Celestial Wars Ch. 03 free porn video

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This is the third and final chapter of Celestial Wars, sequel to Celestial Matters. If you haven’t read all that, then you should scamper off to read those first. You’ll be lost if you don’t.

For the rest of you, here we are, again.

We’ve made it to the end. I’d like to take this moment to give my thanks to Lady Ver for editing this story for me. She remains invaluable to me as I write these little tales. Any errors remaining are mine. I’d also like to warn you, gentle reader, that there is only a smattering of true erotica in this story until the final chapter. You’ve been warned.

Now, off we go once more.


Chapter 13


Many things must the righteous beware,

Lest they slip from the path of Prayer.

Fear a trinket that is ever chill,

And fright that makes a heartbeat still.

Fear darkness that flame cannot break,

And men that death cannot take.

But what the righteous should most fear,

Are the evils not always clear…

~Author Unknown

-Jonathan the Courageous-

Half a Millennium Ago

The dark of the young night held itself still as the demon’s words echoed softly amongst the trees. Bitter cold air hung close to my skin, causing my flesh to crawl and my hair to stand on end.

The demon’s red eyes gazed at me unblinking. They glowed a malevolent scarlet.

I slowly drew Gloria from her scabbard. The heavy armor that I wore clinked loudly as I moved. Its heavy weight was a familiar and comforting presence as I stood before the creature of evil. The demon’s mouth twitched up at the corners. He was smiling at me.

I took a deep breath and centered myself. I thought of my goal. I thought of the songs that the bards would sing of me. I would be a legend. I would be the Undying Knight.

‘You haven’t answered me,’ the demon said calmly, his voice soft and mesmerizing.

I shook my head. ‘You are false, demon, for you have not truly answered me. So I pose the question to you again. I wager my soul in a duel for immortality. Do you accept?’

The demon’s smile turned down into a frown. ‘You may think you are being clever,’ he said, ‘but if I accept, a ritual will have been completed, and I will have no choice but to take your soul should you lose.’

I blinked. What did he mean by no choice? The black book stated plainly that all demons desired souls. The book said that amongst the Dark, the soul of a mortal was a delicacy.

For a brief moment I was unsure. If the book could be wrong about a demon’s desire for a soul… perhaps it could be wrong about other things?

The demon twirled his sword in one hand. The blade was so dark… it looked like a piece of midnight.

It was too late now. The demon was summoned, my courage could not falter. ‘I ask you again, demon. Do you accept my terms?’

The monster that wore the face of a dark-haired youth cocked his head to the side. His ruby eyes looked me up and down once. Then, he shrugged. ‘So be it, mortal,’ the demon finally said. ‘I, Devnikolus the Unmaker, accept the stated terms.’

The wind, which had been completely still, began to blow gently. It was as if the very heavens had been holding a baited breath. The frigid air grew even colder, making my eyes water.

The darkness amongst the surrounding trees deepened… and I saw wisps of shadow materialize on the outskirts of the clearing. Every moment or so I caught glimpses of demonic red eyes peering at me from between the branches.

There were more demons here… flitting about the forest.

‘Do not fear,’ Devnikolus said. ‘They are here to watch. It has been many years since I have been challenged. The demons of my court are merely curious. They shall not interfere.’

I nodded once. They were easy to ignore. They did not radiate power like Devnikolus did.

Devnikolus reversed his black sword in his hand so that the tip faced down. Then, he slowly sunk the point of his blade into the earth. ‘To begin our duel, touch the taper of your blade to the dirt.’

I didn’t reverse my grip like the demon had. That would leave me out of my guard, vulnerable to attack. Instead, I merely bent my wrist and gently touched Gloria to the ground.

The book had warned about demonic speed, but I hadn’t truly believed until I saw the Demon Lord move.

It seemed as if he simply disappeared.

Suddenly, I felt a soft brush of wind tickle my back. I hurriedly dropped to the ground. My armor clanked loudly as I hit the grass.

I felt a rib bruise.

The demon’s black sword whistled wickedly over my head through the space my neck had been half a moment before. I rolled quickly away, trying to reestablish space between us. Using the weight of my armor, I tipped backwards and regained my feet.

Devnikolus hadn’t moved again. Instead, he stood still, his eyes watching me closely. He held his sword down by his side in a loose grip. ‘How did you do that?’ he asked.

Now it was my turn to smile.

‘I ducked.’

The demon returned my smile. His flawless, pale face beamed at me with genuine amusement. ‘Yes,’ he said, ‘so you did.’

He came at me again with the same blurring speed. I felt the earth shift slightly to my right… and I waited a split second before spinning away from the thrust that I knew would come at my heart.

Searing pain erupted on my shoulder as the demon’s blade bit into my flesh.

Stupid, I thought to myself. A movement that is fast enough to dodge a man’s thrust cannot evade a creature like this demon.

I took several quick steps backward. I put my free hand on my wounded shoulder. There was a rend in my pauldron. The demon’s sword had punched through the steel like a crossbow bolt.

The strength that would be required to deal this wound is unimaginable.

Blood welled from my injury and spilled through my fingers. Hot throbbing agony lanced its way from my shoulder down my spine. My vision blurred as I blinked back tears.

I heard soft whispers from the shadows of the trees. The watching demons were discussing my injury.

‘You did it again,’ Devnikolus said as he flicked my blood off his sword. ‘Once can be dismissed as luck. But twice? I am not the type of man to dismiss such things as coincidence.’

I gingerly removed my hand from my shoulder. The bleeding had slowed. I was in no danger of growing weak from blood loss.

‘I still took a wound,’ I said as I moved myself back into guard.

Devnikolus shrugged. I could tell my pain was not what interested him. ‘You knew what to do, and your movement was good. You were simply not fast enough. Your heart should have been run through.’

I snorted. ‘Your arrogance might be considered a weakness.’

The steady stream of whispers amongst the shadows grew quiet.

The Demon Lord raised a careful eyebrow. ‘Perhaps,’ Devnikolus allowed. ‘But I know that no ordinary mortal could evade my blows for a single pass… yet alone two.’

I knew what the demon was talking about of course. He was talking about my ability to see. Since he had first stepped out of my circle, I had been watching his movements. I knew how he moved. I could somehow sense how the wind cupped his body. I could somehow feel how the earth shifted beneath his feet.

I took a step forward and said, ‘All I need is a little time to observe… and then I can see the answer to any fight. I can see the answers in the steel.’

The demon paused. Then, a slow grin spread over his face. This smile was nothing like the last one. This smile was predatory. ‘I’ve just had an idea.’

1623 AD

Just outside Dublin, Ireland


The soulless knight’s eyes seemed far away for a moment.

His gaze rested just above my shoulder, his face
drawn tight with concern. That was understandable. I had just told him an archangel was outside.

As I looked at him… for just a moment… I realized how many years had passed before those sad brown eyes.

Mortal eyes were never meant for so much seeing.

I nearly asked him what he was thinking about.

Then, my concentration was shattered as Michael’s compulsion magic washed over me once again.

Pain mixed with nausea jolted its way down my body. Every pore on my flesh quivered as the unpleasant sensations ran their course. A hard knot of fear settled itself in my stomach as I tried to resist.

But it was hopeless. I was a seraphim of Heaven, and I was being given an order from a celestial superior. My very nature demanded that I obey.

My resistance cratered once again and I found myself trying to take a step towards the door. My traitorous feet hadn’t managed to carry me more than half a stride before I could feel my collar’s magic flare to life again.

Michael’s compulsion magic was washed away as the green magic flared. Where once there had been hot pain, now there was liquid ice pumping in my veins.

I felt like a doll stretched between two quarrelling sisters… each trying to pull me into their own grasp.

My skin felt tight and my head felt heavy.

The part of my nature that still remembered the millennium of loyal service I had rendered unto Heaven urged me to leave this cursed mansion.

But another part… the part that longed for possessive touches and wicked whispers… wanted to curl up and wait for Devnikolus to make the pain go away.

These conflicting emotions felt strange, it was as if two entities were living in my head.

Jon’s eyes cleared and he took a hesitant step towards me. ‘Cariel,’ he said, ‘what you did mean Michael is here? Is he outside right now? Tell me what’s going on.’

Don’t tell him anything, one part of my being screamed.

You’ve already done enough damage. Tell the soulless one you have made a mistake.

Jon reached out a tentative hand and placed it on my cheek. I realized how I must look. My face was rigid… and tense. One hand had unconsciously gone to my collar. I was unsure if I had been trying to rip it off… or if I had been seeking the comfort of its touch.

The golden rays of the morning had filtered in through the window. The light illuminated swirling wisps of dust as they floated gently around the bedroom.

The soulless one looked very pale as the light of the new day touched his face. His scars looked like silver lines about the graceful curve of his face.

A moment passed… then two.

Michael must have realized that I wasn’t coming… and the burning weight of his compulsion faded.

Before the last of the pain flickered and died, I was already speaking. ‘Michael just tried to compel me to leave the mansion and the Master,’ I said. ‘He has just descended from Heaven, and he has landed five miles from here… in a clearing that has recently witnessed much death.’ As I finished speaking, my collar warmed slightly… and tiny pinpricks of pleasure danced across my shoulder blades.

I both shuddered and rejoiced as I realized my collar was ‘rewarding’ me.

The soulless one was already out the door.


Old wooden floor boards creaked their protests as I sprinted down the hall to the master bedroom.

Please don’t be asleep, I thought desperately.

Then my stomach sank as I had a new thought.

He might have left… he has always moved where the breeze has blown him. Perhaps he went to tend to other things after spending some time with Maria.

I spared no time to knock as I flew through the door and into my Master’s chamber.

Sweat that had beaded on my forehead from fear, not from exertion, slipped into my eyes and stung them with their salt.

I blinked as I looked around frantically. For a moment my gaze was blind and unseeing. I didn’t know why I was so afraid, but the look on Cariel’s angelic face before I had sprinted from the room had shaken me.

My vision cleared and I saw Lord Devnikolus sitting with his eyes closed in the center of the room.

The faintest wisp of a smile twitched at the corner of his face.

‘Hello there, Jon,’ he said softly. ‘Close the door behind you and keep your voice down. We wouldn’t want to wake Maria… now would we?’

I took a deep belly breath and exhaled slowly. He is here… He is right here.

A small slightly hysterical sounding chuckle escaped unbidden. I could not help the large grin on my face and I tried to hide it by turning to close the door slowly.

When I turned back around, Devnik’s eyes were open and staring at me.

For a brief moment, my mind skipped back to the memory I had just relived… back to the first time I had seen those eyes. Then, it was gone again. ‘Master, I’m sorry to come bursting in like this, but I have some urgent news,’ I said, reason slowly reclaiming my mind.

Devnik held up a hand. ‘I already know, Jon,’ he said. The brief smile he had worn was gone. His face had hardened, and his brow was furrowed. ‘This was all part of the plan.’

I blinked. ‘Are you sure we’re talking about the same thing?’ I asked. I didn’t know much about Michael, but I did know that I had never seen Devnik pit himself against an entity as universally feared by the Dark as Lord Michael the Valiant.

Devnik shrugged.

‘We are both talking about Michael, aren’t we?’ he asked in a voice that was much too calm.

This was getting to be too much. Over the past few days I had watched Cariel cut Devnik across the chest. I had been on the receiving end of a spell from an Afflicted woman. I had had my finger cut off. I had to stare down an entire ship full of bloodthirsty sailors. And finally, I had been struck by a Judicar and had my skull cracked.

Now, after all of that, Michael was coming to kill us all.

I wanted to go back to the chateau.

‘Do you mind if I sit?’ I asked as I pointed to a chair pushed against a wall. ‘I’m feeling rather tired all of a sudden.’

‘Be my guest,’ Devnik said with a wave of his hand.

I sat and put my head in my hands.

Through my fingers, I saw Devnik close his eyes again.

I recognized this as he ‘thinking’ face.

Minutes slowly ticked by. Over on the bed, Maria turned over and muttered something in her sleep. Outside the window, the light of the day grew from the luminous orange of late morning into the bright yellow of high noon.

Finally, I couldn’t keep quiet any longer. ‘Would you mind telling me what plan you’re talking about? Things have obviously changed since we were separated.’

Devnik reopened his eyes and sighed. ‘It’s a long story and I don’t have time to tell you all the finer points.’

With a bit of effort, I pulled my face from my hands and sat up straight. ‘I’ll settle for the broad strokes. I’m too tired to deal with anything more.’

Devnik flicked his fingers, and two snow-white candles appeared on the floor in front of him. He passed his hand over each of them. A flame blossomed on each wick.

‘Basically,’ Devnik said, ‘since we were separated, I’ve been spending my time trying to lure a greater entity of the Light to my mansion.’

I didn’t have the energy to muster up any shock. ‘Why?’ I asked wearily.

Devnik placed a hand on the floor, and a bright demonic rune burst into existence. It glowed a deep crimson before fading into a softer dull red.

‘Truth be told,’ he said, ‘I’d like to know that myself. This little mission is what prevented me from fetching you both from France.’

He paused, then said, ‘All I was told is that Lucifer needed this entity distracted so that he could swoop in and make some mischief on whatever it was guarding.’

That pe
rked me up slightly. ‘Lucifer? He was here?’

‘Ha!’ Devnik barked. He was smiling fully now. ‘No… by the Dark, no.’ He shook his head. ‘If Lucifer had taken so much as a breath nearby…’ Devnik trailed off for a moment, then said, ‘If Lucifer had come to my manor, all the battalions of the Light would have razed this place to the ground by now.’

Some old part of me was uncomfortable discussing the King of the Dark.

‘Did some lesser creature pass the message along then?’ I asked.

Devnik unclasped the ruby that he always kept pinned to his cloak and set it down on top of the rune. Then, he carefully arranged the two candles next to the rune. He looked like he was setting up some sort of summoning ritual, similar to the one I had performed all those years ago.

‘Orias came and told me,’ he replied. ‘I guess our King must have thought I’d be the most amenable to him… though I probably would have listened to Caim as well.’

‘It is probably harder to ignore someone who can see the future,’ I said lightly.

This conversation was beginning to feel surreal. I had met Lord Orias on one occasion before, however, I wasn’t used to talking about the Princes of Hell like they might stop in for tea at any moment.

Dealing with one Prince was enough of a headache.

‘It makes him damn annoying is what it does,’ Devnik replied. He narrowed his red eyes in annoyance and subtly shifted one of the candles at the edge of the rune.

‘May I ask what you are doing?’ I said. ‘I’m hoping these candles are part of the plan to deal with Michael.’

Devnik peered up at me from his place on the floor. He gave me one of his rare boyish grins.

‘Oh, you needn’t be too worried,’ he said. ‘We don’t have to actually ‘deal’ with him.’

I cocked my head to the side. ‘Cariel said he’s barely five miles away.’

‘What I mean,’ Devnik said, ‘is that we don’t have to kill him. That would be an entirely different matter. We’ve just got to keep him here and distracted for the space of half an hour.’

‘He’s already technically here,’ I said sarcastically.

‘I know. I’m hoping Lucifer is already bustling about his business. I doubt I can keep our guest suitably entertained for that long face to face.’

My nerves, which had begun to dissipate, came roaring back.

For as long as I could remember, standing next to Devnikolus meant that you were standing on the side with the most firepower.

‘Wait,’ I said, ‘You don’t think you can match him?’

Devnik gave me a small shrug. ‘I don’t know. I’ve never met him before. He does have quite a reputation, though. Apparently Soneillon still has nightmares about a wound Michael dealt him back in Egypt a few centuries ago.’

I needed to stay grounded. Devnik normally didn’t talk about his fellow demonic gentry… I was beginning to feel truly out of my depth.

‘You never told me what the candles were for,’ I said.

Devnik looked down at what he was doing. ‘Oh… well, you might have noticed that it’s daylight outside,’ he said, pointing absently out the window.

A small sparrow landed on a tree branch bathed in sunlight just past the window’s glass. It trilled a soft little tune and then fluttered off.

‘I noticed,’ I said simply.

Devnik rolled his eyes. ‘Yes, well, you might have forgotten, but I don’t do to well out in the sunlight.’

I nodded.

‘Well,’ he said, ‘that’s what this is for.’ He tapped the ruby he had unpinned from his neck.

I had always wondered why he wore that thing. Devnik’s clothing changed depending on what was fashionable among the mortals… all except for that ruby.

‘I thought you just liked jewelry,’ I said dryly.

‘It was a gift for services rendered a long time ago,’ he said, his voice taking on a wistful tone. ‘There was a cadre of fae that lived in a place that mortals called The Black Forest. Today there are some united provinces that claim these lands… but twenty-five thousand years ago, there was but a scattering of primitive mortals.’

Devnik looked up at me.

I had leaned forward, and I caught myself staring just a little too pointedly. I was always starved for stories of the distant past. They reminded me of why I wanted to live forever.

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Chapter 6 BANG! The gunshot rang out to the sound of the flight attendant’s cry of pain as the bullet pierced her shoulder. “Turn this plane around or I’m going to start killing passengers!” the man yelled, waving his gun at anyone who made the slightest of moves. The screaming of terrified men and women filled the cabin as people realized that the plane had just been hijacked. While one of the passengers tried to help the wounded flight attended, the hijacker banged his gun...

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Celestial Nirvana Part 5

Jack stepped into his living room, where his father was crying on the couch. Victoria was standing in the next room, trying to think of something to say when Jack returned. “So is it true?” “Yes, she died on impact. From the tire marks on the road, the other driver had definitely been swerving and the smell of booze was clear. To think, this happens right before your birthday…” “It doesn’t matter when it happened, the pain is all the same. We should not dread or loathe the...

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Celestial Nirvana Part 4

Kelly stood nervously by the entrance of the school, waiting for Jack and Victoria to arrive. Students surging for the warmth of the school gave her quizzical looks, surprised that she was out in front of them like this. Even though she had given up her self-destructive ways and had been trying to be more social, she wasn’t normally this out and the open. Plus… she looked good. She looked truly healthy and had regained her lost beauty. The weather was exceptionally bitter, well below...

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Celestial Nirvana Part 3

“So how have you been? You haven’t really talked to me in three days.” Jack asked, facing Kelly in the black-drop dreamscape in her mind. “What are you talking about? It’s kind of hard to carry on a conversation with someone when the first half of the conversation occurs in your mind.” she sighed, sitting on the invisible ground. “Ah, of course.” Kelly took a deep breath, shaking from head to toe. Even when asleep, she couldn’t get away from her withdrawal symptoms, and it was...

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Celestial Nirvana Part 2

Chapter 2 Victoria was hovering in darkness, completely numb to all her senses and unable to form a single thought. She was wearing only her nightgown, but felt neither hot nor cold. “What are your feelings for me?” she heard a familiar voice ask, clearing her mind and causing her eyes to bolt open. Hovering twenty feet away was Jack, smiling calmly and confidently as usual. “Jack…? Am I dreaming?” “Whether you are or aren’t, does it matter? I told you before that half of...

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Celestial Nirvana Part 1

Chapter 1 The young woman plunged her fingers in between the juicy swollen lips of her slit for the umpteenth time, biting down on her pillow to muffle her moans of pleasure. She was lying in bed, the sun approaching the eastern horizon as the minutes ticked by on her alarm clock. The hour was early, earlier than the time her parents woke up, but this was how she liked it. The girl liked to pleasure herself each morning, again after she got home, and a final time before falling...

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Celestial Fall Chapter 7 8

The Tomes of the Hallowed Dead Death goes by many names; to the humans he is Thanatos the grim reaper, To the Kaire he is Ramshagroth the Great Death, To the Luy'cain Namsrato the Deliverer, to the Earthen Urogalan the Protector, the Sidhe call him Ceannladir the Eternal Shadow, the Tresios call him Shhardir the Great Sleeper, the Sslevic call him Janous the Silent, the Sanguine call him Valkek the Severer, the Ramgir call him Yurtrus the Rotting One, The Aquifar refer to him as Asgir the...

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Celestial Completion

Introduction A lady of eighty years told me this story. “I was working as a nurse in a hospital. One day I turned a corner in a corridor, and standing there was a young man in pajamas and dressing gown. I had never seen him before, but his nurse told me he had been very ill, in fact, near death. He had made a remarkable recovery and was now just starting to walk around.” I stood looking at him and he at me. What I can only describe as an electric current seemed to pass between us. In that...

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Celestial Nirvana Part 1 The Wise One

The young woman plunged her fingers in between the juicy swollen lips of her slit for the umpteenth time, biting down on her pillow to muffle her moans of pleasure. She was lying in bed, the sun approaching the eastern horizon as the minutes ticked by on her alarm clock. The hour was early, earlier than the time her parents woke up, but this was how she liked it. The girl liked to pleasure herself each morning, again after she got home, and a final time before falling asleep. You could say that...

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Celestial Matters

Let there be LightWhen your chamber grows cold, and your hearth grows wane, know that creatures abound who be most profane. Demon's they be, the denizens of hell, heed my words lest you be taken by their spell. ~ An excerpt from Alexander Morningstar's 'Celestial Matters.'-------(Paris 1623)-Devnik-The sun had set, and with it passed the pretense of nobility.The sin that its golden light held at bay ... was now free to come out and play. The moon hung in the air ... and the fresh smells of a...

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Celestial Nirvana Part 1 The Wise One

The young woman plunged her fingers in between the juicy swollen lips of her slit for the umpteenth time, biting down on her pillow to muffle her moans of pleasure. She was lying in bed, the sun approaching the eastern horizon as the minutes ticked by on her alarm clock. The hour was early, earlier than the time her parents woke up, but this was how she liked it. The girl liked to pleasure herself each morning, again after she got home, and a final time before falling asleep. You could say that...

3 years ago
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Celestial Review

March 18 You probably can't believe I'm still writing this. The truth is, I can hardly believe it myself. I certainly thought long and hard about it, but finally decided that since the whole thing's all out in the open anyway that there wasn't much reason to stop writing about it. And you might find this hard to fathom but I feel like I have a certain kind of relationship with you; a relationship that I want to honor. You might wonder at my sanity, but there you have it. It certainly was...

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Celestial MattersLet there be Light

When your chamber grows cold, and your hearth grows wane, know that creatures abound who be most profane. Demon's they be, the denizens of hell, heed my words lest you be taken by their spell.~ An excerpt from Alexander Morningstar's 'Celestial Matters.' (Paris 1623) -Devnik- The sun had set, and with it passed the pretense of nobility. The sin that its golden light held at bay ... was now free to come out and play. The moon hung in the air ... and the fresh smells of a new night...

2 years ago
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Celestial MattersAethling

~The most noble creature I have ever seen is an Angel. Their bright silver eyes are enchanting, and to hear one speak is enrapturing. My life has been miserable since that meeting, because when I was in the Angel's presence I knew joy like no other.~ The suicide note of Lord Brenon -Maria- It felt like fire was ripping through my body. The pain was so intense that my mind couldn't process it. It felt like invisible flames were in my blood, in my very soul. It was all coming from HIS...

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Celestial MattersThe Way Things Are

~Hey doo doo, hey dee dee, gather round and listen to me. When the sun comes up you've no reason to cry, the demons all run, from that orb in the sky. But before the night, be safe in your home, and invite no strangers in if you are alone.~ Forgotten Children's Rhyme -Devnik- I had only had the pleasure of being impaled once before. And that was on a battle field during the Crusades, when a warrior priest named Daniel Fleeting ran me through with a sword blessed by Pope Urban. Needless...

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Celestial MattersVisitor

~May the enemies of the Dark find no place of rest in the dreaded day. May they never know carnal pleasure, or the beauty of a cold night. May they be cursed with a mortal life. May they be chained to the bidding of an uncaring God.~ Prayer of the Dark Acolytes -Devnik- This truly couldn't have turned out worse. I thought, as a stared at my lone candle lighting the cave from my chair. There was an Angel outside. That was certainly bad. There was an angry angel outside ... that was...

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Celestial MattersVoyage into Slavery

~Demons are creatures of Earth and Fire, Blood and Bone. These are their attributes, and they are at their strongest in the presence of these things. Angels are creatures of Air and Water, Tears and Spirit. These are their attributes, and they are at their strongest in the presence of these things.~ First Year Magician Lesson -Devnik- I awoke to total darkness. The cave smelled foul. Blood and vomit had mixed in the air, creating a putrid odor. Water still dripped from the ceiling, and...

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Celestial MattersBlessed are Thou

-Daniel Fleeting- (1097 AD. Somewhere outside Jerusalem) "Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum. Benedicta tu in mulieribus, Et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Iesus. Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, Ora pro nobis peccatorbus, nunc, Et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen." I moved to my next bead. And I began again. Battle was nigh, and I alone continued to say my prayers. All around me men sat by the campfire. Weeks of forced march had made their minds weak and their spirits corrupt. They sat...

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Celestial MattersLust

(Outskirts of Paris 1623) -Maria- Consciousness returned to me slowly. I stretched out on the black arm chair, and sat up. The room was warm, but the fire had all but gone out. A few smoldering coals provided nothing but a dim light to see by. A faint outline of a man was visible. Sitting on an identical chair was the demon. His glittering red eyes were trained on me. "Glad to see you in the land of the living," he said sarcastically. I blushed. "Umm, good morning," I said. He...

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Celestial MattersUnusual Thirsts

I was getting impatient. I was only pretending to read the book in my hands. My eyes had been glancing over the same page for nearly an hour now. It had been two days since I sent Turkik out to identify my angelic caller, and so far he had not returned. The two days of his absence had sent into an uneasy pattern. Every evening I would arise at about nine, to which I would be greeted by a shy 'hello, ' from Maria. I didn't know if she simply slept the daylight away like I did, or if she...

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Celestial MattersThe Demons Chamber

-Devnik- A chilled wind swept through the country side. "Your home is so ... beautiful..." she marveled, her gaze still fixated on the chateau. I moved to stand behind her. I wrapped my arms around her clasping them just under her breasts. I put my chin on her soft shoulder. I whispered directly in her ear, "I'm glad you approve Maria." She shivered. I could see goose bumps appear on her neck, but that could have been from the cold... She was still so nonplussed with my house that...

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Celestial MattersPleasurable Torture

(France 1623, Chateau) -Devnik- She was here. I could sense her. At the top of the spiral stairs, standing in what must be total darkness, was Maria. It felt strange to have her in this room. It somehow felt very personal, as if I were sharing an embarrassing secret. My chambers were furnished exactly like the cave was. But here, in this house, the furniture was original, and not the product of unholy trickery. The only light of the room was from the marble fireplace. It was identical...

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Celestial MattersCruelty

-Maria- I felt hollowed out. As if someone had reached into me and pulled out all my insides. My muscles were too sore to even think about, let alone move. I could feel the soft silk sheets under me, and the satin pillow that I rested my head on. I cracked my eyes open. The fire had gone out, but the room wasn't cold. Devnik wasn't here. That made me sad. I shook my head violently, trying to clear the unwanted demon from my mind. The shaking reminded me of how sore I was. I...

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Celestial MattersWe Must Be Away

-Devnik- Maria was breathing heavily. I could see the outline of her breasts slowly rise and fall from underneath the sheet she had draped across her shoulders. Her face was flushed ... and she was staring at me hungrily. My little half-angel was aroused. We both listened to Jon's boots echo off the stone walls as he walked up the spiral staircase. The door shut at the top of the stairs ... and we were alone. I repeated my questions, "What is your desire my sweet?" She smiled softly...

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Celestial MattersOn the Run

-Maria- It felt like I was going on an adventure. The old timber of the carriage creaked as it rolled. I could hear the clips and clops of horse hooves against the worn cobbled path. I was leaving France. Never in my wildest dreams had I ever imagined living anywhere but Paris. Never had I imagined being anything but a prostitute. Now I was headed for Ireland in clothes fit for a baroness with a man I called Master ... and lover. Despite the insulation of the carriage, the cold air...

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Celestial MattersImmortal Intended

-Maria- The still of the early evening settled upon the little inn. A cool morning had given way to a scorching afternoon. Jon had carried in the results of his labors chopping wood, and Boyce, the owner of the inn had practically fallen over himself with gratitude. Boyce was an old man who didn't have the strength for cutting firewood anymore. When the inn ran out, Brie would have to go out and do the best she could. As a show of thanks Boyce insisted that we sit in the common room and...

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Celestial MattersOne Family

-Maria- My body was singing. My arms were too heavy to move and my legs felt like they were made of jam ... but that didn't matter. I had never been so content in my life. My pussy was throbbing, and I could tell that I was still soaking down there. The fire crackled gently, and the smell of wood, smoke and sex laced the air with a heady and wonderful aroma. Not even my awkward positioning over the side of the chair could dampen my bounding joy. I gazed up at my Master. His long black...

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Celestial WarsChapter 2

~The Bra'rul are sharp and fierce. They appear as beautiful men or woman with long dark talons and black feathered wings. There greatest strength is their speed and ferocity, which is unmatched by any other demon to walk the plains of Hell. Best disposed of at a distance- The Hunter's Manifesto -Cariel- I felt his arms slither around me. My body shivered, and tensed immediately. A sense of wrongness and panic encroached on the edges of my mind. I had never been this close to a member...

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Celestial WarsChapter 3

The Meeting ~Humans do not naturally posses magic. A child of dust and mud can only achieve power through four ways. They may pledge themselves to either the Light or the Dark, and be rewarded with a sliver of their power. They may channel the inherent magic of the Earth. The fourth way is to steal it. These thieves are called The Afflicted and they are abominations- The lecture Notes of Father Fredrick~ -Daniel Fleeting- I knew it the moment it happened. One moment I was riding into the...

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Celestial WarsChapter 4 Black Flames

The Royalty of the Dark were once Angels. Betrayal sent them to Hell, but it was Hell that corrupted them. They are the original Fallen. Other Angels have been corrupted by Hell since, but none can compare to the Original Ten. They are to be scorned. They are to be pitied.-A scrap of Parchment that burned at Alexandria Devnik I had almost forgotten. Strange really ... how I could have almost forgotten. Like a piece of gristle between a tooth, or a pain that lingered and wouldn't go away,...

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Celestial WarsChapter 5 Conflict

~I heard the buzzing. The Flies were everywhere. Fresh corpses were stripped to the bone in seconds ... and in the middle, Beelzebub sat, devouring the flesh of fallen. – Survivor of the Pyrrhic war.~ Daniel Fleeting This wasn't part of the plan. I had been distracted for a moment. This woman with jet black hair and forest green eyes had reminded me of a past love ... and I had dropped my guard. Had I been aware I would have realized that no woman living in the forest has a teacup...

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Celestial WarsChapter 6 Taming

Humans are both Light and Dark. We are capable of the most selfless compassions, and the most delicious sins. A life without both is an empty hollow thing. – Unknown Devnik Maria's face smiled sadly at me as the dream fell apart. Her image faded and broke like the reflection of a shattering mirror. She said she was coming back to me. That thought alone prevented my mind from despairing. I could feel a stirring underneath one of my arms. Consciousness drifted lazily back into my mind...

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Celestial WarsChapter 8

No Return Only HE can force an Angel to enter Hell. Once a being of the Light has walked within the Halls of the Damned, there is no saving them. The Dark always keeps those who embrace it. -Devnik- Her breath went out slowly ... and with it came a whisper. "So good..." The words were soft and muffled ... and they were lead-heavy and full of a woman's emotions. The sound of it was utterly foreign to me. I didn't understand it ... not even a sliver. I drew her closer and softly...

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Celestial WarsChapter 9

Butler at Sea Leviathan is the Demon Prince of Wrath, Deep Dwellers, and Violent Waters. His moods are mercurial and ever shifting. He has never set foot on the dry lands of Earth. Jonathan the Courageous The boat shifted slightly as we shoved off. Timber and board creaked delightfully as the waters of the channel caressed the hull. I smiled and sighed. Boats are wonderful things. Five hundred years of living, and a strong ship and sea breeze still made me grin like a fool. But, I was a...

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Celestial WarsChapter 10

Jealousy Hush now my baby you're safe where you lay, The forest is napping, now sleep and let be. Hush now my baby you'll wake all the fae, The forest is stirring, you must hear my plea. Hush now my baby they seek out young prey The forest is moving, they'll steal you from me... -Forgotten Lullaby- -Cariel- The dark iron chains felt cool against my heated flesh. That was the first sensation that came to me ... as my mind slowly clawed its way out of the deeper place it had fled...

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