Star Wars The Tie FighterChapter 4 The Sepan Civil War
- 3 years ago
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I suddenly had trouble breathing and my vision fogged up as waves of powerfully strong emotions crashed over me. Through the tears welling up in my eyes I reread the message several times to make sure that it was real. J'Una alive? Could it really be? Where the fuck was Tatooine anyway? I was so overcome that I became somewhat giddy and I think I even jumped up and down a little. Not what you'd expect from a veteran Imperial TIE fighter pilot, but there it is.
I must have made more noise than I thought because, when I turned around, there was Kao standing in the doorway to the bedroom. She had put on one of those black Imperial issue robes but hadn't belted it. It hung open in the front, exposing her breasts and crotch. Her red hair was wildly unkempt and stood out from her head like tongues of fire. She was still half asleep and was leaning against the doorframe.
As quickly as it had started, the euphoria inside me stopped. I suddenly realized that the relationship that was rapidly devel- oping between Kao and me grew, in part, out of the assump- tion that J'Una had been killed. Now that I had in my hand a message that said J'Una was very much alive, I was uncertain, and a little apprehensive as to what would happen next. I sud- denly remembered why I had never allowed myself to get too involved with females.
"What's going on, Vel?" Kao asked sleepily.
"You won't believe this," I said, handing her the data pad. Kao took it and I watched her as she read it. Her eyes grew wide with amazement, and a large smile broke out on her face. She looked up at me with tears of joy in her eyes.
"This is wonderful, Vel" she exclaimed, throwing her arms around me. I was a little surprised. I'm not sure what I ex- pected, but this wasn't it. I was relieved, however, that she seemed happy at the news. She pulled back and looked at me for a moment, then kissed me.
"You're not the only one who loves J'Una and misses her," she said softly. My raised eyebrow and obviously puzzled ex- pression elicited a smile.
"J'Una is a wonderful person and a fine officer," she said in a direct, almost scolding tone. "The fact that she is apparently not dead makes me very happy." She paused, looking intently at me. Then her eyes brightened and she actually giggled.
"Did you think," she said between giggles, "that I would be- come jealous, or that this news would somehow create fric- tion? Is that what you thought?"
I didn't say anything, but my expression must have given me away. Kao broke out in laughter and kissed me on the cheek.
"You silly, silly man," she said, still laughing. "You men all think that everything revolves around you. That you're the center of the universe." She laughed again. "I've grown very fond of you recently, Vel," she said, the laughter finally giving way, at least temporarily, to seriousness. "But I know what J'Una meant to you, and what the thought of her dying did to you. What you don't know," she said and her eyes twinkled again,"was what she meant to me. We were developing a very close relation- ship and I'll be very glad to have the chance to resume it."
'Very close relationship'? Now I was thoroughly confused. I wasn't at all sure what she was telling me, but at least she seemed pleased by the turn of events. I smiled at her and shook my head.
"I guess I didn't realize that you and she had become so close," I said.
"That," she said as she kissed me and snaked her hand under my robe and grabbed my cock, " is because you're a man."
I quickly tried to come up with a suitable rejoinder but Kao was kissing me and running her tongue inside my mouth while she grabbed my cock with both hands and began stroking it to life. I forgot all about a witty reply as I slipped my hands inside her robe and fondled her breasts, the nipples already hard with arousal.
We pulled each other's robes off and sank to the floor right in the middle of the room. Our hands were all over each other and our tongues battled as we kissed deeply. Kao was a wonderful woman and a great fuck, but the news that J'Una was alive somehow stimulated me in a way that I hadn't be- fore experienced. My cock was painfully hard and I went at Kao with little of the soft, tender approach that had charac- terized our first union. For her part, Kao returned the frenzy. Apparently she was as excitied by the prospect of seeing J'Una again as I was. She tore at my back with her finger- nails while I bit and sucked roughly on her tits, both of us moaning, yearning for a release.
Kao scissored her legs around my back and reached be- tween our thrashing bodies to grab my cock. She jerked it hard several times and I nearly shot into her hand. She placed the tip against the entrance to her cunt and pulled me into her. She was like a cauldron inside and I gasped at the heat that engulfed me.
We rolled over on the deck so that she was on top of me. I grabbed her breasts and squeezed them as she began a slow thrusting motion, impaling herself on me. Her movements didn't stay slow for very long. We were both too hot, too out of control with lust for that. I'm not sure if our frenzy was caused by our desire for each other, or that we were each thinking of J'Una, or simply a longing for release from the stresses of incessant warfare. Maybe it was all three. In any case, neither of us was concerned with gentle foreplay. We slammed into each other with an intensity that was almost painful.
I continued to manhandle Kao's tits, squeezing them hard and pinching the nipples as she rode me. Her head was thrown back in ecstacy, her long red hair draping over my upraised knees like a soft fur rug. After several more sav- age thrusts, Kao let out a sharp cry and flung herself for- ward onto me, her breasts in my face, her hair flowing over me and onto the deck. I took a nipple into my mouth and bit on it, sending a shock wave through her that ended with another hard downward thrust onto my cock. She shudder- ed and moaned and I could feel her orgasm flowing out from the depths of her cunt and onto my cock and balls. She flooded us with her juices, smearing our thighs and my belly. The force of her orgasm nearly overwhelmed her and she buried her face in my neck, moaning and weeping.
"That is so good, Vel," she gasped into my ear. "So fucking good." She wriggled around on my cock.
I grabbed her hips and thrust into her with renewed vigor, my own climax fast approaching. Kao sat up and began thrusting back down on me again, wanting to give me pleasure also. I didn't have long to wait until I felt the cum boiling within my balls. She smiled down at me as she re- cognized the signs of my impending orgasm.
"Let it go," she cooed softly at me.
I didn't need much more encouragement. I gave another powerful upward thrust, lifting her off the deck, impaling her completely as my prick shot blast after blast of cum into her. I groaned with the effort. My cock finished spewing its load and we collapsed together in a heap in the middle of the room. We fell asleep that way.
"Many of you may have heard by now," Commander Cibock said at the next morning's briefing, "that Commander Selena, our former Operations Officer, was not onboard the Death Star at the time of its destruction."
Several officers applauded. All were smiling and the supply officer, who was sitting behind me, clapped me on the shoul- der. J'Una had been very popular among GUSTAV's crew, and highly respected by her fellow officers. It was good to see that they cared about her. Kao smiled at me and squee- zed my hand.
"Commander Selena is presently at a place called Tatooine," Cibock continued. A holographic map appeared near the front of the room showing a dry, desert looking planet orbiting a binary star system.
"Several other Death Star personnel, "Cibock said,"are also at Tatooine. It seems that Commander Selena was assisting in the establishment of a permanent and extensive Imperial installation on that planet."
Several officers exchanged questioning looks. What did we need an installation there for?
Commander Cibock sensed the questions and moved im mediately to answer them.
"I do not have all of the details yet," he said,"but it appears that Tatooine has harbored Rebel sympathizers for some time and that several spies transported the plans for the Death Star through Mos Eisley, Tatooine's spaceport. Commander Selena was conducting a follow-up investigation when the Death Star was destroyed. As a result, Tatooine is being secured as a major base to support operations in the surrounding sectors."
Major Maarek, our stormtrooper commander nodded in satisfaction. "That'll teach the treacherous scum," he said.
Commander Cibock looked sternly at the major but said no- thing in response. "We are being diverted to Tatooine," he went on. "A shipment of replacement TIE fighters along with some new pilots has arrived. They were originally meant to be transported to the Death Star."
Diverted to Tatooine? I would get to see J'Una again? So much sooner than I would have expected. Kao and I smiled at each other. I knew she was just as happy about it as I was.
"Once we arrive," Cibock continued,"we will take the TIEs aboard and immediately commence integrating the new pilots." He nodded at Kao and me. "Captains Tallig and Ijuf will ensure that these new pilots are ready for future assignment."
"Yes, sir," I responded.
"Upon arrival we will receive new instructions from an Imperial Special Envoy at the new Tatooine installation." Seeing our puzzled expressions Cibock smiled. "I don't know what an 'Imperial Special Envoy' is, either." He shrugged. "I guess we'll find out together." And he left the room as we all stood to attention.
Kao and I looked at each other as the other officers filed out.
"It will be great to see J'Una again so soon," she said with a smile. "I'll bet she's had quite an exciting time."
"No doubt," I said. "Knowing J'Una."
Kao laughed. "What are you implying, captain?" she asked, her voice rising musically.
"Only that J'Una has always had the ability to insert herself into the middle of things," I replied, smiling back at her.
"And get things inserted into her?" Kao asked, teasing me. Her eyes were bright, and her smile had broadened.
"That, too," I said, chuckling. "You must remember that she's a Bardin."
"Horny or not," Kao said, still smiling, "it'll be good to see her again. Do you think she'll be transferred back aboard GUSTAV?"
"I don't really know, Kao," I replied. "It would depend on what they have her doing on Tatooine. She may be heavily involved in setting up the new base there."
Kao grew serious. Her brow furrowed, the smile disappeared. "Is it true, Val?"
"Is what true?" I was somewhat taken aback by her abrupt change of mood. Unlike J'Una, whose mood could change from moment to moment, Kao was far from being mercurial.
"Is it true what I hear about what happens when we occupy a planet?"
"Surely you know what goes on, Kao," I said, somewhat flabbergasted at her display of apparent naivete.
She averted my gaze. "I guess I never paid much attention. I just flew my missions and killed Rebels."
I just stared at her for a moment. This side of her was completely uncharted territory. "If you don't know, Kao, it's because you didn't want to know."
"Maybe," she said softly, then raised her gaze to meet mine. "But I want to know now. I want you to tell me."
"What do you think happens, Kao?" I asked rhetorically. My voice had started to rise and I had to tell myself to lower it. "What do you think happens when the Empire takes over a planet that has shown the slightest sympathy to the Rebellion? You were at Resead, dammit.[see pt 3] Didn't you see the shuttles transporting the leaders and their families and anyone who might cause trouble off the planet? Where did you think they were taking those people? They're all on a prison planet. Or dead."
I paused. Kao was staring at me. "You want to know what else usually happens?" I went on. "A military governor takes over. Whatever personal freedoms the inhabitants once had are gone. Stormtroopers are everywhere, and they get the people to start spying on each other. All of the planet's resources are taken to support the Empire's war efforts. In short, life becomes pretty unpleasant. And that," I said finishing, "is what happens to a system that had supported the Rebellion. It happened on Resead, and it's probably happening on Tatooine. Hell, my homeworld of Kuan isn't in a whole lot better shape, and we welcomed the Empire in."
Kao snorted sarcastically. "I thought the Rebels were the bad guys," she said.
"They're no better," I said. "They're just as capable of using people or exploiting worlds for their own agenda. My experience tells me that in a war like this one, the lines between good guys and bad guys often get blurred and confused."
Kao shook her head. "Is this what we're really about, Vel?"
"It's what the Emperor's about," I said grimly. "And he's in charge."
>From a geosynchronous orbit high above the planet's surface Tatooine looked like a big, dirty brown ball. There was very little surface water visible, and large brown clouds, which were in fact enormous dust storms, roamed the planet's surface. Mos Eisley spaceport was the only visible sign that the planet was inhabited. There were, we knew, other settle- ments scattered around the planet, but they were too small to be seen from this height.
GUSTAV had entered orbit above Mos Eisley and one of the first things I noticed was the traffic. Imperial freighters and transports of all shapes and sizes were maneuvering into and out of the spaceport. From several ships that were just too large to land at the spaceport an endless stream of shuttles flowed back and forth, offloading and delivering cargo. Among those were several large assault transports delivering more stormtroopers. The occupation of Tatooine, and its conversion to an advanced Imperial base, was evidently well underway.
I was standing to one side on the bridge, gazing out of the large observation windows as Commander Cibock and his bridge team completed the maneuvers that placed GUSTAV in her assigned orbit.
"Quite a lot of activity, eh, Captain?" Commander Cibock was standing behind me, looking out of the window as well. I turned around.
"Yes, sir," I agreed. "Looks like we're serious here."
"It would appear so, " Cibock replied smiling. "I suppose the Empire is in dire need of another desert planet," he continued sarcastically.
I was a little taken aback, hearing such sarcasm directed at Imperial activities by the Commanding Officer of an Imperial Starship. But, I had served with Commander Cibock long enough to know that he was a competent and loyal officer, if a bit outspokenly skeptical at times. It occurred to me that perhaps the recent death of his son aboard the Death Star might have jaded him a little more.
I smiled at his attempt at humor. "It doesn't look very inviting, does it, sir?"
Cibock shrugged. "No, but we're here," he said quietly. "And, unfortunately for the people of Tatooine, we'll be here for a long time." He turned away abruptly and addressed the Deck Officer. "Is the shuttle ready to take Captains Tallig and Ijuf and myself down to the surface?"
"Yes, sir," he replied. "Your shuttle is ready to depart at your convenience."
"Very well," Cibock said. "Ask Captain Ijuf to meet us in the shuttle bay. I want to depart immediately."
"Yes, sir," the Deck Officer responded and turned away to carry out Cibock's instructions. Cibock nodded toward the turbolift doors. "Let's go, captain," he said and headed off the bridge. I fell in step with him.
Less than ten minutes later, having been joined in the hangar bay by Kao, we boarded our shuttle and departed at once. The shuttle pilot darted and weaved his way through the freight- er traffic in a long looping spiral down toward Mos Eisley. As the detail of the city emerged, Mos Eisley began to resemble an egg that had been hurled against a wall. It was spread out all over the place in an apparently random and unplanned manner. The spaceport itself dominated the city's central sec- tion, with numerous webs of streets and alleys weaving a sinuous pattern outward from the facility. The new con- struction needed to support an Imperial base could also be seen. These new installations were going up near the space- port and, as we got closer, we could see piles of rubble from previously existing structures that had been demolished to make room for them. Yes, I thought to myself, the Empire has arrived in force.
The spaceport appeared primitive by modern Imperial standards and had obviously not been designed to handle the current volume of traffic. The pilot gently set us down in an open air docking bay and opened the main hatch to the passenger compartment. Instantly, we were nearly overwhelmed by the planet's intense heat. As we stepped out of the shuttle, it felt like we were walking into a blast furnace. Dressed as we were in our heavy Imperial uniforms, all three of us broke out in a sweat. The two suns were directly overhead hammering us as we walked across the docking bay toward the squad of stormtroopers who were waiting for us. I don't know how they managed to survive in that heavy armor that they wore. I guess it must have been because storm- troopers were such well conditioned and exceptionally tough bastards. I also think that they were too fearful of their superiors to allow themselves to be affected by heat or cold or anything else.
The squad leader stepped forward and saluted Commander Cibock. "Welcome to Tatooine, sir," he said briskly. "The Special Envoy and Commander Selena are waiting for you." He turned and led us into a new and hurriedly constructed headquarters building, the rest of the troopers falling in behind us. I was grateful to get out of the sun.
The trooper led us through a maze of hallways and down two flights of stairs. Obviously, the headquarters' nerve center was below ground. It got cooler and more comfortable as we de- scended. There was a great deal of activity as personnel hurried about, and construction workers, assisted by droids, mounted equipment and strung communications cable.
The trooper finally came to a stop before a large set of double blast doors. He activated the comm link and announced our arrival. He stepped aside as the door slid open noiselessly.
The room, obviously a command office, was huge. It had been so hurriedly constructed that the rock out of which it was cut was still visible in several places where wall covering had yet to be applied. Comm screens were hung haphazardly and computer equipment was stacked along the sides. At the far end was an enormous desk. And standing next to the desk, tall, black, beautiful and sexy, was J'Una. She was smiling broadly at me and I felt relief surge through me, followed immediately by joy, then, inevitably, arousal. I wanted to dash across the room, take her in my arms and fuck her brains out. She always did have that effect on me. But, Imperial etiquette prevailed and I merely smiled back and nodded a wordless hello. I glanced at Kao, who was smiling broadly, as well.
There were three other people standing with J'Una around the desk on the far side of the room. At the end of the desk opposite from J'Una stood two men. One was middle aged with graying hair, fierce blue eyes, stocky build and was wearing the uniform of a stormtrooper general. The other was very tall, very big and very blonde. His shoulders were broad, his hands were huge and his biceps were massive. He wore two blasters strapped to his hips and stood with his arms folded, leaning casually against the wall.
Easily the most dominating presence, however, was that of the woman standing behind the desk. She was only of average height, but she was exceptionally well proportioned with beauti- ful sloping hips, a firm round ass and large upsweeping breasts. She had short black hair that neatly framed her face, dark eyes, very red lips and finely chiseled features that stood out in stark relief. Her demeanor was one of a person who is used to being in charge, used to being deferred to, used to being important. Her eyes seemed to glow with the intensity of a person on a mission. She wore a simple black tunic with dark grey trousers. In contrast to J'Una and the general, she wore no medals or decorations or any rank insignia. Though hers was the least impressive presence physically, it was immediately obvious that she was in charge and that the others, including the gen- eral, deferred to her.
"Welcome to Tatooine, Commander Cibock," the woman said as she gestured, somewhat imperiously I thought, for us to cross the room and approach the desk.
"I am Marta Emoh," the woman said, "Special Envoy to the Imperial Staff." She paused a moment to let the importance of her title sink in. I had never paid much attention to Imperial politics, and was not easily impressed by titles or rank, but I instantly caught the significance of what she said. So, too, did Commander Cibock. The 'Imperial Staff', as opposed to Imperial Headquarters, was the Emperor's personal organi- zation, which was apart from the Imperial Navy. It also placed itself outside the military's sphere of authority. This had often caused friction. There were rumors of a 'secret order, ' of which the Emperor and Vader were the founding members, and which pledged undying loyalty and allegiance to the Em- peror personally. I had no first hand knowledge of such a 'secret order' but it wouldn't have surprised me.
Marta continued with the introductions. She waved a hand toward the general. "This is General Koss," she said. "General Koss is the Commanding General of this installation. It is his job," she continued, her voice suddenly turning cold, "to get this installation fully operational on schedule and to con- tinue the extermination of Rebel sympathizers." Koss shot her a quick glance, but said nothing. Instead, he turned and welcomed Commander Cibock.
"I believe you all already know Commander Selena," Marta said with a smile.
"It's good to see you safe, Commander," Cibock said warmly. "When we heard about the Death Star, we feared the worst."
J'Una smiled, and was about to say something, but Marta inter- jected. "No time for sorrows, Commander. There is much to be done." She paused, and smiled.
"Commander Selena and I and a few others," she said smoothly, "had been sent here by Grand Moff Tarkin to begin preparations for this base. At that time I was the Grand Moff's Chief Assistant." For a moment I thought her eyes were starting to tear up, but she quickly regained her imperial air.
Casting a quick glance at the blonde giant in the corner Marta said, "And this is Tomba, my assistant." The way she said assistant made it clear to me that he was her muscle, to be used when she needed to exert some force. Judging from his physique and the way she had looked at him I figured he probably used some muscle on her from time to time. Marta definitely im- pressed me as someone you didn't fuck with, unless she want- ed you to fuck with her.
Marta sat down behind the desk. As there were no other chairs in the room, the rest of us remained standing, which is probably what she had had in mind. It helped to reaffirm her superior status.
"Now, Commander," Marta said briskly, "let's discuss your orders."
Cibock nodded, but said nothing.
"Since the cowardly attack by the Rebels on the Death Star," she continued, "we have been pursuing those responsible. What you must understand is that although Yavin was a principle Rebel base, it was not the only one. There are many other Rebel cells who, along with their allies, have become emboldened by the Death Star's destruction. Lord Vader has amassed an enormous fleet to pursue the Yavin Rebels. Unfortunately, this has left us with painfully few assets elsewhere." She paused, and leaned back in her chair.
"We have received disturbing reports that a group of pirates, supported and supplied by the Rebels, have begun operating out of the Pakuuni system. A primary trade artery runs through Pakuuni and on to Mylok IV, a major Imperial industrial base. These pirates have become quite bold, and unfortunately quite successful, in raiding our commerce vessels. We have been unable to counter them due to commitments elsewhere." She smiled grimly. "Even the Empire has its limits, Commander."
"Yes, Special Envoy," Cibock agreed deferentially. "What are the orders for GUSTAV?"
"There are two full squadrons of replacement TIE fighters here at Tatooine," she began. "They were meant to be transported to the Death Star. Take aboard as many as you can fit in GUSTAV's hangars. It will be crowded, but you will need as much firepower as you can get."
Cibock nodded, but I could see a questioning look on his face. Why was it necessary for a 'Special Envoy' to issue what looked to be routine patrol orders? We could just as easily have re- ceived the orders by message, taken the replacements onboard, and headed out.
"Once that's done," Marta continued, "we will proceed directly to the Pakuuni system." WE? Kao and I exchanged questioning looks, and Commander Cibock's puzzled expression was not lost on the Special Envoy.
"Yes, Commander," she said smoothly, responding to the un- asked question. "I will be accompanying you. And Commander Selena will be reassigned to GUSTAV, at least temporarily." A surge of joy rushed through me and I looked over at J'Una and smiled. She smiled back warmly.
"Her tactical abilities," Marta continued, "were remarked on frequently by Grand Moff Tarkin, who held her in very high regard. Our mission is to smash the pirates and their Rebel friends and establish a permanent, enduring Imperial presence."
"Yes, Special Envoy," Commander Cibock replied. "But isn't that a rather large task for one frigate with a few squadrons of TIEs and a couple of companies of stormtroopers?"
Marta stood up and walked around the desk until she was standing directly in front of us.
"Oh, we'll have help, Commander," she said vaguely in a voice that held out the prospect of sinister things to come.
Obviously, there was more going on here than merely nailing some pirates, but Commander Cibock remained silent.
Marta Emoh paused for what seemed to be a long time. Then, she raised an eyebrow. "Doesn't Admiral Haarkov's daughter serve aboard your vessel, Commander?" she asked. Even some- one as politically unaware as I could quickly make the connection. She was after Admiral Haarkov. What that had to do with us and our assignment I hadn't a clue. I assumed that the reports that Commander Cibock had sent in regarding the admiral's activities during the Sepan operation [see pt 4] were the catalyst for this development.
Instantly I was afraid for Marina Haarkov. I was sure that she was unaware of her father's "questionable" activities, but it was also clear to me that this Marta Emoh had a game plan, and that Marina would play a part in it.
Commander Cibock must have been thinking the same thing because he stiffened noticeably.
"Ensign Haarkov is one of our leading maintenance officers," Cibock said slowly, measuring his words. "She has an exemplary record."
Marta smiled at him. "I'm sure that she does, Commander," she said. She turned and moved back behind the desk and sat down. Abruptly, she turned to J'Una.
"Commander," she said as she waved her hand imperiously toward Kao and me, "perhaps you could show the captains around for a few minutes. Commander Cibock, the general and I have a few more things to discuss." She didn't mention her 'assistant', and he wasn't moving from his position against the wall, so I assumed it was understood that he was staying.
"Of course," J'Una replied, then motioned Kao and me to exit through the same double blast doors through which we had entered.
Once we were outside and the heavy doors had slammed shut, J'Una and I flew into each other's arms, our lips meeting in an intense, almost savage kiss. It's amazing the emotions that come over you when you see someone after getting used to the idea that they're dead. J'Una grabbed me in her powerful arms and slammed me against the wall, her tongue probing deeply into my mouth. For a few moments we forgot where we were, forgot Imperial decorum, lost in our mutual longing.
Suddenly, almost as one, we remembered Kao, who was standing there looking at us, a wry smile on her face. J'Una and I broke apart, grinning sheepishly like a couple of schoolkids who had been caught necking by their parents.
"It's alright," Kao said softly. "In fact, I feel like doing the same." And she stepped up to J'Una and placed a gentle, soft kiss on her lips. J'Una returned the kiss hungrily and it was obvious to me that this wasn't the first time they'd kissed like this. Kao broke away and stepped back.
"Well, Commander," she said in mock deference, "aren't you going to show us around?"
J'Una laughed. "There really isn't much to see around here," she said. "Everything's a mess, what with all the construction going on." As if to validate her statement several base personnel, their uniforms wrinkled and dusty, hurried past accompanied by two droids carrying heavy construction materials. J'Una followed them with her eyes as they disappeared down the passageway. She stared after them, then her face brightened, her red eyes lit up and she turned to us with that wide, beaming smile of hers.
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Disclaimer: Star Wars and the main characters within this story are property of Lucusarts Ltd. and are used solely for the purpose of entertainment and not for the gain of any moneys. The Female Liberation Movement/Army and named members; fem-troopers; the Rhenda's Haven resort; Sarrifiss; and the Jedi Mirram Moss are my own creations. Any questions or concerns about this work of fan fiction by Lucasarts or its representatives are to be directed to me, the author, and not the...
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MAU: Trek Wars Synopsis: Further adventures of Seven as she and her Trekkie friends confront their ultimate challenge - Star Wars fans. Note: This tale contains numerous characters from both the Star Trek and Star Wars universes. If a reader is unfamiliar with the Star Wars characters, the official Star Wars databank can provide more information than I can include in this tale. I am trying to not clutter the story with too much detail on the characters, but to provide...
People think being The Porn Dude involves nothing but jerking off to taboo anal movies and explicit voyeurism hentai, but the world of pornography is so much wider-ranging than that. Today, for example, I spent the day shaking my dick at an adult video game about a dark magician trying to corrupt my sister. Normally, I’m fine with any kind of sister corruption that goes on in adult entertainment, but in Vixen Wars, you fight alongside sexy broads who want to hook up, so maybe the trade-off will...
Best Porn GamesFor a time Jango Fett was considered as a template for clone army, but in the end someone different was chosen – Ros Lai. A busty redhead human female and force using Nightsister. Even through she was a strong force user, only small percentage of her clones have have talent in it. Those clones had been given special training by count Dooku himself. Their existence was a secret to all but Dooku and Sidious. There were only two major changes in growing clone army. First, their uniforms were...
Jacen and Lumiya stared at the camera feed for the interrogation room in the depths of GAG headquarters on the unnamed moon STAR WARSA LEGACY OF FORCE Jacen Solo and Lumiya stared at the camera feed for the interrogation room in the depths of GAG headquarters on the unnamed moon.? Usually for this sort of procedure Jacen would have undertaken matters at the units main HQ on Coruscant or aboard their star-destroyer, the Anakin Solo, but he could not risk any but the most loyal...
Join the battle! Twenty-eight years ago, the SITH EMPIRE returned from exile to exact vengeance upon the GALACTIC REPUBLIC and their sworn defenders, the JEDI ORDER. The GREAT GALACTIC WAR waged across the galaxy, from the Core to Outer Rims. However, after nearly three decades of fighting, peace was in sight. The Sith extended a hand of peace, offering a treaty to be signed on ALDERAAN. Skeptical, but hopeful, the Republic sent its ambassadors and the Jedi's greatest protectors to the world of...
TRANSVAMPORIA FOUR GENDER WARS Introduction: Hi once again and welcome to the fourth installment of the Transvamporia saga. By now, I shouldn't have to tell y'all to read the first three parts before this one. I will say that so far my writing has been going fairly smoothly and I have been able to get out quite a bit fairly fast. I intend to try and keep up the pace as I have this big story inside my head that needs to get out. So once again I will cut with any...
Star Wars 3, Part. 1 ? by: Hrithik Roshan Senator Padme had her lips wrapped around Anakin Skywalker's big fat cock. They had just gotten married the day before, and the first night had been something less than perfect. For the last ten years, aside from occasional tortured nightmares of his mother's enslavement, Anakin had been dreaming of nothing else than the beautiful queen of Naboo. So to have her naked on his bed, legs spread apart to show her beautiful shaved pussy, was...
Your Name Is Macen Surik, Descendant Of Macen Surik, Jedi Knight and Former Commander Of The Republic Fleet During The Mandalorian Wars, and The Climatic Final Battle At Malachor. After Defeating The Sith Triumvirate, Your Ancestor Started A Family With His Echani Student Brianna and Raised Five Children, Three Sons and Two Daughters. The Surik Bloodline Soon Joined With The Shan, Valorum, and Several Other Prestigious Bloodlines. Currently, The Surik Line Is Precariously Left In The Hands Of A...
Your name is John Shan, and you are heir to the highly Distinguished Shan Bloodline, a Lineage of Heroes and Force-Users stretching all the way back to the Mandalorian Wars, which was more than 3,600 years ago. You are fresh out of the Imperial Stormtrooper Academy of Carida, but unlike your fellow Officers you have no Xenophobic Hatred or Views towards Aliens. You may carry out Morally Questionable Orders, but that doesn't mean you like or aren't haunted by them. You stay for one reason, Hope,...
(Warning: this will contain various forms of rape/sexual assault.) The Star Wars universe can be a scary place. Especially for a hot scavenger/wannabe Jedi. I've pictured plenty of scenarios over the course of the Sequel Trilogy where Rey's bitchy attitude, and foolish decisions could've gotten her raped. Now it's your turn! This will span The Force Awakens, and The Last Jedi. Thought that Rey's victories came to easy for her? Turn them into messy defeats. This isn't limited to bad guys either....
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away... Welcome to the Star Wars galaxy, where you're free to be anyone you want to be - Jedi, Sith, smuggler, princess, bounty hunter, or something else altogether. First of all, though, do you want to be an established character, or create your own?
Star Wars as a Galaxy, even before the house of Mouse taking things over, had no shortage of hot women in it, the number of races alone are mind blowing, from Human to Zabrak to Twilek to Sith purebloods, anything was possible, and in this story, provided you stay within the rules of this site, anything is possible to you as well. So, where will it be? And who will be your damsel to distress? Do you stay in the movies? Or maybe the old EU? Possibly the Games have your attention, or maybe the...
BDSMStar Wars Episode 6.5 A Vital Exchange By Caleb Jones Hans Solo and his wife Leia Organa Solo went to bed after Han returned from a month-long secret mission. They chatted a bit about the day's events and then they began to make passionate space love. Meanwhile, Leia's brother Luke was trying to contact her from the distant planet Xeoiwu-3 using his abilities with the Force. As twins, they could often communicate with each other on a level beyond that of ordinary humans and as...
The galaxy is a deep and boundless black to you, quite the night sky, speckled white by the distant light of thousands of star systems you haven't yet visited... After leaving lightspeed you marvel for a moment at what the blue tunnel of hyperspace has transformed into again, and end your reverie when your sensor board begins to paint up a picture of the system you've entered. Angling down, you find yourself pointed at the curved horizon of the silver-green planet you'd been intending to fly...
Welcome and welcome all the Star Wars fans. Have you ever wanted to see your favorite characters in a naughty scenario? Well, that is what r/starwarsnsfw/ is all about! I think it is all written in the name, as you get to watch the naughtiest Star Wars characters in NSFW scenes. If you want to know more about this subreddit, just keep on reading. That is why I am here.On the other hand, Reddit is a free website, so even if you are not in the mood for some Star Wars naughtiness, you can always...
Reddit NSFW List1760 The Fall of Montreal The heated battles of the French and Indian Wars were primarily fought in the deep forests and isolated outposts of the exposed English settlers. However, the British eventually brought the fight directly into the heart of the French Colonial Homeland in Canada. The initial assaults on Quebec were fought off but it eventually fell to the English forces in 1759 with much loss of life and property. The key to this success was the prior taking of Fort Niagara by the...
Fred Jackson glanced over at the clock and then back outside. His wife should be home any minute. He had removed all of his clothing and threw them in the corner. He stood naked in the hallway as he glanced down at his semi-erect dick. He couldn't wait for what he was about to do to his wife. He had done nothing during the past few days at work but read parts of 50 shades of Grey. Fred had read about the role play, bondage, and dominating. He easily related to the characters with his wife's...
Originally posted on Doctor Susan Block's JournalMost men are excited by the idea of their women being with other men. Yes, most. They may or may not actually like it. But many an otherwise sensible gentleman finds himself aroused upon seeing his hot wife, girlfriend or significant other flirt with a stranger, or perhaps a friend. He may be jealous, hurt, angry, even enraged. Still, he often can’t help but want to make love to “his” woman as soon as they get home, his erection stronger than...
One of the most recognized franchises ever, Star Wars features some incredible characters. From Darth Vader, to Luke Skywalker, to Kylo Ren, Star Wars knows how to make them memorable. The women are no exception, from Leia Organa to Ahsoka Tano, to Padme Amidala, Star Wars is exceptional at making strong female characters. It is these people we will be focusing on today.
You sit and sip your drink slowly, while watching your surroundings. The bar is not the worst place you've been in, but it's not far behind. You wonder for tenth time what convinced a [A1]Man [A2]Woman like you, to come to this place. Drinks were awful, the information scare and food – you wouldn't touch it with 10 foot stick. You thought that this would be a good place to celebrate the successful completion of your last contact. But in hindsight,...
One of the most recognized franchises ever, Star Wars features some incredible characters. From Darth Vader, to Luke Skywalker, to Kylo Ren, Star Wars knows how to make them memorable. The women are no exception, from Leia Organa to Ahsoka Tano, to Padme Amidala, Star Wars is exceptional at making strong female characters. It is these people we will be focusing on today. Cover by: Mr_Hyde_06
The Clone Wars have ended and with it also came the end of The Separatist, The Trade Federation, and even more shocking, The Jedi Order. In the final days of the war the newly appointed Emperor Palpatine announced to all that the Jedi had attempted to seize power and had made an attempt on his life. With a promise to protect the galaxy from further war and acts of terror the republic with abandoned with thunderous applause. However while a vast majority was in favor of this decision, a few...
Danger looms across the galaxy as the Empire's secret weapon, the Death Star, is finalized and ready to wreck havoc. Though a small rebel alliance has attempted to hold them off, their efforts have been mostly in vain - until now. The secret schematics of the superweapon were leaked following a high-stakes operation, which lead to those plans being inserted into a droid. This droid eventually found it's way to the future hero of the universe - Luke Skywalker, a young nineteen year old on a...
You have finally turned 18 standard years old! You now can enlist, as you have been wanting to do for some time now even though your parents are against it. Especially these days, considering that there was a war going on between the Empire and Rebel Alliance. But, now, you must make your decision on which one to join. You think of what you know. The Empire is powerful and stretches far and wide and has better weapons and army. Also, it would be less dangerous considering if you were a rebel...
Es war einmal vor langer Zeit in einer weit, weit entfernten Galaxis ... Padme Amidala, die ehemalige Konigin von Naboo und nunmehr frischgebackene Senatorin hat gerade ihre Dankesrede zu ihrer Ernennung beendet. Die Mitglieder des Senats der Republik spenden ihrem jüngsten Mitglied freundlichen Beifall. Kanzler Palpatine, ihr väterlicher Freund und Vertrauter seit ihrer Jugend legt seinen Arm freundschaftlich um Amidalas schmale Schultern. „Ich beglückwünsche Sie zu Ihrer Ernennung, Hoheit!...
Thoughts began rushing through my mind, and I began wondering how I managed to come across this goddess of the final frontier, because just two hours ago, I had been sitting in my apartment, awaiting what I thought would be just another day in a sci-fi convention. I know by now you are probably wondering just who the hell I am, so let me take you back and fill you in on the details. My name is Luke Stevens. I am six feet tall, about 180 pounds with short, brown hair and murky, blue...
Set 2 years after Attack of the Clones. Anakin Skywalker and his wife Padme Amidala have been give time away from the clone wars that rage throughout the galaxy to spend with each other. The Nubian cruiser sailed elegantly through the blackness of space around the jungle world of Cerron. Padme entered the cockpit to find Anakin working the manual controls. “What’s wrong/” she asked. Anakin turned and smiled “Hyperdrive overheated. I’ve had to drop back into normal space to repair it”. Padme...
Chaos and Order: The War Eternal "Small Wars" An Urban Fantasy Tale (Set in the Consultant Universe) Magic has always existed and is now openly acknowledged. 10% of the population is magically sensitive and 5% can actually be taught to cast spells. Only about 1% has the ability to earn a Magic-User 3rd Class license. In a country of 300 million that means there are potentially 3 million professional practitioners. ...
The Nuclear Propulsion Boat U.S.S. John Paul Jones blasted ahead at a speed approaching 100 thousand miles per minute. It's nuclear pulse drive propelled it ahead at speeds faster than any human vessel in space had ever moved. Keeping pace with the John Paul Jones were the nuclear pulse ships of her new allies. The People's Republic of China had sent her best In the form of the People's Space Ship 'Revolutionary Guard' Her master and Commander, Air Marshall Deng Xiaoping Hailed the...
Three and a half years have passed since young Luke Skywalker destroyed the Death Star. Luke is at the ripe age of twenty-three and more sure of himself than ever before. The fledgling Jedi is still coming to terms with himself and his role in the universe, choosing to stand by the Rebel Alliance in their great war against the tyrannical Empire. He has quickly risen up in rank and earned the respect of almost everyone in the Alliance. He feels full of confidence with himself and eager to see...
Leia smiled at Han. He couldn't see her back. An extended stay in carbonite will have that effect. But, now that he was free, they would be able to leave this sandy hell hole, and return to the alliance. They may have lost on Hoth, but there was still a war to win. As she helped her lover to his feet, Leia's mind was already planning how to explain this diversion to Mon Mothma. And then the silence was pierced by an obscene Huttese Cackle. "What's that?" Han looked around in futility. "I know...
Gamindustri. A magical land of scientific and technological progress. The continent is divided into several nations, each protected by one of the Console Patron Units who oversee and guide its inhabitants. In turn, the CPUs are worshiped as goddesses and empowered by the physical manifestation of their people's faith - a mystical energy known as Shares. Much of Gamindustri's history prior to the signing of the Treaty of Friendship is dominated by the Console Wars, an era of devastating battles...
Bootleg Wars? Spitman, 2006SCENARIOThe consumption of meat harvested from human females is a major industry in the world of this story, so much so that official agencies have been set up in the USA and elsewhere to control the breeding and harvesting industries, and to maintain the highest possible Real Meat standards. The CRMPA or California Real Meat Processing Authority is the foremost of these authorities. The CRMPA is required by the US government to ensure that Real Meat (human female...
CuntWars aka Chick Wars! What a fucking name for a site. They are definitely not messing around. No, Cunt Wars is not about a couple of chicks finally duking it out in a ring, though that would be amazing., made by hooligapps, is a card-based strategy game. I know, I know. It sounds lame, but before you go zipping up your pants and taking your wank elsewhere, hear me out. I’m usually pretty bored by porn games in general. There’s never enough action, the game concept is usually...
Best Porn Games*** PROLOGUE This is a historical, but fictional story of the sea war that was fought between the Royal Navy and the U Boats during the period 1940 to 1942, the action is staged at the time when the U Boats were sinking British and allied shipping with little resistance. The story also refers to DEMS {Defensively Equipped Merchant Ships) which was the arming of merchant ships, usually with outdated guns from the first world war and manned by volunteer RN ratings which did a great job, at great...
Erotic FictionPROFESSOR JAMES The harvest is finally completed and now I have a chance to put my story of the fantastic life I have found here in a readable form. My name is Jon Morgan and I live here on Highland with my wife, Ellen Grant Morgan, and a couple of hundred others in what we call the Grant Clan. Most fortunately many of those two hundred - and many in neighboring clans - are very attractive and very interested and willing women. I love the customs which have developed here. With the harvest...
(( My first story here, please feel free to add to it as my own store line will follow the results that advance the plot. TRANSLATION: If you want the character to take a quicker route to sexual experience and depravity please insert your own branches or be patient with me and I will do so when I have time. I will review all submissions for addition daily as possible. Happy writing/reading... and other things... NOTE: If you'd like to begin your own entire story based on my opening premise and...
FantasyThere I sat shifting through the many piles of papers lying on my desk and wishing I were somewhere else. It was truly amazing how many reports passed through my hands to be filed or used to type up other reports. I knew that at least half of them would reach Judge Jasper's desk, where he would study them for a few minutes then put them in his out box to be filed by you know who. What surprised me was how much information Judge Jasper remembered. He would quote me numbers on the...
‘P-Dommmm! P-Dommmm!’ The lasers of the Imperial Star Destroyer slammed into the small Rebel ship with unceasing accuracy. “Take that, you Rebel scum!” screamed one of my fellow Stormtroopers as the shields of the Rebel ship were visibly seen to buckle and fail. Everyone from my squad was at the windows watching the battle. All that nonsense about Imperial stoicism is baloney. Most of us were cheering and whooping with delight as we kicked Rebel butt. ‘P-too! P-too!’ came the Rebel return...
July 21, 1994 Colonel Naff stood atop a building watching the action below. The first battalion had just jumped into a fake urban area used in making a television show. The set was complete with buildings, although they were just shells. They were now in the process of taking control of the area. One of the problems facing paratroopers is that when they jump into a war zone they are doing so with limited supplies. There isn’t a convoy of supply trucks lumbering along behind them with heavy...
Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.It was Saturday morning,...
IncestThe previous installments of this story line are republished under the heading "Witch Chronicles". WITCH CHRONICLES 001 - A TG Witch's Tale WITCH CHRONICLES 002 - Elizabeth's Story-Elizabeth WITCH CHRONICLES 003 - Elizabeth's Story-Lynn WITCH CHRONICLES 004 - I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 1 WITCH CHRONICLES 005 - I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 2 WITCH CHRONICLES 006 - I Was a Teenage Sorceress Pt 3 WITCH CHRONICLES 007 - Dark Beginnings WITCH CHRONICLES 008 - Prelude to War Now,...
The alleged accident that killed General Patton at the end of World War Two was a terrible awakening to the American people that suddenly they had lost the most outspoken critic of the Soviet Union and the dictator Joseph Stalin taking the place of Hitler and his Nazi goons as the primary threat to continuing peace in Europe. He had plenty of critics for his outstanding views on politics and the world around us but he was one hell of a combat commander and inspired deep loyalty in his...
[No Disrespect was meant by writing this and this is just a very short draft of something that might become something else.] Starwars: Codename Veronica By Britney Kandey The "Exiv" lay buried under sand from yet another sand storm, the Tatooine desert was indeed an unforgiving place. Kyp Ryder had made Tatooine his home after a smuggling run had gone haywire, and a bounty hunter had finally shot down his Corellian Corvette the "Exiv". Kyp had only intended to stay on...
(This story is both a companion piece and a sequel to ‘My War’ by LeapYearGuy and is written with his permission. My thanks to him for very graciously allowing me to use his characters from his moving and poignant story. Although the original story is somewhat covered by PFC Kent, the original should definitely be read to get an understanding of the characters and how they ended up where they are. By the way, ‘REMF’ is a Vietnam era term used to refer to a ‘Rear Echelon Mother Fucker’, someone...
‘I hate this place.’ ‘I hate that you’re such a brat,’ Danielle said to her little brother. ‘Why do we have to go? Ma-mère doesn’t even speak English,’ he whined some more. ‘She does, too.’ She reached over and smacked him just because she could. ‘You’re just too stupid to understand her.’ ‘Dani, don’t antagonise your brother,’ her mom scolded from the front seat of the mini-van. ‘They don’t even have a Playstation!’ Good God, just shut up! Danielle thought to herself. Before she said...
"I hate this place." "I hate that you're such a brat," Danielle said to her little brother. "Why do we have to go? Ma-mère doesn't even speak English," he whined some more. "She does, too." She reached over and smacked him just because she could. "You're just too stupid to understand her." "Dani, don't antagonise your brother," her mom scolded from the front seat of the mini-van. "They don't even have a Playstation!" Good God, just shut up! Danielle thought to herself....
Katherine felt attracted to him the very first time she saw him. He was different than the other men she knew, not that she knew that many, but there was something altogether safe and yet demanding about him. He looked her straight in the eyes, unlike boys her own age, and he showed his interest in her, in an open and pleasant manner. They met at a party of the better circles. She had come there with her two sisters, both older, and both married. The youngest in the family, she was used to...
You wake up in your bunk on your ship feeling particularly groggy. You walk over to your closet pulling out some clothes deciding against wearing the armor laying in pieces on your closet floor and leaving your blasters back in their weapons locker. You still have a splitting headache and audibly groan as you head toward the bathroom. You walk down the cold metal hallways of your ship floating through the abyss that is the space between worlds taking a moment to appreciate the quiet, well as...
With the communications to the Senate blocked. Her council knew it was only moments away till the federations invasion was going to begin. The position of Queen had always used handmaidens as body doubles. To help the Queen from being captured or tortured. But this time, if the Trade Federation occupies the planet. It would only be a matter of time till Padme would crack and do anything to save her people. So it was decided, her captain, escorted her to a public hangar. Where there were several...