James both took this quiet opportunity to return to array research.
At the moment the computer had started being able to pick out distinct patterns trying to guess how they worked. The duo would draw up a little test pattern and then input the outcome to the computer. The more they did this, the faster the computer managed to understand what the different patterns did.
They now had a backlog of nearly 40 different patterns from foundations to lores. At last, someone who could accomplish this time eating task for them appeared. A young man looking around 20 was escorted into the lab by Harvy.
Skay looked at him sceptically. “Harvy, you bringing fucking riff-raff into my lab now? Are we going to have to go back to level 3 and start our liquid testing again?”
Harvy made a curt bow and his stiff expressionless face ... well, it did nothing, because of the poor bastard basically being half-dead. He probably tries to make expressions, but can’t, because the rigour mortise is like superglue for facial muscles.
“My apologies Master, Lackey 1 has offered his assistance with the lab job from the board.”
Skay perked up the moment he heard this. “Oh? Boy, you already started clawing these ... err I mean, recruiting fresh faces?”
James ignored the old bastard who was already moving towards the direction of a nearby workbench, he gave the man a look over.
He was the most average looking bloke James had ever seen. 5 foot 9, brown hair, brown eyes, fair skin. Not fat, fit or skinny. He looked like he was printed out from the compilation of every average looking man on the planet.
“You know the rules for this job?” James asked him.
The man gave a nod. “Yes, Guildmaster. I’m to swear an additional oath to never discuss, mention or even refer to the lab or anything I witness in the lab. In the lab, I am only to respond to a name given to me by the Lab Master, or to my assistant number. I am required to do a full 24 hours in the lab before I’m awarded any merit points, and my number of merits can be anywhere from 100 to 1000 depending on my performance.”
James just made a ‘tsk’ sound when he heard the last part. Apparently, Jessy had written this on the contract for the assistant job while he’s been down here.
He didn’t want to award anyone that many points, if someone, somehow, managed to survive 10 days in the lab and did exemplary work, they could request an Arc Cannon. That was just asking for trouble if one of those got out of his control.
He only put it on the merit list because he wanted to show off his pride and joy to the new recruits and give them something to aspire towards. It would encourage them to earn more merits, and by extension do good work on job’s contracted to the Guild.
Skay’s eyes glowed unnaturally, and he beckoned Lackey 1 to come over to him. “You any good at painting? Calligraphy? Doesn’t matter just get over here. Your job is to draw these patterns. I’ll set up the computer to project a different pattern once you’re done. All you have to do is paint the designs exactly the same as the projection. You understand? Don’t make any mistakes.”
Lackey 1 just nodded and then took the brush and paint from Skay and started painting onto a big sheet on the ground.
“Now listen carefully. Each time you finish just say it out loud, the computer should understand. Put this sheet away over in that room then paint the next one.”
Skay then left Lackey 1 to do this job. He and James had another important project they wanted to work on.
“Boy how many PG batteries do you think you’d be able to charge up?”
James thought for a moment. “Well, that depends. In a day of doing nothing else, I could probably charge up maybe 3 the size of the one we used for the Arc Cannon. But if they’re smaller, it might only take a fraction of the time.”
Skay nodded his head a few times then walked over to an available computer, after some playing around he pulled up a design for a little toy quadcopter.
“Well, these little things use fuck all. The battery would probably only be the size of your fingernail.”
James looked on for a moment at the design. He then realised what the old madman was thinking. “Do we have the capability to build these?”
Skay just gave a mad grin. “Well not yet. We have two jobs for the next few days. I want to assemble some automation for the lab. A couple 3D printers, some electronics manufacturing, you know. The basics. We’ll have to get Jessy to start buying up the necessary resources. That also means that the 400 gold we just made will probably fall back down to something like 50 gold.”
James cupped his chin. “Well that’s true, it would be a significant investment. But the automation would speed up everything. The things we’ve been limited in creating so far will be in reach, and we can start making some ... I guess this world would consider them artefacts. Then we’ll be raking the cash in.”
Skay gave few nods. “Good, we should start on this immediately. The second project is some cataloguing. Have you imagined how fast the computers could run if they were made with LS3? I could build a super computer the size of my palm. What we need to do is start cataloguing the full properties of all their weird spirit materials. If we can assemble a decent list, we would be able to replace everything in a computer with something better. The only issue is, there’s only two of us.”
James was leaning on the bench, and his mind was spinning away madly. “Well, I suspect we may be in this city for a while, and there’s no great rush. Let’s do this instead. We set up automation for the lab. That one I agree on wholeheartedly. Once that’s done, we can assemble a simple set up to test and record the properties of materials for us. All we would need is some lab assistants to replace things now and then and make sure nothing explodes.
“Instead of focusing our attention onto that, let’s design a basic training package and educate some people. Once we have a few who know the basics, they can then educate more. This Guild was never going to grow over night. The fact we’ve already achieved so much is a testament to the amount of gear that got sucked through with us.”
Skay scratched his head and then let out a sigh. “For the greater picture, this is the best option. I should warn you in advance, I don’t do teaching well.”
James just gave a wry smile. “Well, you only have to teach a few at first. After that, they can teach each other. I think our best bet would be some of the Hall of Forging Disciples. Any of them that show promise through the first round of teaching we will try and poach them from the hall.”
With this said they began to design and develop lab automation.
-2 Weeks-
For the next 2 weeks, everything was rather uneventful. Apart from a few more beast sightings than normal, there was no sign of a horde attacking. The Brotherhood was now only processing a handful of people a day for meditation because almost the entire rest of the city had already been able to scrape up the money to pay for it.
In total, the Guild made nearly 800 gold from this little endeavour. Which was close to half what the city earned every 6 months when they sold their grains to the empire.
The automation for the lab was somewhat more complicated for the duo of madmen than they’d thought it would be. They ended up digging out another 400 m2 room on the other side of the elevator that became manufacturing and processing. After they had finished the first few machines, everything became a little easier, because the machines could replicate the parts needed to build more of themselves.
The guild members had risen to nearly 80 people, and the guild was getting an increasing number of jobs. Some of the more adventurous types even hunted some weaker spirit animals and beasts to trade the materials in for merits.
Once the guild’s automation was done, they could necessarily pour in resources at one end and then the computers would pump something out the other end. It sped things up even more than they initially expected.
By now they had three lab assistants at the same time who had somehow managed to survive mentally and physically for three straight days in a row. One of them seemed the most worrying because he was almost as mad as Skay when it came to playing with alchemy on level 3.
For the first time, Skay named a Lackey. And so Lackey 12 became Norman. He and Harvy seemed to hit it off really well for some unexplainable reason. He was put in charge of making sure nothing untoward grew on level 4 and has almost never left the bottom levels of the lab. Skay was of the opinion the man had a natural green thumb and took him under his wing as an alchemy protégée.
By this time the group had gone to training multiple times and started developing some martial techniques. James had created 2 he was rather proud of. The first one was throwing a lightning bolt.
If he used both plasma and lightning element when he used this technique it was capable of blowing a 3-meter hole in the arena’s wall. That made it almost as powerful as an Arc Cannon, the only downside is that it depleted nearly all his energy and caused him to bleed from every orifice.
The other technique he quite liked was levitation. He couldn’t take flight yet because the moment he was too far away from the ground, it required an exorbitant amount of wind energy to maintain the stability or move around. But if he was just using it in synchronous with pushing off the ground he could jump pretty high and move around fluidly.
Mostly in spar’s he just applied lightning energy and ran around though. In that situation, it was more useful to move faster than the opponent than to have more fluid running and jumping.
By this time Grace mostly just gave tips on how to operate in combat like maintaining awareness of your surroundings in battle and observing your opponent correctly. She’d stopped bringing other disciples with her when she came because no one in the barrier realm could contest with any of these freaks.
Skay hadn’t made another appearance since the first time they trained and neither Grace or the other members of the Brotherhood were too upset about that.
Since his arrival, Goliath had only become more freakishly strong. Jessy now had to apply everything she had just to close the distance when they sparred.
She’d started creating a technique as well, and the only reason she still won any matches against him was because of this technique. She began carrying a hip flask of water with her everywhere and used her spirit energy to create a lance of high-pressure water. Just touching it would be enough to cut through to the bone and it meant Goliath had to be extremely careful whenever she splashed some water on the ground.
If she stepped into it, then she could create a water jet that shot up from below and from out of sight. He actually got impaled a few times, and the only thing that saved him was his wrath energy. Which seemed to increase his regeneration speed by a full magnitude and visibly started closing his wounds.
Skay was almost prepared to start cutting pieces off him to test it, and the only thing that stopped him was James’ reminder that the man was the incarnation of Rage.
The Merchant’s Guild grew to love the Brotherhood. This came about for two reasons. Firstly, the Brotherhood purchased vast quantities of all sorts of cheap materials through them. They bought so much over the past two weeks the merchants guild had doubled their annual profits.
The second reason was that some odd requests the other guilds and sects wouldn’t touch, the dark guild would almost always take on. Although some of the jobs were morally grey areas and rather questionable in nature, James didn’t even blink and posted them on the job board. Hell, a few of the jobs joined the Lab Assistant Job in the ‘black’ section of the job board.
Of course, any job that might offend other parties or faction that could threaten the Brotherhoods peace was posted with rather high rewards from the Guild or Clan requesting it.
It wasn’t just the Merchant’s Guild that posted questionable jobs to the Brotherhood. Although the guild only had mostly weak members in the barrier realm, they always seemed to complete a job. This was mostly thanks to some ingenious contraptions or cheap tactics that James and Skay had thrown together for certain jobs.
Just as an example, the farmers guild was having a problem with a plague of Grain Fly’s that had started a feeding frenzy in some of the paddocks.
James just built some little fly traps similar to some on Earth and then started selling them. Gau city then had a massive influx of nearly a hundred Golden Grain Fly’s and the market almost fell on its head.
James, of course, wasn’t aware at the time how much Grain Fly’s were worth and had only sold the Traps for a gold coin each. Although he’d sold nearly a hundred of them, the 100 fly’s that went into the market got sold for approximately 3 or 4 gold each.
Not to mention he’d now released a method to help catch the Fly’s, so everyone was jumping up and down trying to create some traps and he’d be unlikely to make any money from that venture again.
Over the past two weeks a number of strange occurences happened around the city. Products that James’ guild were selling started seeing copy cats or similar products popping up in large quantities for cheap prices.
James wasn’t too worried and had started cutting back the quantity of production that was allowed to be sold from the guild anyway.
In addition now and then a few strangers managed to find a way into the guild and stirred up some trouble. Most often than not they would take a receptionist hostage and demand to see the Guild Master or try and break things.
Sometimes they were just suspicious looking vagrents that hung around the guild for a few days in a row or tried to tail guild memebers that went on jobs. Very quickly these people would suddenly disappear into the depths of the Guild and never reappear.
-The Lab-
James and Skay sat in the lab watching Lackey 1, who’d just come back after a short two weeks recuperating from a little accident he had while painting an array pattern. He was now bald ... everywhere, and his once very average looking face had a big burn on the side of it.
James couldn’t figure out for the life of him why this guy would come back down to the lab after that business with the flames, but he was quite impressed with how perfect the man’s array painting had become. If he’d made any mistakes in painting then it wouldn’t be more than half a millimetre out.
Lackey 2 hadn’t been as lucky as 1. She had been engulfed by a strange spatial anomaly and Skay was still picking little pieces of her out of unusual places in the lab. The pair had long since automated a painter controlled by the computer, but it was still in the testing phase, and they weren’t about to rush to finish it now that 1 was back.
Lackey’s 4,7 and 11 also had also met misfortune in the lab do to some carelessness. James had been fairly certain one of them had tried to smuggle an Arc Cannon out of the lab and got obliterated by Goliath on the way out of the Guild Hall.
Goliath never mentioned it and James only found out after he’d been caught a different interloper and started rewatching security footage and seeing goliath bringing the cannon back down to the lab.
After that, they started to ramp up security of the lab a little more. To prevent things wondering out and strange people getting in.
James sipped some tea as he watched 1 wiping the sweat of his intense concentration from his brow. “Old madman, is it ready yet?”
Skay looked to a screen and pushed some keys. “Nearly. Should be ready by tomorrow. Do you want to make this a public learning experience and charge money for it? We’re running out of LS3 stones and were going to need the money to purchase some more. On top of that, there are some exotic metals I’ve read about that I want to buy for some testing.”
James placed his tea down for a bit then got up and stretched his back. “Alright sounds good. I think this may be the best idea Harvy has ever come up with. Let’s see if the guy next door has settled on those sudden debts he incurred from the Merchant’s Guild yet. If he hasn’t, we’ll be able to set up a school next door. That way, the hall will remain for members and the riffraff can go next door.”
After saying this much, James walked over to a bench and started pouring lightning energy into a little grey cube the size of a Lego block. Once it looked like it was full of lightning snakes, he placed it into a small quadcopter about a foot in length and width.
“You sure these are gonna survive out there Old Madman?”
Skay glanced back with a grin as James placed the little copter into a dark little shoot on the wall that led up to the surface.
“Well, QC 1 has been out there for almost a week and hasn’t had any issues yet.”
James pressed a little green switch and the copter launched into the shoot. He then walked over to a screen and watched as a live feed came up with QC 100 written in the corner. On the side of the screen were a whole bunch of numbers and graphs from atmospheric readings to average spirit saturation and even compass readings.
The drone quadcopter then shot off towards the south. While this was happening a little red ‘alert’ popped up onto the screen. After pressing it, the screen flicked over to a list of drones from 1 to 100. Written next to about 20 of them was the words Endless Forest in flashing red.
One of them was flashing yellow. After James had pressed on it, the screen switched to a live stream, and he watched as it came flying back towards the inner city and the launch shoot.
“Oh? Old madman, looks like one of the forest drones is back.”
Skay shot up and ran over to check out the readings and graphs it had. “Haha! I knew it. There’s no way that magic forest is on this planet. It’s got to be an entirely different world, I’m sure of it!”
James then pressed the side of the screen and watched as the fast playback of its week long adventure in the forest sped past on the screen. James was surprised to see just how far it had travelled. At one point it even spotted and investigated some spirit beasts.
When he witnessed it rapidly flying away from a tiger with wings on its back he nearly fell over. “Holy crap, no wonder it’s back so early. It had to use half its energy just to escape that thing. Hey Old Madman, how fast did you say this thing can go?”
Skay thought for a second. “Well, your spirit energy, combined with the materials we used from this world to build these things, I measured it at about 180 km/h.”
James turned back and eyed the winged tiger chasing the drone through the air. He then chose to ignore the fact that this world had flying tigers and changed the topic again.
“How’s the computer going with the study on the monoliths array patterns?”
Skay scratched away at this head and readjusted his spider eyes. “It’s fucking not. They’re so fucking complicated it can’t make heads or tails of them. Fucking piece of shit. It needs to be about a 100 times more powerful in my opinion.
James gave a sigh. He really wanted to figure out how it traps something’s consciousness in it. That way, he would be able to build a living computer that could learn and process faster than any modern computers. Although, if they could start building a computer from this world’s materials, that would be just as good.
The only problem was, designing something as complicated as a computer was thousands of times more complex than building some little motors, gyros and sensors for the drones. Even the computer parts inside the drones had to constructed from conventional materials for the moment.
They decided to stop thinking about these things for a while and focus on something more fun.
The pair wanted to start playing with the array patterns again. For the moment their knowledge about these things was still limited. Both of them readily acknowledged they didn’t understand anywhere near enough.
One of the first things they wanted to test was a theory Skay had about the nature of each pattern being more synchronised to certain catalysts.
They separated the primal spirit array into its base patterns. In total, they found that it had 3 different foundations. A storage pattern, an attraction pattern and a gathering pattern.
They placed the storage pattern with the PG paint. Then they added some other recently created paint that encouraged the effects of collection and attraction.
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For the next month anyone that could work, worked. The entire city was ripped up from the ground like an old tree and rebuilt. A wall 20 metres high was slowly raised around the city. Luckily the city had a massive reserve of grain, so anyone that worked was fed from the stocks. The Imperial Branch wasn’t too happy with that, seeing as normally all those reserves were sold to the capital city and if they didn’t get a certain quota, the Imperial Clan would jump up and down and probably have...
-Star City- James was mulling about the city rather early the next day and just as the suns were coming up, he sauntered over to the south-east corner were the guild plaza was located. This area was a vast open square with a wide cylindrical job board in the centre. Every few meters the background colour of the job board changed and was titled after a different guild or faction. Surrounding the plaza were an assortment of buildings all bought and paid for by guilds that wished to set up a...
With all responsibility to the guild well and truly shirked, James now had the free time to ... well if being honest, not much changed for the first few weeks. For starters, James had long since shirked his responsibility to the city. He had given all of those duties to other people, namely Jessy and Jasmine. It also didn’t help that he was still affected by Skay’s death. The first few weeks were spent flipping between brainstorming for his future flying Headquarters and meditating alone. By...
The Hall of Forging was a massive underground structure. If James didn’t know better he’d think it belonged to some dwarfish race. It spread out over nearly a kilometre underground and hundreds of ventilation stacks channelled through the underground back to the chimneys in the circle courtyard up on the surface. The stone halls and walls were all lit by odd spirit stones, spread out evenly and letting off a humble glow not dissimilar to incandescent bulbs. Little green stones sat on the...
Now would be a good time to explain how exactly they managed to achieve all of this in the 2 weeks since they built their auto-factory. Also, you’re probably guessing at how exactly those boards were floating around no? Well, let’s start with, how so fast? In truth, almost everything they sold had been assembled by computers in the auto-factory. Hell, after they completed the first couple machines Skay just programmed it to auto-manufacture itself, so the fuckin factory could produce just...
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James was rather upset that everything had devolved like that. For starters, why did he react like that? He’d never been so touchy about such things before. Normally he would have just let it slide for now and make a note to take his own back later. Then a sudden thought hit him. “Oh no!” he mumbled. He then closed his eyes and entered his spirit realm. When he appeared in his realm, he started looking everywhere. He even separated his lightning nucleus and plasma whirlwind. After a while,...
James spent the majority of his afternoon in the lab playing hide and seek with the little Forest Hopper trying to get better control of applying the instantaneous speed produced by the lightning element and also some time jumping up and down from the building testing his weightlessness from his wind element. After a few hours Skay finally finished whatever mad experiments he’d been busying himself with then came out to find James rapidly sprinting away from another lightning/plasma ball...
The next day everyone gathered in the courtyard. Jessy looked rather ragged today. Apparently she’d been dragged into the lab at some point for her hypno-memory implant and experienced some things she’d have been better off not ever having witnessed. According to Skay, she very willingly jumped at the chance to join the Brotherhood. The face she made when he said that showed a great deal of grievance however, so James decided to take it with grain of salt. The now ever present Harvy was...
Harvy Gau was a minor disciple of the Clan. Being 3 times removed from the head family’s bloodline he was treated like dirt. Resources that others were given he’d have to work twice as hard to earn. He looked young. Perhaps just escaping puberty and considered a man at 18 or 19. However having trained spirit energy to the edge of the Spirit Barrier he naturally aged slower. In truth, he was nearly the same age as James. Interestingly enough, should he ever break through the Spirit Barrier,...
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-Flashback! Zoom!- Alan (Fatty) Hayashi. Despite being of Japanese descent, he was born and raised in America where he lived his whole life a virgin of simple means. Having a stable build (fat), he was employed as a trade assistant to a mining corporation and later worked his way through an apprenticeship to become a qualified tradesman that could proudly sell himself as a Fitter Mechanic. After an accident involving the coincidental collision of a truck hauling soap, a lorry filled with...
After a short time of cleaning up the lab, with James choosing to avoid contact with anything remotely suspicious looking, his body finally began to calm down and he and Skay returned to the courtyard. In the paved courtyard was a handful of odd gadgets like strange looking cameras and metal antennae on tripods, which seemed very poorly wired together with a mish-mash of bizarre electronics sticking out of them and connecting to a single advanced looking laptop on a wooden desk running some...
-Lost Village- Lost Village wasn’t actually lost, it would be more accurate to call it Forgotten by Everyone Village. The reason it’s called lost village was ironically lost to time and the some 500 odd residents didn’t particularly care what the town was called. It was quiet and out of the way, a good 25km from Gau City and within the influence of the monolith. As long as they joined the great harvest twice a year they could be paid a gold coin for every full wagon of grain they can...
-The Lab- When James awoke he dazedly looked at his surroundings. When he realised he was laying half naked on Skay’s questionable operating table he was instantly worried. As he made to climb up he quickly decided this was a bad idea as the pain in his chest and ribs flared. With a soft grunt he laid himself back down and quietly contemplated on his recent encounter. He came to realise two things. Firstly he needed power to live in this world. The fact that cultivators could just kill...
The pervasive aura of death settled on the courtyard and everyone felt a shiver up their spine as if the grim reaper himself was standing behind them and lining up his scythe for the first and final swing. An ancient sounding and truly demonic voice rang out from Harvy as if evil itself was speaking through him from the underworld. “The Dark Lord rises on this pathetic mortal plane. You think yourselves powerful with cultivation and martial skills! But, you don’t realise you are but ants in...
After a good sleep the trio of Dark Brotherhood’s founders met in the lab to find a perfectly ghoulish Harvy tidying up with Little Blue running around everywhere madly. The moment he saw James he ran up his leg and bit his arm. “Ahhh! You little shit!” Once he gave a response, Little Blue let go and started madly running around again. He’d clearly been terribly bored being ignored the last two days and wanted to play. James let out a sigh and against his better judgement tried to catch...
-Brotherhood Guild Hall- At first, everyone thought it was a scam, but after a few curious and adventuress souls had gone through the process, rumours began to travel. Eventually, they didn’t even need the sign out front. A massive wave of interest began to stir throughout the city as every commoner with a son or daughter scraped together every copper they could find till they had a hundred just so they had a chance of sending their children in. People began to crowd the front door of the...
Ascension Star is a planet with a circumference of nearly 300,000 km. For reference, the Earth sits at a comfortable little 40,000 km, and Saturn is about 380,000 km. To help you realise just how big that is, the surface area of earth is about 510 million km2. The surface area of Ascension blows it out of the water at a whopping 28.6 billion km2. Now for a new comparison, take New Zealand. It’s got a surface area of 260,000 km2. If the surface of the earth was covered in New Zealand’s, it...
After this short greeting, Grace took out a little crystal clear gem from her robes and handed it to Jessy. “This is the testing stone. We only have two in the Clan, one of them I have and the other one is in Elder Jeng’s possession. Just hold it and pour a little power into it. It will change colour and brightness to show how far your spirit power cultivation has progressed in the barrier realm.” Jessy held the stone in her hand and looked it over. Then without hesitation injected some...
-The Lab- While Harvy and Skay busied themselves with the now unconscious Galtin on an operating table, James went to check on their new residents. He had intended for the two of them to come train with them today, but circumstances prevented him from properly inducting Fatty and figuring out what his deal was. Exsue, of course, had still been unconscious. To his surprise, they both appeared to be awake and were pacing around inside their rooms. The moment he opened the door to Fatty’s...
-The Arena- James and Goliath were having a daily training session and exchanging some blows. James was like a blur as he shot forwards, released a few blows then flittered back like a gust of wind. To Goliath’s great consternation, James had recently been practising his control over two elements simultaneously. After some recent brain scans, they’d figured out that having an unlocked element that wasn’t building with the rest had been limiting him. After he found and acknowledged his...
As the day dragged out into night James recorded each person’s breakthrough experience. What he quickly discovered was that anyone with an abstract element had a different experience. Instead of just coalescing a True Spirit, merging with it and then breaking the Barrier, they all suffered what they described as a tribulation. From earlier research on regular cultivators breaking through, James had learnt that it was all basically the same. When you create your spirit, it requires an...
Exsue started patting down his body while paying specific attention to sensitive areas and grabbed his face looking at his eyes then moving his arms around and tapping on joints all while asking questions. “Have you got any aches or pains? Headaches? Nausea? The uncontrollable urge to kill? A desire to eat human flesh? General hatred or disgust at the world or people?” As she fired off questions and poked and prodded him, Skay started to join in. “How long did your trial feel? Did you...
Now that the zone was cleared of beasts and James was out of commission, Skay as the Vice Guildmaster was forced to start making some decisions. While he set up a basic outpost around the Quarry, the Guilds got news that James had disappeared since the Mole incident. They soon started trying to play some political games and skirting the rules both in the Empire and in Star City. They were only lucky that Jasmine and Jessy mostly cleaned up any messes. Had they not jumped in to stop Skay,...
-Guild Branch- The Tech City Guild Branch, that was somehow being managed and run by ex-Lackey 1, now Overseer Gary, was far more impressive than in the past. It was a 30 story building right next to the biggest plaza in town, which also happened to be the Monolith plaza. It remained mostly empty but was manned 24/7 and still posted Jobs that needed doing. Most of the cultivators that lived in the shadowy side of the city got their jobs here. The entire third floor was just 4 walls of job...
-Tech City Spire- With 4 days left until the auction, things had been quickly ramping up in the city. More and more powerful cultivators were entering the city and with that influx was the increase of people taking advantage of the cities services. Namely, a lot of people were trying their hand at the Spire or at the Arena. On this day, James had been busy trying to ascend to the 22nd level of the tower when he got a coms from Jasmine. “James, it would appear that a new contender has...
-Tech City- Apart from the excitement of Ruff at being in a high-speed vehicle and his constant attempts to stick his head out the window while they travelled back to Tech City and supersonic speed, the trip back was uneventful. That is until they landed and the ground team on standby at the hanger realised there was a huge dismembered corpse in the back of the dropship along with the corpses of at least a hundred other dead spirit beasts. James called up Skay to come and take care of...
With the day of the Brotherhood auction finally complete, life in Tech City returned as close as it could to normal. The city and guild had a huge influx of new residents, guild and clan offices, money and resources. A few factions tried to use their newly acquired equipment to infiltrate and capture members of the Brotherhood only to quickly discover that nothing they brought from the guild could operate within 10 kilometres of the city walls. What they also didn’t know, was that every...
With the discovery of soul Pressure and soul sense, James now had a whole new element to consider in regards to his cultivation training. With that in mind, he once again secluded himself away in the HQ building and spent the next month focused on understanding it more, finding a way to train and focus it and discovering how it tied into spirit energy. After meticulous experiments and training, he concluded that he could only touch the tip of the iceberg in regards to spirit aura. He went...
-Tech City- Having spent the last two months sequestered away from the world doing forging, James returned to surface only to find that the city seemed to have once again started slowly expanding. With the restoration of the monolith, the city limits had been restored to tens of kilometres as opposed to its previous few kilometres. Thanks to that, the outskirts of the city now had people buying up land and building homes and businesses. Golden grain was once again filling fields off into...
As the core of the Guild sat in the office, James finally opened his eyes. Unceremoniously wiping away the tear on his cheek, James willed it, and his guild seal appeared floating in front of him. Much to the surprise of the others, not only did the guild seal appear on the round table, so too did the incorporeal, ethereal form of Jasmine appear. She sat in a seizer position on the table and wore a flowing silk gown, making her only more enchanting than ever. That is, apart from the obvious...
James walked into his guild master office and sat down at his round table. Already seated and waiting for him was his other 5 sins, the 5 Ghosts and what he was referring to as a knight in his own mind. He felt a profound sense of happiness as he surveyed his people. The sins were the foundations of the brotherhood. Goliath of Wrath, Jessy of Lust, Exsue of Envy, Fatty of Gluttony, Kelly of Sloth and himself, James of Pride. Unfortunately, they’d lost their greed thanks to the strange...
Having fulfilled his purpose, James retreated to his Forge in the Lab. He had so much he was trying to focus on recently and decided to distract his scattered thoughts for a short while to work on a project he’d been putting off for a while. In the forging room, James stood at a bench looking at an assortment of dark stones. These were his space stones. After some careful investigation, he discovered that the pocket space inside a stone was not relative to the size of a stone, but rather to...
The arena was quiet and still. The growing invisible pressure was already at a staggering level. The spectators were sweating in expectation and excitement. It almost seemed that the viewers of this battle were even more anxious for it to start than the duo standing in the arena. James stood in a very relaxed manner, half facing Sword Girl, with his scimitar and pistol just dangling at the side. The Sword Girl lowered her stance with her left hand sitting on the sheath and the thumb touching...
Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...
Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...
Chapter 11: Althea, the School Girl The infernal screeching of the alarm clock awoke Cal from his reverie. He had been up for about a half-hour, but he had only been lying in bed next to the love of his life. Althea's arms were still clutched about him as he stealthily clicked the snooze button, assuming that it was six o' five in the morning, his usual waking time during the school week. He had been thinking long and hard about the previous two nights. Evan... what have you become? He...
edited by Master Ken Wednesday, September 4th, 2013 "Hi, I am Miss Blythe," I said to my class, writing my name on the whiteboard with a red dry-erase marker. "I will be your World History teacher." It was the first day of the new school year and, as I launched into the course syllabus, my thoughts kept drifting to that day in June at the end of the last term, when my Living God, the Holy Mark Glassner, walked into this very classroom and changed my very outlook on life. I didn't know...
The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...