Nerd Wars: Episode 1 free porn video

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Thoughts began rushing through my mind, and I began wondering how I managed to come across this goddess of the final frontier, because just two hours ago, I had been sitting in my apartment, awaiting what I thought would be just another day in a sci-fi convention. I know by now you are probably wondering just who the hell I am, so let me take you back and fill you in on the details.

My name is Luke Stevens. I am six feet tall, about 180 pounds with short, brown hair and murky, blue eyes. My parents, being the Star Wars fanatics they are, named me after the great Jedi Knight himself, Luke Skywalker, and as fate would have it, I became one of the millions of Star Wars fanatics. Unfortunately, being a Star Wars nerd didn’t really bring in the girls. I guess the Force wasn’t very strong with me. I had gone through most of my teen years only knowing the feeling of a girl’s lips and tongue on mine. Kissing was all that I had experienced. That girl was my Mara Jade. It started out with her picking on me in middle school, and that slight bullying blossomed into a make out session at the end of our sophomore year of high school. Unfortunately, like I said, kissing was all that I had experienced. She just up and moved out of the blue over the summer, and all I got was a phone call, her telling me how much she would miss me and bullshit like that. “Mara” really meant a lot to me, but the fact that she waited to tell me she was leaving on the day she was leaving really pissed me off. I never did hear anything out of her again since that phone call, and part of me didn’t want to hear from her.

Time went on, and before I knew it, I was eighteen years old and fresh out of high school, ready to start my college career. The only bad thing about that was, I was still a virgin, and I didn’t want to enter college that way. You see, after “Mara” left, I found it hard to get close to anyone. I didn’t think it had anything to do with my physical appearance, besides, I had many female friends, but none would ever accept a date from me. They found that our friendship meant to much to them. I could agree with that. I would rather have them as my friends that not have them at all, but that grew tired quickly.

I was tired of unintentionally living by the Jedi Code, so I decided to move into an apartment complex near the local college. My parents said I could just live at home and drive to and from the college each day, but I refused, saying it would be easier for me in order to adapting to life on my own, when in reality all I wanted was to have a place of my own to bring a girl to when the time came. I figured bringing a girl to my parents’ house was not only uncool, but also really embarrassing. My parents gave in and believed my story and luckily agreed to pay half my rent.

So there I was, sitting in my apartment, which was decorated in Star Wars posters depicting the six episodes, watching some nameless woman, on my computer, riding the cock of some lucky guy. I had my in my boxers, slowly stroking my 5 inch hard on, which I did a lot when I was a virgin, but the woman began to bore me as I watched her. I began thinking that if I saw one porn star riding some nameless guy, then I have seen them all. I was tired of seeing cyber tits and asses. I wanted to grab some tits and squeeze some asses. Hell, Jabba the Hutt got more action that I did. Unimpressed by the hardcore action in front of me, I decided to close my web browser. My cock was still hard as a rock, wanting to release what I had built up, but I didn’t feel like finishing at the moment. All these girls I looked at on the internet sometimes just made me think of how much I was missing out on. It was now August, and school would be starting in a week, and I was no closer to feeling the inside of a woman. The only thing that made me a little optimistic was a sci-fi convention that was taking place the next day and continuing on throughout the week. If there was a last place to look for a girl, it was in a place crammed with girls who saw the world like I did.

I wasted the day away by watching movies, getting off to various nude and sex scenes, and playing some Xbox. The day seemed to go on forever. I couldn’t seem to find anything to keep my attention, so I decided to call it a night at nine. I figured I could get an early start on tomorrow that way.

I woke bright and early the next morning at seven, which was a rare time for me to be getting up without a fight. I got out of bed, my morning erection poking out of the hole in the front of my boxers. The urge to pee was overwhelming me as I walked into the bathroom, however, I couldn’t position my dick to shoot into the toilet. I walked to the shower, turned on the water, and waited for it to heat up as the sound of the water almost made me flood the bathroom floor. I couldn’t take it anymore so I threw off my boxers, and jumped into the shower, releasing a golden stream almost immediately. The stream ceased after what seemed like five minutes, and I began washing up.

After I showered I walked into my bedroom and took out what I was going to wear to the convention, a handmade replica of Luke Skywalker’s Jedi tunic in Return of the Jedi, which I made for Halloween a couple years back. I laid it out on the bed as I walked to by dresser and grabbed a pair of boxers, which I slipped on. From there I ate breakfast, watched some reruns of some programs that aired last week, did my hygienic duties, and watched the minutes tick away. When the time came I put on my costume, complete with the black glove on my right hand and a black cloak I had bought online. There was only one thing missing that could make this costume beyond my expectations. I walked into my closet and took out a three foot long case, placed it on my bed, and clicked it open, revealing a green, Luke Skywalker Force FX Lightsaber I had bought for this occasion.

Fully costumed I grabbed my keys and wallet, and then left the apartment, lightsaber in hand. I got into my car, which I called Red 5, and made my way to the community center. When I got there it was a mad house. There had to be about ten thousand people there, ranging from cadets of the Starship Enterprise to legions of faceless stormtroopers and everything in between. I pulled into a parking lot about two blocks away and I made the journey to my home away from home. The place seemed to have more people than I originally thought when I walked up to the crowded line. Luckily I had bought a weeklong pass some weeks ago and was able to get into a shorter line that moved much more quickly. I was in before I knew it. I loved going to these things. Inside were booths upon booths of sci-fi paraphernalia, and giant banners hung from the ceiling, labeling the different sections: Star Wars, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Stargate, etc.

I made my way to my section. To my people. As I walked into the Star Wars section, I came across a booth ran by a Boba Fett. The booth was labeled “Lightsaber Duels,” and there was a designated perimeter in front of it. Standing next the Fett was a man dressed in robes, no specific character theme, with a blue lightsaber humming.

“Come one, come all!” the Boba Fett called. “Is there anyone who will challenge this rogue Jedi?”

I stepped forward. I may not have been good with the ladies, but good with a lightsaber I am.

“I do,” I called, turning on my saber’s green blade.

“Okay, let’s keep this clean. You’re worth more alive than dead,” Fett laughed. The Jedi and I stepped into the designated area. “You may start.”

We met at the center, our blades crossed, our sabers mimicking the clashing sound. I met each one of his blows, as he did to mine. The Jedi began forcing me out of the edge of the perimeter and I lost my balance as I bumped into someone, knocking this person over.

I quickly spun around catching this person. This person was a girl. She was wearing a red and black Star Trek uniform that clung tight to her petite body. I stared into her emerald eyes as she stared up at me. I stared at her for I don’t know how long.

“I must have set my phaser to stun,” she laughed. I finally snapped out of my trance and helped her to her feet.

“I’m sorry. I wasn’t watching where I was going,” I said to her.

“It’s alright, I should have been more careful myself.”

“Excuse me, we’re not finished,” said the Jedi.

“I give up,” I replied. The Jedi walked way, unimpressed by his given victory. I turned my attention back to the girl and asked, “What’s your name?”

“I’m Eva,” she said. “What’s yours?”

“I’m Luke,” I answered.

“I can see that. What’s your real name?”

“Luke. My name is Luke Stevens.”

“Oh, I just thought, because how you’re dressed and a...I’m sorry.”

“There’s nothing to be sorry for.”

“Well, thank you for catching me and not letting me fall on my ass.”

“It was no problem. It’s the least I can do for knocking you over.”

“Well, what’s the most you could do?” She asked me with a smirk.

What did she mean by that? Is she messing with me? All these thoughts began rushing through my mind. It was like someone had engaged the hyper drive in my brain. I don’t know how many thoughts hyperspaced through my brain, but I knew my answer.

“Well, how about I buy you lunch, and we can see what happens from there?” I replied, my heart beating faster than it ever had.

“That sounds great, Luke. I would love to.”

“So shall we go to the basement and see what concessions they have?”

“You know, these places always want you to pay out the ass for a tiny morsel of food. How about we get out of here and see what the outside world has to offer?”

“Just leave the convention?”

“Yeah, besides, the big names won’t be here until later in the week. So what do you want to do, stay here and wish you would have taken me up on the offer or do you want to join me?”

“Let’s get out of here.”

Accompanied by Eva, I made my way to the exit at the back of the building. We exited into an alley that was totally void of people as a faint roar of fanboys echoed from the mass out front.

“I hope you have a car,” Eva said. “I took the bus this morning.”

“Yeah, I got a car. I parked two blocks away,” I replied.

“Lead the way, Master Jedi.”

“Stay close, Lieutenant.”

“Actually it’s Lieutenant Commander.”

“My mistake.”

So Eva and I made our way to the parking lot where Red 5 was stationed. I know people driving by gave us weird looks and whatnot but I didn’t care. We made it to the parking lot, which was crammed full of vehicles. We made it to Red 5, I unlocked it, threw my lightsaber in the back seat as Eva got in the passenger seat. I got in and started it up.

“So, Eva, where to?” I asked as I pulled out of the parking lot.

“I don’t want to go somewhere expensive. I don’t want to cost you a lot of money. Maybe Arby’s drive thru or something,” Eva replied. “Besides, I would feel kind of embarrassed walking into a restaurant wearing my Star Trek costume.”

“I don’t care how people see me. I would dress like a Jedi any day and wouldn’t care what people thought of me. I just say, ‘Fuck it. I don’t know them, they don’t know me. They can think whatever they want about me.’”

“I wish I could think like that. I always care about what others think of me.”

“I could teach you.”

“No, I don’t think I would be able to. I look too nerdy.”

“No, you look beautiful, if you don’t mind me saying.”

I swear Eva’s face turned the same color of her uniform. I didn’t know if had crossed a line saying that, being that we just met a little bit ago, but I meant it.

“Okay, teach me.”



“We’ll start small and work our way up to the restaurant situation.”

“What do you have in mind?” Eva asked.

“We’ll start with Arby’s and go on from there,” I said, making it apparent that I didn’t want this to be the last time we are together.

Eva didn’t disagree so I pulled into the parking lot of the nearest Arby’s and got her ready for her first test. We exited Red 5 and made our way into the restaurant, if Arby’s can be called that. When we entered all eyes turned to us. Eva looked a bit nervous, but she kept on with the plan.

“What would you like?” I asked.

“Just a roast beef sandwich,” Eva said. “Maybe two.”

“Okay,” I replied, walking to the counter.

“What can I get for you?” the woman working the register asked.

“I’d like to get the five for five special, with two medium drinks.”

The woman added it up and gave me the total. I paid with my debit card and she gave me the cups and said she’d bring the sandwiches out when they were ready. I handed Eva her cup, which she nervously took. We proceeded to the drinks. I got Coke, as did Eva, and we sat down in an empty booth.

“The anxiety kind of subsides after a while,” Eva said, slightly glancing at the other customers to see if they were looking at her.

“Pretty soon you won’t feel any,” I said.

“So, I want to know something about you, Luke.”

“What do you want to know?”

“Just something. I just met you and I know nothing about you, other than your name.”

“To be honest I am a little surprised all this happened so quickly. I’ve never met someone and had lunch with them within an hour. Why did you agree to come to lunch with me if you didn’t know me?”

“I guess it’s because I sort of like you,” Eva admitted. Wow, I didn’t expect her to just come out with it, and I don’t think she expected it either because her face once again began to turn red. “Now tell me about yourself.”

“Well, I was born here. I’m eighteen and am enrolled to start college next week. My parents named me after Luke Skywalker, if you haven’t already pieced that together from what I’m dressed in. So, that’s about it. What about you?”

“I’m nineteen, and I too am enrolled to start next week. I didn’t think I would go to college, so I spent a year doing nothing and I got sick of it fast. I decided that college may be the right place for me to go, so I enrolled over the summer.”

“So you’re going to a college here too? Where are you living?”

“I’m living on campus, Harrison Hall. It’s not big, but it will do. Where are you living?”

“I actually got an apartment, not far from campus.”

“An apartment, huh?”

“Yeah, maybe you could stop by sometime.”

I didn’t know if I was crossing a line with this one either. I had never invited a girl to my place before, because I had never had a girl or a place, but I was kind of shocked by her answer.

“Maybe I could come over after lunch,” she said with a smirk.

“Fine with me,” was my automatic response. From there, I was speechless and astonished. Luckily someone from the kitchen brought out our food before the silence got too uncomfortable. I handed her two sandwiches and I took two. “Do you want any Arby’s Sauce or Horsey Sauce?”

“Yes, please,” Eva said.

I quickly got up and grabbed a couple packets of each from the condiment counter and returned seconds later. So there we were, Luke Stevens and Eva...Eva, I didn’t know her last name. Wow, I had been flirting with this girl and I didn’t even know her last name.

“You know, Eva, you never told you your last name.”

“Oh, it’s Owens. Eva Owens. I’m sorry, I didn’t even think about it.”

So there we were, Luke Stevens and Eva Owens. A Jedi Master and a Starfleet Lieutenant Commander. I thought this too good to be true for my run of luck. I mean I didn’t have a girlfriend, if you could call “Mara” that, until the end of my sophomore year, and here I was with this gorgeous young woman. We were galaxies apart, familiar to different customs, yet we found each other against all odds.

After we ate I drove Eva to my apartment complex and took her up to the third floor, to my apartment. I was in apartment 34. It was a bitch to move everything up there on moving day, being that the apartment complex didn’t furnish.

I unlocked the door and let her in first and I entered after her, closing the door and turning on the light. The light illuminated all my Star Wars posters, which Eva began looking at. I walked into my bedroom, to put away the lightsaber and take off my cloak and glove, and then rejoined Eva at my Return of the Jedi poster.

“You really like Star Wars, don’t you?” Eva said, scanning over the picture of Luke Skywalker with his emerald blade clashing with the crimson blade of Vader.

“Yeah, the first time I saw Episode IV, I fell in love with the story and couldn’t get enough,” I replied.

“It’s no Star Trek, but I do enjoy watching Star Wars sometimes.”

“What does Star Trek have that Star Wars doesn’t?”

“Well for starters, it takes place in our galaxy and they don’t have unbelieveable weapons like the lightsaber,” Eva said, giving me a little grin.

“Well at least Star Wars has languages for all its creatures, as opposed to the entire galaxy knowing English,” I said, returning the grin. Eva leaned against the wall and looked straight in my eyes, as I stared back.

“Well, at least Star Trek didn’t have its main character make out with his sister.”

“Han Solo could kick Kirk’s ass any day.”

“Is that so?” With that said, Eva pulled me to her and our lips locked, our tongues met each other’s and she slowly began moving me towards the bedroom. Our lips never parted until she pushed me back on the bed. “Anything else?”

“Yeah, Sulu takes it up the ass.”

Eva leaned down to me, licked my right ear and whispered, “That’s my job.”

Eva reached down and unbuttoned and unzipped my pants and began to pull them down, underwear and all. My cock was at full attention as she knelt down and began to jack it slowly. Her hand felt so soft on my cock. She looked up at me and grinned as she slipped the head into her mouth and began licking the tip ever so gently. Her hand quickly picked up rhythm as did her mouth. Her head began quickly bobbing up and down on my cock. I felt that familiar feeling begin to build, only this felt more intense. I started breathing heavier which only made Eva more eager.

“I’m about to cum,” I told her.

Her lips tightened as she pulled me out of her mouth and said, “Cum for me. I want it.”

She placed me back in her mouth and forced me over the edge as I shot burst after burst of cum into her mouth, which she quickly swallowed. I couldn’t believe what was happening. I was in Heaven. She took me out of her mouth, crawled up to me and planted a kiss upon my lips. The taste was different, which I deduced was from my cum.

“I hope you’re ready for more,” Eva said.

“Of course I am,” I replied.

Eva scooted off the bed and stood before me. She reached behind her back and slowly unzipped her Star Trek uniform revealing a black bra and thong underneath. She slipped out of the costume and turned herself away from me, reaching back and unhooking her bra. She let the bra fall to the floor and then grabbed the waist of her thong and slid it down her legs, bending over and showing me her wet pussy and tight asshole. She turned her head to look at me as she slowly stood back up.

“Take off that tunic, Master Jedi.”

“As you wish.”

I grabbed the hem of my tunic and pulled it off, leaving me in my pants, which were around my ankles, and boots. I sat up and began pulling off my boots and socks to get my pants off, only to have Eva turn around and put her shaved pussy in my face. I removed the rest of my clothes and knelt down as Eva placed her left foot upon the bed. I brought my face closer to her wet slit, her clit prominently pointing forward. As I brought my mouth to her wet lips, I began to smell an intoxication scent that seemed to have control over me. It made me want her more that I can explain. I began to lick up and down her slit, probing her hole with my tongue. The taste was out of this galaxy and I couldn’t get enough. I pulled my tongue out and focused on her clit as I began fingering her pussy with my right index and middle fingers.

“Oh yes, Luke, just like that,” Eva said, as hummed in pleasure. This went on for a couple more minutes until she pushed me away. “Stop, I don’t want to cum like this. Lay back on the bed.”

I got back on the bed and laid on my back, my cock sticking strait up. Eva climbed on top of me as she began to kiss me once more, this time with more ferocity. As we kissed Eva began rubbing her soaked pussy up and down the shaft of my cock. We both moaned in pleasure into each other’s mouth.

“Do you want to fuck me?” Eva asked me, in a teasing sort of way. “Do you want to make me cum?”

“I would love to,” I replied.

Eva slid forward putting her tits in my face. They weren’t small, but they weren’t big either. Just that perfect handful size. I reached up and began squeezing and pinching her pink nipples, but only slightly, and then took one in my mouth. Eva moved down, pulling her tit from my mouth, and positioned her pussy over my cock and slowly lowered herself until I was fully inside her. Slowly, she began to rise and fall as my cock, now glistening in her juices, slid in and out. I was nowhere near cumming and I was glad. I wanted to enjoy this for as long as I could. After a few moments I began to fuck her back, thrusting upward when she came down. Her moans filled the room. I reached up, gripping her waist as she rode me. Slowly, I made my way to her tits and I took one in each hand, kneading them and rolling her nipples in between my fingers.

Eva leaned forward and began kissing me as I continued thrusting in and out of her. I released her tits and placed them on her back, sliding them down to her perfect ass, grabbing and squeezing her firm cheeks. Eva broke the kiss and placed her forehead against mine and began breathing heavily. She then rose as I slipped out of her.

“Remember what I said about taking it up the ass was my job?” Eva whispered.

“Yeah,” I whispered back.

Eva, on all fours, crawled across me, turning to place her ass towards me. I rose up to my knees and began planting kisses on Eva’s sweet firm cheeks.

“That’s not where I want you,” Eva replied to my kisses. She reached back with her right hand and spread her herself as wide as she can, giving me a closer look at that luscious asshole and dripping pussy. I moved my kisses further inward, planting them on the spot she so yearned for me to fill. My tongue lashed out pushing against and sweeping across her puckered hole. With every lick she wiggled her ass, letting out a breathy moan in the process. I could tell she really loved the feeling.

I ceased my oral work and rose just enough for my cock to line up with her spit-covered hole. I placed the head at the entrance, or exit – if you want to be literal – and slowly pressed on as her sweet brown hole began to expand, accepting me into the passage. It was tighter than I could have possibly imagine. Soon enough I was sliding in and out of her ass as I had when I was in her pussy. I pounded her ass as hard as I could, my balls slapping against her pussy. She reached back between her legs and began rubbing her pussy and inserting three fingers up to the knuckle.

“Luke, I want to give you something,” Eva moaned.

“Eva, what could there possibly be that you haven’t given me already?” I replied.

“Pull out and lie back down and I’ll show you.”

I pulled my cock out of her ass, leaving a gaping hole I so wished to reenter. I lied back down as Eva began rubbing her pussy, getting her hand all wet and glistened with her juices. She then moved her hand behind her and began running her hand up and down her ass and fingering her asshole, using her pussy juices as lubrication. She turned to face me, getting into the position she once assumed earlier. She lowered herself back down, only I slipped past her pussy, and my cock pressed up against her closing asshole. She lowered herself all the way until she was sitting on my lap, my cock up inside her ass once again. She rose and fell as my cock slid through her tight, yet slippery, hole. Using her right arm for support, she used her left hand to finger her pussy and rub her clit with more ferocity than I thought she was capable of.

I reached forward and stuck my left index finger into her dripping pussy as she viciously rubbed her clit and rode my cock. I then inserted the next two fingers and began spreading all three of them, stretching her open. I rotated my fingers as she began buck and moan. Around that time I began to feel the cum building up ready for its release.

“Oh fuck, I’m cumming,” Eva said, whimpering and gasping as she plunged herself down as hard as she could on my cock. She pushed my hand aside as he she began frantically rubbing her entire pussy as I began to thrust my cock in and out of her ass. I soon was restricted as her ass muscles began to pulsate, constricting my cock. “This is what I wanted to give you.”

Eva came violently as her pussy began shooting spurts of cum at my face. This act, in addition to the constriction my cock was experiencing, was enough to push me over the edge once again. I began shooting cum up into her ass. I lost count of how many bursts I let go. Eva then quickly rose off my limp cock, turned so her ass was in my face, and then began to suck my softening dick. I stared at her shiny pussy and her gaping asshole as my cum began to dribble out. I stuck my right index finger into her closing ass and began pushing it in and sliding it out until her ass had regained its original tightness. Eva stopped sucking my cock as I took my finger out of her ass, and she crawled up next to me and lied down, looking into my eyes.

“Oh my God,” Eva said, her breathing returning to normal. “I needed that.”

“So did I,” I replied. “I had no idea that this was what fate had in store for me when I left for that convention this morning.”

“Me neither.”

We laid in each other’s arms, both of us a sweaty, cummy, mess. Eva turned to me and saw all her cum that was on my face and began licking it off, until she came to my mouth. She pressed her lips up against mine, her tongue sliding across mine. Eva pulled back and looked into my eyes.

“How do I taste?” Eva asked.

“Excellent,” I replied.

I looked back into her eyes, thinking of how my day had went. I would have never have guessed this was my fate. If you had told me that I would be fucking this beautiful girl instead of my usual wandering around the convention, I wouldn’t have ever believed you. Still looking in those emerald eyes, I just began wondering why this had turned out like it did, and I had to know.

“Eva I must know something. We had never met each other before today, and I just have to know, how some lightsaber duel mishap leads to this fateful moment? Why did you agree to do, well, everything with me?”

“What’s wrong Luke, you make it seem like this has never happened to you before.”

“Well that’s because it hasn’t,” I admitted.

“Oh, well I am honored to be your first,” Eva said, giving me this sexy little smile that just seemed to melt me away. “But to answer your question, I hadn’t been with anyone since high school, and the reason behind that is, all the guys just focused on getting themselves off, leaving me to tend to myself. I got tired of it. When you knocked me over and caught me, I just saw something in you. I had no idea who you were, but I wanted to know, and I’m glad I took the opportunity to. To be honest with you, that was the best sex I had ever had that wasn’t given to me by myself, and from what I just experienced, that may just be enough to keep you around.”

“Well I’m flattered, Lieutenant Commander Eva,” I said.

“And I am under your control, Jedi Master Luke.”

We laid there looking into each other’s eyes as we began to slowly fall into a much needed slumber. I pulled Eva closer as I draped an arm over her, which she then did to me. We laid there, embracing one another as we drifted off.

So there we were, Luke Stevens and Eva Owens. A Jedi Master and a Starfleet Lieutenant Commander. We were galaxies apart, familiar to different customs, yet we found each other against all odds. I guess it’s true when they say love can exist across the stars.


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STAR WARS A long time ago there was a galaxy far far away which is constantly in turmoil. No matter what era, there is always some conflict going on. While this is a perfect recipe for many a legend to arise, especially with a mystical power like ‘the force’ touching so many, most people forget there are plenty more non-force-sensitives who are just trying to live their lives. These are an anthology of stories of the previously ignored people who make up the backbone of the star wars galaxy.

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QUEST Star Wars

You sit and sip your drink slowly, while watching your surroundings. The bar is not the worst place you've been in, but it's not far behind. You wonder for tenth time what convinced a [A1]Man [A2]Woman like you, to come to this place. Drinks were awful, the information scare and food – you wouldn't touch it with 10 foot stick. You thought that this would be a good place to celebrate the successful completion of your last contact. But in hindsight,...

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Star Wars The Alternate Universe

In a galaxy far, far away - and a long time ago! - the Star Wars galaxy was suddenly changed by a mad person writing this alternate story because everyone knows the real story and you're here to read about crazy sex and Force-ful behaviors of violent Sith (excuse the pun!) Firstly, you must decide what Star Wars universe you will be experimenting in: Knights of the Old Republic In which Bastila is the cool Jedi prodigy, ready for your loving grace or dark domination. Here Carth awaits a new...

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Star Wars Young Jedi Knights The Female Conspiracy

Disclaimer: Star Wars and the main characters within this story are property of Lucusarts Ltd. and are used solely for the purpose of entertainment and not for the gain of any moneys. The Female Liberation Movement/Army and named members; fem-troopers; the Rhenda's Haven resort; Sarrifiss; and the Jedi Mirram Moss are my own creations. Any questions or concerns about this work of fan fiction by Lucasarts or its representatives are to be directed to me, the author, and not the...

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Ladies of Star Wars

One of the most recognized franchises ever, Star Wars features some incredible characters. From Darth Vader, to Luke Skywalker, to Kylo Ren, Star Wars knows how to make them memorable. The women are no exception, from Leia Organa to Ahsoka Tano, to Padme Amidala, Star Wars is exceptional at making strong female characters. It is these people we will be focusing on today. Cover by: Mr_Hyde_06

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Anjali8217s 1st episode

I am a frequent visitor in human digest.even though there are many other sex story sites i like this one particularly because they are comletely created by my fellow indians.i thank the human digest team for such a erotic site. First some thing about me, I am anjali, i am from dob is 25/1/1981.(i wish i ll get a lot of wishes from u).i am 27 now.i understood the full meaning of sex wen i was 16.but i being in a very good family i am also grown with all the good habits.but i always...

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The 400 Year WarChapter 8 The French and Indian Wars

1760 The Fall of Montreal The heated battles of the French and Indian Wars were primarily fought in the deep forests and isolated outposts of the exposed English settlers. However, the British eventually brought the fight directly into the heart of the French Colonial Homeland in Canada. The initial assaults on Quebec were fought off but it eventually fell to the English forces in 1759 with much loss of life and property. The key to this success was the prior taking of Fort Niagara by the...

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Nerd scores

My name is Humberto Garcia, I'am 16 years old and a junior in High School. I'm around 5'6 athletic and I like to skate. I don't really consider myself that much of a nerd, but I don't have a lot of friends and I don't go out very often so I guess you could list me as a nerd. Ever since I was a small child I was very shy and was not good at making friends. I was always sort of a loaner, I started making a descent amount of friends in 6th grade. Then from there I started being...

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Drug Wars 1 The Courier

DRUG WARS 1 – THE COURIERChapter I – Back to MiamiThe girl watched in silence as her plane descended over Miami and approached the airstrip. She had the privilege to travel on business class so the eight hour flight was really comfortable, but unfortunately not too relaxing. Not for her. She was excited, and with every minute the landing got closer, Tara felt her heartbeat quicken. During the rest of the long flight she could divert her thoughts by watching some silly movies about vampires and...

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Star Wars The Clone Wars Last Of The Surik

Your Name Is Macen Surik, Descendant Of Macen Surik, Jedi Knight and Former Commander Of The Republic Fleet During The Mandalorian Wars, and The Climatic Final Battle At Malachor. After Defeating The Sith Triumvirate, Your Ancestor Started A Family With His Echani Student Brianna and Raised Five Children, Three Sons and Two Daughters. The Surik Bloodline Soon Joined With The Shan, Valorum, and Several Other Prestigious Bloodlines. Currently, The Surik Line Is Precariously Left In The Hands Of A...

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Star Wars The Restricted Files Chapter 8 Ahsoka Tano vs Asajj Ventress

Disclaimer: The following story is not connected with the Star Wars franchise, or its creator, George Lucas and does not represent the characters, writers or producers of set franchise. Story Codes: Ff, bond, grope, oral, reluc Star Wars: The Restricted Files Part 8 – Ahsoka Tano vs. Asajj Ventress by Avatrek ([email protected]) While Leia Organa Solo and Mara Jade Skywalker took on the roles of slave girls in order to break the trafficking of slaves near Hutt Space, Jaina Solo furiously...

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Star Wars The Complete Erotic Saga

Welcome to the Star Wars Erotic Saga. Here you enter the Star Wars universe from any time, vantage point, or sexual fantasy; it's up to you! Pick your film, character, and scene and prepare to feel the full power of the Force. Enjoy, and may the Force be with you. (This story was cribbed from Create Your Own Story []. Many threads were moved verbatim or with little editing. Over time, some of these will be edited to...

2 years ago
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XXXDimension Neptunia Nextgen Wars

Gamindustri. A magical land of scientific and technological progress. The continent is divided into several nations, each protected by one of the Console Patron Units who oversee and guide its inhabitants. In turn, the CPUs are worshiped as goddesses and empowered by the physical manifestation of their people's faith - a mystical energy known as Shares. Much of Gamindustri's history prior to the signing of the Treaty of Friendship is dominated by the Console Wars, an era of devastating battles...

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A Star Wars Universe Story Smuggler to Slave II

A Star Wars Universe Story: Smuggler to Slave DISCLAIMER: Star Wars and all of its related contents contained herein are property of LucasArts Ltd. and NOT mine. This story is for entertainment purposes ONLY and I make no money from its distribution. Any questions or concerns should be directed to the author, and not any website which hosts this content. I was lost in Narssia's dark blue eyes when a rough voice interjected and snapped me back to the present. "Are you fucking...

4 years ago
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A Star Wars Universe Story Smuggler to Slave III

A Star Wars Universe Story: Smuggler to Slave DISCLAIMER: Star Wars and all of its related contents contained herein are property of LucasArts Ltd. and NOT mine. This story is for entertainment purposes ONLY and I make no money from its distribution. Any questions or concerns should be directed to the author, and not any website which hosts this content. When I woke up I was strapped to a white strange device. It was roughly "X" shaped and my arms and legs were spread wide and...

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Bootleg Wars

Bootleg Wars? Spitman, 2006SCENARIOThe consumption of meat harvested from human females is a major industry in the world of this story, so much so that official agencies have been set up in the USA and elsewhere to control the breeding and harvesting industries, and to maintain the highest possible Real Meat standards. The CRMPA or California Real Meat Processing Authority is the foremost of these authorities. The CRMPA is required by the US government to ensure that Real Meat (human female...

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Cunt Wars

CuntWars aka Chick Wars! What a fucking name for a site. They are definitely not messing around. No, Cunt Wars is not about a couple of chicks finally duking it out in a ring, though that would be amazing., made by hooligapps, is a card-based strategy game. I know, I know. It sounds lame, but before you go zipping up your pants and taking your wank elsewhere, hear me out. I’m usually pretty bored by porn games in general. There’s never enough action, the game concept is usually...

Best Porn Games
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Nerds“Oh darn it” my wife said.What's the problem Jill? I ask the wife.“I have been playing this online game for a month and for some reason I do not get too many offers to play.” the wife said.My lovely wife, mid 30’s, brunette and carrying an extra 20 pounds on her just started playing these online fantasy games. I used to play them years ago but they do have a tendency to take up a lot of your time so I quit. Besides it was getting a little too nerdy for me.I went over to look at what game...

1 year ago
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Nerd Orgy

Author’s Note: This is probably going to be either my final or penultimate story. Not quite as kinky as some of my previous entries, but like some of my previous efforts, I did try and mix things up a bit. ***For such a small, thin guy, Leon felt very heavy. He was on top of Paige, and was rutting her very hard. She had run into him after her college freshman biochemistry class, and he had offered to smoke her up back at his place. The little guy had stolen two large ziplock baggies of the weed...

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Chaos and Order The War Eternal Small Wars

Chaos and Order: The War Eternal "Small Wars" An Urban Fantasy Tale (Set in the Consultant Universe) Magic has always existed and is now openly acknowledged. 10% of the population is magically sensitive and 5% can actually be taught to cast spells. Only about 1% has the ability to earn a Magic-User 3rd Class license. In a country of 300 million that means there are potentially 3 million professional practitioners. ...

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Kumar Apartment Season 2 Part 12 Cousin Sister Bharti Intro Episode

Hello friends, aap sabhi ko meri shubh kaamnaye. Aapke mail mile mujhe, behad khushi hui. Thanks sabko. Chaliye aaj ka episode padhte hai. Jo bhi ye episode pahli baar pad rahe ho unse kahunga ki aap ise padhne se pahle season 1 padhle jisse apko saari kahaniyo ki jad se pata chale. Jo bhi mujhe mail mein messages aur apni sujhaaw dena chahte ho, ye raha mera mail id ( ). Aur haan agar aapko meri series pasand aa rahi ho to mujhe vote karna na bhoole. PART 12: Cousin Sister Bharti – Intro...

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Seinfeld The Rejected TG Final Episode

Seinfeld: The Rejected TG Final Episode found by Cabinessence Seinfeld is a creation of Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David. Spells R Us is a creation of Bill Hart. Ellen Degeneris is a creation of her parents. Scene One: Spells R' Us store Paramus NJ location. Old Man: Jerry Seinfeld, I haven't seen you in here in oh about ten years. Jerry: Well I had this little TV show that has just about wrapped up. You may have heard of it. Old Man: I don't watch much TV. I haven't had...

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TVs Brothers and Sisters A Revised Episode

       T.V.'s Brothers and Sisters:        A revised episode.        Introduction:        In a recent episode of the TV drama, 'Brothers and Sisters', Kitty (Calista Flockhart) and Nora (Sally Field) are attending a charity function to do with raising funds for a cancer cause. Kitty is hiding out in a washroom because her hair has just started to fall out because of chemotherapy she is receiving for her lymphoma.       Nora approaches the door and begs her daughter to come out.       I have...

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The Red Riding Hood Wars

(( My first story here, please feel free to add to it as my own store line will follow the results that advance the plot. TRANSLATION: If you want the character to take a quicker route to sexual experience and depravity please insert your own branches or be patient with me and I will do so when I have time. I will review all submissions for addition daily as possible. Happy writing/reading... and other things... NOTE: If you'd like to begin your own entire story based on my opening premise and...

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Star Wars The Old Republic

Join the battle! Twenty-eight years ago, the SITH EMPIRE returned from exile to exact vengeance upon the GALACTIC REPUBLIC and their sworn defenders, the JEDI ORDER. The GREAT GALACTIC WAR waged across the galaxy, from the Core to Outer Rims. However, after nearly three decades of fighting, peace was in sight. The Sith extended a hand of peace, offering a treaty to be signed on ALDERAAN. Skeptical, but hopeful, the Republic sent its ambassadors and the Jedi's greatest protectors to the world of...

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Star Wars Force Awakens

Star Wars The Force Awakens A massive Star Destroyer approached the desert planet of Jakku, a ship graveyard from the time when the Empire and the Rebel Alliance fought. Transport ships and Tie Fighters emerged from the Star Destroyer and descended upon the night-side of the planet. General Hux was the youngest general to rise within the ranks of the First Order. He was known for his brutal efficiency and eccentric loyalty to Supreme Commander Snoke's vision. "Target any and all...

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Nerd son and Mom

A Mom and her Nerdy son, a four-part story of becoming a cum slut. Janet Bigs was a 38-year-old widow, she had red hair, a set of 38E tits an ass she kept tight by working out three days a week. Janet was a MILF. Her son Wally was a small boy for his age but being a sophomore in high school he had several years yet to grow. Wally was he class brain, so kids were always asking him with help on their homework. He tried out for the soccer team he just made the...

3 years ago
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Nerd Sex

Dave was able to essentially name the price for his new job, but they wanted him to move across the country from his home in New York to a new place in San Diego. Dave decided it was worth it for the amount of money he would be receiving and the warmer weather he would be experiencing in California. So with his mind made up Dave moved out West to San Diego in hopes he could repeat the success of his last game. When he arrived in San Diego he discovered that the house the company had bought...

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Nerd Love Part II

It was 5 P.M. as Jimmy was packing up his computer getting ready to head over to Carly’s, he couldn’t help but get excited as the exploits of the afternoon still were running through his head. Her sweet angel mouth engulfing his throbbing 6.5 inch member, her body heaving trying to catch her breath under him on his couch moaning from the intense pleasure they were both experiencing. He wanted to get over to her house as fast as possible so maybe after they completed the dungeon they were...

4 years ago
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Nerd and I Became Closer Friends

My name is Tony I just turned 19 years old and still live at home with my parents. Which is not bad if you don't want to have a life of your own. I had many girlfriends but nothing too serious since I'm not one to be committed. I'm 5'10" tall medium build at 145 lbs and told by many people good looking. I've been working almost a year as night stocker at a big retail store. The money is good but the work hours are from 9:00pm to 6:00am really sucks but it's a job. The time goes by fast though...

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Nerd Vs Jock A Bets a Bet

I have always through of myself been a stud. It was nothing new to me, it was just who I was. I remember, when I was little I ran the playground. In middle school, I was the only one dating a girl in High School. And in High School, I dated the prom queen and was a star in 3 different sports. I got a full ride to college and beat out a senior college quarterback to become the starter. I also got his girlfriend who was by most people's estimation the prettiest girl on campus and that is where...

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nerd and a jock

My senior year history class had one final project. I was paired up with Jake, he is your typical jock. Six foot two, 210 lbs of muscle. The football teams quarterback. I am your typical nerd five foot seven, 145 lbs soaking wet. We were never close friends but never had any issues with each other. We are now partnered for a project on the war of 1812. A few days later Jake invites me to his place to work on our project Jake lives only a couple streets down from me so when he texted me saying...

1 year ago
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Nerd Pain Loving Slut From Noida

Hello Readers, this is my first story so please excuse minuscule mistakes would be surely appreciated. Feel free to reach out to me at This is my real experience from two years back. I was 25 years old at that time, can be considered hot(not bragging) and have an athletic body. I am located in Delhi and the girl is located in Noida I am a regular user of dating apps and one day found this girl Shweta from an online site. She was a regular girl next door girl with a dusky complexion and...

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Nerd Pimps His Mom

It was my 19th birthday. Usually, I won’t go to college on my birthdays.  But I had a test that day, so I was forced to go. Thankfully we had a few free periods on that day, so I spent most of the day roaming around the college with my friends. Just before the last class was about to end, Akash came to my bench and sat beside me. He was the nerd of our class. “What do you want?” I asked. “Are you free tonight after 8?” he asked. “That’s none of your business,” I said. “Please...

1 year ago
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Nerd fuck

Note : This story is completely fictional! John tried to get a quick glimpse of miss coltazas’s ass up her skirt he pretended to drop his pencil on the floor “oh damn” he mumbled as he bent down. Her tall slender back was to him he could see her hair tied neatly up in a bun she was wearing a long black teachers dress. Which came up just above the knee exposing her black nylon tights round her legs and black high heels, which pressed against the balls of her feet making them stand out red. “Now...

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Star Wars Rebellion Reborn

The Clone Wars have ended and with it also came the end of The Separatist, The Trade Federation, and even more shocking, The Jedi Order. In the final days of the war the newly appointed Emperor Palpatine announced to all that the Jedi had attempted to seize power and had made an attempt on his life. With a promise to protect the galaxy from further war and acts of terror the republic with abandoned with thunderous applause. However while a vast majority was in favor of this decision, a few...

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Star Wars The Tie FighterChapter 3 From the Badlands to the Death Star

GUSTAV had been in orbit about Resead for three days. Our mission during this time was to fly patrols in the surrounding system to guard against any further Rebel attacks, while the stormtroopers and other ground personnel solidified Imperial control of the planet. The badly damaged orbiting platform was also undergoing repairs. In addition to the patrols, I used the time for training. Our TIE squadrons and those of our sister frigate SHAMUS, which had been badly damaged in the attack on...

4 years ago
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Teasing Wars This story is based on true events I observed. I only had to change names and a few details. Ive waited years to tell this. Ive watched my youngest daughter, Tina, grow up and she was a born prick teaser. She was pure sexy, and she like to tease me sexually. I always resisted and never touched her&hellip,.but it wasnt easy. She used me,&hellip, to practice turning a man on. &hellip,.I watched Tina and my fake son-in-law lust for each other. I just made mental notes and vowed...

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Star Wars Female Clone Wars

For a time Jango Fett was considered as a template for clone army, but in the end someone different was chosen – Ros Lai. A busty redhead human female and force using Nightsister. Even through she was a strong force user, only small percentage of her clones have have talent in it. Those clones had been given special training by count Dooku himself. Their existence was a secret to all but Dooku and Sidious. There were only two major changes in growing clone army. First, their uniforms were...

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Retribution 2 Nanotechnology and The XY Wars

Retribution 2: Nanotechnology and The XY Wars By Po Prologue... The crazy plan of Wels Wright is initiated again as the Retribution facility rounds up more helpless victims again. This time their technology and methods are more advanced, which speeds up the transformation process. Out of 100 transformees, 90 were eliminated by measuring of skill. Fredrick, the last main character, survived and went on to live his dream while his first best friend, Nick, was turned into a very...

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Star Wars 3 Pt 1

Star Wars 3, Part. 1 ? by: Hrithik Roshan Senator Padme had her lips wrapped around Anakin Skywalker's big fat cock. They had just gotten married the day before, and the first night had been something less than perfect. For the last ten years, aside from occasional tortured nightmares of his mother's enslavement, Anakin had been dreaming of nothing else than the beautiful queen of Naboo. So to have her naked on his bed, legs spread apart to show her beautiful shaved pussy, was...

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Star Wars A Legacy of Force

Jacen and Lumiya stared at the camera feed for the interrogation room in the depths of GAG headquarters on the unnamed moon STAR WARSA LEGACY OF FORCE  Jacen Solo and Lumiya stared at the camera feed for the interrogation room in the depths of GAG headquarters on the unnamed moon.? Usually for this sort of procedure Jacen would have undertaken matters at the units main HQ on Coruscant or aboard their star-destroyer, the Anakin Solo, but he could not risk any but the most loyal...

3 years ago
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Slave Rey A Star Wars Story Other SWAshoka Stories

Disclaimer: Violence against women is bad and sex without consent is illegal. This is just a kinky fantasy story for adults based on the Star Wars movies I am writing this erotica to improve my writing and would download random pictures from the internet that I don't own. I welcome all to add to this story and send me links to good pics. Thank you and enjoy! Teaser #1: A long time ago in a galaxy far far away .....Somewhere on board the Millenium Falcon, Rey is having the same dreams again...

1 year ago
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Night Wars

This story is total fiction. Nothing in it ever took place. The summer began like usual, college was out and my two weeks vacation in New York with my cousins was up, I would be heading back to Utah to live with my dad at home for the remainder of summer. I was looking forward to seeing him, my first year of college was tough being away from home, and since my mom passed away when I was little I had always been close to my father. We would go on trips together like to Hawaii and he is going to...

2 years ago
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TVs Brothers and Sisters A Revised Episode

A revised episode. Introduction: In a recent episode of the TV drama, 'Brothers and Sisters', Kitty (Calista Flockhart) and Nora (Sally Field) are attending a charity function to do with raising funds for a cancer cause. Kitty is hiding out in a washroom because her hair has just started to fall out because of chemotherapy she is receiving for her lymphoma. Nora approaches the door and begs her daughter to come out. I have altered the scenario that they have been kidnapped and are...

4 years ago
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The Pilot Episode

Hello to all my fellow Indian Sex Stories dot net readers. My name is Zerks, and I’m from the Western Hemisphere. I stand 5 foot 8 inches tall, above average built, with an average tool. I’m a very horny man by nature, and my hunger to have my first sexual intercourse grew as I turned 18. So this is a pilot episode on how it all began. On June 5th, 2011 | Garbage Girl | I was very bored at home, lonely to a point where I decided to head out and take some snaps with my new iPhone. While I was...

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Succubus Episode

Succubus Episode By Jacquie Windsor ------------------- This story is fictional. The main characters are tributes to copyrighted characters somewhere. No infringement is expected to be taking place, apart from the usual. This story may be posted elsewhere in full only with the express consent of the author. Saturday, December 30, 2000. [email protected] Eric provided editorial comments resulting in a number of changes, although the ending wasn't quite what he...

2 years ago
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Celestial Wars Ch 03

This is the third and final chapter of Celestial Wars, sequel to Celestial Matters. If you haven’t read all that, then you should scamper off to read those first. You’ll be lost if you don’t. For the rest of you, here we are, again. We’ve made it to the end. I’d like to take this moment to give my thanks to Lady Ver for editing this story for me. She remains invaluable to me as I write these little tales. Any errors remaining are mine. I’d also like to warn you, gentle reader, that there is...

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Celestial Wars Ch 02

Here we are again. This story is the direct sequel to ‘Celestial Wars Ch. 01’ and should not be read without reading that first. This is the second of three parts. Middles are curious things. Middles are written to bring the reader from an interesting beginning, to an exciting ending. This means middles are often overlooked, even though they make up the bones of a story. Unfortunately, this story is all middle. In lieu of some emails that I continue to receive, I feel obligated to warn you...

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Slave Rey A Star Wars Story Other SW Stories

Disclaimer: Violence against women is bad and sex without consent is illegal. This is just a kinky fantasy story for adults based on the Star Wars movies I am writing this erotica to improve my writing and would download random pictures from the internet that I don't own. I welcome all to add to this story and send me links to good pics. Thank you and enjoy! A long time ago in a galaxy far far away .....Somewhere onboard the Millenium Falcon, Rey is having the same dreams again .... strange...

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Star Wars Perilous Misadventures

Star Wars as a Galaxy, even before the house of Mouse taking things over, had no shortage of hot women in it, the number of races alone are mind blowing, from Human to Zabrak to Twilek to Sith purebloods, anything was possible, and in this story, provided you stay within the rules of this site, anything is possible to you as well. So, where will it be? And who will be your damsel to distress? Do you stay in the movies? Or maybe the old EU? Possibly the Games have your attention, or maybe the...


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